Episode Transcript
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Say, okay, let's do this. Sean Salisbury to usc truths, longtime
friend Shawn Salisbury, Bryan Lima,go Lobos. This is the Sean Salsbury
show. Hey, it's not toobad. I mean it could be worse.
I could be the kid that woreshow. Hey, Otani's home run
off his forehead last night? Sawthat as well. Dude, bring a
glove. Not only bring a glove, but what's dad doing? Me?
And I noticed that Dad was rightto his right. You know, Dad's
more concerned about, oh, hey, I have to catch a baseball other
than hey, let me make surethat my son doesn't wear one right off
the noggin. Yeah, I don'tunderstand it. What are we doing,
Pops? Well, it's not onlythat. I mean, you know the
only thing that would have made iteven more ridiculous is if that dweeb Zach
Hampbell was right there. I hatethat guy. He sucks. He should
be banned from every stadium. Notonly that, but that guy also too,
I mean, as fans. Ithink it's incumbent upon us of you
know, Matt Thomas has wavebusters.Yeah. The other one is if you
see that do we wearing his majorLeague Baseball umpire's hat and he's in your
section. I mean, start goingto chem Olaje one here, block out
body the hell out of there.You see him going after it. Put
the back to him, put theass out. Block him out. Man,
he ain't getting Bobby Buddy, sothey I just watched a slow mo
version of the kid taking it straightoff of his dome. That sucks.
I mean, it's one of those. Hey, we're going to the Dodger
game. We're gonna get to gosee show. Hey, hey, that's
awesome. Dude, it's so bad. If you haven't seen, check it
out. It's got to be.It's on social media. It's all over
the place. Shoo tany what histwenty seven home run? Dude, the
home run chase. It's gonna beAaron Judges and Shoeo Tani this year twenty
seven and what I think Aaron Judgethirty one. We're never We're never gonna
hear the end of it all.Oh no, we're not. Oh yeah,
right la in New York City.Come on, man, it's gonna
be twice now that college football fansa gonna wear it this year of it's
gonna be the noon games. Hey, we're gonna break away because Aaron Judge
is trying to hit for number sixtyfour. Yeah, just like we did.
What was it was last year oryear prior or whatever it was,
and it's gonna be the primetime gameLSU is playing against Ole Miss or somebody
like that. Hey shoe, Hey, Otani's going for a number sixty seven.
Thanks. Yeah, I appreciate thatbreaking coverage. Man, it's great
people watching that game. They reallycare about what's going on in the other
one. Right, Yeah, thatwas the craziest thing, man, is
he's chasing down sixty two, whichisn't even the single season home run record
anymore. He's just chasing down sixtytwo and they were literally breaking in college
football, like, come on,it's football season. Well especially too,
I mean for that one, Ithink it was Clemson and Wake Forest if
I'm not mistaken, when that gamewas going on, and it was actually
a good game between those two andthey break away. Yeah, we need
to send you up to the Bronx. I guarantee you there is not a
single person watching that game that couldhave cared less about seeing that happen.
Well, you know, there's there'sa couple of the couple of bets that
could have been on that game,and people were pissed they broke away.
Oh but you know what they tellyou when that happens. Oh you can
go to ESPN Plus, right wyat, you can go the ass subscription and
watch. Yeah, well the Astros. One thing that we watched yesterday is
Spencer arag Getty got lit up.Let's let's see. Everything that I saw
from him was barreled, and heleft pitches over the plate, he missed
locations and the Astros damn near madea hell of a comeback again, but
it just falls short. And actuallyspeaking Aaron Judge thirty two last night,
Yeah there he got twenty six homeruns in his last fifty games. But
I digress. Yeah, seven six. Yeah, it wasn't fun. It
was one of those things with SpencerAraghetty that I think, you know,
there's a hint of you a littlebit with Hunter Brown that's kind of like
when does this end? Like likewhen does this fall off a little bit,
because they're both still young guys,still learning all of those different types
of things. And with Ara Getty, I mean that was the problem last
night. He has that walk therein the first and you're just like ah
man, Guerrero Junior gets the second, then Justin Turner doing what he's done,
and then you know, the thirdinning is when George Springer decides I'm
gonna hurt my former team, andhe did. Yeah, And George Springer's
overall this season has not swung itwell, but here lately he's swung it
so much better. I mean,you look at team and just the runners
in scoring position. Dan Ashros lastnight three for ten, the Blue Jays
three for six, so five hundredcompared to three hundred percentage wise. But
look, it all goes back toSpencer arig Getty start four innings, six
hits, six earned run, fiveK, four walks as a staff last
night five walks. Yeah, notgreat. I mean, you know,
one of those other ones come in, I believe from Luis Contreras, which,
by the way, shout out tohim and Seth Martinez. Especially when
you factor in probably what's ahead onFriday for you, Friday is gonna look
a lot like Sunday did up inNew York against the Mets. Low open
games. Yeah, I mean,it can work in your favor, because
sometimes it hurts the other team justbecause they can't get a look at you,
and you know, by the timethey think they're gonna be able to
get another look at that same guy, that's when the manager pops out of
the dug out and says, allright, hey, we're going back to
the bullpen here. Yeah, altwove three for five last night. Jordan
Alvarez hit a blast that's cut intothat lead. He was two for four
with three RBI. He's swinging itextremely well five point thirty seven, slugging
obp of three seventy four and averagetwo ninety seven. Janardy is OH for
Jake Myers, O for Alex Bregmanover. I mean all that combined with
your pitcher giving up six hits orexcuse me, six runs on six hits,
not a good night. And againthey still five spot in the fifth
inning, and then another run inthe eighth, and Penia leadoff double in
the top of the ninth, andyou can't even get the guy over,
can't get him in. Joey loperfdohas to understand. I know he understands
this. He's a big leader.But you gotta figure out a way to
get Penia over. Well, youhave to with your at bat, and
that's again too. You know withlow Berffito, I think what was kind
of disappointing there is it was thecomplete opposite of the bat he had against
Matt Festa. Yeah on Sunday,because I saw him on Sunday. He
chases that first pitch fastball, andthen I think he fouled off the next
one. He's down Oh two isthe moral of the story. Shortens up,
chokes up a little bit and says, I'm just putting this ball in
play, and he's able to getenough of a barrel on a ball,
gets a past ventto something left field, two runs score. You get the
same result last night. We're atthe very least going the extras. Yeah,
and unfortunately for low Berfido does notget the job done and it falls
short. Altove flies out to inthe game. You know when you looked
at it, Dan, excuse me. With this game and rag Getty just
throwing four ings, You're like,Ugh, this is not gonna be good.
You're gonna have to have some guyscome in and eat some innings and
Contreres Martinez two each. So youavoided using four or five guys. So
I guess that's a silver lining inthis because it's a four game series.
It's split at one in one rightnow. But you gotta win series like
you have to. Yeah, youdo, I mean, and the good
news is, you know, theOrioles decide to help you out last night,
so that was nice. I mean, that probably stings a little bit
more that you're not able to completethe comeback there and win, because you're
feeling even better today if you're theAstros. But no, I mean,
you know, that was something Italked about on the tenth Inning show.
Somebody called in and said, oh, it's Joe as Bottle leaving a guy
in too long, and I saidto him, I go, this isn't
the postseason, man, Like,you're going to have to have some guys
that are gonna have to eat someinnings for you. And who are they
talking about about? Yeah about Ragetty. When you give up six runs at
that point, I wouldn't say thegame's out of reach, but the way
that the bullpen is right now inthe starting rotation, you gotta have guys
eat innings. So sorry, hey, take this one on the chin and
keep it going. It's not onlythat, I mean, it's twofold as
well, because the way that you'veused Taylor Scott, you probably have him
down at least for another game.Right there, You're without Brian Abray you
last night. And then you knowthe other part of it as well is
I think Joe kind of subscribes tothe way a lot of managers do.
If I'm behind, I'm not goingto my high leverage guys. I'm keeping
those guys out because I need thoseguys to provide some significant outs for me.
And if I'm trying to chase awin, I'm not trying to chase
a win in early July. I'llchase a win in August and September when
it's really getting close and the gamesare running out. Yeah, the way
that the bullpen is right now,and with guys being utilized over the last
couple of games the way that itwas last night, arraghetti four innings,
that's four innings of eating innings,like you have to do that because you
cannot. You cannot bring in Briana Bray, You cannot bring in Ryan
Presley. Hater, Presley was warmenough. Okay, so Pressley was up?
Who am I thinking of another guythat you can't? But Anyway,
my whole point is you have toconserve arms going through this week. You
don't have another day off until Monday. Well, it's not it's not only
that. I mean, you know, managing a regular season game as opposed
to a postseason game totally different.I think a lot of people kind of
confuse the two in that regard because, yes, if that's a postseason start
last night, Raic gett, he'snot getting out of the third sort leash.
No, it's crazy, it's Dan. It's so crazy to watch how
managers manage games in regular season assoon as the playoffs hit. If your
starter gets through the rotation twice orgets through the ALNTU twice, that's great,
job, give me a ball,We're going to hand it off.
It's insane how quick the leash is. Well, and I've been told numerous
times by baseball people, one guygetting on base in the postseason's rally and
crazy. Yeah, I mean thefact that if you were down two zero
at that point after the home runthe Horrits, you're probably like, all
right, we need to start thinkingabout the long game here. Who's who's
coming in? How can we minimizethis thing, and how can we give
ourselves a chance to win this ballgame, because at that point, yeah,
you get the three run homer inthe postseason against those pitching staffs,
you're probably out of the game.I mean, it's it's gonna be a
herculean task to be able to comeback. So no, you can't just
continuously go to use guys because it'salso too the pitching rotation as it is
right now, you're working with four. You're not working with five, right
you don't have a fifth starter.So not only that, that means that
those guys in the middle part ofyour pitching staff, they're in the bullpen,
they're gonna be used a lot more. So you got to pick and
choose your spots here, and hedid, and you know, it sucked
that the result ended up being theway that it was. Yeah, And
look, man, it's it's allabout conserving arms as much as you can
right now. So I get frommaybe some people's perspective, Righetti was left
in quote unquote too long, Butfor me, man, four innings,
I would have even tried to gethim in a fifth inning as many outs
as you can. When you're downyou're down what six nothing, seven nothing?
Yeah, seven nothing going into thefifth pitch count. Let's see,
it was up at eighty nine pitches, so yeah, I mean if you
got four in out of them,look, man, it is what it
is. You know. At somepoint, Righetty was gonna probably have one
of these type of nights, rightbeing a rookie. And am I still
my concern Dan. I don't knowif you guys are talking about it on
the A team, but Sean andI my concern is, like some of
these guys hitting that innings threshold,Eric Getty being one of them, Renel
Blanco being another one, and nowthat you don't have a fifth starter,
it's just gonna make this trade deadlinecoming up in what less than a month,
Yeah, is gonna be massive,especially if the Astros what they're three
games back of the Aos right now, they're forty three and forty two.
This is gonna be probably just becauseof the way that the Astros have started,
this is probably gonna be one ofthe most watched, Like everybody,
every Astros fan on their seat watchedtrade deadline probably that I can remember in
the last I don't know. Ever, maybe it's the most significant in terms
of need. Yeah, because duringthis seven plus year run, you haven't
need to really make a deal likeZach Greenky. That was cosmetic. I
mean that was you already have thetwo best starters in Major League Baseball.
You add Zach Greenky. Now it'sall of a sudden, all right,
where's our trophy? Right? Imean, that's that's what you were looking
at in nineteen this one now.And here's the other part of it as
well. I think if anybody isthinking, oh, it's gonna be Garrett
Crochet, it's gonna be somebody likethat, man, adjust your expectations because
I think you're looking at probably atbest a fourth or a fifth guy.
You just need somebody to come inthere and be able to give you some
innings. Yeah, and that's youknow, that's one of the things that
they needed to address in spring trainingand in the in the offseason is just
go get a guy. I'm notsaying that they should have gone and gotten
Jake Odorizzy, but a guy likeJake oder Rizzy that can just eat innings.
What is your fifth starter? Andagain, I know there were some
injuries. JP France got pushed backspring training. Obviously, he just had
surgery. He's out for the restof the season. And I know you
were expecting things from other guys,but still, man, you still could
have padded that that rotation just livea little bit more. The rotation is
a lot like the offensive line anddefensive line exactly. You can never exactly
enough guys that can come in thereand give you meaningful outs. Yeah,
there's no question about it. Wegot a lot to dig into here on
the Sewn Salisbury Show. Dan Matthewsitting in for Sean today. Shawn is
on a much deserved vacation day outthere playing golf. I'm sure he's getting
ready to teet up this morning.We're going to talk about the Rockets.
They introduced Reed Shepard, Lebron JamesSun says he uh earned the draft pick,
and we'll talk about that later onthe show. We're going to continue
to talk about the Astros. JoeSpot has spoke about the loss last night.
What did the skipper have to say? We'll hear it next on Sports
Talk seven ninety. Back to theShawn Salisbury Show on Sports Talk seven ninety,
sports your Astros, your Rockets,your voice, Little Western Wednesday.
You've been on a Western Wednesday yetI have not been on a Western Wednesday.
Welcome welcome in, Thanks buddy.Yeah, I appreciate that she Bille
plays all the bangers. Man,Oh of course. I mean, you
know, it's one of those thatyou know, I know, the tenor
of the show. Maybe it's oneof those that I join you guys a
little bit later on at times,but you know here now and things are
good. Yeah, so we'll weroll with a lot of country on west
On on Western Wednesday obviously for it, right, and it's a it's a
pretty big hit. Things are contry. I mean, this is country music
season, right. I understand inTexas it's always country music season, but
I mean the warmer weather months emailwhen boating weather really comes in. I
mean, this is this is whenyou're on Lake Conroe. Yeah, you're
you're down and gal just don't justdon't go on like Conrod during the Fourth
of July. I've heard as much. Yeah, I've been out to Lake
Conroe twice on Fourth of July.Not fun. I mean it's fun,
but it's, to be honest withyou's kind of kind of scary. People
are idiots. Well there's not onlythat, but it's also too I mean
at night the fireworks are already goingtoo as well. If you if you've
got a up, So that's that'stough. Yeah. I I indeed,
I've got two dogs and they don'tlike fireworks. Put that way. Joe
Spottom, skipper for the Houston Astro, spoke about erra Getty's performance last night
in that lost Arragetty went four innings, giving up six runs on six hits.
This is what Skipper had to say. You know what he stuff was
actually really good. He was upto ninety eight. The sweeper was good.
He's just the command of the fastballwasn't us as good as he's last
outing. I thought that was thedifference. I think he missed a few
a few spots and you know hecouldn't he couldn't really execute the pitches the
way he did. He's he's he'slast outing. Yeah, And that's Joe
spot of talking about Spencer Aragedty.That's like I said when we opened up
the show. Is everything that Isaw when he got barreled, dude,
it I mean he was missing spotsleft and right. I mean he was
leaving middle middle fastballs. The ballthat he that George Springer hit out that
ball was supposed to be I forgotthe spot, but it came in middle
middle. I think it was supposedto be downing in on him and he
left the middle middle. And obviouslyyou saw what George Springer did to it.
But man he was when he gothit. It was because he could
not execute location. Now, andthat's how you get hit major League baseball.
I mean, it doesn't matter howhard you throw, you throw one
middle middle. That's a cookie,okay, talk about and it's going to
be treated as much it's going tobe. And that's what happened with Springer.
I mean, you know I heardSteve Sparks talking about it during that
at bad. I believe of tryingto work him inside, you work him
inside. He usually doesn't do wellwith those, and in that case,
you didn't get it inside enough.But it's also too as well. I
mean, you know, that's somethingthat he continues to learn. Hunter Brown
had learned as well. I mean, you know, Hunter Brown had to
even kind of switch up how hepitches a little bit, you know,
because of him not being able toat times spot up his fastball, or
if he did, he was onlyworking on one side of the plate.
And whenever you're one sided against amajor league lineup, they're going to tell
you, all right, you mighthave gotten us the first time, we're
gonna get you the next time.Yeah. Yeah, it was a tough
night for Spence. Araghetti drops tofour and seven. But the way that
the pitching staff is constructed, youknow, put this one behind you and
focus on the next one because theydon't have very many other options. No,
you know what I mean, Likeit's it's uh, I guess what
are they gonna do when the bullwho's gonna start the bullpen day? I
think? Yeah, I mean Igotta wonder if you just go back to
what you did on Sunday of Dubinand yeah, Seth Martinez as a possibility,
And man, I know he gaveyou a couple of innings last night,
so he's probably down for the nextcouple if that's what you're trying to
set up for Taylor Scott. Imean you've been relying on him quite a
bit. I mean, I thinkhe threw every single game in that Mets
series, So you'd like to tryto stay away from him a little bit
more. I mean that's the thingtoo as well, is you know,
I almost feel like Joe as spottyhere with the way the pitching staff is
at this point, he's almost likeEd Harrison Apollo thirteen, and tell me,
tell me what is working, right, I mean that that's kind of
by the way, when he goesinto that pictures meeting with Josh Miller and
and the staff, he's all right, well, tell me who I've got,
I mean, because that's what he'skind of working with at this point.
Yeah, you got Blanco on themountain tonight, and then he got
fromber Valdez on the mountain tomorrow afternoon. Obviously it's a it's a noon start
due to the fourth of July holiday, but the game against Minnesota, they
don't have a starter, so you'regonna have to have two really good outings
tonight or excuse me, for thenext two days Blanco and Valdez. Blanco
did not pit. I mean,he got he got hit around a little
bit his last outing. Still,for the most part all season long,
he has been really, really good. And then who knows what the hell
you're gonna get from fromber That's theproblem. I mean, that's that's just
it. And and you know,the thing is with fromber is is he
an ace? He can be thatJambi, But the problem is the overall
body of work tells you he's amiddle of the rotation guy because of that
reason, and he's the one toblame for that. Yeah, So you
just don't know who you're going toget. That's that's it. You're either
gonna get really good fromer or you'regonna get geez man, what are you
doing? He hit his his seasons, Like a couple of seasons ago he
was like getting cy Young votes,and then last year up and down,
up and down, up and down, and then this season pretty much the
same. Just a couple of startsago he was a complete game, like
efficient, complete game. And thenthe next start, okay, still pretty
pretty decent, pretty good, andthen this past start it's like, so
he throws on Thursday, he throwstomorrow, So it's like, uh,
what are we gonna get? Well, I mean, here I am watching
that game on Saturday. When hedoes that little glove flip that air mailed
at the plate, I think,then slams it down. Well, he
not only that, then then throwshis glove down and takes himself completely out
of the play. Where then anotherrunner scores. But I mean when that
happened, I probably had the samereaction that I'm guessing that Joe Aspota,
Josh Miller and others in the dugouthad of what are you doing, like
they eat that baseball or you know, do something else other than that that
what you just did is not goingto work. No, you can't be
doing that. So another another interestingthing that I want to discuss here is
when we talk about Fromer Valdez.Obviously a big part of calming him down,
I guess you could say was andI'm not trying to bring make this
about Martin Maldonado, but Martin Maldonadodid a really good job of going and
making mound visits, which you've seenover Fromer's last couple of starts of Bregman
and Penia making more mound visits toget in his ear. Essentially, Alex
Bregman reportedly has been helping with thepitcher's game planning. Did you read that
yet? I have Chandler Rome goodstuff out of him, and I mean
Breggy's as much of a baseball guyof anyone. Yeah, when it comes
to the overall thinking part of thegame. There's nobody that outthinks the game
like he does, right, AndI mean I love that story about you
know, Hunter Brown kind of downin the dumps of man, what do
I do well? If you triedusing that yes, because I'll tell you
what. For me as a hitter, that type of pitch, I hate
that pitch. Most guys hate thatpitch that runs inside on them. And
if you're struggling against righties, thinkabout it. Yeah, So let's dig
into a little bit more. AlexBregman helping with the pitcher's game planning.
What has he told some of thepitchers to help with execution. We'll discuss
the next right here on Sports Talkseven to eighty. Hey, Locally owned
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there for the Sean Salisbury Show continuesa lot of movement in the NBA.
We're going to go over some ofthose moves and what Ronnie James had to
say as he was introduced to theuh Los Angelesagers well about that in the
eight o'clock hour earned it. I'mguessing that JJ Reddick is going to continue
to do the podcast. It soundslike which it's kind of ridiculous, but
whatever, it is ridiculous. It'sridiculous that he's the head coach. Yeah,
and you know that's the other partof it as well. If you
know, all right, so youand one of the players is going to
use it, but then you're goingto talk to your guys about being a
team. You're really setting the tonewith that. But I mean a buddy
of mine pointed out with him,saying, oh, you know, he
earned it, blah blah blah,all of that. Who earned what that
Bronni did? Oh right? Andhis point was, he goes, look,
you can say what you want,but why insult people's intelligence, because
that's what you're doing at this point. You're you're you're basically trying to tell
people there's something there. And hesaid, look, it's nothing against Bronnie.
The kid wants an opportunity. Butthe kid doesn't have the last name
James. He's not even at thecombine, he's you know what. He
either way, he wasn't getting drafted, so why did they waste them?
Anyway, we'll save it because we'vegot time by in the lock hour,
because I'd go on a It's justit's it's ridiculous, man. But good
for him at the end of theday. Good for him. He's in
the NBA. He gets to playwith his dad, which is why I
wanted to be. Good for metoo. I mean, yeah, why
couldn't my dad have played for theAstros and maybe I could have gotten an
opportunity? Or like, why couldn'tmy father have been like one of these
rich like oil and gas dads thatare out there, you know, and
they're living on lakes and got gothouses down in Florida or houses up in
the north Northeast and you know highright. Anyway, what do you want
to be calling Farrell and horrible bosses? All right, yeah, hey,
there you go go for it?Yeah exactly, yeah, exactly. Man?
What what like what were they doing? Like toxic? Now? What
was it? The what was that? The company? I think it was
like plastics or thought I was umberor something like that, whatever it was.
And then Donald Sutherland. Did younotice that? You know, they
kept trying to kill Donald Sutherland beforehe actually died. I mean he had
him as you know, the grandfatherthere on beer Fest. Yeah, you
know, say good night, Bob, good night, you know that,
and then you know he dies.In Horrible Bosses, It's like, God,
what are y'all doing to this guy? Yeah, Colin Farrell is great
and Horrible Bosses gostrument really bad combover and he does the kung fu and
all that stuff. Crazy. Allright, Let's let's go back to these
Houston Astros. They had an opportunityin the top of the ninth, Jeremy
Pania with the lead off double.This out sounded on the radio broadcast to
two and Paynia Rockets went pretty deepto left field. It sends back bar
show at the wall and it isoff the wall. Paying You're racing the
second base with a lead off double, just miss tying it with a homer.
Instead, the Astros have the tyingrun and scoring position with nobody out
of the ninth, So nobody onor excuse me, nobody out with a
leadoff double and they can't even moveinto third base, Well, can't even
move in the third base. Imean you just don't even put the ball
in play. Yeah, at all, You've got two at bats that low
Perfedos was a little bit more competitive. Cabbages was not. Either way,
Like either way low per Fedo can'tstrike out there, Like that's just you
can't do. You have to finda way to get him over. And
then I wonder, and I'm notquestioning Joe Spotty, this is not what
I'm doing here, but I wonderif I would have let Salazar swing it
a little bit compared to going forthe pinch it and well, okay,
I said it best. I mean, it's the guy. All he does
is knocks in runs with runners inscoring position. I mean, is it
a long term solution with him doingthat? Probably not, but I mean
at least what it is right now. I mean, the way he's been
in those spots, I would haveI would have let it ride. Yeah,
I think I would have let itride too. I feel like he
gives you a better chance than andTrey Cabbage has swung it pretty well in
his small sample size as well.Two of the runs he needed on Sunday
or because of him. I justI feel like Salazar has swung it better
than Cabbage right now, and heputs more balls in play, so you
can at the end of the day, like the bare minimum, Salazar from
the left hand side probably gets thegets Jeremy Penny over to third, and
then you take your chances with hoseal Tuov, even if it's one out
or two outs. If it evenwith two outs with a runner third,
you trust alt two ve in thatsituation to get it done. With a
guy at second, he flies outto center field. It is what it
is. I just feel like youlet Salas are ride there. But look,
it all goes for me for thatinning, especially with the way that
the baseball game was going. Whenyour guy leads off with a double to
start that inning, you have tofind a way to move him over and
lower feeder just didn't get it done. How many times have we seen that
this year though, I mean youknow you saw it numerous times of the
Astros. First guy gets on,second guy gets on, and then you
just can't do anything after that.There's two things that absolutely can't happen right
there, and they're both kind oftied into the same thing. Number one,
you can't do what those two guysdid. You can't strike out.
You got to put a ball inplay. You gotta find a way to
get him over all, right,Fine, the one that absolutely cannot happen.
Sometimes you get beat. I understandit. You guess wrong and you
take one looking but you absolutely cannotin that spot. And so many times
have we looked at of seeing youknow, astros hitters taking strike three with
runners in scoring position. Then yousee me on Twitter saying that cannot happen,
and you know, luckily you didn'thave that happen in that spot.
But still, I mean, I'mwith you on it where you want to
give yourself a chance with jose AlTwove coming up, even with two outs
and a runner on third. Imean you saw it earlier in the game
too as well, a ball thathe had no business hitting that was about
a foot off to the outside andhe is trying to be able to get
on base anyway he can right there, and he singles it, dumps it
in the right field, which,for the life of me, I still
have no idea without throwing the bat, how he actually did that. You
know, what I'm gonna make it. I'm gonna make a crazy, crazy
take here. Please bunt the baseball. Somebody brought that up to a spot.
A bunt the baseball and a spot. A said, I got the
Yeah, yeah, I'm leaning rightinto the AUDIREA look looking. I mean,
obviously, hindsight's twenty twenty, right, you're looking back now. And
I know bunting is not very popularamongst the fan base and amongst Major League
Baseball. But with Adamsler, yeahhe hates bunts. He's tested bunting.
Yeah, you know what's crazy.You know what's crazy, man. And
again I'm not comparing, trying tocompare like travel baseball to the big leagues
because it's the completely apples and orangesthis night and day one thing that we
have done with my Bandidos team,and we have. We've won twelve out
of our last thirteen games coming off, we've won sixty two games this season
or sixty two and seventeen like whatwe should have a number like a top
ten national rank in anyway, Andwhy we're successful. We bunt the baseball
because kids don't know how to fieldbunts right now, like at all in
the use baseball. They have noclue how to field a bunch. They
don't know rotations, they don't knowdefensive alignments, nothing. They cannot field
bunts. We've done it three timesin a row before in Florida in the
big National championshipurnament. We did itthree times in a row with like my
four, five, and six holeand they can't field it. It's crazy
how people cannot field bunts anymore.Well, we get bunts down. We
do because I hammered it into mykids that you gotta get a butt down
and we practice it. Well,I mean that's the thing too. It's
i mean, you know, newage baseball is launch angle, it's all
these different things which even you know, some of these kids. I mean,
I've got a buddy of mine whoseson is nine and he's already you
know, oh hey, you knowtrack man and all this, like,
oh dude, really he's nine,he's nine. They have him on the
track man at nine. Yes.Well, you know what, honestly,
if we're going to talk about arminjuries in Major League Baseball and a lot
of people tied into youth baseball,well then bunts he can be tied in
as well. I mean Augie Guritowouldn't disagree with you, you know,
are are to a legend. Butand that's and and that's that's what he
was. He was about that.I mean, he was about, you
get a guy on base, wemove him up, and then you know,
set it up for our other dollsthat can get him on, move
them over to get something happened.Yeah, this is Joe's body. He
was asked about, Uh, didhe think about having Joey Loperfield drop down
a sack punt? Oh? Man, it's tough to two bunch a great
I do have faith in those guysjust to try to, you know,
get a good picture head and trysomebody. But you know, bunning fastballs
up in the own at ninety eightis a very difficult thing to do,
is it. Though. It's justnot it's not something that's worked on.
I mean you've been at batting practice, yeah, I mean I'm not Hey,
Hey, laid down a couple ofmonths and you basically just see guys
just kind of just put the batout there. Okay, Okay, yeah,
here we go. Now let mestart swinging away, yeah opo first,
all right, fine, Then Iget to really, you know,
put some into the seats for thefans. All right, let's do that.
I wonder who asked that question,which reporter? So we had it
of course on the tenth inning show, right, So I need to remember
I'm wondering if that was a Chandlerquestion. Yeah, Chandler is usually the
one that asked the spot on questions. Yeah, I just I you know,
again, like I said earlier Hindsight'stwenty twenty, you know, struck
out swinging Lowberfeto struck out swinging Cabbageand the way that that game was going,
where you were trying to mount thecome back and you're trying to tie
it up. I just feel likein that moment, you take your chances
and either yeah, try to laydown a bunt maybe I don't know,
or just get just get the damnball in play and just can't strike out.
That's the disappointing thing with Loberfido thereat that point is that low Perfido
is a guy that does put theball in play. He does give you
a hell of an at bat,and he put together at least a decent
enough challenging at bat, fouling offa couple of pitches, doing stuff like
that, but I mean, heis a guy that does that. That's
the disappointing part of that at bat. And then real quick I tease the
Alex Bregman helping the pitching staff.And part of this article that I wanted
to talk about is from Chandler Roamof the Athletic and Just one of Them
quote. Bregman has become increasingly moreinvolved with some of the pitcher's game planning
and received ample credit from Brown forhis turnaround. Advice from a hitter,
especially one with Bregman's experience, canprovide a different perspective for young pitchers still
learning the league game. Aha.So remember when the Astros were what's seventeen
and twenty nine at one point whateverthey were, and everybody, Oh,
they've got no leadership in that clubhouse. I think you just answered your own
question. Yeah, definitely. Ijust people people don't understand, like Bregman's
not really that loud, boisterous guyanymore. I mean, you see the
the the cockiness a little bit.I'm sorry, the confidence the dude asks
confidence. You don't see the theatricslike you used to from him. So
people are like, he's not aleader anymore. You've you've been in enough
clubhouses, you've been in enough lockerrooms from your playing experience as well.
Those guys get tuned out, right, the loud, boisterous ones, those
are the ones that everybody out they'retalking again, great, all right,
yeah, awesome, we get it, fight for the team, all that
kind of stuff. But yeah,I mean, that's that's really what it
becomes, especially during those moments.But you know who the guys that get
listened to the most, the guyswho don't say much. Yeah, and
then you know they they finally speakup. That's when everybody kind of sits
up at their lockers and they're like, whoa, hey, he's saying something.
All right, then I definitely needto listen because if he's feeling compelled
to talk, he's got something tosay. All right, let's get to
break Seven one three, two,one two five. Seven to ninety is
the number to join. The Astrosneed starting pitching help. Who should they
try and go get We'll discuss itnext right here on Sports Talk seven ninety.
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can count on. Let the celebrationstart. War Sean Salisbury, it's a
Sean Salisbury show. He threw upthe AH. I love a basic white
guy throwing up the H. Iwas gonna say, I mean read I
think is going to realize this isnot eastern Kentucky, which I mean you're
in coal mining territory of there.It's either cats basketball or you work the
mines. Yeah. Yeah, we'rehere in Houston now, buddy, So
get get ready to learn uh bunbee. That's it. You feel like
that that Adam Adam Silver meme that'sout there. You're ready, buddy in
this case right here, Yeah,get ready to learn some bun bee,
some zero, some slim, yes, a little bit of Paul Wall maybe
maybe even some Mike Jones. Youknow I was gonna say, Mike,
Yeah, Mike Jones are maybe somecamilliar. Hey, tripley, who's that
guy that you'd like to wrap listento Blue Shsty Know this guy who is
it? Bluimmy Shimmy, my bad, He's not from Texas at all.
I got I go back to theold love Lou Shimmy Dog. I remember
a huge thing for for us guysat Saint Thomas was to go to the
screw shop. Yeah, a bunchbunch of goofy white kids going into the
screw shop, A bunch of SaintThomas kids going to have no business being
there. No, not at allat all. But you know what I
mean, it's you gotta you gottasupport the local. You got you gotta
support the h And yeah, that'sthat's what we were doing at the time.
Yeah, exactly, that's what yougotta do. Seven one three,
seven ninety is the number to jointhe Scouts of the Phone Lines. Ronnie,
thanks for all, Good morning,Good morning guys. The ninth inning
really puzzled me. And of course, you know you gotta try low perfit,
low perfeedo, because you got you'vegot to determine whether he is a
guy who's gonna be able to bea guy, a good, you know
player. But there are a numberof times in the ninth inning was one
of them, and I wouldn't haveused it to bet for little Grafito.
I would have used him to betfor Salazar. Where the hell was Mauricio
Dubon. You can talk all youwant to about your analytics and all this
crap, but Dubond finds a wayto come through, and he's done it
more than low Ferfito has. Butyou know, like I said, they're
going to have to try low forFeto. But I would have used the
bomb to bat for Cabbage rather thanAnd I don't care if he's right handed
left handed, if he holds thebat between his teeth, he should have
been the one to hit for Cabbage. And also tomorrow, you guys aren't
going to be on tomorrow, rightNobody though, Yeah, we're off.
We're off tomorrow and Friday, Runnie, but yeah, you will get broadcast.
Well what I'd love to hear tomorrow. And I don't know when they
play h And I don't know youguys can tie into it. No,
No, I'm talking about the mostimportant game Tomorrow is not going to be
the Astros game. It's going tobe the Corpus Christie game. And I
would love to hear the broadcast ofwhat uh Garcia does tomorrow. That's right,
one of the hooks, one ofthe hooks playing tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow
night. Let's see. You know, I'll have to get that for you,
Ronnie. But yeah, uh LuisGarcia making a start down there.
That's that is a big, bigthing because he needs to get back up
here as soon as he can.Yeah, it's great. It's a really
important game organizationally because that may helpdetermine whether or not how hard they have
to go after another starter. Andyou know, I've always I felt that,
Okay, you got mccullors, Verlander, and Garcia. I'm not counting
on Lance. I'm hoping for Verlander, but I'm counting on Garcia from what
they've been saying. So one ofthose three guys has to come through,
which would lessen the pressure as towhether we need a to go out and
get a starter. And you know, and I just have one quick thought
about Shepherd. He's I listened tohis press conference and he seems like a
great guy. You know, intelligent, says all the right things, but
he's he's played basketball as mom anddad. Can he as a rookie because
these guys are all so young?Can he become a leader on the rockets?
Now? The corpus Chrissy Hooks Rodneyplayed tomorrow at six oh five Central.
All right, San Antonio, Yeah, okay, Well, I wish
you guys could get the broadcast ofit somehow. It would be great.
That would be betther than listening toFox. Well, you know, we
can't handle the We have no controlover that. Ronnie. Appreciate the call
and enjoy your Fourth of July,you too, guys. Thank you,
Rodnie. Yeah, Louis Garcia comingback. Look, whatever you get from
Lance mccullors junior, whenever he comesback, If he comes back, that's
it's a bonus. I'm not countingon Lance. I'm sorry. Let's just
speak of history shows. And here'smy answer to Ronnie. Nothing changes.
You have to add somebody, nomatter what I think it is. And
we'll talk about it with Dana Brown, as you mentioned here in about an
hour and a half two hours fromnow. But I mean even with Louis
Garcia, the guy hadn't pitched inalmost a year and a half, so
I don't know what I'm getting outof him. And in terms of that
game with the hooks tomorrow night,well, i'll tell you what. It'd
be the shortest broadcast you need tolisten to, because he's probably not going
to go more than two innings.Nice, he went an inning. He
went twelve pitches in his one inningthat he threw in the Complex League last
week, And obviously they felt comfortableenough to be able to say, all
right, hey, send them onup you know bypass Ashville or you know,
Fayetteville, all these other places,and go ahead and send them to
a double A. I think that'smore or less just so they can get
a closer look at him. Butyou're talking to maybe three innings. He'll
probably be twenty five thirty pitch max, thirty pitch max. I bet,
okay, Well, then I needto get two innings. Then I need
to get forty, and then afterthat I need to get fifty. Then
I need to get sixty. Yeah, so you get where I'm going here.
Is the point is, even beforethe trade deadline, I don't think
I can count on that guy becausehe's not going to be ready at that
point. You're talking about August maybemid August maybe as a possibility, and
is that enough time to get himback to being who he's been in the
past. Yeah, you need himfor the rotation, but again they have
to add somebody like in my opinion, and Ken Rosenthal, long time Major
League Baseball insider rider. You seehim on TV all the time. He
was on the Foul Territory podcast orFoul Territory Show yesterday and he spoke about
the Astros trying to add at thetrade deadline, which is less than a
month away. We'll hear that audioand discuss next right here on Sports Talk
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two Houston Ihard Radio station the exclusiveaudio home of NBC's coverage of the twenty
twenty four Paris Olympics. This isSports Talk seven ninety and the Rockets your
Home for your home teams driven bythat classic elite view at GMC Studios for
the elite car buying experience. Saulisbury, Oldbury, Salsbury, Houston. Okay,
let's do this. Sewn Salisbury tousc Truth, longtime friend, Shawn
Salisbury, Brian Lima, go Lobos. This is the Sean Salisbury Show.
Let's get back out to the phoneline seven one three two one two five
seven ninety Lorena, good morning,Good morning, Brian. How are you,
Dave Dan? What's going on?How are you doing? Hey,
Dave Dan, Sorry, it's thelast name. I get it. I
mean, I can't believe it allthe Dave Matthews band. Okay, that
happens. Well, what's going on? We're good, Lorena? How are
you this morning? Doing great?I'm huge Astros fan. Parents grew us
up going to many seasons since nineteenseventy five, So you're not gonna find
a bigger My parents call this fanatics, not fans about the Astros, and
so I'm just wondering if there's moreto this Kyle Tucker thing. You know,
I get that he uh, youknow, had a what do you
call it? The right, yeah, bone bruise, Yeah, yeah,
allegedly, And the guys on TVlast night we're talking about how it went
up to his knee and he hadinflammation in his knee and he's progressing,
progressing slowly with cage work. Butthen you hear rumors about a trade with
three guys with the Mets. Ijust I'm wondering if we're really being told
everything, and would love a littlemore insider transparency if you have it,
because I think we'd be doing somuch better if he was still in the
lineup. You know, we dependon him for his bat and I just
think it's a shame that he's sittingthere watching for over a month now and
not contributing. So I'll hang upand listen. Awesome, thank you for
the call of Rena. All right, So this is uh, this is
my opinion, Dan, my opinion. Sure there had to be a fracture
in that shin. There's no way, there is no way that you can
convince me that Kyle Tucker took aball off his shin and has missed a
month with just a bruise. Ifyou've never fought fouled a ball off your
shin, it is one of themost painful things ever because obviously there is
no meat there, it's all bone. M h. In my opinion,
there had to be a hairline fracture, had to be because then your questioning
then you're then you're talking about,well, what's Kyle Tucker's threshold of pain?
Well it's and then I'm not goingto question Kyle Tucker. I'm just
saying there have has to be orhad to be a hairline fracture. That's
my opinion. Well, it's atrained response. I mean I get it
because of how this organization has handledsick situations like this. I mean,
you know Lance McCullers, Michael Brantleyas a couple of examples as well of
oh yeah, hey, they're gonnaget out, they're gonna start doing some
work. Their shutdown and it's likewhat how did we get from one to
the other so quickly? Like Idon't really understand it, and you know,
the talking points were out. Imean I heard the same thing last
night watching t K. There's abase it. I don't do it as
well as AC, but I lovehis calls. They're they're great. You're
talking about for for for TK,Yeah, so for me, it's uh
got them pose Altuve with a flyballto right field. Joey Love Berfdo is
going to be on deck. He'sthe best. He's the best. He
and Blummer pound for pound, youknow, just to kind of before continuing
on a point. Pound for poundRadio and TV, you can't beat the
broadcast teams. You cannot hear.I mean, you got Sparky working Blue
last night. It's on his birthday, Happy birthday, Sparky by nine or
sixty, So that mystery mystery.Yeah, nobody knows. I mean they
were saying I think Robert and maybeI got this wrong, saying he's a
sextagenarian, which means that he issixty and Sparky told him to watch his
mouth. But no, look,you know, like I said, the
talking points were out, and Imean I think that you know, you're
running into a situation that you arefound to have misreported in injury, which
I'm not saying that's the case.I'm just saying that you've heard Dana Brown
on here, you've heard him onyou know, with Robert for the Sunday
interview, that they really have tobe sure that they're crossing their t's and
dotting their eyes. And I thinkfor all of those reasons, for everything
that came out after the twenty twentyinvestigation, this is not a team that's
going to skirt the line. Thisis a team that's going to say,
hey, we're doing it all bythe book, and we're going to be
out in the open with all ofthese things. So I think all of
those things kind of boiled in together. You're not they're not hiding this from
us. And we had Chandler roamwith on on with us yesterday and I
mean kind of pointing out the samething thing that you know, what they're
telling us, we'll take them atface value. But I do understand too
as well that there is a beliefthat this is a team that sometimes will
not necessarily give you the full picturewhen it comes to injuries to certain players.
I just over a month he's beenout. Would just a bone bruise.
I just don't I'm sorry, Idon't believe it. And I and
I can understand that too, becauseit's also where, hey, we want
to start getting them out here.I mean we've had Dana Brown numerous times.
I mean, maybe even get themplaying on this road trip and it's
like, Okay, so what isthe true outline here, Like, what
is the true timeline we're looking at, because I mean, yesterday we get
Joeyspotus, say in a few moreweeks, maybe a little bit of a
you know, over estimation in thatregard, because I would probably have to
guess this is just a guess he'sback after the All Star break. Yeah,
the concerning part for me has beenhe's not even doing baseball activities yet
they said hopefully within the next coupleof days. But then again, I
mean, look, it kind ofgets back to the point that we've been
talking about. How many times havewe heard that, yeah, oh,
Michael Brandley's gonna start taking some swingsor shutting them down? What right?
Right? Exactly? How did weget to that right? Like? And
then and then there was also eveneven like the the weird communication you know,
when Orkidi and Christian Xavier both hadinjuries and yet they were saying,
oh, it's form discomfort or whateverthey however they labeled it. And then
they said, oh, they're goingto have right arm surgery or right elbow
surgery or whatever it was, butthey didn't say Tommy John. And then
later they came and then it saidthey both had Tommy John. Yeah,
so it's like, well, whywhy the verbiage, Like it's just kind
of weird to me. And thenthe fact that they always use this comfort.
I'll go back and I'll say thisagain. When Ronald'cunia Junior tore
his a c L, it wason the road and within four hours they
had his MRI done and they hadtold the told the world Ronalcuna Junior tore
his a CL He's going to beout for the rest of the season.
He set for surgery tomorrow or daywhatever officially was. Within four hours.
You could also, you know wewere talking about justly on the A team,
you can go to the Gary Kubiakroute. Yeah, he's got a
knee, he's got an ankle.You know, just that seemingly is where
they've gone with it. With thediscomforts. I mean, I've said it
numerous times and I'll continue to sayit. If we don't have to hear
discomfort for the rest of the season, that's a good day. Yeah,
it is. That's a phenomenal day. Seven one, three, two,
five, seven. I is getin a quick call John, what's happening?
Hey guys. Uh, yeah,I wanted to chime in again on
the you know, the need theAstros have for pitching. You know,
you know what I've been pushing forTrevor Bauer, you know, yeah,
yeah, I knew this was goingthat way. Yeah, I I well,
you know, desperate times called fordesperate measures, and and the Astros
need that fifth starter, they reallydo. I mean, we're gonna go
limping into the into the All Starbreak and uh, and you know,
it's remarkable how the guys have pulledtogether and what they've done. It truly
is. But this is gonna,this is gonna, uh, it's gonna,
it's gonna come to a break time, you know where where this has
something has to happen. Something's gonnahave to give, and we need that
fifth starter. And you know thatguy, I mean the cheap pickup.
I mean, what have we gotto lose? There's very little downside to
and uh, it could be abig help. I mean you'd think he
would be interesting to get back intothe bigs and uh make amends and everything.
So I don't know, I hearrumors that the Astuals are flirting with
that, and there's some discussions goingon. But I don't know if you've
heard anything or uh, the onlythe only thing, John, The only
thing that I've heard was him anda bunch of other guys pitched in front
of some big league scouts two weeksago, three weeks ago. But the
Astros had a reportedly had a representative. There wasn't even one of their high
high end scouts or cross checkers oranything like that. They had somebody there.
But that's the only thing I've everheard. I just everything that I've
read and what I understand is thatno team in Major League Baseball is going
to touch him for for whatever youknow, for everything that's going on off
the field. There's I think fourother like pending lawsuits against him in regards
to some allegations. And then Isaw that him and his agent we're talking
about suing Major League Baseball, andthen they retracted that because there's information that
would come out that would basically proveto everybody that he has done some not
okay stuff to women. So Ijust think with all that collectively, no
team is going to touch him.And I could see that. I mean,
if if it's if it's too muchdrama, it's not worth it.
But I wasn't aware of that.Yeah, I just I think it'll I
think that's what it's always gonna comedown to. John is just the drama
and the pr backlash and everything thathe's and again he has not and I'll
say this, he has not beenproven guilty of doing any of these things.
But I just think there are otherissues that are not getting the pub
as if the first round did.But major League Baseball and Rob Manford know
about it, and no one's gonnatouch him because of that. Okay,
that's the case. I understand that. I I I just didn't know if
there's some n knowns or something,because it's just, you know, you're
talking about a you know, aformer Cy Young winner and guys got it,
what almost one hundred miles an hourfastball and everything. I mean,
it could be a cheap rental,but I mean, I just wondered if
there's just some n knowns that wedon't know about that could be lurking and
sounds like that might be the case. But but you know, it's just,
uh, it just has me concernedbecause the pitching is fragile, even
though for the most part and everybody'sbeen coming through pretty good, but it's
gonna be a strain and uh Verlanderhopefully will come back after the All Star
break, but you know, mccullorsand Garcia, I mean, that's gonna
be you're gonna I'm just thinking that'sgonna be August before you see any kind
of production out of them. Yeah, So don't think they can they can't
continue like this. No, no, John, we appreciate the call.
They're gonna have to get. They'regonna have to get somebody. Enjoy you
for the July John, Yeah,he thanks to too. Yeah, thank
you, Jo, buddy. Yeah, let's let's get to the stake out
and we'll continue this SASH discussion andwe'll hear the audio from Ken Rosenthal.
But they gotta go get some pitchinghelp. Dan. I think me and
you are in a greens so that'salso too. I mean with a guy
like Bauer as well, he's oneof those guys that kind of fits the
profile. Can't cut the stuff,and I mean you know what cutting the
stuff is, and when you're ina race like you are, and that's
a really strong clubhouse, but Imean you would have to hit pause,
you'd have to. Hey, let'stalk about this. Let's let let's let's
discuss what you said about this guy, what you said about that guy.
You made it personal, man.Yeah, like that's gotta be that's got
to be handled right now. Youdon't have time for any of that stuff.
Yeah, you don't have time.You're a game over five hundred.
You're a game three game, threegames back, You're you're a game over
five hundred. And it's also toothe other part of it all as well,
Who the hell says he's the sameguy anymore? Right? I mean
he's pitching against plumbers and like constructionguys. Nothing against those guys, but
you know, when they're out thereplaying in the Mexican leagues, I mean,
he's dicing dudes up down there.But you come up to the big
leagues, it's completely different. Yeah, I don't just me pitch in a
major league game. I mean,that's it. I mean ever since he
was suspended, so I mean,who pitched? Who pitched? Uh,
what was the last time he pitched? Watt looked that up. But who
pitched more recently? Him or Lancemccullors junior. You might be talking about
Lance McCullers junior, and you know, and we're talking about a guy that
you know, we're not even sureif we're even gonna even get to see
him this season. Yeah, let'sget to the steak out next here on
Sports Talk seven to eighty. TheSean Salisbury Show continues on Sports Talk seven
home for your home teams. Allright, Sean, what are you hearing
out there now? The Salsbury's takeouts, Salsif Takeout on the Sean Salisbury Show.
All right, sign for the steakout here on the Sean Salisbury Show.
Shawn's on vacation. So you knowwhat that means, triply shut down
the steak up, steak out.Let's open up the Lalima Lounge like it.
The Llima Lounge is now open.Welcome Dan Matthews, there you go.
Check up. I's gonna say yougot the Martini's going now shaken,
not stirred. Some people might say, come on, d it's seven twenty
one. That's fine. I can'tdrink all day. It's somewhere, that's
it, you know it. Sowelcome into the Lalima Lounge. I like
it. Grab you a Gin andtonic. The vibes are good. A
Tito's and orange juice. Since it'sseven, the bars open, we have
more duvs. It's just tacos.Oh, I love it. It's it's
a little early for the for thesalty of the slightly dirty martini, you
know, so that that comes later. But we do have alcoholics that come
here, so they want their dirtymartini. Well, you know, there
are certain there's the dirty martini crowd. Oh no, I'm all about them.
I'm ready. I'm right there withthem. Yeah, blue cheese olives,
let's go. I'm gonna pass onthose. But uh you know,
yeah, I'm okay. Got theHalopeno alves too. Oh in general,
no way, man, Oh dude, yeah, all the halopenos. Let's
go triple grab you. What's thattequila? You like the teremonial? Yeah,
there you go, grab you.The last of that on the rocks
is hot right now, everybody's allabout the tequila. Uh huh yeah,
you go. No free pub,that's fine, that's fine. Uh here
in the Lalma Lounge, so obviouslyyou know how the steak out goes.
Of course, you guys asked mea question, all right, yeah,
no, no, no, I'vegot a question for you. You got
it, okay, all right,So there's a certain picture that's been successful
in Major League Baseball. I knowwhere you're going. And uh, he
opted out of his minor league dealwith the Rangers yesterday Johnny Quato. Yeah,
and you know the other part ofit as well, a statement before
the question. Last time he pitchedwas on Sunday. What did the Astros
do on Sunday? They went abullpen game? They sure did. So
would you signed Johnny Cuato and puthim on the mound Friday night? Johnny
Quato? I mean, what wouldyou get him for like a league minimum?
And look, I mean we've talkedabout it as well, that you're
hoping to get Justin Verlander back afterthe All Star break. Uh huh,
that's a hope. I think probablya start or two after the All Star
break is what you're looking at forthat. But I mean a trial basis.
We're talking about people asking about TrevorBauer. Johnny Cuato, a guy
that as far as I know,doesn't have any issues. No, has
been effective during his career. Lastyear not so much, and this year
hadn't been able to get to themajor league roster. Despite the fact that
the Rangers are completely beaten up whenit comes to pitching. So let's see,
he's thirty eight years old, soit depends for me. I say,
yes, why not. He's gotthe big league experience. He's an
innings eater. Who you got tocut though, who you got to get
rid of. I was gonna say, I mean, there's somebody on the
forty man. I I can lookat that during the break and possibly give
a scenario out there that could work. But I mean, you have a
need for a starter, yep.And I mean, you know what,
what does it hurt? Because you'rea flyer, you might as well.
I mean, if he's a guy, if he's a guy that comes in
here and gives you decent enough workthat keeps you in ball games and you
don't have to crush the bullpen,say can it save the bullpen? I
would think he can. And Imean he's had up and down performances at
the minor league level. Last timeout he went a quality outing, but
the time before that, I thinkhe went like an inning in two thirds
or something like that. So it'sbeen it's been a mixed bag this year.
And that's at the Triple A level. And I get all of that,
but I mean, all throughout hiscareer has been a guy that,
as you said, gets you innings, has been effective, and also too,
is somebody that can fill an immediateneed for this team if it can
save the bullpen, and you,I mean, unfortunately have to get rid
of a minor league off of theforty man and whoever that may be,
and it's not one of your it'snot gonna be one of your top guys.
Either way, whoever you can partwith. I mean, I say,
why not if it can help yourbullpen and you can eat innings because
you don't have justin Verlander. Youdon't know what you're gonna get from from
er Valdez. You don't have afifth starter right now, so you're looking
at a bullpen game. You don'thave a day off until Monday, and
then you got a couple of seriesafter that until the All Star Break.
Why not? Well, I mean, and it's also too as well.
I mean, a guy that hasmajor league experience, even Leaf like he
was in the Leaf like sixteen yearsand he's he's up there in the years.
But it's also I mean, whereyou have everything that is still in
play for you, But you're alsoreaching to a point where you say this
has got a shelf life. Man, we can't keep playing with fire here.
We gotta start getting guys back.We gotta start adding guys. I
mean, you're gonna have to makea move like this soon enough. So
I go ahead and say why not? Now, So would you sign him?
Absolutely? I would? And youbring him right up and say,
hey, you're you're on the bump. Yeah, you're for it. Yeah,
you were home, you were signedtoday, and you were on the
mound Friday night, get ready togo, and he'd be on regular rest.
And I mean, okay, whatdoes it hurt if he goes out
there three innings, four innings andyou give up I don't know, three
four runs during that time frame rightthere? I mean the bats are gonna
have to go to work that night. I get all of that, But
it's also too as well. Youstart him now, you start them in.
I guess that Ranger series would probablybe the next time that he goes
why not? And then if itdoesn't work out, you say, hey,
look we tried, and now we'regoing with somebody else. Maybe at
that time you feel good about ajblue ball or you get what's the guy's
name, bloss Yeah, yeah,maybe he's supposed to be back next week.
Yeah. I saw he was playingcatch again, feeling good. Yeah.
I threw a bullpen over the weekend, so avoided catastree essentially. No,
I mean they're discomfort the fact thatyou've been able to, you know,
really piece this thing together. Andthat's the other part of it as
well, is you know, kindof the other tangent of all of this
stop coming after Josh Miller. Allwe get it all the time. All
these people, Oh Josh Miller,Josh Miller. I say to them,
all right, what does he hadto work with this year? Yeah,
that's another thing you have to He'snot Brent Strom. No, he's not.
All right, I get it.Look he's nobody loves Strawmy like I
do. Oh I know Astros baseballcamp set, the old Astrodome, Brent
Strom out there working, and thena few years later I see as the
pitching coach. I'm like, thatguy's the pitching coach. No kidding,
dude's a wizard, there's no questionabout it. But Josh Miller has there's
injuries, there's inconsistencies. I mean, there's all kinds of things, but
to go right after him, Ijust think time and place, man,
Like at some point, like ifthis continued to where they were ten twelve,
fourteen games under five hundred, andyou started to talk about heads wire
role, meaning you know, ifsome coaches got to coach, you gotta
go. You start with the hittingcoach and then you probably gotta go to
the pitching coach. But they're notthere. No. I know the fact
that this bullpen and what was oneof the major question marks you had for
this season that you had the middleof the bullpen? Yeah, the middle
relief. How those guys are goingto be right? Taylor Scott's been unreal,
Seth Martinez has been great for you. Rafiel Montero Yeah okay, But
I mean you get you get HunterBrown making the improvements he has, Spencer
Raghetti looking the way he has.You know, I understand what last night
looked like, but I mean it'sbeen yeomen's work from that guy, So
stop coming after my guy. TripoliLalim Maloune still fired up for another minute
minu and a half. You gota question, Yeah, man, what
do you think about Bernie? ActuallyFinna play with his dad. Now,
all right, you want to savethat for eight o'clock or you want to
you want to hit that now sayeight. Okay, I just don't forget.
We will not forget. I goton the prep sheet over here,
so I want to get your thoughtson it's all list. Yeah, when
you're on the list. Yeah,come off the list. You know you
know you are on the list.All right, let's get to break.
That's gonna do it the Lima Lounge. Sorry, guys, make sure you
tip your waiters. You are goingto have to finish your drinks. We
don't do to go here. Iknow it's legal in the state of text.
The lights are on, the lights, but they are about to be
off. Yeah, Liama Lounge iscoming to a start. You start getting
the bump right there from got togo. They don't put their hands on
you, No, they don't,but but they give you the bump to
let you know like, hey,it's time. Last call has last call?
Yep, finish your drinks and getout of here. We'll talk about
what the ash Or should do atthe trade deadline. Ken Rosenthal had some
thoughts as well. That's next onSports Talk seven ninety but also classically Chevy
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fat. The Shawn Salisbury Show continued. All right, Look, they just
continue to eat their own and that'stheir problem. They want to become the
West Coast version of the early twothousands New York Knicks, then go ahead
and do that, and it's notEddie Curry. But at the same time,
though too, I mean, yougot to build that thing up a
little bit if you want to compete, and the way you got it right
now, it ain't gonna do itfifty year. That's fine, that's fine.
You want you want to win theoffseason headlines, you want to do
all those different types of things.You go right for it, because it's
not gonna happen. One hundred andfour million dollars two years, so we'll
again. I don't I don't regredgehim for going to get his bag.
But at the same time though too, I mean, you know, you
want to do the whole thing.Oh you know, Team Friendly Deal want
to want to be able to buildthis thing up, and then supposedly really
wanted James Harden. That would havebeen awesome for us to watch because it
would have ferociously failed, like anythingelse that's been tried that's been of a
similar ilk. Yeah, we're goingto talk about Lebron, James and Brownni
and the NBA Reached Shepherd being introducedby the Rockets. We'll hit on that
as well. At eight o'clock.Okay, let's hear from Ken Rosenthal.
He spoke on the Foul Territory Showwith Aj Pierzinski. Spoke about the Astros
and the trade deadline. This iswhat Kenny had to say. I don't
believe I had the little shovel out. It might have been a little,
tiny, tiny spoon, but certainlyit's a big shovel for you though.
Ken, Well, okay, that'sa big shovel for me. However you
want to put it. I don'tremember exactly what I said. I don't
usually rule teams out before July first. This is a team that has come
a long way, and it's reallyinteresting how they've done it without Tucker and
with Ronel Blanco and Hunter Brown astheir big time guys in the rotation.
Those are not people you expected tobe leading them at the start of the
season. Can they catch Seattle?They absolutely can catch Seattle, and the
Mariners are going to need to reinforcetheir offense. They know that they're going
through a little bit of a dryspell now, as all teams do.
And the Astros, of course,are coming off of seventeen and eight June.
They're hot, but they're the Astros, they have that pedigree, and
we all sort of suspected this wascoming. It's just hard to imagine the
way it's happened without Tucker, withoutsome of their several of their starters,
I believe seven are still on theIL, So from that perspective alone,
it's really impressive. We'll get McCullersback, they're getting Luis Garcia back,
hopefully Verlander comes back as well.It's a pretty interesting group and they will
not hold back at the deadline.They will try because they've done that repeatedly
under Jim Creed in the past.They will not hold back, says Ken
Rosenthal obviously one of the veterans inMajor League Baseball as far as being a
writer, personality insider, So ifhe's hearing it, I mean we've heard
it from general manager Dana Brown.He said, we're always looking to add
pitching, and if I can geta first basement or a guy that can
hit three four five hole with anover nine hundred oh ps, I believe
they're going to be aggressive at thetrade deadline. Just depends on what they
want to give up. And yougot to have another team. It takes
two to tango, right, Sothey can sit here and say, yeah,
we wanted to try to go getX, Y and Z, but
if the other teams aren't willing tonegotiate, well then you know what and
you know and honestly, another thingis obviously the sexy names are going to
be what vlad gerro Junior, PeteAlonzo. I mean you can go on
and on, Garrett Crochet, thelefty for the White Sox. Right,
those are just a sexy name.So far, if you make small,
calculated moves like Jim Crane or excuseme, James Klick did like going to
get Graveman he fleeced. I believeit was the Guardians and when they brought
Yan your Diaz over and the MilesStraw trade that got you film Atonic guys
exactly. So if you can makesmall calculated moves as well and get an
innings eater, or you can makethe big blockbuster trade, whatever it is.
I think we're both in Agreeance Dan, that they have to add some
sort of pitching depth. I don'tcare that Luis Garcia is coming. I
mean I care obviously because it's gonnabe a big help, but it's still
not enough for me. They pitchingis at a premium. That's what wins
you championships. Pitching no, Andthat's the thing too, is that you're
gonna have to have that. That'sfirst and foremost, I mean anything else
first base, which does need tobe short up, and that's something that's
gonna have to be a move made. But you touched on it as well.
I mean the dance partners here.It's not only about the dance partners.
It's kind of like, think ofit this way. You're trying to
buy a house, you put itin an offer for it. Then somebody
comes in and their portfolio looks alittle bit better than yours. They maybe
kick in five grand more than youdid. And then if, of course
they'll come back, hey can youmatch this? And you're saying, no,
we can't. That might be theAstros when it comes to some of
those names, because there are teamsout there that are looking for first base
help. The Yankees, They're notgonna have Anthony Rizzo for a few more
weeks, and you need to beable to try to have somebody else in
that lineup that can match what Judgeand Soto and Folpy have been given you.
And you know, you're even startingto see the Yankees kind of fall
back a little bit. And youknow, are the Blue Jays a team
looking? You know, are notblue Jays? The Orioles a team?
Another bird? Are they looking?And the problem is that you fit into
as well. Is aside from theNational League of the Marlins and the Rockies,
all those other teams are still init right and they still believe that
they can make a run towards thepostseason, and they might have more that
they can offer than you can.I mean, I understand people cook up
all these trade proposals in their head. I get all of that, but
the problem is you just don't havethe major league possibilities that you can trade
that the other team would want thatsome of these teams do. Oh,
by the way, kicking in someof their prospects too as well. That
can come down the line and helpyour team from dealing that guy away.
Yeah. I think with the stateof first base, Singleton's going to give
you productive at bats for the mostpart. Joey Loperfdo if he gets any
more run, We've we've heard ittime and time again that he's an outfielder.
Mauricio Dubonnis pretty much a revolving door. I think if they solidify the
first base position and add some sortof depth to the pitching rotation, then
they'll be set. But again,who's it gonna be and what are you
gonna give up? Here's the goodnews and low Berfdo has helped you with
this. Your lineup is longer thanit was the beginning of the season.
Yeah, I mean, let's talkabout what this team was the last couple
of years with Martine Maldonado in thelineup. You were batting with eight.
Yeah, and then last year attimes with Josea Bray you and at times
this year you were batting again witheight, and last year you're batten with
seven. So now you've got alittle bit of a longer lineup. Yes,
not as much playing time for ChasMcCormick. I get all that.
You know, Jake Myers swung itwell since he come back. Chasm is
not. And you know Jake Myershas put together a good season. He's
a guy that I think will bemoved Chas McCormick. I mean, I
would think that probably he is themost likely of the scenarios because I think
that you like what you have withlow perfido and it's also too I mean,
I think kind of what you've seenfrom what you're gonna get during his
career. He's gonna be a twotwenty two thirty guy his entire career.
He's gonna be high strikeouts, He'llput a ball over the wall. I
get all of that, But you'renot gonna be getting a two sixty two
seventy guy. No, And ifhe was, he'd be extended by now,
you know, if in order forthem to probably get some of these
bigger names at the trade deadline.If they attack it that way, they're
gonna have to give up major leaguetalent. And I think Chaz is gonna
be one of the guys that goeswell. And I know people are gonna
be calling about Jake Myers, whichthey're not gonna get rid of him,
but people are gonna want Jake Myerswell the deal, especially too from what
he's given you this year with theconsistency with the bat, you know what
you get. I mean, howmany times you listen in the games this
year and you hear a ball hithard off the bat Robert Ford and Myers
tracks it down. I mean howmany runs he's saved you out in the
outfield. I get all of that, but I mean it's it's also too
competitive. Balance tax fits in aswell. You just can't be reckless with
this thing because oh, by theway, you still need to be able
to build up that farm system asbest as you can. You can't leave
that just completely barren because when youdo, and you've seen what it looks
like around here. When that's thecase, Yeah, and let's get to
break we'll talk about that farm systembecause I think Dana Brown has done a
really good job with his draft picksover the last year, so Bryce Matthews
being one of them. I wantto hit on that because those names are
already starting to come up in traderumors, and would we be okay with
parting ways with some of those topprospects. We'll discuss the next right here
on Sports Talk seven to eighty.The Jean Salisbury Show continues the NBA The
Rockets next segment at eight o'clock.We've talked to Astros this entire first two
hours as they lose yesterday. Wetalked about a couple of moves that they
could make needed to add to thepitching staff. I think one thing that
needs to also be said, Isaid it a couple of weeks weeks ago
on this program, is that sofar, the prospects that Dana Brown is
drafted, like Bryce Matthews already elevatedto double A. I mean a couple
of those other guys. Jake Blossone of them, he skipped Triple A,
came up, made his debut,obviously having some arm issues, a
little bit of health problems, butfor the most part, those guys have
pitched well or excuse me, haveperformed well, and they're already being rumored
in trade scenarios. I saw ahorrible trade scenario yesterday basically where excuse me,
blue Ball Bloss and Bryce Matthews allbeing shipped out for the Astros to
acquire Kevin Kiermeyer and Vlad Guerrero Juniorfrom the Blue Jays. I'm just like,
dude, no way, you can'tdeplete your farm system even more.
Well, it's not only you can'tdeplete the farm system even more, it's
also too I mean, I haveno use for Kevin Kiermeyer. I've got
center field already covered. Even ifyou know there's a Chas McCormick in there,
or if there's God forbid Jake Myers, which I don't see that one,
but that's a salary move for them. The Astros not position to take
on sal remove. But no,I mean that's that's one of those two
as well. Of whatever farm systemyou have, those guys are a huge
part of it right now, twoof them, maybe not all of them.
I can't do all of them.You're giving me that, then I
have to start looking at other optionsfor first base. It's a lot of
a lot of some of your bestprospects to be shipped out. I'm not
doing it well. I mean,you only have a handful right now.
Where the Astros at one time,I mean they were dealing with fifteen twenty
guys that's hey, there's this guy. Oh yeah, Hey, by the
way, there's this guy. Hey, I haven't told you about that guy
over there? Yeah. I mean, you know, you just you don't
have those days right now. I'mlook, that's the part of being good.
I mean, soon enough you startto say, all right, our
focus doesn't need to be on thoseteams. It needs to be on the
team. And that's where they've beenthese last few years. And you know,
as you fall down in the draftyou might miss on some guys.
In certain cases too as well.They didn't get some picks because of reasons
that we know, but you know, it's it's also you. You.
That's huge reason why Dana Brown ishere. Dana Brown's here to be able
to do that, to be ableto continue this thing and to be able
to find guys that you can developand maybe if the situation is right,
that you can be able to shipaway. So Bryce Matthews so far this
season is hitting three h five withan ops of almost one thousand. That's
between high A and double A.He's been the real deal. I mean,
there's there's zero to question about that. It's also though too as well,
of where does he fit because you'vegot your you've got your shortstop right
now, and if Jeremy Pania continuesplaying the way he is, we're talking
about sometime this offseason, maybe evenearly next season, extension for that guy.
Yeah. And you know another namethat people have asked us about time
and time again, it's petro Leone, like, what are they gonna do
with him? At what point doyou bring him up? Or what point
do you what are you gonna dowith petro Leone? He's sitting two ninety
four with an ops of over ninehundred as well. Well, I mean,
I'm glad you brought him up inthe guy team Balms that just got
named the upper level the Minor Leagueplayer the Month for the month of June,
Shay Whitcombe. I mean you don'tseemingly have a spot for him either.
I mean, is that somebody elsethat's the apple of the eye of
another team, Because that's the otherpart of it as well, There's a
couple of different things to think aboutwhen you talk about trading certain guys away.
Number one, what does he looklike in their jersey as opposed to
ours? But the other one aswell, Hey, why do you want
that guy so badly? Right?Like? The Rays have been that team
for so many years? Hey,you're asking about that guy? Why are
you asking about him? I wonderwhat they're gonna do with pedro Leone because
where does he fit on this clubright now? But yet he's hitting extremely
well on Triple A in the outfield. You don't have a spot for now.
You don't because I mean, you'vegot five guys that you feel good
about being able to play at thismoment, excluding Trey Cabage, excluding Cooper
Hummel, who you just sent backto Triple A spring up, Craig Cassenger,
who isn't going to sniff the field, he's just making big league chefs
checks, chilling on the bench.Good for him, No, I mean,
look, it's good work if youcan get it. But I mean
I would think this time that ifyou're bringing him back, then the thought
is, and you know they're talkingabout it a little bit last night on
the radio, broadcast the You know, the thought is that even for a
guy like Mauricio Dubon, who hasbeen an everyday guy as a utility man,
and you want to be able totry to get him some time off.
I mean, he was off lastnight, so he'll probably be back
in the lineup again the day.But I mean, you got an off
day the other day for Alex Bregman. I mean, you'd like to get
you know, Jeremy Pania out ifyou can. And I said Bregman,
I meant Altuve. But you knowwhat I mean. Here, you got
the trade deadline twenty seven days awayon July thirtieth. It's gonna be a
fun day around here. There's nodoubt it's probably gonna be one of the
funner ones we've had. Okay,so it's going to be all right.
Maybe it's not gonna be the hugenames, because that's the other part of
it as well. You know,everybody wants Flag Guerrero Junior, everybody wants
Pete Alonzo, although it doesn't soundlike the Mets are going to be making
that happen, though would be theirbest interest to do so. But my
guess is is it's gonna be Hey, the Astros a Maya trade. Who
is that guy? Hey, theAstros a Maya trade. Eh, you
know, maybe it'll work out.I think that's the type of trades that
you're looking at when it comes tothe trade deadline. CBS Sports put out
an article yesterday in regards to thetwenty twenty four Major League Baseball trade deadline?
Do you know who the number oneteam is? They have listed as
a team that has to make amove, The Astros. It's the Astros,
of course, an Astros. Sowe'll have to see twenty seven days
away from the trade deadline. Taketake that, Joel Sherman, you rat
bastard root for the Astros so theYankees can get them. See, I
knew that was coming as soon astwenty twenty happened, and everybody, Oh,
I'm gonna boo these guys every singletime. And I wrote to every
single one, Yeah, you're gonnaboom until you want them on your team.
Yeah, of course, Joels nearmind I digress from Joel Sherman.
All right, let's get into theeight o'clock at let's look at the NBA.
Reed Shepherd officially announced and introduced forthe Houston Rockets. Also tons and
tons of movement on the free agentmarket. Lebron James could the Rockets make
a move in a free agy Wediscuss it next as we roll along right
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ADM E Houston ADHD two Houston NheartRadio Station, the exclusive audio home of
NBC's coverage of the twenty twenty fourParis Olympics. This is Sports Talk seven
ninety The Astros, si Astros,the Rockets, Rockets, asking all your
home for your home team driven bythat classic elite to view at GMC Studios
for the elite car buying experience.Salisbury. Okay, let's do this,
Sewn Salisbury usc Truth, longtime friendShawn Salisbury, Bryan Lima, go Lobos.
This is the Sean Salisbury Show.You had a Gordy and Ross over
there with Reed Shepherd being introduced.I saw some, you know, a
couple of quotes. I haven't heardthe audio. I know we got it
right here that we're gonna listen to. But one of the things that I
did see you you hit on itearlier is his parents said, don't be
soft. Don't be soft. Imean, dad was a legend at the
University of at Kentucky and mom too. I mean that's the only part of
it as well, is they bothcan tell you, hey, we we
know what good basketball looks like.What you played today, that ain't it.
Yeah, imagine those car rides home. I bet they were fun.
Well, I mean especially to whereyou know you're not getting the the dad
who you know, had some pentup frustration because the high school coach didn't
like him. That's why you didn'tplay. We all know that guy.
They're they're they're all out there,and you probably, even in your coaching
experience, have that guy out there. You know. Hey, you know,
Junior, you're a hit three fifty. Well you did okay? Well,
then I guess the coach didn't wantto keep his job because that's that's
why he kept you off the field. Yeah, exactly. Uh, let's
get out to the phone lines realquick. Seven one three two one two
five seven ninety Anthony, thanks forholding. Good morning, Hey, good
morning guys. Hey. I knowI'm a little late on the Astros trade
talks, but I don't know ify'all think the Cubs will be sellers.
But I just wanted to know whaty'all thought about Michael Bush. Are you
Anthony, Anthony the one? Areyou the one that just tweeted me?
Yes? Okay, I was,you know what, I was crazy.
I was literally in the middle ofmy response. I'm glad you brought him
up. Now. I don't needto cut you off, but I already
have everything fired up ready here toanswer your question. So it's under the
radar, sneaky, no one's reallytalking about it. He's only making seven
hundred and forty one thousand dollars thisyear. He's under team control until twenty
twenty seven. Uh, maybe evenfurther than that if if any young.
And he's young, he's twenty sixyears old. He was a first round
draft pick. H he hasn't beenin the league very long, and he's
hitting what, let's see a roundtwo fifty two sixty YEP with ops of
over eight hundred under the radar.Man, Actually, I'm sorry, he's
let's see. Yeah. He madehis major league debut April twenty fifth of
twenty twenty three, played at NorthCarolina, so he's been in the league
what a little over a year.I wouldn't mind it. I don't know
if the Cubs are going to besellers. That'd be sneaky, sneaky trade
though. And I don't think wewould have to unload the farm system to
grab him. I don't think soeither. And the best thing about it
is you have team control with him, which Dana Brown has talked about.
They're not going after renotals this year. He's a FRA. I think it
would be and I think it wouldbe a defensive upgrade as well. At
first base. I know John Singletonplays solid defense, but I just think
Michael Bush would be, you know, all around, one of the better
moves at first base the Astros couldmake. But I appreciate I'll take it
my call, guys, Thanks Anthony. Another thing about Michael Bush, he's
a left handed bat and he's nota free agent until twenty thirty, so
he's arbitration of eligible in twenty twentyseven. Now that's what you love,
and especially too, I mean,cheap young. That's something that this team
definitely could use, especially as youkind of get to the next phase of
you know where this organization is andyou know where they're headed, and you
know, I think that really thething that's the crux of all of this
is if you're going to overtake theMariners, if you're going to make a
deep run in the postseason, yourfirst base situation as currently is, it's
not it. I mean, JohnSingleton's been a nice story, he's been
fun Mauricio Dubon here and there,but that's not a long term solution.
I'm glad you brought up John Singleton. We've got to stop calling him singing.
I have not heard a lot ofpeople doing that one on Twitter.
I've thrown out one ton, Butyou said you did singing one time?
Did I do sing you did?Yeah? Me and me and Sean were
giving you hell on the show yesterday. Yeah, that's that's that's a problemment.
And so I told them I madea promise to my guys that I
would ask you about it. Allright, sing gotta go? That might
be one of the worst. Well, I mean, you know, not
everybody bats a thousand on Twitter.Lord knows that I'm bad, like to
ten. If that's the case,I was gonna say. I mean,
you know, my old ps isgood though, you know, with my
with my quote tweets and my likesand all those your quote tweets are I've
asked you about that. Your oldtweets are outrage I mean outrageous, the
the amount of them. Well,it's also too, I mean, they
did the work. I can justadd on to it and if I want.
It's kind of like, you know, a real life version of singing
withipedia. Look, you know,sometimes sometimes you take a and it doesn't
work. I mean you feel itin basketball where it comes off the hand
and you're like, yep, that'sall off. All right, I went
ahead, and you'll so I'll goahead and you'll off okay, yeah,
off, I'm yelling off. Yeah, I've seen a couple other people,
not just you. And that's whatI did say. I was like,
I you know, I've seen otherpeople do it. But I said,
Sean, I said our god,Dan Matthews singing, he said what I
said, yeah, man bruh singing. Well, I can only imagine what
what Sean would be. Uh,it would be giving me as well.
And and look, you know,when when you do wrong, you gotta
you get back into the film room. Were study tape. We're all in
the past three here, we're inthe nest. You know, some of
us go to certain chain restaurants.Uh, and and and you know,
one wonder about certain servers. Andthen you have you have your your wife
looking at you being like, whatthe hell's he even talking about Frank Frank
the tank man. He just hehe was on he was on the wrong
path from the beginning. It waswith his lady. Yeah, there's no
question about it. TRIPLI. You'reare Residence Streets Insider. As you know,
are the kids saying singing for JohnSingleton. I've never heard that name.
Never heard Okay, so you've heardit. Now, what's your what
do you what do you take on? I'll put biscuit on hold. Dorky,
we should never use that nickname ever. You heard it here first?
He look. I mean it's itis a point in life that you have
to realize that, you know,not everything is going to be a hit,
and sometimes the flops are not asgood as making a hit. So
in this case, right here,the flop was bad. I even heard
at one point last night during thebroadcast they were talking about somebody in the
dugout was talking to Kyle Tucker,and t K said, all talking to
Tuck in there, and then allthe blummer said, oh yeah, King
Tuck doesn't wear his crown in thedugout. I mean, we're just full
of nicknames. That's the thing withbaseball, too, is I mean,
you don't not just here, butall around the league. I would say
baseball and hockey are ones that youknow, it's basically a bunch of basic
white dudes get around and oh hey, you know that's uh you know,
I don't know, uh Lima oryou know whatever, you know whatever they
go last name Lima. That's thething. You know, everybody, even
you know it's one of those Ididn't even know that was his first name
exactly. Like that's that's why Idon't get it now. Yeah, yeah,
I get it now, Like peopleare like, oh, wait,
Brian's his first name. It's notLima. I thought Lima was his first
name. No, no, no, it's not Lima Lo Lima like that.
No, that's not the fun ofradio. I mean, you know,
for days like today, when you'reon multiple shows and people, oh,
hey, you know, you neverstop working. I actually joked to
the guy once, I said,because I'm not even real, I'm artificial
intelligence. A lot of people,uh don't even know Emmanuel's first name.
They just call him triple E.Well, I mean that's and we talked
about this last week too, Seanthat you know, somebody had asked me
once is it triple E or isit triple E like the place triple E?
What that's the difference, triple Eor triple like e ee or the
actual place trip what's that? Butit's it's that. Yeah, it's it's
an actual city, is it.Yeah? Yeah, geography I think I
think it is it in Libya,So it's somewhere there in the Mediterranean and
it's and it's also in the MarineCorps song, Oh Triple Liberty Libya.
Yeah, from the halls of Montezumato the shores of Tripoli. Huh check
that out. So there you go, simperfi the Marine's Yeah, you also
have a triple libra in case you'rereferring to the sun, moon and rising
sign all in you want to godown there. Now you're getting to a
place. I mean with astrology andall those things that the moon, you
know, the planets are aligned,the energy is good. I own none
of those things. Don't. Don't. Don't insult the energy community. No,
I I don't. This is notan insult. It is just a
I I just don't understand it.It's kind of like me and my buddy
once we're talking about the supernatural.He brought up a great point and he
goes, why test it? Whatdon't test? What's to be gained?
Nothing? You know? I mean, that's that's the thing. Supernatural is
a real thing to me. Youdon't you don't mess with it. Trust
me. The fiance, she she'sin all those different types of things.
She tried to get me to goto a seance once and I said,
no, I'm not doing it.Do y'all sage? No, yes,
we have before. Yes, Ibelieve in the sage. Say the sage
doesn't work. Absolutely, yes,we we have saged. But you know,
aside from that, it's one ofthose things that you know, hey,
spirits and all those. Yeah,I'm yeah, I don't. Don't
do it when we're just not withsinging. All right, I get it,
I get it. I mean,you know it's I think I had
heard it from somewhere and I justit was more or less. This is
a lesson for everybody out there.Don't don't go along with the crowd.
Yeah, but shoot or shoot man, you know what. Sometimes take a
shot, you miss. But Iwant to take my own shot, right,
That's the thing. If if I'mgoing down, I'm going down with
my own coordinates on the ship,not with somebody else, right, not
with somebody told me, hey youshould go that way. But I heard
there's icebergs. No, it's okay, it's all good. You know,
as we get to there was somebodyon that ship that said, you know,
maybe we should No, no,no, no, no, it's
fine, it's fine. You everheard it, You ever heard of the
conspiracy theory with the Titanic I have. I watched it last night for the
first time. You want to talk. JP Morgan owned the Titanic, but
he also had the Olympic. TheOlympic is what's sank not the Titanic.
I've I've followed JP Morgan's rivals onI see that's the thing. You check
that out. And the problem it'skind of weird. And the problem is
too, is you know, wheneveryou do morning radio. I've talked to
Triple about this before as well,about you got to get into a routine.
But then the problem is is Isee something like on my feed and
then I start going down the rabbithole. You go down the rabbit hole.
That's the problem, man, rightbefore going to bed exactly, just
kind of like, oh man,I can't stop reading, dude, I
gotta read more. I usually getin bed in the evenings around eight thirty
and next thing you know, I'mdown a rabbit hole on TikTok and it's
like nine to forty five. Whatin the hell. I always love that
with people, Now, what thehell? Oh oh, conspiracy theories they're
weird, all all these different typesof things. Yeah, but then you're
hooked. Then then it's even weirderwhen they become true COVID. The shutdown
ruined us. Yep, you knowwhat I mean, like I would have
Oh hell yeah, everybody is wedo you know how many rabbit holes I've
gone down since the shutdown? Notonly four years ago, buddy, I
mean, you know, if youthought the Tiger King was the one who
wasn't gonna fuck, wasn't gonna recoverfinancially from this, you know, there's
there's certain other things that you canlearn about too. All right, let's
get back to uh sports, We'regonna talk about Reed Shepherd and the Houston
Rockets. Also, we'll take yourcall seven one, three, two two
five seven. That's next on SportsTalk seven eighty. The Shawn Salisbury Show
continues the no no, Now youknow, anybody after us, I'm not
hearing it. I especially so youcan say the last two and a half
three weeks country club around here,Thomas Off getting to having half shows,
you and the eight, you andthe Adam and Adam having half shows.
You know. Meanwhile, me SeanTripoli and even Gordian uh stand just grinders.
Absolutely, guys are cadillacing down.The guys are the blue guys,
but it's also though too as well. Guys. Hey, look, look,
you know it's it's at the sametime, I mean it's kind of
the what role, what role areyou being asked to play the game?
I get that, you know,Hey, I only need you for this
many innings. Okay, Hey,that's that's what you need. That's what
I'll give you know, but justjust two and a half weeks of just
Cadillac. I know, what doyou all even do during that time?
And that's the thing to naps?Well, I mean you would love to,
but then the problem is, hey, we need to do this.
Hey we need to do that.Hey there's laundry. It's building up,
you know, that's that's that's allall your home. Yeah, that that
that starts to build up, Likelike yesterday, for example, we got
the TV's mountain. That was nice. That's a big that's a big man.
Absolutely, But you know, atthe end of the day, I
think we're just jealous. Well,I mean, look, look, I
just I I come from the standpointof if I'm going to go after the
low hanging fruit, I pass Ibest make sure that my trees are completely
prune. Yeah, exactly when itcomes to that, because it comes back
at you. Then you've got tohave a lob back. And I'm just
saying that that Matt Thomas's lob game. It's a little weak, now,
is it off? It's it's yeah, get that figured out, Matty,
Matty ball game. Got to getthat figured out. Uh So, Yeah,
I'll be joining you guys today fromthree to five thirty, I believe
will be over at Gallery Furniture.That's correct. Yeah, I can't wait
to do that. I'll be onwith Adam Klan and Dan Matthews on the
eight Team seven one, three,two two five seven ninety Biscuit, thanks
for holding good morning, hey man, top of it morning, my brothers.
What's going on? But man,I talked about my rockets. Man,
it's crazy to you're talking about nicknamesand uh, I think Lilima you
was out. But I went backfor my forty year high schoo reunion and
the topic came up. How didI even come up with the nickname of
Biscuit? You know? And oneguy kind of tried to take credit for
it, But I had a nicknamewhere I mean, those people didn't even
didn't even you know, how yougo to the reunion and they had the
name tags already printed out. There'sa lot of people didn't even know my
real name. You know, eccknew means biscuit. Even the teachers when
I raised my head, they biscuit, you know, the principal Ever,
so everybody you know, so nicknamessometimes stick man, you know, that's
one of those things. And that'swhere my nickname, I guess old forty
fifty years that nickname of biscuit.But anyway, man, let me the
rockets, and I'm gonna ask youguys, question man, because I'm looking
at the roster. You got AaronHolliday, Van Fleet, Jalen Green,
Shepherd, went More Day, ShaunTate, Eason, Amon Thompson. Where
the minutes is gonna come from?Sheppard? Who is he gonna play in
fry? It's a bunch and littleguys. There's got to be a trade
in them in coming up. Becauseyou're gonna put him in front of win
More, I don't think so.You're gonna put him from the amen to
I don't think so. Definitely infront of Green and Van Fleet, and
then you got he's sending where arethe minute is gonna come for the shooters?
Good point, I don't. Idon't know where it's gonna come,
to be honest with you. Well, I mean, and that's that's that's
why the G league question was comingup yesterday. I mean, you're thinking
to yourself, lottery pick, Gleague, Come on, what are we
doing here? But it's also tooI mean you're talking about a league that
plays small. I mean, youknow, the fives. They're nice to
have if you have them, butthey also need to be able to shoot
from the outside. You've got tobe able to have that part of your
game. And I mean you seesome of these teams that look at it
and say, hey, just getme shots from the outside. I mean
the guys five eleven, whatever heis, can he get open? Can
he be able to knock him down? And the Rockets sorely needed that.
Let me say this though, Iwas at a game last year, now
you guys talking about you. Ithink it was the Lakers game. Whitmore
came out three three, three pointrange. He was on fire. You
mess around and miss an assignment ondevas ends you heard the buzzer go off.
He didn't played the rest of thehalf. If you don't play defense,
I don't even know Whitney Doka ifShepard don't pick up his defense.
And I watched a lot of Kentuckygames this year because I'm a Midwest guy
in Kentucky played no defense none.That's why he got knocked out in the
first round. I don't know,man, I don't know if he's gonna
play much well. I mean Ithink that you know, the things that
you brought up are incredibly valid interms of how he fits in, but
also too, I mean, Ithink this is a Rockets team that you
know, rafel Stone, the firstthing he said after the season was,
we feel good about this crew.If we get Tarry Easton back, you
get another year of himn Thompson,you get Cam whitmore that you want to
build up that continuity. I getall of that. That's why you're seeing
a team that's not going headlong intoHey, let's own the free agency period
right here. Let's let let's go. Let's go spend a ton of money
that we don't need to spend forsomebody that doesn't necessarily make us better.
Does that set up for next year? Trade? Maybe even this year if
things aren't going well in Phoenix,that you finally say, if you're them
all right, Devin Booker, KevinDurant, somebody, it's just it's it's
it's not in our best interest tokeep this thing going. I mean,
I think that's kind of what itsets you up for. But I mean
it's also I mean, Biscuit,you're talking about a team that last year
you built up depth. You didn'thave depth last year, and you finally
did where you finally felt good abouteight to nine, ten guys that could
be able to give you meaningful minuteson the floor. So it's gonna be
hard to break into that. Butat the same time, though, too
is a team that didn't shoot thethree ball well, and this guy shoots
the three ball incredibly well. AjGriffin, somebody else you got. He
didn't get a ton of playing timein Atlanta for a team that that's what
they're predicated on. So that somethingyou got to build this thing up to.
Like you say, man, it'sgonna be interested. I like the
Rockets, if I predicted last yearthey would have plus fifteen and then I
think they end up being like plusseventeen. I think this year, if
they get a plus seven, they'dbe a playoff team. And it's and
it's doable with just the team theygot because of the continuity with the coach.
So I don't I don't know,we'll see how many. I guarantee
you separate ain't gonna play more thanten minutes a game. Well, I
mean it's gonna be one of thosethat the burden of proofs on him,
no doubt about. Appreciate the call, buddy. As we continue to roll
along here on the uh Shawn SalisburyShow, SAMs Sean I wear value for
the Shawn Salisbury Show continued. Justa good ball club? Are they still?
Did they stay D three? Youknow a lot of that conference,
So Soul Ross is officially D twonow now yeah, there's the Star Conference
D three. They find only gotlights over there field, Yeah yeah,
cat Isbell right, yeah yeah yeah. I mean that's that's the thing too,
is. I was listening to alittle bit of Texas Country this morning.
It took me back, man,because I mean, as you remember
it as well, you'd have theFriday single game, nine innings, you
get the seven inning double headed onon Saturday, So Sunday was wide open,
so you finished early enough and thelight was enough and the water was
warm enough, you could maybe getover to the Komal get it, get
a float in. Yeah we didn'thave that, or even a Sunday float
right there. Yeah, we didn'thave that. No it. It was
a ton of fun man right there, although I mean our our go to
as well. And I'm sure youknow some of the Texas State people out
there will remember Don's fish camp rightthere on the San Marcos River. Old
man Don wearing his measuring tape suspendersright there. That you rent your tubes
from them, must be nice.We didn't have that. Man, Go
put in at the small little bridgeright there, and then finish up at
Don's, crush a few beers andgo find a pizza buffet or something somewhere.
Know what we did on Sundays forSunday Funday? What especially if we
swept like we swept he o youmy sophomore year at Soul Roster, I
remember that. Yeah. Yeah,we kicked y'all's ass and we partied our
ass off Saturday night and then onSunday Funday, loaded up a couple of
tarps in a couple of pickup trucksand made us, made us a couple
of pools. I like it themost redneck thing ever. No, you
put tarps in the bed of apickup truck, which at the end you
and then you fill it up withwater, and everybody just kind of hangs
out there. At the time,it seems like it's a great idea,
but you know, you soon cometo realize afterwards that you know, it's
it's one of those that that youmove on from. Look, hey,
you know it's one of those thingsthat it's only a lie if you if
you don't believe it right. Andthe other part of it as well,
is as time goes along, thestory will change. But what do I
care. I have no pride,I have no scruples. You think Singing
likes it? I think he probablywould. I mean, look, you
know it's it's something that you sayit enough, it sticks. I mean
no, no, think you betternot stay. We talked with Biscuit about
you know the nicknames out there,and you know the huge key, you
know, the huge key with nicknamesis you never show up and say,
hey, start calling me this.Yeah, no, you start doing that.
You're you're you're you're waiting in adangerous territory there, right, But
it's one of those that it organicallystarts and then somebody else calls you it,
and then somebody else does, andthen that's where it goes from there.
That's the best way. Organic isalways the best way. Speaking of
nicknames, this guy's nickname is notBronnie. His real name is Bronnie.
He's gonna be playing with his dad. He spoke to the media yesterday,
was officially introduced. And oh,by the way, lebron his father played
or excuse me, signed a twoyear, one hundred and four million dollars
MAX deal this morning. Good forhim. So there's fifty two mil a
year. But Bronnie James set someinteresting things. Did you see his comments?
Oh? I did? I meanyou want to talk about you know
here, here's another life rule foryou. Don't insult people's intelligence. He
doesn't know any better. I willsay that. I mean, the people
who should know better are the oneswho don't. And the number one is
his dad. And his dad knowswhat it takes to be a really good
ball player in this league. Anda huge part of that is it's his
own talent. It's his own athleticism, everything that he's got that his son,
frankly just doesn't have. But it'salso to at the same time,
wouldn't you think that his dad knowswhat a good NBA player looks like and
tells him, you're not ready.No, I mean, no more time.
You still need more development. Heknows that, but no, you're
not ready for this. He's notgoing to say that to his son.
Yeah, because his own ego isstarting to comment four point eight points a
game at USC. I think heplayed like just barely a couple of minutes
a game. And I understand hehad the health issues all of that,
but I would think though, too, that's even more of a reason.
I mean, let's let's take anotheryou know of famous kids examples out there,
Peyton Manning when he was coming outand people were wondering, all right,
that's gonna be it for him atTennessee and then he goes to the
podium and says, no, I'mcoming back. Yeah. People are like,
why why would you do that?And numerous times all throughout that Dad,
what should I do? It's yourdecision. You make that choice,
And I mean that's a lot oftrust, but it's also too. I
mean it's probably trusting. How didI raise my son? I raised him
to kind of get to a point, and you're gonna have to make a
decision, good or bad. It'sgoing to be what you decide is best
for your course. And then youknow you can come back, you know,
after that and say, all right, you know, maybe maybe that
was the wrong course of action orwhatever it might be. You step in
where you need to. But it'stoo at the same time, I mean,
he had enough trust to say,all right, if he decides to
go pro now, then it's probablystill a good decision for me. If
he decides to go back, stilla good decision for him. Yeah,
right, exactly. So Bronni andJames yesterday introduced to the media over in
LA. He was asked if Lebronstill being an active player had anything to
do with him entering the twenty twentyfour draft. And this is Broni's answer
to that question. You played onehere at usc and joined the team,
you know, after the season alreadybegan. What about the timing to come
into this year's draft compelled you tomake that decision? And then how much
of the consideration was while my fatheris still an active player for me.
You know, I always try toput that narrative of me trying to get
my name out myself, but justcoming in and trying to get better.
You know, Robb has told methat there's a great development system here,
so I just want to come inand get my work in and get better
every day. But I never reallyhad a thought of, you know,
me going to play with my dad. But that's always you know, there
to you know, take part of. But it wasn't the main focus of
Monita. Yeah, okay, heis his daddy's son for real, What
do you mean by that? Justlike labor elaborators like him were lying a
bit lyon the way they talk.That is the spinning image of Lebron jayme
the intellectual, dishonest come on,like, come on, man, you
mean to tell me? And hesaid the development part of it, Why
couldn't you just stay in college anotheryear in developed that way and maybe play
more than four you know, maybeaverage more than four points a game.
Well here's what somebody else would say. They would say, Well his coach
left, all right, Well fine, well, transfer portal is a real
thing. Transfer portal is a realthing. Eric Musselman is there, and
last I checked, I think thatguy knows how to develop talent for the
NBA level because he coached on theNBA level. I mean, I just
I look at it as a standpointof you were told this when you were
younger, Tripoli, you were toldthis as well. Don't be afraid to
grow up at your normal pace.Don't don't grow up too fast, is
what they tell you. And alot of us when we're young, we
hear that and we're kind of like, oh, whatever, you know,
fine, you know this is justsome crogy old person trying to tell me
things. And you realize it afew years later and you're like, you
know, being young is pretty cool, like being in college being the guy
is pretty awesome. Yeah, andyeah, I mean, do you want
to be in college and be theguy or do you want to play in
El Segundo? Because I gotta tellyou, get ready to live in El
Segundo this year, buddy, becausethat's where you're gonna be for the lion's
share of this season. Because ifhe's on an NBA floor, you're basically
telling me one guy runs this team. It's not JJ Reddick, it's not
Rob Polinka. It's not any ofthose other people. It's Lebron James running
this team. And I mean imaginethat for any of the other guys on
that team, you know, JaredVanderbilt, any any of those guys that
are on that roster and all right, Bronni, you're in. Has he
earned it? No? I meanthat's that's the part of it as well,
is that you're gonna have guys onthat team that want to try to
break into that rotation. All right, Bronni, you're you're in on this
one. Oh he is. Ohthat's cool, that's awesome. I wish
my dad wore number twenty three,he said, I never really had a
thought about me going to play withmy dad. They've been talking about this
for years. Yes, see rightwhen when when when Bron's you know,
reading his books that he doesn't read. See, I think it was like
one of them, a Malcolm Xbook that he had, like it turned
to the very last page in frontof the media, like come on,
man, you're not reading that book. Yeah, like say, he might
as well have it upside down,like reading that book. Literally when he
got to where do you go toHigh School? Sierra Canyon right, Bronny
did right. So when he wentto Sierra Canyon, they had already started
to talk about him as an NBAplayer, and lebron said it that he
wanted his dream was to play withhis son. They have talked about this
for years and years and years,so Bronni said, I never really had
a thought about me going to playwith my dad. BS. Well,
you're so full of it, bro, I'll give you a good one here
is I mean, we're imperfect people. People are imperfect. That's that's the
way it is. But I remembera few years ago there was a player
at Georgia who had released a rapsingle. So we tried to ask him
about it, and then he triesto, Oh, but I'm all about
football right now. Then the followup was, well, then why did
you release it right now? Imean, like we're trying to help you
here, Bud like that. That'sthe part that always cracks me up is
whenever the narrative is not controllable bypeople, then they want to say,
oh, it's it's it's everybody elsemaking this a huge deal. No,
you're the one that crafted it.You're the one that created it. So
if you're going to be the onepushing it out there. Then hell,
man, get behind it. Imean, Lebron should be the one saying,
yeah, I wanted my son toplay here. Absolutely, I want
to play with them, I think. At that point, then everybody just
says, all right, hey,you're confirming what we already knew, but
we at least appreciate your honesty ofowning up to it. Yeah, appreciate
the transparency, you know. Butbut instead, now this is what we're
talking about. It makes me feelstupid because you yourself sounding stupid. You're
the one that's putting yourself out theredoing this when you know deep down it's
not the right move for him,for you, for anybody. He never
thought about it though, man,right, yeah, he never thought about
it. And I never thought aboutmaking a million dollars man, either.
I don't do it for the money. Man. Is that how it goes?
Now? Is it just? Ijust want everybody to have, you
know what, ever wanted to beincredibly wealthy, never want to and they
say never ever, say never ever. No, It's funny how that works.
He didn't talk about it, man, he didn't. They didn't think
about it. Well, I mighthave to stop and get me a ticket
on the way home. Did no, did you? I don't know.
I hope not. You want toyou want to ask the spirits? Maybe
we do need to ask the sentenceout there. What what do you got
for me? You know? Hedidn't think about it though. Man,
Well credit to him because other peopleobviously were scooting his dad. Yeah,
and he's gonna get playing time inthe NBA. It's that's always my favorite
too. It's it's the same thoughtprocess of this is, I don't want
to talk to the media, youknow. I I just I just want
to I just want to be Ijust want to be about the game.
You play professional sports. That's nothow this works exactly, Like you're gonna
have to talk to me. It'spart of the job. But it's not.
It's not only that, it's alsotoo you want all the notoriety,
everything that goes with it, thenyou got to play a part of the
game that goes with it. Buthey, he did think about it at
all. The pr staff failed.Yeah. A lot of money being thrown
around the NBA right now with freeagency Lebron the latest two year, one
hundred and four million dollar Max contract. What are the rockets going to do
in free agency. Let's talk abouta next that's poor Stock seven ninety.
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Advisor paid advertisement war Sean Salisbury onSports Talk seven ninety where Astros and Rockets
play and Real Texans Talk for sevenone three two point two five seven ninety
the number to join. We're talkingabout Bronnie James uh saying that he didn't
think about playing with his dad whenhe entered the NBA draft. Salctor Chris,
he has got some thoughts on BronnieJames. Chris, welcome in.
Yeah, good morning, Brian Dan. You're my favorite fill in host.
Thanks by Hey listen. I yeah, I agree with your believe what he
said. I don't believe a singleword that came out of Bronnie's mouth.
I mean, it was a lotof you know, just a lot of
gibberish, to be honest, Uh, a lot of stuff that they've told
him to say. This storyline hasbeen out for a very long time with
Lebron playing with his son. Youknow, you guys could probably go back
and talk about some of the famousfather son combos that have played on the
same field at the same time.But I mean, embrace the story,
you know, embrace it. Whyrun from it? I just don't.
I don't understand it. And Iknow he had that heart condition, and
it was pretty scary there for awhile. They were even talking about him
having to, you know, mayberetire from playing basketball, and now he's
going to try to play in theNBA. I'm old enough to remember what
happened to Hank Gathers, you know, and I would just hate to see
that happen to Bronny. And andif it does, you know, Lebron
has a lie to blame for forsomething, if something, you know,
God forbids. I'm like that happens, and I just I don't see why
they need to run from it.Just embrace the story, you know,
don't lie about it. That's allI got. Thank you, Chris,
appreciate having nice for the July holiday. Yeah, that's the whole thing I
think for for us is just embraceit, man, Like, just yeah,
I wanted to play with my dad, facts my dad, Lebron James.
Yeah, but you get the point. Yeah, my dad's arguably the
greatest of all time, at leasttop two. Come on, well,
yeah, I want to play withmy dad. It's not that hard,
man. And look, it's notjust Lebron and Bronnie. It's also to
Lebron's handpick I mean the new headcoach of the Yeah, exactly, just
coincidentally now just became the head coachof the Lakers. Quote. We didn't
give Bronnie anything. Bronni has earnedthis through hard work. Well you did.
You drafted him, so you gavehim that chance. And that's the
part of it as well as Imean, it's boring four points a game
at USC is earning the draft pick. Well, what this is is it's
urinating and telling me that it's raining. Yeah, that's that's that's basically what
this is. Ye Like Sean alwayssays, don't pee in our face and
say that it's rained. It's it'sgas lighting to the highest order. And
the part of it as well isquestions are going to be asked and you
know, oh, hey, howare they? You know, how's Bronny
look all of these things? Andthen he's going to try to turn it
into kind of a grandstanding moment thereof oh, we've got other guys on
this team. It's not just aboutlebron it's not just about Bronnie. Well,
then why did you create the issuefor yourself? Like if you don't
want to deal with this, thenwhy did you draft him? That that's
exactly the point. So, Imean that's what just kind of cracks me
up about all of this is asa buddy of mine quote tweeted that quote
and said, all right, look, that's all fine and good. It's
nothing against a kid, but don'tinsult our intelligence. Like a buddy of
mine has a line. You canbe for something that's noble, but if
it's something that is something that needsto have a few more questions asked about
it, don't be a bleep inmark. Yeah, man, the whole
thing. Just embrace it. Embraceit. Yes, I wanted to play
with my father and simple as that. So it's over with. This team
is going to be under scrutiny thewhole entire scenes. You're the Lakers.
I mean that comes with the territoryif we play for certain organizations. But
two at the same time, Imean, you know, it's a situation
of you've got so many other rosterdeficiencies that you could and should have,
you know, tried to shore upto make yourself into a better roster,
and they just now are deciding,all right, we're gonna give all this
money to Lebron James because we can'tlose Lebron James, even though you weren't
really ever in danger of having thathappen. And on top of it as
well, I mean, you're justkind of kidding yourself of thinking, oh,
Lebron and Anthony Davis, this isa team that can run it back.
In the Western Conference. There's aboutnine or ten teams in front of
you that have something else to sayabout that that are better than you.
Real quick before we get into nineo'clock hour and we shift our attention back
to baseball as we have general managerDan Lebron coming up in nine thirty.
Are you surprised that Clay Thompson wentover to the Dallas Mavericks. No,
not at all. He fits rightin. I mean he's the guy that
likes to be on his high horseall the time, and he fits right
in with people in Dallas who thinkthey do nothing wrong, even though it's
a city full of people who wishthat they lived in New York, Chicago,
La, any other place and tryto act like there's such a high
and mighty place even though they fightso hard to really, you know,
try to go out of their wayof oh, hey, you know,
but oh I love La I loveNew York all of these other places,
like, we actually have an identityin this city. They they think they
have an identity, but they don't. Yeah. Plus they got a steroid
using bomb up there name a DoulasGarcia. I've heard that rumor too.
Yeah, you know, I'll pushthat as long as I can. There's
another guy on the Afternoon show whowho would be in an agreement with you
on that. That's that's the rumor. Yeah, you know, that's that's
that's where that goes from there.But I mean, you know, it's
it's it's a city full of peoplewho honestly, they lack the self awareness
to realize that you're just awharewith allwell, I mean there's nowherewithal because the
other part of it as well iseverybody, Oh, Dallas is so awesome.
Dallas is so great. What makesit so great? That's what I'm
kind of missing the point of here. Yeah. And also, I mean,
there's no no better joy than Itake in any Dallas team failing like
them choking in the NBA. FOII've already said it right now. The
Astros have an opportunity to Rangers suckRanger fans and I say Ranger fans loosely
because it's funny, you know.I see the Rangers insider or whatever,
guy that will chirp at dork.Yeah, that'll chirp at the Astros whenever
they lose for their final score graphic. Yeah. And I wrote them back
about a couple of weeks ago.I said, hey, I hadn't heard
from you in a while. Whereare you been, Bud? Yeah,
you know, losing seven in arow. Yeah, I've said that.
Next weekend, the Astros have anopportunity to tell Ranger fans, if there
are actually any of them out there, to say one, two, three,
oxtion ard because they're already starting tothink about that. But you have
a real chance to be able topush them to that point. Yeah,
Ranger. Rangers are thirty nine andforty six, seven games back at the
AO West. There are four andsix in the last ten. Let's get
back to the Houston Astros. Therewas a trade in Major League Baseball?
Does it affect the Astros? That'snext Houston ATVs E HD two, Houston
Whart Radio Station, the exclusive audiohome of NBC's coverage show. The twenty
twenty four Paris Olympics. How aboutthe masts A little rockets. This is
Sports Talk seven ninety your home foryour home teams, driven by that classic
elite to view at GMC Studios forthe elite car buying experience. Saulisbury old
by Shasbury Houston. Okay, let'sdo this, Seawan Salisbury, there to
usc true, longtime friend, ShawnSalisbury, Bryan l Lima, go Lobos.
This is the Sean Salisbury Show.Dana Brown, general manager, going
to join us. At nine thirtythis morning, Lebron James signed a two
year, one hundred and four milliondollar max deal. You know. Also
a little little further on Dallas fans. I haven't heard them. I haven't
heard them chart very much. Theyhaven't really uh really talked a lot well
lately, you know. I meanit's it's not only them, it's also
that loser who on Twitter goes bybeing a Pirates and Dodgers fan, which
I don't really understand the correlation there. Yeah, there's there's another guy that's
always in the mentions there after theAstros lose that likes to jump in.
Hey, look, you know whenwhen you're on top of the mountain.
Nick Saban Sudy. You become themountain and the astros of the mountains.
So other people want to climb themountain, and you know you're you're the
one that wants to make sure thatthey don't get to the peak of said
mountain. What mountain is that?Uh, it's Mount Strows. I guess
I don't know. I I probablyshould have put more thought into that one,
but I just went with it aslong as it's not Mount Singing.
No, it's not Mount Singing.No, we we we we will we
will not. We will not nameit that name. That does not name
it that name. And there wasa trade in Major League Baseball this morning.
Oh you want to hit the breakingnews sounder. No, probably not
speaking news. I'm just kidding.Don't. Don't there you go. We
don't need it three or four times. Like the Matt Thomas Show. They
do that, Yeah, they do, especially like if it's it's kind of
like the Defcom system that if itreally calls for it, they'll hit it
two or three times. This ishard hitting stuff right here. Oh monster,
I'm gripping. Yeah. Milwaukee Brewersacquiring right hander Aaron is this valley.
I think it's the Valley SA Valleyfrom the Tampa Bay Race for minor
league infielder Gregory Barrios. Well,I mean news like that comes out in
immediately, and immediately people start,well, where are you, Dana?
Come on, buddy, we needstarting pitching. Help Well, come on,
help us out here. Is thisthe domino that falls that starts the
uh trade? Fury? Well,I mean what I'm hoping for in about
twenty minutes is that Dana hops onwith us and says, hey, guys,
I hate to do this, butI gotta go. I gotta go.
Oh okay, And then if that'sthe case, yeah, okay.
I thought it was pretty funny.The other day, the vlat Guerrero Junior
was scratched from the lineup because ofhe got hit by like a ninety five
hour fastball by Garrett Cole, Andpeople were like, what he got scratched?
He was in the lineup already,they're playing the Astros. Is he
gonna swap dug out? He's like, no, he got hit by ninety
five min hour fastball on his fingersslowed down. It's always fun when those
things happened, because I mean,you know, players get pulled from a
minor league assignment or anything like that, and you're kind of wondering yourself,
all right, what's that about.Hopefully it's not an injury or ooh,
are they getting moved? Like youknow, it can go in a good
way or a bad way at themajor league level, because a bad way.
I mean, we saw it inthe early twenty tens. Hey,
Hunter Pence is coming out of thegame by Hunter Roy Oswald. He's been
pulled after four innings up. Well, see you Roy, you know carlos
Lee. Well, there wasn't somuch consternation with that one because once that
happened, then everybody was like,Okay, hey, finally we finally found
a sucker out there. And thesucker is named the Miami Marlins. Yeah,
they're not very good. Speaking ofMiami Marlins, Tim Anderson dfaid,
what about a fall from grace?Dude, somebody pull earlier. I mean,
and you went from a batting titleyes, to getting knocked out by
Jose Aramirez. His career has neverbeen the same. It hasn't been the
same since he compared himself to JackieRobinson. Well, there's been that too,
and that and that was also pointedout come on man so I mean,
you know, it sucks and it'sfunny too. You know, as
you know Astros fans were so excitedto see Jose A. Bray leave White
Sox fans. There are actually WhiteSox fans out there who are like,
bring him back, you know,haven't finished his career. And then you
had the rational ones say, dude, have you seen the way he looks?
No, that's that's not a goodidea. We're trying to get better,
We're not trying to stay worse.Could you imagine a lineup with jose
Bray, you and Martin Malden.The point was, oh, yeah,
that's right, we had that lastyear. What happened to these guys?
Yeah, because I mean the WhiteSox were coming up, I mean with
not only them, with they wonlike ninety seven games a couple of years
ago, and the Astro's knocked themout of the playoffs. You on Mancata,
I mean yeah, you had thatloudmouth Liam Hendrix saying that socks in
five and then the next day theAstros putting nineteen runs on him. Yeah.
Tough, tough look, especially forTapara out there, who probably have
you noticed that people that of theilk of tapara whenever they speak ill of
the Astros and go for the lowhanging fruit narrative out there of oh Orange
team bad, we're gonna make funof them, We're gonna talk, we're
gonna talk trash about them when it'sadvantageous for us. That it never in
the long run really works out.Well, Oh it sure doesn't. No,
it sure doesn't. What's the callto see it? Somebody from the
Mariners, one of the players that'llwalk off the other night, And the
first thing you did was mention theAstros. I forgot who wasn't. Since
that point, they've lost like fiveout of six. The Mountain's a real
thing, brother. Yeah, I'mtelling you it's not only that, it's
also too as well. Don't tellme that they're not starting to get squeaky
in that clubhouse up up in theNorthwest. Oh yeah, I mean,
you know they can't score runs.Well, a couple of weeks ago it
was looking like, all right,we're gonna run away with this thing,
and then all of a sudden,five and a half games now three.
I mean, for a team thatexactly they can't score runs, that's a
major issue. And you can talkabout going to get Luis Robert, you
can talk about getting all these otherguys, do you even necessarily have enough
to be able to get that going. I don't think the answer is yes.
They just they can't score. They'vegot really good pitching, but they
just cannot score. Meaning the Mariners. Well that's all right. I mean,
the guy who constantly looks like hejust bit into a lemon as their
uh made? What is that lookthat he has time, He's just always
got the same south. He pissesme off when he manages, especially when
he comes here to Houston. Well, I mean, look, he's a
former astro too, but he justpisses me off. He just he tries
to fire his team up in mostrandom ways. He thinks everybody's throwing at
them. He makes it personal likehe always he just he's a jackass.
Well, I mean, you know, far be it from me who he
was my first astros buddy as akid. But you know, Scott,
what happened to you, Bud?Yeah, I mean that's that's the question
that you have. But I meanit's it's just all at the same time
of Momentum is a real thing,and I understand some people don't buy into
it. But the Astros believe thatthey can win right now. The Mariners
are hoping they can win right now. There's a major difference. Yeah,
and then you got the Rangers.I don't know what the hell they're doing.
You know, you can have yourScott Doggy paddle, you can have
your Scott's staff, you can haveall your nicknames for l Bombie and all
these other guys out there. Butthe truth of the matter is you want
to make fun of the Astros.The Astros have done something you only wish
that you could do half of theyover these last seven years. The Rangers
World Series title last year. Isaid this a couple of weeks ago,
and Shawn and I discussed it willbe the biggest Fluke Championship in the entire
world. There's something about that stadiumthere, because I mean, the Dodgers
won their World Series in that stadium, and you know, oh, hey,
we're world champions. Yes, sixtygames, Yeah, yeah, that's
pretty awesome. But you know thenthe following year the Braves got you.
Oh the following year, Oh no, it's I just think the Phillies got
you. How about that? Thatsucks. The Diamondbacks. Oh no,
I just think with the with theRangers, it's just like the Nationals in
twenty nineteen. Right, Like theRangers really here in the last I don't
know decade, they're not really relevant, they haven't really been around meaning to
get into the playoffs. So themto just add of nowhere, spend half
a billion dollars or whatever it wason a couple of players, and what
look, they went and got BruceBochie, phenomenal manager, right led them
to the World Series last year.It was obviously their year. Ashals had
to win one game out of thefinal two here at home. Maybe not
right, they did not get thatdone. They go and win a World
Series and now there's seven The Rangersare seven games back of the Al West,
and I doubt they even make theplayoffs, even come close to making
the playoffs. And then so yougo from winning the World Series to nothing
like it's just going to be afluke, just like twenty nineteen. I
mean the Nationals in twenty nineteen.And that's the thing. I mean,
you know, teams chirping at otherteams. I mean you see it all
the time on the college level.I mean I talked about it last week
with Sean. I'm an LSU guy, and it cracks me up how A
and M fans want to come atLSU fans about, you know, not
getting out of the regional round allof that in college baseball. My response
was simple, I've seen ten men'smajor national titles in my entire lifetime,
and you say the answer is nothing. You can say nothing because most of
the people who are alive last timeA and M won a national title of
any consequence, they're incredibly old nowand they're the few and further between.
So it cracks me up whenever fanbases who have accomplished nothing want to do
that, and Ranger fans do thatto the Astros all the time. Dors
up there and it's and it's ontop of it too. It's like such
an inferiority complex of oh, wecare, we love our team. Hey,
when did the Cowboys play exactly exactly? And then you get I've told
you my circular calendar of Cowboy fandomthat this is right now. Hey,
you know, I'm excited about theseason. It's so fun. When a
few regular season games they get toDecember, they absolutely blow doors off.
Someone on Sunday Night football, andthen they lose to the Commanders or the
Giants or somebody, and then theygo into the playoffs and then oh hey
there's San Francisco. Oh no,there's a Green Bay Packers. It's it's
a tale as old as time.It just continues to repeat itself. And
speaking of the Dallas Cowboys, theygot some issues with Seed Lamb. Apparently
he's not going to report to trainingcampaign in new contracts. So got to
get that figured out as well.All in in twenty twenty four, we
heard it. I mean, looka Dallas Cowboy. Look look the head
coach. The head coach himself evenyou know, tried to say, oh
I'm not really that much of theold sales stuff, but to buy into
us. Wow, hey coach,I'm fired up. Let's go, let's
go get it. Let me runthrough a wall. All right, we'll
continue to talk about the Houston Astrosnext in Sportslock seven ninety Classic Elite Chevy
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is Sports Talk seven ninety Home upthe Rockets, Astros and the best line
up in Houston Sports. Now backto Sean Salisbury seven one three, two
on two five seven iey is thenumber to join. John Good morning,
Yeah man, you know Dan,look man, you know I'm still mad
about it last night. But I'mgonna tell you what I'm mostly mad about
it. Every time Joe Spot makessome mistake, these lame excuses he throw
out, he had to have askthose fans he really and solti intelligence when
they come to baseball. Now,we all know that the correct move last
night would have been to bring Dubonin there for that rookie Jola Pino that
is known to strike out a liveand to leave Salazar in there. But
he didn't trust Salazard. But Salazarhas been hit never since he came up
here. The guy looked like hebelonged. So let me understand you.
You you trust Cabbage more than youtrust Salazar, and you trust the Pino,
the rookie, more than you trustbringing Dubon in there. That you
know that that was hard one Thento say, well, I was hoping
that he uh, you know,he could get a hit a fastball.
Really, maybe Salazar can get apast ball. Ball, man, what
are you talking about? Mat makesno sense, bro, But look y'all
have a good one. Man.You know Salazar, you know he did
that the Saltazad a couple of weeksago, when Salazar had about three hits
and he substitute of Saladar. ThenI don't know if you guys are remember
that. But yeah, I havea good day, Okay. I appreciate
you, Paul Hey. And youknow the other proof is on Twitter and
I threw it out last night,Saysar Salazar. All he does is knocks
and runs, and it's it's true. I mean his name is Sasar and
he just drives and runs and hehas been and I mean if he'd kept
him in I would have been finewith it. The other part of it,
as well, is that manager ofa major league team is the same
as being the offensive coordinator. You'renever going to get the credit no matter
your best efforts. It's just notgoing to happen. It's only going to
be. And it's also too whatwe do as us in these chairs and
also sports fans just in general.We focus on the result. And the
results sucked because you got a strikeoutof low Berfido, who puts together really
good at bats and Trey Cabbage,which I understood the thought process behind it,
but I also too at the sametime, I'm with you. I
need a ball in play, SaysarSalasar has proven he puts the ball in
play and it might not always bea hit, but he's he's going to
give you an at bath that givesyou a chance to put the ball in
play. And I understand what Cabbagecould do, but I also understand what
he's also known for, and thereason why he's not been an everyday major
leaguer is because those strikeouts, they'rea lot lead off double from Pina.
Joe lib Braffito has to put thatball in play, has to get the
guy over. Joe Spotto was actuallyasked about pinch hitting for Sasar Salazar.
And this is Joe A. Spotta, both left. So, yeah,
I wanted I wanted a lefty thatmaybe he could get a pitch, you
know, one of those fastball anda run shot. All right, Okay,
so he wanted the home run.It was a quick response from his
email right there. That's that's whatThat's what Joe spot had decided. He
wanted the home run. That's kindof interesting. Yeah, it's the old
could be an email instead of ameeting. That's what he decided. But
no, I mean, and andthat's why he put him in is he
put him in there of thinking,all right, high power fastball right here,
this guy's got a powerful swing,puts a barrel on it. Then
we could really see some good thingshere. I get that. I also
too. I mean, at thesame time, if you want to play
matchups right there, then that knocksout Mauricio du Bonnet's right on right and
you don't feel comfortable going in thatsituation. That's fine too, but you
know it's also at the same time, I mean a guy that again,
you know, I could ride withif you keep sales On in there,
because I mean, what has hedone since he's gotten up here. He's
hit with runners in scoring position.I got a guy in scoring position.
He's put barrels on baseballs, andit didn't work outlast year? It does
I mean, I'm not even lookingfor exit velosity. I'm not even looking
for launch angle at that point.Well, launch angle would be nice,
especially too, if you can movethe guy over. Make the game simple,
man, Joe Loverfieedl's got to justhit the ball on the right side.
And then whether you go with SalasR trade cabbage. If you had
a guy at third base, thenI'm assuming the infil would be pulling.
You get a sackfly and it's acompletely different story. INSIGHT's twenty twenty,
but kind of interesting to hear.Oh yeah, I thought maybe you know,
he'd get a fastball and we couldget a two run shot there.
What how about just tie the game? Well, I mean that's that's the
one too as well as you knowyou you want to go for just give
us a chance to keep playing baseball, and the way you keep playing baseball
is you get that run in fromsecond base. But you know it's it's
at the same time too as well. With Cabbage is yeah. I mean
he's put together some good swings thisyear. You've you've seen some good things
out of them. Yeah, butI also lately have seen really good things
out of saysar salves Are. I'llstick with him. Yeah, I think
I would have wrote with the saysour salves Are. All right, let's
get to break because we're going towelcome in Astros general manager Dana Brown to
the show. Next right here onSports Talk seven ninety let's talk about the
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dot com. But the Shawn SalisburyShow continues. It's that time all of
the week, as we do everysingle Wednesday, we welcome in Astros General
manager Dana Brown, the Astros takingon the Blue Jay tonight up in Toronto.
Dana, over the last sixteen games, first of all, welcome in
and thank you for joining us makingsome time out on the road. The
Astros in the last sixteen games aretwelve and four. And you have said
it yourself, especially here on theshow, that you know, you've stayed
consistent with this, We're gonna gethot, We're gonna gonna go on a
roll. You won nine in arow at one point, outside of a
tough one last night that she almostcame back from. The Astros have played
some very very good baseball, especiallyin the last sixteen games. Astros twelve
and four in the last sixteen games, and you've said a time and time
again it's about getting hot. We'regonna go on a roll when these bats
get fired up. And sure enough, last sixteen games they've played some really
really good baseball. Yeah, Imean, ultimately, the goal was if
we get back to five hundred,we'll get back in this thing. We
got back to five hundred. Now, as I was talking about, before
we can get that five seven gamerun. You get five over, seven
over, you know, and thenjust keep playing good baseball. Before you
know it, you build yourself aleague and you know you're back in first
place. So you know, givegive the guys credit for and grit to
fight through it, you know,with all the injuries and different things that
we've been faced with this year.You know, but ultimately this is a
really good team and uh, youknow, these guys are used to it.
And I think the craziest things Astrosgeneral manager Dana Brown joining us here
on the Shawn Salisbury So the craziestthing, h Dana, is that these
Astros have been playing some really goodbaseball without Kyle Tucker. What's the latest
update on Kyle Tucker. Yeah,I mean he's starting indoor baseball activities and
he's filling a lot better. Youknow. The goal that is in the
next few days to get him outthere, you know, on some baseball
activities on the field. But hehas started to take some swings off the
tee and he's filling a whole lotbetter. And you know, these bone
bruises they get so deep sometimes youknow, it's it's it's really difficult to
get out of it. And soI think a lot of the swelling has
gone down and you know, notas much fluids or it's around the area.
So ultimately I think he he's inhe's in a better space. Dana.
Is a rehab assignment on the horizonfor him, Yeah, I mean
once he starts the baseball activities onthe field, we will get a feel
for where he is at that point, and then we will have some updates
on when he will go out forthe rehab assignment. But he would definitely
have to do a rehab assignment onemore obviously, it's a huge part of
this team. Justin Berlin or youget the news last week. Starting to
throw from sixty feet. Where ishe at right now? Yeah, starting
to throw from sixty feet, notas sore as as he was before,
which which is a really good thing. And so just don't have the strength
you know in you know, inthe shoulder area. We've got to get
a little bit strong because he's beenhe's been off for the neck, and
so once we get stretched that out, you know, he should he should
be back on his way. Butthe good thing is he's back to throwing
and he's got to get the armback built up. Astros general manager Dana
Brown joining us here on Sports Talkseven ninety Sean salzber Show. Another guy
that's making a rehab start is gonnabe Luis Garcia tomorrow nights. What do
you expect out of him? What'sthe pitch limit going to be for him
down at Corpus CHRISTI yeah, Ithink he's gonna go a couple of innings.
You know, we'll probably get himaround thirty I think, or so.
The big thing with him is he'sbeen thrown well and the velocity is
up. You know, he's ninetythree ninety four. You know, that's
a good thing. You know,I had said it before, I think,
you know, right before you know, he gets into this whole rehab
thing. I think he's going tobe up to you know, ninety six
maybe in the game. You know, we just don't. We don't want
him to president press the pedal tothe medal too too soon, too hard,
you know, But ultimately the ninetythree ninety four those are encouraging velocities.
So and he's throwing the ball wellwith no issues. And I know
you say you don't want him topedal to the medal and kind of rush
him back, But do you haveyou yourself, do you have a goal
in mind as far as when wecould see him back at the big league
level. Yeah, I think we'llknow more and depending on how the rehab
goes, you know, the rehabassignments, so you know, I think
we'll start them off with a coupleof innings and try to build them up.
This is basically his spring training rightnow is where he's starting to get
loose and cut it, cut itloose, you know, in a little
game situation. So as we youknow, get maybe two weeks from today,
we'll have a better field because hewould have had a couple of starts
and we will, you know,really have a feel for how he's bouncing
back. And that's pretty much thebig part. How does he bounce back
after an ounty? Astros General managerDana Brown joinning the Sean Salisbury Show for
his weekly visit, Dan Matthews,Brian Alima. Dana, you know,
when it comes to pitching, Imean we see a deal made earlier today
in Major League Baseball with a tradeof a starting pitcher going from one side
to another. Just how do yousee the market shaping up? And I
mean even before we reach the endof the month, when the deadline hits.
I mean, do you feel likethere's there's a possibility for you guys
out there to be able to addin the short term. Yeah, I
mean, we'll try to add.You know, the whole difficulty of this
thing is so many teams are init, you know, so it's you
know, so you have so manybuyers and you just don't have enough product
to go around. That's probably thebiggest thing. And so I'm sure some
of these teams will probably wait alittle longer, you know, because they
feel like they're still in it.And so hopefully, you know, we
could get some type of deal done. You know, we could use a
starter, you know, with sevenyou know, starters on the il.
Ultimately, you know, we're grindingthrough it. You know, we had
meetings yesterday. We're talking through somedifferent scenarios, so you know, we'll
be in the grind. And youknow, Dana, there's so many similarities.
You've even brought up the similarity tothe way that this season's going here
in Houston to the season that youguys had when you were in Atlanta in
twenty one, And I mean itwas kind of a series of small moves
that Alex made at the deadline tobe able to build up that team.
Do you kind of seen any kindof similar scenarios here and what was it
about those moves that made that teamkind of go for that final stretch of
that season. Yeah, if youremember, Acunya went down, and you
know, Punya was our most productiveplayer, and so we just decided to
go out and get a few outfielders, and you know, it just worked.
You know, those outfielders all gothot. You know, so There
he got hot, Rosario he gothot, Peterson got hot, and so
you know, the big push onthat was that we had our most productive
player go down. So we youknow, we threw a few players in
there in the mix, and youknow, from all three of the players,
you know, they all got someawards postseason awards because they got hot.
And so ultimately here, I thinkit's a little different, you know,
and that you know, we moremore so have you know, pitching
injuries that are really plaguing us rightnow. So ultimately, if we could
slide another starter in there, youknow that's going to help us down the
stretch. But make no mistake,getting Garcia back, it's going to feel
like a trade because he's you know, he's got a chance to be so
productive. He's well rested down,he's been sitting out. The rehab seems
to be going pretty well, andso ultimately that would be a big shot
in the arm for the club.But you know this, this is a
really good club, though. Youknow, if we get quality starts,
you know we're gonna win baseball games, you know. And last night,
No ri get he ran into arodblock there. He just made a couple
of bad pitches lost. He wasreally good up the ninety seven. He
was s throwing the ball. Well, he missed a couple of spots.
You know, he got a onetwo pitch in a bad area for a
home run, and you know,floodgates open. But if we get good
starts, I think we're gonna winthese games. Because right now, the
batch are hot, the bullpen hasturned the corner, and good starts will
put us will set us up forsome wins and that's what we were on.
We were on a row. Andthe key is we got to get
back on that roll to get youknow, seven games over five hundred.
That's you know, the goal.Now we're gonna go we get five over,
seven over, ten over, andthat's how we're trying to play this
thing. Astros gentleman as a DanaBrown joining us for a couple more minutes
here on the Shawn Salisbury Shaw onSports Talks seven ninety and it's just another
thing. On Spencer Arighedy last night, you talked about missing some spots.
It seemed like when he got barreled, for the most part, he was
missing locations. I know a coupleof fastballs were left middle middle. You
just talked that up as hey,hey, young young guy, learn your
learn your taking on the chin andlearn from you know, from this and
you know you'll get the experience aswe go on. Or is there a
little more to it. Well,I think he's just got to hit the
spots. You know. One ofthe things with the pitchers, you know,
you have to execute the pitch.You know, whether you're a rookie
or whether you're a veteran, ifyou don't execute the pitch. These major
league hitters are pretty good. Soif you don't execute the pitch, you're
gonna get hit, regardless if you'rea rookie or a veteran. And so
I think he just simply missed thespot. If he hits the spots,
he gets through those innings and it'sa different ballgame, you know. And
that's that's really the key. Andyou know, ultimately, when we get
good starts, we're gonna, asI mentioned, we're going to be in
ballgames. So I think he's definitelygonna learn from it. You know.
Uh, we got to minimize ourmistakes in that respect, and uh,
you know, we we'll we'll havegood, good outcomes, all right.
And Dana, you have Renel Blancoon the mountain tonight fromber on the bump
Tomorrow afternoon it's a noon start,and then Friday back here home at Mini
May Park. Nobody listened. I'massuming that's gonna be another bullpen game.
Could we see Sean Dubin start thatgame or maybe somebody else? How do
you see that going on Friday againstthe Twins. Yeah, we got our
two horses going the next two nights, and uh, yeah, it seems
like what we're thinking about is,you know we could we could go Duban
again. Dubin pitched very well forthose three and the thirds. What happened
is his pitch count got up.We're trying to build him up, and
so if we can continue to buildhim up, he could fill in that
spot, maybe into Bloss comes back, or maybe until we make a trade.
But ultimately I thought he threw well, you know against the Mets.
You know, he no hit himfor three and the third. His pitch
count got up, so we hadthe pull him, and so you know,
he's got good stuff. He wasup to ninety seven the other day.
The breaking ball was working and sohe gave up a couple of hard
hit balls, but you know,no damage was done. And you know,
so Dubin, you guys may remember, pitched some big games for us,
even last year. He had somebig starts, so I could certainly
see him filling that role and thenthat turns it back over and then we'll
be in good shape. But ourguys are in the grind and uh,
you know where we're going to continueto move forward. And Astros general manager
Dana Brown for two more questions.Dana, you mentioned bloss obviously, he's
coming back from a little bit ofour arm soreness. And then there's the
names of blue Ball, Bryce Matthews. You've also got pedro Leone down in
the minor leagues. We've had acouple of calls this morning. Obviously,
as the trade trade deadline gets closer, the names are going to be ramped
up, the rumors, you knowhow it goes here in Major League baseball.
Peedro Leone is a guy that Iwant to ask you about because he's
playing really well down at Triple A, hitting close to three hundred ohps of
over eight hundred, and he's beenaround. It's been a popular name amongst
Astros fans for our minor league system. Do you foresee him being a guy
that could come up to the bigleagues at some point this season or is
it kind of a little bit toocrowded for him right now. Well,
we do have a lot of outfielders, but we are paying attention to Leone.
You know, he's been a bigtime prospect here for a while.
It's really good to see him turnin the corner. I wouldn't say that
you know, he's coming up thisweek, but I would say that we
have our eyes on him, andyou know, if he continues to play
well, you know, there's anopportunity for any of our minor league guys
that are at the epple levels playingwell. You know, we're not afraid
to go with the young kids attimes, and so you know, hopefully
he keeps it up and then youknow, we'll see where it goes from
there. But it is exciting tosee him play well. Dana. With
the first base spot, we weretalking about starting pitching a little bit earlier.
I mean, just the first basemarket. Everybody wants a guy that
can put together great production, puttogether good defense over there. Just what
you guys have gotten out as duBond, but also John Singleton this year.
And also what could be you knowdown the pike for you guys of
a possibility of being able to upgradethat spot. Yeah, I had mentioned,
you know earlier last week. Youknow, if there was an opportunity
that made sense for us, youknow, without mortgage in the farm,
if we could you know, dosomething at first base, that would be
great, you know. But inthe meantime, we have a little bit
of a runway for you know,for Singleton to you know, show show
some of the good things that hecan do. You know, he had
three hits the other day with theMets, played very well, and so
we do have a little bit ofa runway for these guys, you know,
do Bond Singleton, you know,and and Lo Braffito you know,
got in there late in the gameat first base. So we have a
little bit of a runway to seewhat these guys can do as we continue
to grind through some of our youknow, trade possibilities. But we're we're
in the grind. We appreciate thetime as always, save travels, enjoy
the Fourth of July holiday, andlet's hope the Astros can get back on
another run. Dana, thank you, thank you for your time. Absolutely
hanging there. Astro fans, we'recoming, we're coming. Appreciate it,
Dan, appreciate it, Dana,thank you. Yeah. That's Astros General
manager Dana Brown. Will get tobreaking in the show next. That's Worstalk
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sports RV Hullo. There you go. Good stuff from UH Generalmanagerdina Brown.
So, I guess Kyle Tucker stillno baseball activities yet, swelling has gone
down. Well, it's also too. I mean, you know, I
just I'd like to see the guyon the field. I think most of
us would like to see him onthe field, and they would too.
It's just I get I get yourskeptic skepticism easy enough for me to say.
I mean, look, you knowmade it to nine fifty three without
making too much of an idiot ofmyself. But I mean, I guess
it's just in due time, andhopefully after that he sticks and stays for
the rest of the season. Yeah, they're gonna need him back, There's
no question about it. The playerof the Months have just been released.
Yes, in Major League Baseball,you're A and NL players of the Month
for June Aaron Judge four oh ninethirteen seventy eight ops, eleven bombs,
thirty seven RBI. Bryce Harper threeseventy four average, six eleven sixty six
OPS, seventeen extra base hits,sixteen RBI. And then pitching Pitcher of
the Month for the American League GarrettCrochet thirty seven and two thirds innings pitch
fifty six K, one point nineto one E ra A. Christopher Sanchez
thirty three innings pitch twenty three Kone point six for E R. Hunter
Brown anybody, Hunter Brown? Anybody? Yeah? I mean when you when
you mentioned the one point nine toone, I mean, you know,
if Hunter Brown gave up two runs, Brown gave it one run. During
the entire time. What and obviouslyyou know it's all, well, hey,
look at what this guy in Chicagois doing as opposed to that guy
in Houston, which recency is alwaysa thing that plays into the selection of
those things. But I mean it'sjust it also to we've watched Hunter Hunter
Brown closely. Clearly whoever decided thathas not watched him that closely. He
was four in one in June fourand one. No. I mean,
look, it got to a pointthat anytime you saw him on the lineup
card to get beginning the starting ball, he went out there and he made
work happen. And I mean,what is it now, eight straight starts
of quality outings. Yes, hehad here is numbers for June. He
gave up just we had a onepoint one six ERA struck out thirty six
Garret Crochet fifty six K's one pointnine to one RA. And the walks
are not a thing with Hunter either. I mean that walks. That's the
other part of it as well,that he's completely cut those down. And
when you cut those down and youfind the strike zone, that's crazy.
Usually good things happen, and goodthings have happened. That's crazy. That's
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That's gonna do it for the Shawnsalzerby Show. Dam thanks for filling
in those awesome appreciate it. Yeah, man, Hey fellas, enjoy your
fourth the fourth Lady especially. No, no, I'm talking to YouTube.
Oh okay, yeah, I'm talkingto YouTube. You guys, you'all enjoy
your Fourth of July holiday and I'lltalk to you at three o'clock. So
I'm gonna be on air. You'llenjoy, You'll be careful and for you
the listener, thank you for listeningto. This is the Shawn Salisbury Show.
Tripley is our producer, Dan Matthews, feeling for Shawn Salisbury. I
am Brian Lolima. We're off thenext couple of days. We're gonna be
back next Monday morning at six am. Enjoy the fourth of July July holiday.
Please be saved, call ubers,take care of yourself. We'll talk
to you guys on Monday after thelong holiday weekend. Don't go anywhere next
level stand northfully Chris Cordy coming upnext to Fourse Talk seven eighty