Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Salisbury. Okay, let's do this.
Speaker 2 (00:08):
Sewan Salisbury, USC true longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury.
Speaker 1 (00:14):
Brian Lima, go Lobos. This is the Sewan Salisbury Show.
Speaker 3 (00:22):
Shawn Salisbury, Brian Lima, Manuel Elmore Rockets beat the MAVs
Texas Oregon Penn State all advance of the college football
Playoffs semi finals. The Sugar Bowl postponed today after the awful,
awful terrorist attack on Bourbon Street on New Year's early
New Year's Day, that game is supposed to be played today.
Seawan Tripley, Good morning, Happy New Year Year. Awful starts
to the new year across our country.
Speaker 4 (00:50):
Yeah, I heard there's still they may because it's still
a crime scene. They may have to at least the
talk was this morning that they that they may to
or considered depending on what goes on and say postponing
another day. Now, whether they do or not, we'll see,
but that's obviously a priority. The football I mean, I
understand people that came and traveled and fore and widen
hotels and how you tell them, well, you know they
get to stay for free a couple of days or this.
You know the state of Louisiana is going to pay
for I don't know how they're going to do it,
because I'm sure they want to watch their teams play
and how long do you delay it? But the truth
is even they the compassion for what happened, which is
you know, been pretty well documented and we all have
our opinion and the stuff that makes us crazy. But yeah,
yesterday for in some parts of this country wasn't a
good day, and right here in Houston as well, so
you know, and the barriers that just don't pop out
of the ground and they just don't do put wood
bearers just a it's just the constant did we allow
I mean not allow, but the people that have an
agenda find a way to pull off their agendas. Yeah,
gut wrenching. That's the thought for me is how you
open up the new Year and how those families that
were there just to have a good time in New Orleans,
you know, go to New Orleans and and this happened.
So I yeah, happy New Year, but for them, their
New Year's will never be the same, right for families
that lost somebody and yesterday, So hopefully we'll get to
the bottom of it and take care of the things
that need taken care of and but lives lost, and
what a rough thing to wake up to on January
first for those families.
Speaker 3 (02:34):
Yeah, there was I saw they officially announced one of
the first victims. She was an eighteen year old girl
who just graduated high school and her parents told her
not to go to New Orleans, that she snuck out
and went to go be with her cousin and ended
up dying due to the truck ramming on Bourbon Street.
Speaker 4 (02:53):
There was also all those people that were there.
Speaker 3 (02:56):
A former Princeton football player died on Bourbon Street, your
beck graduate of Princeton. Terrible and awful day. I can
assure you. That's not why those folks went to New Orleans.
They went there to have a good time and for
whatever good time they were trying to have, and ends
like that. What an awful way to start the new
year for those for that city and for those families.
So when we play football, we'll play football, But until.
Speaker 4 (03:21):
Then it's pretty much second. I know when they're on
the field, they're going to focus on their job, and
they've worked hard. In those players and those families, I
get it. But the truth is trying to figure out
how you're gonna how we got to prevent this stuff
from happening in the future, hopefully we can.
Speaker 3 (03:36):
I just I understand that they were redoing the ballards
that protect Bourbon Street from vehicles, uh, to have them
ready for the ward they put. Yeah, the stainless steel
pipes that are beams that come out of the ground.
You can lower them and raise them for early morning
truck deliveries. You know, why are you waiting? Why did
you not have these done by New Year's Eve on
Bourbon Street when you know you have the sugar Bowl there?
Speaker 4 (04:06):
Well, wood and wood barriers aren't stopping anybody.
Speaker 3 (04:08):
No, you know what, at the very least, put a
massive dump truck fill it with saying and keep it
right there like you've seen in other cities.
Speaker 4 (04:15):
I just don't understand it. You can't give anybody a
clear path. No, and not only they have that, Let's
not forget in the next thirty to forty five days
they have in that same city Sugar Bowl, Marti Gras,
and a Super super Bowl. So with those big events
coming up, you got to know that considering what you
hear in this country and terrorist attacks and stuff that
to New Year before another president's in office. Now by
the time Super Bowl, is the new president be in office.
But all those things that come about that we probably
not even privy to. More of the more threats that
are out there right. How that that's not a priority
is beyond me. We see all too often theings prayed.
Like I said, so they're watching the Rose Parade thinking,
manam these people prepared for it? Could could happen there too,
big city Rose Bowl Parade. I've been to that parade too.
Speaker 3 (05:05):
It just it's they said, over a million people attend
that Rose Bull Parade.
Speaker 4 (05:09):
Oh yeah, is that accurate? Oh yeah, it's it's a
it's a long trek, I mean the parade route, and
it's it's phenomenal. And I've been to it when I
was in junior high, just getting ready to start. Can't
June junior high maybe, or even a little younger June
junior high. My cousins and my mom and her two
sisters off. We went and stayed the night there, and
you sleep on the sidewalk. You really don't sleep. It
gets a little cold at night. You have fun, but
it was, it was awesome, and you can't help but think, man,
I mean, now, you can't even have a parade in
peace you can't even celebrate on Bourbon Street because it's
a new year in peace. You just can't. It's nut.
So I know we got to get onto sports, but
you just that's not how you expected twenty twenty five
to start. If you're those family members and any of us,
to be honest with you, you don't want to wake
up to that. And it was the early morning, and
a coward, you know, a coward again succeeds and and
ruining other people's lives. So hopefully, you know, we say
hopefully we won't see any of that anymore, but reality
of it is, unfortunately, one way or another, it's something
you just have to deal with because there are people
people are nuts.
Speaker 3 (06:15):
Well, And just one day you had the attack on
Bourbon Street, you had the attempted attack on the Trump
Hotel in Las Vegas with a guy that loaded his
test the truck that he ranted from the same app
that the dude from Houston took to New Orleans.
Speaker 4 (06:32):
He tried to blow it up.
Speaker 3 (06:33):
And then late last night in Queen's there was a
club shooting where eleven people were killed all in one day.
Speaker 4 (06:40):
Yeah, and you know the uh Tesla Musk Trump and
obviously wasn't by chance. That's a mess incident. Yeah, I mean,
it's it is. I'm gonna tell you, though, Let's say
what you want. There's hell to pay when he gets
in office. I agree, I'm gonna tell you. And they're
all afraid of him, and they should be. And I
and I'm here for every frigging second of it too,
and I and I quite frankly, I'm sick of the
cowardice way we've approaches the country the last handful of years.
I am, I just amy, I've had it, and I
don't care who doesn't like it. It's it's it's Enough's enough, man,
Finally get somebody in there that actually has a set
and and and grew them. I'm gonna sit there and okay,
I'm getting to the point where I'm becoming an eye
for an eye. Guy, you're gonna burn somebody on a subway.
We're gonna go archic on you. We're gonna we're gonna
start hanging people like you. We're gonna watching people hang
in streets this key. I mean, oh, get them their
day and screw their day in court, screwed, threw their
day in court. You know what, Oh, that's a to
somebody else. I know that sounds ark, but it's getting
to the point where that emotion I would imagine you've
thought about the same thing at times. I I just do.
I'm not speaking for it. It's to the point to
the points that really and we're gonna sit there and
watch me burn on a subway and oh they deserve that. No,
they don't deserve the dan court. The second they lit
a match and through it on somebody or whatever. Uh
flame retard you know that they used or he that
you you lost your rights? There any privilege in my book,
I'm getting to the point. I'm dead serious, man, what
are we going to still publicly stone these nut jobs?
I mean, what are we doing? But I didn't their day.
Now you know why I don't trust their dan court
because that dan court usually doesn't last unfortunately. Okay, so
save it. I just you know, it's not the way
I want to start our morning. But the frustration of
and here we are frustrating somebody's waking up today without
a kid. Okay, So you know, I'm so tired of
all the people that have been let into this kind
of you know what, this ain't your home Okay, it's
your home when you do it the right way. I'm
just I'm just tired of it. And you know what,
the guy who died in New Orleans deserve to die.
I'm not talking about the people that he talking about.
That the way the police took him at that that
the world's a better place without him makes sense makes sense? Yeah,
and I and so even if it doesn't, I don't care.
Nothing makes sense when it comes to this stuff now.
So yeah, but I got news for you. The power
shift's about to take place, and it's going to change,
and you and I both know it.
Speaker 3 (09:17):
Yeah, yep, And that's uh, that's what eighteen days away
on the twentieth, I just think, you know, with everything
that's happened in New Orleans, I just find it hard
to believe that they're actually gonna be able to play
that game today.
Speaker 4 (09:30):
Well, if it's a crime they can, and it's still
a crime scene as we sit here now. And I
understand how important football is into the big scheme of things.
But tomorrow's Friday. You can play it then too. Yeah, right,
it's the football game is not going anywhere, right, and
they have to move the other games back a couple
days to give them the proper rest. You move them
back a couple of days.
Speaker 3 (09:50):
Well, though they'll be playing in the Orange Bowl, and
no disrespect to the Dolphins, they're probably not gonna be
they won't be hosting a playoff game. So their stadium
is can be wide open. You can move it a day,
of course you can't. And if not, we got a
lot of smart people. You can move it three days
if you need to. When whatever, whatever it takes, well
we'll play football eventually. Yeah, so you know, Hell if
you know, and and I know they want to and
you get the players, and unfortunately didn't Green always just
tell us, I don't know if the meal is going
to be cold when we get there. I don't know
if the plane's going to be late, don't know if
the bus is going to start. Those things we can't control.
When you have to field, control what you can't control.
He also say that same thing here. Hell, those guys
can't control what happened in New Orleans. But they're just
gonna have to shift their paradigms on how to get
ready and stay prepared for a game, whether it's today,
you know you're already, you're already messed up because you
were preparing for last night.
Speaker 4 (10:41):
So you just got to shift your mind and play.
And in truth, both teams have to deal with it,
and so you play when it's when it's the right time,
because what happened in New Orleans is far bigger, bigger,
far bigger, yeah bigger. When the game starts, there'll be
nothing bigger than those kids lives and winning that game
to get onto the final four. Right, but before they
play it, nobody needs to apologize for delaying a game.
Yeah nobody. They were on lockdown in their hotel for
over twenty four hours. Yeah, well then they should have been.
They should have been. And if this was any warning
in its situation, there's a lot going on between now
in mid February and New Orleans and around the country,
you know, so just gear up and prepare for it. Well,
I don't know, I don't know how the if nut
job wants to get something done or nut they will,
you know, the cowards, they'll eventually find a way to
get it done. You're trying to limit damage, right, and
there was no limit on damage yesterday. God bless our
first responders and our police get there and take care
of this quickly, so more on her, but one's too many,
especially like that awful.
Speaker 3 (11:47):
At least fifteen people died and does is injured in
New Orleans after that driver plow to pick up truck
into a crowd of people celebrating New Year's Eve on
Bourbon Street. Just an awful, awful start to the new year.
The Sugar Bowl post until today. There's still a chance
that they could move it once again. Let's look at
the college football playoffs semi or excuse me, quarterfinals that
have been played. Ohio State made a statement, Arizona State
got hosed, and Penn State took care business against Boise State.
Let's look all of it, look at all of it.
Next in sports tuk sevent to eighty.
Speaker 1 (12:22):
This is the Sean Salisbury Show.
Speaker 3 (12:25):
No, I'm good, I got them all done. I was
gonna ask you a question about it, but uh.
Speaker 4 (12:29):
I think we get we can just let this rip.
First off, Boise State wasn't ready for the big boys. No,
and if they had a hell of a run, but
did they not come out and do exactly what we said? Yeah,
Penn State, I'm talking about I'm gonna let gent win
the game. And somebody and did you see load up seven,
eight nine. Guys, if you can beat me throwing or
somebody else can win the game, go ahead. And Penn
State's defense was relentless in their offense, and they did
exactly what they put it this way, whatever game plan
they went in with the week they put it to
work in, it worked, they did. Your best player doesn't
get to dominate the game, and good defensive coordinators are
good coaches make sure that doesn't and if they get
beat some other way, great, but they didn't. And there's
a big difference between Penn State and Boise State, right,
and all due respect to Boise State, the bigger boys
won this one. With the Ohio State Oregon game, I mean,
I understand if you thought Ohio State was win would
win I do. I took the over in that game,
which was which felt like a no brainer from from
pregame warm up right, Hell, Ohio State was going to
get it by them damnselves. But that was an that
was an ass whooping of epic proportions on the number
one seed. And you know what it is, Oregon ran
into somebody. Now they obviously had them the last time,
and and Ohio State had a chance to win that
one too, and we all said if Oregon plays their best,
that they were going to win the whole thing. Guess
what when you don't play your best in the other Dude,
does the most talented team in America in Ohio statehen
you talk about player for player, that's the most gifted
team in the country. Yeah, and that looked like a
team that why everybody picked him a number one going
into the season. And I'm sure Ryan Day's chest a
little puffed out, like, really, all you guys that questioned
us hard to beat a team twice in the same year,
it just is the same team, I mean twice. But
Ohio State. You know what Oregon did. They ran into
guys who were everybody's physical as them if in that
game more and Oregon rarely runs into teams that are
faster than them but are playing space better than them.
I mean, over the last feels like the last twenty
years since Chip Kelly was there. Well, Ohio State has
those guys, and those guys all went to town on
Oregon and how about it was almost like chip Kelly.
So I'm gonna save this best stuff for them, I
feel like that, and I'm gonna I'm and I know
he loved his time at Oregon, but I'm gonna give
them a taste of what they used to have. Even
though Dan Lanning's good, you know when Chip was there
because he started with him, Mike Bellotti, than Chip Kelly
started that run of all those you know, new uniforms
and Oregon kicking ass, right. But I'm telling you, man,
Ohio State they play like that. Guess who ain't gonna
lose Ohio State. That's for damn sure because they finally
the potential matched the production in that game. Yeah. Now,
and the one here a lot of people have interested in.
I picked Arizona State that game at thirteen and a
half points. I gave it just for the betting line, right,
and four plays that I'm thinking, well, there goes that one,
and you know, you think about it. Two big plays
to start and a special teams play on a punt
return and you're thinking they're down, you know, fourteen nothing
seventeen or fourteen three seventeen three? Would I think it's
out got to that point? But those in matter three plays, Yeah,
a big play on you know, on a big throw
down the middle and then the wheel route and then
a punt return for touchdown, and you've already been spotted.
And then Arizona State get inside the tanning two or
three times on fort they couldn't score, and you're thinking
this is a blowout. And in truth, though, after the
seventeen three lead, Aerzona State's defense played damn good football
until the you know, get down to the end. And
why you're calling man coverage and blitzing on fourth and fifteen?
Yeah it was fourth and two. Yeah, fourth and fifteen alls, dude,
you're now you're creating you solve the problem. You're creating
confusion man coverage. All I need is one of my
studs to win. And if you dis zeone them up,
say do you go ahead and get a twelve yard catch?
We'll tackle you. Ball games over and they let a
guy run right through the scene for a touchdown And
are you kidding me? Back and forth, But you know,
I hate the lack of I hate the rules on
quarterbacks and players. I think I think we softened up
too much, we overprotect. But by the rule, I would
not have kicked the kid out for next week if
Arizona State would have won. But there can be no
more blatant penalty that you that everybody in the world
saw Michael TOAs and you didn't even and listen in
normal from a football player standpoint, honestly, screw you on
the penalty. That's being a football player. Yeah, but the
way we do it, it wasn't just a penalty. It
was a no brainer. Yeah, they get an extra fifteen
tackle on they're going down to kickfield goal or take
it in, or they may not even have waited for
the field goal taken in and the game's over. Oh,
there's gonna be no time left for Texas to go
to the other because you milk it, you milk it,
you milk it, kick it. You don't want yours for
obvious reasons, you don't want them. And he was like
eleven or fourteen down the stretch and clutch situation, good
for like for for the good for like one hundred
and sixty and two touchdowns he played and what's it
called overtime? Yeah, his ball placement was spectacular, But Arizona
state that that is a and I listen, there's no
for me. I mean, I love sark In Texas and
I wanted them to win. But let's let's face facts.
If you're a ut honk and you love it, and
you and you give the university a million bucks. You
know that there's a state was hose on that penalty. Yeah,
it was. It was a I would not have especially
in this time. I would not have suspended him for
the next next week's first half. But if you don't
want to call targeting, but it was a personal foul.
It was face to face helmet, the face face above
the guy's shoulders, and it was a penalty. And it
was easy to see because there was two dudes in
the middle of the field. It was easy to see.
And watching it on replay, how they went out of
that and didn't say no, now targeting, But it's fifteen
yard penalty, automatic, first down, half the distance to go
wherever they were right and go. Arizona State got host
And that field goal kicker for Texas is thanking his
lucky stars right now.
Speaker 3 (18:38):
Yeah, missed two field goals. Ye, two field goal attempts.
Speaker 4 (18:41):
And both of them just and I gotta I love Sark.
Don't don't give a kicker a pregame speed. Do you
see the speak? Yeah, he knew he most it. Yeah,
and he got him on the shoulder. It's like you
don't do that on a regular kick at the head quarter.
Let's leave it alone. Yeah, I mean, I'm sure Sark
goes back, you know, because what he did, he's like
over compensates and snap hooks it and hits it off
the left upright. But there are certain times with kickers
it's kind of I'm kind of talking out of both,
you know, little hyperbolicy, but kickers operate a different way.
This pregame or just go you know, your special teams
coach go by pattam on the helmet and say, dude,
this is all you. You own this and go, I
don't the pregame speech the hands out there like dude,
you suck, just don't miss again, or you know, and
I don't know what you're saying in truth, but I'm
not sure I good motivational speeches before a second kick
after he after he pushed the first one, and he's
obviously worried about pushing it. So sure, but fortunate for
them they came out in Texas and obviously has a
chance to win the whole thing, but on the penalty
alone in Arizona State battled their ass off. They did.
H that was a that that should have been a
personal foul in a first down first and it was
they got host on that.
Speaker 3 (19:50):
You know, and it's it's it's so typical of that
targeting penalty. What's targeting, what's not? You've seen it in
the NFL, you see it in college. Guys hosed for
the stereotypical tackle that you are raised to do, or
you put your put your face mask in a dude's pads,
or you go up a little bit higher. And just
because of the way the defender or excuse me, the
way the offensive guy reacts by getting rocked. Oh no,
that's targeting. They review it, kick a guy out. Then
you see last night it's like helmet to helmet, face
mask to face mask. They review it, no targeting and
was targeting then and no penalty and.
Speaker 4 (20:29):
No penalty at all. I was like, dude, what what? Yeah?
I I listen. That was a that was a really
really nice New Year's gift for Texas. Yeah, no doubt.
It was almost if you I don't believe this happened.
But but it's almost as if you go over there,
you're looking under that, you know, into the monitors, the referee,
and they're saying, probably somebody in your saying, man, didn't
you know who's playing in this game right now?
Speaker 3 (20:52):
You know we got a Final four coming up, and
I'm not sure we don't want, ohiostat Oregon to play
Arizona State. Do not call this right, because yeah, just
don't it.
Speaker 4 (21:00):
Even Arizona State played their ass off and they deserve
a lot of credit because people, again, they were picked
last in the Big twelve this year. Yeah, and they
had Texas by the short hairs man at the end
of this game. But I uh, there was a hose job.
Now listen, do I think if they played ten times
that Texas wins eight of them. Yeah, but they the
refs on that call took it out of their hands.
They got there's no call, they got hose. But good
on Texas because how many times did the emotion golf
fith they're done? Another mister that they're done all fourth
and fifteen. I've said, there's no Yeah, they may make
a good player take a shot, they're done when he
let Arizona State's gonna win this game.
Speaker 3 (21:41):
When yours let go of the football on that fourth
and fifteen, I said, oh my god, why are they
Oh my god, he's open and he drops it right
in the bucket, and I'm thinking, Arizona State, what are
you doing? You just blitz Oh yeah, dude, drop like nine.
Speaker 4 (21:55):
Make him throw it into coverage, not to not to
a space where there's all And I'm like, like I said,
I understand you want to be aggressive. It was third
and I mean fourth and fifteen. Yeah, Alls, you need
It's not like if you give up a completion there
and field goal range and field go wins it. They
gotta go score. Yeah, and you they throw a touchdown
pass on fourth and fifteen because you're pressuring and playing
middle of the field closed, which gives you a seam routes.
It's like, what are you doing? Alls? It takes is
one guy because now that's as an offensive player, I'm
just trying the number one thing we hope for is
one on one. Yeah. And then along with that is
my best player on your worst defender that could cover him. Right.
If I can get Marshall Faulk out of the backfield,
out a two hundred and fifty pounds linebacker, I win.
If I can get you know, Cooper cup or I
can get Jefferson on your second or third corner by
emotion or a formation, and I got him one on
one against your third best corner. Guess who wins that battle?
We do, Yeah, but you don't win the battle when
you go man to man on fourth to fifteen and
it takes if three guys will make him go through
his progressions and catch and tackle. Even if it's a
great throw for twelve yards on an in cut ball,
game's over. It was a fascinating football game. The ebbs
and flows of ass kicking. Oh what's going on? Oh
why aren't they moving? Oh a scatter mood? Getting back
into Oh a half back option? Pavian. They had everything,
including a missed penalty that Arizona State. Do you know
they're they're ssuing the college football playoff filed? They filed
lost the Arizona State did Oh? I thought that was
fake news? Oh? Is it? I thought it was like
an Then maybe I read fake news. It was it.
It was sent to me, so let's double check. Maybe
it was saying if it a parody, catchy and they're
suing him over that call. I don't know how you
can sume over an officials call. But even if it
was a parody, it's hilarious that they would want to do. Basically,
what the point is is that everybody in the world
knows it was a blatant miss.
Speaker 3 (23:57):
So there is also I did see a threat and
I'm not trying. I'm not saying I'm the ticket signed,
but there was a missed h There were a couple
of miss calls, of course, as there is on every
game miss calls on Arizona State. There was a potential
targeting I saw on a defensive wide receiver on the
interception where you weres throw a ball that hung way
too much in the air camp Scataboo offensive pass interference,
which was called for defensive pass interference. And then I
was looking in the same thread. This was a what
a big ten crew and this crew has like this,
like the worst statistics when it comes to calling targeting
penalties meaning non calls. So it goes right into what
we saw in the game yesterday. Let's continue to talk
about this UT win over Arizona State. Quinn yours was really, really,
really good. In crunch time, we'll hear some audio of
him talking about the win.
Speaker 4 (24:49):
Next to Sports Talk seven to.
Speaker 1 (24:50):
Eighty, the Sean Salisbury Show continued, Let's see it's a
fortress or.
Speaker 4 (24:59):
Sit there you go.
Speaker 3 (25:01):
Okay, it's the place the meaning behind rock Oh god?
Speaker 4 (25:08):
What okay? Uh, it's aid. Yeah, don't worry about it.
Yeah we rocked the Kasma though. Yeah m h rock
the kas but that's kind of weird. Uh yeah, we'll
talk about later. Don' worry about it. Keep on talking about.
I don't know what it means. I just know it's
a place, right Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 3 (25:32):
The Kasba is the citadel of al Algiers in Algeria.
Speaker 4 (25:38):
So I imagine if you're it's the citadel in algers
It's in Algeria, Algeria.
Speaker 1 (25:43):
You know.
Speaker 4 (25:44):
I say about who's count though, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3 (25:46):
Yeah, it uh, it talks about that. Uh, that town
a little different. Uh, we'll visit that later. Happy New Year,
by the way, Okay, I mean it's crazy. I hadn't
talked to you since last year. It be a long time,
I know, long time.
Speaker 4 (26:03):
Triple. Did you go out on New Year's Eve?
Speaker 5 (26:05):
Speaker 4 (26:05):
Yeah, me neither. I was on the grill. Oh, grill master,
we are you whipping.
Speaker 6 (26:09):
Up chicken sausage burgers? You know, you regular little cookout stuff?
Speaker 4 (26:13):
Okay, Well I was at the crib. Yeah, I was sick.
So sick.
Speaker 3 (26:17):
The last two days terrible. I was asleep by nine
o'clock on New Year's Eve?
Speaker 4 (26:20):
Did you compete a little bit? No?
Speaker 3 (26:22):
Absolutely, I was down for the count done. Me and
Oprah were chilling. I didn't hear any fireworks nothing. I
was miserable.
Speaker 4 (26:29):
They were loud. It was awful all over long night.
You know, dogs want to get up in a fight,
and oh, I bet with the fireworks, and they were
running again last night. At some point, you clown's going
to stop lighting them, dude.
Speaker 3 (26:41):
I heard a couple of days after enough, a couple
my buddies said that fireworks in their neighborhood were going
off to like three o'clock.
Speaker 4 (26:46):
In the morning. And then like I've just been now
since Christmas, Yeah, since Christmas, every night fire It's like, okay,
now for the fireworks. After a while, you've seen them all. Yeah,
there's only there's there's only so many colors in the
fireworks rainbow. Okay, you've seen them all. If you want
a great fireworks show, then get your asked to you know,
Paris or Dubai and go see there's too Okay, after
you've done it for your July fourth and you in
your New Year's Eve. We don't need it on January fourteenth. Okay,
and I love fireworks, but enough at some point and then,
I mean just it's two and it's three in the morning.
At what point time you're like, dude, no, nobody's watching
it out, nobody's watching anymore. Yeah, okay, nobody cares about
your fireworks. Not now. After a while, they're overrated. Do
you agree, Yeah, if you've seen it, like the fireworks show,
that was great. Yeah, Okay, I'll see you next year. Yeah, yeah, agreed.
Gets to a point where you're just like, damn, dude,
that's enough. Enough is enough? All right? Uh?
Speaker 3 (27:38):
Quinn Yours had some things to say after the win
against Arizona State. If you were not paying attention at
at any point leading up to this game, Sam Levitt
had some things to say about quin yours, uh, basically
saying he was going to prove why he's the better
quarterback everyone's been doubting him. Blah blah blah. Well here's
what Queen you were has had to say after the game.
Speaker 7 (27:58):
You guys have the interception there, but it looked like
Sark put the game in your hands.
Speaker 4 (28:02):
You're emptying it out throwing the ball around.
Speaker 7 (28:04):
Man, what does that say to you about the competence
he has in you specifically? Yeah, I mean it's it's
technically very nice, uh, you know, to see the competence
that he has in me, and just gonna be more
happy and proud of this team. You know, they like
to talk a lot on their side of the field,
but you know, we let our pass talk and let
our game talk.
Speaker 1 (28:20):
So just proud of our team.
Speaker 3 (28:22):
We let our pads talk. Stand on bidness. Cuz stand
on bidness. When the pads talk, I should you gotta
let him. You gotta let him. Well, you gotta let
the pads cook. Yeah, exactly, you do. I will give
it to Quinn.
Speaker 4 (28:35):
You ors.
Speaker 3 (28:35):
He was phenomenal down the stretch in the final five
minutes of regulation. In two overtime periods, he was eleven
for fourteen for one hundred and sixty one yards and
two touchdowns. Now leading up to that, it's it's just
so crazy to me about this kid. There are plays
that he makes, Like one of the throws that he
made down the sideline put it in a position where
only his wide receiver could catch it, get one foot
down and get out of bounce, and then there's plays
where he just airmails it for an easy interception. There's
other times where he's scared in the pocket or or
tap dancing around in the pocket, and then you see
what he does does down the stretch where he looked
looked like he was the best quarterback in the nation.
But the roller coaster of Quinn yours is maddening to me.
Speaker 4 (29:21):
Yeah, that's that. Then that's the problem, is the the
matting prizy.
Speaker 8 (29:24):
You know.
Speaker 4 (29:26):
What he's capable of, if he could sustain the four
quarters of focus on that because he's he's a uniquely
gifted player. Yeah, he just does. He can he can
rip it. But there's lapses at times in his game
where you're like, what are you thinking about there? And
there were some lapses here for the Texas or the
Texas offense or was but he did what if you're
judging the best players in the world, I always judge
him under over you know, the harsh judges. How are
you under duress? He was really good yesterday, she was
He was really good, good and clutch moments. And we
saw him go on the road at Alabama a couple
year was going to do his thing there he's going
to need to do it again in one of these
last two games, and it's not going to be easy,
and you know, you have to limit those lapses or
those moments of what are you throwing it? And when
he's made, when he's putting his foot in the ground,
letting go and feeling confident, you could tell he felt
really good about the end of the game because he
just kept matching them from you know, doing what he
needed to do to convert and he was playing with
his eyes open and he was phenomenal. And I think
that's probably what drives some schedule number one. It's the
teaser that's going to make you want to take him
high in the draft, whether he stays another year, agoes,
or try it whatever. It's also the frustration of Gosh,
the talent tells me, I got to but the production
tells me I may have to wait a little and
do I do? I hand my franchise over to him
right now? When you see the end of that game,
it's easy to want to hand the franchise to him.
And he was really good late. The inconsistency man just
up and down, up and down here if he can ever,
if he can ever limit that toward the inconsistency where
the up and down is not all year, it's once
every five game. You know, one of those where it's
he doesn't he can. You know you're never going to
eliminate bad plays, but you try to corral him and
in big situations not make the critical error. Then you
can go and lead a team for fifteen years. So
I'm anxious to see how this the rest of this
goes for ut And it had to be a wake
up call because they could not put airs on a
state away. And when they look back, they're going to
be greatful for the blessing of a no call on
a helmet the helmet.
Speaker 3 (31:37):
Yeah, are you real quick? Are you surprised they didn't
have any packages for arch Manning? They didn't utilize him
at all?
Speaker 4 (31:43):
I am. But I think in the situation, had the
game of kept going the way it was early you
would have seen him. I think he would have got
some under a non stressful situation that he can't handle him.
But in moments that big yours. You've been going to
him for a couple of years, you got to let
him play it out. But I had their situation when
you give into a little RPO and get and use
his legs. I was, but I think the situation of
the game late prevented you from saying to because remember
the last time I put him in a situation, it's
not his fault. Remember the ball is laid on the ground.
So those are the things that's stick in your mind
if you're the coach saying, Okay, let's put the guy
in there who takes all the steps and can get
under centered in the gun right now, because listen, even
though you're a manning, I'm sure his blood pressure was pumping,
wondering if he's going to get in and maybe they'll
have a package moving forward for him. But I can
tell you this, they made the right decision on putting
the ball in yours hand yesterday at the end of
the game. And I think Sark has a pretty damn
good feel for the timing of his players. And yesterday
it was yours. It was yours, a game to win
or lose, and he took care of his business and
got the perfect defensive call for the play he threw
the touchdown on to get him to that point on
a fourth and fifteen.
Speaker 3 (32:56):
Yeah, yours twenty to thirty three hundred and twenty two
yards passing, three touchdowns, one interception.
Speaker 4 (33:02):
And there's not very much you can do. I remember
when it was fourth and fifteen, a ton of buddy.
I don't have any plays in my playbook for this
save in a game at fourth and fifteen. With the
way things have ended up here, you just hope your
quarterback makes a monumental play and somebody screws up, and
you know what, they got the coverage they needed. I
was shocked, and I'm an aggressive you know, if I
was a defensive coordinator, I want I'm gonna attack all
the time, except on fourth and fifteen when alls they
need to catch and tackle the game's over. I thought
that was a wrong call at the wrong time for
Oshawa State, that situation, especially with veteran quarter quarterback. Yet
it's been in big moments like that. Yeah, no doubt.
Speaker 3 (33:40):
All right, let's continue to talk about the college football playoffs.
Oregon gets manhandled by Ohio State. What are the Ohio
State doubters saying? Now, let's talk about it next.
Speaker 1 (33:52):
This is the Seawan Salisbury Show.
Speaker 4 (33:54):
Are you not at the time?
Speaker 9 (33:56):
Lets beginning?
Speaker 1 (34:00):
Speaker 10 (34:01):
Yeah, go.
Speaker 1 (34:03):
On Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (34:07):
I know you're picking up what I'm putting down. I've
been there.
Speaker 3 (34:10):
You're right along the weather today, let you know a
little bit. Yeah, it's all right, it's going around.
Speaker 4 (34:14):
Yeah, just sid aside from when you walk outside and
get your truck, you blow chow on the side of
the pop in pop back in the truck and drive
to work. It happened to be twice this morning. Got
out like okay, yeah, days ago. They keep a toothbrush
with you. Honestly, I'm leaving the house this morning, yeah,
locked the front door. I'm like, what's going on here?
Boom to the flower bed. I take water and pour
it on it, you know, double dip when I go
back home and make sure that you know, there's not planners,
peanuts or something there. And then okay, I no, sooner
walk unlocked my truck, bam right on the side of
the driveway in the grass, pour water on that, light
up the truck, and drive to work. So good to
see you, buddy.
Speaker 3 (35:00):
You know that was me two days ago, from like
one thirty two o'clock in the morning till four thirty.
Speaker 4 (35:05):
And I'm not sure why.
Speaker 1 (35:06):
I know it was random.
Speaker 4 (35:07):
Yeah, but you know what we do. We show up.
Speaker 3 (35:10):
Yeah, well I tried not to show up. I didn't
want to leave you hanging, so you know, I just.
Speaker 8 (35:18):
Speaker 3 (35:19):
Yeah, dude, it was. I couldn't keep pepto down, I
couldn't keep water down. And then I finally took a
dram of me and I was able to knock that
down ate like a little little one of those things
called like a little cake snack or whatever. And dude
got in here. New Year's Eve is brutal, and then
out of nowhere, I like start shivering the last hour
of the show, and I get home and I got
the flu symptoms.
Speaker 4 (35:41):
Have some chill bills, Yeah, a few chill bills.
Speaker 3 (35:43):
I lay in bed all day yesterday, all New Year's Eve,
in bed at eight o'clock.
Speaker 4 (35:49):
It was terrible.
Speaker 3 (35:50):
Hey we're here, baby, New Year, save us, you know
what I mean? Just grind it better us? Yeah, better us.
I noticed nobody's working again today.
Speaker 4 (35:58):
So it's today. That's third second of January second. Yeah,
the work day it is. Yeah, true, I just know this.
From Thanksgiving till January sixth, this is most people's off time. Yeah.
I don't even know what day Giving to January sixth,
nobody's working. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, okay, we're here
providing you sports. Got it? Hey finally had a close
game in the playoff games?
Speaker 3 (36:21):
Hey, uh, what are what's Shannon Shark gonna say now
about Ohio State?
Speaker 4 (36:27):
Well, stephen A. Smith, you know all that you're gonna
have a TV before you turn it on today, let's
all that noise that they talked. I don't know what
they were trying to before, don't. I don't really care
what they're saying now.
Speaker 3 (36:38):
But you don't have any You don't have enough bosses
to contain me, the Kirk or whatever you're What are
you gonna do is Shanny's gonna fight your you know,
you fight your coworker.
Speaker 4 (36:48):
I don't know how they're gonna treat Ohio State. I
really don't were they were. They were both hard on
Ohio State, Right, That's how I think it started. Right, Yeah,
there ain't very much. You go into that game, coming
to that game saying in Ohio State didn't play well
that of all the games of all the Star that
was as impressive a game as it's been played by
a playoff team so far. Did they not want to cover?
They just hammered the number one team in the country.
Speaker 3 (37:15):
Did they not want to cover Jeremiah Smith seven receptions,
one hundred and eighty seven yards. You realize every time
Ohio State plays in the Rose Bowl, they have one
of their one of their wide receivers just go completely off.
Speaker 4 (37:25):
You never noticed that Ohio State that if you're a
quarterback at Ohio State, just be patient because when you
finally do get the job, you're going to have Like,
there's a freshman right now play in Ohio State. I
don't know who he is, but there's a freshman wide
receiver there that can't get on the field. Yeah that
two years from now you're saying, Man, I can't wait
till this guy's a top ten pick next year. Right,
every year? You know, we looked at Alabama in the
past when they kept producing, you know, Metchi and the
Heisman Trophy winner. It's in Philly now, oh Smith, Yeah,
I mean every year, right, every yeah, constantly, Just keep
keep pumping them out. I just keep pumping them out,
and you're like, Okay, in Ohio State, Jackson Smith the jig,
but you got Marvin Harrison junior. Yes, every year, Garrett Wilson,
it's somebody, and it's like, so if you're a quarterback,
you say, or if you're a receiver saying, well, I'm
going to transfer. Just hang on, hang on, because in
a matter of like three games, we'll have your tally.
Your talent will be through the roof. I mean they
are loaded every year. And yes, once again, some Ohio
State player and wide receiver dominates a game, in a
big game, and you got two more chances to do it.
That looked like an a that looked like Ohio State
is the best team in America because they can. They
dismantled Oregon. The score wasn't even as close as the game,
and the score was not even indicative of how bad
the ass whoopman was and it was an ass whom.
Speaker 3 (38:51):
Yeah, I don't know outside of Texas's front for the defense,
I don't know how you're gonna beat Ohio State, Like,
I really don't.
Speaker 4 (39:01):
You gotta make you got to make them one dimensional,
and that one dimensional can't be big plays and they
make a lot of them, and they've got a veteran quarterback.
They're gonna be hard out.
Speaker 8 (39:10):
I don't know.
Speaker 4 (39:11):
Oregon and Ohio State had a lot to do with this.
Oregon didn't feel ready to play yet it did so weird.
They it was not sharp anywhere.
Speaker 3 (39:20):
No, it was like they got smacked early and never
responded like at all.
Speaker 4 (39:25):
Which is not like a Dan Lanning team. They're always
pretty damn touch and good. It was just it was
as if Ohio State it was almost enough's enough. Yeah,
you know, we're we're gonna, we're gonna, We're gonna wear
you guys. We were tired of the talk and stiff.
And it wasn't a twenty seven, twenty four game that
you could have said on Oregon had them on the ropes, right.
This was a you're getting a couple of cheap touchdowns late, right,
we're destroying you a bed. And it was from the
opening tap man that thing started out and they did
not stop.
Speaker 3 (39:54):
No, And Oregon, it really just looked like the stage
was too big for him, which is crazy because Oregon's
played in big games.
Speaker 4 (40:02):
Yeah, yeah, and whether it's and I'm with you, it's
hard for me to think that Dylan Gabriel's played like
eight million football games, Yeah, that the stage would be
too big. Sometimes we can't figure out why, but I
can tell you this that sometimes it really isn't a
while other than the other guy was just better than you. Yeah,
we're godness your Oregon. You don't want to admit it.
Think about it once again, go through Ohio State's roster.
We should not be surprised that that team issued an
ass whoop into somebody, even it was even though it
was the number one team in the country. Now we
see it in college basketball time, number one team. Can
you kick an ass? Kansas or University of Houston or
when Kentucky was at there, you know what I'm saying, Duke,
And then all of a sudden, somebody comes in. It's
it's an acc team is going to finish in the
middle of the pack and beat him by eighteen. You're like, well,
where'd that come from? How did Oklahoma beat Kansas? Yeah,
they're the number one team in the country. Well, they's
played better. And then you go back the next time
and then they're going win eight games in a rown
and beating team by the total of sixteen points, right average.
And you're like, oh okay. And then you look at
the ross and say, well I get it. Yeah, that's
all Ohio State. See. It's not like Oho State hadn't
been good all year. They lost two games and had
they not got beat up by Michigan the way they
got beat up. We'd even been talking better about Ohio State,
but they just got physically manhaded, like what's going on here?
And instead of letting everybody them buy into what everybody's
saying about them, they decided to say, well, no, no, here's
exactly why. At the beginning of the year, you had
a strength ahead of Georgia, or you had a strength
ahead of Alabama, and you have a strength ahead of Texas,
and it is that looked like a national championship football team. Yeah,
and they've got enough talent we shouldn't be shocked when
they do that. The question is can they sustain that
type of play for two more weeks?
Speaker 3 (41:41):
Oregon twenty eight yard or twenty eight carries minus twenty
three yards on the ground.
Speaker 4 (41:48):
That was the difference in the game there, when their
one dimension wasn't good enough to handle Ohio State and
then they had to play catch up the whole time. Yeah,
not ah, not good for Oregon. Ohio State be the
breaker if you wanted to send you know, can we
hear about Texas and Georgia the fifth the cality of
those two teams if you wanted to send a message
that we're a physical team. They just because Oregon puts
forty on you in the blink of an eye. Yeah
not today. Song Ohio State was impressive. Yeah they were.
Speaker 3 (42:14):
They were sure impressive against Oregon. A right, let's get
into the seven o'clock hour next right here on Sportstlock seven.
Speaker 1 (42:19):
Eighty k b E Houston, HD two Houston, an i
Heeart radio station.
Speaker 11 (42:25):
The Astross the Rockets, Rockets Basketball, your home for your
home teams.
Speaker 1 (42:32):
This is Sports Talk seven ninety Salisbury, Oldbury, Salsbury, Houston. Okay,
let's do this. Sewan Salisbury, the USC.
Speaker 2 (42:48):
True longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury.
Speaker 1 (42:50):
Ryan Lima, go Lobos. This is the Sewan Salisbury Show.
Speaker 3 (42:58):
Texas, Oregon, Penn State all advanced the college football playoffs semifinals.
You got the Sugar Bowl that was postponed to today.
That'll be later on this afternoon. If they continue on
with that game, there's still a chance. After the tragic
situation in New Orleans on Bourbon Street, the terrorist attack, Sean,
We're just watching some highlights of this Texas game, and
my goodness, like I just keep watching the play where
Michael taff tackles the wide receiver for Arizona State.
Speaker 4 (43:24):
Helmet to helmet, no flag. It was a blatant penalty,
I mean, but still, hell, guys miss him all the
time during the game. There's those calls all the time.
But I don't understand how. Like I said, I love
physical play. If there's no rule like it, I'm a
hell go let it rip man. But the rule and
no players shall target and make forcible contact against an
opponent with the crown of their helmet. I am assuming
they're saying that it wasn't a full crown of the helmet.
His helmet hit him, and it was he came flowing
through and you watch from the back angle when you
see him come in, you can see it's it's a
helmet the helmet hit. They were listen, Texas was fortunate
on that. Now they took advantage their opportunities and won
a football game. So we can't sit there and say
they were lucky. They were very fortunate that this wasn't
a call because it was fifteen yards. That's down to
about the what thirty five yard line, and you can
end the game time wise, But that is that's a
blatant that that right there is exactly why they put
the ruled in, right. I mean, it's just the crown
of his helmet hits him. It hits hits the Arizona
State guy. We're watching replay after replay. But they got it.
They got a gift handed to and they took advantage
of it. Yeah, they did. That's good on them. But
I understand Arizona State's frustration because it was a hell
of a football game and Arizona State's a worthy opponent. Man.
They sure showed it yesterday.
Speaker 3 (44:49):
To go back to the Penn State and Boise State game,
we talked about it a little bit earlier in the
six o'clock hour. Ashton Genty rushed for over one hundred
yard again against Penn State. So just looking a little
more into Ashton geny Hea put up five and forty
nine yards of total offense against the three ranked teams
that they played this year, which includes Oregon when they
were number one in the nation. Only two running backs
went for over one hundred yards rushing against Penn State
all year, and he is one of them.
Speaker 4 (45:15):
How many carries did he have in the game and
they bottled him up. It was like at one point,
you know, early on, but he just keeps coming. And
the key here is that he rushed for over one
hundred yards, but he didn't rush for the what we said,
remember we said last week earlier this week, you just
can't let him miss set thirty carries. Sorry, you can't
let him and thirty carries for a little over one
hundred yards. Yeah, that's normally that's one hundred yards more. Right,
So that's a win for Penn State defense. And the
guy is just a he's a hell of a football player. Yeah,
but he did not take over the game and dominate
the game, which you were going to need to do
in that one. But you also, if you're Penn State,
like you said, you made a committee that guy's not
beating us, and he didn't. And the rest of the
Boise State squad could not pull that one off.
Speaker 3 (46:00):
Yeah, and they they handed Boys State all night and
then they forced the quarterback to make some plays. Maddox
matts in any through three interceptions. Yep, you can't have
that happen.
Speaker 4 (46:10):
Didn't We say that We're going to find out when
you when you're because he's going to have opportunities to
make play, he's going to have opportunities to make throws
against single coverage on Penn State and beat pressure because
they're going to do everything they can to gear up
and stop that big fellow from Russian and going thirty
carries for two twenty five. Yeah, then we're having a
different conversation today. But that's not the case. And he
just couldn't. You know, when you turn it over three
times against that team, you don't you don't have a
good chance. When you know what if Georgia takes care
of their business against Notre Dame, or even if Notre
Dame takes care of the business your business against Georgia.
You got a Penn State team that is going to
be nobody talks about them for the most part, right right,
then of the four teams, you know who the least
favorite team is going to be. Oh yeah, yeah, no, no,
Penn State, Oh sorry, pen Penn State will be Notre
Dames as a national brandy. Everybody thinks Georgia can still
win it. We know about Texas and we obviously know
Ohio State. It's gonna be like Penn State's going to
be the forgotten of the four. Yeah, and they're pretty
good man. They've got a veteran quarterback. They are fierce
on defense. They've got enough playmakers. I'm going to tell
you what their tight end can take over a game.
He is so versatile and so good. Oh my gosh, man,
I would I would you put it this way, you
could do a lot worse than take a future's bet
and pick Penn State to win the whole thing. I
don't know if they're going to, but they are. They
they can play, and their defense is going to give
you every single thing you can handle.
Speaker 3 (47:35):
Tyler Warren, the tight end, is so damn good. Oh
he's six six sixty, dude, he's got He's got almost
twelve hundred yards receiving this year as a tight end.
Speaker 4 (47:46):
He throws touchdown passes, he gets on the backfield, he
does it all, and he's a He's a phenomenal player.
There's a unique party. Everybody's got those unique players. He
is a really unique player. I'm just telling you, you're
got all the pubs that's gonna go through Penn State.
It's gonna be the Oh by the Way team. And
I'm just telling you and they their path has been
pretty fair, I mean favorable for them. I mean who
they play in the first game, Uh SMU, they got it.
They drew SMU, drew SMU, and Boise State's pretty good. Path.
Now they're the big boy I mean, not that those
guys aren't big boys, but the bigger boys are coming
to town, and so we're going to see if that
defense can hold up. But they have the I mean,
they obviously played well enough to get into the playoffs,
and they were a top five team most of the season,
at least in most people's eyes, right, top five, top
six for sure, a top ten team. So they they're
they're gonna they're they're gonna be the least sexy of
the group. But they've got players, and make no mistake,
their offensive coordinator, dude is he'll do some stuff. Now,
he will line up in some formations. He'll he'll pull
the okie dock on you, which I like about them.
So their uniforms, maybe you know they're they're they they
may be a plane type team you think they're playing
because they just play hard nosed defense. They're better than
they're they're they're more explosive than you made. That then
may appear from your optics watching on TV.
Speaker 3 (49:02):
So Notre Dame Georgia obviously with the postponement, supposed to
kick off today at three o'clock, Notre Dame favored by one,
do you think this game? Obviously they're affected, right, everything's
been thrown off. They were locked in their hotels.
Speaker 4 (49:17):
And deals with the distraction the best.
Speaker 3 (49:18):
So that's why I was gonna say, how much distraction
will this have on these two teams?
Speaker 4 (49:22):
A lot? Imagine gearing up in your mind, and then
we obviously know the reason why the big game's been
laid and rightfully so. But just getting to the football talk,
I want you to imagine the biggest game of your
friggin life as a player or a coach. Yeah, and
you've geared up all day, and you find out a
couple hours before a game, handful hours before a game
that all of it we're gonna move it to tomorrow, Yeah,
changing the time, and you can't leave your hotel, right,
So you're gonna sit there and let it fester, and
it's gonna be in your mind the whole time. And
then you wake up today and you plan on playing
today at four o'clock Eastern, and there's a chance you
may not be playing against tomorrow because it's still a
crime scene in New Orleans. So if they do play,
even if they play today, keep an eye on the
first quarter. Yeah, yeah, honestly, keep an eye on the
first quarter. Who comes out. I don't want to say
it can go twofold. I've seen it happen both ways
where you come out and I don't know how in
a game of this magnitude you could come out flat,
but you could also come out like that emotional energy
you spend. You know what I'm talking about. Anybody's played
at any level, high school, it doesn't matter even when
you're a twelve year old little you're getting ready to
play for the city, to know the championship, ye think
about it all day long, you're even as a kid's
and even if they don't, think about the energy you
expend just on that day that you know you're playing
and those big games and you know that feeling of
it's that nervous energy that you start yawning and you
get tired. You feel tired. So it's like, because you're
yawning before the games, say man, am I tired? Or
is it just that pregame nervous yawn And then you
kick in and adrenaline starts flowing, but you can get away.
We saw a couple of games where early yesterday the
Texas and Ohio State jumped out to big leads right
off the bat. Right, I'm just curious to see you
keep an eye on and it can go either way. One,
you come out and you're foggy, trying to get into
the game for obvious reasons, because you're also sitting in
New Orleans and think about all the things that are
going on around you, and hell, you're the game, so
you did. I would imagine you're also thinking, well, if
somebody can try to pull something like that on us, yeah,
and then you can understand a young man thinking that, right.
And then there's the other side where you you have
waited and spent so much energy, you come out overly
jacked up, you know what I'm saying, and then you
trying to force the ball that's picked six or you
can't get off, you can't get going because you're so
pumped up because you've waited so long, And then you
exert all that energy in the first corner and you're like, man,
what's the hell where do I dig in to get this?
So these lads, I'm telling you, and it won't just
be a physical thing in this game. We know about
the mental and playing against the defense. I'm talking about
the emotional, uh, the ability to to kind of harness
it and when to let it rip. That's a that's
a unique traite.
Speaker 12 (52:02):
Speaker 4 (52:02):
I'm keeping an eye on early in this game if
there's somebody who's too jacked up or somebody who's too
I spent all my energy, emotional energy two days ago
getting ready for this game, and now you want me
to do it again. Well, you'd hope at twenty years
old that they can muster that up because you're going
to eventually play the game and if you want a
chance chance at a national title, this distraction is going
to have to be something in it. When I say distraction,
I'm saying the lives are nothing, but it just they're
they're they're something that you got to think about. But
when you're on the field, you're thinking about winning a game.
And so this is a this is it's a distraction
because it's it's the day's changed in all that's going on.
But you've got to limit it as a player. You
can't look at it like you guy, say, hey, man
was delayed. We'll go play. It's okay, and the other
team's got to deal with it too. It's kind of
got to be the philosophy. But bigger things happen in
New Orleans. So I'm anxious to see if they'll get
the game off today. Yeah, I'm interested to see if
if they will if they clear the crime scene and
it's no longer a crime crime scene by noon. But
you can't wait till two o'clock to announce it when
they're out of the field, right, You got to give
them a chance to get their mental Matter of fact,
I would think that by nine o'clock in the morning
they know if they're going to be playing a game
or not. Yeah, that's because they're going through pregame meal,
all those things. He goes because you want to get
up at the same normal time, right and you know,
getting their meetings done, and you want to give them
you don't want to disappoint them again that they don't
get to play. But they obviously understand the levity and
the the you know how big this situation is in
New Orleans.
Speaker 3 (53:26):
Yeah, there's there's no doubt that it's a tragic is
the only way that I can cowardice to talk about it,
no question about it.
Speaker 4 (53:34):
With what happened on Bourbon Street on New Year's Zeve.
Speaker 3 (53:37):
All right, let's get to the stakeout next right here
on the Seat Salisbury.
Speaker 1 (53:40):
Show, shotgun with someone who's thrown from the shotgun. Football
is war helmet to hammet, Sean Salisbury, Brian, you want
to see what a real football looks like. This is
the Sewan Salisbury Show on Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 4 (54:05):
All right, Sean, what are you.
Speaker 1 (54:07):
Hearing out there now? The Salisbury's takeout, Salisbury's takeouts on
the Sean Salisbury Show.
Speaker 4 (54:15):
It's time for the steak out.
Speaker 3 (54:17):
Here on the Shawn Salisbury Show, Sean Brown at Tripoli
Brockets take down the MAVs. Texas, Oregon, Penn State all
advanced to the college football playoffs semi finals Sugar Bowls
set to kick off today at three o'clock. Georgia and
Notre Dame in that game. All right, Sean for the steakout,
Let's talk about Alex Bregman. There was a an article
on the Detroit Free Press that the Tigers are reportedly
all in on Alex Bregman. However, the market for Alex
Bregman has stalled. This dude to Scott Boris seeking a
two one hundred million dollars guaranteed contract. The Tigers and
other teams in the fray for Bregman do not value
him at that much money. And each day that goes
by without Bregman signing with a team lowers his value. Bregman,
obviously played in the league for nine years, represented by
Scott Boris, is continuing to seek two hundred million dollars.
Speaker 4 (55:34):
Well, then that's a Bregman problem, okay. And I don't
you know, I'd love him back here, and I'd love
him in Boston if he's not gonna be here. I
can tell you this though, the agent works for the player,
not the other way around. You pay the agent to
do what you want. So and why you want to
blame it on Scott Boris, and we can because that's
his reputation. But he's also got the reputations being the
most powerful agent in the business period. Put yourself in
the shoes, you're you're Alex Regman. Yeah, and you know
the market for you is thinning at two hundred million,
matter of fact, and not only may be thin, and
may you may not even touch it. Now you the
longer you go. You're taking a risk that somebody's going
to be panicked, and so he's gonna say, Dude, for
twenty five extra million over the course of six years,
let's go pay it. Right. You may find somebody, but
you're taking the risk because I can tell you this,
if the market was big form, he'd got his two
hundred and two ten already ready. Yeah, at that price,
I'm sure there's a lot of people love to have
him at a buck seventy okay, or a buck seventy
five or a buck sixty five. Right, I'm going to say,
I tell you I I quite frankly, why are we
blaming this on Scott Boris, Unless, of course you've given
your attorney power of attorney and you think that what
he says is so gold that he's making decisions for you,
then that's an Alex Bregman problem because I know this.
With an agent, he's there to give me all the facts,
give me all the numbers, negotiate on my behalf, and
get the best deal. He pod squeezed everything you can
out of a turn up. That turnup may not be
filled with two hundred million dollars. I'm the player. I
pay you if Alex Bregman wants a contract done, and
if it's not, even says well, you know, I'm get
two hundred million, come hell or high water. Okay, and
he keeps holding now, well then that's something he's gonna
have to deal with. But I'm putting myself in that shoes.
You get to a point where I understand the ego
and but but you didn't hit three twenty. You did
hit thirty home runs, and you did drive one hundred
runs last year to sug guess what. Unfortunately, the market
is where Chapman and the group is in that twenty
seven million range, right, and it's twenty five to twenty
seven and a half million, and Bregman's is able to play.
And I love somebody who believes that they're that good
they're worth it, and he may very well be worth it.
But if the market says you're not worth it, then
you got to your job as a negotiator, meaning Boris
is to talk to Alex Bregman and decide, Okay, here's
who's bluffing, here's who's not, and here's really where our
max is. But what it gets right back to it,
if you're Alex Bregmany say, listen, I'm tired of waiting.
I want to play in Detroit. Let's just say that's
where he wants to play with aj Hinch. Go there
and say forget two hundred million, man, let's go one
eighty five for six and let's go play Bay and
maybe they'll do it if they say one to eighty.
That's not a Scott Boris decision. It's an Alex Bregman decision.
Because if I have an agent and he keeps doing
stuff that I tell him not to do, I'm firing him.
If I have an agent that comes to me, he says,
here's the scenarios. I think I can do this with
this team and this team, here's where I think I
can get him. And he goes after it and does it,
then you got to negotiate again. You don't want to
start negotiating to get yourself for your pride and ego gets
you down to one where you're back down to where
he started. But that is not now. You hope that
the agent's giving him good advice. In Scott Boris's reputation,
he real good at this, and that's what an agent's
showed do is give as much you can for your client.
But if you're the client, you realize that Marcus not there,
it is your responsibility to say no. Next time you
go in, here's the number I want you to ask for.
One eighty five or one ninety or one seventy five,
whatever it is. That's the number. And here is my ceiling.
I mean here, here's my floor. But here's also what
I'll take. You can negotiate. But by the time you
leave that office with Detroit or Boston or Houston, if
they if we're if they're the lowest cell going is
one eighty. When you leave, you agree to that deal. Now,
if it's below one eighty, come back and see me,
or one eighty five, whatever the standard is. But for
all the people out there that want to blame Boris,
this is not a Boris issue. It's his agent, unless,
of course, the player says it. Saul, YOUU Scott, whatever
you negotiate, I'll believe in I was never that way
because it's like, it's my career we're dealing with. You're
gonna make six or eight percent or whatever Boris makes.
You give me the facts and I'll tell you what
I want, and then you go back and tell them
what I told you to tell them, and then you
put your negotiation skills. That's the way it is. That's
what you're paying for. I just don't understand. We say, oh,
that's Boris's fault, is it it is? It's Boris's fault
if Bregman allows him be the only guy that's making
the decision for Bregman, if it's Bregman's decision, which it
should be, and he says, you know what, screw two hundred. Yeah,
I'll go to this roight for one eighty eight or
one ninety, and Boris is saying, no, dude, we're gonna
fold out for two hundred if I I say no
one ninety, or you can go find another client. So
it's when we all blame always blame it on the agent.
It's the player. The player makes this decision. So if
you're tired of being stuck in purgatory, then you better
lower your damn asking price and tell Boris that this
is your asking price and here's what you'll settle for.
If you're holding out for two hundred million, then you're playing.
Then you're risking a little bit of where you're gonna
end up.
Speaker 3 (01:00:42):
Uh, we're nearly sixty days into free agency, and the
number of potentially interested teams in Alex Bregman continues to dwindle.
Well It's Tigers and Red Sox are reportedly, according to
this article, some of the only two teams that are interested.
Speaker 4 (01:01:01):
And if you're those two teams, aren't you getting to
a point where you're like, listen, man, if you'll take
one seventy, we'll take him. Every day that goes down.
You know what I'd do is is a business decision.
I'm thinking in the front office thinking we're not negotiating
against anybody. Yeah, so why would I give him what
he wants? We hold the cards now, right, so, oh
it was one eighty five yesterday, Offer him one seventy
five and tell him it's our last offer. At some
point in time, he's gonna have to make a decision.
He just is. And that's that's the player's decision, not
the agent. If you're doing it the right way, the
agent works for me, I don't work for him, So.
Speaker 3 (01:01:36):
It says in this article forty five days until spring training,
the door is wide open for the Tigers and Red Sox,
especially with Bregman's market continuing to decrease.
Speaker 4 (01:01:46):
So hey, eventually you'll be negotiating and get your cell
against yourself because they're gonna have to go because these
guys eventually are going to go say, well, you know what,
we got a plan, like we're moving on without Bregman
at third base, and the Astros are facing that as
we sit here and speak. But if Alex Bregman wants
it done, it's not Scott at the right price. It's
it's Alex Bregman who's gonna have to tell Scott Morse
to negotiate this number. I'm willing to move off this number. Yeah,
but if they're both dead set on two hundred million
or bust, well then it may be a while or
somebody who's who panics and says, we can't lose Bregman.
Give him the extra ten million a year. He's going
to end up for the ten million over for six years.
He's going to end up.
Speaker 3 (01:02:23):
Signing somewhere for twenty six million a year and twenty seven.
Speaker 4 (01:02:27):
Million match out at twenty seven to twenty seven a
half if he's lucky.
Speaker 3 (01:02:30):
Yeah, so it'll basically be what the Astros offer him,
but he'll do it somewhere.
Speaker 4 (01:02:33):
I almost feel like that door's closed here. It is
even maybe the same price, Like I mean, is everybody
who's decided, well, I'm not an astro and we don't
want him back? Yeah? Are we at that point? I
don't think for us well, like meaning us, you and I,
but I'm the organization. I think the organization has already
made their last offer and they're done. Yeah, I think
so fair. I mean, if Bregman went back and say,
they're offering me one seventy five, will you guys match it?
Do you think they do it? No? I think they
would say no, thanks for your time, right, agreed. I mean,
and that's only ten million more over six years, right,
offered him for six that would be six years. Yeah,
I think they're done. Like yeah, And even if they
if he came back and said I got one seventy five,
well they're not going from one fifty six to one eighty. Yeah.
No at this stage, this late stage a game now,
because you know what that'll tell them. You know why
he's coming back to us? Yeah, because it's a a suitor. Yeah,
exactly doesn't have anybody that's right so here he is.
You've got to be careful not to cut off your
nose despite your face in these situations, trust me, I
know on a lesser cause. For me, the reason why
I can speak to this on a much lesser amount
of money, but significant at the time I played and
a starting role I did just that he held out
for one day too long and they signed somebody else,
and it cost me a starting job and at that
point in time, a starter salary. And I can tell
you when Brian billk and I had the conversation and
I waited, I said, now you know what I saw
with Scott Mitchell and ar Kramer. Those were my us
three were kind of guys going around at the same team, right,
And Minnesota had offered it and said you got about
forty eight hours to make decision. I called her bluff
and forty eight hours had another quarterback. Damn. I went back. Yeah,
but it was not that that's salary as the starter
dam And so I'm speaking from a lot less money,
but it's all relative to me. It was huge money
at that point in time, right, But a little pride
and ego said you can't pay you know, you get
to that point where you say I put in there,
whether you are or not, that's your you know, the
pride and ego does get in the way. Yeah, And
I cut off my windows to spike in my face
and it cost me money and going into campus the
guy as opposed to having to chase the guy. Yeah,
and I saw I lived it and it was my
fault because I called I waited one extra day too long,
and at that point in time said love to have you,
but it's now, it's different. And Brian told me it
was gonna be different. I didn't buy it. Tam happened
to me cold. It's a cold slap in the face.
Now you gotta go back and drawing board, keep competing for
that's and the other two guys had just signed and
they were at two places that I'd visited.
Speaker 3 (01:05:00):
Yeah, so there you go. Damn, yep, damn. I guess
uh that's a harsh way to learn. Huh uh experience.
Canna be a bitch, brother. It could work for you
in the long run. But at that time, I was like,
oh hell oh yeah, yeah, no doubt brother. All right,
let's continue this discussion. And as we move along right here.
On seven ninety, the Shawn Salisbury Show continued.
Speaker 4 (01:05:28):
A little over a mile mile of maybe a mile
and a quarter and it's probably it's less than ten
minute drive now depending on traffic for the game. So
the crime scene is not exactly on the Superdome grounds,
but it is close enough, and the traffic and foot
you don't want any bodies in there right near every
single print, all of that. You never know they're trying
to find everything. So so Bourbon Street and then you've
got Bourbon Street in the French Quarter. But Bourbon street's
about a mile and a quarter maybe one point three
miles somewhere and there it's less than two miles and
it's less than ten minutes. So that's why the proximity
of it, and as a crime scene, you just don't
want anything that you know, you know you'll get the
rubber neckers, and you're just trying to keep it as
clean as you can to find out what is obviously
utterly important. So that is why. And so John, hopefully
I answered your question. But it's not on the same street.
It's a couple of streets away, but it's about it.
It's a little over a mile away in about a
seven or eight minute it takes to get there, depending
on traffic. Yeah, from the Bourbon the actual Bourbon Street
to the Caesar Super Dope. Yeah, we have. That's an
idea of proximity where of why and I know some
would say, well one point two miles is it really
that close for our crime scene. It is for obvious reasons,
and there's also the optics of playing a game and
what's going on in the importance of making sure those
lives are the reverence in which we deal with that,
I mean, you got to think about it.
Speaker 3 (01:06:58):
Everyone that goes to attend a game aim at that
stadium probably goes somewhere in the French Quarter somewhere on
Bourbon Street.
Speaker 4 (01:07:07):
To pregames, and it's gonna be empty. It's gonna be empty,
right and it should be and it absolutely should be.
And another thing about it is is that you also
it's not just I mean, it is obviously the crime
scene what happened, but you've got to know that there's
a reason they ramped up security even more for this
and why they're doing this because at a big event
like this, and we you know, I guarantee there's threats
that we don't know about. Yeah, I don't know about
it there, but we we don't heard all the time
when somebody will come out and say, oh, there's been
five threats on the President's Like, you know, you hear
those things. And so if you're if you're the people
at this, it's in close enough proximity to make you worry,
what well the other bombs where there's a detonator because
it's a big event and you know that there's a
lot of bodies there. So, but it's also the crime scene.
You just you just can't have it toyed with, you know.
I know we see it on TV and you see
people all around. Crime scenes are usually clear cleared up
as far and wide as they're allowed to do it
to make sure that you have no foot traffic or
any problem, you know, problems get it done. So I
understand why even as a little over a mile away
that would be the case. I think it's right around
one point three miles something like that. A little over
a mile. I did it years ago, trying to say
how long is it Actually it's just a little over
a mile walk. I don't know. I think I'm somewhere
in the vicinity.
Speaker 3 (01:08:23):
Yeah, it's it's honestly, like if you go to Bourbon Street,
it seems like the Superdome is literally just right down
the street.
Speaker 4 (01:08:28):
So yeah, I mean and a mile is too close
when it comes to crime scene.
Speaker 3 (01:08:32):
Yeah, yeah, see it. Uh, I can just do that
real quick. Yeah, it's it's got to be a mile
and a half. Maybe I guess I could google it,
but yeah, it's from from Bourbon Street to the Caesars
super Dome. I'm going to say it's less than a mile.
Speaker 4 (01:08:48):
And a half. Let me get that up. I'm gonna
say it's a little over a mile, mile and a
quarter somewhere in that range. Gosh, dang, dude.
Speaker 3 (01:08:54):
I just it is beyond me on why they didn't
have of more protection.
Speaker 4 (01:09:03):
At the entrance to Bourbon Street if.
Speaker 3 (01:09:06):
You have the ballards ballards down and getting refurbished or whatever, Okay,
put something else there. It's just crazy to me. So
it is a one point two miles.
Speaker 4 (01:09:16):
Oh, there you go, so little Enard. Like I said,
I didn't think it was quite a way at all
the number of times I've been there. Just it's it's
an easy stroll. Yeah, it's it's a twenty minute walk. Yeah,
there you go, and by vehicle probably what less than
ten minutes, five minutes, seven minutes, eight minutes something like that.
It's a six minute drive. Okay, there you go. Yeah,
close enough to be too close for them to want
a free to and maybe it won't be a crime
scene after today. Maybe they will have done there, you know,
got all the stuff that they need. We'll see, man, Mike.
My guess is they're going to play it at four
o'clock today, Yeah, Eastern time, I would think so, three
hour time. I would think so.
Speaker 3 (01:09:52):
Even the governor was down in Louisiana. Governor was down
on Bourbon Street yesterday obviously talking with everybody during the investigation,
and he tweeted out that he had dinner with his
staff and with first responders and police officers, and that
they would be playing that game today. I saw that
a couple of minutes ago, excuse me, So that the
plan is for them to still play at what is
it three o'clock kickoff Georgia and Notre Dame. I feel
like that even if you're in attendance of that game,
it's just gonna have like a weird, eerie feeling. Yeah,
you know, it's no doubt, kind of takes the joy
away from a big ass game, which is the All
States Sugar bowl, you know what I mean, Like.
Speaker 4 (01:10:33):
It would only be natural for your head to be
on a swivel wondering.
Speaker 3 (01:10:36):
Right, Really, I'm always I'm a We've talked about this
allfair Like, I'm very It doesn't matter where I go,
even if I'm just running to the local gas station.
My head is on a swivel at all times.
Speaker 4 (01:10:49):
My heads. My head's at the gas stations on a
swivel more than it's ever been in my life. Yeah,
you know, you leave it open your cards while you play,
you know, and it's dark when word going to all
the time at a gas station, I feel like I
see too much where people getting one person's okie dog
and hear the other one goes in and steals some right,
Just I My head's on a swivel all the time,
And I would imagine the players have the advantage of
when the game starts to lock into what their job
is and that's what they're supposed to do. Do you
see your buddy Abdul this morning at the gas age
once again once again? And that's too soon, by the way,
what do you mean to too soon? Uh? His name's Mike.
I told you that.
Speaker 3 (01:11:24):
Yeah, Well that's got to his name is Michael, That's
what he says his name is.
Speaker 4 (01:11:28):
But it's really Abdual. No, it isn't. Plus it's I've
told you again, it's closed open testy. I no longer
are they open work. They've cut down there overnight hours
on all of them. You want us to you want
me to call the governor get that fixed for you? No,
I a man? Can you can you fix our local
time wises? For showing? It saves my OCD from having
to go in and buy the same thing every day.
So I just do it to brick it from.
Speaker 3 (01:11:50):
Yeah, but it throws me off. I'm tired of seeing
this hib water you're bringing in, you know, pre pub
for HB.
Speaker 4 (01:11:55):
Right, what I need to do is pre I go
to and get my essential waters like when they are open, right,
just have it, should they said, the big ones, No doubt.
I just got it, you know, to excellence. I ate
this morning before I left, just a little bit of
bite because I had yeah, you know, needless to say,
it ended up on my front grass anyway, so wind
it mattered. That don't make you horning one. A couple
of ants are gonna enjoy that, ye on the sprinkler
before that happens, I poured water all over it too.
Speaker 3 (01:12:22):
So we better get those sprinklers ready because it's supposed
to snow in a couple of days.
Speaker 4 (01:12:25):
Let's go. Yeah, come on, you want a little winter,
I'm giving you a little winter. Yeah. I love Winter.
We like to call him old man Rivers. I called
him old man Winter. Yeah, it's common. His name is,
his name is Winter. White guy. Gotta be racist. Well, yeah,
on your part, winter, white, snow, white guy, just saying
I just said old man. Oh, I said old Winter.
Speaker 11 (01:12:49):
Speaker 4 (01:12:49):
Never came out of my mouth.
Speaker 3 (01:12:50):
Winter old? Do you since winter is winter not white? No,
snow's white, exactly, Winter's not white. It could be winter
without white winter. You see a whole lot of leaves
on there, so it ain't nothing.
Speaker 4 (01:13:01):
I mean exactly. So there's a lot of brown and
dead brown winter. No, the leaves are gone, so you
automatic right, and the trees the branch against the brown,
the brown leaf, the brown leaf community. No, I think
you're what I'm saying, Come on, man, how are we
not going to throw the He's on my side, you know,
of course, because snow and you say, oh, winter's white,
No it's not. It is winter doesn't equal winter and snow.
While they got inside, the snow is you've urinated on it,
well then yellow yellow, right, But you can get cold
without it snowing. And that doesn't mean it's white out Hawaii.
Like winter's not cold there. Well, it's like it can
be if you get down to the thirties and be freezing.
So now you're against the community. I'm big in the
Hawaiian community hues and huge in the tonge.
Speaker 3 (01:13:54):
So it just goes back in your lack of respect
for the cut off shirt community as well the beach community.
Speaker 4 (01:13:59):
You've been disrespecting my Hispanic community since the day you
walked on. I do nothing but respect for them. Order Lars,
order la triple e.
Speaker 3 (01:14:08):
No triple e. No gotta be, doesn't it. No, it's
gotta be. What's that, dude. I'll try to get better.
She's twenty five. If you're trying to get the twenty
twenty five is true.
Speaker 4 (01:14:20):
When you think winter, you think snow and white, right, white, yeah,
and really it can be awfully cold without it being
one ounce of white out there?
Speaker 8 (01:14:26):
Speaker 4 (01:14:26):
Well screw whitey, yeah, exactly white. He stuck down, boy,
Why screws? Yeah, there's out, there's no doubt. All right,
let's get to break.
Speaker 3 (01:14:36):
Let's we got to get into some little Texans football.
DJ or Not dj CJ's Drowd and Dimiico Ryan's both
speaking to the media yesterday talking about the lack of
running game less next not good, huh, let's talk about it.
Speaker 1 (01:14:50):
Let the celebration start. Sean Salisbury on Sports Talk set.
Speaker 3 (01:14:58):
Two hours into the show, Sean, we finally have our
first call. Give it up, everybody, great job, I'm twenty five.
Nice hell of a run, shows man. Almost two hours
in first call. Let's check it out, biscuit. Happy New Year, brother,
what's on your mind?
Speaker 8 (01:15:14):
Happy New Year?
Speaker 4 (01:15:15):
Speaker 8 (01:15:15):
Yeah, Man, I'm on the freeway, man, And I guess
everybody's still off but us, Sean, I guess you.
Speaker 4 (01:15:20):
Know you ain't lying.
Speaker 8 (01:15:22):
Hey, Hey, I ain't mad at. I'll bet I'm getting
to work in thirty minutes, spend on an hour and fifteen,
So I'm cool with that. But Sean, I was telling
Triple Man since the game got canceled last night, and
and the Ohio State game was a blowout, Man, I got
to watch some luther Man on. They had a special
on Lutho CNN man. And I remember remember seaning you
a few years back. You pose the question, if you've
been have a concert in your backyard, who would you rather?
Who would you want to perform it?
Speaker 4 (01:15:57):
Right? And I like one of those cozy concerts for
your best hunter, of your right hone of.
Speaker 8 (01:16:01):
Your best friends. And I told you, I said, if
it's one hundred people, I picked Michael Jackson. But if
it was twenty five, give me Luther. And man, uh,
you know, just watching that special of Luther last night, Man,
it was it brought back memories. Man, But you know
us growing up and stuff.
Speaker 4 (01:16:22):
Hell yeah, I mean that was.
Speaker 8 (01:16:23):
That dude was as bad, you know, one of a kind.
Speaker 2 (01:16:26):
Speaker 4 (01:16:26):
What did what a gift and blessing? Huh?
Speaker 8 (01:16:31):
I told you shout. I went to a concert with
Luther and in Vogue. This is in the ninety This,
this predates Laalima and Triple Leed. They don't know nothing
about this man, the Lutheran involge man and Luther came out,
Uh Laalima And I was in the second row. I
got these tickets. Me and my wife had the second row.
And Luther has popped up out of nowhere. You know,
he was all dark and then he popped up and
started singing, and all the women in the first five
rows started running around the summit chasing Luther, and we
all the guy, we didn't pay two hundred some ticket shine,
And I'm sitting there looking at it. Discipline, you know,
she chasing after Luther, grabbing onto his pants and stuff.
Speaker 4 (01:17:11):
Man, man, and the man, the man could bring a
crowd to his knees. Brother, he was unbelievable.
Speaker 8 (01:17:16):
Oh man, man, he helpful and it's he was better
in live than he was on the on the record.
Speaker 4 (01:17:23):
Which which is rare, as you well know a concerts,
that is rare, right, silky smooth voice. Man, he was phenomenal.
Speaker 8 (01:17:31):
But anyway in the sports, man, uh, I don't sho.
This is this is my problem and I have I
just lack the lack of consisting. I think you guys
know when I call in, I'm I just don't understand it.
Because how in the world. But we're gonna pump up
sa Kwan Barkley because he got a chance to break
a record, but he got more games.
Speaker 4 (01:17:52):
How's that?
Speaker 8 (01:17:53):
I mean, that's like saying a baseball player, Okay, man,
we the record is two hundred and fifty five, you know,
three hits and you got ten more games. But yeah,
of course you got a chance to break it. I
don't I don't understand that, Sean. How And the point
I'm getting to Sean is the choops. I know, we
don't like the juice and you know some things he
probably did it, you know, we don't know for.
Speaker 4 (01:18:17):
He did his in fourteen games, yeah, and fourteen yeah.
Speaker 8 (01:18:21):
And Sean in the snow in Buffalo.
Speaker 4 (01:18:26):
Well, that people because because that's personal for them, right,
they they've taken what he did as a human right
and taking on field if you if you're able to compartmentalize,
which I get is tough to do. I get it.
But when you combine at SC and in the NFL,
he is as good as running back the combined two leagues,
right of college and NFL, he dominated both. He was
the best in college and the best in the NFL.
One point. But yes, you're you're exactly right. So they
make it because fourteen games, was it two thousand and
three yards or something just right right the pastor time,
which it's unfathomable, unfat And you're right, but he his
name never gets mentioned in it at all at all, yeah, they're.
Speaker 8 (01:19:07):
Talking about diggersony. Yeah, he's a singer now, man, the
Choos is a singles single season cham. Yes, that's just
that's fed the old man little me bowed it on
my soapbos man. But man, we can't. All these records
are getting broken.
Speaker 4 (01:19:21):
Speaker 8 (01:19:21):
Yeah, Receivement had one hundred and twenty catches because they
throw the ball seventy five percent of the time.
Speaker 4 (01:19:27):
Right, And fourteen games to seventeen is significant, brother or
sixteen Dickerson, So that's two games. So you figure those
guys are averaging a bucket a quarter a game or
something that's three hundred yards to you know, two hundred
and fifty to three hundred yards, depending on what kind
of game you have, there's no doubt. So. And I
think for me what it comes down to with the
Barkley Dickerson thing seventeen sixteen, it's for me, I'm not
looking at the games, you know, what I'm looking at
the carries? Who did That's what I'm looking at is
how many carries did it take? Eric and who you know,
was a teammate of mine and I love him so
I'm always need him, But how many how many carries
did it take or will it take Barkley to get it?
And how many carries did it take Dickerson because you
know maybe one game they played a half because they
were blown some an sol with a Barkley Dickerson thing.
Look at the carries. If you're out there wondering, well
there's a record sixteen seventeen, they're gonna be an Asterix bot,
I'm looking at the carries. So if if Barkley does
it in less carries than Dickerson and he played one
more game, then the okay, then now we could right,
we can have that conversation if it took him seventy
five extra carries to do it, right, I have to
go look. But that's where I'm looking. When this thing's done,
I want to know those two how many carries did
you do it in? Then the games don't matter to me.
I don't care if you didn't. You know what I mean,
the carries for me and how you did it. So,
but you know the extra game, it doesn't matter.
Speaker 8 (01:20:48):
But O. J.
Speaker 4 (01:20:48):
Simpson, you're one hundred percent correct. Three games is significant, brother,
that's a lot of yards. You know, two games is
a lot. So, but his name doesn't get mentioned in
a lot of that. And we know why his name
would get mentioned if it wasn't for the off the
field stuff, because at one point he was the most
popular former athlete in the world, and then he became
the most popular athlete for the wrong reasons. But it
was for the right ones for the longest time. And
but yeah, he was a monster on the field, man,
and unfortunately for some monster off it. But uh sure
was the hell of a player, no doubt.
Speaker 8 (01:21:17):
Shout, I take the wrong weekend to go to Nashville,
but out.
Speaker 4 (01:21:21):
Yeah, hang in there, brother, Hey.
Speaker 8 (01:21:26):
Talking about winning.
Speaker 4 (01:21:27):
Now, brothers, hey, put on put on, put on a
one of those puffer vests and then a puffer jacket,
put a scarf on, and go with your boys and
get in the bar quickly in the restaurant and drink
away a man. Be safe, though. Appreciate that's exactly right.
Call us next week. Tell us how the trip was, brother,
we'd love to hear about it. Appreciate, Thank you, you guys,
be careful. That's good stuff. Let's get into the eight
o'clock hour.
Speaker 3 (01:21:53):
We're gonna talk about the Texans running game, what they
need to do to improve against the Titans.
Speaker 1 (01:21:57):
Next D Houston, ADHD two Houston, my Harte radio station.
That's a rocket.
Speaker 11 (01:22:07):
This is Sports Talk seven, your home for your home team.
Speaker 12 (01:22:15):
Salisbury Salisbury, Houston.
Speaker 1 (01:22:21):
Okay, let's do this. Sean Salisbury.
Speaker 2 (01:22:26):
To USC True's longtime friend Shawn Salisbury.
Speaker 1 (01:22:28):
Ryan Lima, go Lobos. This is the Sewn Salsbury Show.
Speaker 3 (01:22:36):
Texas, Oregon, Penn State all advanced to the College football
Playoffs semi finals. The Sugar Bowl gonna be played today
after was postponed yesterday due to the terrorist attack on
Bourbon Street, Georgia, Notre Dame so triple.
Speaker 4 (01:22:50):
I'm gonna ask you real quick. We're gonna talk Texans.
Speaker 3 (01:22:53):
Sewn had to step out for a little conference call,
so we'll wait for him to get back so we
can dig into some Texans. Also, seven one, three, two
on two five seven is number to join Reggie. We
will get to you in just a bit if you
don't mind holding for us, please, I ask you. You're
a little bit younger. Obviously you're what twenty four yep,
So obviously you've got eleven years younger than me. What
is your Where does your mind go when you hear
another attack like this in the country?
Speaker 6 (01:23:21):
Mine goes a bunch of places. Man, Really, I don't know. Honestly,
I don't have the right answer for it is just
another it's like another headline basically, yeah, something to keep
us distracted from the real issues.
Speaker 1 (01:23:34):
That's going on.
Speaker 3 (01:23:34):
So I feel like, and you can correct me if
I'm wrong, but like the way the way things have
gone in this country since you've been a kid has
just been all like this.
Speaker 4 (01:23:44):
It just happens way too much, right, I've.
Speaker 6 (01:23:45):
Seen different, I've seen my I've seen how life used
to be. Yeah, what it is now, well, like you know,
the simplicities of life, yeah, to what we is now
in Yeah, it's it's no comparison. Yeah, it's crazy. So
so for me, and I'm thirty five years old. But
for me, like the first big thing that happened obviously
was nine to eleven, yes, right, and I was let's see,
I was in seventh grade when that happened.
Speaker 4 (01:24:11):
I was one.
Speaker 3 (01:24:12):
Yeah, so you were one years old. So you really
don't I mean, you know just because of what you've learned,
but like you don't really know what it was like
to be a kid at that time. And for me,
like I didn't understand the gravity of it. But now
being where I'm at in my life now looking back
at my seventh grade self and being twelve years old
or whatever I was, it's like, wow, like that actually
happened on Like this actually happened over here. Yeah, right,
And so now like all the events after that, like
the shootings. I remember being a young young kid when
Columbinen happened, the first mass shooting there was obviously there's
been theater shit, there's been so many different acts of
terrorism here in the country. Is so so waking up
to read what happened, It's like, dude, again, yes, but.
Speaker 6 (01:24:55):
It's it's a reason why that's happening. Though, it's a
it's a reason I'll tell you off.
Speaker 4 (01:25:00):
Ara, but yeah, I agree with it. I I why
it's only happening here, right?
Speaker 3 (01:25:06):
And then also I think I I asked that question
because obviously it affects a sports worle, and that's what
we do for a living, is we talk about sports.
But there's also a time and place where you know,
our show I think specifically, I think we do a
good job of wrapping in the real world into our
discussions about sports and how we continue to just be
regular guys on this show. So when things like this
happen in the country, I think we we also do
a good job of balancing out real life and sports
because people listen to us or listen to sports shows
in general to escape life, right, escape reality. But then
when things like this happen like this, it brings us
right back right and then also this does affect the
Sugar Bowl. This is going to be a big part
of our show. Today was the college football quarterfinals. Texans
haven't played yet, it's been New Year's Eve, it's been
New Year's Day, so not a lot to talk about
with Texans wise. We'll still bring it all down because
they've got a game coming up against the Titans. But man,
I just I always try to see what it's like
for the younger generation when these things continue to happen.
Speaker 6 (01:26:10):
Yeah, I think now that we have the technology and
like more information comes out now, it's like, yeah, it's
more it's more eye opening, Like you can't you can't
shut this out or say like nah, I don't believe that,
you know, like now it's too too many people speaking
up now, there's too many things that are coming out
now that you can't hide it.
Speaker 13 (01:26:29):
No, more.
Speaker 3 (01:26:29):
Yeah, and then also like this dude was living in
greens Point, like his house like with the house that
he was living in was in freaking greens My.
Speaker 6 (01:26:38):
Sister sent me that that's why.
Speaker 4 (01:26:39):
Yeah, I'm like, okay, why did he Yeah?
Speaker 3 (01:26:43):
Yeah, it's rented a truck from another family over like
in clear Lake, got it from a dealership in Pasadena.
Like it's drove on down to Bourbon Street. Man, it's
just a really sad situation with what happened. It just
happens way too often, man, So I just wanted to see.
Speaker 6 (01:27:00):
It's just really irritating now and now I see now
the more that stuff happens, it's really distractions. Like I'm
not saying like that wasn't a tragedy or anything, but
it's just it's just something to get people world up
in different things and it's just.
Speaker 4 (01:27:15):
Yea, yeah, it's just just unfortunate all the way. Around.
Speaker 3 (01:27:18):
Seven three, two five, seven ninety is the number to
join RAG. You appreciate you holding what's happening, man, hey, and.
Speaker 13 (01:27:25):
I'm good around. Happy new Year to you brother.
Speaker 4 (01:27:28):
Happy new year, man, Hope you had a good one.
Speaker 13 (01:27:31):
Oh yeah, Gorian, let me tell you and say something
real quick. My prayers all to those families in New Orleans.
But as a fifty eight year old man who's seen
his share of a lot of things, you go to sleep,
and it is a true thing. You go to sleep
before New Year's right, you're saying, what's going to be
the major violent attack in America or in the city
of Houston or wherever. In your mind, you already know
that's gonna start something out. Just from my perspective as
a fifty eight year old man, I went to bed.
I say, we'll wake up to something. How many people
were killed? Honestly, God truth, That's how I went to
sleep on New Year's come, bringing in the new Year,
because I knew something was gonna happen. And I hate
to end it on that note, but we're in a
society now, Brian, where it's a distraction, but it's a
distraction for a bigger cause. Like Triple Lee was saying,
to come, because the people are trying to send a message,
and a message they're trying to send, they hit the
places that are most vulnerable for us to be hit
when we start celebrating and going to sporting events. It's
a sad thing, but we just have to get used
to it because it's the way that society has placed
it and it's another way that social media has radical
had radicalized a lot of these people. But let me
get to my Texans point real quick. The way that
protections could find back. And it's too early to say,
but if the Texans aren't doing their homework and looking
at that tight end at Penn State, Tyler Warren, that's
exactly what I was gonna call you guys about today.
Hey man, that's an impressive tight end that blocks not
only blocks, he tackled and he's a protector of the quarterback,
which is one of the best friends of the quarterback
is the tight end. And they helped them out of
situations that the Texans are struggling with at that tight
end position. That was one of the things I will
call you, Bob. And then you talked last week about
the season ticket I'm a season ticket member, and what
would stop me is the price going up, up and up.
Because when I became a season ticket member, it was
because when they drapped it, Will Anderson and cj'all said
I'm gonna take my chance. I'm gonna go ahead and
do it. But now if they ain't were to get
that tight end, I'll renew my tickets again because the
venue is it's a good venue, but we're all numbered
when it comes to teams like Kidsburgh who may come
for US playoffs and all other teams. And that's the
thing that I don't like as well, because they will
sell those tickets and they will not only sell them,
the people who are coming in the opposing team fans
are louder than the Texans.
Speaker 3 (01:30:18):
San appreciate you, Reggie, Happy to year, brother, Thank you
for calling interesting perspective from a season ticket holder talking
about being outnumbered when it comes to some of these
season ticket holders that will sell their tickets and opposing
fan bases will purchase them. Texans will host a playoff
game even though they have not played good football down
the stretch. They're banged up. Also, the running game has
got to get going for these Houston Texans, and Demico
Ryan spoke about that yesterday. So we will hear that
audio and we will just us it next as we
continue on right here on Sports Tuck seven ninety, Coach
sark here, touchdown, Texas.
Speaker 7 (01:31:07):
You've got Sports Talk seven ninety, Houston's home of Longhorn
football back to the Shawn Salisbury.
Speaker 3 (01:31:13):
Show seventies and eighties, and you can't convince me otherwise
you might.
Speaker 14 (01:31:18):
Throw some.
Speaker 4 (01:31:20):
I mean grab you, I mean yeah, broh underrated song
by Steve Miller Band. Bro like that Steve Miller Band sneaky.
Speaker 3 (01:31:29):
Can you imagine just being a being a couple of
dudes in a garage and you're trying to make it
big and you're like, you know what, let's call it
the Shawn Salisbury Band. Yeah, next thing. You know, we're
we're global.
Speaker 4 (01:31:40):
How about But I want to sit around and say, hey,
how let's do a song on pressed? The digitation abracadabra,
you know, a slight of hand. Yeah yeah, bro, bro, bro,
what do I want to do?
Speaker 3 (01:31:54):
I want to reach out and grab your Yeah, be
a banger, dude, Yeah, clearly a.
Speaker 4 (01:32:00):
Lot of bangers been made in people's garages. Yeah, a
lot of songs too. Yeah right right, Oh my gosh,
don't make me laughing. He had ninety nine problems, don't you. Yeah,
but a bitch ain't one. That's one of my favorite
underrated saying, Oh man, I got ninety nine problems. Yeah,
I just wish a better guy. Made the song. You
know what's why you're down on Steve Miller ninety nine problems? Oh,
I thought you met Steve going back to Steve Miller van.
Speaker 3 (01:32:27):
So I thought you like a by one of the
Diddy Party attendings jay Z.
Speaker 4 (01:32:31):
Yeah, that's hard when not put any respect on their
name right now, so they don't deserve it, right, Yeah,
that's why, So I didn't say the name. Okay, just
make sure. Yeah, I thought you met the Steve and
I thought we were going back to Steve Millervan after
Abercadaver took you to the whole new level she ever
heard jet Airliner by Steve Miller. Come on, you want
to collab on that? Lets you go.
Speaker 3 (01:32:52):
You get that fired up for next If you want
Jim Chet Airliner by Steve Millerman, get that bad boy
fired up.
Speaker 4 (01:33:05):
We might collab for the rest of the show. Screw it,
New Year knew us. What not gonna do? What do
you need to talk sports? You know, take our coomar shows.
They might.
Speaker 3 (01:33:15):
Hey, we'll just get what is it of the portal exactly?
They got that going around?
Speaker 15 (01:33:20):
Speaker 3 (01:33:20):
Demiko Ryans talked about the running game.
Speaker 4 (01:33:25):
Stuck in It's in neutral all right.
Speaker 3 (01:33:28):
So this uh, this coming credit to our guy Aaron Wilson,
NFL insider for k p r C Channel two Sports. Uh,
he asked a question yesterday and this is what Demico
Ryans had to say.
Speaker 4 (01:33:39):
When it comes to the running game.
Speaker 10 (01:33:40):
Where are some things you think you guys can do
to get that hitting groove hitting into the playoffs?
Speaker 9 (01:33:46):
But with our running game, what we can do to
get it going? It's just staying with it and make
sure we just sustain our blocks. Just about how we
finished on our blocks going on on people? Can we
stay at task?
Speaker 4 (01:33:59):
Can't we finish you know, especially at the second level and.
Speaker 9 (01:34:03):
Beyond, guys finished some proper way allowing for those those
run lanes and increase our baskets in the need and playing.
Speaker 4 (01:34:11):
Fast that'll help.
Speaker 3 (01:34:14):
There you go, there's Nimiko Ryan's talking about, uh, staying
on their blocks to help improve that run game.
Speaker 4 (01:34:20):
Is that simple? Well, it's it's a simple thought, not
an easy process. Or everybody be rushing for two hundred
yards a week, right, the other guys understand your blocking
schemes and you know how to attack it as well.
And for people that one of what they mean by
getting to the second level, it's you know, the guard
who's getting you know, double d er, the center punching
on the interior defensive tackle and getting up to the
mic backer and then giving your back a chance to
cut off it. Now, it's also important for big runs
on the on the third level, and that's your wide
receivers doing work down the field. You will there will
be a direct correlation with the best, the most big
plays like the chunk plays, the explosives twenty plus fifteen
plus yard runs. Look at those guys who leads the
league in that category, whether it's Barkley and Philly, whether
it's a Derrick Henry in Baltimore or whoever, and the
team that leads the league in running game explosives, there
will be a direct correlation in receivers who have committed
to blocking, I assure you, and at times they got
to get involved in they're involved in second level blocking
all the time. Why in a nickel packers and they're
spread out, the guy over them is a nickel or
a dimer an outside linebacker walked out on them, right,
So they've got to sustain their blocks, not just the
five dudes upfront or a tight end as well, it's
that slot getting up when you've got to cut off,
so the guy, even though the play's away, they got
to get up to that second level and seal off
so the linebacker doesn't scrape and run. There's teams that
can run, they'll cover them. Run sideline to sideline. You got.
You don't take that for granted. You steal it off
and go or the backside guy who's backside cut off
to allow your back to stay front side on the
inside zone, or if you're gonna run the guy by,
to make sure you sustain that so you can hit.
Get a that's getting up to the second level. Not
just the guy's the line screams you got to hit
and get the next level because their job is to
what use you up so your linebackers can come and
clean it up. So the getting to the second level
by a center, you know, punch with the right guard
and getting up to the mic linebacker or tight end
tackle playing a game where they're double teaming. And then
the tight end gets up to the next level to
the sam linebacker or to the strong safety and keeps
his outside arm free so he allows him so he
can hook him so his guy you know, you get
that pin and pull where the tight end comes down
on the tackle on the defensive end and the guard
tackle pull. They'll pin and pull to get to the level.
Now it's the guy who's pulling. Now you've got to
get to the second level and take on that corner
or that strong safety, whoever it is. So the second
level and getting to the next level. Your tough runs
come by your lineman, control line screams, get up a
second level, and your receiver's doing their work on the
outside pre But the big runs, the third level runs
come from a back who's really good. But big receivers
who make a difference and take pass take run games serious.
Even though they're not making it do you can still
dominate a game or help dominate a game, even if
you're not catching eight passes. Heinzward was one of the
best I ever saw at it. I've mentioned his name before.
He could, he he would, he was, He would still
be prevalent in a football game by catching two balls.
Why because he'd knocked the living hell out of you
at the second level and took great pride in it.
So big runs for the Texans or anybody else are
going to happen Brian. When receivers are getting to their
to the to the third level and also doing their
work on a second it ain't just the five guys
in the tight end or a lead h back getting
up on somebody. Although that's how we say it, the
truth of the matter is the big runs come from
the other guys. That's the ones that spring you getting
out and just getting in the way of somebody. So
you cut off his angle and the guy goes, and
then speed and you cut the angle off and the
guy doesn't get a chance to break the angle and boom,
your receiver just got in his way. Or stand up.
That's where big plays come. How many times you've seen
on the swing on the bubble screen or the smoke
screen with that one step now screen where the slot
gets out and kicks out the corner and that guy goes,
Or how many time you've seen press and they say,
how are they throwing this little smoke screen? Well, boom
smote to him. They kick out and block and the
guy turns it and goom gets up that alleyway for
a huge play And you're like, such a simple play
and it's only the only way you can do it
is if guys are blocking downfield and is get incumbent
upon that or you're gonna go three yards, three yards,
three yards punt, right, that's the way it works.
Speaker 3 (01:38:36):
Yeah, I mean they got to get it going because
Joe Mix in the last couple of weeks has not
even gotten over close to one hundred.
Speaker 4 (01:38:43):
Yards, Brian.
Speaker 3 (01:38:44):
They can't like I mean, it's it's not even closed
and like six yards is the most I think.
Speaker 4 (01:38:47):
Right, they can't be successful on the playoffs being a
one dimensional team. They have trouble winning right now offensively
when the two dimensions are working, but they don't ever
have more consistently. That's been a problem, right this team.
This team's not good enough right now to dominate you
in one dimension and roll through the playoffs. For instance,
if I said that Lamar and Derek Henr are going
to be able to run the ball extremely successful, but
they were going to struggle throwing it, they can still
beat you. You see my point there, because they're so
d and that quarterback's feet almost make up for a
couple hundred yards in passing, and yet they're throwing the
ball well too. There's very few teams in the league
that when they're one dimension and your defense is playing
well that they can beat you. Baltimore Ravens are one
of them, and with Josh Allen's legs and the way
Cook is running it, they can beat you in Buffalo
with that. Kansas City can't because the Mahomes factor the
screen game for them and equals a run game. But
they're not. You know, when Pacheck's pounded on you, they
got he and Kareem Hunt, they can't. But they still
need two dimensionespecially with the other offenses this year. It's
the other way around. Cincinnati they can beat you with
Burlby and one dimensional that they can now they don't
want to have to. But this team right now, the
way they're playing isn't capable of going in saying, you
know what, Joe, the run game is gonna be shut
down and we're not going to commit to it, and
we're gonna go in and win three playoff games that
they're not. They're not good enough offensively to do that
right now.
Speaker 3 (01:40:14):
Yeah, against Baltimore twenty six yards rushing for Joe Mixon,
against Kansas City fifty seven yards, and then against Miami
twenty three yards.
Speaker 4 (01:40:22):
So and they were fortunate they got out of the
one with Miami because of the turnovers right that they
were able to the way that Stingley and those guys
caught the ball and kept them, you know, out of
the end zone. Yeah, Bullock I think had the other
one too, Yeah, yep.
Speaker 3 (01:40:37):
So they got to get their offensive running game going
for the Texans against these Titans. All right, let's continue
to talk about the Texans. Uh, there's some interesting news
in regards to Derek Stingley Junior in his breakout season.
Let's talk about it next on sport Stock seven ninety.
But before we get to that, fellas, it's a new year.
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Speaker 4 (01:41:36):
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Speaker 3 (01:41:37):
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Men's Teaclinic dot com. Tell them that Brian Lima sent you.
The Sean Salisbury Show continued. Got a couple guys were
waiting on hold. Let's talk to Brandon. Brandon, Happy New Year.
Speaker 15 (01:42:53):
Compre Briananier, Sean, how are you guys?
Speaker 16 (01:42:58):
Speaker 4 (01:42:58):
Good? Thank you?
Speaker 15 (01:43:01):
He easton Rockets to beat the Davis Mavericks.
Speaker 4 (01:43:05):
They sure did, Brandon.
Speaker 15 (01:43:09):
I forgot to watch.
Speaker 4 (01:43:11):
It, you know, Brandon.
Speaker 3 (01:43:14):
You know Brandon, that's two times in the last couple
of weeks.
Speaker 4 (01:43:18):
Man, what do we got going on? You keep forgetting.
Speaker 15 (01:43:21):
I had the TV. I had a TV on almost
turned onto the Rockets, and I forgot to do that.
Speaker 3 (01:43:28):
Yeah, no, man, we got to figure that out. Maybe
Tripley can remind you.
Speaker 9 (01:43:31):
You know.
Speaker 3 (01:43:37):
All right, good talk Brandon, will uh you know, we'll
talk to you later, buddy. Talk to Adrian. Volunteer he
didn't respond.
Speaker 4 (01:43:49):
Come on, dog love Brandon. Happy to your Brandon, happy
to you? I love Brandon. What'd you say? Good talk? Yeah, talk,
good talk. I love Brad. He's good. These good people.
Happy to do your to YouTube Bud? Thank you man, No,
not to you? Oh Grandon, I said, happy to do
you to you like forty time. Let's say it till
like January twenty fifth. Yeah, me too.
Speaker 3 (01:44:09):
I can't wait till everybody actually comes back into the office,
you know, next week.
Speaker 4 (01:44:13):
I'm gonna say February fourth. Yeah, i'mna say hey, Happy
New Year. Oh my goodness, excuse me, I apologize. Oh
my gosh, that's that's that stucks. Adrian, Adrian, what's happening?
Speaker 8 (01:44:34):
Speaker 17 (01:44:35):
Speaker 12 (01:44:35):
You sound like me about an hour and a half
ago in a car on the way to get my coffee,
taking my prescription or smoking my prescription this morning?
Speaker 3 (01:44:44):
Yeah yeah, except I got the flu man, So I
don't you know, I'm not ripping on anything this morning?
Speaker 2 (01:44:51):
Oh man?
Speaker 4 (01:44:52):
Yeah, not good?
Speaker 12 (01:44:53):
God bless you, and uh get rid of that quick, bro, quick,
quick quick. Oh anyways, Shawn, I'm here. You know you
got that long distance reach.
Speaker 1 (01:45:08):
Is what?
Speaker 4 (01:45:09):
Okay? Long distance or Okay, what's what's what's the question.
Speaker 12 (01:45:14):
Oh, we're gonna go ahead and turn the car early
this morning.
Speaker 4 (01:45:17):
Speaker 12 (01:45:19):
Anyway, Uh, Junior over there was talking about karaoke, So uh,
next time you want to have one of them vents
wants to make it karaoke night. I'm sure somebody out
there is bonti and we'll donate all the money to
a charity of some kind. But anyway, Uh on the Uh,
Bobby Floyd, I got a question. Patrick Mahomes gets a
little pressure, what do they do? They stick him in
the shotgun. Sometimes the forty nine ers go in with
Brot Perdy and go, you know what, we're gonna start
somewhere different.
Speaker 4 (01:45:56):
We're gonna stick you in shotgun for a while. Bobby Slower.
Speaker 12 (01:46:01):
My question is a how come CJ don't see that
more often? My other question is that since Joe's out
of the backfield and we know they're stopping, I could
have sworn three weeks ago we were swinging and swinging
passes out of the backfield him with a linebacker one
on one who doesn't want them odds.
Speaker 1 (01:46:20):
Question again, is what the hell is taking so long?
Speaker 12 (01:46:25):
Other than that, fellas have a happy New Year, and
it's a damn shamee. We gotta start one the way
we did, unbelievable. We live in America and we start
a new year like this. You people up there need
to get your public out of your pool and quit
taking our damn money and do your job other than that, fellas.
I'm gonna go smoke the rest of my prescription in Texas.
You living like Kansas City, you better find something out
because somebody gonna grab your ass. You ain't gonna have
enough look cards to get out of this one.
Speaker 8 (01:47:03):
The rest of y'all.
Speaker 4 (01:47:05):
Thanks Gradrian fired up this morning, old is I like it?
I like it.
Speaker 3 (01:47:18):
Derek Stinglely Junior, Laramie Tunsll, Nico Collins, Joe Mixon, all
pro bowlers say it again, Derek Stinglely Junior deserve Larry
Laramie Tunsell.
Speaker 4 (01:47:34):
Yeah, Nicola, Nico Collins also deserves Joe Mixing Mixing all
pro bowlers. So there's four of them, four pro bowlers,
four pro bowlers.
Speaker 3 (01:47:44):
And then he got some alternates and Daniel Hunter is
a first alternate Tommy Townsend, which means they'll.
Speaker 4 (01:47:49):
Both be playing in it because the people in front
of them will cancel at some point. Normally the way
it works, unless you want to play flag football.
Speaker 3 (01:47:54):
I guess Tommy Townsend will Anderson Junior is a second.
Speaker 4 (01:47:57):
C JA excuse me, c J scrap.
Speaker 3 (01:48:00):
Stroud is the second, Kaimi Fairbairn is a fourth, and
Jimmy Ward is also a fourth. How the hell look,
how did Laramie Tunzel get Pro.
Speaker 4 (01:48:08):
Bowl grades out when the ball snapped? I guess pretty well,
but it doesn't get doesn't get and doesn't get uh
graded down. I guess for pre stamped penalties. And I
don't mean it's disrespectful. So Stroud's the second alternate, Yes,
did he deserve it? No? Not this year? No, not
this year.
Speaker 18 (01:48:32):
Speaker 4 (01:48:32):
So that means the three guys that they select then
one alternate in the second one. So the fifth quarterback
right basically is that that is yeah, pretty much, But listen,
an honor for all of them, you know, the four
that got selected that are not alternates. Stingley deserves it.
He's going to be doing this a lot, you know.
Tunsil's got I listen, I can't put you as the
best left tackle or in the league if that many
pre stamped pills. I always a hell of a player
with a ball snap and a really good you know,
pass protection. But I don't think he's at his best season.
But I can tell you this. Sometimes Pro Bowl voting
you vote for a guy who's been in it before
because it's familiar. But he does some really really good things.
But I I fifteen to twenty penalty is too many
for me. Yeah, but it is the prob I care
more about the regular season. These guys, you know, incentives
in their contract where they get paid. I don't think
the game's that big a deal to them anymore. It's
just go to be with your buddies and have fun
and get your on hundred thousand dollars bonus from making
the Pro Bowl. And it goes whenever we talk about
Hall of Famers, Pro Bowl is one of the things
we put up on their you know, on their resume
and the pedigree for them. So Stingley definitely deserves it.
Daniel Hunter, I know, is an alternate, but you could
have played the game. We've got a lot of good
edge you know, edge rushers, so it's no shame there.
Nico Collins would have even it was a no brainer,
and he missed a bunch of games, right, and that
guy's a hell of a player. And I've told you
I still think mixing is the key to this offense.
And I'm Joe got elected. Good for him.
Speaker 3 (01:50:01):
Nine Ravens were selected. The Detroit Lions had seven, Minnesota
Vikings and Eagles each had six. Patrick Mahomes not selected
to the AFC roster for the first time since becoming
the starting quarterback for the chief At least.
Speaker 4 (01:50:16):
He shouldn't be the three quart Let me can can
I guess him? The quarterbacks? Yeah, the AFC had to
be It's got to be Alan, Alan Jackson. See what
I did there again, Alan Jackson and Burrow have to
be the three Pro Bowlers in the AFC. Let's see
at quarterback. Uh yepl In the NFC, it should be
should be Golf Donald and Mayfield. It's Golf Donald. I
bet you Mayfield got snubbed. Jayden Daniels. Oh well, you
know what that there's an argument there as well. That's fair.
I didn't know if they'd put because I think I
think that that Baker Mayfield's had a Pro Bowl caliber year,
four thousand yard type of year, right, I mean he's
but Jade Daniels accuracy. I get it. That's arguable. That's fair.
That's fair because I think Jadon Daniels is gonna be
a star in the league. Man, I just do. I
love what he's about. I have no argument there. That's fair.
But the Darnald Golf thing was the no brainer and
the AFC was too easy to pick. Yeah, those three
were Yeah. But man, Baker Mayfield's having such a good Yeah,
somebody is always gonna get left out, for sure. Not
that it really matters other than the incentive and the
money on your country. You know, the bonus money whatever
it gets, and part of your resume. But you know,
if if Baker would have been elected or selected you,
then you you wouldn't have been It wouldn't have been
a bad thing. But Jade Daniels has proven that he's
a he's a looks like a big time player in
the league, at least his rookie year, and he's a
big reason why this team's in playing damn good football.
Speaker 3 (01:51:47):
Michael Parsons first defensive player chosen in each of his
first four seasons, also being elected first each of his
first four seasons. Jamar Chase Aaron Donald went a ten
street and it kind of crazy how Aaron Donald's career
in the NFL just kind of came and went, and
he was so dominant. But people don't even really talk
about him anymore, even like with how good he was.
Speaker 4 (01:52:10):
You know, he'll get more public is the legacy lives
on later on, right, But the truth is he was
so dominant, But it was almost Remember he warned us
that he was going to retire maybe in a year
and hung around and it just it really was. You
want to talk about a guy who retired who's one
of the best players of all time in a first
ballot Hall of Famer. Yeah, that without a lot of fanfare. Right,
He's kind of saying he was just saying to just
boom see you.
Speaker 3 (01:52:32):
He literally just did his thing, won a Super Bowl,
played another year, boom out.
Speaker 4 (01:52:36):
There are some people that, if you weren't paying attention,
think he's still playing. I know that for a fact
that you're like, oh man, yeah, Aaron Tom retired a
couple of years real, right, which is so weird. Yeah,
because I guarantee you he can still play. Yeah, he
got out when he felt like his game was at
its max. He got his ring. Other things you want
to do and I you know what, I don't hate
him for it. God he was a monster, oh dude,
A full blown a game wrecker. That's how I described
the best ones now, the Parsons, the TJ. Watts, their
game wreckers, the guys that you know when a defensive
guy can control a game when they're having that kind
of day. And those guys we just named have had
that kind of hairon. Donald had a bunch of those
that kind of days to where when you went into
a game, you're like, we can't, we cannot block him today.
So it'll start to when when this Hall of Fame
stuff comes around, he's wearing that jacket and the first
ballot Hall of Famer and it's a no brainer. They'll
come back get the appreciation. But I don't think he's
really I feel like his person, he didn't care about that.
I don't he knows his performance spoke for itself, and
he's good down is one of the great players of
all time at his position.
Speaker 3 (01:53:43):
I mean he literally said it. He was like, yeah,
I'm probably gonna retire early.
Speaker 4 (01:53:46):
And that's okay. And I think, you know, getting all
the money, it goes to show you he got his money.
But also he wanted that ring and went and got
it good for him and decided that was enough And
I don't hate him for it. So he left money
on the table. Yeah, there's no doubt and so I, uh,
well what a player he was, man? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (01:54:05):
Ten straight tennot Super Bowls, ten straight Pro Bowls for
Aaron Donald.
Speaker 4 (01:54:09):
Then I guarantee there's not one time you question if
he should have been in it.
Speaker 9 (01:54:12):
Speaker 4 (01:54:12):
Let's uh, let's continue to talk about these texts.
Speaker 9 (01:54:15):
C J.
Speaker 3 (01:54:15):
Stroud speaking of the media yesterday, I spoke about how
much he's learned this year. What's the biggest thing. Let's
talk about it next.
Speaker 15 (01:54:23):
You're back.
Speaker 1 (01:54:24):
This is the Sean Salisbury Show. Get back at it, Ohio.
Speaker 4 (01:54:29):
Stay so the peeps, get the peeps, light you up?
Or what happened?
Speaker 3 (01:54:33):
Just triplely said there was a couple of guys that
called in and said I was saying it wrong. Well
you know what, hey, man, I messed it up so
much here here we go or or gone down on
these nuts.
Speaker 4 (01:54:43):
But it's just people try to be kind and help
you out. Three you know, the trifecta is calling him.
Make you know, they love they love, they love them,
so some some Brian Lilima. Yeah, that's my bad. I
appreciate them looking out. You know, have you noticed here? Really?
Are you angry today? No?
Speaker 3 (01:54:58):
No, no, I was saying you can or gone down
on these nuts, not the callers. No, no, you so
you want to you want to tread down that street? No,
you want to go down that street?
Speaker 4 (01:55:06):
No? Not really, it's just by It's like, what's the
what's the same guilt by associations? Exactly what I was
gonna say. Yeah, I'm protecting the peeps. So you're saying
it's not the peeps you're gonna throat on me. Yeah,
I feel you though, I got you. That's how peeps
do though. Yeah, take it, take you take one for
the team.
Speaker 3 (01:55:22):
Hey, Triple, can you find the audio clip of the
guy that like the original DS nuts joke? He's like
something came into mail today. His name's Welvin, Welvin Nuts, Right,
it's Welvin.
Speaker 4 (01:55:33):
Yeah, got him? Uh you love I love Welvin.
Speaker 15 (01:55:37):
Speaker 4 (01:55:37):
Our peeps. You know what I love about our pieza.
They'll keep you straight and honest too. Hey man, you
were saying, but I didn't even I didn't even know
keep me straight. I didn't even know that you said
organ was in a final. I thought I was saying
Ohio state the whole time.
Speaker 3 (01:55:50):
So that's my bad. I screwed that one up. It's okay,
look man, it's it's uh new Year's new year. It's
second second of the new year. I was gonna make
good morning. Yeah what good morning? I said, Yeah, sure, yeah,
it is the morning, Yeah, good morning. It is indeed
the morning. Yeah, I'm going to do something I don't
normally sheets today.
Speaker 4 (01:56:09):
Are you going to take a nap?
Speaker 1 (01:56:10):
The weather?
Speaker 4 (01:56:11):
It's not like me. I know, it's not like you.
Speaker 3 (01:56:13):
Like sometimes you gotta do it though. You gotta listen
to your body. Your body's a temple. Okay, your damn rights.
It is you damned rights.
Speaker 4 (01:56:24):
I'll be right behind you, not like actually behind you,
but like is it you? Yeah, no, that's where you're
not going to be. No, is it you damn right?
So you damned rights. I think it's at least you
damn isn't it you damned Yeah, I say damn you
damned right, you damned rights. Damn right. I think it's
damn but I say, damned you damned rights. Let's go
to the tail the tape you know, just trying to
get our phrases right. You're trying to get a organ
right instead of Ohio State or vice versa, it's Ohio State. Yeah,
that was an ass whipping too, Brian is it? Damn?
Speaker 5 (01:56:55):
Is it?
Speaker 4 (01:56:55):
Damn? What read it?
Speaker 12 (01:56:58):
Speaker 9 (01:56:58):
Read it?
Speaker 4 (01:56:59):
Well? The only thing that's coming up is it a
damned thing or a damned thing? Yeah?
Speaker 8 (01:57:03):
There you go.
Speaker 4 (01:57:03):
So let's see who is this?
Speaker 15 (01:57:05):
Speaker 3 (01:57:06):
This is by English language and usage called the stack Exchange.
Speaker 4 (01:57:14):
However, I can't remem my head around blah blah blah.
Nobody cares. You can literally just use either one. Damned
rights Yeah, damn right, and I don't even say right.
I put a plural on it. You damned rights rights. Yeah, okay,
you got rights? Dog? You do?
Speaker 5 (01:57:28):
You do?
Speaker 4 (01:57:28):
Don't know? Anybody tell you that you don't? You know
what I mean? Did you give Ohio State that much
love going into this game? No? I was actually concern
with Ryan Day straight up. You big game on that time?
Speaker 17 (01:57:43):
Speaker 4 (01:57:44):
Did, didn't he? Good God?
Speaker 3 (01:57:45):
They mauled them, the number one team in America. They
made Oregon look like they hadn't played football in a month.
Speaker 4 (01:57:53):
Yeah, here's what I want to do for nine o'clock hour.
Part of it executive decision? Is that really a decision?
It's I would like to have being that you you
already cussed out three of our callers and listening hopefully,
hopefully they'll come back, because you know they're just trying
to give you know, just trying to appreciate them, telling
me you love them.
Speaker 3 (01:58:11):
I do love the callers. Do you know the names
of who called triple, who corrected Curly Moan?
Speaker 4 (01:58:15):
Larry? Yeah, Larry, there you go.
Speaker 8 (01:58:18):
So I.
Speaker 4 (01:58:21):
Would like Longhorns fans, Yeah, Jeff and Mark, thank you,
I really would Longhorns fan I think sorry, go ahead,
go ahead. The other day, uh, you just go down
the roster is to tell us what you felt about
your long horns in the game. But I want to
know if Longhorn fans, I think that wasn't a penalty,
and I understand that there's other penalties during the game. Now,
the one was a vicious hit like the shoulder to
the to the torso that they picked Arizona State picked
and he hit him. That was no, there was no targeting.
You couldn't have called targeting. You could have possibly called
you know, an unprotected receipt, you know, the defenseless receiver.
And I get that you can call those, like I said,
we can call a penalty. I just want to focus
on this one specific one because at the point of
the game it was they would have been out of
the thirty five. I'm just curious if Longhorned fans think
they got away with one or they think that was
not a penalty at all, judging by the rule, not
what we think about good physical play. I love the head,
but by the rule, anything to the head is targeting,
especially when it's led, when it's part of your crown
of the helmet. Even if the front crowds whatever, they
consider that the radius of the crown. Right, But was it?
And now Longhorns don't have apologize anybody winning the game.
You know, human error is going to be part of it.
I believe that that would have been called a penalty
ninety nine times out of one hundred, and I would
have set one hundred times after seeing the replay, and
I watched and said where I was like, of course
they're calling a penalty here. The question is that they
calling targeting and which would have suspended the player for
the next week if they go win at least half
the game for half the game. So I'm just curious
if Longhorn fans can if they if they thought, oh man, boy,
did we catch a break on that one? I just
go or if they said, nah, that wasn't a penalty.
Where where they compartmentalized being a Longhorn fan and football fan.
You know what I'm saying, I get it. I'm just
kind of curious what they're thinking today. Yeah, let's talk
about it. Arizona State better better than people thought, or
overlooked more than people thought. It's good. Yeah, it's good.
Also two good questions overlooked or were they just were
they just a good team? Yeah? You know what I'm saying.
Where they kind of people say, well, it's come on,
it was Arizona State. But did they prove something to
anybody yesterday?
Speaker 3 (02:00:37):
Well against one of the best defenses in the country. Yeah,
scatter Bow lit it up. Now, it's gonna be hard
to admit it because of all the chatter. They all
the talk, right, which sometimes you don't want to give
credit when people chatter, right, But they still played a
hell of a game.
Speaker 4 (02:00:48):
They had them dead to rights. Yeah they did, They
really did, and kudos to he to to yours and
Sark and the way they overcome missed field goals fourth
and fifteen and still found a way to win. That's resilience, man.
This team's really good. Yeah, but they're gonna they still
got a couple of tough tests left now, Yeah, they
sure do.
Speaker 3 (02:01:03):
Let's continue to talk about the college football playoffs and
specifically the University of Texas.
Speaker 4 (02:01:09):
That's next.
Speaker 1 (02:01:11):
A Houston ADHD Houston, my Hart radio station.
Speaker 4 (02:01:18):
And the Rocket.
Speaker 11 (02:01:20):
This is Sports Talk seven ninety, your home for your
home teams.
Speaker 1 (02:01:27):
Salisbury, Salisbury, Houston.
Speaker 4 (02:01:32):
Okay, let's do this.
Speaker 1 (02:01:34):
Sean Salisbury.
Speaker 2 (02:01:37):
To USC true longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury.
Speaker 1 (02:01:40):
Ryan Lima, go Lobos. This is the Sean Salisbury Show.
Speaker 3 (02:01:48):
Shawn Salisbury, Brian li Lima, Manuel Elmore right here on
Sports Talk seven ninety. You can also listen to us
on the free iHeartRadio app. Rockets beat Them Mavericks. Sugar
Bowl gonna kick off at three o'clock today. It was
postponed yesterday after the terrorist attack on Bourbon Street. Texas,
Ohio State, Penn State all advanced to the college football
Playoffs semifinals seven one three, two one two five seven,
ninety sean pose the question to Longhorn fans if you
thought that was a targeting penalty or unnecessary roughness penalty.
Speaker 4 (02:02:21):
Let's talk to some Longhorn fans. We'll start with Holly, Holly.
Speaker 17 (02:02:25):
What's happening, Good morning, guys, happening to hear so hit.
As far as whenever I tell I saw it in
real time, I really didn't think it was targeting. I
thought it was just a heart smack down hit and
I was really excited. But when they started showing the replay,
I was like, man, they're gonna nailing because I don't see.
I mean, it was clear in the on the replay
that at the very least a personal foul was committed.
And I do think it was targeting, and I think
the Longhorns really got away with one.
Speaker 16 (02:02:52):
But I'll take it.
Speaker 17 (02:02:53):
But uh, I disagreed with the call.
Speaker 4 (02:02:58):
There you go, there's one I'm with. The right you'll
take any time you can get it. It's rarely. It's rare.
The nice job, Holly and the Happy New Year to you.
Good point is that it rarely works in that way
where it's like, normally they're airing on the side of caution, right,
of protecting the player. I don't like the rules. I'm
glad it worked in air, I mean in Texas's favor,
but I can tell you that that call would be
made most of the time, and the the the refs
would they put his withst This way, they're going to
face more scrutiny by not making the call than they
are by making it with that one in that particular moment,
because that ball should that should have been penalized.
Speaker 3 (02:03:35):
Yeah, under the rules that we watch, Yes, under the rules, Yep,
that's that's correct.
Speaker 4 (02:03:38):
It's talked to Big Jay. What's that Big Jay?
Speaker 14 (02:03:41):
Good morning, Happy Thursday, fellas. Man, Like I toltrbly. I
wasn't going to call. I was just listening and join
the show. But I was like, man, I gotta get
on this. First of all, I think Arizona State played
their perfect game.
Speaker 4 (02:03:53):
I mean I really do.
Speaker 14 (02:03:54):
After the first two series, I was like, man, we're
going to hang fifty.
Speaker 18 (02:03:57):
On these guys.
Speaker 14 (02:03:59):
And then you know, Texas did what Texas does. They
go into a drought, and you know, Arizona State's offense
was on the field. Texas couldn't run the ball, and
they're just wearing down that defense. In the second half.
It showed much respect to Arizona State and Scataboo.
Speaker 1 (02:04:16):
Speaker 14 (02:04:16):
If they would have went for field goals instead of
you know, going for it on fourth down, I don't
think the game would have been on you know, one
would have went to overtime. They would have biggest in
regulation on the hit. I think what saved Michael Taff
was the fact that he wrapped up. He had his
arms open and he wrapped up, so it almost can
legitimize that. It looked like a form tackle.
Speaker 1 (02:04:39):
You know.
Speaker 14 (02:04:39):
Now, if you go back and ask Ronnie Lott or
Rod Woodson, hey, was that a clean hit?
Speaker 9 (02:04:44):
I would like to know what they say.
Speaker 14 (02:04:45):
I mean, as a Longhorn fan, heck, yeah, it's not targeting.
As a realist, we might have got away with one,
but it wasn't called, and we're moving on. You know,
Sart did what Sart does. Sometimes we're first down and ten,
throw missed the pass, second and second and ten, run
it minus two, and then we're third and twelve and
we might as well punt it. But boy Quinn saved
our rear end there in the end fourth and thirteen,
and all the haters had to had to silence themselves.
Speaker 12 (02:05:15):
So what a game.
Speaker 14 (02:05:17):
And but I'm I'm worried about Ohio State. Good lord,
I think they look like they could beat freaking Kansas
City last last night. So that's uh, that's gonna be
a heck of a matchup. They're playing pretty well. Those
are my thoughts, fellas. Have a great Thursday, and love
you guys. Get better.
Speaker 4 (02:05:32):
I appreciate you, winn and let's talk to Roger. Roger,
good morning, Good morning fellas.
Speaker 5 (02:05:40):
I'd like to say happy New Year, man, but it
looks like our new Year's got off to a shaky start.
And you know what, uh bl you know, for us
to be in this country, man, I consider the privilege
and honor you know, to be bored in this country.
So I just want to say, and changes need to
be made if people need to just abide by those changes,
if we want to have safe a country.
Speaker 16 (02:06:00):
And that's I'm just gonna leave it at that.
Speaker 5 (02:06:01):
Uh So, uh yeah, man, yesterday it was just an
omish old school football man. I saw shades of Larry'sanka,
John Riggins and freaking Merrill Hodge, Tom Rattler, wheneverever old school,
white white white guy wandered back, we would have put
it in there then. But how fun is it to
say cam scataboo. That's just that's just good stuff.
Speaker 12 (02:06:21):
Speaker 5 (02:06:21):
I just you know, the Longhorns survived and exactly what
they did and uh, you know the Hall State is
is looking good. But you know that's what good about
the college.
Speaker 4 (02:06:32):
Game is every game, every game is different.
Speaker 5 (02:06:34):
Many you think you know there's a there's a momentum
until the next game and then you know momentum is
just what it is. It's just a word because in
the college football game, it's it's it's awesome.
Speaker 9 (02:06:46):
It's a while.
Speaker 5 (02:06:47):
I love the game so much, guys, I think the
Texans are headed for early exit. Nothing, nothing is going
to dispel that until prove of it proven otherwise. I
really think that it started as his regress and I
just hope that you just learned from the regressions. You
guys are all the very best of you this year, and.
Speaker 3 (02:07:08):
The NB appreciated Roger youto, buddy, and let's talk to
cowboy Darrel. Looked like he was at the football game, cowboy, Daryl,
you went to the UT game.
Speaker 4 (02:07:18):
Yeah, that was there with four of my fred brothers. Man,
we had a good time. We had a good time.
Speaker 10 (02:07:22):
Hey man, you know what, uh yeah, yeah, it was targeting,
but you know, I mean by the rule, it wasn't flagrant,
but it was targeting.
Speaker 4 (02:07:29):
By the rule, that wasn't targeting.
Speaker 10 (02:07:31):
That was if you go back and look at that
Isaiah Bond past, that was, uh, that was targeting. But
they did a good note call on that one too,
So it's not They were consistent and high they called that,
so you know it kind of it kind of works out.
But a great experience. Man, I just want to I
want to I want to go back and say something
real quick about coach saban Man. Him going to game
day was the best. I mean, man, the way this
to do. I don't know if y'all saw it. He
went back and broke down three plays. He broke down
the play on the interception Quinn through deep interception and
and evidently from the way he talks he's not a
Queen fan because he was like, as a dude game
compass man, that was a clutch throw by a Quinn.
He said, yeah, it was a good throw. He just
said he didn't compliment. He mails the clutch. So that
was a good, good, easy throw is what he said,
he said, because uh, he was the reason they.
Speaker 4 (02:08:23):
He said he had a lot to do it to
being in that position. I'm like, coach, he's up.
Speaker 10 (02:08:27):
But anyway, probably he diagnosed the fact that, uh, the
drag route that uh they quit the gun guns touchdown
on that interception was the same route and then went
back and showed them three plays was Alabama when in
Alabama's playbook when soccers is oc and him breaking that down.
Speaker 4 (02:08:48):
Man, I'm like coaches, man coaches doing it. He sees
things different, man, he just does uh. Saving. I love
it because he that's what a broadcaster on a set
like that is supposed to do, teach us something different
instead of just you know, a talking head that he's
he's I think Saving's really good. Hens why he was
such a great coach and a great teacher because he
understands concepts and how to attack them. He's brilliant, you know,
he's the coaching world needs a guy like Saving. But
damn TV and explanations, and he doesn't care what you think.
He's gonna tell it like it.
Speaker 18 (02:09:22):
I like it.
Speaker 4 (02:09:23):
He's not afraid to voice it. And then he's really good.
I'm with you on that one.
Speaker 10 (02:09:27):
One more thing that he pointed out. He didn't just
do it from a Texas standpoint. He broke it down
from both sides. He said, he showed a package well Wingo,
He showed a package well wing Goo, Bond and Golden
was on the same for at the same time.
Speaker 4 (02:09:40):
With Blue and Wismer.
Speaker 10 (02:09:42):
And he said that that was a play that had
been shown all year and he's and it was one
of his plays that they ran too, but they saved
it for last minute games and things like that.
Speaker 4 (02:09:53):
The nation.
Speaker 10 (02:09:54):
He said that a timeout should have been called and
they didn't pick it up because at no other time
he had that package been on the and so basically.
Speaker 4 (02:10:01):
What he was doing was breaking it down. He said
a d the DC should.
Speaker 10 (02:10:05):
Have pointed that out and showed a confusion in the
secondary and the linebackers.
Speaker 4 (02:10:09):
I mean it was beautiful the way man. Yeah, he
he does he does it. Man, he does it. He
does a great job. Appreciate it. But I'm glad you
had a good time. Thanks than that boy, Darryl good stuff. Yeah,
savans say he's he's really good on TV. Man, he
really is. He'll drop an S bomb too. I don't
know what's great he's raw and real. I can feel
the way he talks on TV that that's how he
would talk to his players. Yeah, meaning now or when
he's coaching his coaches about coverage and how to attack
a single high safety or too high safety. And he's
still got old school simple concepts. But you execute him
to perfection, you don't need a lot and Savan's one
of them savings. Mind you can you know when you
listen to him, can't you tell the difference between a
hot air hot air balloon broadcaster and a good teacher
that gets it When he's teaching it, he gets into
football mode and he's not teaching it for optics and clicks.
He's teaching it because it's almost like he's standing in
front of his team when he's talking to us. That's
a broadcaster. Yeah, that's how an analyst on his pregame
set and postgame set is supposed to teach it. All
the hot air predictions don't mean a hill of beans
if you're not going to show me it on tape
and validate it or give me a strong opinion with
some work at it. I mean, anyway, I can just thought, Yeah,
I think they're gonna win. By twenty Great, how much
preparations that take Savan prepares for this. Yeah, and cowboy
Darryl spot on with it. Yeah, he's really damn good.
He's really damn good at that.
Speaker 3 (02:11:36):
Let's continue to talk about the college football playoff quarterfinals.
Will also continue to take your call seven one three,
two one two five, seven ninety through.
Speaker 4 (02:11:42):
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Speaker 1 (02:12:54):
The Sean Salisbury Show continues on your smart TV. Listen
Sports Talk seven on any device with our free I
Heart radioph tough Sledding.
Speaker 4 (02:13:08):
Uh dude, I can't wait to get out of here
and go to bed. Oh wow, what hurts Triple when
you say that?
Speaker 3 (02:13:16):
No, dude, Tripley, you're the one that sent me and
Sean No, I might stay four extra R No shot dude.
Before we got back on back on air, he was like, man,
I just got to get to the sheets right, and
you know guys like, dude, I'm gonna get home. That's
not like kelo is gonna be waiting for me, patron,
Maybe get a little. Hopefully my man's ready for me
when I get home.
Speaker 4 (02:13:36):
You know, he'll have me a hot breakfast maid, hand
me a gummy while he's at it. Hey, can you
be partially something? And watch what you asked me? You
can't know I'm being No, he won't care. You're you're
telling me. Okay, I'm just curious, like, can you be
partially hungry? But if you eat, you were hungry? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (02:14:00):
Yeah, but it's always like, hey, you want to grab
lunch and somebody I eat? Right, Well, so are you hungry?
I'm not really hungry, but I could eat, which means
you're hungry, right, or you're a glutton one of the.
Speaker 4 (02:14:12):
Speaker 3 (02:14:13):
So can you be partially you see, you can't be
partially drunk? You know you can be partially drunk. That's okay,
you're full under. Buzz is drunk drunk, It's it's I mean,
I'm just saying, well, they do say buzz driving is drunk, okay,
so that's it. Can you be partially fat? No, you're fat,
You're flat out fat. So it's with an F.
Speaker 4 (02:14:34):
Correct, that's with an F? Yeah, it is all right.
So that's why I'm just going through these things. When
people say it, well he's kind of hungry, right, you know,
kind of hot? You know kind I mean, I don't know,
you know what I'm saying. If you're either hot or
you're not, right, is it kind of burnt my mouth? Well,
it's like when burnt your mouth it was like, hey, hey,
kind of you burn your finger? Or it's like hey, Sean,
you want to to the Sugar Bowl today? And you
look at me and go yeah, sure or no. You
wouldn't say yeah, you would say sure. Well it's a
yes or a no. Right, it's not a sure I'd
love to go, yeah exactly, or no I don't want
to go. I mean, either love football or you don't. Right,
you can't partially love it, right, right. You may partially
watch it at times, but if you're tuned in to
watch it, yeah, you have an interest in it. So
I'm just curious, I mean what that falls in on
every part of life? Yeah, partially summary, Is it all
you're just flat out fat? If you're kind of fat, yeah,
if you're you know, you're flat out he's handsome or
you kind of handsome or flat out hands and handsome.
Can't you want to tell the listeners? I got context, No,
I've got I just wondered if that that was a context.
I just I just I'm just saying I just got
curious one of the other. That's why I'm saying. I
think it holds true in every part of life. Right,
you can't be partially bisexual, can you? I think that's
the definition of sexuality. The other Right, well, that's but
that's not partial. You're if you if you're on both sides,
youre on both sides. Right, Well, bisexual means you like
men and women, right, So, but you can't be well,
I'm kind of I'm kind of you either, are you
aren't you aren't? Okay, So yes, yeah, yes, you know
what I'm saying. But I was just thinking about, like,
are you hungry? I could eat, Well you're then you're hungry.
So then if you're partial, if you can't be so,
then you're not partial. You can't be partially married, No,
you can't. Can you be partially gay? Now that's a
good question, is well, I don't think so. Bisexuals. I
think yeah, you can. I think you're probably if you're
if you're partially gay, then aren't you bisexual? No, because
maybe none of there's certain things that you do to
qualify for the partial or the flat out. If that's
what you're asking, okay, I mean I'm trying to be
and to enjoy your vibe here, right, trying to get
where you're going. I don't think you'll be partially I
think you either are you aren't? Aren't?
Speaker 9 (02:17:05):
Speaker 4 (02:17:06):
You don't go to somebody say hey, man, are you
flat out gay or you partially gay?
Speaker 18 (02:17:09):
Speaker 4 (02:17:10):
I mean you're gay if you're gay?
Speaker 8 (02:17:11):
Speaker 4 (02:17:12):
If you're you're hungry, no, nobody said it's a bad thing, right.
I mean you're hungry or you're I mean, if you're four,
if you're like six hundred pounds, are you partially fat?
Are you fat? I know you're fat? Okay? And if
you could be like, well, when my shoulders are good,
I got love handles. Let's say you say that, so
are you partially fat? But your love handles fat? So
you're fat? That that area is fat?
Speaker 8 (02:17:31):
Speaker 4 (02:17:31):
If that's fat handle? Is there fat there? Right? So
that's what it leads me to where where I'm kind
of hungry, partially hungry. But if you eat the full
steak just because it's there. You were hungry? Correct? Correct?
All right, So to answer your question, I don't think
that you could just be partially gay. I don't think so,
but maybe you can't. I don't know what the layers
of it are.
Speaker 3 (02:17:53):
I don't either. You think Steve knows he's smart? Smart
guy is smart? A business owner?
Speaker 5 (02:17:59):
Speaker 4 (02:18:00):
I think more than one.
Speaker 1 (02:18:01):
Hi, Steve, I heard y'all, I heard y'all.
Speaker 16 (02:18:04):
Okay, I'm gonna answer a few of your questions through
real experiences before I answered the hit on the thing.
Speaker 4 (02:18:10):
So you have some real experiences in the last ones
are the first one.
Speaker 16 (02:18:14):
Partly you can be partly part If it's partly cloudy,
that means it's mostly sunny. That's number one. Number two okay,
I don't know if I typically said, but are you
a Trump or a gut or Reagan? That's Trump or Okay?
That was the early one. Number three. I had a friend,
a bartender, right, bartender was in seventy nine, and they
asked her if she was bisexual. She said, no, I'm trisexual.
I try anything if it's with a guy. Okay.
Speaker 4 (02:18:41):
That's a girl saying that. Okay.
Speaker 16 (02:18:43):
So those are the three. Now back to the hit. Okay,
the hit.
Speaker 4 (02:18:49):
Was that partially? It was it a partial hit or
a full odd hit? Right? There you go, So go ahead.
Speaker 16 (02:18:54):
The hint doesn't mean anything to me. I'm using this
as as a reason to answer the questions. I thought
up until that point they were gonna lose because they
don't want they whoever they are, doesn't want Texas playing
Georgia again. When they did the hit, and I'm thinking, well, gosh,
they're doing these three pointers. I hate three pointers. Would
it be that I mean field goals? I don't. I
thought they were gonna lose. When they got the hit
and they got the call, which is apparent call, then
I knew they're gonna win, right because now that means
I don't think George is gonna win. I think Notre
Dame's gonna win. But then Notre Dame was. I think
it's gonna be Ohio State or Texas versus Penny State.
I think Penn State's gonna win at all. Go figure
that one out anyways. See that's my call.
Speaker 4 (02:19:36):
You appreciate your brother, Thank you, man. Yeah, partially Sonny,
partially Cloudy is is Sonny? I guess right? So you
are partially mostly sonny, but if you've got sons creeping
out mostly sunny where it's sunny. But I want to
get back to this hit and the thought where I
disagree with stee I see where he's going, I disagree.
I think they definitely would like Texas to play Georgia again.
I think they definitely want that again. If they could
have it, I definitely would think they want it. I
also I think that they, you know, there's a big
part of that wants to see if Ryan Day's team
will come apart at the seams at a big game,
if they're in the national title game. I think there's
a lot of sidebars to Penn State's just kind of
plodding along right. Like we said earlier in the show,
I don't know if Steve was listening to that. Penn
States they can very They'll be the least talked about
it before, but they're they're pretty friggin good. So but
I think that the college football world would love to
see Georgia and University of Texas again. Yeah, I don't
know if they'd like see Ohio State more, but I'm
saying I don't think it's one of those oh not
those guys. Again, I think it's where is the physical
domination do they have Do they have this Kirby smart
just better than the other guys. You know, I think
that you'd want to see that again television ratings would.
Speaker 3 (02:20:55):
I think they would want to see Texas versus Georgia
or Ohio State versus Penn State, same conference, both matchups.
Speaker 4 (02:21:04):
I would say that you go around and it's not
right because when I'd say that, they'd think the least
sexy was Penn State in the final. Yeah, which is
Penn State. It's a blue blood, one of the all
time great programs, and they're always good, right, Yeah, but
they're they're really good and they've got you know, you're
talking about a top ten pick on the edge. They've
got some players now and that tight ends stilly. Yeah,
So we just don't label them. Maybe it's because it's
just the white and blue uniform. It said, No, you know,
it's just gonna they kind of like they've always been.
They just kind of do their thing right. But they're
always tough and many times they just don't beat themselves.
That's what you're gonna have to do with that. They're
they're pretty good at making sure if you beat them
that you're gonna have to knock them out. But I
do think the football world would love to see a
Georgia Texas. Would that be the trifecta? Yeah, man, that's all.
That's a year, that's a hell of the Yeah, that's
that's a baseball series. Yeah, exactly. Crazy.
Speaker 3 (02:22:01):
By the way, Brian Dawson on Twitter, not Brian, you know,
it's Brian Dawkins. Brian Dawson, famer, Brian. He said it's
Robert Palmer that you were thinking of with the girls
behind him. Simply resistible or addicted to the best songs?
Speaker 4 (02:22:16):
Yeah, that's right. So who was and that was Let's see,
we've had Steve Miller man who was who we just have?
Speaker 3 (02:22:22):
We had Peter Gator, Gabriel, right, triple get us addicted
to love?
Speaker 4 (02:22:27):
Yeah, mine's right mine as well. Face your adictive there.
They're playing guitar with the sun glass face, don't they
don't They just have the same move where they're like
back and forth with the with one with the white girls.
That's exactly He's exactly what Robert Bob Palmer. Yeah, Bob Palmer.
I love Bob Palmer though. Yeah, good cut. You like
Arnold Palmers?
Speaker 15 (02:22:50):
I do?
Speaker 4 (02:22:51):
I actually love sweet tea and lemonade, do you?
Speaker 16 (02:22:54):
Speaker 8 (02:22:54):
I'm on it.
Speaker 4 (02:22:57):
I actually like the Arnold Palmer alcohol free better than
I do the one with alcoholic. Oh, yeah, they're I
can guzzle those things, right, Yeah, you do like to guzzle,
don't you? A little? Maybe an Arizona iced tea with
the Arnold Palmer guzzle. Guzzle it up. Man, you're horrible
what I think? You keep teeing them up for me?
Expect to get it.
Speaker 1 (02:23:18):
Out of the park.
Speaker 4 (02:23:19):
Right there, let's go. It's partial though it is partially right,
partially right, partially. I don't think you can, dude, Yes,
triple e you sure can.
Speaker 3 (02:23:28):
Yeah, let's uh, let's yeah, where should we go for
our painting needs?
Speaker 4 (02:23:33):
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But the Sewn Salisbury show continued.
Speaker 3 (02:24:44):
Once they hit me, I'll let you know, took them
about ten minutes ago. I'm going straight to bed when
I go. Yeah, dude, this is not fun. Yeah, just
keep on keeping on.
Speaker 4 (02:24:56):
That's it. Life's garden dig it. Yep. Yeah, there we
go ahead of the g and sweated out in the steam.
Maybe could happen. I've been in the gym in three days.
It happened. Lift in, No, I haven't.
Speaker 8 (02:25:06):
Speaker 4 (02:25:06):
You know the body aches that come with the flu. Yeah,
not good. Yeah, because you don't want anybody tell how
rough the water is the ringing the ship?
Speaker 3 (02:25:15):
Yeah, exactly, I got you. Let's see. You know what
they say about struggles, right.
Speaker 4 (02:25:19):
They're real. You think the Texans they're going to win
this game, get to ten wins, right? I hope the
dudes are playing their dudes ten and seven. Hopefully have
a game where you come out of this thing and
that was our best complete game of the year. Yeah,
that'll help the following week, I'm I assure you will.
You don't want to go there and you know, flounder
around where once again you're going in next week because
we already know who they are.
Speaker 1 (02:25:46):
That we just do.
Speaker 4 (02:25:47):
When you've seen sixteen week games of it, seventeen weeks,
sixteen games, you know who the team is. Now, there's
obviously leeway to go both ways. Not good and real
good because they got a skill set. So that is
the difference. I think that's disappointing that were even questioning
is this team good or not, because the truth is
there's too many players on us for good players for
us to be questioning if they're good. Because they are good,
we thought they'd be better. But they're still in the tournament.
But I can tell you this right now, the Optics
in the tournament, they don't look good. They in the
college basketball tournament, they'd be going in like a seventh
seed right now. You'd be saying, there's kind of they're
playing a ten seed this week. They're not, and they
could lose that game. They're not playing like a team
that's a one, two or three seed right now if
it was college basketball term. So, but it's also that team. Man,
they're capable. They're star shooting well well here it's their
offense is capable. But you can't say for sixteen weeks
they're capable and haven't got full four quarters out of
them the way that you want to for the most
part against good teams. Now, this team they're playing this
week will play you know, they'll get after you and
knock you around. They're not very good, so you have
no excuse not to curb stomp them. Plus you're starting
your people. It's the next week. It's gonna feel different
if it's and if it could be, whether it was
the Chargers, the Steelers, who else, Baltimore possibly still or
is it Baltimore already they haven't secured the division yet
and isn't it coming down to this week? Doesn't mean yeah,
I think they have to Uh, the Steelers have to lose, right,
So regardless of who the teams it is, I just
named three physical teams that are going to test your metal,
and so they need a quality performance even though it
has no bearing on where they're going in the standings.
Speaker 3 (02:27:32):
Yeah, Baltimore and Pittsburgh. Saw has a chance to win
the division, and so does Baltimore. It's gonna be one
of the two.
Speaker 4 (02:27:38):
And Cincinnati still got a chance to make the playoffs
with you know, a Pittsburgh loss, Miami loss or not,
is a Pittsburgh loss, but a Miami loss for sure,
buy any Denver, that's it. Denver's got Kansas City And
like we said, Carson Wentz will play, he'll start. So yeah,
it has not that pittsburghs in battle for Baltimore for
the division. They're in the playoffs, it comes down to Cincinnati,
the Cincinnati Miami Denver thing for the final wild.
Speaker 3 (02:28:04):
Guard And as of right now, the Steelers are the
five seed, the charger of the sixth seed in Denver
for the time being as the seventh seed. So it
looks like the Texans, I would assume, are going to
host the Steelers unless some crazy stuff happens over the weekend.
But yeah, it'd be a Mike Mike Tomlin led Pittsburgh
Steelers coming into town.
Speaker 4 (02:28:25):
With TJ.
Speaker 3 (02:28:26):
Watt ready to pounce on CJ. Strouds. So, first of all,
take care of business against the Tennessee Titans. Game, excuse me,
quite literally, as meaningless as far as the seedings are concerned,
meaningless psychologically exactly, but it goes into more than just
the seedings. That is not meaningless. Get your offense in
rhythm and try to play sixty complete.
Speaker 4 (02:28:47):
Speaker 3 (02:28:47):
I don't believe in game to game momentum, but I
believe in in game momentum, right, So if you can
figure out your offense rhythm wise, it'll be a.
Speaker 4 (02:28:58):
Big, big thing for the ten against the Titans. And
it's not even the optics for the fan it's for them. Yeah,
they need it more than we do. Yeah, because in truth,
so I'm just it's a playout, no big deal. They're
not gonna play their best this week. And for them,
there's a reason why. There's a reason why Demiko Ryans
is starting his his ones, right, there's a reason because
he looks at it the same way we do, and
the same way the fan base is right now of
we got it now, there's some fan base don't want
to start as to play. I do, but Demico's looking
at it like screw that, man. We got to prove
we got We need some work and they do need
some work and live real stuff happening, because I assure
you it's gonna move fast in the first round of
the playoffs next week. It's gonna move real fast. So
this will be This is one to at least get
you feeling good when you head into it.
Speaker 3 (02:29:43):
Yeah, they've got to get some offensive rhythm figured out
for the Texans. Let's get into the final segment of
the show as we continue to talk about these Texans
and their matchup with the Titans on Sunday. That's next
right here on Sports Talk seven seven ninety. But fellas,
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Speaker 1 (02:31:27):
The Sean Salisbury show Salsa.
Speaker 4 (02:31:30):
That's utiful, Jesse, what's happening? Hey, what's up guys?
Speaker 18 (02:31:37):
Thanks to take my call? Happy New Year. So I
was I was wondering about the astros. I feel like
they still need to go out and get like an outfielder.
And I know that's Anthony Suntandre is sitting out there,
and I was wondering, do you guys still think you
guys think he's still in play, or do you think
they'll subtle for like a cheaper option of like a
Jesse winger, or do you go or just settle for
Melton or one of the minor leaguers And I'll hang
up and listen.
Speaker 4 (02:32:09):
Thank you Jesse.
Speaker 3 (02:32:10):
I don't know about you, Shan, but I don't think
they'll they'll sign Anthony Santander.
Speaker 4 (02:32:14):
I would love it.
Speaker 3 (02:32:15):
I don't even think they'll make it any the way
I feel right now, I don't think that they will
do anything to upgrade their outfield.
Speaker 4 (02:32:23):
I think they got yeah with Santander. I wonder why
with that power bat? Is it wanted because they don't
trust that it's going to be that it was just
a one off season for him as far as power
at that that would I mean, you think he led
the American leaguer was close? Right? Yeah? Or is he?
Is he priced himself out because of the year? What
is he asking? Uh?
Speaker 15 (02:32:47):
Speaker 3 (02:32:47):
The Blue Jays reportedly this came out yesterday that the
Blue Jays offered him a four year, eighty two million
dollar deal.
Speaker 4 (02:32:55):
Okay, so four years at eighty two and a half
little over twenty point five year?
Speaker 5 (02:33:01):
Speaker 4 (02:33:03):
Is that not fair?
Speaker 16 (02:33:03):
For him.
Speaker 3 (02:33:05):
Yeah, I just I think I think that's a fair
offer for him, twenty million. He hit forty four home
runs last year. Excuse me. He's looking to sign a
long term deal where the Astros stand on the competitive
balance tax threshold. They're not going to want to go
up in that, So I don't think they're gonna sign him.
Speaker 4 (02:33:21):
Okay, why wouldn't he want to come here for twenty
one million dollars a year, four years at eighty four
million bucks? Yeah, well, what would they pay it? No,
they won't. They will not. That would that would bump
them into the next tax bracket. So if they're never
going to the next tax bracket, they're not going to
then it's all a moot point.
Speaker 3 (02:33:43):
Yeah, exactly, it is not until Montero comes off the books.
Jose Bray who comes off the books. Those two are
big contracts. You know what, maybe if you trade, if
you trade Ryan Presley, get his money off the books.
Speaker 4 (02:33:56):
I'm actually surprised he hasn't moved yet.
Speaker 3 (02:33:57):
Yeah, so am I trade him? You get his money
off the books. But until those first two contracts that
I mentioned come off the books, they're not going to
go above the CBT tax threshold, not into the second
second level of it. It's been proving every single freaking
off season.
Speaker 4 (02:34:13):
Right now this roster, uh that that the outfield needs
some presence. Yeah, you ain't lying, it does. Yeah. And
like I said, do I like having guys like McCormick coming.
He absolutely, But I if you started the season with
the with the outside with the rass now on paper,
at least people would say it's one of the one
of the I don't like to use the word worst
because McCormick's had, but it would be label one of
the worst starting out in baseball. And I'm even saying
if Dubond started in left field, McCormick and right and
Myers in the center, I'm even saying that. And that's
not that they're not good players, but I think the
overall perception would be you've got a great Swiss Army
knife and quite frankly, two part time starters in the outfield,
and then you want the Swiss Army, so it's really
three part time starters because you're moving Dumont all over
the place, right If that's not unless you said, hey,
he's going to play one hundred and fifty games in
left field, they're probably going to try to limit Jordan
in the outfield more, right, or is he going to play?
How many games is he going to play in left
field moving forward? I guess that's going to depend on
what the rest of the off season look like. Right
for him Alvarez in the outfield, but with him as
the DH, this outfield right now feels like it's not
the major league level you want for a World Series contender. Yeah, yeah,
they would be. In my opinion, they would be one
of the worst. So how do you But if you're
not willing to step into a different threshold, how do
you improve it? Because you're not getting a great player
or a bopper for fifteen million dollar. Yeah, you're just
not on a one year deal in a guy's forty
maybe you know what I'm saying, or one of those guys.
It's a cage. You're not getting the players led the
American League at home runs to come here for fifteen
million dollars a year for two years. You're not getting that.
So I don't know, But there's still Bregman's obviously. You
know why isn't Jack Flerity moving? Yeah, I'm going to
tell you right now, dude, I would love to have
him here. What what's why isn't Flarity moving Let's see
you know later. Why wouldn't the Dodgers want to keep him? Maybe?
I mean, I know they're in on the kid from
Japan who's you know, A bunch of other teams are
ringing on him as hockey. Yeah, but I'm just wondering
Flarity is still available Santander obviously, Bregman, I'm just curious
as to why there's no Uh, I don't hear any
banter about him. I'm missing something as he.
Speaker 3 (02:36:59):
Be, Jack Larity Tainer Scott still available as he is? Yeah,
I don't know, man, Jack Flie would be all over.
Speaker 4 (02:37:07):
Yeah, yeah, so I I just if you're looking, I
just have a hard time believing they're done. Do you
I do think they're done.
Speaker 15 (02:37:18):
I do.
Speaker 4 (02:37:18):
That would be that would be a little bit disheartening
if they're if if they're actually done, or it's telling
you that they believe that a couple of these young
guys are rearing their head and going to play the
type of baseball they want. But as we sit today,
I still I'm not sure the outfield's ready to go yet,
are you? No, it's not I'm trying to find I'm
being a bit facetious. Of course it's not ready, but
you got guys with big league experience in quite a
bit of games of it. But I'm still looking for
that guy.
Speaker 3 (02:37:46):
Yeah, I had their uh CBT total competitive balance tax threshold,
and of course I can't get to it through my
notes if I could find it, but I know that
they were pretty damn close to hitting that next bracket,
if you will. So I just think that's gonna prevent
them from making any more moves or at least big
time as far as like a guy like Santander.
Speaker 4 (02:38:12):
You made a bunch of smaller moves as opposed to
a couple of big ones. Yeah, it's a bummer. I
love to see it. Lets power bats would be nice,
It would be.
Speaker 3 (02:38:23):
They've got to upgrade their outfit, there's no question about it.
Speaker 4 (02:38:26):
Even if there's a definite upgrade that may need more
than one. Honestly, Yeah, I'm being serious about this. So
who knows.
Speaker 3 (02:38:36):
Yeah, I just I don't see I just don't see
them making any cash. Well, excuse me. And also don't
forget they signed Chrishial Walker, so there's another contract that
goes towards that you got you got a pro at
first base. Yeah, so that's a good upgrade. Yeah, there
is no doubt. All right, that's gonna do it. He
Sean Salisbury. Emmanuel Elmore is our producer.
Speaker 4 (02:39:03):
I am Brian li Lima. Thank you for listening.
Speaker 3 (02:39:05):
We're back tomorrow morning, right here on Sports Talk seven
ninety at six o'clock in the morning. Make sure to
tune in for a Funky Friday edition to the show.
Coming up next, The Matt Thomas Show with Ross right
here on seven ninety