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November 29, 2023 42 mins
The new college rankings have be released rolling into the CFP with some teams ranked better than others should be.
Mark as Played

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How about the masts as a rocket. This is Sports Talk seven ninety,
your home for your home teams,driven by that classic elite buw at
GMC Studios for the elite car buyingexperience. Saalsbury Plight, Salisbury, Houston.

Okay, let's do this Sewn Salisbury. There you see to longtime French
shown Salisbury, Ryan La Lima,go Lobosnce Tom Dick to the Shan tag
shop down. I'm don a winningpeg. This is the Sewn Salisbury Show
at O two here in Houston,Texas. Welcome into the Shawn Salisbury,

Sewan. Sports Talks seven ninety SeanSalisbury, Brian Lima, Manuel Elmore.
Rockets lose to the Mavericks. Theyplay the Nuggets tonight in Denver, eight
o'clock the tip off seven o'clock launchpad right here on Sports Talk seven on
your home four Rockets Basketball, Texansback and practice. They play the Broncos
a Sunday. Let's talk college football. The new rankings were released last night.

Georgia number one, Michigan number two, Washington number three. Florida State
jumps back into the top four atnumber four, ore again number five,
Ohio State, six, Texas seven, Alabama eight. Everybody else nine through
the rest are at least one ortwo law or excuse me, two losses

except for Liberty is undefeated at twelveand Ohero coming in at number twenty four.
Oh and then two lane sorry twentytwo one. Two things at last
night tells you. Yeah, there'sa lot to dig into with this.
Yeah, there's plenty of them that'lltell you. One is Florida State.

If Oregon beats Washington and Florida Statebeats Louisville, they're going to consider Oregan's
win big over Washington. They aregoing to jump Florida State. You know
this, right, You do knowthey're going from five to four if they
beat Washington, which is the numberthree team in the country, and Florida

State even though they're thirteen and oh, if they beat Louisville. I believe,
now, maybe I'm wrong. Ibelieve the Committee is going to have
Oregon jump Florida State number two.I tried to tell you, and I
tried to tell it again yesterday thatthe committee. I didn't say you and
me, I said the committee.I told biscuit. This is going to

treat the win over Alabama, whetherwe like it or not. They're going
to shrink it because of when ithappened, which is the dumbest thing in
the then't why count it's throw Youget to throw out one game all year?
Why count it? Why even havethose games scheduled? Then if they
don't get held any water late inthe season, right, it makes no
sense to me? Makes sense.So that's what happens when human air kicks

in. Go play Stone Rock orStony Point or whatever it is. Oh
do you think about this? Texasis not just below Oregan, Texas is
below Ohio State. How the hellis Ohio state ahead of Texas and Alabama?
It makes no sense to me.Well, what I'm telling you is
this committee is that, like Isaid, like I've been telling you,

the Committee's gonna look at the You'renot gonna get the respect for the win
that Texas deserved in Week two orGame two whatever in September, that Longhorn
fans and that you and I expectedthem to get. I told you the
committee is going to look at thatout of sight, out of mind.

It's there. But I'm not sayingit's right. I'm just telling you.
I've tried to that. That's whyTexas must have Georgia win this football game
against Alabama ABS, and they gotto beg for Louisville to take care of
Florida State because the Committee holds Oregonin higher regard than they hold Texas.

They proved it last night. TheCommittee also, while they may have Florida
State over high regard, they alreadyknow the plan. If Oregon beats Washington,
they're going to jump them. I'mI'm just telling you that's going to
happen, right, especially if it'simpressive. With Texas, you're below a
team that just got beat and didn'teven make it to the conference championship in

Ohio State. That's how the Committeefeels about them. So with this in
mind, Texas is A Texas windoes not guarantee them a trip to the
Final Four. Matter of fact,if everything stands like it is, and
all these teams were talking about whenTexas is not going to the Final four,
judging if Florida State wins, hou'sTexas jumping them? Well, according

to the Committee, they're not.It's not going to happen. Texas wins
this week against Oklahoma State and Floridabeats Louisville. I'm talking about buy the
committee standards. How are they jumpingthem? They're not all right? So
there's that if Oregon wins, andOregon's already ahead of Texas, and if
Oregon goes and beats the number threeteam in the country, Washington, how
is Texas jumping Oregon. They're not. Oregon's gonna go up to three and

Florida State will stay at four,and then Texas will be on the outside
looking in. According to the committee, Well, if Alabama beats Georgia,
I'm not sure Georgia. I see. If Alabama beats Georgia, I would
think that you're gonna have Georgia beforeMichigan one, Michigan one. If and

Oregon beats Washington, Oregon's gonna findtheir way into the four. Michigan would
be in the four. The winnerof the PAC twelve, meaning Oregon Michigan
the winner if Alabama would move intothe final, would move into the four.
You do know this with the winover Georgia, so let me and
then Georgia from one. You thinkGeorgia's falling out of the top four of
them I don't think Georgia will,But I don't think Alabama's a shoeing to

get in because look at the lookhow they're rated right now. Gets ahead
of is ahead of Alabama. Who'swho's Alabama playing? Though Alabama's playing Georgia,
I get that. And who's Texasplanned Oklahoma State? We're Oklahoma State
ranked like twenty three and the numberone team. They're gonna jump them,
you know, if they beat them, they're jumping them. I don't think
that's I mean, I don't thinkit's a guarantee, but I'm just telling
you, yeah, there, Iknow how we're on the sand. When

it comes to the committee, they'renot ahead of Florida State. Dude,
No, I know when when wetalk about how the committee, so this
is all committee, correct you andme. I'm on the same page with
you. But I think it's almostjust cut. I think it's bs the
way that this this thing is shaking. Of course you do, and so
do I one hundred percent. Butthe committee is loud and clear. If
everything stays, it is Oregon wins, Texas wins, Florida State wins,

Georgia wins, Michigan wins. Guesswho the odd man out is, It's
going to be Texas. Yes,based on what the Committee's doing. Now,
Alabama wins, I want you Nicksave and Alabama SEC champion? Do
you want to believe there's an actualchance that Alabama's not jumping into the four
by the committee's standards? Can youimagine them winning the SEC championship, beating

the number one team in America andbeing left out? I mean you can
imagine. You think the Committee isgoing to do that? Leave them out?
Yeah? No, because if youleave Georgia, if you leave Alabama
out after beating Georgia, then Georgiawith one loss, sure as hell isn't
staying in. No, but thenthere goes your chance for a threepeat.
Committee doesn't want that. So ifyou're telling me Georgia's staying in with a

loss, you've got to tell meAlabama's getting in with a win. That
means that two SEC teams would haveto be in, right, and then
Michigan. And now you've got todecide between Texas, Oregon, and Florida
State. And if Oregon beats Washington, they're jumping Florida State and they're already
head of Texas and Texas is playingOklahoma State, it won't. Oregon will
be the fourth team. Committee wise. Committee wise, we could argue.

I'm just saying committee wise, itjust don't get too comfortable, don't do
do not. And if Washington wins, Washington stay right where they are at
number three, Michigan wins, arestaying where they are, Georgia wins.
So then it comes down to ifthose three teams win, Florida State and
Texas, and right now, where'sLouisville ranked. Louisville is fourteenth. I

was just about to tell you Louisvilleis going to be a more impressive win
for Florida State than Oklahoma State losswould be for Texas. Texas has to
have more than one thing happened forthem to get in. How is Ohio
State still ahead of Texas and Alabama? Here's how Texas gets in. I'd
like tried to explain it yesterday.No, they got it simple. Alabama

loses to Georgia, Michigan's gonna beatIowa, they're in, Washington beats Oregon,
Washington's gonna sit in the three.Deal with it all. If that
happen, and then they need FloridaState to lose to Louisville and they beat
Washing Oklahoma State, then we're done. It is done. There's your four.
It is over. That's that's whyI said, you want Georgia and

Florida State? Do you want Georgiato win and Louisville to win. If
you do that, it doesn't matterwhat happens out West, because a winner
that will go and then you takecare of your business. That would mean
that you go. And if Oregonloses to Washington, it's Washington, Texas,
Michigan, Georgia. If Florida Statelose, Florida State lose their obviouslyde

hell, there's a chance that theywin. They're not going correct. So
but I can tell you this,if they win, you can do one
thing. I will guarantee you ifthey win, and if they win,
Texas is done because the winner ofthe PAC twelve, Oregon's already ahead of
him and Soul is Washing. Thewinner of that game is in is going
right if Florida State wins Texas,if Florida State and Georgia, when Texas

is not going to play in thefinal four via from what the way we're
looking talking about Committee stuf. Yes, we can we come back and argument.
I'm just telling you they've got tobeg for Georgia's win, which is
going to be the favorite. Theygot to beg Louisville to play a great
game and go get after him andwin that game. Because if Florida State
wins and Georgia win, I mean, if Florida State wins and things going,

the PAC twelve winners going, Michigan'sgoing, and the winner of the
SEC is going. If Florida Statewins and Texas wins, Florida State is
going to be in the final inthe Final four, like it or not.
That's the committee told you what they'redoing yesterday with the last night it's
and talking about Oregon and Washington.Looking at the odds, it's still at

their nine and a half point favorite. They if I'm not mistaken, it
went up a point. Weren't theeight and a half and a half yesterday?
Okay, it's getting closer and close. So Washington at three, they're
automatically and if they win in Oregon, all they got to do is Florida
State. But their win is goingto be more impressed than in Florida State.
They're gonna Trump. They're gonna jumpin it. Yeah, so that's
why it is. Yeah. Oneof the things that was discussed on that
college football playoff ranking show last nightwas the eye test. Well, let's

look at this eye test between thesetop eight teams. That's next on the
Shawn Salisbury Show. Let the celebrationstart war. Shawn Salisbury on Sports Talk
seven ninety Wombe night, woombone downwomb More first one in last monet.

Given this time of the talk,the bell ka tacking college football, they
don't. Right here on the ShawnSalisbury Show on Sports Talk seven ninety some
news from Ian Rappaport out of theNFL. Texans are gonna lose Titus Howard

for the rest of the year.He was carted off this past Sunday,
So tough news for the offensive linefor the Texans. Another bit of adversity
they're gonna have to deal with andovercome. Yeah, they've been dealing with
offensive line injuries pretty much all seasonlong. The they did a pretty good
job. Frustrating, but best TitusHoward. Hopefully you'll get right and get

ready to go next year. Imean between Garden tackling now back at left
guard and then getting hurt tough bummeryep. So they're gonna have to figure
that out again. They'll shave doneall season long. All right, let's
talk about this eye test with thesecollege FOOTBA playoff rankings again. It's Georgia,
Michigan, Washington, Florida State,Oregon, Ohio State, Texas,

Alabama. That's your top eight nowwith this eye test, Sean. Last
night on that show, which wasthe college football playoff ranking show, it
was Rhys Davis, kirkhurb Street,Booker McFarlane, Greg McElroy and Joey Joey
Goshtang Joey Galloway. And one ofthe things that they were discussing and Kirkirbstree

was getting a little fired up aboutit, and one of the things that
he said was he talked kind oflike we've talked, when everything's said and
done, are the four best teamsgoing to be in the final four?
And that's where Florida State comes into play. And one of the things
that Greg McElroy was trying to pushis that even if Florida State doesn't have

their quarterback and they win, they'rea shoe in to get in because of
the acc champs and they're undefeated.But yet if you look at these other
teams, they're not They're not oneof the top four. And Kirkirbstree was
arguing the fact that you got tolook at the eye tests, you got
to look at who is playing thebest football, who has all of their
players available, so forth and soon, and he said that's not how
the committee thinks. The Greg mclorysthat's not how the committee thinks and how
it works, and Kirk Kurbstree sayssome along lines of well, it's got

to change. These semi final gamesthe last couple years have been brutal.
Yeah, they have been good.Yeah, I mean, we like to
see him until we like to seethe Cincinnaties of the world get in there,
got boat ranged until they get curbstopped in the game. Twelve team
playoff would be great every now andthen you're gonna get the upset. The
better teams are usually gonna win overthe course of a tournament like that because

they got more depth and they gotmore you know, they're just they've been
better all year long, and thelonger they play, the better they're gonna
get. As opposed to you andan injury here diminishes your roster because you
don't have the depth if you're thetenth team that the number one or two,
or three or four team have.But I'm okay with expanding it because
if Texas gets left out, I'dsure like to see them play. If

Florida State left out, I'd liketo see them play without the quarterbacks.
See how they do. Let's go. You want it in, Let's go.
I disagree with McElroy. I'm onthe with Greg on this that so
does he want the conference champions toall get in or undefeated conference champions?
Because if his Alabama Crimson Tide win, they have one law, should they
get in according to his thought?Passes all right, because they're one loss.

But there's more. But the problemis, if Oregon wins, there's
another team with one loss, Texashas one loss, the SEC champion would
have one loss, only the teamonly the ACC and and uh the Big
Ten would have undefeated champions unless Washingtonwins out in the Pac twelve. So
there's a lot of ifs. Butlisten, Florida State, under the current
circumstances, is not one of thefour best teams in America. They're not

one of the six best teams.Their record says they are, and I
put a ton of respect on it. The eye test will tell you that,
but all the other stuff doesn't.And even if they go undefeated,
I don't think they're shoe in.They are a shoe in. They are
a shoe in. If Washington wins. If Washington wins and Florida State beats

Louisville, Florida State is going andonly other way they're not. If Alabama
beat Joy Georgia and both Alabama andGeorgia get in, then that would mean
it's Michigan, Alabama, Georgia andthe winner of the PAC twelve, because

the winner of the PAC twelve.If Washington's already three, if they win,
they're going to stay at three.Correct. Oregon's already ranked just one
behind Florida State Florida State's four.If Florida State wins and Washington wins,
why would you move Florida State behindTexas. You didn't lend credence last night
to the victory over Alabama. Whatmakes you think they're going to change it
next week? And Louisville win byFlorida State will be more impressive. Than

a win by Texas over Oklahoma StateCourt. This is all committee talk.
We're talking about how the committee's goingto think about this. They told you
last night that Florida State, they'remore impressed with Florida State than Texas's win
over Alabama in September didn't quite matteras much to them. That's just what
they told you. So most FloridaState. Let's take it's down to Florida

State and Texas for the final spot. Let's just however it works its way
out, and Florida State wins overLouisville and Texas beats Oklahoma State, who's
going, Well, that should bea pretty easy answer, is Florida State's
already heead of them? Yeah,it's Florida State. If Florida State and
Texas both win and it's for thefar let's say this is for the fourth
spot, who's going or be FloridaState by the committee? Right, Well,

they're the ones who are gonna choosethis. They're in So Texas absolutely
needs Georgia to win. So georgeis not a second team from the SEC
that they still in play if theyget beat by Alabama. The rest of
the groups aren't in play if theyget beat, Washington's out if they lose.
Texas is out if they lose,Florida State's out if they lose.

Michigan would be out if they lose, although they're not going to lose,
and Georgia is the only one ofthe teams right now that if they lose,
still has a chance to stay inTexas according to what the committee has
done. So why would they takeThey're going to lend more credence next week
next Tuesday to Texas. Is winover Alabama, then they would if this

week then they did. They didn'tthey have thought. They said Florida State's
more impressive. That's what the committeesaid. Now here's the thing where Biscuit
was saying yesterday, if in factAlabama beat Georgia, goes back to how
are they doing it? Well,we weren't real impressed with the win at
Texas over Alabama because it happened twoand a half months ago. Does it

all of a sudden heighten there?Now are they impressed? Ooh, Alabama
beat Georgia. So now the winback in September that you didn't give me
credit for last week for the mostpart yesterday, now you're gonna give me
credit for it, and it's goingto heighten Texas. So that would mean
that Georgia is gonna fall below Texasbecause Texas beat Alabama. They didn't give
enough credit this yesterday, so thatwas going to extend the credit next week

if Alabama wins, are they goingto flip that right? Oh, we
should have taken into camp now thatit's a real impressive win that Texas beat
Alabama because Alabama beat Georgia, wellit was just as impressive even before they
played Georgia because they were the numberthree team in the country. See,
I don't understand the committee's thinking.Yeah, that's the whole thing. And
even last night on this College FootballPlayoffs show, they had on Boo Cardigan.

He's one of the he's the NorthCarolina State athletic director and he's also
part of this committee. Like whenhe was asked about why Oregon was ahead
of the rest, he talked aboutcommon opponents. He talked about bo Nix's
completion percentage. Like some of thethings he said didn't make sense. So
if you're gonna talk about a commonopponents, meaning Texas and Oregon have a

common opponent of Texas Tech, andthat's something you're looking at. Well,
then do you think you should beable to still give credit to Texas for
taking down Alabama when they were numberthree in the nation at Alabama? Of
course, but yet it's not reflectedlike it doesn't make sense all of a
sudden, It's gonna be reflected nextweek Georgia. Yeah, is that?
Is it gonna be reflected for Texasbecause if Alabama wins, they're in,
right, They're gonna they're gonna jumpoff hand because everybody's gonna give wu they

beat Georgia, it's the dominant numberone team in the country. But are
they going to all of a suddengive you the old after the fact,
Oh hindsight twenty twenty. Oh thatwe're sorry Texas. That was an impressive
win. They should get that.Texas should already have credit for that.
Yeah, we play a full season. We don't just play from October on.
They beat him in September. Thatshould matter. But according to the
committee, what they did for Tech, Texas has got to have Georgia win

and has to have Florida State canbeat by Louisville, then they're in.
If they take care of their ownbusiness, If Floyda comes down of Florida
State in Texas and they both win, Florida State is going to the final
four. Whether you like it ornot, whether I like it or not,
that's going to be the Committee's decision. Yeah, they have a wild
hair for Oregon and they're going toit's going to jump Florida State. I

think if Florida State, if Oregonbeats Washington the number three team, because
they're going to call it an impressivewin man the eye test, bam,
they'll jump to four and watch watchFlorida State fall out of that thing because
Michigan and Georgia with a win aren'tmoving and the PAC twelve, if it's
Washington, they're sure as hell notmoving. Right. Yeah, let's keep

talking about this college football playoff rankingsand specifically the committee. Why is Oregon
ahead of Texas? Why is OhioState ahead of Texas and Alabama? Let's
discuss it next on Sports Talk sevenninety Hey Trajan Wealth, Listen. The
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pregame show right here on Sports Talkseven ninety your home four Rockets Basketball,
Texans losing Titus Howard for the restof the season with an injury. Talking
college football, It's got out tothe phone line seven one three two point

two five seven ninety. Let's goto Wayne on the North side. Wayne,
good morning, Hey, morning.Thanks for taking my call. A
longtime listener, I call from timeto time. I enjoy the show.
Thanks brother. What's on your mind? So here's just my opinion, and
I agree with everything you are sayingbecause some of these you know, ideas
and moves and thoughts and with thecommittee. But you know, a committee

is kind of like a cific associationboard meeting. It's kind of like it's
a thankless job. No matter what, somebody's going to complain about something because
that's just the way it's set up. But my opinion is just this is
just my thoughts. Uh. Ifyou look back in the way they ordered
these these teams, like three orfour years ago, Alabama had one loss,
didn't even play in a conference championship, and beat out Ohio State to

get in the playoffs somehow, andthose two fan bases came on glue that
the committee. So I think whatthey're trying to do is avoid some kind
of backlashes banking on Georgia beating Alabamaand Florida State going undefeated. If Oregon
beats Washington they put them in,then you gotta wash between Texas, Alabama
and Ohio State fan bases because they'reall going to be outside the box looking

anyway. And that's just my opinion, and I'll hang up and listen.
Thank you, Thanks spot On.Yeah, those those meetings have people,
you know, those town hall screenand yelling. But and you can't mean
nobody, I mean half win halfway. There's always somebody put pissed if they
are. And the committee is bankingon the fact that George is gonna win,
that Florida State will take care ofLouisville, which I don't think that's
a stone cold lock by any stretchof the imagination, and that the PAC

twelve winners going if it's they've alreadytold you that. If now here's the
deal, let's just say Florida Stateloses, okay, and Oregon wins Okay,
Okay, Washington falls Florida State,that's going to open up two spots.
Oregon goes in and then Texas.Right, what if Alabama beats Georgia

and there's other two situations happen.That was because I was going by what
Wayne said about, right. Yeah, Alabama, not even when playing the
conference championship, is still going.Don't kid yourself about the Alabama Nick Saban
factor and all this thirty four tothirty one. Alabama wins, Oregon beats
Washington, Florida State beats Florida Statebeats Louisville, Michigan would be number one.

Uh huh, probably probably the winnerof the PAC twelve possibly bolts to
two right possibly possibly or according tothem, Florida State would be number two.
Think about that, they're four rightnow. Yeah, the two teams
in front of I mean, ifall of a sudden, I mean,

whoever, but the four, you'dget Alabama SEC champions in correct, PAC
twelve champion's it's Oregon is in correct? You assume, Yeah, Texas wins
Texas. Okay, let's let's let'sgo with the five. It would be
Michigan, Alabama, Florida State,Oregon, and Texas. Okay, Now

Georgia comes into play because why theyjust got to beat by Alabama. So
now Organs eliminated Washington. Organ's alreadyahead of Texas. If both Texas and
Oregon win, who's going into thefour ahead of each other? Oregon will
be in ahead of Texas. Organshouldn't be even ahead of Teach. I'm
just telling you what the committee Iknow. I'm staying between you and I.
But they are right. They shouldn'tbe, but they are. So

what's the point. Let me askyou a question real quick on that thought.
Let's look at these how everything comesinto play, eye tests, strength,
the schedule, so forth, andso on. Oregon has one top
twenty five win. Their best winis number twenty Oregon State their common opponent,
which was set on that show lastnight by the committee. Guy.
Yeah, go ahead. They beatTexas Tech by eight points. Texas two
top twenty five wins. They beatAlabama at Alabama and they kicked the breaks

beat the breaks off of Texas Techby fifty How is Oregon ahead of Texas?
They hold the PAC twelve in higherregards? Yes, okay, then
they do. And the eye tests, the eye tests. Listen, you
can say all you want about whothey beat. It tests Oregon is the
eye test with Oregon right now.The eye test says Organ's playing better than
Washington Henson nine and a half pointspread. I test Oregon is probably the

number two team, and that's inthe country right now or three right now.
Yeah. I still think I'd slideMichigan ahead of them because of the
physicality. But Oregon's defense is filthyOregon. The eye test to Oregon has
the eye test, nothing else.I test Oregon. They are a top
four team in America, right,agree and so? And then they got
a wild hair form. They likewild hare in a good way. Right.

I like this team. That's howthe committee feels. But right now
I gave you the six scenarios.Oregon beats Washington, and Texas beats Oklahoma
State. Texas is not jumping Oregon. You do know this right, correct?
Because they will have beaten the numberthree team in America one loss or
not. They are in. Alabamabeats Georgia. They are in as the

conference champion in the SEC, beatingthe number one team for three straight years
in America, and I haven't lostmany Alabama's in Michigan again, is gonna
should curb stomp? And when Isay curb stomp, twenty to three,
Iowa they're in. Now you're comingdown to two choices. And then there's

a third hint here. Florida Statebeats Louisville, Texas beats Oklahoma State.
Georgia loses by a field goal walkoff to Alabama. Who's the fourth team
that's got to be Georgia. Yourtalking committee, right, correct committee?
By tests? How do you leaveGeorgia out of the final four? Guess
what if the eye test they befavored by double digits over both Texas probably

like Oregon Washington, and they befavored by more than double digits two touchdowns
plus over Florida State. I agreewith that. So see there right right.
I hate this. Okay, I'llask you this. I'll ask you
this. If Georgia loses to Alabamaby three points, you're gonna tell me
that Alabama is still not one ofthe four best teams in the country.
They'll be favored over everybody they playAlabama. No, I mean Georgia,
Georgia. Yeah, yeah, Alabamabeats Georgia. Do you still want Georgia

in the final four? Are theyone of the forest I want the top
four teams. If Georgia gets beatby Alabama one of them, are they
one of your four teams? Allright? They are? Then then Texas
is done well for me. Accordingto According to that, it won't matter
I State, Florida State, orTexas won't get in by your standards.

It's gonna be Oregon, Michigan,Alabama, and Georgia. According to what
you just said so in Florida Stateare done. Yeah, Florida State is.
I was going to say it wasdone, but that would also in
Texas exactly. That's why you needGeorgia to win. So it takes two
teams in the floor. Now,if it was listen, if Georgia had
one loss right now and they wereplaying and they got beat by Alabama,

they're done. That's that's my point. They they're going to hold Georgia at
one loss. In my opinion,the committee is going to hold Georgia in
higher regard. Then Texas is aconference champion and Florida State is an undefeated
conference champion. I don't still thinkthey're gonna shove Georgie out of that.
Didn't TCU lose their conference championship gamelast year and still getting with one loss

TCU? Yeah, if I'm notmistaken, and they got in and they
end up beating Michigan and going tothe national championship. Now they got beat
but still they got curb stopped.But they were playing there You good football,
right? Was it Kansas State thatgot them? Yes? At the
end, yes, so overtime.If I'm not whatever it was, I
got news for you. The committeeholds Georgia in much higher regard they did
TCO and if TCU got in withone loss after losing their conference, I

know there are some other factors.I still see by point and I mean,
go back, am I right whenI tell you you must beat Oklahoma
State, but you have to haveGeorgia win and Florida State get beat by
Louisville. Yea, then you arein. It is a guarantee. Then
it goes Texas Pac twelve Big tenSEC. If Georgia wins winner, the
biggest the biggest disruption is going tobe if Georgia loses to Alabama. Two

worthy teams are going to have theirass sucking, Buttermilk more than likely because
of Georgia. Right, Committee,I'm a MIDI who correct committee Committee.
But if you're asking me now,Sean, if Georgia loses to Alabama and
the close one, do I stillthink George is one of the four best
teams in the country. I wouldpick them to still win the national Championship.
I would say unequivocally, yes,agreed that George is still one of
the top four teams. All right, we'll get to your phone calls next

seven one, three, two pointtwo five, seven ninety. Let's see,
we got Biscuit, Jay and Mike. You guys hang on. We'll
get to your questions after this break. And also Joel Klatt had some things
to say about the committee. Whatdid he say? That's next Sports Talk
seven ninety. Oh. Also checkthis out. I should have warned if
Shawn only cares about cold hard backs. Back to the Sean Salisbury show on

Sports Talk seven ninety talking college footballand these playoff rankings they were released last
night. Georgia, Michigan, Washington, Florida state. That's your top four,
talking about scenarios to get Texas inif Oregon beat Washington, so forth,

and so on. Seven one three, two, one two five,
seven ninety the number to join.Let's start in order of longest waiting.
Let's go out to Biscuit, Biscuit, what's happening, man, Hey,
meme, Sean, Man, weneed to go to a sports bar somewhere.
I told Sean the committee Texas isa long shot, and to me,
Shine, I think, to me, I still think, Seanne,

they gotta pie theyself to Alabama,and the only way they get in there
is if there's an argument about Hey, how are you gonna put Alabama in
front of us? That's the onlyway they get in. You don't want
Alabama to win, dude, youdon't. They gotta win, shiny biscuit.
Do listen? Listen, listens?What's that? How you gonna jump

three teams? And if you don'thave no only argument? Well, first
off, let's backtrack for a second. Back up for a second. What
did the committee tell you right now? If Texas, Florida State, and
Oregon all win, Let's forget Georgiaand Alabama for a second. If Texas,
Georgia, if Texas, Florida State, and Oregon all win this week,

guess who's not going to be higherthan Florida State. And this isn't
what I think. I'm just tellingyou what the committee is going to do.
I tried to tell you this yesterday. If Texas and if Texas and
Oregon and Florida State all win,guess who the third team of those three
is. That's one? Okay,that's one. So that would mean Michigan,

Oregon or Washington Florida State are incorrect? All right? So you
want Alabama to win, and youthink you're getting in in Alabama's going home
when they didn't give you credit.Let me finish, when you didn't get
credit for the win in September yesterday, when the committee already I told you,

we don't seem to hold that onein high regard. You think,
because if they beat Alabama beach Georgia, they're gonna say, well, let's
give that victory back in September alittle more credence. Now they've told you
it doesn't matter as much to themwith what they did yesterday. So if
Alabama beat Georgia, you're begging becauseyou're I'm telling you what you're wishing for

if you're not careful. If Alabamabeach Georgia by three points, Georgia may
be the very team that knocks Alabama. I mean, that knocks Texas out
of this. If Louisville beat FloridaState, you don't you need Georgia to
win. I don't know why youthink they're gonna give Texas more credit.

If Alabama beach Georgia. They didn'tgive me any credit for September. That's
why they're below Florida State. Weknow the eye test. Texas is better
than Florida State. We know eyetest Oregon. They hold them in high
regard in the body of work inthe Pac twelve. My point is,
I don't know why you want whyyou want the SEC. You want Alabama
to beat Georgia, and you thinkyou're in over Alabama. That's what you

think. No, I'm saying youget in over Georgia. Conference champion list.
Okay, but last year, whois the conference champion in the Big
twelve? Last year, I don'teven know it was Kansas State And guess
who went to the final four?TCU. Now you think they hold TCU

in higher regard that last year thanthey do Georgia this year as a two
time national champion and hasn't lost insince nineteen forty. You if it's a
close game, So they're going totake Georgia and drop them to six after
a loss to an Alabama team thatsome think is the hottest team in America.
Right now, let me say this, this is moceni you put just

in there. Let me put thisis and this is only for the Longhorners,
and it is a very improbable.This is what happened. But I'm
just saying to me, Sean,this is the only way to Longhorn get
in. This is what I'm saying. I don't think they gonna get in
because the way the committee shows you, like you said, they don't respect
the win they got. But theonly chance they got to get in,

in my opinion is number one,Florida State gotta lose because your win over
Oklahoma State is not going better thanthey win over Louisville. I've stated that
that Florida State has to get beatby Louisville. That's one. That's one,
and then you know number two.I think that Alabama has to beat
Georgia by double digits. No,tim they beat Georgia by double digits,

then you can say, well,hey man, we're the only thing to
beat Alabama. What's an easier pathAlabama? No, I'm talking about it.
I'm talking about in your in whatyou're saying for you, what's an
easy what's an easier I think Louisvilleis going to beat Florida State, That's
my opinion. I think Louisville canwithout the quarterback. Now I believe they

can. So let's assume that happens. What's a more likely scenario, by
a long shot, Georgia beating Alabamaby three or ten or whatever, or
Alabama beating Georgia by two touchdowns.That isn't going to happen this Saturday,
and you and I both know it, Okay, So why wouldn't you want

this for Longhorn fans? Here's theeasier route. You say, The only
way they get in is by Alabamabeaten Georgia, huge in by Florida State
losing. I flip that if thewinner of the Pac twelve is going,
the winner of the Big ten inMichigan is in. So let's put those
two aside. So it's three tomake two right now. If Louisville beats

Florida State, alls you need isGeorgia, Georgia to beat Alabama and they're
favored. Texas is in, Georgia'sin, Oregon or Washington are in,
and Michigan's in. That's what youwant, and it's the easier path for
Texas. Let Louisville go take careof Florida State. Florida State's done,

the acc is done, Georgia,just go do what everybody expects you to
beat Alabama, and then your finalfour is Texas, Georgia, Michigan and
the winner of the Patch well thebucket where the buck guy is going to
fit in. You think a onelost buck guy's team is going to take
over a conference champion Texas even thoughthey're in front of them now they get

one extra No, but they getone extra game, is my point?
Oh yeah, yeah, you're right, they get the extra game. The
extra game is going to jump themover Ohio State. Roll. But now
get what biscuits saying, they gotto beat him. But the likelihood is
that Louisville is going to beat FloridaState and that Georgia is going to beat

Alabama. That's much easier, andGeorgia winted it is much easier than Alabama
hapened to win by two touchdowns forTexas. Texas needs his eyes. Their
eyes need to go two places Atlanta, yeah, and to Charlotte. And
if they take care of it likesuppost to. Just Texas got to take
care of the just beat Oklahoma State. Yeah, and Ohio you will jump
Ohio State because you get the extragame. In my opinion, you don't

want Alabama to win. You don'tknow. You can't have Alabia, Georgia
and Florida State lose. Georgia winFlorida State lose. Yeah, you can't
have Alabama win, especially by likea field goal, then that's gonna muddy
the waters even more. Then I'mgonna tell you right now. Yeah,
then I don't believe Texas is jumpingGeorgia. Yeah, Georgia win Louisville,
Wine and the other and Texas takecare, then Texas will be up.

Texas wants Georgia. And then youlook at Ohio State, then the biggest
gripe in the country would be youput Ohio State in over Texas. No,
it's not happened, and they don'thave an extra game, absolutely not.
Yeah, not have a chance.We're gonna keep talking college football playoff
rankings. If you want to geton the conversation. Seven one three,
two point two five, seven ninety, that is the number to join.
What did Joel Clatt have to sayabout the committee college football Expert? We'll

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