All Episodes

January 8, 2025 156 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Ol okay, let's do this.

Speaker 3 (00:08):
Sewn Salisbury to usc true, longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury, Brian Lima,
go Lobos.

Speaker 4 (00:17):
This is the Sewan Salisbury Show.

Speaker 5 (00:22):
Sean Salisbury, Brian li Lima, Manuel Elmore. Rockets taken on
the Wizards last night. Texans continue with their week of practice.
They're getting ready for their playoff games Saturday against the
Chargers here at NRG Stadium. Justin Verlander signing a one
year deal with the San Francisco Giants, continuing his career,
trying to get to three hundred wins. Shawn Traplee, Good morning,

what's happening? Good morning, what's up?

Speaker 6 (00:47):
Good morning.

Speaker 7 (00:48):
It's funny.

Speaker 5 (00:48):
I asked you yesterday Sean about Justin Verland and why
he hadn't signed, and then bam, Jeff Passing reports it
yesterday afternoon.

Speaker 6 (00:56):
Well, we knew one year deal. I mean it was
it was a short term deal and he wasn't going anywhere.
He's going to continue probably to try and sign these
and if he can be effective to three hundred yep,
I would think if somebody keeps signing him, so good
for him. Do we see what kind of coin? Fifteen
mill fifteen mil. Yeah, I saw the one year, didn't
see the coin. It's nice, nice coin, and that's about
That's about what it's worth, right, I mean, that's that's

that's fair. God he was, he was really and it
could be a bargain if he pitches great. Yeah, stays healthy.

Speaker 5 (01:23):
Forty two years old, fifteen million dollars. Obviously, that ballpark
out in San Francisco, what do they call it these days?
I still call it pack, I say, is a pack Oracle?

Speaker 7 (01:34):
That's right. Oracle Park, like pa Bell.

Speaker 5 (01:38):
Is one of the most pitcher friendly ballparks in all
of Major League Baseball. You know, he likes to give
up some solo jobs, so that'll help him as he
treks towards three hundred wins. He was not good, uh
down the stretch for the Houston Astros. He had an
ERA of over eight when he came back from injuries
eight point one zero. But we know what justin Verlanders

all about. He's that bulldog guy that you need in
your rotation and he had some really good years here.
So he signed with the San Francisco Giants. Kind of
a random spot. I figured he would have. Actually, I
really didn't know who was gonna sign him. I just
didn't think the Giants. But we also know that the
Giants have money to give away with their ownership, and
they did. They also signed William Doomas on a seven year,

on hundred and eighty two million dollar contract, and now
they get Justin Berlander. So good for JV. Justin Barlander
and I'm gonna be pitching in an Oracle Park. Some used
to call it pack Bell. Have you been in that ballpark?

Speaker 7 (02:34):
I have not.

Speaker 6 (02:35):
I heard it's absolutely stunning. I was about about a
week after it opened. I went to that park and
it's like just off the charts. Yeah, great, I've heard
it's ulow. When it first opened, it's like, oh my gosh.
He had caught up in all the beauty of that,
you know, the surrounding area and right there McCovey Cove

and it's just a phenomenal. It's off the hook, phenomenal,
phenomenal ballpark.

Speaker 7 (03:04):
Have you been to P and C with the Pirates play?

Speaker 6 (03:08):
I have not. That's a that's a bucket list goal.

Speaker 5 (03:11):
Yeah, you would love that ballpark, just that whole area
where hines Field is or whatever they call it now,
hines Field.

Speaker 7 (03:18):
You got the PNC Park.

Speaker 5 (03:21):
You got all the bars and restaurants right there. Plus
I'm sure you've been to a town that has this,
Like don game days, some of these streets leading to
the ballpark they closed off and they sell T shirts
and merchandise and beers.

Speaker 6 (03:34):
And Fenway Park are Yeah. Man, that's so freaking slow.
And you got with the Monongahela and three rivers and
then what have just the beauty and the yellow and
yeah matches with the uniforms of Steelers in.

Speaker 5 (03:46):
The Oh, yeah, it's a it's a great blackdrops. Yeah,
backdrop is freaking amazing. Yeah, it's nice.

Speaker 8 (03:52):

Speaker 5 (03:52):
Plus if you want to go sit like second row
bleacher seats, it's like ten bucks, you know.

Speaker 6 (03:57):
Yeah, think about this win. Did Oracle open? Oracle open?

Speaker 7 (04:01):
I think of what year it was, because it was phenomenal.

Speaker 5 (04:09):
December. No, wait, that's groundbreaking. So let's see the season
it opened. Come on, come on, Son said, let's go.

Speaker 6 (04:17):

Speaker 5 (04:17):
You know you asked, you asked Google when it officially
open March thirty first, March thirty first, two thousand.

Speaker 6 (04:24):
Okay, so that in two thousand, that's when that's when
I was, Uh, that's when I was there, Like there
was this first or second series at home.

Speaker 7 (04:32):
It was impressive. But I love that place.

Speaker 6 (04:35):
Man, San Francisco is so charming if they wouldn't ruin it,
But unfortunately they've got some fixing to do in that town.

Speaker 7 (04:42):
Yeah, but good for Justin berlanderd that's about right.

Speaker 6 (04:44):
You could get a bargain if he stays healthy, gets
you know, twenty five starts or whatever it is he's
gonna get.

Speaker 5 (04:49):
Yeah, it's uh, it's interesting because then it brings into
question like what the Ashleys are gonna do with their rotation.
I saw Lance mccullors is like full on throwing again.
He's ready to go for spring training. Is he going
to be healthy? Is he going to be part of
the rotation? You got Eric Getty, Luis Garcia, how much
you're gonna get from him? So forth and so on?

Speaker 4 (05:05):
Hunter Brown from er Valdez, Well, it.

Speaker 6 (05:09):
Appears that they think they're starting pitching at least as
we said today is sufficient. Yeah, and so with the
injuries and everything and getting people healthy again because they
it's not like they went out and made a bit
at Corbin Burns or somebody like that. Right, So yeah,
we'll uh obviously going to find out just how that
works out for them. But if they're healthy, it's a hell.

Speaker 7 (05:30):
Of a rotation. Yeah, oh, no doubt man.

Speaker 6 (05:32):
No matter if if they're healthy, I mean, there might
not have been room for Justin Verlander anyway.

Speaker 7 (05:37):
I don't think there was either way.

Speaker 6 (05:38):
So even at fifteen million, So I uh, I think
it's they'll be impressive if they do that. The key.

Speaker 7 (05:45):
The key is can they in the outfield?

Speaker 6 (05:47):
Can they? Can they be they'll always be able a
small ball, yet they will And they've got power in
the life, you know, Jordan and adding Walker. I mean
they've got both, but there would be one more or
two more. Sofficient power bats would be great. And an
outfield that you'd line up and say, okay, that's an
that's an MLB outfield.

Speaker 7 (06:05):
It's a starting outfield.

Speaker 6 (06:06):
So but if the pitching staff is healthy, they'll have
a matter of fact, they can't. I'm not sure they
can keep them all. No, but if they're if they
if they are healthy by the time of see nor
that' say. I mean, it's a good problem to have
because you see what happens when you get hurt. You
got to have depth. So but they will have so
much versatility. If in fact, that whole group gets healthy
by the midway point or whatever it is, and if

those that are coming to training camp in the spring
spring training are healthy going in, then it's it's going
to be fun to watch because they may need that
staff all year again. And then what they're gonna do
with is anybody going to be who's the star to
be relegated to the bullpen? I mean yeah, you start
to look and say, okay, where does Garcia fit in

when he's healthy? Obviously Christian Hobvier. We already know who
the guy first coming out will be fromber or you know,
Hunter Brown.

Speaker 7 (06:56):
And then there's the Lancema Colors.

Speaker 6 (06:58):
Is he is he going to make the move and
be a relief guy or is he going to get
back to being a starting pitcher? Where's he at? I
don't ever listen. What will be the biggest bummer of
spring training is if we hear the words setback. Oh God,
if you hear the words setback, then it's gonna you already,

you already are going to start to think, here we
go again. Yeah, that's the last thing you want to hear.
So but it's a when they're right gracious, being fully healthy.
I'd say that's a deep staff man.

Speaker 5 (07:32):
Yeah, it is a deep staff I'm actually kind of
surprised that Ryan Presley hasn't been traded.

Speaker 6 (07:36):
Yeah, I mean I wonder is the market for him
not real good?

Speaker 7 (07:41):
I would think it would be.

Speaker 6 (07:42):
I would too, Or if they're just saying no, no, no.
Last year was an aberration, He'll be fine, he'll he'll
he'll work into this role and it'd be good in
the eighth or the seventh if they moved him too
the seventh then moved to Brave to however you do it,
I don't know. It just felt like it felt from
my vantage point like not being a closer.

Speaker 4 (08:02):
Bothered him this year doubly bothered him.

Speaker 6 (08:06):
It felt like if we said going in, wouldn't that
feel like a demotion to you? And Dana Brown admitted
it was a demotion. Yeah, I mean, not not in
there from their vantage point, but he could see why
a player would take it as a demotion, and at
times it felt like he pitched like that.

Speaker 7 (08:21):

Speaker 6 (08:22):
So I don't know, and maybe he'll be one of
those late movement guys somewhere else. But if he's here,
you got to have him back because if he's here,
you're not sitting him on the bench and just using
him spot. You're gonna put him in his in his
position and let him go. But with Hater's money, it
ain't going to be the closer role, right, Yeah, he's
not going to be the closer. That's right.

Speaker 5 (08:40):
There is no uh no closing for Ryan Presley unless
the situation, you know, like we saw this past season
where Hater had been used two days in a row,
Ryan Presley happened.

Speaker 7 (08:49):
You know, depending on how over use, then it's different.

Speaker 6 (08:51):
But if it's if as if we go to spring
training as follows, the left hander is going to be
your closer.

Speaker 7 (08:58):
Yep, yep, real quick.

Speaker 5 (09:00):
I know we're going to get into some Houston Texans
discussion with the playoff game coming up on Saturday. Obviously Demico,
Ryan's c J Stroud, a couple other guys spoke to
the media yesterday. But man, the stuff that's going on
over in Los Angeles right now with these wildfires. Shawn,
I know you're California obviously from San Diego, but the
San Diego area, but.

Speaker 6 (09:18):
A lot of time in that area that's right there
to Santa Monica. You're minutes away from UCLA's can't win
Westwood right across the freeway Alsades fire. That's one of
the most beautiful places on the planet. And the timing
of it at sixty to seventy mile an hour consistent
wins and it's shifting. The danger it looks when you
see pictures of it, it's like it's it's scary, and

that area there, there's a that real estate is prime
real estate, and there's a devastating for those fans. Wh
do you see the pictures? It's awful and how you
contain any of it when the winds are hollowing I
mean timing and mother nature man lives powerful and I don't.

Speaker 7 (10:03):
Know how you deal with it.

Speaker 6 (10:04):
And then think about our first responders and our fire
fighters that got to go in there and deal with that,
not knowing when the wind's gonna shift in a sixty
miles an hour wins that shifts and jumps in a hurry.
It's it's so you usually go through just like in
the Santa Anna in the springtime, the sant Ana wins. Yeah,
and now I mean you're getting January. These aren't just
Santa Ana wins. These are I mean, imagine I mean

seventy miles an hour, sixty miles an hour. Imagine we
at twenty miles an hour, twenty five miles an hour.
Here the wind show, you're freezing and it's wears you out. Yeah,
sixty to seventy there and you're dealing with a out
of control fire. I don't I don't know how they're
I don't know how if the winds continue, how you

contain it.

Speaker 7 (10:48):
I don't know if there's enough.

Speaker 6 (10:48):
Bodies are good, gracious, and they're they're in danger every
single time that shifts, and those families and getting people
out of there, I feel horrible for them, And just
also goes to show you, no matter where you live,
no matter how much money is in the community, that
when it when when mother nature decides to hit, it's
a it's a bad thing. And then everybody becomes scrambling

around looking for help and they're gonna need it there too.
It's awful.

Speaker 5 (11:12):
Yeah, And you see some of these actors tweeting out
about losing their homes. James Woods, his his footage is
unbelievable from his own home. Yeah, he basically filmed the
fire being like a mile or so away, and then
it just continued to get closer and closer and closer,
and then he's out on his deck with his pool
and you can literally see flames starting to shoot up

under his his deck, under under the patio.

Speaker 6 (11:37):
Then you gotta go, Yeah, you could do, because you
know what things can be replaced. Maybe you know, memories
obviously and some of the things. Maybe there's some stuff
that can't be in place, but lives and health can't.
But you know you can replace goods and stuff. Get
your the stuff you need and get out right. I mean,
let let the first responders be the heroes.

Speaker 2 (11:56):

Speaker 6 (11:57):
Let to let our firefighters and those volunteers be the heroes,
because that's just what I can't When you said that,
it's hell, what do you do?

Speaker 7 (12:04):
You're helpless? Yeah, that's that's the whole thing. Like, what
do you do?

Speaker 6 (12:07):
That's that fires too strong for you? I mean you
stand on your roof and try to spread that nod
fire the winds it's too strong. You none, you can
do that. You you gotta get out, terrible man. And
I hope they get it controlled quickly.

Speaker 5 (12:16):
Yeah, and they'll at least get the winds to die
down so they can't get in there and try.

Speaker 6 (12:19):
What a blessing that would be in a in a
major rainstorm today would be nice?

Speaker 7 (12:24):
Awful man, just awful stuff.

Speaker 5 (12:26):
All right, let's let's get to some Texans talk. Demico
Ryan spoke yesterday to the media. He addressed Rex Ryan's comments,
what well, first of all, what did Rex Ryan say?

Speaker 7 (12:37):
And then what did Amico Ryan say?

Speaker 5 (12:39):
We'll discuss the next and Sportstock seven to eighty.

Speaker 4 (12:43):
The Shawn Salisbury Show continues.

Speaker 5 (12:48):
He good entertainer too, man, good performer.

Speaker 6 (12:55):
If you're tight though, anybody does. No, nobody calls him pg.

Speaker 5 (12:59):
Probably call him Greenie, Yeah, like like Greenberg green yeah,
green Probably.

Speaker 6 (13:06):
What about Patty?

Speaker 4 (13:07):

Speaker 5 (13:08):
I bet they call him Patty more than anything? Yeah, man, Yeah,
because you know little Irish Yeah, p A D d Y.
Patty's in Irish, but he's pat Green with a TV.

Speaker 6 (13:18):
Right, so Patty.

Speaker 7 (13:19):
Yeah, he likes to drink a lot, you know, just
like the Irish.

Speaker 6 (13:22):
I still disrespect, had some good luck in his life,
the luck of the Irish.

Speaker 7 (13:27):
Probably call him Patty, yeah, I'd think so. Yeah, he
ain't call him Patty.

Speaker 6 (13:31):
Paty's nuts is that it. We haven't gotten anybody yet,
We've just man now we've kind of just lolly gagged
our way through these nuts in the first week or so.
That's all right, though, It's all right. So right then
we come we come upon him waved way.

Speaker 8 (13:45):

Speaker 6 (13:46):
Look out his boom boom boom, just getting hammered upon.

Speaker 5 (13:49):
I tried yesterday and our guy John wouldn't even bite
on it.

Speaker 6 (13:54):
No, it would no pun intended. Man, you know what
I'm saying. We got to get better. View the tape.

Speaker 5 (13:59):
We yeah, yes, love to damn right, we are, absolutely
we gotta get better.

Speaker 6 (14:06):
Oh well, I love it.

Speaker 5 (14:08):
Let's hear Rex Ryan's comments on the Houston Texans. He's
not a believer in the Texans as they get ready
to take on the Chargers.

Speaker 7 (14:15):
This is a former NFL head.

Speaker 5 (14:17):
Coach, actually fresh off of an interview had former head
coach Rex Ryan.

Speaker 8 (14:22):
I never realized the Chargers gotta buy did it qualify
for bye? But they did because they're playing Houston. This
team right here number one in the National Football League
in scoring defense.

Speaker 6 (14:32):
And by the way, Quinn Johnson, he.

Speaker 8 (14:35):
Actually could catch the balls under thirteen catches.

Speaker 6 (14:37):
Remember this is a kid.

Speaker 2 (14:38):
They put it catching cold.

Speaker 8 (14:40):
Like all of a sudden, now he's catching the ball,
they're moving it. They can they can pound you with
the run games. They also realize they have a Hall
of Fame quarterback.

Speaker 7 (14:49):
That's all Rex Ryan saying that the Chargers get a
buye week.

Speaker 6 (14:52):
But do you really need Rex to toss off to
play a game in the playoffs? Yeah, come on, now,
I mean, and Rex does. He's never coached the Chargers
and he's not coached the Texans. He's just a guy
sitting on TV and who knows, you know, loves football,
and he's a brash and he's a good football coach,
and he's got some personality. I mean, if you whatever,

you need to hang in your locker to say, I
can't believe Rex said it. But Rex ain't on the
Chargers pay roll. No, it's the Chargers. And I don't
think the Chargers actually care. They probably don't like the
fact that he said it because it makes it sound
like it almost feels like you put it on the Chargers.
And that's not the Chargers. That's Rex Ryan, who's sitting
in a studio in what New York? Yeah, yeah, sitting
in the New York studio, and we're gonna be up

at arms over an analyst on a debate show or
talk show is saying that they're a bye week. Well
you should have known going in. People were going to
say that, you know, look how you got in in
a week. They're going to say it all yeah, so
this has zero to do with the chargers and it'll
have zero to do with the game. Now, if you
find incentive, like I said, all that incentive and motivation

you find. That's why motivation I always say, you know,
and whether it was Nick Saban or whoever started, but
the motivation is temporary, yeah, and the discipline in a
game like this is permanent. This one's always permanent, and
it's hard to attain and sustain. But motivation, Oh, Rex,
well we approved to you were no bye week, and
then all of a sudden, boom, Derwin James thumps your

ass right on your side of your ear hair, ear
holds you, and then you say, who, yeah, I don't
really care about Rex, Ryan. I better block that guy.
So I use whatever motivation you need. But it's not
as if Herbert came out and said, well we felt
like we had a bye week this week, so we'll
just go and hand it off forty five times and
get out of the building and wasn't them take that

And it wasn't the week before, you know, when you're
playing the Arizona State and Longhorns when they were talking
a week for this is simply an analyst going on TV.

Speaker 7 (16:52):
Yeah, nothing, nothing more.

Speaker 5 (16:54):
I also think it's kind of funny that Rex Ryan,
former NFL head coach ben in the league a long
long time, very well knows that the Chargers are not
getting a quote unquote bye week. They're not playing a
really awful team in the Texans. The Texans won the division.
Whether it was bad or not, they still got themselves
in a position to get into the playoffs. They he knows,

he knows firsthand how hard it is to win in
this league, and he he doesn't even believe what he's saying. Like,
I know there's some hyperbole in it and all that,
but it's almost like Rex Ryan, you know, you don't
believe that. Are you saying that to get your get
your name even more attention? Are you trying to get
more clicks because you want that New York Jet job?

Like just in case Whatody Johnson got about you? Oh
look what Rex Ryan said. We need that in our
locker room.

Speaker 6 (17:40):
Are most of those shows filled with there's no way
you can say, there's no way you can believe that,
yeah exactly as a And the truth is, if Rex
was in the locker room and heard that, yeah, knowing
his personality, he would feed he would feed his team
that every day they think we're a bye week, we're
about to show him we kicked there. That's it. Would
he would milk it with his team, No doubt they milk.

Of course he did it. Of course he knows how
tough it is. Of course he doesn't think it's a
bye week. But it makes for a well, it makes
for doing what we're doing now, yeah, exactly, and for
for people to ask Damiko Ryans, well what about Rex Ryan?
And I don't even know what Demiko said about I
know we got it, but you're not playing for Rex
Ryon's team. No nobody cares.

Speaker 7 (18:22):
Nobody cares.

Speaker 6 (18:23):
Man, Now, if you're pissed, he says, is this now?
I would think is this the way the league feel?
I mean, do all the teams feel this way about it?
Did Rex hear this from somebody? But I don't need
any more motivation to play the Chargers from some analysts.
That sits in New York, three thousand miles away from
the Chargers facility.

Speaker 5 (18:41):
If you save it, yeah, you don't need if. If
you need if you're a player or a team and
you need Rex Ryan to fire you up for a
playoff game, you're in trouble.

Speaker 6 (18:50):
That's why I said motivational speeches are they're there cherry
on top. If they're good. Sometimes they're overused, simply. I mean,
this is one of those. If you can't get yourself
ready to play for this, and you're probably in the
wrong sport, the wrong business. And by the way, let's
see the Chargers come here and the Vikings have to
go to La to play the Rams and anxious to

see how the city's dealing with the fires that go
on there, because that's a serious I mean, hell, we
had people run over in New Orleans, they said, day
later had the Sugar Bowl. So the point is that
they know how to try to get this thing, and
they know that the sports part of it, and the
job part of it, and the life and the serious
part of which is more important. All those things that

I'm sure they're going to take into not that the
stadiums in Pacific palaces, but it's close enough you'll be
seeing all. I mean, it's close enough to make you
to be eerie and feel awful. Right, So, there'll be
a lot that they have to discuss this week. But
this game the Texans, there's eleven dudes on both sides
of the ball they're gonna have to deal with therek
Tryan ain't one of.

Speaker 7 (19:53):
Them, No, man, no he's not.

Speaker 5 (19:56):
We're gonna hear the audio from Dimico Ryans in response
to Rex Ryan. What did the head coach of the
Texans have to say about Rex Rying? Rex Ryan basically
saying that the Chargers are gonna get a bye week.
We'll hear that audio discussing the next right here on
Sports Talk seven ninety.

Speaker 7 (20:10):
Before we get to that.

Speaker 5 (20:11):
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Speaker 4 (21:26):
I had at the Shawn Salisbury Show.

Speaker 5 (21:29):
Continues a question that was asked about Rex Ryan and
his comments on the Chargers quote unquote getting a bye
week and playing a lesser Texas team.

Speaker 9 (21:41):
This is Dimico ryans, Yeah for us, I don't think
you know, it doesn't matter if anybody gives us a shot.

Speaker 7 (21:47):
It really doesn't matter to me.

Speaker 9 (21:48):
At the end of the day, when the ball is
kicked off who's the best football team right on Saturday?
And that's where our focus is on playing really good football.
Everybody have an opinion about swan Way or the other,
but outside opinion really doesn't drive what we do here internally,
Like our guys put the work in.

Speaker 6 (22:07):
They know what we're about. We know what we're about,
so it really doesn't.

Speaker 7 (22:12):
Matter to me on all the outside noise. Oh there
you go.

Speaker 5 (22:15):
Sean just almost almost worked for a word. Like you said,
outside it doesn't matter.

Speaker 6 (22:20):
I can't. I mean, like I said, everybody's going to
fight their own inner battles of what pisses them off
or makes them want to you know, whatever it is.
You deep down and gather under a certain things and say, man,
what am I going to do here? And you deep
down gather a little more. Yeah, Rex Ryan said this, Well,
Chargers don't care either, right, I mean they're gonna you

know those type of things. I know, people feed off
it and it's a fan thing and you get pissed
and you go Rex and I get all that, and
and there's a there's a method to Rex Ryan's madness
of course too. This is just a he's a TV
guy now until he's a coach again, but it is, uh,
it's you can't because what happens is if you get
caught up in that too much, would it enable what

it enables that team to do is to use it
against you because you'll be so caught up and pissed
at Rex Ryan or are mad at that you spend
so much time trying to prove it to him that
you forget that.

Speaker 7 (23:13):
The guy across from me is pretty good player. So
those it's fine. It's good banter.

Speaker 6 (23:17):
It makes for good gamesmanship and fan bases and getting
on Rex Ryan if he's on Twitter all that stuff.
But the truth of the matter is that lasts until
you line up and play. You got you gotta get it.
It's like anything else. If somebody's telling you how great
you are, I probably wouldn't believe that either, Yeah, because
that can end in a hurry as well.

Speaker 5 (23:35):
It's kind of just so just so random from Rex Ryan,
Like he's always we always have his there the Get
Up Show on the monitor here in the studio, but
obviously we don't have the sound on because we're doing radio.
But every time I do hear some kind of take
from Rex Ryan. It's usually not anywhere close to any
other team, but the Jets, the Giants, the Chiefs, you know,

the the the big markets, or the top team. Never
a stray bullet thrown at the Texans and out of nowhere.
Oh yeah, Chargers get a bye week this week? Whoa rexy?
Where is this coming from? Big Dog? Yeah, it's so random.
That's why I feel like it's it was fabricated. It's
not genuine. It's it's disingenuous, is what I feel like
it is.

Speaker 6 (24:16):
Put it this way, a lot of these these guys
and gals that go on TV, if they if what
they're saying they actually deep down believe, then I got
to question some.

Speaker 7 (24:24):
Credibility on some of them. We've talked about that.

Speaker 6 (24:27):
Trans got a lot of experiences list and he's seen
a lot of football. He knows damn well that even
if they're playing the worst team in the league, like
if you're playing Tennessee this week, it wouldn't be a
bye week because somehow, so playoff football is different.

Speaker 7 (24:39):
He knows that.

Speaker 6 (24:40):
But it worked because people are asking questions and talking
about it, and so that's why he did it. But
for me, like I said, those those especially when it's
a third party it's not a team or playing as
or a guy who coached him the year before, or
whose son plays for him, or whose brothers you know
Rob Ryan coach him. It's just a guy in the
studio that said, oh bye. It's a good throwaway comment

that caught everybody's attention.

Speaker 7 (25:04):
What's Rob Ryan doing these days? You still coaching?

Speaker 6 (25:08):
He might be in I don't know, maybe in San
Diego on the beach with his wife. I don't know. Maybe, honestly,
I thought I saw a picture of Rob with Maybe
it was a Facebook for I can't remember. I thought
I saw he.

Speaker 5 (25:22):
Is currently a senior defensive assistant for the Las Vegas Raiders.

Speaker 6 (25:26):
Well, okay, so maybe it was out there. I thought
I saw a picture in the West. So yeah, he's
an aggressive Uh. He and his brother both liked the
pressure and get after it on defense. So good football family.
They beat to a different drum, but a good football family.

Speaker 2 (25:40):

Speaker 7 (25:41):
Rex Ryan had his official interview with the Jets yesterday.

Speaker 6 (25:44):
They announced, boy, he actually is pretty pretty good for
football because he talks a lot of trash. Be fun
for He's fun for the coaching industry and for fans
to get into. But you know, and he's not afraid
to say anything. And Rex has never been afraid. He
he talks in trash. When he was his coach, Buffalo
was in Jets. That's he's He's got that. And Buddy,
his dad used to be that way, brash and get

after it. It's a it's an x's and o's football
getting after it family man. They always have.

Speaker 5 (26:12):
It, Buddy Ryan, that sounds like a NASCAR driver or
a or a bull rider, not an NFL coach.

Speaker 6 (26:17):
We have the NASCAR package and offensive football that NASCAR
package were here going fast and stuff there. He's played
with some pretty good NASCAR defenses too, meeting his old
He was the architect of the forty six defense and
that eighty five Bears team was Buddy Ryan's creation, and
then he just happened to have eleven players that were
really good at it.

Speaker 7 (26:37):
So he had his interview yesterday.

Speaker 5 (26:39):
The Titans fired their GM, even though their GM had
a really good draft, drafted some good lineman. Plus they
got Devandre Sweat who had a really good rookie season,
the big boy from Ut and but they kept Bryan
Callahan Gonna get another shot. And then you got Antonio
Pears fired by the Raiders after.

Speaker 7 (26:59):
Just one year.

Speaker 6 (27:01):
Listen to LESCo staying to.

Speaker 5 (27:03):
Stay in Yeah, so the GM stays there at him,
and then you got Rod Mayo bounced after a year.

Speaker 6 (27:09):
And Andrew Berry.

Speaker 7 (27:10):
Yep, Andrew Berry still gets up.

Speaker 6 (27:12):
Signed a guy to the worst worse contract than for
football maybe sports history, and uh Deshaun Watson and all
of it guaranteed. So there is nothing you can do
to not one thing you can do, and he's gonna
get all his money. And he's been nothing but just
an average football player. And it feels like in Cleveland
it's really easy to say, I confess he did it.

Somebody else's fault and Andrew Berry's.

Speaker 7 (27:36):
I mean, how many different quarterbacks and stuff are they
going to have under his watch?

Speaker 5 (27:40):
If you're a head coach, I know Kevin Stefanski Coach
of the Year to wit twice. Yeah, why would you
want to work for a GM like that? I know
you're gonna stay. He's I'm not saying he's leaving or
they're going to fire him anything. But this dude continues,
year in and year out over the last two or
three years, continues to throw his own employees under the
bus because he doesn't want you publicly say anything negative

about Deshaun Watson. Well have you noticed that one negative
thing about it? Because it's his that's he's the one
who's responsible for it. He brought him in.

Speaker 6 (28:12):
Yeah, now you'll go to your head coach, You'll go
to the owner and get approval from the owner and
hope that Steff I'm sure Stefanski watching Deshaun Watson on
the football field thought, yeah, that's a good get. Yeah,
you know, I'm sure that Stefanski wasn't into the moral
clause part of it or whatever. But that's Andrew Berry's job.
But they just it's constant. It's it's constant. And while

they've done some good things there they I mean, Andrew
Barry should be on the hot seat, but I just did.
I don't like bustof. So how you ask how how
could you work for it? Well, you're in a position
right now where it's your gig. You're making a lot
of money and you have no choice. And at the
time when he hired you, you probably thought that he's
going to have you back all the way through it.

It's amazing what adversity does to people and how they
how quickly it's an it's a it's an index finger
at somebody else instead of a thumb right, And now
you are in it together. And he's tied to Deshaun Watson.
He's tied to, you know, to what they're doing with
Stefanski and it's on his watch. And it's weird how
it's like a coach will go, GM stays and the
GM hired him yet, or the coach stays and the

GM hired him and the GM goes, like in Tennessee.
So it's just you know, whether it's you're not getting
along with the guy who hired you, or what have
you think you going in a different direction. We see
it all the time, you know, New England running one
out after the other one because I think they want
what Rabel possibly so trying to clear the decks so
they can get him, whatever, whatever the reason, but they're

the general manager who hired It's like an athletic director.
You can't hire two coaches at a major program and
if they both fail, keep your gig. That that is
your I mean, I understand there's a lot of other
things going into be an ad, but if you're at Texas,
at Southern cal Ohio, State, Michigan. Your football program is
your bell cow on Alabama. And if you fail, if

you hire a coach a couple times, it doesn't work
and your team's get left behind. That's the AFOL directing normally,
so that that's your number one higher. When you get
to school at a plug program like I Douke, it's
your bad. You better be your basketball coach. You know,
in Kentucky it's now it's both. But if that basketball
coach at SC, it's it's football. It aw Michigan, it's both.

At Ohio State me now SC has become a little more.
Butid you know what I'm talking about? It the program,
the blue blood program. Yeah yeah. And if you're if
the athletic director fails on his hires one time, people
get tired of it. Two times they running you out
and I'll just keep going. But it's weird how there's
no uniformity to that.

Speaker 7 (30:38):
No, not at all. It's weird, man.

Speaker 6 (30:39):

Speaker 7 (30:40):
Uh, just real quick.

Speaker 10 (30:41):

Speaker 5 (30:42):
The other day, I believe on Monday, Andrew Berry spoke
to the media and they asked him about Ken Dorsey
because they fired Kendorsey, their offensive coordinator. Basically, they got
a blunt assessment of Ken Dorsey and why he didn't
work out when he was with Buffalo, And then they asked,
the media asked Andrew Berry who made the call to

hire him, and instead of saying we did, he said, quote,
that's Kevin's responsibility.

Speaker 6 (31:09):
End quote. What do you think about that? You're the GM, dude,
you are the GM. But listen, though, the reason I asked, well,
let's go to break. I want to come back and
talk about that because, like in New Orleans right now,
Mickey Loomis who I've told you I've known Mickey since
nineteen eighty six. They're talking about if you want you

know Glenn, Aaron Glenn or coach? Did they want you
to keep a bunch of coaches from the previous staff?

Speaker 7 (31:39):
Oh god?

Speaker 8 (31:40):

Speaker 7 (31:40):
Clear house dude, clearly doesn't work in.

Speaker 6 (31:42):
My point, Well, well I'll tell you my point about it.
So it goes back to is if Andrew Berry told
the coach you have full of time, you hire whoever
you want. That part's not on Andrew Berry, right, it
is on Kevin Stefanski. If that was he went through
the interviews that I want Dorsy, Okay, sure, guy, I
got a major issue. I would not take a job
if I was a head coach where the GM when

you walk into the building says I want to keep
seven coaches.

Speaker 7 (32:05):
You can hire four or five.

Speaker 6 (32:06):
Because now you're telling me so if those seven coaches fail,
is the GM going with them or is he blaming
it on me? But I had to coach with the
guys he wanted me to coach with.

Speaker 5 (32:15):
Yeah, it's like we discussed when when Demico Ryan's got
the job here.

Speaker 6 (32:18):
No, if you're putting that on me now, you can
make it. Suggest that I interview the guys that have
been there. They didn't make the playoffs? Why why don't
I want to keep some? And unless I have a
relationship with the guy or I seen him all, interview him.
But I'm bringing in my guys, And if I'm not
allowed to bring in my guys, I'm not. I'm not
have no interest in your job. If you're Ben Johnson,
you should have zero interest in the New Orleans Saints. No,
if they're going to First of all, do you know

what David carrs Kapick. I mean, Derek Car's cap is
like it's over fifty million. You can't cut him. You
gotta get him restructed. He's already said he's not taking
a pay cut, So you're hamstrung there, so you don't you, guys,
I'm not taking the job even if it's a first
time to Okay, I'll work for eighty year coaches. That
automatically tells me I don't have any power in the
building I want. So we'll get back to the Savanski thing.

That part. Andrew Berry should have answered it different, should
have said we But that is a you hired him.
He sits with you that you're gut just like Andrew
Berry hired his coaches or approved it. He signed to
Shaun Watson. That's his albatross, that's the hanging around his neck.
So that's the stuff. You got to just decide. I'm
not taking a job where you tell me who who

I got to hire as my coaches. Then I'm really
not your head coach. I'm basically your bitch. I'm your bitch. Yeah, sorry,
I'm not doing that.

Speaker 4 (33:31):
Yeah, let's let's continue this discussion next on Sports Talk seven.

Speaker 6 (33:33):
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Speaker 11 (34:40):
Let the celebration start, wor Sean Salisbury, it's a Sewn
Salisbury show, Damian welcome, Hey, good morning, Hey.

Speaker 12 (34:51):
Neod morning Fellas Hey. Uh sn I don't rich Ryan
is one of those characters, man, I don't you see
him as one of those guys that I kind of
compare him to Charles Barkley. Guy says a lot of stuff.
But how many people actually takes the guy serious? Like
me personally, I wouldn't take the guy serious. Who's in

love with Pete? You know, I don't like my own Pete.
So but anyway, that's neither here or there. But by
the way, Sean, what do you think? I believe it's
more pressure him making a comment like that. I don't
understand where he's coming from, because Justin Herbert, what does
he have? He won any games in the playoffs yet,

So I believe it's more pressure on the Chargers to
win this game because Justin Herbert's done next to nothing
in the playoffs, so and to take it's a home
game for the Texans, So I mean, I wouldn't I
wouldn't take anything, Rex says serious. I mean, I'm sure
he's a good guy, but I mean I wouldn't buy
into it. That's all I got.

Speaker 6 (35:52):
Thanks David.

Speaker 7 (35:53):
Yeah, I don't.

Speaker 6 (35:54):
I don't lend it too much credence. I like Rex,
He's always been good to me, but he did hot
takes and you know, to get people to reaction and attention.
Of course, he's brash and that's who he is. And
it just happens to hit this city because they're playing
the Texans. And you're right, I mean, when you're going
on the road as a team who's had a better record,

and people think the Chargers are better than the Texans,
and they've played better than them this year, and that's
fair that there is more pressure. I think the pressure
mounts for guys like Alan and Herbert and Lamar Jackson
because their januaries have not been dominated by them, and
you don't want to get lumped into the well what
about Dak what about Cousins?

Speaker 7 (36:33):
What about those guys? You don't want to be that guy.

Speaker 6 (36:35):
I'm not saying they're in the regular season, but quarterbacks
greatness is usually judged by numbers during the regular season,
and wins in the postseason and then how many rings
you put on your finger. And none of those three
guys that it's mentioned in Herbert Allen or Lamar Jackson
have that, and they're at the time now where it's
time to make that. You got a lot of catching

up to do if you want to be compared to
Mahomes right now because of what he's doing currently with
Super Bowl ring, He's put up numbers now. He just
keeps piling on and stacking, you know, jewelry at the end.
So but yeah, I agree with Damian. I think there's
probably more pressure on the Chargers because I think we
know who the Texans are right now. They're gonna have
to play a really good game and they've been inconsistent.
We kind of get it, and we know what the

charge are going to do and that the expectations are.
The Chargers are moving on. Paul's Rex did was add
to it on a national scale, even though it's not.
The Chargers add to it by thinking and you try
to convince yourself, if you're a Texan or if you're
a player, that the Chargers are thinking this too. That's
how you're actually going about it. But you should also
think that the Chargers during preparation week. If you want

to do that on game during preparation, you better think
like the Chargers are taking this as serious as possible,
because then you won't have that built in excuse. Well,
they took us for granted. I thought they take us
for granted. No, now its SATA Sunday or Saturday when
you wake up and you guys say, yeah, screw Rex, Ryan,
I'm going to go show him. Then go for it.
But you can't let it, you know, detour you from
what the real big plan is. And it's in California

and it's here, and it's two good teams, but there
is more pressure on, in my opinion, on the better team,
even though you're going on the road.

Speaker 5 (38:07):
Justin Herbert Owen one in his career in the playoffs
in the NFL. They lost in twenty twenty two in
the wild card round to the Jaguars. I believe that
was the game where Trevor Lawrence, through three picks in
the first half, ended up throwing four in the game.
I believe, isn't that right? Yeah, before in the game
and they still won. Doesn't happen very often in the postseason.
Let alone the regular season. But yeah, he's owen one

and that you know, you don't want to be the Mike.

Speaker 6 (38:34):
Trout of football either, where you just keep you keep.
You don't get many opportunities and you've had one and
you think you're a great player and one. I mean,
I'm not saying comparing Herbert to Trout in football and
baseball what Trout's done with all the MVPs. My point
is is we never get to see Mike Trout in
the postseason, and Herbert's the hell of a player, and
you get a chance to showcase yourself and go through it.

And you know, they're known right now as a physical
running team and hardball is the face of the organization.
But Herbert's pretty good player, I mean, and he's he's
a difference maker. And they got a good one and
so we'll see if he can, in his mind get
to one on one and then the pressure falls on
you again to get two wins, but getting the first
one is always hard.

Speaker 5 (39:13):
They were the Chargers were up twenty seven to seven
at the half in that game. Yeah, then they went
up thirty to seven and lost and lost Trevor Lawrence
twenty eight to forty seven two hundred and eighty eight yards,
four touchdowns, four interceptions, three of them came in the
first half. Oh my god, justin Herbert that game twenty

five to forty three, two hundred and seventy seventy three
yards passing one touchdown.

Speaker 7 (39:38):
He was sacked three times.

Speaker 5 (39:39):
I was under completely different leadership because Brandon Staler was
a head coach and we talked about him quite a
bit and how he kept getting continuing to keep that
job after so many bonehead decisions punning not going for
field I forgot what I think it was a puny
field goal something like that.

Speaker 6 (39:54):
His time man game and clock management were off awful, terrible,
is just dumb?

Speaker 5 (39:59):
Yeah, just not good. Uh, And the Jacksonville Jaguars came
back and won that game. Seven seven ninety is the
number to join the Sean Salisbury So let's get in
the seven o'clock cour It's here from C. J. Stroud
and what he has to say about that defense for
the Chargers.

Speaker 7 (40:16):
That's next.

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Speaker 2 (41:24):
Kd E Houston, hd T Houston.

Speaker 11 (41:27):
An iHeartRadio station, the Astros, the Rockets, Rockets Basketball, your
home for your home teams.

Speaker 6 (41:35):
This is Sports Talk seven ninety.

Speaker 4 (41:41):
Saulsbury, Old Very Salsbury, Houston.

Speaker 2 (41:46):
Okay, let's do this.

Speaker 4 (41:48):
Sean Salisbury, there.

Speaker 3 (41:51):
To usc true, longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury.

Speaker 4 (41:54):
Ryan Lima, go Lobos. This is the Sean Salisbury Show.

Speaker 5 (42:01):
Texans continuing to practice all week as they get ready
for their game against the Chargers on Saturday, Wild Card
Round of the Playoffs.

Speaker 7 (42:09):
It's gonna be a three thirty kickoff.

Speaker 5 (42:11):
Justin Verlander headed out west to play for the San
Francisco Giants. He signs a one year deal with the Giants,
fifteen mil for the veteran right hander. Talking a little
bit yesterday in regards to these Chargers, Derwin, James Khalil Mack,

Joey Bosa. So my question to you, Sean, the offensive
line for the Texans, obviously, it's gonna have to see
how they play. It's been up and down, inconsistent, a
couple of switches on the line. How are they gonna
pick up and do against these blitz packages for the Chargers.

Speaker 6 (42:55):
Well, recent history says they're better. I would imagine they're
going to see a lot of different looks and you're
gonna have to control secondary pressures as well, meaning nickel
blitz and that I listen, the pressure of a playoff
goes up. Now, I can tell you this, most teams
when they come into the playoffs, they don't make wholesale changes.

They do what they do. There's not going to be
much secret about how the Chargers are going to line up.
You're going to go through all the games you want
of tenancies and what they do in certain down and
distance in both teams. It's that five to six to
ten snaps during the game on both sides of the ball,
for both offenses and defenses, and speaking specifically speaking at
defenses right now, that you don't let the one time

he comes off of slot blitz, you don't pick it up.
They do a twist and play a game. Now, they
weren't any good at dealing with even the basic pass
rush early in this season, meaning the Texans offensive line.
They've gotten better, but are they going to be able
to deal with a lot of the games that the
Chargers are going to play up front to front seven
and get after it, but you've got to control I

remember when we played Pittsburgh rod Woods and we had
to we had to lineup, and when you played the
Buccaneers with Rende Barber, you had to know where they were.

Speaker 7 (44:12):
Because they created such extra bleek.

Speaker 6 (44:13):
He became an extra rusher and they would bring him
off thought and they were difference makers, not in just
past coverage, but in pressuring and getting after the quarterback.
So history would tell you they're going to have to
run it some and you're gonna have to control it.
I'm just concerned about the confusion early. You don't want
to those eight to ten snaps where there's a stripsack
fumbled and they get a short field, because I don't

think this is a blowout either way. I don't think
either teams really is going to run away with this.
So it's going to be it's going to be the
ability to and you got to. You absolutely have to
stay out of those third and lungs that they've been
in too often this year. And how do you stay
out a third and long as win on first down
and control that? So it's not the I'm not worried about. Okay,

you got him at second ten it's third and six,
and then they blitz you to throw it and they
catch and tackle and it's fourth and two. I'm concerned
about that one. We always talk about chunk and explosives
on offense. My concern is not allowing the defense to
make those explosives, meaning that one where you're on third
and eight you get sacked for a ten yard loss,

they flip the field on a punt or and now
field position change. Field position is gonna be paramount in
this game, So advantage Chargers front seven. But I also
look at the other side, and while the Chargers old
line's good and they're gonna run it, and they got
to deal with a two dimension quarterback because Herbert's an
underrated runner. As I've mentioned on this he is. He's

got good feet for a guy as big as he is,
and they will utilize that is. I also think that
the Texans front seven and their edge rushers can create
a problem on the edge for any time to get
Herbert on the move on designed runs or getting him
outside the pocket. So he's a really efficient, accurate thrower
as well. You get two big, strewn, great throwers of

football in the game, and I guess if you were
looking for a hint on optics if there was no
sound on the TV, find out which one of these
guys jerseys is dirtier, and you'll have a pretty good idea.
How about that day went over unders said at forty
two and a half. Right now, for me, this feels
like I mean, I feel like twenty four and a half.

I mean forty two and a half. Since it's the
weather's not going to come into play, I feel like
I'd take the over today, but that over would be
like twenty four to twenty, twenty four to twenty one,
twenty three to twenty, which is still a low scoring game.
This tells you that they believe that the offenses are
going to be chasing the defense success. And I told
you the beginning of the week. For me, I didn't

even look at the over under. It's gonna be a
interesting game if you're gonna bet it, and I'm going
to look hard at it. But that is to me,
it's which defense makes the explosive play, because I think
they're both quite frankly, more explosive on defense then they're
offenses are, yeah, no doubt, And I think the Chargers
offense is more efficient and the Texans is more inconsistent.

But I also know that the best talent on the
field in this game offensively, when you're not talking about quarterbacks,
the guy wears number twelve a wide receiver here, Yeah,
Nico Collins. That's exactly right, So get offset him for them.
It's going to be which body are you choosing to chase?
Lad McConkey.

Speaker 7 (47:24):
Yeah, Chargers favored by three as of right now, which
is in truth.

Speaker 6 (47:28):
Which is in truth basically a touchdown because you've get
a lot of time to get three at home. The
Vegas thinks are touchdown better?

Speaker 5 (47:35):
Yeah, three at home or excuse me, Chargers three on
the road, Texans.

Speaker 6 (47:40):
A road favorite. Yeah, in the playoffs. Vegas knows, man.
Vegas is smart. They are smart. So right now, if
I was picking the game, I picked the Charmers. If
the game was today and we were making our picks,
I would take the Chargers. I gotta have something I
would and I am taking them as we speak now.
I have not seen enough from the Texans offense against

a good team that tells me now. I believe it's
a one score game either way. But right now, the
Chargers are just more Chargers the Texans have beat themselves
more than the Chargers have regardless of record. I just
and I know exactly how hardball is going to play
this game. Yeah, and really it's just kind of come

down to the guys under center turning it over and
will they be protected and not not have those big
losses which puts you in a buying So I think
right now the Chargers are the more consistent team, but
you know who, I'm hoping it wins even one, of course,
but I just I got to see more evidence of
a sustained sixty minutes.

Speaker 7 (48:40):
Here's CJ. Stroud.

Speaker 5 (48:42):
He was asked about that defense for the Chargers. This
is what the quarterback had to say.

Speaker 13 (48:46):
Yeah, you know, Darren n No jumps off on my
team's having his almost especially of his career. You know,
Russian quarterback playing in Nicols safety, you know, doing great
and coverage, you know.

Speaker 2 (48:58):
So yeah, he's definitely know that.

Speaker 13 (49:00):
I feel like one of the best players on the
team along with what Bosa and Khalil Mack and you know,
Deyon who's one of my friends, is playing really well
as well, you know, and then they have a good
back game with the D line as well. So I mean,
all around, they're really good. So you know, but that's
what the playoffs are is, you know, their best versus
our best. I'm do our best to you know, idle

what they're gonna do and play hard and you know,
try to actually execute every play as best as we
can see.

Speaker 2 (49:27):
That's C. J.

Speaker 6 (49:27):
Shoull talking about that defense. That's you know, that's a
coach speak. Takeing one play of course, yeah, and he
went through and then this guy, this guy. Then they
they got good front seven, and they got a good
back end, and they're really good with so of course,
and they do. But but but he's right, He's right.
These games, honestly don't come down to the big things. Man,
they rarely do. I'm just telling you. And when I

say the little bit, they're all big things in a
playoff game. But the simple thing of you got a
guy tied up in the backfield and he steps out
of and goes against first down. You got a guy
who's three yards away from the first down, you don't
wrap up, he steps out of it first down at midfield.
It will, honestly, it's not. The game will not be
decided on eight deep balls thrown over a corner's head

for a touchdown. It's gonna be decided on Lad McConkie
shallow cross steps through your tackle and gains seven instead
of six and gets a first down. It's gonna be
Nico Conins takes a slant route on third and eight,
runs through a big body and gets you thirty. It
just that's these games. And I've been unfortunately speaking from it.
I've watched it. I've seen how some teams come out

fire to make a play and then then you gotta
steady yourself and stay in and grind. Washington Redskins did that.

Speaker 7 (50:40):

Speaker 6 (50:41):
We came out smoking in a playoff game, and they
just ran gut and outside and check with me, gut
and outside, and then play action off it and pump
the comeback on a on a double move come back,
and they they hit the the over route and then
they ran it and on third and two they and
then they got more possessions. You know, it's it's honestly
playoff football. Survival. Brother, It ain't pretty. It is simply survival.

And I don't care how you survive it, but you've
got to give yourself a chance to breathe and go
and listen the Texans should cut it loose. And there
is a pressure of playing at home though as well,
because fans can not just here anywhere. If you go
out and go three and out, three and out, three
and out, three and out, you're now battling your own crowd. Slow.
It sucks. What's going on? Fire to me?

Speaker 11 (51:25):

Speaker 6 (51:25):
What's wrong with you?

Speaker 1 (51:26):

Speaker 6 (51:26):
How it goes? Wait? We all that happens in every stadium,
and since the inconsistency has been there all year, I'm
sure there's a fan base at times that it expects
it in this game, and there will be moments of embarrassment.
You will embarrass yourself on a series or two. Defensively,
know somebody, you'll miss a tackle, you'll miss a block, happens,
but you do it three times and a score seventeen

to nothing. Now you're in a major Chase Moude and
the Chargers will not allow you to gain because hardball
is going to just go back and watch Michigan and
just change the rapper on the team and the quarterback,
and that's about who they are. Physical, tough, make smart
decisions and see if we can just outlast year. Because

I don't think either team's gonna wow you with oh
my gosh, forty plays over twenty yards in the game.
That's not happening.

Speaker 5 (52:17):
Yeah, just want I'll tell you what if if the
offense struggles and you start seeing kind of some predictability
and like the same couple of plays that that NRG
Stadium crowd is definitely gonna boo boo.

Speaker 6 (52:29):
Easy to lose a crowd at home if you start
out slow in a game. That's why in this one,
I mean people talk about the fourth quarter. I need
a fast start because you really do got to keep
the crowd in this camp for you, right, And that's
one of the pressure. That's sometimes why teams like going
on the road. Yeah, because if you're having your struggles,
you expect to be boot on the road.

Speaker 7 (52:49):
Yeah, you don't expect to be booted at home. No,
they really really really need Bobby Slow to be in
his bag.

Speaker 6 (52:55):
Yeah. Yeah, whatever's in there, grab every trick out of it.
And don't mean okie dokee, you know, BS tricks, gimmicks.
I mean, saw whatever trick you have to get it,
control it and go. And if they rush for forty
yards this game, they won't win. No, mixing's got to
be prevalent. Yeah, he really does.

Speaker 7 (53:13):
Starts with the big boys up front.

Speaker 6 (53:15):

Speaker 7 (53:15):
Let Bobby slow it cook.

Speaker 10 (53:16):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 6 (53:17):
You gotta let him cook. That's a big theme of
the game. Let him pis right? Yeah, man, can anybody?
Are you allowed to let anybody in the league cook
other than Russ? No? You know it's like it's like
it feels like it's reserved for Herbert cook.

Speaker 2 (53:29):
You know it is.

Speaker 6 (53:30):
It's let Russ cook. The problem right now is Russ
ain't got any ingredients? Been cooking the last four or five.

Speaker 7 (53:35):
No, No, he has not. Man, Maybe do you still
got the dangerous danger?

Speaker 6 (53:39):
Which I think they got rid of that?

Speaker 7 (53:41):
Did they?

Speaker 2 (53:41):

Speaker 6 (53:42):
Well I left. I don't know if they got rid
of it. But I don't see his commercials an, I don't.
It's kind of weird. The danger Witch put his own
career in danger with the way he played, but he
got it back. Yeah, and now he's struggling again to
get right. So did Sean in the end, did Sean
Payton make the right decision to go to bow Nick?

Speaker 7 (53:58):
I would think so. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (53:59):
I think he thinks so as well. Chance for Russ
Wilson in his series in his game this weekend to cook.
But I don't think you can let anybody else cook
but him.

Speaker 7 (54:07):
You can't. It's just Russ.

Speaker 2 (54:08):
It's it is.

Speaker 7 (54:09):
It's a privilege to cook, and he's got it.

Speaker 6 (54:11):
If there was going to be another guy in the league,
feels like you should let him cook it, I almost
feel like it's now Bo Nicks.

Speaker 7 (54:18):
Uh No, probably Aidan O'Connell. Aid O'Connell let him cook.

Speaker 6 (54:21):
Yeah, no, no, no, you gotta what's the dude's Maybe
it's Josh Allen, the way he cooks, Tommy Tommy DeVito.

Speaker 7 (54:28):
Yeah no, no, it's not here either. Why are you
going with all the basic white guys. That's kind of
the theme, you.

Speaker 6 (54:32):
Know, basic white guys who can't really cook.

Speaker 7 (54:35):
Not brock Purty. You're not let him.

Speaker 5 (54:36):
Cookm No, you can't. It's Ross. I can't do it.
Kyler Murray, he's too short. Um, you need a taller chef, Yeah,
you need a taller chef.

Speaker 8 (54:45):

Speaker 5 (54:46):
I don't know, man, we'll have to figure that out.
But Russ just as of right now, served for Rusty. Yeah,
Rusty Wills. He's been quite a bit of that too.

Speaker 7 (54:53):
There's no doubt. Oh Sam Darnold. Yeah, let cook, Let
him cook. Let him cook at LA.

Speaker 6 (55:01):
He's not far from his his college Schooth, you know,
his university. Let him cook from right there to the building.

Speaker 7 (55:07):
Yeah, why not go?

Speaker 6 (55:08):
Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 7 (55:08):
Let's go to the steakout. Next on Sports Talk seven.

Speaker 6 (55:11):
To eighty, Why you're back.

Speaker 4 (55:14):
This is the Sean Salisbury Show.

Speaker 7 (55:16):
Get back at it, all right, Sean?

Speaker 6 (55:23):
What are you hearing out there?

Speaker 12 (55:24):

Speaker 11 (55:25):
The Salisbury Steakout, Salsbury Stakeout on the Sean Salisbury Shows.

Speaker 5 (55:31):
Time for the steak out. Here on the Seann Salisbury Show,
Sean Brown and Tripoli Rockets take down the Wizards. Texans
getting ready to play against the Chargers on Saturday afternoon.

Speaker 7 (55:42):
Through thirty is the kickoff.

Speaker 5 (55:43):
Justin Berlander headed to the San Francisco Giants on a
one year, fifteen million dollar deal. The forty two year
old signed yesterday. All right, Sean, got some audio for you.
It's from Sean Payton in his time with the Saints
and obviously you playing quarterback in the NFL. I want
you to listen to this and uh, I'll follow up

my question excuse me afterwards just eleven seconds. Shawn's never
heard this audio before blitz.

Speaker 7 (56:13):
Go ahead and run it.

Speaker 14 (56:15):
I want to start with thirteen Z Debree Henderson, Chris Ibry,
bring right, nasty zpl take slash thirty seven buster bluff.
They can write x post why by That'll be.

Speaker 6 (56:25):
The first call.

Speaker 4 (56:26):
Yeah, that's that's one play call in the NFL.

Speaker 6 (56:30):
Yeah, that's what Sean Payton. That sounded like Sean Payton.
Sean Payton, Yes, that was that was That was Sean
Payton when he was with the Saints. Yeah, go ahead,
run it again, tripley.

Speaker 14 (56:39):
I want to start with thirteen Z Debree Henderson, Chris Ibry,
bring right, nasty zpel take slash thirty.

Speaker 2 (56:46):
Seven muster bluff.

Speaker 14 (56:47):
They can write x post why byte That'll be.

Speaker 4 (56:49):
The first call.

Speaker 6 (56:51):
Dude, what.

Speaker 8 (56:54):

Speaker 6 (56:54):
That's telling everybody what to do. And then you'll have
some that say double right trojan, spread right trojan, and
then they make everybody learn what they're supposed to do.
I prefer I've been in systems with a lot of
verbage that you try to shorten. I prefer less time
giving verbage in the huddle, more time at the line

of scrimmage, seeing the coverage and getting to what you want.
That's usually West Coast verbage. West Coast offense verbage in
the past. Go back to an Andy Reid call when
he's in failure, John Gruden. Guys that have been in
the West Coast, they tell everybody what to do. I mean,
they are long verbage. Now, imagine if you don't have
that down, Pat you're in the huddle thinking about imagine,

I have much clutters in your head if you're not
clear and you don't prepare and study. Green right nasty, yep,
that le green right is the formation. Nasty is the
split of the receiver. A nasty split would be like
your extra receiver, Let's say the guy who's not on
the single receiver side. Let's say you are three receiver.
You go the tight end the slot and the Z
receiver on your right, and then the X receivers the

split in or who he covers the line screens they left.
So we'll say nasty a lot of times it speaks
to the receiver. So green right nasty is tighten you're split,
being a nasty split. Okay, So that's what that means.

Speaker 7 (58:12):
Green right nasty z peel.

Speaker 6 (58:14):
Z peel is emotion. You're peel Normally, what do you
do with appeal. You don't peel into you peel alun Yeah.
So my thought and that is, Z, who do you
say to peel?

Speaker 10 (58:24):

Speaker 6 (58:25):
Peel so he's gonna have he might it might have
been speaking to Z was the nasty split HU? And
then you peel meaning get back to your normal alignment,
Z peel, So you're peeling away. So I'm gonna say
that's a motion or a split or a shift.

Speaker 4 (58:40):
Fake slash thirty seven, so that's.

Speaker 6 (58:44):
A you're faking well yeah's but you're faking it's so
basically it sounds like a bootleg H. So you're faking
thirty seven, you know, and faking whether it's stretch or
whatever they call thirty seven.

Speaker 7 (58:56):
So you fake thirty seven buster bluff naked?

Speaker 2 (58:59):

Speaker 6 (59:00):
What'd I just say? It's exactly right, buster bluff. So
you're letting everybody know buster or bluff where you're bluffing
it boom spread, stretch and naked means you're going to
take that stretch and the seven, three and seven that
stretch to the seven hole is is the weak side
that's left weak we go left is one three five

seven nine, Right is two four six eight. So you're
faking the seven hole, the stretch play and naked boot right.

Speaker 5 (59:28):
All right, let me let me see if I can
guess this last part X post So is the X
receiver running a post route.

Speaker 6 (59:34):
And that also may go back to if you're booting right,
you don't want to be too far from the X,
so you're booting away from the X receiver. So remember
when I mentioned the nasty split. Yeah, that may they
may have already had Z in whatever the their green
formation may have had Z tight anyway, so Z peel
that nasty split may have been speaking to X so
we could get to the post quicker and more near you.

Because a wide split to naked right and throw back
is hard, hard, right, so at least get the post
where the nasty split. He can get to the post
and attract the safety quicker.

Speaker 5 (01:00:04):
And then so it's X post Why bye does the
wide why wide receiver? Is that some kind of comeback?

Speaker 6 (01:00:09):
If you're green right? What's they say?

Speaker 2 (01:00:11):

Speaker 12 (01:00:11):

Speaker 7 (01:00:12):
Why bite? Why biting back to me?

Speaker 6 (01:00:15):
What's the rest of the play?

Speaker 5 (01:00:16):
Tell me it's just green right, nasty zpl fake slash,
thirty seven buster, bluff, naked right, X post?

Speaker 7 (01:00:21):
Why bite?

Speaker 12 (01:00:22):

Speaker 6 (01:00:22):
Why byte? I almost feel like why the bite is
a delay to the flat your bite, I mean, whatever
their bite is, because you've got to have somebody that
shows right now.

Speaker 5 (01:00:33):
For the naked Oh okay, so further in this video,
it shows what the y does, shows what everybody is.
So buster bluff naked right, that's the line what they do.

Speaker 6 (01:00:42):
Okay, naked right's telling everybody you're faking it and you're
gonna go naked boot right away from the X just.

Speaker 5 (01:00:47):
Like you explained fake slash thirty seven means the fake
and then then they fake left the naked boot yep Z,
you're going to peel for the Z Z pel you
already explain that, right, and then yeah, the hy bite
is a this that that's the the route for the
wide receiver. It's gonna I don't know if it'll play
or not, but yeah, you're good. Yeah, it's a cool

I guess a corner stop route.

Speaker 7 (01:01:11):
That makes sense.

Speaker 6 (01:01:12):
Oh, that's what it is. So they're running, they're running,
uh and Z See that's the Z nasty split. So
Z is gonna run. They're gonna run some the rest
of it will go, but Z's going to clear out
or go. Z might hit and go right to the flat.
So if so, and then the wide bite, it looks
like you're running. It's a corner. Stop. Yeah, he pushes
up like he's going to the corner like a smash
rup and sits and turns outside. So he's in the

vision of the naked boot guy. Okay, so there you go.
That's is that a Is that a realistic play?

Speaker 2 (01:01:41):

Speaker 7 (01:01:42):
Is that an average call?

Speaker 6 (01:01:44):
Me? That's yours in that system? That is exactly that's
the call. That's a normal call.

Speaker 7 (01:01:52):

Speaker 6 (01:01:53):
You're telling they don't want to leave for chance. They're
telling everybody what to do. You're telling why. The only
person they didn't tell what to do on the raft
out is Z. We already know from the play whether
it's great the play call a loan is gonna tell
ze With that a loan, you have to have either
Z running something up the flatten up or you got
to get somebody for the naked bootlegger in the flat
to show now, because if he shows, you want to

throw it to him right now. If not, you pull
up boom, you get the wide bite sitting there. If
they jump the wide bite, the safety, you're coming back
and throwing a big post over the top. But you
see what the nasty split is, right, said Z's tight down.
Normally he'd be more more wide than that. That's what
quarterbacks are hearing in their helmets. Well, yeah, yeah, some
systems don't have that much verbiage. Some some coaches want

everybody to memorize, like we'd go scat scat right, dodge,
scot right, Why dodge? You're telling why to run the dodge.
Everybody else had to remember and we know what scat
protection is. Everybody else you had to learn that you've
got to come back on the outside if you're if
we're going scat dodge the tight ends running a ten
yard dig against zone, the backsides running you know, a comeback,

a fall off comeback, whatever it is. That's one. But
this is there's the West Coast system told everybody what
do the line, the running back, the tide end. They
tell everybody what to do a lot of systems don't
evenore because they want more verbide save for.

Speaker 7 (01:03:07):
The line of scrimmage. I would I if I would
tell my head, I'd be like, hey man, can you
slow down?

Speaker 6 (01:03:11):
Well I got the very first day of training camp
when he heard that please yeah, the very first day
of training camp. I guarantee no, they're like the player.
When you go in there and hear that, you're like
because most of them come from snapping their head to
the coach on the sideline, using cards and doing all that.
And you get to there and the first time they
call that verbage, you're like, excuse me, I'm still back
on on on green right, yeah, nasty right said, it's

it's you know, green right, nasty, it's it's it's a
It can be tough. That's why if you don't stay
in your book, most guys don't get physically eliminated, They
eliminate themselves mentally, because the mental part leads to bad
decisions physically. If you're not mentally sharp, you make bad
decisions physically. It's tough that's.

Speaker 5 (01:03:52):
Coming through your headset or your helmet, and you could
be in the most hostile environment where it's one hundred
thousand people screaming.

Speaker 6 (01:04:00):
Truth is after you've gone through the week, you better know, hey,
we like to run this at the forty or on
third and five when he starts to go, he goes, hey,
green right, nasty fake thirty seven. You already know you've
set on the play a million times. Yeah, you can
finish this since so you got to you gotta do that.
Then you make then you make adjustments out of the line,
and then you got to go through your own actually
see at the plays and put it on the guy.
We comple These big grown assmen are coming at you

and hope that a defensive end on the on the
naked isn't coming up the field and hitting you right
in your tooth or your teeth or leaves you a
tooth after knocking fifty of them out of your head.

Speaker 7 (01:04:28):
I would just scream, here we go, we go.

Speaker 6 (01:04:32):
That's right, that's right. Use that cadence to your advantage.

Speaker 5 (01:04:35):
I was laying in bed last night and I came
across that video and I was like, we got to
get Sean to break this down because this is freaking
I have.

Speaker 6 (01:04:41):
I've never had that.

Speaker 7 (01:04:42):
I didn't even mention it, right, but I can get
an idea just what they're talking about. Yeah, can you
hit it damn near perfect?

Speaker 6 (01:04:48):
Thank you, thank you very much.

Speaker 7 (01:04:49):
Man. That is insane.

Speaker 2 (01:04:50):
All right.

Speaker 5 (01:04:50):
We talked a little bit yesterday about Lad mccakey, the
Star wide receiver for the Chargers. Well, Dimico Ryans was
asked about the coverage on lad mccakey, We'll hear the
audio and discussed next The Shawn Salisbury Show continued. Sent
down to the G League to get basically, to get
playing time. He wasn't playing very much with the Big squad.

Forty nine points seventeen to thirty three from the field,
eight of nineteen from the three point line, six assists,
five rebounds, three steals. My man went off against Oh,
my goodness, they they I don't even think they won.
With all that being said, Wow, hate, I hate games

like that, playing for the real life, and he played
so good and then you don't win. Man forty nine
points for Reed Shepherd. Yeah, time was limited with the Rockets,
so they wanted to get him some playing time. Oh
they played the G League affiliate of your Oklahoma City Thunder.

Oh ok yeah, I don't know OKL. She's got the
highlights here in front of me. Whoever the ok L is.
But with the Rockets they won last night against the Wizard.
Wizards aren't very good, man, they are not very good.

Speaker 4 (01:06:07):
You put any money down on anybody last night, Triple.

Speaker 5 (01:06:09):
No, I'm waiting till the weekend, are you okay, Well,
college footballs tomorrow, I know, yep, college football playoffs till Friday.

Speaker 10 (01:06:16):
Our game is Friday. That's the game I'm waiting on.

Speaker 4 (01:06:19):
Texas Texas. Yeah, Texas playing Ohio State.

Speaker 2 (01:06:22):

Speaker 7 (01:06:22):
Rockets won last night one thirty five to one to twelve.

Speaker 2 (01:06:26):

Speaker 7 (01:06:26):
Every starter was in double digits for the Rockets.

Speaker 5 (01:06:30):
Alprin Shengoon twenty six points, ten rebounds, Fred van Vliet
nineteen points, twelve assists, Jalen Green twenty nine points, eight rebounds,
Amend Thompson continuing to play well twenty points, fifteen rebounds,
four assists, three steel. That dude is unbelievable. Man, his
quickness on the basketball court is insane. Cam Whitmore coming

off the bench with seventeen points. Jeff Green even got
some playing time and knockdown seven points. The number two seed,
aren't we Uh? Let's see that sounds about right. When
I looked a couple of days ago, they were the
number three seed. They are now the number two seed,
so ahead of Memphis. Memphis twenty four and thirteen. Haven't
heard much of Ja Morant this year. Maybe he's learned

to stay away from the guns. In the social media video,
I don't think he.

Speaker 7 (01:07:16):
Think he's hurt, is he again?

Speaker 10 (01:07:18):
I think he hasn't had a small little injury yet.

Speaker 5 (01:07:21):
Okay currently Yeah, I haven't really obviously paid much much
attention to the Memphis Grizzlies, but.

Speaker 8 (01:07:29):
I did.

Speaker 7 (01:07:29):
I saw that.

Speaker 5 (01:07:30):
Yeah yeah, so uh Jahn Morant. Let's see, this was
just a couple of days ago. He was out on
Monday with a shoulder injury. So yeah, I did see.

Speaker 6 (01:07:41):

Speaker 5 (01:07:42):
I saw Zion returned last night. I wonder how long
until he gets hurt again?

Speaker 6 (01:07:47):

Speaker 7 (01:07:48):
Fat ass?

Speaker 5 (01:07:49):
You know mart gra Yeah, man, you do You remember
when he was coming out of Duke like, the talk
about what he was gonna be like in the NBA.
He was supposed to be the next face of the
y his fat ass can ever stay healthy?

Speaker 7 (01:08:04):

Speaker 11 (01:08:04):
He was.

Speaker 5 (01:08:05):
He was a man amongst boys playing in college, blowing
out of shoes on jump stops, literally blowing through his
own shoe man during the game, man, dude. And and
he can't can't stay healthy. You look at his injury report, yeah, man.
And plus getting in trouble to get getting himself caught
up with a couple of strippers, a couple of fourn stars.

Speaker 10 (01:08:25):
And ye come on, man, you know that's the that's
the limelight.

Speaker 6 (01:08:29):

Speaker 5 (01:08:31):
Of all places in New Orleans. So yeah, man, good
for Zion for you know, getting paid, you know, getting
doing what he's paid to do. The Pelicans are seven
and thirty. They are terrible. Yeah, good god, No, they
are not very good. Fifth in the Southwest Division. Brandon
Ingram he's been hurt ankle injury. So yeah, they're just

not very good. But your Rockets one thirty five, one
twelve winners over the Wizards. Dude, they're the number two seed. Man,
there are the number two. Was it Kendrick Perkins? I
think it was Kendrick Perkins. He tweeted out some stuff
after that win last night in regards to the Rockets
that they have one of the best starting fives in

all of basketball. Yeah, let me see if I get
that pulled up real quick.

Speaker 7 (01:09:22):
Let's see that's somewhere in here.

Speaker 2 (01:09:26):

Speaker 5 (01:09:26):
Yeah, he said, it's only a handful of teams that
have a better starting five than the Houston Rockets. Between Shoon,
Green and Jokics, the future looks extremely bright for Houston.
And if I'm the Rockets, there's no way I trade
for Jimmy Butler. Yeah, no, we're not doing that.

Speaker 4 (01:09:42):
They don't have you.

Speaker 7 (01:09:43):
What's who's he talking about Jokic?

Speaker 8 (01:09:44):
What mean?

Speaker 15 (01:09:45):
Yeah, I don't Maybe he talking about, you know, facilitating. Yeah,
he was like dominating, you know.

Speaker 4 (01:09:51):
But no, Jokic is on the Denver Nuggs on the Nuggets.
He's not on the Rockets.

Speaker 2 (01:09:56):

Speaker 7 (01:09:56):
Yeah, there's another one for the Bulls.

Speaker 6 (01:09:58):

Speaker 5 (01:09:58):
People are roasting his ass in the in the comments
because is definitely not on the uh not on the Rockets.

Speaker 6 (01:10:04):

Speaker 7 (01:10:04):
And there's no way I trade for Jimmy Butler either.

Speaker 3 (01:10:06):

Speaker 5 (01:10:07):
He's been suspended by the Miami Heat for things detrimental
to the team.

Speaker 15 (01:10:12):
Yeah, saying you don't want to play, Yeah, you done
lost your buzz and you don't care to. You're not
happy no more. And you're getting paid a million dollars
to play. Just go play bro Yeah, and he's he
doesn't like being in Miami. But I feel like this
has been the thing for Jimmy Butler. Everywhere he goes
he's not happy.

Speaker 5 (01:10:26):
Somehow, he'll play really good basketball and then something will
happen and he will become unhappy. Like it's it's like clockwork, man,
It's always something with him. Now he's pissed off. Now
he's saying he doesn't want to play, doesn't want to
be in Miami anymore, wants to get his joy back,
but it's not gonna happen in Miami. And then there's
rumors that he's already asked for a trade m Now

he's been suspended. Pat Riley, one of the executives for
the Heat, said, we're not trading in but who knows
what they're gonna do. Now, don't if you're the Rockets,
you do not trade in fact for Jimmy Buller bro
you stay away from Jimmy brook good Man. I do
not want Jimmy Butler on this team, and that's disrepected
him because he's a hell of a player.

Speaker 10 (01:11:09):
Yeah, defense, and there, I think he may go to
the Suns. I heard I read something that he may
go to this.

Speaker 5 (01:11:14):
I did read the same thing. Sons are kind of
a joke too. Yep, they're not that well. I'm not
going to say they're not well, they're they're Yeah, they've
got some things going on over there too. Let's see
the Phoenix Suns.

Speaker 2 (01:11:26):

Speaker 5 (01:11:26):
The Phoenix Suns are six and nineteen, So yeah, about
about alverg about a little bit below average. Yeah, they're
not very good either. Golden State Reeling. They're eighteen and
eighteen on the season. They're the ten seed right now,
so they'd be in that playing tournament if the playoffs
started today. So the demise of the Golden State war
is I love it. Give me all the injected into

my veins.

Speaker 10 (01:11:48):
You love to see it, I know I do.

Speaker 7 (01:11:50):
I don't get watch you guys. I hate the Golden
State Warriors.

Speaker 10 (01:11:53):
I love to see this.

Speaker 5 (01:11:54):
Steph Curry is one hell of a basketball player, but
I can't stand Steve Kerr. Yeah, he reminds me of
Greg Papavis. Both douchebags. I can't stand either of them.
San Antonio Spurs are what eighteen and eighteen as well?
Huh So you know even in that, Yeah, you'd think
they'd be better with Victor Wabingom on the team, but
they're they're right there at the ninth seed. All right,
let's get back to these Houston Texans. Got to talk

about that matchup? Uh is it gonna be Derek Stingley, Well,
he shadow Lad mccawkey. Let's talk about a next On
Sports Talk seven.

Speaker 4 (01:12:21):
To eighty, the Jean Salisbury Show continues.

Speaker 5 (01:12:29):
Seven one, three, two, two, five, seven ninety. You're listening
to the Sean Salisbury Show.

Speaker 7 (01:12:33):
Stalk to John? What's up?

Speaker 2 (01:12:34):
John? They call it talks? You always wanted to talk
to Triple Lee?

Speaker 12 (01:12:40):
Hey, Man, did you hear me?

Speaker 6 (01:12:44):

Speaker 7 (01:12:44):
Come on, dog? You're on air, big dog?

Speaker 8 (01:12:46):
You know?

Speaker 3 (01:12:46):

Speaker 7 (01:12:46):
What are we doing?

Speaker 10 (01:12:47):

Speaker 7 (01:12:47):
You little slow, a little behind today?

Speaker 2 (01:12:50):
Hey, I'm up here in Austin.

Speaker 6 (01:12:52):
Driver, what's going on with that?

Speaker 2 (01:12:53):

Speaker 6 (01:12:53):
I can't get y'all on that ap?

Speaker 13 (01:12:55):

Speaker 5 (01:12:56):
You know, I wish we knew, but we don't know.
No idea, can't get on the app in Austin, Texas.

Speaker 6 (01:13:03):

Speaker 14 (01:13:03):
Yeah, trying to get on an app on the up
here going through Austin and I can't get it to
come up.

Speaker 2 (01:13:09):
That's why I was going ass trip.

Speaker 5 (01:13:10):
You still got Kreger wireless? That Beth could be a problem, No, mercer,
Do you want me to put you back on hold
for Triple E?

Speaker 2 (01:13:21):
Yeah? Doubt all right?

Speaker 5 (01:13:21):
John, be careful a duddy, Thanks, Doctor Brandon, Real quick,
Brandon's happening?

Speaker 2 (01:13:27):
Guys's going on? You want to happen New Year to you?

Speaker 16 (01:13:28):
Both wanted just to kind of, you know, kind of
sing my kudos out there too, man justin Ferlander, like
I said, happy he's still going at forty two years
of age, tip of the cap Man Greatest Dynasty and
Astro's history wouldn't have been a part that we not
acquired him back in twenty seventeen. So I just want
to thank him for all he's done, and uh, he
definitely needs UH. I think Shawn, he needs some type
of jersey number retired or some type of statue out

in front man, because that's UH without that guy and
getting all you can out of his right arm. For
the last six seven years on and off, it's been
it's been amazing. So I thought i'd throw that out
there and wish him the best look in San Francisco
in a healthy season.

Speaker 2 (01:14:01):
I wanted to kind of go back. I guess a
couple of points.

Speaker 16 (01:14:04):
One I saw they moved from Great Kessinger to the
Diamondbacks for a six to seven right hander out of
Reich University who is I think a sixteenth round pick
in twenty three, Matthew Lensky. I think is his name
interesting to see kind of what he can do coming
over providing some depth in the minor leagues. And I
kind of wanted to go more on the outfit situation.
I heard you guys talk a little bit about it yesterday.
I'm kind of a kind of all in glass at

full Jerks and Profar, I think that's that's a great addition.

Speaker 2 (01:14:30):
I think if they can try to move some payroll
and you know, maybe move up.

Speaker 16 (01:14:33):
Pressley or something like that, get some of those younger
guys in the minor leagues to step up, and of
course the back end of the bullpen is going to
be you hope it's going to be really good with
a bray you and Josh Hader. I'm just kind of
curious where you'll I'll see the payroll being cleared and
if kind of the profile is the target, and I'll
hang up the list of guys to get Happy New.

Speaker 7 (01:14:49):
Year, Thank you, Brandon, Happy New Year to you, buddy.

Speaker 5 (01:14:51):
Yeah, Sean, We've talked about Jerks and Profar a couple
times over the last few days. He's a guy that
excuse me, it's going to be a cheaper option than
Anthony c and tandere a little more versatile if they
can move around some of the payroll and not go
above that second threshold for the CBT, then I think
they try to make a move or if you can
trade Ryan Presley again, I asked you earlier this this

this morning, like, are you surprised that he hasn't been
moved yet? So you move him that I believe he's
making seventeen million year. That'll that'll free up some money.

Speaker 6 (01:15:21):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (01:15:22):
And they just signed Matthew Lynsky. He's from Humble by
the way, so local kid.

Speaker 6 (01:15:26):
Oh yeah, oh goody. They they get a they get
a hankering for some local guys, don't they.

Speaker 2 (01:15:31):
Yeah, they do.

Speaker 6 (01:15:31):
It's a good thing. I you know, there's a well,
the threshold we talk about is a threshold that they
haven't been willing to go fly pass. And while we'd
love to have Santander's bat, I'm not sure there's a
lot of moves left in him, are you.

Speaker 10 (01:15:47):
I don't think so.

Speaker 7 (01:15:48):
Excuse me out.

Speaker 6 (01:15:49):
Is there a bit?

Speaker 7 (01:15:49):
Maybe there's one big one left that we don't know about.

Speaker 5 (01:15:51):
If you move Ryan Presley and you free up that money,
then I think there's there's.

Speaker 6 (01:15:57):
Wall and that's I think you know when uh Brandon
was calling about that is how do we how do
you go get the one next, the next guy. And
I just I almost feel like both Ryan Presley and
this team might be better off if he is closing
somewhere else, just for him psychologically in the way he's

been so good at that in his career and he
was really good at it here. But you also have
to have somebody that wants to, you know, be a
part of that trade stuff. What are you asking for
to get rid of him? And uh, I wouldn't imagine
it's going to be a blockbuster trade if you move him, right, yeah,
but getting that out the books will free up some
money to But then again, we may be way off.

They may love him in the eighth in the eighth position,
but I almost feel like he's a I just forgotten
for he's Is that fair? I'm not forgotten, but it's
really he's not on the radar. No, they've not talked
about and I wonder right now as we sit if
their plans are, oh, yeah, that's our that's our eighth
inning guy. I really do And I don't know the answer.

I don't know if some of our insiders that cover
him every single day do we talked about if people
that we thought would move Ryan Presley the Bregman, the
Presley and there was the talk of truck Tucker being traded,
but we figured and then, you know what, would they
have the nerve to move from her? That answer is
obviously no, we didn't think Verlander was coming back. I

am actually a little surprised at Ryan Presley's here. I
still there's a part of me that still believes that
he's pitching somewhere else when we get to spring training.
But if he's here, then hey, you're going to rally
around him and hope he's put in the right position
and regains what he was as a closer in the
postseason here and really just the closure all around and
be a good eighth inning guy. But the question is,

if they've had those conversations with him, is that what
he wants? Yeah, he does. He seems like a nice
enough guy that will just do his business and take
care of his business. But it looked to me like
he was a different pitcher in that role, and understandably.

Speaker 5 (01:17:58):
So, yeah, he was different. He was different, right, right,
So you can say he can say, yeah, I'll do
whatever for the team, but.

Speaker 6 (01:18:05):
Listen, we all you all say that to be a
good teammate, for sure, and a good team guy. But
when you get right down to it, there's still that
sense of Oh, I'm supposed to get out of that chair.
I'm supposed to be warming up in the eighth inning,
not coming in in the eighth inning. Yeah, that's that's Listen.
If you're a three hitting three, hitting three, hitting three,
hitting four all your whole career, and all of a
sudden you go through struggles and somebody sixty in the
eight hole, you're like that, that's the demotion. Yeah, they

still got you in a lineup, right, that's the demotion.

Speaker 7 (01:18:30):
Went weight on the line. That's exactly right.

Speaker 5 (01:18:32):
Yeah, let's get uh, let's get into the eight o'clock
hour talking Texans and Chargers. Man, that defense Derwin James
is a good one for the Chargers. How's the offensive?
I not gonna pick him up when he blitzes.

Speaker 7 (01:18:42):
That's next.

Speaker 4 (01:18:44):

Speaker 11 (01:18:45):
He's Houston KTDHD two Houston, an iHeart radio station.

Speaker 6 (01:18:51):
That's a Rocket.

Speaker 4 (01:18:54):
Sports Talk seven, your home for your home team. Saul Pray.

Speaker 7 (01:19:04):
Old by hot.

Speaker 2 (01:19:06):
Okay, let's do this.

Speaker 4 (01:19:08):
Sewn Salisbury.

Speaker 3 (01:19:11):
To usc truth, longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury.

Speaker 4 (01:19:13):
Brian Lima, go Lobos. This is the sewn Salsbury.

Speaker 5 (01:19:19):
Show Texans with another week of practice getting ready for
their playoff games Saturday afternoon against the Chargers. Justin Verlanders
signing with the Giants on a one year, fifteen million
dollar deal. Seven one, three, two two five seven ninety
is the number to join. Let's talk to Matthew first
and we'll get to Danny. Matthew, what's happening?

Speaker 3 (01:19:41):

Speaker 1 (01:19:41):
How you doing?

Speaker 6 (01:19:42):
My man?

Speaker 2 (01:19:43):
Good Man?

Speaker 7 (01:19:43):
What's on your mind?

Speaker 8 (01:19:44):
Can you?

Speaker 6 (01:19:44):
We got your man?

Speaker 1 (01:19:45):
I got two I got two things, man. First thing is,
why is Jimmy Butler getting a bad black? I don't understand.
I think the Rockets need him. With Jimmy Butler, the
Rockets would most definitely be a championship contender. But pat
to him to sit up and dribble basically, so I
understand his frustrations with the Heat organization. I don't get

why he's getting such a bad.

Speaker 5 (01:20:07):
Rep because Jimmy Butler does this with every stop that
he's made. That's why he's always finds himself unhappy. That's
just the simple facts of it. I think he's a
hell of a player, and he's got that that Fitt
attitude that you know, the bulldog mentality that the Rocks
probably need, like that killer mentality. But everywhere he goes
he's unhappy, So why why would you want to bring

that to a young core? That's my only issue.

Speaker 6 (01:20:30):
And he ran into the wrong guys with his head
coach and and the and the president and pat Riley.
They they just don't play it. And sometimes the act
gets a great player and he's a he is a
nasty guy on the court, and we know he's a
hell of a player, but he just don't wake up
and suspend guys for seven days just for the hell

of it. Seven games he's done.

Speaker 2 (01:20:52):
Yeah, okay, I got you.

Speaker 1 (01:20:54):
And my second problem is how is Lamar Jackson not
the player MVP of the league. Like with the touch
down to interception percentage, oh the yards everything, how did
anybody even murder Josh Allen or Joe Burrow Like, I
don't understand that at all.

Speaker 6 (01:21:09):
Well, I do understand why it's close. I don't think
it's a blowout because Joe Burrow did more with less Lamar.
I listen, Lamar Jackson, if you vote him the MVP,
you should have zero issue with it because his numbers
are gaudy. I went on a five minute rank yesterday
talking about how this guy he's a Hall of fame
if he wins the MVP and they go win to
Super Bowl, he's already a Hall of Famer. We're six

years into his career. The guy's phenomenal. But for us
to say that it's a clear cut now, what Josh
Allen's done in Buffalo, what Saquon Barkley's done in Philly,
even though he's not going to win it, what Joe
Burrow did with a lot less. I mean that Burrow,
if they were in the playoffs, would definitely be in
the conversation. It will not be a unanimous decision. Josh

may win it. I mean Lamar may win it again
and rightfully so. The guy is playing his best football.
He's playing better now that he's ever played, which scary,
But so is Josh Allen, so is Burrow, how Barkley is.
Darnold had a good year, Golf had a good year.
You could give it to four guys and we shouldn't
be bothered by it. But if Lamar wins it, this late,
pushed by the Ravens and the way he's played may

very well get him the MVP and his numbers. But
if Josh Allen wins it, we shouldn't say that Lamar
was ripped off. Josh Allen's been spectacular this year. Okay,
I agree with you.

Speaker 1 (01:22:24):
Last point, is c J. Strout having a sophomore slump
or it is his receiver's just hurt. I blame it
on the receivers. Everybody's telling me it's a sophomore slump.
But I just believe it's what he practiced with. He
didn't have it when he needed it.

Speaker 5 (01:22:37):
Appreciate you. Matthew will answer that. I think it's more
of a I think it's if anything is the offensive line.

Speaker 7 (01:22:42):
I think it's a combination of a lot of things.

Speaker 6 (01:22:44):
I think that there's collateral damage when you take hits
that you do, you do things a little different. I
think they have been a less aggressive team this year.
I don't know. I don't know what sophomore slumps actually mean. Yeah,
it's your secondar. I mean, I know what he's talking about.
Everybody uses.

Speaker 7 (01:22:57):
I think it's so view's term.

Speaker 6 (01:22:58):
Sometimes when you come back last year was was a
little bit abnormal for a rookie. They're not supposed to
play like that. Just like Jane Daniels is going to
go through some struggles next year. He will, He'll have
so you know, injuries, people, the schedule was tougher, receivers
beat up, and you know at times have had not

played their best. But also Stroud's missed some open receivers
as well, he has not played as well. Sophomore slump
would mean the guy's been horrible. In my opinion, when
you have software slump, it's like, man, what happened to
this guy? He can't play anymore. I still think I
still watched CJ. Stroud to make plays. He just looks
a little more uncomfortable in the pocket than he did
to me last year. And that may be the from

the hits, the constant damage from that. It may be
for the fact that the injuries. Two of his top
receivers are down. It may be from the fact that,
you know what, the schedule got a lot tougher and
that people were harder on him, and I don't want
to say figured him out, but they adjusted.

Speaker 7 (01:23:53):
Now it's up to him to adjust. So do I
think it's a sophomore slump.

Speaker 8 (01:23:56):

Speaker 6 (01:23:56):
Do I think he's taking a step back in production
this year? Yeah, But I also think the whole offense
has other than the running game.

Speaker 2 (01:24:02):
I do.

Speaker 5 (01:24:03):
I think it all starts for me. I think it
all starts with the offensive line. It usually does on
wins and loss. I mean, you said it after it
was a week three. It was just when they got
their ass kicked by the Vikings. You said, if this
offensive line does not figure it out and give him
more protection in the past game, the happy feet I
don't affect him. I don't think you use the word
happy feed but that's just my verbiage. The happy feet
is going to affect him later onto the east. And

look what happened, the uncomfortability. You get a little skittish
in the pocket. Yeah, it's just human age. Skittish, that's
the word.

Speaker 2 (01:24:29):

Speaker 6 (01:24:29):
And that's happened. And now you've got to settle back
in and realize, hell, you didn't forget how to play right.
And he's made some spectaculars to me, Like I said,
it's been the yawning, boring stuff that we get caught
up in that he hasn't executed to like he did
last year.

Speaker 7 (01:24:46):
He didn't miss those last year.

Speaker 6 (01:24:47):
He's missed like some deep overs and and a ball
that you say, oh man, that's not like him, right,
But he set the bar high with his performance last year,
so you had to expect that there was going to
be a little bit of a setback because the adjustment.
They played a lot better schedule this year. So we'll
go to see and he's got a chance to erase
anything that he didn't like in the regular season with
great performances in the postseason. So, uh, it's no reason

to panicle what's wrong with Stroud. Stroud just had a
year that wasn't quite like his rookie year. Yeah, I
mean kind of came down to earth a bit a
little bit. Sure, and it's and it's it happens, and
and uh he will rise to where he wants to
again with good work and some adjustments this offseason and
get back to work.

Speaker 7 (01:25:26):
It happens.

Speaker 6 (01:25:27):
But let's not bury this, let's not bury the league.
Let's get this season done right and finished right. But
whatever that is before get to the next off. Now
you're you're in survival mode of planets. All playoffs are, Yeah,
can you get through them? And then, uh, find a
way to make a few plays at times when the
when the opportunity presents itself, meaning big plays and pressure situations.
That'll that'll be the decision maker throughout all this. The

team that makes those plays, protects the ball, and makes
plays under duress will will win the Super Bowl.

Speaker 4 (01:25:53):
Pretty simple. Seven seven niney is the number to join
simple formula.

Speaker 7 (01:25:58):
Tough task?

Speaker 6 (01:25:59):
Is my point?

Speaker 7 (01:26:00):
Better, Danny? What's happening?

Speaker 6 (01:26:03):

Speaker 17 (01:26:03):
I wanted to comment on the Ryan Presley situation. You know,
the way I kind of see it is that he
is getting older. You know, you can't pitch him to
maybe the same number of innings like you could in
the past, and you the whole ninth inning thing.

Speaker 7 (01:26:15):
It may very well be like psychological.

Speaker 4 (01:26:17):
So why don't they just play to his strengths in
that case?

Speaker 2 (01:26:20):

Speaker 17 (01:26:20):
Just pitch him in the ninth inning whenever Hater needs
an off day, or pitch them in particular matchups, and
I'll just hang up and listen.

Speaker 7 (01:26:26):
Thank you, Danny. We hit on that as well, Sean.

Speaker 5 (01:26:29):
We saw this past year where Ryan Presley did get
to pitch in the ninth inning, and he pitched better
when he was in the ninth inning. But you signed
Josh Hater two well out a ninety eight million dollar contract.
He's gonna throw ninety nine percent of the innings or
ninety nine percent of the pitches in the ninth inning
and matchups. We talked about it going into the season

with Brian A. Bray, You, Ryan Presley, Josh hat you
could on paper you could put those three guys in
in any of those innings depending on the situation. But
we didn't see that from Joe Spota. We didn't see
Ryan Pressley coming the ninth th and hater in the eighth.
We saw majority of hater in the ninth. Josh, excuse me,
Ryan Pressley in the eighth for me? Trade him? Yeah,
I trade him, Go get go, get another guy and

free up that money. He's not happy from our standpoint,
he doesn't seem like he's happy with an eighth inning role,
even though he says, hey, I'll do whatever for the team.

Speaker 7 (01:27:20):
It showed he was different this year. He was different.

Speaker 5 (01:27:23):
So I think I say trade him, go get something
for him, and then free up some money and try
to go out and add an outfielder.

Speaker 6 (01:27:28):
And I don't think you have the luxury with that
money of just playing him once in a while.

Speaker 7 (01:27:33):
Yeah you don't.

Speaker 6 (01:27:34):
I understand. I do understand the caller. Well, if he's tired,
or if the arm he can't log as many innings.
I don't think we're at the point with Ryan, but
maybe we are. I to me it was more psychological
than he physically lost it, and I maybe one hundred
percent wrong. He may say I loved the role and
that's fine, but the results didn't show that, right Coro I,

if you can get some I would. I would try
to move him, but and get him in a real
I would imagine Ryan Presley would prefer to close.

Speaker 7 (01:28:02):
I would think so.

Speaker 6 (01:28:03):
And if he decides, oh no, no, don't trade me.
This what I want to do, and it has adjusted,
you know. Sometimes that first year is an adjustment and
maybe this year he comes back and he's like, I'm
gonna be the best setup guy in the world. Okay,
I get it, But I have a hard time believing
they haven't tried to move him. Yeah, so what's the
hold up? Is it the money? Is it that people
don't trust that he is a closer anymore? It could

have gone around that fast. He's not forty, So I
would like to think that there's still baseball there and
maybe it'll happen. Maybe it's a late move. Hel Bregman
hadn't signed yet, so maybe it is a late move.
But if he's here, you got to pitch him. You
got it now. If that means moving him to the
middle relief or the back end staying there, that's fine.

But he and they are going to have to make
some adjustments if he's on this roster, and he's going
to have to just understand the regardless of what he wants,
isn't going to be it here. Yeah, that ship sailed
right now with Haters contracting with him as most by
by all accounts, has been an elite closer in this league.

Speaker 5 (01:29:04):
You know, one thing I want to want to discuss, like,
did the Texans fan base care about this game?

Speaker 6 (01:29:08):
I don't.

Speaker 7 (01:29:09):
I feel like the energy is just not there. You know,
it's weird.

Speaker 6 (01:29:13):
Let's let's talk about that, because I do I think
they care.

Speaker 8 (01:29:16):
I do do.

Speaker 6 (01:29:17):
I think they're treading lightly towards overcaring because they what
happens is what you've seen in seventeen games this year
gives them a glimmer, but isn't the same enthusiasm because
they didn't make quantum leaps this year like they did
last year. And I think more I think the oh
I think they're into it, but I think people, I actually,
I know this sounds crazy. I think they're guarding their emotions,

the fans, because they feel like this could be an
early exebu disappointment. Yes, watch it ramp if they beat
the Chargers and look lights out, watch the energy change
for game two.

Speaker 7 (01:29:53):
Just fill Ever, the opponent's going to be.

Speaker 5 (01:29:55):
The level of interest just isn't I thought it would
be more. Honestly, there's a couple of reasons. If the
Astros in the playoffs, the Texans man maybe there is.
Maybe they're just early in the morning, that's the new year.

Speaker 6 (01:30:07):
I just I get the sense that even die hard
fans are are are tread and lightly because they're not sure.
Even though die hard fan that the inconsistency of the
Texans is good enough to roll through these playoffs, I do.
I think they want it, and I think they're they're
excited about it, but I think it's kind of let me,
let me, let me, let me keep it under wraps

until I see them perform four quarters against a really
good team.

Speaker 5 (01:30:30):
Yeah, let's seven one three, two, one two five seven
ninety Texans fans, how pumped are you for this game?

Speaker 4 (01:30:36):

Speaker 5 (01:30:36):
A couple of days away. Where is your interest level?
You think it's gonna be wanted done? I think they're
going to get past the chargers. Let us know seven
one three two one two five seven ninety is a
number to join. We will continue to discuss the Texans next.

Speaker 6 (01:30:46):
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Speaker 4 (01:32:49):
For the Shawn Salisbury Show continues to no, no, now
you know.

Speaker 7 (01:32:57):
All you're up first, Good morning, Good morning.

Speaker 18 (01:33:01):
Just a quick couple of points. First on the Texans,
I'm excited, but guarded. Sean made a good point before
the break. I don't want to get my hopes up
too much just by their resume from this year. Let
them come out Saturday, and I hope they proved me wrong.
I hope they come out and win. The town will
get more excited after that. Also too. I'm more excited

about the college football playoffs than I am about the
NFL playoffs, And I'm wondering if that has a little
bit to do with the people that aren't, you know,
quite as into it in the NFL as they are,
because they have them at the same time, and then
just a quick point about the assos and this payroll tax,
and then unless it's changed, this is the way it
was last year. You turn in your payroll at the
end of the year and it goes against the tax.
So you could could conceivably have a payroll over the

tax at the beginning of the year and then move
some pieces around by trays and stuff during the year,
and then at the end of the year when you
go into turning your peril, that's when it goes against
the Yeah.

Speaker 6 (01:33:55):
You're playing chess the whole season and moving pieces the
whole time to put yourself in position to maxim minds
the roster and the pay and then find a way
to move it around so it doesn't hit you at
the end with the tax.

Speaker 18 (01:34:06):
Yeah, so I'm thinking that maybe they're kind of you
can play with that, because honestly, if he's if he says,
you know, he keeps saying this window is going to
be open as long as he owns the team, but
then he doesn't want to go over the tax like
all the other competitive teams are. So you know, you're
gonna have to show us one way or the other
which way you're going to go mister Crane.

Speaker 7 (01:34:27):
You know, have a good day.

Speaker 6 (01:34:31):
Thank you.

Speaker 7 (01:34:31):
Do you think more people are excited about the long
Horns or the Texans.

Speaker 5 (01:34:35):
I think more people are excited just about the college
football playoff in general, not just the long Horns. I
just I use some examples of like when I'm out
and about excuse me, like at the gym, people that
know what I do for a living, that i've that
I know at the gym, don't ask me about the Texans.
They've asked me more about the college football playoff, and actually,
like have asked me more about what the weather's going

to be like in Dallas with them trying to get
to the college football Playoff. That's what I think more
people are worried about and than this Texans. Then I
just look kind of across uh, like social media, like
I mean, yeah, there's a couple of you know, I'm
so pumped for Saturday's game, But for the most part,
it's it's kind of kind of lame, I guess.

Speaker 7 (01:35:18):
From the fan base.

Speaker 10 (01:35:19):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (01:35:19):
I guess maybe people are just guarded with them being
one and done if they lose to the Chargers.

Speaker 7 (01:35:23):
I don't know. I just it just doesn't feel like
the excitement level is.

Speaker 6 (01:35:26):
They don't feel like this city thinks that twenty twenty
four as a championship team. So they did. You're like, well,
it's like anything. Well, I like them, but I'm a
little We've all been in whatever situation. Excuse me, in
your life that's guarded that you say, Okay, I'm in,
but I'm kind of in, you know, tell I tell
people work in silence. It's if people people are cheering

in silence right now now, They're not gonna do on side.
They're gonna be fire Saturday and be fired up ready
to go. But I just think that it's one of
those where you're you're not really sure how good the
Texans are. I know, I know how talent they can be.
I know the trend is this year that we get
some good, some bad, and a bunch of in between.
So who are they going to be in this round
of the intense playoffs? Excuse me? Can they defend their

home and then be prepared to take their show on
the road and win a game on the road. I
just think that the inconsistent the visuals and optics you've
seen this year are preventing the fan base from being
all in thinking this is the championship team now. I
want you to go to August and then think about
the feelings they had about this team then coming out
of last year to now.

Speaker 7 (01:36:35):
Performance will do a lot to a fan base's energy.

Speaker 6 (01:36:38):
And while they're in the playoffs and they won ten
games on a tough schedule, I think they like we said,
they beat one team that's a five hundred plus team, right,
and that was Buffalo, Buffalo, right. And I know they've
been in a bunch of one score games, but like,
for instance, the difference between Minnesota and Say and the Texans.
Minnesota wins the one score games. The Texans have won some,
but against good teams, this team hasn't this year. Doesn't

take away from there's been some really really bright spots,
but you don't look at him. I don't. Championship pieces
not a championship full puzzle right now.

Speaker 2 (01:37:11):

Speaker 5 (01:37:12):
Cheapest ticket to get into Energy Stadium on Saturday seventy
two bucks.

Speaker 6 (01:37:18):
Would you rather watch it on TV or go to
it TV?

Speaker 7 (01:37:21):
Watch on TV? Unless I have.

Speaker 6 (01:37:24):
Have you had a ticket to a suite? Would you
go this week or would you watch on TV?

Speaker 7 (01:37:28):
You probably go.

Speaker 5 (01:37:29):
I've never been in a suite at Energy, so knock
it off the bugget list for a playoff game, yeah,
i'd probably go.

Speaker 6 (01:37:35):
Have you ever seen a play game? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (01:37:37):
Well just from a media perspective, yeah, not from a fan, yeah,
first step back, Yeah, as a fan, yeah one, okay, Yeah,
you have to beat Buffalo a couple of years ago.
If I'm not mistaken, Josh Allen's like first or second year,
I think, oh, okay, yeah, they kicked the game winner,
game winning field goal.

Speaker 6 (01:37:53):
Yes, I want to hear the announcing and who's I
don't even know who's on the call, But I don't
want to hear it and watch it and see it
and listen and see the replays and stuff. Like I said,
they can listen. You shouldn't have to come in here.
Feel inferior to the Chargers. I understand how people are
talking about some of it on TV and not giving
the Texans much of a chance throughout the playoffs, but

it's the playoffs. It's not a lot of plays they
are going to separate the winner in this one. It'll
be a I do believe it's a one score type game.
I really really do.

Speaker 7 (01:38:23):
And Vegas feels the same way.

Speaker 6 (01:38:25):
It's just that Vegas as the Chargers as a favorite,
you're gonna have to put it this way. I believe
they'll have to play like they did against Buffalo and
maybe even better because you're not going to get as
many possessions. I wouldn't think because of the way that
Harball's team calls offense.

Speaker 5 (01:38:40):
Hardbas's team is literally what his Michigan team was. Just
different round, offensive line, run the football McCarthy.

Speaker 6 (01:38:49):
McCarthy made a bunch of plays but wasn't Goudy statistics,
but made plays. It made him a number one pick.
They've got a really good quarterback who protects the ball,
and with the Chargers, yeah, he's got one. Now he
build it the way he wants to build it, dominate
the line of scrimmage, and have a quarterback that makes
plays when they're there and doesn't get you hurt. And
that's who they are. And their defense is flying around. Now,

I think the defense is not the offense. Now, offense
is ability to deal with those defenses in this game.
But I think this is that that over under a
set at the right one. I think it's a twenty three,
twenty twenty four to twenty one type game.

Speaker 8 (01:39:24):
I do.

Speaker 6 (01:39:25):
I think it maybe even a last drive type game.

Speaker 5 (01:39:27):
Christian Harris and aziz Al Scheier will play together for
the first time this season on the defensive side for
the Texans. Nice, so that'll be a good timing award.
There are no doubt man much needed two really good players.
All right, let's turn our attention to these college football playoffs.
They kick off tomorrow evening. It's take an early look
at some of these keys.

Speaker 6 (01:39:44):
Next, withsit vision dot com is where you go three
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Speaker 7 (01:39:52):
Is who you call to schedule it? You work out
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Speaker 6 (01:39:57):
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Shawn Salisbury Show continued Notre Dame and Penn State.

Speaker 5 (01:41:10):
They played tomorrow on the Capitol One Orange Bowl, and
then on Friday you got the Texas Longhorns and the
Ohio State Buckeyes. Both are slated for a six thirty kickoff.
Notre Dame in their game against Penn State sean favored
by one and a half over under set of forty
four and a half. Then you look over to the
Texas and Ohio State game on Friday. Ohio State currently

favored at five and a half with an over under
fifty three and a half.

Speaker 6 (01:41:34):
How were these games being one st Arlington is who Arlington?
At the Cotton Bowl?

Speaker 5 (01:41:38):
Would be Texas and Ohio State, Penn State, Notre Dame
playing in the Capitol One Orange Bowl down a mind
down Miami.

Speaker 6 (01:41:43):
That's what I thought. Okay, yeah, I you talk about
four blue blood programs. Now there's Penn State and Notre Dame.
It doesn't get any more than that. H And the
University of Texas and Ohio State, all top notch blue blood,
well recruited, well coached, damn good players and a whole

bunch of guys be playing on Sunday. That'll from these
four teams, and it's interesting the strength that you start
to look at, like each individual matchup. And I think
the thing that catches me the most this year about
Notre Dame is they are making a lot of big
plays in big moments, But more importantly, what they've not

been known for in the past, which has stopped them.
His team speed and Notre Dame's got more team speed
than I can ever remember. I'm telling they fly around,
and they got a defensive front that gets after you,
and they can run the football physical and they make
big plays and as long as Riley Leonard's feet are alive,

and well, that's a dangerous team. Now, Penn State's going
to be the least talked about offense other than the
tight end. The quarterback. He gets to Drew he gets
talked about, but he's not spectacular. He's just solid, right,
But everybody's got a guy that you're like, damn it,
that guy takes over running back at Notre Dame, tied
in at Penn State quarterback and receiving crew with a

big playability here. And I'm not even talking about defense yet.
And Ohio State, well, player after player after player on
the offensive and you think about the quarterback situation, every
single one of them got a KG veteran and no
freshman who just started playing. Leonard's been a lot of
football at Duke and now a lot of Notre Dame.
Drew Aller has played what two three years of starting

football whatever it's been or more, and I think he's
coming back for another one. We know quinn Ewers's history
as a player, and Will Howard at a bunch of
big time football at kans State and then bigger this
year and it's playing great football. And he's the odds
on favorite to be the MVP of the championship game
right now. So this is they've got got everything that
you go to key matchups, and I think we if

you're Ohio State, it is that incredible skill set for
Ohio State versus you better protect yourself because that defensive
front and that offensive line can wear you out. So uh,
it could be Ryan Ryan Day's greatest moment in the
next two weeks, right or the next three weeks with
a flip off, the flip off the world after they

said you can't win the big ones like this.

Speaker 7 (01:44:15):
I I love these two matchups.

Speaker 8 (01:44:17):
I do.

Speaker 6 (01:44:18):
And as always, you know it, there's going to be
which one of these quarterbacks and and I know you
hate to we all hate to say it on the
regular basis, which one of these quarterbacks is going to
come up of the four? What's the peggy, I mean,
you'd go yours to me? Is the most gifted. Leonard's

feet can make the most difference. Will Howard's kind of key.
He does a little of both just as and And
the truth of the matter is, you get three guys
that are kind of scrappy, tough and blue collar feel right,
and then you get yours, who is a slick throwing
and if he plays put it this way, if you

plays like he did the last half in the fourth quarter,
you're gonna have trouble getting them off the field and
beating them. The other side of it, if Ohio State
gives you what they gave against Oregon, you might want
to that that's exactly right.

Speaker 7 (01:45:14):
They played like it against Worton, only we're.

Speaker 6 (01:45:16):
Gonna have a hard time putting that. It's kind of
I kind of feel like that about Baltimore. If Baltimore
plays their best of the fourteen teams, ain't nobody beating them.
And that's Detroit and Buffalo included in Kansas City. But
then again, the atmosphere and the January feelings that you
get with the Kansas City Chiefs in February, it's and
then there will be a player who rears his head
and you're like, oh my gosh, he loves the big
moments in this, not just quarterback somebody, and then there's

gonna be somebody who like the moment was too big.
It happens in all these and that's this is where
I love this, because we find out just exactly if
the moments are actually too big for any of these
guys that are in a position out of the ball
in their hand on a regular base. I can't wait
to see it because it's four programs quite frankly that
nobody has an argument of how they got there.

Speaker 5 (01:46:00):
I feel like if there is a team that the
moment will be too big. I don't think it'll be Texas.
I don't think it'll be Ohio State. I think it'll
be either Notre Dame or Penn State. But I don't
know if it could be. I think all four are
so battle tested, have played in so many big games
already that we're not going to see that. So then
it goes into which player is not going to live
up to the potential. Is it going to be a quarterback,

Could it be a running back, Could it be one
of the wide receivers. It's what's the kids? Jeremiah Smith
for Ohio State. The dude that went off for one
hundred and eighty yards the other night or whatever it was.
I don't think it's going to be him. I don't
think it'll be Gosh, dang it, Riley Leonard for Notre Dame. Well,
who do you what quarterback do you believe in more
between in that game, Notre Dame or Penn State? I

believe more than Riley Leonard just because of his ability
with defeat.

Speaker 6 (01:46:47):
Okay, so now in this game, you trust more the
the accuracy that he's been with, Will Howard's accuracy and
you know football acumen, or do you trust the slick
throwing streaky? But when he's on his arm the big
it's not even close. Who's got the most arm talent
of the four It's not even close. And then you

get to play callers sarcle letter rip Ohio State, Ryan
Day's team, And I got news for you. There's nobody
that will try to be more show off than Chip
Kelly chip one. I mean, this is this is head
coaching opportunity for him again, right, and then you go,
but Penn State's coordinator gets that tight. They do a lot.
Penn State doesn't get credit for being creative. They're extremely.

I mean, I'm telling them, we talk what we think, Oh,
Penn State, right defense and play it square, let's go.
But they do a lot of different stuff and the
versatility of a tight end that allows you they all
have something unique about them. And I'm just telling you
most people weren't ready for what they saw from a
Freeman's team and Notre Dame the team speed that they
normally aren't saddled with. They got it. I can't wait

till we make these picks tomorrow, but I love it.
And obviously the Ohio State Texas games sexier. The Penn
State Notre games. Notre Dame game is is all you know,
blue blood, blue collar fistfight until the cows come hord.
That's true. Sounds so cliche, and that's how it is,

and it could actually turn the other way. They watched
that game be forty to thirty eight and watch the
Texas Longhorns in Ohio State play to a seventeen to
fourteame field goal game. But I can tell you this,
You're not showing up with any defense that has to
take a backseat. All four defenses in this can get
you off the field. And I feel like that, you know,

Notre Dame and Penn State will go the hard way,
and that it feels like on the when you're playing blackjack,
you know that. I feel like Ohio State and and
Texas have that blackjack a bit that they're just flat
boom running blackjack after blackjack. I feel like you're like
taking seven cards to get to twenty one with Penn

State Notre Dame, and I mean that as a compliment.
I love their grind. I believe this too as it
goes on the Notre Dame and Penn State game, and
those two teams would love a low scoring fist fight
in their game. I believe that the track meet exists
with even though defenses are both good, there's so much
speed in perimeter talent on both teams with Texas and

Ohio State, it shouldn't shock you a good on a
fast track which they're playing on if the game's thirty
seven to thirty four, even with good defenses, because both
offenses have so much you miss one tackle, they're going
to the house.

Speaker 5 (01:49:29):
You talk about the defenses, four out of the top
seven defenses as far as points per game are in
the college football playoffs, that'll be.

Speaker 6 (01:49:37):
Finald I tell you no one defense has. As a
matter of fact, the four defenses are ranked higher than
the four offenses I believe overall. If you if you
talk about having them all ranked, I don't think all
four offenses are ranked in the top ten. I don't
think like yards or points per game, maybe they are.
If they are will the v game is number four, yep,
And that's that team speed and their running game is

really good. Ohio State's number ten with the ability to
be number one. Texas is like sixteenth, and then Penn
State is eighteenth. But the defense is all four can
carry a game that they can carry a frigging game.
So this is going to be a blast to watch.
And I'm also then there's that if you want to

take a bet with me. Now, somehow, some way, in
these games, a special team's gaff or a special team's
play is going to rear its head. A blocked punt,
a snap hook on a short field goal, something, a
kick return, somehow, someway. And I'm telling you, special teams
in playoff games and in postseason finds you. It will

find you, and in these games turn it over three times.
Pack your bags, brother, you're going home. Oh matter who you.

Speaker 5 (01:50:51):
Play Ohio State number one in Land for defense, Notre
Dame number two, Texas number four, Penn State number seven.

Speaker 6 (01:50:58):
And I want you to think for a second, one, two, four,
and seven. You said Ohio State number one defense in Atlanta.
Now I want you to think about when I say
Ohio State was the first time comes.

Speaker 7 (01:51:06):
To your mind like offense, I don't ever think defense.

Speaker 6 (01:51:10):
They dismantled Oregon for a lot of reasons, and Oregon's
offense couldn't do squad nothing. So the most talented team
is starting to show all that town. They are the
most talent team in America. That doesn't mean that's the best.
They're gonna have to prove it. And this is We've
got four really good teams. Not one of them you
can sit back and say they didn't deserve to be
they're overrated. Now they were both. All four were ranked

high at the beginning of the year, and all going
into the season. I believe all four were top five
or top ten. Notre Dame I think was fourth or fifth,
Ohio State was one or two and a lot of polls,
Texas was one, two or three in a lot of polls,
and Penn State was like fifth or six going in.
I think that all of them were inside seven going in.

And here I'm talking about when the season started back
in August and September, and here they are in the championship. Yeah,
the final me too.

Speaker 5 (01:52:01):
What is the weather? What kind of impact will the
weather make for the Cotton Bowl. There's supposed to be
some nasty weather up towards Dallas. Let's talk about it next.
Because the Cotton Bowl made an official statement, Let's read
through it. Talk about it next right here on Sports
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Speaker 11 (01:53:53):
It's this high fastball now mis per callers, Junior, If
he is just an Astros you're listening to Sean Salisbury
on sport Stalk seven nine callers.

Speaker 6 (01:54:02):
How about the performance.

Speaker 4 (01:54:03):
Your home for Houston Astros baseball?

Speaker 6 (01:54:07):
I holdn't mindself. It's John Cash. Does anybody ever calling John?

Speaker 12 (01:54:12):

Speaker 7 (01:54:12):
I don't think so.

Speaker 6 (01:54:13):
I bet you his friends called him. What's up?

Speaker 8 (01:54:15):

Speaker 5 (01:54:15):
You think John Cash? Oh yeah, probably at some point
they didn't call him cashy j C.

Speaker 6 (01:54:20):

Speaker 5 (01:54:22):
There's only you can't call you Jason Castro formerly the Astro.

Speaker 6 (01:54:26):
One j C.

Speaker 12 (01:54:27):

Speaker 6 (01:54:28):
I think somebody might have called him John Cash. Probably,
you know, somebody's real teme. What's up? John?

Speaker 2 (01:54:32):

Speaker 7 (01:54:33):
You know what really drives me nuts? Lack of communication.
It's really not that hard.

Speaker 6 (01:54:39):
Well, buddy, you know what I mean. You don't want
to start coming over here with that because they'll lose.
I'm gonna I'm a kinder, gentler Sean. I'll tell you,
maybe I'll just be in it. Maybe I'll just be
a prick in twenty twenty five.

Speaker 7 (01:54:51):
What do you think? Yeah, just not to me tripley though.

Speaker 6 (01:54:53):
Yeah, I just got prick.

Speaker 7 (01:54:55):
I'm wishing you know what I'm.

Speaker 4 (01:54:56):
Saying, trip about whooped somebody's as Yes.

Speaker 6 (01:54:59):
Maybe get back, give a little bring the prick factor back.

Speaker 2 (01:55:04):
You ready for that?

Speaker 6 (01:55:05):
So it's just not to us. It ain't hard. Yeah,
it's really it's not hard to be a prick, but
it's also right hard to to Uh, I want to
lose your you know what, with communication. I'll tell you what,
some people.

Speaker 7 (01:55:19):
Had a brain, they'd be dangerous. Good god man.

Speaker 5 (01:55:21):
It's just you know, as we get into the new year, right,
everyone's getting back into quote unquote.

Speaker 4 (01:55:26):
Swing of things, you know what I mean, New year meetings.

Speaker 5 (01:55:29):
Blah blah blah. Just you know, for everybody out to
just communicate effectively. It's really not that freaking hard. It's
really not that hard. Speaking of communicating, the Cotton Bowl
releasing a statement in regards to the weather. Obviously we've
had a cold snap here across the city of Houston.
It's only supposed to be like forty degrees today with
no son so that'll be fun, excuse me. And then

it's supposed to rain basically tonight all the way through Friday.
There is a small, small chance and we could get
some frozen precipitation. And then the Dallas area it's supposed
to get pounded with snow, ice, sleet, everything you can
think of. So there's some worried folks out there. The
Cotton Bowls said, we continue to monitor weather reports and

over the last twenty four hours of forecast later this
week has improved according to the National Weather Service. We
have been monitoring, meeting and monitoring routinely with city officials,
Director of Transportation for North Texas and the college fotball Playoff.
Should the forecast shift, we are prepared for all contingencies.
North Texas Highways are already being brine and plans are

in place to assure a safe environment for everyone in
and around at and T Stadium on game day. The
team's arrived tomorrow as plan, which was today twenty twenty
five college ball playoff semi final at the eighty ninth
Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic. We'll kick off on Friday, evening
as scheduled.

Speaker 6 (01:56:47):
Got to no matter the weather during the game, it's
a matter of getting in and all the weather surrounding it.

Speaker 5 (01:56:51):
Gotta throw some good brine down, you know. Oh yeah,
you know what Brian is I do triple e. I
don't salt them bad boys up. Yeah, Brian, basically salt.

Speaker 7 (01:57:01):
Yeah, I got it.

Speaker 6 (01:57:02):
You gotta Brian, you know, yeah, not BRIANO Brian, b
r I n e. Yeah that weather man. Weather's been
crazy everywhere. This is wild. Yeah, no, it is wild.
But I get your point of communication. It not only
applies to the football we're talking about. It applies to
real life.

Speaker 7 (01:57:19):
Real life.

Speaker 6 (01:57:20):

Speaker 7 (01:57:20):
It's not hard. Yeah, not hard. Have you seen ticket
prices for the UT game?

Speaker 8 (01:57:25):
I have not.

Speaker 5 (01:57:25):
Oh my goodness, last I heard. Let's check it out.
Let's go to the tail of the tape. I want
to say it was like a thousand bucks.

Speaker 6 (01:57:34):
You going, no, why not.

Speaker 7 (01:57:38):
Deal with that weather?

Speaker 4 (01:57:39):
Get into that wall of dog standing room only right now?

Speaker 6 (01:57:42):
One standing for four quarters?

Speaker 2 (01:57:45):
One fit.

Speaker 6 (01:57:46):
I'll pass. I can sit on a damn couch for
that fast dude. Yeah no, uh, you love games on
two football on TVs. There's a thousand bucks, right there.
If you want a lower level, you're paying the sidelines.
You're not on the sidelines, but on the uh not
in the end zones. Yeah, you're paying about the cheapest
you're gonna find right now. Six hundred. Let's go, Mackie mack.

Let's give Mac a victory with those Texas long horns.

Speaker 13 (01:58:10):

Speaker 7 (01:58:11):
I mean, if you want to store light tickets, you
know that.

Speaker 3 (01:58:12):
I'll go.

Speaker 6 (01:58:13):
But I don't want to go to the game. I
just want him to win. You know, you know he's
on his mind, I would hope, so I think he has.
I thought it was all promonehim thinking he has, Yeah,
his Mac and is come on, man, it's a long Horns.
Let's go. I want Mac to get this victory, man,
but I want the long horns. And I know fans,
are you all Texas all the time? In this one?
Let's go.

Speaker 7 (01:58:33):
It's kind of a home game for them too, which
is cool.

Speaker 5 (01:58:35):
Oh yeah, that place is going to be pat You're
gonna be wrong as the as long as everybody can
get into the building.

Speaker 6 (01:58:40):
Oh, they'll find a way to get in. Those folks
will find a way to get in. Whether or not
they'll get in this game is huge. Fans are resilient. Man,
they'll be there.

Speaker 7 (01:58:48):
They said, Uh, the weather outside is weather, do you
know that?

Speaker 2 (01:58:52):

Speaker 6 (01:58:53):
Better than being frightful. But your smiles what so delightful?

Speaker 7 (01:58:58):

Speaker 6 (01:58:58):
Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 7 (01:58:59):
I'm geared up because I like it.

Speaker 6 (01:59:01):
We get it on Thursday, we get on Friday, we
get playoff football, Saturday, playoff football Sunday. It's four straight days,
man of important epic football in twenty twenty five. That's
the way it's supposed to be.

Speaker 8 (01:59:13):

Speaker 5 (01:59:14):
They are going to get rain, sleet, and snow starting
tonight up in Dallas.

Speaker 6 (01:59:19):
Sounds like a Steve Martin, John Candy movie. Planes, trains
and automobiles, rain, sleep, and snow. They got it all.
They could get up to six inches of snow. A
lot of people trying to get to six inches of
snow in the winter, in the winter. Yeah, some say
six inches of snow is a lot. Yes, to some

it is perspectives everything, Okay, perspectives everything. For some, I
was that are getting twelve inches different perspective. Six inches
of snow is a whole different perspective. Twelve inches of snow.
Snow is a lot much, It's a lot a lot
to take. It's a lot to take on. Yeah, a

lot to take on. Six inches is more manageable. I'm
sure I wouldn't know.

Speaker 7 (02:00:07):
Said, sit up.

Speaker 6 (02:00:10):
I'm sure I'm talking about snow. I would know recently
when I lived in Minnesota, right, yeah, yeah, I mean
win at the peg peg Yeah, six inches was like yawner,
yawning with oh right yeah yeah so but yeah, it's
I mean, it's all I get to got to get
it cleaned up. Man, the streets cleaned up Minnesota was great.
You could get twenty four inches of snow in Minnesota
have a clean up the next morning. Crazy nuts, Yeah

no pun intended, right, Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yeah,
there we go, Yeah, there we go. Reg in the
final hour.

Speaker 4 (02:00:37):
Wednesday, that couldn't be more ready on this. It sounds
very so, yes, sir, let's go, let's do this. Let's
get to it. Talk to some Texans next.

Speaker 7 (02:00:48):
Houston, Houston and Heart Radio station.

Speaker 2 (02:00:53):
And the Rocket.

Speaker 4 (02:00:56):
Sports Talk seven ninety your home for your home seat
Salisbury Old Bright Sawsbury, Houston.

Speaker 2 (02:01:09):
Okay, let's do this.

Speaker 3 (02:01:10):
Sewan Salisbury, there to usc truth, longtime friend Shawn Salisbury.

Speaker 4 (02:01:16):
Ryan Lima, go Lobos. This is the Sewn Salsbury show.

Speaker 5 (02:01:24):
Justin Vernlanter signing with the Giants one year, fourteen million
dollar deal. He's had to excuse me, fifteen million dollar deal.
He's had it to San Francisco. I got a couple
of comments in regards to the UTU and Ohio State
Cotton Bowl, Dennis Thomas tweeting US Shawn saying Cotton Bowl
ticket pricing has been cutting half since twenty four hours

ago out I assume that has to do with the
UH with the potential for that severe winter weather. It
looks like at some point some of these tickets, like
the get in standing room only was over three hundred bucks,
it's now just one hundred six bucks for standing room only.

Speaker 7 (02:02:03):
Not a big fan of standing room only, so you're
not gonna catch me there.

Speaker 5 (02:02:06):
But hey, if somebody wants to get in feel that atmosphere,
more power to them to spend a couple of couple
hond on it and get into that UH AT and
T Stadium to watch the Texas Longhorns take on Ohio State.
I would assume that play is gonna be pretty packed,
so we'll uh that's on Friday night, so you got
the Penn State game tomorrow down in Miami playing an

Orange Bowl Penn State and Notre Dame at hard Rock Stadium.
Seven one three two point two five seven nineties in
number to join.

Speaker 12 (02:02:37):
Hello, Brandon, Brian.

Speaker 13 (02:02:39):
How are you sorry?

Speaker 3 (02:02:40):
I missed the Rockets game?

Speaker 7 (02:02:42):
Brandon? Brandon? Brandon, Brandon? What are we doing? Mana?

Speaker 6 (02:02:47):
Sometimes? Well outside, let's ask did any of us watch
the Rockets game last year? Yeah?

Speaker 7 (02:02:51):
The whole game? No, not the whole game a quarter?

Speaker 5 (02:02:55):
Right, But here's my pro probably, prom Brandon, you gotta
stop telling us you're gonna watch it, because this is
for games in a row.

Speaker 7 (02:03:00):
Buddy. You tell us, hey, I'm gonna watch the game,
but then you don't watch it.

Speaker 6 (02:03:04):
He might be grinding on some more employe things.

Speaker 4 (02:03:06):
Well, I hope he's grinding on his video game. Just
don't tell us you're gonna watch it.

Speaker 6 (02:03:09):
Whoa Brando's taking to Brando's making plays, That's all I'm
telling you.

Speaker 4 (02:03:13):
Okay, all right, Brandon, that's four games in a row.

Speaker 7 (02:03:15):
Come on now. They won though, don't worry. They won.

Speaker 1 (02:03:19):
And we're off today.

Speaker 5 (02:03:21):
Correct, they do not play today, they play tomorrow. You're
gonna watch?

Speaker 2 (02:03:27):
I was, yes, I was Yes, I am mm hmmm.

Speaker 6 (02:03:33):
Have you got any words of advice for him, Brian
on the watch?

Speaker 2 (02:03:35):

Speaker 7 (02:03:35):
Maybe actually watch it?

Speaker 6 (02:03:37):
Whoa, whoa, see Brandon.

Speaker 7 (02:03:40):
You know what, they played the Memphis Grizzlies. Brandon loves
his Rockets though.

Speaker 2 (02:03:43):
We know that.

Speaker 7 (02:03:44):
Yeah, we do know that, Brandon. I need you to watch.
It's gonna be a really good game.

Speaker 5 (02:03:47):
The Rockets are the number two seed in the West
and the Memphis Grizzlies are the number three seed, two
of the top teams in the West.

Speaker 7 (02:03:53):
You gotta watch, Okay, okay, rock playing at home.

Speaker 2 (02:03:57):
Ers are on the road, they're.

Speaker 8 (02:03:59):
On the.

Speaker 5 (02:04:03):
Brandon, they're off the road. Okay, all right, okay, just
making sure you heard me, Budy seven o'clock.

Speaker 7 (02:04:08):
Is that tip off?

Speaker 5 (02:04:09):
You got anything on these Houston Astros to see some
Tripley's notes. What's going on with the Astros?

Speaker 6 (02:04:14):

Speaker 2 (02:04:15):
Hey, seasons are He's gonna be starting soon? Yeah.

Speaker 5 (02:04:20):
Pitchers and catchers reporting to spring training in I don't
know about about thirty three.

Speaker 10 (02:04:27):
Days or so.

Speaker 6 (02:04:29):
Yes, all right, I like Florida, you and I do both,
especially at this time of year. Give me the Arizona
Oh I know, but right now, Florida. You're getting some
good weather, little bridies. Yeah, and I'm with you, Brandon,
Thank you, brother, appreciate you. Enjoy the game. What's that tomorrow?

Speaker 4 (02:04:49):

Speaker 7 (02:04:50):

Speaker 6 (02:04:50):
And then the college playoff coming up with Texas on Friday,
so and then the Texans on their Saturday plan.

Speaker 7 (02:04:56):
We got a hell of a week, a lot of football.

Speaker 6 (02:04:58):

Speaker 7 (02:04:58):
We always appreciate you calling in there, buddy.

Speaker 6 (02:05:00):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (02:05:02):
Have a good YouTube. Brandon.

Speaker 6 (02:05:04):
You know you're coaching him up, though I am. I'm trying,
you know, hoaching him up, collach him you wanted to
give us now, imagine, imagine Sehn. I tell you, hey,
I'm gonna watch the Rockets game. And then he asked me, hey, hey,
what'd you think the Rockets game?

Speaker 11 (02:05:16):

Speaker 5 (02:05:16):
I forgot to watch. Two days later, Hey man, I'm
gonna watch the Rockets game. Oh what'd you think of
the Rockets?

Speaker 10 (02:05:22):

Speaker 5 (02:05:22):
Oh, I don't know, I forgot to watch. What if
he told you he was volunteering somewhere, I would rather
you tell me tell me that I forgot.

Speaker 6 (02:05:28):
He's doing it in silence, working in silence. Okay, We're
big on working in silence right there. Like the g
in lasagna like what yeah, real g's moving silence like lasagna?
Oh is that a that that's a line from a cut?
Who who's that? That's a Houston rapper?

Speaker 10 (02:05:44):
No, that's Lil Wayne, lil right, lil that's a little
Wayne right something.

Speaker 6 (02:05:50):
So that's wheezy f So would he be pissed off
if you went up to and said, hey, Lil Wayne,
is he high or is he so bertight? Regular? Hey man,
how you doing? Little Wayne? No?

Speaker 7 (02:05:59):
I think he didn't call him.

Speaker 6 (02:06:00):
Little, but you put a little to put the little
in there, just little what's up, Little Wayne? His name
is Dwayne Carter. What's up, Dwayne? H Do you think
we've ever had a player play college basketball by the
name of Dwayney Dweney.

Speaker 7 (02:06:14):
Yeah, I think we've talked about.

Speaker 6 (02:06:15):
Yeah, Dwayne Dwaney. Hey, I really uh so apparently Dwynye Dwaney. Yeah,
I uh yeah. I think you're probably little. I think
you probably gotta you gotta put some respect on lil

is your favorite little A lot of little's out there
is your favorite little.

Speaker 10 (02:06:40):
Little baby Wayne? Yachty little pump.

Speaker 7 (02:06:43):
Not little pump. You gotta love little Pump. I would
probably say, what if that's how he lives his life.

Speaker 6 (02:06:49):
He's just a little pump.

Speaker 7 (02:06:50):
Which one has the cheaper voice? Tripple?

Speaker 5 (02:06:52):
Is it a little baby or dub Baby? I liked
baby better Baby? Yeah, I like de baby better than
little baby. I would have to say, Yeah, Little Wayne
is probably my favorite.

Speaker 6 (02:07:01):
Little little baby, dub Baby, little Yacht Gregg. Gracious, Okay,
we got more little's and little and babies and this
and that. I mean, it's unbelievable. Man. What's the other one?
Dub baby baby?

Speaker 12 (02:07:23):
Is that d A or u A d.

Speaker 6 (02:07:26):
Baby's where's dub baby play? Where does he play his game?

Speaker 10 (02:07:29):
I don't know.

Speaker 7 (02:07:30):
I think he's probably with right now.

Speaker 10 (02:07:31):
He's from uh.

Speaker 6 (02:07:32):
Dug from Charlotte, baby Charlotte. A lot of rappers from
Charlot or is that kind of an outlier?

Speaker 2 (02:07:40):
The baby?

Speaker 6 (02:07:41):
So do you hesitate what you say? Do you go
dub baby or the baby?

Speaker 7 (02:07:45):
The baby?

Speaker 6 (02:07:45):
The baby?

Speaker 7 (02:07:46):
The baby's from Cleveland, Ohio?

Speaker 5 (02:07:48):
Okay, no, I'm sorry, Yes he's from he was born
in Cleveland, but he was raised in Charlotte.

Speaker 7 (02:07:54):
Yeah, you're right.

Speaker 5 (02:07:55):
Jonathan kirk is his real name. He gott he changed
it John kirk on kirk Well I'll tell you what
if that ain't a basic white guy names.

Speaker 6 (02:08:04):
What is John Kirk?

Speaker 7 (02:08:06):
You've lost your luggage carousel?

Speaker 6 (02:08:10):
What is is gius? He's African American. I'm assuming right
by the what you were saying by making for the
white guy. But can you imagine walk up, Hey Page
and John Kirk, John Kirk? Old baby, I'm John Kirk,
a liar. That's a white guy name. I gotta you know,
I gotta start loaded up on the baby, gotta get

a lot. I gotta start load my playlist with the
baby on it.

Speaker 5 (02:08:36):
Yeah, you imagine you're out there team balls up and
a driving marine session. You got your little uh your
little speaker and your jam and du baby.

Speaker 6 (02:08:43):
Oh yeah, I'll put it on my I'll put it
on my you know my uh my? What is it?

Speaker 8 (02:08:48):

Speaker 6 (02:08:49):
Well, did the what do they call the the thing
you put on your the speaker you put on that.
I got three of those, I told you. I mean
you have like uh hanging I want to say land
you don't what I'm talking about there. There there's a
million of them, but the main one, you know, the
one of the black and orange, yes, uh sits on
the cart box, but uh Oh my gosh. You know

we're talking about it's a speaker that you play, you know,
you know obviously with your music on your phone and.

Speaker 7 (02:09:15):
You got jb L.

Speaker 6 (02:09:18):
That's the brand obviously. Yes, I know the Bluetoo speaker. Yeah, regardless,
it's that. But I'm going to be jamming at the
Baby next time I go play at the golf course.
I am don't hate on debate. I probably know some
of his music, but I wouldn't know if he walked
in here, I wouldn't know it was Look, i'd say, hi, John.

Speaker 7 (02:09:36):

Speaker 6 (02:09:37):
Yeah, I don't know who the Baby is, but I
learned something new today. You normally I'm the cutmaster. I
don't know who the Baby is, but I'll find out,
uh Western Wednesday. Yeah, I know, but we gotta have
some debaby for you.

Speaker 2 (02:09:50):
You do all right?

Speaker 7 (02:09:51):
Playing the Baby coming back? Play Bop by the Baby.

Speaker 6 (02:09:55):
It's a banger man.

Speaker 7 (02:09:57):
Actually that album is called Kirk Shout out to his lists.
Actually really good. I listened to the whole albums. Actually
really good.

Speaker 10 (02:10:05):
If you listen to it.

Speaker 7 (02:10:05):
Yes, I like the Baby. I'm gonna listen to it.
So yeah, with all that being said, my favorite lit
is Lil Wayne.

Speaker 6 (02:10:11):
Yeah, I like Little Wayne tooozy Little John little Yeah,
Little John makes laugh like Little John's personality too, Like, yeah,
I like Al Tripley's coaching us up on a lot
of a lot of little's out there. We should just
have a little concert. I also collab with a bunch
of lives, honestly, like we had. We are the Yeah,

we have the way all the world. Just get everybody
who's got a little in front of their name, and
let's put a collab together. Yeah, it'll be like seven thousand,
there will be a lot of them. Yeah, yeah, why
can we get the other one?

Speaker 7 (02:10:47):
You said? Yeah, why can't we get them all in
in a little concert?

Speaker 6 (02:10:55):
Yeah know, like in a in a collab the where
you can you know, throw out one where you're like
raising money.

Speaker 7 (02:11:00):
Get them all the lills together. We have to double
check and see if there's any little beefs.

Speaker 6 (02:11:04):
Well, they'll get through it. There's enough people in there
to prevent the beefs from all the lills. Some little there.
I guarantee of all that group, some little doesn't like
another little right, Yeah, I would assume we a little cloud,
just all of them together. Let's go kind of like
you know when you go to like the the the
uh Star Wars. Uh you know condition there's all Yeah,

let's get a little get a little cloud do we're
getting we get a concert every single lil that's out
there making music.

Speaker 2 (02:11:32):
We we do.

Speaker 7 (02:11:33):
We are the world with them. Yeah, okay, So everybody
tried to which one is that little?

Speaker 6 (02:11:38):
Right? Like you do in the world? Is that? What
the hell's dan Ackroyd doing?

Speaker 7 (02:11:42):
And we are the world?

Speaker 6 (02:11:43):
Oh there's Kim Carnes, Oh man, Bob Dylan, Oh, there's
you know, there's Michael Jackson.

Speaker 5 (02:11:48):
Oh there's a little John. No, wait, that's a little yachty. No,
that's a little UZI vert right, Yeah, that's a little
vert right.

Speaker 6 (02:11:54):
And if we want to do a smattering like the
dan Ackroyd would be bringing the baby in with the lils.

Speaker 7 (02:11:59):
Oh yeah, it's a good class there. You see what
I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (02:12:01):
Oh, a little babies bringing up dub baby there you go.

Speaker 6 (02:12:04):
Damn. Oh, by the way, Post Malone dropped a twenty
grand that right over here at the rail yard, yeah,
which is in the river Oaks here. It's just a
little non descript corner bar right right by where I
used to live. I'm dude, I'm thinking I know where
that where's that?

Speaker 18 (02:12:18):

Speaker 6 (02:12:19):
Yeah, I know, dropped it right by the little Yeah,
it's a good on him, man, good on him. He
said she had to work, so he dropped twenty g's
on her. He said, a little spot, a little rail
yard and a little tip. Yeah, twenty grand and that
rail yard if you put you run right by the
train tracks right there. But good on Post Malone man,

He said, she's having a hell of a post twenty
twenty four to start twenty twenty five.

Speaker 2 (02:12:45):
That's a good man.

Speaker 6 (02:12:46):
I love it, man, I do too.

Speaker 7 (02:12:49):
Bust trying to make ends of me.

Speaker 6 (02:12:50):
Yeah, why wouldn't you. That's awesome working being away from
family and bam, guy drops twenty grand for you on
a tip without even making a big deal. I love it.
Good on him. Yeah, you know she's probably working in silence.
You know it probably was like real geez ye. But
there's a lot to like about Post Malone. Yeah it
really is. Yeah, I'm with you.

Speaker 5 (02:13:09):
We'll bring some dough baby back. Wait, it's called Bob.
You're ready for some bob?

Speaker 3 (02:13:15):

Speaker 7 (02:13:15):
Yeah, let's go, let's go. All right, let's get back
to talking.

Speaker 5 (02:13:18):
Textans they got a big matchup this Saturday, excuse me
against the Chargers.

Speaker 7 (02:13:23):
How are you feeling about it? Let's talk about it next.

Speaker 4 (02:13:27):
There's a lot happening and he's got a lot to
say about it. Sean Salisbury continues on seven nineteen.

Speaker 6 (02:13:35):
Yeah, that's that's worthy of an ass whooping. But also
slow play will irritates the worst. Just don't and and
if somebody hits into you on purpose, okay, that's now.
But you also if you're gonna sit there and and
take four putts and then plumb bob the fifth one

after you took a quite you took a snowman.

Speaker 7 (02:14:00):
Come on, so let's get out. Have you had anybody
hit into you before.

Speaker 6 (02:14:07):
Accidentally? We're where it's like you're on parf. They're two
sixty or something from par five and the guy's single
digit handicap and pumps the three wood that rolls up
onto the green. I have had and I've done that
accidentally before. You're two forty five or two fifty and
it's water and you think, well, shy lamp and you
hit the perfect shot and rolls up there or a
drive that they're at that you just oh my gosh
downwind and it rolled by them. Yes, I've never I've

never hit anybody. I've been on a group where one
of my playing group got hit in the middle of
the back. Yeah, but I don't think it was on
purpose because we play I don't play slow, we play fast. Yeah,
And you know, blind shots are the problem. If you
don't go up there and look at the top of
the hill. Somebody hits a big draw and they can't
see it and lands next to you. It's like first off.
And so my first thought is, damn, you hit two

hundred and sixty yard brought par three to a. You
hit a three wood to a on a par five.
I ain't mad at you as long as the didn't
hit me, as like, yeah, good ass shot by you,
you know. But and then rarely, my biggest gripe is
the constant whole playing don't look for your ball for
ten minutes, bring an extra ball, yeah, exactly, look forward
for a few minutes, and then go play. Go play.

And then if you're a single playing and there's four
and the green in front of you is open, the
fair way in front of you is open, don't make
me ask to play through because I wouldn't ask. They say,
you come, just go and play through. Matter of fact,
I won't even finish this whole. I'll just jump in
front of you and go play through. But don't make
as well. There's a because there's inexcusable. I can't stand
groups that play so slow because they just ruined it

for every It's a collateral damage that ruins it for everybody,
and then you're pissing you You hit a bad shot,
and even though you want to blame it on yourself,
you end up blaming it on will.

Speaker 7 (02:15:42):
I'm waiting too long, which is pathetic. You either can
play or you can't.

Speaker 6 (02:15:45):
But the ones who are playing like pros and are
putting out a six inch or after five putting. But
I don't want to disrupt you. If you're a normal player,
I don't mind waiting for you if you're just doing
your game and you're in flow. But in my group,
if a guy is standing over the ball, yeah, waggling
for three minutes, like you're not a PJ Tour produce,
step up and hit the same thing. Yeah. And you
can hear on broadcasters on like the PGA Tour when

they're in it and a guy's a slope. It's like
even the broadcasters are irrit irritated, So you can imagine
the golfers how pissed they are. The guy dude, and
there's guys who've got the reputation for me notorious slow
players on the tour. Pick it up.

Speaker 7 (02:16:22):
Yeah, you know you're an amateur. Play Yeah, let's go.
He should play.

Speaker 6 (02:16:25):
You should not be taking five hours in a non
tournament tournaments. I get scrambles on three and a half
to four hours. I should be off there at a
nice without sprinting around the course. If I three and
a half hours should be enough to play eighteen holes, yeah,
just step up and let it ripe.

Speaker 5 (02:16:40):
Four hours max for me, no question on eighteen No
question shouldn't take you more than four questions pace. The
play god's the most frustrating thing about.

Speaker 7 (02:16:48):

Speaker 5 (02:16:48):
When you get out to a golf course, you've got
somebody slow playing in front. Jesus man, pick your ball
up and let's move. It's a it's a Saturday morning
at wind Rows over in spring.

Speaker 7 (02:16:58):
Let's go. We're not in Riviera country Club.

Speaker 10 (02:17:02):
We're not.

Speaker 6 (02:17:04):
Care if you're playing Riviera country Club. The club may
the golf course changes you're the way your routine to
just play as etiquette matters and there's no doubt about it.

Speaker 5 (02:17:13):
Yeah, frustrating man talking about pace of play with this
Texans offense against the Chargers defense. How we feeling about
maybe a little up tempo offense? You think we'll see
that at all? A little wrinkle from Bobby.

Speaker 6 (02:17:26):
Still, you know how I am. I like to do
something we haven't done to start a game, or somewhere
during a game, jump into a couple series without you
know where you're huddling, and then all of a sudden
boom in the beginning of the second quarter, you come
out and go tempo for two series. Let's go play
play no huddle, Let's go make them to where they
got to play with the people on the field and

play a little faster, then jump back in the huddle.
I I don't know, there's nothing standing. You don't have
to be standard about this. Just be smart. That's all
you got to do. And what you do is you
take out matter of fact, sometimes coming out of the
out of the tunnel in an early start, what your
nerves are flying. Your everybody's a bit nervous, everybody's up tight,

you know, you're I mean, you may be free spirited
and the loose and ready to play, but you're still
got butterfly flowing. How this game's gonna flow? And you
know the best way to get rid of those I've
always liked, let's start out going no huddle to open
the game, because then you're not overthinking because what happened,
you're thinking about the crowd. We get the old we elected,
though they elected, they deferred, we're receiving, okay, man, and

every bit of emotion's rolling through you. And it's like
they say, well, the first hit you get, then you're
into the game. Well here's what I like. Let's go play.

Speaker 7 (02:18:34):
It's not even huddle.

Speaker 6 (02:18:36):
We know the script. Just let's get up and play
fastest follow the script. Man, we got the first five
plays on our on our wristband. Let's do you know,
fifteen plays for most and let's go play them. Why
do we have to huddle up and call them? We
worked on them all week. Let's change the tempo of
the game. And man, you come out of it and
you're not even thinking. So guess where your nerves are.
They're lost quickly, And I'm big on you don't have

to do it the standard way all the time.

Speaker 7 (02:19:00):
I really am.

Speaker 6 (02:19:01):
I think that's a nice change up because I assure
you at some point here, if I'm Baltimore, I'm doing
it against Pittsburgh and making them like, oh my gosh,
I haven't caught my breath and we're down seven and nothing.
Then you can just change them. The way you approach
offense can be the roller coaster, not the way you
call offense. The way you approach it where we're up boom,
fast paced downhill, then that's slow, where we're huddling and

using the whole clock. Man, there's nothing wrong with that.
Manage it like that. Everything doesn't have to be the same,
but your execution of it does. You just take the
thinking out, the overthinking out when you go no huddle, yeah,
and you play fast. Yeah, I'm okay with that.

Speaker 7 (02:19:37):
Yes, do something different.

Speaker 6 (02:19:38):
And EDDI know, maybe you come out the first two
series and do that. You're up ten and nothing, fourteen
and nothing. You got them real and then you go
back boom, pound it with mixing pound it, with mixing
hit a slant here, take a shot. Now you get
to control the tempo of the game. But if they
come out and you go and you go three and out,
and then they come down and kick a field goal
and then you know, you huddle again and it is
three and out, or you get five plays and you punt.
It's like, okay, it's okay to change up pitch. I'm

big on why we changed form what we change formations?
And you change personnel groupings all the time. Why the
world can't you change the temple of a game? It doesn't.
It doesn't just reserve for the end of the second
half or the end of the first half and the
end of the game. Yeah, you can play fast, doesn't
mean playing panic. Playing fast, it's just a little different
look and have them thinking. But you want them wondering, well,

is this the way they're going about the whole game?
Is it just a series? Let them start overthinking themselves.

Speaker 5 (02:20:27):
Yeah, let's go see the wrinkles from Bobby slogan and
if they go up tempo offense, all right, let's look
at the wide receivers for the Texans. What do you
expect from Deontay Johnson. Let's talk about an next In
Sports Talk seven to.

Speaker 4 (02:20:40):
Eighty, the Shawn Salisbury Show continues.

Speaker 5 (02:20:47):
Means the offensive line will look exactly like it did
against the Titans. John Metchi out has not practice, got
a shoulder injury. So what that means is you are
going to get more from wide receiver Deontay Johnson. So
with him being so new to the team, they claimed
him off of waivers a couple of weeks ago, right

before I believe on Christmas Eve, either the twenty third
or twenty four of the December. Did not get to
play against the Ravens, but he did play last week,
had a couple of targets, a couple of catches, nothing crazy.

Speaker 7 (02:21:19):
He's still trying to learn the offense.

Speaker 6 (02:21:20):
But he should be ready what three weeks now, uh huh,
three weeks, See, he should know enough to be productive.
That did they and you put him in situations where
it's the verbiage by now that's like, you know, like
I said, we're talking about you've been to you know,
three weeks of training camp basically by the time you
get there and now, and unlike tran camp, when you
put the whole library in in a game like this,

you're really going to scale it down, right, You're trying
to do the trying to get it done, and it
still is a short week didn't they played last Sunday?
They did, Yeah, Sunday right now, so Saturday and they're
playing on Saturday. So I think that he's fine and
should be ready to play. Now, how productive he will
be we'll find out. But the excuse of he's only
been here three weeks probably got to go away because
we see guys come off an injured list that come

out there and explode, you know, a game later, and
you know, Nico Collins didn't miss a beat when he
came back out and making an impact, and I know
he's been in the system longer. My point is that
you've had enough time, if you're doing your due diligence
to be ready that the verbidge shouldn't affect you and
you should be able to do your job.

Speaker 5 (02:22:18):
Yeah, I think with him in the offense, it obviously
gives you another weapon outside an Eco Collins, So he'll
have to play the tank roll Stefan Diggs role for
Deontae Johnson meaning Dedontae Johnson out.

Speaker 6 (02:22:29):
Yeah, there's no doubt and he you know, the one
thing that is I think CJ. Stroud's probably going to
have to guard against if you're him. All right, me
let me before I even say it. You're him, okay,
and I'm Bobby Slowerck and I come into you and
I'm thinking, well, okay, we put our whole week in
and we've prepared, and it's a game, and it's it's

a clutch situation. Or you go into the game. You
go into the game thinking to yourself, all right, we
got to have our big dogs make big plays. So
if you're a CJ. Stroud, what's your first thought in
those situations? What are you going in thinking you have
to do in this game with your receivers?

Speaker 7 (02:23:11):
Get them the ball?

Speaker 6 (02:23:12):

Speaker 7 (02:23:12):
Who you want to get Deontay Johnson the football?

Speaker 6 (02:23:16):
Okay? And I would think that Nico Collins would be
your priority, right, Oh yeah, Nico Collins.

Speaker 7 (02:23:20):
You go in thinking, Nico, Nico, get the ball to Nico.

Speaker 6 (02:23:22):
That's your best playmaker, which what he has to guard
against Dell's down digs is down. So you start to think, okay, man,
I got these guys down.

Speaker 10 (02:23:30):

Speaker 6 (02:23:30):
Do I trust Deontay enough?

Speaker 3 (02:23:32):

Speaker 6 (02:23:32):
Because he's only been here a short time? Do I
trust now that Mechi's out? Do I trust one of
the other guys? Will Dalton Schultz be it? And there
is Joe going to be involved in the passing game
out of the backfield. So with all that in mind,
what's the crutch in a passing game? Nico Collins force
it to a great player. Now, I do understand. Listen,
whether it's Jamar Chase or Nico Collins, or or or Jefferson,

guys like that, it's wise to throw it when it's
single coverage. They a lot of those battles. But what
happens is you start to premeditate. I'm not saying he will,
but what happens you premeditate the decision and the read.
You drop back and say, well, it's not cutting time,
it's third and eight. Who do the guy trust the most? Yea,
even though I like my player, you lean towards the
guy that you think is always gonna win. But that

one time that he doesn't and you force the ball
into double coverage. And we've seen it happen with every
quarterback that's ever played. And that if you'd just gone
through your reads and progressions, that backside dig was coming
across the middlefield, put your foot in the grind and
take a second hitch and let it rip right, that's
what he's gonna have to guard against off because what
happens heightened senses go up. Everything in the postseason is

the more urgent. You know, it's single elimination. There is
no next week if you lose until next fall.

Speaker 12 (02:24:41):
So what do you do?

Speaker 6 (02:24:42):
You say, I'm gonna lean on my best rightfully and
no doubt. But if your best player has no shot
to make a play, you've got to still believe and
trust that your other guys can. And a lot of
times your star steps up and makes a big gig,
but it's the other guys. A three catch year, five
catches there, two catches here, A red zone catch on

a touchdown for a guy who's only got two catches
in the game ends up being the difference in a game.
Because there is no way the San Diego, well, the
charge I call him San Diego still because I played there.
There's no way. These Los Angeles Chargers come in here saying,
you know what I think is a great idea. Let's
play Nico collins Man the whole game. I'm taking it

just like in here. You don't want lad Baconki to
dominate h so you're gonna try to prevent it somehow
and make Herbert get to somebody else we talked about
in the college game. Would I tell you in the
was it the Penn State game? Who they played last.

Speaker 7 (02:25:38):
Week they played Boise State.

Speaker 6 (02:25:42):
Would I say Gent's gonna get You can't let him
get to two twenty. Keep him in that range and
don't let anybody else beat you quarterback through three picks. Yep,
nobody else beat him. They played defense, They made enough
plays on offense. Defense dominated. They couldn't get it done.
They did not let their best player take over the game.
You can't let it happen here as well. On both sides.

If you're the Chargers, Nico Collins doesn't get to dominate,
and in truth, their front seven is good enough to
the I think what you have to do is make
sure you don't abandon Joe Mixon early, even if you
have him a couple three and outs, because you've got
to keep him in play. But Nico's This is why
great receivers elevate in games like this. But CJ. Stratt
has to guard against being single minded in this game.

Because of that, very other guys will come open and
they finish.

Speaker 5 (02:26:30):
We'll see, yeah, and that's that's Deontay Johnson is a
good wide receiver. Oh yeah, so adding him from waivers,
getting him acclimated, and in this game, if they, for
whatever reason are able to take Nico calls out, then
it's gonna be to have to be Deontay Johnson.

Speaker 6 (02:26:44):
Well, this is you should take a lot of pride
and be prepared. If you're another guy, meaning not Nico Collins,
that you could have a monster game in this one
because you're not going to see the same type of
role coverage that he's going to see. On the other side.
They'll get man once in a while because the Chargers
are gonna blitz. Yeah, they're going to pressure you, but
you have to and their defense is really good. But

in these types of games, the other guys are going
to look through. Other guys are gonna have to make
you a play.

Speaker 5 (02:27:10):
And for the love of God, Bobby Slow, can we
throw it? Can we call some plays with mixing coming
out of the backfield for passes.

Speaker 6 (02:27:15):
I think one of the things that I'm most surprised
about this year, and he's one of the five best
in the league at catching the ball out of the backfield.
He is I might be cheating him out of a
couple of him Barkley at catching out of the backfield.
I actually think that the one of my disappointments this
year is not in Joe Mixon because I figured you
have he elected the Pro Bowl, is that we don't

see him in the passing game as much as I
thought we would.

Speaker 7 (02:27:38):
I just don't understand it.

Speaker 6 (02:27:39):
I don't either. I think it makes everything easier, and
that guy's a beast to tackle in space. I don't
want to tackle him, and neither do they, especially if
you're a corner or someone like that.

Speaker 5 (02:27:48):
Well, look what the Lions have done with Jamior Gibbs
and when David Montgomery was healthy.

Speaker 7 (02:27:51):
They throw those guys in the flats all the time.

Speaker 6 (02:27:54):
Good things happen when you're willing to check the ball
down or throw a screen or an option route to
a back who can catch and then do work afterwards.

Speaker 5 (02:27:59):
Getting those two like like Jamier Gibbs and Dave Montgomery
win their match upon a linebacker, who's gonna win that battle?
Same thing with if you had Joe Mixon on a linebacker,
Joe Mixon is gonna win.

Speaker 6 (02:28:08):
Well, I got news for it to coach the linebacker
wins that battle. On the McCaffrey or on Mixing or
guess what or on Jamier Gibbs. Yeah, then in space,
then you're not fifteen and two and have home field
advantage throughout the playoffs. If you don't, and you're not,
you're you're not you know, going to you're just not
winning games on a regular basis. If their linebackers are

good enough to cover my my guy in the backfield
in the passing game, I just think that's a heavy mismatch.
And I'm a little surprised that they haven't implemented more
option routes for him and get him in space and
let him operate so it's not always him having to
make things happen from the backfield.

Speaker 7 (02:28:44):
There's different ways to get Joe Mixon the ball.

Speaker 5 (02:28:46):
Who's under the most pressure, the Chargers or the Texans.
Let's talk about it next, but before we get to that,
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And the Shawn Salisbury Show continued.

Speaker 6 (02:30:20):
Well Old Brick gonna be out with the Jets. Interim
coach in Chicago going to be out, Interim coach in
New Orleans is gonna be out, and Vrabel Ben Johnson
will be in this cycle, possibly Joe Brady, possibly Aaron Glenn.
And then we'll see if there's you know, a hire
that we you know, whether it's a person who's done

it before or another new art. Will Cliff Kingsbury get
another head coaching job from this?

Speaker 7 (02:30:44):
I have a take.

Speaker 5 (02:30:47):
If Aaron Glenn gets a head coaching job wherever, Draw
Johnson will leave the Texans and be his offensive coordinator.
They went to school are they went to the same
high school? Hearing he I believe Humble High School. That
both are A and M guys. They're friends to the
coaching world playing they also they both played in the NFL.

I think a lot longer, right, right, He had a
hell of a career.

Speaker 7 (02:31:12):
He's a good player. I think Draw Johnson would be
one of his first calls.

Speaker 6 (02:31:16):
That may very well be maybe whether it's quarterback coach
or a lateral move would be you'd have to, you know,
change it, depending on you know, what the team said.
If that's the case, and I know New Orleans likes
Aaron Glenn as well. We were talking earlier, and I
have a I would not now if it's your first time,
you're going to take it anyway. I can't believe. And

there's talk that in New Orleans that they want to
make whoever comes in keep it a bunch of different
coaches from the previous staff. No disrespect to the coach,
preevy staff. I'll interview a couple if that's what I
want to do. If I'm the head coach, you can't you.
If that's the case, then if my assistants fail, that

still gets to blame me. When he told me I
had to keep those guys on staff, they didn't make
the playoffs. Why do I want the previous staff here? Yeah,
and I'm sure there's good coaches. I'll land somewhere else.
But if i've and I got news for every guy
who's an assistant coach has put together in his mind
while he's an assistant the staff he'd hire that he'd
want in way if he got a head coach. I

have a staff already. I've written it down on paper
and adjusted it two or three, four or five hundred
times of a staff that I would put together if
I was a head coach.

Speaker 2 (02:32:29):
That's what I should be.

Speaker 6 (02:32:30):
Everybody has one. So I go in there and you're
gonna tell me, here's what I'm gonna do. Well, Sean
would like you to keep the coordinator. Excuse me, he's interview. No,
I'm the coach. Let me make you deal with the personnel,
and you deal with that side of it. You deal
with the contracts. You you've hired me and empowered me.
Let me go get the guys that I think give
us the best chance to win. And then if it

all fails, guess what the GM gets to do. Blame
the coach. But how can how can you if you're
the Saints or Mickey Loomis, how can you say keep
five or six guys because we're loyal to them. The
team wasn't good, they did not make the playoffs. They
are as hamstrung as anybody by the salary cap. And
and if you cut Derek Carr, it's like a fifty

million dollar cap hit. So you can't all that that
belongs to the general manager in the front office. The
coach should have full go to hire whoever he wants.
Is his coaching staff and then go from there. But
how in the world can I evaluate my team if
I'm the GM and all of a sudden you had
to keep five or six coaches, and then the staff

isn't very good, and then we were not very good,
and you want to fire me. But I wanted to
replace my says coach and bring my guys in. You
know what, it's too easy a cop out for the
GM to blame it on the coach. Those are your guys,
they're not mine. I'll interview a couple of them, but
I would not if I was If I was Ben
Johnson and you went to a place and they said,
I want you to keep four coaches or five coaches,

I tell them they can stick the coaches wherever they
want to. I'm I'm out. That's that is the deal breaker.
It's like bad hygiene on a date. That's a deal breaker.
You're not tell you you're not saddling me with your
your your people who couldn't get it done. You're hiring
me to get people who can get it done. So no,
I will not take that job. And if the Saints

hamstring themselves like that and force a guy to take it,
they won't get they will not get where they want
to go. And and no offense to Derek Carr because
I like him. I think he's a good player and
I think he's as rolling up a good NFL career.
They're never going to February with him at quarterback. But
they can't do anything except you know what they're gonna
to do. They're gonna have him to restructure. You can't

cut him fifty one point four million dollaries. Four Let
me try that again. Fifty one point four million dollar
salary cap hit. Yeah, thirty of that is tied up
into his salary and you can't you can't do anything
with it. And nobody's trading for that, so you're stuck.
Let whoever you bring in if you're I'm just using
the Saints as an example. Any general manager in this league.

You should never tell a coach who he's got to hire.
Then why are you hiring him? If you that's already
telling me you don't trust what we're doing right now?

Speaker 7 (02:35:06):
How does Mickey Looma still have a job as the GM?
There relationships, But it's crazy, man.

Speaker 6 (02:35:12):
I like Nick, I do Mickey, but I would looking
right in the fans act completely disagree. There's no way
I'm I'm going to work with the guys you tell
me I gotta work with front office is fine, But
the coaches, that's that's on me. I should be able
to pick every single one of them.

Speaker 7 (02:35:26):
You should pick YOURSELFF, conditioning coordinator, all of it.

Speaker 6 (02:35:29):
Yeah, I would not take a job if if that
was my choice, you're telling me who I have to hire.

Speaker 7 (02:35:35):
Wouldn't do it. It's not how it should be at all.

Speaker 5 (02:35:37):
You're the new head coach, you bring in your own staff, yep,
and retain guys if you want it, not if the
GM wants it. Imagine yeah, imagine Nick Casario. Hey, Dimiko,
we're gonna bring you in, but you got to keep
sixty percent of the staff to be going.

Speaker 7 (02:35:49):
I said no. Any head coach should say say no,
that's not how it works.

Speaker 6 (02:35:54):
No, I'm hiring the guys I believe in. Yeah, and
then tied to them.

Speaker 7 (02:35:58):
That's why they haven't won a Super Bowl? And when
did they win it with Drew Brees?

Speaker 6 (02:36:02):
And if the GM is going to be tied to
the head coach, let him hire who he wants to hire.

Speaker 5 (02:36:06):
Right, crazy man, have a great day, good show, good stuff.
That is Shawn Salisbury. Triple Y is our producer, I
Brian Lima. Thank you for listening. We're back tomorrow morning
at six a m. Thursday edition on Deck Don't Go Anywhere.
The Matt Thomas Show with Ross is next on Sports
Talk seven to eighty
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