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December 5, 2023 193 mins
Sean and Brian throughout the course of the show touches on the CFP and the teams that have been selected to advance, as well as Astro updates in the off-seaon from Dana Brown and Joe Espada. With still wonders if the transfer portal is getting too out of control, as the portal opens today. Many players from schools have entereted to seek another univeristy.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Saulsbury, Albury, Salisbury, Houston. Okay, let's do this Sewn Salisbury
quarter there, Trus longside friend ChefSalisbury, Ryan La Lima, go Lobos
Tom to the shanking shop to cometime away and peg. This is the

Sean Salisbury Show. Tuesday edition ofThe Sean Salisbury Show. Here on Sports
Talk seven ninety Sean Salisbury, Brianli Lima, Manuel Elmore, Dana Brown
and the Houston Astros. At theWinter Meetings. The Heisman finalist announce Jacksonville
Jaguars falling to the Bengals. InMonday Night football, Trevor Lawrence leaves the

game with an ankle injury. SeanTripley, good morning. That's where we
start. Trevor Lawrence has to misssignificant time. That's gonna make a uh
make something to this AFC South ChaseSure is not just the AFC South,
But when you get to Janey didnot see the game last night, taking
care of some business meetings. SoI woke up this morning and read it,

and well, I guess we'll getan idea about how severe the injury
is, right, but it dependingon the length of it. It does
disrupt not only the AFC South orit can be disrupted, but also the
entire the whole AFC completely because whenhe's playing Jacksonville, you've seen that roster's

pretty damn good. And Jake Browningplay a pretty good game last night,
at least from what I read.I did tape it, so I'll go
back and watch when necessary. Butimportant, important one last night and gives
the Texans. You know, younever want anybody you want the best to
be at the best, but youtake advantage of opportunities. And now we'll

see how long this lasts and theTrevor Lawrence. But Cincinnati took care of
it and pulled out some stops lastnight, which I thought was pretty cool,
even though a couple of their trickplays won and Potenter don't put the
ball in receiver's hands. They don'tthrow it to the right guy, no
Chase hitting. Sometimes they do,but it was Boyd who made the throw.
And there they're showing it up therenow, so yeah, Tyler Tyler

Boyd through an interception. Jamar Chasewas one of one throwing for minus seven
yards. Yep. Yeah, soit uh and through to the wrong guy.
So there you go. But theyuh, you know, Jacksonville's with
the way the AFC is this yearin truth, with the way they're playing
the you know, Coults are hangingaround. Jacksonville has been really good,

but up and down at times.Obviously, the Texans got their thing going,
and you know, regardless of whatwe think, Mike Rabel's team in
Tennessee will will beat somebody here inthe next month to give them an opportunity
to disrupt the playoff picture, eventhough I don't have them obviously rolling off
and being in it. So Ithink it's gonna be one hell of a

run in the AFC South. WhenTrevor Lawrence, you know, looking at
back when he did get hurt,it sure looked when he was walking off
in that right ankle looked pretty prettysevere. Let's hope that he gets the
right you know, the diagnosis allowshim to come back, because you know,
you don't want that to happen.But he was frustrated and angry.
When you do that, it almostfeels like, you know, yeah,
you knew immediately, Yeah, I'vebeen there with my knee, and you

know, it doesn't take a doctorto tell you that something's different. And
he looked frustrated, So Jacksonville,I don't know what the deal is.
I'm not putting him out. I'mjust saying you have to prepare that you
may be going on without Trevor Lawrenceat least for a minute, if it's
as bad as it looked last night. Yeah. So initial tests show that
it's an ankle spring, but he'sgoing to have further testing to see the

severity of it and how much timehe's gonna miss. So I'm assuming we'll
hear some news this morning or sometimetoday on Trevor Lawrence Jake Browning yesterday for
the year last night for the Bengals, thirty two of thirty seven, three
hundred fifty four yards a hundred orone touchdown, a rating of a one
point fifteen. Let me tell youwhat happens is you basically what you're doing.

You're just posting your score, yes, for your team. Now,
don't misunderstand me. Obviously, you'retrying to do everything you can for Jacksonville.
I mean for Cincinnati to build,you know, this team, to
get them ready to go when JoeBurrow comes back. I mean, there's
no danger going very far. Ithink we probably pretty have a pretty good
idea about that without Joe Burrow thisyear, But we know who the quarterback

is. So what Browning's doing isjust auditioning for either a nice little,
nice, high priced backup role.He's been a back of what four years
since he left Washington, has finallygot an opportunity. And you saw how
efficient he was. It was impressiveas hell last night. And to you
know, in almost forty throws andyou're completing what thirty plus of them,

thirty two or thirty seven or something. Yeah, and and in a clutch
moment, I have to take yourteam down the field and overtime. I
like I said, I watched abunch of highlights, but I never saw
it when you got receivers like theygot, you put the ball near them,
they're going to make some plays.But proud of Browning. He did
what a quarterback's supposed to do.Yet even better, they don't expect your

backup to come in there and completethirty plus passes on a Monday night football
game with the world watching and setup your opportunity, you know, over
time, to get yourself a youknow, a chance it'll win. And
he did just that. So whileit's auditioning for other teams and also gaining
the respect of your guys and yourteam. Was an impressive performance last night

in a what look to be ahell of a football game from the highlights.
So it'll be a fun watch togo back and check it out.
Yeah, Jamar Chase. Eleven receptions, one hundred and forty nine yards and
a touchdown, right, you targettwelve times, eleven of those completed.
And it's just like we said whenthe Jaguars were coming into coming into Houston
a couple of weeks ago. Youknow, this team in the Jaguars is

one week they look really really reallygood top of the NFL, and then
the next they look pedestrian. Iwant to say they looked pedestrian last night.
It was just really good game.But they lost thirty four to thirty
one to a backup quarterback. Yep, and he played like a starter last
night. Boy, he played outof his mind. And they couldn't Jacksonville
couldn't run the ball to save theirlife. Twenty five carries seventy one yards.

You've seen that movie, haven't you. Yeah, I don't understand.
And then on the on the flipside of it, the rushing attack for
the Bengals. They put up onhundred and fifty six yards on the ground
against this Jaguars defensive line, whichthe which held the Texans to not very
much. That's why it's football,brother. Yeah, yeah, it's that's
the great thing about it. Oneweek, you think we are the best

team in the league. Our defenseis off the charts, so we can
run it. Then the next weekit's like what in the world. The
difference between, like I said,the best team or the best game and
not having your best game is onlya handful of plays and a couple of
players having their out of body experience. I mean, look at how good

Jacksonville played at times last night,and then you got Jamar Chase doing his
thing so it and Browning protecting thefootball and getting completions. You know,
make this simple throw which turned intosome big plays last night, and it's
just an ankle spring. You know, Lawrence will be back, but those
moments, and you never know inthat moment's going to be the one you

need to have happen in a gamefor an eight yard completion. So yeah,
it's it's a crazy sport. Oneweek, you can run it.
Next week, you can't one weekyou can throw it, the next week
you can't protect it. And it'scrazy. And what motivates and gets players
going on a week to week basisis a trip. Yeah. Against the
Jaguars a couple of weeks ago,CJ. Stroud is the one that led
the rushing attack six carries for fortyseven yards between the two running backs Devin

Singletary and Damian Piers eleven carries thirtytwo yards. Guess what's not going to
happen much? You ain't winning awhole lot of games happened to roll through
that. Yeah, you're just not. Yeah. And then last night,
like I said, Cincinnati runs allover Jacksonville hundred and fifty six yards on
the ground without their starting quarterbacks threatright, which in turn bred and completes
thirty plus passes and gets you almostfour hundred yards passing for a win.
That'll make people gain a little bitof trust in you after sitting on the

bench for you know, being ajourneyman. And now you got an opportunity
and you go in the last coupleyou know, weeks, and now you
go seize the opportunity. Sees themoment, good for him, man,
it was. It was I'm alwaysrooting for guys like that who come in
and prove that they can they canplay some football. That guy played a
lot of football in college, alot of football, and now that football

IQ paid off last night. Didhe transfer it all? I don't think
so. No, I don't thinkhe did. University of Washington from the
get go. Yeah he was.I think he's a Washington or Utah or
Washington kid. Think he's born andbred in Washington, went the University of
Washington and is now Obviously what itdoes too is it makes other teams look
at you and say, hmm,what's his contract status for the off season?

Did we want to bring him inand give him a chance to compete?
But now his audition continues over thenext five weeks. So yea.
See Jake Brown has spent all fouryears at Washington. Yep, Yeah,
there's no trial. Was being sarcasand was also played in a Final four.
If I'm not mistaken, they gotbeat down. But in one of
his years, Washington was in theplayoff. I think that they were.

They had made the playoff and gotbeat and I think they got beat up
pretty damn good. But I'm prettysure it was his group that got to
a final four, maybe his secondto last year or last year. So
what two thy nineteen he was there, Yeah, he was there twenty fifteen
to twenty eighteen, so it wouldhave been twenty seventeen to twenty eighteen yeap

where his team got to the playoffand unfortunately couldn't close it out. Yeah.
With this transfer portal, we're goingto talk about that as well.
It's out of control, like itis. That's why I was trying to
lead with that is Jig Brownie doesn'ttransfer because you know nowadays everybody's transferring.
It's unbelievable. This is the thingsthat I read yesterday. And when that's
going on, I'll just I'll seeyou when the cumulative effect takes in and

then we get a list of allday. It's like free agency when some
guy you don't know, Oh,already end up again. Oh he was
the backup defensi attack and now he'sthe starter in Pittsburgh. Oh, that's
right. In the off season hewent. The transfer portal is more active
than the NBA trade deadline and andNFL off seasons in free agency than in
any pro sport you, you wouldthink that you were getting. When are

we going to let guys trade guyson scholarship? Yeah? Good point.
When are we going to let himsay? Hey, man, uh,
you know you're leaving. Oh you'releaving from the start of you You're the
starting quarterback at Ohio State, butyou're leaving. Kyle McCord, Yeah,
I'm going to go to UH.I was gonna leave, but since I'm
on scholarship, I can't leave,but they can trade me. And since

I've won out, I've demanded atrade to another university, They're trading me
to Arizona State for their freshmen anda sophomore tight end. When don't we
get to get to that? Ihope it doesn't get to that point Wide
receiver, right or worst step away? We are a We are a frigging
step away from from getting to apoint where it's like, all right,

we got to buy out clause forcoaches, let's put it on players so
they just can't transfer. I honestly, what would be wrong with that?
Whke Why can't you put a buyout on the player? Why can't you
do it? And if you cantransfer and we'll let you transfer, all
you want, just like coach,leave all you want, but we got
to buy out on you. AndI don't know how you judge the buy
out. Maybe the team puts adollar figure like they would on a free

like like dollar a dollar, aliteral dollar figure. They're they're transferring for
money anyway. Yeah, did Idid? I read something yesterday from a
a person either here or Royal's transferredthat to one of the Power five schools
had to contacted a defensive alignment orsomething from that. That's the guy that's
the Yeah. I brought him uptwo weeks ago. Yeah, he was

the one that it was one ofthe offensive or defensive linemen for the Cougars
that was getting offered half of dollars. And I just saw saw it again
yesterday. So if if we're goingto do that, then let's put it,
let's put numbers on them, let'sdo that, and then let's make
it. Then you transfer all youwant, no problem, But as a
school willing to pay your buyout,and if that's cheam on scholarships not willing
to pay your buyout, I guesswhat can't go? Or I could trade

you. Hey, you're happy here? No, I'm a sophomore. I'd
prefer to go somewhere else. Howabout we trade you to pit. Yeah,
yeah, we'll trade you to pitbecause they got a sophomore tight end
that we really like we want.Yeah, all right, cool, change
scholarships. I'll see you done.If we're going to do it. If
you're going in, don't slow down, go all in. Let the kid
feel what it's really like to bea pro. You want to know,

let's go. We'll play some valueon you. Oh, you're you're a
C player, You're you're a three. You're a guy who's a third string
value. But you're not happy here. You want transfer? Cool, Let's
see if we can get something foryou. Maybe somebody recruited you two years
ago. Now let's limit you beingable to say, you know what I
want more, I'm leaving. I'munderstood, I'm eleven in one, but
I'm still transferring as a starting quarterback. And we again. You just get

to do it and be ready toplay tomorrow. Yeah, put a number
value on it and then come seeme. I understand kids getting free eat
him, but you know, let'snot make we call him kids by the
time they when you're twenty one andmaking four million bucks a year. Guess
the name, image and likeness.Guess which you're not anymore? Yeah,
you ain't no kid, right,So let's go that Washington. That was

in twenty seventeen. They lost toAlabama at the Peach Bowl the playoffs,
herb stump twenty four to seven.Yeah, it was a worse beatdown than
that. Yeah. Clemson in thatother semi final beat Ohio State thirty one
and nothing, and then Clemson goeson to win the national championship. If
that was Trevor Lawrence, was thattrue? No? I was Deshaun Watson.
Watson never won a national title.He didn't. Nope, not that

I remember. I thought it wasTrevor Lawrence. Did Watson? Maybe he
did? They did? He wonin twenty seventeen, Oh he did?
Did Lawrence when his nineteen like twoyears later? Yeah? Oh he did.
That's right, I guess Watson,because Watson wasn't blew out? Did
he blowed his knee as a freshmansaw yes, freshman yew and then he
hit Hunter ren for Renfro Right,that was Watson. He put on a
clinic. That's exactly right. Don'tknow what we're talking about. I was

in the title game. He's runningaround making plays and Renfros dodging tackles and
getting and it was a late winto Watson throwing. I think it was
late. Yeah, like an angleor a shallow right there at the pylon.
Yeah, I'm getting caught up tothink, but I know Lawrence didn't
win too, exactly right. Itwas Watson and then Lawrence winning national titles.
And that's how Dabos Sweeney got ustoo. Yeah, there it is,

all right. Let's look at thisa f C South. If Trevor
Lawrence is out, how is thatgoing to affect the Houston Texans and the
entire playoff picture in the a fC. That's next on the Shawn Salisbury
Show. This is the Sean SalisburyShow. That's beautiful. Welcome back to

the Shawn Salisbury Show. Here onSports Talk seven, Andy, Sean Bryner,
Tripley, Dana Brown over at thewinter meetings for the Astros, given
some updates on Alex Bragman, whatthey need in the bullpen, Heisman Trophy
finalist, and outs Jags fall intothe Bengals last nine Monday Night Football,
Trevor Lawrence leaving the game with anankle injury. Texan's gonna be playing the

Jets in New York this coming Sunday. So let's look at these AFC standings
in the NFL with the Jaguars losinglast night. So as it stands right
now, Dolphin's the number one seed, Raven's the number two seed, Chiefs,
the three Jags, four Steelers,five Browns, six Colts, seven

Texans eight. Trevor Lawrence goes downfor a significant time, that's gonna shake
up a lot, sure is,it's gonna shake up a lot of thoughts
in power rankings too, even beforethey play another game. I guess that
it looked pretty. He looked likeit was painful and bothered, and when
he had have that kind of assistancewalking off, he probably not feeling real

good today. But imagine after anMRI and Swelling goes down, we'll get
an idea. But there is nodoubt the power shift will change completely.
When I say completely, in thoseteams that are we would consider the fourth
best, third or fourth best teamin the AFC. When people say,
well they've got a good ross,they do, but you're not. It's

completely different without that guy planned thereis no question about it, you would
mark them off as a okay,one and done playoff team in my opinion,
if he's not on the roster,meaning not healthy enough to be right,
Yeah, it does make a majorshit be the equivalent of losing if
Dak Prescott left Dallas, if ifwe didn't have CJ. Stroud here.
It's that equivalent. Yet it maybe in certain situations worse for them because

you know, finding the backup quarterbackto fill in the backup how close?
What's the difference between we saw Browninglast night do his thing, But what's
the difference and what do you gotto do game plan wise to change over
the course of four or five weeksof Trevor Lawrence is not playing. We're
gonna find out, obviously sooner thanlater. I hope he's healthy. I
do. I'm not one of thoseguys that if you're gonna go, let's
go go get after it. Andhe's a hell of a player. But

even if he does come back andplay next week, it doesn't look like
it's gonna be real mobile, noheavy tape job. But at least that's
what it looks like. I'm nota doctor. We're playing one on radio
but man, did he go downhard. So we'll see, but that
is a in truth, that's ahuge loss for them because they still wanted
to battle for home field, advancedthout the playoffs. Why wouldn't they And

depending on his health, I'm obviouslyI'm sure that they still have that in
mind. But win the division firstand that'll be in danger if that guy
can't go. And then another thingto note is you look at the Pittsburgh
Steelers at the five seed. CannyPickat just had surgery yesterday, yep,
immediately after his surgery. Yeah,on an ankle sprain. He's expected to
miss multiple weeks. Not saying it'sthe same injury as Trevor Lawrence, but

Trevor Lawrence has to have surgery.Then damn man, that there goes the
Steelers. Steelers offense isn't very goodanyways, but yeah, that's your starting
quarterback going down. Jacksonville Jaguars startingquarterback going down. So there's your four
and five seeds that are gonna bein a world of trouble. Browns don't
have their starter. Colts are hangingin there obviously. The Texans right there
at the eight seed. This thisis huge Oh, this is big.

Yeah, there's no doubt it's big. It is a well I'm trying to
think aside, maybe with Burrow beingout, is there a bigger injury in
the NFL this year than this one? Depending on how long it is.
No, I think the Joe Burrowone's definitely at the top. But you
look at what this is for TrevorLawrence. I mean this is huge.
There's Burrow. I mean, DeshaunWatson out, Trevor Lawrence out. Can

you pick it out? Well?Considering also that the Vikings were on a
win streak and he was playing,well, yeah, your cousin's injury.
Not because they're Super Bowl threat,but because he literally was having a great
season and had them you know,at least we were talking they're back in
the playoff mix, so him.But this is a huge injury for a
team that's in first place and witha legit shot. I'm thinking, Okay,

there's homes, there's I mean aroundthe league. A loss like this
is devastating. The question is howlong is the lost gonna last? We'll
see, but I hate to seeit for Trevor Lawrence and Jacksonville needs him
to get where they're going and Ithink that you know, you still got
to put your game plan in andplay it, you know, get yourself
ready to play, like the Bengalshave done without Burrow. But it's just
different. And there's a reason whythese guys are the you know, making

a couple hundred million bucks at theposition, because that is we know the
impact in Trevor Lawrence is becoming oneof the great players in the league at
his position. Yeah, And lookingahead at the jack schedule to end their
season, they travel to the Brownsthis weekend home against Baltimore at Tampa Bay
home against Carolina at Tennessee. Soyou got Baltimore, good team, Cleveland

obviously with out their quarterback, butthey're still playing a relatively good football,
Tampa Bay up and down, Carolinaare not very good. And then Tennessee.
That's a divisional matchup and we sawhow it went this past weekend with
Tennessee and the Colts. So MikeGrave will always coach well and have his
guys ready to go. So whoknows on that one, But I just
I can't truss that enough how bigthis injury is, especially for the Texans.

They're gonna find themselves with a wildcard spot. If they take care
of business at seven and five,just go that's what seven and five.
They have five games left. Threeand five, in my opinion, gets
them in and their schedule says theycan go three and five. Yeah,

they'll probably be fail. Let's see, they got the Browns here, so
they got the Jets this weekend,then the Titans. They'll be favored in
both of those. Then the Brownsat home close if they are, it'll
be with a field goal type game. Then the Titans at home favored,
and then at the Colts end theseason. That depends on the rest of

the next four games by the Coltsbe like a three point favorite for the
Colts because they're at home home.Yeah, either way. Now, if
the Colts lose two or three ina row, that the Texans win two
or three in a row, they'llthey'll be favored. But yeah, we'll
see how their next three or fourgames go. So yeah, this is
in truth. I think we're atthe stage now and I know this is
gonna just maybe putting too much,uh too much pressure on them, but

not not for me. But ifeverybody's thinking like this, let's hope they
are they should expect to make theplayoffs. Yeah, now, it's not.
It's not. Hey, let's justfinish this up strong and let the
chips fall where they may. Screwthat phrase, I don't say anybody on
their set. We hear it allthe time every year. Hey, let's
just post, let's just do ourthing. No, you're you're scoreboard watching.

Who doesn't. You're you're putting yourselfin position because you realize if you
get to ten, legit shot,if you get to eleven, it's a
guarantee you're not missing the playoffs thisyear. I mean, I guess there's
no guarantee, but you're an Imissed the playoffs in the AFC with eleven
wins and they, like you said, four of the five favorite in I
mean, how in the world maybeall five, just depending on the Brown
situation. I if I'm the Texans, I'm no longer talking about what we're

building for the future. Of courseyou are. You're you're living it now.
They make the playoffs be one ofthe great turnarounds from three wins to
seven or eight wins better the nextyear. Come on, now, yeah,
this is a so much for allthe experts that had them winning four
games five games this year. Yeah, so quarterback and head coach, and

now the defenses, I mean they'rerear and there. It's not just Stroud
Strouds has been off at times andsomebody else has to step up and do
their thing. They have a biginjury on their team too, with Tank
dell out. So it's going tobe one hell of a run. But
we're no longer saying, well,you know next year, this is not
It's now at seven and five,you're in a phenomenal position to make the
playoffs. Phenomenally. Yes, youshould. You should. It's right seven

and five and they've got a prettyuh good schedule to be favorites, and
so they should make the playoffs.Dimigo Ryan spoke to the media yesterday and
talked about the early look ahead againstthe Jets this weekend. What do you
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Tea. The Shawn Salisbury Show continuesin a no Now you know, tramps

that you're playing for the next Holyek. Best doing and off so cheaping a
flexod sex sod, you got it, you got it. You're listening to
the Shawn Salsbery Show here on SportsTalk seven ninety Sean Bryan and Triple e
Yes Pretty Heisman Trophy finalist announced thetransfer portal out of Control in the or

Excuse Me? In college football,Jack's fall into the Bengals Trevlor Lawrence leaving
the game with an ankle injury.Demico Ryans spoke to the media yesterday.
They traveled to the Jets this weekand obviously he's got a good relationship with
Robert Salah. But he spoke aboutwhat the game plan is for whoever the
Jets start at quarterback. This iswhat Coach Ryan's had to say. We

watched the film and we'll go backwhoever plays. I'm pretty sure one of
those quarterbacks has played this year atsome point in time. You know,
we'll study the film and see,you know, who plays. And for
us, man really doesn't matter aboutwhich quarterback is in. For us,
we have a lot of stuff tofix, you know, for us defensively,
we have a lot of stuff tofix, and we have to clean

up things on our ends. Sothe focus is really about us and where
we can improve, where can weget better, and then we'll have to
worry out worry about our opponent onSunday. But this week is about us
that you know. Coach Rines waskind of laughing about their quarterback situation.
What a nightmare it is for theJets in that quarterback situation. Ie,

It's far deeper than that though.This team's got well whatever it is.
I mean, they're starting to becomea trend here that if Aaron Rodgers doesn't
carry you, when's Nathaniel Hackett andelevate his game call and plays. It
doesn't seem like he's gonna do itanytime soon. So you've got to have
a star to be any good.That's what it's just. So, so

I make the argument, you gotyou got some good receivers and all you
got some offensive weapons and defensive weaponsin New York. You got him in
Cincinnati too, Right, Yeah,Hot Browning's performance go last night, he
do pretty well. So the backup, so the offensive coordinator you mean,
and Zach Taylor calling play's decided thatwe're just gonna let it rip and do
our thing, regardless who the quarterbackis, and the team steps up.

So we're just all of a suddenhave did and it's I know Demiko didn't
mean it like this, but it'salmost there, laughing. It's almost everybody
smirking and snickering at the situation.If I was they're getting laughed at.
And if I was the Jets andyou're a player on that team and you're
not humiliated with what's going on,and somebody is saying, well, it's
not about you, it's about us, and that's you, and every coach

will tell you that, and Demiko'sright, we got to get our stuff.
But that basically, we'll worry aboutyou on game day. But you're
putting a game plan. In thetruth of the matter is you're saying that
this week, if we just putour game plan and execue like we want
to, the Jets got no shot. That's what that. If I was
coach, I would feed on that. If I was Robert Salah against what
was look at listen and Tomiko's sorespectful, But I as a head coach

somewhere else, you know what youdo? You turn around like if I
was Bill Belichick's team, not theBill careers, but if I was a
player and humiliated they are Rex Ryansay if it's not Brady, they can't
win. Basically, I'm paraphrasing sayingit's the you know, the Patriot way
wears these kids out and the restof it. And you're saying that.
If you're a quarterback Bailey Zappi orMac Jones and you're going into a game

or you're Bill O'Brien, aren't youyou don't take that personal? Should you
should take everything person And if Iwas in as nice as Demiko as,
I would play that back and saythey're not worried about game planning for us,
they're just worried about that, althoughevery coach is worried about their own
TM. The point is, ifyou're the Jets, you got to feed
on something that gets your guys going. And right now, I don't care

who the quarterbacks. You tell methey can't go up and put a formidable
game plan together and get some kindof execution with a head coach with a
quarterback at some point, if you'renot taking it personal, it's embarrassing.
And Robert Solid's time. I mean, I know during the week, but
on Saturday Sundays he needs to startcoaching. He needs to unfold the arms,
maybe take the headset off and getup and down and start taking names

and whooping ass if you're a Jetsfan and you want energy. I'm not
saying he can't coach. I knowhe can. But the optics also tell
you that, man, what's goingon here? Right? You look at
some odd optics. Dude, amI right? When he coaches, but
a lot of them are like that. So well, he doesn't look like
he's uh, he looks bored.And my question is, are you,
as a coaching staff elevating your team, or if you just resigned yourself to

the fact we're getting our ass kickedevery week. That's who we are.
And if you're the Texans, youtake care of your game plan, you
will win. But damn, Ilook at that. It's basically saying they're
not game planning for us. Ofcourse they are, but I would make
sure I would use anything I couldto get a locker room because they are

Iowa times five when it comes tonot being able to move a football.
As I'm a bit hyperbolic there,but it's just it's maddening. Is it
really that hyperbolic? And I wasoffered this is very good and neither is
the Jets, but it is andit's maddening, dude. It is maddening,
off the charts annoying as hell.So I to me, if I'm

a Jets fan, I expect more. If I'm a coach, I expect
more. And you know what,I'm at the stage of it, dude.
If I got to start the practicesquad quarterback because you're not ready to
play, then I'll do that.I'll elevate his ass and put him in
a game, whatever it takes toget I'm not in this fielding. I'm
not in this to make you playersfeel good, and if you feel good
by losing, then you probably arenot part of that. You shouldn't be

part of this roster. Hell,in college, alls they'd have to do
is get up and walk out andtransfer and the pros. How odd is
that the pros you got to stickaround in college? You can just up
and leave anytime you want and getpaid. Can you imagine if that was
a free for all in the NFLas well, how many guys would jump
ship out of New York to beplaying somewhere else. Oh, they would
have already said that like ago,no question. And their defense is if

the Texans don't turn it over,I find it almost impossible for them to
lose against the Jets. That's likeyou said women with Michigan, I'm not
saying they're the equivalent of Michigan.That means Michigan's the number one team in
the country. I'm not saying theTexans are. But I will tell you
this that if you're the Texans andthe way your defense can play and fly
around and the way their offense is, if you do not turn the ball

over, it'd be the same withMichigan. If you just go do your
thing. Iowa can't move. Howare they going to threaten you take away
their best weapon? Make the quarterbackwin it? They can't. Same thing
in Iowa, same thing in NewYork. If you're the Texans and Demiko's
right, take care of our business. We'll game plan, but take care
of our business if you just don'tdo stupid stuff this weekend. The Jets

aren't good enough offensively to beach atthat position. But it's deeper than that.
And Nathaniel that that's why hiring friendsisn't exactly the number one thing you
should be doing. You said it, and that that same little coaching tree,
like I don't even like working closewith hire and f I mean getting
into business with friends, it betterbe awful solid because that can ruin a

friendship. It can also ruin ateam. And right now, Nathaniel Hackett,
I get why he wants Aaron Rodgersback. Who doesn't. Yeah,
it's it's it's a bit much,Yeah, it's a bit much. So.
But for Nathanie, how it takesAaron Rodgers to be your quarterback for
you? To my point, Ijudge coordinators and coaches and teams. How
do you play when you don't haveeverybody elevate the guys that are ask kicked?

Right? Who steps up? Ordid your scouting department not get you
the right people to back up?I mean you, you're a professional quarterback.
You got to be able to putyour foot in and ground and complete
a few balls, right at leastlast year Mike White when he stepped in
through for like four hundred Yeah,So, I mean, I I've never
understood it. The Jets fans shouldshould beg for more. What is the

quarterback situation gonna be for the Jetsas they host the Texans this coming week?
And we'll discuss that next on SportsTalk seven ninety Hey, Spindle Tap,
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dot com for all your information,and the Seawan Salisbury Show continues. We
the best, Jay, Charlie.You got a talking Texans here on the

Seawan Salisbury Show, Sean, Brianand trivially here with you this morning,
six in the morning. Well,chili out there too, Sean. It's
chili out there, a little bitof forty four degrees things. We know
it's chili Chili, Willie, ChiliWilli. Yeah, Chilber Wilbro out there.

Yeah. We know the Heisman finalists. We do. We know who's
gonna win the Heisman? Uh,we do, yes, we do.
We know who the four teams are. People are mad that behind herb Street
and his background had the four teamsup before the announcement was made, with
the helmets in his background. Idon't know if that's who they thought was
gonna make it, but people talkingabout, well, did they know the
answer before this. We know thatTrevor Lawrence is hurt and let's hope he

gets healthy. And we know thatFlorida State Women's soccer are the national champions.
Yeah, and we know Cayleb Williamsisn't playing in his Bowl game.
The Holloway Bowl in San Diego,one of the great always has some excitement
bowls. So you'll get either you'llget one of the backups, possibly a
five star recruit Malachai Nelson as he'sibleor Moss. I think it's Moss and

Randy No, and it's not WinstonMoss either. It's is it Moss the
kid who's the backup to those twohave played, but he's the another highly
recruited kid who's the backup for them. But so those are the things we
do know. When people say,you know who's winning the Heisman, Yeah,
we know who's winning. It's gonnabe Jade Daniels. Yes, it
is. Speaking of it's gonna goDaniels, Pennix, Nix, Harrison.

Yeah. Good for Marvin Harrison gettinghis recognition invited. Yeah, to get
invited, that's always a big deal. Another note, and we're going to
talk a lot about college football thismorning. I got so many different pieces
of audio for this Final four breakdownand things like that. I mean,
dan Orlowsky, Stephen A. Smith, Mike Greenberg, what is it,

Trevor Madditch, Trevor matt It's great, dude, Yep, he said some
things. I mean, there's there'sall kinds of things that we're going to
dig into. But just a littlenote here before I bring up this Zach
Wilson stuff for the Jets as theytake on the Texas as weekend. One
eighty three FBS football players have enteredthe trans NCAA transfer portal during the twenty
twenty three twenty twenty four window.Yesterday was day one of the window.

Sewan, eleven hundred and eighty threeplayers entered the transfer portal in in twenty
four hours. I've tried to side, and I do try to side with
the kid as often as I canwhen it comes to go get yours,
and I get it. I justI think some of the I think we're

way too loose with this, withwith the transfer portal, so I do.
I don't. I don't think ina lot of these cases kids are
transferring well, one because they justgot beat out right and they are freshmen
and don't want to They don't wantto deal with being a sophomore beat out.
Two is coach Leaves and I getit. Oh, speaking of that
on the wall, I think aboutDylan Gabriel leading leading college for him to

go to Mississippi State. Like Isaid, it's also Jeff Levy because that's
his guy knows he doesn't have toHey doesn't have to go and learn a
new system, doesn't have to bebogged down, probably won't have to compete,
so their job. There could besome instance of why he's entering the
trail or why kid coach left.Don't want to follow that coach, And
you know what, I get that, But what if Levy left again next
year? Let's say all of asudden, Let's say all of a sudden,

Alabama Nick Resaban retired and he leftand went to Alabama. I'm being
obviously way hyperbol and he left.Well okay with that? No, hell
no, you should limit it toright, you gotta limit if we're gonna
limit if we want you and Iif we want limits on the nil or
not nil, the transfer portal.There's got to be something made for coaches
too, in my opinion. Don'twe put limits on pro sports free agency?
Yes, So we're saying that we'regoing to empower the kids, say

do whatever you want. We're teachingthat lesson. Well, it's not all
about lessons. Well, you knowwhat, life I hate to tell you
this life is a pecking order.Well, I feel like sports is the
biggest lesson maker of all time.It's the biggest parallel to real life.
I agree, get beat out andyou get to failure every now and then
you do have to change careers orjobs or or significant others. That happens.

What happens when you when you changesignificant others? Third time? What
are we eventually saying about I'm notsaying, I mean, what's perception?
Can't stay married? Failure? Right, failure, failure in the home?
So what and we've had did DionSanders compare transferring to to to girlfriends loving
your girlfriend are cheating on them?To players not being able to stay to

a girl. Okay, So ifif that's the case, and so the
perception and my perception, I'm sorryto tell you, and I and I
hate I hate thinking like this becauseI was fortunate to be a player at
that level, but and thought,we all think what if I went and
played there? We we all dothat. And I understand certain sixs circumstance
require transfer. I don't have aproblem with that, but at that twelve

hundred kids in transfer portal in lesstwenty four hours in twenty four hours.
If you told me all of themhad a reason or legitimate they don't.
Matter of fact, ninety percent ofthem are transfering because they either want more
money or they don't want to haveto lose out on the job. And
then you probably get ten or fifteenpercent that are going to transfer because the
new coach or something else, right, And I get that part of it,
But for me, I'm not cuttingthe kid any slack any I'm not

you transfer four times and not onetime where you hurt or you got to
hurt once, but you transfer fourtimes. I wouldn't take you on the
fifth transfer or the fourth transfer.I just wouldn't do it. Why you're
not gonna help my team win much? I feel like instead of bringing down
some sort of regulation to this transferportal and the nil that goes with it,

I feel like just these collectives andil deals are just going to get
bigger and bigger, more money,more money, moan morning. So then
we're going to see more transfers andmore transfer But you're also going to see
the people that are outside the topfifteen or twenty money making schools. They
can't yeah, they can't keep up. They can't stay in it. That
they just can't. I mean,how many schools can pay seventy five million

dollars to a coach and turn rightaround and give fifty million more than a
guy walking in the door and notbad an. I at Texas Ain and
Amorald who wherever it is, right, and I get it, And there's
a lot of money, But atsome point in time, I mean,
Baylor's not keeping up with that,Nocu's not. Now they got rich people
too, but yeah, I'm talkingabout the overall collective of all of them.
And you get to a point whereit's like, listen, man,
you want to spend all that moneyand watch kids transfer without holding them accountable

and still not win a national side. There's only gonna be one team wins
one this year, all the otherone. All that transfer money you spent,
what was it good enough to bethe sixth team in the country and
spend all that collective money that youspent. I'm all for the kid getting
his There's no kid in the countryfor me good enough coming out as a
junior in high school for him towarrant a ten million dollar salary coming out

of high school. For me togive it to him. You come and
earn it, and then after yourfreshman year around then we can have a
conversation about commercials. Now, somebodywants to give you an endorsement and you
haven't played once you step on campus, fine, I'm not giving it any
will Sean you can't keep up?Then, well, that's probably why I
don't want to coach. Probably whyI'm not coached, because I'm not going
in in seventeen year old's house andsaying, come to my school. There's
ten million dollars waiting on you.I'm sorry, it's just I was the

guy who had that unfortunate but theyweren't giving collectives the way then, and
my parents wouldn't have asked for it. It been nice to get paid.
I would have taken it and wecould have used it. We were a
paycheck to paycheck family. But Ican tell you right now, there's no
friggin way. I don't know howthese coaches do it. I'm walking into
a seventeen year old who hasn't pisseda drop and a on a on a

college campus, and I got togive him ten million dollars eight million dollars
to come and if he doesn't likeit after his freshman year, he wants
to go get more because they cancome and pluck him out. No,
no, no, no, listen, I care about kids. I don't
care about their football career that much. Sorry to tell you. Yeah,
then you got to recruit the kidto stay once he's there. Oh,
man, don't go, yeah,don't go rerue all over it. But
then all of a sudden you're alsocaught no buy and you're saying, I

gave this kid five million to come. The kid we just recruit is better
the kid we discrewed a vestal lethim go. Yet we're out of money.
And if you're a businessman, youbetter. If I was you,
i'd have it all signed, sealed, delivered. Screw that handshake stuff that
never works. Yeah, you alwaysget back from I'm always for the kid,
until it comes to this. Youtransfer four times. I ain't your
fifth transfer school. Sorry, I'mjust not because you know what, I'm

not gonna win with you. Rightif you're on your fourth or fifth transfer,
and the reason you left was notinjury, is because you got beat
out by three other cats. Nah, I'll pass. Thanks. Eleven and
eighty three FBS football players entering thetransfer portal as of nine o'clock Central last
night, so not even twenty fourhours the window is open for the transfer
portal in the NCAA, We're gonnatalk college football at eight o'clock this morning.

Let's get back to the Texans.Who's gonna start for the Jets against
the Texans? Is it Zach Wilsonor is he scared to play? We'll
talk about it next on Sports Talkseven ninety by. First, let me
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This is Sports Talk seven ninety yourhome for your home teams, driven by
the classic elite view at GMC Studios. For the elite car buying the experience.
Salsbury, Albert Salisbury, Houston.Okay, let's do this. Shaun's

Salsbury out there, unc Cho Longstime friend shown Salisbury, Ryan La Lima,
go Lobo to the shank winning Texas. This is the Sean Salisbury Show,
rolling into the seven o'clock hour.Here on the Sean Salisbury Show,

Sean Salisbury, Brian Lima, EmmanuelElmore. Heisman finalists have been announced.
Jayden Daniels of LSU, Michael Pennix, the quarterback of Washington, Boknicks quarterback
Oregon, and Marvin Harrison Junior,the wide receiver frol House State are your
finalist. Trevor Lawrence leaving the gamelast night with an ankle injury for the

Jags that's got implications on the AFCplayoff picture. Dana Brown spoke at the
winter meetings giving a couple of updateson some of the needs for the Astros
this off season. But we continueto talk Texans. Who's going to start
for the Jets at quarterback? Willit be Zach Wilson? They host the
Texans this Sunday. There was areport yesterday that was really by the Athletic

stating that the Jets wanted to changequarterbacks after starter Tim Boyle and backup Trevor
Simeon struggled in Sunday's loss, butZach Wilson is reluctant to play. The
report later clarified that Wilson allegedly toldteammates and coaches he was apprehensive due to

perceived injury risk, and that ultimatelyAaron Rodgers stepped in to advise Wilson to
reconsider. This just gets more laughableas the season goes, and all those
folks out there who preach, yeah, player empowerment. Let Russell Wilson decide
who the who the who they shoulddraft in Seattle. Let Aaron Rodgers make

choices on the four wide receivers andwhose salary they should, let know,
get a little insight and move onthis. Play oh play? Yeah,
so you're telling me we are nowat the point where when you come to
a quarterback with games to go,who's nothing, who's been everything, nothing
but average at best, And thatwould be a stretch since he's come into

the league and yanks more balls intothe ground on a flat route than anybody
you'll ever see. You're telling menow that that he had to be talked
out of playing by Aaron Rodgers.Change that in narrative. I don't want
to play because I'm afraid I'm gonnaget hurt. Really well, listen,

you know what I say. Oneis that's no problem, dude, If
that's what and then I and there'sgot isn't that you know, I know,
contracts with guaranteed money and all thatstuff. But isn't there some isn't
there some issue that you could actuallyand and well you don't want to make
the player, Matt, I reallydon't care how mad Zach Wilson gets.

If I'm the Jets or anybody elsethat does what he does in an NFL
uniform, I ain't going to play. You're not getting paid? Yeah,
Well, then I'll bring the CBAto it. No, go ahead,
you're pronounced fit. We've asked youto play, you've refused. That's in
subordination. You're not getting paid.And then when the season's over, we're
not gonna cut you. We're gonnamake you our third quarterback, and we're

just gonna make you. Just dealwith it. The truth of the matter
is he probably wants out, andso you'd be doing him a favor.
But can you imagine somebody coming here, I don't want to play, I
don't want to get hurt, andyou wonder why he's not any good?
The ware you go and you wonderwhy the guy's not any good? There's
the proof right there. I mean, you know, I try. I've
tried, and like I said,I've had conversation with him, and I

like the kid. He was goodto me. I'll tell you what,
judging from his NFL, I can. I can compartmentalize nice guy, no
problem. But when it comes toplaying on the field and somebody comes to
me and you say you're not gonnaplay, and you have to be talked
out of it by teammate, Yeah, this isn't the same as as a
as a first pick of the draftdecide he doesn't want to play in the
game in El Paso, right orsomething, decides to pass on. I

get okay. It used to botherme, but then I think, okay,
then the young give your you geta month of practice time or whatever,
three weeks of practicing. Then Igive young guys, since you're not
gonna be your next year, chanceto play and it's not gonna impact.
Okay, cool, But in thiscan you imagine being a teammate and having
a guy so I'm not playing.No, we've seen this movie before and
I don't really care if you're LebronJames or if you're Zach Wilson. If

you tell me you're not playing inyour and your pronounced fit. I had
a problem when Deshaun Watson was pronouncedfit and he said he didn't feel like
playing, didn't feel good, didn'tfeel well. If he doesn't feel good,
it's on him. No, actuallyit's on We pay you to do
a job if they make Can youimagine making it like everybody if every job
in the world was you don't showup, you don't get paid that day.
If you don't have a legitimate excuseand do it to the NFL.

Plus, we can't do it tothese NFL players. They're no, we're
not allowed to do it. Lastthing we want to do. We don't
want to piss off our star.Really yeah, at the end of the
year, all these stars that getpaid, how many of them putting a
ring on their finger? In theNFL one team that's okay. So the
rest of them are just, oh, well, you're the fifteenth team and

I'm worried about your player empowerment.Your player empowerment sucks ass, okay,
keep it moving. So and mostplayers want to play. This is absurd.
Matter of fact, if I'm ifI'm the Texans, I hope Zach
Wilson plays. Since he doesn't wantto play, I got a pretty good
idea. I'll have his ass spinningby about the middle of the second quarter.

By the time I'm done blitzing him. Robert Sala had to address this,
and he said, quote, let'sbe clear, if he was reluctant
to play, he wouldn't be here. End quote. A coach actually had
to say that did defend the player. Kd E Houston, KTV HD two
Houston, I hard radio station.How about the mass does. How's the

Rocket Sports Talk seven ninety your homefor your home teams driven by that classic
Elite to view at GMC Studios forthe elite car buying the experience. Great
Salisbury Houston. Okay, let's dothis. Sewn Salisbury quarterback shout there you

see true Bunks time friend shown Salisbury, Ryan La Lima Lobo to the shame
shop to come away and tag.This is the Seawan Salisbury Show rolling into
the seven o'clock hour. Here onthe Sean Salisbury Show, Sean Salisbury,

Brian A Lima, Emmanuel Elmore.Heisman finalists have been announced. Jayden Daniels
of LSU, Michael Pennix, thequarterback of Washington bow Knicks quarterback of Oregon,
and Marvin Harrison Junr the wide receiverfor Olhouse State are your finalist.
Trevor Lawrence leaving the game last nightwith an ankle injury for the Jags.
That's got implications on the AFC playoffpicture. Dana Brown spoke at the winter

meetings giving a couple of updates onsome of the needs for the Astros this
off season. But we continue totalk Texans. Who's going to start for
the Jets. At quarterback? Willit be Zach Wilson? They host the
Texans this Sunday. There was areport yesterday that was released by the Athletic

stating that the Jets wanted to changequarterbacks after starter Tim Boyle and backup Trevor
Simeon struggled in Sunday's loss, butZach Wilson is reluctant to play. The
report later clarified that Wilson allegedly toldteammates and coaches he was apprehensive due to
perceived injury risk, and that ultimatelyAaron Rodgers stepped in to advise Wilson to

reconsider. This just gets more laughableas the season goes, and all those
folks out there who preach yet playerempowerment. Let Russell Wilson decide who the
who the who they should draft inSeattle. Let Aaron Rodgers make choices on
the four wide receivers and who's salarythey should. Let know, get a

little insight and move on this playplayer. Yeah, so you're telling me
we are now at the point wherewhen you come to a quarterback with five
games to go, who's nothing,who's been everything, nothing but average at
best, And that would be astretch since he's come into the league and
yanks more balls into the ground ona flat route than anybody you'll ever see.

You're telling me now that that hehad to be talked out of playing
by Aaron Rodgers. Change that narrative. I don't want to play because I'm
afraid I'm gonna get hurt. Reallywell, listen, you know what I
say. One is, that's noproblem, dude. If that's what and
then I and there's got to isn'tthat you know, I know, contracts

with guaranteed money and all that stuff. But isn't there some isn't there some
issue that you could actually and andwell, you don't want to make the
player, Matt, I really don'tcare how mad Zach Wilson gets if I'm
the Jets or anybody else that doeswhat he does in an NFL unifor I
ain't going to play, you're notgetting paid, Yeah, well then I'll

bring the CBA into it. No, go ahead, you're pronounced fit.
We've asked you to play, you'verefused. That's in subordination. You're not
getting paid. And then when theseason's over, we're not gonna cut you.
We're gonna make you our third quarterback, and we're just gonna make you.
Just deal with it. The truthof the matter is he probably wants
out, and so you'd be doinghim a favor. But can you imagine

somebody coming here, I don't wantto play, I don't want to get
hurt, and you wonder why he'snot any good? There you go and
you want to why the guy's notany good? There's the proof right there.
I mean, you know, Itry. I've tried it. Like
I said, I've had conversation withhim, and I like the kid.
He was good to me. I'lltell you what. Judging from his NFL
can I can compartmentalize nice guy,no problem. But when it comes to
playing on the field and somebody comesto me and you say you're not gonna

play, and you have to betalked out of it by a teammate.
So yeah, this isn't the sameas as a as a first pick of
the draft decide he doesn't want toplay in the game in El Paso,
right or something decides to pass on. I get okay. It used to
bother me, but then I think, okay, then the young give your
you get a month of practice timeor whatever. Three weeks of practicing.
Then I give young guys, sinceyou're not gonna be your next year,

a chance to play and it's notgonna impact me. Okay, cool,
But in this can you imagine beinga teammate and having a guy so that
I'm not playing? No, we'veseen this movie before and I don't really
care if you're Lebron James or ifyou're Zach Wilson. If you tell me
you're not playing and your and yourpronounced fit. I had a problem when
Deshaun Watson was pronounced fit and hesaid he didn't feel like playing, didn't
feel good, didn't feel well.If he doesn't feel good, it's on

him. No, actually it's onWe pay you to do a job if
they make Can you imagine making itlike everybody if every job in the world
was you don't show up, youdon't get paid that day, if you
don't have a legitimate excuse, anddo it to NFL plasure. We can't
do it to these NFL players.They're no, we're not allowed to do
it. Last thing we want todo. He don't want to piss off

our star. Really, Yeah,at the end of the year, all
these stars that get paid, howmany of them putting a ring on their
finger in the NFL one team?That's it, okay, So the rest
of them are just, oh,well, you're the fifteenth team, and
I'm worried about your player empowerment.Your player empowerment sucks ass, okay,

keep it moving. So and mostplayers want to play. This is absurd.
Matter of fact, If I'm theTexans, I hope Zach Wilson plays.
Since he doesn't want to play,I got a pretty good idea.
I'll have his ass spinning by aboutthe middle of the second quarter. By
the time I'm done blitzing him.Robert Sala had to address this, and
he said, quote, let's beclear, if he was reluctant to play,

he wouldn't be here. End quote. A coach actually had to say
that, defend the player. Youknow what I'd have said, There are
certain times and you got to letthe player defend himself. I have no
idea what he's talking about. Ifwe want him to play, he'll play.
And if he decides he doesn't wantto play, want to play,
then they'll be There's a bus atlead at about four o'clock. He can
be on it, and I'd haveput him right. I'd have stuck it
right in the player's lap. Ifyou're not going to protect the organization and

want to play. If that isthe case, then guess what you answer
it. I'm not answered it foryou. I'm not your bitch. You
answer it. I'm your coach.And if we say you're playing, your
ass is planned. And if it'snot, you're not getting paid this week.
If you decide you don't want toplay, screw your NFLPA, And
I'm a member of the NFLPA,screw them. If you decide you don't

want to play and you're healthy,you're playing, or you're not getting paid,
and we'll deal with the litigation later. Is Robert Sala going to survive
this season? I don't know.I don't know what goes on behind the
scenes or how much he coaches duringthe week. If you went by his
game day stuff, you'd say absolutelynot. But if he's going to get
the we don't have a quarterback.Aaron Rodgers isn't here. Hall pass fine.

I like Robert Sala. He wasa hell of a defensive coordinator.
He seems to have had moments wherehe's a good coach. It just feels
to me like during the game he'squit coaching. I may be completely wrong.
We don't have the camera on himone hundred percent time, but when
the camera is on him, yeah, it looks like he is so disengaged
from his football team. The opticwe get on players for optics, the
optics of him are I can't believeI'm coaching here. That's what it looks

like. Yet I'm sure that they'regoing to say, well, we don't
have a you know, we don'thave a I think that seat's getting hotter
though, because what happens is inthis state, this is when you've got
to gain control of the team inthe worst It's easy to keep control a
team in the best of times.You've got to gain control of the team
in the worst of times. Andit almost feels like that's slipping away.

I'm just talking about from our vantagepoint. I don't know in the law.
That's why I'm saying, well,you got to fire. I'm not
saying that. I think Robertsal isa good football coach, but if you're
losing your team, once you losehim, you ain't getting them back.
Yeah, and you'll have to gocoach somewhere else. So I still think
it's out there. My gut ishe'll come back and they'll give him the
Hall past season with Rogers next year. But I if it continues and use

control of your team, Aaron Rodgers'presence isn't gonna matter. Yeah, it'll
matter for more games, but youwon't win if the coach loses the team.
You can't have that. But Ithink that he's probably gonna get a
year haul pass and they'll move onbecause there, and he's gonna have to
make some coaching staff changes too,because they obviously aren't getting the most out
of certain players. Yeah. Someit's pretty dysfunctional there right now, and

he's at the head of his playerempowerment. Screw player empowerment. Who's gonna
be the starter for the Jets againstthe Texans? Will have to wait and
see. All right, let's getto the stakeout next here on The Shawn
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This is the Sean Salisbury Show.Get back at it all right,
Sean. What are you hearing outthere now? The Salisbury's takeout sALS takeout

on the Sean Salisbury Show. Thetime for the steakout here on the Seawan
Salisbury Show. I just need toknow what you're hearing out there, Sean.

Nothing that you aren't today, nothing, huh no, nothing you are.
I mean I may be hearing alot of things you're not, but
I don't know what they have todo with the stake up. My question
is in the NFL, could benon sports, you know, you know,
winning power Ball and stuff tomorrow andall that stuff. You feel the
dog. I would love to winthe power Ball. Yeah no, I'm

gonna oh you are yeah about me. I'm staking it out. Yeah yeah,
okay, yeah, now I'm pickingup what you're putting down. Thank
you. My stakeout question for youis in the NFL. It kind of
goes with what's on our screen here. Is there a chance this season in
the NFL that a non quarterback winsthe MVP. There's only two chances that

happens this year. Well, letme ask you this, did Jordan Jefferson,
I mean justin Jefferson win the mv P. What was his big
year last year? Last year hewon the Offensive Player of the Year,
but he did not win MVP.That's my point. The chances of Tyreek
Hill or there's only two that canwin it this year that are not quarterbacks.

Yeah, and it's one of thosetwo, Christian McCaffrey or Tyreek Hilly.
And Tyreek Hill's impact, I mean, I don't listen, we say
him and people say, well yougot deebo If McCaffrey and they've got a
good running game. But and thatthat's valid, and just his ability to
stretch the field bandwidth is phenomenal.Yeah, there's a chance because remember listen,

what if all of a sudden Prescotthas two average games and Tua.
The problem is, if Tua putsup gaudy numbers, are you going to
give it the tour or Tyreek Hill? Give one the Player of the Year,
offense player the or the other ofthe MVP. I'm not saying that
Tyrek Hill wouldn't deserve it. I'mjust saying it's a become a quarterback award,
and then we've almost reserved the OffensivePlayer of the Year award for somebody

else. Now we could get twoquarterbacks. One wins the MVP, one
wins OFFENSI Player the Year, whichis odd if you're the MVP or to
the Offensive Player of the Year,if you throw for five thousand yards at
forty touchdowns, should be you'd thinkso. But maybe it's a way of
spread in the wealth. I don'tknow, but yeah, Tyreek Hill and
both Christian McCaffrey have a shot.But to me, it would take a

rock party if they go. Idon't think you're given if they go and
get home field advantage throughout, meaningthe forty nine ers, I don't think
you're gonna give it to McCaffrey.Maybe offense player, you're gonna give it
to Party. If the Cowboys goDak Prescott's gonna I'm gonna win it,
meaning if the other two guys falter, meaning like a Jalen Hurts Hurts had

an average game, got beat byPerty right now, Hurts wouldn't be in
the top three. Now it shufflesevery week. Tyreek Hill's been doing it
every week. I feel like he'sgot the best chance. I picked McCaffrey
at the beginning of the year tobe the Offensive Player of the Year.
I believe that that Tyreek Hill couldbe the MVP. And if you gave
it to him, I don't knowhow anybody would complain considering what he does,
even if he doesn't catch ten ballsin a game the way he stretched

field. But if Justin Jefferson,with the way he played last year,
can't get in, I mean hewas Randy Moss esque, right, And
I don't know what the numbers aregonna end up with Hill and Jefferson maybe
similar, but you have to beawfully, you have to have one of
those Randy Moss Jerry Rice type ofseasons to win it. And it takes

problem nowadays more than that because thenthe feel, the way we throw the
football, the gaudy numbers on awinning team, they're usually going to lean
to the quarterback. I didn't sayit's right, but I would imagine a
quarterback is going to win it unlessthe top three or four candidates at that
position play average at half the timein December and Tyreek keeps rolling, then
he'll have to deal with his ownteammate in Tua, who's going to be

in this mix with the numbers he'sput up and rightfully so, guy doesn't
get The truth is two of thetop five candidates don't get the credit they
deserve. We're reluctant because of wherehe was drafted Rock Perdy to give him
the MVP. I don't know whypeople are because he was the last guy
drafted, they automatically think that there'sa weakness there. These experts miss on

their drafts, trust me. Andthen with Tua, it's like, because
he's not so physically gifted and havea big power form, we don't want
to give him credit for a perfectthrow on a post route that allows Tyreek
Hill to catch and run after andgo score. It works for both.
I have no problem giving it toa non quarterback. I just don't know
if the NFL is going to dothat unless you have a season that is
so gaudy and a quarterback has agood season but not the gouddiest one where

there's three or four quarterbacks a bunchtogether and the receiver is elevated or McCaffrey.
That's when that guy will win it. I'm going to say Offensive Player
of the Year. I'm going tosay a quarterback wins the MVP. Do
you know who the leading MVP candidateis right now? If in my book
it's it would go Purty Purty Prescott, Tyreek Hill one, two three,

That's who I would vote for todayin that order. So as of right
now, according to what is thisDraftKings and FanDuel, you have Rock Party
leading the way plus three hundred.Ye who's next, Dak Prescott and then
Jalen Hurts. I would have Hertzand in the top five, not in

the top three, although once hegot double digits rushing touchdowns, one bad
game shouldn't eliminate him from the thing. But I know how the odds,
you know, every week they change, but Hurts is going to be in
the top five to one way orthe other because that team's been so good,
and he makes them go. Heis so friggin valuable. You know
how I love him. I don'thave to apologize for him. The guy's
a phenomenal player. But I canmake the argument right now without Tyreek Hill.

The Miami Dolphins. Listen. Iknow that they're that the Philadelphia Eagles
fortunes changed too, but their rostersso friggin good. And Miami's loaded on
offense too, but they are basedon big play, team speed and taking
Tyreek a Hill away from Tyreek Hill, away from Tua. Put it this
way, if one's third, whothey have fourth, Tyreek h to a

tungue of ilaw and then Tyreek Hill. Nope, then Lamar Jackson, then
Patrick Mahomes, then Tyreek Hill.There's no way you could tell me right
now Lamar Jackson should be ahead ofTyreek Hill in the MVP voting. There's
no way. Yeah, Lamar Jacksona plus nine hundred, Tyreek kill a
plus sixteen hundred. Who's after TyreekCat's because he's a wide receiver. Him
and Christ mccavey have the Offensive Playerof the Year and the rest are going
to be quarterbacks. Battle Listen hurtLamar's stats aren't Gottie, but I know

how valuables. He's had a damngood year. I'm not discounting him.
He's not gonna win it unless thenext five games, Like I said,
the other guys fold up their tent. But the first three for me and
Hurts would have been fourth. Andyou can put McCaffrey, Lamar whoever you
want, is fifth and fifth andsixth and that. But for me,
like I said, for me,it's Perty and Prescott. The first two.

You can argue over the next three. I don't think you can argue
over the first two. It's kindof crazy to me that if you're the
Offensive Player of the year, wouldn'tyou be the MVP. No, because
the offensive player of the year maybe like a two thousand yard rusher or
a he could rush for two thousandyards and four touchdowns and be the offensive
player of the year. The quarterbackI mean with the ball, just the
ball in his hand every time,the impact. So yeah, it's the

opposite for me. If you're theMVP, aren't you the offensive player of
the year. Yeah, that's whatI meant. Yeah, yeah, I
should have switched it, right,But I here the mvsive player, say
you, I mean, you couldhave given it to Jefferson, But last
year who won it? Who's theMVP last year when winning Patrick Mahomes,
Yeah, it was it Mahomes.Yeah, I mean if Mahomes, you
could have given it to Jefferson.But Offensive Player of the Year since he's

done handled on the ball seventy times, so Mahomes, you know, Mahomes
at that end, he should havewon it fair enough. So it is
a like I said, you haveto do something really different and then different
times to the second power in orderto unseat a quarterback with you. It's
got to be like a record breakingseason and a quarterback not have a record

breaking season for you to win it. Whether we like it or not,
it's a quarterback award, just likethe Heisman's become. It really is.
Yeah, yeah, because you lookat the Heisman this year, the only
one that's not a quarterback is MarvinHarrison Junior. So and he'll end up
finishing fourth, right, but goodfor him for being there. All right,
let's keep talking the NFL. Let'slook up at this updated playoff picture
in the NFL after Week fourteen.That's next on Sports Talk seven ninety but

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you just an Astros, you're listeningto Shawn Salisbury on Sports Talk seven nine
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I need windings and coach you andyou know take it. You're listening to

the Shawn south ratiow here on SportsTalk seven ninety Sean Bryn and Trip Ley,
Dana Brown, general manager for theAstros, over at the winter meetings.
Give us some updates. We'll hearthat audio in the nine o'clock hour
starting at nine o'clock. He hasbeen finalist and out Jags fall to the
Bengals and winning a football Trevor Lawrenceleaving the game with an ankle injury.

Youet to be determined how long he'llbe out. Hey, here's a stat
for you, Sean. I knowyou're a big stat guy, you know,
especially like the right stats, advancedstats, analytical. You're an advanced
stat guy. Absolutely not. Someof the stupidest stats are especially in Major
League Baseball. Some of the likewar win above replacement. Oh you mean

to tell me you have a betterwar than your backup? Why do you
think you're the starter. Stupidest statof all time? I wonder who the
number one war guy in the NFL? Is they have war in the No?
If they did? Oh, probably, I don't know. I was
gonna say probably Patrick Mahomes. Itwould have to be right. I don't
know. Tyreek Hill's got to havesome wins, have replacement in love with

him? Jamar Chase Hurts. Imean, Dak Prescott, Cooper Rush.
Why do you got to change yourvoice when you say Cooper Rush. I
don't think I can just call sayCooper Rush. It's gonna sound weird.
Cooper Rush. Yeah, Cooper Rushis our quarterback. Dak is hurt,
He's gonna come back. Uh.Will Anderson Jonathan Garnard had a combined thirteen

pressures in three sacks against the Broncos. How do you get eight quarterback pressures
if you're Will Anderson in one game? John seems so it seems like that's
inhuman Now, maybe that's a regularcurse, but eight QB pressure seems like
a lot. Jonathan Garnard is upto eight sacks, which is tied for
sixteenth in the league, and hasthe fifteenth best pass rush win rate at

twenty one point three percent. WillAnderson is up to five sacks, which
is tied for most among rookies andhas the fifth best pass rush win rate
at twenty four point three percent.Yeah, why we draft too, what?
What's what's going on? Oh?Yeah, we should have taken somebody

else. Yeah, sure you shouldup. Tough scene for the uh the
Will Anderson junior naysayers. People getso caught up in if you don't get
sacks, you're not impacting a game, which just tells me you just don't
quite get it. Yeah, you'regonna have two sacks and be your defensive
player of the year on your team. You can, but it's almost like,

you know, it's funny too.Now we can't stop the run.
Why isn't that guy getting more sacks? You'll hear that in cities across Why
is a guy getting more sacks?Well, he's also stopping run, which
is just as important. Matter offact, most of the time people are
running it more than they're throwing it, and he's playing. He's a two
way player. So would you ratherhave a two way player that is really

really good at both or just aguy who goes and gets fifteen sacks and
doesn't do anything else that he disappearsin the run game. He's all finesque,
great pass rusher. You need thoseguys. But I'm okay with the
guy, especially a rookie, disruptingplaying the run game, knocking down balls
in coverage or at the line ofscrimmage when you can't get to the quarterback.

I just that's another reason why statsare irritating as hell at times,
because that's all the first thing anymost people look at. Let me go,
stat, how many sacks you got? Well, if you just go
watch him play, hit that DVRbutton and then go back and just focus
on him for sixty five plays orhowever many he's going to be in a
game, and then tell me,well, he didn't get a sack in
the game. Yeah, but didhe disrupt the game? He sure did.

This last game. He not onlypressured, he got sacked, he
got batted balls. Guy was allover the friggin place. So I think
the stat war wins above replacement ofMajor League baseball can be compared to in
the NFL all time approximate value leaders. Do you know who the number one
came up with this metric? Ihave no idea is all time? You

mean since win? I mean inNFL history? Yeah? So this is
so they applied it to Well,it's different because I don't know what the
criteria is. Because is it goingto be different than when Johnny Unit has
played as opposed to now with away the rules in the league are,
But we're gonna pull rules aside andjust talk about numbers. Is that what
you're telling me? Yeah? Sodo you know who the number one player

of all time in the NFL isfor approximate value leader? Tom Brady's got
to be Yep, Bingo three hundredand twenty six. You know number two
is Joe Montana? No, JoeMontana? How about uh, Joe Montana
isn't even listed because with Rice okay, number two is. They're probably gonna
put my homes on there already.No, is it an old school guy
la? No? John Elway,Dan Marino's on here at number twelve,

John Elway, number sixteen, PeytonManning. Peyton Man is number three at
two seventy one, Brett fav BrettFarvan number four, Aaron Rodgers, Aaron
Rodgers number seven, number two isnot Jim machine gun Kelly. That's what
we call it. Machine gun loveJim Kelly. Oh yeah, you look

at his old school post machine gunKelly, because machine gun Kelly now blows
this this this Jim Kelly is,yeah, the original, he was the
original machine gun Kelly. Well,there's a I believe machine gun Kelly is
a old school mobster. But likeback in the Bonnie and Clyde days,
if I'm not mistaken, but JimKelly, yeah, machine gun Kelly.

Matter of fact, I think theCostakis brothers, who were the biggest poster
makers. Like when you saw likeGeorge Gervin sitting on the ice cubeat posters,
Yeah, it used to be.They're they're like California guys. I
met them years ago. Awesome dudestoo, but they created some of the
best posters of all time. Idigress number two. So I've got number
one, three, four, six, seven, missing five and two.

You're missing five and two? Yeah, okay, give me the era for
number five for number five mid eightiesto early two thousands, mid eighties to
early two thousands. It's a hellof a career. Yeah, mid eighties
to early two thousands. That can'tbe Kurt Warner, No, because that's
Kurt a little bit later than that. You may have already said his name

for number five, but you didn'tguess him. You said it along with
a quarterback. Who was it?Jerry Rice? Oh? Rice? Okay?
All right, okay? And sonumber two of all time, number
two is Hey, don't give methe era early two thousands to the twenty
twenties. Who it's a hell ofa Is it a quarterback? It is

a quarterback, and it's not ThomasBrady or Patty Mahomes. Tom Brady number
one yet Mahomes, I don't evensee him on this. Okay, So
early two thousands, I miss it. It's I gotta be missing it's it
got to be a blatant guy.It is pretty blatant. Well, actually
I don't know. I wouldn't sayit's pretty blaytant. But he's a quarterback
that kind of flies under the radar. People talk about him, but we

just talked about him like two daysago, early two thousands to now.
Yeah, it's not Flacco, No, speaking to Joe Flacoh, he just
went back to the practice squad rightafter a win. This guy retired three
years ago, is it bingo?There you go, good call number two.
I wouldn't have had him number twosince they had once a bit.

But now that you think, nowthat you put together his numbers and his
and they are gaudy, that makessense. Number six Fran the Pizza Man
Tarkington. Fran Tarkington talking about underrated. I'm telling you, dude, that
you look at his numbers, athis I'm talking about his rushing and throwing

numbers in his era. Look atFran Targetson's numbers and you will trip out,
dude, how many yards he threwfor his his legs. Fran targeted
may very well be the most underratedbecause he didn't want a Super Bowl.
He could very well be the mostunderrated UH statistics guy of all time.
Let's see active players for this approximatevalue leader. Okay, now we got

to pick the Tide the leader foractive players. Yeah, for active players,
how about then Mahomes has got tobe in there. He is,
but he's way down the list.Okay, so probably because he hasn't played
enough years to really stay. Okay, so he's been active players that are
that are older than him. Isthat you're saying Rogers is on the list?
Aaron Rodgers is number one, right, because he's seventh you said in

the regular overall, So Rodgers haswon Russ Wilson in there. He's number
two and three quarterback again, it'sa quarterback. Yeah, he is still
playing. He is a starter.So you're saying that like he's been around
a long time. He has,oh nine still playing nine to now?

What league with NFC AFC. Heis at the NFC, NFC O nine
O nine to twenty twenty three,Yeah, oh nine to now he's still
playing and he starts still he does. Yeah, yeah, well I would
have said, but Matt Ryan doesn'tplay anymore. His name is Matt.
Oh, it is Matt. Itis not Matt Ryan though his name's Matt.

What what Matt? There's no wayyou're going to miss this one?
What am I missing out of?There's no way you're going to miss this
all the knowledge that you had,no way you're missing this right now in
two thousand and nine and out he'sstill starting. Yes, in the NFC.
Let me just go. Let methink on that as we go to

you are tripping. How I agreeyou are tripping. There's Stafford there it
is, and I call him MatthewMatty sorry, Maddie, ballgame Stafford.
Yeah, Matt Stafford. That's fair. Yeah, that's a good one.
He's number three, Bobby Wager numberfour, and Kalais Campbell number five.
Donald's got two defensive players in there, Von Miller eight, Cam Jordan nine.
I get thrown a lot of alot of defensive players in there.

Former Texan Dwayne Brown at number ten. There's your top ten for approximate.
That's probably demandable. Probably, Idon't even know. I would have to
look on how they like come togetherat the criteria for this NFL approximate value
eater. Dwayne Brown's had a hellof a career he has. It's all
about longevity for this statistics. Sosame thing with war you know, the

longer you play, the more warpoints you get or whatever. You know.
Yeah, I feel you, I'msaying her, Matt matt Sorry,
Matthew, my bad, Matthew Stafford. And then you talk about Detroit and
you're like, man, they don'twin a lot, but they call him
they call him. You know,some call hi matt It's Goorlowski loves to
call him Matthew. That's the formalname. What's the latest on Trevor Lawrence?

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I understanding the people say, Yeah, I can put you in a log
cabin somewhere and aspen curl ain't noneto pain, ain't tricking. If you
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cabs and like I said, itain't nuns it pain. We can tell
you the land name, what's manand cause it looks so good, tell
me why you want to work here. I put you on the front page
of a King magazine, but youto self heard. Yeah, welcome back
to the Shawn sounds very show.We're gonna to our college football next segment.

Let's talk about you q dogging itup again. I start my day
when I pop out of the sheetsthrowing a queue. If you're not a
queue, you let a Q.So you didn't really know what a Q
dog was? Did you? Idid? You? Did? I did?
I wouldn't you? Uh? No, No I knew what a Q
was? Was that rhino? No? I don't know what he didn't do?

What a Q was it? No, he didn't h Q because he
didn't know what you were doing.Yeah, he didn't really say, No,
he did not he you know whatthe fools better do recognize? Yeah
I did. I did, however, only recognize that the Q hand signal
from Randy Moss back in the day. Uh shackle Q on a dunk back

in the day. There's some theyyou'll get a lot of good cues out
there, slinging them after they scorea touchdown or make a good play.
I don't hate them for it.Yeah, but you didn't, so you
didn't do any cues. Yeah,no, I just turned over to one
of the Q dogs teammates that werecute dogs. Doubt. Okay, Sometimes
I just like to do it toget me ready for the next segment,
right, You just got to getready for respect exactly should pay in respect

to my peep. Tripley knows aboutthat. Indeed, he does know facts,
big facts, big fact, bigfacts. Yeah, there you go.
Yeah, let's got to the phoneline seven one three two one two
five seven, let's go to Thomas. Thomas. What's up, good morn
jenal On, enjoy your show.I have a question about New Order the
Saints. On paper, they havea good defense. They have weapons on

the side of the ball, offin the side of the ball. They
just can't see me putting together.Is that with the coaching there or what's
your problem with them there? Theylook I mean they're they're barking with them
with the record shows. But DerekCarton looks terrible. His his mechanics are
off. Hes look this bad.I don't know how long I have falling
here through career. Maybe one ofy'all can tell me what's on the same

the head coach, the coordinator.It's gotten something, but they'll make a
change. It's more than one thing. Thomas. I go on with Matt
moscow in every single week in NewOrleans. Matter of fact, is today
Tuesday. Today is Tuesday, fiveo'clock today, New Orleans time, and
we talk college and NFL, andwe spent a lot of obviously half the
time on those weekly seconds talking toSaints. Hee. Here's the deal with

the Saints. First off, they'renot better than their record, because that's
what their record is, their record. I mean, their talent says they're
better on paper, their production doesn't. Derek Carr is overpaid. I'm a
lifelong Raider fan and Derek Carr canget you to January, you ain't going
to February. I've said it onhis show, on Matt's Show. On
a regular basis, when I'm asked, Pete Carmichael's good. You're not going

to lead the league in offense.But their offense is good. They got
a defensive, playoff defense that canwin you games, and they've got talent.
Something's missing. On a regular basis, the quarterback one week, he's
a stats guy. He'll put upnumbers and then you'll throw your controller against
the wall because he'll throw the ballthe other team, he say, what
are you doing? You get downtwenty one and nothing, and then he'll
throw you back into it and getbanged up. Then Jamis comes in,

and Jamis is the same guy witha different rapper. He's just he's more
careless with the football than car Is. Both of them can throw and put
up numbers. Neither one of themare ever going to be a starting quarterback
in a Super Bowl. The Saintswent out. When's the last time the
Saints invested in a top draft pickquarterback? Name of the last time?
I can't that's okay, yeah,exactly, It's time it's and I listen,

I don't have I think Derek Carris a good player. Derek Carr
is about eighteen, about fifteen otherquarterbacks in the league with better numbers.
He's that guy fits somewhere in themiddle around you know, twelve or fifteen,
where he can throw for big numbers. He'll throw for four thousand yards
and thirty touchdowns, and you'll say, why didn't it translate to eleven wins
and two playoff wins. There's somethingmissing. I like the guy. He's

a hell of a player. He'snot an elite player. He's a good
player, and he'll put up goodnumbers. But nowadays, what's a good
number. Four thousand yards is commonplacenow. So there's something missing, whether
it's the leadership, whether it's andDerek Carr. Time you hit Derek Carr
early, you'll find out right offthe bat that he's not going to carry
you. When you hit him earlyin a game late in the season,

Derek carrle put up numbers. He'snever going to be a starting quarterback in
the NFL's last game in a SuperBowl. It's not happening. And the
Saints, it's uniquely talented Dennis Allenis a wonderful defensive coordinator. Dennis Allen's
never coaching a team as a headcoach to a Super Bowl, doesn't matter.
He's a really good assistant and ahell of a coordinator. That's changing.

They need change all they need awholesale changes. They've got good players,
Michael Thomas and Chris Olave and withthe you know, the Taysom Hill.
They've got players. But for whateverreason, there's always something missing,
and that's DNA or whatever. Onthe coach can't elevate him to the next

level, and neither can the quarterback. I seen this movie with the Raiders,
Dennis Allen back in the day andDerek Carr for a handful of years,
both really good. Neither are goingto be the lead dog coaching your
team in a super Bowl. Andthe Saints are in a conference they can
I mean a in a division theycan win. But the problem is there's
something missing. And we always goto the head coach in the quarterback first

and get it, it's bigger thanthat. But this team, there's something
missing in clutch situations that matter.And I think they're gonna make some changes
this offseason, and I would imaginehead coach is going to be one of
them, depending on how far theygo in January. You're not winning a
super Bowl, Derek Carr and DennisAllen. You're just not as your lead
dogs. It's not gonna happen.And I hate to say it because it

seems harsh, but the fact is, as a kinder gentler me, that's
as kind as gentle as I canput it. You're gonna get to a
certain level and you ain't getting aFebruary with the Saints with those two leading
your team. That's just a fact. It's not happening. And Bill for
Sales wants send your team is goodas this record, That's exactly, and
that's there's a lot of team teamsthat are talented. We've seen the Vikings

go through this and they somehow somethingalways missing at the wrong time. It's
the same thing here. This isexactly who the Saints are because the people
in their positions, their their record. They'll be one team and you say
they're impressive. The next week theycome back and you're like, what happened?
You spotted Detroit twenty one points beforeyou add a breath, Yeah,
that's the Saints. Unfortunately I havethem winning the division. They're not playing

in February, and you and Iboth know that. This year. I
appreciate the call of Thomas. Yeah. I see all the players down there
that they have. Like you said, Ros, I mean, and it's
good. Something's missing. Yeah.Always, as I told you before,
as I was told by a coach, guy gets hit in December early in
a game, be aware, it'snot going to be the same game you

want. But he'll always put upnumbers. And I have nothing but respect
for Derek Carr. I just you'renot winning a super Bowl with him as
your starter. It's just not goingto happen if he was on And I
don't mean this disrespectful. If DerekCarr was in camp the city, You're
not winning super Bowl this year.No, there's something missing between January and
February. Whatever that is. TheHeisman Trophy finalists have been released. Who

are they? What is cousin Xin Sports Talk seven ninety But first,
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Studios for the elite car buying experience. Pray Salisbury, Houston. Okay,

let's do this. Shaun Salisbury quarterbacksout by us, true longtime friend,
che Sulisbury, Ryan La Lima,Go Lobo, stop to the shame tag
chop top, Come come away,tak. This is the Sewn Salisbury Show

ATO three here in Houston, Texas. Welcome into the Shawn Salisbury Show.
Shawn Salisbury, Brian Lolma, EmmanuelElmore. You can also listen to us
on the free iHeartRadio app. DanaBrown speaking at the winter meetings about the
Astros needs for the off season.Jags fall into the Bengals, Trevor Lawrence
leaving the game with an ankle injury. That's gonna certainly affect the AFC South.

With the Texans Texans prepping to playthe Jets this weekend. Let's talk
college football. The Hetsman finalists havebeen released. You got Michael Pennix,
the quarterback for Washington. You've gotBo Nicks, quarterback for Oregon, Jade
Daniels quarterback for LSU, and MarvinHarrison junior for Ohio State, the wide

receiver as your four finalists. Idon't think there's any shock that those are
your four finalist Shawn Sure isn't.It's gonna be Jayden and Daniels one more
than likely, Pennix two, followedby bow Knicks, and then Marvin Harrison.
You make somebody may jump in andput Harrison ahead of bow Knicks.

But considering what they did all excuseme, all your long, and he
had some really gaudy stats. Ithink it'll go three quarterbacks and a receiver.
And but to me, this isa fairly easy decision. I got
got Jayden Daniels in a I thinkit'll be. I think when the voting's
all in, it'll be when Isay, fairly close. I don't know
how many votes that would separate thetwo, but Jade Daniels deserves it.

He was the best player in collegefootball regularly this year, every single week,
consistent legs and arm he's a he'shad a monster year, and uh,
I love the fact that they're gonnathat the guy who's gonna win.
It's a guy who had what threelosses during the year, two loss of
three losses during the year and stillput up those numbers. And he I

connect single handedly. He's a littletough because you know there's other guy's blocking
for him and making catches. Heis about as valuable to I mean,
you take him off that the numberswould have gone way down. You can
say that about Caleb Williams too,I'm sure, and bow knicks, but
just the impact of him as aplayer, just the numbers alone. He
was the best player consistently this yearin collagaball forty total touchdowns. Yeah,

he looked at his rushing yards andis just everything he did this year and
from last year to this year.His ability to throw the deep ball last
year was semi non existent and toeven take those shots and now he's become
so valuable at the thrown ball ontime. I'm sorry, forty he has
fifty total. Yeah, he hadlike ten rouble digits rushing. I was

gonna say that's not that important.Caleb Williams did that. Yeah, sorry,
forty passing touchdowns, ten rushing fora total of fifty. Yeah.
I believe he was the best playerand he they had a chance, both
Panics and bow Knicks to go outand have that month mister quinn ewers type
game in when everybody was watching Fridaynight. And while Pennis had a good

game, he also against what wasat Arizona State. It was a he
had a hen didn't score and itwas not a good game. I would
I would say that that if you'reJade Daniels, I wouldn't think you'd have
too many nerves, excited nerves,But when you're sitting there, I wouldn't
think you'd be too concerned over who'swinning it. He's gonna win it and

he deserves it. That game againstArizona State for Michael Pennix, they won
fifteen to seven. It was anugly one twenty seven to forty two,
two hundred and seventy five yards passing, no touchdowns, two interceptions. Yeah,
and let me ask you this,how many how many total touchdowns did
Burrow have his Heisman year? Letme get that real quick. And we
called that as about as good asseason because it and it ended in a

national championship. He outdueled a coupleof guys, you know, he outdueled
Trevor Lawrence and then in the nationaltitle. Yeah, I mean he was
phenomenal. I'm just curious because wewe looked at that season and said,
oh my gosh, how is hedoing this different? Sixty touchdowns? Yeah,
and what six interceptions? He threwfor what forty some touchdowns that year
and ran for double digits or threwfor fifty touchdowns and ran for double digits.

He was think about how good JaydenDaniels was this year, and they'll
add ten more touchdowns to his list. According to this, this was sixty
passing touchdowns for Joe Burrow. Didhe have sixty passing touchdowns that year?
Yes? He threw for five andseventy. Yeah, that's the thing.
The throwing was off the charts.If he threw if he did fifty passing

touchdowns, you say fifty or sixtysixty? Sixty passing touchdowns? What I'm
looking at it? And have weforgotten that soon? How that's that?
That's has a lot of passing touchdownsin one season. Brother, I'm assuming
they're counting the playoff too. Yes, Yeah, so yeah, monster year

and that was one of as gooda season as you'll ever see because it
was capped on off with an undefeatednational title season and everything just went right
that year and they had great players. But considering that he didn't have much
on defense this year, Jade Daniels, you can't diminish your shrink what he
did. He is the Heisman Trophywinner. Joe Burrow that year he had
a completion percentage of seventy six pointthree percent. Yeah, it's just it's

sick. Yeah, that's the pointI was trying to make is just think
how good Jade Daniels is and Burrowthrew for almost six thousand yards. Pretty
amazing. But Jade Daniels needs toHe doesn't have to explain himself to anybody
why he's gonna win it. No, awesome, Yeah, his his season
was phenomenal and again they had threelosses and he's gonna win it yep.

Yeah. And you look at MichaelPennock's season. He threw for four two
and eighteen yards, thirty three touchdowns, nine interceptions, but obviously he had
that struggle game against Arizona State andthen bow Knicks Bourbon or whatever you like,
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let's do this. Seawan Salisbury quarterbackBARYC. Trump monkstime friend, John
Salisbury, Ryan La Lima go Loboscan stop to the sham tank jump stop
come don a man Bang. Thisis the Seawan Salisbury Show ATO three here

in Houston, Texas. Welcome intothe Shawn Salisbury Show. John Salisbury,
Brian Alma, Emmanuel Elmore. Youcan also listen to us on the free
iHeartRadio app. Dana Brown speaking atthe winter meetings about the Astros needs for
the offseason. Jags fall into theBengals Trevor Lawrence leaving the game with an
ankle injury. That's gonna certainly affectthe AFC South with the Texans Texans prepping

to play the Jets this weekend.Let's talk college football. The Heisman finalists
have been released. You got MichaelPennix, the quarterback for Washington. You've
got bow Nicks, quarterback for Oregon, Jade and Daniels quarterback for LSU,

and Marvin Harrison junior for Ohio State, the wide receiver as your four finalists.
I don't think there's any shock thatthose are your four finals. Sean
sure isn't. It's gonna be Jadeand Daniels one more than likely, Pennix
two, followed by bow Knicks,and then Marvin Harrison. You make somebody
may jump in and put Harrison aheadof bon Nick, but considering what they

did all excuse me all your long, and he had some really gaudy stats.
I think it'll go three quarterbacks anda receiver. And but to me,
this is a fairly easy decision.I got got Jayden Daniels in a
I think it'll be I think whenthe voting is all in, it'll be
when I say fairly close. Idon't know how many votes that would separate
the two, but Jade Daniels deservesit. He was the best player in

college football regularly this year, everysingle week, consistent legs and arm.
He's a he was, He's hada monster year. And uh, I
love the fact that they're gonna thatthe guy who's gonna win. It's a
guy who had what three losses duringthe year, two losses, three losses
during the year and still put upthose numbers. And he I connect single

handedly. He's a little tough becauseyou know there's other guys blocking for him
and making catches. He is aboutas valuable to I mean, you take
him off that the numbers would havegone way down. You can say that
about Caleb Williams too, I'm sure, and bow knicks, but just the
impact of him as a player,just the numbers alone, he was the
best player consistently this year in collageableforty total touchdowns. He looked at his

rushing yards and is just everything hedid this year and from last year to
this year. His ability to throwthe deep ball last year was semi non
existent and to even take those shots, and now he's become so valuable at
the throne ball on time. I'msorry, forty he had fifty total.
Yeah, he had like ten rubbledigits rushing. I was gonna say that's
not that important. Calean Williams didthat. Yeah. Sorry, forty passing

touchdowns, ten rushing for a totalof fifty. Yeah. I believe he
was the best player and he theyhad a chance, both Penis and bow
Knicks to go out and have thatmonster Quinn viewers type game in when everybody
was watching Friday night. And whilePennis had a good game, he also

against what was at Arizona State.It was a he had a Yeah,
he didn't score and it was nota good game. I would I would
say that that if you're Jade Daniels, I wouldn't think you'd have too many
nerves, excited nerves. But whenyou're sitting there, I wouldn't think you'd
be too concerned over who's winning it. He's gonna win it, see he
deserves it. That game against ArizonaState for Michael Pennix, they won fifteen

to seven. It was an uglyone twenty seven to forty two, two
hundred and seventy five yards passing,no touchdowns, two interceptions. Yeah,
And let me ask you this,how many how many total touchdowns did Burrow
have his heisman year? Let meget that real quick. And we called
that as about as good as seasonbecause it and it ended in a national
championship. He outdueled a couple ofguys, you know, he outdueled Trevor

Lawrence and then in the national title. Yeah, I mean, he was
phenomenal. I'm just curious because welooked at that season and said, oh
my gosh, how is he doingthis different? Sixty touchdowns? Yeah,
and what six interceptions? He threwfor what forty some touchdowns that year and
ran for double ditches or through forfifty touchdowns and ran for double digits.
He was think about how good JaydenDaniels was this year, and they'll add

ten more touchdowns to his list.According to this, this was sixty passing
touchdowns for Joe Burrow. Did hehave sixty passing touchdowns that year? Yes,
he threw for seventy. Yeah,that's the thing. The throwing was
off the charts. He threw ifhe did fifty passing touchdowns, you say
fifty or sixty sixty sixty passing touchdowns. What I'm looking at it? And

have we forgotten that soon? Howthat's that's has a lot of passing touchdowns
in one season. Brother, I'massuming they're counting the playoff too. Yes.
Yeah, so yeah, monster yearand that was one of as good
a season as you'll ever see becauseit was capped off with an undefeated national
title season and everything just went rightthat year and they had great players.

But considering that he didn't have muchon defense this year, Jayden Daniels,
you can't diminish your shrink what hedid. He is the Heisman Trophy winner.
Joe Burrow that year he had acompletion percentage of seventy six point three
percent. Yeah, it's just it'ssick, ye passing. The point I
was trying to make is just thinkhow good Jade Daniels is and Burrow threw

for almost six thousand yards. Prettyamazing. But Jade Daniels needs to He
doesn't have to explain himself to anybodywhy he's gonna win it. No,
awesome, Yeah, his his seasonwas phenomenal and again they had three losses
and he's gonna win it yep.Yeah, And you look at Michael Pennock's
season. He threw for four twohundred and eighteen yards, thirty three touchdowns,

nine interceptions, but obviously he hadthat struggle game against Arizona State and
then bow Knicks completed this regular seasonwith forty five yards passing forty touchdowns,
just three interceptions. He only sackedfive times. He had in mind,
he had a great year. Hehad a freaking great year, seventy seven

point two percent completion. Who knows. They may put bow Nicks ahead of
Pennix, but the but Penis beathim twice, So that's gonna I think
if Pennix is number two, boththree, and Marvin Harrison four, Wow,
it's pretty good man. Yeah,Marvin Harrison Junior his numbers this season,
and Harrison's going to be drafted aheadof all those guys. Yeah,

more than likely. Of those fourguys eleven yards with fourteen touchdowns, receiving
on a one loss team and actuallyleading the league in leading the NCAA and
receiving is Molik Neighbors, receiver fromLSU one thousand, five hundred and forty
six yards. Yeah, he hada monster year as well, big,
big time and in truth, Idon't know I don't know where. I'm

anxious to see where Pennis and bothbow Knicks go in the NFL draft.
Canu william Is gonna be the firstpick, then Drake Mays, but I'm
curious to see how NFL p Youknow, Pinis is blown out his knees
a couple blown out me a coupleof times. And and you know,
bo Dix has been in the leaguea while, a little bit little tad
been a little older. But incollege football, Marvin Harrison is obviously a

freak show. Somebody's going to jumpon him early. And you know what,
the receivers in the importance say,have look at Chase and Jefferson what
they mean? This guy the sameway. So I'm curious of what's going
to go high. They're all obviouslybig time draft picks. But I think
Harrison is going to be in thatconversation with those guys about who, you
know which one of the of theHeisman Trophy winners are of the Heisman Trophy

finalists, I'm not sure the receiveris not going to be first one taken
of all those guys. He's yeah, he's uh, He's not the first
pick of the draft. But thefirst one of those four use. Caleb
Williams is going to be taken first. More than likely that if he goes
he's already said, well, he'ssitting at the bowl game. He's going
to going there. Yeah, that'syour answer. Yeah, all right,
let's get back to the college footballplayoffs and Florida State missing out? What

did Stephen A. Smith have tosay? And how does Deon Sanders fit
in this picture? That's next timeor sluck seventy Yeah? Also what's next
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tell him, Sean Sencha putting thelogic illogical. Former pro Sean Salisbury continues
to break it down one seven ninetyYeah, yeah, say you down.

I'm in a Southern college football You'reon the Sean Salisbury Show. So Dana
Brown and the Astros over at thewinter meetings. He's my finalists announced Texan's
with an off day. They takeon the Jets this coming Sunday. As
they continue on. Five games lefta lot of fallout from the college football

playoffs and the final four teams,steven A. Smith had an interesting way
to look at it and brought upDion Sanders. This is what steven A.
Smith had to say, the peoplethat you should be blaming most is
TCU. TCU went into the nationalchampionship last year against Georgia and got beat

down in Bunbrush sixty five to seven. We have learned that college sports,
particularly college football, is a business. The reality is when you take that
into consideration, and Jordan Travis isout, and you looked at the way
y'all struggled to beat Louisville sixteen tosix, which wasn't the most impressive way
to go out, what you hadwas a committee that looked at what transpired

last year, took it to accountwhat we've been seeing from Alabama the last
eleven weeks, understanding that they catapuled, you know, they closed the deal
by beating the number one team inthe nation, who, by the way,
happens to be the reigning, defendingtwo time national champions. Okay,
so they took them out, allright, And obviously you gotta take that
into consideration. And so what I'msaying to you is this, there's a

lot of things that we don't wantto go Shannon, and I'm gonna go
to you and Dan, I'm gonnasay this beause I'm gonna say This's gonna
be very, very uncomfortable, butit's necessary to say this. I brought
up CCU. You know what elseI'm gonna bring up. I'm gonna bring
up Prime Time Dione Sanders. Ibet you a Primetime Deone Sanders was their
coach, they wouldn't have gotten leftout. And Novella is a sensational coach
and has done a sensational job.And I'm not taking anything away from him,

But why do I bring that up? Because if Primetime it had an
undefeated team, the sizzle that hebrings to the sport matters. We want
to act like it doesn't matter,but it matters because it's a business,
and the reality is that when TCUsticks up the joint, regardless of how
great they were last year, theseare the kind of things that come back

to haunt you because the committee issit back and going like this, damn
this, Texas's Washington is Michigan.We don't need to see Florida State without
Jordan Travis in that game. It'sunfair. We know it's unfair. Florida
State deserved better. Incredible season ontheir part, very unfortunate. But Kirk
Kirchtry spent yesterday educating us that partof the committee's critique all right, or

criteria rather is player and coaches availability. That's one of the nuggets that they
threw in there that can't be ignored. Interesting does it matter if Mike Norvela
is the head coach has opposed toDeon Sanders? Where do you say that
was wrong? I one percent agreewith him. I don't think there's any
question because you wouldn't have been Youwouldn't have Florida State wouldn't have bored you

to death this year. Yeah,true with victories. Now, I'm not
saying that's negative. They did whatthey had to do. Deon Sanders got
more pub with a four win teamthan Florida State got with an undefeated team.
Yeah, and it's not close.Can we please stop for one second.
The Alabama doesn't deserve to be there, Just frigging stop it. People

are saying that, Well, thepeople are. He just argued why Alabama
went because they beat the two times. Now, Alabama is a no brainer.
The winner of the SEC took careIt's a gauntlet, it's it's they,
it's a regardless of the records ofthe conference. Okay, so a
three lost LSU team. They're prettyfrigging good. They're gonna the Heisman Trophy
winners coming out of there. It'sit's a deep conference. So I this

talk of listen, the winner ofthe SEC was always going unless they had
two losses, always going this conversationof well and listen. Do I feel
sorry when they say they deserve better? They deserve I mean, they deserve
an eighteen playoffs so we could gethim in Florida State. They couldn't do
any more. The eye test wasnot good the last week. I mean

this last game against Louisville, andyes, your best player goes out.
I think it's a bummer excuse thatyou're not crediting them for playing and winning
a game without their starter and backupquarterback. They're on their third string.
We should be complimenting them instead ofbeating them down. But the optics tell

you they're not one of the fourbest teams in the country. The regular
season tells you as an undefeated,listen, where would there be more uproar?
Give me the top three if you'rean undefeated. If you want to
make criteria, the number one criteriaif you're an undefeated Power five conference,
champion, you are in automatically,Okay, So that would put Michigan,

Washington, and Florida State in.Now the argument comes between Alabama, Georgia
and Texas A and Texas. Soaccording to the way the results are and
where the seeds are, Alabama andGeorgia would have been left out if you
went about it that way and sayour number one criteria undefeated power five conference.
Now, next year the two teamswhat is Washington State and Oregon State?

Only two left in the PAC twelve? Correct, they're playing Mountain West
conference schedule. That's not a Powerfive team anymore. So if you go
undefeated next year in your Oregon State, you ain't getting in the final.
Just so you understand, we nowhave four Power five conferences. We we
are we are down to that sonow you know, you know, hell,
if it was four and we hadeight teams go for the four conference

champions and in four wild cards andlet's go get it on, and you
know what, we're I think we'repast the point of we got to let
the little guy in. Now weactually don't have to let Cincinnati in,
or Memphis in, or when UniversityHouston was AAC. No, we actually
don't because they're out matched in abig way. When you have to play
two games or now it would bemore than two games to get there.

So so I think we're a littleguy. We were pasted it. Yeahause,
no offense to the Cincinnati whoever theAAC change. Tu Lane ain't beating
Georgia, sorry too, Lane,You're just not And who just beat Tulane?
Who s mu they're not beating Georgia. We've seen Hawaii go to Georgia
back in the day when they werein a PLAYFF and they got in the

Sugar Bowl. They stopped Yukon playedsomebody in Arizona in Ohio State in Arizona.
Randy Adamsol left at midnight after thatto go coach at what Maryland beat
They got smoked. So I'm notsaying they can't. But when it gets
right down to it, you cansteal one in September, you ain't steal

in the National title game TCU.While I don't blame them, they played
their ass off all your long,deserved the chance to go there. But
George's fifty points better that Georgia wasfifty points better than them last year.
Yeah, and that's saying something howgood they were, so Steve and a
what's what do you say? Wasn'ttrue? First off, when we say
we blame tc we just blamed TCU'sfinal performance because they did a good job

against Michigan. Yeah, that's tough. Georgia was just really good and TCU
picked a bad day in the quarterbacka bad day to have bad day.
But we don't need any longer topine for Well, the team that wins
the non power five the next onedeserves a wild card. But no,
they actually don't. They deserve itif they're better than the I don't have
a problem when we go to aneight team playoff four conference champions since the

PAC twelve is no longer the PACtwelve and four. Let's say we had
eight teams and four wild cards.And you know what if you're ten and
one in EURO or eleven and oneand you're a wild card team, but
your schedule says, well, ofcourse you were a wild card team at
eleven. I mean, of courseyou're eleven and one, but the third
team in the SEC is better thanyou. Guess what I'm doing bringing the
third team in the SEC or bigten in I just am so I'm all

four chances, but you know you'renot running the gamut in an eight or
twelve team playoff if you're the twentyone seed. It's not like basketball.
And even then you ain't winning anational title is as a fifteen seed.
Guess what you're never doing in collegebasketball winning it all. You're not winning
six of them in a row togo, You're just not. I'm sorry,
you may get to the eight orthe four. We've seen it,
you're not winning them all because eventuallyall that talent and depth beat you.

I guess I can never say never, but it's never happened. Yeah,
but it's not gonna never happen.And in football it's different. It's even
more difficult because the physical the differences. Was it a couple of years ago
Kentucky was like a number eight seedKentucky and and somebody Kentucky Kentucky. But
they also have seven one and donetype players on their team. So just
is real quick for this? Forme? What did Steven A. Smith

say that was wrong? Mike Norveldid a hell of a job. Doesn't
mean he's a better coach, butI can tell you if this's with that
sizzle yeah, the committee would havebeen afraid not to take deonce had Yeah,
and I guess who would have missedout. They would then Alabama,
but probably out They may have.They may have. They may have given
Texas above Alabama because they beat Alabama, they were ranked ahead of them.
Maybe, but then, but Alabamaalso jumped from eight to four with one

swing of the bat, right becausethey beat Georgia. Regardless how that last
one would have turned out more sizzle. You would have had hype all year
long, you would have it wouldhave they'd have been fraid. They would
have been afraid to not take Deon'steam. Stephen A. Smith's right about
that. And the bottom line is, and the argument now saved the argument
over over whether Alabama should be init. Alabama's played as good a football

as anybody since they got beat byTexas, and they took the best team
I think clearly the best team inthe country and dismantled. When I say
dismantled, beating him by three,but that's to me, you beat team,
that's that's dismantled. They made Georgialook bad. They Jorjia did not
look good in that, so theybeat him pretty I mean physically they they

got in there wasn't in what isit indicative? Indicative of there was a
ass woman that that Alabama really puton Georgia during that game. I'm right
now, as much as I likeMichigan the way they're playing, I'm hard
pressed not to go go bet Alabamaplays Texas in the final. Yeah,
I was kind of leaning towards thesame thing. Uh, you know one
of the things you're talking about styleor I'm sorry, sizzle and hype and

then style points that the committee alsolooks at. Well. Trevor Matich on
a Championship Drive College Football Playoffs show, talked about the style points that Florida
did not get because well, theydidn't have their star in quarterback. Who
did and there's another team that hecompared them to. Who was it.
We'll discuss next on Sports Talk sevenninety. Here every Rockets game on Sports

Talk seven ninety and on the iHeartRadioapp Home of Your Rockets, The hottest
takes in huge sports so emotionally tiedto the team, The Shawn Salisbury Show
continues, Let's go on Sports Talkseven ninety. I'm drowning, I'm drowning.

I'm drowning. I'm drowned. Iso icy, wonder why he like
me. I'm drowning and I justbrought a cuban dipped it in a foul
in that I go. We're gonnatalk Astros baseball at nine o'clock. Don't
plus, don't bust, don't plusdon't plus don't dump drown. Dana Brown
spoke to the media yesterday at theWinter meetings, talk about Alex Bregman,

talked about some needs in the bullpenagain. We'll talk about that at nine
o'clock. We're talking college football andthe uproar that Florida stateon didn't get in
being an undefeated a CEC champ beforehe gets it. Let's get out to
the phone lines talk to some ofour listeners seven one, three, two,
two, five, seven ninety.Let's start with Bobby, Bobby,

Hey, what's up? Hey?Uh? You you think h Dana holgerssoner
get get that, get the twolane? You know coaching job Sean.
What do you think Dana Hoguson mightfind whatever? You think? Uh?
No, I do think he's gonnago to tu lane. You think he
is, Bobby, Well, Ithink I think he'd be better an American

Conference. You know, I thinkthey couldn't think they couldn't do it in
the in the in the big toilve. My guess is that they're gonna hire
within the program or find somebody else. Dana Holgerson, I don't know about
if he's going to go be ahead coach immediately I met, and maybe

he wants to take a year offand doesn't want to coach uh right now.
Maybe he's exhausted after the grind.But if he does, I'm not
sure it's a head coach at abig school right now. And I would
consider Toulane now very I think withthe success they've had and with what Willie
Fritz has done, I would thinkthat they're that they look hard with what's
within the assistant coaches and go fromthere. There's a place for Danny to

coach. I just don't believe it'sthe head coach at Tulane this uh,
this soon. I don't think they'resweet. I don't think they're flipping jobs,
not right now after year breat Yeah, okay, and I'm glad we
got that new coach. I'm gladwe got weary. Yeah, he's going
to be great, energetic, isall get out great teacher. Yeah,
this is a this is a reallygood get by the by the Yeah,

there you go, apociate it.Let's get out to John. John.
What's happening? They was going on? Guys. Uh, you know,
I was thinking about it. Idid little thinking, and I don't think
Alabama is as strong as everybody thinkthey are. They got a they got
a great quarterback, mal Rose,a great quarterback. Matter of fact,
he won three games for him.They could have lost. They could have

lost the LSU game, but hehad a historical a run now and they
won't that game. Could have lostthe Arborn to a UH to a team
that only had six wins, andthey barely did get out of there with
a look. And he won thatgame. And he won that game against

George really in the end with hislegs and everything. So Alabama defense is
kind of shake. I'm predicting thatMichigan gonna win that game. I think
Michigan is stacked around. Its stackedoffense, defense, specially team good coach.
I mean, they stacked, andI just think they gonna beat Alabama.

And man, I think it's gonnabe kind of consistent. I don't
think it's gonna be tight at all. And I got another one for y'all,
guys. I think that Texas isgonna lose to Washington. I think
the one two gonna be a gonnagonna go to the championship. And I
think Texas at Alabama it's gonna fallout, man, because see, if

you look at it the way,sit up Michigan, it's thirteen and old,
right, Michigan thirteen and old,Washington thirteen and old. You don't
run through all of dead and comeout of that undefeated. Now, Texas
lost the game. They beat upon Alabama, they beat up on each
other. They both lost one game. I just think that they put a

lot too much stock in Alabama fromtheir past. They don't have a team
they had back in the back acouple of years ago. They don't really
have that defense they got. SoI'm picking my pick. Gonna be two
upsets. I'm picking Mischigan, OhBama, And I'm pick picking Washington.

Oh. I'm gonna hang up withthis, Hey, John, John,
real quick, John, you wantto put it is not going to be
an upset because they're the favorite inthe game. I think, aren't they?
They are you want to you wantto make you want to hear a
little action with Sean and I overthe over the over those bets or what
maybe maybe case of beer or somethingwe'd get. We'd get something action.
We would do a beer, wecould do something, a little six pack
of Tall Boys or something. Ameal or a meal I coorado meet out

guys in my in my league.You know I bought that truck. You
did get it from classical lead,right, my man? And I still
a little biscuit a meal up froma year about a year and a half
ago. John, I know,bisky biscuit. I take a steak dinner
because we have righttak. But prettysure so I haven't forgot about that.
I don't hope. I don't knowanybody else. Are you gonna take?

Are you gonna take? You knowwho I'm taking? Yet, I think
it's a stone cold lock on Texasor Alabama? To be honest with you,
Well, John, as we getcloser, your frequent caller, as
we love every single time you callin call us back, you know,
as we get closer, and let'smake that bet. How about that?
Hey, that's uh, that's whatI like. That's I like a willow.
Yah, let's do it like awoman. Appreciate it as John.
Thanks buddy, all right, takeYouTube? Do you do? I think

you owe me a couple of breakfaststoo. Fact, I should eat breakfast
from you and Rhino for about sixmonths straight after. Probably the ass whooping
for a year and a half yearscan gamble. But Ryan quickly, you
guys forget well, Ryan doesn't workhere anymore. So the bet went away
when the last time after let's see, I'm up like fourteen to none when
it comes to bets. One lasttime, somebody delivery breakfast here. I

mean I've asked like a thousand timesif you want breakfast and you're like,
no, man, no, I'mgood. Just this. I'm just holding
it over you. I'll just this. Yeah. I don't make fast friends,
so I don't biscuit. Yeah,fast times biscuit is called in,
so you know he's trying to getin on it. Yeap. So there
you go. I'm not sure whoI'm picking yet, are you you're talking

about just straight up or was pointspread? No? Straight straight up?
I think that's too easy. That'sthat's that's a common bet, man.
Let's go Okay, So then youwant points spread. Yeah, let's go
think you do two? Yeah,okay, because you do one, says
a straight up. Who's gonna win? Because that's you know, you're filling
out your final four bracket or gothrough all the bowl games. But with
the point spread, you may verywell take the points with the two teams.

You may have picked Texas in Alabamaand still take Michigan and Washington depending
on the point spread and the closerit gets. I I wait, because
them find out who pulls a hamstringor who hurts an ankle, or where
that point spread goes as we getcloser to the game. No need to
make that bet. Now tell whatdo you get some sledding going on?
And no, no, no,hey, check this out though real quick
before we get the break and wehear that Trevor Trevor madditch audio. I

got to give a shout out touh to coach Scottie Walden. He was
h a quarterback at Soul Ross Statewhen I was there. Then he became
the offensive coordinator, Then he wasthe head coach at Soul Ross State,
then he left, and now hehas been named the new head football coach
at the university of Texas El Paso. U tep Yep Scotty, he was

there when I know I just gotnamed yesterday. Yeah Utep, Yeah,
a Utep from Soul Ross. Yeah. Well he went from Soul Ross to
I think e tBu and then acouple other stops and he finally made his
way into Division one and he's gonnabe the head coach at UTEP. Do
they want to do he want aquarterback coach? Probably? Yeah. You
just see him doing in the weightroom. Not the biggest guy, but
he was psycho man, nice likesso congratulations, coaches get after him.

I mean, just you know,let's go. I mean he's go U
tep by, drive by it allthe time, thinking don't there you go
right there, litlel Passo. Beautifulcampus out there by the way. Good
for him, that's awesome. Hecould be quarterbacks coach Don Salisbury, who
knows well if your guy wants towin. But other than that, if
he doesn't, then until tell himhe'll be back at Soul Ross State in
four years. He came up kiddingget those Yeah, I told Soul Ross

I got something for them, youknow what. I thank you for the
offer. But I'm gonna head tothe USC. Yeah, so the balancing
act, right, you have totell your guy if he doesn't, if
he doesn't want a cording to somebodywho coaches quarterback, tell him, I'll
uh call him when he gets backto soul Ross State after he goes three
and nine to nine two years,So does enter the transfer portal like everybody

else. Let's wish your buddy well. I hope he kicks ass. That's
pretty cool man. That's Awesoty Walden, head coach at the university. Textall
pass, all right, we're gonnahear this Trevor Mattach audio. It's pretty
interesting how he compares Florida State toa big ten team that's next on Sean
Salisbury Show. Yeah, and Icompare great vision to one guy and the
man that should do it is doctorJeff Wits. It is this some big

company that doesn't know your name,and they're just getting you through and rolling
you through like a dog on assemblyline. Lasic procedure they're out there,
or if somebody's giving you a cuponthat says you can get your eyes done
for fifty dollars. Everybody wants theright price and you'll get it. Payment
plan, whatever you want to workout. But when you're dealing with your
two eyes and you're willing to goget ninety dollars lasik procedure this is just

coming from me, then you don'treally care about your vision. I do,
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looking for the deals, I canassure you you don't want to cheap it
up and just say, ah,yeah, I got mine for fifty bucks,
because you'll see like you got itfor fifty bucks, I assure you.
But at wits it vision, hecares. He makes it. It's

personal for him. He wants youreyes to be treated exactly the way you
would his own family or himself.And he's an expert in this field,
whether it's eye care or Lasik procedure. I couldn't be happier because I did
what people told me to do.Sean use doctor whitstt go use your free
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non invasive, and I'm seeing betterthan I have since the prime of my
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expert, and he'll treat you theway you're supposed to in your eyes are
supposed to be treated. You're notjust a number or another surgery. Yeah,
lasic procedure. Jeff witson wits visiondot com. Wits it vision dot

com. They do care. Backto the Sean Salisbury Show on Supports Talk
seven ninety sports, Your Astros,your rockets, your voice, say Joe,

Oh, it's the champagne porn,Big Rowland, bomb bassip it,
no smoking, You're right to it. Let's get back out to the phone
line seven one, three, twotwo five seven I need. This is
the Sean Salisbury Show, Sean,Bryn and Tripoli here with you. We're
gonna talk astros baseball next at nineo'clock. We'll get back to the Texans
at thirty talking college football. Uh, Sean, you said you owe biscuit

a meal, right, yeah,and I'm trying to figure out how to
send I owe my guy a caseof beer. What's our big Andre from
the PSF thing? Remember Andre?I know who he is? Yeah,
yeah, I think that. Oh, yeah, I thought we tied.
But with the over under on pointswith sc Oregon against the over under with

sc and Oregon are two or twostraight games. I think it was ninety
eight or ninety five, and wepicked a hundred or I picked a hundred.
So I owe him that too.So you know, I write it
down, dude, I keep down, I pay my keep sipts, I
damn right through and I make surethey get theirs. Well, here's biscuit,
biscuit, what's up, big Sean, Big Sean, Lolima. Yeah,
it was a couple of years backwe been on Ohio State in Indiana

game that I've been to the Indianawith cover. There you go, there,
you go up, and I waslike, oh boy, but then
Indiana came back. Well I stillhave a marked down and I don't forget.
So I got you a good dinnerwhenever we can make it work.
And then you went off and gotmarried and did all that stuff. So
I got to find a way toget you. Brother. There you go,

Hey, Lulima, my brother didin most city. Jumped out there
early on the on the prediction,but I shined. I don't know how
you look at it, but Ilooked at a lot of college football this
year. For now, I normallydon't, but this year I just had
to catch a lot of games.And for me, and this was before
they even they did the Final Fouror whatever. I'm telling you right now,

you team, they jump off thescreen to me, shine, they
got talent all over the place.Now they don't seem to play consistent,
you know what I'm saying. Forwhatever reason, they kind of play so
they'll go have lapses like they didagainst Oklahoma that don't make no sense.
But for me, you team,I think they gonna take it. I

think, and I think it's gonnabe a rematch. You're saying if they
play at their very best. Yougot Texas against Alabama. You said,
if they're at their very best,if all teams play their best, the
explosiveness and team speed, you gotTexas. I got Texas and they got
the big boy on the divason lineor whatever. They got to me u
T chicks all the boxes. Andnow Alabama, Uh, you're John is

right. Their defense is not asgood as it has been. But here's
the problem. That's in the secondary. And Michigan don't throw the ball that
much. They run it I don'tknow how you're gonna run the ball down
Alabama's throat. Georgia couldn't do it, so what made me think Michigan do
it? And the opposite is true? How in the world are you gonna
run the football against Michigan on aconsistent basis? That's gonna be a tough

task for for Milroe to do whathe's done against that defense that swarms,
and we're in for one hell ofa run. You're exactly right, I
can't wait. But throwing it betterthough, Oh he's he's throwing it better
than he ever has in his career. The improvement from week one and three,
from you know, the first threeweeks of the season to now,

he's he's proving that if he doeshave to throw it thirty times, he
can make some explosive plays. He'sa talented kid man. He sure is
the world thing going. So thatgame is a little harder for me,
But I like ut makes sense andthat they may have I'm thinking U T.

Washington of the games which I've seenhim all play multiple times, Alabama
with Tommy Reese and then who amI? Who am I missing on the
other one? What team I miss? Washington, Ut, Alabama, Michigan
and Sean Moore has done a greatjob. I as far as play callers
go, I'll put my money onSarkisian when it comes to dialing up the

best place I've seen it. Heturned Mac Jones into a superstar. I
mean Mac played well, but makeno mistake about it, Steve Sarkisan was
doing stuff Mac Jones ain't never seenbefore in his life, and he ain't
seen since he helped Mac Jones getHe went from a doctor and he went
from a doctrine it to dropping outin the seventh grade when he went from

Alabama and Steve Sarkisian to what they'rewhat Matt Patrician, that atrocious horses ass
offense you're watching in New England.And I'm not just putting on Bill,
I'm putting on the whole I'm talkingabout on Bill Belichick. That whole thing
going on there is a hard youwant to talk about comparing the team that

you were going to to an Iowa. Yeah, watching watching matter of fact,
I'm not so sure that I wouldn'twant to watch the Jets play more
than that. Patriots putriod offense aswell. I mean there's six and one
half dozen in the other man.Let's get to Marcus Marcus, good morning,
Good morning. Hey. This hasprobably been talked about before, but
I think it bears repeating. Ithink the refs gifted Georgia, I mean

gifted Alabama that game at fourth downthe completion that wasn't a completion and then
the horse collar tackle. Those weremiscalls that gave Alabama ten points. But
I guess that's not you know,bad calls are part of the game,
That's all I got. Yeah,and they sucked too, are the calls?
Marcus. That's a good point.And ain't the loss in that shuffle?

And I would imagine if we combedthrough all those championship weekend games,
we're probably going to have an argumentin a lot of them. But I
know the exact two plays you're talkingabout, and I get why that the
argument is there, But it wouldlook you know, if the if a
Georgia type team makes that argument,they look they looks weak. To blame

it on the refs right at thisstage of the game, it looks weak.
You want to blame it on thecommittee. Go ahead, But Marcus
makes a good point on I don'tknow if they gifted, you still got
to play a lot of football.But sometimes it feels as if the referee
stuck it on a platter for you. We've seen that movie before, both
levels, you know, as we'regetting closer to Christmas, we're about twenty
days away. The movie Home Alonesunder It. I watched it yesterday,

debuted in nineteen ninety. Yep.Remember in the in the movie where he
goes the grocery store and picks upa couple of groceries for himself. Yep,
and stands there and tells her whythat he's there, and he goes,
would I be shopping alone? Yeah? Kevin spent a total nineteen dollars
and eighty three cents. He gotorange juice, arran, wrapped toilet paper,
dryer sheets, frozen mac and cheese, milk, tie, TV dinner,

wonderbread, and toy soldiers. Todayin this economy, it would cost
him sixty three dollars and eighty ninecents. That's crazy there, do you
go oh less than twenty woo?Did he was? Did he order a
pizza to get your weak yellow belly? No? Before off my property?

I love that snakes sounded like asnake yeah, all right, snakes,
great seed. Sixty three dollars eightynine cents is what all that would cost
him to day? Did you knowhe'd be in the economy? Baby,
shout out Joe Biden. Home Alonethe original, Yes, who was in
New York was fine? It wasgood. Yeah, it was good like
the first one, the first one. Top fifty movie of all time,
all time. No, in fact, I might be cheating it, and

I'm not even a big movie guy. Fifty movie of all time. Loved
it. I saw it. Whatabout we're getting ready to go to break?
But what's the screw break? Yeah, it don't matter. You got
who you got right now, Igott I've already my pillows coming down the
pike in the nine o'clock hour.But it's got twels. Yeah. I
saw a thread the other day onon Twitter, so they said, Elf

the movie Elf is overrated? Withh with the will it with Billy Farrell?
Are you asking me to choose betweenno, between Home Alone and El?
No, it's Home Alone all day. But I'm saying Elf is not
overrated. Uh, probably properly itis properly rated. I agree. I've
seen better Christmas movies and better WillFerrell movies. But it was actually pretty

fair. That's Jimmy Kahn. Yeahright, I call hi, Jimmy r
I p yeah, James con JamesKahn. I uh, Bad sand is
one of the best movies of alltime. I was crazy bad bad Santa
Is Is. Yes, I unbelievablygood. I cry laughing every time I
watch it. I think Billy Billy, Bob Thornton for the sling Blade guy,

I think you had an Oscar nomineeor won it, and that was
a phenomenal performance. But him asthat guy is the trunk in that movie.
I'm just telling you. I thinkit was one of his great performances.
Oh yeah, phenomenal, phenomenal,man, it is unbelievably good.
Those of us in the industry,right right, yeah, right, whatever

sag after after him, that's right. I forgot about that. Those of
us in the industry really applaud hisperformance. Bill Bob, it's good one.
Love Bill Bob. It is agood one. Very vulgar. But
walking into a bar in Hollywood onetime, I know we got to get
out of here. Yeah, walkinginto bar song and and Shooter Jennings was

in the same bar. It's likea sunset, and it's like, yeah,
I could have set my elbow ontop of his head. But I
love Bill Bob Thorpe man that sure, yeah, just a little bit.
Didn't even realize I loved it.All right, let's get him in the
nine o'clock hour. What did DanaBrown have to say about the offense or
excuse me? The off season needsfor the Astros. That's next towards Stock
seven ninety Saulsbury Albury Salisbury hoson.Okay, let's do this. Shawn Salisbury

way quarterback. You see John longsimefriend, Shohn Salisbury, Ryan Lima lolo,
stop the shang chop. This isthe Shawn Salisbury Show, Final hour
on a Tuesday morning. Here onthe Seawan Salisbury Show, Shawn, Brian

and Tripley here with you. Heismanfinalists are announced. Michael Pennix, Shane
Daniels, bow Nicks, Marvin HarrisonJunior, Your finalists. Jaggs fall into
the Bengals in Monday Night Football,Trevor Lawrence, the quarterback for the Jaguar's
going down. It's gonna have somebig implications on the FC South Texans off
Today they take on the Jets thiscoming weekend. Winter meetings are underway in

Major League Baseball. Dana Brown talkingabout Alex Bregman, there was a post
and an article that went out acouple of days ago in regards to the
potential of trading Alex Bregman. Thisis what the general manager of the Ashros
had to say. Yeah, asI said before, you know Alex Bregman.
I mean, he's had a greatcareer here. We're not interested in
trading them. I think Alex knowsthat and understand it based on our conversations,

and so I'm not worried one bitabout you know, the articles and
the rumors, and I'm not surewhere it's coming from. But at the
end of the day, Alex isa pillar here. I mean, you
can't replace that type of defense andthat type of bad you know. So
we're not interested in that. We'retrying to win here. Okay, So
they're not going to trade Alex Bregman. However, Dana Brown did acknowledge that

it could be quote tough to addresstheir needs in free agency given the apparent
lack of financial flexibility. So ifthey don't have flexibility, when will Jim
Crane, the owner of the Astros. He's done a fantastic job here when
he purchased the team. We knowall the history, all the success,
the World Series appearances, the ALCSS, so forth and so on, But

do you ever foresee him actually goingover the luxury threat the tax threshold?
All right, well, what costdid the luxury tax threshold cost them?
The World Series this year? Achance to go? No? It did
not. So over the last fewyears? Did they go to World Series
without Springer win one? Yeah?Without Coal, without Korea? Yeah?

I mean, I understand why wewant him to, But do you know
what happens when you spend and allof a sudden that guy doesn't work out?
You overspend. Guess what we allsay? Why about jose A bra
Yeah, why did you spend allthat money? Yeah? We said that
about jose bre And people only wantyou to spend when it's a guarantee,
and there's no guarantee. There's noguarantee that if you spend three hundred and
fifty million on Kyle Tucker that he'sgoing to hit like the any better than
he didn't last postseason. Maybe that'shis postseason mm and maybe he's the MVP

And three more postseasons, who thehell knows? Okay, So, I
mean Jeremy Panel was pretty good ata salary that's not exactly through the roof,
not bad. I get it.I get it. Well, here's
what happens. Let's just say youwere in the o Tani sweepstakes and you
paid him a half a billion dollarsand they don't win the World Series.

What's everybody gonna say, Jim Craneand Dana Brown mess this up because they
should have never spent all that money. And then the next one is,
well, what about Jordan Montgomery orguys like, well, we don't know
where that's going yet. Well,we'll see. I understand that the concerns,
But would you if you have successdriving a certain brand a vehicle and
you love that brand a truck,Yeah, you're not going to change?

Are you all of a sudden goingto wake up one day twenty fifteen years
later and say, you know what, this has been kicking ass for me.
I think I'll switch. No,you're not. Why would you You're
not going to now if you feltand and then the complaint of not doing
it, didn't they go out andget Verlander? They did at the trade
deadline. Sure, and he andhand helped them, didn't they. I
mean they've made some they've gone outnow, they're not decisions at times that
maybe can getting great Kendall Graveman maynot be the same as going out and

getting Jacob de gram one's a relieverwants to start. I get all that,
but the second something goes wrong.How many people here wanted back sures
are probably not very many? Right, yeah, I don't remember. Okay,
So so my point is is,well, what about paying Well,
they're gonna pay al twove. Youcan't pay them all in any sport.

Now, you go over the luxurytax. You don't want a world series.
People are mad that you went overthe luxury tax. You don't win
a world series and you don't goover the luxury tax. We should have
spent on one more reliever. Weshouldn't have paid Montero. Every single person
on the planet after Montero's season,maybe not that much wanted him back here.
They did. They We've got tosign Montero. Javier's the Javier's off

the train. It's okay to payhim. Christian Avire for the majority of
the season, Wall this record wasgood. Was average compared the way he
was in the postseason and at theend of the season the year before.
So I get it. Listen,it ain't my money. I don't really
give a rats. Ask where theyspend it. Yeah, I'd love him
to. If you had, I'dsay, do with the rage, go
buy this guy, Go to thisguy. Go. This guy hadn't worked

for the Dodgers but once, andthat was in a COVID season since nineteen
eighty eight, So money doesn't exactlymean great player. Now would I love
him to? Go? Pay WanSodo? Go and go get him with
that? You got trade for soda? Right now, he's still in a
concert ground? Yeah, why wouldI love it? Sure? If you

said Sean Bregman for Sodo straight up, what would you do? Yeah?
Bring me Wan Soto. Of course, we're right. That doesn't always work.
You still got a great Alex Bregmanwhether you pay him or not.
So I if you had, Andthe opposite is true if you if you
suck and keep sucking and aren't willingto spend any money, like if you're
Oakland and they overachieved with Billy ona regular basis, and then the normal

part kicks in and you just don't. There's not you. You're paying a
bunch of backups, backup money tobe starters, and they're not good enough
on a consistent one hundred and sixtytwo game basis, regularly so. And
if you underpay and don't get it, what if you overpay and you don't
win it? The same is true. So if you have a vehicle that
never works in a brand, avehicle that never works, you're gonna keep
buying it. No, so they'rewinning one game away from getting the World

Series. What did that have todo with the luxury tax? Nothing exactly.
I know you're with me on this, Sidam, Yeah, I'm just
so it's like no, no,no, oh yeah, Hey, what
what are you doing with Corey Lee? Because we know you can't get rid
of Corey Lee. We know howit's gonna go. We know how it's
gonna go. Bregman's gonna play aslast season here, he's gonna go somewhere
else in free agency. They're notgonna pay him. They're gonna lock up
out two V and then here comethe fans and here come the calls that

we're gonna get sucks whatever. Whyare you not trading breg or why are
you not paying Bragman? Well,what if Bregmant goes there and hits two
seventy somewhere else and the guy hereit's two fifty end up winning a World
Series. Yeah, you're still complaining. I mean, there's still complaining.
Springers out here don't have a centerfielder yet. I quite frankly heard about
ninety percent of the community and aroundsaying Chas mccormis share every day center field

a great player and speaking half.Negget KB Houston acd HD two Houston Live
Heart Radio station, the Astros,the Rockets, Rockets Basketball, your home
for your home teams. This isSports Talk seven ninety driven by that classic
elite view at GMC Studios for theelite car buying experience fallsby Albert Salisbury,

Houston. Okay, let's do this. Shawn Salisbury over that Quarterbacks out,
bar U s John longtime friend,John Salisbury, Ryan La Lima, Don
Lobos. Stop to the Shank ChopTop. This is the Shawn Sells Show,
Final hour on a Tuesday morning.Here on the Sean Salisbury Show,

Sean, Brian and Tripley here withyou Heisman finalists, are announced. Michael
Pennix, Jade and Daniels bow Nix, Marvin Harrison Junior, your finalists.
Jaggs fall into the Bengals in MondayNight Football. Trevor Lawrence, the quarterback
for the Jaguars, going down.It's gonna have some big implications on the
FC South Texans off today. Theytake on the Jets this coming weekend.

All right, winter meetings are underwayin Major League Baseball. Dana Brown talking
about Alex Bregman. There was apost and an article that went out a
couple of days ago in regards tothe potential of trading Alex Bregman. This
is what the general manager of theAshros had to say. Yeah, as
I said before, you know AlexBregman. I mean, he's had a

great career here. We're not interestedin trading them. I think Alex knows
that and understand it based on ourconversations, and so I'm not worried one
bit about you know, the articlesand the rumors, and I'm not sure
where it's coming from. But atthe end of the day, Alex is
a pimer here. I mean,you can't replace that type of defense and
that type of bad you know,so we're not interested in that. We're

trying to win here. Okay,so they're not going to trade Alex Bregman.
However, Dana Brown did acknowledge thatit could be quote tough to address
their needs in free agency given theapparent lack of financial flexibility. So if
they don't have flexibility, when willJim Crane, the owner of the Astros.

He's done a fantastic job here whenhe purchased the team. We know
all the history, all the success, the World Series appearances, the ALCSS,
so forth and so on, butdo you ever foresee him actually going
over the luxury threat the tax threshold? All right, well what cost it?
Did the luxury tax threshold cost themthe World Series this year? A

chance to go No? It didnot. So over the last few years,
did they go to World Series withoutSpring win one? Yeah, without
Cole, without Korea? Yeah?I mean, I understand why we want
him to. But do you knowwhat happens when you spend and all of
a sudden that guy doesn't work out? You overspend. Guess what we all
say about jose bra Yeah, whydid you spend all that money? Yeah,

we said that about Jose bre Peopleonly want you to spend when it's
a guarantee, and there's no guarantee. There's no guarantee that if you spend
three hundred and fifty million on KyleTucker that he's going to hit like any
better than he didn't last postseason.Yeah, maybe that's his postseason MMO,
and maybe he's the MVP and threemore postseasons. Who the hell knows.
Okay, So, I mean,Jeremy Paniel was pretty good at a at

a salary that's not exactly through theroof, not bad. I get it,
I get it. Well, here'swhat happens. Let's just say you
were in the o Tani sweepstakes andyou paid him a half a billion dollars
and they don't win the World Series. What's everybody gonna say, Jim Crane
and Dana Brown mess this up becausethey they should have never spent all that

money. And then the next oneis, well, what about Joe Montgomery
or guys like well, we don'tknow where that's going yet. Well,
we'll see. I understand that theconcerns, but would you if you have
success driving a certain brand a vehicleand you love that brand a truck.
Yeah, You're not going to change, are you all of a sudden?
We gonna wake up one day fifteenyears later and say, you know what,
this has been kicking ass for me. I think I'll switch. No,

you're not. Why would you?You're not going to now if you
felt and then the complaint of notdoing it. Didn't they go out and
get Verlander? They did at thetrade deadline? Sure, and he and
hand helped them, didn't they?I mean they've made some they've gone out
now, they're not decisions at timesthat maybe can getting great Kendall Graveman may
not be the same as going outand getting Jacob de Gram. One's a

reliever ones to start, I getall that, but the second something goes
wrong. How many people here wantedmax sures are probably not very many?
Right, Yeah, I don't remember. Okay, So so my point is
is, well, what about payingWell, they're gonna pay al tuove.
You can't pay them all in anysport. Now, you go over the

luxury tax. You don't want aworld series. People are mad that you
went over the luxury tax. Youdon't win a world series and you don't
go over the luxury tax. Weshould have spent on one more reliever.
We shouldn't have paid Montero. Everysingle person on the planet after Montero's season,
maybe not that much wanted him backhere. They did. They we
got to sign Montero. Javier's theJavier's off. It's okay to pay him.

Christian Navire for the majority of theseason, Well, this record was
good, was average compared the wayhe was in the postseason and at the
end of the season the year before. So I get it. Listen,
it ain't my money. I don'treally give a rats. Ask where they
spend it. Yeah, I'd lovehim to. If you had, I'd
say, do with the rags,Go buy this guy, Go to this
guy. Go this guy hadn't workedfor the Dodgers but once, and that

was in a COVID season since nineteeneighty eight. So money doesn't exactly mean
great player. Now, would Ilove him to? Go? Pay Wan
Soto and go get him? Wasthat you got trade for soda? Right
now? You're still in a concertground. Why would I love it?
Sure? If you said Sean Bregmanfor Sodo? Straight up, what would

you do? Yeah, bring meone Sodo? Of course, you're right,
that doesn't always work. You stillgot a great Alex Bregman, whether
you pay him or not. Soif you had, and the opposite is
true if you if you suck andkeep sucking and aren't willing to spend any
money, Like if you're Oakland andthey overachieved with Billy on a regular basis,
and then the normal part kicks inand you just don't there's not You're

paying a bunch of backups, backupmoney to be starters and they're not good
enough on a consistent one hundred andsixty two game basis regularly so and if
you underpay and don't get it,what if you overpay and you don't win
it? The same is true.So if you have a vehicle that never
works in a brand, a vehiclethat never works, you're gonna keep buying
it. No, So they're winningone game away from getting the World Series.

What did that have to do withthe luxury tax? Nothing exactly.
I know you're with me on thisside. Yeah, I'm just so it's
like no, no, no,oh, yeah, hey, what what
are you doing with Corey Lee?Because we know you can't get rid of
Corey Lee. We know how it'sgonna go. We know how it's gonna
go. Bregnan's gonna play us lastseason here, he's gonna go somewhere else
in free agency. They're not gonnto pay him. They're gonna lock up
out two V And then here comethe fans and here come the calls that

we're gonna get sucks whatever. Whyare you not trading breg or why are
you not paying Bregman? Well?What if Bregmant goes there and hits two
seventy somewhere else and the guy herehits two fifty end up winning a World
Series. Yeah, you're still complaining. I mean there's it's still complaining in
Springers out here don't have a centerfielder yet. I quite frankly heard about
ninety percent of the community and aroundsaying, Chas McCormick share every day centerfield
a great player, and nagg getschance to play every day. Let's go.

And speaking of George Springer, therewas a report out yesterday that the
Toronto Blue Jays could look to moveGeorge. Okay, well, let me
talk to that contract. Okay,have they lived up to uh to all
the money they've paid the free agentsand George has George Springer been the consistent.
Oh my gosh, now he's hadmoments, but when you wake up,
is George Springer ever in your MVPtalk right now? And I love

you? He was my favorite astrowhen he was here. But right now
I guess what they're trying to dois shed that contract. How many World
Series they've been in since George Springergot there, They've been the most under
achieving team probably in the last threeseasons. How's the Twins World Series?
Hopes? Yew they go this year? Yeah? They got their asking by
the y went to the playoffs.So my point is money doesn't always equal
success when it comes to athletes.If you have a chance to get the

great ones, they turn out orpay Kyle Tucker he's proven it, then
hopefully they'll pay him. Dand Brownsaid they want to keep him here forever.
It told us that on this show. So I just I get doing
it. At some point in time, Yes, like the Seahawks, like
all these teams, At some pointtime, the Kansas City Chiefs are going
to miss the playoffs. You doknow that, right, yea, At
some point in time they will missthe playoffs. Seattle's Legion of Boom is

going to break up as they didthe same thing here. It's going to
suck that we flirted with it untila great last five games of the year.
We meaning the Astros of not makingthe playoffs at some point. Matter
of fact, if I'm picking,now, you know who the favorite for
me is in the American League Westnext year? Damn right, de Gram's
back and healthy. I'll take therain right now. If I was picking,

I'd go Rangers first. After asecond, yeah, now do I
want the ring? No? Butwell managed, They've taken care of their
business. Are they hungry? Thedefending world champs, They're going to be
the favorite in the away and they'regoing to be on paper, they may
even be better because if they cansign their pitching staff and get healthy.
Yeah, look out, that doesn'tmean that the Rangers are gonna win it.
They may end up going eighty fiveand whatever next year and be you

know, eighty five and seventy fiveor whatever and be good or seventy seven
whatever. That one hundred and sixtytwo games is. Let's go. So
for me, I'm I'm not tome that the going over only go over
if that player is I'm willing togo over to get an O Tani or
Soto guy. Yeah, or topay Bregnant what you think he deserves.

But I'm the opposite. I'm notpaying him three hundred million dollars for ten
years, and I think he's agreat player. I'm just not doing it.
You can, I'm not. No, No, I think it's not
a good insight on especially with thetax threshold, because I know a lot
of people are like, why arewe not spending more money? You paid
too much money for Montero, Nowyou can't get this person. Or why
doesn't Jim Crane just go over theluxury the luxury tax threshold. So this

is his money and he don't wantedwhen he's had success, not going over
it? Why why fix? Whybreak something that is already fixed? They
just need adjustments, they don't needwholesale changes. New manager Joe A.
Spotta talked about the catching position herein Houston. That means Janni or Diaz?
What did he say? We'll discussnext on Sports Talk seven ninety.

This Sean Salisbury Show continues on SportsTalk seven ninety Home for your home teams.

You will I am hard, youwill say some say you some wine

said you some why say you wantsomebody. Texans with an off date today
getting ready to play the Jets thiscoming weekend. Trevor Lawrence, quarterback for
the Jaguars, gets hurt last night, leaves the game with an ankle injury.
Injury. It's gonna have some implicationson the AFC South. The Heisman
finalists announced winter meetings going on inMajor League Baseball, we just heard some

audio from Dana Brown talking about nottraining Alex Bregman. Joe spot Of,
the new manager for the Astros,talked to the media yesterday about Yannier Diaz.
This is what he's had to sayabout the Astros catcher. I've been
talking to Yanire. You know,once a week. We're going to do
some things in January leading into screentraining, to prepping for for screen training.

I don't want us to get toscreen training and start from scratch.
So this is going, this isstarting right now. Having conversations is about,
you know, our staff, howto attack certain lineups, things that
we know that we can help themwith receiving, throwing. So is a
process that we that we're working onright now as we speak. Astro still

need to find themselves a backup catcher. But it looks like Yann her Diaz
gonna get a shot. He's gonnabe the uh starting catcher every day.
Why wouldn't be, Well, wedon't why the hell wouldn't he be?
I mean, I don't think that'seven that shouldn't I thought that was a
foregone conclusion with with Maldonado, goyou know, not here right and trading

Corey Lee. I don't know,this is a no brainer. He'll catch
one hundred fifty games next year,or at least playing one hundred and fifty
plus. I'd hope, and Ihope the lineup stays a little bit more
fit. And I mean I hopefor fifteen straight games we see the same
lineup. Come hell, high wateror analytics, I'm okay with it.
Be ideal. If analytics don't workfor Kyle Tucker, why in the world

do I have to make them workfor somebody else. You don't that That's
the only thing about Annalys and themetrics of the game that buged me.
Now, certain matchups, if you'reover seventy five against a pitcher, it's
probably a good idea. But Ican tell you this, if Kyle Tucker
was over Jordan Alvarez is, oh, for seventy five against the pitcher.
Are you pulling them out? They'restill going to hit against that guy,

right, Yeah, Okay, soif you're two for seventeen, maybe you'll
end up being three for eighteen.I understand situational baseball and football. I
get all that, But every nowand then, some guys just got to
fight through crap and you got toswim in it, deal with it,
weighe through it and get to theother side of it, and sometimes it
just doesn't match that little card inyour friggin hand. Okay, I'm always

going to be feel first, analyticssecond. Yeah, I always am,
because when you're in the dugout andyou get a feel for a player and
you're looking him in the eye,something that card in that computer don't have
a clue about the other side ofit is there are certain things that if
you're just only a field guy,then you're missing out on something that could
be. If a catcher can't throwanybody out and you've got Kyle Tucker on
first base, your asks better berunning pretty simple. I don't need a

card to tell me that. AfterI've looked at the card pregame. You're
going right, So I just forme, I'll always be feel first,
analytics second, But I'll also alwaysbe I need both. You think that's
that's what I guess. What doyou think is going to make Joe Aspot
his job easier getting having a betterrelationship with the front office and analytics group

because it was kind of made tobe known that Dusty Baker didn't pay too
much attention to the analytics side ofthings. Or do you think he'll have
a good balance of both, meaningJoe a Spotta both both, I kind
of have the same Fielm. Well, if he's if he's only one way,
Joe A Spotta, will he won'thave the success that he wants.
Yeah, and the success that hewant. I think he's probably he's went

from the straight laced by the bookaj Hinch when it comes to the analytics
and this and that, and thenhe got the free spirited, more of
a field guy players, guy hangaround. You know, Joe just listening
to more empowerment by the player.At least it felt that way because he's

been in it for fifty plus years. I don't have a problem with the
guy looking a guy in the eyeand getting a read for him. And
sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but I do but and I don't
have a problem with the analytics andreading a spreadsheet like you said. But
I do have a problem when thespreadsheet rules you're it's like a it's like
texting instead of calling. Pick upthe phone and call once in a while.
Texting you don't see facial expressions.You don't know, And that's how

I put analytics. If all youdo is text, you'll never have great
relationships. If all you do iscall, you're gonna drive me crazy because
I don't need to talk to youevery single frig in time. You have
one answer question that I need togive you, send me a text.
It's one o'clock in the afternoon.I'm busy. I'll tell you I don't
want to talk. Send me atext. I can respond to it.
So that's using both. But youstill have to have those relationships, and

I think Joe Spott is probably goingto give you a little of both.
Speaking of AJ Hinch, he justsigned an extension. Hinching ain't easy,
he man. Terms have not beendisclosed, but A J. Hinch is
signing a long term extension with theTigers, and it's actually kind of surprise.
I mean, great for him,but I'm actually kind of surprised.
Well, give him, he'll take, he'll take a mile. Yeah,

Tiger's team. Do you think they'rehinching closer to the playoffs? No,
you know, no, I don't. I don't think so. Yeah,
uh ude, just they lost byhinches this year? They did, didn't
They just by a few inches?They sure did. A couple of home
runs were just inches away. Yeah. Tell you what, those Detroit Lions
maybe closer in yards than they arein hinches. You see what I'm saying.

Yeah, Troy Lions manager A J. Hinch of the Detroit Tigers.
How many people here one AJ hinchback? Do you think would do anything to
have him back as the manager?Now they got the Joe spotted they kind
of mean he's he was kind ofthe second line as the fair haired We
gotta get Joe Spottle, but localJoe Spottle was managing somewhere else. Let's

say Joe Spottle went the Cubs.Yeah, and A. J. Hinch
was a free agent. Dude,you know how it goes. You already
asking ten miles of fans oh HinchyYeah, oh yeah, a yeah,
good good for him. It's goodfor de Trait. That's awesome. That's
that's that's uh. They obviously holdhim in high regard because or they wouldn't

bring a guy back who, youknow, right, had to sniffed the
playoffs, right, So he's obviouslya good manager. Let's get out to
Gill and Hockley, Gil, goodmorning, owner. What's happening so on
the Breagnant situation. I think thedifference is the big difference is that we
knew Springer and Career didn't really wantto be here. I don't know why,

but they didn't. How do youbefore you go on any further,
Gill, what do you mean weknew they didn't want to be here?
Give me an instead of just Imean, tell me what you're talking about?
Correct. Kip mentioned that our shortstopthe kid was, you know,
was, oh, he's ready,he's ready for this job, Like what

about you? You know you're kindof hitting there that that he was ready
to go. And then Springer,I don't think he ever let it know
him, but it was everything wasup that he didn't really not that he
didn't want to be here, buthe wanted to keep moving on because of
the baby, because of scandal.I don't know, but that was the
feeling that I got. Maybe I'mwrong in that feeling, but Bregman seems

like he's he likes this team,he wants to be here. So I
really think that might make up Crane'smind on and knowing that, hey,
this guy wants to be part ofthis team or can you say family,
you know, does he are yousure? Do you guarantee he wants to
be here too? I mean atthis stage of when Krrea was here at

the end right exactly, so wedon't know. Right with the vibes that
I'm getting to, he he hadn'tcomplained at all. He's not saying like,
hey, we're I just believe him. I really believe that he wants
to be here. And if you'renot okay, I mean, he would
have probably been saying that I'm lookingfor another team or maybe I'll be here,
maybe I won't. You know,you know how Korea and Gil I
get your point complete, but youknow how Correa and Springer would have really

really wanted to be here. Yeah, if they if they would have,
if they would have, if theywould have paid them what the other teams
were paying them. That that's whatSpringer would have crawled ten miles over broken
glass to stay here if he wouldhave been getting the money in Toronto,
and if Carlos Carea would have gotanywhere near. See, nobody was willing
to pay the guy ten years,three hundred thirty million dollars because he's not
He didn't deserve ten years of threehundred and thirty million dollars. But he's

a good player, and he's andhe's outstanding defensive player and the leadership.
But they replace that leadership quickly.They seem to find that just fine.
Had you have offered Korea, hadyou'd offered Korea thirty million a year for
seven years, six years, guesswhere he'd have been? Right here.
He wouldn't go it anywhere. It'sabout the money that that's the perception.
And if Brickman gets offered fifty moremillion dollars by the Red Sox as a

free agent, guess what he's doing. He's he's leaving too. It makes
it really easy to play for someof that I can get. So let
me let me back up. Youactually think, Bill Gill, what's your
one do you actually think I'm I'mI'm dreaming. I'm hoping he would think
that way, but I know better. Yeah, I feel it, brother,
I would. I would like tosee him here because he's been here
from day one with Craft. Everythingwas you know, Spring Drug, they

were, you know they were here. I understand hard to lose homegrown guys.
I get your brother kind of thesame way when the King left off,
was like, why are we lettingthat man go? Of course it
was the right thing to do becausehe wasn't the same. But it still
hurts when they leave, you knowit does. Oh, of course that
part I completely. I guess appreciateyou this than any of us. If

you're getting paid thirty mili, whatare you doing well? If you got
thirty million more here, fifty millionmore here or somewhere else? Are somewhere
else you leaving? No, you'renot leaving for fifty million more. You
said fifty more more. No,whether it's here or somewhere else, If
you're any more here or fifty millionmore there, buddy, I'm going pack
my bag's Dodger and Oprah getting thetruck. We're leaving. If all of
a sudden, my home was inthe last year of his contract and somebody

offered him seventy five million more toleave. You think he's leaving Andy Reid?
Yes, okay, just making suresame. But I get gil Gil
is the emotional ties he has tothe guys that were born in Britain,
you know that were part of thisteam, and I one hundred percent get
that. Let's get back to collegefootball. This transfer portal is out of
control. Ohio State is losing howmany four and five stars? That's next?
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Salisbury More Sean Salisbury Sports Talk sevenninety where Astros and Rockets play and
real Texans talk. All right,right right right? Come hey it last
can't call it and you laugh.You had it and you lost all the
shame of don I can buy Billy. Don't talk to me, go show

one fifty. Don't talk to me. You ain't never help your mans.
Don't talk to me, You fellowwant of chairs. Don't talk to me.
I set the bar. I'm thebargin a sky. I'm a start.
I don't full of look because I'llbe living hard. Eight day lemmon
shirt, he said, Lord,I don't care the ghost look at two.
A couple of segments left here onthe Sean Salisbury Show, Sean Bryn

and Triple E. To get backout to the phone line seven one three
two one two five seven. Ijust go to Joseph, Joseph, good
morning, Oh yes, how youdoing that? I'm I want to make
this last come in and close thedoor. On Baseball and Duster Baker.
I got a question and I guessI want him to comment, is that

as soon as Dana Brown was hired, I feel like Justter Baker and Daniel
Brown was not going to get itall. So my course is to you
all, if they would have wonthe Word series, do you think that
Duster Baker would still have been therewith Dana Brown? Thank you very much
and have a good day. Thankyou. Justin uh. I think we've

talked about this a little bit.Shot. I think that if Dusty Baker
wanted to manage again after going backto back World Series title, I think
they would have brought him back.But I also think it was Yeah,
if they would have won, youcan't hear you're not firing it. You're
not pushing a two time back toback World series champ out the door,

right. But I also I don'tknow if Dusty Baker was gonna I think
this was going to be his lastyear, regardless whether he won or not
here in Houston at least. Ithink he was tired of certain things which
he spoke about in a podcast whichwe talked about here on the show.
I think he was going to bedone regardless. Yeah, even if he
would have won. That would havebeen back back he wanted to come back
if they'd have won the World Series. Yeah, and I told you this

even if he was even if theydidn't win, and he goes, as
you noticed, they I don't thinkthey were going to say we've getting rid
of Dusty Baker. It was asif Dusty wanted to retire from here and
and that's that's the way we figuredit would all work. It's the classy
way from Jim Crane. Dusty's beenin baseball a long time. Had they
won the World Series, you'd lookstupid fire in him. You just would
have he went back back to backWorld Series. That would have been one

of the more idiotic moves on theplanet. If he wanted to come back
and said that they don't want meback and we've won two World Series,
that would have been just to replacehim with a guy who's never managed right,
never managed it. That would havejust been quite frankly asinine. Not
because of Joe Espada, but whodoes that. Yeah, and I don't
think they'd have done that. Butthe way it ended, it was time

and Dusty probably a little tired fromwho wouldn't be and did one hell of
a job on his way to theHall of Fame, and it just the
timing was perfect for Joe a spot. It wasn't previously. Dusty was phenomenal
here, did a great job here, and I don't think it would have
mattered if it was Dana Brown oranybody else as the general manager. I

think Jim Crane was going to letDusty Baker him confer and here's how we're
doing this, moving on, blahblah blah. How it turned out.
Had they won the World Series andDusty Baker wanted to come back here,
I don't believe for one second hewould not be the manager this year.
Yeah, I agree with that.I just don't think. I think he
was done regardless. It happened soquickly afterwards, I would imagine he'd probably

in his mind planned that it's timefor me to move on from here.
I don't think Dusty's done in baseball, whatever that might be. I just
think he was done here, andhe left a great a team in great
shape. And I must say itagain and people think, oh, let
we want to what's it considering everythingthey had to go through the COVID season

and all the cheating that went on, Dusty Baker left this place better than
he found it. I didn't sayplayers. I didn't say the team or
the owner. I'm talk about theoverall perception. Baseball loves Dusty Baker,
the people out there, and hesoftened the blow and gave it a softer
landing and won a World Series toboot and four straight. Alcs's great players

and all that deserve the credit aswell. But don't tell me Dusty Baker
with a disappointment here, not sayinghe did nobody else. Dusty Baker deserves
all the great credit he I mean, he gets, and he left it
what he came into, left itbetter than he found it. Yeah,
that's a fact, yep. Andit's well known around baseball. There's no

question about that with Dusty Baker.All right, talking about Ohio State real
quick, as we're coming up onthe break transfer portal open up yesterday.
Officially they have lost in let's seea little over eighteen hours, have lost
two five stars and then one,two, three, four, five,
six, seven, four stars andtwo three stars. It's a lot of

good players leave in Ohio State.Is Ryan Day going somewhere like is he
gonna tell his ass in the NFL, like, what's going on me?
It feels like something deeper is goingon here. It's not just dude.
They were eleven and one their startingquarterback, Kyle McCord, is leaving.
Yeah, they're five star wide receiver. Julian Fleming gone, I mean,

what is going on? Back Meyer? I'm kidding. I don't have any
idea either. They know he's leavingeither. He had just said, you
guys go, I mean he hadone of those a meeting that I don't
know that he told the guys goahead, and comiccord, go ahead and
leave. I got somebody's replacing.I don't know if you'd even have that.
Why would you have that conversation?Why would we say come back and

compete. You're eleven and one quarterback, you're the incumbent and among all these
other guys leaving, or some ofthem quite frankly, are probably leaving for
more money. They just are.And I don't know the overall thing.
But if something's gonna happen at OhioState, why hasn't happened As far as
coaching goes, Where else would hego? Where else is offering him a

job is a better program? Thenhe's at right now that has a head
coaching opening. Name it. Incollege, you're not gonna find one,
right, So why leave? Whyleave? That's why? Yeah? Are
you firing a guy after eleven toone season in a game away from the
national title opportunity? I don't Idon't know. It feels like you already
done it. And I don't know. Is he going to coach the Chicago

Bears if they fire somebody? Ishe? Is he he's the caroline of
Panthers? Or is he coaching themif they you know, when they when
the season's over and they get throughthe interim coach. I don't know what
they're doing, to be honest withyou, And I don't know why the
exodus other than that's college football.You go eleven and one and everybody wants

to leave. Yeah, the trip, I don't get it. I don't
see it makes no sense. Imean, it's his future in jeopardy.
Like I just when you're starting quarterbackon an eleven one team, is entry
in the transfer portal? Something's goingon and no, and the coaches haven't
left yet, right, I understandwhy you know why you'd want to follow

Jeff Leby If you are, andyou were the co quarterback at Oklahoma.
You got two years left, andyou want to follow Leby to Mississippi Sate
because you know the system. Youdon't want to have to relearn some and
you know you got the chance tostart there as well. And Levy's comfortable
with I don't even know if he'sgoing there. It feels like that's where
you go, then I get it. So with that in mind, I'm

just trying to figure out what theexodus at Ohio State is caused by,
because I really don't know, andI'm shocked we don't have some insiders getting
up and talking about this as wedo. It's weird. Yeah, I
have not seen anything. That's whyI was just looking to see where Ryan
Day could be going, and there'snothing there, So I don't know what's
going on a Thursday. Kirk HerbStreet visited. Might need one. He's

probably got a little Ohio State insightas well. That's big facts. Yep,
he knows what's going on. Allright, let's keep talking college football.
I want to get that Trevor Matichaudio up and ready to go for
next segment. Tripley, we'll playthat. How did he compare the Florida
State team to a team in theBig Ten and newslash it wasn't Michigan or
Ohio State. That's next on Sportslockseven to eighty. This is Sports Talk

seven ninety, home of the Rockets, Astros and the best line up in
Houston Sports. Now back to toSean Salisbury final segment on a Tuesday morning.
Sean Brown Tripley here on the SeawnSalisbury Show. Next up Staying Orfley

Chris Cordy coming up next at ten. It's here from Trevor Madditch on a
college football playoffs show. He talkedabout Florida State getting left out and he
compared it to a Big Ten team. This is what Trevor mattach had to
say. Right, Florida State earnedthe right to be in, and yet
they should not be in because Ithink Texas and Alabama both have a better

argument. Now this is where sortof the conversation happens. But you've got
five teams that deserve to be intofour spots. You can make a case
for Georgia as the six teams aswell, a strong case for Georgia to
be in there. But when youlook just at Florida State. I respect
with them them saying you mentioned howthey had two wins over Florida two weeks
ago with their backup quarterback and overLouisville in the AEC championship game with their

third string freshman quarterback. They founda way to win anyway, and they
did everything that was asked to them. They won every single game regardless of
injuries all throughout the season. Goodfor them. Here's the problem. The
committee's criteria doesn't include most deserving.They themselves say that they just want the
best four teams. So how dothey decide that? And one of the

things that their criteria is to takeinto account injuries and guys that are not
available. So the comp is twentyfourteen Ohio State, where the Buckeyes lost
their starting quarterback, who was,by the way, the second sings quarterback
entering the season, JT. Barrett, in the last game. Then in
comes Cardial Jones to start his firststart in the Big Ten championship game against

Wisconsin. They went fifty nine tonothing. The committee said, Okay,
Ohio State's still rolling even with thisbackup quarterback. We're going to put him
in. Here's the samples that FloridaState had for the committee based on that
criteria two weeks ago, their backupquarterback. They won the game against Florida,
but Florida's defense is terrible against thepass, and the pass for Florida

State was terrible. I mean,they completed forty eight percent of their passes.
Their yards per attempt was way belowthe already poor average of the Florida
defense. But they won. Andthen last week their offense didn't kind of
exist because they had to go towildcat with their third string guy. So
the committee is looking, especially Ithink that Florida game and saying that,

Okay, this is what we haveto make a determination on what happened in
that game, and based on thetotality of where Florida State is now,
is Florida State one of the fourbest teams? And I think what they
decided, if not in these words, is this concept. Florida State showed
in those two games that they're basicallyIowa right now. They have great defense.

He's spot on. Did they deserveit with the way it's set up?
Yeah, But when humans are involvedand you tell me the eye test
personnel and chance to win, Listen, the thing is they're not. They're
You want to reward them for winningthe ACC but you're punishing them because the

eye test and their starting quarterbacks hurt. And I get it. And the
truth is they're not beating any ofthe six to seven. This the Alabama's
better than them, Ohio State's betterAlabama, Georgia, Texas, Washington,
Oregon. I'd pick all seven aheadof Florida State in the game right now
without Jordan Travison there. To me, it was it's a bummer for Florida

State because they did They only controlledwhat they could control. You can't control
injuries, and you can't control whatsomebody else in another room is thinking.
But is it devastating and gut wrenching? Right? But who you taking out
a one loss team in the Bigtwelve? I guess one. I mean
a one loss Alabama team that rightnow would beat Florida State with that program,

with the third string quarterback or eventhe backup quarterback. They beat him
by physically wear them. They're beatingthem in a big way. Georgia and
Florida State playing the Orange Bowl.Odds came out Georgia's favored by fourteen over
Florida State. Texas would be favoredprobably by eight Washington with the backup quarterback.
Wouldn't every Ohio state or would befavorite ahead They all favor So it

sucks not everybody. Listen, everybodydoesn't get to, unfortunately, be rewarded,
even though you would deserve it.You put out a great movie,
the Criterias, Box Office Money,Best Actor award. Boy, you kicked
ass did it all? You finishedsecond? You didn't win the Oscar.
Sorry, well that's not fair.Everybody went, we had the highest grossing

movie on the planet. Yeah,but the people who voted for it human
people. Guess what, there wassomething they didn't like about your critical performance,
so you finished second. Sorry,we don't even I don't even know
who you were one of the nominees. Right, same thing here. You
did everything you could to post yourscore, and then humans got a hold
of it. And the eye testtells you, I like that movie and

that actor better than than this one. And when it comes to the four
best teams, they're exactly right.Four best records, no Florida's. If
you're just going to go by therecord in a conference championship, take the
three undefeated teams and then add afourth one in battle between Georgia, Alabama
and Texas, which means you wouldhave pushed George out and you to battle
between Alabama and Texas and Texas beatAlabama. So there's your answer. And

who do you want to see FloridaState, Georgia or Alabama? You want
to see the other two? Correct? Again, you don't want they're the
best team. That doesn't mean thatFlorida State. Do they feel slided?
Yes, and they should feel slided. Are they one of the four best
teams in the country without their startingquarterback? That answers absolutely not. Their
defense and their playmaking skills are awesome, but we damn well know if your

quarterback doesn't play well and he isthe starter in that game, you're getting
beat. And if your team doesn'thave your starting quarterback, the eye test
just isn't the same. Although Igive them credit for winning when they didn't
have their guy, But the problemis they don't want to see the final
four in TCUs ass whooping but byGeorgia had something to do with it.
But Steven A. Smith right,Had Deon Sanders been the head coach at

Florida State with that same record,they'd looked at it different because of his
energy. I'm just telling you,you got more pubb at four, like
I said, with four wins thanthey did Florida State all year long,
going undefeated. Yes, yeah,absolutely, and they're not even Bowl eligible
at Colorado they're not. But Dianit hadn't been him, because there would
have been that diamond that it wouldhave been you would have had. When

I say diamond, I'm talking abouthe's got that ability to take a three
like a three star and make itlook five star because he's such a good
marketer. And he would have madesure the whole world knew about it,
and and and they I'll bet youFlorida State would you would have looked at
him different. I'm telling you youwould have. You would have looke at
it. You would have looked athim different the entire year because he would
have added the spice that that FloridaState probably needed. And that's just not

Mike Norvel's m Mike Norvel should bepissed, and he he should let ride
with it with his team and gointo spring practice and go into this Bowl
game. You know what you reallywant to send a lot message? Yeah,
kick George's ass and then it'll addto the ooh, now you want
us to say, see, goget your ass beat by three touchdowns with
a backup quarterback and then watch howthis goes, So you you really want?

The truth is they want to validatehow they felt. Go win.
You want to validate why you weren'telected. Go get beat by two touchdowns.
And everybody's gonna say, see ateam that didn't even make it to
the playoff beat you by two touchdowns. Yeah, that's what they're gonna say.
Well, a lot of respect forFlorida State. They are not one
of the four best teams in thecountry, although they deserved it. At
thirteen or whatever. They're at thirteenand oh, I guess it is yet

yeah, thirteen, and oh Georgiais gonna kick their ass in the Orange
Bowl. There's no question. Well, I would imagine Kirby smart. Both
teams are gonna be pissed because Georgiabelieves they belong in the four as well,
and they are going to do everythingthey can to take it out in
Florida State. The problem is FloridaStates can try to do the same thing.
I just don't know if they're goodenough to do it. They're not.
That's my point. They're not.Will stand on a mountaintop and tell
them how great they are. Somereal quick news before we get out of

here. The Houston Rockets have assignedAmen Thompson and Cam Whitmore. They're going
to transfer Nate Hinton and Jermaine Samuelsjunior to their G League affiliate Rio Grand
Valley. So Amen, Thompson andCam were coming back up to the w
W NBA, the NBA. Amen, Yeah, heymen, yeah right they
Yeah, the pizza man went moreuntil you called him. So I'm calling

everybody today. Yeah, I'm gonnajust accept I'm not going to call you
late for dinner. Unbelievable. Tripley, are you here today? Oh yeah,
okay, that's sure. You kindof thought he quit, didn't you?
Yeah? I thought took it offload management. Yeah, so Tripley,
just one thing. I know we'recoming up on time here, but
did you know that if you scoremore points than your opponent, you win

one hundred percent of the time.Did you know that he's speechless? Have
you? Have you heard that?Stud? Think about you really learned something
new every day you do? Sowait a minute, tell him that again.
So he gets full fit. Solike, let's yeah, so like
let's talk about it. So likein the NFL and the NBA, if
you score more points on your opponentthe Texans this week, okay, so

the Texans are playing the Jets.If they win, if they score more
points than the Jets, they're gonnawin. Yes, yeah, I can
see that. Yeah, see onehundred percent of the time. Proof that
is correct. Absolutely, don't haveto go to Urban dictionary dot com for
that. It's like when you know, spring training rolls around for the Astros

their first grape Fruit League game,when they play the Washington Nationals and they
score more runs than the Nationals,they will win that game. That's automatic.
Correct. It's wild, isn't it. That's how you're in the show.
I mean, boom, unbelievable,you guys. All right, Yeah,
I was just looking. I gotall the committee name names on here,

but I was looking for I hada baseball stat. I'll get to
you tomorrow. Oh you're oh yeah, the useless knowledge baseball you know.
I always like to throw those in. Yeah, good, that'll be tomorrow
at six. And I have reiteratedfor you one thing, and I'll say
it again because I did, Yesdid. If Pete Rose came back to
baseball and with seven hundred and fiftyout of seven hundred and fifty is average,
still wouldn't be as high as Tonygwinns. That's Pete Rose seven fifty

seven fifty, seven hundred and fiftyat bats and got seven hundred fifty hits,
it still wouldn't be a size Tonygwince. That's incredible. He's the
greatest wealthy, useless, knowledgey guy. He had Bob Gibson. You get
laid on them at any time.Nolan Ryan say, Nol Ryan's there too
as well, no doubt. Wow, that's gonna do it. For the
Shawn Salisbury Show. He is SeanSalisbury, our producer, Emmanuel Moore,

Tripley, I and Brian Lima,thank you for listening. We'll be back
tomorrow morning at six am, butdon't go anywhere. Next up We'll stand
Northfleet and Chris Gordy coming up nextright here on Sports Talk seven ninety Peace
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