Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Salisbury, Oldbury, Salisbury, Houston.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
Okay, let's do this.
Speaker 3 (00:08):
Sean Salisbury to USC true longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury.
Speaker 2 (00:14):
Brian Lima, go Lobos. This is the Sean Salisbury Show.
Speaker 4 (00:22):
Shawn Salisbury, Brian Lilima, Manuel Elmore. Rockets back on the
hardwood tonight taking on the Washington Wizards up in Washington.
It's a six o'clock tip off. Five o'clock is when
the launch pat will start right here on seven on
your home for Rockets basketball. North Dakota State winning another
FCS championship. They beat Montana State last night. Thirty five
thirty two Texans getting ready for their playoff matchup this
coming Saturday against the Chargers. Three thirty kickoff. Sean Tripoli,
what's happening? What up? Good morning? What's going on?
Speaker 5 (01:01):
Speaker 4 (01:01):
A little chili? Yeah, good little chili out a football weather,
got your coffee flowing?
Speaker 1 (01:08):
Speaker 4 (01:09):
Everybody kind of getting back in the swing of things.
Speaker 1 (01:12):
Well, some people never got out of it, true something.
You know, it doesn't take a year from one year
to the next to get me. They did life to
but hey man, it was last year. Full latitude change,
oh baby on something could be yeah, you know, you
gotta sometimes you got to have an attitude shift, you know.
Speaker 4 (01:27):
What I'm saying.
Speaker 1 (01:27):
Yeah, new year, knew me. Yeah, no, no, okay, new year,
new new journey. There you go, you know, just enjoy
the journey. Yeah, a big journey, guy, are you Yeah?
Music and life there you go, ye yeah, not bad
man like journey. Journey I'm gonna give you at seven o'clock. Okay.
I'm just it's it's it's an executive decision, okay, and
I will We'll tease it a handful of times. I
need to know, and don't call in now with your answers.
I'm just it's a little teaser. At seven, I'll just
say this. I need the fans to and there's no
there's not going to be a there's no right or
wrong answer in this. I need the fans to explain
to me where patients begins and ends with coaching staff
and players. That's just a tease of where I'm going
with this, and they'll get an idea because when you
apply it to their job and your job from one
year to the next, from one week to the next,
and at seven o'clock, give you an idea of kind
of looking into I want to get into the mind
of our listeners and the fans of sports, and the
Texans fans in particular with the Texans of how just
to shift in overall belief in them. Does that make sense?
And applying it to your own craft. And I'm just
looking for answers why this is. I don't know the answer.
That's why I want to do this. And I kind
of want to get a feel for a fan base
and listeners to where how patient you are or how
impatient you are, and the reasons why you are And basically,
does it just come down to money when your expectations
are for people to be good.
Speaker 4 (03:15):
At their job seven o'clock Okay, okay, yeah, you got
You know, with all the coaching carousel, if you will,
from quote unquote Black Monday, a lot of different movement obviously,
Bobby sluck I I announced yesterday that excuse me, he
would be asked for an interview with the Jets, so
he'll take that, I'm assuming, and then Mike McCarthy getting
getting some interview requests with the Bears.
Speaker 1 (03:46):
I mean, come on, man, well, if you let your
head coach go interview, here we go. You if you
let your head coach go interview. If you're Mike McCarthy
and you're wondering, okay, how does this team feel about me?
If you allow your guy to go interview with somebody else,
that tells you you're allowing your girl to go sleep
with another dude and then come back home. And you
know Robert Redford and Woody Harrelson and Demi Moore in
the movie Only This Is for you know, I get
for money.
Speaker 4 (04:23):
You know that was what a million dollars of that movie.
Speaker 1 (04:25):
So point is I if I'm Mike McCarthy, and now
if you want to challenge you and find out where
they feel about you, but sometimes you don't want to
know how somebody feels about you. So if they say, oh,
have at it, that ought to tell you that ice
is extremely thin. And in Chicago, they're not better than
the cowboys. Yeah, I hate to say it, they're just not.
And you ain't going to a more efficient ownership because
they are out of their damn mind in Bear's ownership
in front office. So better than twice, But it comes
down to some time, you just want to be loved, right,
we all do. And if somebody allows you to do that,
hey man, we let them go bang somebody else, we'll
welcome him back. They may, but that I ought to
tell you how they feel about you deep down. If
you love a guy, you say, you're not walking out
the building, that if you do, stay because you're done.
So probably ought to start treating some players like that too,
you know, the threat of player empowerment, sitting out, sit
your ass out. So nah, man, weird request. But it's
the bearers, Yes, of course they requested it. With all
the body it's like this too. It's like you know
when you say, with all the things that go on,
why do you got to mess with that? Mean, there's
a lot of there's enough, you know, there's enough restaurants
in the world, there's enough to go to. Why do
you got to make a big deal over this one
and fight over this one when the one next door
is the exact same restaurant, just a different rapper Okay,
two burger judge, All right, yeah, well you want you
to have one maybe thinner patty than the other. Go
dress it up with whatever you want to put on it,
and you know, put cologne on crap if that's what
you want to do. But with all this, hey, I'm
gonna go after the guy who's actually employed and been
under is employed by the Dallas Cowboys. We're gonna ask
them for an interview. It's almost like they're thumbing their nose,
getting Jerry Jones to say, oh, yeah, you can interview
a meaning I don't like my head coach who would
allow you can't hit Kansas City?
Speaker 4 (06:29):
You want to let Andy?
Speaker 1 (06:30):
Andy was thinking about they were gonna interview him in uh,
San Francisco or wherever wherever? It is a Chicago, who wherever? Jacksonville,
and he might wants to get to Florida, and we're
gonna interview him. It's warmer there, can we interview him?
And the Kansas in chiefs say yeah, go ahead. Andy
Reid return around, look at him, say you guys, are
not this stupid?
Speaker 6 (06:52):
All right? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (06:53):
Speaker 5 (06:54):
Speaker 1 (06:54):
So And I'm not saying Mike McCarthy's Andy Reid, but
I am saying this it's allowed message if they allow it.
But with all the bodies that don't have a date,
you don't have to go after the guy's wife or
husband that's married and they've been married for not five, six, seven,
eight years. There's a single guy that looks just like
Mike McCarthy. You know, you know that when guys go
I want that. She's married now, so her twin sister
is the same thing. She said, Well, I'm gonna what
it was it the challenge, It's the same thing here.
If Mike McCarthy gets fired, have at it. Okay, but
what are you asking for permission to tell? Like whether
I decided and Jerry make a decision on the guy's future.
What about you should have been evaluating all your long.
Shouldn't take that long when the scene is over. If
you're in, if you're a Raider fan, if you're a uh,
if you're in this Dallas to decide what you're gonna
do with your head coach. If you don't know now,
then you then you just you don't know. He ain't
the guy. So it's just funny to me. Yeah, well,
we're requesting an interview with a guy who's employed by you.
Speaker 4 (07:58):
Are you surprised? I guess there and it's the Cowboys. Yeah,
I was gonna say.
Speaker 1 (08:03):
Jerry likes to have the stronghold over McCarthy. Yeah, like
he does everything. He wants to control everything. And the Bears, Hey,
let's the Bears would be the team that I mean,
the ownership at times you're like, what's going on? And
there's a lot of dysfunctional ownership with the great fans
they deserve, but the Bears ownership wuld be at times
like they call somebody and ask an agent for an interview,
and they'd say, well, that guy retired seventeen years ago.
He's no longer coaching. Oh, but we want to interview him.
Is there anybody we got to talk to? Well, yeah,
he's dead.
Speaker 4 (08:35):
Okay. Well it's like the Jets apparently are like heavy
on Rex Ryan Rex. When was the last time Rex
Ryan coached? Well but fumble and twenty they're good.
Speaker 1 (08:45):
I mean, Rex does have the argument the last time
you guys were an ANFC championship game was when I
was your coach. But and he's right there, and you
think that that ship sailed once, right.
Speaker 4 (08:56):
And then he was did you see what he was
saying yesterday on on Like I forgot the radio station,
But he had a hit kind of like you do
all your hits across the country. Yep, he has a
Monday hit. And he was already talking about the changes
he would make assuming that he was going to be
the next head coach of the Jets, saying that he
was going for Aaron Rodgers. It ain't gonna be no
country club. But I'm the head coach. Damn, dude, you
feel that good about getting the.
Speaker 1 (09:22):
Job, and if you're the j he already has the job.
Speaker 4 (09:24):
You want the damn retread of Rex Ryan.
Speaker 1 (09:27):
You know it takes one person who makes it, who's
a big difference maker or has the year of the
owner in the building. Yeah, I asked you yesterday.
Speaker 4 (09:35):
Yeah, I asked you yesterday about the GMS and how
they buddy up to the owners. Well, if there's a
head coach or a potential head coach that does the
same thing, there you go. He's gonna be the next
head coach.
Speaker 1 (09:44):
Well, I said, where the football like more than any
is in the buddy business college. He'll take guys with him.
The three or four times that you said this dude
has not helped your offense. Your receivers got worse everywhere
you went, But you just keep bringing them on because
he's your buddy. And that's fine. Because he's your buddy.
It's not good when it comes to football. There is
a trend when the guys just don't get the job done,
then maybe they're in over their head. Yeah, Okay, I
just said every coach ain't a good coach. I'm just
sorry to tell you this.
Speaker 2 (10:11):
They're not.
Speaker 1 (10:12):
Every coach that holds the can. Every coach that you
think is an expert out there is not.
Speaker 7 (10:17):
Or that.
Speaker 1 (10:17):
Oh man, well, the guy coaches in college, and I've
sat in rooms and watched guys coach. I'm thinking guys
getting paid to do this. Yeah, he needs a lot
of work and a lot of tutoring. He's way in
over his head, whether he's twenty two or or forty five.
And then some can't get out of their own way
because they won't learn new stuff.
Speaker 5 (10:36):
Speaker 4 (10:36):
So there's there's so many things to look into it.
Speaker 1 (10:38):
But good gracious, but look at the teams that are dysfunctional,
and then look at the results of their Look how
many times are firing and hiring coaches and different players. Yeah,
it's no mistake the leadership at the top. We can
go through these teams. Two of them are just stayed.
The Bears, a proud franchise, the Jets, the Giants, the Raiders.
Start going through him and start to think. Then look
at the owner, the Jacksonville Jaguars. Start to look at
the owner and the way they do things, and then
you'll get a sense for Oh, I guess it makes
kind of sense.
Speaker 4 (11:12):
You know, I look at this functional regularly. Yeah, I
look at another thing and I put it in our rundown.
Is what Andrew Berry of the Brown said, their general manager,
throwing Kevin Stefanski under the bus again riding the Deshaun
Watson stuff.
Speaker 1 (11:28):
Andrew Berry probably it were at the point where Andrew
Berry probably should be as as hot as seat as
there is in league with a GM.
Speaker 4 (11:35):
Yeah, and how the ownership hasn't come out and said
anything in regards to and just lets his GM continue
to throw on him.
Speaker 1 (11:41):
Yeah, and he did it. Yeah, Okay, he did Baker.
May I mean you start to roll through the guys
that they were part of it. Andrew Berry, Well, I'm
sure good guy, a good football guy. Andrew Berry is
uh carrying a rabbit's foot in his pocket, right, Okay,
he just is so. And there's a few of them,
but not every front office guy and not every coach
is an expert at what they do. They just went
down the right path and got hooked up with the
right guy. And then when it becomes accountable, and then
when you see, well, why aren't they making strides in
their career? Sometimes you get figured out whoever that might be.
Sometimes you just get figured out, and then you just
kind of an assist and then you fly to You're
like a journeyman in your career. That's okay because most
coaches are there everywhere. You'll get fifteen stops before they
settle in. But it just it's fascinating to me how
leadership at the top can't get it right in some
of these cities.
Speaker 4 (12:41):
Why person you're judging?
Speaker 1 (12:43):
How is it that certain guys can see it and
they can get a fifth rounder that plays better than
your first rounder?
Speaker 4 (12:50):
How is that?
Speaker 1 (12:50):
How is it that a coach you go get you know,
but the problem is social media and that you start
to write a hot last year, Bobby Slowick couldn't be
Bobby slowk. This city would killed somebody if you let
Bobby slow If you have said Bob Slowke's gonna leave
after this show, what are we going to do? He's
he's a phenomenon. I heard you started to hear the
comparisons to great offensive coordinators one year and he's good
and he's good. But let's slow a roll a little bit.
And now a year later people asked one Doug Peterson,
they want Frank Reich. I heard that on Twitter and
the guy I get it, and he's a good friend
on Twitter. But start talking about who they like to replace.
Start looking at already a new coaching staff in the
playoffs is just getting started in less than a year.
So you see how quickly you can I mean the
ride the hot hand. Every young guy who goes goes
off in one year, HM isn't worthy of being a
head coach the next year. Let's slow down, and some
are yeah, that's why you got to have enough talent
and discernment to see a sift through the position guy
and the guy who can lead people.
Speaker 4 (13:54):
And there is a major difference, no doubt, there's definitely
a huge, huge difference. Let's continue to talk about Bobby
Slow garnering some interest for head coaching positions. Once again,
there's a team out there that wants him.
Speaker 1 (14:05):
Who is it?
Speaker 4 (14:05):
Let's talk about it next?
Speaker 1 (14:06):
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Speaker 2 (15:42):
The Sean Salisbury Show continues.
Speaker 4 (15:46):
You got the college football playoffs, the semifinals coming up
starting on Thursday and then of course on Friday. So
we'll dig into that a little bit today, but later
on this week as we get closer to those games.
Also a little major league based news, Brent Rooker going
back to the Oakland Athletic excuse me, the Sacramento Athletics.
No Bregman news. Another thing that I was thinking of,
what's Justin.
Speaker 1 (16:10):
Verlander gonna do.
Speaker 4 (16:13):
One thing?
Speaker 1 (16:13):
You know he ain't retiring.
Speaker 4 (16:15):
Yeah, he's trying to get the three hundred wins. He's
not retiring.
Speaker 1 (16:19):
I guess we should. We should probably speculate and say,
I mean Detroit. Maybe I don't know what he's gonna do.
Speaker 4 (16:26):
Man, I haven't heard anything on Justin Verlander, but let's
keep me not even. There's not even been a peep, no,
nothing like, nothing at all. I was listening to uh,
excuse me, uh, listening to a radio show on the
drive in and they mentioned some uh the athletic news,
and then I just started thinking about it. I was like, wait,
where's Verlander. He's a free agent and not one peep,
not one rumor, not anything.
Speaker 1 (16:54):
And you know, nobody's even talking about it on any
of the shows. Nothing.
Speaker 4 (16:58):
Nothing, It's as if he's been retired five years. Yeah. Nothing, Man,
it's a trip. Let's see.
Speaker 1 (17:06):
Aaron Otta wants to prove to trade if he wants
you to Boston.
Speaker 4 (17:09):
Yeah, his preferred destination is the Boston Red Sox. Can
you blame him? No, Let's see Justin Erlander drawing interest
from multiple teams. Okay, of course they're the Tigers Astros
in this article as well, and then in the Baltimore Orioles.
Speaker 1 (17:34):
Cagy CAGT with a bunch of young dudes and it
could be good for them and.
Speaker 4 (17:39):
And they and Baltimore just signed h Charlie Morton on
a one year deal. Chasmo we go, so we canna
talk to baseball. Later on in the show, let's hear
from Demico Ryans talking about his offensive coordinator Bobby Slowick.
A big, big complaint from a lot of people this
season is the lack of adjustments. Well, Dimiko Ryans talked
about those adjustment.
Speaker 8 (18:00):
Yeah, I don't know if any season it's moved right.
You have a lot of ups and downs, even you know,
when you win and kind of those things kind of
going to the rug. But there are ups and downs
as coaches, and as coaches you have to grow and evolved.
You have to do things different and sometimes you set
out to do or you have a mindset of doing
things one particular way, and you always have to kind
of tweak those things and do what's best for the
guys that you have and what they're capable of doing.
Speaker 1 (18:29):
So I see where I think.
Speaker 8 (18:30):
Bobby has definitely grown in the area of being able
to adjust and put our guys in position to where
they can be successful.
Speaker 1 (18:38):
Has he grown an adjustment though, Well, here's what we
don't see from our vantage point, and on Sundays it
doesn't appear so. And I'm listening to Jamiico Ryan and say,
there's part of it in that. I'm just telling you
my translation of it right of the King James version
of the Bible. Okay, the Football Bible is what he says,
with the play you have that you've got to be
able to coach them up and do your thing and
make adjustments even with a bunch of injuries.
Speaker 4 (19:05):
I think that's part of it.
Speaker 1 (19:06):
But also willingness to evolve.
Speaker 4 (19:09):
You get caught up into a system.
Speaker 1 (19:12):
And the greatest thing about Andy Reid, aside from number
fifteen and from Texas Tech, who's pretty good, is that
Andy Reid has never been shy of Look at Andy Reid.
Tell me what kind of system Andy Reid runs.
Speaker 4 (19:23):
He used to run.
Speaker 1 (19:24):
Back in Randy Reid was a West Coast guy, a
lot of verbiage slants running forty nine or that tree
of that group of long time guys that were West
Coast offense guys. And then he went got Mahomes and
went different. And now Andy Reid is a Smorgesborg buffet.
He's taken something from what the old Washington Redskins used
to do when they were the Redskins. When we added
it in Minnesota, he's taken a bunch of what he's
brought with him and bringing some of the mahomes stuff
that Mahomes may have liked, different verbiage from Texas tech
or formations or it changed all the time, Andy r.
He's willingness to do that keeps him like he's a
thinks like a like a millennial. And when it comes
to social media all that even it's not social media
in the football term, and he's not willing to let
stubborness getting the way or ego get in the way
of what's good for us. And as you noticed, isn't
he the great example of oh Tyreek Hill leaves, how
do we put somebody else in there and make it
work for him? And then they get the speed guy
back in, you know worthy, and now he gets to
add that back to it. So, for in reading what
through those lines and listening to Jamika Ryan's I think
it says basically he's new at it and he has
adjusted this year that that's the biggest change and embracing
that and putting your players in the best position. The
greatest coaches don't put the players. They don't make the
players adjust to the coach. To me, great coaches adjust
to the talent. And that's why when you hear people
say he's getting his guys in there, right, when Nick
say is getting his guys in there, Belichick's bringing his guys.
He likes smart, good defensive guys when he's playing well,
the great coach, you want to get your guys in
But while you're getting building it the way you want it,
two years in, guess what happens. Some of those guys
aren't quite your guys yet and they don't understand what
you're doing.
Speaker 4 (21:09):
So how do you adjust to what Mechi does? Well?
How do you adjust?
Speaker 1 (21:13):
See a lot of times he's co as you know,
whether it's a hit that they can't get out of
their own way because it's like, well, this is how
I was taught it right, and you can teach it
that way, but you've got to be willing to add
chapters to the book. And if you're not, you can't.
And Bobby Slowack's challenge now is his second year. He's
not in his second twenty second year. He's in his
second year as a coordinator, so he's still trying to understand. Okay,
under duress, what's this guy like Joe Mixon. Oh, I
got my first taste to him. He's a different runner.
So there's a lot of adjustments he's had to make
there just is so, And that's not excuse yet. I
do believe then, when it comes to ingenuity and creativity,
I feel like they've taken a step back, or or
maybe even not a step back, complacent with it to
the point where at times it feels to me like
they're playing to get through it, not casually in their mind,
but to win the game, to get through it instead
of put your foot on their throat and attack. And
I once again will take you to Ben Johnson and
Detroit of what it looks like to be up by
three touchdowns and say we're beating you by five of them. Yeah,
and Bobby, you'll learn it, But Bobby didn't forget how
to coach. I think there's also this ability to deal
with when you go from a three win team to
a ten win team, the success and expectations that go
with it. I'll guarant ask to you their off season
This year, depending on when they're out, will be different
for some individual players than it was this year, and
probably for Bobby's look, he probably learned a lot about
it because it's always hard. It's I almost feel like
it's easier to deal with failure because nobody wants to
embarrass themselves. Yeah, in my at least in my failure,
it's like, I know, nobody needs to tell me crap.
When you're going with success. Guess what happens as you
know this, you're on a hitting street kind of do
the same thing, but you start to take for granted
how what the other side looked like and I'm just speaking,
and then to deal with the access to everybody telling
how great you are, and then all a sudden, training
camp starts and you get punched right in the face
in the opening game and you're like, oh, or game
three or whatever it is. Then the big boys could
the ones that there's a little separation. Baltimore's a big boy,
and you're like, oh, we played with him, we didn't.
Speaker 4 (23:15):
Win, so it's okay. Seven wins, eight wins, nine what
doesn't matter. TEXTA is getting blown out by the Vikings
this year in Week three and.
Speaker 1 (23:21):
The Vikings getting their humble by against True those big
boys weren't having any part of you in your building, right,
So it happens. There's some things and that's why how
patient should we be? It's part of the seven o'clock conversation?
And is he ready to take the next step? I
think you can see that Demiko Ryans is like some things,
and I'm sure there's some things that he's had to
coach Bobby slow cup on. Here's what we got to
do because he's been a defensive coordinator longer than Bobby
Slope was an offensive coordinator. Yea far longer. So he's
still growing into a position. Take anybody and say you're
a sophomore in college and you and you got your
first gig last year and got welcome to do We
expect everybody to be the greatest quarterback in the country
as a sophomore. I mean, these kids are special. Just
like a coach. Bobby Sloke learned something this year. If
he didn't, then then he's he's not going about it right.
But I believe he did. He's been in the right
system to do it. It's going to take a minute.
Speaker 4 (24:09):
Yeah, it is good and I think a part of
it that we have to always remember this is year
two for them, for him and to Miko your two
in it being a head coach and youar two being
an offensive coordinator is a frustrating to watch. The lack
of creativity and playing not to lose rather than to
go out and score as many points as possible. How
it looks optically, yeah, hell yeah. But he's still a
second year coach.
Speaker 1 (24:30):
And it sometimes though our frustration is I gotta go
through it, and I'm watching will I want to get frustrated.
Then I look and say, well, can you blame him?
That guy's getting dominated on the right side of the line,
or or they jump off side listen, And I know
coaches wanted it. It's not Bobby Sloweck's fault. When the
quarterbacks going through his cadence and the left tackle just
can't stay in his stance with that, that's not Bobby
Sloweck's fault, right, he's thinking about the next friggin play.
That's called discipline and really slap in yourself in the
face and realizing I may be good on the ball snap,
but I am killing my FN team. That's not Bobby
Sloweck or Demiko Ryan. Now, if you're letting it happen
on the practice field, that is a problem for Demiico Ryans.
I have a hard time believing that tunsel and that
group practice is perfect every week and then just jumps
off sides on Sunday. So what am I supposed to
think he's scared? I know he's not scared, So where's
the I know that's just one small part of it,
but those small things lead to a foundation that will
shatter unless you fix the small stuff. And if they
don't do the small stuff against the Chargers, they will
get their ass physically handed to them. I ain't worried
about the defense. I want to know can the offense
sustain ass kicking drives? Because Tarball's team, no matter what,
if Michigan was playing the Texans this week, they would
get their ass kicked. Michigan would, but at least when
Harball's coaching. But I could promise you, even with college kids,
you'd know you were in a fight. You're going to
be in a fight this week because that's what he teaches. Yeah. Hell,
Harball wants to fight the coach. That's who he is,
So you better you better gear up. They might have
been the most talented team. But I'm if you're thinking
the Chargers are, and also Ran, I wouldn't look at
it like that. They're gonna have to play a really
good game to beat them.
Speaker 4 (26:10):
Yeah, let's let's talk about that physicality of the Chargers
and the horror boss system. That's next, and the Shawn
Salisbury show continued, and you know Hall is it.
Speaker 1 (26:25):
Hall's got the blonde hair, right, Let's check it on
and then you know, I think Oates put part of
down the middle of Feathered, I mean in their prime.
Who are you? I mean, who are you taking home? First?
You've told me in private, but I want you to
let the audience know then when you think, you say
they're one of your favorite groups, and it's not just
for their music. So go ahead. It's okay though, I mean,
isn't it triple E? We are we we are, we
invited all in because we love, we love. We're not
judging you, Bryan. Go ahead.
Speaker 4 (26:53):
So who Darryl Hall's got the blonde hair.
Speaker 1 (26:55):
I'm going Hall blonde Otsy. I call him motsy with
your tight you know, those of us are the street.
I think you're going I think you're going dark hair.
Maybe he gets salt and pepper a little later on
in life.
Speaker 4 (27:06):
So he looks like he's way tall. No, he's actually
he's a shorter guy. So yeah, yeah, give me the
little guy.
Speaker 1 (27:12):
Oh you don't want the guy like six five and
you got to pick up on it. I don't want that.
Speaker 4 (27:15):
So which one was a little guy? Oats? Dark hair?
So that's Oats? Right, Haul's the blondie John Oates? Yeah,
Darryl Hall and John Oates?
Speaker 9 (27:26):
Speaker 4 (27:27):
You going with Oat?
Speaker 5 (27:28):
Do you call him?
Speaker 4 (27:29):
What do you call him?
Speaker 1 (27:30):
Speaker 4 (27:31):
What you're with him? Five five?
Speaker 1 (27:35):
Well, no reason, you can't set your drink on his
head too? What do you call him? Like when you yeah,
big Oa.
Speaker 4 (27:42):
It's actually not big Oats because he's five five.
Speaker 1 (27:44):
But you know, so you're telling me. You go to
a bar and you see him there, he's literally the
height of Yeah, you're going there and you say, that's
that's Oats. Yeah, and that's John. They're over there, like
the kind of just talking with you and the singing
we go and you're like listening to him and you think, man,
and so you're gonna pick up and you're you're you're
you're gonna you're gonna take You're gonna take one of
them home? Who you take it home.
Speaker 5 (28:11):
With that?
Speaker 1 (28:11):
But with that semi mullet on the side, curly a
little curly er hair for yeah, yeah, good good, good
grab potential for you.
Speaker 2 (28:20):
And now.
Speaker 1 (28:24):
We even left out who pulls More? Because I know
you'd like, well, you prefer a double pull.
Speaker 4 (28:28):
Who pulls More? Originated from Hall from halling.
Speaker 1 (28:31):
Oaks, I know, And that's why some people might have
missed it, you know, a year and a half ago
or whenever we started. But I just was wondering, who
you like get bricked up for? And I think it
was I think it's.
Speaker 4 (28:42):
Yeah, probably it's just you know, outside exactly right.
Speaker 1 (28:51):
I just was making sure you know I'm looking out
for you. But you know what you're you a Darryl
Hall guy. No, I would probably pass on both the group.
But if I went into the bar and they were there,
I probably wouldn't try to take him. I'd probably pass
up on him. Yeah, I'd probably go more for as
i'd go to the next one. Maybe bon Jovi was
at the end, you know, if I was going a
little bit, he's a little don't he's a little bon
Joey got a little metrosexual in a little bit. Yeah,
and then I probably go over there and maybe if
I really wanted to keep it late night, you know
over there with the Waylon Jennings really good.
Speaker 4 (29:23):
I don't know, man, he seemed more like a Rod
Stewart guy. No, no, his hair's too thin for me. Okay,
I think you know Rod, but a great performance him
in concert.
Speaker 1 (29:33):
Yeah, yeah, I probably Stuart stull co. Yeah, maybe, uh yeah,
I might even maybe even God rest his soul. I
might just go past the front man and head over
to the Rush and go right by Geddy Lee and
get over to Neil Pierre. Ye be my guy, because
I'm a drum guy. But he's no longer with us. Ye,
So there's a lot of choice. But I I know
Holland Oates have been one of your you know, the
guys that you'd really you're your mount rushmore bang would
be hall Oats, Garoppolo, what's my James Champler, Brian's Bankfest.
Hey come to the Lima party. But it's just these.
Speaker 4 (30:21):
Guys's Tampler, hall Oats and wow. So this is what
joy you whoa whoa what b whoa Broski. What wow, Taylor,
baby wow. She is still trending on Twitter. Hey, you
know you noticed that in another week. She did her
show yesterday and boy was she covered up?
Speaker 1 (30:49):
She was Oh yeah, dude. She was in a long steege.
Speaker 4 (30:52):
Dress, like straight up, straight up all of a sudden,
can'st you tune?
Speaker 1 (30:58):
And she's introducing and I got my tent on today.
Speaker 5 (31:01):
I don't say.
Speaker 4 (31:02):
Anything, man, And you like the little intro It was her,
Michael Irving, Shawn Johnson, and there was one other one.
I'd have to go back and look, and you could
tell they were so uncomfortable, like you had key Sean
Johnson act like he was throwing a pitch, like doing
the whole mechanics of a picture like movements like.
Speaker 1 (31:20):
You've they were trying to keep themselves busy.
Speaker 4 (31:23):
It's like, how do we approach this today?
Speaker 1 (31:25):
And even on the other one, you're thinking, would your
guy your your guy? The guys you're saying that they
can with the three fellas on there, don't many make
any husband wife jokes today? Are you fratnizing with anybody
in the building? Not today, Son, too soon? But the
smart move by them in truth, if you're if you're
like you're they're pr people go to work as long
as the work will let you show up and the
door's not locked on you. Yeah, go to work, because
the more you run from it, the more they're gonna
stare in the face. If it was if you made them,
and if the legend stuff true, you're gonna he robbed Peter.
You're gonna have to pay Paul. So why extend the
paying Paul? But they were on the air, so it
looks as if, I don't know, was it internal invest
I mean the moral part of it. You know all
of them were married. Yeah, I'm not the moral police.
That's on them. But the other side of it is
how steadfast are your rules in the building that a
subordinate's not allowed to be making love or whatever it is,
or buddying up to somebody that's not a subordinate. I
don't know.
Speaker 4 (32:29):
Hell, so apparently it's some more that I dug into it.
She was married, got a divorce because her husband found
out right then she started dating another guy. I want
to say, they got engaged or do you damn your close?
Then he found out and left her because of it,
Like damn this girl?
Speaker 1 (32:44):
So you say it's the per it's the it's the dictionary.
When you say, uh, f around and find out her
pictures showing up is what you said because she found
out you did. Man, Yeah, it's it's uh the thing,
like I said, don't your personal lives.
Speaker 4 (32:59):
I don't run their homes.
Speaker 1 (33:00):
They do what they want with family, and it's it's
sad if families get broken up over it. But I'm
not here to judge that or self righteous, well done
stupid stuff in our life. But the problem is is
that if it involves the part of if the true
part of that, she was actually going to say, even
though it was consentual, go to the subordinate and make
it sound like he was the reason that he forced himself.
Now that I got a major the other stuff. Listen, Okay,
I don't know who you're banging, but when you cross
the line of that, and so if you're a guy
in that building, it's like she's going to turn the
tide on that guy on not good. That part, that
part of it just absolutely blows.
Speaker 4 (33:38):
Paul Pierce was the other guy that was on the
set with him this morning.
Speaker 1 (33:41):
That's right.
Speaker 4 (33:43):
They looked so uncomfortable, They look so uncomfortable.
Speaker 1 (33:46):
When she's doing her intro.
Speaker 4 (33:47):
Paul, remember when he went her, Yeah, I've been there.
Speaker 1 (33:50):
Yeah that's right.
Speaker 4 (33:51):
I forgot about strippers on his Instagram Live Ray Keep America.
Speaker 5 (34:03):
Speaker 4 (34:03):
I just don't say.
Speaker 1 (34:04):
You're going to say it wasn't consensual there here because
I forced them to be here. Yeah, yeah, no, so odd.
I'm sure it was an od day in the building yesterday.
I would think so a little odd, a little uncomfortable.
But yeah, the truth is you got to keep on
keeping on and let the powers that be make the
decisions and then find somebody to defend you if that's.
Speaker 4 (34:20):
What you gotta do. The powers would be that you know,
problem is one of the powers that be was involved
in the powers that be? Right, Oh man, all right,
let's go to get an interview for a show. But
I'm not going to beg anybody for it.
Speaker 1 (34:35):
Not begging anybody either.
Speaker 5 (34:36):
Speaker 4 (34:37):
Let's let's talk about that physicality for the Chargers under
Jim Harball.
Speaker 1 (34:41):
That's next. You're back.
Speaker 2 (34:45):
This is the Sean Salisbury Show.
Speaker 5 (34:47):
Get back at it all right.
Speaker 4 (34:50):
Going into this game, Sean, there is no doubt that
the Chargers under Jim Harball the physicality has gotten so
much better compared to where they were likelast year, as
has game management. They've got Justin Herbert, who's playing good football.
They can run the football. Lad mccacky's going to be
a problem. We'll talk about him at later on in
the seven o'clock hour, probably right around seven thirty. The physicality,
How are the Texans going to be able to handle it?
Speaker 1 (35:18):
I don't believe at this stage of the season. You can.
I can change game plan. I can change my preparation
mentally going into a game. I can change personnel, meaning
who's starting and who the backup is. I can change
you know, I can't change any weather. And when it
comes to my football team, Well, let me ask you this.
If you're bench pressing two twenty five all year long,
are you going to be able to bench press three
thirty five that day? If that was your max and
you haven't take it, you're just staying there. Yeah, probably
not my plan. There's there's probably other ways and better
ways to describe it. I don't think in this season,
because you're just trying to stabilize during the sea get
game plans, and how do you if you haven't added
attitude of Hell, listen, if you're asking me, can they
physically keep up on the other side of the ball.
Were their defense physical enough to play with I'm worried
more about the offense against the Chargers defense than I
am about if the front seven can go in there
and thump them and deal with a good offensive line
and handle Herbert and deal with some play action. I
think the defense is going to show up and give
them a chance. I do their edge rusher, I do.
And even though they you know, even if somebody is
bigger than you size wise, I don't think that the
defense is going to back down. I don't think you
have to tell them how physical the game's going to be.
It's the other side of it. So if you're an
offensive line that's been I think, by all accounts, we'd
say a little more finesse, right, And even in the
finesse game they've struggled at times, they've gotten better protecting
the quarterback. But I'm talking about a full season, the
cumulative effect of a full season. I mean, can a
guy who's living at ninety five, all of a sudden
throw ninety nine seven straight innings when he's been throwing
ninety five all year and live there.
Speaker 4 (37:09):
No, how do you turn on physicality?
Speaker 1 (37:11):
Physicality, I do believe is obviously how hard you work
at in the off season get yourself ready.
Speaker 4 (37:16):
But it is also a mindset, isn't it?
Speaker 1 (37:18):
Speaker 4 (37:19):
Can you change your DNA? How in the world?
Speaker 1 (37:21):
Now, it's to me, it's like if you don't know
anything about math, that's not your subject.
Speaker 4 (37:29):
You just numbers. You don't get them. Now you can
go pass a test.
Speaker 1 (37:33):
Yeah, but are you ever going to get in a
job and you be an accountant if your numbers are
your your hatred, You're never even gonna fogere. You're not
going down that road. No, You're not right. Is you're
an angler, You're staying wherever your strengths are. I'm talking
about getting into it. So if you're not a if
your mindset has not been physical or has not proved
it all year long, do all of a sudden as
this team one that can just turn it on. I'm
not saying they can't turn on a win, And you
may be able to turn on Like you prepare for
a test that one day. In the second you walk
out the test, you could care less about those numbers, right,
because it was just to get through to your next
year and to make sure you're getting into the focus
and the things you do best. If you drive the
golf ball three ten, you're gonna go hit driver on
the range more likely instead of hands bleeding while you're
hitting sand shots for four hours. Right, And we've talked
about that before, but it's the same thing here. I
don't can you have a physical game?
Speaker 4 (38:24):
Speaker 1 (38:25):
Are they physical enough upfront to sustain three or four
games to get to February or three games to get
to February to be in position to have Super Bowl?
I think they can do it in moments? So how
do they get ready? I think it's gonna have to
be technique attitude. But you're either to me, you get
an attitude of physicality or you don't. Don't. And I
just think at least this year, can they shift their
paradigms next year? I don't think they're they're I don't
think they're nasty enough offensively to do that for sustain
Can they do it against the Charges?
Speaker 5 (38:53):
Speaker 1 (38:53):
If you don't, it ain't gonna be fun. And the
Ravens aren't any less physical, and Buffalo's not any less physical,
and the teams that are playing in it hit you
in the face. So that's going to be a major
challenge for them. I'm not worried about defensively now some
play action big plays that are left open. It is
can you offensively withstand the constant grind and then playoff
intensity will.
Speaker 4 (39:13):
Take your breath away as a player?
Speaker 1 (39:15):
It just does because of the It's just different and
I'm anxious to see how they handle it.
Speaker 4 (39:20):
I think with this offensive line, that's going to be
the key is what is his name? What's the really
good defensive end for the chart? Durham James.
Speaker 1 (39:28):
He's Safety Yeah, safetyxcuse me sorry, Safety Gostan He's like
one of the best blitzing Yeah, thank you on Safety
is on the planet.
Speaker 4 (39:36):
He does a lot of blitzing. That's the note that
I have right here. Yeah, blitz takes a physical nasty
he will hit you.
Speaker 1 (39:41):
Speaker 4 (39:42):
How are you gonna be able to stop the blitz
blitz packages, the blitz pickups, the stunts and things like
that that they've struggled with all year long? How are
you gonna be able to do that? Because now it's playoff.
Speaker 1 (39:51):
Time and if you're not careful in this game, McConkey,
like Nikoua and like Cooper cup yep will run rough
shot over you because they will do everything they can
to get in the ball in short places in space.
The question is when you play man who's drawn him
linebacker's too big, he's too too quick for that. And
then if you go corner on him, he's not a
big guy. Can you afford that? And then then the
rest of the perimeter people are gonna have to make plays.
This is a great challenge. But that's also uh, I
think because it I don't expect it to be forty
to thirty seven. Yeah, a little more low scoring, which
hardball I'd like to shorten the game, we know.
Speaker 4 (40:27):
Yeah, Khalil Mack is what I'm thinking about. He's in
one of the yeah defensive and he and Bosa are rushers.
It's their book ends. Yeah, yeah, Bosa and Khalil Max.
So you got a good luck to us stopping both
those guys as well. Let's get into seven o'clock hour.
Sean talked about it earlier on in the show. Patience
level for coaches and players for the Texans. That's next.
Speaker 2 (40:48):
K Houston, Houston I hard radio stations, the Rockets.
Speaker 10 (40:55):
Rockets your home for your home Teams Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 6 (41:05):
Salsbury Old.
Speaker 2 (41:10):
Okay, let's do this.
Speaker 3 (41:12):
Sewan Salisbury to usc Truth, longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury.
Speaker 2 (41:18):
Ryan Lima, go Lobos. This is the Sean Salisbury Show.
Speaker 4 (41:26):
Rockets Wizards tonight, six o'clock tip off, five o'clock launch
pad right here on seven out of your home for Rockets, Basketball,
Texans and Chargers coming up on Saturday, Wild Card Round.
You've also got the college football semifinals coming up on
Thursday and Friday of this week. So tons of football
this coming weekend. All right, Sean patience level, you tease
it in a six o'clock hour, yep, what we got?
Speaker 5 (41:55):
All right?
Speaker 1 (41:55):
And I don't. This isn't because I have an answer
for it. I have myon and it's all just opinion.
So everybody's entitled to it and I love it. Hence
why we do this radio show. Think about your gig
and think about it. My point is the patience level
of let's just talk about folks on the offense this year,
at this time last year, what were you saying about
Bobby slok you think what do you think the majority
people were saying? Slow it?
Speaker 4 (42:21):
Demiko Ryans and c. J. Stroud put them all in
one pile. Man, This is unbelieved. They are so good together.
Speaker 1 (42:27):
We've got the best young coach in the NFL, best
young quarterback in the NFL, who's a top five or
six guy, and we're and Bobby Slowk will be a
head coach the next two years. And he's as good
as new offensive coordinators as on the planet. At this
time last year, That's exactly what the narrative was at
this time this year. I've heard this is Demiko Ryans
has he lost the team. I've heard that, and so
I mean it's been It's not been one person a lot,
which is absurd.
Speaker 4 (42:55):
But that two is the coaching sucks on the rock
on this team. I've heard.
Speaker 1 (43:01):
I'm just talking about stuff on the periphery you've heard,
not said on here, but that you hear. And I'm
not saying it's right or wrong. I've heard that, Demiko.
I mean that the CD shot taking a major step back,
playing scared, doesn't look the same all those and that
Bobby Sloan is in overset. I want a new offense coordinator.
He should be fired. I've heard that. If you've heard
it once, I've heard of a thousand times, so in
twelve months, two back to back ten win teams and
they haven't lived up to our expectations and probably not
their own in the building this year. So with that,
now take your job, or take if you're a salesperson,
if you're in oil and gas, if you're a marketing person,
and all of a sudden you have a great they
hire you and you kick ass. You just got out
of your master's program making a buck and a quarter
and bam, you're the rookie of the year at at
your job. And then they make a change in some
management areas or whatever it is, and you come back
and now all of a sudden, you know you're in
an I'm just you use it and the sales aren't
coming as good, the marketing people aren't spend as much,
but whatever it is, and your bosses are like, what's
going on? And you have you did everything the same
with some adjustments your plan, your formula, and at the
end of the year you fell seventy five thousand dollars
short of your goal and your boss is, well, you
did the same thing and you had the same people,
and you extended deals and all that, but there was
a couple that you missed out on because well, they
just weren't ready to pay yet, and they may do
it in twenty twenty five. And then now you're starting
to question, and then some of your your middle manager,
your boss saying well, why weren't you is productive? Well
I did everything, just a couple of things along the way,
you know we had that was I was sick for
two of the weeks. Well you know I had the flu.
It came all those things and the expectations, what's the difference?
And then the boss is starting to question you. My
point is, is it simply because we see how much
money athletes and players make, do we not allow them leeway?
I don't know if we did, because I'm we're critical,
we're complimentary, and they deserve both at times. But see
how almost absurd it is for us to say fire
him now? Yeah, I mean our expectations is it's simply
because well, hey, Stroud makes all this money and he
was he played great last year. Why isn't it the
same now? And were we reserve the right to do
that judgment? My point is, and I'm trying to are
we too quick to do it? On the good side,
we had CJ. Stroud in the Hall of Fame last year. Yeah,
and on the bad side this year. Man, do we
really have the quarterback in the future?
Speaker 4 (45:25):
You've heard that.
Speaker 1 (45:26):
People want slowly fired. Yeah, we're and you're in the
playoffs with ten wins. After two years ago you were
you were a three win team. So and that's okay
to feel that way. My point is, at your job
after one year in the next one, would you sit
back if people were in The difference is you don't
have people hovering over other than people in your building.
People aren't watching you on TV every week, so it
heightens it and hyper sensitive. So my point is, are
we absurd to sit here and say, come on, man,
back to back ten win teams, back to back playoffs
and because they took a step back, it could be
the other teams got better. You took a step back.
I mean, maybe you didn't prepare the way you wanted to.
Now you're just in survival mode and next year you'll
be different. My point is, do we are we really
hit the point? Did you want coaching? Major coaching changes now?
Speaker 4 (46:12):
Speaker 1 (46:13):
I think is it because they're on TV and they
make collect Are we judging this by money and expectations,
or by think like I said, if it's your job,
you're an oil and gas right, let's just say that, right,
And you had a different year, but you did, you
prepared just as hard all and it just didn't fall
the way you wanted.
Speaker 4 (46:27):
You came up short this time. So what were the
circumstances on wide didn't get it?
Speaker 1 (46:33):
I just told maybe the economy is down, maybe it
was an election year in your job, and maybe get
the prices. You know how they set the gap how
much you want preparel? Where the perfect price is up
and down and it fluctuates. And then all of a
sudden the guy that you've had a huge account with, ye,
that's it's a half a million dollar account. And all
of a sudden the seeo retired and then his min
manager left because somebody else hired him away. If that's
football every week, it's football every freaking week. Why is
it one year that Justin Thomas and golf is on
the verge of Ryder Cup guy of being he's a
top five player in the world, and then this this
past year.
Speaker 4 (47:14):
And the year before couldn't win.
Speaker 1 (47:16):
Colin Markle went majors and majors and he hasn't won
a tournament five years, but he's been second great player
and he's he's in the playoff and in FedEx Cup
and he's on your Ryder Cup team or President's Cup team.
But but he had one get there. He can't quite
he can't quite make that one putt?
Speaker 2 (47:31):
Did he did?
Speaker 4 (47:31):
He made?
Speaker 1 (47:32):
Doesn't mean he's not a good player. Are we ready
to say guy sucks now? He hasn't won in five years,
yet he's hovering around there, and who's beaten Scheffler when
he's at his game? So my point is, in your
gig those circumstances, you did everything the same and the
guy that it was your guy at that left and
you made up for it to four hundred thousand dollars
with somebody else, but he came up one hundred thousand dollars.
Speaker 4 (47:52):
Should should we replace you?
Speaker 1 (47:54):
Speaker 11 (47:56):
Speaker 12 (47:56):
Speaker 1 (47:56):
You? You'd beg for one more year to say, well,
I'm going to turn that around.
Speaker 5 (47:59):
Did issue?
Speaker 1 (48:00):
That's out of my control?
Speaker 13 (48:01):
Speaker 4 (48:02):
But it isn't.
Speaker 1 (48:03):
Isn't a referees call out of your control and injuries
injuries out of your control? I think I think with
personnel sometimes out is.
Speaker 4 (48:11):
A play call. If you have a dumb if you
have about I almost said dumb ass, Yeah, no, dumbassy yeah,
if you have a not so good roster, how is
that in your control? You're not the GM, right then
you know what I mean?
Speaker 6 (48:24):
So good?
Speaker 1 (48:25):
There's a personnel, right, and a good coach is supposed
to elevate.
Speaker 4 (48:27):
Yes, average, it's not gonna take one year, exactly, it's
gonna take more than one year.
Speaker 6 (48:32):
Speaker 4 (48:32):
So I think Sean, you played in the NFL for
ten years, like, you know the pressure, you're the quarterback.
You know the pressure, you know the expectations, you know
that you're at the highest level. Like, so, I think
that comes into play for normal people like you and
I if we're an oil and gas or even what
we're doing here, and.
Speaker 1 (48:47):
The fact that it's on TV and they make more money.
Speaker 4 (48:49):
We have different in these days all that money in
the way.
Speaker 1 (48:52):
Money doesn't equal success all the.
Speaker 4 (48:54):
Time, No, it does not. And society wants that instant
gratification and to move on. Rod Mayo fired after one year, right, right,
and their rosters sucked.
Speaker 1 (49:03):
Right, and Bill didn't leave him well, and you know
that that team didn't leave him with much. That's my
point and it's okay. I'm not saying it's wrong for
you to question, because I question. I think Sloak's really good,
but I questioned some of the I think his aggressiveness
has got stalled a little bit this year. That it's
like and maybe inside in the practic field, in the
media room, he says, I just we don't have as
much as fans may think we do, and I got
to work around it so that that's for them to
figure out. But it is true those things and like
Stroud last year, and yes he's taking a step back,
but is it just is it him? Is it taking
the hits? Is it the fact that maybe the cumulative
effect and he's got to get over it because if
he does this three years in a row, he'll want
a new quarterback. Yeah, but also there's that part of
you know what last year, the throw that he threw
a whole shot that just got over the corner's head,
the corner jumps two inches higher and gets a tip
ball pick. And I'm not this isn't an excuse for
the player or the coach, because we all reserve the
right to sit back and say, well I don't like that,
and we all have different we see it from a
different colidis, right, so for me in a different magnifying glass.
So I just I think we're so quick to do it,
just like we're way too quick to say, why isn't
that guy play like Mahomes?
Speaker 14 (50:10):
Are we really?
Speaker 1 (50:11):
I mean, what bo Nicks and Jayden Daniels and Stroud
did last year, that's not normal for rookie quarterbacks. What
Caleb Williams did this year, and what Bryce Young did
that that's about normal.
Speaker 5 (50:20):
Speaker 1 (50:22):
Again, when people say it's absurd, well, Alabama Georgia could
compete or Texas could compete with the worst team. The
worst team in the NFL would destroy them, They.
Speaker 4 (50:31):
Beat him down.
Speaker 1 (50:33):
They'd make them look like a Division three team in
a National championship game against the best team in Division one.
Speaker 4 (50:39):
That's what it would be like.
Speaker 1 (50:40):
So that's that doesn't So my point is is that
we are so what happened. What happened is they were
inconsistent in the ten wins. Well, they're lucky they're in
the division. You're exactly right, but they are in the division.
So now it's a new tournament. How they deal with it,
and we're going to be critical, We're gonna be complimentary.
I'm just curious what the fans think if you apply
when you start to put things to your real life
compared to theirs. I'm not even talking about money. It's
all relative to what would you expect from you and
your boss for you, just like you expect from them.
They're not doing anything different other than their job happens
to be on TV, and they got a skill set
that most of the world doesn't have. Just like if
one of them walked off and walked into an accounting meeting,
most of us you sit there and say, or are
a science where they've got science where the guys up
there doing for me, You'd be like, that's not my
prayer grade. I can learn it, but you've done right.
Now there's a curve. The problem is they're their own
worst enemy. Why because they improved seven wins in one
year a bat on an average roster, and now they've
turned it around, they could very well come back the
Vikings a year ago. People. What's going on? Cousins is
leaving fourteen and three and I read after Donald do
you realize after this game against Detroit that I read
because I go on in Minnesota and I sit on
the feed and all that, do you realize they want
to bench Darnold, want to bench Darnold in the Pro bow,
in the fourteen on the road against the best team
in football, arguably in the Detroit Lions. You can make
the argument that they are the best in either conference.
And after this game, because it was on TV, there's
people who want to bench him for who who's gonna
play Danny Jones. Not that he can't play, but Daniel Jones.
Stop it they want to do That's my point.
Speaker 4 (52:25):
Are they going to try to bench Jonathan and Blake
Cashier because they got cooked?
Speaker 1 (52:28):
Yeah, they got pushed around? Dude, at what point? Yeah,
whoever supposed to tackle Jamier gives in, let's bench him too.
My point is is that that's what I'm saying, is
that the exit, when we raise expectations, we expect him
to live there and everybody's not Mahomes and Andy Reid.
That's and unfortunately we always compare him to those guys
as opposed to where good You could be a really
good player and not have Mahomes rings exactly. So it's
just I'm just curious where the fans where they sit
on the patient's part and why, how are you ready
to move on from some guys already?
Speaker 4 (53:02):
Well, I think the biggest, the hottest name as far
as fans losing their patients is Bobby slow So where's
your Where is your patient's level with Bobby Sloke? Seven
one three two one two five seven ninety call in,
let us know. Let's get to the steak out next
right here on the Shawn Salisbury Show.
Speaker 2 (53:19):
Let the celebration start war Sewn Salisbury, This Seawn Salisbury Show.
All right, Sean, what are you hearing out there now?
The Salsbury steakeout, Salsbury stakeout on the Sean Salisbury Show.
Speaker 4 (53:44):
Time for the stake out here on the Shawn Salisbury Show.
Sean Brown and Tripley seven one three two one two
five seven ninety is the number to join. We asked
the question patients level for Bobby Slowick the Texans players
and coaches get out to the phone lines. We will
talk to Brian. What's up Brian?
Speaker 15 (54:05):
Hey, good morning guys.
Speaker 16 (54:06):
Speaker 17 (54:07):
Actually, when it comes to that, you know, my thought
is either giving you Rod Johnson a shot or just
bringing in somebody.
Speaker 15 (54:13):
From outside the organization. I don't know who.
Speaker 17 (54:16):
The next kind of a good offensive mind is, But
I just think you need kind of a change, just
somebody who can maybe see how to use CJ a
little bit differently, maybe making them a little bit more
mobile in the pocket. Obviously a lot of it has
to do with the line, so I wouldn't have a
problem if.
Speaker 15 (54:33):
They moved on. You know, I liked your Rod. I
think he's he's got a good.
Speaker 17 (54:40):
Grip of the offense and of the quarterback position all that.
But I'd like to see a change of some sort.
And then, Sean, I made the bet with you.
Speaker 15 (54:50):
Your Trojan to miagis, I'm a man of my word.
Speaker 17 (54:52):
You guys pulled off the late win, so I hit
you up on X if you want to let me
know where the charity is you want me to.
Speaker 15 (54:59):
Say and the fifty I'm a man of my word.
I'm happy to on to.
Speaker 1 (55:05):
That, all right. I will definitely do that and help
somebody out. I appreciate it. It was a fun game, and
you know it was a hell of a comeback by
the Trojan, so we needed it, and I know ad
M wanted it as well. So thank you and real quick, Brian.
And I like Gerard Johnson too. But when you say
and I'm just curious that I'm from a fan's perspective,
you say he knows the offense, he knows what he's doing.
You got a second year coordinator, it would be his rookie,
and in the middle of a year you want to
move on or tell me why you know Jerrod Johnson's
what makes you think. I'm not saying he's not, but
from your perspective, when I hear fans say this, you
haven't seen him call of play? Hey, hang on, let
me finish with the question, what is it? Because he
does a great job, and he's worked with high school
guys and been an assistant in the NFL, and I
think he's going to be spectacular. I'm talking about now,
what makes you think from games you've watched this year
and last year, the same quarterback coaches with the same
quarterback and coordinator, right, and he's the one in the
room with him. So why why is Jerrod Johnson more
qualified today than Bobby slowik is? Knowing that he's never
called a play on the NFL level.
Speaker 17 (56:13):
No, that's a fair question, And you know, maybe it's
more so just my phone affinity.
Speaker 1 (56:18):
For because he's local and he's local and he's an
A and M guy. Yeah, Yeah, he's an A and
M guy.
Speaker 17 (56:23):
He coaching my my high school alma mater, so he
coached there. So I'm a little bit, you know, I
always got a fuff spot there. But you know, he's
played for a major, you.
Speaker 6 (56:32):
Know, d one.
Speaker 17 (56:33):
He played at A and M and and not that
that means anything, but I just think maybe he sees
it a little bit differently than than slow it. But
obviously it's slow. It's offense as the offensive coordinator or
as you give your input, but ultimately it's still slow.
Its decision is what to call and ex search situation.
But that's my only thought.
Speaker 15 (56:53):
And then one quick uh name on the.
Speaker 17 (56:55):
Ash shows what do you all thought about maybe bringing
in like a Randall gritcheck for.
Speaker 15 (57:00):
The outfield, because I don't think you're gonna be.
Speaker 17 (57:02):
Able to get Sandt in there without moving Presley's money
and all of that, and maybe even one other contract
off the books, but maybe somebody like a Randall Gritzrik
or a Jerkison profar, somebody like that who can come
in and be that veteran presence and even then re
signing somebody like Hayward just for that locker room guy,
because you're starting to lose all of those veterans who
are willing to speak up.
Speaker 15 (57:25):
And I think Hayward's been here long enough.
Speaker 17 (57:28):
Uh, you know, with his run even at the end
of last year, he's got some clout with these guys
where he could kind of beat that veteran presence. Uh,
that some of these younger guys may need about to
enjoy the show. Guys and Sean, Yeah, send me that information.
I'll uh, I'll take care of it.
Speaker 1 (57:43):
Paul got appreciate it.
Speaker 13 (57:44):
Thank you.
Speaker 4 (57:47):
Between two, give me a jerks and profile. We hit
on that yesterday.
Speaker 1 (57:51):
Yeah, absolutely, jerks profile over and there's been a productive
pro And I'll get to what Brian was talking about.
But for me, when you have one of my biggest
concerns about Bobby Slope, But Bobby Slope's a a good
play caller, or he wouldn't be getting these request from others.
Speaker 4 (58:06):
He's heldon high regard.
Speaker 1 (58:07):
He still knew at his gig, I don't subscribe unless
you're awful. They're a playoff team. I ain't changed my
offensive coordinator during the season.
Speaker 4 (58:16):
Speaker 1 (58:16):
Now I'm going to evaluate all of them. Girrod Slowick
my defensive coaches. I'm evaluating all just like I do players,
just like I would if I'm the owner of the GM,
if I'm the coach, I'm evaluating my staff. Did we
get better? Did we do the necessary things? Is he
teaching it right in the media, all those things, but
I don't subscribe to right now after what they did
last year. And remember, Girrod's in the quarterback meeting room.
He's in there, and he may be great. I don't
think it's time to make a switch yet. And I'm
a big fan of his and I think he's a
hell of a teacher, but for Bryan's purposes. And I
love it because we all think this way. Is it
high school Alma mater a and M. He loves a
M and he's a local guy and I get that affinity.
Yet we have not seen him call a play, so
that's probably premature as well, because he would run into
I guarantee three games of it, and you're like, man,
we're not doing the same thing. Then we're already gonna
say Girod's not worthy. Of course he's worthy of it,
but right now he happens to be the quarterback coach
and at some point in time, he'll call plays here
or somewhere else. But for me, it's not does Bobby
Slope no offense? I know he does. For me, it's
the end game adjustments when things aren't going the way
that you wanted to. It's easy. I'm just telling you,
it's easy to call plays when you're having one of
those days where the quarterback can close his eyes and
throw it to the guy he wants to. You're getting
perfume that everything you do it just it's clockwork. I
can bring you you in and say, Brian, here, you
just call that play where we're gonna crow flat. You
don't know the name of it. I'll tell you the name.
You call that, yeah, and it'll work. Then there's those
days when you're in between. Most days you don't live
like that on Sunday, most of them. A lot of
crap goes on and you're not playing smoothly for four quarters.
That's the way it's and for them it's been like
that for the most part, for damn near seventeen games.
It's the ability to make those changes when it's not
smooth and trust them the end game, not the Wednesday adjustments,
the in game adjustment says today, look what we're doing.
We don't need to change it, go dominate, And then
those days of damn, we're not running football. So how
do we without abandoning the run, how do we make
some successful runs and still expand our offense. And he's young,
he will learn it. Yeah, you know, it's just seeing
a lot of football over the years, and damn near
hell been out of it. Damn near as old as
Bobby Slow kid is, right, So seeing a lot of
and the great ones adjust in game, and it may
not look pretty, the whole thing is creating opportunities for
you to get out of there with a win.
Speaker 4 (01:00:42):
And especially now in single elimination.
Speaker 1 (01:00:44):
I really don't give a damn what it looks like
the end results, because if you throw for four hundred
and get beat by three touchdowns because your quarterback through
three careless picks, it doesn't mean a hill of beans.
Speaker 18 (01:00:54):
Speaker 1 (01:00:54):
The only stat that's going to matter now we're going
to judge it will look their offense sucked. It was
because of even okay, great and we'll adjust in the
off season, evaluate him in the off season. Right now,
you've got to trust it Slow, it's going to make
enough good decisions to give his team a chance.
Speaker 4 (01:01:08):
Seven one three, two one two five seven ninety is
the number to join. Will continue to take your calls
on your patients level, for the coaches, the players, Bobby
Slowick and the Texans. Let's discuss that as we continue
on next on Sports Talk sevent eighty.
Speaker 1 (01:01:21):
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Speaker 4 (01:01:56):
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Speaker 1 (01:01:57):
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Speaker 4 (01:02:01):
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Speaker 1 (01:02:03):
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For the Shawn Salisbury Show continued, there'll be another zoid here.
That's the feeling you have, right, and then the stylics
listics kick in with that cut and you know you're
you know you're pulling you You're in Okay, Yep, there
you go.
Speaker 4 (01:02:40):
Seven one three two one two five seven eyes. Get
back out to the phone lines, elies, good morning.
Speaker 14 (01:02:46):
Good morning guys. I just want to say I love
the show.
Speaker 19 (01:02:49):
I don't call frequently, but this first thing I listened
to on my radio going to work. Thank you, And
I want to say that I want to say that
I'm I was never a.
Speaker 14 (01:02:58):
Fan of slow Wick. I think he should be.
Speaker 19 (01:03:00):
Given another year to prove himself and and if he
doesn't do good.
Speaker 14 (01:03:05):
I think he you know, we need to change because just.
Speaker 19 (01:03:08):
Like the cut players, they need to switch coaches as well.
Speaker 4 (01:03:11):
Let me ask you a question. Can I ask you
a question about that?
Speaker 13 (01:03:14):
All right?
Speaker 1 (01:03:14):
Well in truth, now let's go back. What did you
feel about him last year? At this time last year?
What were you saying about Bobby slog?
Speaker 14 (01:03:22):
I didn't think he was great, but I think he
was okay.
Speaker 19 (01:03:25):
Like, you know, I'm talking to this one chick and
because I say slow.
Speaker 5 (01:03:30):
It sucks.
Speaker 14 (01:03:31):
She kicked me at the house, right, But you know
she's a huge Texas fan.
Speaker 13 (01:03:36):
This is that.
Speaker 19 (01:03:37):
But it seems like me personally, I'm you know, I
know what place he's gonna call already, Like I would
tell her, look, he's gonna make that play call, and
sure enough, he makes that play call.
Speaker 5 (01:03:49):
Speaker 1 (01:03:49):
So you think you don't like him because you think
he's too predictable, right, he needs.
Speaker 19 (01:03:55):
To and I believe our teams know that. You know,
I think he needs to be more aggressive. Like when
the Texas were interviewing Cliff, I was like, hell, yeah,
get Cliff, get Cliff, but they didn't get Cliff, right, uh, thinking,
because I mean Slowik is Ryan's boy, right, but I
want a cliff all along, right, So you know, when
they hired Slow, I'm like, all right, we'll see, we'll see.
But I think he just needs to be more aggressive. Okay,
he needs to you know, the running given to the
running back the majority of the time. I'm like, look,
this guy's running into all of the time. Why are
you always giving it to the running back? You know,
Stroud is a great quarterback. I think he could be
a great quarterback. To just give it to the running back,
I'm like, man him, let that match the ball.
Speaker 1 (01:04:41):
Do you think Stroud's taking a step back and all
this year or you put it all on Slower?
Speaker 19 (01:04:46):
Well I think both, but you know, more of the
blame for me is Slowly right.
Speaker 14 (01:04:53):
So I mean I say give him.
Speaker 19 (01:04:55):
Another year next year, coming in next year, and if
it's the same thing, I think he should.
Speaker 1 (01:05:00):
Now I do think that's fair. I do three years
into it. If he first year was great, if the
second year took a step back but they still got
to the playoffs, next year they take a step back.
If it's not, it's the same, I would get that's
three years. That's fair, that's fair. Exactly one year of
greatness we're not putting him as a head coach in
the Hall of Fame. One year of struggles but still
winning ten games, having injuries, not making excuses because I
still have questions about him. I want to see where
he goes. But I can make full It's like a quarterback.
I'm not quitting on. I wasn't quitting on Bryce Young.
We said on the show after one year, and Caroline's like, man,
the guy's not very good. But now look the coach
is starting to work his magic. He's getting better. They're
getting better players. So imagine if they'd have quit on
him and said, you know, we're getting rid of him
after one year, and Bryce Young stayed the course and
turned it into a pretty decent football player and maybe
will turn into a great one.
Speaker 4 (01:05:48):
Who knows.
Speaker 1 (01:05:48):
So it's the same. I always stay three years of
a player. I start to get a trend on a
coach and a player three years in, especially if they've
got a decent roster, then I'll know.
Speaker 19 (01:05:57):
I just don't for me. For me personally, I don't
think so. I think he needs to be more aggressive,
throw the bar more. And I understand, you know, the
running back one thousand yards, fine, but come on, you
need to throw the bar more, be more aggressive. I'll
give him another year if he doesn't do anything. Hey, Miko,
get rid of him.
Speaker 4 (01:06:19):
I appreciate it, you Lis. Let's talk to Kenneth. Kenneth,
good morning.
Speaker 20 (01:06:23):
Yeah, And I'm glad that I've brung this up because, uh,
you know, I remember when they did the same. You know,
I was hearing the same thing. Dusty Baker was doing good.
They couldn't wait to get him out of here, you know.
And you know, it's just this thing got a lot
of legs to it, because I'm impressed at how they
have to find a way to pass this line up
to get something out of work. But at the same time, man,
you know, we're all seeing the same thing about predictability
and all this stuff right here, about this play calling
and stuff like that.
Speaker 9 (01:07:02):
Yeah, you know, good year. Okay, not so good year.
Speaker 20 (01:07:06):
But we're in the playoffs, man, And you know, I'm
sitting in the room and heard a player talk about
us as fans.
Speaker 9 (01:07:16):
I couldn't say a damn thing because he.
Speaker 20 (01:07:18):
Was right, because he was saying, how fickle we can
get down here, you know, and and and and and
Dan Campbell said it right, Man, you got to have
that taste of of of where you had been before,
of eating that molded bread, appreciate things we didn't have
nothing they overachieved last year.
Speaker 16 (01:07:39):
What we got this.
Speaker 20 (01:07:40):
Year was finally what kind of he was kind of
expecting with in the playoffs.
Speaker 9 (01:07:45):
And what this infuriates me, man, is brewing your team. Okay.
Speaker 20 (01:07:51):
I can understand you got a guy keep holding somebody
jumping offside.
Speaker 9 (01:07:55):
Okay, but those bulling man, and you know it's and
I'm gonna tell you right now.
Speaker 20 (01:08:00):
I'm sitting up there and you want to boo that, fine,
but you get like some of these people throwing stuff like.
Speaker 9 (01:08:07):
That, You're gonna have a problem with me, man, because
I appreciate the team. I appreciate that they're winning. And
right now, Man.
Speaker 20 (01:08:15):
Ten is selling and teamle got a problem.
Speaker 9 (01:08:18):
Football is a game of physical chance, man, Am I right?
Speaker 16 (01:08:23):
You know?
Speaker 9 (01:08:24):
You know achieve that by look you know? And then I.
Speaker 20 (01:08:28):
Think about, Man, you know, okay, we got CJ. But
I do think they may need somebody for him. And
I want sean, what is Gary Kubiak.
Speaker 5 (01:08:41):
Doing these days?
Speaker 1 (01:08:43):
Retired and loved law or maybe he's a consultant stuff,
But I don't think he's I don't think he's on
anybody's staff right now. He might be. He was on
the Baltimore Ravens as an offensive assistant for a minute.
I'm not sure where Gary is. I'm not I know
Son is the offensive coordinator was this past year and
uh no New Orleans. But I don't know what Gary's
doing right now. As far as the coaching thing, well.
Speaker 20 (01:09:06):
He's great with quarterbacks, man, and I think that'll be wonderful.
I ain't talking about hiring him as a coach or
anything like that, or but if he wanted it or
something like that, you know, to see it's spending some
time with somebody like him or somebody that was a
season quarterback and stuff like that. Man, Because I don't
put no blame on CJ.
Speaker 9 (01:09:27):
Who do we have. He got a.
Speaker 20 (01:09:28):
Running back over there, look like you know, that's like
his right hand man. He got a team he's a
team player and everything like that. I just really believe
he needs that season quarterback guy in his ear. Because
I wanted to ask you once before, because just think
if he came in on that sideline after some stuff, man,
what would your words be to him? You know what
would you say to him, Sean, you know and you
know what'll cross your man? And because I'm just I'm
just wondering, man, what would you say to guy like
this young? I like this here because I really believe
he said, like on the island by itself.
Speaker 9 (01:10:04):
Right now, you know. And thank you for the time,
because I had been wanted to.
Speaker 1 (01:10:08):
Say this, thank you, thank you, And well I'll get
to how i'd approached c. J. Stroud. Thank you for
the for the call. Here's what it says, think about this,
and here's another thing perspective from fans. First of all,
we are all absurd with our expectations of players. Now
it doesn't mean we shouldn't have an opinion on it,
but of the success and thinking that it's easy and
you're gonna have great success all the time. Players coaches
take steps back and maybe just maybe they're doing the
same things this year is last year and just getting
a different result, which means you do have to change
and adjust.
Speaker 4 (01:10:40):
So I mean callers and continue.
Speaker 1 (01:10:43):
I love the opinion and what we're getting from each person,
but just from a vantage point of having not that
I know more than anybody, but I have been in
those situations and in truth, fans outside the building don't
know what goes on in certain decisions inside the building.
Maybe guy just doesn't know how to meet and practice right.
Are they teaching them right as a coach? And is
the player paying attention as much as he all these
little things that human nature kicks into the you gotta
guard Listen, success, success breeds complacency, It just does for
most that's human nature. For teams like Kansas City, think
about this. The Kansasity Chiefs have won two Super Bowls
in a row and they are what fifteen and two.
Speaker 4 (01:11:24):
Yes, they didn't get complacent.
Speaker 1 (01:11:27):
So I'm not saying it's intentional, but it does creep in,
and so you've got to really fight against it and
then continue to evolve as a play caller and the
rest of it as a quarterback, as a head coach. Listen,
things are a little bit different this year. How are
you going to do it? They are in the playoffs,
sell and you know people are gonna boo, that's fine.
My whole thing is the expectations of thinking that every
place is supposed to be and then you'll get one
who wants to throw it more and one who wants
to pass it more, and one who wants to in
third and four handed off and one who wants to
throw it, and we all have a different perspective of
what they're supposed to do. Yet, do we really think
that pro coach sitting in a room watching all the
tape they watch, does it still see some of the
things we see yet? The ability to be aggressive at
times of duress and not get into like a player does,
with the comfort zone that he's As a play caller,
you're like, well, let me go to what I know. Well,
what you know may not be what's best for this
series of plays. And that is hard to do because
you want to put your stamp on it. The only
stamp that matters is that play, the adjustments that are necessary.
But it's not just adjustments, it's also the execution. He
asked about Gary Kubiak. Yeah he retired. Yeah, I thought so?
Is he with Baltimore's last last stop.
Speaker 4 (01:12:36):
He was the assistant head coach and offensive coordinator for
the Vikings in twenty twenty. Then he was a look
According to his Wikipedia page, and again it's Wikipedia, anybody
can edit. He is a current coaching advisor for the Panthers.
Ro Claw Okay, Panthers ro Claw are in ro Claw, Poland,
which is they currently play football on the newly formed
European League of Football.
Speaker 1 (01:13:02):
Oh so he's getting paid to teach people how to
do it and to put together a team and play
game plans and teach it. Full good for Gary because
I think he was with Baltimore for a minute. I
know he was with the Vikings.
Speaker 4 (01:13:11):
He was with Baltimore. So he was here with the
Houston Texans, then with the Baltimore Ravens, then the Broncos
and the Vikings.
Speaker 1 (01:13:16):
There you go, and the hell of a career for Gary. Yeah,
and a really smart football guy.
Speaker 6 (01:13:21):
Speaker 4 (01:13:21):
I had some health issues obviously here with Houston. A
scary site down on the sideline where he collapsed. Sure
figured out. Sure he's enjoying watching his son coach as well. Yeah,
Clint Koobiac Yep, no doubt man, all right? Seven three
two two five seven items continue to roll along right
here on the son celebration.
Speaker 1 (01:13:35):
Say, country boys, ROOFINGLLC dot com. You need your roof done.
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it at a time when people do price gouge and
when you're going stuffering because your roof is messed up,
it's old, it's leaking, and you need safety and protection
and people come in and take advantage of that.
Speaker 4 (01:14:35):
No it's the other way around.
Speaker 1 (01:14:37):
They want to make sure that you're not only safe
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Just go there, figure out. John will take care of you,
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Speaker 4 (01:14:58):
He will take care of you.
Speaker 1 (01:14:59):
So if you want to get out out in front
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John's there for you and his crew and they are
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Speaker 2 (01:15:12):
This is the Sean Salisbury Show.
Speaker 1 (01:15:17):
Beautiful hardcore judgment. Get a guy now. If a guy
just completely is ass that you just can't you lose
a locker room or coordinator. Just the guys on the
team are like every week it's like we're not getting better,
we're not getting talked. You make that change right now.
You don't want that fester. But three years is fair.
I don't think two years is enough to judge anybody
unless they are a bad locker room guy as a
player or just a crappy ass coach that even the
coaches can see, like you brought in your buddy trying
to get rid of him, and you're hurting our team.
We're not there yet. No, but after three years, if
they're not making progress and you got to start and say, okay,
what's stumping the growth?
Speaker 4 (01:15:55):
That's how you got to evaluate it. How are you
trying to?
Speaker 1 (01:15:57):
I think in any job, unless somebody's just a turd, right,
you go and say, okay, you got to get better.
If we turned off the mean some people you can
see they're just not cut out for it. And right now,
I think it's hard, unless it's blatant to abandon your
thought process. I think we still have to trust how
Demiko Ryan sees his staff right right today, Yeah you
should be said today.
Speaker 4 (01:16:23):
Yeah we're in year two, yep, seven seven ninety John,
what's happening?
Speaker 11 (01:16:29):
Good morning guys. I disagree with you on that, but anyways.
Speaker 4 (01:16:32):
I'm going to disagree with us on what on what.
Speaker 6 (01:16:34):
I'm the coach and I'm taking the change offense coordinator.
Speaker 1 (01:16:37):
But anyways, well before you go on out, anyways, not anyways, Okay,
that's why we asked it here.
Speaker 4 (01:16:42):
In the seven o'clock hour.
Speaker 1 (01:16:43):
I know you've been heavy on it's all the coach's
fault this year, how John, I did no offense?
Speaker 4 (01:16:49):
So why is it?
Speaker 21 (01:16:51):
Speaker 4 (01:16:51):
Let me ask the question.
Speaker 1 (01:16:52):
Yeah, you called in and we're doing a segment and
you said you disagree.
Speaker 4 (01:16:57):
So I'm going to give you a platform to tell
me why it's all on. I'm not protected. Listen.
Speaker 1 (01:17:01):
I have a lot of opinion, and I think just
a tad. I may know a little bit about the situation,
maybe just a tad, just a tad, But I already
know what kind of coordinator I want defensive offense, quarterback coach.
Speaker 5 (01:17:15):
I know that.
Speaker 1 (01:17:16):
But I'm not building a staff because I'm not the
head coach. And I know the weaknesses that I see
because I study it. And but everybody's got an opinion.
I learned from you and from other people by listening.
But I can tell you this, did everything that goes
on negative? Then if you by by by those standards,
then did everything that goes on negative? If we're putting
on the coaches, did I damn well tell you that
every play that's made should be by that philosophy. Then
and whenever they make a great thrower catch, then that's
Bobby Slowak's advantage and then it's because of him. Right,
So if you're going to say that everything that happens
negative to them means that it's the coach's fault.
Speaker 4 (01:17:53):
And some of it is are they practicing?
Speaker 1 (01:17:55):
What do they allow?
Speaker 4 (01:17:56):
And we don't know, we're not on the practice field.
Speaker 1 (01:17:58):
But if you're going to tell me that, then you
you need the same energy that when they hang forty
on somebody, or they played great. Did Joe Mixon making
a guy miss? That's because of Bobby slowk that was
a great play.
Speaker 4 (01:18:08):
Speaker 1 (01:18:09):
Am I right or wrong? Or is it only when
it's bad?
Speaker 6 (01:18:12):
No, Sean, My point is there's you know, there's been
no improvement. In fact, it's regressed.
Speaker 1 (01:18:18):
I don't disagree with that. I don't disagree with that.
Speaker 11 (01:18:20):
Judge by you can't judge by the last game. I
mean that was going against I mean you can't judge
by that. But uh, the name I want to throw
in is Josh McCowan from the Vikings. I think, uh,
I think that guy's ready for a shot, but he's
done with Donald. This year has been, you know, pretty amazing.
I mean, Donald had a bad game this last one
against Detroit, but I think that, uh, he's got some
a lot of recognition on what he's done turning that around.
I mean, the Vikings weren't supposed to do anything right.
Speaker 4 (01:18:53):
This time is coming. Josh is going to get a chance,
there's no doubt.
Speaker 11 (01:18:57):
And yeah, and he was a candidate here for head coach,
right yep, Uh, Jamiko got the job. But but I
think I would I you know, that's that's who I
would like to that.
Speaker 6 (01:19:07):
That's that's the name I'd like to throw in.
Speaker 11 (01:19:09):
And uh and to what you say, I mean, I
you know, I hear what you're saying. But my frustration
has been there's been no improvement that I've seen.
Speaker 6 (01:19:17):
It's it's gotten worse.
Speaker 11 (01:19:19):
And uh, you know, there's there's had to been something
done the offensive line all season and uh, you know,
I don't know what they do in practice there, but
they looked lost a lot of times. And I just
didn't like what I see.
Speaker 4 (01:19:31):
And there's no there's no argument for me on that.
Speaker 1 (01:19:33):
It's just like we can't put Tunsil or somebody missing
a tackle on on on on coaches all the time.
Now if they're not practicing it. I mean the players
have got to have some accountability here, They absolutely have to.
I mean a ball that's thrown perfect on a dig
route and a guy lays it on the ground, drops it.
I mean, what should we sit back and say that
is a phenomenal play call? Or is it what's wrong
with the offense? Why is Bobby Slow calling it?
Speaker 5 (01:19:58):
Speaker 1 (01:19:58):
Perfect throw, good play called, guy leaves it on the ground.
So players do have to have some accountability in this.
And you and I both I know it's hyperbok when
you say it's all the coach's fault. You just would
like an upgrade and want to see improve it every
week all the time, which we all know is not possible,
but you'd like to see it. They've taken a step
back this year. The question is who are they in
the playoffs? And we'll go find out quickly quickly.
Speaker 11 (01:20:19):
Yeah, I agree, I agree with that. I mean this
next game is going to tell a lot. Uh, but
you know you're looking for who are possible names?
Speaker 6 (01:20:26):
Should Slow get it? And I just think Josh mccownten
is the is uh is the choice. But that's that's
just my opinion, and.
Speaker 1 (01:20:35):
I love it. That's what makes for good man. Thank you, brother,
appreciate you, Thank you, Bud.
Speaker 4 (01:20:39):
Appreciate it's getting the eight o'clock hour. Excuse me, seven
one three two point two five, seven ninety. Still got
some guys that want to weigh in on, Bobby Slowik.
Where's your patient's level with the coaching staff, with the players.
Obviously they're going to have to put in a really,
really good offensive game plan against these Charger because they're
no hat. Let's talk about it next on Sports Talk
seven to eighty kd.
Speaker 2 (01:21:00):
E Houston, KTDC HD two Houston, my heart radio station.
Yes that's a rocket. This is Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 10 (01:21:11):
Your home for your home team.
Speaker 2 (01:21:17):
Salisbury Oldbury Salsbury, Houston. Okay, let's do this. Sewan Salisbury,
there to usc.
Speaker 3 (01:21:27):
Truths, longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury.
Speaker 2 (01:21:29):
Ryan Lima, go Lobos. This is the Sean Salsbury Show.
Speaker 4 (01:21:37):
Yeah. This whole coaching discussion we've had this morning is
really thought provoking. Right, Yes, so I just go into
my daily coaching life. I've coached select baseball now going on,
let's see fifteen years. Yeah, because the first first season
was twenty ten for me, I coached during college. I
got to coach at the college level at my university,
I got my eyes were open to so many things
when you step away from your playing days and you
become a coach. I was an assistant from my for
my head coach, Bobby Mesker at soul Ross State my
senior year of college. I had six hours I had
to get get done, so forth and so on, and
then I've continued to coach. I coach at tend You
Elite team this this coming spring, and I still have
my high school guys. I feel pressure doing my gig
when I'm coaching youth baseball because I'm on TV.
Speaker 1 (01:22:23):
It's on TV.
Speaker 4 (01:22:24):
I mean, if you get to a certain point, yes
it is, but it's not on national TV every single weekend.
I feel pressure. I feel heavy expectations because quite frankly,
you are being a mentor towards the younger generation, trying
to continue to have baseball be in good hands as
we can.
Speaker 1 (01:22:39):
Take you, but trying to impact them so they try
to keep playing.
Speaker 4 (01:22:42):
For me, winning is part of it, but impacting a
young player's life is bigger for me.
Speaker 1 (01:22:46):
Because they're gonna They're gonna lose more than you win,
and I mean when I say that, it's not it's
just you just got to deal with both.
Speaker 4 (01:22:52):
I and that's not even close to the level of
the NFL. I feel pressure going in on a Sunday
when it's when it's UH, when it's bracket play, when
it's time to really get going, you lose one and
you're out. I feel pressure there. I could not imagine
going into.
Speaker 1 (01:23:05):
Your answer to twenty parents and the league and whoever
the boss is.
Speaker 4 (01:23:09):
Right, it's now multiply that by like a billion.
Speaker 1 (01:23:12):
Right, and think about this and truth and listen, players
and coaches signed up.
Speaker 4 (01:23:15):
For this, right, and so you deal when.
Speaker 1 (01:23:17):
You busted your ass and you they didn't sign.
Speaker 4 (01:23:19):
Up for social media back in the day. There's a reason.
Right when I graduated college, there's a reason why I
didn't want to go into coaching full time.
Speaker 1 (01:23:25):
I didn't want to go back.
Speaker 4 (01:23:26):
Part of me wanted to go back, get my masters,
try to get into college. But that grind for me
right now was hard. Passing that one right, and coach
part time and call it good.
Speaker 1 (01:23:34):
Yeah, and you think about it from it and like
I said, I know it's apple storms is, but it
really isn't. It's the perspective of each job, right, and
you try to do it and you didn't. You don't
have to play to have been a good analyst of sports.
I disagree with when I hear former players or coaching,
Well that guy didn't play, But you can still study
it and you can still learn it. You don't have
to have coach to have a great opinion or no sports. Okay,
some they have a different perspective and advantage because they've
been in the hut that maybe you haven't at that level,
or in a batter's box those things. Yeah, and I
get all that, but if you think about it, just
kind of it's kind of tongue in cheek, but think
about perspective of it, how hard it is. Imagine at
your job. And I know they signed up for their criticism,
boo compliments. That's who they are and that's they Well,
they had a different skill set. They wanted the pressure.
We all that were in it, that's what most of us.
For me, it was the path of the competition that
drove me to do what I did. The money was this,
honest to god, money was like, this is awesome, But
most players would play for free. They would because they
with a TV camera and spile it. They love that.
The competitives.
Speaker 4 (01:24:38):
Well, of course, the competitive aspects of sports, whether whatever
sports you're playing, is addicted.
Speaker 1 (01:24:42):
Because when you're done, you still you look back and say, man,
I'd like one more chance walking down the tunnel. There's
ten years, twenty years, you still say, man, it'd be great.
I don't want to take the hit, but man, the competition,
the journey in the preparation weekly the chess match was
like was like sex. For if you're addicted to that.
I was addicted to that. It's a rare feeling, it is.
And sometimes you've prepared and you prepared your ass off everybody.
Sometimes the other guy was addicted to it too, and
he just had a better player that day, or made
a better call on that third and seven. Yeah, and
you didn't. Doesn't mean if he's a better coach that
day he was. And just like in a boxing match,
you look at Mike Tyson in his prime, say, how's
that guy ever lose?
Speaker 4 (01:25:19):
He lost?
Speaker 1 (01:25:19):
Muhammad Ali got beat. Yeah, that's rare that the Mayweathers
come along and don't lose. Right, But in this case,
I want you to think about just any job you have,
imagine this so that for eight hours a day social media.
In between breaks, when you're in between plays, you got
to play sheet up and you're dropping f bombs to
the guy next to you and people are checking out
your body language. Imagine that during break all day long
for your job. Did everybody get to watch it? Although
well that's not what we signed up. I get that,
but my point is just to add a little perspective.
Imagine if you did, we're living a real life. The
cameras everywhere you went. Imagine when even he got a boss.
It's micro manager drives you nuts. Now there now have
twenty seven million people or one hundred million people on
Super Bowl Sunday. Micro manage every move you make and
it could have been a great move that the other
guy just made a better one. You thought you had,
You thought you had check and that guy had one
other extra and he check made it. You're asked because
guess what he's got Michael Parsons's he as Rushier or TJ.
Speaker 4 (01:26:19):
Watt and you just don't quite have that.
Speaker 1 (01:26:21):
Yeah, So and imagine that, and imagine that pressure that
you're talking about. There are the pressure to imagine. Now
you walk out and it's not just your boss. You
walk out, and right when you walk out the door
after work, there's a line of people.
Speaker 4 (01:26:32):
Saying you suck.
Speaker 1 (01:26:34):
I saw you, and you cost your company five hundred dollars.
Speaker 4 (01:26:37):
How dare you?
Speaker 1 (01:26:38):
And what are you doing on your phone during work hours?
Your body language sucked at work? Sit up in your chair.
You get what I'm saying.
Speaker 7 (01:26:45):
Speaker 1 (01:26:45):
I understand that's hyperbolic, but my point is it gives
you this different perspective. Because I know this. I would
say that we're all harsher on athletes because they're in
our face every day, and rightfully so.
Speaker 4 (01:26:56):
And coaches.
Speaker 1 (01:26:57):
Now, then maybe athletes would be because I know right now,
if you're an accountant for a big firm and I
walk into I mean I did the basics of it,
I'd be way over my head and I wouldn't want
to die. I couldn't tee. I wouldn't want your gig.
That's why I go hire an expert to do it.
I have an opinion on it, but I ain't teaching
it because I don't know what the hell I'd be doing.
So we just we get into it and fans. I
love the perspective because there's so many different versions of it, right,
and we all know it's hard, but that also leads
to the impatience. But when I say that, I say, now,
imagine if that was if the same attention to your
job by everybody was paid to you the same and
you were making the same money as pro athletes. So
let's say, dude, put it all in perspective, but you
were doing a different job. It's a it's a and
I know you have shareholders if you're the CEO, but
it is and it's a high pressure pan. The more
you go, the more pressure comes with success. This team
won ten more pressure came with it. And while they're
back with ten wins in the playoffs, it's a different
way to ten wins this year.
Speaker 4 (01:27:58):
The question is can they get their eleventh?
Speaker 1 (01:28:00):
Yeah, and that's really all you care if they get
their eleventh in impressive fashion. You know what, though, we're
all gonna say they got a chance right now. If
they get to the eleventh, good, and then they play
like they did against Baltimore a couple of weeks ago,
they won't get till the twelfth. Yeah, they're done.
Speaker 4 (01:28:14):
It's pretty easy.
Speaker 5 (01:28:15):
Speaker 4 (01:28:15):
Yeah, let's take a quick call before we get to
break Ruben, what's happening.
Speaker 18 (01:28:19):
Good morning, guys, Happy in New Year. I know it's
seven days in New Year, but good to hear you
guys every morning. Hey, real quick, so I know you
guys always follow abut Bobbie Sloan and his play calling.
For me, it's it's I think it's more about the
offensive line and why the play calling is what it is, right,
and how this offensive line has had Strout you know,
sacked and screaming, hit and uh just running around trying
to figure out what to do next in the sense right,
And and we all see it, right, I mean we
see we see mixing just hitting up a wall when
there's no hole, right, But you got to move the ball,
try to get a moving forward, right, And you see
the small dumb passes, the little checkdowns.
Speaker 5 (01:29:04):
But you know, I haven't. I don't know when the.
Speaker 18 (01:29:06):
Last time I saw Scout throw a deep ball to
anybody really, you know, and and then really.
Speaker 5 (01:29:11):
Had that much time consistently to.
Speaker 18 (01:29:14):
Get downfield quick, right, like on a on a on
a daily basis or on a game day game day basis, right.
And I think for people saying that it's it's slow,
it's yeah, it's in a sense, I can agree.
Speaker 5 (01:29:28):
But the time that the on line is.
Speaker 18 (01:29:32):
Giving strato for the player to develop, what choice does
he have?
Speaker 5 (01:29:37):
Right? I mean, where's he gonna go with the ball?
What is he gonna do with the ball? You know?
Speaker 18 (01:29:41):
And that's my biggest thing. That's why it's so predictable.
People can see like what's about to happen. Yeah, third down,
you're gonna run the ball. What are you gonna run
it to? You're gonna hit a wall again because you're
you're not really going anywhere with it, right, You're gonna
try to get a screen screenpay down to get some
yarders down field for what to set up a fugal?
We all know that, right, we all see it. Right,
So you know there's there's the uh. The other the
other night watching the lines play, I said, man, this team,
there is no backing down with this team, like you
can see what and then like they've been saying the
grit behind this team and how to get downfield and
even taking that chance on fourth down, if if we
if we did that, if our Texans did that, I'd
be nailed by them the whole time, in the whole game.
Speaker 5 (01:30:22):
Hoping to get.
Speaker 18 (01:30:23):
Maybe that extra that extra for extra four downs that
we need, but doesn't happened that way because that online
doesn't allow that to happen.
Speaker 5 (01:30:30):
That's my take on it, all right. I'm sure there's.
Speaker 18 (01:30:34):
People with other opinions that are still gonna be one
undred percent Bobby slog, but shore up that online first.
I don't want to see the Texans going or people
saying go get Tyreek kill because he's available.
Speaker 5 (01:30:44):
I don't care about that right now.
Speaker 18 (01:30:46):
What I care about is making sure you protect your
your quarterback and who's the next oline guy coming up
that's a.
Speaker 5 (01:30:52):
Free agent that really can deliver.
Speaker 18 (01:30:54):
And keep that guy safe and and and move the
Texans forward down the field and until next year playoffs
or the following your who knows.
Speaker 5 (01:31:02):
But we need somebody, we really, we need a real captain, little.
Speaker 4 (01:31:05):
Ole I am.
Speaker 5 (01:31:06):
That's That's what I'm saying. Guys.
Speaker 18 (01:31:07):
I'll let you guys go ahead after that, but but
to get to work here. But I appreciate you guys,
open the full lines to.
Speaker 4 (01:31:12):
Me, Appreciate it, appreciate your rooming you as well. Seven
one three, two, one two five seven ninety is the
number to join Biscuit Holly, don't go anywhere We'll get
you guys. Next, continue to talk about the Houston Texans
upcoming playoff matchup against the Chargers.
Speaker 1 (01:31:23):
Next on the Shawn Salisbury Show, Doctor Jeff witz It
at wits at vision dot Com w h I T
S E T T the very best in the business.
Talk to those who've gone to the Lasik procedure like me,
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He is attention to detail. He'll treat your eyes like
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Speaker 4 (01:31:53):
It's non invasive.
Speaker 1 (01:31:54):
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You don't want to leave anything to chance, and you
won't chance anything but success with doctor Jeff wits It.
Speaker 4 (01:32:14):
It's wits it vision dot Com. Wits It vision dot Com.
Speaker 1 (01:32:17):
That's wits it vision dot Com.
Speaker 2 (01:32:20):
This is the Sean Salisbury show.
Speaker 22 (01:32:25):
That's beautiful.
Speaker 4 (01:32:27):
Specifically, the Texans offensive coordinator Bobby Slowick got a full
board seven one three two one two five seven ninety biscuit.
You're up first, Good morning, and.
Speaker 1 (01:32:41):
I know it is yet that we come back with
the Commodores.
Speaker 4 (01:32:46):
We're jamming today.
Speaker 7 (01:32:49):
Yeah, you know, I'm coming back from nash h Yes,
and it was raining and it was nasty and and uh,
you know, I was trying to get back on the
grind and and and and my lady she brought me
up when I was down. Shine I got you know,
so I'm ready to roll this morning.
Speaker 5 (01:33:08):
Speaker 4 (01:33:10):
There you go.
Speaker 7 (01:33:12):
That's where it's supposed to be. Baby, ain't shine. Uh
It's it could be you know, sometimes you have a
you know, you have a multiple uh a question and
there's multiple choice and and one of the responses.
Speaker 9 (01:33:24):
Could be all the above, absolutely.
Speaker 7 (01:33:27):
What the Texas. It may be all the above and
and and what where I'm going with it? Is like
Rubens said, Yeah, you can bring in a new officer coordinator,
but if you don't change that office in line, it
don't matter who you bring in or what play you call.
So so yeah, maybe uh uh, you may need to
make a move. That's the Miko's call. And I think
I've been saying before we shine that the MIKO got
some decisions to make this off seasons, and maybe they
just need a officer line coach, you know, maybe slow
because Okay, but if I don't make a change, I
had to disagree with John. If I am gonna make
a change, Sean, I'm going more experienced, you know what
I mean? Okay, because the staff is kind of young
over there, and so if I do feel like slow
game to one, then I'm going maybe at Doug Peterson
or a.
Speaker 1 (01:34:19):
Frank right guy, Yes, a guy who's getting that.
Speaker 5 (01:34:23):
Speaker 4 (01:34:23):
See, I'm with you on this biscuit.
Speaker 1 (01:34:25):
If I am going away from a second year coordinator,
I'm not replacing him with a second year coordinator or
a first year quarterback coach.
Speaker 4 (01:34:32):
And at some point in.
Speaker 1 (01:34:33):
Time that guy, whoever that would be, whether it was
Gerard or somebody else, they may end up being spectacular,
and hopefully they will. But for me. It's like anything else.
If you're playing a three four defense and it doesn't
work the way you wanted to, you usually make the
switch to a four to three defense if the defensive
personnel doesn't match the three four and it's a better
four to three team at least if you're smart, you
do same thing here. I'm not gonna go get a
thirty year old coordinator. If the thirty some year old
coordinator is somebody that the experience has been a problem,
the natural reaction would be, well, I had the young
guy and he's good, but I need somebody that's got
a little more experience in big time moments. If that's
what you were your concern was, I'm with you. If
in fact, you were moving on, I'm not. I'm not
getting a guy who's my first time play caller. I'm
just not doing it. I'm gonna I would go get experience.
Speaker 7 (01:35:21):
There's no question that I'm getting the guy that's been there,
that been there and done that.
Speaker 9 (01:35:29):
Speaker 7 (01:35:30):
We've seen Frank Reich work with multiple different guys and
been successful and you.
Speaker 13 (01:35:36):
Know, took it to it.
Speaker 7 (01:35:36):
You know, they just maybe didn't work out as head coaches.
But that doesn't mean they're not good offensive minded coaches
and know how to design offenses, and more importantly, gives
CJ some of the answers to some of the questions
he may need being a young QBRE. So that's why
I would, you know, you know. But let me say this.
I'm down there and we're down there in Nashville, and
they need to start with with the oiler stuff.
Speaker 4 (01:36:01):
Yes, they do.
Speaker 9 (01:36:03):
Even the fans.
Speaker 7 (01:36:04):
I'm talking to the people there right, even the Tennessee
people are conflicted by like why are we you know,
we they got twenty years of history now, you know
what I mean. It's not like they've just been around.
So you why are we talking about old camera. We
shouldn't be talking about Steve McNair or Frank Wright, I
mean a white sick or or you know some of
those guys. There were Tennessee guys. Why are we talking
about warm On? He never played it down in Tennessee,
you know what I'm saying. So I think the Adams
are just they're just taking it too far, man. I
mean everything in the whole stadium was all oiler stuff.
Speaker 9 (01:36:39):
And you know.
Speaker 1 (01:36:42):
It was a dig. There's no question there. You know,
there was that they wanted to put to needle them.
There's no question. It's uh, it makes for a little
more incentive. Don't get your ass whooped. But yeah, it's
it's it's at some point in time, it's like, Okay,
it's tired, right, you're a little tired. Okay, it's it's
it's played out. So a good point, my man, Great
to have you back. Glad you had a good time.
Glad you're back. Safe. And yeah, because A and the
A and B answered both could be right, but D
could be all the above, don't leave c out and
that may be the deal here and in truth, this
week we need to gather up. Okay, the opinion of it,
we're going to get all of them, and I love
it and thanks biscuit. Is the focus now is not
evaluation of who are we replacing next year or law, offense, defense,
whatever players are going. It's what do we got now
that can keep us surviving and competitive in January so
we can play in February. Right now, the chance that
the deal to evaluate for the off season ain't here.
Right now, it's single elimination, nut, cut and time, and
in truth, everybody's being judged. I don't care how you
get it done. The Chiefs have got fifteen wins. Is
you're getting it done a whole bunch of different ways,
and not a lot of them have looked that pretty.
But they're getting right at the right time. Four weeks ago,
Baltimore was laboring, struggling, they were going through and now
right now, the last team you want to see in
the as there's a Baltimore Ravens. So it happens. I'm
not saying that's gonna happen here, but the first thing is,
and I hate to use a cliche, if it's just
this week, but this week, find a way to take
their best player out of their game and find a
way to get your best player involved.
Speaker 4 (01:38:18):
Yeah, regularly. Right, let's take a quick call Holly, good morning.
Speaker 23 (01:38:23):
Good morning, guys. This is a great perspective. I'm a nurse,
and so if I were to make a keep making
mistakes on patients either bes medication or complaints of being
not and it's lightful or think, I don't think I
would have three years to get it together. If the
powers it became to you guys and said, hey man,
you know, Sean, are your viewerships down sixty percent? Advertisers
aren't wanting to pay what they usually do. Got to
do something. Are you going to have it? Are you
guys gonna have three years to bring it back up?
So I think each profession, you got to take the
grain and thought. Each profession has their own requirements, their
own expectations. And in sports, we as fans, we expect
so much because we pay for the product, right, we
pay for the tickets, we pay for the souvenirs, we
pay for the food and drinks at the games. Absolutely,
so I've never really this year. I've kind of gave
him the benefit of the doubt because of all the factors,
the injuries, the craft offensive line. He has to take
some responsibility. But I really don't think it's all on him,
and I don't know that the fans will allow him
to have that third year to get it, to show
what he's got. And so I just think, you know
that it's more magnified in the world's sports because they
make so much money, because they're on every week, and
because we pay for the product more and so, like
I say, each profession has their own set of rules
and three years and of the world of sports to
me is a lot. And if he don't show anything
in that third year, You're right, you've had your time,
You've had your chance. That's gone. But I don't necessarily
think he should be on the timeline. I think each
year should be taken by each year, and I think
a lot is going to show. It can be able
to tell a lot about what happens just coming on Saturday,
how they play, how they cause. Yeah, they've got their wins,
but I know it doesn't really matter how they get them,
but they have been ugly. How many times did you
guys come in on a Monday morning and say, man,
that was a luckily win this weekend. And so it's
just from our perspective, there's no growth there, there's no
consistency there. I do give them the benefit of the doubt,
like I say, because of all the factors that goes
into it, that's going into it this season, but a
lot's going to be told on Saturday.
Speaker 1 (01:40:24):
That's a fantastic point. And I think that's the perspective
we're trying to gather here is Listen, they got here,
here we are now you've got to flesh out the
good and the bad from this. You take some of
the good, you got to flush it out It's almost
as if you're playing your first game of the year,
but with experience and the judgment. Listen, we'll judge one
playoff game harsher than we will eight regular season games.
Speaker 4 (01:40:43):
And think about this.
Speaker 1 (01:40:44):
You beat this game and go to the next one,
and you're good against the Chargers and you've offense looked
like something. Guess what are you going to say? And
then you go win a second one. All the works
from the season nobody cares about. Now you'll start to
deal with that in the off season evaluation why we
didn't do this better in September and October?
Speaker 4 (01:41:02):
But she's one hundred percent right? Is it?
Speaker 1 (01:41:04):
Each game is a chance? Well, it's like anything each day.
Each game is a chance to You're gonna be judged
by it, and the fans reserve the right to judge.
That's that's why I love this show. Is I don't
know if there's one right answer, but I know this.
I love the banter and some you know, we're all
trying to get perspective as to why looking for answers.
But once you figure out the conflict, and if you
figure out the conflict and still don't have answers, it's
time to make a change, whether it's personnel or coaching,
and next year will be that year. Right now, the
truth is, I'm not real worried about September right now.
What I am worried about can you show up in Jane?
Speaker 24 (01:41:38):
Speaker 1 (01:41:38):
If they go show up like they did against Baltimore
a couple weeks, it'll be a long offseason for the
Houston Texans because then, just like it's one playoff game,
takes over six to eight regular season games. In your thought,
a loss one, I mean a win one playoff loss
will take those eight games and make it feel like
it was fifty. So there's a lot of stress. How
you're gonna deal with that. The success and failures that
you're gonna go through in sixty minutes this week is
gonna gonna tell a lot about it. The evaluation process
never stops, right but right now, the only evaluation that
matters is how are we gonna score more than the Chargers?
Speaker 4 (01:42:14):
No matter how it looks seven one three, two, one
two five seven, I still got plenty of people that
want to get in way in on Bobby Slowk and
this Texans offense.
Speaker 1 (01:42:21):
Don't go anywhere.
Speaker 4 (01:42:22):
If you're on hole, We'll get to you guys next,
and we continue this discussion about these Texans next.
Speaker 2 (01:42:28):
The Shawn Salisbury Show continued, What why why do you got.
Speaker 4 (01:42:35):
To pick up strays and just start slinging them to
the West coast. I'm just at at nine o'clock, we're
playing the funniest, funniest SoundBite you probably might have ever heard.
Speaker 1 (01:42:44):
Okay, I'm doing it nine o'clock.
Speaker 4 (01:42:45):
But do you know how to say five?
Speaker 10 (01:42:48):
Speaker 14 (01:42:49):
Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa?
Speaker 1 (01:42:52):
Speaker 5 (01:42:52):
One three?
Speaker 4 (01:42:53):
When we're nuts? Jobbs, what a friggid?
Speaker 1 (01:42:56):
What what it?
Speaker 5 (01:42:57):
Speaker 1 (01:42:57):
Speaker 4 (01:42:57):
We are collective?
Speaker 1 (01:43:01):
Hey, we said a cloud. We cloud on big gas clouds.
So welcome in. And the phone lines are lit.
Speaker 4 (01:43:05):
They are just like a colloud Cobby Sloy triple. He
said he's got the buzzer ready. No, we're giving him
a buck, but everybody gets a buck. Okay, yeah, buck,
I'm the buck. All right, let's start with Ron Ron,
good morning.
Speaker 14 (01:43:21):
Boy, and one of the fellas woa, whoa whoa?
Speaker 1 (01:43:24):
There you go wrong?
Speaker 9 (01:43:25):
I feel you.
Speaker 4 (01:43:26):
You get extra fifteen seconds for that.
Speaker 1 (01:43:28):
You You getting that note was a lot better than
this group. And I just said, I can't get high
like YouTube. But I can go fuck.
Speaker 25 (01:43:35):
Uh yeah, right, Hey, I'm so tired of these uh
sports bar man.
Speaker 26 (01:43:46):
K g ems that we have down here as fans.
Man I done live through the Houston Artist, love your
Blue Days. Just suck, Astro suck, Rockets suck. Here's my
take on it. Weever a young squad, young coaching squad,
the o C. I think he does a good job,
but it's just the O line to me, and based
on saying that. You know, sometimes when your wife piece
you off, do you want to.
Speaker 23 (01:44:17):
Fire her all?
Speaker 26 (01:44:19):
You know what I'm saying, Just I'm gonna fire.
Speaker 14 (01:44:21):
You because you didn't watch the dis this baby.
Speaker 2 (01:44:23):
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah you do.
Speaker 4 (01:44:25):
You're you do want to fire him? Run but you don't,
just like they want to kick you to the curb too.
I get it, man, but you don't do it. You
just stay You just stay in it right for the
most part, and grind.
Speaker 9 (01:44:36):
Speaker 26 (01:44:39):
But uh yeah, you know, just get him an a chance,
I say, get a man like one more year. Let's
fix this O line and then let's get some quality
wide receivers to compliment with Nico, and then let's see
where it goes from there.
Speaker 9 (01:44:55):
That's my take on it.
Speaker 1 (01:44:57):
That's completely fair. Ron hit that note coming, sure did?
Speaker 13 (01:45:00):
Speaker 4 (01:45:00):
He loved it?
Speaker 1 (01:45:02):
Speaker 21 (01:45:02):
Good morning, Hey, good morning, gentlemen. I don't think they're
going to have a choice slock. In my opinion, he'll
be gone. So I just bring the guy that's meant
his first first mate, who's next to him, bring him
up because he's been in the system a couple of years.
So that way you won't skip a beat. But I
have a couple of real quick questions. What's the record
the Chargers record?
Speaker 4 (01:45:23):
Were they eleven or ten wins? The Chargers are eleven
and six?
Speaker 1 (01:45:26):
Yeah, there you go.
Speaker 21 (01:45:27):
Okay, I'm I'm I'm for the changing, not the not
the division winners getting home field.
Speaker 14 (01:45:34):
I think it should be records.
Speaker 6 (01:45:35):
So I think the.
Speaker 21 (01:45:36):
Texans should and I'm a Texan fan, Texans should be
going to the Chargers. So, but have you all spoke
spoke about the bulletin board material yet this morning?
Speaker 4 (01:45:46):
About Rex Ryan?
Speaker 16 (01:45:48):
Speaker 14 (01:45:48):
Who is Rex Ryan?
Speaker 13 (01:45:49):
I know who he is?
Speaker 6 (01:45:50):
Is he a coach?
Speaker 1 (01:45:51):
He's coach, former head coach, been to the AFC Championship Game. Obviously,
He's been well respected as a defensive coordinator and has
done some good things. He said, coach, and now he's broadcast.
He does ESPN the Sunday NFL Countdown, and he's on
the daily what does it Get Up?
Speaker 6 (01:46:07):
Get Up?
Speaker 1 (01:46:07):
Speaker 21 (01:46:08):
And so he came out and he said, this is
a byeweek for the Chargers. Boy, if that ain't bulletin board,
I ain't heard nothing else. Also, one other thing is
did you hear what they the quarterback for the Chargers?
Speaker 6 (01:46:20):
What he said?
Speaker 21 (01:46:21):
He said he was doing some work in the building
and he heard all the screaming and hooping and hollering
in the in the room next door, and it was
everybody watching the game wanning the Pittsburgh out come to
be a certain way so they could come to Houston.
So everybody on the Charger won't Houston. So that, boy,
that's bulletin board right there to me.
Speaker 1 (01:46:38):
So just see what you guys think about that. Appreciate it.
I'll tell you this, I'd rather have Houston and Baltimore
or somebody like that right now. You I wouldn't make
the cheering too loud that the team gives. Give the
Texans some fire. Here's one thing I do. And he
makes a great point, there's bulletin board material, but it's
not bulletin the Rex Ryan has nothing to do with
the Chargers or the Texans. Here's the way I've always felt,
and I know there's extra incentive, and he is one
hundred percent correct, but if I do need bulletin board
material or a broadcaster giving me some hot take and
basically saying the Chargers offense is ass is basically and
I know you put that in the notes to No
Tech Week off I mean when I say charge the
Texans offense to Texans on not the charges. The Texans
offense is a very good and then it's a bye week.
And so I don't need Rex Ryan to tell me
how important this game is. And by the way, he's
in a coat and tie, I don't give a fuzzy
rats ask what he thinks about this game because he
ain't putting the game and I love it. I love Rex,
but he ain't putting a game plan in. He ain't
call him plays this week. So sit in, you're comfortable
of your of your studio, and keep doing this. But
I don't need you to tell me something. They're gonna
get me fired up to play the Chargers. But as
a player, we all gather that information and do whatever
we can to get a little extra red bull in
our system. Makes sense for a five hour energy but
it really it shouldn't take if the importance of this
game is already in your kitchen, and I suggest you
take two weeks off and quit if you don't know
the significance of this. The other side of it is,
and I do get we want the most people would
rather have the Texans then Buffalo or the Chargers, or
Buffalo or Baltimore or Kansas City. I get that, you know,
can't City's not playing sweet. I would, but you just
don't want to make it too loudly known that you
don't want to have it. But it's obviously you'd rather
have this team with the way they're playing. And I
also agree. I'm big on this. I think the four
top seeds, just like in college playoff, I would. I
don't believe if you're the division winner and a bad
division that makes you I know how it's set up.
I want the four best teams getting the home, the
one getting the buy, and then the best teams getting
to play. The truth is they should be going to
record wise, they should be on their way to play
somebody else. But that's not the way the rules, and
I get it, but if you were really going to
do it, if you really want to add excited, regardless
of winning division, which will make every game important. You
win nine games, but your division won very good, well,
then you better win twelve if you want to have
home field advantage in the first round. Yeah, but the
way it's set up, that the way it goes. But
the truth is on the road or at home, you
just got it. You're gonna have to deal with pressure,
and a lot of times playing at home sometimes is
even a distraction because if you're not playing well early
and you get booed, now you feel like you're playing
against your own fans as well. That happens too, and
I trust me, players think about that. I've been in
a locker where you getting booed home You're like, he
just soon go on the road or but it happens
in every city. But he's he's right, bulletin board material
for players. They gather that. But in truth, I don't
give a rats. Ask what Brex Ryan thinks about this game. Yeah,
I got the audio. It's it's pretty interesting, man, But
it would piss me out there calling us a bye week.
It would piss me off. But I don't There ain't
one charger in hardball that thinks that the Texans are
a bye week, especially when you're going.
Speaker 4 (01:49:47):
On the road.
Speaker 5 (01:49:47):
Speaker 1 (01:49:49):
It's the playoffs, Yeah, it's it's fragile. It's really easy
to lose a playoff game when you're a better team
by just having a stupid couple stupid mistakes. And it'd
be really easy for the Texans to go do their
thing and play their best game of the year and
move on around to and then who the hell knows
what's gonna happen. Yeah, maybe in the other one. You
got somebody where would they have to gok Kansas City? Okay,
well that is cool.
Speaker 13 (01:50:10):
You kind of that.
Speaker 1 (01:50:11):
That is because they're the number one seat and you're
the lowest seed available. Yeah, let's see lowest seat again.
Because the Broncos would have to beat the Bills. That's
exactly what would have to beat. And if that happens,
and we don't know where you're going, and not all,
not all those scenarios are happening on the road, Not
all the road teams are winning. But for the text
and so, but if you're thinking about Kansas City, you're
gonna get beat here.
Speaker 5 (01:50:29):
Speaker 1 (01:50:30):
So it's this good team. I think this team understands
the significance. Are they good enough to take the understanding
of it and apply it to the production of it?
Seven seven ninety.
Speaker 4 (01:50:40):
We will continue to take all of your calls as
you weigh in on a Bobby Slowan got a full
board again. We will get to everybody next on Sports
Talk seven to eighty.
Speaker 2 (01:50:49):
This Sean Salisbury Show continues continue.
Speaker 4 (01:50:54):
Got to the phone lines. Brandon, Good morning.
Speaker 1 (01:50:57):
The morning, Brian, good morning show.
Speaker 4 (01:51:00):
We're good, buddy. What's on your mind?
Speaker 27 (01:51:02):
I'm doing okay.
Speaker 2 (01:51:03):
I first off, we're going to the road eating today.
Speaker 4 (01:51:09):
Good deal, buddy. It's gonna be here before you know it.
Speaker 16 (01:51:12):
Yeah, it's gonna be here.
Speaker 2 (01:51:15):
Texans. We need to meet some Chargers.
Speaker 4 (01:51:20):
They lose, they're out. That means the seasons over. They
gotta win.
Speaker 6 (01:51:24):
Speaker 1 (01:51:25):
If they win, they will play somebody else. They will.
Speaker 4 (01:51:29):
That's that's a fact, Brandon. That's that's that's good stuff. Yeah,
all right, Brandon, have a good day, buddy. That's Brando
for you. Doctor John. What's up, John? How you doing terrible?
Speaker 1 (01:51:43):
What's up?
Speaker 12 (01:51:46):
I'm kind of scared. Sean trush talking, trush talking going
on this Texans.
Speaker 2 (01:51:56):
We're going to the game.
Speaker 12 (01:51:58):
Yeah, we're gonna go check it out.
Speaker 4 (01:52:01):
And who's talking trash?
Speaker 12 (01:52:03):
Uh chugs man, he's saying, well, you know, uh, well,
Jeremy he gets on there on YouTube.
Speaker 4 (01:52:13):
Uh, who are you talking about?
Speaker 12 (01:52:18):
Well wait a minute, wait, let me sort it out. Okay, okay,
I'm being on the internet here, you know on YouTube.
Speaker 1 (01:52:26):
I'm kidding you.
Speaker 10 (01:52:27):
You fire.
Speaker 12 (01:52:33):
Speaker 9 (01:52:34):
Uh, I like to play the bass anyway.
Speaker 12 (01:52:37):
Anyway, They've just been talking too much man about Uh,
you know, the defense is just gonna over, you know,
take the Chargers and all this kind of stuff, and I, uh,
I don't know. Uh, chargers have a pretty good defense themselves.
And I think it's an even game. You know, it's
going to be pretty even. And uh it's I hope
that our offense have line shows up.
Speaker 4 (01:53:01):
I think that's going to be the biggest key of
the game. Who are they on Saturday?
Speaker 12 (01:53:06):
Yes, sir, they're gonna see the These are not the Titans.
You know, this is a whole different matter here.
Speaker 1 (01:53:12):
Speaker 12 (01:53:12):
And it's a you know, you've got to be you're
ready and do the right calling because uh, you know,
justin will hurt you.
Speaker 1 (01:53:22):
That's a fact. There is no of carrying a team
on his back. John said, do you play the bass d?
Speaker 6 (01:53:31):
You know you pay?
Speaker 12 (01:53:32):
I have a five string fender. It's a jet, it's
jazz Master. It's got the longer.
Speaker 6 (01:53:42):
Neck on it.
Speaker 4 (01:53:43):
Have you heard the have you heard of the short
necked bas d?
Speaker 7 (01:53:47):
Speaker 12 (01:53:47):
Speaker 11 (01:53:47):
Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1 (01:53:48):
Well those little beaty ones, you know.
Speaker 12 (01:53:51):
I looked at one and I said, although you can
get the kind of good tones on it too.
Speaker 1 (01:53:57):
Yeah, but appreciate.
Speaker 4 (01:54:00):
We gotta get.
Speaker 5 (01:54:01):
We gotta get.
Speaker 1 (01:54:01):
We got to bounce down.
Speaker 4 (01:54:02):
We got you happy, new to you.
Speaker 1 (01:54:05):
Thank you very much for you. Yeah, what's wrong with you?
Speaker 10 (01:54:09):
Speaker 1 (01:54:10):
He's I like it?
Speaker 5 (01:54:13):
Speaker 1 (01:54:14):
Thanks for all. Good morning, Good morning guys.
Speaker 13 (01:54:17):
My take is going to be a lot different than
what you've been hearing. I want to make I don't know,
two or three points real quick. First of all, First
of all, the Texans have played up and down to
their competition. They have not done They have not luked
as good this year, haven't performed this statistically well this year.
They lost to the Ravens in horrible fashion. I was
at that game. I was terrible. They lost to the Jets.
Speaker 9 (01:54:44):
They also beat the a f.
Speaker 13 (01:54:46):
C love Child Buffalo Bills. They also should have beaten,
by all accounts, the NFC love Child Detroit Lions. And
I want to point out one major thing that no
one has said. They were ten and seven last year.
They're ten and seven this year. Last year they played
a last place schedule. This year, they played a first
place schedule. At the start of the year last year,
plenty of us were to have taken ten and seven,
But now that they didn't look as good playing better competition,
we think they've taken a huge step back. I would
argue ten and seven last place schedule to a ten
and seven first place schedule isn't a huge step back.
I know how it's looked, but hey, you are what
your record says you are, right.
Speaker 1 (01:55:36):
Yeah, oh, there's no question. Jab a good point. Thanks
for the calls at ten and seven last year. I
think because you saw the quantum leaps from a three
win team to a ten win team. Not anybody who
may have taken it. Everybody on the plane. Nobody thought
they were getting a ten wins. Even if they said
they were, you didn't believe it. Nobody believed it from
the beginning of the season, and now it's been tougher
competition and they still win ten games, and ten wins
are hard to come by, and it is it has
looked different, and I think that's it. The optics of
Detroit and Minnesota and Buffalo and the Kansas cities of
the world that Baltimore's it'll make it.
Speaker 4 (01:56:08):
Look tougher, there's no question. So ten wins.
Speaker 1 (01:56:11):
I think the things that concern people is they haven't
beat many plus five hundred or playoff teams one only
and what happened one time this year I was Buffalo
and they have And while they were within one score,
most NFL games are.
Speaker 4 (01:56:26):
There's a lot of teams in the league. Case, say
we were within one score.
Speaker 1 (01:56:30):
Unfortunately, we don't have a category for oh, they were
with one score, So let's give him an extra a
half a win. Now I get what he was one
hundred percent correct about his approach. Then it looks different.
But the schedule has been completely different back to back
ten wins seasons, and they've been by their standards as well.
They've they've been off, they haven't done the things they've
wanted to penalties, they've been a little more undisciplined this year,
but they still got ten wins. They're in the tournament.
Now we'll go find out just how good they are.
And if you lose by one timechdown or one score
in this game, guess what you still lost. You still lost.
You got to learn how to win those games as
opposed to losing them because it guess what, it is hard.
I say it every week, Brian, hard to win in
this league. Yeah, ten wins is they ought to be proud,
But the proud's got to stop now because how they've
got there hasn't been what they've expected. Right right, The
good kid is a good call though he makes good sense.
Speaker 4 (01:57:21):
Seven one three, two one two five seven It is
get into the nine o'clock hour, will continue to talk
about these Texans, will continue to take your calls. We
also got a really funny SoundBite in regards uh to
some NFL action. We've also got to talk about Lad McConkey,
that how the difficulty of guarding him for the Texans
is going to be got a lot to get into
in this final hour. Your calls are next right here
on Sports Talk seven to eighty.
Speaker 2 (01:57:48):
Houston, AHD to Houston an iHeart radio station.
Speaker 9 (01:57:53):
And the Rocket.
Speaker 2 (01:57:56):
Sports Talk seven ninety your home for your home teams. Salisbury. Okay,
let's do this.
Speaker 3 (01:58:10):
Sewn Salisbury, the USC Truth, longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury.
Speaker 2 (01:58:16):
Ryan Lima, go Lobos. This is the Sewan Salisbury Show.
Speaker 4 (01:58:23):
I'm looking forward to seeing it. He's played good football
as all season long and especially as of late.
Speaker 1 (01:58:27):
He's been really consistent and the stats aren't gaudy. The
performance has been gaudy enough to get to eleven wins
in a in a in a season where the AFC
has got a bunch of good teams.
Speaker 4 (01:58:38):
Yeah, think about that. They're eleven and six and no
one's really talked about them.
Speaker 1 (01:58:41):
Well, yeah, I mean it's there is they will they
because they're not flashy. They're they're not. They don't. They
don't wow you with you know, the the Detroit trick array,
the stuff that they do, or the Kansas City Chiefs
from multiple they line up.
Speaker 4 (01:58:56):
You pretty much know what they're gonna do, but they
execute it.
Speaker 5 (01:58:59):
Speaker 1 (01:58:59):
And I'm just I believe with all my heart that
Herbert's feet are gonna have something to do one way
or the other, the good or the bad.
Speaker 4 (01:59:06):
Can you contain them?
Speaker 1 (01:59:08):
Because hardball is gonna change the launch point, but they're
gonna They're gonna bootleg and run it and shorten the game.
If the game creeps into the thirties, the Texans are
gonna have a legitimate shot in this game. I'm always concerned.
Can they win a seventeen fourteen slugfest?
Speaker 4 (01:59:22):
They lost six games this season. Only one of them
was more than ten points.
Speaker 5 (01:59:28):
There you go.
Speaker 4 (01:59:29):
They lost twenty to ten to Pittsburgh early in the season,
and then they got blown out by Tampa Bay forty
to seventeen. Other than that, everything was either one score
or less.
Speaker 1 (01:59:38):
The majority of the wins and losses in this league
are not gonna be double digit losses and wins.
Speaker 6 (01:59:43):
They're just not.
Speaker 1 (01:59:44):
You're usually a possession, maybe two, which would end up
being you know, nine points, but you are they're gonna
be in that field goal touchdown six and a half,
seven point. I mean, rarely are we going there. It's
a fourteen and a half point, you know, where you
get beat by it. Now, they do exist, and you'll
get one on a fairly regular base, but you ain't
getting twelve of them. It just doesn't happen. You've got
to win one score games, and the Chargers are pretty
adept at taking care of their business this year in
close games, and they've got a very Their defense is
probably the least. You're talking about the Texans offense and
why are they struggling? You talk about Horrorball's offense, and
you know what he wants to do. If with two
backs in a backfield, they're gonna run it, they're gonna
play action it, they're gonna do what we've seen Jim
do at Michigan with a little expansion. And then you
look at both defenses and we talk about the Texans
defense because they've been flying around, but an underrated portion
of this is Herbert's feet and the Chargers defense. And
you are right, just as much you talk lad McConkey
on offense, this safety now he is a friggin full
grown ass man and a football playing Jesse and you
will see him from the secondary, which means you're going
to get some single cuver on the outside.
Speaker 4 (02:01:00):
How are you gonna deal with it? Yeah, Chargers are
got a really good one, Durwam James. Obviously, they got
one of the Bosa brothers, they got Khalil Max. They
have some good pieces on defense. See ow the offensive
line fairs for the Texans. Seven to three two point
two five seven ninety is in number to join John.
We appreciate you holding buddy. Good morning.
Speaker 22 (02:01:16):
Yeah, good morn, Dad, Sean and Brian. I'll tell you too, man,
I'm really not worried about this game. Teching me win
this game. Listens, Rex Ryan, I love Rex Ryan to death,
you know, to be told when he when he was
coaching for the Jets, they fired him too damn soon.
You know, he's always had a big mouth and he's
been a great defensive coach for Baltimore. And I like
I like him running his mouth like that because I
am a believer that when a man is pissed off
about something, he's more focused and he played better. And
I think that my team. It's football about motivation anyway.
It's like a coach teach, and I believe that the
miko' Ryan will put that up on the board and
the offensive line she'll see it. Hell put it in
there in there offensive uh not in the offensive room
for him to see. No, I'm not concerned at all.
Speaker 2 (02:02:09):
And that little.
Speaker 22 (02:02:09):
Demachy, that little kid they have over there, Oh he's
pretty good. But let me tell you something that second
day that the Texans have them young fellaws. They pretty
good too. Hey man, y'all have a good day.
Speaker 4 (02:02:21):
Thank you, John. Keep going on the phone lines. We'll
talk to Garrett. Garrett's going on.
Speaker 2 (02:02:26):
Hey, Bran Seawn, thanks for taking my call.
Speaker 6 (02:02:30):
I had a real quick question.
Speaker 9 (02:02:31):
I think it was Biscuit or someone else.
Speaker 6 (02:02:33):
Brought up Frank Wright for the OC.
Speaker 27 (02:02:36):
As a possibility if Slovak ever gets dismissed.
Speaker 6 (02:02:39):
I think they should give him another year.
Speaker 27 (02:02:41):
But they brought up for me, you know with uh,
you know, groups with the old Titans coach. I was
just curious what you thought if he's gonna if he's
is he out of the NFL now or do people
still talk about.
Speaker 1 (02:02:57):
You he's well, he's like one of the leading candidates
for for a handful of jobs this uh this offseason.
The Jets are talking about, the Bears are talking about
there's a lot of the Patriots are talking about him. Yeah,
so he he was he was not coaching? Was he
a consultant for somebody?
Speaker 5 (02:03:15):
He was?
Speaker 1 (02:03:15):
Wasn't he wasn't he on somebody's staff as a as
a guy. Because I didn't seen any broadcasts he might
have been helping out or he might have taken the
full year off, but he has become a h He
and Ben Johnson are the most talked about guys right now.
You know the offensive coordinator in Detroit, so Vrabel's around
Cleveland brown the Browns. He was an assistant or a
consultant on the right on them for the Browns.
Speaker 6 (02:03:34):
Okay, well, yeah, I appreciate y'all mentioned it.
Speaker 27 (02:03:37):
I just didn't know about that.
Speaker 6 (02:03:39):
So thank y'all for taking my call.
Speaker 9 (02:03:41):
Have a great morning.
Speaker 4 (02:03:42):
Appreciate here, thank you, thank you, Garrett, and let's go
to Randall. Randall, welcome in, good morning, Hey.
Speaker 14 (02:03:48):
Good morning, Sewan and Brian.
Speaker 24 (02:03:49):
You know, we have those fifty nine forty five, two
ninety and sixty type fans drive fast everywhere they go.
They want the football team to rush and go fast
in everything that they do. The culture here in Houston
with fan base, they.
Speaker 5 (02:04:08):
What we do.
Speaker 24 (02:04:09):
We have high expectations and there's a lot of difference
in the Texans fan and the Stiller fans.
Speaker 6 (02:04:17):
Now, if the.
Speaker 24 (02:04:18):
Stellers don't make the playoffs, they're gonna be content and
waiting until they I mean, if they don't win in
the playoffs. They'll be content and waiting until next year.
You know, our fans expectations.
Speaker 6 (02:04:29):
Has really happened.
Speaker 14 (02:04:30):
I gave the Texans three.
Speaker 24 (02:04:32):
Years to be successful, so next year, I'm expecting something
out of them. And I think that it's not the
offensive coordinator. I think it's the players. You know, they
plan the plan, but these players don't execute the plan.
And I will give Slovak another year if nobody hires him,
but he's gonna have to be more aggressive in his
play calling.
Speaker 14 (02:04:58):
So let's get back to the base.
Speaker 24 (02:05:00):
And I believe that the Houston Texas will beat the
Charges this weekend because that's a game that they're gonna
get up for.
Speaker 4 (02:05:07):
Thank you, Thank you, Renal. Hey, let's get to Reggie.
Speaker 1 (02:05:11):
Reggie. Good morning, Hey, good morning.
Speaker 16 (02:05:14):
How you guys doing, Hey, Brian, I was something for you, man.
I saw one of your sow of T shirts and
a TV the other day, so I thought about you.
But I ain't gonna tell you who was wearing it,
because that she put the L and load on that
shirt she was wearing.
Speaker 4 (02:05:29):
Oh no, hey, man, no doubt that. I don't doubt.
I don't doubt a dog. There's some I'll just give
it to you beggings out now part You know what
I mean by she.
Speaker 9 (02:05:38):
Was, but I knew so each his own.
Speaker 5 (02:05:42):
Speaker 16 (02:05:42):
Hey, hey, Sean, I have a quick question, and this
is something I've been having wearing heavy on my mind.
Man this time of the year, man, and I know
you're gonna agree with me. It's the real time I
really missed John Clayton, man, because this time was his
time of the year man, playoffs and and all the
things a head coaches losing their jaws and things like that.
This is when I really miss him, and I get
with the Texans man. Look, Sean, I want people give
Art Browse another chance because if you notice that what
happened between him at Baylor with even the Oakham that
defensive tackle, they found those guys, uh not guilty. The
girl made up all those charges and Art Braws has
paid the.
Speaker 6 (02:06:26):
Price for it.
Speaker 16 (02:06:27):
And with my Texans man, look, Derek Stingley is gonna
take off that take cover his part of the field.
The key on the Texans is gonna be the other
side of the corner because Derek Steele is gonna take
one of those corners away that will receive it the
weight and Quinn Johnson is coming into his own as well.
So what I'm looking at what the Texans is like? Sean,
you know this as well. Here we are last year
we talked about the Texans. Those are two different schemes.
They ran with singletary as the back and then you
got mixing coming in. It's it's two different things that
the coordinator has to go through. And mincleregt when you
have two different types of running back, different receivers that
do different things, and I just hang up and listen, man.
But I do miss Clayton John this time of the year.
Speaker 1 (02:07:14):
Yeah, I do. I think about John every day. I
miss him too. A very dear friend and a great
work partner and one of my favorite people on the planet.
And it was John's part of my soul and he
felt like family for a long time. So yeah, I
think that there's a long line of people who miss John.
Clayton too. Is now I got to get through all
three of these, Brown, What was the second one? Is
this part of the last one was all about the
players and the responsibility to players.
Speaker 25 (02:07:45):
He asked.
Speaker 1 (02:07:45):
He asked me the question, what was it? What was
the second one?
Speaker 4 (02:07:49):
I was reading more stuff about lat Yeah, I was
just focused on Clayton, on John and and going about
the business. It'll come to me.
Speaker 1 (02:07:58):
But when he was talking about John, I missed John
every single but he made a bunch of great points.
I was, Reggie right, Yeah, yeah, he made a bunch
of great points about you know, getting yourself.
Speaker 4 (02:08:08):
Ready and and uh and this time of year.
Speaker 1 (02:08:11):
So I he was awesome man, John John Clayton was awesome.
He was phenomenal human being and he loved this time
of year. Reggie's spot on John Clayton loved covering football,
absolutely loved it, and the relationships went with it. And
if Reggie, if there's one of those questions in there,
because you wanted to ask me, if you want to
call back and triple lea, because when there's three or
four of them, I'm focused on one and trying to
gather all that information. If you, if you need an answered,
I'd be happy to be made some very valid points. Yeah,
excuse me.
Speaker 11 (02:08:42):
I was.
Speaker 4 (02:08:42):
I was getting preps for our next segment about lad MCCONKAG.
I think he's going to be a major issue. There's
no doubt for this Texans and I answer the coy
was asked a couple of segments ago said we'd get
to it. About what would I say to c J.
Speaker 1 (02:08:53):
Shroud. I don't think at this stage there's really not
much I can say. Yeah, I know, I know this
to sound simple. As we're going through the preparation every days,
you're talking and going over plays and stuff. But the
overall motivational speech, I would just make sure you get
back to doing the things that made you great. What
happens is you start to bear the burden of what
everybody thinks you should be.
Speaker 6 (02:09:16):
C J.
Speaker 1 (02:09:17):
Stroud came in here. I'm sure he had expectations, but
he wasn't really thinking. The way he played last year
just kind of like the way they called plays, it
felt to me like they were less clutter. And I
think that's the first thing i'd say, And I said,
my man, we have great things ahead of us. We're
in the playoffs. So regardless of the people who set
up what we in the media or fans think is
that you're a great player, this team need. I would
actually add more impression, we need you to make place
they just do that. You can't hide from that, and
I would emphasize we have to have you make plays
to do it.
Speaker 5 (02:09:51):
But you know that.
Speaker 1 (02:09:53):
And I think he's at his best when he knows that.
So in the process of that, I'd say, just to
yourself favor when I say, make a ton of plays
and be the guy. That doesn't mean you have to
be perfect, because when you get to be perfect, you
start aiming and doing all those things and overthinking. I
would the number one thing I would say if he
came pregame, I would not overflood him. I don't want
a lot of thoughts in his Heady, dude, you're good food,
You've proven it. You've played at the top of the league.
Going into the season, people had you as a top
five or six quarterback in this league.
Speaker 5 (02:10:21):
Go play like it.
Speaker 1 (02:10:22):
And what that means is I don't think CJ. Stroud
had any clutter in his mind last year. I think
he just said, hey man, this is a learning experience
for offs and to the tune of ten wins. Yeah,
I would ask him simply, I'll take let me as
the head coach or the head coach and or the coordinator.
If I'm the coordinator of the quarterback coach, I'm simply
saying I'll handle the clutter. You let me sift through that.
That's my job. That's why i'm your coach. You go
do what you do and if you see something you like,
get to it. I'm not pulling the reins back on him.
I'm cutting it loose.
Speaker 5 (02:10:54):
Open the door.
Speaker 1 (02:10:54):
I don't think he's a play it safe type of player,
and that means you still got to be judicious and
smart with the ball.
Speaker 4 (02:11:01):
But I would tell him two things.
Speaker 1 (02:11:03):
Cut it loose, let me handle the clutter, remove the
clutter from your mind, and watch what happens. And I
think we've you'd farewell. I wouldn't get at this stage
of season mechanics like you'd changing mechanics in a week
or did this. I would remove all that stuff. Let's
just go play some the thought like some street football bud.
Let's go what we do with our buddies at the
just let it go. I'll take care of the clutter.
That's my responsibility to remove that from you. Defensive clutter,
media clutter. You just go and instead of I'm not
pulling the reins back. A matter of fact, I'm putting
more pressure on you. I'm putting the ball in your
hand and I'm putting the voice in your hand, in
your out of your mouth.
Speaker 3 (02:11:39):
You go.
Speaker 1 (02:11:39):
If you don't like something, you fix it. At the
line of scrimmers, let's go play. Yeah, let it rip.
I'm not back See at times of stress, what do
we do we back off? I'm different man, I've never listen.
I'll beg forgiveness rather than ask permission.
Speaker 4 (02:11:52):
Let's go.
Speaker 1 (02:11:52):
My quartered coordinator's giving me permission. I'm going to do
what I do. And I think that's who he is,
and I think that you have to let him be there,
and he's gonna make mistakes along the way. But I'm
gonna tell you what. I'll bet you they're few and
far removed. The clutters my number one message for him.
Speaker 4 (02:12:05):
Yeah, and we've seen it last year when it was
more of a let it rip type offense. You saw
the success there.
Speaker 1 (02:12:11):
If we're worried about Rex Ryan, I'm saying he has
been read trying or what we're saying, or what's going
on in social media, this is the time when the
best I've ever been around don't really care what you'd think. Yeah,
and then they go play like it. Yeah, I'd I'd
take the clutter on as the coach. Let him go
be a football player.
Speaker 4 (02:12:27):
Yeah, talking about a really good football player, Lad McConkie
for the Chargers. What issues is he going to cause
for this Texans defense to talk about? An next in
sports stock sevven Highty.
Speaker 2 (02:12:37):
The Shawn Salisbury Show continues The.
Speaker 5 (02:12:40):
No no, Now you know.
Speaker 4 (02:12:45):
That question that Reggie had was in regards to Art Briles.
Speaker 1 (02:12:49):
Listen, none of us were there, and you know he
was not guilty in it, right, Well, then the coul
threw that out that he was not guilty in the
in the.
Speaker 4 (02:12:58):
Whole fight, he got clear.
Speaker 1 (02:12:59):
I'm talking about from me, he cleared of the wrongdoing
part and Reggie I from You know, people are going
to think about this however they want. Art Bright Browse
is a brilliant offensive mind in a football coach. That's obvious.
He's proven it. As far as why or will he,
I imagine at some point in time, if he still
loves it, will get back. People have had him come
and be guest coaches during training camp and a lot
of that stuff because he's his football mind.
Speaker 4 (02:13:25):
He does.
Speaker 1 (02:13:26):
He's a damn good coach. I think the reason why
not knowing all that happened is what went on at Baylor.
When you oversee that with you know the problems with
players on campus and women that that's somebody's daughter, and
so they still are kids when you're eighteen years old.
And so when it comes to that, even though a
group found you that you were clear to those the responsibility,
you still oversaw it. So people that don't want to
let go of it still affiliated with you. Does that
make sense that the perception of art Brows is it
he did know? I think that for some and for
others they say absolutely not. Because somebody cleared him of it,
it doesn't mean that somebody sitting in Dallas, Texas thinks
he should have been cleared. And that's the only thing, Reggie,
I know, because I like like you. Obviously, I've got
friends that went to Baylor and played football, so you
get their insight, but ones who really know do we really?
Speaker 4 (02:14:21):
I don't know. But he was cleared of it and
he's going on now.
Speaker 1 (02:14:24):
The question is, like any controversy people go through, is
somebody willing to give him a chance or are they
still under the perception that, well, he led that program,
so it's under it was on his watch, so he
had to have known, right, That's what some people that
I've talked to and some people say absolutely not, he
should be coaching. So, like you said, Reggie, So that's
the only thing I can gather from Willie. Are somebody
willing to deal with the perception of what happened at
Baylor that he's still responsible for it?
Speaker 4 (02:14:53):
Are they willing to say?
Speaker 11 (02:14:54):
Speaker 1 (02:14:55):
Art Brown's is a brilliant offensive mind. And I'm just
going by what do pro with with the with the
courts and people decided that if that's the case, then
he's innocent or not guilty, whatever you look at. And
I'm going to hire him as a football coach and
deal with whatever people have.
Speaker 4 (02:15:09):
To say about it. So I don't know.
Speaker 1 (02:15:11):
That's the only thing I can gather is the perception
of even when you're cleared of it, some people don't
think you should have been and I think that's probably
what and some are afraid to death to take on
the responsibility of what happens as social media is mad,
and some don't care.
Speaker 4 (02:15:25):
Well, I think that's he got hired by Grambling State
to be there a couple of years ago, and then
four days into his coaching state he had to resign.
Speaker 1 (02:15:31):
That's exactly that's what I'm saying. So when will the
backlash eventually go away. You're still dealing with young people
when it happened, and some people just can't let that
go because it was on his watch, right yet did
he know? Didn't We're just from a distance. It's all
opinion and speculation or what somebody who may know more
than you. But I think that's probably the reason. I
don't think anybody said, don't you dare hire Art Brows.
I think it's do you have the guts to deal
with what it'll take to get through it, because there's
no arguing of what kind of football coach he is, right,
and you'll get people who love him as a man
and some people who don't. That I don't know, but
I think that's probably why that there's still that perception
of he was there when it happened, and that's why
whether he knew or didn't know is for the people
who made the decision to decide.
Speaker 4 (02:16:14):
Yeah, that's I think it's one hundred percent reason why
we probably will never see him coach in college or
in the NFL here in the States at least, because
he's coached over seas in Europe, but here's in as
far as the States. I don't think it'll ever happen.
Speaker 1 (02:16:24):
And are you gonna would you hire him as a
head coach in high school again, or would you hire
him as a coordinator in collegra and a head coach
in college. It's going to take somebody who's got that
forgiveness and says will handle the perception if it's a negative,
and somebody will make it negative, and someone will make
it that he should have an opportunity, And I get
it both ways.
Speaker 4 (02:16:42):
Seven one, three, two two five, seven ninety's number to
join Andy.
Speaker 1 (02:16:45):
What's going on there?
Speaker 28 (02:16:47):
I got something to do at you guys. The worst
three teams in the playoffs, I guess teams up with
with good records over five hundred. You got the Texans
one out of six, they won one versus six teams.
Then you got the Redskins, they won two out of six.
And this one really kind of threw me. Buffalo Bills.
They only beat two teams out of their six teams
that are over five hundred. Maybe a little little smoking
mirrors up there with that Buffalo team. And then you
look at the higher end. The Chiefs won eight out
of nine games against teams over five hundred, and the
Lions seven out of nine. And I get this, now
we may understand why the Ravens lost as many games
they did this year. They played twelve teams, They're the
highest in the league, twelve teams over five hundred, and
they were nine three so and luckily, hey, the Chargers
they were three and nine. They played nine teams. So
you know, I just don't see nobody getting more of
the Chiefs.
Speaker 6 (02:18:05):
The lines of the.
Speaker 28 (02:18:06):
Ravens are put those three right there, and.
Speaker 1 (02:18:12):
Yeah, I think you're right. I think there's a separation
between the haves and I don't want to say the
have nots, but the next level. Thanks for the call, Andy,
great stuff is the last month of what I've seen,
I do not now Detroit's injuries on defense concern you
a little bit. Maybe they concern them a lot, but
you know, you'd love to have more pressure at the
pass rush, right. But I can tell you for my money,
in the last few weeks, the Baltimore Ravens.
Speaker 4 (02:18:40):
Are really good. They're good all year long.
Speaker 1 (02:18:43):
Yeah, but they're playing at a level I think if
everybody played their best football in the playoffs, Detroit and
Baltimore will be in the Super Bowl and Baltimore's better
because their defense is better than Detroit. I'm talking about
as we look today now, the one thing you got
to account for that dude who wears fifteen and can
the city thinks different at this time of year.
Speaker 4 (02:19:02):
He just is different.
Speaker 1 (02:19:04):
And the one thing Lamar in January has not been
the same. Josh Allen has not been the same. Jared
Goff has had moments where he's been to a super
Bowl and has had some and not some, but maybe
he's advanced past the what a great quantum leap He's
made his career at Detroit right to the poison leadership
he's taken over there. But you start to look around
and he's exactly right. Kansas City, Baltimore, Detroit are different.
Speaker 13 (02:19:30):
Speaker 1 (02:19:31):
Can Detroit handle the big stage of a suit I
don't know they was that time they were in an
NFC Championship game, right, so and Baltimore and this would
cap off. I don't think we're really realizing just how
good his career Lamar Jackson's happened. And I'm once again,
if anybody that comes on this show and says Lamar
Jackson can't throw from the pocket, I'm going to obliterate you.
I'm going today and that I'm going to force you
to sit down and watch tape and I'm going to
have you prove to the tune of forty some hundred
yards of why can't every single year it gets better?
Speaker 6 (02:20:05):
Speaker 1 (02:20:06):
And that's the one thing about him, his improvement. And
you say, how can the guy get better? I don't know,
but I already know that the dude is setting records
with his feet and it's We're in the dudes in
what is sixth year. If they play their best, they
are winning the super Bowl. Now that's a big if
you don't know what happens, because once again there's that
still hanging out there January. The Ravens look different, and
Lamar's looked different if he's cutting it loose and doing
what he does and playing like he has this last
well all season long for him. But the way that
the things are going these last four or five weeks
and their defense is getting better every single week. I'm
just going to tell you now, going to going to
Kansas City is tough, but I'm just going to tell
you right now, if Baltimore and Kansas City are playing
in Kansas City at some point gimme.
Speaker 4 (02:20:56):
Baltimore, Baltimore time. I'm taking Baltimore.
Speaker 1 (02:20:58):
Other than that factor that kids to say, he just
seems to do. But if it's a one score game
late and fifteen has the ball, can't say he's going
super Bowl. Yeah, but I see. I think Baltimore's got
the capability of blowing everybody out in the playoffs.
Speaker 4 (02:21:13):
I honestly do good enough.
Speaker 1 (02:21:15):
To do you beat them. I think they're good enough
to beat you by a touchdown or more every team
they play. It could be thirty one, twenty forty to
twenty one. I think they are capable of running you
out of the gym every frigging time they line up
for my money?
Speaker 4 (02:21:30):
Right now, you want zero part of them?
Speaker 1 (02:21:33):
Now, I don't want I don't want anything.
Speaker 18 (02:21:34):
Speaker 4 (02:21:35):
We'll see if January is different for Lamar.
Speaker 5 (02:21:36):
If it's not.
Speaker 1 (02:21:38):
If it's not, he's post. If it's not, it would
be he may be the MVP of the league again
he's and then he gets a Super Bowl. He's already
a Hall of Famer. Oh yeah, already a Hall of Famer.
And I said it, and let me say it louder
sort of people in the back and here he wins
a Super Bowl this year and they happen to give
him the MVP again and he beats out Josh Allen,
which is very realistic because look at his numbers. Put
a check mark by a brother. That dude's a Hall
of Famer six years in and you can talk all
you want about he should have been a slot receiver
when he came out. Dude looks like he's in pretty
damn good command. To me, you take who you want,
I'll take him. I'm gonna win a.
Speaker 4 (02:22:14):
Lot of games. That'd be three MVPs and one super
Bowl in his first sex.
Speaker 1 (02:22:18):
Well, that's that's one MVP away from Rogers and it's
one super Bowl. It's the same amount of Super Bowls already.
And then if you're worried about his turnovers or his
command and plus his feet are the greatest of all
time right now, I think he didn't break with Vic's
all time rushing record or something for quarterbacks already, He's
six years into his career. And don't talk to me
about durability. The guy plays every week for the most part,
you know what I'm saying. He plays all the time
and takes hints and isn't running from him and his
command of the offense. I'm just telling you, the dude
is a freak show. And we're we thought we realized
that dude, he still hasn't played his best football, which
I find house scary completely and he's done it with
a bunch of different players. Yeah, Lamar Jackson's already that
he does that. He's in rarefied air. Now we're looking
at a different cap. Yeah, we just are. And if
you he's the one guy that if you cut him
off throwing the football, that he and Derek Kennedy are
actually good enough that they could run for two thirty
and beat you in a game where they throw for
forty eight percent. That's how good that offense can be.
And Monkin is a bitch to deal with. I'm telling
you the guy is. Remember on this show when I
when I got that job, I said, one of the
great signings. So Lamar Jackson will thrive with that cap.
Speaker 5 (02:23:35):
Speaker 4 (02:23:35):
And Monkin's underrated. Yeah, Baltimore's nasty, which is crazy because
look how good Baltimore is, and he is the dophensive
Courdneyer Munkin is all top.
Speaker 1 (02:23:43):
All you guys play your best football in this league.
In the AFC, all seven teams play your best in
a round robin tournament. All of them peak against each other.
The Baltimore Ravens come out on top.
Speaker 4 (02:23:53):
Yeah, there's no doubt. They're so good man. Let's let's
get to break right here on sports stock seventy.
Speaker 1 (02:23:59):
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What do you want?
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Speaker 4 (02:25:12):
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Speaker 4 (02:25:43):
For the Shawn Salisbury Show continued previously of FS one
once he got his own podcast now. Him and Marcellus
Wiley both were previously on Fox Sports one. They were
both on shows with Joy Tayler and Emmanuel Acho in
some former fashion. All four of those work together on
a show well obviously with the drama with Joy Taylor
in that lawsuits.
Speaker 21 (02:26:10):
Speaker 4 (02:26:11):
Jason Whitlock had some thoughts on Joy Taylor.
Speaker 1 (02:26:16):
This is what he had to say.
Speaker 29 (02:26:18):
I know what I'm capable of and that big rack
of hers and she showed off constantly. It's just and
that peanut butter skin with that big rack, like Jay,
keep your disc.
Speaker 5 (02:26:37):
That's what.
Speaker 1 (02:26:38):
Oh my god, dude, do you gotta love some peanut
butter skin?
Speaker 4 (02:26:42):
Though? Tell you what else? So he was my man,
Winlock was gonna pull.
Speaker 1 (02:26:51):
He said, I know, I know what I'm capable of.
Speaker 4 (02:26:53):
Dog take your shot many peanut butter skin.
Speaker 5 (02:26:57):
But what do you call it?
Speaker 1 (02:26:58):
Rack a lamb?
Speaker 4 (02:27:04):
And that rack of lamb is what I call it,
tremendous upper body strength. I thought when I heard that,
but no, he actually said that on his podcast yesterday.
He called it rack.
Speaker 29 (02:27:13):
He yeah, triple. He played again. Else, I know what
I'm capable of. Huh, and that big rack of hers.
Speaker 4 (02:27:26):
She showed off constantly. It's just and that peanut butter skin.
Keep your disk.
Speaker 1 (02:27:36):
You can hear him in the middle of it. He's
like starting to get lost in it again when you yeah,
he's he's like not to pass out from hyperventilation. He's like,
my man wentlock. He's been good to me forever.
Speaker 5 (02:27:47):
Speaker 1 (02:27:48):
I understand people have a strong opinion either way. I
judge people by how they you know, how he treats me. Sure,
and Big Jay has always been good to me. But
I can tell you this, that's classical. Well, peanut butter
skin and rack of lamb, man, big rack all that's combo.
Speaker 6 (02:28:03):
Speaker 1 (02:28:03):
Oh you know what, she's a double double every night,
get your ten points and get you t Is that
what he said? Cheea butterskin and rack a lamb?
Speaker 4 (02:28:11):
He started getting lost thought.
Speaker 1 (02:28:16):
And Jason, Jason, come back to But I know what
I'm capable of. Stay away, I got to go.
Speaker 29 (02:28:22):
I'm capable, Yes, yes, rack of hers and she showed
off constantly.
Speaker 9 (02:28:30):
It's just.
Speaker 1 (02:28:34):
Where am I going? Yeah, Hey, let me ask you, well,
think about when you like, like a big rack of
ribs and all of a sudden you could you know,
oh man, And it's just kind of sitting there day,
you know, for hour after hour you're getting ready to
eat those that say.
Speaker 4 (02:28:51):
Man, man, look at that big rack of ribs. Yeah,
I can't wait, And.
Speaker 1 (02:28:57):
Man, that sauce is so good on it. And then
you say, well, Peanu butterskin and big rack. I mean,
it's not to like man that if you do, she
might tell you, she might there might be eight other
guys in the building saying it.
Speaker 4 (02:29:12):
But that's on you.
Speaker 1 (02:29:12):
So uh you you know, to take the leap if
that's what you're gonna do. Wit Witt said, I taken
the leap. I got to get out. My man said,
I know what I'm capable of.
Speaker 4 (02:29:22):
I know what I'm capable man.
Speaker 1 (02:29:25):
Apparently apparently a couple others do what they were capable of,
and they didn't take they didn't heed their own advice.
Huh God, at least that's the word on the street.
I couldn't believe. I don't know anything about the word
on the street.
Speaker 4 (02:29:36):
But there you go. That's a beauty of podcasting. Man, Yeah,
you got a I you can put it on here.
Speaker 1 (02:29:41):
But in that guess what I get all that chance.
Come January or later this month, we are going to
let it nationally rip here, come down. Just a little teaser,
I announced it, just a little teaser.
Speaker 4 (02:29:52):
I know what national podcast. It's common.
Speaker 1 (02:29:55):
Hell, I know, I know what I'm capable of too. Yeah,
and I was thinking Peanu butter Skin and rack of Lamb.
But I know what I'm capable of. Okay, he said
he is beautiful.
Speaker 4 (02:30:07):
I can I'm not gonna take that away from her.
She is beautiful on the outside, on the outside.
Speaker 5 (02:30:12):
I guess.
Speaker 4 (02:30:14):
To tell that then hit you.
Speaker 1 (02:30:16):
Okay, yeah, don't just don't be the executive man.
Speaker 4 (02:30:21):
Don't don't be this imbortinate.
Speaker 5 (02:30:24):
There you go.
Speaker 4 (02:30:25):
He said something else on that same podcast about her cans.
He caught them cans and what that's an old that's.
Speaker 1 (02:30:31):
An old school phrase about that's an old school phrase. Yeah,
I uh lose cans. Oh yeah, Oh listen, I'm just
a simple cave man. Well, Whitlock's funny. Whitlock is funny,
simple creature man.
Speaker 5 (02:30:47):
Speaker 1 (02:30:48):
Yeah, he's a really smart dude too, now I know
he is. He's really smart. Whether you like his opinion
or not. But I've always, like I said, I judge
them how the treat but he makes me laugh on
a regular basis. You want a good? Do you want
a good? You want to get a guy who blazes
Twitter with some of his comments? My man, Wi'll do
that now and you get to decide whether you like
it or that.
Speaker 5 (02:31:09):
It's on you.
Speaker 1 (02:31:10):
But how can you whether you like it or not.
But when a guy's talking about peanut, butterskin and rack,
it's pretty funny to listen to. Dude, it is so funny.
Speaker 4 (02:31:20):
Oh my gosh, uh tripley, I found the the uh
the play the clip I just sent you. Jason Willock
further on his time at Fox Sports one.
Speaker 2 (02:31:33):
How does she get that job?
Speaker 4 (02:31:35):
How does she even get that opportunity?
Speaker 30 (02:31:37):
Because she's got a big pair of cans and she's
according machine, according to she's willing to let people enjoy
those big cans with her.
Speaker 14 (02:31:49):
Speaker 4 (02:31:53):
I mean, oh my god, you got problems though he
said that. Oh god, it's great, Oh my gosh.
Speaker 5 (02:32:06):
Let mean.
Speaker 1 (02:32:10):
It will be an interesting walk through the building this week,
isn't it. Oh?
Speaker 4 (02:32:14):
Yes, you can imagine being her brother, Jason Taylor and
seeing everything that's been made about your sister. I would
imagine God would be.
Speaker 1 (02:32:24):
Obviously he's a family member, you love your family, and
of course you want to protect him. And I would
imagine that Jason is probably used to being around athletes
and seeing how athletes talk, and knowing that his sister,
you know that, well the Jason Whitlock, the she has
peanut butter skin and big rack. I would imagine Jason's
hurt it all right, it's how this come out, come
out came out that would probably make him. First responses
to protect your sister, and it should be. The secondly
is like how did you get yourself into this? Thirdly
is how can I help?
Speaker 4 (02:33:00):
What do I gotta do?
Speaker 1 (02:33:01):
And lastly probably advice on how to deal with it?
Right and so it But in the in the trio,
he's been in locker rooms this whole life. I think
Jason wouldluck probably understands that when you see he's are
on TV that the guy sitting next to her is probably,
you know, may thinking about something other than sports at
a time.
Speaker 4 (02:33:19):
Or two just ask I mean, well with locked, validate
that right?
Speaker 1 (02:33:23):
Yeah, there you go.
Speaker 4 (02:33:25):
I can you get to the poison. Eventually Fox is
gonna hire nothing but men on the set.
Speaker 1 (02:33:31):
Why aren't giant women, Well, well then they better be
flat chested and flat ass. Other than that we can't hire,
you know. But think about it, and it's not fair, right,
that's who you start to think. I got a great idea.
I think we're gonna just go with a bunch of
dudes like I've got a couple other children. But it's
unfair to the others who've done their gig the way
you're supposed to do a gig. I'm not there, so
I don't know behind the scenes making from a distance.
I've been in those buildings. I get it, but I
you know, it's put it this way. They're gonna go through.
She's gonna go through a really down time in her life.
I would imagine self inflicted. That's on her, but down that.
Don't start thinking crazy stuff there, Brian. Yeah, I'm just
gonna go through and self inflicted. Like I said, it's
not I feel sorry for any of them. If you hey, listen,
you decided to jump in and not the short just
a short end. You decide to go into the deep end.
Now you're gonna have to deal with the consequences of
getting out of that deep end. And that's a hard
thing to do because everybody they're clowning them endlessly on
social media, all three of them and then.
Speaker 4 (02:34:37):
Some This is gonna be the greatest segue of all time.
We're going into the practice.
Speaker 1 (02:34:42):
It's the playoffs, and at Fox who covers the NFL,
this is the story of the week, and they don't
want this to be.
Speaker 4 (02:34:48):
The story of the week. And this is the greatest
segue of all time. So, fellas, if you've got a
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Speaker 9 (02:36:36):
We want to win.
Speaker 2 (02:36:37):
Sean Salisbury continues on.
Speaker 4 (02:36:39):
Seven ninety and it says, if I send you this pick,
just know that I want your peanut butter skin and
that big rack, big rack. Do you realize over the
last probably coming up on a year now, you got
to think about all the situations that have blown Twitter
up with memes, the Diddy stuff, uh, tripley. What was
the other one that we discussed? Oh my gosh, there's
and there was three of them. This is the third one.
There was the Diddy stuff, and then there was one
other one that I forgot gosh, dang, I can't remember,
but uh yeah, now you got the Joy.
Speaker 1 (02:37:13):
Taylor the means politics. Yeah, I had something to do.
Speaker 4 (02:37:16):
I can't remember what it was exactly, but man, this
has been the memes and in videos of Joy Taylor,
Manuel Wacho and no one's even talking about Skip Bayless. Yeah,
I mean, my man is offering a cool one point
one point five million to get a you know, a
little uh little.
Speaker 1 (02:37:35):
Little love, you know, what I mean, I guess if
smoke him, if you got him, meaning, if you got
that kind of money you want to spend and I've
had it, dog, give me that one point five. I'll
find a way to get spent for it.
Speaker 4 (02:37:46):
Oh man, does Alex Bregman get signed today?
Speaker 3 (02:37:49):
Is it?
Speaker 1 (02:37:50):
Speaker 6 (02:37:51):
Speaker 4 (02:37:52):
That would be no, Okay, no, I don't think so.
Speaker 12 (02:37:55):
Speaker 1 (02:37:55):
But if he wants to sign with the Red Sox,
you might want to do that before they trade for
Nolan Aeronato MM.
Speaker 4 (02:38:02):
The Colts fired Gus Bradley, the defensive coordinator, Jags fired
their head coach Doug Peterson, and the Titans this morning
fired their GM Ran Carthon M huh, And somehow Chris
Baller still has a job with the Colts. I got
a masters in sport management. I can go be a
GM and an a D now. And the Jaguars still
have Trent Balki their terrible GM.
Speaker 1 (02:38:29):
I like to just stay on this show. There you go, yeah, yeah, yeah, you.
Speaker 6 (02:38:34):
Know what we do.
Speaker 1 (02:38:37):
Yeah, Well, Tennessee didn't get the people they wanted. You
got to, you know, make a change. And Gus Bradley's
well respected de coordinator. He'll have a he'll have a
coaching job somewhere, whether it's assistant linebacker coach or you know,
coach in the secondary, or you'll find a gig.
Speaker 4 (02:38:53):
Yeah, there's no doubt it's gonna do it. For The
Sean Salisbury Show. That is Sean Salisbury. Our producers Triple
Emmanuel Elmore I and Brian Leema. Thank you for listening.
We are back tomorrow morning at six a m. Don't
go anywhere.
Speaker 1 (02:39:04):
And if you have peanut, butterskin and a big rack,
right so, protect yourself out because some guy's gotta you know,
some guys know what they're capable of.
Speaker 4 (02:39:15):
According to a guy Jason Will. And if you find
the big rack and you don't get excited, Sean and
I are here to tell you go where Men's t
Clinic dot com matter of fact.
Speaker 1 (02:39:24):
Or if you find it and you don't know what
to do, then you're stupid. But if you do know
what to do, then Men's Tea can help.
Speaker 4 (02:39:31):
The Mad Tomas Show with the Rosses next on seven