All Episodes

November 22, 2023 199 mins
Sean and Brian both spoke about the Thanksgiving Day matchups for the sports teams. Covering the NFL games, with Houston against the Jaguars, NBA with the Rockets taking on the Grizzlies, and College Football throughout the different divisions and conferences.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Saulsbury, Salisbury. Okay, let'sdo this, Shawn Salisbury. There you
see John Longside friend shown Salisbury.Ryan La Lima go Lobos can stop to
the Shan takes chop down. I'ma winning pig. This is the Shawn

Salisbury Show. Good morning, Houston. Welcome in to the Shawn Salisbury Show
here on Sports Talk seven. Ineed the day before Thanksgiving. Full lineup

of NFL games tomorrow. The Texanswill play this Sunday at NRG Stadium in
a big matchup against the Jags.Rockets play tonight. John Tripley, Good
morning, some testy matchups. Lastnight in college basketball, Marquette took down
number one. Can't is this inthe Maui Invitational? But here we are.
Yeah today, what today feels likemail it in Wednesday? Kind of

does? Does it feels like wakeup and just mail it in on a
Wednesday? Yeah, yest you we'rejust here to We're just here to chat.
That's a rough sled. And formy Jayhawks, now, ah that
happens. You know what I'm saying. They got the do you know when
you're in MAUI take you back.I take you back the days when you
weren't even when you didn't even knowwhat a jump shot was because you weren't

born. Shamanad. Yeah, Shamanadover Virginia, Ralph Sampson's number one team
in the country. You know,I think it was the I think it
was a Christmas tournament, not theThanksgiving but I'm not sure. I can't
remember. Might have been Thanksgiving,but Shamanad took down the number one Ralph
Sampson led Virginia Cavaliers. Do yourdue diligence, okay, feel me dog

due diligence. Yeah, Shamanad,thank you and good night. Check that
out. Shamanad. Did you seeit? Yeah? What year? It
was founded? In? Nineteen fiftyfive? No, it wasn't nineteen fifty
five. Well that's what it says. Well that's not when they beat Virginia.
I wasn't born, Okay, allright, so that that's not the
one eighty one eighty one excuse meeighty two. Yeah, Christmas or Thanksgiving?

It was on I don't know,you don't do you? No,
I'm gonna say it didn't matter.It was one of these holiday tournaments that
Shamanad took down Virginia. So MarquetteA little with the difference is Marquette's not
Shamanad. Marquette is. Obviously itwas just tracting good hoops program, just

says back in eighty two. Yep, good hoops program. Marquette is really
you know they hell they can goon and knock a bunch of people off
and be competitive this entire year.So Shaka Smart got his team going good
at Marquette, correct, and thenKansas will be around. But back then
Shamanad, nobody'd really know much aboutit, knew much about them, and

they took down Virginia. So thereyou go, December twenty third, nineteen
eighty two, three thousand, threehundred and eighty three people in attendance.
There you go, less than halfof the arena's capacity. The opening tip
took place at seven forty Hawaiian standardtime. There you go, and they
went and beat him because nobody Thereason why is you're watching Samson. You
think no way Shamanad beats Virginia,took him down Giant Killer that day.

They were Na Naia back then,no other division two. There you go.
Do you want your wealthy useless knowledgebaseball stat real quick? Yeah?
Absolutely started off at six'sh fourin the morning. Bob Gibson June and
July nineteen sixty eight. Twelve starts, twelve complete games, twelve wins,

eight shutouts, six runs allowed,zero worries about pitch counts. He only
won twelve out of his twelve startsand completed all of his starts. That
was it. Wow in junior,pretty good. Another useless stat. It's
not useless. What gwyn played TonyGwinn. I think it was twenty years?
How many times he struck out threetimes in a game, like four?

Once? Once he had the hattrick one time? Who getting the
hat trick? I know I didn'tsee that one time. There's probably somebody
nondescript one time in twenty years.Wow, three times in a game.
There's your good bab. Baseball's gotsome phenomenal stats like that. Dude,

he struck out three times in agame once one time once. He's pretty
good. You know what I sayto the fools, I'd better recognized.
Yeah, dude, I was drivingin this one listening to Grobs. Yeah,
Josh Grob Yeah, how do youknow it's grown? And when I
say Grobes, just because we're likethat, you think triple. He knows
who Josh Grobin is has no ideatriple. He didn had no idea,

He has no clue. He wason what uh what was he on?
American Idol? Right? I don'tknow what Grobs what? I don't care
about that, you know everything.Look at you're a guy. You're probably
a guy that thinks that Michael Meyer. What's the name, Not Michael Meyer.
What's the singer's name, Michael Buble? But no, that's not Michael
Bubble the other Meyer. Is therea Myers a singer like a Michael Meyer?

Is there a Meyer? There's likea He's like a Frank Sinat.
I mean, you know, mywhat's the Meyer? The thing? Is
it Meyer? Michael? Oh,not Michael Myers, Not Michael Myers,
Halloween mayor John Mayer, that yeah, Meyer mayor whatever? From Michael Myers,
Michael Myers, mayor John Mayer,that guy, that dude, Yeah,

John Mayer. John Mayer's phenomenon wasjust here. Oh, put some
respect on John Mayer's name to thelike John Mayor. I don't know,
I don't I'll take Bubble over Mayor. Bear's okay. I think two of
the most overrated singers on the planetare the Beatles are John Mayor and the
Beatles John Legend two John's John Legendblows. He just and he also kind

of talks to you. Have youever noticed that if you close your eyes
and listen, you'll say, oh, you mean Legend sings four hundred of
the same songs. He No,I don't know, but he'll he'll will
talk his way through a song anddo it. Triple John Legend, John
Mayor blows, tripley. Pull upsome John Legend force real quick blows.
He does blow. Do you agreewith John Mayor? Yeah, Legend,

John Legend, Absolutely, he's not. Yeah, he's bears overrated to He's
not. Probably little humble pie guyblows. I think he could pull.
No, dude, you're just beinga hater. I can hear Josh hater.
Okay, Yeah, speaking of which, the Rangers make it him so
just so, Yeah, I heardthat. Did I was this a the

fake post? Or did I hearthat the Dodgers were going to try to
pull off Trout and Otania on thesame team. You did read that?
Yeah, They're gonna try to signand trade for try and trade for Trout.
Yeah, I mean listen to thisguy. This is John Legend.
All he does is his voice.It's always the same talking and the singing

there and yet it's always the same. But it could be anything. It
could be Winner wonder Line, itcould be a any song he sings it.
All it's the same. There's nothing, there's nothing different other than a
few were just a different rapper ofthe song. So triplely pull up a
different song of John Legend. Sowe heard a little taste of it.
You're gonna hear the same thing allthe time. We're trying to hear.

I'm driving home last night after grabbinga bike to eat and run some aerage
yesterday, and I'm telling you Irealized he's overrated, one of the most
overrated, we have no doubt.Agreed, Yeah, agreed, Yeah,
thanks, Just just make sure I'mnot I'm not alone with that. You're
John Mayer. Okay, Grobes areMayor right now? Yeah, John Mayer,
you're taking Mayor over Grobes. Whatsongs are you listen to? Double

over Grobe? What song you listento of Josh grob And when it's not
about to be the holidays? Nothing? It's okay, exactly like nothing who's
this John Legend? Yeah, Idon't think he's a legend. Let's have
conversations and the dogs literally sounds exactlythe same. Is this the same song

he can make like a he canhe can make us. I know they
all it's legends. Now he hasto do this all the time. That
literally sounds the same. All right, one more before uh not, John
Legend? Pull up Gravity by JohnMayer. He's not a banger? What
he is? Not a banger?So he's over he's overrated. Man,

You realize thanksgivings tomorrow? Yeah?I do? You do? I do?
You got everything planned out ready togo? Not yet you can be
doing that. It's a little early. If you prepped yesterday, you gotta
get it. You got to britoday. I'm brano Brian in my turkey,
all getting all ready. Butter itdown and they'll get some time.
Get it all there, brine itup, stick it in there, get

it ready to roll, dude,cover it, salt it. Let's go
Gravity by John Mayer. Okay,you're not deep frying a turkey though,
are you? Not? This yeargoing a different style this year? I
love deep pride, but if Iwas having like twenty five Fami ever to
do I do it two different ways, deep fry one and and just to
do a regular old school either grill, you know, put in the barbecue

and the grill, or in theoven. Old school. But today's all
everybody's kind of spread out. Wecatch you the other different times, so
it's not gonna be like twenty fiveof us. So just got deep fryed
it this year. Yeah, nowlisten to this one. Get him out,
dude. That's him on the guitar. Too great, Okay, come

on, guitar player in the worldcouldn't do this. Yeah, but he's
a singer. Okay, that's hisguitar. I know he's playing the guitar
though. Yeah, no kidding,John Legend, don't do that. Michael
Bubley doesn't do that. He playsa piano. Groan doesn't do it.
He turns a piano. He doesn'ttune a fish, and he does not
listen gravity. Come on, howhe's a breather, really big breather.

What is he, Harry Carey?Listen to him though? He breathes what
he's what he says? Yes hedoes. I can see him standing on
a stage. He's like but helooks like he looks at one of the
zoids right in front of him,and he's staring down at her like I'm
gonna pull her after the show.He's probably got dad jeans on or something

we need to do, I know, and mayor and watch how quickly it
fizzles. Yeah, this that's verycarry. But he's like he's a breather.

When he sings, it's like mesinging, Oh that's there. Yeah,
yeah, that is absolutely enough.Are you done? Oh well,

get the fut of guy's blows.Dude, he's the same thing too.
Every time you hear him, youfeel like he standing at it in a
bar. I'm on top of astage with like twelve people's head and their
dog on whiskeys because they drank toomuch. He's I mean, is it
Western Wednesday or is it hater Wednesday? I mean, okay, it's a
little both. A lot of WesternWednesday. Maybe Western Wednesday, Country cuts

for Christmas? Maybe today's a Christmascountry cut Wednesday? Should we ask our
producer? He doesn't get to say, Okay, have an executive decision.
Okay, I don't care. Okay, let Mandy decide. Country cuts.
A lot of Wednesday that's a lotof pressure, Manny. Yeah, you
know, pressure makes diamonds. Damnright, you know you know what we

have on the show, diamonds.I don't think they're in the rough anymore,
full cut shine gems. There yougo. You're ready to look ahead
of this matchup since we're gonna beoff for the next couple of days.
Between the Texans and Jaguars. Whatdo we call them today? Today's Wednesday?
But what are we calling it?Mail it in WINDSDA, mail it

Wednesday. No, we're not mailingyou mailing it in? No, you're
not. We ever red it youdecided to take your game. No,
we don't. That's why I'm saying, are you mailing it in today?
No, you're showing up, showingup and showing out, showing up and
showing out. Let's look at keysfor the Sexans against the Jaguars this Sunday.

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Com writing shotgun with someone who's thrownfrom the shotgun. Football is helmet to
helmet. Sean Salisbury, Brian,you want to see what a real football
looks like. This is the SeanSalisbury Show on Sports Talk seven ninety The

Christmas It's a good start. Manyman carry underwood. No, that's ain't
carry carry underwood. Martina mcbriting better, Martina mack love me, Martina McBride.
Indeed, if you had one duetto say, who's the female you
no female man, martinac bride's gotto be up there, definitely not you're

talking about this country or just anybody. I think you're probably gonna go with
the the recent, the one whosings on Yellowstone. I've never seen it.
Laney Wilson, You're like a LandyWilson guy. Yeah, have you
seen her wagon? No, I'mjust talking about voice, the voice,
like sing a Christmas duet with becauseI like the soul in her voice.

Reba for sure, overrated. NoOctober you can't do overrats. I call
it. George Straight the non kegright, you can't exactly, you can't
do it. I'm a Christina Aguilerasoul in her voice cut like singing like
I'll be home for Christmas or aharmonizing version because she's got a horse powerful

voice. Yeah no, dude,you'd want you'd want Fergie? No,
yeah, yeah, kind of likehow she uh sung you know the national
anthem? That's what you would wantfor your Christmas cut? No, I
would. I'm walking out of herewith twelve with a duet like p Bow
Bryson and Regina Bell. That's whatI'm talking about. Who pe Bo Bryson
and Regina make me google so muchduring these shows. You know you're gonna

find that that's a lion king ora not a lion king. That might
be a p Bow p Bow Brysonpe A b O Bryson on the Kings
and Regina Bell p Bo Bryson.The gonna be one of those. There
is check the animated movies a wholenew you go, okay, what movie

is that? That's Aladdin? Aladdin? There you go, pee Bow and
did not know that? Of courseyou didn't, of course you and of
course I did. Okay, yeah, uh yeah me. I think Aguilera
and I on the on that orpossibly we could say, I could sing

a duet with Blake Shelton. Wecould talk about there's a light at the
end of the tunnel. There's alot, is it light? There's a
neon light? What a bad cut? That's not a good one, No,
acause I like the soul in hervoice. She got some staple female
Stapleton in her, the soul deepinto her. I mean she she pulls
right out of it from her diaphragm. Yeah, I feel like you want

die from good word. Yeah,thank you, thank you very much.
Those of us in the industry andthe chorus industry who sang in the choir.
Yeah, we can bring it fromyou bring it from here, Brian,
Okay, you bring it from here. Okay? Did h man?
Did you sing in the choir?I did not. Trying to learn a
little bit, you know about alittle background. No, I did not.

Absolutely did you What did you play? I play? I was a
drummer, okayhh school, high school? The drum line, yes, sir,
snared it up, snared you didn'twant to do it at PV too
much. Tom, I could seeManny he was chasing zoids. Didn't want
to get out there on the snare. Drum and guitar lessons growing up.
I'd love the drums. I uh, you could tickle the twine or a

little bit. Yeah, but youknow what I like though, I like
sitting there. I like sitting therewhen we're when there, we're going,
uh, you know, just cordit's going and you're hitting that high hat.
You know what I'm saying, justtapping that high hat. I like
it. I liked me a little. Uh. I like good drummers.
Manny playing that snare in line onthe drum line. I like it.

Some videos out there, Oh yeah, of course, all right, let
me look that up. You're lookingManny's snare drum. What do I need
to look up? It's on YouTube. I'd have to find it for y'all.
It was so long that something.Yeah, we got to get it.
Pull him up, Manny, Ican give our guy pup. So
long ago, you mean like fouror five years ago, Like the videos
that they made were more so likefreshman sophomore year. Okay, so like

six years ago. Yeah, aboutsix seven years ago from bringing it,
six seven years ago from me,I was twenty seven. You're still cagy
though. Look at me. I'mpowering through this morning, got the sniffles,
little sore throat, got the emergencyin the old water. Why would
you let that keep you out today? Kept you out before? Didn't what

the only time I've ever just beenoff work. I challenge fretty back surgery.
Anytime I challenge and in my firstinjection because I had no idea what
was going to happen. Anytime Ichallenge your load management, You're like,
whoa, it's just straight bullets.I mean, you just got to show
up. I mean it's not like, hey, it's not like you know,

I'm getting ready to go to theuh the rodeo cookoff last night,
and I had to take off todayor go to the rodeo. You know,
we'll check on you in February,right yeah, Yeah, we've had
you for one February already, rightyeah yeah, yeah yeah, and you've
showed up. You showed up andshowed out. Yeah. Well, I
just I don't what I've done inmy life because I don't go out during
the week unless it's the baseball practice. There you go, because I love

what I do and I don't wantto come in on three hours sleep.
You teach all your half, youkeep tell your kids. To try and
pull everything right, like on theouter half, just to see if you
can pull. Hi'll pull like abouta foot outside. Just try to get
until you roll over. Yeah,that's like a good rollover. That's exactly
what I'm doing. How you know? Listen, great baseball outside roll over
the only rollover you should do inthe sheets. Feel what I'm talking about,

Doc, you feel me roll allout of the Sheets'll roll over in
the sheet. We'll do with yourzoid. Maybe a little roll over.
It's been a while, so youknow what was his name? Tim?
Tim? We got a huge matchupthis weekend. We do a FC souths

on the line. Sean, younervous? I want to go? Should
we go? Tailgate? Yes?What if I should? What if I
go? Get some like? Youknow? I mean we could you know
what I could do? Load upthat back of that big ass truck we
got me Yeah, throw some Douggot a double got the Traveling Oonie pizza

oven. We could make tailgate pizzas. You can really cook more than you
could actually cook a steak in thosedamn things if you want seen those people
and uh, cold beer, hotpizza. Not bad, Huh, not
bad at all? Bad at all. No, I do. I haven't
been as a fan. I haven'tbeen this excited about watching them in a

long time. Agree, Maybe,just maybe, maybe somebody out there invites
us to their tailgate. I meanI don't know, Yeah, I mean
they. I think a lot ofour listeners are on their they're traveling to
the They mailed it in today?Did they mail it in? Our listeners
mail it in types? Probably theyup competing this morning? Is John John
should be walking his dogs, JohnNorthwest Houston, John and making a joke

about your Yeah, my Italian heritage. Yeah, and John, iimen's up
John John Bill John's out sitting insome leading. Yeah, probably didn't have
good service. Where's Biscuit Thisscuit's gettingready to throw down? What do you
think Ray's doing right now? Ray? Uh? Ray Memorial. Hey,
he's always hey, good morning guys. And I'll hang up and listen.

Yeah, oh yeah, he's gonnagive us his take and he's gonna hang
up and listen. That's right,got him down. What's apple tack O'
Larry? He called him once.We heard him last time early in the
year. Yeah, but not thatman, Arry Frustration. Who else we
missing? You got, you gotyour what do you call him? Angry
like? And and he's probably upcruising around a lot of great jay in
spring. Here we go, there'sJohn in northwest Houston. He's probably walking

his dog this morning, right,but we're about to go to breaks around.
Have to put him on hold.Say, there's our listeners. Don't
mail it in. They compete too, they're up ready to roll six twenty
seven in the morning. What's theguy's name that said he's gonna whop my
ass? Are you still there?We know what you're carrying the you're carrying
it around? You know what hegot in your head? He got into
your head. You know what healready beat. You got in your head.

He didn't even need to knock youout. He already did mentally.
He beat me, he did mentally. I'm defeated. Soft. Yeah,
hey, can somebody tell me what'sgoing on? We're Skymike? When any
where is sky Mikell's going on onI ten West with all these eighteen wheelers.
You and I are down like fourflat tires on an eighteen wheeler.
But what's all? I see alot of popo on there? What's going

on? I don't know I sawthe sign on the billboard driving in that
Kirkwood and nine ten. Somebody didsomething wrong? What hopefully somebody in one
of those eighteen wheelers Aunt carrying andcarrying uh Thanksgiving turkeys for drugs and Carrie
moving Waitfield moving fake turkeys where theytell you it's a real turkey but it's
not. It's stuff will blow.Yeah, do you know what I'm saying?
You don't want that? No?I don't know. I mean they're

they're they're that that I ten WestMan, if you're on it in West,
Uh, it's Sports Sox seven ninetiesSean Sky shawan here. I don't
know what's going on there, doyou? Man? He got got got
some comments rolling in. Uh,we'll get to him after the break.
You know, big matchup AFC South. You going to the game seven one,
three two seven. Who's going tothe game this weekend? That's what

I want to know, because everybodykeeps talking about they need to fill out
in RG Stadium. They need tobe in your seats by kickoff. Shawn's
gonna be wearing his jersey, nothis jersey, but c J shroud jersey.
Let's talk Texans next on Sports Talkseven ninety Coach Stark here, touchdown,
Texas. You've got Sports Talk sevento ninety, Houston's home of Longhorn

Football. Back to the Shawn SalisburyShow, Chriss, this is one of
the top five Christmas songs of alltime. Chriss, justin came by you?

Oh yeah, do you even knowwho Elvis is? Come on,
man, do you think Manny does? Of course I've been you guys know
who Elvis is? Yes, indeed, letn't everybody know who Elvis is?
In truth, doesn't matter what theage. Yeah, that's true. Don't
you know who Elvis is? Iwould hope, I would hope. Hey,
we got some comments kind of comingin from our followers on Twitter.

Okay, Chris where Oh sorry?Sean is mailed in Wednesday at Sean Unfiltered
at Belema seven ninety and Manny,you don't have Twitter? Do you not?
No? I do not. Okay, We're gonna to figure out.
That's the first what I love?Manny might be the first early young twenties

year old guy that doesn't I likehis style too? Love it. Let's
see Terry shab saying, speaking tolegends, John Holmes, you ever heard
of him large hammer? Yeah,does I mean large tool or large hammer?
Like he was packing a sledgehammer.Okay, that's why I figured.
Yeah, I figured that it wasone of those Is that a hammer?

Is that a sledgehammer? You're justhappy to see me? Right? Yeah?
I called him Holmes boy Jesse Wells. We all know Homeboy, we
all know Sean is a Lizzo guy. For his duet spawn on Jesse.
What would you think Lizzo and Iwould sing I'll make Love to you?
No, I'm talking about Christmas cut, Oh Christmas cut. I think you

mean, what do you think Lizzoand I would sing together? I don't
know. Let me you know whathold police hold place. I think I
think Lizzo and I would really takeit to a new level on the stage.
I really really do. I think. I don't know. I really

have no idea. I'll come upwith one white Christmas. No, I'll
be home for Christmas. We'd probablyhave the Lumine Ears as our background group.
We'll have them as our background.Yeah, and then we got another
one from uh. I think we'llsing Hark the Herald Angels sing. I'm
sure Lizzo wants to do that withyou? Why, what's wrong with that?

I just doubt she wants to dothat. Why she probably wants to
sing about like you don't put enoughrespect on Lizzo. You really don't.
What do you mean, I don'tyou don't you hate her? And I
don't. I don't understand. Idon't understand. Are you getting a military
a little bit? Yeah? Ijust don't know why. You just know
we were just talking about our callersand uh and followers. We got John

on the line seven one three twofive seven. Get to Jonathan, Hey
John, Hey guys, Hey Sean. I think you should do it with
Meghan the Stallion, the Stallion orthe Stallion the Stallion? Yeah, excuse
me? Yeah? And I wouldn'tthat be great? You get Megan The's
Dillon and the white Horse singing together. You should You should get her in

the studio there. You should gether in the studio there and do a
doet. What do you think weshould sing? Park the Herald Angels things
one of my cuts. John likethat. You know you want to be
a Christmas thing? Yeah, littleChristmas. I want to get in the
spirit. You know what I'm saying, Meghan, You're not allowed to call
her Meghan the Stallion. It's gottabe the stallion. Stallion there, that's

my that's that's my bad. Butbut you know I was thinking too,
like Sewan, you should have aviolin on hand when Brian is complaining about
you know, the stiffles and youknow this, yeah stuff that we power
through because I mean I'm here,John, that's me powering through. But
but you know you had to wearit like the humble brag. You're like,
oh, I got here, butI do have the sniffles? What

those right? John? You're right? Yeah? You know when when Brian's
in that whiny move. Yeah,yes, not very often. Yeah,
you just break out the violin andplay it. Not very often though.
You know what else, John,have Meghan d Stallion? You know raft
of that? Yeah? Really good? Hey think something? Hey hey John,

John, I heard from one ofmy inside sources inside of NRG Stadium.
You know who's playing quarterback for theTexans this Sunday, Will Anderson,
Will Anderson Junior Will Anderson. Well, you know he's ready. I mean,
he'd be a good capable backup absolutelyactually probably would be nothing he can't
do. Yeah, there's nothing,there's nothing, he can't do that's right.

I mean he looked good. Helooked good last week. He's been
he's been good all season. Beenvery happy with him. Yeah, those
two picks are off the charge.John. Happy Thanksgiving to your brother.
We appreciate your man. You havea good one. Be safe there you
go, Yeah, you you youreally it's that you know I'm tough,
but I'm not feeling well. SoI showed up the work thing. It

was really basically what you were doing, humble bragget. It was a you
told us how rough the water was. No, well this and you you
try to let us know you've broughtin the ship. This is what just
bring the ship. This was mymindset on that. You clearly see.
I've got a plethora a schmorgasboard ofmedicine, gatoray, some throat drops,
some emergency you know, things likethat. So at some point I know

you well enough that you were goingto ask me about it on air.
Yeah, so I got ahead ofit. You're like, oh, you
little set you find it out,staving it off. Yeah, that's what
you would have gone with. SoI got ahead of it. I did
that. When we were on air, I asked you that off. I
got ahead of it. Nice youreally did? You you're staving it off?
Yeah, maybe a little vodka.Who not? I just making sure
because you know, sometimes telling peoplehow rough the water is and then bringing

in the ship. You just wantto know, man, I was able
to Hey, I got it thisone out. I know, I know
I got it out, got it. I was just saying, man,
I appreciate your tough I just gotahead of it, is all I did.
Get ahead of the curve. Welike to get out in the curve.
We like to say, get outin front of it. That's what.
Yeah, what I said, yousay, get ahead of it,
get ahead of it, get outin front of it. Let's go to
Brad brag Good morning, Good morningfell Happy Thanksgiving, guys, Happy Thanksgiving.

Yeah, you know that's gonna sayone thing, guys. I want
to say I appreciate Brian Lima tofiguring it out forever out there all right,
yeah yeah, Brad, great,yeah, great point. I mean,
you get out of bed, youblow your nose. Oh, I
got the sniffles. What do II gotta go to this brutal job while
everybody else, you know, someguy's uh gonna be digging deep out there

in the cold, hammer and nailsbuild the house so people can move in
for the holidays, and Brian hasto come talk sports and he's got the
sniffles. Brad. Great called byyou, Brad. You pumped for this
game Sunday or what? Uh?No, I watch it on TV?
Okay, but are you pumped forit? Oh? Hell yeah? What
you got give me? Give me, give me the biggest key in the

game, Sunday. Oh, tackling. You gotta tackle. It's a good
point in space probably, Well whatare you laughing at? Right? Of
course you got to tackle. Buthe's talking. I think he's talking about
to prevent the big play. IfI'm not mistaken, Jamn Petree j P.
Tree needs to tackle. Linebackers needto get easy and quickly. Uh,
the first guy that has to gethim down right away. I think

that's a great point. I thinkETM could take over a game if you're
not careful. Good call, Thankyou, Brad. Damn right, Brad's
got my back. Appreciated, Brad. Happy thanksgiving brother. All right,
DNA brother, you got tough tosee you peeps up on the north side
a little bit. Yeah, theygotta wrap up, yeah, tackle,

yeah, stay away from helmet thehelmet, thanks mister referee. Dude,
have you ever mailed in a Wednesday? No, you're not. You're right,
you're pumped. No, you gotyou got emergency and you you're good
to go. Yeah. I actuallythink tackling the in the open field because
atn is a good player man loudmessage can be sent to the NFL world

this weekend. And I'm being seriousabout this. On on whose side?
Both or for the Texans. No, because I think the world in the
past this year has expected the JacksonvilleJaguars to send this message. We're waiting
for them. I think people waitingfor them to be consistent, like when
you win five, six, sevenin a row and dominate, give you
the Chiefs or the Eagles type playif you're going to live in that world,

because right now they're not in thatworld yet, they're a step down
from that world. Now. Thequestion is, can you, as the
Texans, become the talk of thefoot because after this weekend, if they
win this game and take care oftheir business, they will be the talk
of your next week in football.Will we open up not as the best
team in the league, We alreadyknow Philly, can we already know the
three or four teams at the topforty nine ers Philly, Detroit, Kansas

City, Baltimore. But this putsthem in. When's the last time you
had the Texans in your top tenpower rankings? Legitimate? Not eh,
somebody because they won a game,legitimate power rankings. It will have been
meant that every victory they had thisyear was that a team that was five

hundred or better. I got powerrankings right here in front of me.
Yeah, you ready to look atthem? I am? Where do the
Texans fall in these updated NFL powerrankings? We'll discuss that next on Sports
seven ninety. The Sewn Salisbury Showcontinues on yours smart TV. Listen to
Sports Talk seven ninety on any devicewith our free iHeartRadio app maybe all time.

Welcome back to the Shawn Salisbury Showhere on Sports Talk seven. Ay,
Sean, Brian and Tripli here withyou. Maybe looking at the Texans
matchup this Sunday at NRG Stadium,they take on the Jacksonville Jaguars, day
before Thanksgiving. We're gonna be offtomorrow and Friday. We'll be back Monday.

So that's why we're looking ahead tothis matchup and we're just talking about
One's the last time the Texans werea legit team to be in some NFL
Power rankings, in the top tenwell as of today. In the NFL
Power rankings, the Eagles are numberone, the Chiefs are number two,

forty nine Ers number three. Betyour Baltimore's four, Baltimore's four, Detroit
five, Detroit is six. Theygot the Cowboys at five, Dolphins at
seven, Big twelve offense, Texansat eight, Jags at nine, Browns
at ten. I don't know ifthey even believe that. Here's my point,
when they put that in the powerranks as their recent performance to I'm

not sure the country believes yet theseTexans are real. Honestly, I think
we do. But I don't thinkif you're sitting in Pittsburgh or you're sitting
in Minnesota, California right now,you're not saying I think you know all
the Stroud talk and what they're doing. When I'm saying top ten, I'm

talking about when I say Kansas City, I'm not putting in Kansasity Chiefs saying,
but when I say Kansas City,you automatically know their power rankings are
real, right. I know theway that that the Texans have played,
But my whole thing is I'm talkingabout where that substance of not just a
couple wins, but deep where peopleare talking about them. They're talking about

them like this team is legit.Yep, I think we believe it here.
But this is a chance this weekendto put your foot on the throat
of the division, take over thedivision lead, and send a loud message
that this isn't that this Texans wholething's changing, and that'll push them to
what will it be? Seven andfour? Yep, eleven games in now?

The loud Now the substance is ifyou didn't believe it after the last
two games that they've won or threegames, now you're sitting here saying,
oh, okay, now they getJacksonville. Oh it's at home. People
may trade to find an excuse,but this is the most I think the
substance field team we've had in along time, and the world's about to

find out if they take care oftheir business on Sunday, what is the
biggest key for you for this matchup? I think if they just don't turn
the ball over I'm not even talkingabout Stroup Tom anybody. You limit turning,
you keep this like one or lessclean game. Jacksonville won't win if
you get a clean because they're gonnathrow one to you. On the other

side, you're gonna get one somewhere, somebody gonna lay it on the ground.
You're gonna get one. Do notturn the ball over if they protect
the football, and I don't thinkthat's the case with every team. I
think Pittsburgh as good as they,you know, the record is. I
think they could not turn the ballover and still get beat because their offense
just doesn't score. Does that makessense? Yeah, this offense, if

you'll just protect it and not haveany reds and just when you could protect
the football, keep it off theground and keep it, you know,
flying through the air and protect it. I don't think that that Jacksonville beats
them if they protect it. Now, you got to do some other things
well, But to me, that'sthe biggest key, and that's the key
you could point to every week.But we've seen them turn it over six

times in two weeks. Still finda way to win. That will that
trend cannot continue both ways. Ifyou keep turning it over, you're eventually
you're going to get beat. Andon the other side of it is but
it shows you the resilience of ateam it's turned it over and able to
beat a team on the road anda team at home with an improved quarterback.
When Arizona came to town, andobviously Cincinnati and you've turned it over

and still found a way to win. You turn it over three times this
week, I'm not sure you canwin unless Trevor Lawrence, you know,
those are two four times. Youjust can't turn it over as a as
a group, and I'm talking aboutall the way around. If they do
that, I think they win,and it might not be it might not
even be in question at the end. But go out there and protect the
football a different story. But ifyou turn over three times, I don't

think the result will be the sameas it's been the last Week's got to
keep the ball in your hands.When you look at excuse me, when
you look at their yards per gamethrowing the football, they're averaging two hundred
and twenty five yards a game,and then on the ground they're averaging a
little over one hundred and one hundredand eight yards. So are we talking
about the Jacksonville Jaguars. Yeah,I was gonna say, okay, And

then points per game twenty three pointscompared to the Texans, they are averaging
two hundred and seventy seven yards throughthe air, and on the ground they're
averaging just below one hundred at ninetynine. I personally, I don't how

many how many points of the Jaguarsaveraging the Jaguars are averaging. Make sure
I have this correct, twenty three. If the jag scored twenty three points
this week and the Texans protect theball, Texans will outscore, though they'll
score more than that. Matter offact, that might be. It might

be like a twenty seven to twentythree type game. There's not all.
I think the Texans right now asgood as Jacksonville can be. I think
consistently, consistently wise, I thinkthe Texans are offensively a more efficient team
right now. I do has alot to do with their quarterback. Now.
The last two weeks they haven't beenas efficient, but they still found
a way to win. But Ithink if you if you give up twenty

three points in this game, Ithink you win the game. And Jacksonville's
defense is bottom half, giving uphow many let's see points per game twenty
and a half? Twenty and ahalf in the tab. But the Texans
are right there also giving up alittle over twenty and a half. But
the Texans are averaging what a gameyardage points? I'm sorry, points a

little over twenty three? Right there, you go. I like the Texans
and the game, and I thinkit's going to be a good one.
But I like the Texans. Ithink that they believe they're going to win,
not hope to win. There's adifference. Yeah, and I actually
think they believe it instead of yeah, I think we got a chance.
No, it's Jacksonville. They wantJacksonville to be thinking they think they have

a chance because you know that Jacksonville. I think the tides turning on just
where the confidence in this division lies. And while Jacksonville's got a chance to
be really good, I think theTexans are moving at a pretty rapid pace
and showing people that you can turnit around in a hurry from last to
first. We see it every yearin some division. Yeah, and I
feel like the Jacksonville Jaguars are inconsistent, Like one week they'll play and they

look like nobody can beat them,and they turn around and get smacked well,
and they turn around and look likethey're going to be picking in the
top five. Yeah, like theydid against the forty nine. He said
that is no playoff team. Thenlast week against Tennessee, it said,
oh, that's playoff team, right. And that's the problem that that ability
to sustain success the Texans. Idon't think Jacksonville is going to win many
times they turn it over three times. I think the Texans have. Now

we go back to last year,went what Lawrence throw four picks and they
still won? That's the aberration.You know what was that a playoff game?
Right? Or was that to getinto the playoffs? The playoff game?
Wasn't it? What game was it? The two was like, yeah,
that was the interception. That's right. I'm sorry that was the playoffs
because they beat Brandon Staley in theChargers four turnovers in it came. That's
exactly right, that's not that.That's the oberation. That didn't happen very

often in football. Yeah, thatwas that was I remember talking to you
about it on the show. Howthe hell is Brandon Staley going to keep
his job after another bonehead decisions andthings like that, and they were beating
the breaks off the Jaguars and gaveup a bunch of points and lost.
Agreed. When Trevor Lawrence looked terriblein the first half, Budd, he
found a way to win. Idon't know. I like the Texans going

into this, into this game,and I think you're right, Sean.
I think they believe that they canwin this game legitimately believe it, right,
Agreed. I think they legit believethat they can beat the Jacksonville Jaguars.
All right. There were some updatedodds from Las Vegas. Who is
the betting favorite it as of lastnight to win the MVP is the CJ

Shroud. We'll discuss the next onthe Shawn Salisbury Show KDM E Houston,
k t V HD two Houston,Whart Radio Station. How about damasts as
a Rocket. This is Sports Talkseven ninety your home for your home teams,
driven by that classic elite view atGMC Studios for the elite car buying

experience. Saalsbury, Albury, Salisbury, Houston. Okay, let's do this,
Shawn Salisbury, there you shoes longsideFrench Chown, Salisbury, Ryan La
Lima, Go Lobo, SNS Toppet to the Shame King Shop Top.

I'm going away And this is theSean Salisbury Show seven o one here in
Houston, Texas. Welcome in theShawn Salisbury, Shawn Sports Talk seven ninety,
Shawn Salisbury, Brian Lilma, EmmanuelElmore here with you this morning.
The Rockets back in action tonight atthe Toyota Center, taking on the Memphis

Grizzlies seven pm tip off. Thelaunch pad starts at six o'clock right here
on your home for Rockets Basketball SportsTalk seven ninety Talking Texans. They play
this Sunday at NRG Stadium. Therewere some talk about c. J.

Stroud being in the conversation for MVP. Well, there were some new odds
that were put out last night bythe sports books out in Las Vegas.
Can you guess who has the bestodds to win MVP? Top five?
They got top five there, let'ssee, I've got one, two,

three, four, Yeah, topfive? All right, I'm gonna give
you five. I don't know wouldorder. I promise you I have not
seen it. Here's the five namesthat I would think are in it.
Tyreek Hill, Nope, all right, If he's not in it, then
it's Prescott Purdy, Lamar Jackson,c J. Stroud, and Patrick Mahomes

CJ. Shroud is not in thetop five, okay, because the last
two games of interceptions possibly or turnoversthat'll set you back. They did the
same thing to Purdy for a minutewhen he turned the ball over a couple
of times. Party's in there,right, he is, Lamar's in there,
correct, Mahomes is in there.Correct. Tyreek Hill should be in
there. They probably got two ofit if it's not Tyreek. So there's
actually six quarterbacks listed, okay.Tua is in the top six. I

was just the top five, soStroud is out, Prescott's got to be
in there. He is, andPrescott, Lamar Purdy, those three are
in there. Mahomes there's four yep, Prescott, Party, Lamar Tua is
in the top six. So I'mmissing one more to back. Huh uh?
Do they put golf in there?Okay? Then Lamar blah blah blah.

Let me see what, don't say, Russ Wilson, No, no,
no, no, no, it'snot Josh Allen can't be NFC guy.
Yes, it's got to be prettyblatant, then it is well Jalen
hurts, Yeah, yeah, Iwould have put him in the first five.
I can't believe I left him out. He would have been the top
three or four guy. So outsideof them having the best team in the

NFL, he should not be inthe running for m v P statistically wise,
well then then if he shouldn't bein the running wise, lamar fair
point. Honestly, at this pointright now, Brock Party should be leading
the leading the white statistically. I'mgoing to read something to you about all
you guys who continue to question anddon't for one second if somebody comes on

here honestly or on there and saysto me and I had to. I
let into my guy's JB and stuffthis weekend, Just and Jeff just it
was kind of for fun, butlit into them about this Rock Party stuff.
Only reason why, Like I said, it's the perception of brock Party
that keeps people from giving him love. The perception and the stigma. Should
I say of the seventh the lastplayer picked the draft I took, so

I took a picture of some numbershere, Jalen hurts, just real quick,
while you're finding that Sean Jalen Hurtsfifteen touchdowns, nine interceptions. Fair
enough, now do Lamar? Letme let me get that put off the
Holmes. Okay, we'll get allthat real quick. Brock party, by
the way, eighteen touchdowns, fiveinterceptions. And if you really want to
talk statistics, C J. Shroud'sgot better stats than Jalen Hurts. Oh

dude, I'm not arguing that Stroudshould be in there, but look at
you know, you know what's crazy, and I know it's going to boggle
your mind a little bit. Butif Stroud's in there, shouldn't Russ Wilson,
considering what he's doing for the team, be in there. I mean,
shouldn't he He should be the contactplayer playoff hunt. God awful got

him in a playoff race and he'sthrowing what in eighteen nineteen twenty touch eighteen
nineteen touchdowns already? Russell Wilson Hasteennineteen touchdowns, four interceptions. Why isn't
he in the conversation? For allthe flak we gave him, why isn't
he in this? He's having everybit the season, Lamar Jackson is just
not on as good a team.Having every bit the season hurts his and
he's not turned over, but Mahomesis thrown at eight or nine picks himself.

Russell Wilson is third overall with touchdownsthrown. Two was ahead of him.
Tua's got twenty one and eight,Josh Allen twenty two touchdowns, twelve
interceptions, Russell Wilson nineteen and four. The reason why I was saying for
Hurts the best player on the bestteam, right, That's why here's I
want you, Here's Brock Purty.This is just this year. Are you

are you listening to me? Idon't. And the last year, in
his seventeen games, stretch dude hasbeen phenomenal. Now if okay, let's
say this was c. J.Stroud's eleven games or Lamar Jackson's eleven games
or Josh Allen's eleven games. Allright, yep, through eleven weeks,

quarterback rating one fifteen point one.He's first QBR, which is another rating
but a different way. Yeah,seventy seven point one. First completion percentage,
seventy point two first TD percentage meaningyou know, how many off to
per per I think TD percentage,how many throws touchdowns you're throwing per attempt?

I believe six point five percent,first in the in the league.
Passing success rate fifty six point threepercent, first yards per attempt nine point
seven, first adjusted yards per attemptten point two, first yards per completion
thirteen point eight, first net yardsper attempt eight point six, first adjusted

net yards per attempt nine point fivezero five, first passer rating under pressure,
first completion percentage under pressure, firstyards per attempt under pressure, first
big time throw rate fifth six,fewest interceptions thrown of players with five or
more starts seventh, and completion percentage. He's top three in completions of twenty

plus air yards and those are hisnumbers. Wow, he's first in every
category with the last four in thisleague. Now, let me ask you
remember when I was talking about thatStroud on fifteen to twenty three two weeks
ago. Oh, you know whatI think it was. I think it
was this stat when I said twentyplus yards when the ball's in the air,

twenty plus yards or more fifteen totwenty three. Not if you throw
an eight yard screen pass and itgoes or a hitch and it goes for
twenty plus yards, but yards whilethe ball is in the air. Yeah,
complete fifteen to twenty three completion.Dude, that's better than Josh than
Zach Wilson's going to be at tenyards or less. Yikes. So you
look at that if they don't losethree in a row. The MVP of

the league is is bright Brock Purty. So why if I said that and
it was Josh Allen, what wouldyou be saying? It's his second year
of the league. What would yoube saying about not just MVP? He'd
be saying they got a superstar inthe future. R Yes, So why
not hitt all because he's on agood team. So kd E Houston,
k t V HD two Houston.Then iHeart radio station. How about the

masts as a Rocket Sports Talk sevenninety your home for your home teams driven
by that classic elite buw at GMCStudios for the elite car buying the experience.
Salsbury ol Bight, Salsbury, Houston. Okay, let's do this.

Sewn Salisbury out there at UC ShounLongshid, French Chef Salisbury, Ryan la
Lima go logo. Can Stom dothe same. This is the Sean Salisbury
Show seven on one here in Houston, Texas. Welcome in to the Shawn

Salisbury Shawn Sports Talk seven ninety ShawnSalisbury, Brian Lilma, Emmanuel Elmore here
with you this morning. The Rocketsback in action tonight at the Toyota Center,
taking on the Memphis Grizzlies seven pmtip off. The launch pad starts
at six o'clock right here on yourhome for Rockets Basketball Sports Talk seven ninety
Talking Texans. They play this Sundayat NRG Stadium. There were some talk

about c J. Stroud being inthe conversation for MVP. Well, there
were some new odds that were putout last night by the sports books out
in Las Vegas. Can you guesswho has the best odds to win MVP?
Top five? They got top fivethere, let's see, I've got

one, two, three, four, Yeah, top five? All right,
I'm gonna give you five. Idon't know what order. I promise
you I have not seen it.Here's the five names that I would think
are in it. Tyreek Hill,Nope, all right. If he's not
in it, then it's Prescott Purdy, Lamar Jackson, c J. Stroud,

and Patrick Mahomes. CJ. Shroudis not in the top five,
Okay, because the last two gamesof interceptions possibly or turnovers that'll set you
back. They did the same thingto Purdy for a minute when he turned
the ball over couple times. Party'sin there, right, he is,
Lamar's in there, correct, Mahomesis in there. Correct, Tyreek Hill
should be in there. They probablygot two of it if it's not Tyreek.

So there's actually six quarterbacks listed,Okay, Tua is in the top
six. I was just later thetop five. So Stroud is out.
Prescott's got to be in there.He is, and Prescott, Lamar,
Purty, those three are in there. Mahomes, there's four yep, Prescott,
Party, Lamar, Tua is inthe top six. So I'm missing

one more quarterback. Huh did theyput Golf in there? Okay, then
Lamar blah blah blah. Let mesee what. Don't say Russ Wilson,
No, no, no, no, no, it's not Josh Allen can't
be NFC guy. Yes, it'sgot to be pretty blatant. Then it
is, well Jalen Hurts, Yeah, yeah, I would have put him

in the first five. I can'tbelieve I left him out. He would
have been the top three or four. Guys, So outside of them having
the best team in the NFL,he should not be in the running for
m v P statistically wise, wellthen then if he shouldn't be in the
running wise, Lamar, fair point. You're honestly at this point right now,
brock Party should be leading the leadingthe way statistically. I'm going to

read something to you about all youguys who canntinue to question and don't for
one second if somebody comes on herehonestly or on there and says to me
and I had to, I litinto my guy's JB and stuff this weekend,
just and Jeff just. It waskind of for fun, but lit
into them about this brock Party stuff. Only reason why, Like I said,

it's the perception of brock Party thatkeeps people from giving him love.
The perception and the stigma. ShouldI say of the seventh the last player
picked the draft I took, SoI took a picture of some numbers here.
Jalen Hurst is real quick. Whileyou're finding that Sean Jalen hurts fifteen
touchdowns, nine interceptions. Fair enough, now do Lamar, let me let
me get that pot on the Holmes. Okay, we'll get all that real

quick brock party. By the way, eighteen touchdowns, five interceptions good And
if you really want to talk statistics, c J. Shroud's got better statsan
Jalen hurts, Oh dude, I'mnot arguing that Stroud should be in there,
but look at you know, youknow what's crazy, and I know
it's going to boggle your mind alittle bit. But if strouds in there,
shouldn't Russ Wilson, considering what he'sdoing for the team, be in

there. I mean, shouldn't he? He should be the contact player playoff
hunt. God awful got him ina playoff race and he's throwing what in
eighteen nineteen twenty touch eighteen nineteen touchdowns? Already, Russell Wilson has nineteen nineteen
touchdowns, four interceptions. Why isn'the in the conversation? For all the
flak we gave him, Why isn'the in this? He's having every bit

the season, Lamar Jackson is justnot on as good a team. Having
every bit the season hurts his andhe's not turned out. But Mahomes is
thrown at eight or nine picks himself. Russell Wilson is third overall with touchdowns
thrown two was ahead of him.Tua's got twenty one and eight, Josh
Allen twenty two touchdowns, twelve interceptions, Russell Wilson nineteen and four. The
reason why I am saying for Hurtsthe best player on the best team.

Right, That's why here's Yea,I want you, Here's Brock Purty.
This is just this year. Areyou are you listening to me? I
don't. And the last year,in his seven teen games, Stretch dude
has been phenomenal. Now if okay, let's say this was CJ. Stroud's
eleven games or Lamar Jackson's eleven gamesor Josh Allen's eleven games. All right,

yep, through eleven weeks. Quarterbackrating one fifteen point one. He's
first QBR, which is another ratingbut a different way. Yeah, seventy
seven point one first completion percentage,seventy point two first TD percentage meaning you

know how many off to per Ithink TD percentage, how many throws touchdowns
you're throwing per attempt? I believesix point five percent first in the in
the league. Passing success rate fiftysix point three percent first yards per attempt,
nine point seven first adjusted yards perattempt ten point two, first yards

per completion thirteen point eight, firstnet yards per attempt eight point six,
first adjusted net yards per attempt ninepoint zero five, first passer rating under
pressure, first completion percentage under pressure, first yards per attempt under pressure,
first, big time throw rate fifthsix, fewest interceptions thrown of players with

five or more starts seventh, andcompletion percentage. He's top three in completions
of twenty plus air yards and thoseare his numbers. Wow, he's first
in every category with the last fourin this league. Now, let me
ask you remember when I was talkingabout that Stroud on fifteen to twenty three

two weeks ago. Oh, youknow what I think it was. I
think it was this stat when Isaid twenty plus yards when the balls in
the air, twenty plus yards ormore, fifteen to twenty three. Not
if you throw an eight yard screenpass and it goes or a hitch and
it goes for twenty plus yards,but yards while the ball is in the
air. Yeah, complete, fifteento twenty three complete. Dude, that's

better than Josh. Then Zach Wilson'sgoing to be at ten yards or less.
Yikes. So you look at thatif they don't lose three in a
row. The MVP of the leagueis is Bright brock Party. So why
if I said that and it wasJosh Allen, what would you be saying,
it's his second year of the league. What would you be saying about
not just MVP, He'd be sayingthey got a superstar in the future,

right, Yes, So why nothim? Oh, because he's on a
good team. So well, mahomeshis first Chelsey Hill. You'll going to
go through all the reseis, Imean loaded right. Well, I don't
understand why. I'm not saying thathe's Matt Patrick Mahlmes. I'm just saying,
why is it that we seem towe want good teams, but we
punish a guy for being on agood team. I know plenty of quarterbacks

that are on good teams that makethem worse. Yeah, brock Party belongs
to the talk and the forty nineers are a dangerous team. Yeah,
his CJ. Stroud with his numbersbelongs ahead of some of the guys that
are ahead of him. His bettingodds, brock Party at top five for
him. I just I I lookat and I get it. It's because

Jalen Hurts is on the best teamand he's the quarterback. But yet when
you look numbers, he's not evenHe's not even close Lamar and his numbers
are not gaudy enough. If LamarJackson's throwing for twelve touchdowns and what five
to five picks, I'm just lookingat passing. I'm not talking about running.
And then another thing, I stilltake it all in if you're talking
about the MVP though, right,No, no, yeah, no,

I understand that just throwing the football. And then also I saw another stat
put up last night that Jalen Hurtshas, you know, passed up what
ten rushing touchdowns I believe, andthey were trying to compare it to Cam
Newton and his rushing touchdowns as aquarterback. But if you look at Cam
Newton and what his rushing touchdowns were, that dude was true fucking people.

He wasn't doing he wasn't on theone or two yard line and having three
of his offensive players shove him intothe end zone. So like the way
that they compare those stats is there'sno context there. Yeah, we know,
we know Jalen Hirsch in the whateverthey call that play, tush push
whatever, it's called, but don'tdisrespect Cam Newton and his rushing ability as

a quarterback. Who do you likebetter as a player? Oh it's Jalen
Hurts, no question. But I'mjust saying, on that specific, specific
status, a little disrespect to CamNewton. Dude, Cam Newton, what
is he about? Six five sixty? Don't kid when they say two thirty
you're ass He's an M and Maway from two sixty. Yeah, no
doubt. Yeah. And Jalen Hurtsplus two fifty are his odds to win

MVP. Let's get to the stakeoutnext right here on the Shawn Salisbury Show.
This Seawn Salisbury Show continues to continue. All right, Sean, what
are you hearing out there now?The Salisbury's stakeouts? Salsbury's takeouts on the

Sean Salisbury Show. It's time forthe steak out here on the East Seawn
Salisbury Show, Sean, Brian andTriple E Rockets Grizzlies tonight at Toyota Center,
seven pm. Tip off, sixo'clock launch pad right here on Sports
Talk seven. I'm your home forRockets basketball. You got the Texans and
Jags this Sunday. It's a noonkickoff at Energy Stadium. Full slate of

Thanksgiving games tomorrow in the NFL GreenBay at Detroit, Washington at Dallas,
San Francisco at Seattle. Sean forthe steakout question, pretty simple, man,
what's the best Thanksgiving side? Huh? The best? Yeah, that's

that's such a hard question because ofthat kind of depends on what mood I'm
in. But it's a Thanksgiving mood, I would say, so you're saying
non turkey just as correct. Thefixings. Yes, I love great stuffing
with gravy on it. I don'tknow how you I can eat if you
just stuck that on my plate andsmothered it in gravy or cranberry sauce and

gravy. I'm on it like ashriner on a whore. Oh what you
heard me? Who at a youknow, the shiner convention, the old
like a I am on it likea chicken on a june bugon. Okay,
Yeah, I also love, becauseI'm big on it, jalapeno cream

corn solid a small dose of brownsugar with jalapeno. So you get a
little of the as guy Fierti wouldsay, you know, you get a
little of the the little little punchfrom you get that nice punch from the
jalapeno, but it softens the heat. I like spicy stuff for people that
don't want too much heat, witha little bit of you know, mixing

some brown sugar in a crockpot andlet it slow cook. Film me dog.
Yeah, stuffing Halloween your creak.I mean I think that mashed potatoes
and gravy, mashed potatoes with nolumps in them, by the way,
smooth a staple. Yeah, it'sa staple. I like that. I
make a four cheese green bean thing. Yeah. I don't like to call
castle. That makes it sound likeit's sitting out at some pot luck dinner

at the gym, right and nobodyin know, like a tuna castrole,
which sounds so heinous. You knowit's been sitting there a while. You're
pot luck at your local high schoolgym. I yeah, it's a four
cheese I just call it a fourcheese green bean dish, and it's off
the charts. I would say probablyfor me. It's the stuffing and jalepeno

cream corn and then good rolls andall the pie and stuff that goes with
it. But mashed potatoes are obvious. I know people love their sweet potato
pie and pecan pie and yams andall that, but the best to me
is a phenomenal stuffing that is alsohas a I'm big on the jalapeno cream

corn with a hint of sweet inthat jalapeno. What is the one dish
that's a no no at Thanksgiving dinner? I personally, and I know people
are gonna say, what are youtalking about? I love sweet potatoes yams,
I can't. I don't like marshmallowon it. I do not like
the marshmallo. It sits on thething in there. Sometimes at the marshmallow

sits too. You know, yougo back for seconds and thirds. If
it's not staying warmed up. Itdoesn't look right to me. The visual
for me with marshmallows in my sweetpotato yams bothers me. That's a no
no for me. I also gotto have shrimp cocktail beforehand early in the
day, you know, like asa some do it at the thing.
I like to do it as liketen am when the games are getting started,

a little shrimp cocktail like, sliceup a bunch of meats and cheeses
and we have that with dips andall that, and you know it's like
a charcouterie plate, but it's abig old dish and some shrimp cocktail and
spicy cocktail sauce with horseradish raw horseradish in it. But for me,
I don't like the I think youcan o. I think people sometimes get

too cute at Thanksgiving. If youjust loaded me up with great turkey gravy,
and the gravy can't be too runny. It's got it. There's got
to be and it's got to bedark gravy for me at Thanksgiving, jalapeno
cream, corn, mashed potatoes andgravy that are whipped up really good.
And I like the green bean forcheeser and a good soft roll that's homemade,

and all that that I can do. I don't need. And I
love I love sweet potatoes and allthat. I just don't. I think
sometimes we put so much on youdon't even get to enjoy the flavor.
I will never eat a salad atThanksgiving. I know some people like,
oh, you got to mix inhealth, No, I actually don't.
I don't. Actually the greens allget is from that boatload of cheese sitting

on that damn in those green beans. The green beans are the health and
you overload cheese on it. Right, Yeah, now, don't tell me
I need because if I eat thesalad, guess what, I'm too full
to eat all the other stuff thatI want. Screw that salad. That's
for the next night. Steak potatoessalad on Thanksgiving Day, you should never

have a bullet. Now. Ifsomebody's a vegetarian, oh shaw, I'm
a veget Okay, great, thenyou eat your salad. I am not
ever serving a bowl of lettuce,tomato, cucumber beats in myself on Thanksgiving.
I'm not interested. I'm just notinterested. You're cutting into the good
stuff. Yeah, you're cutting intothe good stuff. So I don't want

to cut into the good stuff atall. So I'm sticking with that.
But the bay, I think sometimeswe overdo it. Now. I love
mac. Oh a great mac andcheese. I can't forget that. I
love and because you said your favoritemac and cheese, Especially if it's for
me, it's stuffing. But ifyou're talking about the non traditional where it's

like but then again, mac andcheese. But for so they don't eat
mac and cheese, like we'll havefreezy, I have ham at Thanksgiving,
I mean at Christmas. I likemac and cheese, and it can go
either Christmas or Thanksgiving. Mac andcheese is a staple for me, but
for some they may not want that, right just like I like prime rib
and turkey at Christmas at that Thanksgivingand I like ham at Christmas time with

that twice baked potato and all that. But mac and cheese. I don't
know how I can leave that out, Dude, I'd have a hard time
choosing after the stuffing between mac.A great mac and cheese, but it's
rich, so you can't eat alot of it, right, right,
A great mac and cheese. Andthen and halopen your cream corn. But
if you said, Sean, notthe staple stuffing hard for me to pass
up great mac and cheese or grete. I'm talking about spicy halopeno cream corn

with with some brown sugar in it. I think one of the most overrated
dishes at Thanksgiving. Yeah, cranberrysauce. I love it on a sandwich.
It is, and I personally Iactually like sawing. I actually like
taking the stuffing while it's hot andputting a leak of fresh cranberry sauce on

top of it, and then addingthe gravy on top of the cranberry sauce,
cause you get that gravy with alittle bit of kick of that sweet
too. I am. I thinkI used to feel the same way,
dude. A cranberry sauce, youknow, the one that they pull out
of the old school can would justsit there and jiggle like a fat ass.
It just like waved around about fA T that p h A T.

Yeah, like like you looked atyou just touching the man with your
fork, and it would like jinglelike four like like you come back and
hit you four times. That look. I don't I don't like the full,
Brian. I don't like the fullyou just drop out of a can.
I like the the mixed up cranberrysauce. I do. I used

to be the same as you,Like, I'm not I'm not dirtying my
sandwich. But you know what,once you do it right fresh cranbry sauce,
it's delicious. I don't have that, but I like them. I
like it change up pitch and Idefinitely like it on a sandwich. I
put cranberry sauce on that sounch.Next y, another thing you don't you
don't bring to Thanksgiving dinner? Peace? Who does that? Nobody eats peas

at Thanksgiving? You'd be surprised.What a You'd be surprised. Who cooks
peas at Thanksgiving? They should beslapped if you I liked it. I
really want to know who makes asalad? If you're not a vegetarian.
Why would I overload a big oldplate with salad dressing? Like by the
time I get halfway through my turkey, I've never even had a salad at
things, but they people do itall the time. Who go to a
Okay, go to a family suaceat Thanksgiving over in your neck of the

woods. You're somebody invite you.I'll bet you they have a salad on
the plate. Well, I won'teven know. Why would I waste great
Thanksgiving dinner on lettuce? So Iwas like looking at some of these other
like top ten Thanksgiving sides, likeyou want to talk about getting too cute,
Like some of these lists are justjust stupid. Listen to this one.
This is listed as I do likesome Tomali's now, oh yeah,

I'll throw some, but I usuallykind of like it, like tonight,
Yeah, exact, yes, airfriar, honey, Brussels sprouts, anything
in the air fry for Thanksgiving automaticnote I can't do brussel. I love
Brussels sprouts like not. At Thanksgiving, I got my four cheese castroll.
You come and eat that green beancastle. I'll take care of that wild
we'll need that extra greens. Wildrice stuffing. Some people like that stuff.

Man, you had wild rice,put some mushrooms in it and the
rest of it. You just youprobably you. I guarantee at some point
you still like the old stove stuffthat you'll eat a stove top stuffing,
won't you? The old school outof the box. No, When I
was growing up, it was likeit was inexpensive, so you even have
money. It was like you'd getboxes and you felt like it was the
greatest homemade stuff you get the worldright out of a box. But when

my mom made homemade stuff off thecharts. My mom and dad actually surprisingly
would make Thanksgiving dinner together sometimes.Oh I love it. I'm I'm going
home to do all. We're goingbrind it up. We're all gonna cook
it up and get it ready.To go and be prepared to throw down.
Man, can you actually think thepreparation I love like tomorrow you like
to put about four thirty or fiveo'clock getting already. Yeah, what's it

about fifteen to twenty fifteen to twentyminutes per pound? So if you're doing
fifteen pounds and it's good, takea minute. So depending on what the
temperature you're cooking it at right threetwenty five, I like it. I
like it really soft when it comesout, crispy brown. Can you believe
that it's already Thanksgiving? I can? You can? I can't, but

I can. This is this isthe fastest college football season I've ever been
up ever ever, And it's crazybecause I still we still have twenty five
You know what it is? Thedays are short, the years are long.
The years are short, the daysare long. I just it's flipped
this year. The days seem shortertoo. Like you think back to like
July and how we were talking astrosand questioning lineups and things like that,

Like it felt like time was ina standstill. Now it was sudden.
The baseball season ends in wham.We are already at Thanksgiving? You know
what it tells you that the everyday playing once a week for the most
part, that the football stuff,uh huh excites you more than the grind
of a full baseball season. Andthat's okay, there's nothing wrong with that.
Yeah, no, there's not.Speaking of college football, the college

football playoff rankings have been updated.What team has jumped into the top four?
That's next on Sports Talk seven toninety, I'll tell you what else
is now. Spindle Tap Spintle TapBrewery, just outside the loop you want
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Let's the The Sean Salisbury Show continues. H let's know, Oh the
weather outside is frightful, but thefire was so delightful. And since we've

no place to go, let itsnlet it SnO, it's snow. It
doesn't show signs of stopping. Andbrought some corn for popping lights A turnoay
down, let its not it's snow. Let it snow. Thanks Living is

tomorrow. Exact cut things sto.I love Joe de Messina. You know
Jo demas Any really sure? Idon't. Rockets and Grizzlies at Toyota Center
tonight, seven pm tip off,six o'clock launch batt on seven nine year

home four Rockets Basketball, Texans Jagsthis Sunday noon kickoff at NRG Stadium.
Got a full state of Thanksgiving gamestomorrow. In the NFL College Football Playoff
Rankings updated, Florida State falls tofive, Sean Washington jumps up to number
four. There you go, they'retelling you now, if things go as

planned, Florida State is not goingto the playoff, even if they go
undefeated. Yeah, Washington goes undefeated. In where's Texas ranked right now?
They are still number seven? Andthen there's Oregon ahead of them at six,

much to the chagrin of Texas Longhornsfans. Yeah, and Florida State
seminoles fans. Can I give youa hot take? It's not real that
hot, not that hot. Lovehot takes. Let's hear it Washington or
Oregon in if they win the PACtwelve Washington guaranteed at thirteen. You know

they're already in the four. Okay, Oregon beats Let's say they both win,
they get to the final to thePAC twelve championship game, and Oregon
beats Washington. Oregon's going Really,they're already Oregon. Hear me out.
Now, they're gonna pass Washington.Oh yeah, the pass Washington are gonna
get. They're gonna be in theFlorida State, right. I don't think
Florida State is gonna be Louisville.Oregon's in. Let's just say, let's

just go with the fact. Let'ssay Florida State does. Okay, Alabama
beats Georgia. This is where Michiganbeats Ohio State. Yeah, okay,
so you're gonna get Washington, Michigan, Alabama in, which leaves you with
Texas Florida State in Georgia, FloridaState's out man. I don't care if

they're undefeated, conference champion or not, no question. At thirteen and oh,
they're still not gonna make it.They're not jumping Washington at thirteen and
oh, and an Oregon victory overWashington will be bigger than a Florida State
victory over Louisville, even though youdon't have your quarterback, because well,
Oregon, Washington's ranked higher than Louisville. All right, so there's three.

So if it comes down to anundefeated Florida State team no quarterback, a
one loss Texas team with their quarterback, and a one loss Georgia team that
got beat against Alabama in the SECtitle game, you should not be shocked
or appalled. Maybe you can beappalled, you should not be shocked if

George is your fourth team. I'mjust tying to say, if it's let's
say, I don't want this tohappen. I want sarking the guys to
get in. Let's say, let'ssay they get beat in the Big twelve
championship game Texas and it comes downto a one loss Georgia team or an
undefeated Florida State team and that goeson a wendsay acc undefeated and Georgia gets

beats by Alabama, Florida State's notgoing. George is going with one of
lom Georgia's gonna go. Guarantee,in my mind, George is going ahead
of Florida State. If they getbeat by Alabama in the fourth quarter and
Florida State wins their conference, Georgeis going. They'll have a tougher time.
If Texas wins the big twelve yeaand goes to and and Georgia gets

beat by Alabama, it's gonna beharder for them to keep Texas out and
put Georgia in. But I'm stillnot sure that half that room's not gonna
think Georgia. I'm talking about thecommittee now, you and me, I'm
talking about what they're thinking. Ithink that George, for Georgia not to
get in, they'd probably have tobe curb stopped. Yeah, get the
or there's no war. If Oregon'sgot one loss in his in, if

Texas has one loss and is waiting, If Florida State has one loss and
Ohio State has one loss and Georgiahas or Florida State's undefeated and Georgia has
one loss that the temptation, dude, I'm just telling you is going to
be to put Georgia in the finalfour. You're aware of this, correct,
I am? Huh? I knowyou are. I just I don't

think regardless of the circums, theonly way Florida State, in my mind,
goes now if Texas loses and Georgiabeats Alabama, and I'd be tempted
to put the runner up in theBig ten in over Florida State. Why
Texas loses and I'm just telling youGeorgia, Georgia has a better chance with
one loss, I think it gettingin than Florida State does. Is undefeated.

So I know coming into the season, Michigan had preseason rankings left and
right, but their schedule sucks.Why are they still even considered one of
the top four teams? Honestly,man, a schedule that sucks and a
team that quite frankly and with thecheating part of it, you'd think that
the committee would lean towards I'm notgiving them the benefit of doubt, ye,

but I know they're a really goodteams, understand, Yeah, no
question, But let's listen to theschedule. East Carolina, UNLV Bowling,
Green, Rutgers, Nebraska, Minnesota, Indiana, a terrible Michigan State team,
a terrible Purdue team. Their onlybig win was a at number ten
Penn State. That's it. Thenthey they played Maryland. They played one

ranked team this year so far?Why do they get all the benefit of
the doubt being top four? Youcould make a case that they shouldn't be
there. And if they all,if all of a sudden they decided to
take a second Big ten team,Ohio State's gonna have a far better chance

if they lose to Michigan than ifMichigan. Let's I'm talking about if all
the crazy scenario kicked in and Michiganand Ohio State. If Ohio State loses
and Michigan wins, obviously Michigan's in. But if you were going to take
a second Big ten team, ithas to be Michigan, it would have
to be Ohio State. Ohio State'sgot a better chance with one loss than

Michigan does with one loss, Sothat makes sense. But I don't know
if either one depending on the circumstancesthat you know. Now, if Texas
loses, Washington lose this week,Oregon lose this week in Louisville beats Florida
State, you may very damn wellget two SEC teams and two Big Ten
teams. But I know this,and I know another thing. It doesn't
matter what Iowa does. Yeah,I don't care if they win the Big

Ten championship. You cannot take them. No, absolutely not. And I
don't think unless all hell breaks looseand we get a lot of lot the
only way to me Florida State's going. They beat Louisville and Texas, Alabama
and Washington and Oregon all lose.I don't think Florida State's going even if
they're unefeated. If Georgia has oneloss in Texas and Washington and or Oregon

take care of their business between nowand the final the final rankings. Yeah,
and if they had Jordan Travis orquarterback, Florida State, you've your
chance. You would have a betterchance. Better. Chanality's gone. You've
already seen it. They've dropped outof the top four. Yeah, and
they're not getting back in. No. I'm just telling you, yeah,
they're not unless something all hell breaksloose with the teams in front of them,

and that's not going to happen.Yes, keep looking at some of
these playoff implications that are coming upthis weekend in college football right here on
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dot com more Sean Salzburg, getin, strap in and write in Santa

Baby, slip the sable under thetree, barmy Apple, good girl,
Santa Baby. This is Sean's favoritecountry singer. It's your favorite do what
do you mean? Is it swifty? Nice? Yeah, of course it

is. Are you a swift?Do you think maybe? No, you're
out of swift? Hurts Jalen Apparentlyyou don't care about being a Swift?
Is is Travis Kelsey's lack of production? Oh now we're gonna blame it on

Taylor Swift A cause from Taylor Swift. That's next cap. It's probably what
they're talking about this morning. I'mjust curious. What happened to you?
What do you mean? Just whathappened to you? What happened to you?
Ever asked you that? Though?What happened? Every day they do?
What happened to you? Man?Dude? What happened to you?
You're whacked out? Yeah? Everyday? So you mean to tell me

tomorrow you're gonna be up at fouro'clock starting to prep the oven, prep
the turkey, slap around some meat. I'm gonna get it all prepped today
and Brian and all that. Ohyeah, you're probably gonna get it catered
in. Dude. I'm not likeyou. Dude, I ain't eating a
Burger King tomorrow exactly. Well,I can't afford economy. You were invited.

I have seen it. But ifyou're gonna go down, you might
as well go down eating good foodon Thanksgiving. If you're gonna lose it,
you might as well lose it thereI'm gonna do a little bit different,
so I'm not I'm spinning it bymyself, looking kind of forward to
that. I'm gonna go the barbecueroute. I'm gonna go get some or
Barbara CoA No, not barb Barbacoa, No, not Barberica. No barbecue.

I'm gonna get me some jalapeno cheddar, sausage, probably some uh,
some turkey, some sliced turkey,you know what I mean, dogs,
and we get all the sides.I'm not doing turkey, man, I'm
not doing like the whole. It'sjust me. It's me and my dogs,
like my actual dogs, my puppies, not my dog's dogs. You
know what I mean? You knowI feel you? Yeah, I feel

So that's the route I'm going.Mm hmm yeah. Smacking cheese, baked
potato, casse role, maybe maybea little bit of mashed potatoes and gravy
and then cheesecake. That's what I'mdoing. You gotta you gotta you gotta
go cheesecake on their ass, doyou? Oh? Yeah, I love
cheesecake. You're not even making acheesecake though, what do you mean?

No? I got I'm getting hI like, what's the word I'm looking
for. I like like cream cheeseapple pie. Oh yeah, count me
in, Pumpkin. I'm a boisonberry guy. I like boison berry blueberry
pie too, and I like thecompar pie. I get three or four

of them. Dude, Yeah,I'm in but pie. I trust me.
I know what's happening. Okay,I know what's happening. And I
like an Oreo cookie cheesecake that's alittle whipped cream. Absolutely, there you
go. That's one of the best. Right there is our producer, your
manual? Man? Are you there? What do you got going on with
Thanksgiving? I'm popping in a fewhouses, a few plates, pick me

up a few meals. Why smartguy gonna take care of all of us?
Is Sean's big very much? Soeveryone? So thanks full and giving.
So you're gonna be going to acouple of different You're gonna be hit
with family all day. Oh no, not really, Okay, Yeah,
I'll probably be moving around, damn. So you're gonna be moving around from

Zoid's houses. Zoid's houses. Whatyou're telling us? I may pop in
on one air in between the actualhouses. Yeah, the food and the
what nuts you're watch any football.I know your Cowboys are playing. Oh
yes, sir, you know wealways Thanksgiving. I know everybody know we
play everything get oh yeah, playevery Yeah. Super Bowl we ready mm

hmmm mm hmm. Well, aslong as Dak Prescott plays, well,
there was always gonna have a chancewhen he starts throwing picks, when all
that goes, Oh yeah, theygot a tough one tomorrow taking on the
forty nine ers. We'll be okay. I'm looking forward to it. Yeah,
I think it's gonna be fine.They'll be all right. I'm looking
forward to this, uh this thankshere. I think the Cowboys are gonna

make a hell of a run thisyear. I really do. Yeah,
see, Sean, I think theyare. I think it's gonna be a
fun uh fun run down on astretch? Is Creed performing tomorrow at halftime?
Sorry Creed? Ah? You meanhip Creed? Creed? You don't

know that. You don't know theband Creed? Oh no, I don't
what I don't know, Sean,Alight, come on you talking about?
Come on? Come on? Yeah? Now, who's that though? Oh
my gosh, that's it. That'sat the game. They're doing the halftime
show. Who's Creed? My gosh, what are we gonna do? Man?
Well, that's how I feel aboutyou, dude, When you do

it, That's how I feel aboutyou. What is the legitimate question?
Guys? Who was Creed? What? Yes? Okay, so do me
favorite triple google Creed halftime performance andlet your mind be blown. Uh So
performing at the Lions versus Packers,it will be Jack Harlowe at the Let's
see, who is this Dolly Parton? Well, no, that's not that's

not correct. She just performed atthe Kansas City game? Yeah? What
what what have we got going onhere? Yeah? Jack Harlowe? So
she performed at the Cowboys and Commander'sgame. Man, that's not that's not
accurate, dude. I'm just I'mreading fake news here. Okay, So

is he like a rock star?Who? Creed's a band? Okay?
So Creed was? No, they'renot rock stars. Creed Creed was like
Creed came around when I was inlike middle school. Because and they're about
to do it, They're about tocome back on tour. They turning up.
Do you know who Nickelback is?Oh? My goodness, the younger

generation. Man, We got tofigure this out. This is crazy this
is crazy. I'm just shaking myhead, dude, shaking my head at
you peeps. Well, I gotto stray you though, you know what
I'm saying. Yeah, why amI involved in that? I don't know.
It just feels like you should be. It really does feels like you

should be involved in that. Yeah, Jack, Jack Carlow, I don't
know why it keeps. Hey,guys, are we had a call her.
His name was Robert. He saidthat Dolly Parton will be performing at
the Cowboys game. I'm sorry,Seattle plays the San Francisco forty nine ers,
so it is okay, So itis Dolly Parton, So she's doing

that too. Yeah, wow,check that out. Who doesn't love Dolly
Parton? I think me? Youdon't. I mean it's okay, legend,
Yes you got Jack Harlow. Okay, finally, here's the updated list.
Jack Harlow, Dolly Parton, andSteve Aoki at the forty nine ers
Seahawks game. Steve Aoki, yes, tripley. Do you know who Steve

Aoki is? Yes, I've heardof him before, Yes, him because
ZI Yeah, Steve Aoki DJ?How what is he going to do?
Put on a DJ set? Howdo you do that at an NFL game?
I don't know. After no callup, Call up Calvin Harris.
Maybe he'll tell you who's better,Calvin Harris or Steve Aoki. Calvin Harris.

I would agree, and I wouldthink that Tiesto has to say in
that too. He's right there.I don't know either. You can,
well, you can. You goout there and mix and start jamming.
They set set your stets, yourstage and studio up out there. What
the hell is Dolly Parton going tosing? Why? Why? Why?
Maybe Island's in the stream at theCowboys game. Come on, way,

you get mad somebody criticized Reba McIntyreand you're gonna sit here and bury Dolly
Parton's game. Yeah, No,Dolly Partons every bit the legend she is.
Stop it. Matter of fact,I'll make the argument Dolly Parton's a
bigger legend than Reba McIntyre. Idon't, but there's nobody in the world
who doesn't like Dolly Parton. Nobodygot a soul. I guarantee you.

I can find plenty of people thatdon't like Dolly Parton as a human being
and a singer. As a humanbeing. I'm talking about her music.
We're not making it personal. Whathas everything got to be? It's twenty
twenty two. What do you meanshe's I'll tell you what I hear plenty
of singers now that Dolly Parton's stillbetter? Then yeah, well what do
you want her to sing? Shine? I don't care what she sings in

the Sweet Bye and by Yeah.Maybe maybe that's who we got. We
got Dolly Parton for the Thanksgiving gamebecause she because she can't, because she's
older, We can't give her somelove, no respect. No what I'm
trying to figure out why you don'tlike Dolly party? She's not that good?

Wow? That at take? Isthat a hot take? Okay,
so she does have a twenty fiveyear old's voice. Right now, Dolly
Parton song, You probably don't knowany but just just look at everybody knows
what Dolly Parton sings. No,they don't. You're the type that thinks
Creed's better than Dolly Park Creed wouldput on a better performance than Dolly,
freakingly better performance. But you thinkthey're more legendary. No, I do

not. That's so you're like anickelback guy. Look, there's nothing wrong
with a little nick. Yeah,I can't wait to hear this nine to
five cool great movie, by theway, highly underrated movie. She sings
this song, you'll probably and stretchAnd I can't believe you hate Dolly.

It's almost blast. I don't hateher. It's blasphemous. I don't.
It's blasphemous. It's a sin andnot like Dolly Parton. You don't have
to like her cuts, but she'sDolly Parton, dude. I guarantee people
will be jamming, jamming with thecowboys with Dolly park They'll be love a
standing ovation as big as as bigas anybody you're gonna throw out there,

swiftly included. Okay, there yougo. Now get to break. I'm
not gonna get to breakcause you yougot to tell us about your classic Chevy.
Right, classic Elite Chevy Highway six. You ever heard of it?
I have, Indeed they have beento it. I have you damned right?
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Salsbury, Houston. Okay, let'sdo this. Shawn Salisbury out there.

You see longtime friend Shown Salisbury,Bryan la Lima, Go Lobos, Time
to the Shame, take chop tocome, time away and tax. This
is the Sewn Salisbury Show rolling intothe eight o'clock hour here on the Sean
Salisbury, Shawn Sports Talk seven ninetySean Salisbury, Brian Lilima, Emmanuel Elmore.

Rockets back in action tonight at theToyota Center. They're taking on the
grizzly seven pm tip off six o'clockthe launch Pad starts right here on seven
one of your home for Rockets Basketball, Texans Jags this Sunday at NRG Stadium.
It's a new kickoff. Got afull state of Thanksgiving games tomorrow green
Bay at Detroit, Washington at Dallas, San Francisco at the Seahawks. Which

game seawan for tomorrow? Are youlooking was forward to? I always like
watching Cowboys play on Thanksgiving. Asfar as the game that excites me the
most, we don't we don't haveany college football. Do we have college

for bal tomorrow? Or is thatFriday? It's Friday? I uh,
I get hey, Cowboys play whoagain? Wash? Is it? Who
do they play again? Cowboys playthe Lions, Lions. That's the game.
That's the game. I don't knowwhy I was thinking the watch,
no gosh thing. I screwed itall up. Yeah, that's what I'm
saying. That's why I'm hesitating,Like Green Bakery Detroit, that's the first

game. Yeah, Washington at Dallas, Commanders at the Cowboys. See.
I think the Packers Lions is agood game. Lion's got a chance.
This is where they've got to preventfrom doing it. The forty nine Ers
and Seahawks is the best game inmy opinion, forty nine Ers, Seahawks,
the Cowboys. They'll go with theyou know they're hosting obviously because them
and Detroit always hosts this day.But the night game the forty Nineers and

the Seahawks is interesting. The crazything about it is all three of these
are going to be a touchdown ormore spread. I'll guarantee it. Yeah,
and I mean the Cowboys are goingto end up being I bet you
they're double digit's favorites right now.But looking at the schedule, I like
the early games. They just likethe Packers' Lions, and I like the
way the Lions are playing. Iwant to see if they can literally get
the nine and two. But thebest games of forty nine Ers and Seahawks

both playoff type teams. Seahawks win, their record would be tied for first
place with the forty nine Ers.That's the best game. So when you
were saying, man that Cowboys,Freight and Dallas were playing, I thought
Detroit had their own game. Butyeah, and I I like the Detroit's
always start off and get some turducan possibly with a win, you know,
John Madden Turduccan. Yeah right,but the forty nine Seahawks the best

game. That's okay. So CowboysCommanders. Cowboys are favored by eleven forty
eight and a half over under,and then Packers and Ions Lions favored by
seven and a half. You saidseven and a half and the Cowboys by
eleven. Yeah, it's I figuredthey'd be double digits. That's the Cowboys.

Now, the last three games they'veplayed double digit favorites and all three
of them and have covered the othertwo forty nine ers by seven So all
three, all three seven points ormore. Yeah. I like San Francisco,
I like Dallas. Are we talkingabout gambling or straight up? Straight

up Cowboys Lions chalk all the favoriteswin this weekend or this on Thanksgiving?
I'm dropping stuff all over the placeon Thanksgiving, all the all of the
favorites win. Cowboys, like Isaid, been pretty damn good at covering
big time spreads, so I wouldfully expect that they'd that they'd put Washington

in the place. Washington is probablyjust gonna throw throw it, throw it,
try and stay in the game.But another big game. But I
like the three favorites in the game. Now the gambling part part of it.
I think Seattle can stay within atouchdown of the forty nine ers.
I do, and I'm not surenow the Lions at home can be They
could blow the Green Bay Packers outof the water or find a way to

put themselves in position at to wina last time. You know the emotion
they spent last week against Chicago inthe fourth quarter. Don't discount that in
a short week they had to doeverything they could to squeak out a win
against the Bears. Late. TheBears pushed them and pushed them and pushed
them, had a chance to putit away and couldn't. And now four
days later you're playing another game.Keep an eye on the energy level for
Detroit. Thanksgiving will help, eventhough it's a short week for them.

Thanksgiving will help because the Lions onThanksgiving the energy playing as you're the only
game in town that day, that'sa pretty good one, knowing you're going
to be with your family for theafternoon game, So keeping an eye on
that. You got to play onThanksgiving. Early in my career, I
was in Seattle my rookie year.I believe it was Dallas my first year
second year played. Other than that, I played like Christmas Eve. That

was the one Thanksgiving Day game,and I've played like in the CFL Labor
Day game stuff. But that Ithink players the reason why it's been so
watered down with well, isn't aspecial Thursday Night. It's almost I hate
to say this, it's it's becauseit's a holiday, but it's almost taking
some of the shine off the ThanksgivingGay games. But it doesn't take it
off for me because those three gamesto me far better than the normal than

the Thursday Night games were getting.So it doesn't take it off because when
I was playing, you looked atthe schedule not to see usually who you're
playing late, what national TV gamesyou got, and are you playing on
a holiday. And it was anhonor to play on Thursdays, whether you're
playing against at that point in timethere's two of the Cowboys, or whether
you're playing Detroit right, So itwas honored to play on that day.

Now I think Thursday Night is moreof a burden for some of them because
a short week. You did notmind playing the short week on Thanksgiving because
you knew all your peers were watching. Everybody's sitting down eating victuals and watching
football and you're the show. Andif Cowboys in Detroit and whoever their opponents
were going to be, that madeit special. I still think that's special
for them. I do because it'sThanksgiving and so you deal with a short

week. But keep an eye onthat energy for these teams. The Cowboys
blow out a game last week,so they will house their energy. And
again to ad E Houston at Houston, an iHeart radio station. This run
that the Astros have been on AeroBrockets Basketball. This is Sports Talk seven
ninety, your home for your hometeams, driven by that classic elite view

at GMC Studios for the elite carbuying experience. Saalsbury, Salisbury, Houston.
Okay, let's do this. ShawnSalisbury, the h long time frenchop
Salisbury, Ryan La Lima Lobo stopthe same day, Chopp, I'm t

away. This is the Sean SalsburyShow, rolling into the eight o'clock hour
here on the Seawan Salisbury, ShawnSports Talk seven ninety, Sean Salisbury,
Brian Lilima, Emmanuel Elmore. Rocketsback in action tight at the Toyota Center.
They're taking on the Grizzlies, sevenpm tip off six o'clock. The

launch pad starts right here on sevenone of your home for Rockets Basketball,
Texans Jags this Sunday at NRG Stadium. It's a new kickoff. Got a
full slate of Thanksgiving games tomorrow,Green Bay at Detroit, Washington at Dallas,
San Francisco at the Seahawks. Whichgame seawan for tomorrow? Are you

looking most forward to? I alwayslike watching Cowboys play on Thanksgiving. As
far as the game that excites methe most, we don't we don't have
any college football. Do we havecollege for balt tomorrow? Or is that

Friday? It's Friday? I uh, I get he Cowboys play who again?
Wash is who they play again?Cowboys play the Lions, Lions.
That's the game. That's the game. I don't know why I was thinking
the watch no goshting, I screwedit all up. Yeah, that's what
I'm saying. That's why I'm hesitating. Like Green Bakery Detroit, that's the

first game. Yeah, Washington atDallas, Commanders at the Cowboys. See,
I think the Packers Lions is agood game. Lion's got a chance.
This is where they've got to preventfrom doing. The forty nine Ers
and Seahawks is the best game inmy opinion, forty nine or Seahawks,
the Cowboys, they'll go with theyou know they're hosting obviously because them and
Detroit always host this day. Butthe night game the forty nine Ers and

Seahawks is interesting. The crazy thingabout it is all three of these are
going to be a touchdown or morespread. I'll guarantee it. Yeah,
and I mean the Cowboys are goingto end up being I bet you they're
double digit's favorites right now. Butlooking at the schedule, I like the
early games. They just like thePackers' Lions, and I like the way
the Lions are playing. I wantto see if they can literally get the
nine and two. But the bestgames of forty nine Ers and Seahawks both

playoff type teams. Seahawks win,their record would be tied for first place
with the forty nine Ers. That'sthe best game. So when you were
saying, man that Cowboys fight andDallas were playing, I thought Detroit had
their own game. But yeah,and I I like the Detroit's always start
off and get some tur ducan possiblywith a win. You know, John
Madden Turducan. Yeah, right,but at the forty nine Seahawks the best

game, that's okay. So CowboysCommanders. Cowboys are favored by eleven forty
eight and a half over under,and then Packers and Lions. Lions favored
by seven and a half. Yousaid seven and a half and the Cowboys
by eleven. Yeah, it's afavorite. They be double digits. That's
the Cowboys. Now the last threegames they've played double digit favorites and all

three of them and have covered theother two forty nine ers by seven So
all three, all three seven pointsor more. Yeah. I like San
Francisco, I like Dallas. Arewe talking about gambling or straight up a
straight up Cowboys Lions chalk all thefavorites win this weekend or this on Thanksgiving.

I'm dropping stuff all over the placeon Thanksgiving, all the all of
the favorites win. Cowboys, likeI said, been pretty damn good at
covering big time spreads, so Iwould fully expect that they'd that they'd put
Washington in place. Washington is probablyjust gonna throw it, throw it,
throw it, try and stay inthe game. But another big game.

But I like the three favorites inthe game. Now the gambling part of
it. I think Seattle can staywithin a touchdown of the forty nine ers.
I do, and uh, I'mnot sure. Now the Lions at
home can be They could blow theGreen Bay Packers out of the water or
find a way to put themselves inposition at to win the last time.
You know the emotion they spent lastweek against Chicago in the fourth quarter.

Don't discount that in a short weekthey had to do everything they could to
squeak out a win against the Bears. Late, the Bears pushed them and
pushed them and pushed them, hada chance to put it away and couldn't.
And now four days later you're playinganother game. Keep an eye on
the energy level for Detroit. Thanksgivingwill help, even though it's a short
week for them. Thanksgiving will helpbecause the Lion's on Thanksgiving. The energy

playing as you're the only game intown that day, that's a pretty good
one and knowing you're going to bewith your family for the afternoon game,
So keeping an eye on that.You got to play on Thanksgiving early in
my career, I was in Seattlemy rookie year. I believe it was
Dallas my first year, second yearplayed. Other than that, I played
like Christmas Eve. That was theone Thanksgiving Day game, and I played

like in the CFL Labor Day gameand stuff. But that I think players
the reason why it's been so watereddown with well, wasn't a special Thursday
Night. It's almost I hate tosay this, it's because it's a holiday,
but it's almost taking some of theshine off the Thanksgiving gig games.
But it doesn't take it off forme because those three games to me far

better than the normal than the Thursdaynight games were getting. So it doesn't
take it off because when I wasplaying, you looked at the schedule not
to see who usually who you're playinglate, what national TV games you got,
and are you playing on a holiday. And it was an honor to
play on Thursdays, whether you're playingagainst at that point in time there's two
of the Cowboys, or whether you'replaying Detroit right, So it was honored

to play on that day. NowI think Thursday Night is more of a
burden for some of them because ashort week. You did not mind playing
the short week on Thanksgiving because youknew all your peers were watching everybody's sitting
down eating victuals and watching football andyou're the show. And if Cowboys in
Detroit and whoever their opponents were goingto be, that made it special.
I still think that's special for them. I do because it's Thanksgiving, and

so you deal with the short week, but keep an eye on that energy
for these teams. The Cowboys blowout a game last week, so they
are how's their in? And againDetroit in a in a mad scramble against
Chicago to win. And obviously theforty nine ers took care of their business
at home. So keep an eyeon some of the energy in those games.

But it was a pleasure to playin Thanksgiving. I mean to have
that on your schedule. For mostplayers I talked to, they loved it.
And then you also know you getin like ten days, you're going
to get some time off. Notonly did you get time with your family,
but you're probably getting the rest ofthe weekend off to do what you
want. So if you're a Michiganif if somebody on Michigan or Ohio State
plays for Detroit, well isn't Hutchinsona Michigan guy? M hm, yes,

what he's probably going to do onSaturday, probably gonna go to the
game. Sure, Yeah, Soit gives you a chance to have that
freedom to go do that, whichis pretty cool for you know, those
guys that play for any of thosethree teams, because coaches usually give you
through the rest of the weekend off, maybe even Monday. Come in Monday,
get a little loose, take Tuesdayoff again in the back to your
normal work week on Wednesday. Sowhat was it. I know you said

it was early in your career,rookie or sophomore year. I wasn't playing,
so yeah, but still when he'son a schedule, just the talk
and the preparation that goes into it, it's really cool because you know,
when you're playing like the Dallas Cowboys, it's the Cowboys, it's America's team,
it's things. Yeah. Yeah,Now it's like the Thursday night game
is more of a I gotta gethealthy and it's a burden Thursday day game.

Plus if you're Detroit, I meanthat's it's that's a noon start.
I mean, you're getting that thingin twelve thirty whatever it is. So
in Green Bay, so it's ait's a pretty early start for them on
a Sunday or on a Thursday.So I love it. I love the
Thanksgiving just all the camaraderie that goesin with it. Uh. Have you
seen all the talk about this hipdrop tackle? The hip drop tackle where

they you get tackled by your hipand you kind of fall on the runner
or whoever has the football, andit's caused some injuries here lately. How
are you supposed to prevent it?Yeah, so that's the whole thing.
People are saying, they got tomake that a penalty and outlaw it.
Well, Uh, Skip Bayless andRichard Sherman got into it over it.
Did you. I didn't hear youhear the audio? Oh? You get
a kick out of this one.Don't listen to those shows very often,
but I have to hear it.All right, let's hear this audio and

discuss next about the hip drop tacklein the NFL. That's next. Think
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Now back to Sean Salisbury Brawl SteveSnowman. Why was it jolly happy
soul with the corn cob pind thatbutton nose and two eyes made o cold

brawl? Steeve the Snowman is afairy tale. Rockets Grizzlies at the Toyota
Centers and I had seven pm tipoff six o'clock the launch Pad pregame show
starts right here on seven. Ineed your home for Rockets, Basketball,
Texans, and Jags, a Sundaynoonkickoff at Energy State, and all the
Thanksgiving games in the NFL tomorrow.Before we get to that the hip drop

tackle controversy, let's get out tomost city and talk to Q. What's
up? Q? Hey, goodmorning guys. How you doing, good
man? What's on your mind?Hey? Now? But it's just looking
at somebody. Everybody's talking about thequarterbacks. And you know, my team
in Chicago and we've got Justin andI keep hearing, you know, go
get one of these, Drake mayor Caleb Williams or kid from bo Niggs

or you know the guy from Washington. My question is this, what has
Caleb Williams done in the last sixweeks that has made you say he is
a dominant number one generational type guy. He makes plays when he's outside the
pocket. But when can he justsit back there and play? I don't
know if he can. I mean, you look at Lincoln Riley's three quarterbacks

in the NFL. Mayfield, youknow, uh, the guy in Phoenix,
and then Jalen Hurts, Kyler,Murray Kyler, Murvy. There you
go they aren't. You know,they were number one picks, Heisman Trophy
winners and all that. But theyhad some early, good time, good
days in the league. But nowjust struggle with so is he a product

of Lincoln Riley system? Was he'sa generational type guy that can go play,
I would have a whole I wouldhave a big problem taking him number
one because the film sean you knowit, the film doesn't lie. The
film does not lie. He's notMahomes and he's not Aaron Rodgers. He
has some tendencies like that. Butyou know, I don't know if I
take him number one overall. Rightnow, I don't see how you don't

pick him in the first three though. And I know it's Lincoln Riley,
but I see stuff that it wouldn'tmatter if Lincoln Riley was my coach or
not. I watch him make plays. And now you are one hundred percent
correct. But think about what we'resaying. He's not Mahomes and he's not
who else? Did you say Mahomesor Aaron Rodgers? Who is right?
That's right? I think yeah?Who is? So? Yeah, I

think he's a far more gifted playerthrowing the ball and running then Baker Mayfield
and far more physical than Kyler Murray. And from what I've heard and people
have told me, he prepares andhas tremendous command and what's going on,
I agree. But the thing aboutit is, I think we'd feel different
if he had Michigan's defense. Imean, the guy has simply kept them

in every single game this year.Now, his leadership bothers me. The
lack thereof at times seems to botherme. He seems to be a bruder
that's kind of into what he does. But people in that locker room,
I mean, I've talked to acouple of coaches this past off season and

I know how they feel about him. Now that could just be hyperbolic because
it's their guy and their teammate,but I'm with you. I think the
risk of number one. But Ilook around the college football he's a bigger
play. I mean, I meanthere's guys that can throw it and guys
that can make plays that if hewere looking for the guy who does both
for whatever reason, do I thinkhe can sit in the pocket and deliver

it already times and beat you regularly. Probably not, But neither can Lamar.
Neither can Murray. Neither can JoshAllen. I mean there's guys that
are struggling with that too. Soif we're comparing them to Mahomes and Rogers,
yeah, probably not. But Icould tell you what in college football,
as far as quarterbacks you're going todraft, just stick just the x's
and o's on the field. Idon't know how if you're trying to fix

your team, how you don't drafthim. I don't think there's any way
in hell he gets past the thirdpick of the second pick of this draft,
right. I agree, I wouldn'tyou know, But I do think
there's questions. Q. I'm withyou, I'd have to do a deeper
dive. There is no doubt thatLincoln has produced these guys and that there
is a system part of this thatmakes it easier for them to be successful.

I just think there's a different playmakingskill about him. But I'm with
you on a deeper dive. Idon't think it's a guarantee anymore that we
thought it was going into the season. Quick question for you, Sean,
if they were both coming out atthe same time this year, which one
would you take? Caleb or Bricefrom Alabama? Last year. If this
was a year ago, just letme get Caleb or Bryce a year ago,

caleber Demico, I mean Caleb orc J. Stroud? Hang on,
No, no, no, I'mtelling you both. No, I'm
telling you both going into this draft. If Caleb Williams was available to the
twenty I'm talking about the twenty twentythree draft, he'd have been the third.
He'd have been the first pick ofthe draft on it, with no

questions asked. It wouldn't even beenclose. It would have been who's second?
Third? Now do I believe in? Bryce Young would have been taken
two more than likely, and thethird pick would have been third or fourth
pick to pay what you need cJ. Stroud. I'm talking about going
in now, if we redid it, you're taking Stroud first, probably Caleb
second, and Bryce Young third,just from what you've seen. And I
still think Bryce Young's got a chanceto be a good player. Going into

the twenty twenty three draft, CalebWilliams would have been the going away,
unequivocal first pick of this draft.Yes, been close. Now, there
there'd be some questions. Now ifyou knew, if you're looking at a
result, Stroud, if you redidit is. No, it's a no
brainer. He's the first pick.But going into this past draft, I
can tell you for a fact CJ. Stroud would have I mean, uh,

Caleb believe it would have been thefirst pick of that draft. Yes,
how big is how big is sixone plus but two twenty five thick
lower half thick but not not maybestretches to six one. May I think
he's under six two or right aroundthere a little less, but he's a
good two fifteen to two twenty five. He's a big cat. He's kind

of like, kind of like JalenHurts right the lower by, big thick
guy. It's got power in thelower half. I mean it could do
both. Yeah, he's listed atsix foot one, two twenty five.
Yeah, and he's every bit oftwo twenty five. He's not fields are
are Oh no, no, No, he's not. No, he's not
packing six three sixty four six oneand a half six one year. They'll

probably measure him right right around sixto one. But he's a he's good
two twenty five, two thirty Okay, okay, yeah, that's just my
I don't know enough about Drake andmay I have to watch it he can
sling it. He'll be drafted highbecause he can rip it. You know
that those they like guys who canthrow it like that. So and I've
talked to his coach who said heis a hell of a player that he
had that coached him at North Carolinabefore he left to go somewhere else.

So, yeah, I got youhappy Thanksgiving, brother. Appreciate you.
Thanks man. I appreciate it somany now times of how they change in
just six months, right, yourperception of quarterbacks and players. He's right,
yeah, no doubt they realized hewas only six to one. I
thought he stood more closer. Helooks bigger. Yeah, no, he
plays bigger thick. Oh hell yeshe does. He's just see the temptation,

whether you like him or not,the leadership, the cry in not
talking to the media, all thatI come into play. But I can
tell you this, the general managersnot passing on him because he doesn't talk
to the media. They don't givea ratsass if you can make me successful
on drafting you. But he played. Damn right, he plays bigger.
And I'm telling you that two twentyfive is packing some serious quick twitch and

strength and power. But he's gothis spin moves, he's got it.
All The questions may be Okay,dude, let's the media thing. Slow
down. You don't need to bea brewder be a leader. That we
say that about everybody. We thoughtabout Stroud, We questioned about everything,
Well, this guy does he do? Teammates? Okay? And now look
they rave about that's a number onetrait. They rave about him as a

teammates. So that stuff. Fora gentle man, you're gonna say,
can he help me win? AndI'm just telling you, whether you like
him or not, if you're apicking second and somebody takes Drake May first
and you're sitting there and you needa quarterback and you're thinking, am I
going to be punished more for passingon him and having him be successful or

taking him and having him not youhave to take him. Do you think
there's going to be any question abouthis leadership? Oh? I think that
there's going to be some that aresaying, I mean, not my style
of guy. But I think ifyou want him just like they wanted him
here C J. Stroud, you'lloverlook certain things that you say, can
he help us win? And getbetter? And listen say what you want.
For three straight years, Kata Williamshas been a freaking monster. There's

no question he has a talent.I don't agree with a lot of the
things he does. But when youlook at it, your gentleman's your asses
on the line, and you're losingbecause you lose if you're if you if
you're one of those guys, you'reyou're picking high because you're not very good
and you're thinking I gotta win.Yeah, you're taking him your takes.
It goes back to the whole thingthat we said not hanging around till Kenny
Pickett times shot. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's like goes back

into what we said when leading upto the Texans draft, and they're they're
top picks. If you love him, you'd go after him and you get
him. If you like him,don't draft him. That's right. And
the Texans loved c. J.Stroud loved him, and that's that that
that's paid off. So the questionis you know, for he's got to

go to the right guy. Now, listen, if all of a sudden,
if all of a sudden, yourguy Lincoln Riley decides I want to
go to Arizona and be the head. He's not going to get that job.
Jonathan Gannon is not leaving, butelect Chicago and they're picking first.
The best thing for Kayleb Williams isfor his individual is have Lincoln Riley take

him to a third place, rightfrom Oklahoma to Southern cal to there.
You know, it would shock theworld. It's not going to happen.
If Kayleb Williams came back and playedanother season. Can you imagine that?
You think you would, no,but could you? But let's say Anil
got up to four or five milliona year for him and all of a
sudden, Lincoln said, let's justrun this back one more time. Deal,
Let's go win the national title thisyear. We got a new defensive

coordinator. Let's go do the temptation. But if you're going to be the
first or second pick, you can'tgo back. If I was a college
athlete in today's day and age,and I played football, and I was
at the Division one level, andI was making the NIO that these kids
are making, it would be reallyhard press for me to not come back
year after year the college life.Yeah, yeah, even you imagine,

and you think you look at hisnumbers though Kayleb Williams too. Whether you
all the others periphery stuff that youdon't like, that's fine, whoever that
is. I'm just talking about thenumbers. They are almost identical to last
year won the he almost identical.Wow, I talk about completion percentage,
yards, forty plus touchdowns, running, throwing. I mean, yes,
their defense, but they sucked lastyear. They just overcame it. They

had better players. Their defense thisyear was worse than last year. Yes,
and last year wasn't any good.That's Colick to do that. So
he's had to, Let's let's facefacts, he's had to overcome yeah,
a lot. If he doesn't startfor them, this team's not doesn't sniff
ball eligible. I mean you yousaid it at the beginning of the season
when we were talking about the preseasonrankings and things like that. Their defense
doesn't improve, they're gonna they're gonnalose games. I think he said they'd

be like eight and four or somethinglike that, and they've Yeah, they've
lost more than even I thought theywould. Bad defense, awful, matter
of fact, deplorable defense. Let'stalk about this hip drop tackle controversy in
the NFL. That's next all right, let's also talk about Men's Tea Clinic
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The Sean Salisbury Show put ours smartass on your smart speaker. Google play

Seawan Salisbury on iHeartRadio. Now I'monly five years old. I've got a
dude. Just what I'm told SantaClaus is going to beat dropping in on

me? Is there something I mighthave missed. I had quite a few
things on my list. I hopehe can fit it off. Roll around
here on the Seawan sounds very show. Now I know what he lacks for
Sean. Brian Tripley here with you. Rockets Grizzlies at the Toyota Center seven

pm. Tip off tonight. Launchpat starts at six o'clock. Right here
on seven. I need your homefor Rockets basketball Texans jackus Sunday. It's
a noon kickoff at Energy Stadium.Let's hear uh. Let's skip Bayless.
Richard Sherman talking about the hip droptackle Sean. You'll get a real kick

out of this one. Let's hearthe audio and what uh what Richard Sherman
had to say about this tackle backin week four? And he went crazy
about the Giants because they hip droppedhim. And he said, by the
grace of God, he survived thehip drop. And now we see Jordan
Travis. What the problem is?What's crazy is Smith? Let me finish.
Rich I'm speaking, I'm speaking,Thank you. I'll let you speak,

but you're not speaking from experience,so stop stop raising a voice.
Skip he talk to me? Allright? Are you gonna let me speak
or not. I'm well, you'respeaking on something you don't experience. You
don't have no experience doing so,I mean, what what point name?
For a lot longer than you've beena lot, you've covered the game.
I've actually played the game than youever played. So like what we're talking

about is as something that actually happensin the game that you can't experience unless
you play it. Does rich McKayknow anything about football? Keisha on help
me? That was Richard? Whatwas Richard Sherman's take? Did he say
he didn't mind it? So hedidn't have They couldn't even get to it

because they started arguing, So wedon't have we don't we don't know the
result of either or their argument.No, I wanted to talk about the
whole interruption and no, no,no, the the point I was going
to make is you've got at them. They they do, so they get
all that argument, they never getto the point. Yeah, my point
what's going to be you've been inthe analyst chair before, you've been on

what was it called first and outfour downs, the very first one.
I've actually done both longer than anyone of them. So my whole point
is like and broadcast at both ofthem. These guys are first of all,
why why is Richard Sherman cutting himoff? Like? Let even even
if you feel that way that thatSkips has never played the game, which
we all know, let the manget his point out. Oh. I
just think that that's part of thestick for both of them. You've got

to create some you can't. Oh. I think part of it is.
I don't think. I don't thinkthey win and said, hey, interrupt
Skip and do it. I thinkthat they have no problem doing it because
this is normal Skip and whoever he'swith, And Richard Sherman is an extremely
bright, opinionated, stubborn guy,which is a different no doubt, and

so let's skip bayless respect for both. You may not agree with what the
Skip has to say, but respectfor both. I don't. I don't
have any. It's like it's basicallyit's almost like bull like the bulldog and
when you're when you jump off thathorse and you're tying down that calf,
you know, you jump down andyou pull it down and yanke it to

your but the hip where you're droppinghips to tackle, I listen for me,
I don't know why some okay,how you how you tackling Derrick Henry
with your arms? You got todrop hips where your lower half can get
involved? Right? Why are we? Why are we because we are pussified

society? Why are we making suchas Aaron Rodgers said the same thing,
He validated what Brady said. Justlisten, I don't want you got a
guy dragged out of bounce and thenyou dive at his knees. No,
you got a guy that's engaged upstairsand then you go and that's that hut.
You're engaged upstairs and then a guygoes in cuts his legs out that

that that's that's illegal in the lead. You can't be engaged and want another
guy take out his legs right now? Just a straight cut block. Fine,
but we have given the defensive playerssuch a small window to hit.
I don't know how you take.Sometimes you're grabbed onto a guy and you
drop your hips to slow him downbecause he's dragging you, and you drop

your hips to almost put an anchordown. Right, you drop your hips
to put an anchor down? Isit dangerous? You have? But every
time you drop back to pass,some guy tackling your lower half or tackling
your upper by. It's dangerous.I don't know how much. What do
I don't understand what the people want. And listen, here's what Matt baffles
me. I'm not saying people thathaven't played don't understand the physicality, because

if you played high school, PopWarner College, NFL, everybody recognizes the
injuries happened. But it sucks theinjuries happened at every level. People get
hurt, and nobody wants that.Players for the most part, aren't trying
to take somebody's career out from underneaththem. Sometimes you're in the wrong place

the wrong time, and we havehad dirty players along the way that you
have to eliminate. But why isit that somebody's sitting at home. The
majority of the players I know thatI've talked to, that I've played with
and sit here and talk to noware against many of the rules of safety.

I mean that that they think we'reoverboard. Most of the guys that
if I talk to twenty five guys, I'm just saying twenty five, one
hundred of them, ninety seven ofthem are going to say the rules are
overboard. And you know what I'mtalking about. One hundred players, the
former players that have been hurt myself. You hear Aikman, he can't stand

some of this, Brady Rogers.Nobody wants a cheap shot and every quarterback
going to plan it. Now,when you get a hit that's not even
questionable, you know what they do. They snap their head back at the
referee, try to get a call. I would too. If it's like
anything, you're going to try toget all the freebies you can. But
I can sit here today there isno doubt we overprotect players well. We

don't want injuries and don't play tacklefootball. Of course, you don't want
to take it from a guy whohad about a dozen surgeries. I know
because of football, most of them. So I get it. But it
doesn't mean Skip doesn't know because hedidn't play. He's covered it and talk
to people who have covered it.You can still be good and understand even
though you haven't had a hip tackleand been taken to the ground. So
Richard's right, but so is SkipBayless, and you don't have to bury

some It's like, so Skip's notallowed to know because he didn't play,
well, so are we supposed totell Richard he's not supposed to know journalism
because he hasn't been in it long. They both know both. That's fine,
and you are a little more.I can tell you more about an
acl if I've had one, thanyou can not having one of the pain
that goes through it. But II think we overprotect all players. I

think we need to get rid ofthe dirty shots. But I think sometimes
it's unpreventable. I mean, youcan't prevent helmet the helmet when two ones
going to tackle low because he's toldto and the others dipping his head and
they head to head or on atackle, sometimes you got to drop your
hips to slowly to anchor the dogon tackle. It doesn't he changed it,

does it? Just keep playing?We already have limited the If I'm
a defensive player. Now you knowwhat I'm thinking. If they're gonna I'm
not going in and getting the wrathof my coach on Monday. If they
are going to penalize me, I'mgetting my money's worth. Yeah, and
you're gonna start the psychological Why wouldn'tyou. They're gonna they're gonna kick me
out or find me anyway. I'mjust gonna get my money's worth. So

I don't. I think we're andI laugh when somebody at homes telling Richard
Sherman or somebody who's and I'm notsaying because they didn't get tackle football,
but are watching players play and sayyou can't play that physical, and then
the players who played themselves are inthe action are saying, yes, we
actually can, and we want toplay more physical. It's tackle football.

I think we overprotect. I thinkwe've pussified society and I think we've softened
up everything to where we are inthe verge of losing the integrity attack football.
And I think that's also part ofthe reason why football is not as
uh quality as as Tom Brady andAaron Rodgers have mentioned. There's great players,
but I think the rules are wayoverboard on the protection of players.
At some point in time, we'rejust going to use AI guys, what

are we gonna do? Like,what are we gonna do? I don't
have Yeah, that's come from aguy who's been hurt. Planned most of
them didn't try to do it cheaply. They try to do it fairly,
and it's unfortunate. You know,what's not fortunate or what is fortunate?
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QB Sewn Salisbury. You're listening tothe Seawan Salisbury Show here on Sports Talk

seven ninety Sean Bryan and Triple LeyRockets Grizzlies seven pm. Tip off tonight
at Toyota Center. You can hearthe launch pad as it kicks off at
six o'clock right here in your homefor Rockets Basketball Sports Talk seven ninety seven
one three two point two five sevenninety's to go to Biscuy he's been holding
for a while, Biscuit, Goodmorning, Hey Top in the morning,

My brothers, Hey, Lulima,Shawn. You know you know I'm the
b ball man. You know,we definitely in football season. But man,
looking at the basketball it's played rightnow, Sean, I don't know
if y'all got a chance to firstof all, to see my colves of
the night Agets dating Sean, I'mtelling you right now, the Colves are
better this year than they were lastyear. They are much better shooters,

man Kelvin got And if they getthe big freshman with the seven foot wings
fan or whatever to come around,which we know all Kevin Kelvin sans some
big men do improve and get betteras a year go going, watch out
time. They might be back inthe final four again. I uh,
you know, the girl, Idon't doubt that all because I know one
thing. It's a guarantee they're goingto play and contest shots on the defensive

end. And Biskey, you andI both know the last couple of years,
you know, what's kept them outof being the national champion not knocking
down shots. Yeah, it has. That's been the reason. A lot
of times it's like, well,we didn't get defensive stops for other teams,
or we got dominated on the backboards. Not this team. This team
by they by going on a youknow where they're a cold streak. It's

been distanced like mid level long distanceshooting. That has cost them in a
game where the other team's knocking downa few more shots because I know they'll
contest shots and defender you just won'tplay for Calvin Sampson, and I'm with
you. Offensively, they seem tobe at least the early stages better on
the offensive end than they were,especially knocking down shots. I couldn't agree

more. And I fully expect themto be staring at a final four again,
I do. Yeah. And tothe Rockets sing goon Man. To
this dude is a beast man.And for the life of I couldn't understand
why Silace didn't run the offense throughSan Goon because you could see it.
But the problem for the Rocket Shine, and the big question is going to

be all year is Jalen Green canJalen Green be that guy. Can he
be top of a line score?Can he be? And you see it,
don't cuss by some of the lineuphe put in there. He's looking
for Green to do it, andhe just don't seem to be able to
do it. And I don't knowif it's because the type of person he

is, oh what it is,but it's something missing. He don't seem
have that sense or urgency, thatedge that you need from your top score.
And if you don't do it,I think the Rockets gonna have to
think about doing something else in thattwo of our position. Good. You
know what, this is the timeyear three for Jalen Green can't step up

and be that guy on the offensiveend. That's like All Star type of
player. Hey, Biscuit, havea happy Thanksgiving, great stuff, man,
I appreciate you, Bud. Iagree with him. Alprin Shangoon is
leading the team in points and rebounds. Guy's averaging twenty one and nine.
Guys, the guy, I'm tellingyou what, don't be surprised when All
Star Game comes around if that guy'snot playing in it. He really is
a good player and he takes hisgame every year. It seems like getting

better to Alp. Be dude upwith the name Alpi myself? You came
up with it, correct? Yeah? Have you ever heard anybody else call
him that? Yeah? You have? Yeah, he doesn't call himself that
does he? No? Alpi likea Bobonator guy, Alpi spin goon you

like bound in the face spin spinmove sp know as alperin shoon. You
call him Alpi? Though? Whoelse calls him Alpi? Nobody in the
history of the games ever called himAlpe? No, they do? They
do? They do? Yeah?Yeah, can you confirm that or you
can hear him on our liners.I think that's Matt Thomas that does the
Uh oh he does call him Alpi? Correct. Yeah, so that's where

you got it. Uh huh Soyou said you invented it though, No,
no, no, I it wasyou or the Alpie. No,
Alpi is not fake news, andneither am I. Actually that's how fake
Yeah I didn't think so exactly.Actually, if anybody really started calling him
Albi, where I heard it fromwas our old colleague Ryan Money. And
you know when he started talking aboutshan Goon. You know how what happened

to him? Some shango? Ohhe loves some shangun im wearing his jersey
this morning. I'll tell you whatit's. Uh, you know what you
get when you cross an elephant andright on, don't you? No,
I don't. I haven't heard thatin years. No, damn, but
Alpi, So it is that hisname. I thought you just kind of
cave that out of nowhere, butit's been said it has Alpie. I
haven't heard that, but I'm gonnalisten. So you're saying it runs a

line around, You're like, well, here, like in a commercial.
I'm going to tune in to seeif you're fake news are real on this
one? It's it's real. Thatjersey of yours, hooded sweatshirt, little
jersey, Oh good love, littlechili out, little Alpie. Yeah they
were in that back and actually stavingoff the sniffles. Yeah, nice smoothie

with some immune booster in it.Yeah, got uh the old hydration.
You're that guy that you're the guythat goes to the gym and carries your
blender, right that guy. Noperson who comes in it's got more gadgets
than a did. A sports trainerouts, you pull out your gloves,
you yell selfie into the mirror.Where's gloves? I mean you've been knowing

to you? No, absolutely not. Or you go you're the guy who
walks across the gym to tell somebodythey're not doing their lap pulls properly.
No too much yanking. Is ita dude or a chick either? Nah?
Either? No? Yeah, allright, just making sure it's not
me offered him supplements. No,hey, what's up, bro? You
want to borrow some protein? Igot some way in the bag. Do

you have a call it at thegym? Broski? No, you know,
I don't talk to people in thegym uless I know them. I
feel you dog, sophil you yeah, like if I saw it. It's
unlike for me when I go tothe gym. People don't know me.
They don't yell you hitting ther liptgo today, save me a tread,
pop on the meal with you soundlet me get this, let me get

this bitch pressed in first. Ican see I can see you walking in
and somebody yells at you and youjust look at him and you go go
off through the number one. Soyeah, or I the hands man like
I just got here, Yeah,yeah, I got you later, just
slow looking seeing the steam, justthe steam. Yeah, don't be loud

talking me out loud here man.Yeah, and then he got broke.
You know, dudes hanging out inthe steam room together, you know,
whitey tidies, and you guys aregrab assen and talking about your Thanksgiving plan,
naked thighs touching each other. Yeah, that'll make you horny. I
can't wait for that one. Nothanks, Yeah, you're going straight there
from here. Huh, dude,I wear a full I'm I'm wear what
you swear. I swear you II if I'm going in there, I'm

going in there to sweat, soalli if I got a hooded sweatshirt on
that, and I always I'm notleaving without showering from the gym like some
funky people do. But yeah,I am sitting in there, sweating it
out until I can't damn near can'tbreathe anymore, get out. But I
love it grinding in there. Damnrights. There was a player released from

the Indianapolis Colts shocking move out ofIndianapolis. Could the Texans be interested?
Let's discuss that next as we getinto the nine o'clock hour right here on
the Shawn Salisbury Show. But beforewe get to that, let me tell
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at the report. That show's outthere. You see John Longstime friend John
Salisbury, Ryan L. Lima gologo, can stop the do the shame,
take chop down, Come come awayin Texas. This is the Sewn
Salisbury Show. Nine a m.Here in Houston, Texas, you're listening

to the Shawn Salisbury Shawn Sports Talkseven ninety Shawn Salisbury, Brian Lolima,
Emmanuel Elmore Rockets Grizzlies seven pm.Tip off over at the Toyota Center six
pm. To launch bad right hereon Sports Talk seven on your home for
Rockets Basketball, Texans Jags this Sundayat noon, kick off over in NRG
Stadium. Thanksgiving games tomorrow. Whyare you standing up? Start making nervous?

Dude? You know what? Whatdon't you roll up out of my
grill? Man? Why why doyou stand up? Sometimes? Stretch out
your back, say louder so thepeople in the back in here, stretch
out the back. Yeah, okay, see I don't have staples. Okay,
Oh I got I got mine outyep. So I feel it's not
every now and then you need tostand up a little bit. Don't be
nervous. You've been in this showlong enough not to be nervous. You

got this, you can be okay. You got an Alpi jersey on,
dude, nothing can stop you.That's twenty spin goon yep also known as
alprin shon twenty one point nine reboundsper per Yeah, Alpi Alpi Hey.
The Colts waved All Pro linebacker ShaquilleLeonard bad. I think it's his back.

It's never been the same. Wasa great player, got himself paid
and unfortunately the j just key,Key's not recovered the way the injuries are
just he's not the same player andsomebody will probably pick him up. But
was the Steve Price and the Coltsmoved on. You remember when he broke
onto the scene just to he wastheir best defensive player for for for a

minute. But I understand why theydid. It's just I don't think and
he may never be the same playeragain with the bummer, and that goes
with the physicality of this game.You're fortunate if you get four in.
If you get eight in, youknow, stand up and cheer. If
you get more than that in,then you've done something that most of the
world doesn't do. And he playeda physical position in a great brand of

football, and it time to moveon for the Colts, unfortunately for him.
I hate to see that, especiallyfor a guy who's such a good
player but can't feel too far sorryfor me, got himself paid and he
earned it. He had a twoback surgeries last season to address nerve issues.
Yeah, that's a tight ben therebeen there, tough thing to do.
Yeah. I couldn't imagine having thatkind of surgery and then trying to
go play in the NFL. Yeahat his positions. Yeah, big fellas

down and taking on lead blockers andhaving to shed them and go make a
tackle. Yeah no, Yeah,Texans, could they add another Shack,
Shack Mason, Shack Griffin. Shackis gonna sound harsh. They don't need
him, No, they not.They don't need him. You're watching some
they are starting to elevate and themoments these guys are getting I hope somebody

doesn't help he continues his career ifthat's what he wants to do. But
double back surgeries in a year,that's tough to overcome. Man to play
the type of explosive football that ShackLeonard used to play. Yeah, uh,
he said that. He asked fora November meeting and he got it
and got released. There you go, damn tough business, huh. Brutal
brutal. You know what's good business? Uh? Cannabis? Yeah, that

too. It's a good business,is it? Yeah? The gummy business,
vitamins. Yeah you want one?You got one, You're like,
give you the whole k yeah?Uh yeah, the cannabis business. That's
good business. Football business, goodbusiness owning an NFL team, good business
being Georgia, really good college footballbusiness being Texas saying you know what,

can what is techa im going todo this week? I know where you
I'll let you go where you weregoing with that, I don't know where
you're going with I was going tosay football ball kind of ran with it,
So let's go. I'm running withyou. What do you think Texas?
Ay? And didn't Texas A andM with a bad team last year
curb stomp LSU in this game lastyear after they were big time dogs in
this game, did they not goin and beat LSU's pretty heavily see last

year? I think they did.I think they put it on them.
We got a game now that theymay be starting the transfer a third string,
a third quarterback at A and M. I don't want to show if
they've announced it or not. Iknow that's been the talk they you know,
a whole different approach Without Jimbo Fisher. You got LSU and those Heisman

trophy thing is getting really tight.And I'm let me tell you why they
beat LSU last year thirty eight twentythree. Yeah, put it on them.
Lsu'll be the favorite this year.You get the strengths, which are
Jade and Daniels in the LSU offenseagainst a very physical, fast A and
M defense. The weaknesses are LSU'sdefense against a Texas A and M offense.

It's been subpar and up and downwith injuries at quarterback and the rest
of it throughout the Sea. Sowhile the game, the heisman's not bigger
than the game, if you're LSU, you're thinking to yourself, if you're
Brian Kelly, we got hammered lastyear. They happened. This is a
rivalry game between these two and you'retrying to not only make up for last

year but continue a pretty good season. They got three losses and they expected
to be better. Some people hadthem as a national title type team this
year going in, but the threelosses have kept them from that. But
there's also the sidebar of Jade Danielson a three loss team winning the Heisman
Trophy. He's been the best playerin the country consistently all year long.
Say what you want. Bo Nixhas been in the category. Pennix,

Caleb Williams, Marvin Harrison, JuniorDrake May. We got a lot of
guys. The kid from Florida Statewho's hurt now the quarterback. But I
can tell you this, nobody's beenbetter on a day in and day out
basis accuracy yards, rushing yards thanLSU's Jaden Daniels period. I'm not talking
about what he's going to be likeon and amson my college football player.

If I was voting today, he'sthe Heisman Trophy winner if I was voting.
But three losses are going to causesome of the people who can't take
it just to discount him, whichyou should. So at eleven o'clock on
Saturday, he's got an out.Is it Saturday? A Friday Saturday.
He's got a chance to post hisscore and go out and play against a
good defense and put another four hundredyard five hundred yard total offense type game

up against a good defense. Butyou also want to win the game if
you're LSU, because you'd like togo out and not have a fourth loss.
If you're A and M, yougot a lot some of these guys
on A and m's team are goingto transfer at the end of this year.
You know that. Oh, theirtop wide receivers already talking about That's
what I'm saying. They're going tobring in a They're gonna go hunt down
a new coach. They want tolead the head into the offseason upbeat.

What do you have to lose witha new coach coming in? The interim
coach is not going to be thehead coach and you're gonna get a new
coach, which means the majority ofthe staff will be gone. So if
you're Bobby Petrino DJ Durkin, thatgroup defensively, he's done a great job
with him. Would aren't you emptyin the bucket this week? Yeah?
I have to. You have to. You should know as a coach,

your time there is limited. Iwalk into that offensive staff meeting if I'm
I talked to the head coach andsay Jimbo's gone, they all know.
For the most part, they maykeep a strength and conditioning guy or DJ
Dirkin may be rehired to be thedefensive coach because they've done some great things
with whoever the head coach is.They usually like to bring in their own
guys. But just think this.If I was calling place for A and

M this week, it's lsu.I'm trying to prevent your guy from winning
the Heisman Trophy on me. Becausethe Pennix bone Nicks situation, Oregon State
and Washington State games they have,they're going to get a chance to have
a signature game again and then intheir championship games, right, they're going
to get that chance because the lastday to vote is the fourth of December.

The ninth I believe that week iswhen the Heisman Trophy is presented.
So you're going to get a coupleof weekends to go do your thing.
And Jaden Daniels is going to missout down that in SEC championship weekend,
so he has got to go outand with three losses, I'm talking about,
throw a party on A and M. If you're A and M.
If I'm Bobby, Listen, everybodyknows Patrino knows how to call plays.

They haven't had I mean, he'vebeen up and down with the quarterbacks this
year. If you're looking to expandand go coach somewhere else. Don't you
want to put your best out there? But if it was me, aren't
you calling your offensive staff in andsay gear it up, fellas, because
we are playing fast and furious andwe are about to show you what we
would have done if Jimbo wasn't here. You know what I'm saying. I'm

not saying he'd say that, butmy thought process would be I am going
to put my trophy on the manelthis week, and I'm going to leave
it out there, and if ittakes seventy five throws to win, then
I'll throw it every friggin down.Yeah, don't you know what I'm saying.
Now, They're going to run itbecause they can run. But I'm
just saying, we got that thatgame has some hidden some some really it's

not even hidden, has some reallyreally? Oh Bert, great Houston.
Okay, let's do this Shawn Salisburyway that they reported that sho's out there.
You see John long time friend shownSalisbury, Ryan La Lima Lobos can

stop the dick to the Shanda shopto come come away. And this is
the Sewn Salisbury show. Nine am here in Houston, Texas. You're
listening to the Shawn Salisbury Shaw onSports Talk seven ninety Shawn Salisbury, Brian

Lolma, Emmanuel Elmore, Rockets Grizzliesseven pm. Tip off over at the
Toyota Center six pm. The LaunchBad right here on Sports Talk seven on
your home for Rockets basketball, TexansJags this Sunday at noon, kick off
over at NRG Stadium. Thanksgiving gamestomorrow. Why are you standing up?
Start making nervous? Dude? Youknow what? What? Don't you roll

up out of my grill? Man? Why am I? Why do you
stand up? Sometimes? Stretch outthere, say louder so the people in
the back in here, stretch outthe back. Yeah, okay, see
I don't have staples. Okay,Oh I got I got mine out yep.
So I feel it's not every nowand then you need to stand up
a little bit. Don't be nervous. You've been in this show long enough
not to be nervous. You gotthis, you can be okay. You

got an Alpi jersey on, dude, nothing can stop you. That's twenty
spin goon YEP also known as alprinshoon twenty one point nine rebounds per per
Yeah. Alpi Alpie Hey, theColts waved All Pro linebacker Shaquille Leonard bad.

I think it's his back. It'snever been the same. Was a
great player, got himself paid andunfortunately the j just key Key's not recovered
the way the injuries are just he'snot the same player and somebody will probably
pick him up. But was theSteve Price and the Colts moved on.
You remember when he broke onto thescene just to he was their best defensive
player for a for a minute.But I understand why they did it,

just I don't think. And hemay never be the same player again,
which is the bummer, And thatgoes with the physicality of this game.
You're fortunate if you get four in. If you get eight in, you
know, stand up and cheer.If you get more than that in,
then you've done something that most ofthe world doesn't do. And he played
a physical position and a great brandof football, and it time to move
on for the Colts, unfortunately forhim. I hate to see that,

especially for a guy who's such agood player, but can't feel too far
sorry for me. Got himself paidand he earned it. He had a
two back surgeries last season to addressnerve issues. Yeah, that's a tight
ben there been there. Tough thingto do. Yeah. I couldn't imagine
having that kind of surgery and thentrying to go play in the NFL.
Yeah at his positions. Yeah,big fellas down and taking on lead blockers
and having to shed them and gomake a tackle. Yeah no, Yeah,

Texans could they add another shack ShackMason, Shack Griffin. Check.
This is going to sound harsh.They don't need him, No not,
they don't need him. You're watchingsome that they are starting to elevate and
the moments these guys are getting hopesomebody doesn't help. He continues his career
if that's what he wants to do, but double back surgeries in a year

that's tough to overcome. Man playthe type of explosive football that Shack Leonard
used to play. Yeah. Uh, he said that. He asked for
a November meeting and he got itand got released. There you go.
Damn tough business. Huh, brutal, brutal. You know what's good business?
Uh? Cannabis? Yeah, thattoo. It's a good business,
is it? Yeah? The gummybusiness. Yeah, you want one?

You got one, you're like,yeah, give you the whole k yeah,
uh yeah. The cannabis business.That's a good business, football business,
good business owning an NFL team,good business being Georgia, really good
college football business being Texas AY.And you know what, can what is
tech Sam going to do this week? I know where you I'll let you
go where you were going with that, I don't know where you're going with

I was going to say football ballkind of ran with it, So let's
go. I'm running with you.What do you think Texas Ay? And
didn't Texas A and M with abad team last year curb stomp LSU in
this game last year after they werebig time dogs in this game? Did
it? Did they not go inand beat LSU's pretty heavily see last year?

I think they did. I thinkthey put it on them. We
got a game now that they maybe starting the transfer a third string,
a third quarterback at A and M. I don't know the show, if
they've announced it or not. Iknow that's been the talk they you know,
a whole different approach without Jimbo Fisher. You got LSU and th S

Heisman Trophy. Things getting really tight. And let me tell you why they
beat LSU last year thirty eight,twenty three, Yeah, put it on
them. LSU will be the favoritethis year. You get the strengths,
which are Jade and Daniels in theLSU offense against a very physical, fast
A and M defense. The weaknessesare LSU's defense against a Texas A and

M offense. It's been subpar andup and down with injuries at quarterback and
the rest of it throughout this Sowhile the game, the Heisman's not bigger
than the game, if you're LSU, you're thinking to yourself, if you're
Brian Kelly, we got hammered lastyear. They happened. This is a
rivalry game between these two and you'retrying to not only make up for last

year but continue a pretty good season. They got three losses and they expected
to be better. Some people hadthem as a national title type team this
year going in, but the threelosses have kept them from that. But
there's also the sidebar of Jade Danielson a three loss team winning the Heisman
Trophy. He's been the best playerin the country consistently all year long.
Say what you want. Bo Nixhas been in the category Pennix, Caleb

Williams, Marvin Harrison, Junior DrakeMay. We got a lot of guys.
The kid from Florida State who's hurtnow the quarterback. But I can
tell you this, nobody's been betteron a day in and day out basis
accuracy yards, rushing yards than LSU'sJade Daniels period. I'm not talking about
what he's going to be like,said Mson, my college football player.

If I was voting today, he'sthe Heisman Trophy winner if I was voting.
But three losses are going to causesome of the people who can't take
it just to discount him, whichyou should. So at eleven o'clock on
Saturday, he's got an out.Is it Saturday or Friday? Play Saturday
eleven. He's got a chance topost his score and go out and play
against a good defense and put anotherfour hundred yard five hundred yard total offense

type game up against a good defense. But you also want to win the
game if you're LSU, because you'dlike to go out and not have a
fourth loss. If you're A andM, you got a lot some of
these guys on ams team are goingto transfer at the end of this year.
You know that, Oh, theirtop wide receivers already talking about That's
what I'm saying. They're going tobring in a They're gonna go hunt down
a new coach. They want tolead the head into the offseason upbeat.

What do you have to lose witha new coach coming in? The interim
coach is not going to be thehead coach and you're gonna get a new
coach, which means the majority ofthe staff will be gone. So if
you're Bobby Petrino DJ Durkin, thatgroup defensively, he's done a great job
with him. Would aren't you emptyin the bucket this week? Yeah?
I have to. You have to. You should know as a coach,

your time there is limited. Iwalk into that offensive staff meeting, if
I talked to the head coach andsay Jimbo's gone, they all know,
for the most part, they maykeep a strength and conditioning guy or DJ
Diurkin may be rehired to be thedefensive coach because they've done some great things
with whoever the head coach is.They usually like to bring in their own
guys. But just think this,if I was calling place for A and

M this week, it's lsu.I'm trying to prevent your guy from winning
the Heisman Trophy on me because thePennix bon Nicks situation, Oregon State and
Washington State games they have, they'regoing to get a chance to have a
signature game again and then in theirchampionship games, right, they're going to
get that chance because the last dayto vote is the fourth of December,

the ninth. I believe that weekis when the Heisman Trophy is presented.
So you're going to get a coupleof weekends to go do your thing.
And Jaden Daniels is going to missout down that in SEC championship weekend,
so he has got to go outand with three losses, I'm talking about
throw a party on A and Mif you're A and M if I'm Bobby.

Listen, everybody knows Patrino knows howto call plays. They haven't had.
I mean, he's been up anddown with the quarterbacks this year.
If you're looking to expand and gocoach somewhere else, don't you want to
put your best out there? Butif it was me, aren't you calling
your offensive staff in and say gearit up, fellas? Because we are
playing fast and furious, and weare about to show you what we would
have done if Jimbo wasn't here.You know what I'm saying. I'm not

saying he'd say that, but mythought process would be, I am going
to put my trophy on the mantelthis week, and I'm going to leave
it out there, and if ittakes seventy five throws to win, then
I'll throw it every friggin down.Yeah, don't you know what I'm saying.
Now, They're going to run itbecause they can run. But I'm
just saying, we got that thatgame has some hidden some really it's not

even hidden, has some really reallyimportant meaning with this for individuals and for
teams in particular. If you're Aand M, who you can keeping who
you got to still recruit the guysbefore they transfer on your ass. So
what are you going to do there? Yeah? I think just at the
bare minimum. If you're Texas Aand M, don't let jayde and Daniels
go off and don't let him continuehis run towards the Heisman, or at

least being invited to New York,because you know what they're gonna. Oh,
he's invited. That's a no brainer. Here, here's what's going to
happen too. If you're A andM a little pride, because if Jayden
Daniels wins it, he is goingto have to play like a monster this
weekend. Correct, And so ifhe plays like a monster, guess with
the last thing, they're always gonnasay that. They're always going to say

when the national broadcasters come on,they're going to say, did you see
his signature game against A and M? Did you see the eleven o'clock game
he had on Saturday? And finaland A and M's gonna be one.
Oh, so he won the HeismanTrophy with three losses at our expense.
Nobody wants it now. If you'reLSU on the other side, it says,
been a, we haven't had theseason we wanted defensively and record wise.

But if you're Brian Kelly, aren'tyou letting him if he's got five
touchdown passes? Aren't you trying tohave him throw a Yeah? Yeah,
absolutely, but not at the expenseof losing. You're not going to sacrifice
a game to get a guy fiveextra throws. But if you're in the
game and it's third and one andwin in doubt, and you're at the
five yard line, guess what you'redoing. You may play action and get
that guy on the edge. Lethim either run it in or throw it

in. Because he has had hisnumbers are so gaudy it's sick. If
he was on a one loss team, the Heisman Trophy vote would be over.
It would the fact that he's gottwo extra losses. They're going to
saddle him with that unfairly, whichmay because if Pennix or Bonix go off
in the next two weeks and havethat they're winning it one of them.

I believe that because they don't havethe losses unfair to jan Dans. Soas
casting my vote right now, JadonDan has been the best player in the
country consistently all year long. I'ma little upset that this Texas A and
MLSU game is at LSU. I'drather be up in college station. You
know why, because those yell leaders, Dude, they'd be getting they'd be

electric. Could you imagine, Hey, O, don't talk about my master's
degree on my mono that see Ineed to get out there. Yeah,
exactly, give you this. What'sthat the sprinkler pumpt Yeah, whatever it
is. I'll tell you what.If you don't know Old Rock, you
better start. You better recognize,recognize. We haven't heard an the Old

Rocks this year though. Well toughtough to say a team stinks when you
can't beat him. Woo. SoI wonder, I wonder what the yell
Rodgers are doing this week. Oh, they'll have something ready. Hey at
LSU, All Rock said, youknow how you spell LSU without an L?
Yeah, say that you can't spelll s U without an L.
And that's what we're giving him herein college station. Whoop, Yeah,

yeah. All Rock went down tothe local hardware store and he saw a
hammer and then the hammer hammer.He bought a coke and the Cocutta cotta
an LSU label on it. AnOld Rock drank it and he said that
tastes like losing. But sometimes youare waiting for the punchline. You say,

well, wait, where is it? Now? You got to back
off mine? Those are my Yeah, that's my that's my guys, dude.
I still have the US, butthe truth you got it. We
we got to do it because Iwait for the Old Rock said, grab
a coke and it says l onCola, and that's ls L S you

Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatout do you think they do this?
That? Like their Thanksgiving dinners?Yeah? Get up the shows? Yeah,
like you know when you make yourlike ten year old sing for you.
Yeah, like Chris, hey gosing on the piano. Hey go
play the piano from Jimmy, Momand Dad. I don't Jimmy. I
don't want to do it in frontof Okay, all right hey, and
like in his mind he's doing itthe whole time and he's just playing like
I'm not doing Hey, Brian tryingto Brian. There's got to be a

Brian and they and they be aRick. You have to thank you,
Brian. Give us an old rockshere? Ye all to give us one?
Oh yeah, they're all alumni,right, get off to give them,
dude. Yeah hmmm, well,well i's to see way to pay
off that joke, though, Idon't know that's how they do drinking,

Like is there a punchline here forthe last people like looking around like just
happened? Yeah, yeah, youhave to love all rock. Let's keep
talking college football. Let's look atsome of these other rivalry matchups. They're
gonna be this weekend. Thanksgiving weekendis upon us. Let's talk about a
next in Sports Talk seven ninety.Let's go. This is the Sewan Salisbury

Show. Have a hollid jolly Christmas. It's the best time of the year.
Well, I don't know if there'llbe snow, but have a cup
of cheer. Have a hollid,jolly Christmas. And when you walk down

the street, say hello to friendsyou know and everyone you meet. Hold
the missile toe hung where you cansee some body waits for you, gets

her once for me. Have aholly jolly Christmas. And in case you
didn't he old by golly, havea hobby jolly Christmas this year. Welcome
back to the Shawn Salisbury Show.Hey, white Bread, that's me gotta

that's my guy, Chris Carter,white Bread. Texas A and M has
been in the SEC over a decadeand they have never beaten LSU in Baton
Rouge since they've been in the SEC. Place to play man night or day
tougher at night. But that's atough place to play in Baton Rouge.
Tiger Stadium, Death Valley, brutal. Yeah, it's a tough sledding for

A and M and offensively, Ithink they're going to have a hard time
moving the ball now, unless it'sdepending on the quarterback situation, but tough
place to go. That place willbe rocking, and they know that Jayden
Daniels Heisman Trophy hopes are sitting inthe balance. So I expect LSU to
play well. And I'm rooting forthe kid because, man, has he
been a phenomenal You ask your quarterbackand your players to get better from last

year to this year. Hell,he might not only be as good a
quarterback and the best player we've seenall year long, on a consistent basis,
he might be the most improved playerin the country. Last year,
he didn't throw the ball deep.They were afraid to throw the ball down
the field. This year, he'sone of the best deep ball throwers in
the country. Yeah, balls upon time, proper layering, dropping it
where it needs to be, playingwith confidence. I'm anxious to see what

he's going to be like on Sundays. I really am, because on Saturdays
he's a bit to deal with.Man, he's a great talent in college
football. You know, we're talkingabout some of these rivalry matchups this coming
weekend. So on Black Friday,got a really really big one. Obviously
it's not excuse me, that's onSaturday, that's Michigan Ohio State. However,
on Friday, another big one.It's Toledo at Central Michigan eleven am

kickoff. Well, or if youwant to flip over to Ohio at Akron,
come on, man, Well,I just know in truth what you
do when the only thing I knowis what you do when the first one,
who'd you say? It was notAkron? Who was the first one?
Toledo, Toledo at Central Michigan.You know what you did? Ship

awass? You know what you gottado? What's that? Throw out all
the records? What are the ToledoGolden Rockets, Ledo Rockets? Yeah?
I don't know. To me,it would be best just to throw out
all the records. I think that'sthe smart thing to do when you're dealing
with this. I don't know.Do you disagree or agree? I agree?
I agree? And then in allseriousness, Oregon State at Oregon Friday
night, seven point thirty. That'sgonna be a fun watch, good Friday

night football. Chance for Oregon Stateto disrupt and that will ruin Oregon's hopes
if they lose Heisman Trophy for bowNick's possibility gone. If they don't pull
this off, and you can preventOregon from because if you do that and
Oregon loses and all of a sudden, somehow Washington State, somehow finds a
way to upset Washington, the PACtwelve will not be represented in the playoff.

If you could pull off two winsby those other schools this weekend,
you can eliminate Oregon, and OregonState is capable of eliminating organ The problem
is both Washington and Oregon are hostingtheir games against Washington State and Oregon State.
Yeah, Washington State at Washington ison Saturday at three pm. That's

like, that's up. That's atHusky Stadium in Seattle. So they'll be
hosting. You've got LSU hosting TexasA and m Texas hosting Texas Tech,
Oregon hosting Oregon States, let's see, and then of course Michigan hosting Ohio
State. That's gonna be the biggestone. That's an early kickoff. I
cannot wait till Friday nights. Thenyou know the whole weekend. I love

it. You get there's going tobe meaningful games. The Texans are playing
in a meaningful game. We knowthe Heisman trophies on the line at LSU.
Coaching changes at A and M Texashas got a chance to you know,
is Quinn you were staying or goingto the pros. They got a
chance to be representing the final four. I mean, all these we are
still there's only hell. There mayonly be one guarantee still left in college

football, and that's Georgia, rightwhether they have one loss or not,
they may still have the closest thingto a guarantee. There is a getting
in regardless of what happens between nowand then. So I'm anxious to see
it and it'll be one hell ofa fun football weekend. Georgia taken on
Georgia Tech. Georgia Tech not stayinga chance. They were gonna We'll see

what that spread is destroy them.It got to be thirty points twenty twenty
three. Yeah, it's not goingto be close. Excuse me, twenty
four. Yeah, they can't keepup. Cannot keep up. Georgia Tech
plus twelve hundred. You putting ahundred on it? Money line, Georgia
Tech. No, why if I'mgonna do that. I'll just give one

hundred dollars to charity. Yeah,you're not winning that game. Yeah,
scared money don't make money though,Yeah, well are you betting it?
No, I'm not a teching youneed a dog. No, he's not
scared. No, I'm not scared, but I'm not doing it. Okay,
there's no shot, no way.Louisville taking on Kentucky. You got
an upset special this week? Uh? No, not really. Actually the

one that I might watch for ifI were to put some money down,
I would maybe take some money onOregon State, who plays Kentucky Louisville.
Louisville and that a good rivalry gametoo, That's a fun one. Mark
Stoops will be ready to go.Yeah. I don't know these upset specials
this week? No, not really. Well, I think Washington will take
care of business against Washington State.Florida State and Florida House. Florida State

going to play without their quarterback.I mean, hell, I'm not even
sure Florida State without the car.I'm not even if Florida has not been
very good, But in a rivalrygame, are you sure Florida can't hang
in this game with Florida state spreadwith some emotion on the line. Yeah,
if I may take that one ina money line bet? How's that
grab you? That would be plustwo to fifteen for Florida? Why not?

Why not? So that's a possibility. Florida's five and six this year
not very good. No wonder what'sgoing to happen there if Billy Napier keeps
his gig. When he was firsthired, I think a lot of us
felt like this is you know whathe was one of those young guys has
been it's been grinding it and gettinghis opportunity to go. And he went
from what Louisa the Raging Cajun's right, was it Louisiana Tech? Is that

where he was? Or lafayt?Yeah, he was Louisiana Tech, right,
I think? And then you knowgets the Florida jobs here is at
ul so rating Cajuns? Right,Yeah, you got it. That's that's
a big jump. And I likeBilly. The question is will Florida illum
allow it to happen that he comesback again or they want another big name.
Can you imagine if they tried tobring urban Meyer back themselves, if

they got rid of BILLI Napier.Can you if you're text saying them,
why have you not called her?Maybe they have, maybe they have.
You gotta least inquire, no question, because there's gonna be other schools that
are going to do the same thing. Yeah. I would just think if
you want the best coach that he'sright there on a set talking college for
well, the best coach not coachingright now is him. There's no doubt

about it. Yeah, let's let'sget back to these Texans as we look
ahead two Sunday's matchup. CJ StroudMVP conversation, what's the key for him
this weekend against a good Jaguar defense. That's next on Sports Talk. Seven
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Registered Investment Advisor, paid advertisement.The Shawn Salisbury Show continued the night before

Christmas. Guys, Now the creaturewas stirring. Not even a mouse in
my mind. Thanksgiving Eve, Thanksgivingthe big day tomorrow, Thanksgiving. Games

in the NFL got some rivalry matchupsthis weekend. You got the Rockets and
action tonight because the Grizzlies at theToyota Center seven pm tip off six pm
is when the launch pad starts righthere on seven on your home for Rockets
Basketball, Texans Jags this Sunday atNRG Stadium. All right, Sean.
With the holiday weekend, we're offtomorrow and Friday. We'll be back on

air on Monday. What are youmost excited for this weekend? Ohio State,
Michigan, Texans and Jags. Thanksgiving? All the Fixings's nuts, Pridy's
nuts, Yeah right, Pridy's nuts. Yeah. I don't understand how sometimes
you're like you're eating turkey and mashedpotato and gravy, and all of a

sudden, they just show up onyour forehead. It's weirdest thing ever.
Like I mean, at least that'swhat you told me. No, I
didn't. I don't know how thathappens. Is they don't just all of
a sudden, drop out of nowhereand land on your neck, right right,
dude. But but you know itused to happen all the time you
get on a team plane. Rememberthe time you told me at Soul Ross
State, you guys were on theteam bus and I'll send you were asleep.
Next thing you know, you wokeup and they just happened to be

there. I don't know. That'show you actually be considered hazing. Yeah,
that's that to hazing. Yeah,that's that's abuse from that Yeah where
that happened? That was going onin Northwest, don't I don't know what
happened. Oh I still going fromthe jokes to the serious. Okay,
that crossover to put you're trying.You said you wanted to Malee in the

last half hour. I didn't.Did you confirm that I can, I
can deny Sam. Can you canconfirm that that's that's your buddy? Sam's
in studio? Correct you can youintroduce your friend and let your friend sambo?
There's some buttons. This is theoriginal sambo. This is the original
Sambo. You see that red button? Sam? Yeah? Right, then

in front of you. No,not that one, the one you're right,
you're right, the one that sayson it talk Nope, Nope,
that one's not working. All right, take that one off. Try that
other one. Yeah, now talkthere it is. Yeah, now it
works. Now you're on air,Sam, You're on Sports Talk seven.
I welcome in, buddy. Don'tcuss and don't screw it up. Yeah
I'm kidding. Yeah, did henot tell you and It's great to be

your Brian's good buddy. Was myroommate? Did not tell you? Well,
he knows that you've had a matterof fact, he dropped one on
you for he didn't anyway, didhe did he not say he was mailing
it in. I can't confirm that. Okay, pick a side, bro,
No, I did not. Hejust the guys are full of at
your roommate and he's already dogging youout. Now your room dog. He's

dogging you out. Dude gets engagedone time and all of a sudden he
throws me on the But what areyou doing the integrity of the show and
the listeners here in the city ofHouston, Yeah, what's about? Is
that what they deserve? So SamZun's a play by play with me before.
He's been my color analyst. Yeah, yeah, nice said he went
to the Shawn Salisbury School broadcasting.It must be award winning. You guys
must have been great stuff. Yeah. I mean we had a couple of

good calls, you asked me.Yeah, Sam, welcome in, by
the way, Thank you, brother. It's great to have you on.
Is I got it? I?Uh, well, I love football.
To me, it's a it's amosh pit of things. I liked the

early wake up call when it's stilla little dark outside to get the turkey
popped in and slow. I do. I know that sounds weird. I
don't know. If you're a deviledegg guy and you prepare to deviled eggs
on Thanksgiving and get it all readyand then that I'm a huge cheesy ass
Thanksgiving Day preag guy. Me took. Yeah. I love waking up to
it and just the they are talkingand I love and it's a little chill.

I love it. I loved itmy whole life and I still do.
And then I like that mid morningsnack thing before you know, the
smell starts to fill up the houseand and you know, you take your
dogs on a walk and then youstart I do, and then the first
game comes. I love it all, man, I honestly, from Thursday
to Sunday. At about five o'clockSunday, you're like, oh, man,

got to go back to work.But it's been such a great run.
I love. I love the napthat you're all gonna take for about
twenty five minutes or an hour inbetween games when you've eaten or before the
night game. So but the food, to me, it's the camaraderie of
it. I know that sounds kindof cheesy, corny, but for me,
it's all just everything that gets intothe laughs, A cold drink,

a little bit of a buzz,have some fun, great food, great
conversation, family. I love allthat. The football is great, but
in truth, for me, footballfits into the other stuff, not the
other way around. You're gonna befootball is the other stuff that fits into
the great conversation. If you turnmy TV off and didn't let me watch
it, I deal with it.If you said we're not eating Thanksgiving dinner

and I don't want anybody around,that would bother me more. You can
be drinking the dose Ekis. No, I don't. Why would I drink
that trash? Oh you met doSki's beer? Yes? No, no,
no, I got dude. Ihave one in my t you know,
my beer tap. There's some doseEkis in there. Yeah, as
you should. Yes, I gota Dosekis, of course. But I'm
a spindle tap guy, as youknow. As you always come over and

beg me to take some home,so that that's cool. Yeah, I
have no problem with that. Butyes I do both because a Mexican beer.
You know, if you said,Shandy, have bud light and your
tap at home, that the answwould me, no, do have?
Dosaki said, you know, Ilove Mexican beer when it's when it's nut
cut in time. You go SpindleTap all regularly had some people that were

doing in my garage to put customshelves in there. They finished. I
opened it up. I said,you guys, I know you can't have
servesa or beer. Now you wantto take one with you? Open it
up. It's like, what areyou doing with all that beer? I
said, well, I'm here toshare it. Okay, I'll tap this,
It'll tap that. I said,it's so hey, finish anytime.
Yeah, but you guys need waterbecause I can't have you have a beer

and drive and the rest of it. They were great, but he was
like, I said, it's myguy, Brody Chap and it's spill Tap
Manny. Do you uh you consumeany beverages? Yeah? I like those
sekis is cool, but I'm aCorona guy, my man. Yeah,
drinking Mexican beer, except just makesure it does you're going away from Spindle
Tap. He's got to go goodMexican beer always always fulfills what you need.
Do you drink any any liquor anything? Triple? Oh, that's right.

He is tequila guy. We knewthat. I want to come up
with my own tequila. Salisbury takesa lot of money, though, don't
it? I think so? Butwould it be great? What could your
tequila name? I call it unpaved? Okay, unpaid. You take tequila,
you're going off the beaten path,brother, And you know when you
want tequila, you want the smoothtaste, but you go fine. In

order to get to that smooth taste, you go on. You got to
go off the beaten path to findwhich you really want in life. You
can't follow this the You've got toget off the straight and narrow sometimes.
That's the name of my tequila,unpaved. Yes, you don't want to
name it Penthalonis. No, Istill don't understand that one. Neither do
they do. That's why I guessthat's what makes it sellable. That's Matthew

McConaughey is unpaved, unpaved tequila.Is that him and his wife? Yeah,
that's his wife. I didn't evenknow he was married. Oh yeah,
he's married, Yeah, him andhis wife. I think she's from
South America, Central America somewhere.Yeah, I either Brazil or Argentina.
Can the unpaved tequila? Yep?That's like it, brody. Where are
you at right now? The guyfrom Spin'll tell let's go. Are you

going to serve that? I'm gonnahave some rich guy funded? What's your
bar gonna be called? Salsi's bigsALS I like? You know what I
like because we talk and broadcast andyou could use a great character that everything's
bigger Texas. How about big mouthbar and grill, bigger burritos, bigger
beers, bigger pizza, everything's biggerexcept the prices. Keep those down.

You seen the economy some shohn,Oh I am onto it, don't don't
think I haven't, and thank youman, I am. But I'll tell
you what and here's what I don'tget when the economy. First of all,
when the economy goes down, peopleshould advertise more because you capitalize on
that's when you jump all over itand built back off it. Number one,
Number two is is that when youhave everything's bigger and take the burritos

bigger, you get more for yourmoney or you're giving them specials. People
will come in and want to stayaround and spend more and hang around longer.
You can't let the economy dictate howyou treat your customers. You come
in and get a pizza or aburrito at my big Mouth Bar and grill,
it's gonna it's gonna hit different becauseyou're I'm not raising prices because the

sometimes you got to fight through itand you got to sacrifice for your customers
because they'll always stay and come backwith your loyalty. That's me. So
there you go. I got mytequila, I got the name of my
bar, so you won't have anylike Joe Biden prices. Who's that?
Uh? No clue? Oh okay, yeah, oh Joe. But the
president? Yeah President. Sorry,No, I won't have anything to do
with him when it comes to mynothing. He can eat for free when

he comes in, you can eatfor free. Would you take a picture
of him? Uh? Sure,I would have to, just to say
I respect, I respect the office. He's a president the United States.
As much as I disagree with alot of things he does. He might
try to shake your hand and youknow it's not actually your hand. It's
like your buddies. I don't havesean thank you. I don't have to
vote for a guy or like hispolicy or anything. He's about. To

respect him and have to shake theman's hand, look him in the eye
and thank him for being at mybar and grill, and I respect the
office, thank you for the concert'sgoing. And I'm gonna thank him for
four years because he's not getting fourmore. No, so there you go.
So yes, I would, Iwould be respectful and let him in.
Yeah, see, many gets it. He's a president, unpaved,
unpaved, paved tequila, big mouth, bar and grill. You're feeling it

or not? Yeah, I am, because it's a play on words.
Big mouth mean, I mean wetalk cast, get more food, and
then the smoke right right, Wellyou're used to that, Yeah, smoke
cup poles there you know. We'llhave a little cigar lounge, just get
after it, little where you goout on the back patio and smoke and
and so you don't have holes.You don't have to go to a cigar
bar to get it. We'll havea human ord where we sell him and

in a back patio that you cango smoke him on all and it's got
a big sign that says pole smokingout here. Yeah. I don't know
who told you that a cigar honestlyever was called a pole? Who told
you that? No, I neverdid. It was like one of the
first things you want to No,I never did. I would never call
a cigar a poll. That's whatyou told me, because it's you know,

I did not. I said,it's a it's a cigar, it's
a stick, it's a gar.It's do we need to go to our
resident streets inside it? Oh,we don't sure. I'm just telling you.
Nobody calls it a poll, butyou and everybody actually thinks you actually
now do that. They don't,Yes, they do, they don't.
I don't give people all the time, So I don't know what he says
on air, but I know thathe likes smoking pole like in real life.

Yeah, that's I don't know.I just I could neither confirm or
just tell you. Don't smoke anypole, don't do. Listen. That's
data driven, ok, dad,that's fake news. You know what data
is. It's evidence, it's evidence. Yeah, I agree. All right,
let's get to the final segment ofthe show. Here on Wednesday on
Thanksgiving driven what are you most thankfulfor this holiday season? That's next on

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The Shawn Salisbury Show continues, Ohone on lot Christmas is just walking me.

I don't care about the present,the Christmas tree, just watch to
form my own could have one known, make my own wish time. I

was gonna overrate this, but I'mgonna do you guys, talk to you.
It's properly y is it. Youcan't say it's underrated. It's not
underrated. That's a good it's agood jam. Bye bye, uh Rian
Harrett, Mariah Riah carry hm hmm. This makes you wanna yeah, there

we go. You've seen this manny. Yeah, you got a little Carlton
in there. Okay, you seeme back here, Yeah, give me
your full on white boy move herewe go go ahead, just yeah,
you just live right there. Yeahthere you go, stay here you yeah
right, nice? Yeah nice?Oyeah? Why not? But you're the

guy on the dance floor when youput that white boy move on him that
you're like you, I mean,you're you're sweating in your suit, you
know, you're like you're pitting out. Everybody's looking. You're like, well,
I'm really really killing this. Whyam I wearing that at a bar?
Or am I at a wedding orsomething? I mean, and you're
the guy who adds when they're whenthey jump in there and they're doing the
uh you know that one of thosedances everybody does it together dance. Well

yeah, but I'd like to cupa shuffle yeah right where everybody's shuffling around
and you are, but you're addinga little extra movement to it. Your
spin move is like a little bitbetter to everybody. Yeah, Like you
got a really cheesy smile. You'relike, I'm killing this right Yeah?
Hey not. Santa on Twitter saysI didn't have you all his pole.

Guys, see what has started?Don't look at me. I'm not I
smoked cigars. Okay, I'm surethat endorsements coming to pretty quick too.
That advertising is see if endorsements,that's what I need to do is I
need to open up my own cigarcompany and I'll call it Smoking Poles.
Great store. I think that's we'reonto something. I'll be it obvious,

I'll be You got me for twentyhand, dude, I'm in for a
quarter of a mill man. Iwant to invest in your store. I
went to this new store on BlackFriday. They ad fifty buy one,
get one. Oh, where'd yougo? I want to Smoking Poles.
What a great name. At leastit'll make you stop. And we could
get Eric Dick to do the commercials. There you go. Sounds like a
great business plan we could, Iknow, Eric Dick, Hey, don't

get the shaft, go into SmokingPoles. Just outside the loop. Bob
By did just outside the Loop.I'm Eric Dick. And if you don't
get the shaft, go smoke apole and Brian and Sean's cigar shops Smoking

Poles. Get the shaft with EricDick. There you go, There you
go. There you go. That'sright, get the shaft. Don't get
the shaft. Go to Smoking Polesjust outside the loop, right there on
your way in full shirt, smokingPoles dot com. I forgot there you
want it? That was me ata wedding by Yeah, to answer my

ass off. That's sure, geton button. Maybe it's starting to pit
a little bit of It was coldas hell that day, Mary, How
cold it was? Oh, itwas so cold, man. One of
the days. I think Eric Dick'sgonna be listening. He's just saying,
we got to combine. We gotRichard Seawan. Yes, Brian wants a

cigar shop called Smoking Poles, andEric Dick can do all the reads and
I can tell you why Richard Seanlikes it too. But it's just outside
the loop. Off. I it'smy favorite go to. I love that.
Oh my gosh, all right,getting ready to on the show.
Here Texans Jags? Who you got? I got? I got Texans twenty

seven to twenty three. I do. I think it's that type of game.
Protect the ball, you win athome, first place. The entire
narrative across the country is gonna shift. I think the techs take it.
I think they win it thirty twentyone. I think it's going to be

a hard the fourth quarter win.I don't think anybody's coasting through this one.
Yeah, and it's a loud messageand then alls you've got to do
the rest of the season. Youget to seven wins, get to ten,
get to ten. Now, ifyou get to twelve or eleven,
great, get to ten and it'llbe one of the great turnarounds we've seen
in football. And you'll be rollinginto the post. I know we're allowed
to talk about they're not, they'rejust dealing with Jacksonville. But this is

as important and big a game asI think we've that I've for them for
a while that I can remember,and I can't remember being this giddy about
a game for the Texans. Iwas last week. I was a week
before. This one even takes acake because Jacksonville's got a bone to pick.
They know that the Texans man handlethem a lot. I've already handled
them once this year. Jacksonville hadhome field advantage throughout the playoffs on their

mind coming into this season, andthe Texans are right in position to say,
not so fast. You're going forthe wild card. We're taking this
division and we haven't been able tosay that in a minute. So it's
going to be a fun weekend anduh I can't wait and it starts now.
I feel like we get Wednesday offeven though we're talking sports, because
well, this isn't exactly what othersare going to do to sitting on and
you know, out of refinery gettingthemselves ready for Thanksgiving. So what an

honor is to do this job?We joke around a lot. Sam.
Good to meet you, brother,Great to have Bryan's friend here. You
guys, have a happy Thanksgiving toour listeners and fans. We love you,
man, we appreciate you. Andhappy Thanksgiving and join and be safe.
I think for this weekend, cJ. Stroud has his best game
as a professional, kind of likewhat we saw against Georgia. If CJ.
Start has his best game as aprofessional, yeah, then I'll see

it. Then we're talking like fivehundred and forty yards on that one.
Yeah, I'm okay with that.Ye protect the ball, they win,
no turnovers and they come out ofthis clean. They win the game.
Biggest key for them. Score morepoints than the Jaguars and they'll win.
Wow. Yeah, that's the SeanSalisbury Show, Happy Thanksgiving. Wait one
last time before we go. Texanshave to score more points than the Jaguars

to win on some day. Andthat's a guarantee. If they more points,
it's one hundred percent guarantee, datadriven. That's it. Thankful for
you guys. By the way,every Thanksgiving everyone. That's it for the
Shaun Salisbury Show. Shawn Salisbury,our producer Triple, Emanuel L War and
Brian Lima. Thank you for listening. We're back Monday morning. We're off
for the next couple of days.Next up, We'll stand northfully. Chris

Cordy coming up next on Sports Talkseven ninety
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