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Saulsbury, Olberry. Okay, let'sdo this. Sewn Salisbury there to usc
trous, longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury. Brian Lima, go Lobos. This
is the Sean Salisbury Show. BrianLilima, Emanuel Elmore. Astros win.
Yeah, Mavericks headed to the NBAFinals to take on the Celtics. Astros
are back in action this evening.They're back. Call the mayor, plan
the parade. Tell them to shutdown Louisiana Street in early November. Screw
that shut down fifty nine, shutit all, it all down, and
just shut it all down. CyYoung winners. They're back. Eric Getty
did you see his uh post game? I did not, but I saw
game perfect time of day yesterday,Get stuff done, rolling, good start,
got a nice get it, getsa little help from bregvan Early,
got a nice head of lettuce on. He does nice. He can butnt
it up, he can half ponyit, he can hide pony it.
He had like the fade here.Yeah, looks stupid, but anyway,
okay, okay, he kind oflooks like, Uh, Cameron Poe,
are you going Cameron Poe and connAir? Yes, Nicholas Cage Yeah,
Nick nicky h. I like Aragetty'severy day improvement when I say every single
game, he gets better all thedamn time. And you know what I
like about him is that he youwonder what you know with the flowing locks
and local kid and Katie, whatkind of grind he has as a rookie.
I like his what's the demeanor Moxie. Yeah, there's a demeanor about
him that it doesn't really change much. And I like that and young guys
because sometimes young guys can have alittle extra emotion. He's in control of
it and he's listen, he's hadthose moments where he's he's been where he
struggled, and he's had those momentswhere he's had to fight through it.
He's had those moments where he's lookedgood and he's a good swing and mispitcher,
and it was impressiveent you give hima lead, hung in there,
got some help from his friends ina bullpen and listen if Hunter Brown and
Spencer Araghetty this is who they arenow. Listen, we got a lot
more of what is wrong with HunterBrown this year than we've got what is
right. But the recent returns onHunter Brown says this is what I think
they had in mind for him andRagetty. All you can ask a guy
who's in his spot is to somehowget better every single time you go out
there, and he has for themost part. I thought yesterday was outstanding.
This has been a great pitching series. Oh yeah, and really,
in truth, on both teams,it's been a great pitching series. And
you get the home run from Bregman, he gets a couple hits. It
was even though they didn't explode offensively, they gave enough. And Araghetty pitched,
you know what. It almost feltlike he was going in pitching,
Okay, we're only going to scoretwo runs. I gotta make sure I
do this right. And I thoughthe was outstanding yesterday. And in order
to start a win streak, yougotta win one. I know it sounds
cheesy but in cliche, but itis the truth. But it's a good
way to get out of there onto get away, to take care of
your business when you've been you're tryingto escape a sweep and then you're trying
to escape a sweep and you're runninga rookie out there on a day game.
So I was impressed with his performanceand it was a nice job by
Bregman and a really good job byRagetty and the pitching staff to keep that
game down and not give up thatone or two pitches where it's like,
oh my gosh, we've put ourselvesin a problem. And then uh,
you know with Hater getting out oftwo runners on in the you know,
in the ninth inning and finishing itup. That was I liked yesterday's game,
even though it wasn't pretty all theway around. I thought his performance
was. I thought it was reallyelectric yesterday. Six innings, just two
hits, no runs, three walks, eight k's. Can you believe that
he's already appeared in nine games,no shoes, no shut, no problem
on a Friday, Yeah, KennyChez, could you he's already what nine
games? Nine? I know?And you know what, I think he's
here to stay. Yeah. Wellwith if you know that when it first
happened, I'm talking about even ifthey're healthy, is he not here to
Why would you why would you runhim out? Well, I mean why
would you send Joey loberfdo down?Who Joey lo brafedo? I he played
first base? Yes? Uh moreplace more of that on this level place
I would I would like you JoeyLo Braffito exactly so I need With Spencer
when he came up, we heardall the spring training stuff. When he
came up. In truth, youdid not believe neither of him. But
you thought, like most of us, temporary gonna do it, get some
looks and go back down. Everybodygets healthy, and it's a fact,
right, Yeah, we're gonna getor Katie healthy, but you're gonna get
a nice glimpse of who the whothe cat is, right and by for
whatever reason, he just kind ofit's another start. It's another start.
And when you can two hit thatteam, that's pretty good and you can
get the six innings and you've improved. I don't think one the other way,
you know what I'm saying. Someguys, you'll start off, you'll
get that first you know, weall have that first game of I don't
know whether it's naive or where you'relike, man, this is it's not
this easy, right, You're like, no, it gets tougher. But
because you're not all you know whatyou're all you're thinking in your first start.
I know from me and Brian whetherit's your first start in college.
It doesn't matter what level. Tellme if you're not thinking, I really
don't know what I'm doing. Igot some talent. I just got to
get through this thing. So you'rejust trying to get through it. You're
really the game, especially if it'sin your early stages of your career where
you're young. You're like and thenyou walk out of it, saying from
game one of the game two,I that's a starting quarterback. I thought
I had a clue. You don'thave a clue. You're just trying to
make plays, right. You reallydon't know why you made the throw that
was a complete sy That dude wasopen. Well, what coverage you do?
Well? I think they did this. And then you got to go
back and watch the tape and say, okay, I was kind of in
tune. But then the next game, it's like, okay, now they've
seen you. You've seen them.Now you're starting to think like a starter,
right, And it's the same thinghere. This guy. You go
out there and then you say,okay, how does he deal with success
or failure? And I think he'sdone a great job. So last night
put it this way, when guyscome back that dude has proven that he's
gonna gut it out. Now.I don't know what's going to go on
the rest of the season, butif this is who he is and the
improvement, all the talk they hadin spring training about him and what we
thought we were gonna get, you'regetting. There's a toughness about him that
I like, and toughness is onething. You still got to get people
out. But he is. Andthink about his strikeout I mean, he's
improved. I mean it's six strikeouts, it's seven strikeouts, it's eight strikeouts.
He's really done a good job ofunderstanding and commanding what he's trying to
do better every week. I likeit. So in April, uh,
three innings, so his first outing, three innings, then four innings and
three and two thirds, and thenwe got into May five and two thirds,
five, five, six and athird five, and then last night
six innings pitch So I think,and look if you go through the strikeouts
for the most part too, yeah, it's uh, let's see in just
in I mean first three outings,three strikeouts, two strike I'm sorry,
three strike five strikeouts, seven strikeouts. Then we got into May, it
was six, four, five,six, seven, eight. There you
go. So last three outings that'scontinued, right, so, which means
he's starting to get a command andknow where his best stuff is right,
know where he can locate and howwhat his out pitches or where the zone
is on each hit or he's gottenbetter. And if you're a manager and
you're an organization, isn't that whatyou ask of every player? He ain't
going south. He's going north.I unless all of a sudden he falls
off a cliff. This guy's gettinginvaluable experience and he's not doing it at
the expense of a team losing games. Now. I know his record is
the losing side, but he himselfis getting a lot better and he's not
going No, he's not going anywherebecause we still have no updates on Christian
Javier and Jose Erkety. I gotone for you. I told you the
longer it goes. This has beenforty eight hours since Danon Brown's been on
now correct at nine point thirty today. When you hear today or tomorrow or
the news, drop today, sportstoday, Friday, Friday news dump and
guess what you're gonna hear that it'snot the news you want to hear I'm
saying, in my opinion, I'mwith you. I'm saying they're both out
for the rest of the year becauseif it was great news on an Erkidi,
you would have known already because itwould have wanted to give fan base
and everybody else some excitement to gointo especially if you lost three in a
row. People play the oh,man, we're struggling here, let's give
him some news to hang their hatand he's coming back, got hope,
stay with us. I'm just tellingyou, I'll be far more shocked if
the news comes back that after asecond opinion, boy, these two guys
will be back in two weeks.I'm not buying it. My opinion is
and I'm no doctor. But overthe course of broadcasting it or playing it,
the longer it takes for you toan organization to tell us usually or
the player to tell us, usually, it means they're out longer. It's
rare from my experiences. It's rareto see him come back and say,
hey, it took a week,but you know what. And even if
they come back saying there's some glimmerthere, there's some new We've heard it
on mccolors in the past. Weheard it on Urkiti. It was supposed
to be two weeks, two weeks. It may be a year if it's
not the news you want to hear. You get my point. Yeah,
so, uh, I don't think. And it's Friday. You'll probably hear
at the end of the day todayor sometime today. Yeah, they'll So
let's see that they're back home today. So it's a seven to ten start,
So that means they usually start tosend out there and lineups and everything
in media and all that, andall the game notes usually get sent out
about three o'clock. Somebody's gonna pressthem today on the injury. Yeah,
and they know well, because likeyou is, Dana Brown told us on
this show nine thirty on Wednesday,that's forty eight hours ago as it is
when nine thirty gets here. Theexcuse me, the imaging was done twenty
four hours prior to that, Sowe're going on, excuse me, dang
it, seventy two hours since theimaging apparently was done. You know what,
I bet the imaging was done overthe weekend. They have their answer
on the imaging before you went tobed that night. Oh yeah, they
know what expert doctors that they need. These pro teams don't wait in line
like you and I may have tofor with when they got a stack of
fifty seven fifty eight MRIs that dayfrom a doctor, or you know,
when you're just a mere minion rightwhen you're a starting pitcher in Major League
baseball, guess what that means?And a team that you got your team
doctor, they're looking at it andthey're, hey, man, I got
news for you. You're probably gonnaneed a second look. It doesn't look
good. If it comes back positive, all stand up and say thanks from
my past, the knowledge of thisis different than the normal turn of events.
Great they waited along second opinion,but the second if the first opinion
wasn't good or the MRI, thesecond opinion usually is, hey, he's
one hundred percent healthy in two weeks. If it was perfect on the first
opinion, guess what you would haveknown see in a couple of weeks you
didn't, So why does it takelonger? You're trying to find some solace
somewhere in that they're going to beokay. I don't I don't trust that
it's going to be back anytime soon. And I hope I'm wrong. The
Astros pitching staff have pitched their assoff the last five games. Let's take
a look at it and how theycan roll in with some momentum tonight against
the Twins. That's next on SportsTalk seven hinety