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November 15, 2023 193 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Saulsbury Salisbury, Houston. Okay,let's do this, Seawn Salisbury South.
There you've seen CHOHn, longtime friendshown Salisbury, Bryan la Lima, go
Lobo, stop to the shan tagsup down, come down the winning pig.

This is the Sewn Salisbury Show.Good morning, Houston, Welcome in
to the Shawn Salisbury Show here onSports Talk seven ninety Shawn Salisbury, Brian
Lolima, Triple E, Emmanuel Elmore, Houston Astros gonna be hiring a bench

coach. When will that happen?We'll discuss that today. The Texans is
Demico Ryans in contention for Coach ofthe Year. The Buffalo Bills fire their
offensive coordinator man a lot of coachingcarousel here a little bit early in the
NFL, sean not good play andit leads to coaches being fired. Yeah,

good morning. I'm gonna tell yousomething though, and I really believe
this. The coaching world's a greatbusiness because you know, only in the
coaching world or in the CEO worldcan you lose your gig and get paid
almost eighty million dollars to not coach. You know, he's making almost twenty
seven thousand dollars a day at thenext eight years not to coach Jimbo Fisher
how much a day? Well,it's like twenty some thousand bucks a day

to just sit on his ass.Yes, twenty thousand bucks a day over
the next did they say seven yearsor five years? Which adds up to
almost eighty million dollars. So thatpart of it's a good thing. I
mean, when you lose your gig, you're really supposed to be able to
it's nice when you get paid thatkind of money, right, oh yeah.
But the other side of it isit's also a brutal business. And
I'm not even just talking about JimboFish. I'm talking about anybody. Look

at Ken Dorsey takes over Brian Dableloved him when he was there as a
quarterback coach over Josh Allen elevate andthinks are going to go well, And
then now Sean McDermott, it's theold I confess it's Ken Dorsey's fault.
Now, well, Ken Dorsey probablycalling a few different things, and so
all of a sudden, Brian Dabeleforgot how to coach too, huh,
well yeah, and so we're goingto fire him, right, now because

Daniel Jones and that he's hurt andthey're struggling. So now you're going to
say, well, it's it's Briandabels fault. You know what, we
do way too often let players offthe hook and blame the coach. And
I'm just telling you, as aformer player ten years of it, it
was rare that it was the coach'sfault that I threw a bad ball.
Rare. I listen, the frustrationof this business for those coaches honestly drives

me absolutely at maddening. It's maddeningbecause I listen, I do know there's
times when coaches just in over theirhead. Hackett was in over his head
with Russ Wilson. Russ Wilson didn'tsure as hell didn't help, okay,
And they say, well, what'sthe difference this year, Well, Sean
Payton's a better coach. I getthat part. I'm not saying that,
and I'm not saying in a lotof cases that the coach is just like

he wasn't ready for this job.It was time to move on from Jimbo
Fisher. He had plenty of time, plenty of recruits, and it's not
that he couldn't coach. It's justand he couldn't get by in and elevate
that building the way that they wantto, and you know, tell them
not to. The truth is tellthem to stand in line because Kevin someone
did it for a minute. Thenhe couldn't hold their attention. And so
it's not just him. And we'veseen this a lot and it happens all

the time. Urban Meyer leaves andDan Mullen and Billy Napier, they can't
quite do it, get their asskicked by LSU. You know, ed
Orgeron wins a national title the neck, he didn't forget how to coach,
maybe lost his way, a littlefocus on what he was doing and got
caught up and where the national champions, maybe got a little casual like players
do. And now you got BrianKelly and look at his quarterback, Jaden

Daniel's. In truth, there's nobodyin college football playing the position better other
than maybe bon Nicks. They're inthe same category. And it's going to
be like it's going to be justlike C. J. Stroud if they
don't make the playoffs. Three lossesfor LSU and in truth, you can
make dude, he rushed for liketwo hundred and some yards last week.
His his season, Jayden Daniels isoff the charts, but he's lumped into

an average to bad defense for LSUthree losses, and Brian Kelly's elevated his
way. He's doing everything right,but he's not gonna. He's gonna be
in New York, but he's gonnahe won't win the Heisman because of the
three losses. C J. Stroud, think about this. If they go
nine to eight, don't make theplayoffs, he won't win the MVP.
If they go ten and seven anddo make the playoffs, hev where one
game and it may be the Carolinagame. One game. That's how these
voters think. Which to me,give me the best player who made the

biggest impact on a team. That'syour MVP in the league. Right.
Hard to get an MVP if you'rea one win team because you didn't elevate
and win. But to go fromthree wins to nine and ten, that
sounds MVPSH. And I know youmentioned amikle Ryans, but back to this
coaching thing. Yeah, I thinkthe theme of this hour that I wanted
to discuss is coaches in the NFLbecause in another thing, and I know

how you feel about Josh Allen.I want to know from your perspective,
why in the hell we can't criticizedJosh Allen. But now it's Ken Dorsey's
fault. Yeah, of course it'sand I confess he did it. Listen,
I don't understand it all because ofpotential. Just like we go.
You could do the same thing everyday and be teaching the same thing every
day. We saw it here withDusty. You're not gonna get the same
energy from Joe Spotted because he's theguy people wanted. Dusty came in here

and kicked that. Only reason I'msaying this is that a guy popping up
in the infield after two hits andpop up in the eighth inning with the
bases loaded is not the manager's fault. It won't be Joe Spot's fault,
and it's not Dusty Baker's fault.It just isn't. I don't know what
it is. Now we'll set backand say how that guy sucks get him
out, But when it's right downto it and I'm gonna go back,

I'm just gonna I don't like tosay, well, when I played,
but I'm just gonna tell you frommy perspective dropping back to pass them doing
it. There are plenty of timesnow I know this about great players,
the Mahomes, Marino Montana. Listen, Bill Walsh didn't call every great play.
Neither did neither did Josh McDaniels withBrady. But you know what the
great ones do. Bail your assout. It's like a great hitter,

Dude, take on three and zero. But if you love it, swing
at it. So you decide toswing at it and pump it over the
the you go opo and hit itover the fence on just that it was
outside the plate so you didn't reallyget the pitch you wanted to hit it
on. That's called bailing somebody out, okay, and or taking a walk
on a close pit because you're good. But that doesn't that also go into
the good players make the end gameadjustment. And there's no question even if

a coach doesn't. Most every greatplayer I've been around call a bad play.
The great player somehow protects you.Yeah, you just give me a
average player with a great play call, or a guy who really doesn't belong
as in the starting lineup. He'llscrew up a great play more often than

you, then you need him tojust stay in that position. It's a
fact I don't understand. But it'slike Josh and dude, you know,
I think Josh Allen's one of themost explosive talents we've ever had at the
position. Explosive talent and consistently productiveor two different things. When he's throwing
eleven picks, you can't tell mehe's a top five player right now.
He's not. Right now. Hecan't sniff what CJ. Stroud's doing.

The only reason I say that isbecause we're here. But I'm so tired.
Listen, I don't know what goeson in those meeting rooms or if
Josh Allen's complaining about Ken Dorsey.I know they raved about him when he
got the gig, right, theoffensive coordinator job. And it's also it
reeks of Sean McDermott saying, man, I got to clear some house to
cover my ass. It reeks ofit. And I listen, I'm a

big fan of Sean McDermott, Butso Ken Dorsey all of a sudden just
doesn't show me what's he just not? He just falling asleep in meetings as
the coordinator. Listen, I cantell you this. What happens is,
over the course of time, yourweaknesses get exposed, and Josh Allen's weakness
is he's careless with the football.Period. Now, when you make those

spectacular throws into tight windows, fallingoff balance and taking shots and they hit,
everybody thinks you're the greatest in theworld's best thing since sliced bread.
But then all of a sudden,a guy gets a fingertip on it's tipball
interception. That's Ken Dorsey's fault.Same play, curl flat combo, and
you don't look at it, andyou thought right to the guy. Remember
in the preseason, think about howguy's learned one of his first rows.
What did CJ strit to do throughit? Stared at the guy and through

it right to him, learned avaluable lesson and adjusted. Great players do
it. Josh Allen great talent andhas got the potential to be a great
player. He's not a superstar,he's a star. Superstars don't do what
he's doing right now. So frommy perspective, I don't remember ever Now
there's times when they call a playeryou're like, damn, I want something
different, But once again, theball is in my hand. It's in

my hand. It doesn't matter whatline of work here. And when you
are the decision maker, my coachon the sideline is not the decision maker.
They've entrusted me as a quarterback tomake solid, sound, great decisions,
and if I don't, that's noton him. Even if he calls
horses ass plays on a regular basis, Eventually that will bear itself out.
And you taught, don't you thinkthat? Josh Allen and Ken Dorsey throughout

the week sit down and talk abouthow they want to approach an opponent,
and then when they get to thegame, all of a sudden, it's
like, okay, that's not working. Let's adjust on the sideline. So
on Wednesday it was okay, butit's on Sunday it's not because he threw
it to the wrong guy. It'sa shake up thing, you know what.
And while some coaches like I said, we know those ones I'm talking

about people want. People thought SeanPayton was in over his head three weeks
into this season with Russ Wilson.He can't even fix him. Russ Wilson's
playing better football, so he's donea good job. But also Russ Wilson
is playing much better football this yearafter embarrassing himself as a player last year.
So with this thing, I honestly, I'm so tired of when there's

a mistake on the field, andI don't want one friggin fan or one
across the country. You call allyou want, but call in here and
say, no, it's the coach'sfault when you throw it. No.
Now, he may have dialed upthe wrong play at the wrong time because
he said, you know what,they've blitzed in the first half seventy percent
of the time. So let's go, let's call a blitz beater, you
know, and and a blitz manbeater, and all of a sudden they

play two deep zone. Whose jobis it to make sure he didn't throw
the ball on two deeps on thewrong it's quarterbacks quarterback, right, because
you're not going to guess right seventyplays on offense. Well, it's like
what remember when Rafael Montero was struggling. Everybody was blaming Dusty Baker and we
were sitting here saying, dude,at the end of the day, throw
strikes. He's on you have toexecute. He makes all that money,

right, and you put him inin a non leverage situation and he's still
or leverage and and he can't throwa strike? Is that on the pitching
coach? Throw strikes? Execute?Blame it on your own self for giving
him more money than you probably shouldhave if you didn't do your due diligence
over the course of his career andthe course of his career said, he's
not a he hasn't sustained greatness.That's just it. So and back to
this. So, yes, listen, just because you're a star quarterbacker we

pay doesn't mean you're above the freakingcriticism. Listen, Josh Allen at times
has played like a very average andnons you know what, he's played like.
He's played like the inaccurate guy thatyou saw at Wyoming. When he
came in that people said, well, is that the guy great talent?
But I'm honestly, I am so. If you're a coach nowadays, now
the money makes it nice, andyou love to teach, but if you

really want the right treatment, you'renot getting it. You are not getting
now. Well, Hall pass theguy we love, but God forbid Buffalo
now it's got to be Ken Dorsey'sfault. But so Ken Dorsey was a
gem in Buffalo, and now he'sa not a great play you know.
Part of the reason why for BrianAbel he had Josh Allen who was making

good choices. So while it bothcomes hand hand and coaching matters good and
poor and teaching and developing, welet players off the I've never understood it.
What a horrible play call. Andonce again I saw in another one
somebody was talking about Dak Prescott andsome local media I was reading an article
said that they were criticizing him becausewhen they dropped back to throw, he's
finding guys underneath the sticks on thirdand long. And once again, let

me explain to you guys something.When you drop back the reader isn't just
thought to the guy you see ohon TV, you work all the way,
Oh it's cover three. I gotto go through this progression. And
if the third guy is the onethat takes you to that progression, and
he's at third and eight and youthrow at four yards, you're expecting that

hopefully he'll break a tackle and goget it. Every throw on third and
long or medium isn't beyond the chains. It's just not Sometimes you got to
rely on the guy to break atackle and do all those things. So
the frustration is sitting in the stands. The perspective drives me nuts off.
What's he doing throwing a checkdown?Well, if you ever thought that maybe
one and two were completely covered,Well, I saw a guy come open

late. Of course you did,because it's on your friggin TV screen.
That's why. And so the hallpass we give the guys and just automatically
go right to the coach is crap. Not saying Ken Dorsey's void default.
But I can tell you this,the reason why he's throwing eleven interceptions is
solely for the most part less aguy ran the wrong route. Relies on

the guy who's got the ball inhis hand that plays quarterback in Buffalo.
It ain't Ken Dorsey. Until Dorseygoes out and throws a bang post into
coverage on third and seven, don'tdon't even talk to me about it.
You can you can question his playcalling. The decision making is not Ken
Dorsey when it comes to Josh Allen, drop him back, all right.
So we can't criticize Mahomes with eightpicks. Andy Reid didn't throw it.

So my point is we've got tothe equal blame can go all the way
around, but winin out fire,the fire, the coach, fire the
friggin coach. So all of asudden, did we all miss on Josh
Obbs? And you know there arepeople right now that think Josh Jobs is
better player than Kirk than than KirkCousins. Wow, I'm just telling you,
Oh, now we can move Ihad a friend's contact and say we

can move on from Kirk Cousins nextyear. Two games. They weren't like,
there was no smile on it.They're dead serious because I questioned it.
So while Josh Obbs is doing agreat job, slow your friggin roll
this recency crap. And he's oneof the other Southern Stroud he's the best
quarterback story going the last two weeks. So you get my point, And
I know I believe and we'll talkabout it, but I get so frustrated

when it's hell, I'm not coachingin the league. I don't care,
but they get paid. But toblame and point the finger all the time
at those guys. No, it'sthe player. If you miss a tackle,
it ain't dumaic O'Ryan's friggin' fault.Right, Let's talk to Miko Ryans.
Is he a candidate for Coach ofthe Year. That's next on Sports
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Love you. I didn't cat cryptand your girlfriend wanted one to like me
because I ain't trying to kise.She called me. She wanted to change
lackdown. Then she know you wikingWe I hate the saying you hit the
scene, the scene looking back tothe Shawn Salis Very Show, Minnesota,

Sean Bryan and TRIVIAI here with youon Sports Talk seven and you can also
listen to us on the free iHeartRadio app. The NFL is suspending Texans
Denzel Peram in three games for illegalhits. Georgia overtaking Ohio State, and
the college football playoff rankings Michigan FloridaState round out the top four. The
Baltimore Orioles Brandon Hyde named the AmericanLeague Manager of the Year, and Miami

Marlins Skip Shoemaker winning the National LeagueAward. Talking Texans here, so you
just call him skip and you coverboth. You pretty much cover skip skip
and skip skip skip that sharp talk. Yeah that's him. Did you see
do you do you ever? Bychance? The clips of him and Joe's

podcast, No, they talked aboutusing viagra playing and when in there when
they played, they would like putit under their tongue and use it as
like a performance enhancing drug. Iguess that beats they played. Yes,
that beats blow right, But Iguess, well, good for them.

I mean, uh, I willI've never seen an NFL player wear a
cup. Well, so maybe youjust like to look the part in the
UNI. I guess I don't know. I meant, what is it an
energy booster? What? Yeah,that's what it is pretty much said for
the blood flow. Okay, bloodflow, Yeah, everybody needs that.

It's nice. I mean nears postgame. I guess. I mean,
if you really need to need bloodflow, you just go. I've never
seen that, Yeah, well,I don't exact. For those who do
need that that wellness, correct,have at it there. It's a good
thing and Vin's Ta Clinic can help. But I can tell you this and
it's full body wellness. By theway, I have never seen his podcast.

Yeah, I've never watched it orseen it. So it sorry,
is Chad a regular? Is itjust? It's no, it's them two?
Is it is that? Uh?Which which one is that? Is
that he's got shah? Is that? No? It's so he's got a
third one now, Yeah, he'sgot quite a bit. He does one
with Chad, one where it's hisown, uh club shayha. Is that

what it's called. That's his that'shis own, that's his own. And
he's got one with Chad, andthen he's got his stuff with not Skip
anymore but Steven a right correct?Okay, Yeah, he's got it's called
the Nightcap with UNC and O show. Is this a new one? That's
the new one? Yeah, cameout a month or so ago. Okay,

all right, okay, right,they're pretty freddy together. Yeah,
it's awesome. Is Demiko Ryans andthe running for Coach of the Year.
Of course he is. They getto they get they make the playoffs.
To me, it's a stone coldlead pipe Locke give it to him,
but we're a ways away from that. But is he should he be a

candidate? Of course? I meanhe's got a team that's every team they've
beat, whether you like who theyare Tampa or a team that will it's
saying the Saints are very good.Well, the Saints are in first place.
Is going to win the division atleast it appears that way now as
of yesterday the playoffs start, theSaints are in the playoffs and Tampa and
I mean they've beat some pretty wellsome team. Every team they've beat had

a winning record, so yes,and what he's done to change it around.
And he's got a guy that isplaying great football. Of course he's
in the running. And you know, I think the threshold for him is
to be if he plays above fivehundred football. Yet I don't know how
right today, while Demiko Ryans isin it that Mike Tomlin's not the coach
of the year, they're the worstoffense in They're six and three, and

they win the division right now,or or they make the playoff. Should
I say? I think I'm prettysure they are playoff team at sixty three,
they are in the playoffs, butBaltimore's what's seven and two or six
and three as well? Baltimore isseven and two, seven and two,
So Baltimore wins the division. ButPittsburgh as of yesterday would have made the
playoffs, and that would be threeteams from the AFC North end and the
one team to be left out ofCincinnati. Mike Tomlins team has zero business

being six and three in the toughestdivision in the AFC by far. The
fourth team in that division may endup in the super Bowl. And that's
and they've been the hottest team untilthe Texans decided to put a stop to
that, meaning the Cincinnati Bengals.So yeah, I to me, Demiico's

in it. But I'm more adamantright now that CJ. Stroud's the MVP
than I am Demico Ryans coach herefor one reason is you can't be six
and three with the worst offense infootball. And that's worse than the Bears,
worse than what the Airzon the Cardinalshave brought to the table. I
mean, I can roll through itnow. So and I don't think Mike

Toma gets enough credit. As muchas I love Andy Reid and Bill Belichick
over the course of time, I'mnot sure for just one week that this
guy, with the talent he's givenon offense, I'm not sure that Mike
Tom's not the best coach in football. So you can say whatever you want,
and well, Demiko's in it.The Pittsburgh Steelers, like the Texans,

we're supposed to finish at the bottomof the barrel, and he's never
lost. It's time we start andmaybe we do, but it's time we
start rewarding Mike tom and the waywe're supposed to. And I don't think
he cares about that. He cares, I mean, he just everybody seems
to do something better for him,and I think Demko's in that category.
But right now Mike tomin but DemikoRyans is in the as I like to
say, in the very small anduh not a lot of guys in the

team photo right now, and Demiko'sone of them. But Mike Tomlin every
single year to be able to dowhat he does, they shouldn't be six
and three. Mike Tomlin has neverhad a losing season, right, and
he's not going to this year morethan likely. It's crazy. I mean,
they'd have to. That defense isnasty, but there's an effort.
I don't know what it is.I just want to tailgate with the Pittsburgh
Steeler fans. I do, andI love it because every time I've played

there, it's been like, damn, this is brutal, meaning they're just
they're hardcore into it, and Mikekind of Mike Tomlin kind of feels like
that's those are his people, right, So I don't know. Yeah,
Demko's in it, there's no question, and he may win. You get
to nine wins, the threshold nine, nine and eight, and they keep
doing this. I don't know howhe's not somebody's coach of the year.

They make the playoffs and go tenand seven. Yes, Damiko Ryans will
be end up being the coach year, regardless of Mike Tomlin's team wins eleven
games. Because people the perception isthe Pittsburgh Steelers are just a better they're
better, and the franchise has beenbetter. But Demiko's doing a hell of
a job and a lot of thathas to do with the way his quarterbacks
playing, but the way he's changedthe energy and the building. But either

one of them's fine, and there'llbe some other guys mentioned that they're doing
a really good job. But DanCampbell, Dan Campbell, Yes, but
we expect but think about it,we expected them to win the division this
year, right, yeah, again, so we expected the Texans to win.
About right now is where we expectedthe Texans to end up five or
six of these. If you're lucky, you get to seven. If you're
off the charts this year, youget to eight. Three more and they're
at eight. So yes, Danwould be involved in it too because of

the way he'd and they were smart. That goes back to fire and a
coach. You could have fired himat the beginning of last year if you
wanted to, because it was like, well, where are they going?
And then bam, all of asudden, they pick it up in the
front office decided no, we likewhat he's doing. And here we are
with Dan Campbell's team that is reallyreally frigging good, really really good.
But yeah, Demi Goo is init now here. He's no doubt the

coach of the year. He belongsin the conversation. But we can't discount
Mike Tomlin and Dan Campbell yet butat the midway point in the picture,
yep in the picture for Dimiko Ryans. He was on the Pat McAfee show
yesterday and had some things to sayabout c J Stroud. We'll hear the
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a Dillard Back to the Sean Salisburyshow, Sun Tanto Ticklin sand drank killing

man, watchensleep in the evil restingup for long long is when the sun
goes down. Will be goobing whensun goes down, filling all right,
when the sun saks down over thewater Everything or back of the Shawn south

Ray Show goes down. Sean BryantTripley here with you this morning. The
NFL suspending Texans Denzel Perriman three gamesfor legal hits, Georgia overtaking Ohio State,
and the College Football playoff rankings Michiganand Florida State still in the top
four. Brandon Hyde of the BaltimoreOrioles is the AL Manager of the Year

Skip Shoemaker National League Manager of theYear for the Miami Marlin Ones. Demigo
Ryan's, head coach of the HoustonTexans, was on the Pat McAfee show
yesterday talking about CJ Stroud and thisis what he had to say about the
quarterback. CJ is doing an outstandingjob. Has everyone seen. The most
important thing is how he's you know, in the locker room and the way

the guys behind him right, theway they fight for him, they want
to play for him. He's exudedthat confidence and I think his confidence has
ripped off on our entire team,right, And that's what you have to
have at that quarterback position. Theguy that everybody in the organization, the
guy that everybody in the locker roombelieves in. And that's what CJ has
been proven over the past couple ofweeks that he's a guy as you can

believe in exuded good word from coachRyan's. Yeah, it's it's pretty impressive
to see. You know, There'sthere's just certain guys that come along and
that just with their toughness, theway they approach the game, the way

they elevate players around them, andthough just the way that you you almost
feel, I guess secure as aas a player, knowing that they he's
got you, that you shouldn't haveto worry about anything no matter what happens.
I'm gonna make sure I got you. And I think teammates knowing that
on teams I've been in it wasI mean, I can go through guys

that I played with it didn't bringthat, and I can go with guys
that did, and the guys thatdo. They're just it's like a magnet
to them. In the locker room, Everybody wants to hear what they got
to say. Everybody wants to bearound them because you feel like it's going
to rub off on you, andin truth, it does. It just
rubs off because there's never a timewhen you feel like we're out of it

or that he's going to place theblame somewhere else. It's those guys are
important, man, and it takesa while to accomplish that, and for
most, for most, it takesa career. For some different you know,
different dudes, different cats. Yougrab onto it quick and this guy's

that guy. And I can tellyou another thing. When people say,
well, do you have to bethe quarterback to be a leader. No,
it can be the left tackle,it can be the center, it
can be the running back. Thatit doesn't matter, it's just a quarterback.
They expect it because you're kind ofyou're saddled with it because you're in
that position to lead. And youknow, I'm a big trust and inspire
guy when it comes to leadership.I'm big on showing them, not telling

them. And if you do tellthem, make sure you're the one out
in front showing them and willing totake the punches to the face for them.
And at quarterback, that's your numberone priority on a football team,
the trust and inspire the guys aroundyou. And it sounds cheesy, but
it's a simple fact. And Idon't know if you can teach it.
But I can also tell you this, if they were two and what are

they played? Not two and sevenand he was playing good but not great,
the narrative will be winning and playgood football helps, but that also
goes with what's best what comes first, production or leadership when it comes to
who you trust, listen, leadership, that's a lot of DNA. But

if you're alive, if you're aguy who talks, and you know those
type of leaders, the talkative leadersthat don't perform, nobody cares vocal leaders,
right, and even if if you'rean introverted or when I say inert,
a guy who's not a big chatter, that you lead, but you're
like E. F. Hutt andthe old commercial that when you talk,
people listen. That when just theway you care, people aren't just listening

to you, they're watching you andhow you go about your daily business of
work. And not just the backupquarterbacks. It's everybody watching, well,
what times this guy get in Andthen it gets to a point where you
say, I want to get itwhen he gets in something that's good and
it just it just happens. Butthe production, the fact that he's leading
but also leading out in front withproduction. And it's interesting you're usually listen,

standing at the back and yelling topeople telling them what to do.
To me, that's not leadership.To me is and you say, here,
here's how we're going to do it, and you jump to the front
of the line. And I thinkCJ. Stroud's done it without having to.
And leaders don't have to tell youtheir leader. They don't. It's
like that person who says, hey, man, I think I'm really classy.

If you're really classy, we gotyou. It's going to show it,
of course. And so with him, I don't think he has to
say I'm a leader, you dowhat I do. I just think he
has to keep doing what he's doing. And his example of not only play
on the field, but how hehandles his business every day. Quarterbacks,
most people don't talk I mean Manning'sperformance. I'm just using him as an
example of twenty eight picks. Isa rookie, but Manning's performance you think

he led by Do you think atthe end of his rookie year that players
in Indianapolis were like, guy,can't lead he through twenty eight picks or
do you think they're saying, oh, we're in good hands. Even though
he through twenty eight picks, hecontinued to grind which one do you think
it was? Probably? Yeah?Now performance matters, but you knew through
his rookie year that he was goingto be something special because he was going
to go back to work. Andit's the same with Stroud. That's why

a loss against Carolina didn't affect him, because he's just different and I can't
I can't teach that, and Idon't think anybody can. Yeah, what's
it? So? I guess Iwant to get from your experience. What's
it like to go into a lockerroom where you don't trust your head coach?
Have you been? Have you beena part of UH or like where
you oh yeah, you got anyquestionings? No shot? Yeah? And

the opposite is true that you gointo a locker room, you're on a
one or two game losing streak,you haven't played really good football, and
the guy stands up in front ofyou, and instead of in pointing fingers
and saying we no, no,no, no, he starts to tell
you how we're going to get itfixed and continues to lead on the practice
field as the coach and expectations andmaking the right changes. Yeah, if

you've got a coach who you don'ttrust, oh you can, you can
flat ass forget it. Yeah.I just may win a couple of games
with talent, but eventually, eventuallythe fracture of it will turn into a
major breakbaly won't happen. I justI look back to how the team was
last year, and there's still agood amount of those players on this roster
that were on the team last yearwhere you didn't really get by in.

Now, all of a sudden,to Mimiko Ryans comes in with a couple
of new coaches, and the byan'scompletely different. Yeah, so all of
a sudden, you know, likethese are the times when you stated coaching
make a difference. Of course itdid. Of course it did. And
that's no disrespect to the guys beforehim, and David Cully or Bill O'Brien
or Lovey Smith. The bottom lineis all three of the guys before him

had listen, name me a personor a thought process. Right now,
even when they lost to Carolina,come out and said, nah, I
love you. I mean, TamikoRyans just doesn't get it. You haven't
heard any matter of fact, itwas the opposite, but with Bill O'Brien
the first thing with abrasive and powerhungry, even though Bill O'Brien's a really
good x as and O's coach,whether you like he is. And then
well what's wrong with New England?Well New England just doesn't have They might

be very good, Okay, theydon't have a lot of great players.
And then with David Cully awesome supportingactor, he's not the lead. And
with love Smith was the lead andreally good you know that lead that was
a sporting actor and an a listerat one point in time, and then
you get to a point in timewhen they're playing in roles that are like,
he can't lead anymore, but wejust like to have him because it's

important, right, That's that wasLovey Smith. Because he needs to be
there's and and people recognize and stilllike him, but he can't carry a
movie. Just can't used to beable to, can't. Now the guy
here is a young, gung,young gun actor who is waiting for his
first major breakthrough role and when hegets it, he'll kill it, which

he's doing, and then all ofa sudden it's like, ooh, I
got it. He's a twenty milliondollar movie guy. That's what we're headed
to here. Yeah, and it'sjust it's not a bad thing, but
it's also comes a point in timewhen it's time for the other actor to,
you know, the guy who's notthe lead anymore, to move on
to something else or to get backto a supporting role, and it's time
for this guy to step up.And uh, whatever it is that Tamiko

Ryans has learned and done and fromall the people that he's been taught by,
he's applied it and he's he's movedout the clutter of the negative stuff
and cleared that out. This team'sin the best well since I've been here.
This is the best approach they've had, and that's a decade. Even
though they were winning then, Idon't even think they had full trust in
Bill O'Brien. Then. I justthink they had some good players. So

they had better players and Bill.And when Bill was just focused on calling
plays and then trying to win,it's when he got power hunger and wanted
control of it all. He couldn'tcontrol any of it. Tomiico Ryans,
to me, see, Demiico Ryansis just going to have power heaped upon
him. Why because he can bebecause he can shoulder it. I don't
think I think the difference is oneyou can tell the stress hit, I

mean, was bogging him down here. I don't think that if it does
bother and we have never seen himsweat, I can tell you that,
yeah, we don't see that.Those players trust matters man, and it's
it's as important in any walk oflife that we have. And the Texans
have gathered that with two more,two real important people, the guy who
throws it and the guy who coachesit. And then the rest goes from

there. Another important person, thisone on the defense. Linebacker Denzel Perriman
was suspended yesterday by the NFL forwhat We'll talk about it next on Sports
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go Men's Tea. This is theSewan Salisbury Show. Are you not entertaining?
And let's just begin now alcohol thereyou go. On Sports Talk seven

ninety there's a new and Blue andlack of never known. I'm breathing deeper

than I've ever done and sure Fields. Good college football playoff rankings released last
night, Georgia taking the number onespot over House State, Michigan and Florida
State rounding out the top four.Brandon Hide to the Baltimore Orioles was named
the American League Manager of the Year. Miami Marlin Skips Schumacher won the National

League Award. Continue to talk TheseTexans Denzel Perriman, one of the linebackers
for Houston, was suspended for threegames for repeated violations of playing rules intended
to protect the health and safety ofplayers, including this Sunday's game against the

Cincinnati Bengals. Denzel Perryman, Yeah, the past Sunday, this last one,
yes, yeah, good. He'shad six violations throughout his career.
He's played in the league for eightyears, so that is six penalties in
one hundred and two games. Theyhave not six penalties. Six of these

penalties of this particular penalty, sohe gets three games for that. They
must there must be a They musthave a like in so many technical fouls.
I don't know, but I'm assumingthere must be a when they review
it, like the UH and Idon't know if it's true, but it
feels to me with this, ifyou're really judging it, it feels like

in the NBA, you know,when you get so many technical fouls,
you miss you miss time. Yeah, like Draymond Green. That's exactly right.
It feels to me this is theDraymond Green Rasheed Wallace type of thing
of you just you've you've overdone yourwelcome with these type of penalties. If
it is a rule, and I'massuming, I don't think they just said,
hey, let's go get him.He's had sixties. There's got to

be a trend that says, youget to this point, we got to
take a long, hard look andwhy you may not like the rule.
If it is a rule, thenParamoun needs to play smarter. It's just
the way it is. I don'tmind playing hard and going for it's fine.
But now, unfortunately, with theway it happened, guess what that
means? Did you you hurt yourteam by being out three weeks? You

hurt your team? So I mean, and if they and if there's no
rule that says a certain amount thatwe got to look at, then maybe
it's the way that they're going aboutit that bothers the the the infraction committee.
So if you do the math,six of these penalties, which in

this official letter from the NFL announcingthat Denzel Pairmant was suspended three games,
he's had multiple offenses and for personalfouls of this type, six of them.
If he's played in one hundred andtwo games in his career, he's
had six of these. That's wonevery seventeen games yeah, of that type.

Does it say in there does itsay, I mean, if you're
at him. I guess you canprobably appeal it, can't you. Yeah?
It says under the Collective Bargaining Agreement, pairment may appeal the suspension and
he gets it down to two games. Yeah, if he usually have.
My question is in that rule isthere a threshold of if you get to
this point of this same type penalty. We got to look at it.

All it says is NFL vice Presientinto Football Operations issued the suspension for a
violation of Rule twelve, Section two, Article ten A, which states that
it is a foul if a playerlowers his head and makes forcible contact with
his helmet against an opponent. Whattells me is they've seen a trend here,
whether we like it or not,they've seen a trend of lowering your
helmet and getting caught. Now,some of it can be just a referees

opinion, right, cawl in apenalty. One thing I would like to
caution our fans against. Well,it sucks. I hate it, you
know how I am dude. Ithink the rules are too soft. I
think we protect quarterbacks too much.We don't protect defensive players at all.
All that stuff. I mean,now minimum, you can't peel back and
cut a guy. You can't cut, you can't block below the waist on

special teams, we're trying to protectthem that way. And it seems like
when it comes to head injuries,we're far more. We'll protect that more
than we will a guy who blewout his knee five times. Right.
We seems like above the waist weprotect far more than below the waist.
And I understand, but I thinkwe've gone overboard on the rule I do.
It's tackle football. It's a violentgame and people are going to get

hurt. I hate it, butyou don't want it to be self inflicted
by If you don't see what youhit, you're gonna get called for it
every time. You have to seewhat you hit. And according to them,
lowering your helmet pairman six times inthe last in seven years is not
seen your eight years, whatever it'sbeen, is not seeing what he hits.
We can argue the rule all thetime. What I don't want to

hear, Oh, they got itin for us in the Texas. No
they don't. No, the Texanshaven't been good enough for anybody to have
it in for them. Matter offact, they've been insignificant that nobody's even
paying attention to them. The onlytime they've paid attention to him the last
four years is because of what wasgoing on with the Watson stuff. Other
than that, nobody gave a ratsass, even even locally. They became

a non factor in the thought otherthan all of us bitching why aren't they
better? So, no, theydon't have it in for you. No,
they don't care about it. ButI'll tell you what you're doing now
you're opening eye. You should actuallyand I don't mean this mad roundabout way
look at it is. Well,it may be a slap in the face.
It may be one of those goods. People now know who you are,

Demiko, Ryan's and and what youknow CJ and the way they're flying
around. So now people are startingto take notice. So there's a tension.
But Paraman drew the wrong. Nowhe's a I'll tell you, I
love the way flies around. Man. I don't want to coach. I
don't want to coach aggressiveness out ofhim. But there's a fine line between
aggressiveness. Listen, while I don'tlike all the rules and some of them
may have been somebody else dropping theirhead and he got called for it.

We see it every week. Receivergoes over the middle, drops his head
and you're trying to go low tostay away from hitting him in the head,
and all of a sudden you hitwho They blaming them. They're blaming
on the defender, not the widereceiver or somebody who lowered their head to
initiate the contact, to protect themselves. So in trying to protect themselves,
they put themselves in harm's way.Well, I don't like it, but
the truth of the matter is alsothey don't have it. They don't have

it in for the Houston Texans,we're not that significant yet here. They're
working on it. They're getting significant, but they're not. So for me,
it's listen, we need him onthe field. I don't want to
coach aggressiveness out of him, butI would imagine Demiko also talking to him
about we got to play smarter becausehe's doing me no good as a team,
meaning Demico on the team in streetclose, and I think he knows

that, and he's a valuable playeron this team. You just gotta be
smarter because three games is significant now. He'll, he'll, he'll, I
would hope, appeal it, getit down to two if he's lucky.
Want to be ready to go bythe time thanksgivings passed, right, the
tough tough sled. I hate thatrule, especially when an offensive player that
has the football, like a widereceiver, starts a starts to fall or

goes down and the defender has alreadylaunched their body to try to make a
tackle, and the way that thereceiver is going down that they hit the
head right. So that's why Iwas talking about the receiver. That's why
I said, yeah, yeah,So like I don't like that because if
he doesn't fall and the defender hasalready lunched his body, it's a stereotypical
hit, well fundamental hit, butyet because the way he's fallen that subjects

his head to it, But yetthe defender gets called for it. I
don't Yeah, there's got to beintent. And to me, when they
tell you here, you've got tohit this certain area and a guy and
you're going for his stomach area,the mid section and he all of a
sudden catches it and dips his headand shoulders. When your head and when
your body goes down, Your headgoes down. It's natural. What do

we do. We dip our chinto protect what they tell you to do
that dip your head and protect yourself. Basically, you put your head between
your legs and kiss your ear andyou ask, abye, so what you're
doing protecting yourself? And the guy'salready going to hit you in the mid
section and you drive, and they'regoing to call it on that that can't
be called on either guy once tryingto protect themselves, the other's trying to
live by the rule and they hithelmet. The helmet that's not on the

defender. We've gotten to the pointwhere we go after these defensive players for
playing violent football, but legally viayou can be violent still do it legally,
that's your job as a defender,I'm sorry to tell you just is
Yeah, and you're getting hit withthe wrong and they're not going to get
any easier. The rules are gettingto the point where I don't know how

you play football on defense if thiscontinues flag football that they don't have it
in for the Texas to save it. Yeah, no, not at all.
I just the three games and youbreak it break it down per game
and things like that throughout Pairman's career. I don't know. I think it's
a little harsh in my opinion,but agreed, well, hopefully he appeals
it and gets it figured out.Let's get to the seven o'clock hour.
Where are the Texans in the NFLPower rankings? Have they made it into

the top ten. We'll discuss thatnext right here on the Shawn Salisbury Show.
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your home teams driven by the classicelite Buick GMC Studios for the elite car
buying experience. Salisbury, Albury,Salisbury, Houston. Okay, let's do
this. Shawn Salisbury Bury, youChohn's longtime friend shown Salisbury, Ryan La

Lima Lobos, Tom addicted to theShankake Chopin. This is the Shawn Salisbury
Show. You're listening to the ShawnSalisbury show here on Sports Talk seven,
and you can also list space onthe free iHeartRadio app. Shawn Salisbury,
Brian li Lima, Manuel Elmore,the NFL suspending linebacker Texan Texans linebacker Denzel

Perryman three games for illegal hits.Georgia overtakes Ohio State and the College FOOTBA
playoff rankings. Michigan and Florida Staterounding out the top four. Baltimore Orioles
Brandon Hyde named manager of the Yearin the American League. Miami Marlin scoop
Skip Shoemaker won the National League Award. Let's look at some power rankings in
the NFL. You want to tryto get one through five. Sean I

have not looked at him, soI always like to save this for uh
these, for these nuts, thesenuts. I would say one is the
Philadelphia Eagles. One Isn't Heed thePhiladelphia Eagles. Check that out. I'm
not looking at power A. I'mjust thinking of the standard. I'm just

gonna go off the top of myhead. Two off the rind of Kansas
City Chiefs, BINGO. Three.I still think they love the Baltimore Ravens.
Okay, uh three, maybe DetroitLions. No. I'm the three.
Let me think NFC okay, NFCEast, No, no, it's

not the Cowboys, NFC West,Uh, NFC West, not Seattle.
Who else had San Francisco? Maybe? But three losses? Can't put them
third yet they are? They there? You go, that's three? And
then uh this this number four is? Uh? Number four is let's see

AFC. It can't be Pittsburgh.Nope, Baltimore same division, not Cleveland
Browns. The Cleveland Browns all theway up to number four. You see,
I still think Baltimore is better.Even though Cleveland beat them. They

got Baltimore if they if they playedin Baltimore. Five Okay, yeah,
I wouldn't have put Cleveland four.I get if they're in the top six
or seven, but I don't.I don't think now their defense now Watson
first half was awful, second halfcame on. So if you got them
at four, how's that for irony? The best? I mean the six
and three team teams that have what'stheir record right now? The brown as

well? The Browns are six andthree. Yes, yeah, so I
mean if you're well, I guesswhat we're talking abous what we foresee happening
because In truth, most teams withthree losses in nine games, like the
forty nine Ers and the way theylost, are probably not worthy of top

five powerings. But if you're askingme if I think the forty nine Ers
are one of the five best teamsin the league, my answer is absolutely,
And when they're loaded with a healthyroster, they may very well be
the best. Yeah, in thisday. Note that with the forty nine
Ers returning Trent Williams and Deebo Samuel, there's your reasoning, And I get
it because I have them playing theCincinnati Bengals in the Super Bowl, and

I'll be honest with you, I'mnot backing off from that yet. No,
I think and one's gonna last thesame thing, right, And I
got Cincinnati winning, Joe Burrow doingto San Francisco what Joe Montana did to
Cincinnati when they won a Super Bowl, and I think it was the slant
route to John Taylor for the winso on a final drive. So I,

well, Cincinnati is not getting there, I'd be I'd caution that,
and that gives lends credit to whatthe Houston Texans are doing as well,
And the forty nine Ers are notgoing away a matter of fact, the
forty nine ers, in my opinion, if you played in a round robin,
forty nine ers in Philadelphia are thebest teams in the NFC. Yeah,
and then Detroit deserves Detroit should beahead of Cleveland on that list.

Detroit's coming in at number six.I would put detroit ahead of Cleveland right
now. Got the Cowboys at seven, Dolphins at eight, Texans at nine,
and then around out the top tenas the Bengals, and they've earned
it. Good for them. Yeah, In this they say QB. C.
J. Shroud is pretty much wrappedup. The offensive rookie of the
year, perhaps the first rookie everto throw for five thousand yards in a
season, is getting traction as potentiallythe first freshman to win league MVP honors

in the Super Bowl era. Shouldn'thurt his cause to play the next three
weeks in Houston and maybe get somehelp from the ground game. After Devin
Singletary exploded for a career high onehundred and fifty rushing yards on Sunday,
If that rushing thing continues like that, by throwing it and setting up the
run and allowing it to be moresuccessful, if that is the case,

they're going to be really if itput it this way, if their running
game improves that great, they'll they'llwin the division. Yeah, they'll come
back and win this division if that'sthe case. And speaking of the division,
they got the Jaguars at number elevenastounding, a resounding and to their
five game winning streak. Is alsoprobably a reminder how reliant they are on
turnovers. Jacksonville didn't generate even onetakeaway for the first time since Week three,

which was the jags previous loss.They play the Texans by the Jagson
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elite car buying experience. Salsbury,Albury, Salisbury, Houston. Okay,
let's do this. Sewn Salisbury,U S John, longtime friend John Salisbury,
Ryan La Lima, go Lobo canstop the dick to the shame,

take chop down, Come doun away. This is the Sewn Salisbury Show.
You're a listening to the Sewn SalisburyShow here on sport It's Talk seven and
you can also space on the freeiHeartRadio app. Shawn Salisbury, Brian li
Lima, Manuel Elmore, the NFLsuspending linebacker Texan Texans linebacker Denzel Perriman three

games for illegal hits. Georgia overtakesOhio State and the College FOOTBA playoff rankings.
Michigan and Florida State rounding out thetop four. Baltimore Orioles Brandon Hyde
named manager of the Year in theAmerican League. Miami Marlin Scoop Skip Shoemaker
won the National League Award. Let'slook at some power rankings in the NFL.

You want to try to guess onethrough five? Sean I have not
looked at him, so I alwayslike to save this for these, for
these nuts, these nuts. Iwould say one is the Philadelphia Eagles.
One is indeed the Philadelphia Eagles.Check that out. I'm not looking at

power aram, I'm just thinking ofthe standard. I'm just gonna go off
the top of my head. Twooff the rip, Kansas City Chiefs,
bingo. Three. I still thinkthey love the Baltimore Ravens. Okay,
uh three? Maybe Detroit Lions nomthe three. Let me think NFC okay,

NFC East, No, No,it's not the Cowboys, NFC West,
uh, NFC West, not Seattle? Who else had San Francisco?
Maybe? But three losses can't putthem third? Yet? Are they there
you go, that's three, andthen uh this this number four is number

four is let's see AFC, itcan't be Pittsburgh Baltimore, same division,
not Cleveland Browns, the Cleveland Brownsall the way up to number four.

You see, I still think Baltimoreis better even though Cleveland beat them.
They got Baltimore if they play,if they played in Baltimore five. Okay,
yeah, I wouldn't have put Clevelandfour. I get if they're in
the top six or seven, butI don't think now their defense now Watson
first half was awful, second halfcame on. So if you got them
at four, how's that for irony? The best? I mean the six

and three team teams that have what'stheir record right now? The brown six
and three as well? The Brownsare six and three. Yes, yeah,
So I mean if you're well,I guess what we're talking about is
what we foresee happening. Because intruth, most teams with three losses in
nine games, like the forty nineErs in the way they lost, are

probably not worthy of top five powerings. But if you're asking me, if
I think the forty nine Ers areone of the five best teams in the
league. My answer is absolutely,and when they're loaded with a healthy roster,
they may very well be the best. Yeah. In this they note
that with the forty nine ers returningTrent Williams and Deebo Samuel, there's your
reasoning, and I get it becauseI have them playing the Cincinnati Bengals in

the Super Bowl. And I'll behonest with you, I'm not backing off
from that yet. No, Ithink and one's gonna last the same thing,
right, And I got Cincinnati winning, Joe Burrow doing to San Francisco
what Joe Montana did to Cincinnati whenthey won a Super Bowl, and I
think it was the slant route toJohn Taylor for the win so on a
final drive. So I well,Cincinnati is not getting there, I'd be

I'd caution that, and that givesLyn's credit to what the Houston Texans are
doing as well, and the fortynine ers are not going away. A
matter of fact, the forty nineers, in my opinion, if you
played in a round robin, fortynine ers in Philadelphia are the best teams
in the NFC. Yeah, andthen Detroit deserves Detroit should be ahead of
Cleveland on that list. Detroit's comingin at number six. I would put
Detroit ahead of Cleveland right now.Got the Cowboys at seven, Dolphins at

eight, Texans at nine, andthen around out the top ten as the
Bengals and they've earned it. Goodfor them. Yeah, in this they
say QB. C. J.Shrouds pretty much wrapped up the offensive rookie
of the year, perhaps the firstrookie ever to throw for five thousand yards
in a season. Is getting tractionas potentially the first freshman to win league
MVP honors in the Super Bowl era. Shouldn't hurt his cause to play the

next three weeks in Houston and maybeget some help from the ground game after
Devin Singletary exploded for a career highone hundred and fifty rushing yards on Sunday.
If that rushing thing continues like that, by throwing it and setting up
the run and allowing it to bemore successful, if that is the case,
they're going to be really if it. Put it this way, if
their running game improves that great,they'll they'll win the division. Yeah,

they'll come back and win this divisionif that's the case. And speaking of
the division, they got the Jaguarsat number eleven as a resounding into their
five game winning streak. Is alsoprobably a reminder how reliant they are on
turnovers. Jacksonville didn't generate even onetakeaway for the first time since Week three,
which was the jags previous loss.They play the Texans by the Jags
in two weeks now. The Jagsconcern me because of the way and they're

playing a good team that they seemto get hammered something when they lose.
At times. It's big. Theygot their ask it bugs, they got
their ass. They supposed to showyou that the forty nine ers ain't playing,
but the Jacksonville won't go away.But the resilience to and the fortitude
to beat great teams regularly, Igot to see more of it. I

got to see more of it.They should beat the Colts, But can
you beat the forty nine ers,Can you beat the Eagles? Can you
beat those teams regularly? And getyourself to it because the division says you
can win home field advantage throughout theperformance against the forty nine ers says you're
going to struggle to be the divisionwinner. So and the forty nine ers,
I mean the overall and especially onoffense, and at quarterback, this

guy here is playing better than theiroffense. In that quarterback he just is.
Yeah, you mentioned the Steelers,they're coming number twelve, and it's
because their record, Because if youjust look at it on the surface,
you just studied their offense, you'dsay this is a bottom third team.
And then you look at Mike Tomlinand the way they fly around and force
turnovers and get after you. Nowyou're looking at and saying, oh,

I get it. Six and threein the toughest right now is proven to
be the toughest division in football ispretty impressive. You may get to a
point in December when all four teamsare in playoff contention. All four aren't
going to make it because they're justgoing to buy math alone are going to
eliminate one of them. But threeof them look to be a matter of
fact, they think if the playoffsstarted today, that old thing, and

they don't. The midway through,the Brown, Steelers and Ravens all make
the playoffs. And the one teamthat everybody thinks could be better than all
of them is the Bengals, andthey would not make it. Right now,
do you know where the Pittsburgh Steelersrank when it comes to offense.
Yeah, either thirty first or thirtysecond. So they are bottom five in

the league. They're twenty eighth.Is that total offense or points? That's
about points. I could care lessabout anything else. Okay, So this
is total offense? Yards per game? Yeah, the yard don't do anything
for me. Okay, yards pergame, okay, tell me points per
game they are they're twenty seventh.Okay, so right, seventeen points a
game, right, which isn't goingto be now now you keep going seventeen,

Eventually it's going to catch up tohim. As good as Mike Tomlin
is, he can't score. Heain't scoring seventeen more game. Now if
they pick now, listen, youthink, well, they can't get worse
offensively, so you would expect themto even get better. I would hope
than seventeen points a game. Butfor me, yards are five. Yards
are an ego thing. If youplay all your yards between the twenty I

mean between the twenty and the twentyin the middle of the field, I
don't have problem with it. Yougo ahead and kick field goals and do
all that. I'll win more gamesthan you do. But the other side
of it is for me, Idon't I point yards on meeting and you
tell me their points because you canthrow for six. I don't care if
you have six hundred yard total offense. If you score twelve points, fourteen

points, seventeen points, you're gonnalose most of your games unless your defense
is the two thousand Baltimore Ravens.You know who the bottom two are in
points? I would probably think thatthe Giants are at the the dead last,
and the Jets third to last,and maybe the Cardinals fourth to last
I'm sorry fifth, and then thesecond place team, the second team in

that. Uh, it's crazy tothink about Tennessee Titans. They're right there.
But it's the New England pat Patriots. Oh yeah, fourteen point one
points again. Their offense blows.It's awful. Is Bill Belichick gone?
Uh? One of two things aregoing to happen. In my opinion,
He's either gonna move upstairs and bringin like a Mike Vrabel guy if you

can bring him, if Mike orsomebody would want that, or he's gonna
end up coming to an agreement topart ways and start something fresh for not
only for the organization, for himand if the Washington commanders don't work things
out, don't be surprised with newownership. If Bill Belichick ends up somewhere
like that, wow and out withoutwith Ron Rivera. Well, if they

don't make the playoffs, I don'tthink Ron's gonna survive it. And it
bumps me out because I love RonI do, and it affects my guy
Jack del Real, but there's noquestion, and it would affect Eric the
enemy too, so for me.I mean, guys that are really good
at their jobs but they're just notgetting the results they want continuously, don't
be if they do part ways.Belichick won't retire, he didn't want to

end like that. He'll go somewherewhere he sees where he can find a
guy like c. J. Stroudthat can do what Brady did for him,
get him to the next level.Don't be surprised if somebody like that
tries to pay him twenty million bucksa year and lure him away. Because
the Washington A team, I'm notfiring those guys, but a team like
that, they want a splash right, don't you want to splash hire?

Splash hire? Wouldn't it be?Wouldn't it be? A guy like Bill
Belichick to go and say if heleaves New England, you're not going to
find anybody better to do that.Mike Tomlin and Andy Reid aren't available,
So I think that I think it'sI don't know what salary makes it sound
like that they don't like each other. I just think maybe, just maybe

it's run its course. Yeah,I think so with him as on the
sideline's head coach front office, thereget a coach or leave and a team
like Washington will stand in line forlet's head to the stake out. Next
on Sports Talk seven ninety, Nextup Stanton or Fleet ten Chris Corney,
New Energy, new voice, bringingthat next up mentality r next time,

What a time and a vibe tobe in this city is nothing like it?
In Sports This Morning at ten onSports Talk seven ninety. Now to
drive from the Classic Elites bing GMCtraffic Center inbound on the Southwest Freeway.
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for all your information. Shotgun withsomeone who's thrown from the shotgun. Football

is war? Helmet to helmet SeanSalisbury, Brian Lolima, you want to
see what a real football looks like. This is the Sean Salisbury Show on
Sports Talk seven ninety All right,Sean, what are you hearing out there

now? The Salisbury stakeout Salisbury outon the Seawan Salisbury Show. Stiper for
the stake out here on the ShawnSalisbury Show. Sean Brian and Tripley here
with you. NFL suspending Texans linebackerDenzel Peram in three games, Georgia,
Ohio State, Michigan, Florida State. That's the top four in the College

Football Playoff rankings. Baltimore Orioles BrandonHyde named American League Manager of the Year,
Miami Marland Skip Shoemaker won the NationalLeague Award. Before we gets to
the steakouts, get to Roger sevenseven one, Roger, what's going on?
Oh? Not too much? Sewnsewn and Brian, Hey, I
just wanted to say just how justhow special h. C. J.

Stroud is not not only on thefield, not only is his physical act,
dudes, his middle attributes are areare very they're they're often starts.
You know, this guy got draftedand immediately started making bonds with with all
his offensive lineman whoever was there beforeOC And he's during Oda's And I get

it that DeShawn used to do thisbut need be put massages, but this
guy does it at a level towhere these guys are reaching up for something
extra during the times they needed andgetting the job done. And and the
marriage between him and Miko is it'sbrilliant. It's perfect and it works.
It works well hand in hand becausethese guys are pretty much wanted to sing.

And I just think that we're onthe cusp of something something, something
great, really something great and somethingsubstantial. Something's gonna be uh something something
stable as well, it's gonna beuh uh. It's a long time coming
for a franchise that's been start andand uh benture so many disappointments. And
that's all I gotta say. Fellas, have a great one. Thank you,
Roger, you as well. Yeah, the relationship between Tamakeo, Ryans

and CJ. Shut is pretty special, man. I think we've seen that.
Uh, let's get to the steakout question I got for you,
Sean. Remember when Colorado played UC. L A At the Rose Bowl
and some of those color Morotto playerswere robbed of some jewelry, some money,
some things like that, Did Itell you to be did I tell
you to be a little uh totake a step back and tread not knowing

that the real story behind it,Yeah, like the dynamic of it.
Yeah, go ahead. Yeah.The alleged thiefs were high school students that
were on recruiting trips for UCLA football. It wasn't just somebody who came down
from the stands. And you knowwhere those guys are. They are on

the sidelines and recruiting. Come on, why were you? I mean,
well, I'm a recruit. Ican go in the locker room. I
mean, God, can't do that, man, you just can't do it.
I understand what Dion's saying. Listen, what I'm gonna tell my guys
not to wear jewelry or watches becauseit's they're enjoying the fruits of their labor
and they work hard for it.Great, you probably got to lock up

the locker room a little more andkeep people out of it. And well,
what are we coming to? That'sto me is just as brutal is
You know what, if I foundout it was a recruit that stole from
them and I was recruiting him,if it's your I'm not recruiting him anymore
because that's not an accident. That'sthat's a that's a character flaw. Basically,
you're stealing from a guy, andI know it's Colorado's locker room.

Some of those guys may end upgoing to Colorado anyway, right wherever Deon
Sanders is so to me. Yeah, your kidd he's all he's seventeen.
Shouldn't you feel bad? No,I don't care. He ain't just searching
for a loaf of bread like thatclown. What's what's her name? That
clown when we're going through all thewhen people were breaking windows and throwing throughoc
Yeah, the stealing, stealing computers, but they just want a loaf of

bread. Shut up, okay,just shut up, all right. I
don't care if they're searching for eightloaves of bread. Throwing bricks through windows
ain't the way to get a loafof bread. Matter of fact, you
bribe better do that at a grocerystore right now, they're just opening.
Oh you want bread, Come onin, take a computer, take a
watch. Nobody's gonna stop you.We'll fire the guy who defends the store
as opposed to the one who stealsit. Yeah, you talk about leadership,

what we don't have. Go toDC and I'll show where there ain't
leadership. But I digress, Butback to this. Got to protect your
locker room. If you stole fromif you were one of those recruits that
stole, and I know it,I will not recruit you, and if
I was UCLA, I don't givea rats ass. If it's a five
star player, five star player,two cent head, horrible, horrible character

that is. That's a decision,that's not an accident, made a decision,
no scholarship for you at my university. I don't give a rats ass
what background you come from. Ifyou're rich, if you're poor, if
you're somewhere in between, it mattersnot to me. You steal from a
teammate, and in essence, that'swhat you're doing what would possibly be a
future teammate, your scholarship. IfI'm offering it to you, I'll take

it off and offer it to afour star. Not a five star has
got better character than you, becausethat already tells me you're not in this
Deon Sanders taking the high road,saying that he doesn't want these kids' future
to be fined by a mistake atseventeen and eighteen years, I couldn't disagree
with him more. I agree withDion ninety percent of the time. It's

not defined by it. That's nota mistake. That's you know, what's
a mistake, and an accident runningthrough a yellow light that's turning red because
you thought you could get through theyellow light, and then you get offended.
And now that's a man. Ithought I could make it and you
didn't. Rolling stop at a redlight. Okay, cognizant, you can
get my point. An accident orman I made a wrong turn because I

didn't pay attention to GPS. Accidentleaving late because I woke up late and
did set an alarm. Maybe cognizantof it. But accident. An accident
isn't walking up a tunnel at theRose Bowl, walking into a locker room.
That's not You're seeing a watch ora gold chain or a diamond encrusted
chain sitting in there and you decidingthat's yours now. And I understand forgiveness

and compassion, but I also understandyou better send a message first. You
better send a message first. Hey, aren't you one of the I recruited
you? Aren't you that guy thatstole from me? You'll steal from another
teammate unless you learn, unless there'sat least a message scent that says you
got to you did the cry,you did the crimes. I do a
little bit of the time, andI'm not talking about jail. I'm talking

about a little bit of punishment,whether you pay it back, you got
to do community service. I don'tcare what it is. I'm talking about
just somehow, some way that youunderstand the mistake. And Deon's right about
making somebody when it's an accident ormistake, you're not going to punish him
for life. This isn't a lifesentence, but it is a very you

were very aware of what was goingon. That's not an accident. That's
on purpose. Okay, throwing abrick through a windows not on accident.
That's on purpose. Stealing from aguy that's on the field playing is a
character flaw. So I agree ninetynine point nine percent of things I love
beyond, but I couldn't disagree more. I agree that I don't want it
to be a life sentence that theysuffer for. But there does have to

be a little bit of punishment onthe edge of this, Yeah, because
I think it's if you don't,you're just basically saying you're an athlete,
because you know, we do tothe we should do to the person that
wasn't an athlete, they'd suffer somekind of punishment. At least you got
to send a message to these kidsso they don't do it again when they're
in your own locker room. Andhe did say that whatever punishment they get,
that is what it is. Butwe should not let this define them.

Agreed that part I completely gets.Not like I said, it's not
a life sentence, right, butit also there needs to be a message
sent. We don't do that enough. Yeah, but if you know,
it's like you said, like,if these kids happen to get to a
college campus wherever they go and play, and if and if people find out
who these kids are, they're allgonna not They're all going to know that

these were the dudes that went intothe locker room and stole a bunch of
stuff. And then hey, thatguy could probably steal from me. You're
walking down the street and a diamondand a diamond chain is on the ground.
It fell in somebody's clasp when theydidn't know it, and you pick
it up and keep it, andyou're in a difference to have at it.
Yeah, you walk into somebody's lockerroom, you might as well walk
to my home and take what's mine. Right, It's the same thing.
A locker room is your home.For those players. I agree with Dion

to the point, you don't haveto make them. They're not to find
by that. We all make mistakes. They won't be defined by But when
you make a mistake, there's gotto be some consequences and accountability. You're
teaching that on your team. Whywouldn't you teach you to a recruit?
With Texas A and M in searchof a new head coach, could they
make a run at Dion Sanders.We'll discuss the next on Sports Talk seven

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Houston's hold of Longhorn Football. Backto the Shawn Salisbury Show. Thanks you

Trump tread wet some at dust whileyou kid up the long way home,
Share some boot leg with your bestbudge. Wear a bit of that bombfire
smoke. If a backbor slang andtwang and your words and said and that
was a coup of verts, I'dbe doing all right. I nors go

and win a kid to the othershy cause back roads and cold down on.
Can't getting off cold some man upstairs. You know one thing that comes

to mind, Sean about this,uh these UCLA recruits that stole from Colorado
and holding kids accountable. Remember wesay U c l A recruits, Now
he's a u c l A gettingrecruited, getting recruited, he's actually a
sign And recruits would say, you'vealready signed and you're sealed and delivered,
and you're just going in there topiss off Colorado. I would imagine some

of those guys that are getting recruitedby both. That's just my gut feeling.
I think a lesson for the youngergeneration. I guess you know,
kids like kids that you coach oryou give lessons to and things like that,
when you hold them accountable, theybecome better people. Right they do,
right they do. And I thinkI try to do that with my

fourteen you kids that I coach everysingle day and every time that we're out
on the field, I try toteach them accountability. I try to teach
them that it's okay to fail becauseyou learn through things. Adversity is your
greatest what is it? Adversity isyour greatest adversary, you know, because
you learn so many different things throughit. And if you can learn it
at a younger age, will becomebetter people, better men. When they

get to that age, they holdyourself and others accountable. It gives you
if you got it, I mean, you don't want to make the same
mistake fourteen fifteen times. Right.Yeah, here's another thing. You know
what if you're one of those kidsand Dion said, you know what,
do you say, like, let'snot let's not define them. You want
to know what? I would loveto see some kid on social media said

I was one of those recruits stickout a video, say I took this
watch, I'm giving it back.We'll make sure it's delivered and I'm sorry,
I learned a valuable lesson. Thisis horrible and I'm a better person,
this better team. Can you imaginesomebody going but you know what they'll
do. For the most part,they'll hide from it. They'll let somebody
else cover for it because we don'tgive our kids or society we don't.

We don't let our kids fail,and that's a failures it and then it's
a double failure and that falls onthe parent too. I don't understand why
parents are so afraid to let theirkids fail. And I don't get it.
I had that we were talking aboutthat when in when I was at
Texas, A and M one ofthe questions about our youth, and I
said, social media has a bigis a big reason why the because everybody's

life on social media is either theworld's coming to an end or I'm living
the greatest life ever. Everybody was, even the life they had on social
media, we'd have no issues inthis world, be perfect, oh oh
my gosh. And if and thenthere's the woe was me. Somebody could
have the greatest blessing in the worldand they're just a constant bitch and they're
not happy unless they're unhappy. Soyou get the both. The end between

is where we all live. Wakeup some days you hate it. You're
like, I don't want to goto work, I'm tired. I don't
know why transparency or honest is suchan honesty is the new dishonesty that if
you're honest, you're not allowed todo it because we don't. Dude,
the sky could come up blue rightnow, and you could get on Twitter
and say the sky's blue and issupposed to be blue all day long,
and you know what, somebody comeon there and say, no, dude,

they're supposed to be like four clouds, and they'd be serious, like,
you can't be this stupid or thisemotional, this big of an emotional
buzzkill, right, But you're exactlyright. And I said, the biggest
problem we face and with our youthisn't a bad teacher, because where there's
a bad one, there's ten goodones. Parents. Parents is a big

part of it, the acountability,and it's the accountability, but it's the
why are we so afraid? Mymom and dad? You know, while
they protect you and listen, ithurts worse when your kids suffering then you
because and you guys don't have children, I do, It hurts far worse
because you almost I don't want tosay helpless, but it's their life and
you don't know how they're gonna dealwith the motion. You hope you set
them up well to deal with failurebecause uhhh, you're gonna it's not gonna

be the first time. And it'snot a life sentence when it's whether it's
failure on a test in school,whether it's you change jobs, whether it's
your car broke down, Go getit fixed. That's just the way it
works when you can. But Isaid, it's the fact that we don't
allow It's like we want to hidethat our kids failed. Listen, the
person who's telling you you shouldn't admitthat you failed is the same person who

failed themselves and the success Deon Sanders, I got news for it. Somewhere
Deon's been divorced. Dion knows whatfailure looks like. He's losing games,
he knows, But guess what,he knows how to deal with it because
somewhere along the line he held himselfaccountable and his family held him accountable,
which he's done. I mean,and it happens a lot of places.
So I don't understand. I don'tget it. I really don't. Protecting

protecting what's yours is one thing.Part of protecting them may very well be
saying I can't help you with thisone. You're going to deal with it.
Step up two years from now.You may be pissed at me for
two years and I want to talkto me, But in two years,
in five years, and when you'llbe grateful you did, as long as
it's done with the right character andheart. Man, you're trying to make

people better, and I root forpeople's success, but there's got to be
accountability, and we don't do thatenough. Yeah, And I think one
of the things that I see themost in you. No, I'm just
gonna use youth baseball because I'm aroundit so much is when a kid fails,
strikes out, boots a ball,drops a fly ball, walks a
bunch of people. There's too manyparents these days that make excuses for their

kid rather than just letting their kidsfail. It's okay if your kid sucks
for a game, it's okay.If your kid sucks for an app bat,
it's okay if your kid continues towalk people. Because you know what
it it's a lesson and they've gotto make the adjustment in the game of
baseball. And if they can learnto fail, I promise you it will

help them learn to fail in reallife. And they make adjustments, whether
it's in a relationship in school,when they get to college, and when
they get in the real world andget a job. Caring is one thing.
As a carrying parent, I wouldhope that most of us CARER Yeah,
I would think about our kids.But I can tell you this and
this is loud and stop preaching.Adam's just a fact of the people I've
been on Data driven Buddy is thehelicopter parent. I didn't say the caring

parent. There's a there's a bigdifferent difference the hell. And when I
say accountability, it doesn't always meanpunishment. It doesn't mean, oh,
go to your room for six months. It means simply accountable to It's okay
to tell someone yeah, I screwedup, man who hasn't If you can
raise your hands say you haven't screwedup somewhere along the line, big or
little, then you're a frigging liar. Say you're lying, you're a flat

line. But we'll accept that insociety more than will somebody being accountable hold
the truth. Somebody makes it amatter of fact. I actually think when
you make them say, it makesyou real. Dude, the helicopter parent,
you're the while your kid accountabily you'reyou're they're doing their kids such a
major disservice, huge disservice, andit's the helicopter parent that gets me to

back off from more coaching. Yeah, agree, I'm let me let me
tell you why I don't coach highschool football. On the side, I'll
fit it in at I'm off atten o'clock in the morning. So if
I'm not teaching there because I gotthree jobs and Chris, I'd love to
have been asked to in different citiesacross this country. I'm gonna tell you

why I don't because there's a there'sa certain group of parenting around there.
I'm not saying the majority of ninetygreat parents. I'm fortunate that the guys
I privately coach ninety eight percent ofthem are phenomenal parents, and they stay
away and hold their kid account youtake care of. It's not my job
right there, that hour's yours,and they want mentoring in that. But

the reason because all the stuff youcan't teach a kid without some of the
faculties coming. You set a cussword away from somebody heard you, and
then the parents are mad because ifyour kid's not everybody thinks their kid's Peyton
Manning. I'm sorry to tell younot every kid's Peyton Manning, and most
of them will never be Peyton Manning. I understand to aspire big, but

you get my point. I personallythat that is the main reason. Then
when somebody comes to Sean, canyou be an't want to come? Is
that I can't stand And it's nota lot of them, but is that
one can you have Friday Night?I believe? I mean when we got
to escort coaches off the field aftera loss in a high school football game
because your kid didn't play. AndI hate to say this to all the

parents, your kid's not always thebest player on the team. Sorry,
you just not. I have coachedplenty of them that, ah, he
should be starting. No, actuallyhe shouldn't. He hasn't earned it.
And when he's played, he hasn'tbeen good enough to keep the starting job.
And then some have. And thenthere's some bad coaches that aren't very
good at teaching, that are moreabusive than they are you know, the
way they're supposed to be. Butmost coaches and teachers do it the right

way. Everybody's got one or twothat are like But for me, That's
the main reason for me is whymy Friday nights are supposed to be fun.
I'm not going on a Friday nightto deal with a and then somebody
else You're like, you can't win. Somebody's always and I'm not worried about
them being I don't really give arat's ask what they think about me if
I'm doing it the right way.But that's one thing, because you did,

they strip the fun out of it. We're all accountable for mistakes we
make on and off the field.Deal with it because at some point in
time you'll be grateful you did.My mom and dad, I've made a
lot of mistakes, still do,and they're both dead. But I can
tell you this. I always thinkback, Yeah, my pops would have
been on my ass for yeah.Yeah. One of the best things I've
ever heard it was by our ownerof Mandito's Baseball Ray Daily On. He
said he told parents, and hetells them all the time, your kid

is only as is half as goodas you think they are. And that's
something that I stand by to thisday and I will always because you may
think your kid is dere Jeter ain'tnot even half of that. He's not
half of that. And that's okay, okay, yes it is my god,
the majority of the world's not DerekJeter, right or Peyton Manning,

that's right. So yeah, man, you want to get off our soapbox
now or you want to soapbox?Did you brought it? He brought up
like accountability and still it's been themeof the show as we were talking about
coaches NFL well, Joe Spotta,and it doesn't just stop at junior higher
high school right when you're there's there'ssome people who need accountability at forty still
playing yeah, thirty five, weall do. Yeah, And you know

what, I get held accountable whenI coach. There are times where I
don't make good decisions and I holdmyself accountable for those. Every day I
wake up with driving, I say, what A what A screwed? You
screwed that one up? Right?Yeah, So let's let's get to break
and let's continue to talk coaching.What is Texas and I'm gonna do with
their vacant head coaching spot. Couldthey make a run to de On Sanders.
That's next on Sports Talk seven ninety, But first it's time for the

Cougar Daily updates and Houston Cougar football. They're gonna honor the seniors this Saturday.
It's a big day. If youever been through a senior ceremony for
sports, it's a it's a bigone. It's gonna be at TDECU Stadium
this Saturday, November eighteenth, atthree o'clock they take on Oklahoma State,
honoring the seniors for Cougar football.When you're headed over to TDECU Stadium to

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get a dose. The Sean SalisburyShow continues on your smart TV. Listen

to Sports Talk seven ninety on anydevice with our free iHeartRadio app truck could

even run black that you're listening tothe John South's Very Show here on Sports
Talk seven. I need the NFLsuspending Texans Denzel Perryman three games for illegal
hits. Georgia now the number oneteam in the college football playoff rankings.
Ohio State at number two, Michiganat number three, Florida State at number

four. Let's talk Texas A andM. They're looking for their next head
coach. Obviously, the number oneman with some rumors towards him is Deon
Sanders. He addressed those and said, I'm here. Tell them what I

tell them, what I told themwhen I came. I'm here. I'm
here. I tell my mother's here, my sister's here, my dog is
here, my daughter's here, threeof my sons are here. My other
daughter comes to darn near every homegame. We're here. I get mail
here, I pay taxes here.I'm here. Don't hear that. Maybe
our recruiting staff hears it, butI don't hear it. I'm too honest
with parents. I'm gonna tell himthe truth. End quote. So does

that mean he's not interested? Iwould say that he's not. He's here
now, correct? Okay, Idon't I do believe he'd entertain it.
Yeah, I'm gonna tell you rightnow. I'm gonna find an answer.
I'm gonna find out people. I'mgonna do some asking number one. But
regardless, he should, he isthere and he and he owes it to

Colorado to finish this season strong.He's gonna have to deal with this every
year if they keep building what they'rebuilding at Colorado. That's a that's the
blessing in the curse of being agood coach that gets buy in and is
a good leader. That's one yougot Dabbo, and you've got Lanning as
well. Dan Lanning, I thinkwould be no offense to you. Text
eight. I'm a master's degree graduatefrom there. I got news for you.

Dan Lanning should stay right where heis. He signed an extension.
He's at seven million a year theextension. Why would he leave there?
And he said unequivocally, no,I'm not interested. I've got well,
I've got the you and I wasgoing to save it for the for eight
o'clock cause it's a little bit longer. But it's too good to to not
here and then so we'll hear that. Never said no. Dabolds said he's
got he's got to get ready forNorth Carolina. But is it an upgrade?

For Dabble to leave Clemson to goto to UH Texas A and M.
Money wise, probably if you're nottalking about for him, I'm talking
about the overall money that they makeand spend A and M. I'm talking
about on the field. Is anupgrade? Has is? Is the window
closing even though kid club knicks agood player. Is Clemson now going to
become just a team that's that's thathangs around and win eight or nine games?

And is this job at Texas Aand M now recruiting wise, it
even though it's Clemson, you gotquicker and easier access here. The question
is and remember if your Dabbo,if you left the ACC, you're going
to the SEC, which no offenseto Dabble in Clemson. It's a tougher
road, that's and that's uh,that would be interesting now if you were

Dion did not equivocally, did he. He didn't say I'm not going to
Dan Lanning as we'll hear I'll saythat, and neither did Dabbo and Dion,
I don't know it flirted in theright word, kind of just let
it dangle out there a little bitwithout emphatic so to me, when you
say it emphatic. No. Whenyou leave, then I lose. Then
it's like, okay, how doI lose to? If Dan Lanning were

to get up and leave now andgo to text A and M, I
would have a major issue with whathe how he approached it. At least
tell us, hey, man,don't talk to me about that. I
got a football team. We're playing, possibly for a national championship. And
I believe Dan Lanning's staying. Idon't know about the other two. And
if I was A and M,i'd push hard on both of them,
including urban Meyer. But I'm notbig on telling me no, no no.

That's another thing. Coaches aren't overlytransparent. At times. They'll tell
you no, no, no,no no. Some of it will off
from three million dollars more, andthey'll say yes, yes, yes,
yes, yes. I don't knowabout Dion and Dabbo and Dan Lanning,
but it's out there. Just behonest. This A and M job is
a if you can shine that diamond, man, it's got a chance to
be special. But we can't keepsaying got a chance. When is somebody

going to come in and fix thedamn thing? Yeah? You know,
Joe Klatt. He was on apodcast, I believe yesterday and he went
through some of those SEC teams andhe said that the Texas A and M
job is like the seventh in thatconference. He's not lying the most attractive.
He's not lying. Now. It'sattractive with all the money and the

location and the recruiting, but somehowyou got to get over the humped where
they give you. You're in alegitimate position in a full season to win.
Though it's tough, man, itain't easy. But at some point
in time, Clemson turned theirs around. Dabble got that going in Clemson,
we saw people don't realize. BeforeNick Saven got there, there was a
lot of struggles with previous coaches.At Alabama, there was some struggles there

and he's turned it around. SoLSU even has some struggles even though they
win. So it's an attractive job. The question attractive enough to take you
away from Clemson or Oregon? Maybenot attractive enough to take you away from
Colorado. I would think probably yes, especially since you're going to the Big
twelve, meaning it's an upgrade wheneverybody's left now with the competition going to

the Big twelve, I don't knowif it's an upgrade and competition because of
the Pac twelve boy, with everybodyleaving, you're going to Big twelve and
it's awesome. And the recruiting changesfor you because now it's a little different.
You're not stuck up there in Boulder. But to give Dion Texas A
and M, come on, now, that recruiting will change. You thought
you were a five star recruit,best recruiting force on the planet. Then
what happens when if the Dion comesin there and he gets buy in and

recruits. Different story. But ifyou want to win now, there's the
top answer is a guy who's notcoaching right now and he'll turn it around.
I mean, whether you like himor not, right it's been proven
yes, when he's in college andhe's that's not no, it's not year
in and year out. He's oneof the best coach head coaches. And
that's an urban Mayer. Dan Landing, the head coach of Oregon, was

asked about potentially leaving for Texas Aand M. What did he say.
It's a good piece of audio.We're going to hear and discuss next as
we roll into the eight o'clock hourright here on the Shawn Salisbury Show.
Yeah, and we also got ourClassic Elite team, right, Classic Elite,
Classic Elite Buick, so we gotwell, let me start this over

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Studios for the elite car buying experience. Salisbury Albury, Salisbury, Houston.
Okay, let's do this. ShawnSalisbury, Bury Longshid Friend, Cheln Salisbury,
Ryan La Lima Lobos, stop tothe Shanks chop Top. Come away.

This is the Shawn Salisbury Show.Hey, no one here in Houston,
Texas, Welcome into the Shawn SalisburyShawn Sports Talk seven. I need
Shawn Salisbury. Brian Lolima, TripleEmmanuel Elmore, the NFL suspending linebacker for

the Texans, Denzel perrim in threegames for illegal hits Georgia, Ohio State,
Michigan, Florida State. That's thetop one of the college football playoff
rankings. Some breaking news out ofthe NFL. DeShawn Watson will undergo season
ending surgery on a broken bone inhis throwing shoulder. The Browns have just
announced that. See later, BrownsRobert for Ford Voice seal latter. Now,

Yeah, I hope he's got histowel with him. What uh No,
I'm just thinking about. Unfortunate forCleveland Browns fans once again, those
on those and the Browns fans.How can you not feel bad for the
fans. Yeah, every year it'sanother quarterback and you think, man,

it's gonna work out. We gotthis guy, paid him two hundred and
thirty million guaranteed dollars. Last yearwasn't very good. He comes to us,
we've opened, we've done everything,and we're in position out of be
in the playoffs and make a difference. We've got a good defense. We've
already been hit between the eyes losingNick Chubb and now we lose Watson.
After a great second half come frombehind victory over the Baltimore Ravens, who

many thought was the Super Bowl thebest team in the AFC going into the
game, and here they are.I feel worse for the Browns fans.
I listen, it's a bummer forDeShawn I'm not I'm not going to stand
up here and cry over it.I hope he gets recovered quickly because I
root for people's success no matter whothey are. But crap happens, I

guess unfortunate. So he's got he'sgot two hundred and thirty million dollars guaranteed.
So I hate to see people injured. I do, and I feel
bad for the brown says, andI do. I mean, I have
come patch for anybody because broken boneon your story show. It'll heal and
he'll be He'll be able to be. He'll be back, and he'll be
back and hopefully for his sake andCleveland fans, better than he's ever played,
and they were going good and hewe know what kind of player he

can be, but it's now whatPJ. Walker is gonna have to be
the guy steps up and he didstep up pretty well in Deshaun Watson's absence.
I think he's won twice this year, so it's a bummer for the
Browns fans. It's the bummer forDeshaun Watson and his people, meaning you
know, the people represent him andhis teammates and the rest of it,
because they are better with him.But it's the Browns fans man in the

organization like here we go again.Yeah for a time, that's pretty good.
Well, they've posted what six andthree, so now they've got to
take care of their business with abackup quarterback and UH Minnesota's doing it with
Josh Dobbs. Can p J.Walker do it in Deshaun's absence? Yeah?
I don't. I will never wishinjury upon anyone, but you don't

root for Watson. I don't.I will never root for that man again.
And I think it's a scumback.I'm not standing in line. I'm
not going to go home and cryabout it. Yeah, definitely not.
I don't want him hurt, butit's not one of those things that I'm
I'm like, he'll heal and he'llbe fine. Him and him and Meghan
Rappino are like one and the sameto me, one a one b of
just guys. Jack. Can Isay you can't people, you can't you
just don't like Can I say,I can say dumb ass? Right,

yeah, jackass is at the samething. You can say whatever you want.
I think they're both jackasses. Well, and that's okay. Yeah,
it's okay. And they're obviously bothgood at their jobs and their careers soccer
and football. But nobody said youcan you can't have compassion for an injury
and still not like the guy orthe quarterback. You're you're allowed to do
that. It's not personally. Youjust don't like him. No, But

and I get it. I thinkthere's gonna be a lot of people feel
the same way. I just hateit for Browns fans, and I don't
like to see him. I wantto see the Browns at their best,
and they're better with Watson. Idon't think you want to have the year
the type that wants to go havedinner with him at any point in time,
is what you're saying. No,No, absolutely not. He's not
going to be invited to the teamparty. No, and his and his
quarterback coach what's his name, QuincyAvery. He can f right off too.

He's an ass, he's almost He'salways been good to me, so
yeah, but no, but theway he carries himself, the way he
talks to fa battle social media,but his job is to defend his guy.
Oh but he just I get that. But condescending you mean, yeah,
dude, just just yeah. Thebottom line is for you, bro,

Yeah, the bottom line is Clevelandjust got worse, unfortunately. And
they're Browns fans who I like becauseI've spent a lot of time going on
radio there and they've always been good. But it's like, again, we
got to go through this again forwhatever reason, and you know, injury
season and injury injuries suck for it. When did he hurt it? I
didn't even Did he heard it duringthe weekend? Did he heard it?
I have no idea because they hada victory Monday, so I'm assuming they

had a light day on Monday,yep, and then day off on Tuesday,
right, So yeah, I don'tknow, get a massage and they're
going to probably mix in some placefor what Dori and Thompson Robinson, right,
who was a nice versatile guy.Right, Yeah, I'm I'm way
past. I don't even trapes therewith his off the field stuff anymore.

I don't know. Not a brokenbone that ain't doing anything, especially on
your shoulder. Dude, do youthink about that contract? I mean,
it reset the quarterback market and andhe it's all the most guaranteed money of
anybody ever ever. Yeah, andhe's not going to be playing this year
for the rest of the season.And I will say I loved watching him

play quarterback here, and part ofme, spectacular part of me wanted to
see just from a competitive aspect andmaking that division much better and for the
Browns franchise. Part of me wantedhim to get back to what we saw
here, of course, But thenthe other part of me is like,
you know what, No, I'mgood on that, and I understood that's
just called competitiveness and do it.But I hate to see a guy here,

you know, there's almost like,men, could it happened some other
way? No injuries, but it'sa bummer. I can tell you this
though. The Deshaun Watson experiment here, while it had its moments, this
team's better with the guy hot nowand again the quarterback here at both of
their best, Give me Stroud,give me Stroud at both their best.

I think C. J. Stroud'sa better player. I think more accurate
down the field, and you literallyjust took it right out of my mouth.
Big play, accurate passer, bigand you know with the with the
big plays and the rest of it. So I'll do it. And what
are we going to? You know? I was just thinking, because I
see the celebration, it has nothingto do with Shaun Watson. Are we
over the finger the index finger acrossthe nose thing? Yet? Is that
celebration played out yet? Was thatslime? And triply in that that celebration

where you take your finger on yournote? Yeah? What is it?
Slime? Right? Someone slime?Yeah, that's our resident streets insider.
But it's played out, I thinkso, Yeah, Sean Watson used to
do it and then point to firstNow I saw Dell Beckham do with a
loud in the right. It's it'slike, okay, now now that we've
seen everybody do it any which wayyou can, it's time for a new
one. Yeah, it's time fora new And what was we we were

doing the gritty right? It's playedout right? And now then the the
the finger under the nose slime plenough? Yeah, okay, I I
just the celebrates like eye rolling.Now let's get back to it's like the
movie industry. We just keep redoingall of this. Yeah enough, well
they may make money and oh cool, do you see that one? What

else are you gonna do with thefinger? And you know it almost feels
like they did that. Whoever star, Whoever's the first one is start that
ad E Houston, HD Houston andiHeart Radio station. This run that the
Astros have been on aarro of Brocketsbasketball. This is Sports Talk seven ninety,
your home for your home teams,driven by that classic elite view at

GMC Studios for the elite car buyingexperience. Saulsbury Salisbury, Houston. Okay,
let's do this, Sean Salisbury.You see Shaun Longshime friend John Salisbury,
Ryan la Lima. The logos canstop, but do the same day

chop stop. I'm away. Thisis the Sean Salisbury show. Ayto want
here in Houston Tech. Just welcomeinto the Shawn Salisbury Shawn Sports Talk seven.

I need Shawn Salisbury, Brian Lolima, triple, Emmanuel Elmore, the
NFL suspending linebacker for the Texans,Denzel perrim In three games for illegal hits.
Georgia, Ohio State, Michigan,Florida State, that's the top one
of the college football playoff rankings.Some breaking news out of the NFL,
DeShawn Watson will undergo season ending surgeryon a broken bone in his throwing shoulder.

The Browns have just announced that seeyou later, Browns. Robert for
Ford Voice Slater. No, yeah, I hope he's got his towel with
him. What uh No, I'mjust thinking about. Unfortunate for Cleveland Browns
fans. Once again, those onthose and the Browns fans. How can

you not feel bad for the fans. Yeah, every year it's another quarterback
and you think, man, it'sgonna work out. Got this guy paid
him two hundred and thirty million guaranteeddollars. Last year wasn't very good.
He brit comes to us. We'veopened, we've done everything, and we're
in position out of be in theplayoffs and make a difference. We've got
a good defense. We've already beenhit between the eyes losing Nick Chubb and
now we lose Watson. After agreat second half come from behind victory over

the Baltimore Ravens, who many thoughtwas the Super Bowl the best team in
the AFC going into the game,and here they are. I feel worse
for the Browns fans. I listen, it's a bummer for DeShawn. I'm
not going to stand up here andcry over it. I hope he gets
recovered quickly because I root for people'ssuccess, no matter who they are.

But crap happens. I guess unfortunatelyhe's got He's got two hundred and thirty
million dollars guaranteed. So I hateto see people injured. I do,
and I feel bad for the brownsays, and I do. I mean,
I have compatch for anybody because brokenbone on your story show, It'll
heal and he'll be He'll be ableto be, He'll be back, and
he'll be back and hopefully for hissake and Cleveland fans better than and he's

ever played and they were going goodand we know what kind of player he
can be. But it's now whatPJ. Walker is gonna have to be
the guy steps up and he didstep up pretty well in Deshaun Watson's absence.
I think he's won twice this year. So it's a bummer for the
Browns fans. It's the bummer forDeshaun Watson and his people, meaning you
know the people represent him and histeammates and the rest of it because they

are better with him. But it'sthe Browns fans man in the organization like
here we go again. Yeah fora team that's pretty good. Well,
they've posted what six and three,so now they've got to take care of
their business with a backup quarterback.And Minnesota's doing it with Josh Dobbs.
Can PJ. Walker do it inDeshaun's absence? Yeah. I will never

wish injury upon anyone, but youdon't root for Watson. I don't.
I will never root for that managain. And I think it's a scumback.
I'm not standing in line. I'mnot going to go home and cry
about it. Yeah, definitely not. I don't want him hurt, but
it's not one of those things thatI'm I'm like, he'll heal and he'll
be fine. Him and him andMeghan Rappino are like one and the same
to me, one a one bof just guys. Jack Can I say

you can't people? You can't?You just don't like Can I say I
can say dumb ass? Right?Yeah? Jackass is at the same thing,
you can say whatever you want.I think they're both jackasses. Well,
and that's okay. Yeah, it'sokay. And they're obviously both good
at their jobs and their careers soccerand football. But nobody said you can.
You can't have compassion for an injuryand still not like the guy or
the quarterback. You're you're allowed todo that. It's not personally. You

just don't like him. No,but and I get it. I think
there's gonna be a lot of peoplefeel the same way. I just hate
it for Browns fans, and Idon't like to see him. I want
to see the Browns at their best, and they're better with Watson. I
don't think you want to have theyear the type that wants to go have
dinner with him at any point intime, is what you're saying. No,
No, absolutely not. He's notgoing to be invited to the team
party. No party, and hisand his quarterback coach what's his name,

Quincy Avery. He can f rightoff too. He's an ass. He's
almost dropped. He's always been goodto me, so yeah, but no,
but the way he carries himself,the way he talks to fanatial media,
but his job is to defend hisguy. Oh but he just didn't.

I get that, but my condescendingyou mean, yeah, dude,
just just yeah, the bottom lineis for you, bro, Yeah,
the bottom line is Cleveland just gotworse, unfortunately. And they're Browns fans
who I like because I've spent alot of time going on radio there and
they've always been good. But it'slike, again, we got to go
through this again for whatever reason.And you know, injury season and injuries
suck. For when did he hurtit? I didn't even Did he heard

it during the weekend? Did heheard it? I have no idea because
they had a victory Monday, soI'm assuming they had a light day on
Monday, yep, and then dayoff on Tuesday, right, So yeah,
I don't know, And they're goingto probably mix in some place for
what Dori and the Thompson Robinson right, who was a nice versatile guy.
Right. Yeah, I'm I'm waypast. I don't even trapes there with

his off the field stuff anymore.Not a broken bone that ain't doing anything,
especially on your shoulder. Dude,do you think about that contract?
I mean, it reset the quarterbackmarket and and he it's all got the
most guaranteed money of anybody ever ever, and he's not gonna be playing this

year for the rest of the season. And I will say I loved watching
him play quarterback here, and partof me, spectacular part of me wanted
to see just from a competitive aspectand making that division much better and for
the Browns franchise. Part of mewanted him to get back to what we
saw here. But then the otherpart of me is like, you know

what, No, I'm good onthat, and I understood that's just called
competitiveness and do it. But Ihate to see a guy here. You
know, there's almost like could ithappened some other way? No injuries,
but it's a bummer. I cantell you this though. The Deshaun Watson
experiment here, while it had itsmoments, this team's better with the guy
hat now and then the quarterback hereat both of their best. Give me

Stroud, give me Stroud at boththeir best. I think C. J.
Stroud's a better player. I thinkthe more accurate down the field.
And you literally just took it rightout of my mouth. Big play,
accurate passer, big and you know, with the with the big plays and
the rest of it. So I'lldo it and when are we going to
You know, I was just thinkingbecause I see the celebration. It has
nothing to do with Sean Watson.Are we over the finger the index finger

across the nose thing yet? Isthat celebration played out yet? Was that
slime and triplely in that that celebrationwhere you take your finger on your note?
Yeah? What is it? Slime? Right? Someone slime? Yeah,
that's our resident streets insider. Butit's played out, I think so.
Yeah, Sean Watson used to doit, and then point to first
Now I saw Dell Beckham do witha loud in the right. It's it's
like, okay, now now thatwe've seen everybody do it any which way

you can, it's time for anew one. Yeah, it's time for
a new And what was we wewere doing? The gritty right? Is
played out? Yea? And nowthen the the the finger under the nose
slime thing? Enough? Yeah,okay, I just the celebrates like eye
rolling. Now let's get back toIt's like the movie industry, we just

keep redoing all of this. Yeahenough, Yeah, well they may make
money and oh cool, do yousee that one? Yeah? What else
are you gonna do with the figure, and you know what, almost feels
like they did that. Whoever start, whoever's the first one to start.
That almost feels like it was athumb your nose at the throat slash thing
because you're not allowed to throw intosack. So let's just go up about

six inches to underneath the nose andwe'll do that, which is the closest
thing to a throat slash. Yougot can't do that, but the slide.
I'm past that celebration too. Let'ssee that celebration bores me. Yeah,
let's I want. I want toget to the bottom of that one,
see if I can find it.The first thing I think about is
you went and gave yourself a prostinctcheck and you're just thinking if do I
stink? Or do I need anenema or what do I need? That's

the first thing I think about it, saying I said, okay, it
was cool at first. I'm like, now I get to the point and
think, yeah, dude, yourstink's just like the rest of us.
You put your finger in the ass, so do you smell yourself? Well,
that's what apparently, and that whatthey're doing, I don't know,
slimming their own cutter. I mean, what's the deal here, dude?
Yeah, that celebration to be isso played out. Man, if pretty

had served its time, I waslike enough of that at the back of
the end zone too, we've hadit. Give me a better I'm all
for good celebrations. I love newones. When it first started, like,
oh, that's pretty cool. Ineed a new celebration. Okay,
well, let's be creative. Don'tbe the movie industry. Just be creative.
It's time for another one pop culturething. Smell my finger. Yeah,
I don't know what it means.I'm trying to get to the bottom

of it. I'll get it,don't you worry. I will find it.
Whether it's at urban dictionary reddits,I will find it. Do you
they might be Okay? Do youguys still like it? The truth?
No, I think it's uh,things kind of played out kind of Yeah.
Plus, Deshaun Watson probably did thatin a massage or two or something.
Why do you keep going there towhat? Why did the massage?
Anytime? You know you have fortwo for a year and a half,

you have not been able to You'relike, you're like when like I told
you, Chris Berman, he can'tsay you can you have never mentioned his
name without mentioning a towel or amassage. He brings his own hand towers.
I mean, I mean, arewe past that yet? No,
it's going to be with him forthe rest of his career. I mean
past What he did was awful.But I don't even try. I'm not

I'm not even I don't even wantto let him know that that that part
of him matters anymore, that partof it, because I wasn't privy to
all that other than what we readand heard, right, so that but
it was awful and you can lookat him, you think he's a scumbag,
right, I do, and alot of people do. And I
don't disagree with you. Good footballplayer, but off the field made some

choice are very good. But tome, when I'm saying it a bit,
when I say not very good,were heinous? Right and not good?
But I, like I said,I don't get into that he said,
she said stuff. I just knowthat if people were suffered from it,
they deserve uh, they deserve thesomething good out of it. But
you know, absolutely and and falsewhatever it is, Like I said,

we're past that, so that'll nevergo away. No, No, I
just like it. How how youjust can't have at some point, can't
stop without the dig Well, Imean, I'm just saying, like he's
got a broken bone. I don'tthink a massage is going to help that.
He's not my favorite guy in theworld. You think he's a glory
whole guy. I don't know,and I don't care. I care about
getting that. Let them all workthat out. It's uncomfortable to even talk

about it. It's awful. It'sawful. Yeah. So bottom line,
he's got a broken shoulder, notplaying anymore, all that off the field
stuff that him and his reps andthen they have dealt and he'll have to
deal with that as it goes on. I just it ruins my morning even
thinking about it. The wipe yournose celebration is a sign that says,

I just bested you great, Ijust bested your dog. Awesome. Yeah,
okay, thanks, yeah, thanks? Maybe we should, Maybe you
want to. You wanna one ofthe best celebrations. I don't care,
nor the best one. Barry Sandersgive the football back to the referee and

go over there and get about fourmore. That's a great celebration. I
love energetic celebrations. There are somereally clever ones that we've now gotten to
the point where the finger to thenose is now, Oh here we go
again. It's played out. UhSo it looks like Deshaun Watson injured himself
on two different plays in the firsthalf against the Baltimore Ravens. One was

an ankle injury and one was theshoulder. Uh. Nathan on Twitter at
Nathan l One nine, thank youhe sent me, uh something about that.
I think you got to start talkingabout how Watson's in. He's been
banged up now in the last Imean, you know what I'm saying.
He's been through some stuff in hiscareer. So staying healthy is going to
be part and parcel to him reachingthe greatness that he wants to. I

don't think it'll ever be back.Oh he's coming back from no I know
that. But I'm saying there,you'll still play good football, you mean
great foot correct, Yeah, we'llsee. Yeah, let's uh, let's
talk great football. C J.Stroud It's next spoort Fox seven eighty.
This Sean Salisbury Show continues to continueHillo, Jie and G Bells. J

G Bells about that time, Sean, what what are you talking about Christmas?
Or singing? Well, Frank Sinatra? I thought it was Western Wednesday.

I had a special request. Ohyou did? Yeah, and reasoning
Sonny started playing Christmas music. Hey, listen, they'll they'll go to Sunny
It's true, so why not bringthe Christmas music. It's four SOX seven
ninety, the Shawn Salisbury Show.Yeah, Christmas, they'll go to Sunday.
And there's nothing better than Frank Sinatra. There could be, there might

be something better than Frank Hison.Yeah you can either. What about being
Crosby at Christmas? You like Binger? I do like being Crosby? Yeah,
you like more ooh but I likehim evenly. That's what a cop
out. It's just the truth,man, What a freaking cop out?
The truth? Man. If you'rescared of the truth and the truth of
the truth, like truth, yousay it's you say it's the truth.
You love them both? Yeah,all right, I think they're both really

good. Here's an interesting question that'snot really interesting. Okay, Uh,
what when do you put up yourlike Friday Christmas? If you had a
house, if you were in acrib right now, Black frid and your
how in your apartment you gotta youput your tree up. Oh, I'm
I'm decorating the my balcony too.So when I had my home, yeah,

yeah, I decorated Black Friday,Black Friday. Yeah, I had
my long guy. He put onmy lines. I like, I like
your child, dude. Yeah three. Let's see, I was in that
house for what almost four years.This could be close to the earliest I've
ever got started. You already gotit done. Lights up trees in the
freight yard, wrap good lights up, Christmas tree, decorated and up and

rolling on the fifteenth of November.Yeah, I'm just straight up and done
up and done. Yeah, Idid it. We got it done and
decorated. And I'm telling you thisright now that I feel good because I
think even though it's maybe early getsyou in the spirit, it does get
you. I had to wait postHalloween and then you pop into Christmas.

But normally it's right right after Thanksgivingyou put that trip. But you know
what, I'm kind of glad it'sup. And I'm yeah, I got
all you know, the Santa clausesand all the stuff sitting around the crib.
Yeah, I'm I'm okay with it. This is early, but I'm
now. Christmas music for me isafter Thanksgiving. I mean consistently, no,
no, no, no, Iand all. But when I you
know a country, you know,y two k driving in, I get

off that and it's for me.It's in and out all Christmas music all
the time. Yeah, at thehouse, everywhere, You're at the gym,
everywhere, you and you know,you and the bros hang outs and
saw it together. I don't bingCrosby naked with no talent, you would.
I hear you guys just hanging outin your skibbies, you know,
and we we we sing, uhwe sing uh twelve days of Christmas together,

carm And I was gonna say,yeah, you hunt it together.
Yeah, and then when it getsto a partridge in a pear tree,
you know, boom all together.Yeah right, guys, just just just
just guys being dude. I like, saw it together. Five golden rings,
five golden rings, colleague birds,gim this is your get ready to
right in the last one and thepoom is like it is what it is,

big on it. Yeah. Nowjust imagine when the song it together,
yeah, staring at each other.No, I'm not going to imagine
that pun. Okay, but Ilike the song, but I don't want
you eyeball would be across probably not. No, you beat the sweat,
got a good pump going, yeaha little bit. Yeah, dump that,
hurry up, dump that you gotit that you're not in a female

locker room any not a podcast.Please tell me you got that. You
can't drop te word? Okay,yeah, you can't do that, se
I just let it are you.You're not in your rookie year anymore.
I'm sweating. Cannot in your rookieyear anymore. So you said you can't.
Yeah, but oh you mean withsome guys in there and he's like,

uh, you're he's naked your chestand his chest is like drooping down
to his uh waist. Yeah,at least he's there trying to sweat it
out, but cover it. I'mwith you. Yeah, that I I
don't like. But no, I'mChristmas for me. It's decorating, ready
to go, decorated, ready togo. Yeah. I did some measurements
in the apartment the other day.Yeah, I got a maneuvers my couch

around you a little smaller area.There's always a way to add a couple
of inches. Hang in there isit? Oh? I mean, oh
you meant Christmas decoration? Correct?Yeah? Yeah, yeah, got couches,
I got you got to move mybig couch. Yeah you want to
put an eight footter in? Igot twelve foot ceilings, so I got
room. Hey you look, I'mall all all Christmas all the time,
right. I love got to doand but my favorite holiday is a week

from tomorrow. I love that crazythings giving way pretty much a week away
because I like to throw down andthere's no you know, pressure about gift
giving. The gift is everybody beingtogether and eating good, no question.
Let's get out to the phone lineseven one three two one two five seven
nights go to Nick Nick, goodmorning. Uh yeah, so guys,

I think am kind of jumped thegun a little bit. I think that
they should have waited until next yearto see how Jimbo did against Texas,
and then if you would have lost, he would have gotten fired, Nobody
would have complained, your had anyquestions, and if you would have won,
you know, the last ten yearsin the SEC would have been worth
it than we would have been.You know, kind of going back to
this big twelve day. But atleast have been on top, and it

would have been one less year tobuy out. And then now it's like
I feel like we in any edgethat we got over the last ten years
being in the SEC just got thrownat the door. And next year is
gonna be a branding program. Youknow we'll get we'll get this knock kicked
out of us by you know,Texas in their thirty year or fourth year
head coach. Nick? Are youNick? Sorry to rub? Are you

an A and M grad? Yes? So so, Nick, You're you're
basing your whole, the whole,keep them or fire them on playing against
the University of Texas. For JimboFisher, I got news for you if
let's just say urban Meyer was thecoach next year for the hell of it.
This is just shooting it for thehell of it. I do you
there that that cupboard's not bear atTexas? A and M. Are you

really convinced that all of a suddenTexas is going to beat the breaks off
and curb stomp A and M becausea new coach. I got news for
you. Urban Meyer is a farbetter coach sitting where he's sitting now than
Jimbo Fisher, is he's a bettercoach. I think that's absolutely that's also
I think that's that's wishful thinking.I just don't think our guys, ever,

Myer, I don't think they're interested. Why wouldn't Well and he may
not, But why wouldn't you beinterested in the text? A and M
job you tell me for for twelvemillion bucks a year? Why Why wouldn't
Urban Meyer He's not more interested insitting on the set at Fox on a
Saturday game. Why why wouldn't hewant? You're an alum, I'm a
master's degree grad. That's a thatis that is a hidden gem because of

the recruiting and the money they haveand a chance to get good and where
they play in the SEC, it'snot even hidden anymore. Why would Well?
In one year of buyout? Whoreally cares? The A and M's
got the money. I'm not gonnaI'm not gonna be labor the point of
keeping a guy who doesn't get buyin? And Jimbo did not have buy
in and their offense was and theyshould have been better. But why do

you automatically think A and M getstheir ass kicked by by Texas? If
Dion or IRB been in. Whywouldn't Urban Meyer at least take a call
from Texas A and M. Whydo you think that that's a wishful thinking.
I don't think Urban is hungry anymore. That's that's just me. But
I also think that that A andM was was close and pretty much all

the games that they lost this year, and I don't know, I did
he could have been, could havebeen one more year, one more year
continuity. Plus with all the NILUFplayers are gonna be jumping all over the
place now, so who knows who'sgonna be back next year. I don't
know. It's just it's a it'san interesting time. Hey. But but
but they did that even with Jimbothat so that was I was just gonna
lead to that Nick day were theywere already doing that though, So don't
you think it was time for achange. I said it, like I

said it last year, that heshould have been fired for Texas A and
M. And yet they tried togo into this season bringing an offensive coordinator.
You don't think it was time?I don't. I don't know.
Maybe it was just he was hewas kind of closed, But I but
I get it. But I thinkI think continuity would have been a good
thing going in because once Texas andI know you get back next year in

the NTC, it's going to bejust like the Big twelve days now there's
no edge anymore for A and M. Let me ask you real quick though,
what I mean remove Texas from thisAnd I'm just curious. And I
get where you're going, Nick,I understand, but what And I love
your passionate about it, But Texasdoesn't dictate the SEC's toughness. Texas is

being added to the best conference incollege football right now, and and Big
Ten is obviously gonna have an argumentwith some of the teams that are coming
in there. But how did I'mnot sure. How did it take off
the shine? I think the shineJimbo did a good enough job of that
himself. I actually think the energywould change completely. I just don't know

when you said he was close.I can let me tell you something.
I can go find uh just aboutany good decent coach in the country with
that talent there and the support toget seven wins in the SEC at Texas.
A and M. I don't thinkwhat they do what they do spectacular
other than the recruit. What hashe done The twenty twenty year had him

as close as five. I getit because that was a shortened season.
But and I listen, it's nodisrespect Jimbo person. Jimbo did a great
job of Florida State. This hasbeen different. He didn't get to buy
in. So what diminished? Whyare you starting over with a new You're
starting over with a new coach,but that new coach may already be ahead
of the guy you just fired.What what about Jimbo told you we have

a chance the last three years?He just I don't know. The quarterback
always got injured in the first twogames the last three years. I just
I don't know. But hopefully theyhave somebody in mind, because you don't.
You don't pay that kind of moneyto just get somebody out the door
without a plan. Hopefully. Yeah, I'm now that with you, Nick
and that plan. I think weknow three or four or five names that

should be in that talk. Andto me, if you don't call urban
Meyer, I think you're making abig mistake. I don't know if you're
going to hirehim, but that heshould get a call. He should get
a call. If I'm Irvan Meyer. I'm really hungry. Thanks for the
thing. I'm really hungry. Whybecause the last my last experienced coaching NFL
I people I was, he wascompletely obliterated by people. Yeah. But

in college, the last thing wehave is he's pretty good at Ohio State.
Yeah. So if Urban Meyer wantsa gig, I believe Irban Meyer
gets one. If he wants one, I think he should be hungrier than
he's ever been after what happened inJacksonville. Let's let's keep talking about this
Texas A and M head coaching jobseven one, three, two, two
five seven. And if you're inTexas A and M alum, who do
you want to see as the nexthead coach for the Aggies? Let us

know right here on the Shawn SalisburyShows, team emotionally tied to the team.
The Sewn Salisbury Show continues, Hi, let's go rolling along here on

Sportsbox seven, Ieyn says The ShawnSalisbury Show, Sean Bryan and up enfl
suspending Texans Denzel Peraman three games forlegal hits Georgia, Ohio State, Michigan,
and Florida State rounding out the topfour in the college football Playoff rankings,
Deshaun Watson out for the rest ofthe season. He's gonna need shoulder
surgery for a broken bone. TalkingTexas A and M, and they're,

excuse me, their vacant head coachingposition. Let's get out to the phone
line seven one three two one twofive seven nine. It's go to Brad.
Brad, what's up hey, realquick? Let me just my just
from what I've seen from the outside, y'all mention that the guys were bailing
on them already. Two guys areplaying right now. That's Chase Lane and

Haines King. The rest of theguys have bailed to either been number six
or seven on the depth chart,or they've gotten kicked off teams, or
they're playing juco ball somewhere. Sothat's not a big deal. Urban Meyer,
No, uh, Dion No,I just don't think that's gonna be
the right fit. And if weneed to go young, we need to
go young. And don't think fora moment that whoever's on our hot list,

there's somebody else out there. AndI'm gonna bring it up from another
guy, Peyt that was talking aboutit. If you go back and look
at Oklahoma, Lincoln Riley that justdropped and he took off the USC.
So there might be somebody out there. I don't know anything. I'm just
saying that's just my opinions. Itmight be somebody we're not even thinking about
right now that's gonna be a bigname. Brad, Are you an Aggie

alum? No? But my moneywent there twice? Oh okay, that
makes sense, that makes sense.Yeah. I just I just find it.
I just find it interesting to hearfrom actual you know, not saying
your actual, but just hear fromAggie alumni, just kind of how how
they feel about Jimbo Fisher and ifit was time for a change. And

obviously I'm assuming you have two kidsthat went there. Yes, sir,
I think it was time. Yeah, I really do, I really do.
How do your kids feel about it? I think ecstatic? Yeah,
well, there you go. Iwill say this. I mean, I've
been to quite a few games justover the years, and you know,
you know, following them away andall that just the eye test. Let's

see how these next three games go, and let's see how wide open that
offense gets. That's the only thingI can think of. Sure was wide
open last week against Mississippi State.Yeah, I definitely was. Thank you
for the call, Brad. Yeah, what it was the final score fifty
one to ten. Yeah, they, I mean they and Mississippi State fired
their coach too. That's right herehere from me, And I understand what

Brad's saying. I'm age has nothingto do with this for me. For
me, if it's Dion's not oldby the way in the coaching world,
and neither is urban Meyer, andif they can still recruit you, and
I think Dion's proven he knows howto recruit and get buying, and urban
Meyer's got it everywhere he's been.Now, if you just want to go
young, to go young and hiresome thirty five year old, because age

is the first crime. I'm notsaying. Brad's saying that's the key,
and he's exactly right. There's goingto be three or four or five more
names emerged that you say. I'mnot even saying Dian or urban are going
to be hired, or Dan Lanningor Dabo Sweeney. You've got to hire
a guy who gets buying and leadsfirst recruiting. You obviously have to recruit,
and you have to have a goodstaff that can recruit all those things

that are obvious, but the buyingto get it when you walk in the
building is important and hiring a greatstaff. So it's not just the head
coach. I don't think that therequirement has to be you may have to
get a guy who skews younger onunderstands both young and old alike, because
you're gonna need veterans. I justthink that the leadership lacked when it came
to coach. I just do.I don't think the leadership was strong.

I think that there were and Ithink that Jimbo Fisher, as much as
I like him, I think hisrabbit ears were were huge when it came
to it. He hurt everything.And if you're telling your players quit worrying
about what people are saying and justgo focus on sport, on football,
then why in the world didn't thehead coach do it? Good question?
And so for me, you goand you're gonna need swagger and you need

attitude, and both those two guys, Dan Lannings, look what Dan Lanning
said when they get ready to playColorado. He had his team and he's
got it. Dabos Sweeney's got thatand Dabbo's got a little bit of rabbity
ers too, But and you gotto know when you're coming here with the
expectations are high expectations, and quitefrankly as a head football team, as
a football team, they have notreached those expectations that we had when Jimbo

was here. And it's been aminute. So I would say, you
go get the best candidate and nameswill the merch and it may end up
being somebody. They may not interviewDeanna, they may not interview urban Meyer.
I would make a call to bothand gather your list and do your
due diligence, and it may becomeJames Franklin. It may be an offensive
coordinator or a defensive coordinator. Yousay he's a growing guy, he's got

a chance to be great in thebusiness, But you better know what you're
getting in for a thirty two yearsold or thirty five years old or forty
years old getting that first job asyour first head coaching job in the SEC.
And I'm not saying retreads or thewhole thing. I don't consider Dabo
Sweeney a retreat. He wins.I don't consider Urban Meyer retreat. He's
done nothing but win in college,and I Assureance, I don't consider Dion
retread because he wanted Jackson State andhe's doing a great job of turning the

programmer into Colorado in a short periodof time. So age has nothing to
do with it. Buy in doesfor me, and that's number one.
I'm assuming you know how to recruitwhen you come to text saying, m
age is just a number. ThanksMatt, appreciate it. Tony Robbins and
your motivational speech nice. Have youever noticed on social media that every motivational

saying comes from two people, TonyRobbins, No, it comes from Morgan.
Every quote that's out there now comesfrom Morgan Freeman and Denzel Washington,
even though they didn't come up withhim their faces on air. You go,
oh, man, Denzel, youshould quit acting. He should just
be writing motivational quote books because theyaffiliate that every great quote comes from Morgan
Freeman, which I would expect withthat voice, you think, oh,

they all come from Morgan Freeman,and Denzel's so good at his job.
But I got to do this foryou. All those quotes you see with
their faces on him, they're notthe ones who came up with those sayings.
Speaking of Denzel, Netflix has selectedDenzel Washington to play Hannibal in a
new film about Rome. He isbetter'll excel in that game. I got
news for you. Already, buyme a ticket. That dude could that

dude could turn Remember that movie witha who called the phone booth? What
was cell a cell phone? Is? Yeah? What's that guy's name,
the actor's name, the Irish orthe phone booth, wasn't it? Well,
yeah, that our cell phonehone booth, phone booth, Yeah, where
he's the whole movie. They didn'tneed any like, it didn't take a
lot of overhead. You're talking aboutthe one with Colin Farrell. Farrell,

Yes, yeah, that's phone booth. Do you Hey, we got one
set on the street a cell phone, I mean a payphone booth, and
he's going to stand in the majorityof the movie and somebody else is going
to be in an apartment that Hey, we don't have any overhead because well,
it's not going to cost much tomake the movie. You gotta we
can just PLoP one in the middleof New York City or wherever it was.

With Denzel Washington, he could havetaken that phone booth been in it
and won an oscar. That's howgood this dude is. So anything he's
in, I'm all in. Butyour quote of age is just a number.
What a motivational speech? I know, man, I know what a
motivational speech. You know, ifyou're a younger dude and you're out there
chasing cougar's, don't worry about thatage, baby, It's just a number.

Yeah, you want to tell mea body part? You want to
refer to one of those again?That so, so our producer has to
hit the dump button. We'll gothere. He's got his finger on the
pulse allegedly, allegedly allegedly because noone heard it. I mean, you
haven't got any calls from anybody.You know, you can't say that on

the air. Yeah, I AndI'm gonna plead ignorance. No, I
didn't know that. I had noidea and actually, you know't actually know
how to be like, say what, I didn't hear it. I don't
hear it. I don't know whatyou're talking about. That was said during
a break right, Okay, Yeah, it's not my problem that you know
we were and went in doubt.Blame it on the producer. Right,
Yeah, Tripoli, he's take iteasy on That's what head coaches do.
On the coordinators fault. Hey.Dan Lanning from Oregon talked about potentially leaving

for Texas A and is do youthink it's going to be a new landing
spot. Ah, because last gotit. Yeah. See where Dan Lanning
is gonna land. That's next.Sports Flock seven eighty more Sean Sundsbury,
get in, strap in and writein. He was a beauty from South

Alabama for daddy had a hard likea non doown hammer. Think he even
did Western Wednesday here on the ShawnSouth ratiow. Thank you Sean, Bryan
and Tripoli here with you on SportsTalk seven ninety. You can also listen
to us on the free iHeartRadio app. DeShawn Watson out for the rest of
the sea. He's going to haveto have surgery on his shoulder for a

broken bone. The NFL suspending thelinebacker one of the linebackers for the Texans,
Denzel perrim In, three games forillegal hits. Georgia, Ohio State,
Michigan, Florida State. That's thetop four in the College Football playoff
for rankings. Dan Lanning, theOregon Ducks talked about the potential of him
leaving to take on the job atTexas A and M. This is what

Dan Lanning had to say, Hey, we talked about outside noise a lot
in our program. I guess thereality here is one my name and our
program would never be in a topicof conversation for another school if we didn't
have something here that everybody else wanted. And the reason we have something here
that everybody else wants, that's becauseof what our players, our coaches,

the support that exists here are we'regoing to have created. I think I've
been really really clear here since dayone. Everything I want exists right here.
I'm not going anywhere. There's zerochance that I would be coaching somewhere
else. I've got unfinished business.There's a lot that I want to accomplish
here at Oregon. My number onepriority is being elite here at Oregon,
and we have the resources, thetools. Anybody that can't understand why you

would want to be here at thisplace doesn't understand exactly what exists here.
Right Like what I've said before,with a thirteen year old, a twelve
year old, and a ten yearold, to be able to raise your
family and a community like this tobe able to compete for championships and have
the ability to get the resources youneed. You know, a lot of
coaches hang on to these moments andthey don't do anything or don't say anything.

One because they don't want egg ontheir face when they decide to do
something else right. Two because they'reconcerned about things that I'm not concerned about,
like getting a better contract, LikeI'm taking care of extremely well here
at Orgon. I have the resourcesI need here at Orgon to be really,
really successful. I'm not motivated bythat. I'm motivated by winning.
I'm motivated by being elite here.And our players deserve my complete focus.

Our fans deserve the best product onthe field. So it's outside noise.
It didn't matter before, it doesn'tmatter now. I'll continue to say it
to him, boom in the face. I want to be here at Oregon.
That hasn't changed, that won't change. That's really good stuff from Dan
Lanning. I mean, I watchedthat interview last night, and when he's
talking, you could see the joyin his face when he's saying this.

He smiles half the time when he'sdescribing that and he's dude, we're talking
about the University of Oregon. Justthe Nike money alone from Phil Knight and
that organization. I mean, dude, that's enough for me to be like,
I'm not leaving anywhere. And ifI'm a recruit outside of il Nil
didn't exist, Oregon would be oneof my top choices just because of the
resources and facilities they have for allsports men and women. Oh, there's

no question. There's absolutely no question. I can tell you though that see
Dan Lanning is I believe what he'stelling me. And he's got a great
program, he's got great facilities.As you mentioned, he can get recruits.
I don't know why everybody's always ifyou've got a top ten job in
the country when it comes to financialrecruiting, I think Oregon's one of those

pros right now, don't you rightright there? Why? I know what
ego gets involved, But I've alwayswondered why you always have to leave something
great? Why would you the twoprevious coaches Greener, Yeah, but but
it feels like it is And fora half a million or a million extra
dollars, well that's a lot ofmoney. Is it worth staying somewhere you

feel good about and comfortable with.I just you know what I'm saying.
I get why people leave, butif you're Dan Lanning, you're sitting in
a pretty good gold mine. Andsometimes when you leave, maybe the other
group doesn't buy in like this onedid. You never know so And Jill
Parsons makes a good point on Twitter. She said, let's see, Uh.

I'm going to get to it becausethe two tweets she was talking about
us singing uh our five golden rings, but she said Urban Myers is come
Texas A and um does not incapital letters need him. And there's got
I told you there's gonna be alot of people that feel that way.
And I get it. I simplysaying, do your due diligence, and
I'd interview him among a handful ofothers, find out where he is and

what you think, and then there'sgonna be while a lot of them are
going to feel like Jill, there'sgonna be a lot the other side says,
it's not a life sentence how youfeel about Urban Meyer. We want
to win, and you will winwith urban Meyer unless he forgot how to
coach. And I so whether it'shim, or I'm not saying they should

hire him. I'm saying I woulddo my due diligence and interview him.
And while just as many are goingto think like Jill and I get it,
if they think he's scum and don'twant him, there's gonna be the
other half that are gonna say,I'm tired, I'm tired of not winning
and being competitive the way we're supposedto, meaning championship position that are going
to say screw all that, let'sgo get the best coach available. And
if the coach is available when itjust comes to coaching, he's the best

free agent in the world right now. When it comes to simple between the
lines coaching. Now, you gottago with what you want. Will the
Texas A and M or the fanbase wanting there, I don't know,
but I'm doing my due diligence onanybody that I think can help me get
better. Why would you not wantUrban Meyer? Well, for Jill's purpose,

there's some who think he's a fullblown scumming and dirty Okay, so
let me let me re uh letme say that again. Toxic. Some
think that another thing from football couldbe and others are gonna say, oh,
don't be so soft. It's footballcoach. You're gonna get both sides
from a pure football standpoint. Look, then there's not five better in college
football coaching. There's not five betterpure football coaches than the guy who's not

coaching. Make you can make nomistake about it. I love Dan Lanning.
Dan Lanning's not a better coach thanUrban Meyer, and he's a damn
good one. Dion and Dan stillin his infancy as a head coach,
and he may end up being bourbon. Meyer is one of the great coaches
we've ever had in college football.And he's not ninety. He's And the
problem with Earth he gets so committedto it. He dives in with everything.

I don't know what perspective he's learned. I know that his NFL stuff
was was was not good. Butsomebody there's an a D out there or
five that are saying I want thatguy. Now. The question is do
you pull the trigger? How muchis it going to cost you? And
are you willing to deal with someof the pr that's gonna come with it?
And you know how you deal withthat. And for I hate to
say it, win four games ina Row and then things change. People

will look at you different, whetherthat's right or wrong. It's the way
sports is the great forgiver is sports. Yeah, no question. There was
a pillow fight in the NBA.And you'll know KBM E Houston, acd
HD to Houston my heart radio station, the Astros, Thro, the Rockets,
rocketss befall your home for your hometeams. This is Sports Talk seven

ninety driven by that classic elite toview at GMC Studios for the elite car
buying experience, Old Bert Salsbury,Houston. Okay, let's do this.
Seawn Salisbury, Wait a quarterback thereec true long time French out soul very

Ryan La Lima go Lobo can stopto take it to the shan. This
is the Sean Salisbury Show, thefinal after Shot Salisbury Show. You're on
Sports Talk seven ninety. You knowhow you you know how you uh clean

up San Francisco in California. Youbring in Jing p Yeah, Cavin dous
some loves. Hey, I couldclean up my city because I got h
well it need to me coming totown. San Francisco is where Chinese president
g Xing Ping. Yeah, yep, he's on his way to San fran

Interesting, just amazing how those streetsgot cleaned up right off, real quick.
Yeah, there's another winner for you, old Gavin. And uh talk
about a salesman. What a fraud. The video that I state he ruined
it. The video that I'm watchingis there. I'm assuming he's already in
town and they're escorting him. Andman, these streets look beautiful. Not

one United States flag can be seen, all Chinese flags. Hey, so
what gave That's the old gavey thePODSI does it? It's up Gavvy and
ruined the beautiful state. Dude,rud it big gass up Gavvy. You
are and you're a California guy,Well I'm a Texas guy. Now.

California is fun to visit, andis it though, Oh, come on
here. You want to go tothe beach. Of course it is.
I went to beach before it becamea meth paradise. Love California, but
to visit I don't live there anymore. I can get to the beach and
do that. I'm right here Texas, right, No, Galveson's right down
the road. I love it.But I can tell you this that,
yeah, that h layed up inabout a month after he's gone. He

won't do this new some won't careabout the rest of that. Matter of
fact, he'll encourage to dirty upa little bit. That'll be his style.
But man, we gotta welcome,We gotta welcome. Oh, we
gotta welcome, open arms. Let'sgo. Don't get me started. God,
I gotta go to Michael Barry Showand get this done. Or you
can go, Yeah, go overwith Jimmy Barton, Jimmy and Shriff damn

right, them too. I goto I can also go to Sonny and
Christmas Cuts. I'd rather be gotto talk politics. I agree. Yeah.
I got a couple of texts not'sroasting on and open fi. I
got a couple of texts that JackFrost nipping at you or no, that

they tots what with their eyes alla glue go ahead, that they liked
it. So we sounded good together, harmonizing. I hear you pods,
Yeah you know that golf ball?What's up? Pozi tripley? Did you
study for your quiz? You forgot? You forgot, didn't you? No?

Yes, you did? Hesitated?He's good, right. One of
the five facts he's googling Stroud rightnow for who? For who? Teacher,
don't ask for the homewhere you're notsupposed to. We want you to
show your work. Okay, Igot you remember back when you had a
math problem and you'd answer it andthere was no like show your work.
You're like, go back and showyour work right already? You got?
You got not roasting on and openfire? Who CJ. Stroud? Okay,

yes, sir, five, herewe go, Pazzi, all right.
First one, he went to OhioState. Okay, they go a
way. That took a lot ofdeep dive. Thanks buddy, appreciate.
Wait, wait to dive in deepthere old uh Manny, it is a
fact. Good, it's data.There you go, it's a it's you
know, we call it evidence.He went to Ohio State. Good call.
Where do you go to high school? What was the cymongo off of

in Cali? Yeah? Know wherethat said? Damn? Check that out.
I think he's from like the InlandEmpire. Rancho cuckamonga. Wow he
called did he a cuckamongo? Theclose just also just buy a vowel.
Great call by you, nice Andthat was that one of your five facts
or no? Off? Nice?All right, off the riff. So

what's the other four? All right, state and he's from Rancho Cuckamonga.
Yeah, okay, yeah, allright, most passing yards in a single
game. But in college, Ithink he broke he broke his school record
Ohio State and the Rose Bowl record. It was if y'all want the exact
number, yeah, you go aheagainand seventy three, show us your work.

Nice, good damn? Okay,right all right, and he just
he just broke the rookie record foryards in a single game here in the
NFL. That's what y'all saw thatone too. Okay. The third one,
his nickname is cool Breeze and hisfirst name is not even Joe.
You don't have to have the name. Wow, Okay, So it's it's
first I've heard that. That's afact. That's that's a fact that I

did not know about. To ceJ. Stroud. Stroud, it's his
name in Rose Bowl history as hisfive hundred and seventy three passing yards are
the most in a single game.And it's one hundred and eight year tenure.
And remember I remember when he cameout, Well, Kenny throw,
Is he talent enough to throw?Yeah? Yeah, he made enough throws
for you to know that he couldthrow. Yeah, and he's still doing
it all right. What else yougot? Okay? This one kind of

blows me too because it's so andwhat will pause say that again? Pause?
Blows you away? Blows you away? Okay, Okay, I got
you. I don't know what yougot going on in that room over there.
He was definitely did He was whatborn October third in two thousand and
one? Okay? Why does thatblow you away? Because like it just
drives me, like it's really fascinatinghow these guys be so much younger than

us and they starting QBS or startingfive you know in the NBA or you
know. So he was born inone one? When what year were you
born in? Two thousand? Okay, that's a year year younger. I
mean, hey, man, he'sa cagy veteran man. Yeah, veteran
man. Yeah. How they're doingthis stuff like it at the end at
twenty two years old? Pretty impressive? Right? Yeah? What did what

did? What did tripley say?What does it do to its? Blows
him? Nice? Yeah? Thatand that other one, you guys,
the most passing yards in an NFLgame. That was my fifth one.
Okay, that was my fifth one. Okay, nice, nice work.
Tell you what that The fact thatyou knew Rancho Kukamonga blows me. A

yeah, a plush because you gota bonus one too at the sixth one.
It just blows me how you didthat. I mean, I tell
you what. Knowing that, itblows me that he was born on October
third and he's two thousand and one. He said it without hesitation, and
he didn't even say so have thekid. That's how the kids say,
blows me away. Now just blowsme. Blows me, bro, No,

that's not how they say it.No, everybody's not from the valley
in California. Okay, blows me. Everybody's not bro Okay, damn,
okay blows I know when you watchFast and Furious, you think that that's
how everybody talks like like our aboutold walker? Did cut? I said,
forget about a cup? Yeah,we say it empty cup? Yeah,
hungry? Let me tell you weare hungry. Hey, I'll tell
you what though. That's those factshe just gave me. Blows me,

It does, yeah, it does. It blows me away. You know
what was you gotta? Yeah?He put us on yeah. Nice,
put that in the uh, theold pipe and smoke it. Yeah that
one. Yeah, okay, hmmm, hey, plus back to back a's,
well not bad. Now you've gottwo more a's and you got your
first week, your first two timeswhat allegedly allegedly I don't know. We've

had two questionable comments by you guystoday. Tremendous upper body strength. But
what do you mean? I didn'twas that you? No, that stayed
in between us? It blows me, yeah away? Wow, nice interesting
blows me. Doesn't even blow meaway, It just it just blows you.
That's what he meant. That's whathe met. I guess that's see

what Brandon's cooking up this morning.Hey Brandon, good morning, good morning.
How are you good man? We'lltalk you never better? Was about
that funny? I'm gonna talk aboutthe astros? Okay, Hey, Brandon,
do us a favor. However,you're listening to us, turn that
down. We got some feedback comingback. Maybe you're on your what do

they call that air? What's itcalled again? Hair pod? No?
Yeah, when you have you haveto turn yeah, that'd be yeah,
turn that off. It's off,all right, buddy? Are you hearing
it anyway. Okay, go ahead, Brandy, goheady. We got you.
Are you happy? Are you happyabout when we got our own manager

from or not own manager? Whatis it called general manager for? For
the astros? You talking about thenew the new manager Joe A Spot Are
you talking about, uh, JeffLuno in the past? What are you
talking about? Oh? Are wehappy about Joe A. Spotta is Yeah,

Brandon, great question, and thankyou for the call, buddy.
We appreciate it. It's probably onour end with the with the earpiece and
and the bluetooth is why we weregetting an echo. So we'll try to
fix that on our end. Greatquestion, my friend. I think we
are I know I am. Yeah. I didn't know if he would get
it. He's been passed before,but you heard Dana Brown mentioned he's been

passed on before. Dana Brown feltlike it was a blessing that he was
available and he had him right herelocal and he said he passed, you
know, every test, and misterCrane was on board and that they feel
great about everything that Joe Aspota offers, and so yeah, if they feel
great about it, I don't thinkwhy. There's no reason why we shouldn't
it kind of I think validated whatmost of the people in this town felt

is that Joe Spot is ready andDana Brown pulled the trigger on his first
full time general manager to manage orhigher and he's sure sounded yesterday to Dana
Brown like he was almost giddy aboutit, And so Brandon, it's a
good point. And yeah, Ithink that they got the guy that the
majority of this town post Dusty Bakerwanted. And now we move forward with

a full cupboard of great players andsee the few moves you make in the
offseason. He's still ready for springtraining. It's gonna be here before we
know it. Yep. Sure,Thanksgivings next week, then Christmas, then
New Year boom, then pictures andcatchers are gonna be reporting. Does it
blow you away? No, itdoes not. It blows me. Yeah,
yes, sir, unbelievable. Didyou guys see the pillow fight in
the NBA last night. There's twoplaces pillow fights always take place, well,

pillow fights, uh huh. Oneis in an NBA game, huh?
And two is in a Major Leaguebaseball game. Yes, if you
like pillows, if you like softlanding fights, yes, NBA and Major
League Baseball is exactly where you needto go for if you think about the
three major sports here in the UnitedStates, four put hockey in there,
please. Okay, well, it'sa major sport and you might want to

recognize, well, hockey players,we know they throw hands. And then
then in the NFL you got dudesthat throw hands, try to punch people
with helmets on, but at leastthey throw punches on the last time you
saw an actual punch thrown in theNBA, Oh, well you'll see one
that they'll swing when they're falling away. Yeah, or like an actual punch
thrown in in a major league whensome dude charges the mound or they get
into it. Door rocked Jose Bautistadid. And then oh Tim Anderson got

knocked, me got rocked past.Okay, so that's two in the last,
Like Jose Ramirez, baseball and basketballfights are pathetic. Yeah, there
was a pillow fight in the NBAlast night and guess who was involved.
We'll talk about it next on SportsTalk seven to eighty. No. Back

to Salisbury, I got a pieceout in the countries. Welcome back to

the Shaann Salisbury Show. Here onSports Talk seven and you can also listen
to Just on the Free iHeartRadio appShawn Bryan and TRIPLEI. NFL suspending Texans
Denzel Perriman three games for illegal hits. Georgia now the number one team in
the college football playoff rankings, OhioState at number two, Michigan number three,
Florida State number four. DeShawn Watsongonna be out for the rest of
the season. He's gonna have tohave surgery on a broken bone in his

shoulder. To talk a little bitof the NBA. Here, nice little
pill of fight between the t Wolvesand the Warriors. They're playing in that
group play for the NBA in seasontournament. A little bit of a scuffle
and Draymond Green comes out of nowhere, snags Rudy Gobert and puts him in

a headlock. Klay Thompson and JadenMcDaniels were going after it, kind of
getting locked up, pulling each other'sjerseys. Both refuse to let go as
they move down the court, sopushing, some shoving, and then here
comes Draymond Green running in grabs RudyGobert, who was trying to break it

up, literally grabs around the neck, puts him in a chokehold. Go
figure, Draymond Green. Yeah,he's at the center of it all,
isn't He always always at the centerof it all? And James McDonald,
who's a great listener of the showand lives out in Arizona, brought up
a good point about basically, I'llparaphrase, who would you rather have on

your team, James Harden or DraymondGreen. Draymond agreed, not even close,
because Draymond's one of those guys.He agitate, gets you in trouble
with a few technical fouls, andhe's a pain in the ass at times.
But he is a high IQ greatplayer. He is pain in the
ass, I get it. Buthe wins. Oh well he's on the
Golden State. Well yeah, buthe helps him every big reason. And

when guys get hurt, he canplay point guard, he could pass,
he rebounds, And now, Itold you during a break, at some
point in time, somebody's gonna whoophis ass in a fight, if it's
not a pill fight, somebody you'regonna run in the wrong guy and somebody's
gonna drop his ass. I'm justtelling you because at times, while he's
tough. I don't know. Isthere a fake tough guy involved in there
at times? Do you think?Or is it? Is he full on?

Nobody wants to mess with them becauseDraymond's the man. Now, maybe
he is when it comes to it. I admire his game, I do,
and I personally he's a guy thatwhen you play against him, you
can't stand his ass and he'll putyou, like I said, in a
binding technical fouls and give freebies away. But he's the type of guy on
your team you kind of like,right, you want the guy who's a
well everybody here Dylan Brooks no,no, no, no, the bring

him like, oh okay, kindof liked it, bring a little different
attitude to it. So it's it's, you know, depending on where you
sit. But the Clippers are nowowing six with James hard and you know
the thing that bothers me the most, you know what he said, I
didn't get a training camp or anoffsin. I didn't get a training camp
or a preseason here. So I'mjust you know, it's still trying to
figure it out. I'm learning onthe fly, learning on the fly.

Yeah, I mean you want totalk about I confess that somebody else will.
There's more excuses coming out of that. I can give me James Hard,
give me, give me Draymond Greensix ways of Sunday and twice on
Sunday over that. But at somepoint in time, Draymond's going to walk
up on the wrong guy. I'mJay now, I don't know, because
you risk a major suspension and allthat. The pillow fights prevent you from
missing fifteen or forty or fifty gamesbecause you went haywire. But at some

point in time, some dude,when their team's out of it's going to
have had it and they're going tolook him up and he's going to walk
into a right hand that's not goingto be very favorable for him. Yeah,
happened already. Couldn't agree more.As far as it hasn't happened,
couldn't agree more. He reminds meof what Patrick Beverley used to do when
Patrick Bevlu's here, and what he'sstill doing, quite Franklin, the NBA.
He irritates people, right, justirritates people. But yet the thing

last night, like as a asa teammate of Rudy Gobert, how do
none of y'all what mack the hellout of Draymond Green with a bunch of
See that. To me, that'ssuch a punk move. And I was
sitting to say the same thing.They're sitting there staring right at him,
Anthony Towns like late comes in no, but there also he's got him around

the neck, chuck at him,and two guys are behind him, two
teammates of his, and it's likethey're just watching it. Height. It's
like, come on, man,come on man, it's I don't want
you to cheap shot him on aon a you know, on one of
those that Draymond's got his back toyou and you cole Cock came without him
seeing if you're gonna do it doinghockey players tap on the shoulder and say
let's go DWN. But I satthere and watch it. That's your teammate.

You risk a technical foul and getkicked out and get suspended to protect
your teammate. How do you notput him in a headlock? If you
if he's gonna put in Wondering,Yeah, if you're if you're gonna put
a teammate in the headlock, damnyou damn sure. And you're one of
my teammates and you're in that headlock. I'm putting the dude in a headlock.
That's putting my teammate in the headlockor something. It's freaking weak.
Throw a rib shot or something.Man, it's exactly now, that's oh
yeah, give them a little little, you know, kidney shot man,

a little rib cage punch to gethis hands off. Then he turns to
you. Then you can square upwhat you gotta do. Yeah, I
thought that part was weak. TwoI did. The teammates sitting there watching
him getting choked out and just likekind of pulling him along like it's okay,
and you know, go bear sevenfeet plus and you've been in that
thing. All of a sudden you'redragged me to the ground. That lower

back, I just pillow fight.Yes, But the choke out by Draymond
Green, Yeah, I would,Uh, I would. I would imagine
teammates are going to look back atthat and say, man, sorry,
Rudy Rights. You know, Imean, what do you expect, man,
It's end season tournament, dude,Tempers are high, motions are I'm
gonna take you the intensity of anN season tournament will take you the whole
new point. No, man,I mean group play. Dude, let

me tell you what you do.Yeah, in an ND season tournament,
and the record, every single oneof them, have to you throw out
all the records. You have tosee end season tournament. It's the first
ever. Whoever came up with this. There's nothing gimmicky or or desperate about

it. Yeah, I mean,what a what a tournament? Cool new
courts, what a tournament? Gameis being played on Tuesdays and Fridays like
we're back in high school district matchups. Paint those looks like a good sort
of pro paint. I mean,really, Chris, what I do know
is they I know they show upon time. Yes they do. Yeah,
they show up on the corners ofthe Houston right right. I would

think that sort of prow will paintit for you. But I think they
probably let's let's do a little painta better court. Well, if they
did not, they point, okay, well that's not mine. You can
be careful. There's some big payyour house. Okay, the best in
the business. Now back to thisthe pillow five It back to that D

season tournament. Did I tell youset your clock by it? I know,
what do you do with the recordsagain when they throw them out?
Dude? When when when the tWolves and Warriors get together in group play
in the mid season tournament in theNBA, you better put some bets down.
You better get a fresh six packof beer. I'll tell you what

you gotta if it sets your thealarm. Yeah, if the Rockets and
San Antonio get involved in in agame with this, the Battle of I
ten in the preseason tournament, ohyeah, I mean that preseason this is
in respect on it. Who's counting? Right? But that in season tournament
battle of I ten? And thenwhen Dallas and Houston get together, it's
the Battle I forty five? Youdid the records out the window? Gone?

He gone. I still have noidea how this see. Would you
square up with Draymond? Yeah?I probably would. He might wol my
assh. I'll get in a coupleof shots. You never know, un
Tay square it up? Yeah?True? Want is big ass tackle me?
What's the worse gonna happen? Punk? That's right? I mean I
will chuck Norris's ass too, Soa little age difference? What the what

was the dude? I still thatdude worrying about him? I want to
call back and tell me he's gonnaput my ass again. He probably he
is probably listening, right, he'sprobably in the gym. He's got his
ring on. Don't forget doing whatyou're not. What's what's he doing getting
jacked? Well, get the gym. Well, I'm I'm here. I'll
go to the gym later. Yeah. Yeah, they get little cardio in.

Start physical yesterday the week back.I did planks yesterday for the first
time during my evaluation of physical therapy. Yep. I saw the plank champion
the other day. I think sheplanked for like four hours or more.
Is it like real? Yeah,that's real. Yeah, that actually happened.
Yeah, no way, okay,hold on all right, before we

get to break, go ahead theuseless dodge plank female world record. Okay,
well, is for a male ninehours and thirty minutes in one say
maybe it was more than four hours. Maybe I'm maybe I'm saying females.
Yeah, are you right? Female? Four hours, nineteen minutes, fifty

five seconds. It's gana glow walkupright from Canada. Impossible. There's no
way planking for four plus hours.Get the hell out of here. Throw
out all the records. Dude,Okay, throw out all the records.
I'm just telling you, man.If you don't throw them out, then

on, Hey check it out.She's strong you think? No, like
she's strong strong, I mean looking? Yeah, just I stick to what
her accomplishment, Brian, I'm alittle less shallow than you, a little
less shadow than you. I stickto the accomplishment. The looks you can
worry about later. The accomplishment.Hey, one of your former teammates.

I'm gonna be elected into the HoustonSports Hall of Fame. Do you know
who I do? No, youdon't. I absolutely into it. I
don't know has no clue who itis. He's probably never even heard of
him. No, he hasn't,probably haven't no who is it. We'll
discuss it next on Sports Talk sevenninety. But first, if you want
more excitement on game day, well, it's time to get over to price

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Picks Daily Fantasy Sports made easy.We're fact. The Shawn Salisbury Show continued.

We been burn in both ends,keeping that song. A couple of
segments left on The Shawn Salds Show. Here on a Western Wednesday. Shawn
Watson out for the rest of theseason. He's gonna have to have surgery
on his shoulder. The NFL suspendedlinebacker for the Texans, Denzel Perriman,

three games. College fotball playoff rankingsupdated Georgia, Ohio State, Michigan,
and Florida State. One of Shawn'sformer teammates gonna be inducted into the Houston
Sports Hall of Fame class at twentytwenty four. Warren Moon well deserved.

Yeah, that's an understatement. Myonly question is and I love what they
did. Why it takes a longYeah, I mean, I guess because
there's so many great athletes and yougot to go. I get that,
But yeah, this is If he'sgot a bust in Canton, I would
think that he's probably in the HoustonSports Hall of Fame. I'm proud of
my man, a dear friend,one of my favorite dudes on the planet,

a tremendous teacher for me. Anexample as a football player on the
field was great and just everything hedid, his demeanor. A lot of
quarterbacks and a lot of players couldlearn a lot from his approach to football.
Warren Moon and I couldn't be moreproud of him and what he's all
about and what he the players alwayslove playing on the same team. Just

spawned the ball about as well asanybody I ever play. He's the best
thrower of the football. I'm talkingabout with a consistent spiral that the ball
didn't wobble. I've never seen anybodyspin it like him from practice to warm
up to games. The guys phenomenaland congratulations to him and everybody else.
It's going to get in and uhyeah, that'll be Cynthia Cooper and Astro's

legend Lance Berkman. Well, twoof those three are basically teammates. Coop
and I were in school at thesame time my final project in a journalism
class. Coop was my host ofthe show, yet my guest of the
show. Coop and I was atthe same time. I had her,
Paula and Pam McGee and I stillthink the best female basketball player of all
time Cheryl Miller. Oh wow,they're all at the same time. Damn.

We were Yukon and Tennessee before Yukonand Tennessee, and we used to
go to the gym Singia. Cooperand Cheryl Miller on in the same college.
Tewn and Ronda Wyndham was a pointguard and she was off the charts.
Coop do years the year forgetting pauland Pam McGee were booking on that
team too. They were high schooltop recruit all Americans great at USC Coop

and Coop when she was there,was was those three were the stars.
And Coop was a great player.When she got the w NBA, She's
MVP. Coop went crazy, meaningon the court, she was all off
the charts player. She was agreat one. Yeah, I asked her
because she loves sports to do myproject because she was like a guest host,
and we had to do a liveshow, a live interview show,

and I was I was the producerof the and the director on that.
For that show, Coop and Iwent, yeah, we're in school together
and we used to go to thegym. Now I understand that the fellas
on the the guys, the malemen basketball players, a bunch of myself
and like del Rio and guys thatwere there that played basketball, that played
in the off season, and theCoop and Cheryl Miller and the McGee twins

they'd come play too. And I'mtelling you you thought, oh, come
on, really, if you drewCheryl and had to guard as good as
you were, you had to work. Now, Yeah, she was and
Coop and the mcgeetrians, we werethat Cheryl Miller's best Diana Trosti and Cheryl
swoops, there's at Lisa Leslie.You missed a treat getting to watch her

play. Cheryl Miller was off thehook, so so was Coopy even like
I said, bloomed even later asa superstar. But that team. Matter
of fact, more people people usedto go the football play, used to
go watch the women play because theywere so frigging good and it was I
mean, they were really really good. So yeah, they were on the

same team at the same time.So Coop, congratulations to Cynthia Cooper who
was a classmate and a dear friendin college and getting into it. So
this is this is cool from LanceBerkman. Obviously you knew that was coming
down the pike. Gage for Coopand Warren Moon to my uh love them,
love them both and I'm really beforehim and boy talk about successful careers.
Incredible Warren Moon, Houston comments legend, Cynthia Cooper and astros legend.

Lance Berkman, it's a hell ofa class right there, twenty twenty four
Houston Sports Hall of Fame class.They'll be inducted at the twenty twenty four
Houston Sports Awards in January. Let'sget out to the phone line. Seven
one three two point two five seven. I just go up to Montana talk
to Ray Ray, good morning,Hey, good morning guys. I heard
you guys are earlier talking about whoto replace A and M coach. I'm

an A and M fan. Uhhere's the name. I haven't really heard
heard, and I'm just wondering whaty'all's opinion of it is, because he
has a good record. Until we'vegot the Sport Atlantic. What about Tom
Herman? What greater passion than hatredthan hire the guy who got fired to
Texas and go up there and beatthem. I'll hang up and hear your

your comments. Thank you, Ray. I don't know, I've I've had
some good conversations with Tom Herman overthe years. He was the hottest assistant
going when he left Ohio State aftercoaching three different quarterbacks and got him to
a national title that year and theywon it, and then the University of

Houston, he was did it somegreat things here and they went to Texas
and things. You realize it's abit tougher, right, And I think
what he what he call her sayingis to you know, go from Texas
to Texas and would Tom take itin two seconds flat. I'm sure,
but I don't know if I forgetthat even the Texas. Here's what I'm

not doing. And I and Iunderstand the usc U c L A,
Texas, Texas A and M.You know, his hatred a good way
way to put it, you know, competitive hatred? Does that make sense?
But I'm not hiring somebody, andI know this isn't the only reason
our caller said, but I'm nothiring somebody to get back at another university

unless, of course he's the bestcandidate. You know, I'm not going
to hire Tom Herman just because it'llpiss Texas off. If Texas kicks my
ass, it ain't gonna matter,right. So if Tom Herman was is
the best candidate, I don't know. Maybe he gets an interview, but
the question is is Tom ready forthat step again after you know the ut

thing and can he fixed text am. I wouldn't think he's on their short
list, but I'm wondering when Tom'sgonna get it that that opportunity is going
to present itself again to where hecan build it and and be a Power
five head coach again. I don'tknow. And Tom was always good to
me. And I liked him andhe did some phenomenal things right here at
Houston, so I don't think thatthat'd be the case. But I'm I'm

personally not going to hire a coachjust because he coached at the what we
would consider a great rival, justto piss the other team off. Because
the truth is, getting Tom Hermanright now is not gonna ooh heighten recruiting
at Texas A and M that isit a needle mover. I'm not even
worried about the needle move. I'mworried about winning. And if you if
you move the needle and can recruit, fine, But I don't think I

think they're going to go with somebodythat you probably know more, Yeah,
how's that sound, or a morea bigger name. Now, Tom was
as big a name in Texas.I mean when he got the job at
the UT, everybody's raving about itand it just didn't quite work out.
So I don't think Tom Herman's goingto be that guy. And I sure
as heck wouldn't think that they justhire him because it would piss off Texas.

But Tom did a great job atUniversity of Houston and as an assistant
at Ohio State. Yeah, he'sat what Florida Atlantic? Obviously he had
some stops here in Houston. TheTexas tenure wasn't you know who I'd go
try to hire too, Okay,but you know, I go try to
hire hold on a guy who I'dinterview if they would let him, But
I don't. He says he doesn'tever want to leave there. He say
he's a lifer. Basically, whois it? Kansas head coach Lansleypold I

think he did what he Now whenyou talk about I think it's a lot
easier now competition of her. Butto me, if Nick Saban retired tomorrow,
it's a lot like the Astros,it's going to be a lot easier
for Joe Spot to take over thisorganization that it would be taken over the
Oakland A's that Mark Cottsee's got todeal with now. The reward is huge

because the jumps you can make thatgap of losing the winning I think,
and of course it's you get betterplayers. But while the shoes to Phil
would suck if some if Nick Sabanretired tomorrow, guess what you're going there
and you're gonna get good players.So when it comes to Lance is never
gonna get As much as I lovethe University of Kansas and what they're doing

in their basketball program, He's nevergoing to be able to recruit the football
guys. If the basketball guys recruitfive star players every year, it's just
not gonna happen. So what he'sgot, But it's a big fish in
a little pond, right he's killingit. So are you willing to leave
that? I'm not saying A andM is even interested, But you want
a guy who can recruit, whotook a program that wasn't good and made
him a winner and made them relevant, big time relevant. What would he

do here? Interesting? The questionis would he be willing to leave Kansas?
It'd be hard for me to say, how could you not? For
Texas A and him? But younever know Mark Few at Gonzaga what he's
built and never Mark Few probably getsa job opportunity every single year somewhere else
at a bigger school. But rightnow, Gonzaga is a power basketball program.

He's turned it in. It's nota blue blood program, but it's
sure's playing like one. In thelast two decades, basically in year out
there phenomenal right, but that stepup's tough. But you got to even
interview guys like that if you'll lethim. But I'm always waiting for that
guy says I'm a lifer here andthen literally to stay a lifer here,
meaning at a place like University ofKansas and Lawrence. Yeah. Yeah,
it's gonna be interesting to see.All right, let's look at these college

football playoff rankings. We know thetop four, but who came in at
fifth and sixth, maybe even seventh. We'll discuss that next on the Sewn
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at the ball this cowthy hold lot. No, buts you rescue me from
reaching col Abott all me back beingthere's there look top top three country artists

right now outside of Jelly Roll.No, he didn't he win the Entertainer
of the Year. No, Stapletonwon a game. Yes, two or
three years in a row. That'scrazy. Yeah, we gotta come out

there. We got a glass.I'm pouring up a drink right now.
Yeah, I got one. Igot it in my flask. What's better
than good bourbon? Vo could befour ten in the morning. That is
crazy. I'm kidding. Do youknow how you know how you get over
the course of you Like somebody willget you'll get like in a golf bag,

like a flask, or you'll haveone with your initials on. Somebody
will make it before you give youa gift. I don't think I've ever
filled a flask with booze. Ihave it, but I've never used it.
If you a flask, yeah,I just read like the little one.
You know, you keep it likethe old school, like like Clint
East will pop it out and takea little head off it. I think
what I did the first time Iwent to Vegas. You know, we
went to a You put a drinkin a cup? No, no,

no, I put the little shooters, you know, the little little I
put those in my boots that youget on the plane. Yeah. At
the club, in the club.Yeah, you know, drinks are in
Vegas at a club. Do Ijust graduated college. I didn't have I
barely had a full time I didn'thave a full time job. I was
just coaching at the time. Itis a little cash, so I need
to you know, went over,bought some fireballs, stuck it in the
old boot. You know, you'reno, I've never had a flash.

I have a flask, but Idon't use it. Are you a sweet
of strawberry? Is a strawberry wine? Or you're warm as a classic brandy?
I'm warm as glass of brandy?Yeah? Yeah, So do you
think he has brandy? Though?Do you ask? Brandy is just brandy?
It's a drink? I know whatwho is she? I don't know?
Hey, let me ask you aquestion. Yes, it's an interesting
one. It's really not that interesting. Do you think you'd like to take
a pull off vodka before ten?A poll? Or poll? A poll?

Over playing golf? Yeah? Man, are you coming to work?
No? Why not? No?I don't think I've ever drank before showing
up. I've never done that.Even at you know, somebody you'll have
like somebody will bring in like boosttaste and you have a little quicker birthday.
Take a little here's a little half, a little cheer, you know,
Yeah, a little little little uhone finger, maybe a little little

tequila. Yeah, yeah, nothere though. It's not here though,
yeah, allegedly allegedly, but I'lltell you that it's warm as a glass
of brandy. Who is brandy?Uh? I could either confirm nor deny.
Hey, you know we're talking aboutcoaching. You know another spot that's
probably going to open up is righthere in Houston. There's no way Dana

Holgerson survives, right, that's aand it's a good job. They're now
in the Big twelve, damn right. They've got good facilities, they've got
good support, and Dana Holgerson isjust not he'd look, it's, let's
face it. They can't even beCincinnati, you know what. Yeah,
Cincinnati's only two years removed from theFinal four, right, and they're not
very good. Here's what I here'shere's an interesting point. It's really not

that interesting. I love to sayinteresting question, and I always say,
well, it's not that interesting,right right, it's not even a question.
I think I'm gonna put my resumein for the if that happens,
for the job head coaching job atU H Yeah, go for it,
Sean, take me and Triple withyou. Yeah. Yeah, you guys
will be great handing out gatorade onthe sidelines as long as I can be
on the side. The man,I'm gonna have you be decked out.

Jordan Gear, I'm gonna have I'mgonna have TRIPLEY is my slot receiver coach.
He's a little, you know,smaller in stature but quick, and
I'm gonna have you coaching strength andconditioning. No, I want to guy.
I want a guy who. Iwant a guy who actually knows what
hammer strength is. I'm just kidding. I need use my tight end coach.

Run it again, give me arun again, Run it again.
No, you know what I thinkyou? Yeah, you want to think
you'd be good? What's that theget back coach? Me? Follow you
around? Come on, hey,South, come on, come on,
Well, no, I go Igo, yeah, I go out.
There after the refue you go putyour hand around my way say come on,
come on, come on, allright, I got you mother,

And he can't have the coach thinkpenaly here want that job because I just
feel not not with you. ButI'm just saying at all because at some
point, you know, a headcoaching and you're gonna be the Yes,
let me fight him, let meargue with you. I'm just I'm just
doing my job, coach. I'mjust just watching the well. They will
come back up money say man,my bad, you're exactly right, thanks
for keeping from another penalty, gettingand getting run from here. No,

I'm kidding. I'm not put Danastill the coach, and I'm not putting
my resume in for the head coachingjob. Yeah, I just don't.
I don't think that he will be. No, I don't. I can
tell you this knowing Chris Peesman overthere at Chris Pezman at the A D
there in that university, they'll makewhatever decision is the best for their program.
Well, I think I trust Pezto do that. I think that

that would mean that his tenure thereis over. Something's not going right over
there. Clearly they should be better. They should be there's no question,
whatever reason, but they should bebetter. And I'm not saying they should
be seven to two in the Bigtwelve, but they should be above five
hundred and they're not. And Ithink I playing, and I think Dana
knows they should be better too.Yeah, And he loves the University of
Houston, he loves this city.Yeah, I mean, he can't help

but root for him and I.But unfortunately, in the coaching business business,
and we don't know if it's goingto happen. The coaching business is
cruel those of us, but yeah, those of us in the indust But
it can be also extremely rewarding becauseyou get to make a difference with players,
you get to watch them get betterin most cases, and you get
paid a lot coaching. The collegecoaching business used to be you got to
go to the NFL to get themoney that those big that to get the

real money. Hell, you gotto come to college to get the real
money for some Now, when yougot a head coaching jobs paying ten twelve
million bucks a year, you nolonger have to leave the NFL to get
the money you want. It's righthere and right now. Yeah, And
with college football playoff rankings. Wecan talk more about this. Georgia bongs
where they are. Yeah, Georgiashould have been a number one the whole
time. Yeah, I was.I was literally gonna ask you, do

you think Georgia should be the numberone Team's Georgia, Ohio State and Michigan
Florida State as your top four,and then you've got Washington, then Oregon,
then Texas. I think Texas isin a really peculiar, peculiar spot.
If they go and win, well, you know what, this weekend's
gonna be tough. Man. They'regoing two aims to play Iowa State and

it's a night game. But ifthey're a championship team, yeah they should
go in and win. Yes,no question, they should go in and
win. The problem is if youget a bunch of one loss teams and
you're still the conference champion, whichone loss team Packed twelve? If Oregon
beats Washington Pac twelve Big twelve,one of the if Big ten should go
undefeated in the ACC. But theSEF Alabama beach Georgia, that's three one

loss teams and a couple more behindhim. I just don't know how you
leave a one loss conference champion outof the championship. If a one loss
team like if Georgia got beat byAlabama and we all think Georgia is still
maybe the best team in the Cupof Alabama was able to beat in there
playing great football and Milrose playing outof his mind right now, which is
great. And then you say,well, Georgia didn't win the conference championship,

but I think we'd all agree they'restill one of the four best teams
in the country. Yet you getrewarded by performance and where you are.
To me, you need to bea conference champion. If you have conference
champions with one loss or less andundefeated like Florida State and the Big Ten
champion, then that you belong tothe Final four. Yeah. And then
speaking of the University of Texas withQuinn, you weres back at quarterback.
They got to travel to ams anda big thing for them playing at Iowa

State is they've just got to scoremore points than Iowa State to win.
Huh is a is that factual?So tell me of that again. In
order for Texas to win the Saturdaynight against Iowa State, they have to
score more points than Iowa State towin. There's no ties so you have

to score or more to win,correct? Yeah, no ties, no
ties. So you're telling me thatthat just that holds true all the time.
It does. Yeah, in allsports if you score more points than
yours. Actually no, that didnot all sports because golf you want to
have lower the lowest. But inteam sports correct. Yeah, you mean

if you score more points than youropponent, you win the game one hundred
percent of the time. Now that'san analytics I can lean on. I'm
just saying, man, lean onme. Screw feel right, it's analytics.
I can lean score more points thanthe opponent. Yeah, all right,
I'm in What a day, man, what a banger? Yeah,

that's it. It's gonna do it. Four hours flies by when you're having
fun. And now you got mesinging Christmas cuts. Now, man,
go ahead, get you a littlebing crossing when you get in your classic
Elite Chevy Sugarland Silverado Hark the haroldingChelsey, glory to the new man.

Are watching this with the camera,you see his focus level. Yeah,
let's get out of here for Seanfor triple on Brian. We'll be back
tomorrow morning at six a m.Next up was Standing Northley, Chris Cordy
coming up next right here on SportsTalk seven ninety Peace
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