Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Okay, let's do this.
Speaker 3 (00:08):
Sewn Salisbury.
Speaker 2 (00:12):
To usc truths.
Speaker 4 (00:13):
Longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury.
Speaker 5 (00:14):
Bryan Lima, go Lobos.
Speaker 3 (00:17):
This is the Sewn Salsbury Show.
Speaker 6 (00:22):
Rockets taking on the Memphis Grizzlies tonight in Memphis. Seven
o'clock is the tip off, six o'clock launch bat right
here on seven on your home for Rockets basketball. Texans
take down the Chargers. They will face the Kansas City
Chiefs this coming Saturday. It's a three point thirty kick kickoff.
The Commanders beat the Bucks, Eagles beat the Packers, the
Bills dominate the Broncos, and you got another Monday night
football game tonight for wild card weekend. Seawn Triple League.
Good morning, what's happening? Good morning? What's up? It's the
Vikings and MS tonight in Arizona.
Speaker 7 (01:01):
Yeah, you don't think it's May. Instead of giving everybody
the same chance over the weekend, they decided to move
one to Monday, and we liked it. We like money games, brother,
we like putting games on on Monday night, even in
the playoffs.
Speaker 6 (01:11):
Minnesota favored by two and a half, yep, should be
a good game. But the Texans, well, first, I'd say
about quarter and a half, offense did not look very good.
Joe Mixon could not get going. CJ. Stroud was not
playing well. And then lo and behold to drop snap
third down completion to Xavier Hutchinson that turned the offense
around and the Texans end up winning thirty two to twelve.
Speaker 7 (01:34):
Hey, listen, I don't think anybody saw this coming, not
the law.
Speaker 6 (01:38):
Well I'll tell you who did. John.
Speaker 7 (01:40):
He said double digit win for the for the UH
Texans on Friday. Yeah, and kudos to him. But listen,
if you're being honest with yourself, you were treading lightly
with this. I picked the Charger. I think you picked
the Texans by a field goal late yep, triplely. I
mean and the Chargers. No, nobody needs to apologize anybody
for picking a game. Okay, No, I got a goo
Twitter and I don't know if it's not or what
it is. But and that's fine, no problem. And I
don't mind hold us account. We're a kind of Listen.
We preached to the high heavens about who we pick
and the rest of it. I've picked against USC, I've
picked against the Astros. I've picked and guess what I'll
be picking against the Texans again this week if it
works fine, not because just to do it out of
superstition or not because I don't love them.
Speaker 6 (02:21):
I love them.
Speaker 7 (02:23):
But when you're doing broadcasting picking games, right, you give
the you give an honest opinion. If you want that,
go get it from somebody else. So yeah, pick, apologize
for picking a game. It's a stupid game. Pick and
it ain't that serious.
Speaker 6 (02:36):
Speaker 7 (02:37):
If you bet your like he said he's betting his
daughter's college education on the money line against the Chiefs,
he's got bigger guts than I do. Yeah, because when
it comes to family, I did. That's why it's game.
I don't know if I gambled that one away, but listen,
if you're that kind of confidence, I'm okay with it.
But held accountable for picking against. We gave you all
the good and all the bad of both, and we
broke down this game every single friggin which way, six
ways of Sunday and twice on Sunday. Finally, the Texans
played their best all around game. Aggressive on offense, ran
the ball later. What they did they threw the set
up the run, they sawed him throwing, and then they
pounded them with mixing later in the second half. The
first quarter and a half, every single one of you
was thinking, here we go again.
Speaker 6 (03:19):
This team.
Speaker 7 (03:20):
This team's offense blows defense kept them in it. If
the Chargers have any game at all, in the first half,
they're up by three touchdowns. But the Texans defense is real, man.
We set it going in. If the offense matches the defense,
you got a football team, and they finally did first
time in seventeen games where I felt fully aggressive from
the start, but offensively they other than the first quarter
and a half, which it's the playoffs. Crap, you're gonna be
embarrassed in a certain series. And then they kicked in
on it. What it was a Stroud fumble, picks it up,
pulls it out of his rear, and Hutchinson continues to
grow across the field, gets in his vision and it
went down for the Chargers from there. Herbert had a
bad game. He picked the wrong time. He's a good
player with a bad game. And Stroud it was tough
as hell in the game and made some great throws.
That's who they This is more like the team we
thought we'd see all year.
Speaker 6 (04:13):
So if you felt good about that game going in awesome.
It was a home game.
Speaker 7 (04:16):
You're playing against a Charger team that, in truth, was
dominating the game early on and then bam. But I
love this defense, So you don't apologize if you're picking
against the Texans.
Speaker 6 (04:26):
Orf you're picking for the Texans.
Speaker 7 (04:27):
Who cares they and you know, people file away what
they need to file away. But most of us thought
going in, if they both play the way they've played
this year, Chargers will come in and win by a
field goal. But there was no prohibitive favorite in this game.
Now there's a big one next week, and you know
you saw it in the Buffalo game. Big favorite. Denver
starts off fast. Buffalo's the better team. Baltimore far better
than the Pittsburgh. They ran over the Steelers like they
were nothing. Yea, and the Steelers' offense proved what we
thought they were. They're not very good. Russ picked it
up in the second half. Too little, too late. Team's
tough to defend. Man, they played like that. Man, Buffalo
is gonna have their hands.
Speaker 6 (05:04):
I don't know.
Speaker 7 (05:05):
But this team here, they came out and played there.
I thought it was their best all around game. There
were still some things you look at and say, gosh,
how do we start out like this again? But their
defense was able to stave it off. And I told
you again they catch everything, dude. In the secondary. They
don't lay the ball on the ground. They got a
bunch of receivers playing defensive back. Last had no business
holding out of that football, no great catch. Stingley's got
great ball skills as good as anybody, First team All Pro,
and their linebackers run.
Speaker 6 (05:34):
That's who they are. And while the.
Speaker 7 (05:37):
Offensive line, you know, early on he thought what's going
on here? Everybody settled in. That's what playoff football is.
Survival Because I promise you in the middle of the
second quarter, right whatever it was after the first quarter,
most of this city, if you're watching football, you can
love them and stay tuned in like we did. But
you're thinking, this is kind of turning out the way
we thought. In considered, they'll make a few plays, can
they sustain four quarters of it? And I'll be they
did it in the from what middle of the second
quarter or whatever it was on But it was a
hell of a game. And you know what, today, unless
something changes, why wouldn't you pick the Chiefs postseason chops Now,
as we said, just because you picked against the dog
un Chargers, I mean against the Texans, did not mean
you didn't think they had a chance. We talked about it,
but there was nothing that told you on a sustained
basis offensively that this team was going to do what
they did and this team was going to be able
to sustain it for four quarters or commit to it.
And they did. And I'm going to tell you what
this defense it's real good. Now if this tape keeps,
they talked to me in like twenty twenty six, and
they are fierce and they fly and they don't even
have Petrie still not on the field. They are frigging
really really good man. And offense finally no offense. They
finally did their thing and they carry, They kicked ass
and attack the Chargers and then they and Bobby Slow
moved him around. Was aggressive in the past game. And
Nico Collins is just a grown ass man, and you
know what I love about him. Find me a receiver
who stays outside the numbers all the time. I'll find
you a guy that's fine, runs deep passes, run everything
away from punishment. This big s ob will challenge you
on slant routes will come across the middle, We'll catch
and run and body slam you. That he is a
that's a he's months away from being as you can't.
I know who the two you're gonna pick first, Cincinnati
and J Jefferson. But I'm going to tell you right
now he ain't taking a backseat to many more. No,
that guy's a monster. So it looked like a comp
and they did not look confident offensively first, you know,
quarter and like I said, the Chargers just couldn't get
their own friggin way. And they and I swear to
you as it's going on, it's millsecond's six to nothing,
it's six to nothing. You know what you're thinking, Brian,
At least I was is the Chargers are gonna they
keep this up. And then Herbert made some bad decisions,
bad throws. They kind of got away from what they
were doing, you know, and before you know it, now
they're in a chase mode and the secondary of the
Texans is really frigging good. Yeah, I mean, I'll cross
the board safeties as well. And that's without Petrie. So yeah,
no nobody else. An apology to anybody, and oh yeah,
hold me accountable, I'll raise my hand and tell you
that if you had the if you were one that
had the blowout by the Texans and you bet it,
showed me the receipts, or you came on here and
said it.
Speaker 6 (08:30):
John did.
Speaker 7 (08:30):
John was the only one who predicted a blow up.
Most people like I said, you asked me earlier in
the week, where's the buzz?
Speaker 6 (08:35):
Speaker 7 (08:36):
I said, Here's why I think there's not one, and
you agreed. Is because I think they believed that the
team can win, but we want to see if they
can sustain it. There was questions all the way around. Offensively,
I don't think any a matter of fact, I'm.
Speaker 6 (08:48):
Not overly concerned that they can hold their own defensively
against the Chiefs. I think they can. Now.
Speaker 7 (08:54):
The one thing about Mahomes in this January stuff, Andy
will find a weakness and abuse it the entire game.
Speaker 6 (09:00):
And then throwing Spagnola right.
Speaker 7 (09:03):
That's what my concern is, Bobby Slowick matched up against Spagnolo,
who is one of the all time postseason defensive coordinators.
Matter of fact, I don't know if there's a defensive coordinator.
I mean, he's got Super Bowl rings in two different
cities as a defensive hell. I think he does in
the Giants was he he was in the Giants jury,
he was a defense coordinator. He was a defense coordinator.
Then when they rushed for I believe in and and
took care of Brady's undefeated season. I'm almost positive Spags
was there, which led him to be the head coach
in Saint Louis moved on. Regardless of that, this is
the hell of a matchup. Will discuss all week, bright
I I am. I was shocked at just the all around.
Not not shocked a little surprised that they all put
it together because it didn't start well, but it showed
great resilience on a team they could have after that,
even though it was only six to nothing. But the
Chargers allowed the Texans to hang around in their building
and the Texans caught fire on a broken play. The
was a fumble that hit Stroud in the hands and
it went through his hands and then he was had
the wherewithal to keep the play Like that dude you
saw play quarterback on Saturday is exactly the guy you
saw most of the year last year. And slowick I
felt to me like they looked again, like what do
we got to do. We're not going to this passive
and that defense will keep you in every game.
Speaker 6 (10:20):
Spagnola was the defensive for the Giants.
Speaker 5 (10:22):
There you go.
Speaker 7 (10:23):
So he's got Super Bowl rings all over the place
as a decordinator and maybe he'll get a head coaching
job again. The biggest matchup for me is can Bobby
deal with that? And how's and they're gonna be well
rested and fierce.
Speaker 6 (10:33):
There was a really really really ugly, ugly interception by Stroud,
I believe in the second quarter. Yeah, you're like, where
are you throwing it? I literally tweeted. I was like,
what in the was that? Yeah? What the hell was that?
And I was like, dude, there's no way that this
offense is going to look like this for the rest
of the game. Like, come on, man, like make some adjustments.
And they sure as hell did.
Speaker 1 (10:53):
Speaker 6 (10:53):
That dropped snap that he fumbled rolls out to his
right after picking it up, launching it downfield to Hutchinson
and in the offense took off. And what did we
talk about all last week? Was gonna be one thing
that the Texans would have to take care of, and
that was Lad McConkey. Nine receptions, one hundred and ninety
seven yards, one of them being that long ass eighty
six yard touchdown run after the catch. They were fortunate.
But then you look at the rushing attack for the Chargers,
eighteen carries just fifty yards.
Speaker 7 (11:21):
Well, take a look and how many carries did the
Texans thirty four?
Speaker 6 (11:25):
Go go, you got the real quick, Bran.
Speaker 7 (11:28):
Well, I'll help you with this just once again as
my weekly validation the other games. I'm going to tell
you right now, I got it right in front of it,
the weekly validation of let's just go through the schedule
your Packers Eagles rushing attempts. It has the and the
obviously twenty five rushes for twenty five rushes for the Packers,
thirty four for the Eagles who won the game.
Speaker 6 (11:56):
Speaker 7 (11:56):
Yeah, okay, there's one and then that's one. So we
know that attempts, right. We didn't say anything about it. No,
it's just attempts. Now, my Yahoo won't go back home.
I got Commander's Buccaneers. Commanders won in a late field goal.
Speaker 6 (12:09):
They'll doink. Commanders rushed thirty three times, Tampa Bay just
twenty five, all right, So there's one, there's two. Another
one there's two. No, let's look at Steelers Ravens even
though dude, these you know that, you know that rushing
Oh my god dominated Baltimore rushed fifty attempts, Pittsburgh just eleven. Okay,
who won that game? I believe Baltimore Ravens didn't. Okay.
And then whom I'm missing, ol Broncos Bills. Let's go
look at that box score, the Buffalo Bills forty four attempts,
the Denver Brogos seventeen. Who won that game? Buffalo? And
then who won the rushing? Here? The Texans so and
they won the game?
Speaker 7 (12:48):
Post game playoffs? Yeah, I mean put postseason playoffs five
games the six months tonight five and zero. The team
that had more rushing attempts and it wasn't because you've
blown out they started running it.
Speaker 6 (12:59):
Speaker 7 (12:59):
Now, who's a team that thrives on the run and
mix in plaction and guess whose feet were not alive?
Speaker 8 (13:05):
And well?
Speaker 6 (13:05):
And he would I say, he's.
Speaker 7 (13:06):
Either going to help them or if he doesn't get
on the edge advantage Texans. Herbert did nothing with his
legs in this game. No, Stroud did more with his legs.
Speaker 6 (13:15):
Yeah, he had rushing yards right, and he never does
that right.
Speaker 7 (13:19):
So with that, once again five and oh, we didn't
even mention the yards carry. We mentioned the attempts correct
in playoff football, and which team that loves to run
it and mix in play action didn't do it well
and turn it over four times?
Speaker 6 (13:33):
CJ. Shroud forty two. Yes, rushing yards right. He is
the Chargers who live by the fit.
Speaker 7 (13:38):
The Chargers got out of what they normally do because
the Texans defense forced it with turnovers and made the
Chargers chase. It's uncomfortable for them and they don't have
a lot of perimeter weapons. And then you look at
the rest run it, dominate the line of scrimmage, and
you win games five and oh in the postseason with
the team who had more rushing.
Speaker 6 (13:55):
Attempts than the opposing team.
Speaker 7 (14:00):
So my suggestion is you go into Kansas City, run
it more than you throw it.
Speaker 6 (14:04):
Yeah, run the ball.
Speaker 7 (14:05):
Yeah that's just you need the or run it at
least more than the other team attempts. And there and
there you have it. So a huge, huge win, and
kudos to the Texans for five. You know what they
were a lot of people thought they were. You know,
the Texans and the Steelers, because the Steelers offense going
into this playoff was how could they? Well, I got
news for you. The ain't no bye week this week either,
so Rex probably and he doesn't have to apologize for
that's how he felt. But I love that the Texans
put it to him and in a close game that
you thought one of the biggest blowouts of the weekend
was the Texans kicking the Chargers ass and their building
the hell of a wild card win. Now the test
gets tougher because the four teams left are really good.
Speaker 6 (14:43):
They are they are sure sure thing, they are damn good.
All right, let's continue to talk about this Texans win.
What did Demiico Ryans have to say after the game
about a total team win against those Chargers. That's next
right here on Sports Talk seven ninety. Before we get
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Speaker 2 (16:12):
Let the celebration start more.
Speaker 3 (16:15):
Sean Salisbury on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 6 (16:20):
Seven one three two two five seven ninety is the
number to join We're gonna take your reaction to the
Texans winning all morning longs here from Demiico Ryans. He
spoke about how the team played a total team game.
Speaker 9 (16:32):
Here he is, that's the complimentary football that you know
we've been looking for and we've been needing as a team,
and it's just outstanding performance on all three phases. Really
proud of all of our guys. I can go through
each position group. Everybody stepped up and made a play.
We need to make plays. Our best players stepped up.
It made big plays for us to win this game,
and none other than CJ. I just want to make
sure you know he gets the love that he deserves.
Like the play that he made on the fumble, snap
and throw to Hutch like fast, the play that just
sparked our entire not only not our offense, but our
entire team.
Speaker 6 (17:10):
Man, that's uh, Jamaico Ryan's talking about the team.
Speaker 7 (17:13):
I don't doubt that one bit that it permeated through
the team. And it did because imagine now that ball fumbles,
he doesn't pick it up, or he makes a you know,
a thorow cross body that gets picked downhill could have
completely slipped for the Chargers. Perfect day for them to
play their best all around game and aggressive. Even though
it was slow at the beginning, they were at least aggressive.
They came out chucking it and he said, well are
they going to get mix it involved? And they got
the Beast involved.
Speaker 10 (17:38):
Speaker 6 (17:39):
Can't take a big sigh relief.
Speaker 7 (17:40):
Because this is only one game you're getting through that
they got through the wild card last year, and it
gets tougher. The quarterbacks that are left are Stroud, Mahomes,
Lamar Jackson.
Speaker 6 (17:49):
And Josh Allen any good? I think so?
Speaker 7 (17:52):
Yeah, they're not bad. And then what the NFC is
Darnald those guys got to play tonight, But Jade and
Daniels Rookie of the Year.
Speaker 6 (17:58):
You got.
Speaker 7 (18:00):
Golf with the Darnald and Stafford tonight. You still have
whom I'm missing, I said, golf whom I'm oh Jalen
Hurts who they're probably gonna have to pick up.
Speaker 6 (18:11):
Their throwing game, brother to keep going.
Speaker 7 (18:13):
They are, But you've got some really good players in
the AFC is friggin loaded, and I know they're geared
up for man, that's a monster.
Speaker 6 (18:21):
We we were in for a monster.
Speaker 7 (18:22):
Run here, and but listen, it really is even for Baltimore,
who they do. You talk about them physically bearing Pittsburgh
at the line of scrimmage and Dereck Henry look like
a man possessed. It was a beastly and they didn't
even empty the bucket on their bandwidth.
Speaker 6 (18:42):
They just kind of kept They just did their thing.
Speaker 11 (18:44):
Speaker 7 (18:45):
They the Texans to be able to come out and
do what they did, considering you know, all the talk,
and it's hard a lot of times when you see
a team will play good during the regular season, then
the postseason kicks in, like the Chargers and they kind
of no offense. They choked up their own spit in
the game, Yeah, all the way through, and then you
turn around a look at the Texans hadn't put it together.
They did put this together offense, responded. Everybody going in said,
what's the weakness? Well, maybe offensive line, but the offense
just hasn't been aggressive enough. What's Bobby Slow going to do?
His CJ gonna revert back to the way he played
last year? Well, it all happened, now sustaining it. The
playoffs are a survival mode, buddy. Even though for some
like Baltimore looked pretty you're still in survival mode. They
know what it's going to Buffalo. You're gonna get cold weather.
You're going to survive that one too. So I just
loved what the Texans did. I would have, like I said,
if you asked me, Sean going back, would you pick
the Chargers again? Yeah, not knowing the result, bet, but
I would have picked the charge again because they played
consistently better all year long. The Texans just geared up,
and I love a team that can do that. Now,
you got to stay there, right, You're past now the celebration,
smoking cigars and the rest of it. Now get onto
the next part of it and face the team that's
back to back Super Bowl champions and will not come.
You're not going into a an easy building to win in, right, So,
but man, they the aggressiveness on both sides of the ball,
and I am not worried about how the Texans defense
is going to handle Kansas City. Now, when I say that,
does it mean that the Chiefs won't throw for three
hundred right though? Of course, because that's Andy Reid and Mahomes.
I know what they're about. But I'm not worried that
the tech they can't keep up. My question is can
you go in with the same aggressiveness on the road,
knowing who the opposing quarterback is, play smart football and
deal with what I think is the best to playoff
defensive coordinator, top three maybe of all time.
Speaker 6 (20:32):
One of them, it was.
Speaker 7 (20:33):
Record says so so that that's the matchup. But man,
the Texans responded in a big way this past weekend.
Speaker 6 (20:42):
Yeah, there's no doubt.
Speaker 1 (20:43):
Speaker 6 (20:43):
You know one of the guys on the defensive side
of the football that I don't know if he's underrated
or maybe not talked about just because of what Will
Anderson junior, Danil Hunter, Derek Stingley junior, as he's Outshire,
Henry Toatoa flies around dude, He's all over the place.
I feel like.
Speaker 7 (21:00):
His name is called all the time, all the time.
He's a really good hybrid player too. He can run,
he's physical, he's a That's why I say, even the
guys that you don't they aren't talked about nationally locally,
we know the depth of the defense of guys running around.
Listen here, this is a good thing.
Speaker 6 (21:24):
A bummer if you're Petrie, but I want you to
think about how the secondary's playing. And you got one
of your best.
Speaker 7 (21:29):
You got a pro bowler who can go Pro Bowl
every year, I think, is the hell of a player.
When's the last time you heard anybody talk about him?
The only reason I say that the outside of my
means that they're still doing great, that they're doing some
really good things depth wise. And you saw it again,
you know Murray. Murray's the one who took it to
the house right, also had seven total tackles for them
being sold everywhere. Yeah, I mean people were flying around
and that's dmko ryans right now, that stamp of here's
how we're going to play defense is alive and well, yeah,
Bobby Slowick looked like a guy who should be interviewed for.
Speaker 6 (22:04):
What else?
Speaker 7 (22:05):
The aggressiveness? She said, Okay, and he got on my team.
Now he's not thinking about that, I wouldn't think. But
that was a focused team that was not willing to
allow the Chargers to impose their will on him. And
it was quite the opposite. Yeah, and listen for bummer
for Herbert. There was gonna be people. I already read it.
Guy sucks, you can't play it not true. Guy's good
player that we get sitting it home in our living
room and see he made some throws. In the truth
of the matter is made some poor decisions. They don't
have many weapons, man, I don't, but that still doesn't
make the excuse of you can't throw balls to certain
places you do. They had every opportunity to stay in
the game and they didn't, and the defense kept them.
It kept them away, gave up a few plays, but
it was to me it was their best I don't
say effort because I think they play hard every week.
It was their best aggressive performance on both sides of
the ball. Special teams took care of their business. I
was I was impressed. Now you're gonna have to limit
the lad mcconkee big plays this week the Chief because
they're capable of making.
Speaker 6 (23:01):
A lot of them and with some speed. Speed. Yeah yeah,
but I are the Hollywood Brown. You've got to feel good.
Speaker 7 (23:07):
And I'm telling you, I do believe that the lad
the first possession in the in the Titans game gave
them a feeling if we can do this, And it
was important to get those guys a little bit of
work last week and here they are.
Speaker 6 (23:19):
Speaker 7 (23:19):
You've got to you got to move on because this
is hard preparation for this team.
Speaker 6 (23:22):
Yeah, you got to go to Arrowhead in January. Not
an easy task.
Speaker 7 (23:26):
You're either going to be you listen, you're going to
three hostile environments. If you're going to go anywhere from
here on, you're going to Kansas City, and you're either
going to Buffalo or Baltimore. If you win and they're
all three primed and ready, and and if you go
in there and Swiss stand that gauntlet and those quarterbacks involved,
then we should crawl ten miles over broken glass to
see it.
Speaker 6 (23:47):
Yeah. If you get through this the AFC and then
you get to the super Bowl, it's like, oh God, finally. Yeah.
Speaker 7 (23:53):
But what you don't want to do is say that
right now, because then all of a sudden, Detroit sad.
Speaker 6 (23:56):
There will hang for Minnesota, Philadelphia. I think those of
the three favorites going ahead in the NFC, there's no
Dose and Detroit team to beat. But here's the thing.
Speaker 7 (24:06):
The great equalizer is their defense has been depleted because
of injuries. You're in the tournament, man, Yeah, and that's
the whole key. Yeah, knock down a bit, you know,
a three pointer beyond the arc, and you're a twelve
seed beating the five seed happens here. You're supposed to
get beat at home, which is I know when point
spreads come out, you feel disrespected. We'll good apply that
disrespect and even though you started slow, don't come out
of it. You can't come out of the Kansas City
ton of like that, yeah, because you'll be down twenty
one to three. But they didn't. And that's for this
week coming up. But man, there's a lot of good
things to see on that tape. See it and move on.
But the aggressiveness is the only you can't beat the
Kansas City Chiefs playing well, we'll play hopefully well, hopefully
we'll get a few first things are you got to
go at it and say, you know what, assuming the
Chiefs are going to throw forty on you, even though
I don't think they are because their defense, defense and
the offense is different in Kansa City this year. But
that's the way you need to approach this game. Listen,
we know who Kansas City is up, and if you
turn it over, they'll they will bury you.
Speaker 6 (25:02):
Yeah they will. That's just wait.
Speaker 7 (25:04):
But I couldn't be more proud of the way this
team played and they represented this city and themselves well
they kicked the Chargers ass.
Speaker 6 (25:10):
Yeah, they sure did. They sure did. Let's hear from
the quarterback c J. Stroud. He spoke about that fumble
that led to a reception to Xavier Hutchinson and it
pretty much ignited this offense. That's next. On Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 3 (25:21):
Ninety, the Shawn Salisbury Show continued, fucka John John Good
morning out Tripley.
Speaker 6 (25:32):
Can you punch him up please? Johnny there? Yeah, good morning.
Speaker 1 (25:37):
Here, Yeah, good morning.
Speaker 12 (25:39):
Uh hey, Yeah.
Speaker 13 (25:40):
It was a great win over the weekend. I thought
it was the first full complete game that the Texans
have played, and uh, you know, if they're gonna peak, now,
now's the time to do it right. But some takeaways.
I think Stroud uh found himself into the game. You know,
he's back to being c J.
Speaker 1 (25:57):
Stroud. He looked really, really good.
Speaker 13 (25:59):
I like the play call where they're doing the quick
slants and trying to get the ball out of his
hands like in two seconds. I thought the play calling
was pretty good. And I think, you know, the Texans
have got to establish a run in Kansas City.
Speaker 1 (26:11):
They've got to They just got to it. And I think, uh,
I think they can win that game.
Speaker 13 (26:15):
I thought a big one big point that happened in
that game that turned in our favor was like in
the third quarter when Mixing had fumbled and the Chargers
were driving. There's like ten minutes left in the third
quarter and it was fourth and two. The Chargers were
going for it, and I was just shocked that they
played that. They tried that screenplass out into the flat.
I thought they would have just punched it been between
the tackles, but they didn't make it.
Speaker 1 (26:40):
And I think that was a real turning point in
that game.
Speaker 13 (26:43):
And anyways, it was it was the only the only
negative if I was going to say anything. You know,
the old lines still had almost ninety seven yards and penalties.
Speaker 1 (26:51):
But they look good. I think they look good as
you know what, they look better. I liked the intensity, like.
Speaker 13 (26:56):
Like I like Sean said, and I'm you know, I'm
I'm real hopeful going into this coming weekend. If they
can establish a run game, I think they can definitely
be in that game and pull it off.
Speaker 7 (27:06):
And a fast start, John, fast start, right man.
Speaker 6 (27:09):
Yeah, absolutely so absolutely.
Speaker 7 (27:11):
Hell of a game. And I'm with you, well, they
can flounder right get in the playoffs. You may have
flound it around all season long, which led us to
tread lightly into the playoffs, wondering if they could pull
it off like this, and they kicked their ass and
they The thing about it is that they I like
a team that knows how to play in the postseason.
I'll take great postseason play an average regular season play
as long as I get the playoffs anyday of the week,
not the other way around. And now now they got
to go, and they're playing a team with as much
moxie as any team we've had since the Patriots were
on a Super Bowl run. They really are. That's going
to be a difficult task, but well, how else would
you want it. You're gonna have to get through Buffalo, Baltimore,
and Kansas City one way or the other. It feels
like every year right to get to the Super Bowl. Yep,
And this is just another step in it. Good stuff, man, Yep.
Thanks always appreciate you.
Speaker 6 (27:53):
Appreciate you. John. Yeah, John was all over it. Good
for him. Let's let's hear from c J. Stratt. He
talked about that improv play.
Speaker 14 (28:00):
Even after I made the play, I was kind of
mad at myself for my eyes, Like I didn't look
at the snap, so just went straight through my hands.
And so I'm looking at trying to see the defense
and it went through my hands and I luckily it
bounced right back up to me, and you know, I
try to just save the play. Hush, you did a
good job. I trusted me and you know I trust him,
so he kept on the move and you know that
when I after, you know, we made the completion, I
looked a sideline. Everybody was turned up. So that turned
me up because I was still kind of mad at myself.
But yeah, that those are the type of plays that
changed momentum. And that's when you know a team can
you know, rally around plays like that. So you know,
shout out to Husher making a great a great instinct
a play, and you know, I'll just try to do
my best to savor the play.
Speaker 6 (28:39):
That's cee J. Stroud talking about the fumbled snap and
making it happen to Exavier Hutchinson down the field, simply
saying he took his eyes off the snap. Come on, dog.
Speaker 7 (28:49):
Happens, man, because what you do is you take your
eyes off the snap because you're trying to recoverage. He
was backed up. Didn't want to make a mistake. And
in the process. That's that's why I go back to
Apeman in Montana. I've said it before. They didn't like
getting as a matter of fact, that Joe Montana and
San Francisco was never in the gun Bill watched. They
wanted the ball in his hands so he could see coverage.
Never take never take your eyes off coverage. Well, the
game's change, and it's the bel ability pre snap catch
post snap.
Speaker 6 (29:13):
Hard to do.
Speaker 7 (29:13):
And then you lay it on the ground, your head
completely comes off the coverage. Imagine if the receivers decide, well, man,
we're hoes. We got to get back and nobody's open.
Now who knows what the momentum of the game is.
And John made a point about the mix and fumble,
but the defense never gave way. They continued to ball
Hawk and like I said, the most underrated thing about
him is the way they catch the ball in the secondary.
The ball that was on lasted or dude was on
him like a fastball with late hundred and three mile
per hour jump and Boom hung on to it and
they just and Stingley continues to prove and I you know,
Charles Davis and the broadcast said he may very well
be the best right now at his position.
Speaker 6 (29:48):
I think he is. He's a couple of years in
his career.
Speaker 7 (29:51):
So it's a fun watch many This is one that
you want to hold onto for a while, but you
can't hold onto it very long, right because of the
the way they who they got to play and with
the next three weeks holds. But they got to deal
with this one because you're going against the team who's
got you know, three pet on their mind.
Speaker 6 (30:08):
So we'll see Nico Collins in the game seven receptions
one hundred and twenty two yards receiving. Another thing to
point out John Metchi four receptions twenty eight yards, but
he was He had eight targets, same amount of targets
as Nico Collins and then everybody else throughout the game.
Donald Schultz had four targets, Robert Woods four targets, Joe
Mixon two just two out of the backfield. Careless with
the ball at times too.
Speaker 7 (30:32):
You got to make sure you secure those and but
it goes to show you they I think they feel
like Mechi's finally starting to come into his own But
then and rightfully so with this, why the delay from
the knee coming out of it when he's hurt and
then you know, overcoming the health issue. I mean, he's
starting to look at times like a first a guy
who would have been a first round pick doesn't blow
out his knee. So it's great to see because that
adds some bandwidth to this offense as well.
Speaker 6 (30:57):
Yeah, he fumbled early in the game also Joe Mixon
one fumble. Both of those were lost, but obviously the
Techans were able to recover from it to win that
ball game. And I mean, what a just a complete game,
like a complete total team That sounds super cliche, but
a total team game for the first time this season,
and it had every element you want.
Speaker 7 (31:21):
Yeah, slow, you're not playing well, embarrass yourself on offense,
throw the ball the other team, get a turnover, get
a stop, stay close. When it's six to nothing, field
goal kicker makes his then you get a big play
and you give up a big It had every element
you need. Oh, man, we're down, Oh we got to
come back. Oh the second half, Oh we're driving, Oh tempo,
everything that you wanted. And those are the ebbs and
flows in survival of a playoff game. It's rare that
you get to do what you want, like Baltim. It
looked to me like Baltimore was having an easy time
of it. No, it's never easy. But they they look
they exactly. I mean, but it's not supposed to look
under that. It's not supposed to look you not supposed
to the rehearsal dinner. It's supposed to to look like
you're a super Bowl champion.
Speaker 6 (32:05):
And it did.
Speaker 7 (32:07):
They they it was almost as if they said, Pittsburgh,
you know, you've had a stronghold.
Speaker 6 (32:12):
Over us that ends today. You know, it's like we
said it was.
Speaker 10 (32:15):
It was.
Speaker 6 (32:15):
It was a I don't even think the score was in.
Speaker 10 (32:19):
Speaker 6 (32:19):
I think one thing that we need to discuss later
on in the show is when are we as media,
and I guess maybe more on the national media side,
when are they going to hold Mike Tomlin accountable like
they hold Mike McCarthy for his playoffs, for his playoffs
losing in the playoffs one and done, one and done,
one and done.
Speaker 7 (32:39):
Yeah, I've talked you know what it reminds you of
it kind of Well, Tomlin's got a super Bowl ring
and you know, with Ben and the rest of it,
it's been a minute. They keep getting there that it's
there an elimination. Does he even talk that. I even
heard talk that if the if the Steelers move on
from Mike Tomlin, can you imagine? I heard that over
the weekend, that they're going to hurt. But there is
and you know how he's one of my favorite coaches
in the league. But when it comes to quarterbacks getting
to the plaiff and now winning, what do we do?
Speaker 6 (33:08):
We obliterate him?
Speaker 7 (33:09):
And as much as I like Mike Tomlin and Mike Tomlin,
Andy Reid, there's a handful of them that are at
the top of their craft and he's one of them,
but they just there's always something missing from the element
of moving on. And he does need to be held accountable.
He's the coach. You hold the quarterback accountable. Got to
hold the coach. Win in and getting there's one thing,
but win in getting there. That then then you're Josh Allen.
Then you're lamar to right now and trying to change that.
Then you're Kirk Cousins. Then you're the majority of most
quarterbacks in this league and head coaches. It's tough and
they continue to underachieve when it gets to postseason as
of late, hard to get there, but they're not sustaining
in January winter. So they fall into the category of
Mike Shanahan or should I say Kyle Shanahan, and of
the questions that quite frankly, the head coach deserves just
like the players do. He's the leader, and he's a
hell of a one and I love Mike. I'd hire
him in five seconds. But there's something missing when they
get to January, and that team's got a lot of talent. Offensively,
that was their woes late in the season. Yeah, they
they got their ass kicks, Yeah they did. I mean
it sucks. They ran into a gauntlet that is the
Baltimore Ravens. But offensively they're just not very good. Thet
they lost five street in their season. Yeah, and they
got down early and then you just saw the Derrick
Henry I mean handed they physically just couldn't hand it.
And that's telling the Pittsburgh Steelers team. They couldn't physically
keep up with Baltimore Ravens. Is probably the one thing
they never want to hear because they may lose games,
but physically they rarely get pushed around. They did on
Sunday or Saturday night Shay.
Speaker 6 (34:38):
Yeah, Saturday Night Yeah, we'll look across the NFL and
all of the playoff games. Later on in the show.
Let's continue to talk Texans. Let's hear from Will Anderson Junior.
He talked about the swarm mentality that the defense has.
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Speaker 3 (36:00):
On Salisbury show continues in it.
Speaker 6 (36:02):
To know no now you know Tuck to Brent, Brent,
thanks for hold. Good morning. Uh yeah, I have a
question for Sean.
Speaker 15 (36:14):
I noticed watching stray out a little bit and uh
him not tucking it and running. I'm sitting there watching
the game about middle of the second quarter, and there
was probably several opportunities where he could have tuck and
run the boss after stepping up in the pocket. I'm
an old ball coach for about twenty seven years, and
I noticed chargers in man coverage got some deep crossers
and he could easily stepped in the pocket and got
twenty yards. So I know he did that on that
big twenty seven yard game kind of late in the
second half. That kind of sparked and got that drive
and kept that drive going. So I was just kind
of wanting your opinion on Why why is he not
tucking it and running at more?
Speaker 7 (36:56):
I think that obviously that's not his major strength. But
to the two forty plus yards, I thought he was
an efficient runner this past weekend. I did, and I
think he throws the ball on the move, as we
saw as well as anybody, especially escaping. To us right,
the guy's really good at it. We've gotten to a
point now where I'm big on escape guys who can
do both, and he's got underrated escape bill. He's not
Josh Allen by any stretched imagination, but then again, who is.
Speaker 6 (37:19):
But it's sneaky And like I said.
Speaker 7 (37:21):
You give me forty yards with the way he threw
the ball, win necessary and under duress. I'll take that
every week because that's not normally his strength. Buying time
is he's an underrated guy. But with that, I think
part of it is obviously to one him taking big hits,
and there are times when he could instead of forcing it,
no doubt, But I prefer a quarterback who scrambles to
throw and then run, not a one who scrambles to
run and then his head finally comes up and he
throws late. I'll take the opposite, but I get what
you're saying, and in the postseason, the extension of plays
by Mahomes allan think about the four guys that are
left in the AFC. Mahomes great play extender, Allen as
good as there is in the league. Lamar Jackson top shelf,
I mean, phenomenal. He just did the design stuff and
the escapability is there. And then Stroud underrated, but it
will bode well for him against this week because can't
say he's going to pressure interior. He's gonna have to
force some east and west plays. But he's so good
thrown on the run.
Speaker 6 (38:15):
I like it.
Speaker 7 (38:16):
But you're right, he could probably make a few more
runs of nonscripted. I'm not going to design many runs
for him, but I thought he was very judicious with
his decisions to make to run this week. And there
may be a few more that present themselves, but I
thought for the most part he was pretty wise on
his ability win to run and win not to And
you know his strength isn't beating you with his feet,
but it is becoming a sneaky strength for him.
Speaker 6 (38:39):
Yeah. I mean, for a guy that doesn't run the
football very much, six carries forty two yards and they
will not.
Speaker 7 (38:45):
Yeah, when you're out in seven yards and none of
those unless there's a quarterbacks seat, are designed run right,
They don't. I mean they may mix one rpo in
once in a while, but the design runs aren't for him.
But I thought he did a good good job in improvising,
in the improvisation of it. And these next three games
it'll have to happen just like for the other three quarterbacks,
and it'll have to happen for Mahomes. But if you
can make the place he does moving with his arm,
I'm all for it.
Speaker 6 (39:11):
Yeah. He uh passing throwing the football twenty two of
thirty three to two hundred and eighty two yards, one touchdown,
one interception. He was sacked three times, offensive line protected
for the most part. Obviously, they couldn't get the running
game going early on, but Joe Mix and my Goodness
in the second half really started to run the ball
a lot more efficiently. Twenty five carries, one hundred and
six yards and a touchdown, averaging over four yards of carry.
And like I said, C. J. Stroud did run the
football six times for forty two yards improvised runs. Were
you surprised, Sean that they couldn't really get the run
game going in the first It seemed like in the
first half not at all. And I think there's two
different ways to do it. I do.
Speaker 7 (39:50):
I believe that it's okay, and we've talked about it
on the show before. I think it's okay to so
often a team up thrown. A lot of people think
you got to tend to rize him by running it, running,
run it, and then throw late. I thought slow came
out and was aggressive. Now you're trying to first quarter
a lot of times. Like I've said before, but when
I played, we'd script first fifteen or twenty plays to
pinning and we would formation. We just want to see
how you how you played these different ones. We'd run
the same play a couple of times, but it'd be
from a different look, different grouping, personnel, grouping, different formation,
different motion, to see how you adjusted and you're feeling
things out. I did like the aggressiveness for the most part,
throwing the ball on early downs. We've talked about that
quit being at third and nine, third and twelve, and
I don't know what the sit the statistics say, but
it felt they were more ahead of the sticks than
normal at least when they got rolling. And you saw
that once they got that lead, then they just pounded
and pounded and pounded, and everything's at your availability. So
there's a different ways to get the run game going.
It doesn't always have to be by running it early.
So I thought it was fine. It doesn't somebody plus
in playoff football, you're just trying to get to imagine
if you're the Chargers today, Hell, you're attempts say you
rush it to what under twenty times? That's if far
Hardball hates that he wants it, So you think about
how they go about it. Sometimes it just it just doesn't.
But they were two dimensional. Had they run it and
not been able to throw it, they got beat. Even
with the inner side, they would have. But they were
able to two dimension and they got to the second
dimension of mixing later on.
Speaker 6 (41:14):
But that's okay.
Speaker 7 (41:15):
You got to lead and then the four minute drill
becomes a quarter and a half drill. Mix in be smart.
I thought they had a good offensive game plan going
in and did not waiver from the plan even though
they struggled early to get moving. But the Chargers by
only being up six to nothing, even when the when
that it should have been. Like I said, hell at
that point in time twenty three twenty three to three
twenty three nothing they were. They were in position on
the other side of the field to put this game
not not out of reach, but make it questionable. And
the Texans didn't let it happen. Their defense was was
was fierce and uh the rest took care of itself.
And you know, even the little thing like the block
pat for two points, you never know how that was
gonna work out.
Speaker 6 (41:55):
It just showed me they kept they were, they were.
Speaker 7 (41:57):
Still playing on special teams, a little stupid things like
that that I'm stupid to build the big foundation. I
was okay with the game plan. You're not going to
have success every Listen. I know it looks like Baltimore
does not every play, but that's few and far. Betwe
you don't have that much success every time you tee
it up. They're gonna need it this week though, same success,
but even earlier.
Speaker 6 (42:16):
Yeah, fast start, it's gonna be key for the Texans.
It's getting the seven o'clock hour. We got to talk
about Derek Stingley Junior. Is he the best corner in
the NFL's that's next on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (42:28):
Kd E Houston, kt d HD two Houston. Not a
hard radio station has a rocket.
Speaker 3 (42:37):
This is Sports Talk seven your home for your home team.
Speaker 2 (42:45):
Saulisbury, Oldbury, Salisbury, Houston. Okay, let's do this.
Speaker 3 (42:51):
Sewn Salisbury.
Speaker 2 (42:55):
To usc Truth.
Speaker 4 (42:56):
Longtime friend shown Salisbury.
Speaker 5 (42:57):
Ryan Lima, go Lobos.
Speaker 3 (43:00):
This is the Sean Seals Very Show.
Speaker 6 (43:05):
Rockets and Grizzlies tonight seven pm. The tip off six
o'clock launch bad right here on seven out of your
home for Rockets basketball. Texans take down the Chargers in
the wild card round. They head to Kansas City to
play the Chiefs this coming Saturday at three point thirty.
Ohio State beating Texas in the college football playoff semifinals
sets up in Ohio State Notre Dame national title game.
Excuse me a week from today. What a dumb ass
play called by Steve Sarkisian late in that game on
the one yard line.
Speaker 7 (43:34):
Yeah, I hated it for a guy who I considered
one of the best play callers well at any level,
and he's proven it. I didn't know when you're down there,
why you would play sideways football against one of the
fastest scraping best running defenses in the country. If you
can't get it inside a one yard line, if you
can't punch it in from there, then you probably need
to take two weeks off and realize you weren't worthy
of a national championship. But I've never understood teams honestly. Now,
I get getting to the edge with a little movement
on an RPO, ride it out, pull it and get
to the edge. When you got a Lamar Jackson or
a Josh Allen, somebody who can do it, or even
at times you could naked boo him with somebody who
nobody would ever expect to run. But just to get
in the gun and run, toss sweep us. First of all,
you're in the gun, and I'm pretty sure that yeah,
they were in the gun on the toss.
Speaker 6 (44:27):
Yes they caught it.
Speaker 7 (44:29):
Pitched it to the back, from the center to the quarterback,
it's delayed. From the pitch to the quarterback to the back,
it's delayed. And then you're starting because you want to stretch.
They just push you, push you, and widen you, widen you.
And then if you don't get your outside, if you
don't get and hook or get a body on an
outside guy and they run through it and he gets
a run through, which they did.
Speaker 6 (44:53):
You're not you'll just push you to the silin.
Speaker 7 (44:56):
But he went in there and made the hit and
then it leads you all the way back there, which
leads to the next which you're trying to make a
play out of desperation. You don't go from inside the
one to now your back where you're just forced now
to try to push it in the end zone. Then
you know, boom forth down, lay it down and they
take it to the house. It was a I thought,
there's a lot of things that when the heck, after
you watch the Texans, you got to go back.
Speaker 6 (45:18):
And think, Okay, how did that happen again? On Friday?
Speaker 7 (45:19):
M hm, Ohio State's really good. Yeah, they are gifted
and talented. And that's without the freshman going off at
wide receiver. That Texas, you know, had a hell of
a season. So they still haven't got to where they want,
meaning winning a national title.
Speaker 6 (45:35):
Of a man, are they flirting with it? But I
don't think that play.
Speaker 7 (45:38):
I don't think the series of calls down by the
goal line gave them any was if they had to
do it again, you'd go somewhere else, and I know
you run when they say, well, you know, we we
dial a play we thought would work. You run every
play to work. But inside the red zone, learn a
valuable lesson running wide. If it's not off play action
or bootleg or RPO to freeze somebody, that doesn't freeze anybody.
They just got a head start running and it's a
slow developing play. I hate it in the red zone
because everything's compressed. Those guys are going to tighten down anyway,
because they got the back of the end zone as
the twelfth man. So you're not worried about balls over
the top pause, but you do want to you do.
I mean, you got to get something that hits a
little quicker or bounces. But if you're trying to get
to the edge, there's got to be a better design
than that. I thought it was as bad a play
call as I've seen him make in that situation a
long time.
Speaker 6 (46:27):
He's better than that, yea. And their execution suck. Got
too cute, man, Like you always say, some of the
best play callers in the world go away from the
ordinary play and try to get too fancy, too cute,
And that's exactly what happened.
Speaker 7 (46:38):
I'm going to play and in that situation is just
shove it down their throat. Let's get to let's get
to a position where you can continue to extend the game.
And that outside that outside toss sweep from the.
Speaker 6 (46:50):
Gun, ain't it?
Speaker 7 (46:52):
At the one I didn't even like to call. If
it would have worked, you get a little lucky. I
don't like it. There's too much good that has to happen.
At least in an RPO. You're given a guy read.
If somebody pinches down, he can pull and get to
the edge a little bit and the ball's in his hands.
I don't like it. And that's just one of the reasons.
But you know, the truth is Ohio State and this
one was a was a better team. Yeah they were.
They were, and there's no apologies. They were gifted. Ohio
State's so frigging talented, and they've chosen to like the
Texans did this past weekend. That's three games in a
row that Ohio State has played great playoff football. And
Will Howard was accurate as hell.
Speaker 6 (47:28):
Yeah yeah he was man. They needed him in the
in a big game, and he played good football. He
sure did. He really played good Football seven one three
five seven, and we're gonna get back to talking text
and especially with Derek Sting. Let's take a quick call though,
and then we'll get to the Derek Steing the conversation. Jose,
good morning, Hey.
Speaker 1 (47:46):
Good morning.
Speaker 12 (47:46):
Just a quick question, uh, during the game with Texas
in Ohio State the game the first the first down
that Manning made, did he get a concussion because it
looked like he got hit in the helmet and then.
Speaker 1 (48:00):
He wobbled as he stood up.
Speaker 12 (48:02):
Is that the reason why they went with the toss
play later in the game to try to tie it
up and didn't get a chance to use him.
Speaker 6 (48:10):
Everything that I read, he was fine. Yeah.
Speaker 7 (48:13):
I didn't hear anything that said concussion or was was
out of the game. I think that Steve Sarkisian felt
that it was it was quinn yours game to win
or lose, that he deserved to be in there and
was going to go with it. Now, it doesn't matter
having a change up pitch. You would have been nice
to have Archer's feet available to him. But I don't
think there was anything. I haven't read anything unless I
missed it that he was banged up and you couldn't
put him in.
Speaker 6 (48:37):
I think it was fine fit ready to go.
Speaker 12 (48:39):
Because I saw the I saw a video where they
showed a clip where he got hit and it looked
like he got in the crying of the helmet.
Speaker 1 (48:46):
He stood up a little wobbly.
Speaker 12 (48:47):
But I'm thinking maybe that's the reason why that he
used them on that first and goal series.
Speaker 6 (48:55):
Yeah, I haven't read anything that said that of you. No,
I have not appreciate the call, Jose. I did not
see that at all. So he didn't go in the
blue tent. There was no reporting on him on his
status of being anything else but healthy. So I don't
think that's the reason why even if he even if
he would have been, let's say he did get concussed
or he did get injured, that's not why they didn't
utilize him. Steve, Steve Stark, That's not why they used
that play call, just to overthinking try to do something
that wasn't gonna work against a really really fast defense,
especially on the edge, and just two shotgun formation from
the one yard line.
Speaker 7 (49:31):
Yeah, but when you're at the one yard line, you
got a six or five quarterback, why aren't you getting
behind him and doing the old you just pushing him
in the ends on right. I mean, it seems tight
ends are doing it for teams.
Speaker 6 (49:41):
That all these teams are doing. Where you have that,
you set your tight end up pretty much in the
slot and you have him rush over and he gets
right under the center of they snap it quick boom.
It's like the tush push. But even if he ran
four straight plays, I want to say gunner Helm did
that earlier in the game for them. Four straight plays.
Speaker 7 (49:55):
Yeah, of quarterback, even if your quarterback sneaked, you know
you had no creativity. Just quarterbacks think four straight place?
Can you not move it a half yard? You would think,
I would think.
Speaker 10 (50:04):
Speaker 7 (50:04):
You think what teams that run love is for you
to play sideways. They love slow developing place. Now second
down and one at the forty, and these guys are
playing tight.
Speaker 6 (50:19):
You may get the edge.
Speaker 7 (50:20):
It's okay because even if you don't, now it's third
and six, you lose four yards.
Speaker 6 (50:23):
Now we still got a chance.
Speaker 7 (50:24):
Plus they don't have They still got to be alert
for a double move go because it may be four
down territory, or they got to defend the backside here.
They don't have to defend the back of the end zone.
Speaker 6 (50:34):
You're not.
Speaker 7 (50:35):
They're not a whole lot you can do. Matter of fact,
it's hard to throw from the one yard line. It's
either naked, get on the edge, or or sprint right
and get somebody in the flat or scramble it. Rarely
you drop back throwing or a quick slant. Other than that,
they're lived, so they know that they've got help. There's
twelve men you're playing against when you playing there because
of the back of the end zone.
Speaker 6 (50:54):
So you got to play straight ahead football.
Speaker 7 (50:56):
And if you're you're Texas as physical as you are,
you can't move it a half yard in four places.
Speaker 6 (51:01):
Do what you're doing now. Yeah, good luck in your
off season.
Speaker 7 (51:04):
And it's a bumber because I thought they had a
lot of football in him. They just ran into the
wrong and Ohio State's no slots they beat. They've had
to take care of their business in three straight games. Yeah,
and they have in big fashion. They're playing kind of
like the Baltimore Ravens are in the NFL.
Speaker 6 (51:19):
Yeah they are, don't They hit their stride all right.
Before we get to the stakeout, is Derek Stingland Junior,
the best cornerback in the NFL right now.
Speaker 7 (51:26):
The way he's playing now, I mean, there'll be a
couple of cities that's Certain Well may want to argue
with that. You'll get a couple of cities that'll argue.
But from my vantage point, the way he's played this
year and the way he catches the ball, and they
still go after him, and even when they do, he somehow,
some way in every game. We're talking about the difference
he made. If there's somebody playing better that we're not
paying attention to, I have not seen it.
Speaker 6 (51:49):
I would say Certain is probably up there. The Bears
have a really good cornerback in gosh thing what's his name?
Jalen Johnson? And then what's the dude's name for Green Bay?
Hold on, let me find it, h Jye or Alexander
Always he's he's usually up there. I think Derrek Stingley's
there's nobody playing better than him.
Speaker 7 (52:11):
Dance why he's a first team All Pro dude, and
he's new and the dude he's still he's still learned
how to play, and he's getting those corners you see
last with a big hit. That's what I've said, that's
the next elevation. We talked about last week about Stingley. Yeah,
is making sure you're physical on a corner, on an
edge run, on pressing people off the ball.
Speaker 10 (52:27):
Speaker 7 (52:27):
He's playing like when he was a freshman at LSU
and they said if he's healthy, this guy is the
next guy. Well, he's healthy and that's how he's playing.
Phenomenal skill set.
Speaker 6 (52:37):
Uh. If you just watch the video on the interception
that he has on his own, not the not off
the deflection, the route that the receiver ran. Other cornerbacks
are going to bite on the fake inside to where
it was like a fake inside. I don't know what
the technical term is, look like you fake this slant
and then hit a go route. I think he didn't
bite on it at all.
Speaker 7 (52:57):
I feel like he's studying his opponents and the formations
and stuff. You can't just be a great player not
study with the tendencies are a defense. Yeah, I mean,
excuse me, what the offense is doing routes? Like certain
guys are good at certain routes. Remember when Green Bay
had Jordy Nelson. They throw that slant route fifteen times
a game. Yeah, and then they'd set it up with
the slug o double move boom slant and go. But
Stingley's playing so well. He's route reading, but he's not guessing,
and there's a big difference he has. He's seeing tendencies
and then his ball skills and his ability to He's
got speed, he's got size, he's physical, but he at
the point of attack I'm talking about with the receiver,
and his run defense will continue to improve. I love
that they're preaching to their corners. We're going to be
physical in the run gamer in the screen game as well.
But right now, if there's a better corner in the
league or somebody playing better.
Speaker 6 (53:46):
I haven't seen him. Yeah, I think he's doing the
best record, guys, as good as there is. Yeah, I
think he's doing it the best Storright, let's get to
the stake out right here on Sports Talk seven to eighty.
Speaker 16 (53:56):
Hey, this is Charles Barker. You guys thought I put
on some waystin it'spart playing. You shall see Sean Solisborough troble.
Now back to the Sean Solisborough show. What a knucklehead?
Speaker 3 (54:13):
All right, Sean?
Speaker 5 (54:14):
What are you hearing out there now?
Speaker 3 (54:16):
The Salisbury's takeouts Salsbury's takeouts on the Seawan.
Speaker 6 (54:22):
Salisbury show time for the Steakout here on the Seawan
Salisbury Show, Sean Bryan and Tripley Rockets Grizzlies tonight seven
pm tip off, six o'clock launch bat right here on
seven on your home for Rockets basketball. Texans beat the Chargers,
they take on the Chiefs this Saturday in the Divisional
round of the NFL Playoffs. Ohio State beats Texas in
the College Football Playoff semifinals. It's an Ohio State versus
Notre Dame National championship. All right. For the Steakout, Sean,
it's taking an early look at the Divisional round game
against the Kansas City Chiefs. We've discussed this topic multiple
times this season, so I'm gonna ask you point blank, Yeah,
are you concerned that the referees are going to play
a factor in the game against the Chiefs.
Speaker 7 (55:07):
Of course, I'm concerned about the referees in every game,
even if it's not a team i'm rooting for that
they're going to make a call. I'm watching the game yesterday.
I know it didn't end up mattering in the end,
but what game was it?
Speaker 17 (55:20):
Was it?
Speaker 6 (55:20):
The what was the middle game yesterday? That was the
Packers and the Eagles.
Speaker 7 (55:26):
Didn't I see Jordan Love Now he ended up throwing
an interception that called you know down there the cost
that did Philadelphia intercept, didn't I see when they were
backed up, scrambled hit a five yard play.
Speaker 6 (55:39):
And the referees.
Speaker 7 (55:43):
They called they thought it was let's see he hit
a five yard completion. There was a penalty flag. They
said there was no flag. After review, there's no flag.
They picked up the flag and Green Bay got the ball,
but they didn't move the five yards for the both
of men. Both the broadcasters are saying, isn't that Brady
and Tom Brady? Wasn't a Brady? Was Brady and Kevin
Kevin Burkhart?
Speaker 6 (56:08):
Then they say, wasn't there a completion? And then Mike
Pereira came on says, yeah, didn't they mean?
Speaker 7 (56:13):
Yeah, so I know that it didn't matter in the game,
but how are you missing stuff like that? Yeah, So
of course I'm concerned. And you know, he's the golden
child of the league. If it's close, you're gonna get
He's gonna get a call.
Speaker 11 (56:25):
It just is.
Speaker 7 (56:25):
And you know what, maybe that's the Jordan rules and
the bird wruls. You get those calls I guess when
you're a star. Now to me, it's either a pedalty
or it's not, no matter who the quarterback is. But
unfortunately that that's that's a fantasy world we live in.
So of course I'm concerned about it. But I'm gonna
tell you what if I'm Kansas City, I'm concerned about.
Your offense hasn't exactly. I can pick ten offenses that
I like better than Kansas City. But the probably the
equalizer is reading in Mahomes period. But now they're getting
right at the right time. Their offense is started to
pick it up. But if you go by the body
of work this year, their defense scares you far more
than their offense. But I can tell you this, if
you're the Kansas City Chiefs going in what's it minus.
Speaker 6 (57:03):
Eight or nine round now? Right now it's seven and
a half.
Speaker 7 (57:05):
Now, they're like when it's thirty five degrees or below
and it's supposed to be in the twenties this week
in Kansas City, the Chiefs are like eleven in one
of the playoffs. They play well in bad weather, they
didn't snow and cold, they played and they're four to
zero when it dips below like twenty five or twenty
eight degrees. They don't lose in those games, all that
doesn't matter. He's still got to play. Kansas City Chiefs
better be concerned because they're running into what may end
up being in this playoffs. In the AFC, the Baltimore
Ravens are playing lights out defense right now as well.
But of the four teams left their own team Buffalo Baltimore.
Then the Texans have to take a backseat to nobody
when it comes to defense. So you're talking about the
teams that's the team that's turning you over. You're an
offense that hasn't been overly explosive this year, although you
won fifteen games, and now you're facing the team that's
coming in with momentum.
Speaker 6 (57:58):
They had to play every week.
Speaker 7 (58:00):
When I say momentum, now the game momentum stops and
you go to a feeling of momentum confidence because you know,
I don't believe in game the game momentum. I do
believe in confidence, and it's gathered in the Texans while
getting I mean the Chiefs, while getting arrest. If I
had to sit it, sit and watch a little bit.
Now Andy Reich's team will be prepared and they will
be fresh and ready to go. But the Texans defense,
if it's minus eate right now, and I'm betting today,
I'm gonna wait till the end of the week. I
don't see how that line goes anywhere but towards the Texans. Now,
maybe I'm wrong and Vegas knows them right now. I
don't think that the Chiefs are a touchdown and a
half better than the Texans are, or a touchdown a
field goal.
Speaker 6 (58:38):
I just don't.
Speaker 7 (58:39):
So while we're going to talk about all the things
that Texans are gonna have to do, I'm gonna tell
you what. You go ahead and f around and find
out and the Texans will keep that offense down. The
opposite is what I'm concerned about. Can you give me
the same offense next this week as you did just
this past Saturday if you're the Texans. But anybody that
thinks the Texans are overwhelmed by Chiefs offense.
Speaker 6 (59:01):
Is greatly mistaken.
Speaker 7 (59:03):
They played well against Golf, they played well against against
Josh Allen, they played well against Herbert. What's not to
believe they can't go and of all for those offenses,
the Chiefs may be the worst of the four of
them when it comes to just the numbers this year.
But they're starting to pick it up and it is January,
and you do have to take that into account. So
I am, yes, I'm concerned the refs come into play
because a personal foul call on Mahomes at the fifty
is the difference in a continuing a drive or a punt.
Speaker 6 (59:33):
Yeah, it concerns me, but the Chiefs. But you've got
to go in knowing.
Speaker 7 (59:37):
If you go in knowing that they may get two
extra series because of it, maybe you have to game
plan like that. You're just gonna have to be real
smart when you get around Mahomes.
Speaker 6 (59:44):
That's just the way it is. The high on Saturday
in Kansas City is twenty eight degrees with wins ten
to twenty miles an hours no expected, and then in
the evening it's going to drop down to nine degrees.
It's not gonna be. What time's that game three thirty
kickoff on Saturday?
Speaker 7 (01:00:04):
They will not be They're gonna have to deal with
a lot. But you know what, and Buffalo and Baltimore
gonna be cold too if you have to go there.
And so I look at it as a great challenge
and opportunity, and I think the Texans do too. Now,
if they win this game, the the the enthusiasm and
the enthusiasm in the city should enthusiasm should be through
the roof now because you saw what we saw a
lot of last year. Yeah, and they're more experienced this year.
This this team knows how to win in the first round.
We'll find out if they can go deal with Kansas City.
If they can, this is gonna be a blast to watch.
But that defense will keep a minute.
Speaker 6 (01:00:40):
Yeah, they're playing really good football right now. Seven one three,
seven ninety Ray, Good morning.
Speaker 18 (01:00:47):
Thank good morning, guys.
Speaker 6 (01:00:48):
How's it, good man? What's up?
Speaker 8 (01:00:51):
Speaker 18 (01:00:52):
So you just throw my thunder on what I was
gonna say. I'm gonna make a few comments and hang
up and listeners.
Speaker 3 (01:00:59):
I always do.
Speaker 18 (01:00:59):
But here's my thing with the Texians and the Chiefs.
The defense doesn't scare mean, the defense for Kansas City
doesn't well, the defense for the Texans. Basically, they're gonna
they're gonna be aggressive, they're gonna do their thing. But
here's the thing on paper we match up with them.
The elephant on the wall is what you guys just
mentioned is the referees and them interjecting themselves into the
game to affect the outcome of the game. Here's the thing.
Those hits that those hits and sacks that we that
we put on on on Herbert Saturday, those are gonna
be personal files on Pat Mahomes, at least one or
two of them will and and and and whether we
like it or not, and and it's very unfair, and
to me, it's disgusting. But they're gonna find a way.
You're gonna have to almost pull away on Kansas City
to really have a chance to beat them, because if
that game is close in the fourth quarter, they're gonna
find a way to to to to go some yellow
laundry on the field to to in the favor of
the Chiefs to help them win. Run the ball with
Joe Mixon, run the ball with with with with peers,
keep my Homes on the sideline, and minimize any opportunity
that the refs have have to to basically put an
effect on the game. That's my That's what I would say,
because like you guys are right, the defense are going
to the defense is going to keep them in it.
Ball control, keep Mahomes on the sidelines.
Speaker 10 (01:02:27):
And do it like that. You're going to have to.
Speaker 18 (01:02:30):
But I'll hang up and listen guys. You guys have
a great week.
Speaker 6 (01:02:33):
Thank you.
Speaker 11 (01:02:33):
Speaker 7 (01:02:33):
One thing I went in raise right spot on. But
one thing I would not do is play it's tafe.
I would not do that. I'm not going run, run
third and six, throw and hope we have to fine.
I don't think Ray's saying that either, But you got
to run the football, and you got to make sure
a low scoring game. I'm not saying I think a
low scoring game favors the Chiefs. Yeah, you'd love you.
I mean I'm a high scoring game with the Texans
are putting out. I think the Texans offense is every
bit is capable. When we see what we did this
pass and when they're aggressive, right, Andy Reid will be aggressive.
I don't think you can win games passive in the playoffs.
But now there's a fine line between being aggressive and
being being being being an idiot with your approach to
this game plan. Because if you're just going to drop
back and throw all the time, Spagnola will tee off.
Speaker 6 (01:03:22):
They're going to look for both.
Speaker 7 (01:03:23):
These coordinators on both sides are too smart at this
stage of their lives and careers, end of the season,
not to understand what's on the line, But we've seen
time and time again for the Texans. You can't be
afraid to be aggressive and make a mistake. You and
you sure as hell can't afford to be passive and
make a mistake. Then your double host. If you trust
Stroud like you say you do, and you did put
the ball in his hand, get Joe Mixon involved, and
then and and trust that your defense is going to
do what they do most of the time. If you
go in with a passive coach, that's when the Chiefs
will put their foot on your throat. They know how
to win these games. They've done it enough. This is
not new to them. They're prepared for it any weather,
any circumstance. They're at home, it'll be packed and rolling.
The Texans are going to be a heavy underdog and
be talked about as they're un borrowed time borrowed times
a perfect time in that one. You want to make
an investment when everything when everybody else is quit on
you by then and then I can sell high. Well
right now, everybody's buying low on now. More here now
than ever, then last week their stock's gone up, but
nationally they're still going to say it's the Chiefs. They're
at home, they're rested, Mahomes is healthy, the ankle's not bothering.
If it's Andy Reid, that's the time you want to
buy stock. This is right now, What a great.
Speaker 6 (01:04:43):
Time to pounce. And you already are familiar with what
they do. There's no secret, right let it go.
Speaker 7 (01:04:49):
And I do believe they're going to need to turn
over on defense or two maybe even a defensive score.
Speaker 6 (01:04:53):
I think so.
Speaker 7 (01:04:54):
But right now, if I'm betting, I'm taking those points. Yeah,
and it's gone seven and a half. If it's if
it goes down even more as we get later in
the week, those folks in Vegas are telling you, allow
us send an a loud message.
Speaker 6 (01:05:07):
Let's keep talking about the Texans win against the Charger.
Let's look at that offense. Its struggled in the first half,
first quarter and a half. Let's look at it and
discuss next right here on Sports Talk seven ninety Men's
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you on Salisbury Show continued sleigh Ride. Yeah, that's what
I was thinking of, Sure it was, Yeah, that's right.
Just hear the about Mingling Jing. Yeah, now that's a
good song. How do you know you never heard him
sing it? I've Yeah, have you never heard them sing
that songce?
Speaker 17 (01:07:16):
I have?
Speaker 6 (01:07:16):
No, you haven't. That's like one of the most classic.
But right now you can't. Why not during the we
have to keep it out of the pod. To keep
it out of the pod. I forgot who's county? So
they're the original sleigh ride? Yeah, Jing jing jingling? Is
that the cut? That's the one that I've I thought
you maybe probably you're a big u bing Crosby guy.
You're a big what's that Meyer guy's name? Again?
Speaker 7 (01:07:40):
What's the crooner's name? Crooner Mayor? Oh mayor John may Mayor? Yeah,
you're a big You're kind of like you, You're kind
of like him. He seems like he'd sing that cut.
Speaker 6 (01:07:48):
Are you confusing him with Michael Bublay No, that's Michael
Bubble Yeah, no, Bloue Blaze Mayor. Don't they all sing
the same kind of things? M m I mean the
good I mean, what's the difference in Boo Blaine and
Mayor too? Basicallyhy guys? I think singing Blaze not into
dudes like John Mayer. Is marriage made that decision? Yeah,
and he fences He's so he's made the decision. They
love each other? Do they love each other? Who's the
guy that he has a thing with? Was it was
it Cohen? I think it was the actor. Let's see,
I don't know he had a he had something going
on with a guy. Were they in the friend zone though,
No they're No, they're not the friend zone. They love
each other. Apparently they're in the friend zone. But he's
got some good songs to make. He got some good
songs for his love. I could music, wouldn't you. I
would myself on the back, slap my own ass. Oh
yeah yeah, if it was my own song. Yeah, I'm
playing my own music. Hey, get a load of this one.
But no, I'm saying I'm not doing it making love
to a man. Well, of course no, again, you're not.
I understand. That's all right. So so that wasn't just
hype that they love each other. I don't know. Apparently
that's good, but let's not get out. Let's you and
John Mayer and I are in love. That's a legit
quote from him. Good good for them. Well we don't
want sex, sorry, let me but yeah that might yeah okay, yeah,
that's okay, but you uh you you.
Speaker 7 (01:09:16):
I figured Michael bubble Or and was like with the Renettes,
they'd sing that same type of song, is what I'm saying.
Speaker 6 (01:09:22):
Anyway. You don't know who the Ronettes are anyway. He
also said that we have a very sweet friendship. Say
they're in the friend zone. Okay, I love you, Brian.
I'd love you too, man, but we know where that stops.
Hell seven one to three. Here we go. Did Brandon
watch the game? W double or nothing? We'll see he did.
Speaker 10 (01:09:45):
We're r for you.
Speaker 2 (01:09:45):
We go.
Speaker 6 (01:09:46):
Hello, Brandon, good morning, and.
Speaker 2 (01:09:49):
Yes I did watch the game.
Speaker 6 (01:09:53):
Okay, what was your favorite?
Speaker 10 (01:09:54):
Speaker 6 (01:09:54):
It was the what was that you said?
Speaker 7 (01:09:56):
The third quarter? Fourth play? Yeah or whatever it was.
It was CJ trying to make it a great throw. Yeah,
so you watch.
Speaker 6 (01:10:04):
That's it? You only forty or so?
Speaker 2 (01:10:08):
I watched first, second and a half time and then
third and yes you did, Sean need to say strout.
Speaker 6 (01:10:18):
Okay, so you watched the whole game, Brandon?
Speaker 11 (01:10:20):
Yes I did, cause he's like.
Speaker 6 (01:10:22):
I watched the first, the second and a half time,
the thirty and four he watched him in order. Yeah, okay,
here you go. What do you think about a Brandon?
Speaker 2 (01:10:29):
It was good?
Speaker 6 (01:10:32):
All right? Do you think they can beat Kansas City?
Speaker 2 (01:10:36):
Speaker 8 (01:10:37):
They can.
Speaker 6 (01:10:37):
Nice, That's what I'm talking about, Like the confidence.
Speaker 7 (01:10:41):
Brian will be forty dollars shy when he's ordering wings
this week because he owes me forty.
Speaker 6 (01:10:44):
But hey, who's counting though? You know, what I'm saying, Briano. Yeah,
don't we got a winging. Oh that's right, that's right. No,
we don't have that's right. We don't have that one yet.
What do you think about the Rockets, Brandon? They play
the Grizzlies tonight, Well, going for what they four in
a row? Now, well, they're they're game against their game
against the Hawks got to postpone because it did no
so uh on three or four in a row on
a good role.
Speaker 7 (01:11:05):
It was a football weekend for me, so didn't pay
attention to other than college troops.
Speaker 6 (01:11:09):
But yeah, they didn't even play that postponement. Yeah, so
they're going for four in a row. What do you think, Brandon? Yes,
they can when they can.
Speaker 16 (01:11:20):
Speaker 6 (01:11:21):
Appreciate your Brandon. We'll talk to you tomorrow about it.
I'm right.
Speaker 7 (01:11:23):
Thanks for making me twenty more, Brandon. You want to
go double or nothing on the next one. You know
what you're chasing nothing?
Speaker 5 (01:11:30):
You watched it.
Speaker 6 (01:11:31):
Whoa, that's what he said. She said, you guys are
conspiring against me? Could they're making money?
Speaker 5 (01:11:38):
Is that a stortion?
Speaker 6 (01:11:39):
That's called insider trade, that's insider trading. That's like Nancy Pelosi.
Speaker 7 (01:11:42):
Yeah, well that's right. She's got rich, know that, she
sure has. We need to be on her insider trading thing.
Speaker 6 (01:11:47):
He's made a lot of money betting on the wrong thing,
but made the right thing for that.
Speaker 7 (01:11:53):
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, I call her NP,
I said, key in the house. Yeah, or she had
through all those fires. She down there, she making a
different downdar.
Speaker 6 (01:12:03):
She lives up on San Francisco. They can't can't quite
get down to sound. She's fine. Yeah, So, Brian, you
think Brandon and I got some inside of trading. I
think all three of y'all.
Speaker 10 (01:12:12):
I think.
Speaker 6 (01:12:14):
He's he's on the He.
Speaker 7 (01:12:15):
Gets a consulting fee, for sure, consulting fee. We find
her spee every now and again. You hang in there, though, buddy,
things gonna be down. But really a couple of breakfast
from two years ago, and consider this is like a
like a bar tab. You going there all the times,
like hey, I'll catch it at evolving door bingo.
Speaker 6 (01:12:32):
Yeah, until you send one of your guidos after me
to take out my kneecaps.
Speaker 7 (01:12:35):
Could happen? Could happen? I mean I can't confirm her,
deny it. I listen, I own to listen. Had a
dry cleaning service. Okay, okay, we don't think. We don't
do racketeering in the back of those rooms out there.
There's no punk, hard games. There's no nobody getting whacked. Okay,
none of that's happening, all right, But if you.
Speaker 6 (01:12:55):
Need to come in dry cleaning, we got two We
got a two for one special on Mondays.
Speaker 7 (01:12:58):
Use guys, you are you're laid on your payments? Yeah, no,
listen south he sent me. It's a weird thing. How
somebody's got eighty percent. You know, they're making revenue and
profit taking sixty. But it's for the dry cleaner, right,
we're in hands.
Speaker 6 (01:13:14):
Yeah, you need new irons. Yeah, we take our own. Yeah,
I would say, hey Dante, Yeah, oh no, be careful.
How people make me over a came refuse? Yeah, I
mean you know who Marlon brand is.
Speaker 19 (01:13:25):
Speaker 6 (01:13:26):
Do you ever had a Louisville Slugger emblem on your forehead?
Speaker 8 (01:13:28):
Speaker 6 (01:13:28):
I thought they'd take out mecaps first. Well, No, we
go straight to the dome above the belt for a while. Yeah, Hey,
you wanna uh you want to listen to a jello
We got to play a tweaker play last week.
Speaker 7 (01:13:40):
No, we never played it. Yeah, go ahead, go ahead,
there we go. Oh, it's better LeVar LeVar balls game
in college when he.
Speaker 6 (01:13:47):
Played, when he averaged like one point eight points two
point two okay, first career at that he exploded for
six one game. Yeah, or his son's wrap? Which ones?
Which one's higher on the charts? Why do you want
me to listen to this? It's it's not a banger,
as Tripley. That's Tim Tripley.
Speaker 7 (01:14:04):
I will a matter of fact, if triple he thinks
it's a banger, I'm taking him off, taking him off
the consulting fee for me and Brandon.
Speaker 6 (01:14:12):
It's not a bangery real quick, before we get back
to talking Texans. Did did you watch Lambman yet? Did
you watch the last two episodes? Are you behind? I
have watched last well? I said? Was there another one
last night? Yeah?
Speaker 7 (01:14:23):
The finale was okay, So I got to to watch
ye all football playoff time watching. I didn't even go
see Denni Thieves Too, which I'm going this week and
can't wait to see to see it.
Speaker 6 (01:14:32):
Yeah, what a movie? You haven't seen the last two though?
They're not going I know they're not pot going anywhere.
I know they're freaking Bill, Bill Thornton, Well, Billy Chamberlain
just tweeted you and he just you know, ruined it
for you. So there you go, said happened he said,
Billy bob with the boss move. So since Sean hasn't
seen it, they delete that tweet.
Speaker 7 (01:14:54):
Great job, Bill, Well, no need to now being the
fact that Brian just enhanced it by by saying what
he's said.
Speaker 6 (01:15:00):
No, I didn't say anything. You said. He's a ball
he made no, no, no, Billy tweeted that. But then
the clip is attached to it, so no, just don't go.
Don't go to clip. Yeah, it is a boss move,
but don't go watch it. Boss.
Speaker 7 (01:15:13):
He's nuts damn right there you go when you don't
ruin it for me, ruin ruin? What are you and
Bill doing?
Speaker 6 (01:15:18):
I didn't do it, man, it's always you know. Yeah,
I'll go right to the bullpen. Yeah, I will go
right to the frigging bullpen. Do you think you think?
Speaker 2 (01:15:25):
Speaker 6 (01:15:26):
Do you think Billy and his Coast Guard teammates watched
the game this weekend?
Speaker 7 (01:15:30):
Speaker 6 (01:15:30):
Yes, I think Billy watched every second of it. Okay,
I love that he was a part of the Coast
card is great man.
Speaker 7 (01:15:36):
Yeah, the big big tweet coming in about thirty seconds
about that from wait there you go get wait to
see it.
Speaker 6 (01:15:42):
Let's get back and talk text in seven one three,
seven ninety. Also we will continue to take your calls.
How you feeling after that game? You worried about Kansas City.
Let's also continue to talk about that damn good defense
for Demiko Ryans. That's next right here on SportsTalk seven ninety.
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for the Shawn Salisbury Show continued Scott, you're up for
it first? Good morning, Hey guys, how's going?
Speaker 17 (01:17:19):
Hey? Uh?
Speaker 1 (01:17:19):
Saturday's game it was so fun. I was there with
some friends and my son met us down there.
Speaker 6 (01:17:24):
What a great time.
Speaker 20 (01:17:26):
I feel pretty confident about Kansas City if they can
keep up the defense play and give c JCK some time.
I just got one average white guy complaint about NRG.
The ride share program. Get you an uber out of
there is the worst experience of ever. I don't know
how they can't figure that program out. I just wanted
to see if anybody else has that average white guy problem,
but uh, you just can't.
Speaker 1 (01:17:54):
It takes two hours to get an uber out of there.
Speaker 6 (01:17:56):
So Scott, do they still have like the ubers set
up like four away from over the bridge on the
other side, it's still at the yellow light, at the
yellow lit It is an absolute nightmare.
Speaker 20 (01:18:09):
It's it's ridiculous. They do the same thing for the rodeo. Yeah,
that's I can't believe. It's my experiences out in twenty
twenty four.
Speaker 6 (01:18:16):
My experience comes from trying to get an uber out
of there for the rodeo. It literally took me an
hour and fifteen minutes to get an uber. It makes
you not want to go back. It literally makes me
not want to go back. I was leaving the Cookoff
and it was unbelievable how long it took to get
an Uber. And they're lined up for miles but for
whatever reason, but you have to wait here the one
yeah picking you up. It's a joke.
Speaker 1 (01:18:40):
They ended up.
Speaker 20 (01:18:41):
The Uber driver called and we walked down Kirby about
two blocks and got in there and and the guy
did some Starsky and hotch maneuvers through the neighborhood and
got us out of there.
Speaker 6 (01:18:52):
But it's ridiculous.
Speaker 1 (01:18:53):
I mean they got to figure that thing out.
Speaker 10 (01:18:55):
I mean.
Speaker 7 (01:18:57):
There's a lot of Yeah, there's a lot of things
around that ball that stadium, Scott.
Speaker 6 (01:19:01):
They got to get figured out. There's like some entertainment.
Speaker 7 (01:19:04):
It's a place to go that while you're waiting for
it to ease out, that you can go have a
nice beard and at a at a sports bar or
a nice restaurant.
Speaker 20 (01:19:14):
They gotta get the great spot for the rideshare program
where the astrodome is.
Speaker 6 (01:19:21):
Imagine that. Yeah, what a shocker. Yeah, no, no surprise
there did you tail gate?
Speaker 5 (01:19:25):
Speaker 1 (01:19:28):
Na, We just hubered in and uh went to the game.
And what a great game?
Speaker 7 (01:19:33):
Sure was after a slow star boy they put it
on him. It was impressive to see and had defense
is real.
Speaker 6 (01:19:38):
Man, appreciate you, Scott. Thanks for buddy. Hey, I'm telling you,
man that that uber excuse me, that Uber's annoying location
and all that is. It sucks, dude. It's so the
whole part just.
Speaker 7 (01:19:50):
To get over there and get in between it's it's
not conducive to a relaxed environment going in.
Speaker 6 (01:19:56):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 7 (01:19:57):
It just feels compact and cluttered, and I would just
there's a lot that can be done around.
Speaker 6 (01:20:02):
There unless you hillgate, Like where do you go to
pregame downtown?
Speaker 7 (01:20:07):
You don't, Yeah, which then you got to be the
crowd getting in on one on, getting off on Kirby,
And now I where do you go? I wouldn't know
because the road, well, there's only.
Speaker 6 (01:20:16):
So many seats.
Speaker 7 (01:20:17):
There's only so many seats in that one in one
in one restaurant. Yeah, down Kirby. On the other side
of you, there's some.
Speaker 6 (01:20:24):
Go to like the shell station on the road. Yeah,
get you a couple of tall.
Speaker 7 (01:20:28):
Boys or you also maybe if you do get a
frozen burrito there, you go play the microwave with that.
I would love it when if the surrounding area match
how the teams on the rise to build some great
entertainment around that. I know a good place to do it,
A good good place to do it. So uh, it'd
be great because you say, oh man, I'm no rush
to get out of there.
Speaker 6 (01:20:51):
Yeah, And then it's easy you get in early and
spend fifteen bucks on beers. I mean yeah, I know.
I just go over there with with a new place,
put a good fun entertain It's make it like they're
doing every place now that it's an entertainment center. Right,
ballpark village.
Speaker 7 (01:21:06):
People want to go there even when they're not playing.
But but who's counting and who's keeping scoring?
Speaker 6 (01:21:13):
Yeah, I mean, I want to go to the cookoff
this year, but you'll stay away from it parking and
again getting in and again. Plus I don't want to
go down there and get hammered and then have to
all the way back right and I'm damn sure not driving.
So it either get a hotel. But where's a hotel
around there?
Speaker 7 (01:21:28):
Yeah, right across the street, But that one's probably taken right,
especially at that time of year, booked. It's like trying
to go to a beach city in June on July
fourth and get an airbnb. Good luck, you ain't getting it.
Speaker 6 (01:21:41):
You started to respect the sleeveless beach community yet I do.
Speaker 7 (01:21:45):
I'm gonna start wearing taktops in here, in here into
work off the piast.
Speaker 6 (01:21:51):
I'm gonna start wearing like that with a with like
really like five short the five in whether nine the
short five shorts man, the Skies album. In any doubts
I'm talking about. Oh yeah, oh good, it's gonna be
the look there you go. Some good cargo cargo shorts, Yeah,
who does pocket? I mean the cargo pants are actually
in some places make a comeback. Cargo joggers are hot
right now? Man, a little five pocketer, why not?
Speaker 10 (01:22:18):
Speaker 6 (01:22:18):
You got for days and that I know that's right.
Put some snacks in there, a couple of poles. You're
gonna hit past fifty today, I think so. Yeah, I
guess where I'm dressing. You're up because in about I
don't know, five or six days, it's supposed to be
twenties frigid.
Speaker 7 (01:22:32):
Yeah, well the good luck of plants flowers gone. No,
I covered all mine up, and yeah it does more
than you even know. No, I know it's in my
crawl right now. I know what I know, and it's
gonna piss me off, but it's okay. But it's over
fifty today. I'm dressed for it.
Speaker 6 (01:22:48):
You're gonna go out and swing it? I think I
probably will, Okay, ball striker, I thought you're gonna watch
all twenty two.
Speaker 7 (01:22:56):
I can't play golf and do that. No, oh I
can't no any time in a day to get it
all in. You sure, I am, okay, it was just
going and hitting balls on the range.
Speaker 8 (01:23:04):
I got it.
Speaker 6 (01:23:04):
Oh yeah, all flight right, work ball flight, got a
layer it. Yeah, you gotta flight my ball. Stay out
of the fescue. You got tough. Yeah, it's tough to
do on that pine straw, man, you got to stay
out of it. Seven to three off the pin straw.
A little tough though, seven one three, two one two five,
seven ninety. Will continue to take your calls about these
Houston Texans. It's getting the eight o'clock hour. Next on
Sports Talk seven.
Speaker 21 (01:23:24):
Eighty kd E Houston at b HD two Houston, my
hard radio station, and the Rocket.
Speaker 3 (01:23:35):
Is Sports Talk seven ninety your home for your home seat, Saulsbury,
Oh Houston.
Speaker 2 (01:23:47):
Okay, let's do this.
Speaker 4 (01:23:49):
Sean Salisbury, the to usc Truth, longtime friend, Shawn Salisbury.
Speaker 5 (01:23:54):
Brian Lima, go Lobos. This is the Sean Salsbury.
Speaker 6 (01:23:59):
Sh seven o'clock tip off, six o'clock launch pad right
here on seven out of your home. Four Rockets. Basketball.
Texans beat the Chargers in the wild card round of
the playoffs. They had to Kansas City to play the
Chiefs of this Saturday in the divisional round. Three point
thirty is the kickoff seven one three two point two
five seven nineties number to join. Do you need to
take your calls about these Houston Texans? Adrian welcome in.
Speaker 10 (01:24:29):
Speaker 1 (01:24:29):
Speaker 22 (01:24:32):
Ah man, what a good weekend beat on the books, Texas.
I told you gonna mess around if somebody's gonna get
a hold of your ass playing like Kansas City.
Speaker 1 (01:24:47):
Somebody finally got a whole of your ass and you
couldn't get out of them.
Speaker 10 (01:24:52):
A oh.
Speaker 1 (01:24:54):
I don't know what took CDJ so long to wake up,
but I'm glad he woke up.
Speaker 22 (01:24:59):
And I was watching the defense all weekend like you said,
And I've finally come to realize that defense travels.
Speaker 5 (01:25:06):
Will sure does.
Speaker 7 (01:25:10):
As matter of fact, when you got the truth is
defense just to look at the National Championship game, we
got is defense is going to travel. Ohio State's defense
and and Notre Dames defense are traveling. Then here in
the NFL, you play good defense, you always got a chance.
It's it'll keep you in every one of them. Then
you got to have offense to validate it. But yeah,
it is Uh, it's it's a it's a must. In
the way the Ravens are playing defense lately.
Speaker 6 (01:25:35):
It looks great.
Speaker 7 (01:25:37):
The Ted the Baltimore I mean, the Buffalo Bills came
on after that first series and played great defense against Denver.
And you saw the Texans. They man handled the Chargers.
So yeah, Adrian, no doubt defense. Then their defense is
flying around and they are nasty. And this has come
from a quarterback. Yeah, they're really good.
Speaker 1 (01:25:55):
That front seven is vicious.
Speaker 6 (01:25:57):
Yes it is.
Speaker 1 (01:25:58):
That's all I can say. They are vicious when they're together.
Speaker 7 (01:26:02):
And when the when the balls in the air, those
that back end catches it. They got great closers at
the back end.
Speaker 10 (01:26:08):
Speaker 6 (01:26:08):
I love it.
Speaker 7 (01:26:09):
I love what I'm seeing. And they're all young, man,
a bunch of kids back for the most part. I mean,
their starters are young. This defense is building something special
and could be as good a defense as there as
in the league over the next couple of years.
Speaker 1 (01:26:21):
You got a hawk and a baby hawk back there.
That's what I call them.
Speaker 6 (01:26:24):
Yep, Well, I.
Speaker 1 (01:26:26):
Got a question.
Speaker 22 (01:26:27):
That's really why I call We watched this defense take
a hot Josh Allen and make him look like he
was a high school kid.
Speaker 5 (01:26:35):
Same thing with God.
Speaker 1 (01:26:37):
And we saw Justin.
Speaker 22 (01:26:39):
Herbert come in with just three interceptions on the season,
and all we hear is, well, they just picked the
wrong time to have a bad game. Why is it
when we have bad games? CJ just sucks, But when
this defense makes the top quarterbacks have bad games, they just.
Speaker 6 (01:27:00):
They just had a bad game.
Speaker 7 (01:27:01):
No, it's a trend, buddy, It's a trend the Texans
that there's a reason Herbert and Golf and Alan and
Golf came on and played decent in the end. But
there's a reason even though he threw five touchdowns, they
didn't have to win. There's a reason those three quarterbacks
had trouble. It ain't just because they picked a bad
day to have a bad game. Defense is the biggest
reason they had a bad game, period. And the Texans
don't have to take a back seat to any of
the teams left in this postseason playing defense.
Speaker 22 (01:27:26):
They do not at all completely agree, completely agree, and Patrick,
here's a message from Texas.
Speaker 1 (01:27:35):
Don't let this team come in there and give up
twenty four to nothing. The rest of you.
Speaker 7 (01:27:42):
Yeah, they are not losing twenty four to nothing if
they get up on it with their with with Joe
Mixon to be the hammer at the end.
Speaker 6 (01:27:50):
Yeah, they're this. I think this is a closer game
than maybe the points spread indicates, at least to start. Yeah,
I do hope, So start to Joe. What's up, Joe?
Speaker 23 (01:28:01):
Hey, hell y'all doing? Uh, I just had a couple
of points that don't hang up and listen. I think
the Chiefs are coming in with some time off, so uh,
they're gonna have to get a little of that ring
rust off and uh. And the last game we played
with them, there was a lot of unfair calls, like, uh,
the receivers barely touching anybody on their end. We would
get a flag on our end.
Speaker 1 (01:28:23):
Speaker 23 (01:28:24):
And I think with this big win we just had,
that's a big confidence boost. And when you get hot
like that, if you could go in there and beat
the Chiefs, anything could happen. I think we got a
good shot at the super Bowl at that point because
the Washington Nationals came in and did it to Houston.
When they won, they were very squeaked in the playoffs,
got hot and ended up winning the whole thing. And
I'll hang up and listen.
Speaker 8 (01:28:45):
Thank you, Joe.
Speaker 6 (01:28:47):
I don't think you're going to get any argument from
from that once.
Speaker 7 (01:28:50):
If you get to the to the semis, which is
the AFC Championship game, dude, it's it's a turnover here.
It's I mean, it's only a handful of plays, little
separate rate, and that's the way. It isn't every game,
but they are listen, this is, you know, the gauntlet.
If you start looking at the big picture, it'll get uncomfortable.
If you're a player, you've gotta This is so cliche,
but you can't be thinking about where you're going next week.
I mean, it can be filed away as a goal, right,
But this is as tough a building in the postseason
as there is to get through because of the personnel.
Speaker 18 (01:29:21):
It just is.
Speaker 6 (01:29:22):
They know how to win, and it may not always
look good and pretty, but they know how to win somehow.
Someway and the Chiefs. In January we're talking about it
and in February it doesn't matter how Just look at
last year they were I wouldn't say they were a
tro Their offense, excuse me, was not very explosive, and
they kind of they took care of their business to
got into the playoffs and they rolled through this year.
The offense not very explosive. They've gotten better down the stretch.
Hollywood Brown is back, but Chack Go's back, Travis Kelcey
is still there. They've got Xavier Worthy, which is a
big deep on the field threat. It's the Chiefs in January.
It's a tall task for this Texans defense. And how
are you gonna put together a good offensive playing against
Spagnolia who's underrated in my opinion as a defensive coordinator,
and that defense is pretty damn good. Chris Jones is
still a Chief.
Speaker 7 (01:30:15):
Yeah, only underrated if you're not playing against him, right,
and then it's you know exactly who he is. But
I can tell you this the chiefs Andy Reid's looking
at saying, this is a formidable defense man and a
really and not just oh they know how to get by.
This is an explosive defense, So I listen. It is
the thing the Chiefs at fifteen and two where you say, well,
and they didn't play their starters, so they could have
very easily been sixteen to one. But you, if you're
the chief you're like, thank goodness, Cincinnati's not the playoffs.
But that years you're saying, but they have won every way.
Speaker 6 (01:30:48):
You can win.
Speaker 7 (01:30:50):
So even though it doesn't look pretty, don't we have
to start saying, listen, even though that their offense hasn't
been like wow factor this year or really the better
part of two years. At times it's always wild factor,
but the sustained they're winning a whole bunch of different ways,
which to me is attribute to them, not a detriment.
Speaker 10 (01:31:07):
Speaker 7 (01:31:08):
So they can win shootouts, they can win close games,
and most of them this year have been pretty close.
They're not blowing a lot of teams out, and the
Texans can hang around. And then it comes down to
can you handle January pressure? And I assure you it's real,
especially every single week that goes on. Yeah, and advantage
when it comes to that advantage chief over everybody.
Speaker 6 (01:31:29):
They've done it right time after time after time.
Speaker 7 (01:31:32):
It's amazing how quickly advantage chiefs or somebody goes away
when they get hit in the face a few times.
Speaker 6 (01:31:37):
I don't mean literally, but you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 7 (01:31:39):
I would hope that the aggressiveness doesn't take time off
because the element because now it's another step and the
pressure rises, and should we be as aggressive Your game
plan is going to change because the defenses are different.
Your approach to aggressiveness and play calling should not.
Speaker 6 (01:31:54):
Well, we don't won't change on the defensive side of
the football. Offense different story. Yeah, you're gonna add de
gonna fly around.
Speaker 7 (01:32:00):
And they play the short passing screen game, throw option
routes to Kelsey as good as anybody, which offsets your pressure.
So how are you gonna make sure you can play
sideways too? Because they're doing both vertical horizontal and and
you know vertical when they they the quarterback just knows
how to finish games.
Speaker 6 (01:32:19):
Yeah, he does. I hate watching him.
Speaker 7 (01:32:23):
I love watching him because he's a masterpiece, but I
hate it because it always it seems to be, whether.
Speaker 6 (01:32:29):
It's a little hell from the rest or him just
making a clutch play within a two minute drill. I
just I can't stand it, dude. So this is how
I used to feel when I watched Grove, watching Tom
Brady Domini.
Speaker 7 (01:32:37):
Yeah, it would be easy for me to hate the
Chiefs more if Andy Reid, who I love beyond point,
he just I know the human he is, So I
know that how he and knowing people that have played
for him or that play there, I know how he
treats this and there's major respect. I think I've ever
heard of a bad That's why. That's why it's hard
to dislike them because of him. Now, there's a lot
of other reasons you may dislike him. Everybody they become
a villain because they win all the time. But Andy
kind of makes him not the villain because he's easy
to love, right, But they I would as a football
player and as a quarterback, I admire what this dude
does as a fan and a media guy at shake.
Speaker 6 (01:33:16):
Head again again, Yeah, exactly again. It's annoying as hell.
Speaker 7 (01:33:20):
You hate playing against him, but damn you're like if
you don't appreciate his game, put aside the rest protect
Patrick Mahomes is a hell of a football player. Yeah,
I know, he ain't gonna he ain't gonna leave. He's
not Charles Atlas. He's not gonna look real good in
the you know, pair of shorts and no shirt. But
I'm gonna tell you, when it comes to football instincts
and play, the guy is already in the top five
of all time.
Speaker 6 (01:33:44):
Now you think about that, there's the number one seed again. Yeah,
he's pretty good. You know, the Texans defense is really good.
Will Anderson Junior is playing really good football. Dan Neil Hunter,
you know I'm gonna I'm gonna have to get the
ball of Travis a lot. You know we're gonna try
to win. That's about there.
Speaker 7 (01:33:59):
You are?
Speaker 6 (01:34:00):
You heard it?
Speaker 11 (01:34:00):
Speaker 7 (01:34:00):
You don't need we don't need a Mahomes press conference.
It's annoying. And then you say it's third and nine
and somehow that fool makes an underhand toss on it's
on a shovel pass that Kelsey.
Speaker 6 (01:34:10):
Breaks through as fat ass runs for a first down.
Speaker 7 (01:34:13):
And sticks the ball out. Just be on the first
down line. Yeah, it makes me want to punch. Oh,
of course it does. But you got to appreciate, dude, You.
Speaker 6 (01:34:18):
Gotta appreciate greatness. Is he's one of the best to
ever do it and he's still not even done. Yeah,
it's been close to his career. Annoying? Is he good?
Can't help it?
Speaker 8 (01:34:28):
Love it?
Speaker 6 (01:34:28):
Hey, man, if you make a pick and it doesn't
work out, I'm gonna hold you accountable by the way
I think you should. And guess what I did.
Speaker 7 (01:34:33):
Guess what I don't care about. It's like when you
pick a game and you bet. When you win, you're
held accountable, and you get paid when you lose. Guess
what you owe money?
Speaker 6 (01:34:42):
I get it.
Speaker 7 (01:34:43):
Okay, it's a pick, it's a game. Hold me as
accountable as you want. I'll tell you right now, because
going in if the if the game were tonight, I'd
take the Texans with the points, and I would take
the Chiefs to win the game, just because of all
the things that they've done in their building at home.
Speaker 6 (01:34:58):
Now, the way the.
Speaker 7 (01:34:58):
Chiefs Steve have me, the way the Texans defense is playing,
do I believe that they have to? Matter of fact,
I actually feel more comfortable when it comes to the
competitiveness of the defense this week. I actually think I mean,
the Chargers don't have a lot of time, but just
the way that they play a game and try to
shorten the game. You thought, is this going to be
just physical where they're going to push the pile? I
think that offensive against their the defense versus the Chiefs offense,
I think you match up pretty friggin well. When I
say comfortable, I use that term loosely. I don't ever
feel comfortable playing the Chiefs in their building, but I
think that the Texans have a real chance.
Speaker 2 (01:35:32):
I do.
Speaker 7 (01:35:32):
But the reason why I think that more. This is
the team I expected to see going into the Chargers game.
Remember we were coming out of one series in Tennessee
and a complete embarrassment against the Baltimore Ravens. So yeah,
hold me accountable. You want accountable to what? Then I'm
going to pick another game this week? Oh well, if
I got them all right, guess what I'd be doing.
I'd own the casino that I bet in. Okay, if
you got them all right, then you'd be fine.
Speaker 6 (01:35:56):
A Twitter account with a profile picture of three racks
rib got to tweeted that tweeted out I get the
clap back at Rex Ryan right now. But let's remember
to hold Shawn unfiltered an at sports MT accountable pick
the Chargers all week against the city they literally work
for hashtag swarm. Okay, now let me move. First off,
I don't sure as three racks a rip. Yeah, let
me just explain to this into the bot. I don't
work I don't work for this city football.
Speaker 7 (01:36:27):
If I if I if I if I, if I
did work for this city, I know a few people
that wouldn't be in office. Okay, I don't work for
the city. I work for iHeart and I work as fans.
I've worked hereing a living. I work because I love it,
and I work in a city. I don't work for
the city as someone too. Is my job is not
to kiss the ass of any team. I'm on, the
USC the Raiders, the Texans, the Astros. It's to give
you fair and proper analysis, whether you like it or not.
I'm not here to tell you what you want to hear.
If you've got a problem with it, I suggest you
take two weeks off and do something else with it. Secondly,
is I'm not pandering to some guy with three followers
saying I picked the Tech because I live here. Because
if the Raiders were playing the Texans this week, you
know who i'd be. I'd probably pick the Texans, but
you know who i'd root for? Sure I would, And
if they lost, they say whoa double win for me?
Could we get to keep talking Texans football?
Speaker 6 (01:37:15):
Love him?
Speaker 7 (01:37:16):
But if you got a guy who's just picking because
he lives here, then I suggest you don't take a homer. Yes,
I would suggest you don't take there all the time. Now,
maybe if it's the right one, it's easy to pick
against Tennessee. But I'm not here to pander. I'm here
to give you honestly, you do what you want with it.
I don't care.
Speaker 6 (01:37:32):
But I'm not here. I literally here working in the city.
I work for No. No, no, I don't work for
the city.
Speaker 7 (01:37:39):
And if you're looking for a guy to just kiss
your ass and tell you what you want to hear
all the time, then call your parents. Yes, and my
credibility is more important than a fan's opinion. Okay, And
so you lose all picked against him? Yeah, I won't
be the last time, and it wasn't the first, and
I've picked for him plenty, just like you know what,
there's gonna be a time this year we're going to
bet against the Astros.
Speaker 6 (01:37:59):
Yeah, am I supposed to pick?
Speaker 10 (01:38:01):
Speaker 7 (01:38:01):
Are they going to Bucks sixty two? And Oh, that's
how you lose money as a gambler, or lose respect.
So you want those hot takes, go on TV or
find some local homem wher who's got their nose tuck
so far up somebody's ass they.
Speaker 6 (01:38:11):
Can't get it out. Okay, that ain't me.
Speaker 7 (01:38:14):
And we gave every good compliment and said what we've
seen if you could tell me going in that game,
you felt completely comfortabout the offense and you're a liar. Yeah,
then you're full of But I'm not going to lie
to you. And if you don't like transparency, I'm the
wrong guy to listen to.
Speaker 6 (01:38:26):
Okay, yeah, what did you say?
Speaker 10 (01:38:28):
Speaker 6 (01:38:28):
You say the game was going to be like I said?
It was a field gah. Yeah right, there's nothing wrong
with that, and there's not a soul life.
Speaker 7 (01:38:36):
Either of us. Had them blowing them out and neither
then nobody would have bet the blowout either if that
was the spread. So but you know what, when you
when you pick against him, it's not derogatory that you
hate a team. It's just my job is to just
break it down to see what I see. Yeah, but
that's a guy who he said he will to think
about the stupidity of it just for a second. He
said he's betting his daughters college field fund on the
money line for the Texas week. Now, God bless him.
I love his confidence. That's not smart. Hey, you know
what they say about money, though it takes money to
make money fast, they don't make no money. YEA fast
pay makes fast friends too. And that's when it comes
to betting. Why I try to pick the better team
had a good week and lost that one. But that's okay.
But the rest of them will turn out against And
if you want to call in here, four hundred of you,
so you picked against the Texans, you're right. Stay tuned
for Friday. Okay, to stay tuned for Friday. And if
it keeps working, great. But I would bet my money
today on the point. So I'd take those points and
bet it on the Texans right now. There's if they
both play their best, Kansas City probably wins. But if
they if the Chiefs turn it over once or twice,
they can loud. The Texans will win if they play
offensive aggressiveness, like if they play half fasted offense, even
with a good defense, they'll get beat.
Speaker 6 (01:39:58):
You're dealing with Mahomes and re he'd understand that. In January. Yeah,
but they kicked the ass on sature did seven one
three seven iey. We'll go back out to the phone
lines next.
Speaker 2 (01:40:07):
Oh, also check this out.
Speaker 20 (01:40:09):
I should have warned you if Sean Holy cares about
cold hard backs.
Speaker 3 (01:40:14):
Back to the Sean Salisbury Show on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 6 (01:40:18):
Seven one three two five seven ninety go back out
to the phone lines, talking Texans win over the Chargers.
They got to play the Chiefs on Saturday. Andy, what's happening, hey, guys?
Speaker 8 (01:40:29):
Well look here, uh I thought at the end of
the game, and when they were in a locker room,
I thought we'd see Bobby Slowyck pull off his mask
and it was gonna be another guy underneath that mask.
Like it missing impossible because he did stuff that we've
we've been calling for all year. I have been how
many slam passes did he throw that game? More than
any game the whole damn year? I mean, and and
and then he throws at the Niko. They score that down,
and then they get down there again after the turnover,
and he doesn't call it again. You've got Hutchison six
' three, he's a big body. Now, put Hutchinson on
one side and Nico on the other, they're gonna they're
gonna tend to lean toward Nico and just run a
little slant hit him. It's it's the easiest. And Sean,
is it the easiest throw for a quarterback?
Speaker 6 (01:41:26):
The slant?
Speaker 7 (01:41:27):
Well, I think it's high percent. Oh yeah, I mean
it makes it a lot easier, especially if I mean
if you're throwing the windows and you got the right
time he can get off press coverage, and he can.
Speaker 6 (01:41:36):
It's never easy.
Speaker 7 (01:41:36):
But yeah, if you're talking about proximity running towards you,
because the slant is coming towards you on the formation,
and it's something. At no point in time will a
player in his career that plays that position throw more
routes than a either a shallow cross, a slant route
or a curl. A slant route will be called more
in their career. They'll throw that on the practice field,
in game field more than anything. It should be ex
cut it and quite frankly, if you're making good decisions,
should be executed damn near to perfection. And yes it's
a go to plus it just it's offsets blitz. You
don't have to change the plate. Ball comes out before
the pressure. I'm I'm a big believer. You should call
ten of them a game with different formations in different ways.
Because guys run after the catch, a guy missus takes
a bad angle that ends up a touchdown.
Speaker 6 (01:42:19):
Just ask Nico Collins.
Speaker 8 (01:42:22):
Yeah, I know, I I you know, and we're called
your team later. But that's another thing, another issue down
the road. But guess what that defense is healthy. I
told my wife for the game, we got to our
little local sports boar, and I said, we're gonna win
by double digit. And she understands. She she's a great
football fan. She said, you're crazy. I said, no, I'm not.
I said, the defense is healthy. Here here's the problem.
If you're an offensive coordinator, look for the Chiefs to
throw them first down a lot and on second and
second down because you don't want you don't want Edwards, Autrey,
Anderson and Hunter coming at you because that's the four
guys coming at you on second, long, and third and
five or more. Those four guys are come at you
and they can get a pass. Rest with those four guys.
Speaker 7 (01:43:17):
Well, they're gonna try to screen you to death like
wide receiver screen ball out quick on early downs. That's
how they're gonna do. Then then they're gonna try to
punish the inside with Pacheco. They're gonna they're gonna throw it.
They're they're they're gonna use it as an extension of the.
Speaker 6 (01:43:30):
Run, no doubt.
Speaker 8 (01:43:32):
And earlier when y'all guys were talking about it, Tortola,
that's the name. I think I got that right. Henry, Yeah,
him too. Whenever there's whenever there's two guys in the backfield,
meaning the quarterback or you know, because a lot of
times they put a rod receiver next as running back
or tight end with Mahomes, you gotta have Harris and
Henry t in the game because those guys are quick.
One of them's got a eye hair, one of them's
gotta i Mahomes, and the other one's gotta eye whoever
the guy is in the backfield, because Mahomes will beat
you with his legs. So many times this season he's
beating people on the legs in the fourth quarter. So
you've got you gotta eye him the whole game. And
guess what, CJ. He found his legs.
Speaker 1 (01:44:22):
He's always had him.
Speaker 8 (01:44:24):
I'm gonna tell you something. If he keeps that up
to look at the tuck and run, that brings another
option to this team. Earlier in the year, son you talk,
he asked me, would he wants some design runs from CJ?
And I said, no. Guess what I do because a
quarterback is slide. If it's a design run and it's
blown up by the defense, slide, you don't get hit.
He's got legs, he's got to utilize those legs. And
we saw that Saturday, and it just adds another dimension
that the defensive coordinator has to worry about.
Speaker 6 (01:45:00):
Makes it makes it difficult to game plan against. Sure does.
Speaker 8 (01:45:04):
And you know what, we need to understand something too.
We're probably the only team dealing with with missing our
number two and our number three wide receiver.
Speaker 7 (01:45:16):
We're doing They did this in the in the postseason.
You are, that's the one and two on any of
the left team. The eight teams are well not counting tonight,
the teams that are left.
Speaker 8 (01:45:26):
Yeah, you know what defense gave up the least touchdowns
all year long in the NFL.
Speaker 6 (01:45:33):
Try to guess what did you what was your question?
Speaker 8 (01:45:37):
What defense gave up the least amount of touchdowns all
year long in the NFL?
Speaker 6 (01:45:41):
Speaker 1 (01:45:42):
Speaker 8 (01:45:43):
You damn right? They only give up thirty one touchdowns.
Speaker 6 (01:45:45):
And they don't give up.
Speaker 8 (01:45:48):
Yeah, I mean it. Look our office, Will I think
we only really scored about thirteen points on offense because
you have seven for the touchdown, you have the two points,
and then we got two field goals. I think I'll turnovers.
We're on their side of the field if I'm not mistaken.
But uh, Yeah, that their defense. I mean, they had
over four hundred and some yards and they only give
up three twenty five. So Dolphins really just manhandled them
and the defense.
Speaker 7 (01:46:15):
It was their best all Yeah, it was their best
all around overall. Andy Gray Soon, thanks for the Facebook messages, brother,
I appreciate you. That was that was their best performance overalls.
I'm talking about the approach. They wasn't pretty, but everything
came together.
Speaker 6 (01:46:30):
I don't care. They finished strong.
Speaker 7 (01:46:31):
They were fortunate that the Chargers kept doing stupid stuff
when they were up six to nothing, but that's part
and parcel of the way the defense played. They forced
the medic bad decisions.
Speaker 6 (01:46:40):
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Speaker 6 (01:47:36):
Jump all over it.
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Speaker 3 (01:47:57):
I and for the Shawn continued, I.
Speaker 7 (01:48:03):
Don't want to hear any issues over. I mean, I
think they got to change the seating, and we can
talk about Texas and them, you know, sometime the next
hour or so, but change the seating going in just
the four best teams, not the four conference champions. But
other than that, well, I mean where we're mad because
Ohio State's kicking ass. Three weeks ago, everybody was questioning
them after the Michigan game. Everybody had them left for dead,
and Ryan Day fired Notre Dame all with Notre Dame
all after the beginning of the season loss, it's like,
here we go, Notre Dame's not very good. Well, Notre
Dame's gotten better every single week. They've kicked ass and
they are so well coached and disciplined. Ryan Day is
this is trust me, you know, there's a lot of
satisfaction from this with all, Oh yeah, put it this way.
Now he goes and wins the national title. After well,
if he doesn't, if he if he can't get into
the playoff ento the final, then you got to fire
him with that record like sixty six and ten or
whatever it is.
Speaker 6 (01:48:55):
Well, guess what, he'll get a pay raise after this.
Speaker 7 (01:48:59):
And their team has played well, so whatever we don't
like or blowouts and schedule, the bottom line is the
The two best teams in the postseason, the way they've
played are in it. Notre Dame has been fantastic, and
Ohio State has dismantled.
Speaker 6 (01:49:15):
Who they play first?
Speaker 10 (01:49:17):
Speaker 6 (01:49:18):
Yeah? They played? Uh, who's their first game against? Because
then they BEATMU?
Speaker 18 (01:49:24):
Speaker 6 (01:49:25):
No, SMU went to Penn State. That's right. Who did
play Notre Dame? Yep?
Speaker 10 (01:49:29):
Who the hell?
Speaker 7 (01:49:30):
Who forgets they gave it? I think it was a
tough seed, did it? Was it Georgia? No, it wasn't Georgia. Right,
I'm tripping dog. Hold on, Yeah, I can't remember who
they beat. It's hell, it feels like three months ago.
They beat the Brakes off Tennessee. Yeah, and Tennessee's top
ten team in the country. Correct, Yeah, they have they
they they've handled Tennessee. They manhandled Lorgan. They put it
on the Longhorns.
Speaker 1 (01:49:52):
Speaker 6 (01:49:53):
The two best teams are in it. Yeah.
Speaker 7 (01:49:55):
Well we said, well the Texas is better and maybe
I'm just talking about the results of the game.
Speaker 6 (01:50:00):
The two best teams are in it. Yeah.
Speaker 7 (01:50:01):
Ohio State's favored by eight, and man Will Howard was
throwing to some tight windows. Ty when I think about this,
you're favored by eight in the national title game.
Speaker 6 (01:50:08):
Speaker 7 (01:50:09):
Once again. Now, if you want to talk about disrespect,
if you're not to dame, aren't you saying excuse me?
Speaker 10 (01:50:13):
Speaker 7 (01:50:14):
I get it, but it's it's been impressive and you
got to play your best at the right time. And
that's exactly who these two teams have been this year
and we have and that hasn't been the case in
the past, you know, recent history, should I say?
Speaker 1 (01:50:28):
Speaker 7 (01:50:29):
And two blue blood programs that have played the best
in getting phenomenal play on both sides of the ball.
Speaker 6 (01:50:34):
Seven one, three, five, seven nineis go back out to
the phone lines, Biscuit, appreciate your holding.
Speaker 8 (01:50:38):
Good morning, hey, top.
Speaker 11 (01:50:40):
Of morning, brothers, John. I will say that the twelve
game playoff it did one thing. It allowed some team
to have some hiccups in the regular season and did
you know, rise to the top of the playoffs.
Speaker 6 (01:50:56):
Oh, Ohio State Michigan perfect example. OHI right.
Speaker 11 (01:51:02):
In previous years they lose Michigan like that, they don't
they're not in it, you know, and so they don't
get a chance to rebound. And and that's the thing
about playoffs, Shawn and March madness order.
Speaker 8 (01:51:12):
Even in the NBA.
Speaker 11 (01:51:14):
Sometimes you you know, I understand you want the regular
season to you know, me and a whole lot, but
let's get you know, let's open it up, and then
you can get some more upsets, you know what I mean.
Teams get right and then next thing, you know, they
run through the Raiders or somebody get right. They run
and run the Super Bowl, the Rockets, six seed, get right,
win the championship, you know what I mean. So, uh,
that's that's the future. The meals of sports is. You know,
he had a regular season, that's fine, But what happens
in the playoffs and and then and now we're seeing
that in college It didn't happen, and it happened in
other sports, but what happened in college football? And the
speaking of that, Sean and Sean I was watching. I've
been watching ESPN all weekend. I've been watching and I
hate to always go back to this time.
Speaker 6 (01:52:03):
But if that was Dad.
Speaker 11 (01:52:04):
Prescott that played over at NRG Stadium on Saturday to
put up that performance, man, my goodness, he'd have been
hung in John. You know what, I'm playing. And I
ain't heard nothing about Justin Herbert.
Speaker 6 (01:52:23):
And I haven't I haven't seen anything nationally this morning.
Are they are they?
Speaker 7 (01:52:28):
I have one thing I did see on social media
yesterday as the people were saying, because I saw somebody
talk about, well, you better get after you better have
the same energy for Herbert as you did for you know,
Prescott and for other quarterbacks. And I saw people saying, yeah, well,
the thing is that Herbert doesn't have the weapons. Well,
I get that, but the truth of the matter is
when you get in the playoffs, we're asking the quarterback
to elevate his weapons. He made some bad decisions, Hey,
he did, and he did not play well, and that's
part and parcel to the way the defense played. But yeah,
right on the national I mean, you got to you've
got to level it up because he played awful and
it was the wrong time to have bad game and
he did not play well. But he didn't have any
much help from his friends either. But the quarterback bears
that responsibility, as do the coaches. So yeah, he should
be just as criticized as Cousins is, as Dak Prescott,
as Lamar's passed and losses, as Josh Allen is, anybody
else who's gone who's gone through Dak Prescott's been torched
many at times because are you know, obliterated because of
poor performances in the postseason. Well, Herbert deserves the same
treatment whether no matter whose weapons are, you're in the playoffs.
That's that's the way it works.
Speaker 11 (01:53:36):
And and and and to my point Sean and I
always be arguing, is it's.
Speaker 2 (01:53:40):
A team game.
Speaker 24 (01:53:41):
Speaker 11 (01:53:41):
I agree, like you say, yeah, yeah, Herbert, you know,
but you just made the point. I mean, they got
one guy over there, number fifteen. The rest of the
guys you John, you can't name a playoff team with
less skill guys than the Chargers.
Speaker 10 (01:53:55):
Speaker 6 (01:53:56):
That that's a fact. That's a fact. Yeah.
Speaker 8 (01:54:00):
And that's what a text is up against.
Speaker 11 (01:54:02):
Because this week is gonna be a little different. Yeah,
I mean, there's a whole lot more skill guys over
there now, man, And then gonna be no all kind
of misdirections and okay, you get aggressive if you want to,
but they gonna come back the other way and screens
and draws and counters and it's gonna be interesting to
see this.
Speaker 7 (01:54:21):
If you beat the Chiefs, you're gonna have to beat
them because they rarely beat themselves. They did they just
they did, right, They just do not beat themselves, and
you got to play. You got to do everything you
did against the Chargers the same way against the Chiefs.
But you can't wait a quarter and a half to
do it. You know what I'm saying that you're gonna
have to come out of the locker room smoke them.
But this defense I think can play right with him.
The question is the aggressiveness, and you just and probably
even though they haven't been explosive on offense this year,
meeting well either team for the most part, but the
Chiefs have not looked the same. They're still capable of
thirty as are the Texans. You can't kick field goals.
You're gonna have to score in the red zone and
come away with touchdowns to continue to apply the pressure
that you want, so you can turn your edge rushers
loose and go after them and force some are and
throws because that back ends really good for the Texans.
So yeah, it's a different ballgame and a different moxie
that you're dealing with with the Chiefs on the road,
no doubt.
Speaker 11 (01:55:16):
I think with the Chiefs also, Sean, I think with
any time you play in to read, it's not just
the physical, it's the mental you know what I mean?
Speaker 1 (01:55:25):
So you got it?
Speaker 6 (01:55:25):
Mean he exhaust mental smoke, screens and mirrors, you know
what I mean.
Speaker 11 (01:55:30):
So they yeah, let you think they gonna do this
and bam, here comes something else.
Speaker 7 (01:55:33):
That's it and Spagnola is going to do and Spagnola's
gonna do the same thing on defense.
Speaker 6 (01:55:37):
It's the it is.
Speaker 7 (01:55:38):
It's the emotional mental grind that wears people out because
because physically the Texans match up well, right, that's what
you got to do with You have no doubt, Biscuit.
Great call, brother, look forward to talking to you this week.
Thanks for the insight. Herbert did not play well, but
I don't want to hear it. And while you they
don't have the weapons and it is a team game,
but quarterback bears a lot of responsibility.
Speaker 6 (01:55:58):
For these things. But for me, it's still you. You are,
That's what you can't turn it over four times? Yeah,
I think I want to excuse me. I want to
get your thoughts on the playoff, the quarterback playoff records
and discussions about holding this guy the same way, this guy,
this guy, this guy, whatever I have Josh Allen Kirk, Cousins,
Dak Prescott, is there anybody else you can think of
that doesn't seem to win in January.
Speaker 7 (01:56:24):
Yeah, well you could say Garopolo didn't win in February
because he's been in a super Bowl. Yeah, I you know,
Stafford's won his well, golf hasn't won a super Bowl yet,
but he's been to one.
Speaker 6 (01:56:36):
So we'll just do those things. It doesn't matter. And
I want to yeah, I want to get your thoughts
on that. I'll discuss the quarterback play in January.
Speaker 3 (01:56:41):
Next, let's go. This is the Sean Salisbury Show, the Texans.
Speaker 6 (01:56:50):
And I did see the couple of tweets yesterday some
national media pundits, if you will, I saw RG three
tweeted something about it. You gotta hold this person accountable,
just like you hold somebody else accountable.
Speaker 7 (01:57:03):
So forth, you know the undertone of RG three's tweet. Correct,
It had nothing to do with anything but one thing. Yeah,
racelack and white quarterbacks, and I understand the feeling and
some h Bryan, I'll let you ask question, but I
can tell you this.
Speaker 6 (01:57:18):
I don't see how anybody now. I know what happens.
I'm not naive enough to think it, but.
Speaker 7 (01:57:24):
I can't fathom studying or criticizing or complimenting a quarterback
based on the color of their skin, right, are are
we pass that for some? I would hope we're passing
for those who have done it in the past, and
I would hope we're passing for those who lean on
that on a regular basis. That that's the reason why,
and that's not why Biscuit said it. Biscuit wanted the
same energy for poor performance.
Speaker 6 (01:57:47):
And I get it so here just based off of
what Biscuits said, take race out of it. Justin Herbert's
been to the freaking playoffs twice, two games. He's not
even in the same realm as Lamar Jackson, Dak Prescott,
Kirk Cousins, Josh Allen. I guess the dude's been there twice.
Who gives a damn if they're not being held accountable
like Lamar Jackson. Lamar Jackson three and four in the playoffs,
Dak Prescott two and five, Kirk Cousins one and four,
Josh Allen six and five, eleven games, five games, seven games,
seven games, and two games for Justin Herbert, who cares?
He's not a top ten quarterback now right now? No
ten skill set?
Speaker 7 (01:58:24):
Yeah, but out a top ten quarterback and sure as
hell has a lower third talent level on his team.
But I'm reversed. I'm talking about this game. Yeah, this
game was not good and they're picked right and the
Texans kicked his ass. Yeah, with a little bit of
help from his friends. They didn't play well, but still criticized.
Does this mean now when we go to the big picture,
he hasn't had the same opportunities. Listen, if if Jalen
Hurts has been to a super Bowl, Jalen Hurts has
struggled all year long. If they lose a Jalen Hurts
doesn't play well, he'll be criticized.
Speaker 8 (01:58:55):
Speaker 7 (01:58:55):
I mean, I don't have problem criticizing any of them,
including Herbert, which I thought he played awful. And at
the start of the game, the way they're ripping it
and getting Lad McConkey, I thought, why are they going
away from what they do? But the Texans adjusted. We
talk about adjustments all the time. They adjusted. But back
to your point, I don't know why the national media
or media choose to criticize one over the other. I
think Darnold's taken an immense amount of criticism. If they lose,
people will crucify him. Ah see, going back to Sam
when he played the Jets, of you, they've already started
it after the loss to the to the Lions. Yeah,
in the last day of the season, they've already started it.
So to me, the critique has to come from watching
the game properly, not just talking and say, well, you
got to criticize him just because the color of their skin.
And like I said, there are some who post it
and you know their agenda. If you're good at your job,
you critique football, not skin color. You critique decision making.
You could critique teammates, you couldtique play calling. Now I'd
love to see that it say that it doesn't exist
on either side, but of course it does for some.
I can't fathom it. The bottom line is, Dak Prescott
has not played great in the postseason. No, Kirk Cousins
has not. Jimmy Garoppolo has not in Super Bowls. Herbert
for his two starts, has not. So it exists everywhere.
It exists everywhere.
Speaker 6 (02:00:17):
I mean, I can't.
Speaker 7 (02:00:19):
Control what some national TV show or somebody in the
local market of why they do or don't criticize their guy.
The quarterback position asks for more accountability and responsibility, and
it's I get it. You paid the money. And the
truth is Dak Prescott plays for the Cowboys. Yeah, if
Herbert was a quarterback for the Cowboys, they.
Speaker 6 (02:00:38):
Would Destroy'd be destroyed because of who we plays and.
Speaker 7 (02:00:40):
Think about Dak and whether it's fair unfair. The guy
was second in the MVP voting last year. The guy's
not a hack. He's a good player. But it appears
to me both Herbert and Dak Prescott and Cousins very
few players need to have the very few players can
operate without great players around him still find ways to
win no matter what the roster. Herbert doesn't have great
players in the postseason here proved that at least last week,
and couldn't pull it off. On the other side of it,
Dak Prescott. I think Dak Prescott needs a great running
game of good players. I don't think he carries a
guy on you carries a team on his back for
six straight weeks.
Speaker 8 (02:01:17):
Speaker 7 (02:01:18):
Elway did that, but he couldn't win a Super Bowl
until Trell Davis got there. Brady was able to do
it no matter what. Hogan, it didn't matter who the
receiver was. Bernard Gaffney, Randy Moss, Gronkowski. He had good
and bad of both. That he sustained it. There's few
that can do that. Marino didn't matter. He threw it
and could do. But if he didn't have defense, they didn't.
Dan didn't have a Super Bowl championship. So I understand
the energy for some, but the energy for me isn't
about race. The energy is about performance on that day
and your history of it. Herbert's gonna win a playoff
game at some point. He did not play well and
deserves criticism. But you know what, Jalen Hurts is not
playing well and they're winning. They're not gonna Jordan Love
didn't have his best game. Baker Mayfield did not have
his best GT although he was but fifteen of eighteen.
Yeah explosive, right, Yeah, So I get it and energy,
My energy exists over what I see, right, But I
can't answer for somebody else why they don't. But you
know Dan well right after, Well, I want the same energy.
I don't understand the baiting part of it. That's and
I don't understand why somebody would just criticize a guy
because he's black or white.
Speaker 6 (02:02:22):
So RG three tweeted out uh seven fifteen on the eleventh,
So that was what Saturday night, he tweeted out, the
national media better hold Justin Herbert accountable for his playoff
performances like they do Lamar Jackson and Dak Prescott, and
then people in the comments roasted his ass for quote,
you know, for basically race baiting. And then almost twenty
four hours later he comes back and he says the
national media better hold Mike Tomlin accountable for his lack
of playoff success like they do. My only reason he
did that is because people roasted his ass commentator.
Speaker 7 (02:02:52):
That was his way to make up for and even
if he listen, if he feels that Lamar and Dak
Prescott were unfairly criticized because they were black, then he's
allowed to feel that way anyway he wants, but don't
put a blanket statement over every analyst in every national
show and every local show that does that. And the
other side of it is, of course, he came out
and said, Mike Mike Tomins, listen, is Mike Tomlins one
of what we said? It bears repeating, He's one of
hearing my favorite coach on the PLOI. I'd love to
play for Mike and he's a Absolutely, he's a Hall
of Famer today. You don't need to win another game.
He's going He's going to the Hall of Fame in
my opinion, that being said, regardless of the color of
his skin. Yeah, Mike Tomlins playoff getting back to the
Super Bowl post Ben Roethlisberger does deserve criticized. Why aren't
they getting to the next level. But I can tell
you this, I'd crawl ten miles over broken glass to
play for Mike Tomlins. Yeah, but he does deserve criticism.
And I do believe that Mike McCarthy and Mike Toman
have the same matter of Super Bowl rings. Yeah, so
see to me, I don't get the criticize him less
or criticize him more in different communities. To me, the
makeup call the baiting and or the if you're criticizing
a guy because the color of his skin, then you're
just a You're just a dumb.
Speaker 6 (02:04:07):
Son of a bitch. And then also like as we
get ready to go to the nine oclock Hower like
also we hold Lamar Jackson, dam Kirk Cousins, Josh Allens.
All four of those quarterbacks during the regular season put
up numbers Galore.
Speaker 5 (02:04:23):
Justin Herbert was a middle of the road.
Speaker 6 (02:04:24):
Average quarterback this year, right, Okay, who do you hold
Why are we going into into a thing at all?
We gotta hold him on the same standard as Lamar,
Jackson and Kirk Cousins.
Speaker 5 (02:04:33):
No, we don't.
Speaker 6 (02:04:33):
He's a middle of the road guy. Okay, take the
best receiver production wise. He's gonna take the.
Speaker 7 (02:04:38):
Best receiver from a good team and then compare him
to Jefferson and Chase. Aren't we always gonna hold them
more accountable?
Speaker 6 (02:04:45):
Jam Chase set the bar high? Yeah, point Cooper.
Speaker 7 (02:04:48):
Cup, Yes, they've set the Barshall high, right, and nikol
Coins is getting to that point tyes. So it's the
same thing on the other side.
Speaker 6 (02:04:57):
The truth is the.
Speaker 7 (02:04:58):
Reason why that Lamar and Josh criticize more just because
they're both superman during.
Speaker 6 (02:05:02):
The regular exactly the numbers have put up and how
they win, and.
Speaker 7 (02:05:06):
If it's any indication by their first playoff game, they're
both superman in the postseason this year to say they
absolutely should so regardless of how we look at it,
you criticize the way anyway you want and compliment anyway
you want. The bottom line is I despise the narrative,
and I despise the constant that when it's something, it's
always got to be you can actually play crappy ass
football and be black and white both and be worthy
of criticism and compliments. It's whatever narrative you choose, that's
not the narrative I choose. I'm judging by can you
throw a guy open when he's Jayden Daniels. What do
we get to criticize Jade Daniels if he gets to
beat next week, if he throws the two picks because it's.
Speaker 6 (02:05:47):
His first play, criticize it for the production in that game. Sure,
because that's the way we do things.
Speaker 7 (02:05:53):
But we're not going to compare them to Lamar although
he may be three years from now, but I'm not
comparing to to Lamar Jackson Josh Allen yet. Just like
Herbert is good, he is Herbert A Josh Allen, Lamar Jackson, right,
He's just not them yet.
Speaker 6 (02:06:04):
Well, that's Mike time. If Andy Reid loses, we're gonna
find what why do he loses?
Speaker 2 (02:06:08):
Speaker 6 (02:06:08):
Andy's fault. That's the way it works. Let's get into
the nine o'clock hour.
Speaker 21 (02:06:11):
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radio station, the.
Speaker 3 (02:06:17):
Astros, Pros, the Rockets, Rockets Basketball, your home for your
home teams.
Speaker 2 (02:06:24):
This is Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 22 (02:06:28):
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thousand dollars on Sports Talk seven ninety.
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Just entered this nationwide keyword at sports seven ninety dot com.
Speaker 6 (02:06:38):
Cash c A s H.
Speaker 2 (02:06:40):
Cash enter it now at Sports seven ninety dot com.
Saw spray, all right, Salsbrey Houston. Okay, let's do this.
Speaker 4 (02:06:55):
Sean Salisbury, there to usc Tropes, longtime friend shown Salisbury.
Speaker 5 (02:07:01):
Ryan Lima, go Lobos.
Speaker 6 (02:07:03):
This is the Sean Sells Very show. Texans beat the Chargers.
They're headed to Kansas City to play the Chiefs is
Saturday in the divisional round of the playoffs. Seven one three,
two point two five, seven ninety is the number to join.
Let's get back out to the phone lines. We will
start in order of longest wait. Let's go to Michael Michael,
good morning. What's up guys? Hey man?
Speaker 19 (02:07:28):
Uh there's a lot of hall smoking going on in
the Texans locker room.
Speaker 2 (02:07:31):
Did you see that with Joe Mixon?
Speaker 10 (02:07:33):
Speaker 6 (02:07:33):
Smoking that Rex Ryan pat Man I saw that I
don't know. You know, Sean's a big poll smoker, so
it makes sense. Yeah, I love cigars.
Speaker 19 (02:07:40):
Yeah, no, dude, I'm shocked I called it. I thought
the Chargers were gonna pump us, but we punked them,
so bravo on us.
Speaker 8 (02:07:50):
But I looked up Mahomes the postseason.
Speaker 19 (02:07:54):
Uh, what's the this is the second round of playoffs.
But he's six and oh in these games. That's unreal, dude.
So I'm helping statistics kick in and he loses one,
and I'm just I just think my perdition is, you know,
the Chiefs get a lot of annoying calls.
Speaker 2 (02:08:09):
I think, uh, you said that earlier.
Speaker 19 (02:08:12):
Uh uh about how the Chiefs are annoying because they
get all the calls and they're gonna screen They're going
to screen pass us to death. And I think the
Texas can run the ball with Joe Mixon, I think,
and I say, you you run straight at Chris Jones
all game. And if we can avoid those screen passes
because Andy read so good at play calling. Uh, you know,
I think we got a shot. But I'm hoping, man, statistically,
come on now, statistics kick in.
Speaker 2 (02:08:38):
You know, I mean, I don't know.
Speaker 7 (02:08:40):
I just I think it's at some point in time.
Speaker 6 (02:08:44):
Yeah, I'm with you.
Speaker 19 (02:08:46):
I mean, come on, yeah, give me something. And you know,
it sucks that we don't get the night game. But
you know, I don't think the national media doesn't really
give a damn about Houston. I mean, aren't the Chiefs
still eight point favorite?
Speaker 10 (02:08:56):
Speaker 5 (02:08:57):
Speaker 7 (02:08:57):
Some places seven and a half others there they are
a touchdown US in every everywhere there at least a
seven and a half point favorite.
Speaker 19 (02:09:04):
Good night? So isn't is it?
Speaker 10 (02:09:06):
Is it?
Speaker 7 (02:09:07):
It's Buffalo in the Ravens right, Yeah, Bob Baltimore goes
to Buffalo.
Speaker 19 (02:09:12):
Yeah, oh man, that's gonna be a sick game. But yeah,
I think that's more worthy of primetime. But Bill, hey man,
he's just got a shot. I just I'm shocked that
the you know, I hate Jim Harball, He's so annoying.
I'm so glad they got poled And dude, hey, one
more thing, Jared Stingley that that interception his second one?
Oh my god, that guy's unbelievable. First team off pro
well deserved. Have a good day, guys, Pleaders, Thanks you too.
Speaker 7 (02:09:42):
That was Michael appreciated. Yeah, he's Stingley's playing it at
at a freakish level. Right now, we talk about great
players on offense playing at high levels. This dude's playing
at a at an elite level in the second and
has been all year. And this is how they predicted
it would be. I'm so skilled and he's gotten better
every year. I listen, you, you're in for a battle
this week, and you hope the law of averages plays
in your favor. But Andy Reid doesn't care about the
law of averages and need to do mahomes And I
get why the Chiefs are favored like this.
Speaker 6 (02:10:13):
They're rested.
Speaker 7 (02:10:14):
You got to prevent Chris Jones from playing in your backfield,
not even just in the passing game, in the run game.
You are and you're gonna have to tackle in space
because they're going to try to create it. And please,
I'm begging. I'm begging right now for one thing, if
nothing else, the aggressiveness on offense. I loved by the Texans.
I'm begging that you don't give Kelsey freeway.
Speaker 6 (02:10:36):
I was gonna say, that's.
Speaker 7 (02:10:40):
Just make sure if you're gonna get beat let somebody
else do this. And I don't understand if you're playing
and I understand they're gonna don't move him in motion him,
but you still have to you have to be physical
off the ball with him. If you're going to play
off with your linebacker or safety whoever you have covering
him one of the two, and you're gonna give him
space to get as an eight yard free run, he's
gonna catch ten balls. Yeah, because you're gonna run an option.
It's the old school yard. You run up eight to
ten yards, find a space and get open and I'll
just I'll I'll find you. And Mahomes is phenomenal doing it.
You have to, whether it's TOA TOA, whether it's al Shire,
you have to be physical at the line of scrimmage
with him. If you give him free rein he'll do
whatever he wants, and so will the Chiefs. I would
think the Texans are playing great defense, will have a
great plan. And once again you go into this the
Kelsey Mahomes combo cannot.
Speaker 6 (02:11:44):
Beat you this week. They just cannot. It's take another
quick call before we get to break. John, good morning,
good morning, So hiying, We're terrible. We're here, buddy, Well.
Speaker 17 (02:12:00):
I'm looking at here. Well, first, of all, a comment
about about the game Saturday. I think West has just
physically handled those those people you know from San Diego.
I mean you know the Chargers of the Yeah, they
just got man handled physically.
Speaker 10 (02:12:21):
You know.
Speaker 6 (02:12:22):
It was just over.
Speaker 17 (02:12:24):
Uh now this game coming up, Yeah, I got to
get him the secondary. You let Kelsey out there, you know,
he'll just pick it, you know. Uh, they have to
be very careful with him, you know, just like because
it's just I mean, my home, I mean, my homes
is just a slide, just like a fox. You know,
he's just volume. I'm a Texan fan, Okay, but but
you know, you you have to keep the pressure coming.
And it's going to be a physical game, you know.
And I mean these guys are just how do you
put it. It's gonna be an awesome game though.
Speaker 6 (02:13:05):
Yeah, it's gonna be a good one. Hopefully defense shows up.
Speaker 17 (02:13:07):
Whoever wants it the most will get it.
Speaker 6 (02:13:10):
Damn right, John, appreciate your call, manager day. Yeah, have
a good day, Thanks by thank you, John. Everyone wants
it more is gonna get it. Sean, I show up
and show out and play me football time in Houston.
I think that both teams want it a lot. Who's
gonna show up and show out?
Speaker 7 (02:13:28):
I'm gonna take it another level. I think the team
that shows up and executes a little better might have
the chance.
Speaker 6 (02:13:33):
But I get it. I do also know that whoever
scores more points than the opponent is gonna win the game.
That happened in five of the games as we did. Yeah,
and they win five and.
Speaker 7 (02:13:42):
Zero one of the true statistics exports. It's like if
the Vikings outscore the Rams and you know what.
Speaker 6 (02:13:47):
The Vikings are gonna win. Yes, that'll make it six
and a on the weekend? Crazy, isn't it?
Speaker 5 (02:13:53):
It sure is.
Speaker 7 (02:13:54):
It's a novel concept. It's wild Texans impressive this weekend.
Speaker 6 (02:13:58):
Yeah, no doubt. Uh didn't in this to John that
predicted the blowout? Didn't we have it? John? Wouldn't it?
Wouldn't John in Northwest Side? Yeah? John? I thought he
said double digits pretty sure. So John will grab you
on the other side of the break because we've got
to pay these bills. You know what I'm saying, is
that what we gotta do. We gotta pay these bills. Doctor. Oh,
let me tell you about wits it then you want
to tell you about jad Doctor Jeff wits it clearly.
My vision's a little skewed.
Speaker 7 (02:14:26):
Paying bills, making paper. There you go, doctor Jeff witzid.
He's also giving you a clear vision on what you
want to see. He's been my guy for a long time.
I care lasik procedure.
Speaker 6 (02:14:36):
There is no better.
Speaker 7 (02:14:37):
Literally, I want to say a million of these procedures,
and I'm being a little bit hyperbolic, but you get
my point. A lot of them, which makes him an expert,
and he cares. He's right here in our community. A
lot of times he used to be you had to
fly somewhere to go find man. I gotta go find
somebody to give me the right lasik procedure. Well we
got them right here. That's in the business, one of
the foremost guys in lasik procedure and the latest equipment,
but more importantly, the best of hands and eyes on
your eyes.
Speaker 6 (02:15:01):
That he treat yours just like he'd treat his owner's
own family.
Speaker 7 (02:15:03):
Work out a payment plan, pop on in there, and
there's always something good happen. And when it comes to
the deals, you'll get it withs it vision and the
main deal is seeing clearer than you've seen since the
prime of your vision.
Speaker 6 (02:15:15):
Isn't that the object?
Speaker 7 (02:15:16):
Get rid of those glasses and contacts and contact doctor
Jeff wisit seves wits it w h I T S
E T T seven one three three six five nine
seven nine nine seven one three three six five nine
seven ninety nine. It's non invasive, You're not on the
table long and recovery's quick and aftercare is the best.
Nobody better than doctor Jeff wits it, wits it vision
dot com, wits it vision dot com.
Speaker 3 (02:15:41):
We're gonna have to turn this matter over to Sean
Oh no uh more Sean Salisbury on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 6 (02:15:51):
Sean Brown TRIVALI with you this morning's doctor John. What's up?
Speaker 10 (02:15:55):
Speaker 2 (02:15:56):
Speaker 17 (02:15:56):
Speaker 24 (02:15:57):
And here I am sitting here, I'm thinking, I'm I say, well,
they get a lot of phone calls. Maybe they will
not remember I was the guy Friday that call in
and told them that this game was not even gonna
be closer.
Speaker 7 (02:16:10):
No, we said, we said it the first hour. Sean
love every hour. John Shawn said it like at six
o two.
Speaker 24 (02:16:16):
Man, Well look I and honestly I was being generous
when I predicted the score to be twenty four twelve.
Speaker 3 (02:16:23):
I didn't.
Speaker 24 (02:16:24):
I really want to go further out on a larger deficit,
but I didn't want to tell her to think I
was crazy. See I know, I know what kind of
men is on this Texas team. Now. They may not
always perform that they're supposed to do. This is their
second year. I keep telling people that, but they have
the talent to beat anybody. I will not say Baltimore.
They can match up with Kansas City. And one more thing,
I want to tell y'all those kids back then that
Nicko SiO drafted, lasted their and bullet and that other
kid Steam is getting all the attention. But those boys, right,
they all stars too. I can see man. Hey, one
more thing too, Man, I don't want to make this
about RG three. RG three, this is really what's wrong
with man. He's a little upset because he feels like
he didn't get a fast shake in the NFL. He
feels like he didn't get enough opportunities. He's just not
coming out and say that because maybe he wanted to
get back on TV, get a job. But that's really
what's wrong with RG three. So you know that's that.
But anyway, Hey, we got a shot to beat canceled city, Buddy,
I'm telling you what I know.
Speaker 7 (02:17:32):
Thank you, John, love it John, great stuff, brother, And
you were spot on with your prediction of double digits.
Speaker 6 (02:17:38):
Pretty good, pretty good projection man as the Chargers. I
don't think John's going to roll a double diges victory
this weekly. No, you may pick a victory. I don't
think he's going to say double digits. Hey, let me
let me go through something real quick here with the
UH Texans offense. So CJ. Stroud prior to the UH
fumbled snap, rolls to his right, picks it up.
Speaker 2 (02:18:04):
Speaker 6 (02:18:04):
There was two minutes and twenty two seconds left in
the second quarter. Before that play, c J. Stroud was
nine of sixteen for eighty three yards an interception, with
a rating of forty four point five to three. After
that play, c J. Stroud twelve of sixteen one hundred
and sixty four yards, a touchdown and a passer rating
QB rating I should say of one twenty eight point
three nine.
Speaker 7 (02:18:26):
And some phenomenal tight window throws and under pressure and
off schedule.
Speaker 18 (02:18:31):
He was he was.
Speaker 6 (02:18:32):
He was really good and made some.
Speaker 7 (02:18:35):
Some great decisions that first, UH, the beginning that you
were talking about, I guarantee you most were sitting back saying,
what's gonna happen?
Speaker 10 (02:18:45):
Speaker 6 (02:18:45):
Are we offensively? Are we really going here again?
Speaker 1 (02:18:48):
Speaker 7 (02:18:49):
And they kicked into high gear. It's amazing what one
play can do to turn energy around.
Speaker 6 (02:18:54):
And the energy.
Speaker 7 (02:18:55):
Completely shifted on a on a what looked like a
disastrous play, and from then on it was all Texans,
all the time. And John's right last is a hell
of a football. He began even more pub if he
wasn't playing against opposite one of the best corners, if
not the best in the league right now. Defenses, this
defense is has got special written all over it.
Speaker 10 (02:19:18):
Speaker 6 (02:19:18):
Now just imagine, just imagine if c just drop doesn't
pick up that fumble and it's a turnover, it's right
there in the red zone. Ball would have been at
the five yard line for the Chargers and they most
likely score, make a thirteen to nothing going into the house.
Speaker 7 (02:19:31):
And you think about what you're saying about the Texans
today if it would have go on in that moment,
and if the Chargers capitalize on early opportunities and turnovers
in great field position. But they didn't, and that is
a tribute to the defense. And even when the game
still felt like it was fairly out of reach. Their
special teams is still busting ass blocking a kick and
taking to the house for two points, and that two
points could have made a huge deal depending on how
the game turned out.
Speaker 4 (02:19:59):
Speaker 6 (02:19:59):
Another thing that I thought about that we discussed last
week is one of the things that I pointed out
to you and we discussed it was justin Herbert's quarterback
rating without pressure, it was like seventy something. With pressure,
it drops all it dropped all the way to fifty
four percent. I'm sorry, fifty four and all three interceptions thrown.
He was pressured by Daniel Hunter, will Anderson Junior just
to name a few, and Daniko Autrey a couple of
the whole defense. Four picks.
Speaker 7 (02:20:28):
Two things Herbert's going to have to learn to be
better under just under stress, like when it's those situations
when you got a team that pressures regularly and quite frankly,
I was surprised that the lack of using his legs
in this game, and maybe that was just because the
Texans turned him away.
Speaker 6 (02:20:47):
It was pretty impressive Edwards Junior, so I was thinking of.
He had a one and a half sacks.
Speaker 7 (02:20:52):
The Texans defense was as impressive as any defense in
the first round.
Speaker 6 (02:20:55):
Of the playoffs. Yeah, I think so so far. Yeah,
they played, they played their ass off. Will Anderson Junior
had one and a half sacks. Mario Edwards Junior had
one and a half sacks. You also had de Nico
Autrey with another sack. They sacked him four times. Al
Shire was flying around all over the place. Need a
little bit of that medicine this week as well. That
was nice. Yeah, and then of course you know the
four picks, with one coming from Eric Murray. You had Derek, Yeah,
he had the Eric Murray had the pick six, Derek
Stinghm the junior had two interceptions, and then Kamar Lassiter
had no no business And the play he made was
just he's really.
Speaker 7 (02:21:36):
Good and then he pops up and hits you in
the backfield and makes a phenomenal play on it was
either a screen or the run game screen and he
just boom and took the player out.
Speaker 6 (02:21:45):
He there's another level.
Speaker 7 (02:21:47):
This team's back end probably hasn't got the credit nationally
it deserves this year, but by putting him on the
second you know, second team, and Bullock on a second
team All Rookie team, and Dinting. Then by you know, Stingley,
first team All Pro. You're starting to understand why that
back end of this defense is gonna be huge. But
what makes a great back end is an active front seven. Yeah,
and they've got both. Yeah, they sure do. All right,
we've talked Texans all morning long. Let's take a look
at what happened on Friday night between the Texas Longhorns
and Ohio State Buckeyes.
Speaker 6 (02:22:18):
That's next, but the Shawn Salisbury Show continued like a
little college football. Ohio State beats Texas on Friday night.
They will play Notre Dame in the National title game,
which is a week away from today. Questionable play calling
down the stretch for the University of Texas. They had
the football at the one yard line, a couple of
back to back penalties got them close to the doorstep.
Try to run it downhill, they get stuffed, so Steve
Sarkisian calls a toss sweep over to the left hand
side out of the shotgun, loose seven yards, then a
strip sack by Jack Sawyer for Ohio State. He runs
into the house ballgame over. Texas falls to Ohio State
twenty eight to fourteen.
Speaker 1 (02:23:11):
What a dive.
Speaker 6 (02:23:12):
We said this early early in the show, what a
dumb ass play call.
Speaker 7 (02:23:15):
There's there's a lot to dissect from this game. I
Ohio State physically was really good at.
Speaker 6 (02:23:25):
The at the line of scrimmage. They were well how
many yards the end up rushing for Texas ran for
fifty eight yards on twenty nine ten.
Speaker 7 (02:23:34):
It was fairly rhetorical because the one thing that disappeared
for me was that physicality running the ball at the
line of scrimmage. And you got to give Will Howard credit.
He made some tight window throws. You're like, gosh, dang,
he was sticking some accurate throws in Ohio State's just
extremely gifted. And when you turn it over and get it,
you know, you get a score, a scoop and score
on one side and you can't punch it in In
the play calling questionable, I was, it's mortified the right word.
I was like, you're not doing this, are you? You're
not doing this and playing sideways football? And now far
be it for any of us to question a guy
who knows how to call plays better than as good
as anybody in college football. I just thought it was
too cute. I think that's the point in time when
you got to play, you know, the old lunch pale,
blue collar, I'm fit more physical than you. And when
if they ever had to take a back seat physically
to anybody this year, Nobody, now Georgia put it on
them that first game here physically, But when if they
ever had to go into a game thinking, oh, they
can manhandle us physically. At no time, I just thought
it was a poor choice at the end. In truth,
the better team on that gay on that day one, Yeah,
they did as much as I was. I wanted Texas
badly to win.
Speaker 6 (02:24:41):
The better team one Jeremiah Smith, the star wide receiver
Ohio State one reception for three and they still won.
Speaker 7 (02:24:49):
And they still won, right, so well they'll go back
to you know, listen, Texas is going to be doing this.
They're good enough to continue to hang around year after year.
And now the excitement of and I don't think when
yours a transfer, I don't think he's coming back.
Speaker 6 (02:25:00):
I think he's going to the NFL.
Speaker 7 (02:25:02):
I do now the temptation of somebody else wanting to
give him and I get it. Look at Carson Beck's
season gets hurt. Probably, I'm not sure they'd have played
him in the playoff even if he was close to
being healthy. Goes to Miami and he's sitting on six
to eight million dollar deal already, and they had success
with Ward doing that for them. They're hoping for the
same success with Carson Beck and he's with his girl
who plays some hoops there and stuff. But if your
Quinn ears, that's that, that that's there. And I think
that he could raise his stock because remember he's a
little younger. Why he reclassified when he left, he was
still a junior. He just finished his junior year care
So I understand. Heck, if you want to sit around,
and I mean stay around and go find a good
place to play.
Speaker 6 (02:25:52):
There's plenty that would love to have you, and go
do it. I get it.
Speaker 7 (02:25:55):
That's not disloyal to Texas because Texas more than likely
he's going to move to arch Banning anyway. Yeah, not
because Quinn yours and I think that he's got a
little bit. I think we've disrespected him. Not we, but overall,
like Quinn Yours is a big reason why that team
was able to move on a few times. He played
great against Arizona State, especially late, and made some throws
that kept him in this game. There's a lot of
disdain and I think it's wrong. Yeah, he deserves some
criticism for some of the things. But I don't think
that he's gonna transfer.
Speaker 6 (02:26:27):
I don't. I think he's going to the NFL. But
I may be wrong. I think the criticism of quinn
Ewers across his span of being at the University of
Texas is quite unfair because, for whatever reason, and I'm
not saying it's just Texas alumni, national media, whoever, people
always bring up two guys when it comes to quarterback
play at that's the university. It's Vincent Colt. You got
to understand, I know you do. I'm not saying you
because I know you know this. You got to understand,
if you're a Texas fan or if you're just a
fan of college football. Remember where Texas was when quinn
Ewers got there. They were five and seven. They've on
twenty five and five over the last two seasons, and
they've gotten to the Final four twice. Who's been the quarterback?
It's been quinn Yours in those losses sean of this year,
three losses this year. You know how many? You know
how many yards they rushed for in those three games,
probably a combination of less than two hundred thirty nine years.
They averaging thirty nine yards per game, which on Quinn
that's not enough.
Speaker 10 (02:27:26):
Speaker 7 (02:27:27):
Now, again, he's Critiz for sure, no doubt. I told
you trusts his arm a little too much at times.
But how about the drop shot and the fade Rowty
threw the you know to the back of the the
the rail route that he threw for the touchdown. He's
Queinn ears has got a really good arm and he
can rip it. There's just a little more mechanical consistency
as he moves on to the next level. Yeah, but
and I what I what I also cannot stand. Why
is everybody I know what the what the ceiling is
for players? Everybody wants now to be Mahomes or Josh
Josh Allen. I get in allenstill and have a Super
Bowl championship. But I get you want to play like that. Yeah,
at Texas, everybody wants to compare whoever the next quarterback
is to Vince Young. Let's just say I got news
for you just on the college level. Do you want
to tell how hard it's going to be to find
a Vince Young final season.
Speaker 6 (02:28:15):
You witnessed it first.
Speaker 7 (02:28:16):
I saw it in person and that whole season and
then watched the National Championship game person, trying to find
that guy. If that's all you're looking for as a fan,
and that's where your comparisons are always going to live,
you're gonna come up short ninety nine point seven percent
of the time around your body temperature.
Speaker 6 (02:28:33):
And I got news for you. The chances of arch
Manning being hell, he's going to have to have a
good career to be quinn yours. And I think he can.
He's a phenomenally talented kid.
Speaker 7 (02:28:45):
But if you're asking at the end of it, at
the his last year there, which is he's going to
play two years more than likely, Yeah, and then go.
If you think that it's going to be easy to
end up having the same season that Vince Young had
as a college player, then and then I would suggest
you're gonna probably be disappointed. And the chance that you're
going to see a performance in a national title game
like Vince Young put on against the USC.
Speaker 6 (02:29:08):
Trojans is slimming damn near nutt.
Speaker 10 (02:29:10):
Speaker 7 (02:29:11):
Okay, So if that's your comparison, then you're always going
to be disappointed. Now, do you want to win a
national title? Sure, it's hard to win. Him and Brisky
made a good point that you can stumble, so you
can stub your toe early in the like Ohio State
did against Michigan, where everybody's questioning you, and still find
a way to come back and play your best football
in the postseason, because no matter where you're seated, if
you're in the top twelve, you got a chance.
Speaker 6 (02:29:34):
And that's a good thing.
Speaker 7 (02:29:36):
I mean, you get punished in the old way, lose
one game at the wrong time and you are hosed, right,
But in this case, unless you were at that point
time an SEC team. But I don't I don't understand
because you're setting yourself up for failure if you think
arch Manning. And he may, but I'm talking about the
odds of him having a season like Vince Young are.
Speaker 6 (02:30:00):
It's rare.
Speaker 7 (02:30:01):
Yeah, so start let's start comparing him to let let's
give it. Give a guy a chance to be successful,
and quinn Ewis has had a successful college career. I
don't think he's coming back to Texas. He may transfer
for a lot of money, and it'd be fun to
see him because I think he does need some steps
to get it to the chance he wants or where
he wants to be drafted at the next level. Hence
why Carson Beck getting paid big money to stay so
he can enhance his draft status. Make no mistake about it,
but I think that quinn Ewrs is going to take
the Sunday step next because I do think he feels
great about the University of Texas and him is a longhorn. Yeah,
I wouldn't blame him for going. And it doesn't mean
he's a trader. I mean because they are going to
make the switch to arch Man and it's time.
Speaker 6 (02:30:47):
Yeah, it's time, exactly, it is time. I agree.
Speaker 7 (02:30:49):
But quinn Ewrs deserves more respect than I think some
give him. And if you're the only comparing him, well
he's not Vince Young, no kidding, no kidding. And guess what,
Vince Young didn't come along before him, and Vince Loung
Vince Young didn't come along after him.
Speaker 6 (02:31:05):
Yeah, trying to find a Vince Young in college to
come on, man, you're not gonna find that. Yeah. I
want Reggie Bush at USC too. Yeah, of course, who
doesn't mean to thank you. I would like Tim Tebow
and I'd like when he was a Florida and I
want I want CJ. Y want to be I do it.
I want c J. Stroud to be. I want see
him to be Patrick Mahomes.
Speaker 7 (02:31:24):
Yeah, but guess what, while he's rising, the chances of
him having the same career as Mahomes is fairly Finn.
But that goes for all of them. Yeah, I mean,
it's got to be the purpose of coach team dynamic,
all of it.
Speaker 6 (02:31:39):
So let's slow a role on.
Speaker 7 (02:31:40):
Comparing everybody to the two best in Vince at Texas
and Mahomes in the NFL, and if they fall short
of that, they're not successful.
Speaker 6 (02:31:47):
You can be really good, win a Super Bowl and
not be.
Speaker 7 (02:31:50):
Patrick Mahomes, and you can actually have all you can
have me to have a Heisman Trophy career and still
not be Vince Young at the University of Texas. So
slow your role and stop it, because not everybody's alone
musk money wise, they fall short and you could still
be a billionaire. Yeah, Okay, it's absurd, But I do
wish Quinn luck and making his decision.
Speaker 6 (02:32:11):
If he goes somewhere, I'll take him at the USC
free year. If you want to.
Speaker 7 (02:32:16):
If you want, if you want to send it, even
though we know we got a good young one. But
I'll tell you what, I'm greedy, dude, I don't have problem.
You don't think Notre Dame wants it, would like a
quinn yours, Briley Leonard. I mean, think about it. Yeah,
why wouldn't you want a guy like that? I mean,
the dude's played in them every big game possible. Great,
great to have options before you have to make that
dec Get.
Speaker 6 (02:32:37):
The bag, dude, You're not going to get drafted where
you want to get drafted this season.
Speaker 7 (02:32:40):
Yeah, I don't think he's going to be a first
round pick if it isn't be late. But if he
wants to go out and tear it up next year
and and get paid while you're at it and go
do your thing either way, whatever decision he's making for him,
not for you and me. No, And arch Manning comes
from pretty good DNA. Just in case anybody didn't notice it.
Who uh, he got on uncles, got both his uncle
and his granda. His grandpa is pretty good.
Speaker 6 (02:33:04):
I'm decent. Yeah, all right, pretty good, pretty good Archie. Yeah,
I mean yeah, the truth is that's three quarterbacks drafted.
That's three quarterbacks, two drafted with the first pick and
the dad with the second or third pick of the draft.
Speaker 7 (02:33:17):
Pretty good, they're okay. And Arch Manning and Cooper's the funny,
I mean all this hilarious. Cooper might be his dad.
Arch's dad might be funnier and Nola right, but he's
gonna be fine. But let's stop the Vince Young stuff. Yeah,
it's that it's such unfair Christians, and it's unfair expectations.
Speaker 6 (02:33:33):
Yeah, that's yeah, you know that worst seven one three,
two one two five, seven ninety. We will end the
show by taking your calls on East Texans. Got three guys,
want to get in your next on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 2 (02:33:45):
Let the celebration start war.
Speaker 3 (02:33:47):
Sean Salisbury on Sports Talk seven ninety.
Speaker 6 (02:33:53):
Man needs no introduction? What's up, Larry?
Speaker 16 (02:33:56):
What's going on?
Speaker 24 (02:33:57):
Be Leema?
Speaker 17 (02:33:57):
Speaker 1 (02:33:58):
How y'all doing today?
Speaker 10 (02:33:59):
Man? I know y'all doing as good as I am,
so you don't even have to answer. Then let me
let me touch on a couple of things real quick.
Triple E might be the best producer in the whole city.
Anytime you can bring me in with that. Luther Van
Rose dog do it because Big Luther, Skinny Luther, all them.
Luther's main was was all about making us feel Larry.
Speaker 7 (02:34:20):
You and I both know we love Skinny Luthor too.
But Sat Luther with a pH oring f either one
was awesome. Man, Yeah, love him man with that Jerry Curl.
Speaker 1 (02:34:31):
Man, that's just take that all day.
Speaker 18 (02:34:32):
Speaker 10 (02:34:34):
We were gonna talk about them that that that forty
eight because of Queen yours real quick man out. Now
it's just time for Quinn to go ahead and make
a move, man, because uh, it's time to let Arts
go ahead and do his thing. That ain't no knock
on Queen man. And all these folks trying to compare
him to you know, his record to v Y, y'all
might want to stop that man, because v Y is
a god on the forty acres.
Speaker 1 (02:34:56):
Speaker 10 (02:34:56):
And to become a guard, you gotta do something legendary.
And that's what your boy did in that number thirty three,
the linebacker for Ohio State did when he returned that fumble.
He became legendary at Ohio State. And that was just
a bonehead play called by my boy sark Man. And
we have been saying this all the time now Man,
when defenses are playing wide nine, If your ass is
going sideways in your backfield, when defenses are playing wide
nine and they got dudes at the line's primitive, your
ass might as well get ready for a loss because
the game is too fast and these boys that line
back and d line are too fast for you to
stretch on them like that unless your Jamiir Gibbs or
sat One Barkley. That's the only way that happened. So
you had to have played power football and scored on
that one yard run, put arts in there and let
him sneak or something. That was just a bad deal
on sark Man. But on the forty acres, it's about
winning championships.
Speaker 25 (02:35:51):
Speaker 1 (02:35:51):
You could be twenty five and in one.
Speaker 10 (02:35:53):
If your ass don't win the championship, everybody gonna look
at your cross side. But fellas you know, I had
to call and talk to y'all about the boys on Kirby. Look,
the National Football League has morphed man. And I've said
this about all seas along about CJ. Stroud. What he
did in that game against the Chargers' main the throat
of X was since brilliant because that, let you know,
he kept his eyes downfield and he was gonna make
the play. But I don't even care. That play has
already spoken for himself, the fact that CJ. Stroud decided
to use his legs in this game. In the National
Football Law League today, if you think you gonna stand
your hands back, there be a statue like Tom Brady
and Philip Rivers, you are sadly mistaken. You have to
be a pro quarterback where you take those hidden yards,
you run for five or six, and you get down
and then you move to second and four. And when
CJ did that on Saturday, Man, that flipped that whole game.
And that's what I had been expecting CZ to do
all this year, man, And I think now that that
has happened, I think the constraints gonna be off and
we are gonna go into Kansas City with that defense
that packs a lunch and were gonna bust Kansas City
ads because, man, we got a legitimate defense that could
play with anybody in the league.
Speaker 16 (02:37:11):
Speaker 10 (02:37:12):
And if you can contain Kelsey and my homes on sanity,
your ass him get to somewhere where you've never been
with that AFC championship. So it was a great sanity
for me over there. Man, I got to see are
you Foster come back in the house. I got a
chance to see a couple other my partners man.
Speaker 1 (02:37:28):
That played foot in the league and it was just
a brilliant thing.
Speaker 10 (02:37:31):
And I can't tell you how many shots that the
qia together.
Speaker 7 (02:37:37):
Great stuff, Larry, Yeah, he's right, it's time for Quinn.
But you know what, it was a hell of a run.
And like we said, v Wise, you don't that's that's
rarefied there. Just leave that one alone.
Speaker 6 (02:37:47):
And and c J.
Speaker 7 (02:37:48):
Stroud took another step in his progress, even though maybe
a few steps back. Did not take a few steps
back talent wise, just production this year, but you can
still get better. And his confidence was off the charts
and some of his decisions were special in this game.
See the natural ability of a play like that. You
don't teach what he did with that, that's just being
a playmaker.
Speaker 6 (02:38:09):
I love it.
Speaker 7 (02:38:09):
But I'm gonna tell you what I'm hopping on the
Give me that defense all day, every day, and if
the offense when they finally get healthy again next year
match I'm not worried about next year, but you start
to look ahead and add another guy in the draft
at that position. Get a little more stout upfront offensive line.
This team is going to be formidable for a long time.
They got right players at the right positions. Yeah, and
the right coach.
Speaker 6 (02:38:31):
Yeah, they definitely have the right coach, that's for sure. Bill,
what's happening?
Speaker 25 (02:38:35):
Hey, guys, uh, Texas's biggest problem in Brian you mentioned it,
you gave the stats. This powerful, prowess filled offensive line
couldn't piss a drop against Georgia twice and Texas. Now,
maybe they ran against the bottom theaters of the SEC,
but Texas fans need to really evaluate what the problem is.
Didn't stark this play? Colin what quinn yours? His line
could not play big against the big boys of college
football and the other I only think real quick on
the Texas comment and I'll get out of the way.
Speaker 2 (02:39:09):
Speaker 25 (02:39:11):
The big play when the fumbled snap and CJ. That
was a fabulous play. But you know what, the second
biggest play of the game was right before that. Can
you imagine the tenor of the game, the tenor of
the rest of the game if c J. Stroud gets
sacked or gets called for a safety in the end zone. Yep,
and and the Chargers go down and score again before
the half. How how great great that the momentum would
have changed the other way. That was a in my book,
that was a huge play as soon as it happened.
Speaker 7 (02:39:41):
And also thinking or a holding in the end zone
for a safety. There's no question about it. Man, he
made a lot of them this time, no doubt. Have
a great dame to Bill, Thanks buddy.
Speaker 6 (02:39:50):
Appreciate you, Bill. Congratulations still as Irish too. Oh yeah, man,
big yeah. They played well. Reggie last called the show
good morning, Hey you going?
Speaker 26 (02:40:00):
But hey, Sean, And this is why I predicted that
Texans will be twenty five to eighteen, because I told
you guys on last week that if CJ played the
way he did when he played against Georgia and used
his legs like Larry said, That's exactly why I said,
if he run that ball, there's gonna be a lot different.
Speaker 8 (02:40:18):
But here's the vicary.
Speaker 26 (02:40:19):
The way that I feel the Texans will win this
week if they play and do what their assignments are
for them to do nothing but what they're told to do.
Because the Chiefs actually have one of the worst tackling
team defenses in the NFL. And I believe that if
Christian Harris is like you said, Sean put On, he's
the best covering linebacker the Texans have on Kelsey, I
think that'll get that Texans that chance to win, and
they Sean again, Man, thank you again for all you do. Man,
A good thing on seven ninety.
Speaker 7 (02:40:50):
I appreciate it. Great team here. We're fortunate with the
Triple E and Brian. I love it and makes my
job not only easy, but I sure love coming to
work every day with them. And we try to provide
you some fair fun and uh, unpaved and unfiltered comments.
But also we love our I don't know anybody that
likes their.
Speaker 6 (02:41:07):
Callers more than we do.
Speaker 7 (02:41:08):
Yeah, I don't, and we may disagree, but I mean
they add something to the show and then that important energy.
We love you guys, man, and uh, congrats to the Texans.
Way to answer that, and now we're back to work, Man,
back to work, and then to the Longhorns fans.
Speaker 6 (02:41:22):
Uh, this won't be your last visit to the final four. No, no,
get your uh, your hard hat and your lunch pail
ready for the week. Boys, You're going hard.
Speaker 7 (02:41:30):
I'm going lunch bag. Yeah, I get a couple of
baseball cap instead of hard. Yeah, I am going to lunch,
but I'm going to brown bag at a baseball cap.
Speaker 6 (02:41:38):
Get a couple of uh, get a couple of you know,
turkey sandwiches. Ready, boys, Hey, get out and get to
the golf course today. Who who it's only in the fifties.
Let's go. I'm good man, I'm gonna I'm going to play.
I'm going to Clinic min C clinic dot com. Yeah,
That's where I'm headed after this. I love it. Yeah,
not going to the golf course. So okay, Hey, check
out that free r iHeartRadio app Do to Improved.
Speaker 7 (02:42:00):
It is a gold mine of a plethora good word
of opportunities and that and that great app. And I
know they spent a lot of time developing.
Speaker 6 (02:42:09):
It and it was worth it. Damn right, damn good.
Check it out all right. He is Shawn Salvath. Greta
Tripoli is our producer. I am Brian Lima. Thank you
for listening. We're back tomorrow morning at six am. Don't
go anywhere. The Matt Thomas Show with Ross's next right
here on seven ninety