Episode Transcript
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Ten Wiba Madison in the morning,and I'm at the website beef butter bbq
dot com. I can hardly sayit without screaming at the top by lunk
because I love it so much,and I'm getting myself hungry already this morning
as we speak of beef butter barbecue, pitt Master Patrick joins us this morning,
Patrick, how you bet my friend? Good Sean? How are you,
my friend? I'm doing too well. I am doing absolutely fantastic,
better than I deserve, as somefolks may say. And we've got a
guest that's going to be joining usin just a moment. But before we
talk about a really cool event that'sthat's going on between you and the folks
folks here in town of collaboration you'redoing, let's really quickly talk about beat
butter barbecue. And for folks thathaven't had a chance to stop in,
I say, one, what iswrong with you? Get in there today?
But let's talk a little bit alittle bit about the history of beef
butter barbecue and a little bit abouta little bit about what makes you guys
so great. Hello, Thanks Sean. Well, first of all, beef
butter barbecue is celebrating their fifth yearthis fall, we've served almost a million
people, if you can believe it, between catering and at the restaurant.
We've been fortunate enough that Madison hasvoted us number one barbecue and cater with
Best of Madison and People's Choice.And we just, you know, we
just do some very simple things.We smoke meats, and we provide great
customer service, and we do aton of catering. For weddings, we
do three or four weddings a weekend. We do do three or four businesses
every week. The construction industry isgreat, they're always hurrying us, and
medical industry. And little secret iswe helped land several recruits. So we
better have a good football team andvolleyball team and basketball team this year because
they use us to land those specialrecruits. That is that is a great
little secret they've got in their backpocket and for goods. You and I
were I was texting you last nightand I was telling you a friend of
mine, who he lives north ofhere, he was in town, had
had to do some do some workin the city. And he he replied,
he texted me, he said,beef butter barbecue is legit explanation point,
and I hear hear from people sayingthat all the time. Now,
obviously anyone that listens to this showknows how much I love what you guys
do at Beef Butter Barbecue. Andyou're of course always there for lunch,
dinner. You mentioned catering as well, and nothing caters better than Beef Butter
Barbecue. It's a great it's agreat thing, and you guys are going
to do something a little bit different. Um. And we're joined this morning
by Chef Patrick as well. We'vegot pitt Master Patrick and Chef Patrick.
Chef Patrick, Welcome to the show. Yeah, thanks for having me.
We're really excited to work with BeefButter Barbecue and the two Patricks get together
here interesting event at our space,which is the Deliciouser downtown Madison or a
spice blending company. We take many, many years of cooking experience to bring
together locally made spice blends and we'regoing to teach people the ins and outs
of live fire cooking this coming Tuesdaynight. Oh, that should be absolutely
fantastic. And Patrick, Pitmaster Patrick. Also, in talking with you,
I started to see some rumblings onFacebook and other social media's people talking about
this event. You're going to bethere obviously as well. What kind of
made you decide, Hey, let'slet's do this, let's do this event,
let's do this partnership. Well,first of all, I attended well,
First of all stuff. Patrick isone of the top chefs in the
Madison area and actually worldwide. Hetravels the world. He learns the local
cusines and seasonings and spices and cookingmethods. And I've attended the Deliciouser on
East Mains like nine twenty three Maineor something like that, right next to
the old Sugar Distillery. Patrick cango into details where it's at, but
I've attended several of his classes,and it's amazing his stories, his world
travels the food. So for twohours you're hearing great stories, eating great
food, and then he sends youhome with all the recipes. And so
Chef Patrick contacted us and wanted todo a collaboration with beet but a barbecue,
and I was very honored because youknow, he's a top chef in
Madison here and I'm just a pitmaster. You know. We we we smoke
a couple hundred briskets a week,but all we know is smoking, and
so I said, yeah, thatwould be great. And so we are
going to unlock the secrets of smoking. And all those people that bought like
pellet grills out there, we're goingto show you how to use them right
side burners, smokers, I mean, we're going to show you how to
trim meat, how to smoke.And then Patrick's is going to go into
all the details of seasoning, spices, sides and it's going to be an
incredible night and this Tuesday night,August eighth at the Delicious Sir and so
to order tickets you go to thedelicious Er dot com. But we're just
super excited because we've never done acollaboration like this before, and we've never
worked with such a great chef before. It is absolutely going to be a
great event. Again, that's takingplace this Tuesday the eighth, from six
until eight. Of course the Deliciasirright at nine thirty one East Main Street,
right in Madison. Get more detailsonline Beef Butter bbq dot com or
the Deliciouser dot com. That's thed E L I C I A I
O US who I U S ER I can spe even better just Google
It or go to Beef Butter bbqdot com and and Chef Patrick, let's
talk about the menu for the eveningand what folks get with their ticket.
Well, you come in, wealways like to start with some more derbs
or some appetizers when people come inunwind. We have a full bar available,
and we usually will pair up somegreat drinks, and we'll have some
great beers from our neighbors at GiantJones Brewing, some great cocktails. We
work with State Line Distillery, who'sa neighbor, and Old Sugar Distillery who's
in our building. And then we'llgo into some of the stories of how
we got here. I've got thirtyyears of experience. I spent the last
twenty two years as a chef partnerat Lombardino's Restaurant on the Near West Side,
where we did a lot of livefire cooking. We had a wood
fired grill, so I know alot about the grilling side of it,
which is completely different and not asmystical as the barbecue side. So the
two of us teaming up can kindof help people unravel the differences between barbecuing
and what grilling is. And thenwe're going to have a full list of
sides. We have a great keyLine pie for dessert. We have some
corn bread, we have some Mexicanstreet corn that we're going to do,
and all of these things showcase thespice blends that we brought to life kind
of as a pandemic pivot. Westarted this family business when all the restaurants
were shut down. It's it's itlooks like it's going to be a lot
of fun. And you mentioned someof the some of the things on the
menu as well as of course theworld famous key Line pie. As far
as as far as space, obviouslyspace is limited. Folks can can reserve
and book their spot right now,can't they. Yeah, you can book
to our website it's the delicious erdot com and that'll take you to our
events page and you book through Talkis our reservation system. We can buy
a ticket and the name is theDelicious Earth. We just wanted to make
food a little bit more delicious thanyou can make it at home. So
if we can make people, youknow, at ten twenty thirty percent better
cook than they are with our spiceblens, we want your food to be
Delicious Earth. That's that is veryvery cool and Chef Patrick, do you
guys do like um, obviously youdo this regularly. Do you guys do
like parties or anything like that?For like, let's say that there's,
um, you know, somebody isreally interested in, you know, improving
their skills as a cook, wantsto get some family and friends together as
like a social and view. Doyou have reservations like that or is it
all just very Uh, there's thespecific classes and people can can sign up
for those individually. Well, wedo a variety of things. We do
about twelve public events a month,and we do a couple of cooking classes.
Then we do focused dinners chefs dinnersthat might be three, four or
five up to seven courses, andour capacity runs from up to forty nine
people for cocktail parties. And we'vedone a lot of corporate events, and
we are available for private events.We have an fa Q page that will
set you up. You can doyour own private cooking classes, own private
dinners. So we're very flexible andwe're in a great location right right downtown
on Main Street, right on MainStreet. In that website, the delicious
er dot com that's the d El I c I O U S e
R dot Com. I got itthat, yeah, and of course Facebook
and social media before we wrap upthis h this morning, Pitmaster Patrick,
it's always great talking with you aswell, in great seeing what you're up
to. How can we really reallyquickly talk? I know pickleball is the
biggest thing these days, and Iknow you over the years, aside from
barbecue, over the years, havegotten more and more involved in pickleball.
Are we seeing I know, Iknow nationally, um it's huge in Madison,
Dane County, southern Wisconsin. Arewe seeing the same type of thing
with just an explosion of people gettinginvolved with pickleball. Yeah, believe it
or not. There's national companies contactingme weekly wanting to be part of the
Madison scene because Madison is such anactive community. I mean, it's just
it's crazy. People have gone nutswith pickleball, and you know, I
want people to play outdoors during thesummer when the weather is perfect, but
like when we had that poor weatherquality a couple of weeks ago, when
it's too hot or rainy or something, all they're all rushing to pickle pro
And then this fall it'll get crazyagain and we'll have you know different open
plays by different levels and so forth, but it's just a social sport.
It's easy to learn. If you'venever tried at contact us, we'll give
you some intro lessons and easy tolearn, easy to get better at,
and you'll never perfect it. It'skind of like golf's and that's the best
combination. It is a great sportand really great facility with pickle Pro.
Of course, we talked with PittMaster Patrick of Beef Butter Barbecue. Don't
forget about the Deliciouser event coming upagain. That's Tuesday, August eighth,
from six until eight pm at theDeliciouser right at nine thirty one East Main
Street. Reservations I can get thosebooked right now online at the Deliciouser dot
com or information about Beef Butter Barbecueon their website Beef Butter bbq dot com.
And today is today to get infour lunch as well. Give yourself
a little primer for Tuesday night aswell. Patrick and Patrick, it's great
chatting with both of you and PittmasterPatrick. We'll be talking real soon my
friend and chef Patrick can't wait toget to meet you. Yeah, thank
you so much. Great to haveboth say thanks Sean, thanks for the
support. As always, thanks fordoing great things for Madison. I absolutely
love love turning people on to beef, butter, barbecue and of course all
the great things that Bitmaster Patrick doeson News is Coming Your way next right
here on thirteen ten wi BA