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February 24, 2024 • 42 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the Home Remodeling Show withEdge Construction on Newstalk thirteen ten WYBA.
Have a question, email it toedge Construction Radio at gmail dot com.
Now here's your host, Sean Friedelon Newstalk thirteen ten WYBA. This is
the over Modeling Show, brought toyou by Edge Construction. The website Edgeconstruction

Company dot com. All one wordEdge Construction Company dot com. Great website
is we're going to be talking thismorning. We're gonna be talking about bathroom
remodels and some of the really coolthings that are popular, especially in master
baths, but we'll get to otherbathroom areas as well in the program.
But it's really cool when you headon over to Edgeconstruction Company dot com.
They've got their portfolio that's regularly updatedright on the website, so we want

to check back off. But alsosome fantastic links to their housepage, Pinterest,
Facebook as well. That house oneis absolutely huge. Again the website
Edgeconstruction Company dot com. DELF numbersix O eight six three six three three
four to three that number six threesix Edge Mike this morning, Great Sean,
It's good to see you. Anduh and I gotta ask you're heading
out to Vegas very soon. Yes, yes, it's serious business out there

this time you actually yeah, alwaysthis time of year, we have the
they call it the International Builder Show, and there are people I guess that
come there from around the world,but there may there are some suppliers that
come from around the world. It'sfun to be able to talk to like,
you know, the the German appliancemakers, the Bosch people, or
you know, they make a lotof tools too. So it's a chance

for me to see what's trending alittle bit, try and get a get
a Uh. None of the designersare coming this year, so they tasked
me. They're saying, take lotsof pictures and grab some bouchures, which
goes against everything I believe in.But for me, for me, it's
just a really good chance to seewhat's new. If there's some new products

there always there's always almost always somethingnew. We have a we have a
project in design that this this Hormeowners has we're doing a couple additions to
this house and one of them isneeds either like a circular staircase, which

I don't love. Uh. They'rejust not great, especially if you're if
you if you're not young and healthy, I think they're They're pretty tough to
get up and around, or yougot to carry something up there, like
what are you? How you getout there? And so we're actually exploring
an elevator, believe it or not, But there are elevators. Aren't just
elevators shun, Yeah, they havereally cool stuff like there are there's everything

from you know, in your house, you don't have to abide by the
same A DA stuff that you wouldhave to you know in a in a
hospital or something or this building.So you get there are there are elevators
let's call them in quotation marks thatwhere the floor just sort of drops down
a four by four section floor,So you stand out and push a button,

the whole floor just goes down.Really it goes back up. Everything
seals back up. You've got yourroom. And so surprisingly, I don't
want to say inexpensive, but comparedto some of the other options, they're
not too bad and it makes themmore doable for an house. So going
out to the builder show, Ican now talk to those suppliers, see

where they're see where they're made,see where their parts come from, see
if see who's if they if theyservice our area, if they've got installers,
you know all that. It doestake a lot of a lot of
legwork when you're especially going to doa new product or something that you rarely
do, uh, to look andand the Builder Show is really a great
place to do that. That's That'ssomething I'd never thought about when you're talking

about servicing some of these I meanyou talk about an investment. You know,
you're doing remodeling and if you're puttinga particular product in doing that research,
I don't know that a lot ofI'd never thought of that, but
gosh, you really want to makesure that if you do it and there's
ever a question, that there's somebodyavailable to take a look at it,

right and and uh, you knowwe are all and I'm guilty this too.
We just go, well, i'mgonna, I'm gonna get online.
I'm gonna I'm gonna and you canfind the stuff and you can find prices
on this stuff. But you know, there's you want to make sure you're
getting the whole story. Yeah,I mean, have you bought anything where
it should you want? Oh no, I don't write. I mean I
think you've all done this yes,I recently did that. Yes, I'm

a big track ball. Yeah,so I for I use a mouse,
but I prefer having a track ball. Like all my computers at home are
track balls. It's just I thinkit's for audio editing. It's easier to
kind of manipulate ins and outs,and I like particular type where you use
your two fingers and it's at theballs on top. So I was traveling
recently and all the ones I have, Actually, one of the track balls
I have is literally called huge huge. I needed something small, like a

fit in my bag, so Iorder one online and it looked like a
normal, like just a fair enoughsize. I should have noticed when it
when it arrived, everything on theoutside was written in Japanese, so it
was made for very tiny, tinyhands. And like there's this little tiny
about the size of a bouncy balltrack ball on it, and I'm like
trying to and I don't have hugehands per se, but I'm trying.

I'm like, that is not whatI thought. So, yes, this
does happen. But I mean,you know you, you, you know
you you find a product online,the pricing looks pretty good, You're thinking,
oh, well, we'll just insertthat We'll take that and I'm remodeling
you. Just it's very tough todo that. We we had a we're

having some imperfections in some products whichI'm going to be able to talk to
the manufacturer though, because here wetalked to the middleman, right like the
person that we buy from it isnot the person that makes it. And
so pretty handy for us to befor me, I think, especially to
be able to go there and golisten, we love this style. Were

selling the stuffing out of this thing, but there's this one imperfection. Is
that just always going to be there? Or or do we have to buy
three times as much to get tilesthat aren't you know, don't have this
man? Or do you have aknow about this imperfection? And because there
are products that we really love thatit's like boy, and this is I

think a recent phenomenon. I don'tknow if it's a it's a holdover from
the the downslide that materials took duringthe COVID years. But manufacturing has come
back, but they're not back towhere they were. There is I think
the skill level. They've lost someof their skilled people and and maybe they're
you know, maybe they're they're onfire a little bit and can't keep up

and and those checks and balances aren'talways there, so or maybe I'll be
able to find replacement products that youknow that are that just aren't available here.
There's plenty of times where we've goneto our suppliers and said, hey,
we'd really like to buy this product. We just we don't have a
way to do it. Can youcan you pick it up for us?

It should be great And it's obviouslya nice time to get out town too
for a couple of days. Iwould say, like escape the cold.
But you know it's seeming to belike sixty next week. Yeah, exactly,
exactly. It's very strange. Whetherjust quick question too, something popped
into my head. You had mentionedlike, for example, Bosh, are
you are you? And I've gota guess there are are there certain power

tools I'm not saying like endorse,but for you, are there like certain
power I'm guessing you're not buying thestuff that you run down to big box
store necessarily, or are there certainbrands that that you're prefer? Oh definitely,
yeah, And and it would beit changes a lot by the tool
and the purpose of the tool,right, you know our heavy, heavy

demo hammer stuff that's all bosh.I mean like it's just you can look
it up, but I can lookit up. They make great stuff.
You mentioned the big box stores.I'm gonna pick on them just a tiny
bit, yes, because it's fun. But yeah, when it comes to
tools, those big box stores alot of times have proprietary pricing and meaning

the Orange big box store. Yetyou can't aspire like like we use a
lot of Dwalt stuff. Dwalt can't. They can't sell them the same product
that you can buy anywhere else.They wanted their own to Walt product,
and it's a cheaper, it's noti would say, not quite as good.

But their market is more homeowners whodon't use it. You know,
I just gets used hundreds of timesa day, so it's really got to
hold up. So what most peopledon't realize is on those tools and on
some other things that go into houses, there's three or four levels of quality
and unless you pin down manufacturers andyour retailer may not even know this,

like what level you're getting. Sofor us, we depend on those things
so much, so we can paytwenty dollars more for a drill. If
if we don't were getting a levelfor a drill, because it's it's just
gonna last that long? Is thatall you all you want to know?
I don't know how interesting that isis probably ten years ago. I remember
visiting you back at the old shopand uh, and there were a bunch

of nailers that a particular brand thatthat obviously your guys they're they're driving a
lot of nails. They're they're workingthose things and you're able to get just
like as routine parts to just keepthem. I thought, well, that's
it, you know, these arenot I think I'm so used to going
to the big box story. Ibuy something stops working, I toss it,

whereas you guys are like, we'rebuying things that have replaceable parts and
our pro level. That is thekind of the A great question on anything
you're buying is it is it repair? You know, some of that's trying
to sell you something is always goingto say yes, it's repearable, but
what's the process. Okay, ifyou buy that that beautiful yellow tool,

the standard processes you. If youhave a warranty issue, you're gonna have
to box that up and send itsomewhere. They have a good warranty.
It's just uh, you're gonna bewithout it for probably several months. So
yeah, we're that's a pretty toughsystem for us to operate here. But
let's talk about that word repairable andbring it into the bathroom. And I
know part of why, I know, like with fixtures and other things,

Uh, you're your particular about certainmanufacturers, manufacturers, and I think a
lot of it has to do withthat repairable word, which is, you
know, if you're going to doa bathroom model, for example, you
expect it to last a very verylong time. And you know, I
think of faucets, knobs, thosekind of things. The reality is where
and tear it's going to happen.You got kids or something, you know

they're gonna crank. Having those thoseit's not just the look of the product,
but also the fact that that it'sa well built product and also if
need be, things can be canbe repaired and fixed and maintained through it
through a lifetime. Correct very much, And I love layers of responsibility.
So if we do your bath we'rethe first layer of responsibility. We're like

we have this overall responsibility, right, But I can also go to our
plumber and say, you know,this faucet, we just recently had a
faucet. It's a dark it's likethat black finish and I can't remember which
one, but that black finish waschipping off on a part of the faucet.
And and it's a Coler product.Like that's our kind of starting point,

and the plumber is like, noproblem to fix it. It took
a couple of trips. Cohler was, you know, ready to work with
us too. It was very easyto get new products or replacement products.
But you know, everybody's everybody's inthere, everybody's got line. We've had
people say, well, you knowthe big box store, I can get
this Coaler product for less money,and so well, you really can't,

because they do the same thing onthose products as they do on tools that
that seemingly similar. Coler faucet orshower trim from a big box store is
going to be a lesser, alittle bit lesser product. It's kind of
a dirty secret. But it's onereason that we don't install those products because
I just don't want any chance ofhaving a problem. And when we have

in the past sometimes we have thatproblem, so we and then then I
then it didn't come from our plumber, so we don't have that layer of
responsibility. So it's it's something toask your you're a modeler, you know,
like where are your price coming?Okay? If you're if okay,
coroller, everybody know it's Wisconsin product. It's hard to not be a fan
of Croller, great reputation, butI'd want to know where those are coming

from, and and and who's responsibleif there's a problem. Not that there's
ever like a like a lower standard, but I've got to guess, especially
the bathroom has got to be ahigher standard too with that stuff. I
just think of what what a bathroomexperience is just you know, daily use,
temperature and humidity fluctuations. I mean, everything in that space has gotta
it's got to basically be able towithstand an environment that's that's very unpredictable and

wildly different throughout the entire day.Right And and you know, the trick
is not to get a bath tolast five or ten years. That's relatively
easy, and almost any product willstand up to that. Getting a model
to last thirty forty fifty years.We we sometimes are tearing apart bathrooms that

are fifty years old. You know, they're not really in style. I
mean it was the seventies, butthey used good, maybe the best products
of the time and also best techniquesfor install and you know, this thing
is still functioning. You can stilltake a shower, you can still use
the sync. Everything's working. It'sjust out of style. Like okay,

now that's quite a difference. Wetear aparts some baths that are twenty years
old, that are you know,are not standing the test of time very
well. So you know, forall those same reasons. It'll be interesting
to see as we do our nextshow when you get back for Vegas with
what you came back with talking thismorning with Mike two Egg, owner of
Edge Construction, we'll talk more.We'll get a little deeper into the bathroom

conversation. We'll do that next themeantime, if you bet to the website,
head on over to Edgeconstruction Company dotcom. That's Edge Construction Company dot
com. Delvin number six eight sixthree six three three four three that number
so eays, remember it's six threesix Edge More. If the Homer Modeling
show with Edge Construction is next yearon thirteen ten WIBA. The Home Remodeling
Show with Edge Construction continues now onNews Talk thirteen ten WIBA. This is

the Homer Modeling Show, brought toyou by Edge Construction Online. Edgeconstruction Company
dot com. It's all one wordEdge Construction Company dot Com. Probably talk
about some of the recent projects,so you want to check out the website
now, Edgeconstruction Company dot Com.I get to them a little bit later
on in the program. Get alittle preview there. Delvn over for Edge
Construction six eight six three six threethree four three that number six three six

Edge talking about popular design and remodelingtrends when it comes to bathrooms and Mike,
a lot of times when we talkabout bathrooms, I always like to
talk about what you don't see becauseI think and I know is something I've
learned from you over the yere iswhat makes sometimes the most substantial, especially
long term difference and all this.But I do want to talk a little

bit about kind of what you dosee, and kind of start out this
week talking that way, and wewere talking about different types of fixtures and
other things I think that you seeare things like cabinets. And I know
for you at edge construction, havinghigh quality, really well built cabinets is
important. And not only do theyhave to look great, but going back

to the bathroom environment, they've gotto perform really well and be very well
built to really last, don't theyThey do? And I know I've talked
a lot. We've talked a lotabout our well or enforced product, which
for the last ten years has beenkind of our bread and butter. And

I didn't want to over promote becausewe wanted to get a bunch of these
about our new supplier out here.And we've been the ship has turned.
We use I think are we wenow have are using more of the Great
Northern cabinets, which is a Wisconsinproduct. We joked about rib Blake,
Wisconsin, and I'm like, uh, I don't know how lost you have

to be to find rib Blake accidentally, but it's like maybe the only way
to find its exit go to theNorth Pole and then you drive two more
hours. But they they are there'sa you know, this town has you
know, typical Wisconsin town's got abar and a couple of churches and a
and three houses and a nice bigcabinet factory. So they they are making

a great cabinet up there, andwhat's really cool for us is, okay,
it's a Wisconsin product. We've knownabout this product. I've known about
this product for six or seven years. We actually reached out to them that
long ago saying, hey, howdo we work with you guys? And
they made us wait like three years, and then one day, one day,

believe it or not, about threeyears ago, one of their salespeople
showed up at our door and said, Okay, we're ready for you now
if you want to, if youwant to, come on. So we
went to Riblake. We look attheir process in a world where everything is
more automated and nobody's looking at stuff, you know, like, like to
me, if you're gonna build acabinet, okay, if the standard is

you you push a button and outthe other other incomes of the cabinet and
it just goes into a box andnobody looks at it. Well, what
if what if something happened to thatprocess. They have about a dozen points
in the process of making this cabinetwhere an actual person lays their hands on
it, looks at it, checksit. They do a great job of
packaging where where that's that's generally whereyou get a lot of damage. And

so you know, Wisconsin product greatquality. Now we've we've done boy,
I don't know how many kitchens,probably probably a dozen kitchens, and it
over the last couple of years.We like I said, we started slow,
but it's it's turned into our mainsupplier and it's you know, you
mentioned the kind of rough environment ofa bathroom. This is a product that

I just don't have to worry aboutis and we think about two materials that
are that are being used for this, and they, especially with cabinets,
make a make a significant difference.And I don't want to pick too much
on the big box stores, butwe will. You can see some at
those here to defend themselves. Youcan see some of those and and obviously
there's there's other folks that will installdifferent levels. But the type of materials,

especially when it comes to longevity,makes a huge difference here, doesn't
it. It does? And uh, you know, I I've I've not
been a fan of the product,bore product, the MDF products over the
years. It is almost now impossibleto escape it completely. It's going to
show up in a and if it'snot in the main product, it's somewhere

interspersedon and there there is a littlebit great Norton does use a little bit
all these fliers. Uh when youwhen you ask them about this product.
The the there is a marine gradeMDF Parker product that I've been told you
can dip this stuff in water andit doesn't wreck as averse to the same

the product that looks exactly the sameand the same I mean they call it
the same stuff, but it's notthe marine grade. You know that that
does not hold up well with moisture. And so that's a good question to
ask your supplier or ask your modeler. Okay, listen, you know,
if you're gonna put a particleboard productin my house, what what what is
it like? Tell me what itis? Find out what it is.

Uh see if it's got this uhthis extra help with being a marine grade
product at least master baths or justbathrooms. And do we see more of
two if if we're going to seesome kind of whether it's custom cabinetry or
repurposed kind of cabinetry or vanity,are we do we see more of that
in the bathroom than than maybe thekitchen, for example, we do a

little bit because I think because it'sit's not necessarily a common space. You
might have a powder room, butpeople homeowners seem to be willing to take
a little more chances with design inin an area that uh, you know
like that or in a basement,and so things can get a little more
custom in those rooms. And youknow a lot of times you're working in

kind of a weird space too.It's not like it's not like a wide
open kitchen. It's you know,you have you're limited by the shape of
that room quite a bit, andso being able to go a little bit
custom. That's another reason that welike the Great Northern Gang up there,
because they let us modify for anew extra costs in eighth inch instruments,
so we can add, we canwe can we can size a cabinet exactly

the way we want versus standard outof the box stuff is like three inch
in creaments. So you're if you'regoing to make a modification, it can
be costly. So, uh,it's just made it easier to do.
You know, I would I don'tthink i'd call it one hundred percent custom
percent custom but it's pretty easily easyto modify, and you can modify almost
everything, so pretty custom. That'spretty good. It's really cool to see,

and of course I know you've gotsome for folks to look at in
the showroom and a lot of differentcolors and different finishes and a lot of
really really cool stuff. So talkingthis week about bathroom things that are popular,
some of the trends master baths aswell as powder rooms and some of
the other things we're saying. We'regonna continue our conversation with Mike talk more
about those those areas of the houseand some of the cool remodeling features available

to you. Don't forget if youhave been to the website Edgeconstruction Company dot
com. It's a great time rightnow to head on over there check them
out online Edge Construction Company dot com. Delvin number six so eight six three
six three three four to three thatnumber six three six Edge. More of
the Homer Modeling Show with Edge Constructioncomes your way next to here on thirteen
ten WIBA. The Home Remodeling Showwith Edge Construction continues now on News Talk

thirteen ten WYBA. This is theHomer Modeling Show brought to you by EDGE
Construction online. Edge Construction Company dotcom. That's all one word Edgeconstruction Company
dot COMLF number six So eight sixthree six three three four three that number
six three six Edge talking about popularbathroom remodels and some new features and some
really cool features to a bathroom model. And i'd ask you during the break,

Mike about self cleaning toilets. Dowe well we see such a thing
or what am I? Here's thething? Okay, yes, but it's
not like they're wiping down the seatalways like a robot in there or what
was the scrubbing bubbles. Yes,yes, it works hard so you don't
have to but yeah it does.You know, you load it up with

some cleaner and it does things onthe inside of it has like spray nowtls
and some are pretty fancy that soyou don't get that build up like in
the bowl. But as long aswe're on the subject of toilets, Yes,
ladies, if your husbands are notspending enough time in the bathroom,
yeah, but they should really goto the Vegas to the Burg Show because
one of the most fun things wejust talked about color and I don't love

talking about specific products, but it'salmost like, you know, everybody knows
Coler When you go to the BuilderShow and Cohler's there, Uh they have
it's like it feels like it's acity block of stuff. They have so
many options and so many products.Probably the funnest place to go at that
show is the toilet area at Colerbecause some years they actually have stand up

comedians legitimately with microphones going around andmaking people laugh talking about toilets, because
let's face it, it's kind ofa funny subject. But nowadays you can
get every possible thing you can imagine, from heated seats to you know,
you know, my passion for agood bathman. Some of these tots have

that built in, so you're you'renot you know, you can keep dealing
with your own brand, but youcan bluetooth radio to it. You can
you can do all this cool stuff. So it is interesting. I think
a lot of it's a little gimmicky, and we don't really have a lot
of people that opt for, youknow, super fancy all the options toilets.

But we should talk about the dayswere you guys gonna ask literally what
I was gonna ask about. Doare we seeing them become more. I
think I've told you before, I'ma I'm a big fan of the bidet.
We've got them at home, andokay, do we are we seeing
more of acceptance and understanding of becauseI don't know. I think once you
once you've had one, you're likeand never gonna buy a toilet without one
again. It's a I find thatlike people have had that experience or lived

like in the Far East, maybeyou're even Europe. There are areas that
have we have a weird code issueby the way here if you're aware of
this, like you know you've probablyseen the add on ones where you can
oh yeah, add on a differentseat and it does the day function.
I don't think we can pass codewith those actually here, the combination toilet
and day. I think it hasto be a separate thing to pass code.

We've we've actually gotten red tagged onat different times, so it's sort
of a after the fact install.Uh. More and more people are so
well traveled that they are asking forthis or at least asking for the structure
for it. You know, becauseyou need probably need an outlet there,
you need you might have to havean extra source of water and so we're

doing a lot of times doing thestructure around the today, but we're not
dealing with what happens afterwards. Butand sometimes we are. So it's ah,
I do see it as something thatappears to be there's never gonna be
less. There's just always gonna bemore. I know one of the things
years ago when when it's just kindof sticking on the toilet thing, and
this is obviously not a modern advancement, but I know one of the things

that my wife was very adamant aboutwas that it the outside didn't like you
think of some of those older,older toylets, like a lot of nooks
and crannies. She was like,I need and I learned. I'm like,
why don't you care so much?Like I get it now? But
very smooth on the side. I'mguessing we see we were talking earlier about
one second clean the inside also probablyonce that are easy to maintain on the

outside as well. Well. Okay, this brings up a chance to talk
about kind of a really ninety ninepercent of the toasts that we sell through
our jobs are color or total.You know, if you've seen the total,
they're kind of like that there's nota lot of ins and outs and
sort of flat and we have weactually have that at our shop. It's

a fantastic Like, if I everbuy a new toilet, it might be
one of those. Uh not,It seems weird being this excited about that,
but yeah, they're they're really niceand they are they're much more you
know, it kind of follows withthat trend where a lot of people are
attracted to that simple looking product tolike more straight lines and not as not

as curvy things. You know,that craftsman style kind of kind of fits
with that. And so if youare a traditionalist, you there are plenty
of products out there for you too. What about is we talk about kind
of changing lifestyles and you know,we've talked about tubs and having a nice
big silker tub and other things.But I know a lot of folks are
opting for separate tub shower and Iknow you guys do a lot of really

really beautiful showers in homes, andand is that kind of that that trend's
probably not going anywhere. You know, we obviously still want to keep a
tub somewhere in the house, butfor the most part, I mean,
doing a beautiful shower has got tobe got to be a really popular you
know, it's a weird thing.Like this is another thing that I think
is never We're never going back.Because there was a study recently where they

pulled, uh, I think housdid it. I pulled tens of thousands
of homeowners. You know, wouldyou would you would buying a house if
a house did not have a tub, just had a couple of showers.
Would that be a deal breaker?Now we can't buy that house, or
we'd want to remodel that right away. And over fifty percent of home or
said they did not have a problemwith a house that didn't have a shower.

And I thought, well, youknow, I guess you you you
figure it out right. If you'reif you've got young kids, it's a
temporary thing. Maybe maybe you teachabout a shower faster. I guess I
don't know. I know my grandkidsthey all shower, they're they're tubbers,
and and really it's uh fits wellwith you know, you talk about aging
populations. So we've we've mentioned universaldesign quite a bit, and whether it's

cabinets or toilets. Toilets are alittle they call it comfort height. Really
what it is if, especially ifyou're older or not not so healthy,
it's much easier to get up offof a taller toilet. So once in
a great while somebody will say wewant the normal one or the short one,
and it's almost catches me by surprise, because so many times people are

asking for the comfort, height,the the showers are. Now you know,
you're trying to make these attractive usefulfor everybody, whether they're healthy or
not, or old or young,and so that you know you're gonna see
more benches and more and more handheldand handheld shower heads and grab bars hopefully

that are attractive and fit in thedesign, and tiles that aren't at slippery,
and all of those things add upto a more usable bathroom for everybody
you mentioned too, like the seatingand the showers. And we were recently
took a were down in Orlando andthe hotel room we stayed at did not

have a tub. It had justa shower and it had seating in there.
And it's probably from doing the showwith you for all these years,
I realized really quick that seat's notso much for me to sit on.
It's wives and those you know,wearing bikinis. Having to put a place
to put their foot while they shavedtheir leg is really what's going But having

that seating in there, I've gotto guess it's been kind of that game
changer too for folks who saying,you know what, maybe we're just gonna
opt right for a shower. Isjust having that that function and also having
I know, one of the greatthings you guys do at edge construction is
low to no threshold getting from thefloor, you know, main level,
into the into the shower. Tho'sgot to be great benefits for folks they

do, and you know, Ido want to talk about that threshold thing.
It's this is something that when itfirst when Universal design, I mean
I was on the we were doingthe show when I first took my first
class on a universal design. Itwas quite a few years ago, and
I thought, oh my gosh,we have got to figure this out.

How to do these no threshold showerswith the way modern construction is. It's
pretty tough to do because you needto get pitch right. So you need
a couple of inches of pitch onthat on that bathroom, on that shower
floor to get watered or drain well, there are products which we've used where
it's kind of a lay in traythat's got about half of that pitch and

you can make it work and thenyou do a little build up on the
outside tile and you can get ano threshold. But I it so far
the impact on the budget has beenworth it compared to doing what you said
a low threshold. So if wecan do that instead of a five or
six inch front threshold, like youknow where you're walking in it's just that
curb. If we can get itdown to a few inches, that's much

more doable for somebody to take itover that that little bit of a threshold.
You mentioned the word niche too.Let's talk about niches, and they
serve a few purposes, some veryobvious. I know there've been I think
you've quizzed me in the past aboutsome of some of the niches, go
what do you think that's for?But they're very useful for a number of
reasons, aren't they. They are? And like you mentioned the shaven thing,

I always joke with our designers thatare trying to torture us with different
niches. You know, whether it'sa niche that goes all the way across.
We got to figure that out,or it's much harder than it looks.
Or you know, they want tothree niches kind of offset down through
the middle of the shower. Wegot to figure that out because there are
things that go through those walls,and it's it's never just a slam dunk

to put them in. But they'renot sympathetic, Sean, do not go
oh, I'm sorry, how wouldyou like these niches? Mike? Now,
they design and we build, butyeah, all those all those niches,
some are really cool actually, soit's it's worth getting on on our
website around house or something and lookup all the different things you can do

with niches. One I particularly like, and it's been getting a little popular
at least with with our gang inthe last year or two, is actually
a short wall across the back,so you actually have a ledge And that's
kind of a neat thing because youknow, you can put stuff up there
and you, yeah, it givesyou room to to put all your all

your all your hair care badge forpeople who don't know, I have no
hair. That's very little here isbut that is that is uh you talk
about just it's kind of that they'rebeautiful the niches, but they serve a
very a very good purpose as well. And with that, with that shower

space to do, are we seeingdifferent types of like I think of like
different shower heads, like whether it'swaterfall and just like your standard or handheld.
Are we seeing a lot of folksdoing those type of things too in
the bathroom area? It is thereare and you know, for a long
time it was the conversion to weprobably eighty percent of our showers now have

a separate handheld, so you gotthe normal shower head coming out of the
wall and a handheld. I knowthat it seems like this year and maybe
a little bit last year. Idon't know when the trend started, but
you mentioned the waterfall that is verypopular. People are asking for that.
So this brings up a couple ofchallenges because if we have a waterfall and

a handheld and they're running at thesame time, you got you got quite
a bit of water that you've gotto get to the shower and get away
from the shower, So your yourdrain might have to be a little big
and you definitely have to get getwater there. So I don't know you
could I guess somebody can be underthe show or the rainfall a guy like
this and maybe I'm shaving in thecorn. But yeah, it does bring

up a couple of challenges. ButI do notice that people are going,
you know what, I how hardis it to get the things that we
want? You know, if ifif one half of the couple likes that
that rain shower feeling good for them, if if somebody else likes hand handhelds
have gotten really popular, so it'salmost a standard down. It's some of

that too. We mentioned aging inplace and that universal design. You think
about having that option of a handheldable to really help folks in that area.
What about too? And it distantlypopped into my head when you were
talking about how water pressure in yourhouse is. Are you basically whatever whatever
is either coming off the well orwhatever's coming from the city, is that

kind of it? Are there arethere tricks to trade their mic or to
increase that. I suppose you coulddo a you know, a pump with
a pressure tank. It's pretty unusualif you're if you are on well,
you can crank your pressure up onwell. But it tends to not be
a big problem, you know,you've got to get a lot of times

when houses that are older and they'vebeen through a lot of versions of you
know, there's a lot of timeswe tear out four different types of plumbing
pipe in a house, from galvanizedto copper to plastic to the peck stuff
and make it all one, eliminatejoints, get you know that that.
I love that peck stuff because Icall Pecks, which is a brand name,
but it's the blue or red pipe. And you can literally have almost

an unbroken line from one end ofyour house to the other without without joints
or hard corners. So those thingsdon't restrict the flow as much as having
all that stuff. So I thinkthere's things you can do to help it.
But you know, finding that sweetspot between wasting and having enough,
I think that's what That's what youhire a good plumber for, right,

Yeah. Does it by the way, when you're when when the plumbers are
removing something, is there like alot of and this again I'm way off
on a tangent here, but doyou is there like a lot of accumulation
of like minerals and things from overthe I mean, does that affect I
don't know why this is popping intomy head now, but it does affect
so if you've got you know,it's not gonna happen in the so much
of the copper or plastic pipes orthe pext type stuff, but that is

a big problem with the galvanized products. So you know, it's it's just
not gonna work as well. Andit does crowd, it does croad,
so you know, you know,it's it's something that we try to you
know, we we we take itout whenever we see it and really encourage
home owners to let us, youknow, get rid of as much of

it as possible. It's just nota not a great product. Have we
talked Salooter yet today? We havenot talked. We have talks next as
we talk. Can't talk bathroom modelswithout talking about shlooter. If you don't
know what it is, you're definitelygoing to stay tuned. If you've heard
heard a little bit about it,you're definitely going to find out some of
the reasons why people are talking aboutit and why why Mike loves it.

We'll talk about all of that nextmeantime. You bit to the website Edgeconstruction
Company dot com. What are youdoing. Get over there. Check it
out Edgeconstruction Company dot com. Greatwebsite, their telephone number at edge Construction.
But thinking about doing some remodeling sixso eight six three six three three
four three. That number is soeasy to remember at six three six edge.
And of course Edge Construction brings youthe Homer Modeling Show right here on
thirteen ten WIBA. The home RemodelingShow with Edge Construction continues now on news

Talk thirteen ten WIBA. This isthe whole remodeling show brought to you by
Edge Construction. The website edge ConstructionCompany dot com. That's all one word.
Edge Construction Company dot com. Greatwebsite. If you've been thinking about
and hearing us talk about bathroom models, thinking about any type of romodel,
It's a really great place to start. Get some ideas there Edge Construction Company
dot com. Also check out theirlinked to Facebook and Pinterest, and especially

hows a goat that available to youat Edge Construction Company dot com. Got
those ideas, but think about doingsome remodeling. Mike and the team love
to talk with you. I canjust pick up the phone, give me
a call six O eight six threesix three three four three. That number
six three six Edge talking this weekabout bathroom remodels and some of the some
of the cool trends and other thingswe're seeing, and kind of doing it
in reverse because typically I like toalways ask you about if we talk about

bathrooms in particular, the stuff youdon't see, because it is so important.
And this week we put we wereholding off to the final segment of
the program. What you don't seein a bathroom is pretty significant. We
left off talking about pecks and differenttechnology and better better ways of of running
piping. What about that shlooter.Let's talk about Shlooter, the orange stuff.

Yeah, I love I love sayingnetwork. What is it? And
why is it such a game change? It's just like the greatest company,
you know when this stuff started showingup, like I've really noticed it maybe
fifteen years ago or probably a littlelonger, but the it was a totally
new concept. And so I'll giveyou what it is like if you're doing

a tile floor in a bath oranywhere, or or a tile shower,
which we do quite a few ofand people love. Right, the Shooter
productor is basically a membrane. It'sa way to you're basically building a bowl
behind that tile that you know,that's really the protection, that's what stops
the water. And then the tilethat goes over the top becomes kind of

the artwork, right, And sothere's a lot of advantages besides that to
the shorter product. But they theythey actually have names for these memoranes,
and one that I one concept Ireally like and it makes a lot of
sense to me, is on afloor. They call it a decoupling membrane.
So it's what happens is tile isa is a I don't know,

we'll call it a stone type product. Right, and you have the and
and you have a wood product underneath. You got wood floor joist, you
got wood subploor. It stands toreason with temperature changes and humidity changes,
that those two are gonna move atdifferent rates. Right, They're gonna expand
a contract at different rates. Andthen anybody who's had tile but prior to

this system has had grout loosen upor tiles loosen up. That's why that's
happening. So when you do thismembrane, it not only is uh is
stopping the water infiltration, but it'sit's decoupling the tile from the substrate.
So it makes a lot of sense. Uh one, I don't know,
not much time. But one greatthing about shlooter the company is the education

that they do for people like us. So I I have we send our
people to their seminars, you knowthey'll do They'll do two day seminars.
They they feed you, it's free. They really teach you how to use
their products, all the little insand out. So you can try to
learn by YouTube, and there's somegood stuff on there, but that's if

you're doing one shower. If you'regonna do one hundred, you better go
get educated at shooters. So theydo a great job. And has that
allowed as as we kind of lookat some of the design trends, we
see a lot more really really cooltile product has I mean, has has
this really just the way that it'sdesigned really allowed a little more freedom with
the use of tile and other andother type of stuff like that. I

think it has a little bit.But I think that the some of the
reason for that is you have moreskilled people doing the job. Right,
They've they've had this training, sonow once they're comfortable doing that, now
you can really focus in on usingthe different products. And and we do
a lot of internal training on thatand just evaluation of product, and so

it sort of has just raised thelevel in my eyes. You know,
they're they're doing heated floor has gotmuch easier when the Shooter people attacked the
problem because they came up with reallygreat solutions and things that work better last
longer, you know, and Italk a lot about Okay, how do

we get we want to look cool? Yeah, that's great, but we
wanted to last. That's the truetest of a good project, a good
project. So the Shoulder their philosophyjust fits in so well with that.
It's really great stuff they're able todo at Edge Construction. Check out some
of those beautiful designs. Viam beento the website yet, Head on over
to Edgeconstruction Company dot com. That'sEdgeconstruction Company dot com. Whether you're thinking

about doing a bath, master,bath, powder room, kitchen, dining
room, basement, all that stuff, Mike team loved to work with you.
I'll got to pick up phone,get McCall six so eight six three
six three three four three that numbersix three six edge. Of course,
Edge Construction brings you the Homer Modelingshow. Right here, I'm thirteen ten
dolls. Will you IB
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