All Episodes

September 11, 2024 • 133 mins
The guys talk about football, supper clubs, and getting hit by cars. They also power rank James Earl Jones characters and do some more Robert Felines.

Follow the show on twitter/X: @passthegravypod, @AlexJMiddleton, @NotPatDionne, and @RobertBarbosa03
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Gravy Gang Gang Gang.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Baby Powder Top and leads bread as we listen, it's
a past the grave Grave. We'll go with fishing for
your Bitch today with Chunk and Houston Houston Baby. Now
we go ahead and let camp will get rich today.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
Nish bitch, Gravy, Gravy, Gravy Gang. What is going on? Everybody?
It is past the Gravy episode five hundred and eighty two.
Let's do the damn thing, fellas. How's it going? Happy
gravy day, everybody.

Speaker 4 (00:42):
I mean this actually is the first day I felt
any sort of happiness since football this weekend. Yeah, same
like I've been saying the last three days, like I
just hate everything sucks at football, super I don't like it.

Speaker 5 (00:52):
This morning I was like getting ready at work and I.

Speaker 4 (00:55):
Was like, oh, I think I fell in love with
it again.

Speaker 3 (00:58):
I love it again.

Speaker 5 (00:59):
I was sad that there was no football. Yeah, I
need it back already.

Speaker 3 (01:02):
Because you hit the Monday night game, then Tuesday that
you get to go with that out, then tomorrow we
get Thursday.

Speaker 4 (01:07):
Two days in a row without football is too much.
Now I'm addicted. I'm full un addicted.

Speaker 3 (01:11):
Yeah, yeah, it's a bad thing.

Speaker 4 (01:14):
They give us too much too early. You can't give
me five days in a row to start the season, right.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
You gotta sprinkle a little game in or something like.

Speaker 4 (01:20):
That, or you just got to give me my regular. No,
the Friday game, that's what ruined it. You can't give
me Friday football and then.

Speaker 3 (01:26):
Take it away. That's true.

Speaker 5 (01:29):
It was.

Speaker 3 (01:29):
It was five days in a row.

Speaker 4 (01:30):
Normally you have that Friday, so you get a taste.
On Thursday, you have a day off college pro pro,
and then you're like, okay, you know Tuesday when esam,
are you used to having a day off?

Speaker 5 (01:39):
No? No, no, give me five days in a row
and then two days?

Speaker 3 (01:42):
No? Right, was too much? Since your Packers fan, was
it kind of cool watching Friday? I mean not the game,
but like was it cool that you had the game Friday?
And then Sunday you're like, well, I can just chill
and watch other games. And I always like when like
you have a like a hate Thursday games because then
you're the only game and if you lose, you feel
like an idiot because you had the whole world watched
your team suck. But and then then like Sunday comes around,

I just get to watch reds and this is awesome.

Speaker 5 (02:06):
I mean, I famously don't.

Speaker 3 (02:08):
You don't like red zone, but like you don't have
to you can just flip around on the games. You
don't have to worry.

Speaker 5 (02:11):
Yeah, I mean it was.

Speaker 4 (02:13):
It would have been cool if the Packers hadn't lost,
and at the time I wasn't sure if Jordan Love
was done for the year, and then Notre Dame had
one of the biggest losses in the program's history. Yeah,
so Sunday I was just numb. There was just I
had no feeling.

Speaker 5 (02:27):
I didn't care. I was like setting my fantasy lineup, like.

Speaker 4 (02:30):
I don't get about this whatever, Like it was stupid.
But you know, I don't really care about standalone games,
Like I don't get extra hyped up when my team's
on a Thursday or a Monday. Like it's just it's
the game, and it get nervous team play like I had.
I had a good quarterback play for a long time,
so I don't usually get nervous.

Speaker 3 (02:48):
Why I used to get anxious even when I did
have good quarterback play. But like I puked two times
before before the game on Sunday, Like I woke up
to the dogout and I was like a little anxious
about it and win and yacked before I went to
the ball.

Speaker 5 (03:02):
How much did you have to drink on Saturday?

Speaker 3 (03:04):
I was not like wasted or anything. It wasn't like
a hungovering because I don't feel well. It was like
just nerves.

Speaker 5 (03:11):

Speaker 3 (03:12):
Yeah, dude, I'm a nervous vomit.

Speaker 4 (03:13):
Did you had you actually work yourself into a like
a dude, we could be crazy, we could be sneaky
good this year. Or were you just because you thought
like this is going to go bad.

Speaker 3 (03:23):
It's just I'm gonna talk about it not cool, I guess, but.

Speaker 5 (03:26):
Yeah, we're just doing our not cool right now.

Speaker 3 (03:28):
It's uh, I don't know like I do that. I
do the New York Giants Rush podcast, and there were
so many people that're like, why are you so positive
on the team. I was like, I'm not trying to
be positive. I actually am trying to be positive. I'm
also being optimistic, like if the team's bad, they're gonna
be bad all year. If they have a chance at
being good, I'd rather just be like what if, Like

what are the positives we can look for? Like, so
how could it go right? Instead of well, it's bad
they don't have this that is gonna go great. Like
I'm a pretty negative person in general. I like to
try and be positive before, like before that l gets
on the on the sheet. You know, now it's there
and now I have to deal with it. But I
would rather deal with it for the next eighteen weeks
instead of eighteen weeks and then all off season like

a lot of people did.

Speaker 5 (04:15):
That's true.

Speaker 4 (04:16):
But yeah, we're gonna come back to it. Yeah, we'll
definitely come back to that.

Speaker 5 (04:20):
Robert, how was your weekend?

Speaker 3 (04:21):
Yeah, Robert, how are you doing, buddy?

Speaker 6 (04:22):
I actually had a pretty pretty solid weekend.

Speaker 3 (04:24):

Speaker 6 (04:25):
Friday, when I go see Beatle just two. Never saw
the first one, but I was like, let's go see
let's go see.

Speaker 3 (04:30):
The second one. Do you think I heard that? Roberts
said that was the best one. It was the best
one too, it was the best your favorite, right, yeah.

Speaker 6 (04:35):
My favorite. I did the same thing with Ghostbusters, Uh,
Frozen Empire. I'd never seen a Ghostbuster beforehand, like, let's
just jump in here, Frozen Empire and well.

Speaker 3 (04:45):
At least you got Paul Rudd.

Speaker 5 (04:46):
Yeah, I can understand that.

Speaker 6 (04:48):
Then Saturday night, when it go see Windy Cummings also
had never seen or heard anything from her. I'm just like,
I think I thought it was a win win, either
like we find a funny comedian or I think it's
a funny story.

Speaker 3 (04:59):
We just right right.

Speaker 5 (05:01):
She talks like me like she's got a very filthy meal. Yeah,
she's hilarious out.

Speaker 4 (05:09):
Four minutes and she's talked about her vagina fourteen times
and Robert is just squirming in his seaton.

Speaker 3 (05:14):
She did make a.

Speaker 6 (05:14):
Jokeuse she just had a baby about how like they
needed to cut her open. So she felt kind of
like proud of that, like, oh it's it's too tight. Huh.

Speaker 5 (05:23):
I didn't know she had the baby. Congrats Whitney Cummings.
I knew she was.

Speaker 3 (05:26):
I know she listens, so congratulations.

Speaker 5 (05:28):
Oh yeah, she's big time gravy gang.

Speaker 3 (05:31):
That's why Robert was like, I've just discovered her.

Speaker 6 (05:34):
And then Sunday went to a night's restaurant. When it
was a good weather, we went to the big government
Cintinio Gardens where Alex and Emma got married.

Speaker 3 (05:45):
Yeah it's a good spot. It's a good spot. The anniversary,
thank you, thank you. Yeah, that's why we went, Like
you went to celebrate our anniversary.

Speaker 5 (05:54):
It's the fucking most adorable thing I've ever heard in
my life.

Speaker 3 (05:57):
Let's you guys think that we just make fun of
each other all the time, we hate on each other,
but really it's all love. You guys just don't always
see that part, all right, gravy gang, you guys know
it's all love.

Speaker 6 (06:06):
Yeah, but I'll deny it if anyone asks. So, Yeah,
it was a pretty good weekend for me, honestly, Like.

Speaker 3 (06:13):
Can you imagine, just like not having the stress of football.

Speaker 5 (06:16):
I was just thinking. I was like, he got so
much done on a football weekend.

Speaker 3 (06:18):
What efficient weekend?

Speaker 5 (06:19):
Even when it's not football weekend, I don't get anything done.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
Like would you do, alex Well. I laid on the
couch and watched like twenty games on Saturday and then Sunday,
woke up early, gambled through up a couple times, and
then was really sad about my team the rest of
the day. I see.

Speaker 4 (06:36):
It's crazy when you think about it, and like you
got one of the realist ones of all time, and
that Emma doesn't Like can you imagine if you had
a girlfriend or a wife that was constantly every weekend
like no, not football.

Speaker 3 (06:46):
Let's go do something this weekend. Why do you think
I don't have exactly.

Speaker 4 (06:50):
Like Emma was just like, yeah, you can just ignore
me for fourteen hours at a time on the weekend.

Speaker 3 (06:55):
I hear you talk all day every day anyway, We've
been together thirteen years. Because we get like, hey, you
like to do this. That's fine, that's fine. That's just
how that's that's the thing. You like. I'm cool doing
the thing. I like, just don't bring me into it, right,
I don't have to go. That's fine, Thanks, got it,
have fun. I hope they win. She dressed it all
up in like giant stuff too. I was like, all right,

let's go.

Speaker 4 (07:16):
Also, I was making looking at all their you know,
because they've both made anniversary posts of like old photos.

Speaker 3 (07:22):
And Emma is just Emma. Yeah, she looks the same.

Speaker 4 (07:26):
Alex has gone through like nineteen different douchebag looks.

Speaker 3 (07:29):
Yeah, a bunch of like long hair, short hair, really
short hair, beard, mustache, no beard.

Speaker 4 (07:34):
It's just like it's a it's a literal visual representation
of Alex has been or Emma's been through everything with it.

Speaker 6 (07:40):
She's seeing all yeah, it's the it's the opposite with
me and sam where I look the same in every
picture and she's the one that's got new glasses, new
hair color, yet different looks.

Speaker 3 (07:48):
I was just talking to Robert before you You had
gone out before, but I was talking to Robert about
that while you were gone. I was like, uh, he
was like there was a different and I was like,
not really. I mean now we have like a marriage date.
We had just kind of like octoberish is when we
got together. For like, that was when we first started dating. Originally,
it was like, well, now we have a marriage anniversary,
so that counts. We just could cut that for all
of them. It was like we like when you've been together,

like Robert's been together with Samberg fifteen years, and like
they were together in middle school, so like all like
if you be together that long, your babies in pictures
and then you're like, wow, wow, look at you. You
get to see like the chin start to come in
a little bit more as you get older. I'm getting fat. Yeah,
I did see. There was a I showed her last night.
I was like, chuck out these uh look see that picture.

I still wear these jeans, still wear the jeans, so
it's jean thirteen years, so I can still wear the jeans.

Speaker 5 (08:38):
Hell, yeah, that's an insane flex.

Speaker 3 (08:41):
To me, it is a cool flex.

Speaker 4 (08:42):
I don't think I've ever been able to wear any
article of clothing at any point in my life for
more than five consecutive years. Really, I just kept getting
fatter after high school. That's ratten. Before that, I was
just growing.

Speaker 3 (08:55):
Yeah, maybe I've saved money on clothes. That's really one
beneficial thing I've had going my way. Right, this is
the pre com segment where did I bring in for
pre Come today I've made just because we were talking
about my It was my anniversary last night, so we
didn't do gifts or anything. We did cards. We're not
really big gift people. But I was like, hey, I've

been watching this cooking channel on YouTube. Shout out to
chef Donnie, and he showed me on YouTube ad to
pan ser a steak. So I was like, let me
go get some New York strips. I'm gonna do all this.
I watched like the video ten times. It felt like
to make sure I get the oil, I get Rosemary,
I gotta get time. I gotta go get the course salt,

the finishing salt. Got to get a specific kind of
wine I'm gonna use. I gotta get garlic, and I
got all this stuff, and like I made a pretty
dope ass skillet steak. It was pretty sick.

Speaker 5 (09:53):
You feel like a chef when you're just yeah.

Speaker 3 (09:56):
That was the thing was like you put the butter
on there, and then it's like right now, get it nice,
and like when it starts bubbling right here, then you
gotta flip it. You got to pull the pan up,
tilt the pan, and then I was like, look them
on the bear, look them in the bear. Check it out,
check it out, check it out. But that was cool.
But that was one of the first times in a
long time I've cooked with this cast iron skalllet I
have and kicking with the cast iron scale. It's cool.

But cleaning a cast iron scale it is weird because
it goes against like every cleaning thing you've learned your
entire life, where it's like, yeah, you know, get some
soap on it, rinse it off, make sure if there's
anything on there, you scrub it off. Then you can
throw the dishwasher put it away. And with the cast
iron scale, it's just like, yeah, just run it under there.
Maybe wipe it down a second, then you're good. I

found out this one tossed it on back in the cabinet.

Speaker 4 (10:41):
Everything that we've learned that makes them scary is bullshit.
You can just wash it with soap and water. I
found that out.

Speaker 3 (10:46):
It just doesn't keep the like, well you gonna keep
the seasoning.

Speaker 5 (10:49):
Who coutsh it's a fucking pan season your food.

Speaker 3 (10:52):
That's like you don't okay, you think you.

Speaker 4 (10:55):
Hand wash it with soap and water, then you know,
dry it off, pad it, dry clean, and.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
Put a little oil and rub that. That's it.

Speaker 4 (11:02):
That's all you have to do. And the oil is
just to stop it from rusting. But like the right
to live for as long as time, people like, you
can't use soap on it? You can't use so Yeah,
you fucking can. So you clean literally everything in the world.

Speaker 3 (11:13):
Yeah, soap seems like it's good for most stuff. Yeah,
you just just make sure you pat it, dry clean,
just rub a little oil on it. That's all you
gotta do. It's very simple to take care of. But
iron is a weird part of like I guess the
internet maybe is what you see it all like, it's
a weird part of the Internet where it's like there's
people that I think like cast iron is like the
hill you're gonna die on, and like the giants and

certain quarterbacks throughout my life have been people are like,
that's the hill I'll die on. That's fine, and I
get that, but it's like wild they're like pans, like
this skillet, the specific kind of skillet is going to be.
We're like, what's another brand of of pots or a
Dutch oven or a slow cooker. No, like give me
a brand, like oh, a brand Coral, that's a plate,

its plates, kitchen Aid, kitchen there. I'm a big kitchen
Aid guy. Like, is there anybody that's just like I
am exclusively kitchen Aid. I will not cook on anything
it's not kitchen Aid. I know how to take care
of kitchen Aid products.

Speaker 5 (12:11):
Yeah, probably whoever owns kitchen Aid and no one else.

Speaker 3 (12:13):
Yeah, But like cast iron guys are like that. And
it's cool when you see somebody like has like a
really dope cast iron skillet and and like all all
that stuff Like there, I get why, Like there's an
appeal to it. And when I go camping every year,
the dudes that bring out the the cast down Dutch
ovens and the cast iron skille. It's like that's bad
ass that you're cooking over a fire with this and
you can, but like it's wild, Like did the upkeep

of it is kind of like just wet it a
little bit and then wipe it down, sort of make
sure it's dirty but not too dirty.

Speaker 4 (12:42):
I had actually bought one in college because like I
always heard how cast iron skills were good. I'd never
heard anything more than that. I didn't understand that there
was like up.

Speaker 3 (12:50):
Keep that I think you just don't have to buy more.
That's the cool thing about cast irons. It's like you
could theoretically just have like one skillet and that's all
you cook everything in.

Speaker 4 (12:57):
Well, mine was always rusty because I didn't under say
anything about that, like so like I would just like,
you know, even if I just hand wash it then
just put it in the drying rack, yeah, just and
then after a while it was all rusty, and I
just stopped using it because I was.

Speaker 3 (13:08):
Like, yeah, I've had that happened like two castings.

Speaker 4 (13:10):
And also I was like, why is it so goddamn heavy?
Like when I bought it, I like it was at
Walmart and I picked up. Jesus is heavy, right, I
do kind of want to like, Plus you can just
put it right in the oven.

Speaker 3 (13:21):
It would be sick if you just pop somebody in
the face with that, like an intruder, not just a
random persson, but like somebody comes in you just grab
the cast iron like bitch.

Speaker 5 (13:28):
Oh yeah, people like I have a baseball bathroom home defense.
I've got a kitchen.

Speaker 4 (13:32):
Yeah, and I'm not talking about the knives. I'm gonna
cave your skulling again.

Speaker 3 (13:38):
That's pretty sick. That's pretty sick. Other things I brought
in for the pre kind of segment was watching Good
Fellows last night, mostly just like I feel like this
is mob mob movies. But like seventies eighties supper clubs
were a thing. Supper clubs just seem like the funnest time.
It'll just be like something like, what's up, baby, how

you doing? We're talking about the rank you valley in
the four Seasons here, and we're gonna just have a
little chit chat. Well you haven't dinner, and then we're
gonna sing you some songs.

Speaker 4 (14:06):
I think it's more like fifties sixties, by the way, whatever,
seventies eighties was cocaine.

Speaker 3 (14:11):
I'm just thinking casinos. They had the supper clubs the casinos,
but those are more so shows.

Speaker 5 (14:15):
I guess.

Speaker 3 (14:16):
I don't know, it is this show.

Speaker 4 (14:17):
I would have loved that, Like you just have the
comedian standing up front and roasting everyone as you're eating
a fucking tea bone steak.

Speaker 3 (14:22):
I mean, I guess technically it's like a comedy club now,
But like I like calling things like supper club is
a cool sound.

Speaker 4 (14:27):
You get all dressed up, wear a nice jacket. Sounds
awful to be now, but like, yeah that was the norm.

Speaker 5 (14:32):
That would be dope.

Speaker 3 (14:33):
Let's start a Passing Gavy supper Club and we just
do the podcast there. It's really just like a podcast
studio that we're like, yeah, y'all can have, like there's
tables you can eat around it.

Speaker 5 (14:41):
Just put out hot dogs.

Speaker 3 (14:43):
Yeah, the spook tackle this year it's the Passing Gavy
Supper Club Christmas Spooctacular. Oh is there any food there? Cover?

Speaker 5 (14:49):
We should just add another tagline on it.

Speaker 3 (14:51):
It's December twenty first, the date something like that.

Speaker 5 (14:55):
We gotta go somewhere around there.

Speaker 3 (14:57):
You have the date down right, I might let me
do it.

Speaker 4 (15:01):
Yeah, I just always know Alex is going to remind me,
like for fifteen consecutive weeks before it starts to promote it. Yeah,
so I'm like, I don't worry about the date far out.

Speaker 3 (15:09):
We just haven't said it in a little bit.

Speaker 6 (15:12):
I don't have it.

Speaker 4 (15:12):
Okay, well, don't say the sober twenty first, twenty first,
whatever the I'm looking at it?

Speaker 3 (15:17):
Friday, Saturday?

Speaker 5 (15:18):
Is it Friday or Saturday?

Speaker 3 (15:19):
It's usually the week before. This is weird, say twenty first, Yeah,
okayday Saturday's Saturday. Nailed it. Yeah, yeah, that's perfect.

Speaker 5 (15:29):
We're organized.

Speaker 3 (15:29):
Look at us. I didn't even have to look at anything. Really,
I said it off the top of my head. I
knew it really. But yeah, supper clubs, they just sound cool.
Whatever happened to them, they just turned into.

Speaker 5 (15:41):
We just became trash.

Speaker 3 (15:42):
Like other study. They were like, we'll just make it
a comedy club.

Speaker 4 (15:45):
Well then I think after that in the seventies and eighties,
they just turned them into clubs. They just think we
don't have to serve food. We can save money on them. Yeah,
like all these tables, it's cleared out. What if we
mean drugs?

Speaker 3 (15:56):
Twenty seven thousand times more expensive, and then we didn't
serve food at all, serve drugs. Yeah, well you can.
You can't take your girlfriends on Friday and your wives
on Saturday. That's what we do with the supper clubs.

Speaker 5 (16:11):
Yeah, that was just ballsy.

Speaker 3 (16:15):
Yeah, mob, they had it all.

Speaker 5 (16:17):
Yeah, their wives just couldn't say anything because what are
you gonna do?

Speaker 3 (16:20):
Yeah, good fellow, Good Fella's rock so such a great
It's been on AMC on TV. Like I feel like
I've seen it on like two times a week at
least the last month, and I always get at least
thirty minutes in.

Speaker 4 (16:35):
It's one of the few movies ever where I don't
mind watching it on TV when it's edited because it's
still just so good. Yeah, Like I don't care that,
like the cusses aren't there and all that stuff.

Speaker 5 (16:44):
It's like it's it's good.

Speaker 3 (16:45):
Well when it's something like that, or like Scarface, where
the scarface is different though because they have to sub
in curse words and it's just funny where it's like
friggin' and like that's not what they're saying. Get your
frigging ass over here, Like that's really funny.

Speaker 4 (16:58):
Scarface is a little different tho because they can just
show him shoving his face into a pilot.

Speaker 3 (17:01):
That's true, and that's kind of like the whole movie.
That's a good part of it. That's a big part
of it for sure. But supper clubs, we're bringing them back.
I think it's time.

Speaker 5 (17:11):
It's time just gonna talk somebody into it.

Speaker 3 (17:13):
Yeah, but just I want to just start calling, like
they can go into this. At the supper club, you're
going to a comedy show, supper club? Can I order
food there? At the supper club you can see a movie,
you can see a movie. It's one of those where
you can order food at it, like they serve you
like like a Alamo draft house. If it's one of those,

I think there's are gone now. But if it's one
of those, just like it's a supper club.

Speaker 4 (17:39):
Also, people just don't say supper anymore. What if we
had like a dinner bar.

Speaker 3 (17:45):
Yeah, dinner bar, it's totally different.

Speaker 4 (17:51):
It's a dinner going to get dinner, where the dinner
bar you're gonna go get loaded.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
Yeah, dinner bar does make it seem like you're not
going to drink though, which is that I like about that?
No bad, I'm going to the dinner bar to watch
the game. What do you guys get to just eating?
Just eating? And they might be eat, I might, maybe
you drink. I don't know. I'm gonna eat. Definitely, definitely
gonna do that.

Speaker 5 (18:12):
It's a social club, babe, don't worry about it.

Speaker 3 (18:14):
So yeah, shout out supper clubs. Let's try and get
those back there. And then another thing I brought in.
It was a little question for everybody, would you get
hit by a car if it meant your team would
be good? Because my team's not good right now, and
I've really been.

Speaker 5 (18:28):
Thinking only that's how you wrote it.

Speaker 3 (18:31):
I changed it. I changed it on. I changed on.
But like, if if you could guarantee that your favorite
team was gonna be good, would you get hit by
a car you could guarantee it.

Speaker 5 (18:44):
I mean, like, all my teams are good, but if.

Speaker 3 (18:47):
You could get hit by a car to guarantee it,
would you? Yeah? I see you're not You're not a
You're a it's been good for so long. This is
different for me. You're a me guy, not a we guy.

Speaker 4 (18:59):
Now, if you change back to the original, if you
could guarantee your team wins a championship, yeah.

Speaker 3 (19:03):
Hit me. Well see, okay, okay, that was why I was.
You kind of fucked it up for me there. But
so I put a Twitter question out and to put
a Twitter pull out on Sunday because I was really sad,
and I was like, maybe other people will agree with me,
because I was like, I would literally just go stand
in traffic if it meant the Giants could win the
Super Bowl this year. And somebody's like, no, you wouldn't.
I was like, like, I would stand in front of.

Speaker 5 (19:21):
A big rig.

Speaker 3 (19:22):
You'd take me out. I don't care. If you really
the Giants will win, I'd do it. I'll take one
for the team. I'll take one for the team. Boys
l will understand, they'll have to they'll have to. Uh.
But if if you could guarantee that your team would
be good, how fast would you be willing to be
hit by a car? So I wrote down twenty to
thirty miles an hour you were guaranteed a winning record,

possibly more, but you're guaranteed a winning record.

Speaker 5 (19:46):
I take that.

Speaker 3 (19:47):
Twenty thirty Yeah, wouldn't even hesitate.

Speaker 5 (19:51):
I can word with a limp.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
Yeah, forty to sixty miles an hour, guaranteed to make
the playoffs, possibly more so they could win a title.
But you're definitely in the playoffs. You got shot. No.

Speaker 5 (20:00):
Thirty is where I cap out.

Speaker 3 (20:02):
Dude forty to sixty.

Speaker 4 (20:04):
Dude, forty, it's gonna hurt you. About sixty's probably gonna
kill you, depend on how you land. I don't think so,
depending on how I mean. If you get a hit
in your hip by a cargoing sixty, you don't have
a hip anymore. Dude, that thing is shabby to very least.
And that's just for playoffs. That's just for the offs. Okay,

that shows how down bad you are. Dude, that is
a disproportional.

Speaker 3 (20:28):
And then I had sixty plus miles an hour. You
guarantee a title, and then you can do this. You
could do this every year, but you have to like
make it to the next one. See.

Speaker 4 (20:39):
I was also thinking about it this way and that
like you could get fucked up by a car and
still do your job, Like they could wheel you in there,
and then you're just talking into a mic. I work
in a restaurant. I have to be able to move.
It's literally I get hit by a car, they better
have good insurance and pay me quick because that's my livelihood.
Dog fair, I'm done, Robert, would you get hit by

a car? But it meant the Ashers should win win
a championship?

Speaker 6 (21:05):
Absolutely? Not really yeah, no way, absolutely, Especially I wouldn't
even do like a mile an hour, especially with how
big trucks are around these parts. They're not even gonna
see me. They're gonna keep going. I'm gonna instead of
like rolling over on top of the truck, I'm gonna
fall underneath. I'm gonna get squshed And that's it.

Speaker 5 (21:22):
See I was picturing getting hit by like a camera.

Speaker 3 (21:25):
Oh dude, if you put an eighteen wheeler, I'd take it.
I'd take it. Give me a Giants super Bowl that
I need that so bad. I just think there's a
lot of people out there that more me guys, not
we guys. And I guess you guys are me guys
not we guys.

Speaker 5 (21:38):
Yeah, I'll take that. I mean, maybe it's just because.

Speaker 4 (21:43):
I've had pretty much success in all of my teams.
Like even though they're like a lot of are't winning.
Notre Dame's usually pretty solid packers of you know, ben
good national.

Speaker 3 (21:54):
Titles in your life.

Speaker 4 (21:56):
No, but like they're the very they haven't been bad
in a long time, Like, yeah, they haven't really had
a shot to win. Like even when they played Bama
for it, they got trouns because they just don't have
the athletes. Like they're good most of the time during
the season. I'm happy after watching them they win. Packers
have been winners. Ashos are on historic run, like it's

most of my team's are pretty good. So like I
haven't had a stretch of any of my teams in
a long time, going a long time of being bad.

Speaker 6 (22:24):
Yeah, And I gotta say I value my life more
than a bunch of strangers lives.

Speaker 4 (22:28):
Like Robert, his only is baseball and it's just the Astros.
But like only he loves bab Like if he if
the Astros got taken away from Robert, I think he'd
be okay.

Speaker 5 (22:39):
He would just find like other interests.

Speaker 6 (22:41):
Would be sad.

Speaker 5 (22:42):
But yeah, he'd be able to handle if sports were
taken away from us.

Speaker 4 (22:48):
Yeah, it's there they're taking ay, it is most of it. Yeah, yeah,
that's ninety percent of my identity. I would I would
have to become a video game streamer. At that point,
I'd be playing sixteen hours a day. Yeah, Like I
would go to work. Let's say twelve I get four
hours of sleep, twelve hours of gaming, eight hours of work,

So you need every single day, That's all I would do.

Speaker 3 (23:13):
So you need.

Speaker 5 (23:14):
I would probably be about fourteen hundred pounds.

Speaker 3 (23:17):
They'd give you a TV show like.

Speaker 5 (23:19):
If I have I would be sitting there snacking and
drinking mountain dew.

Speaker 3 (23:24):
Yeah. I would absolutely get run over for my team. Giants,
if you can make that happen.

Speaker 4 (23:30):
If you get run through for your team and think
about it, think about it, who's doing the running Blake?

Speaker 3 (23:42):
Like, do you know how sick it would be? Like
if your team heard be like, Yo, did you guys
know that y'all? Y'all are guaranteed a championship because there's
this guy in Texas that stood in front of a
big rig and just got run into. He wanted he
wanted that for you guys. They'd be like, man, we
need to go out there and rally around Alex and
win for him. And then they might put Alex patches
on their drizsey, which be even cooler.

Speaker 4 (24:03):
I would take out like a twenty thousand dollars loan,
just put it all on them to win.

Speaker 3 (24:10):
Like I know this, guys, what's the largest loan I
can get?

Speaker 5 (24:13):
And probably like five six hundred bucks.

Speaker 3 (24:16):
So I guess I'm the only weirdo. I'm the only
weirdo that does that or would do that.

Speaker 4 (24:21):
I'd get hit, but I'm saying, like, no more than
thirty because like after that also no insurance. I just like,
if I get hit by a car, there's no like,
I can't go to the doctor.

Speaker 5 (24:33):
I just gotta be able to limp this thing off
for a couple months.

Speaker 3 (24:35):
Yeah, but championships banners fly forever.

Speaker 5 (24:38):
Yeah, but limps don't heal themselves.

Speaker 3 (24:41):
Being a look at the banner from the hospital bed.

Speaker 4 (24:42):
I'll be walk walking in paying the rest of my
life and I won't have the millions of dollars of
an NFL running back.

Speaker 3 (24:50):
You know. You can think of that championship though, and
those memories last forever.

Speaker 5 (24:54):
They do. But I've got a couple Okay, Well fuck
me then, yeah, I mean you're just a little crazy.

Speaker 3 (25:03):
I am.

Speaker 4 (25:03):
Okay, that's good though. You're a fanatic. I love my
team too. I just I couldn't get past the logical
things that.

Speaker 3 (25:10):
Would happen with it.

Speaker 4 (25:11):
I was sitting at work thinking about this like, I
couldn't go check on that table.

Speaker 5 (25:17):
You crawl to it, and they said, kay, can you
follow me the table?

Speaker 3 (25:20):

Speaker 5 (25:20):
No, I'm in a full body cast right now.

Speaker 3 (25:25):
I have been hit by cars twice in my life.
Both of them were backing up, but I still did
get hit. So I a car car hit victim.

Speaker 4 (25:36):
See people can see me, so I don't get hit.
That's why I've never had a problem actually like walking
in front of the cars because I'm like, they're gonna
stop because they see this totals your vehicle.

Speaker 3 (25:46):
Well, if they're backing out of us, but as they're
not design as they're not peeling out, you're good. And
I'd like getting to just do the full on as
hard as you can, hand on the back of the
windshield or the back of the car.

Speaker 4 (25:57):
No, I've close to being hit by a car backing
out because I see them start to back out, I
stop walking.

Speaker 3 (26:02):
Both times I was in a parking lot and I
was walking to my car. One of them was a
grocery store parking lot and I was just pushing my
car and did see their backup lights on? No, they
didn't look before they backed up, and I was right
behind the car and just going and I was like,
what the fuck? I remember it here that the car
was on what a car can be on and not
backing up. Most of the time cars are not backing

up when they're on, I would say, I.

Speaker 4 (26:23):
Mean when they're on in a parking spot, there's really
only two things that are going to happen.

Speaker 5 (26:27):
They're going to back up or it's going to turn off.

Speaker 6 (26:29):
Well, I do remember that one of them was a
Tesla and they're pretty quiet.

Speaker 3 (26:33):
They are fair enough, Yeah, Tesla is also they're supposed
to not hit people, so Elon might have to sue
him retroactively a little late. I can find a way.
He's rich enough to like just be like set.

Speaker 5 (26:47):
He'll kick you off Twitter.

Speaker 3 (26:49):
That's truely like Twitter too much.

Speaker 4 (26:51):
He'll find your IP address and make sure you never
log into any Twitter again.

Speaker 3 (26:55):
I do like Twitter. But yeah. Then the other time
I was just walking and they did the same shit.
I was like, what the fuck you gotta look? You
get a look, man, I think you need to look. No,
they need to look.

Speaker 4 (27:07):
You should know enough by now being way, you can't
count on other drivers to pay attention.

Speaker 3 (27:11):
The last time it happened, the Giants did make the
playoffs and want a playoff game.

Speaker 5 (27:15):
Mmm, so I think if you're getting hit by sixty
miles an hour, you're winning.

Speaker 3 (27:18):
Like, no, that was no what I'm saying, Like that
was guarante winning record.

Speaker 4 (27:24):
If a PAP got you to the playoffs, then getting
hit by sixty that's seven and a decade.

Speaker 3 (27:28):
It's gonna walk around parking lot. It's like waiting for cars.

Speaker 7 (27:31):
Jumping behind What the fuck, dude? Sorry, try it.

Speaker 3 (27:38):
That's how I pay my Comcast off. Not too between
just bitching and getting you just keep jumping behind people,
pay me off. Maybe that's what I should.

Speaker 4 (27:48):
Do instead of just doing what you do and go,
I just find a Comcast vehicle and I hide behind it.

Speaker 3 (27:55):
Well you hit me, I need free cable and yeah,
well there's some way we can remedy this done? Would
you bring him her a pre come segment.

Speaker 4 (28:04):
Pat, I was thinking today, what is the best smelling food,
like like individual food item and then.

Speaker 3 (28:11):
Just like easy answers, bacon type. It's bacon.

Speaker 5 (28:15):
That's what everyone at works. It's bacon. Nothing smells better
than bacon.

Speaker 3 (28:18):
But if you're talking about like type of food, I
feel like barbecue.

Speaker 4 (28:20):
That's no that was also my answer. What made me
think of it? I was driving by a barbecue.

Speaker 3 (28:24):
Yeahot, every time you drive by a hm, well they
cook like ribs.

Speaker 4 (28:29):
And I was like, don't get me wrong, Mexican food
smells great, Italian pizza, it all smells great, but nothing
smells better than pizza.

Speaker 3 (28:36):
It smells good, but like pizza's like, the smell of
pizza isn't like as like wafting as like oh yeah,
we got we got wings in here?

Speaker 4 (28:45):
Is that kind of And it smells good, but it's
not like it doesn't hit different with the smell.

Speaker 5 (28:50):
You know, you like pizza. Pizza's great.

Speaker 3 (28:53):

Speaker 4 (28:53):
I really want to hear Robert's take on this, because
I feel like he's gonna have two absolutely wild answers.

Speaker 6 (28:59):
Yeah, I think the type of food I was thinking
maybe just like anything sweet whatever, cake, cupcakes, cookies, smell
of cake, cookies, I would go cookies.

Speaker 3 (29:07):
Okay, cookies, cookies, Yeah, you just.

Speaker 6 (29:10):
Smell icing, I'll go cookies. I thought a bit more
as I started going along cookies, but.

Speaker 4 (29:18):
I think that's more of an individual food than the
type I was thinking, like cuisine, like.

Speaker 3 (29:21):
No cookies, desserts. I think that kind of plays like
if you smell like like when my wife makes cookies
sometimes I'm like fuck yeah, Like I'll come home and
you can smell them in the oven already. Oh that's gone.

Speaker 5 (29:32):
Smell of cinnamon rolls.

Speaker 3 (29:34):
Yeah, we do that every Sunday too, that fox. Like
my house still smells like steak from last night because
I did it in the pan and it smokes up
the whole house. And like I had front and back
door open, I had the vent fan going on, I
had a window open dish to make sure it could
like air out, but it's still smell like steak. And
I was like, I don't hate this at.

Speaker 5 (29:52):
All, and just picturing like your mom, like picking up
your daughter and be like, why does she smell like beef?

Speaker 4 (29:59):
She was mom, she's a chef, she's a baby. They've
got soft skin. All the smells seep into there.

Speaker 3 (30:07):
But yeah, barbecue rocks.

Speaker 5 (30:09):
It's so good.

Speaker 3 (30:10):
Anytime you drive past a barbecue joint, you're all right,
the man.

Speaker 5 (30:14):
Like the smell of brisket.

Speaker 3 (30:16):
Yeah, brisket's awesome.

Speaker 4 (30:17):
But that's why driving by the plate, there's no distinct
smell that you smell coming from it.

Speaker 5 (30:20):
It's just barbecue.

Speaker 4 (30:22):
Yeah, I just smell some sort of meat being smoked.

Speaker 3 (30:26):
Over like wood or whatever it is. Yeah, it's the
combination of all it. Like the the Rodeo Barbecue cookoff
before the Rodeo starts, that's one of the best smelling plates,
Like I get like walking around it is one of
the best. Like get the porta potties. Okay, that's kind
of gross, but like most of the tents be like hmm,
I want to go in that tent. Oh, I want
to go in that tent, Like that's the best.

Speaker 4 (30:49):
That's like part of the reason I don't go, don't.
I don't want to smell all those and not be
able to eat them.

Speaker 3 (30:52):
Crawfish is also one, but I feel like I kind
of like got numb to that.

Speaker 5 (30:56):
The crawfit is a great smell, but like it's not
better than barbecue.

Speaker 3 (30:59):
No, it's not. It's a good smell though, you know
that the boil all the season and all that, all that,
like all at once. What's the best bad smell that
other people liked but I might like or just that you.

Speaker 4 (31:12):
Like, like is it? Like I mean, there's gasoline, that's
a cloud.

Speaker 3 (31:16):
I was gonna say gasoline is probably the most popular
one Sharpie. I don't really like gas.

Speaker 5 (31:20):
I don't think Sharpie's bad, but like is it?

Speaker 4 (31:22):
But also then there's the like when you rip just
a nasty fart in the shower and you can't get
away with you Like that's gross, but also that's awesome,
Like it's like I wish someone was here that I
could share this with. Or like when you rip one
in the car and everyone's dying and you're just laughing.
It's like in the shower, it's magnified by ten and
you're just doing it to yourself, which makes it funny.

Speaker 3 (31:44):
Do people like or hate like the smell of smoke
from a campfire, because I feel like that can be
very negative to a lot of people, But I like
the smell of that. People that suck hate it. I
think it. I think it can be overbearing at times.
But like when you like went camping and then you
like put on a hoodie that you like work, I'd
be like, oh, hell yeah, I wish it was there.

Speaker 4 (32:02):
People like, oh, I don't want to get the smoke
it gets into my clothes. Then you smell like smoke,
that's awesome. It's not cigarette smoke that you smell like
you smell like open flame smoke.

Speaker 3 (32:11):
Cigar smoke smells good, depend like I think cigars everyone
while though you'll get the I used to the bar
I used to go to, there was one guy that
would smoke scars and they were just like, I'm like, dude,
these can't be more than a dollar apiece.

Speaker 4 (32:25):
They smelled like shit, you're smelling cardboard. Yeah, and they're
like not small, like big full sized cigars, but they
smelled off alls like that's either a five hundred dollars
cigar that I'm not sophisticated enough to understand, or that
thing is.

Speaker 3 (32:37):
Too He's buying a Swisher Suite and smoking the actual
Swisher suite that.

Speaker 5 (32:41):
Would smell better because it would smell like berry or what.

Speaker 3 (32:46):
I feel like they don't put real stuff in that.
They're like, it's cardboard. We know you're cutting this open.

Speaker 4 (32:53):
Is there any product that were more of it is
wasted than the Swiss Suite?

Speaker 3 (32:56):
Well, it's like, uh, okay, I need your product, but
not for anything in it, just because I want to
use it and put other stuff in it.

Speaker 5 (33:02):
Don't we sell wraps? No, I'm not buying it for that.
I'm gonna smoke I like smoking.

Speaker 3 (33:10):
Like this, this is what I like. I like the taste, Yeah,
that's good. That's a good.

Speaker 5 (33:16):
Good smells and bad smells, they're all awesome.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
Yeah. I don't like the smell gasoline, though I do.

Speaker 5 (33:23):
Or like, oh, fresh cut grass.

Speaker 3 (33:25):
I don't like that either. It makes me think of
having to cut the grass every weekend. When I was
a kid, like when my dad wouldn't let us go
do stuff until we do that, I was like, fuck
and you'd smell, like my brother would get up and
what we would either we would alternate. We had to
the front and the back and if you did the
backyard since it was smaller, you had to weed, eat
and and all that shit and we eating edge and
it was the worst. But like I knew it when

Will would have to do stuff like oh, I'm good
out that you could like fucking smell the grass, like
god damn it, no, I have to do this.

Speaker 5 (33:52):
Home depot wood, home depot is the best. Even as
a kid.

Speaker 3 (33:57):
He hates the smell of wood though, But it was.

Speaker 4 (33:59):
Like you hated going to home depot as a kid
because you're like, my dad's gonna have me in here
for two and a half fucking it?

Speaker 5 (34:03):
Which why did it take our dad so long?

Speaker 4 (34:05):
Anytime I've ever had to go to home depot, I'm
in and out in ten minutes tops, and that's when
I can't find what I'm looking for, and eventually I
find it.

Speaker 5 (34:14):
You go with your dad as a child, maybe it
just seemed long to god.

Speaker 4 (34:18):
We were there for forty five minutes every time, because
he's just wandering around the garden section two, Like, oh,
you know, just looking for anything? No, Dad, how dare
you come in here without a plan? But you hated
going as soon as you got there. But it smells
like sawdust.

Speaker 3 (34:31):
Yeah, it's pretty cool.

Speaker 5 (34:33):
Yeah, I like that big on smells.

Speaker 3 (34:35):
Big smell guy? Are you big? Robert Feline guy?

Speaker 5 (34:38):
Love Robert Feelines.

Speaker 3 (34:39):
I got some Robert feelins. If you down you guys
are inclined to do some Robert feelins, I can do
that for you. Robert Felines is a fun secret we
do every week on the podcast where we give you
a bunch of words that are codes for other words.
Robert Feline was presented to Usk as if that was

the proper name for Bobcat. So Robert Felin means bobcat. Then,
ever since then we have just gotten weird in our
brains and tried to figure out ways to cut with
codes for the words and see who can guess those words.
So this is the Robert Feline segment. And I brought
in a handful of these. We got a busy show today,
so I don't I don't have time for a ton,

but let's go with this is maybe the easiest one.
I've got. Dead Prayer. Okay, this is a this is
a band. This is a band?

Speaker 5 (35:32):
Is it the dead President's.

Speaker 3 (35:34):
It's not that, it's a band. Dead President Washington Square,
Dead President Washington Square.

Speaker 5 (35:47):
Oh my god, Johnny Cash, Nope, that was a dead
president Cash.

Speaker 3 (35:57):
Dead President, Washington Square. It's two words.

Speaker 6 (36:04):
Washington Statue Monument.

Speaker 3 (36:11):
D you see, you're getting there. You're getting there. Statue monument, Well,
other things, Mount Rushmore. What's the president you're thinking of?
Dead President?

Speaker 5 (36:26):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (36:26):
There's like forty of them. We got one that's in
office and he's dead.

Speaker 3 (36:31):
It's a banded dead president.

Speaker 5 (36:33):
I got nothing.

Speaker 3 (36:34):
Washington Square?

Speaker 6 (36:37):
Yeah, what is it?

Speaker 3 (36:38):
Robert is wearing a shirt of that band. It's Lincoln Park,
Washington Square Park, Abraham Lincoln.

Speaker 5 (36:44):
I didn't know Washington Square Park was a thing.

Speaker 3 (36:45):
It's one of the most well known parks in the
United States. Not a big park, maybe the second big,
second most well known park in.

Speaker 5 (36:55):
New York, just in New York, New York. I was
thinking this.

Speaker 3 (37:00):
Washington Square Park.

Speaker 5 (37:01):
No, no, literally never heard of it.

Speaker 3 (37:04):
For the Friends Fountain, it was that was the alleged
Friends Fountain. I think that was Hollywood, but still they
have the fountain there. They're supposed to be the Friends Fountain.
Lincoln Park is that one. This is a plant. This
is a plant, goddess wing mouth.

Speaker 5 (37:26):
Venus fly trap.

Speaker 3 (37:27):
Yep, Wow, that was easy.

Speaker 4 (37:30):
Funny thing is as soon as you said plant, the
first thing that popped my head was venus fly trap
before you said yeah, just because I was like, this
is gonna give him some options to play with.

Speaker 3 (37:37):
Venus goddess wing fly trap is your mouth, Ah, let's
go with. This is a children's TV character, Warrior Coach,
Glove Toad Warrior Coach, glove toad. Okay, glove toad, Okay,

toad frog. If this is this should be easy.

Speaker 5 (38:11):
It's always easy when you know the forehand.

Speaker 3 (38:14):
And my wife got this pretty quick, and.

Speaker 5 (38:17):
She's smarter than me.

Speaker 6 (38:18):
Cover with the frog.

Speaker 5 (38:21):
I don't know any thing I was thinking frog, couldn't think.

Speaker 6 (38:23):
Of Yeah, I don't know how. Yeah, I just started
frogging cover.

Speaker 4 (38:27):
With the frog in my head. I had cartoon character,
couldn't get it out.

Speaker 3 (38:30):
Yes, Steve Kerr is the Warriors coach. Glove mitt a frog.

Speaker 5 (38:38):
I just I couldn't think of any cartoon character that
was a frog.

Speaker 6 (38:41):
I have a listener submitted one. All right, Like we
said last week, it's an athlete, okay from Brandon Whitehead, bullhorn, chicken.

Speaker 3 (38:57):
It's an easy one. Bull now, chicken and a way
Fowler is the last name, Ricky Fowler. It's not Ricky Fowler.

Speaker 6 (39:08):
I will say no. I will say it's not a
current athlete.

Speaker 3 (39:12):
Can you give us the sport?

Speaker 5 (39:14):
No, he can't.

Speaker 3 (39:15):
That would really give it away. I would really give
it away. Fowler.

Speaker 5 (39:19):
What's the clue again? Bullhorn?

Speaker 6 (39:20):
What chickenhorn?

Speaker 3 (39:21):
Chicken? Uh? Yeah, dude, I don't know.

Speaker 6 (39:31):
I'll give you the sport. It'll give it away.

Speaker 3 (39:32):
But boxing boxing?

Speaker 5 (39:37):
Oh, Mike Tyson.

Speaker 3 (39:39):
Mike Tyson Tyson, chicken, bullhorn? Oh yeah, bullhorn is Mike
got it. That's good. That's good.

Speaker 4 (39:48):
I got one too. It's a food and it is
a pre meal.

Speaker 3 (39:54):
Wolf pre meal wolf Wolf just makes you think chili.
But I feel like it's not chili.

Speaker 6 (40:05):
It's not I was going to guess chili too.

Speaker 3 (40:10):
Oh fuck premial, dude, you guys get it.

Speaker 5 (40:17):
It's a pudding, is it? It's not snack pack?

Speaker 3 (40:27):
Okay, yeah, damn Yeah, Yeah, you're right. That's good. That's
really it's.

Speaker 5 (40:34):
Like it's gonna be very hard to get snack packed.

Speaker 3 (40:36):
It's really good.

Speaker 5 (40:37):
Adam Sandler would have had it right away.

Speaker 3 (40:39):
It's perfect. This is a US city. It's a US city.
General talkie Milwaukee. Yeah, just talkie walkie talkie. What else?
Let me go? I don't know. I feel like it's

two words like what what? I don't know? Sometimes does
confuse you.

Speaker 4 (41:03):
Also, that walkee talking to me? We think remember that song?
Was it like MVP of the show five Walkie talking man?
Remember that song?

Speaker 3 (41:11):
Dude? That was a six.

Speaker 5 (41:12):
I haven't heard or thought of that song almost two decades.

Speaker 3 (41:16):
Now we have a reason to bring it back now
walking in and talking in a movie. But this is
a famous date, a famous date. Drink wood, Phil Sims.

Speaker 5 (41:33):
Drink wood.

Speaker 3 (41:35):
Like a date, like a month, day, year. Yeah, like, yes,
Exceptember eleven drink sip? What is timber phil Sims were
I guess we should have guessed that. On today we're
recording at nine to eleven, and I was like, I
need to find one to make nine to eleven. And

I really struggled with that one.

Speaker 5 (41:57):
But I'm happy you didn't go with like crash tragedy
or something.

Speaker 3 (42:03):
Yeah. No, no, it has to like spell out the
word kind of you know what else? This is an
animal z boobholder.

Speaker 5 (42:15):
Zebra. Yeah, this kind of gets that little.

Speaker 3 (42:19):
Well, you guys shipped on me for having.

Speaker 5 (42:22):
No I like having the easy ones because I feel smart.

Speaker 6 (42:25):
Yeah, we need those sometimes.

Speaker 3 (42:26):
Yeah, well those are your Obert feelings this week, gang,
those are your our feelings. I hope you got somebody
loves week. It's fun.

Speaker 5 (42:34):
I feel really dumb, but it's enjoyable.

Speaker 3 (42:36):
Yeah. When you don't have it all, you're like, I'm
fucked the reason I think I'm an idiot and.

Speaker 5 (42:40):
Your brain will just lock onto something that isn't there in.

Speaker 3 (42:42):
The inter screw. Then you realize that everybody else also
doesn't know too, so you're like, you don't feel that
bad this.

Speaker 5 (42:47):
Did you get any of that?

Speaker 3 (42:47):

Speaker 5 (42:48):
Submitted to you but didn't give you the answer. I
was worried that was going to happen.

Speaker 3 (42:51):
We need to Yeah you should and next week be like, hey,
I got three of them for you and then we
can bounce around more. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (42:57):
No, I just I just got the one.

Speaker 5 (43:00):
Okay, they So I was worried he was going to
get a bunch of submissions. That what the fuck?

Speaker 3 (43:05):
I said, So I hit up Robert at Robert Barbosa
zero three on Twitter and then uh, or, I guess
you could d M him, but you can just tweet
it and oh yeah, you had to d m him
at Robert Barbosa and just be like, I got a
Robert feeling and we'll do a couple of those each week.
This was one that was a failed one. I thought,
I I thought I had the funniest, the funniest one,

and then I realized I fucked it up. This is
a food topping insect diamond Boston minor.

Speaker 6 (43:40):
What is that long?

Speaker 3 (43:41):
I just think with pepperoni insect diamond Boston minor. It
was aunt Jemima And then I realized I said minor
and not mimer, which isn't a thing. So I couldn't
use it. But I was like, because you said my
he's a Miami, He's a Mima.

Speaker 4 (43:56):
See that's what's crazy. He said food topping. Immediately I
was thinking pizza topping. So I've never gotten close to
that syrup.

Speaker 3 (44:02):
Yeah, I didn't know, like the category, it was all fucked.
I think for the get go, but I thought insect diamond,
Boston mimer was where Boston minor was great. But it
had to be mymer and that's not a thing, So
didn't play. They can't all be winners, guys, they can't
all be winners across. Bring it back next week. I
won't remember not going to go back to that one. Yeah,

those are your Robert felions, guys. This is quickly becoming
maybe my favorite segment to do, or just my favorite
thing to do throughout the week. When I'm bored or
like doing anything, you think of some Robert feelins and
just you look at things around the room, like what
would be a Robert feeling for That's literally.

Speaker 5 (44:38):
Like when I said snack pack, I almost went backpack.
I was like, ah, I can see two of them.
That's two on the nose.

Speaker 3 (44:45):
All right, let's let's move on to the Comeback Kids
segment where we tell you what's back in the news
according to us. This week, once again, the Comeback Kids
segment is brought to you by our newest sponsors, Underdog Fantasy.
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Speaker 5 (45:21):
In the lab cooking it up.

Speaker 3 (45:23):
We were just coming together with a pick them entry,
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And then for Pat, I'm riding with my boy Pat.
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higher than one and a half touchdown passes.

Speaker 5 (46:15):
So in Arizona State Thursday night.

Speaker 3 (46:18):
Josh Allen higher than a half of a total yard
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hit me up he's got on the Underdog Fantasy. He
was tweeting about it. We were going back and forth
about what we were looking at our pickam entries all weekend.
It was fun Underdog Fantasy. Guys join it. It's the
come come back kid, the comeback kid of the week,

comeback kid of the week. Bitch all right. Our first
comeback kid this week is getting arrested before going to
a sporting event that you were playing in. Because Scotty
Scheffler had that happen to him earlier this year. I
don't remember, was the US Open.

Speaker 5 (48:24):
Or was it the Masters?

Speaker 3 (48:26):
I think it was the Masters, whatever it was. I
have with Scotty Scheffler in golf. And then Week one,
I've got I've got ESPN up, I'm putting my bets in,
I'm doing all my things, and they're like breaking news,
Tyreek Hill, Dolphins receiver has been arrested outside of the
Dolphins facility. And I was like wait what like so

like Tyreek Hill like don't bet Tyreek Hill? Okay, good
to know, and then they're well, he's being detained. Actually
he's actually being detained by officers. They said that he
was recklessly driving blah blah blah blah. They've detained another
one of his teammates, and then there he will play
though he is going to play in today's game. And
I was like, well, he's gonna play Tyreek Hill at anytime.

Touchdown score auto bet Tyreek Hill did score touchdown and
they need a handcuff celebration, which is awesome. But yeah,
this is the second time this year that a player
has been arrested on the way to the sporting event
that they were doing. Sky Scheffler, that was a different situation.
This was reckless driving on Tyreek Hill. But I've seen
some video. No, this is this is a new site
we're gonna track called white guys look at police bodycam

footage and break it down without problems. So as a
white guy, yeah, as a white guy that looked at
some police bodycam footage, pat, what did you think?

Speaker 4 (49:43):
I actively tried not to watch the full thing because
I felt like that I was gonna get in trouble
if I talked about it. Yeah, from what I hear,
maybe could have been a little bit more compliant, but
also it and also everyone who's told me that agrees

those cops were dickheads all. So apparently there's all complete
fucking assholes, especially when you find out they didn't clock
him going fast.

Speaker 5 (50:11):
Yeah, they go, well, it looked like he was probably
going sixty.

Speaker 3 (50:14):
Because he's in like a lambo. He's in a fucking
fast looking car.

Speaker 5 (50:17):
He was driving faster than all the other cars on
the road.

Speaker 3 (50:20):
What was lamba.

Speaker 4 (50:21):
But when they said we approximated his speed at sixty
miles an hour, you didn't even turn on the radar gun. Yeah,
and half of his team showed up on the side
of the road.

Speaker 3 (50:33):
They're like, yeah, it's tyber Hill. He's just like let
him go into He's one.

Speaker 4 (50:37):
Well, you're only John hus Smith, so we're detaining you. Also,
then Kalay's campbell showed up. Now, yeah, you're six seven
two ninety. We're gonna leave you alone.

Speaker 3 (50:45):
Hill. I thought that both parties did not handle it
to the best of their abilities that they could have.
It could have gone way smooth than it did. I
think Tyreek was more difficult than he needed to be.
I also think the police were way, way, way more
excessive than they needed to be, and they felt disrespected,
so then they tried to put like all right, well

you're gonna disrespect us. Then watch this And I'm not
saying that Tyreek kill shit have disrespected police, but it
was like there was one cop in particular that was like, yeah, dude,
you just wanted to escalate this. You were trying to
escalate this. And then as you like, when you watch
the video, you can see people like walking to the
stadium like, that's fucking Tyreek Hill. Is that Tyreek Hill?
Why is he on the ground? What are you doing?
You have people pull up phones like you had to

knowne that this was going to go bad.

Speaker 4 (51:30):
And also, as a Miami police officer, when you pull
over Tyreek Hill, I don't care if he's being a
dick right from the start, you go, do you need
an escort to the stadium?

Speaker 3 (51:38):

Speaker 5 (51:40):
That's your best player on your team, right, have a
little local pride, like nobody your police department is not
going to fire you over going. Well, you pulled overdue,
that was speeding, and you let him go. Cops out
the discretion to do that.

Speaker 4 (51:55):
Now people might go, well this is bullshit, Like if
it comes out later on, you let him go because
he's a start player. Uh yeah, uh yeah, yeah, uh yeah,
come on, man, you let your star players get away
with it, and you turn into Georgia the best team
in college football.

Speaker 3 (52:13):
Yea, they went back to back national teamships.

Speaker 5 (52:15):

Speaker 3 (52:17):
Also, dude, Tyreek Hill and he like, wait, you know
what you did? You just motivated him and now he's
gonna be a fuck you to her. And we should
we should have we should have high Tyree Kill higher
than a touchdown receptions on our underdog fantasy.

Speaker 4 (52:31):
I feel like that if you're a cop in Miami,
you're from Miami. No, No, nobody becomes a cop and goes,
let me go do this in Miami. What Like, that's
the wildest place to want to be a cop. Yeah,
it's some k Like you want to live in Miami too,
because it's cool fucking Miami.

Speaker 5 (52:49):
I don't want to deal with drugs.

Speaker 3 (52:52):
You don't have to just get.

Speaker 4 (52:56):
As crooked, you know how as crooked as I would get,
would be never arresting players on my team.

Speaker 3 (53:02):
Yeah, and only oh do you just wait outside the visitors,
Just arrest the opposing team.

Speaker 4 (53:08):
Now, if I was a cop in Cleveland, I would
tailgate Deshaun Watson everywhere and be like just because.

Speaker 5 (53:15):
I'd be like, I need Tyree.

Speaker 3 (53:16):
He might like that, but being tail gate.

Speaker 4 (53:18):
But I'd be like, I need to arrest him so
that we can get Jamis Winston starting and maybe actually
win a game.

Speaker 3 (53:24):
Or maybe just trade James for like a fifth or
six round pick to the Giants.

Speaker 5 (53:27):
Or to the Packers for three weeks and then we'll
come back.

Speaker 3 (53:29):
That's you could trade to the Giants.

Speaker 4 (53:31):
Yeah, I just will scares me. It's a cool name though,
great name, but uh but yeah, absolutely, wow. You what
happened to the good old days when athletes got special treatment?

Speaker 5 (53:42):

Speaker 4 (53:43):
They don't have enough going and they the athletes have
such a hard life. All they have to fall back
on are millions and millions and millions of dollars. What
happened to the real perks of being a pro being
able to get away with everything.

Speaker 3 (53:55):
You're right, You're right, You're right.

Speaker 4 (53:58):
But obviously sarcast but also kind of not when it
comes to your star wide receiver. You just, oh, tyreek, sorry,
just can you sew it down a little bit on
your way to the stadium?

Speaker 5 (54:08):
Appreciate it? Man, have a good game.

Speaker 3 (54:09):
That's literally all you have to do.

Speaker 5 (54:10):
And nobody's gonna get mad at you know, you know
who's gonna get mad. Not the people that live in Miami.

Speaker 3 (54:14):
Right, Yeah, it was just crazy. This has happened in
like twice at sporting events with the athletes, so they
I think everybody could have handled the situation better. I
think the police were more in the wrong. Actually, I think.

Speaker 5 (54:26):
I'm gonna need the Green Bay Police to pull over
Malik Willis on the way to the game.

Speaker 3 (54:30):
But then you gotta go with the third Street quarterback.
No no, no, no, no, no no no.

Speaker 5 (54:34):
He gets eventually he's only to take so then he's
on a fuck you. So then he gets there, and
I like that.

Speaker 3 (54:41):
I don't. I don't think we're in Green Bay this week.
Fuck well you figured out, you figured out. I like
that though, But yeah, shout out to Tyreek Hill, shout
at Tyreek Kill. And the body body cam footage. Pat said,
it's atrocious, Like the fucking this. The cinematic cinematography on
it was absolute bullshit. There was no transitions.

Speaker 4 (55:02):
It's the only time I'm in favor of raising taxes
to either get them better cameras or just every cop
has a camera in there.

Speaker 3 (55:07):
Can you put a fucking ring camera or put a
put a fucking like light on there. The lighting was
terrible through outside.

Speaker 5 (55:14):
Like the TV show, Cops should be a federally funded program,
I'll say it.

Speaker 4 (55:17):
Yeah, they could teach people how to do that. You
should have somebody in every department. I like the local
high school. All these kids trying to get a V credit.
You're following a cop for a shift.

Speaker 3 (55:28):
It's perfect. Every day.

Speaker 5 (55:28):
You got another kid, which is a cell phone camera
just pointing out the cop.

Speaker 3 (55:31):
That's perfect. I'm founding. Yo.

Speaker 5 (55:33):
Yeah, that's your job. Shut up, shut up, I want
to arrest you. I like that.

Speaker 3 (55:38):
I like that a lot. Yeah, shout out Tyreek Hill. Also,
come back kid. This week is kickoffs because I don't
know if you know this, Pat, And by kickoffs, I
mean explaining kickoffs, because there's a new NFL kickoff. It's
called the dynamic kickoff. Now, what happens here is the
players are lined up ten yards apart from each other.
And I don't know if you I don't know if
you watched any Footballersking, Pat, but so it's five yards

apart from me. Whatever it is they're they're located a
certain amount of distanceport and they can't move until the
ball has either been touched on the ground or the
receiving team has officially received the ball, then everybody can move,
so really there's just two people back to move back.
And then if it goes into the end zone, balgos,
it's a thirty five yard line, thirty whatever, it's thirty five.

I think it's thirty five. I think it's thirty. I
know I'm like five yards off on all this. But
they explained all this shit every fucking kickoff, and it
was like that, I absolutely get the first two kickoff
kickoffs of every game, but this is the fourth quarter. Now,
I don't need you to explain a KICKOFFGA.

Speaker 4 (56:39):
I think they need to, because you gotta remember a
lot of people aren't watching with sound on all the time.
It's gonna be at least a couple of weeks. They
got to keep doing it until it's great, until you
know for sure, I see one of us is wrong
on this. But I was gonna say I think it
goes out to the thirty because every team was just going,
we'll give you the ball in thirty.

Speaker 5 (56:54):
We don't care, we're kicking it into the end zone.

Speaker 4 (56:56):
We go make it to thirty five, thirty five, like
that's you're starting a good way up the field. If
you make it, the ball goes to thirty five, then
they'll start kicking it in the kick zone and we'll
get more returns.

Speaker 3 (57:05):
Like was the play in we got a few there's
a kickoff return. Well, yeah, we've gotten a few, but
like not a lot.

Speaker 5 (57:11):
I want a lot. I want it most of the
time for there to be a return now, but.

Speaker 3 (57:14):
Yeah, there's there's there's new rules, and they want us
to know about the new rules.

Speaker 5 (57:19):
You're gonna keep hearing it, but yeah, I know, maybe
what you need to do if you're already sick of
it when you know the kickoff is coming, mute it.

Speaker 3 (57:26):
Mute the TV. Now they have the graphics with it too,
and it's like almost just as bad.

Speaker 5 (57:29):
I like it, though, I need the graphic because I
need to see the landing zone.

Speaker 3 (57:33):
I need No they show you the landing zone on
the screen when they're actually doing it. It's before that
where they're like, all right, so these are the fake
players that aren't on the field, but we'll be on
the field, and this is what happens with the ball
kicks off, and this is what happens in the return,
and this is the scenario is.

Speaker 4 (57:46):
I'm like, okay, see, I need another week though too,
because I was so emotionally dead from the Packers.

Speaker 3 (57:50):
I was sudden.

Speaker 5 (57:51):
I wasn't really getting it.

Speaker 3 (57:53):
That's who it was for. Then, Yeah, kickoffs are back
this week, very much so, and also back Robert's favorite
thing from the week, Debates are back. Debates are back.
Robert would not shut up about the debates. You're eating dogs.
They're gonna eat your cats, eating your cats. You know it? Immigrants, now, Donald,

that's not nice. I didn't watch a second of it.
Is that eating cats and dogs was the thing. And
then concepts was the word that day. They talked about
I have concepts of an idea. The Giants are a
concept of a football team right now.

Speaker 4 (58:38):
When they asked Trump if he had a plan on
something and he said that, all I could think of
was Bob Odenkirk going, well, I'll give you part of
the plan. I'm not giving you the full play because
then you'll just take the plan from the office. That's
all I could think about. I almost had to posit.
There's Will, well Will, That's what it was, Odin Kirk,

what do you plan to help the company?

Speaker 3 (59:02):
Well, I can't tell you that, because if I told
you that, then you would know the plan, and then
you don't need me. I'll give you one part one
of part four. How many parts are there? Eleven parts?
That's why you hire me to give you this.

Speaker 4 (59:17):
It was just another moment that everyone has had so
many times over the past couple of months, of just going.

Speaker 3 (59:22):
How is this it?

Speaker 5 (59:24):
How is this what we have to choose from?

Speaker 3 (59:27):
Yeah, it's God. Where John Madden could have been president,
he would have been great. He would have been the
best president. He would have like he.

Speaker 4 (59:37):
Would have done awesome things that everyone agreed with but
didn't affect the country. Like he would have made the
tra duck in the official meal of the United States.
It's just it is Brett Favrv would and see this
was before Brett Farv had problems. So Brett Favre would
have won the Presidential Medal of Freedom because nobody loved
Brett Farv.

Speaker 5 (59:55):
Like John Madden, football would have been the national sport.
He would have made it official.

Speaker 4 (01:00:01):
America's past time will always be baseball, but the national
sport would have officially been fun.

Speaker 3 (01:00:05):
The future would be football, for sure. Yeah, but debates
are back, and there's there's nothing worse than it. If
you're in a group chat that gets debate heavy. Like
I was in one and everybody was watching the group
like the thing and like my my phone. I had
to just mute it. I was like, all right, not,
I'm not going to discuss it. I'm watching Goodfellas sat dude,
like it's way cooler here.

Speaker 4 (01:00:26):
It was like me and two other friends watching it,
and one of our buddies he was I was super jealous.

Speaker 3 (01:00:31):
He was playing d and D. I was like, you
fucking dick.

Speaker 5 (01:00:33):
I want to do that so badly.

Speaker 4 (01:00:34):
That so much more so, I was just texting him
the best quotes of the night, so like randomly I
would just text him, they're eating dogs. I'm talking now,
this is my time. It was ah, there was some
great quotable, funny moments. But then I was telling you beforehand,
I love watching the post debate coverage because just depending

on what channel you're watching, your guy one or your
side one and the other. Sound is terrible. But then
there's the talking points and just they just everyone comes
to everyone say it was three on one. Everyone say
it was three on one. They were all against him,
the Republicans. It was three on one. Who was the
the two moderators and as Trump it was three on one.

But then, uh, there's one guy who I fucking hate,
that Vivet guy who tried to run for everybody. He's
a piece of shit and he's just a griff every time.
Like I saw him on two different programs, and every
time he went on the first thing he says, well,
you know, I'm gonna give it to you straight.

Speaker 5 (01:01:32):
I'm like, oh, so that's your catchphrase now because everyone
knows you're not.

Speaker 4 (01:01:40):
The second time he came on, at first he said well,
you know, I'm gonna give it to you straight, and
then he just double hand sucked Donald Trump for the
next two and a half minutes while he was talking,
and I was like, you're not giving it straight. He did, Okay,
he did exactly what you thought he was gonna do.

Speaker 5 (01:01:54):
He didn't have the best performance he's ever done.

Speaker 4 (01:01:57):
He'll never top When he debated Hillary, that was the
funny debate of all time because you'd be in jail, like,
there's never been a more quotable debate moment.

Speaker 3 (01:02:05):
It's, uh, it's crazy to me. The pre impost game
that they do with political shiit like that like I
get election night coverage, but I can't remember who it was.
There was a panelist that for some reason I follow
on Instagram, but she was on the CNN panel and
she was like getting ready for debate pregame and it
was like nine other people down a desk, and I

was like good because what I was really thinking is
like I need ten people's opinions on this. I need
to hear all ten of them talk. What the fuck?
It's too many, it's too many. I feel like the
Fox pre game show. I love the Fox pre Game
Show on NFL Sundays, but like there's nine guys on it.
Not really there's like six guys, and it's like that's
a lot of people. That's what we need to be
still a lot of people just put yeah, put Howie

tear gives Michael game on, Julian Edelman can be goofy
out there. We can have Gronko and Spike someone but
I don't know, but said this wacky.

Speaker 4 (01:02:55):
I need just a mega one of all of the
sports guys though. I need Howie, Terry, Michael or I
want Shack.

Speaker 3 (01:03:01):
And show me. I'll tell you what Shack and Charles
the Guy and that Kamala.

Speaker 4 (01:03:06):
I don't know, dude, Actually you don't just give me
the T and T crew Shack and Charles reacting to
policy you.

Speaker 3 (01:03:11):
Ernie Johnson trying to be like keep them in.

Speaker 5 (01:03:15):
Fox needs to do the don't touch my money Ernie Fox.

Speaker 3 (01:03:19):
NFL Sunday crew should do the Fox debate like pre impost.
And then they need to get T and T the
NBA on T and T to do that.

Speaker 4 (01:03:27):
CNN, there's two commercial breaks, so during the commercial breaks,
you're just breaking the tn.

Speaker 8 (01:03:30):
T guys, good trumb with terrible, good trouble with terrible.
Right there, I don't know what he was saying. Kamala
wapped the floor with his ass. I'll tell you what, Ernie,
they better not try and eat my doll.

Speaker 3 (01:03:45):
You know I have a this is me shack uh.
Actually I've tried to die before.

Speaker 5 (01:03:50):
It's not that good.

Speaker 3 (01:03:51):
Shack you two damn fat nobody gonna come for you.
Shack you to be a genie. I've never done a
Charles Barkley impression before. I'm impressed by line.

Speaker 5 (01:03:59):
It's horror, but it's also right on.

Speaker 3 (01:04:02):
And then Ernie's just like, all right, let's get back
to it. Guys. No, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
He doesn't know how to play a game. You don't know.
I wasn't not familiar with Kamala's.

Speaker 5 (01:04:12):
Game, Dude. I've never needed anything more in my life
than this.

Speaker 3 (01:04:17):
We should do an entire podcast, as as Charles Barkley
and Shack.

Speaker 4 (01:04:21):
I might have to start an account that's just tweeting
at Frank Kelly, I know every day until he does.
Political breakdown, says Shack and Charles.

Speaker 3 (01:04:28):
I didn't really like what what Trump is bringing up.
I feel like he just was sidestepping every single question.

Speaker 5 (01:04:33):
Ernie. He lying.

Speaker 3 (01:04:35):
We all know it. Everybody saw that. It was a
bold fade lie. He lied in her laps out like
a hyena. He looked like, did you look one of
them women down in San Antonio?

Speaker 5 (01:04:45):
I think I'm gonna run for president?

Speaker 3 (01:04:47):
Shut up, Shack. No, you're not.

Speaker 7 (01:04:48):
You're too big. You can't even your motorcade. Shack, who
get shot just like JFK.

Speaker 5 (01:04:55):
It would be the.

Speaker 3 (01:04:56):
Biggest target ever.

Speaker 5 (01:05:00):
I'm obsessed with.

Speaker 3 (01:05:02):
Is laughing. I hope somebody else is laughing. You need
to do it, Charles Barkley, breakdown of it. Do the
uh wait is it side note? Se question this is
we can cut this, but is it like you know
how on Instagram being go and you can put like
the the other person's face on there is that black
face if like he did Charles Barkley, He's not painting
his face black, He's just putting like the fake image there.

Speaker 6 (01:05:22):
I would still say it is.

Speaker 4 (01:05:24):
I know, I think it's impersonation at that point. I've
never done a video, but I can't do it. But
like I did take a picture one time when I
was taking a dump and I put Kevin Durant's face
on me.

Speaker 3 (01:05:33):
It's really funny. Yeah, it fits too well.

Speaker 5 (01:05:36):
And I was like sweaty, so it looked like him
like in a post game like press conference.

Speaker 3 (01:05:40):
But it's just me on the toilet down bad. I
want to do it now. Yeah, debates are back, and
so is the word concept. That's what I got. And
cats and dogs, people eating cats and dogs, or they're
saying they're eating cats and dogs.

Speaker 5 (01:05:53):
Actually, mister Trump, they said they have no credible I
saw it on the news. That was his response. I
saw a guy talking about it on the news, and
I like, people fucking lie on the news.

Speaker 3 (01:06:01):
All I fucking love that. There's how many political arguments
do you here? Though? It's like I fucking saw see
it in said it? What are you talking about?

Speaker 4 (01:06:10):
Like if you're a nihilist and you just know everything's
gonna get worse regardless, the debates can be very funny.

Speaker 5 (01:06:16):
Yeah, you just gotta laugh at it. It's like sad
you like, I'm watching my future die.

Speaker 3 (01:06:19):
But I got a chuckle. Who is the rapper that
did the like voter die shirts? That was?

Speaker 5 (01:06:27):
I think that was Diddy?

Speaker 3 (01:06:28):
Was it Diddy snoop? I feel like a bunch of
rappers had it though. But there's like a whole like movement.
It's like voter die, and they're trying to get people
to go vote. And I need to be really funny
to just make sure this voter don't like.

Speaker 5 (01:06:41):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:06:41):
I don't know, man, participations not, I don't like anybody.
I don't like anything right now. Man, But if you
don't vote, you don't get the right to complain. Yeah
I do, I can. I'm doing it right now. It's
so easy. It's very easy. Yeah, but you can't come
and I'm doing it, Like, can you hear me? This
is me complaining this sucks.

Speaker 5 (01:06:57):
I wrote in harambe.

Speaker 3 (01:07:00):
Write somebody's name, all right, our next back kid, ray Gun,
Our girls back, our girls back. She's officially after getting
a zero at the Olympics, not medaling at the Olympics,
being a laughingstock of the universe, getting nominated for the
Gravs Meme of the Year category. She's about to get

another Gravy's nomination, the first, I guess, the first and
the non main Gravy Awards. She seemed the first two
time nominee and ray Gun is back because yeah, she's
crushing it. She's crushing it. I don't know what the
governing body of breakdancing is. We kind of talked about
this when we talked about her the first time, where
she kind of rigged it with her husband and they

did a bunch of these events that were Olympic qualifier events.
But the like the regular breakdancing organization, I feel like
it seems like boxing. I don't know a lot about boxing,
but I know that there's like eight thousand governing bodies
of boxing. Because you can be the heavyweight champ of
the WBO, but you're not the heavyweight champ of the WBC.
They're like I'm the real heavyweight champ. And then they

have unification fights. Breakdancing must be like that. I don't know,
but like then like at some point somebody was like, yo,
we need to make breakdancing official. And then like ray
Gun and her husband were the nerds. They're like, well,
start the group. We like to have that. And so
she's competed in ones where they actually like track your performances,
and then other like top breakdancers just don't go to those,

so like they are way better breakdancers than her. But
she's the number one ranked breakdancer and like I love that.

Speaker 5 (01:08:31):
And the Olympics didn't count at all. It didn't like
the thing that they could do.

Speaker 4 (01:08:36):
None of the qualifiers, the actual Olympics, every event leading
up to it doesn't count.

Speaker 5 (01:08:42):
She got a literal zero in the Olympic. How do
you get a zero?

Speaker 4 (01:08:46):
Like I would assume you could get a one, yeah,
just by like being on the stage, and she got
a zero because they were all like, you're disgracing or
I don't want to call it a sport.

Speaker 3 (01:08:56):
It's a sport. It was an Olympic sport.

Speaker 5 (01:08:58):
Was I'm just saying, I don't want to call it
breaking news.

Speaker 3 (01:09:01):
Though quickly, Daniel Jones says he's not concerned about his
confidence going into Sunday. So we're back, baby, We're back.
Dan Jones is good again. He's not worrying, He's not
He's Daniel right now.

Speaker 5 (01:09:15):
He is Daniel.

Speaker 3 (01:09:16):
He's not worried about it.

Speaker 4 (01:09:19):
I just want to see you, like on your couch.
He completes a fifteen yard out. You're like, that's Dan
missus a nopers and receiver. Fucking Danny.

Speaker 3 (01:09:25):
Yeah, said I was breaking news. Nobody else cared about
it with me. But he's good, dude. What he's not ware,
He's not worried. He's not even worried.

Speaker 5 (01:09:32):
One game, one game. You know what.

Speaker 3 (01:09:34):
All your guys they get paid to you know what,
I bet, bro, they have pride, they're great. Point. I
bet that the sixteen one still makes playoffs. So I
bet it does.

Speaker 5 (01:09:46):
It does every week. Hey, fifteen I did that all thirteen,
eight nine, eight nine is good. Hey, I've seen losing
teams make the playoffs.

Speaker 3 (01:09:57):
Goude seven or nine.

Speaker 9 (01:09:58):
We could make it too. That's it's been done. It's
been done seven seven. You I don't know how the
math beach. It fucked it focks me up that we
have seventeen games. Yeah, I'm good at doing sixteen maths.
I'm not good at seventeen maths.

Speaker 4 (01:10:09):
I spent my whole life doing math to sixteen, and
then I spent eight years not doing any math anymore
because I was out of school because they changed it
and I have to learn new maths.

Speaker 3 (01:10:19):
Yeah, any mediocre team, You're like, I don't know, eight
and eight. That was just like half of the NFL
is going to go eight and eight, according to me,
every single year, usually more than half. Because I'm like,
I'm not gonna say they're gonna win four games eight
and eight. It's the safest play for any team. You're like, okay,
all right, and now you don't have that eighteen game season.
At least you have nine to nine.

Speaker 5 (01:10:40):
Yeah. I actually do kind of like though that you
can't just be even.

Speaker 3 (01:10:44):
So there's no ties.

Speaker 5 (01:10:47):
Except for the occasion the rack as that happened a year.

Speaker 3 (01:10:50):
Yeah, but yeah, Raygun's back. Sorry derailed that. Raygun is back,
and I terrible I do. Oh no, she knows you
my favorite, she my favorite big guys a whole time.
Oh on kaz.

Speaker 5 (01:11:07):
Oh, let'll break off all something, Charles.

Speaker 3 (01:11:09):
Do you know what you Samme is Robert? A long
time ago, Shack did a genie movie and he was
a gen named Kazam and it was a really bad movie,
but it was really funny. It was awesome. As a kid,
it was hilarious. As you get older, you're like, that
was so bad.

Speaker 5 (01:11:24):
Oh yeah, I mean it's an awful movie, but it's awesome.

Speaker 3 (01:11:26):
He's like, you're not a GENI. He's like, yeah, I yam.
He's like, well, like prove it. He's like, what do
you want me to What was your wish? And his
first wish was make it rain cheeseburgers and like he
was like asking you, she'll receive and then just cheeseburgers
started flying out and the kids said it was crazy,
bad movie but funny. As a kid.

Speaker 5 (01:11:46):
Shack had his acting spree in the late nineties.

Speaker 3 (01:11:48):
That was awesome. The last thing on rigs like I
do respect like and by respecting me, and I think
it's funny where you just like you can circumvent a
bunch of stuff and they put yourself at the top,
Like that's hilarious to me, Like, no, you guys just
didn't do the work. I didn't work, you didn't felt
the paperwork, you didn't go to the shows. Yeah, we
did the real break dancy stuff, not ours.

Speaker 4 (01:12:08):
If you have enough money to where you can spend
a lot of your free time doing this and then
trick your government into funding you, you're a winner, might
do anything, but you have to have a certain amount
of money to have the balls to try and trick
your government.

Speaker 3 (01:12:20):
It was like when I couldn't get in the Guinness
Book of Records, and I was like, it was really
the past, the Gravy Book of Records, which is not
printed at all. But I was like, we don't really
have to verify it. I'm the cow rapkin of crawfish.
I have the longest world's longest crawfish streak.

Speaker 4 (01:12:36):
You're like, you got to BO and WBC. Man, you're
just a different organization. We are a different organisms.

Speaker 3 (01:12:40):
We are the Gravy World Record Company. But yeah, Reagan's back.
Shout out to her, and she is officially a nominee
for Athlete of the Year. An Athlete of the Year
not a very stacked category so far. Well, because football's
just started. That's true, right, that's true, that's true. But
our nominees for Athlete of the Year, Caitlyn Clark, Scott Scheffler,

and Raygun. We have three nominees for that, crushing it,
crushing it, but Raygun's back, and then we have another
nominee coming up. This is an unfortunate one, but James
Earl Jones passed away Jedge, as a lot of people
called him, I proch I personally called him Jedge. He
passed away. Most famous role was Darth Vader, the voice

of Darth Vader. Yeah, voice of Darth Vader and le
Fosa right, no, But like if you're like most famous,
is it Darth Vader or is it Mufaster, It's it's Vader, yeah, Vader.
Have more people seen The Lion King or Star Wars
because every kid is a Lion King, right, yeah, I
would say, but there's a lot of Star Wars. I bet.

Speaker 4 (01:13:42):
I would bet there's a lot of Kings that are
kids that haven't seen The Lion King now because it's
so old. But Star Wars also, you gotta remember, had
a twenty five year head start on it for views.

Speaker 3 (01:13:52):
True, I know, but like that it's Star Wars. There's
there's very few people were like, is this the most
iconic thing, like you know that. That's uh. He's a
rarefied air for not being like an A list actor,
Like he was never like the guy he wasn't in everything,
but he was in everything without being in everything, which
is crazy. He wasn't Tom Hanks, but still somehow every

movie you'd see him in what is the Dude? The
he passed away? Oh uh, Phillip Fipsy more Hoffin. He
was kind of like that for a while, like he's
the Hunger Games, Like he would just pop up in movies.
He wasn't always a main character or anywhere related to
a main character. He always knocks it out of the
park and what he does, even if it's like a

voice acting anything, but you're like, yeah, Phillips. Often he's
in the movie At.

Speaker 4 (01:14:38):
Fox, James ol Jones was just he had the iconic voice.
My brother sent me a screenshot that made me very
sad of in his group chat somebody had sent the
Mufasa Dad wake up and I was like, oh, yeah, hurt.

Speaker 3 (01:14:52):
It hurt a lot like King Joffey though he had
the lion around his chest and coming to America that
it was cool. Yeah, he passed away. Death of the
Year nominee, got a to the Death of the Year nominee,
So like this is the most stacked I mean, like
we have like the legit Gravy' Awards, MVP Man of
your Woman, of your Best answers, question, ask your a

Levy man darling like a Marlon Gravy gangster. But for
Death of the Year, Toby Keith, O J. Simpson, Bill Walton,
James Earl Jones, Jerry West, Richard Simmons, Dude, that is
a stat is a loaded Death of the We got
a couple of months left to go. And if I
get hit by the card, you like, would you guys

add me to it?

Speaker 5 (01:15:35):
I mean you'd be if I die.

Speaker 3 (01:15:36):
If I die, you have to throw me in Death
of the Year though, you'll be in there.

Speaker 5 (01:15:40):
Get a win though. I mean you're going to get
some heavy hitters there.

Speaker 3 (01:15:43):
But as long as I get a nomination, that's all
I asked for. But yeah, Raygun is nominated for Meme
of the Year an Athlete of the Year too, which
is pretty crazy. But yeah, James Earl Jones passed away
and that was sad.

Speaker 4 (01:15:57):
And somehow I didn't watch Star Wars yet. Watch that tonight. Yeah,
out of respect to do it. Just do it, dude
or Lion King or sand Lot. Yeah, probably say.

Speaker 3 (01:16:07):
You do that. All right, let's go to our not
cool start. But there's a lot of things in life
that make you say, hey, that's not cool man. But
one of those things is never gonna be the dope merch.
You can get it past the gravy Merch dot com.
Pass the gravy merch dot com. Get your new Gravy
Gang twenty twenty four campaign shirts. We saw the debates.

You saw the debates. I didn't see the debates. I
saw stuff from the debates. But if you don't like
those candidates, Gravy Gang is always the best candidate. That's
my candidate. I'm just gonna write in Gravy g in
this year. That might be who I vote for.

Speaker 5 (01:16:39):
Let just vote for yourself.

Speaker 3 (01:16:40):
You're old enough to. I could. Yeah, I'm just gonna
put Gravy Gang twenty twenty four. And you can get
those shirts past the Gravy Merch dot com. We got
dad hats, we got shorts, we had all kinds of
awesome PTG gear. This is your way to support the podcast.
You don't really have to like subscribe, to anything. There's
no monthly fees to listen to this podcast. We're never
gonna put it behind to pay. But if you've ever

if you've been listening for a while, you're a new
listener and you're like, hey, I can kind of kind
of dig with these guys you're doing you're watching us
on YouTube, By the way, go subscribe to a YouTube
at Past Grady podcast on YouTube YouTube dot com slash
past Grade podcast and subscribe, share us with a friend.
But if you're watching us or listening to us and
you're just like these guys are prety chill, we're not
going to ask you to sign up for a patroon.
Head over to our merchan for at past Gray merch

dot com. Get some cool stuff and then you get
to wear it around too. You get to wear around
gets showed off, and then every what is that shirt?
It's my favorite podcast. You should check them out. Past
the Gravy Merch dot com at Past Gray Pod is
where you can hit us up if you get stuff
from them, and then show us you and your shirts
and your your shorts and all this stuff. We have
pass gavy sticker packs, all kinds of awesome stuff. The
Dad hats are the best. I was wearing mine on Monday. Uh,

somebody said I looked like it was at a funeral
because I had black shirt on and a black hat,
and I was like, one just sat.

Speaker 5 (01:17:50):
How much do you know that we're a hat or
a funeral?

Speaker 3 (01:17:53):
I would? I would Past the Gravy Mercher Yeah, get
a get a hat for a funeral. Maybe you can
also get the you know, the the tide I hads.
Those are cool and those are not for funerals unless
you want them to be. It's all up to you.
There'll be awake Yeah, maybe awake. There are more wakecats.
But pastegavy merch dot com, pastegree merch dot com. If
you're get anything from past the Great Merch at past

grade pod hash or no, just just send us a
picture and we'll retweet it and we'll give you a
shout on the next podcast. Past the Gravy Merch dot
Com the official sponsor that not cool second not cool man. Oh,
by the way, nobody got a shirt last week. I

did check. There were a lot of comments, but my
rule and I will we will give a short away
this week if somebody does it. We like the comments.
The comments you guys are commenting and populating the comments
on the YouTube channel YouTube dot com slash Past Gay Podcast,
go subscribe to it, and then on this week's video version,
if you can type out the entire alphabet without being interrupted.

No one else says that if you if you A B, C, D, E,
F G, you get all the way to V. And
then Pat says, a, you got to start it over. Yeah,
start over. I think as Tesla and RAYMONDO we're doing it,
and they kept canceling each other out on the on
the YouTube video. So maybe wait till the middle of
the night or something like that. But you got to
do all twenty six letters or all twenty six the

other letters, twenty six letters, and if somebody can do that,
we'll give you a Gravy Gang twenty twenty four shirt.
And then also everybody trying and to sabotage everybody because
the more comments, the more we get pushed out. And
then also give us some Robert feelings. We'll try, and
I'll try. I'll go in the comments tomorrow afternoon and
I will try and figure out any Robert feelin's you leave.
You get to give me a category though, like in

Parnes put the category and then give me the Robert feeling,
and I'll see if I can get it all right.
I will go spend time on the comments too. We
gotta popate those comments so then we show up higher
on people's algorithms. Please help us out. That really is
kind of what we're focusing on a lot right now.
But share us with the friend YouTube dot com, sash
pass great podcast. Not cool is when we this is
our event, sash. You get your toast. That's not cool,

Robert tries to me through this glass window I'm looking
at also not cool. Varying degrees of not cools. But
let's start with some listener and viewer submitted not cools.
We are at pass pot. Use the hashtag PTG not
cool if you would like to submit them to us
on Twitter. That's the only way to do it. This
is from Mikey Paul at It's just Mikey p on

Twitter and Mikey says he's not cool. Is shutting his
hand in his car door?

Speaker 5 (01:20:26):
Yeah, I would say so that fucking sucks.

Speaker 3 (01:20:28):
Yeah. I had a couple of years ago I had
I got my finger stuck in the door and it
had the like we're under your fingernail bleave me and
it was at the very bottom. And so for like
seven months there was just like a black spot on
my nail. I was like, what is that, I'm an
idiot and closed my door on my finger. Yeah, that sucks.

That sucks, and what happens to the best of us.
It's just it's an unfortunate event, and then it usually
stings for like a week.

Speaker 4 (01:20:57):
I came close recently where like I don't know if
it was car or what, but I realized that like
as the door was closing, I like move my hand
out of the way real quick, and it was close,
and then like just adrenaline.

Speaker 5 (01:21:07):
Spike, Like, oh, that would have sucked so bad.

Speaker 3 (01:21:11):
But I guess I just have faster reflexes. Thanky, I'm sorry,
fast Twitch Muscles, fast Twitch Muscles. Next one is Ashley Wilkins.
She's at Buster Healer Mixed on Twitter and Ashley says
went to take a shower only to find out that
my dog had taken a ship in the bathtub. What
the fuck? That sucks, but I'm sure she was a

good dog.

Speaker 5 (01:21:35):
Well, at least you didn't find the poop right after
you got out of the shower.

Speaker 3 (01:21:39):
Honestly, if you're gonna step in ship, that might be
the best place. He's like, you already got you can
already wash it down, Like even if it's outside by
the hose, if you.

Speaker 4 (01:21:47):
Got to like pick it up, then you're like, well,
I'm getting in the shower. Yeah, you could have even
palmed it if you wanted to.

Speaker 3 (01:21:53):
Had to bleach the shower and everything.

Speaker 4 (01:21:54):
She said, But oh, I bet yeah, because then you're
putting hot water on it. It's gonna smell like hot shit.

Speaker 3 (01:21:59):
Yeah, that does suck.

Speaker 5 (01:22:02):
That sucks a lot. I'm sorry.

Speaker 3 (01:22:05):
And he's honestly the one of the best places you
dug boop. Not cool ever though, but like one of
the best places if you had to rank places.

Speaker 5 (01:22:12):
At least it wasn't on carpet.

Speaker 3 (01:22:14):
Wasn't on carpet. Do you have a carpeted shower? I
don't know that getting mold e waste so wild? Gross?
Is this shower carpet? Yeah? It is shag.

Speaker 4 (01:22:25):
You go a week without showering, you get back in
there and it's still wet, and you're like, oh, that's
so what's grosser that I haven't showered in a week
or that the floor is.

Speaker 3 (01:22:33):
Still wet all right. Next time is from Tessa g
At Tessa Goriants on Twitter g O R y A
n ce. This is a photo with it. If you
want to throw that up on the YouTube for a
baby see Robert Testa Sinus this. I think this happened
last Thursday or Friday. But her not cool is when

your dog falls out of bed and uses your face
to try and catch yourself. Took a claw all all
the way across the side of my eye. Definitely not cool,
says Tessa. And yeah, it looks like it was a
right eye. Honestly, she's lucky that she didn't get an
injury like myself. Yeah, not for a dog. But it
was like right in the middle of her eyebrow, all

the way around the edge of the eye and then
back down again. Oh well, I mean that sucks.

Speaker 4 (01:23:25):
It's gonna make make up for Halloween a little bit easier.
There's a bright side.

Speaker 5 (01:23:29):
Okay, okay, do some scary Halloween makeup?

Speaker 3 (01:23:33):
Your face? Does heal fast?

Speaker 5 (01:23:35):
She did picture after cleaning it and like, hopefully done.

Speaker 3 (01:23:40):

Speaker 5 (01:23:42):
I hope it don't scar for you.

Speaker 4 (01:23:43):
It might it looks like it might heel, well, it
should heal hopefully does sorry that happened, because then you
can't even get mad at the pupper. Yeah, like god
damn it, but like you didn't get it. But yeah,
you're just you're just a fallen little puppy.

Speaker 3 (01:23:57):
That sucks. I'm sorry, that does suck. Teas and piece
test tea's and peas. I will go first, since I
feel like we've already talked about mine a little bit.
But myn not cool this week is I guess myself,
maybe football, a little bit of a little bit of
all of it. Because you were here last week. We

were one hundred out of ten excitement for football. We
were like, well, let's fucking go football. We were doing
dances all this shit. Thursday, Fuck yeah, first day of football,
let's go. What a great game. Friday there was another game.
I know you weren't happy with the outcome, but still
Friday there was football. Saturday's college football, full slate of games. Sunday,

I wake up Giants game day. I'm excited. I'm optimistic.
I know that they weren't supposed to do great this year,
but like you have that like what if it's right
before football, the week that football starts, You're never more
optimistic about your team than that point, you had it
all in front of you. Nothing's gone wrong yet, and

then kickoff happens and the first core apps and just
I got kicked right in the dick. Football take me
right in the dick. The Giants saw was twenty eighty six.
I wanted to I wanted a kms the entire time.
I hated it. I absolutely hated. I didn't watch a
highlight show at all that night. I didn't watch a
highlight show at all. Monday. I had to do the
dark Monday where I just black it out so I

don't have to watch him talk about my team. Tuesday,
I turned the TV on. That's the first thing I
see them doing. It's the worst. It's the worst. It's
my fault. It's my own fault. I got myself excited
about it, I got myself hyped up. Football is my
favorite season of the year. And then my team just
kicks me in the dick, and now I hate it again,
and it's it's I'm, I'm it's a it's an addiction.

I'm I'm going through the stages of grief right now,
and like it is Wednesday, as of as of right
now by Thursday Friday, I'm gonna be talking myself into you.
Just saw Daniel Jones says he's not worried about his confidence.
He's good, he's fine. And then Daniel Jons is gonna
go out and throw four interceptions and suck Dick again.
And I'm gonna be like, why do I do this

every Sunday? Like I have sixteen more games that I
have to sit through and watch this fucking Giants team,
and like, if they want to get a great quarterback
and be a high draft pic, they have to lose
all of those games or most of those games, and
that's not fun either. And then then you get to
the point where you're like, if we wanted too many,
we can't win anymore. Like I fucking hate that. I
don't like rooting for losing. Losers root for losing. I

understand you get to be high, but you have to
be high in the draft to pick. I understand that
you're a fucking loser if you're rooting for your team
to lose. And I don't want to be that guy.
But I'm just gonna have to like go numb every Sunday.
And I'm getting good at just going numb. I'm getting
good at going numb, but but my not cool this
week is football for just absolutely kicking me in the

dick after getting me all jacked up and excited for it,
like it's a cruel bitch. Football is Fuck you, Giants. Really,
that's what it is. Fuck you. I put too much
my heart and soul into loving you. Guys. You don't
do shit. Just do something, do something. I did save something,
though I did. I did send it to you, pat

and this is a positive. All right, Packers are own one,
Giants are own one. I did see this stat. I
sent it to you earlier, and where the fuck is it? Okay?
This is a This is a fun stat that everybody
needs to know. Underdogs that are winless and going into
Week two, when there's a matchup of two zero to

two teams, the underdog has gone fifty twenty five and
three more than half or half the time they went.
Basically is half the time they were two out of one,
double the time they went. I don't know, fucking take
what you want out of stat. When two winless teams
playing Week two, the underdog has gone fifty to twenty
five and three. This week, Giants plus one and a half.

That's an underdog. That means they're gonna win. Packers plus
three and a half. We're underdog. It's our week, it's
our week. We're back, dude, We're so back. And that's
how my dumb brain works. Whre I've just convinced myself
there this graphic said that it's gonna happen, and the
Sunday I'm just just be in shambles again.

Speaker 4 (01:28:06):
Yeah, just seeing that three and a half made me think,
get an overfield goal at home because I just checked
the Packers are at home.

Speaker 3 (01:28:14):
I already love it already.

Speaker 5 (01:28:15):
I'm gonna bet it. I'm gonna lose.

Speaker 3 (01:28:17):
Oh, I already bet on Washington. I already bet on Washington.
I'm I'm weak too. I'm already doing the mental health
move where it's like I buy the win if they win,
I might I need the consolation like we lost, but
at least I got money.

Speaker 5 (01:28:30):
I might have to force myself to do that.

Speaker 3 (01:28:32):
With you, it's really not that hard once you just realize,
like you buy every win that your team has. It's
your it's your doing that your team won, not because
they played the game and you didn't play the game.
You just watched. But because you put money down on
your team to lose, if they win, then they were
motivated able to do it.

Speaker 5 (01:28:48):
I'm not gonna I'm gonna end all right.

Speaker 3 (01:28:49):
I'm just saying it softens the blow a little bit.
I bet, but I just in my head right now
looking at that number. And then when you bet, when
you bet against your team and then they win or cover,
you're like, yeah, why would any play began. It's the
fucking Giants. They're fucking best. Dude. If you thought you
were gonna lose, you the Giants were gonna lose. Obviously

they're gonna cover this bet.

Speaker 5 (01:29:11):
I just can't.

Speaker 3 (01:29:12):
It would hurt too much.

Speaker 5 (01:29:14):

Speaker 3 (01:29:15):
I'm numb already, and you just do it. You just
do that. But yeah, that's my cool. Football just kicking
me right in the dick after getting excited about it.

Speaker 4 (01:29:21):
What do you guys got, I'll change it up a
little bit minus football kicking me in the dick after
getting really excited for it.

Speaker 3 (01:29:26):

Speaker 5 (01:29:29):
I haven't hit an NFL bet yet this year. I'm
ohing six. I had the Ravens and they lose, and uh,
Monday night after they announce, Christian McCaffrey was out.

Speaker 4 (01:29:40):
I took the Jets, and uh, both of these with
the points they lose, especially that Ravens one dude, his
toe being out and they were going to go for two.
So no matter what, I was gonna cover because it's
either gonna be a winner or lost by one.

Speaker 5 (01:29:53):
The Jets one sucked, and then all three of my
PTG picks the Packers did not cover. And and then
the Miami game did not go over.

Speaker 3 (01:30:03):
And what was my what was my favorite?

Speaker 5 (01:30:06):
It was, oh Texans, Yeah, Texans one by two.

Speaker 3 (01:30:12):
That sucked.

Speaker 4 (01:30:13):
And then also I tease all of my three picks,
so I get an extra six points on the line
and I parlay them all together, and Miami still did
not go over on that, and so two thirds of
it hit the third one and that one lost.

Speaker 3 (01:30:26):
I suck at that.

Speaker 4 (01:30:27):
And then also Notre Dame had to lose as a
twenty eight and a half point favorite to Northern Illinois
at home, and all I've had just all week, I've
just been having to look at everybody clowning on Notre Dame.

Speaker 5 (01:30:40):
I was like, dude, we got rid.

Speaker 4 (01:30:41):
Because Brian Kelly's thing when he was the head coach
was obviously can't win the big game.

Speaker 5 (01:30:44):
Whenever we have a big opponent, we lose.

Speaker 4 (01:30:46):
Every single time we get Marcus Freeman, we're winning those,
but now we're losing games that we shouldn't lose. And
Brian Kelly did not do that. I'm like, can they
co head coach because it's not it's not working in
LSU for him.

Speaker 3 (01:30:59):
Just swap it out. It's just his his is bring
them in co head coaches. They kind of were when
Brian Kelly was the coach, well he.

Speaker 5 (01:31:05):
Was the defensive coordinator basically, But like, I don't know,
it just sucks and it hurts.

Speaker 3 (01:31:10):
And also.

Speaker 4 (01:31:12):
It would be real shame if I ever saw Roderdell
in real life, you know, because who would have thought.
We've got these multimillion dollar athletes. We're one of the
most profitable sports in the world. And I get wanting
to play around the world and try and bring a
new fan bases when we went, uh, we've been going
to London for years. Germany this year and you know what,
London was fine, Giants Panthers is the Germany game, God

damn it, what a terrible match.

Speaker 5 (01:31:37):
That's bad.

Speaker 4 (01:31:37):
But the but being going to London, You're like okay,
because you know, we've got a lot of Americans that
are over in Britain, and so we play a game there.

Speaker 5 (01:31:45):
There's gonna be a lot of fans. That's all cool.

Speaker 4 (01:31:47):
And they figured out they got it going. And then
we're like, you know, let's go to Germany. We got
an air Force base over there. We've got Americans that's
over in Germany. It's a little bit farther. The country
doesn't really care, but no Nazis.

Speaker 3 (01:31:55):
I don't want to go to Germany, dude, but it's
a it's.

Speaker 4 (01:31:57):
A nice it's a beautiful country. We go down to Brazil.
South America doesn't give the least a flying fox about.

Speaker 3 (01:32:04):
I don't think either. And then Germany gives a shit, but.

Speaker 4 (01:32:08):
At least, yeah, we went down to Mexico. In Mexico,
you know, it touches America. We've got Americans down there.
It's close enough to travel for people to go see it.

Speaker 3 (01:32:15):
It's cool.

Speaker 4 (01:32:16):
All these three places they played in soccer stadiums. You
know what, all of them could figure out the fucking grass.
They figured out that, oh the grass might need to
be different from soccer because instead of a bunch of
one hundred and forty to one hundred and sixty pound
guys running around. We've got three hundred and thirty pound
men not just running around the field, colliding with each
other on the field. And from the second play of
the game, guys are slipping and sliding everywhere. I'm like, great,

there's gonna be nineteen blows blown out knees this game.
Somehow that didn't happen, but guys were slipping all fucking
day everywhere. And then, of course, on the second or
last play of the game, my quarterback has to go down.
Everyone's fearing it's a knee. Somehow it's not. It's a
high ankle sprain.

Speaker 3 (01:32:51):
But he's out for three to six weeks. It should
have been Saquon It is in.

Speaker 4 (01:32:56):
And now we're having to turn to Malik Willis, who
was awful in his couple starts with the Titans, and
we've he's only been on the team for like three weeks.

Speaker 3 (01:33:03):
But what you're forgetting is it's the year of the Meliks,
because Malik neigh We're just gonna go off. Malik will
Is also going to go off.

Speaker 4 (01:33:11):
Now I have to sit here and hope that we
can steal one of the next two games against the Colts,
the or the Titans, So revenge game against the Titan
because then after that we go and we have to
play the Vikings, and then I think the Lions.

Speaker 3 (01:33:24):
If Vikings are really good, they're really good, they switch
points in the.

Speaker 4 (01:33:27):
Yeah, then yeah, so we go Colts, Titans, Vikings, Rams,
and then I think that's about as late as he
would probably be, no, because then he could still miss
the Cardinals and the Texans. So like, those aren't gimme wins.
None of those are gimme wins. And if the Packers
go they could start the year zero to six. Now,
because Roger Goodell had to bring us to a place

that does not need football, does not care football, We'll
never have football. There's no need to even bring football there.
Put us in a stadium that was unsafe, in an
environment where the players weren't even really allowed to leave
the hotel.

Speaker 5 (01:33:58):
They're like, it's really dangerous, don't go out. We don't
need an international ins.

Speaker 3 (01:34:01):
Why are we there?

Speaker 4 (01:34:02):
Roger Goodell would be a real shame if I ever
saw you in public. Huh, be a real shame if
somebody snuck up behind you and just took out your
knees and then bashed your skull in. I called him
some very bad things. You know, I never said I
would do it. I said it would be a shame
if something I wanted to happen associates.

Speaker 5 (01:34:21):
But yeah, real shame.

Speaker 4 (01:34:23):
My season might be done because we were somewhere we
should have never been in the first place, and we
were forced to go there by a stupid dictator who's
a complete fucking asshole and nobody likes and he shouldn't
have the job.

Speaker 5 (01:34:32):
He makes too much money. That is like my my
big bugaboo about the whole thing where it's ro have
to give me a million dollars.

Speaker 3 (01:34:40):
Like, bro, it's well, nobody cares about the NFL outside
of America. Like cool, I'm fine with that.

Speaker 5 (01:34:47):
Like keep it here, yeah, keep I'd be fine with
us never going overseas.

Speaker 3 (01:34:51):
We shouldn't.

Speaker 4 (01:34:51):
Who cares, It doesn't matter, Like they like to do
the landing game because they like to dangle the carrot
of oh well, maybe we're gonna put it.

Speaker 3 (01:34:58):
We want to put a team over here. To internet,
no free agent is ever gonna go there ever. Oh hey,
every away game it's like a seventeen hour flight. Buddy,
and then you gotta fly back.

Speaker 4 (01:35:08):
And now you gotta middle of the week, four games
at home, four games away, four games at home, four
games away. That's stupid, so dumb, it's stupid. It would
give them a massive advantage on anyone coming in. I
just I fucking hate Roger Goodell someone as an owner
of the team. I feel like I should be financially compensated.

Speaker 3 (01:35:24):
You go.

Speaker 4 (01:35:25):
I think Roger Goodell personally he makes six action lossuit,
I think he owes me a million dollars start reported
a better business. And also, now you know what, fuck
you Brazil, Fuck you Brazil. Literally like you can't figure
out grass?

Speaker 3 (01:35:37):
Yeah, dude, what did just grow it? Like? Just just
fucking grow it, dude, It's not that hard. I'm not
a palaeontologist. I fucking o to go grass Now.

Speaker 5 (01:35:46):
I got a root for fucking Elik Willis for a
couple of weeks.

Speaker 3 (01:35:49):
Dude. It's a fucking awesome name. He's gonna be fine.

Speaker 5 (01:35:51):
It's a great name. He's not good at Quarter to
be fine.

Speaker 3 (01:35:53):
He was good at Liberty. You know why Liberty played dog? Hey,
Hey to c Usa, buddy, it's this see Usa. Sam
Uston is the Cusa.

Speaker 4 (01:36:01):
Yeah, and the USA it was absolute dogshit before before
Sam Houston got they're elevating the conference.

Speaker 5 (01:36:06):
Okay, but now I have to sit here in pain.

Speaker 3 (01:36:09):
Dude, what if he's good, man, what if he's good?
At least you have some sort of hope.

Speaker 4 (01:36:13):
I actually do, because I'm like, you know what, in
our offense, with Matt Lafuur's offense, we just need him
to not turn the ball over. We're gonna run the
ball a lot. With Josh Jacobs and uh, what was
his name? Taylor was our backup running back. I'd never
heard of the guy. He was gashing runs during the game.
And then Marshawn Lloyd. He's gonna get healthy here pretty soon.
He was really good at usc Lestterer. I'm like, we
just got run the ball that our defense play. We've

got a really good David McKenny. He's great.

Speaker 5 (01:36:36):
Yeah, our defense is healthy right now. It was not
healthy at all.

Speaker 3 (01:36:39):
Is the coolest hair, doesn't he It's so sad, like
half blonde and half black. Dude, I love it right
down in the middle. He dies it. It's awesome, dude,
it's awesome. I miss him other Giants and sometimes he
dies it like he would sometimes die it red and blonde,
and I was like, what, maybe go green?

Speaker 5 (01:36:52):
That'd be crazy, that would be awesome. I would like that.

Speaker 4 (01:36:55):
And Jay R Alexander our cornerback. He's been my phone
screen for like two and a half three years.

Speaker 3 (01:37:01):
You're uh your jersey guy from last year? How was
he doing? Uh?

Speaker 4 (01:37:07):
Van very sparely as Lucas van Dast. He's very sparingly
on the field. And I don't know if I dreamed this,
but I think he might have changed his number.

Speaker 3 (01:37:14):

Speaker 5 (01:37:15):
I might have dreamed it, but I'm pretty sure I
saw him wearing number seven.

Speaker 3 (01:37:18):
Dude, I had so nobody cares about my dream. I'm
a big nobody gives a your dreams. And this is
a very quick story. I'll get through fast. But I
felt like I was really hyped up Sunday because Saturday
night I had a dream that the milagu neighbors caught
three touchdown passes and I was like, fuck, yeah, dude,
Giants are gonna start the season so hot. And then
I was like kind of hyped up when I woke up,

and then I feel like that was like that wasn't real,
and that was my body just being like, chill out, dude,
that's why I peaked twice. But yeah, I did have
a dream that like he was gonna So my dreams
are oh and one this year. That's why you don't. Don't.
Don't follow your dreams. Kids, don't follow your dreams.

Speaker 5 (01:37:52):
Never. I gotta I gotta find this.

Speaker 4 (01:37:54):
I gotta look him up on ESPN because if he
changed his number, I'm just gonna be like, why do
you know? Okay, No, so it was it was definitely
a dream. He's still wearing number nine, Okay. I had
a dream that he was seven, and I don't think
you can even do that in the NFL. As a lineman,
you can be any number, right, So I know running
backs and linebackers can, but he's a defensive lineman, so
I don't.

Speaker 3 (01:38:13):
Yeah, you can be yeah, because Brian Burns is zero
on the Giant, Okay, so you can. Kevin David is five.
That was just my brain. Don't be off, can't. But like,
there should be no rules. If running backs can be
single digit numbers, anybody should be able to be any
more because running backs throw you off.

Speaker 5 (01:38:29):
The defensive lin are the only ones.

Speaker 3 (01:38:31):
Now when you see fucking number seven, get the hand off,
You're like, what is the quarterback? What is this?

Speaker 5 (01:38:36):
Plus d Lineman looks sick.

Speaker 3 (01:38:40):
Yeah, I just get thrown off. But yeah, that's solid solid,
not cool in fantasy, which you got. You've had a
pretty good week. I gotta find out what you're not cool. Was, Yeah,
mine's going to be not anything like yours. It's uh,
letting me down. The Astros last night, oh my god.
They lost in twelve the least.

Speaker 6 (01:38:59):
Than twelve to the A's four to three. I was
listening to the game and I think this was like
the tenth and eleventh, and I got like really excited, like, oh,
they're gonna win because Brian and Breo came in. He
struck out five over like two innings. I'm like, Okay,
they're gonna go to the twelfth. They're gonna win. They're
gonnak it off. It's gonna be awesome. And they lost
to three bunts two bunts you get the runner on.

Speaker 3 (01:39:23):

Speaker 5 (01:39:23):
And also there was like it was either two or
three innings in overtime, we got a guy to third
and couldn't score him. Yeah, and then in the twelfth
we got one run to make it a one run game.

Speaker 4 (01:39:32):
Because they had scored two and we got a guy
to third and then I think it was Bregmant and
Tucker both got it.

Speaker 5 (01:39:38):
Neither one of them could drive him, and it was
just that game was painful.

Speaker 6 (01:39:42):
Yeah, And I had to be up here early in
the morning and I just stayed up. I'm like, oh,
I'm gonna I was into the game. I'm like, I'm
gonna finish this game. I'm gonna be so excited and
it's gonna be a good sleep instead of after the game,
I'm like, oh, I'm upset staying up late and had
to wake up in like four hours.

Speaker 5 (01:40:00):
Yeah, that was a painful one last night.

Speaker 3 (01:40:02):
That sucked teams letting us down across the board. Yeah.
You know A fun fact though that I learned with
Robert this morning. I think Clay Holmes says the record
for most blown saves in a single season.

Speaker 5 (01:40:14):

Speaker 8 (01:40:15):

Speaker 3 (01:40:16):
I mean I thought eleven was a lot. I did
think eleven. I was like, how do you still get
to be a closer? Apparently no one else, no one
else has at least Texas State is too. I know
we got to play.

Speaker 5 (01:40:26):
I was tony beforehand. We win this game against Arizona State.

Speaker 3 (01:40:30):
We have a path to the.

Speaker 5 (01:40:31):
College football playoffs well, where we will get absolutely destroyed.
But if we went out the Sunbow.

Speaker 3 (01:40:38):
A couple weeks after, if you beat Arizona State, then
you have a really tough test Samuel State Bearcats at
energy neutral site, rivalry game.

Speaker 5 (01:40:50):
It's actually a much closer game for sam Houston too.

Speaker 3 (01:40:54):
Yeah, don't. I don't think that matters.

Speaker 5 (01:40:57):
It doesn't matter.

Speaker 3 (01:40:58):
I think that matters at all.

Speaker 4 (01:41:00):
But we're gonna boat race you. Our running backs are
so good, dude. We beat Rice is Mail Madi.

Speaker 3 (01:41:06):
There's gonna be in the NFL. We beat Rice Iffy
a Day Hunter Watson.

Speaker 4 (01:41:11):
We did struggle very badly with the team we should
not have in Week one, but we won last week.

Speaker 5 (01:41:17):
All the negativity's gone. Oh hey, new week.

Speaker 3 (01:41:18):
Fine, it's fine, it's all good. It's all good. Week.
Willison is gonna get me great. He's gonna be great.
Daniel Jones not concerned. Were good. Our quarterbacks are gonna
be so good. Dan is not concerned about it. It's good,
it's great, it's great. I love it. Everything's okay.

Speaker 5 (01:41:30):
My life isn't falling apart because I don't have anything else, all.

Speaker 3 (01:41:36):
Right, let's wrap this up with the answers the segment
we encourage you to submit your questions. The pre come
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better than anybody else. Can you want to ask us
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the answers segment. Don't just answer the question?

Speaker 5 (01:44:12):
Why do you? Just answer the question? You do you
big answer answer?

Speaker 3 (01:44:16):
Don't thanks the subject, just answer the question.

Speaker 7 (01:44:19):
Kept talking.

Speaker 3 (01:44:22):
Answer answers, answers, answers, answer, answer to answer to answer
any questions?

Speaker 6 (01:44:29):
All right.

Speaker 3 (01:44:30):
Our first answers question this week, customer Raymundo beIN a
Vida's at k mundub on Twitter, and Raymunda says, how
much would you be willing to sell your soul for Robert?
You're not selling your soul, are you. I'm not no

for no price or no price, unlimited money, unlimited money,
now inf any money, never know about anything. You just
don't have a soul. Do you get your soul like taken?
Right then? I was gonna ask, or is it like
I thought it was at death thing? I don't care.

Speaker 5 (01:45:06):
I think it's I think it's your surrendering your soul
at death.

Speaker 6 (01:45:10):
So when you die, I'm thinking gets taken right then,
like on.

Speaker 3 (01:45:14):
The Little Mermaid where they took a voice, her voice
is really your No.

Speaker 4 (01:45:18):
But in all the movies and shows and things where
people have sold their soul, they don't just lose their
soul right then. It's they're making a deal with the
devil that when they die, your soul belongs to him.

Speaker 3 (01:45:28):
Yeah. I would do that if the Giants you win
ten championships.

Speaker 4 (01:45:30):
See, I've got like four answers to it, Like what's
my soul worth? It's fourteen fifty something like that, like
not even twenty bucks a minimum. I would take probably
ten grand because that pays off. My car gives me
about a couple grand extra play with.

Speaker 3 (01:45:44):
Way too little.

Speaker 4 (01:45:45):
That's why I'm saying that's it pays off. My car
makes my life a lot easier. Then there's the answers
of okay, I it should be something that we're like,
I'll be comfortable for the rest of my life, so
ten million, And I was like, but if I'm selling
my soul, it's got to be where I'm real comfortable
and get to act like a rich.

Speaker 5 (01:46:00):
Dickhead the rest of my life. I think the numbers
one hundred million.

Speaker 3 (01:46:03):
I wouldn't sell it for any amount of money. I
would just ask you to give me ten Giants championships
that you can have it right now. Just take it
this second. I'm guaranteed ten Giants championships. Let's go what if?
What if? This though?

Speaker 4 (01:46:16):
He sold it for like a billy and then you
could just become the ultimate booster for Sam Houston and
turn you guys into a football powerhouse.

Speaker 3 (01:46:22):
I could buy the Giants. I'm probably can buy the Giants.
The marriage are going to sell it.

Speaker 5 (01:46:29):
Yeah. See that's the thing. It's like, you can't buy that.

Speaker 3 (01:46:30):
I could buy the Cowboys maybe, and then just keep running, running,
just keep running it.

Speaker 5 (01:46:36):
But they're never going to sell well. Run Stephen Jones
is going to run it for the whatever and then
his son's going to take over.

Speaker 3 (01:46:44):
No, I'd buy by the Eagles then just running to
the ground.

Speaker 5 (01:46:49):
Rehired s chip Kelly.

Speaker 3 (01:46:50):
Now you have carte Blanche, who's chip Kelly's assistant. Just
get that guy. Chip Kelly did a pretty portant but like,
just get chip Kelly, but not chip Kelly.

Speaker 4 (01:46:59):
Still, every time your team, the team starts to play,
while you get a good draft pick, you just trade them.

Speaker 3 (01:47:03):
With Joe Judge and the head coach. Job. Fucking Joe Judge,
let's do that. Fuck you Philly. No, No, Jim Caldwell,
he's more capable. I don't know, dude, but yeah, I
would do it for Giants championships. You can guarantee maybe
the Giants will win champions you got. I mean it
has to be enough to where you can buy it, Like, okay,

you buy the Red Wings, No Giants super Bowls.

Speaker 5 (01:47:30):
I'm just saying it's got to be enough to buy
a sports team, and like or I'd probably buy the Bruins.

Speaker 3 (01:47:38):
I'd be sick.

Speaker 4 (01:47:39):
I'd be sick to own a hockey Dude, owning a
hockey team. It's not as profitable as the other ones, obviously,
but I feel.

Speaker 3 (01:47:45):
Like it's cooler. Yeah, you Canadians all day. Yeah, Like
hockey players are just cool. Yeah, you don't have to
deal with that.

Speaker 4 (01:47:52):
They don't act like complete dickheads like other pros as
much like it's all about the team.

Speaker 3 (01:47:56):
Everything they do is for the team.

Speaker 4 (01:47:58):
It's all for the boys, and like you're just a
fucking legend in your city forever if you win one.

Speaker 3 (01:48:05):
Yeah. Great question, Mundo, Great question, buddy. Next up, we
got josh Tree Caudle at Joshua Tree seven one three
on Twitter and he kind of this is a callback
to last week. We were talking about LEMNO and I
thought that it was like all one word or one
letter when I was growing up, like when I was

like five, and Pat said they had to change the
way that they do the alphabet song because kids were
getting confused. So I wasn't the only one. Josh says,
because we tell you to ask us what colors things are,
they don't have colors. Josh says, what color are the
letters L, M, N, O, and P.

Speaker 5 (01:48:45):
Well, P is green and oh's orange. I think ella
is yellow.

Speaker 3 (01:48:50):

Speaker 5 (01:48:50):
This is just I'm just telling you what I think.

Speaker 3 (01:48:52):
This is.

Speaker 4 (01:48:53):
This is what I think of when I said I
immediately thought in order. I was like L for some reason, yellow,
M blue, I'm not sure of N, but O orange
and P is green. P is definitely green because packers
for me.

Speaker 3 (01:49:05):

Speaker 5 (01:49:06):
And then oh, just orange.

Speaker 4 (01:49:07):
It had to be orange because I couldn't think of
anything else. N. I'm struggling with N. I don't know
what color Enn is gonna be. I feel like I
feel like Enna is more of an orange than.

Speaker 3 (01:49:17):
I feel like. Oh. N came to me fastest and
it was red. Oh, I'll give purple.

Speaker 4 (01:49:24):
I don't see that any of them as a red.
None of those letters look read to me. Uh, I
guess someone, Yeah, Oh is purple and Enna is orange?

Speaker 3 (01:49:32):
What do you got?

Speaker 6 (01:49:33):
Robert see, I misread the question. I misunderstood. I thought
he was saying it as a group, because that's how
they're always said.

Speaker 3 (01:49:42):
So if okay, all of them together, what color do
you think? I close my eyes as you say it.
I'm gonna think of one too. Element O P.

Speaker 6 (01:49:50):
I thought yellow.

Speaker 3 (01:49:51):
Yeah, I thought yellow. I just saw brown in my
eyes and I closed because all the colors mushed together.
For you, that's gotta be.

Speaker 5 (01:49:59):
I'm sitting there and I'm like closing my eyes. I'm trying.
It was element.

Speaker 3 (01:50:02):
Element is brown to me but yellow to you guys,
but we don't know. And to me it sounds like lemon. Ah, okay,
lemon yellow. Okay, Well do you wanna so that's yeah,
that's a fine answer. That's a fin answer. You didn't
know how how it was one hundred percent. I have

L is red, M is yellow, N is red, Oh
is green, and PA is yellow. Did you say L
and N are both red? Yeah? And I have two
red reds. Dude. I I just think of the letter,
close my eyes with the letter and whatever color I
picture it first, like that's what it is, m all.

Speaker 5 (01:50:46):
Except because either yellow or blue because Michigan.

Speaker 3 (01:50:49):
Oh maybe that was subconsciously and maybe is Nebraska? Nebraska
the red in that's literally their logo red. I'm just
in college. I'm just doing Oh is green? Yellow? Is pee? Oregon? Oh? Yeah,

I guess, but Oregon could also be the O is Yeah,
but Oregon is green?

Speaker 6 (01:51:15):

Speaker 3 (01:51:17):
And then p pittsrick pirates but also yell pe is
yellow too, Okay, so.

Speaker 5 (01:51:23):
All the other ones that made sense for college and
then pres p yeallow, I.

Speaker 3 (01:51:26):
Know, I really thought I got closed my eyes and
I was like, I may say each letter to myself,
and what color pops up, that's the color. And two
of them popped up bread, two of them poppedup yellow.
I was trying to mix it around.

Speaker 5 (01:51:35):
I don't know, actually that that makes a lot of
sense yours.

Speaker 3 (01:51:38):
That's how I mean. I don't know what your what
your method is of finding colors of numbers and letters.

Speaker 5 (01:51:42):
I didn't know we could do double. You're saying that,
like I was, I was for sure green.

Speaker 3 (01:51:47):
Close your eyes.

Speaker 5 (01:51:48):
He is still going to be green for me. But
oh was definitely also green.

Speaker 3 (01:51:52):
Here's a weird one. Close your eyes. Everybody ready, okay,
ampersand the amber sand sign the symbol gray.

Speaker 5 (01:52:03):
I'm getting black.

Speaker 6 (01:52:04):
I got black, black, I got black.

Speaker 5 (01:52:07):
No color came around it.

Speaker 3 (01:52:08):
It was just a symbol. Yeah great, that's almost no color. Okay,
so I'm gonna go black. Black's fine, that's fine. It's
just the color of text. That's what it is. I
hope somebody is like their wife got in the car
with them while they're like, hey, I'm pick you up,
and she's like, what the fuck are you listening? You?
Let letters don't have colors? They do? They? All? Right?

Keep us, keep us going with those guys. I like this.
This is a makes our brain turn to a different
area than it doesn't usually deftly one more weird one.
Let me think of something, all right, backslash blue blue.

Speaker 5 (01:52:51):
I'm getting I'm getting like an orange.

Speaker 6 (01:52:53):
Getting an orange.

Speaker 3 (01:52:54):
I got like a green.

Speaker 6 (01:52:56):
Wild wild.

Speaker 3 (01:52:59):
This is who stuff articulate. Thanks for the submission, Josh,
that's awesome. Colors are l M and Obie. Oh this
is a timely one. It's the very time he went
from alex O at alex macthunder one power rank James

Earl Jones characters he passed away this week US five
James Earl Jones movie characters that he's played all right,
power rank James Earl Jones characters he gives us Darth Vader,
mufassa King Jaffe Joffer from Coming to America, the Beast's
owner from the Sandlot, and Terrence Mann, the writer from
Field of Dreams. I'll go, I'll go Darth Vader one

Vader one Vader one number two, the guy that owned
the Beast on the Sandlot, because like he was a G.
Like that guy was an absolute g. He was like
they thought he was gonna music. Why didn't you just
knock on the front door. I would have let you in.
Squint was Hercules was a dog name Hercules. He wouldn't

har a fly. It's like, dude, those kids wasteed the
whole summer scared of this dog. This dog would have
been a good boy.

Speaker 5 (01:54:11):
He didn't waste though.

Speaker 3 (01:54:12):
They had a great time memories. I get that. So
that's why I put Beasts Owner. Second third is Mufasa
because it's like super iconic. It's like sad ending though.
I don't want that to eat that next EPs or
King Joffy from Coming to America because I don't I
didn't really remember he was in Field of Dreams. I

feel like his character wasn't that big of a deal,
was he? It was very big? I don't mean it was.
I've seen Field of Dreams one time. Maybe that's not
a gun, it's your finger, okay, yep, yeah yeah no,
people will come ray build it. They will no. So
I just I had the least amount of memory of

that guy. So he was five, So I go Darth Vader,
Owner of the Beast from sand Lot, move Fasa, King
Jeoffrey Jaffer from Coming to America, and then Terrence Man
from Field of Dreams.

Speaker 4 (01:55:09):
So I got Evader's gotta be one fucking like the
most iconic voice in movie history of the most iconic villain.

Speaker 3 (01:55:17):
Okay, yeah uh.

Speaker 4 (01:55:18):
Two, this is where it's two and three. I can
probably flip flop either one of these. I just change
up from you. I'll go to is Terrence Man from
Field of Dreams. Oh yeah, dude, Actually, he's so so
good in that. And then three is the beast owner
in sand Lot. All right, it's just like when I
picture him, I picture those two roles. That's like I'm

picturing picture and just all the lines from him, and
then three King Javi Joffer and then or sorry, four
King Joffer and then five move fasa. The only reason
fasas five is just because you don't see him. Yeah,
he dies, and the other three like you, I could
see his face with it too, And but yeah, that's all.

Speaker 5 (01:56:01):
I might have to watch Field Dreams tonight, I think
is the play.

Speaker 3 (01:56:04):
He's so good in that. I just remember not being
as impressed with the Field of Dreams.

Speaker 4 (01:56:08):
It's so good, dude, at the end when they invite
him and raised like visually, I build this whole thing like,
it's not your time. When you shut up, we're taking him.
Then'll be a bitch. Re Leo is basically just like
fuck you God damn it.

Speaker 3 (01:56:25):
All right, would you got Robert? All right?

Speaker 6 (01:56:27):
My number one will be Mufasa all right, that's the
one I've seen him in, okay him, seen heard him
in whatever. By default, that's my number one. Number two,
I'm gonna go dar Darth Vader just because I know
that reference so much more. It's more pronounceding like pop culture. Yeah, exactly.

Number three, I'm going the Beast Sonar from the Sandlot
just because I like that named the Beasts sound cool.

Speaker 3 (01:56:59):
Played with ba X.

Speaker 4 (01:57:00):
What you don't know about this movie? His character played
with Baby Ruth back in the day and was a
better hitter. George Fastball hit him up high.

Speaker 5 (01:57:07):
Went blind way.

Speaker 3 (01:57:09):
I didn't know that sad story. I don't know if
you know this, but heroes get remembered, the legends never die.
Follow your heart kid.

Speaker 6 (01:57:16):
Number four, I'm going with King Jeoffe Joffer because to
me it sounds like King Jeoffrey from Game of Thrones
and he was a bad guy.

Speaker 3 (01:57:25):
But do you have you seen King Joffrey? I have
not he has like literally like just like a lion
skin around rapped around him like a he's a king thing.
Yeah it's awesome, but his name sounds like mcdowells. He
likes his he likes his burgers. Yeah, he's an awesome dude.

Speaker 6 (01:57:39):
So that that just knocks him down a little bit.
And then lastly will be Terrence Mann because he's just
a man. Thats just like that, and then nothing cool
about that, just the regular man, not a king, not
a beast.

Speaker 3 (01:57:50):
He wrote a great book, just okay, So what dude.
Lots of people write books. Not everybody gets to go
off into a cornfield with a bunch of ghosts.

Speaker 5 (01:57:59):

Speaker 3 (01:58:00):
Baseball players, I don't believe it.

Speaker 5 (01:58:02):
I think we should like make Robert watch all those
baseball movies.

Speaker 3 (01:58:05):
Don't watch Field of Dreams. Field Dreams is great. Watch
Sandlot Sound, Field Dreams Sound Sandlot, Watch Coming to America.

Speaker 5 (01:58:13):
Over the Field dream The Love of the Game.

Speaker 3 (01:58:17):
Hey, you could watch that one. The Rookie.

Speaker 5 (01:58:22):
I think you'd enjoy The ROOKIEOOKI is really good too.

Speaker 6 (01:58:25):
The only baseball movie I've seen is Moneyball.

Speaker 3 (01:58:30):
Great gets on Bass.

Speaker 5 (01:58:32):
I gotta watch the you gotta watch the Costner Trio though.

Speaker 3 (01:58:35):
You've never even seen Hardball. No, the Cocumbas dude.

Speaker 4 (01:58:39):
I think out of all those, I think his the
least favorite Baseball movie would probably be Bull Durham.

Speaker 3 (01:58:45):
Or Field of Dreams.

Speaker 5 (01:58:46):
No, I think he would really enjoy Field of Dreams.
I think he would like it. It's a good story.
But Bull Durham, I feel like it, just the crassness
of it.

Speaker 3 (01:58:55):
I don't think you enjoy You like Whitney Cummings. I
think like Whitney, he's bad boy. Robert now know what
he posted on his Instagram. He was like, saw Whitney
comedies the first time. I'm a fan.

Speaker 6 (01:59:09):
Well that's what Sam posted.

Speaker 3 (01:59:11):
Well you were tagged in it, so I saw it,
and Robert you co signed basically, which meant you said
the same thing essentially, all right, And then you said
you agreed with everything Trump said last night too, So
obviously you are a big Trump guy too. Good question, Yeah,
great question, Alex, so great questreat powerings. Keep those coming, guys,

I guess not the James ol Jones. We can't really
do that, but that was a good one off. Todd
voss at as Underscore seen Underscore by Underscore TV on
Twitter says, if apples keep doctors away, are there any
other fruits or vegetables that have repellent properties?

Speaker 4 (01:59:49):
I know Durian fruit. If you eat it, everyone's going
to stay away from you because it fucking stinks.

Speaker 3 (01:59:53):
Oh okay, that's a good repellent property. I feel like
as I e. Berries are in everything, like all of
the like online like weird ads that they try and
sugar like this Assie berry extract.

Speaker 5 (02:00:07):
That's a repellent because it's expensive.

Speaker 3 (02:00:10):
Yeah, I feel like though it's uh, that's that would
be mine. I think that seems like it's good. It
fixes everything, every like healing everything it says it fixes.
I I don't know if it does, but it seems
like it does that. And if an apple a day
keeps the doctor with maybe eight hundred thousand assi berries
keeps the doctor away.

Speaker 4 (02:00:29):
If you're the guy that goes around telling girls all
the time, like you go out of your way to
tell them that you eat pineapple, that's probably a chick repellent.

Speaker 3 (02:00:35):
Oh yeah, that's a really good one.

Speaker 5 (02:00:37):
Yeah, I guess think pineapple cool. I'll never know.

Speaker 3 (02:00:45):
Get away from me before I call the cops. Great point. Do.

Speaker 5 (02:00:50):
I not think of any veggie repellents. I don't know.

Speaker 6 (02:00:56):
Doesn't mint repel something?

Speaker 3 (02:00:58):
Mint repels bugs? Actually does it? I believe? So okay,
that's a fun fast.

Speaker 4 (02:01:02):
Yeah, you've got like little fruit flies. You leave some
mint out, it'll like there's something about the scent, like
it were the oils it releases. They don't like it.

Speaker 5 (02:01:11):
I forgot about that. Good good job, Bobby.

Speaker 3 (02:01:14):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (02:01:14):
If you eat a lot of bananas, that's probably chick repellent,
probably just like you look weird eating bananas a man. Well,
if if we were to do, if we were to
do man on the street, I guarantee you like any
dick shaped thing that you eat. There's always the junk
girls like that's just an ick. Everything's yeah, I'm I'm

gonna stick. But that's that's a pretty good list. I
say berries, pineapple. It's the first one.

Speaker 5 (02:01:44):
You said steamed broccoli smells like farts?

Speaker 3 (02:01:47):
Was it? Duran fruit? Durian Durian fruit.

Speaker 5 (02:01:51):
Steam broccoli smells like farts.

Speaker 3 (02:01:53):
So people, that's kind of a person repellent. Who farted?

Speaker 5 (02:01:56):
No, we just fucking cooked broccoli in the backshop.

Speaker 3 (02:01:58):
Yeah, it's good, it's good. Questions. Yeah, good question, Todd.
All right, let's move on to this is Kenya Valdez
at Kenyata Mandada on Twitter and she says, why is
joshing around a phrase? What did Josh even?

Speaker 7 (02:02:18):

Speaker 3 (02:02:19):
I mean?

Speaker 5 (02:02:20):
In my experience, have you ever known a Josh that
just wasn't a silly goose?

Speaker 3 (02:02:28):

Speaker 5 (02:02:29):
Yeah, no, So what Josh?

Speaker 3 (02:02:31):
We grew up with? What I did the silliest of
gooses was I googled what is the origin of the
meaning just joshing? And this is one hundred percent accurate
because I thought of the news. All right, this might
just be a concept of what the origin of it was.
But the phrase just joshing originated in the eighteen hundreds

and has a playful and lighthearted meaning you used to
describe engaging in harmless teasing or joking with someone. Here
is a breakdown of the origin the term region. Yeah,
I don't know, I'm reading it live. But joshing is
derived from the name of a famous American humorist named
Josh Billings, whose real name was Henry Wheeler Shaw. He
was known for his humorous writings and lectures, often intentional

misspellings and malappropriatesms to convey his point. Due to his
popularity in the nineteenth century, people started using josh as
a verb meaning to make fun of or engage in
lighthearted teasing. This led to the term joshing being born
as a way to describe playful, banter and good natured joking.

Speaker 5 (02:03:32):
I buy it.

Speaker 3 (02:03:33):
Look, dude, let me see if there's another one that's
similar to it. No, I think that makes one more
all right, This is Reddit. That was the original. This
has Reddit. It's even more reliable. It can be found
from the eighteen hundreds of a man named Josh Tatum
noticed that nichols minted in eighteen eighty three were almost
the same as five dollar gold pieces in terms of

size of design. He and his friend began to electroplate
these coins and pass them off. This five dollars piece
is eventually amassing a small fortune before being caught. Okay,
so playing a prank money fraud, fraud or pranking?

Speaker 5 (02:04:12):
Uh yeah, the first one better? That was more lighthearted.

Speaker 3 (02:04:16):
Josh was just a funny guy. Josh mirandas thought to
origin the eighteenth century, driving from the phrase josh, which
was used as a verb meaning to tease it or joke.
I'm gonna go with that. That's two out of three. Okay,
it's two three. I'm not doing any more research. That's
I saw it on the internet. That's all I need
to know.

Speaker 5 (02:04:31):
All Josh's are just like little jokers.

Speaker 3 (02:04:33):
Yeah, just if you're Josh around. Josh Tatum just was
a jokester dude. Back in the day, they were like this,
this fucking Josh are over Really.

Speaker 5 (02:04:42):
Josh, Josh Domel. He seems like a fun guy.

Speaker 3 (02:04:44):
Josh is around a lot at that Josh. That guy
Josh is around. Oh, he's a big Josher. That's a great,
great question. And I feel like we all learned a
little bit today, or learned absolute nonsense that we just
proved we tried to learn. We Yeah, we gave it
the old college try. If you count that as just
googling it and then looking at the first three answers.

That's what I did in college, pretty much what I
did too. And I had to figure out how to
site from Wikipedia without citing from Wikipedia. You're the sources
at the bottom, and let me use this.

Speaker 5 (02:05:13):
I didn't have to do a lot of sourcing in college.

Speaker 3 (02:05:15):
I fucking hated that. And then whatever a bibliography is
like every teacher is like, got a different way you
get to like present it, and it's like, I don't
fucking know, dude, just give me just take off ten points.
You know, figure high school, all you learned was the
MLA format.

Speaker 4 (02:05:27):
Well now in college you have to use AMA and
it's gonna be the same exact thing that's completely different
and it'll hurt your score if you don't do it right.
How about I just tell you where I got the information?
Why does it have to be perfectly cited? I'm not
gonna be writing papers. I'm a fucking criminal justice major.

Speaker 5 (02:05:42):
You know.

Speaker 3 (02:05:42):
It's sick and I'm not a good one. Never had
to do a bibliography once since since college? Yeah, crazy,
it's almost like we don't need those.

Speaker 5 (02:05:50):
And it was really like freshman sophomore year after that.
I don't think I ever had one.

Speaker 3 (02:05:53):
In English classes. I had to do it. There's a
good question, Kenya, good question. Our last question of the
week comes from Mikey Paul. It's just Mikey p on Twitter,
and Mikey says, why do men's haircuts ever cost more
than ten dollars?

Speaker 5 (02:06:09):

Speaker 4 (02:06:10):
Also, I think, like I get it, like it should
be tenets of men's haircut. Simple, I mean I always
think of.

Speaker 3 (02:06:16):
It in like twelve bucks, dude, I like, I'll pay
like twenty b.

Speaker 4 (02:06:21):
I remember I used to like when I would get
my haircut from time to time, it would be like
twelve bucks.

Speaker 5 (02:06:26):
I'd hand the guy at twenty Yeah, but like I
appreciate it.

Speaker 4 (02:06:30):
You were a good barber. This is a barber shop.
I like the environment, and you didn't try and talk
my ear off. Yeah here's a tip, but like when
they do, watch ellen, this is a straight up haircut. Okay,
I can see that, but then yeah, you just talk
out to inflation.

Speaker 3 (02:06:44):
If you get a buzz cut, yeah, it'll probably.

Speaker 5 (02:06:46):
Be ten bucks.

Speaker 3 (02:06:47):
But if you just get like a regular haircut, if
they do the wash before or the wash after too,
like that's worth it to me, Like I would pay.

Speaker 5 (02:06:54):
He's saying a men's haircut, I'd go.

Speaker 3 (02:06:56):
To get a man. I want a man's haircut.

Speaker 4 (02:06:58):
You think of a man's haircut, you think of you
should see the thing and they cut your hair. That's
no wash, no like weird treatments. I'm thinking, like, what
are you gonna get in a barber shop?

Speaker 3 (02:07:08):
I go to I'm gone to it's no free ads,
but right, it's a male chickens name. I go to
that place and that's got like the little barber spiral
thing on it, and they're always all right, get back
in the chair, and they wash your.

Speaker 4 (02:07:20):
Hairs at like a new age hipstery type place anything
kind of yeah, like I'm talking about like.

Speaker 5 (02:07:26):
Like a barber shop, the one on Mason Road. Growing up,
you know what.

Speaker 3 (02:07:29):
I'm saying, It's like they only let whites in.

Speaker 5 (02:07:34):
I didn't say that, but now that you mention it,
I don't really remember ever seeing anybody but old white guys.

Speaker 6 (02:07:38):
At this point. I'm kind of like spoiled by the
hair washing. Afterwards, I don't have to worry about it
when I get home or yeah, if I have somewhere
else to go, I can't. I can just go to
that place.

Speaker 5 (02:07:47):
The best is when they do your hair's cut and like,
done you wash it when you get home?

Speaker 3 (02:07:52):
Are you talkuse you have loose hairs?

Speaker 6 (02:07:53):

Speaker 3 (02:07:55):

Speaker 5 (02:07:55):
They blew it all off and everything.

Speaker 3 (02:07:57):
They don't do this, and then you'll see all.

Speaker 5 (02:07:59):
The wildly different haircuts growing up.

Speaker 3 (02:08:02):
No. I like though sometimes I will like I'll like
throwing a little extra if they'll do the they wash
it before and then their haircuts it, and then they
wash it after. That's that's it. Like I would just
pay ten dollars to have somebody just rubbing my head
for however long it takes me to do that. That's
my favorite.

Speaker 4 (02:08:18):
It was to the point where, like growing up, I
would always go with my dad to his place to
when the first time I went to like uh no,
frige ads, but schmaete schmutz.

Speaker 3 (02:08:27):
Uh huh and uh.

Speaker 5 (02:08:30):
It was like a pretty girl and she was like
all nice and talk to me and I was like,
I don't like this at all.

Speaker 3 (02:08:34):
I don't like this. That is your day. Like I
shut up.

Speaker 4 (02:08:37):
I was like, no, I don't want sports on there
and people talking to me. I want an old guy
who's slightly overweight and has been doing nothing but cutting
hair for the last forty five years. Yeah, he'll he'll
give you a quick little something. He's probably talking to
another guy that's just sitting in the barber shop.

Speaker 3 (02:08:52):
The whole time.

Speaker 4 (02:08:53):
One of the other guys is waiting for someone else
to show in, so he's just reading the paper next
to his thing, and at some point somebody's gonna say
something else sports, it'll spark a thirty second conversation and
that's it.

Speaker 5 (02:09:03):
That's a barbershop to me.

Speaker 3 (02:09:05):
My friend, my friend Ali will come cut my hair
and she like she does it professionally, but she'll come
to my apartment or like I'll go to my brother's
house and she'll do like my haircut and my brothers
or my dad's or whatever. But like that's the ship too.
It's like just having somebody that you're like, I don't
do the thing you did last time. I don't like
if you have Alex, what do you want? I don't know.
I don't know make it.

Speaker 5 (02:09:24):
They look like this, but like less like this. I'm
also like this, I'm so bad.

Speaker 4 (02:09:29):
We wish or wish we had a black guy sitting
here too, to expect completely different culture.

Speaker 3 (02:09:36):
Yeah, i'd imagine, I'd imagine.

Speaker 5 (02:09:38):
So my whole thing is, yeah, I want to go
to a barber shop where nobody talks. That's not what
I saw in the movie.

Speaker 3 (02:09:45):
That's where people are going to talk.

Speaker 5 (02:09:47):
And coming to America.

Speaker 3 (02:09:48):
That is not how the barb to talk. All Right,
that was a good question, Mikey, that's a good question.

Speaker 5 (02:09:56):
Yeah, did it just take me to wish for the
first time that we had a token black Eye on
the show.

Speaker 3 (02:10:01):
Chris was on the show for a while.

Speaker 5 (02:10:03):
Yeah, but not with me.

Speaker 3 (02:10:05):
He wasn't a token.

Speaker 5 (02:10:06):
It was just a coz that's what I said. I
was like, I feel like that just sounded like I
wished for a token black Eye.

Speaker 3 (02:10:12):
Did sound like that. It's exactly he said. It's pretty
much Tolkien O Lord of the Rings fan.

Speaker 5 (02:10:19):
Those people don't realize his full name was jokin' rokin' Tolkien.

Speaker 3 (02:10:25):
All right, let's wrap this motherfucker up. I am at
Ali J. Middleton. Pat Is that not Pat? Dan Roberts
at Robert Barbosa zero three On all socials. We are
at pass Gray Pod on all socials. Go subscribe to
our Twitter, Instagram, our TikTok, our Facebook page. Fucking subscribe
to the YouTube channel. If you haven't already, what are
you doing? Go get your friend's computer or their phone

and then hit subscribe on our YouTube channel for them
as well. Share us with a friend and tell a
friend to tell a friend to give us a five
stur of You and iTunes, Spotify, I Heart Radio whever
us you're listening. If you're watching us on YouTube, click
play on the audio version so we can get double
the clicks on that again, whoever can do all twenty
six alphabet letters in order, you gotta go a B
C D all the way through without being interrupted on

the YouTube of this podcast, we will we will give
you a a Gravy Gang twenty twenty four shirt on us.
All right, that could all be yours for just spamming
the comments. Really, and that's all we're asking. Hell, yeah,
it's not too much. What else did that? That's about it? Huh?
That's about December twenty First, don't forget spectacular. We remember that.

This week. Let's end up with a random celebrity generator.
Here person. I pulled it up on mister October Reggie Jackson.
All right, Pat, who you got?

Speaker 5 (02:11:47):
Come on, Ernie?

Speaker 3 (02:11:48):
You know who I'm gonna be Barkley, all right, Well
about you, Albert, I'll go Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift.

Speaker 5 (02:11:55):
Hailey waiting on that endorsement, weren't you.

Speaker 3 (02:11:58):
I'm gonna go Rob Wriggle Rob Briggle because he popped
up on it once last week.

Speaker 5 (02:12:03):
I thought you're gonna take James Jones, Tim Ali.

Speaker 3 (02:12:11):
Al right, we get three, right, we get three? That
was a bad, bad one.

Speaker 5 (02:12:21):
John Man talked about him.

Speaker 3 (02:12:23):
We did talk about you.

Speaker 5 (02:12:23):
Damn it should come on, Charles Knucklehead.

Speaker 3 (02:12:28):
Natalie Cole is. Natalie Cole said, Nat King Cole unforgettable.
Miss you like it's happy. I never lasted.

Speaker 5 (02:12:37):
Oh okay, I have heard of.

Speaker 3 (02:12:41):
Bernadette Peters, No, Elvis Costello, no ended on that. All right,
that's Patagoras. If you had Pythagoras on your Celebrity Generator
Bengo card, you won. All right, guys, have a great
rest of your week. Thanks for turn in. This is
my favorite part of the week because my team makes
me hate a lot of things, and I do not

hate doing this podcast.

Speaker 5 (02:13:03):
It'll be sure for each other, buddy.

Speaker 3 (02:13:04):
Yeah, we're gonna get through this. I appreciate you guys
being a part of the Gravy Gang and spending your
time with us this week. We love you, guys. Have
a great rest of your week. Go Packers, Go Giants,
Fuck the Cowboys, Fuck the Eagles, Past the Gravy of Bitches.

Speaker 1 (02:13:19):
Bravy Gang Gang Gang, Baby Power, the Top and lead
spreads as wait Listen it's a past the Gray Gray
Well go and fishing for your bitch Today with Chunk
and Houston Houston Baby. Now we go ahead and link.

Speaker 3 (02:13:40):
We'll get rich today. Bitch, bitch,
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