Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Gravy Gang, Gang Gang baby powder top and lead spread.
Speaker 2 (00:10):
As we listen, it's a past the gray gray we
go and fishing for your bitch today with chunk and
Houston neck, Houston Bay.
Speaker 1 (00:19):
Now we go ahead and let you we'll get rich today.
Speaker 2 (00:22):
Nish bitch, gravy, gravy, Gravy Gang. What's going on?
Speaker 3 (00:31):
Speaker 2 (00:32):
Happy gravy day. It's past the Gravy Episode five hundred
and eighty six. Alex pat and Bobby jokes back again
to wish you a happy gravy day, even though already
said that how's it going gang?
Speaker 3 (00:46):
Great? You look great, buddy, Thanks man, you're very colorful
my color fans in the wearing a black shirt, black
shirt with pink and purple and blue on it, with
a hat that is black and has pink and purple.
Unintentionally mad, do you look like Emma dressed you today?
She didn't, well, I mean I know she didn't, because
I'm pretty sure she also wouldn't have dressed you in that.
But like you're mad.
Speaker 2 (01:11):
Seahorse against gender rules.
Speaker 3 (01:15):
I just assume any dude that looks semi well put together,
I'm like a woman dressed you because I can't do it.
I just I just know fashion, dude. See I don't
not a fashion guy. A fashion guy. You know how
far my fashion sense goes flannel.
Speaker 2 (01:29):
I was like, you were in a flannel, that's okay fashion.
Speaker 3 (01:31):
It was cool this morning, so I put it on.
Speaker 2 (01:33):
Was it because there was that guy and that commented
and asked if you just wear the same clothes every week?
Speaker 3 (01:38):
No, it's literally because itube channel. When I woke up
this morning, it was really cold in my room and
I checked the weather and it was like sixty four
degrees outside. So I put on a flannel, and by
the time I got to work, which was like a
thirty minute drive, I no longer needed the flannel.
Speaker 2 (01:52):
I think that plays. But it was cozy everywhere, but
especially in Texas. It's really funny when you noticed it
where it's like today was the first day that was
like eighty five. When you wake up, it's early fancies.
Girls like we're whipping out the fucking ugs, Like, oh
my god, it's sweater weather. It's like it's gonna be
ninety today. Chill out girls are so ready for Han
solo season. I got my fur.
Speaker 3 (02:15):
This is like I was saying to Robert beforehand, from
like five am to seven am. It's flannel season. The
rest of the day is not yet, flanner, it's time
you get to work.
Speaker 2 (02:22):
You don't need it.
Speaker 3 (02:23):
Yeah, Well, and then I didn't. I still had it
on for like a while before we opened. It's cozy
a lumberjack. I was all, dude, I was so cozy
at work today. Yeah. And then by the time we opened,
I took it off because I was like, I'm gonna
be moving around. I will sweat through this thing. But
you know, I'm just I'm ready the cold weather. It's
it's here in the mornings now, it's the first step
we have cold mornings. We're almost a cozy weather. Dude.
I like, so hockey just started. I had to find
my my Bruins hoodie that I put on during the
game was not clean. I gotta I gotta get ready.
I gotta clean all of my hoodies, a good hoodie,
cleaning session, coat closet. Nope, that doesn't smell. It didn't
stink or anything, but literally sounds.
Speaker 2 (03:03):
Like it's been a it hasn't been washed.
Speaker 3 (03:05):
So we all know. I'm a slob. Uh. Since the
end of hockey season. I literally I took the hoodie
off and I threw it in a ball in the
corner of my room with my other two hoodies. Guess
where I picked the hoodie up from. They were all
still in a ball on the.
Speaker 2 (03:22):
People say that we're not organized.
Speaker 3 (03:23):
If you do that, I know where my shit is.
Speaker 2 (03:25):
I know exactly where all this stuff is.
Speaker 3 (03:27):
It's just got some you know, dog hair and shit
on it.
Speaker 2 (03:29):
That's Okaya's character.
Speaker 3 (03:30):
I probably have dog here on me right now.
Speaker 2 (03:32):
That's how I live behind. People should like dogs.
Speaker 3 (03:35):
That's probably why dog you know, that's probably why dogs
have always liked me. Because you like dog, you like me, Yeah,
like I smell dog on you. Yeah, because I'm a friend.
Speaker 2 (03:43):
All any sense, Well, dogs do love Robert, and Robert
don't dogs. It's really just hang out dogs. Not tell anybody.
Speaker 3 (03:51):
I know.
Speaker 4 (03:52):
I would never do that.
Speaker 3 (03:52):
I didn't think so not to equate women to dogs.
But it's like, well, Robert just got ready to mute
my mic right there. I was gonna say. It's like
when trying to attract a woman, if you act interested,
they're not going to be interested. If you're all aloof
then they want your attention. That's how Robert is with dogs.
He just ignores them and they're like, I love you,
that's what it's not. I feel like it's not a
weird stretch. And you guys are just getting silent on me.
I don't like that.
Speaker 2 (04:19):
You lost me at the word a loof. I know
what it means, but that's a fun word.
Speaker 3 (04:24):
What if I said a floof?
Speaker 2 (04:25):
So it makes sense for dogs that place too?
Speaker 3 (04:27):
There you go that place too?
Speaker 2 (04:31):
Wait wout you guys? Would you want to start us
off with preakme segment Robert for those listeners.
Speaker 3 (04:38):
You know what Robert has, sadness and despair. That's what
Robert has.
Speaker 2 (04:42):
We'll get to that. We'll get to that here in
pre come I can go. Do you guys think that
October is the worst month in the year to be
a ghost because it seems like it might be the best,
But I feel like it's the best if you're not
a ghost, and if you're a ghost, it probably sucks.
Is like, you just mind your own business. And then
one month a year people were like, Wow, let's go
to the cemetery, let's go on tours, and you're like,
I'm just fucking hanging out, dude. I mean, if I
find me, come on, do some hauntings. And they want
you to do all this stuff. You're like, I don't
want to do it because you want me to do it.
I want to do it because it scares you, and
I want to sneak up on people like I don't
want to feel like a job. I'm dead, bro, I'm
just relaxing.
Speaker 3 (05:22):
If I was a ghost, ye, it would be the
worst because I'm an introvert. Now, if you're an extrovert
ghost October's the best people are trying to find you,
looking out waiting for messages from the beyond, and you
can actually communicate, that'd be a great one, but not
for me. I want to be left alone. I like, honestly,
the worst punishment I could have in death would not
be hell. It would be being a ghost. Like, I
gotta fucking still be here. This sucks so bad. I
finally got rid of this body and I'm still just
hanging out at fucking Lubies.
Speaker 2 (05:51):
You'd be hanging out at Luby's probably.
Speaker 3 (05:53):
I've never been to a Loubis in my life, but
they're we're gonna make you hont Lubies. I feel like
you can the way you were who made the rule? Well,
why is that?
Speaker 2 (06:02):
Gaveral movies that I've seen. I feel like I'm based
all of my ghost knowledge on those movies and television shows.
Speaker 3 (06:09):
I think if you're a ghost, that's some sort of punishment,
and it would be an even funnier punishment by whoever's
doing the punishing that like you're haunting somewhere you're not
even familiar with.
Speaker 2 (06:17):
You're just lost, which is why you're even crankier.
Speaker 3 (06:20):
That's why, like ghosts can't really be contacted or because
they don't know where they are, why do they suddenly
disappear because they're not used to their surroundings there.
Speaker 2 (06:27):
Oh this is dude, This is scary castle to me too.
Speaker 1 (06:30):
Speaker 3 (06:30):
What if ghosts are just scared they're terrified like all
those like oh human, this is an old mission where
everybody in it was murdered. We're gonna go talk to
the spirits and the spirit It's like, I fucking hate
it here, man, this is spooky as shit, like that
that show Ghosts.
Speaker 2 (06:46):
I'm terrified of ghosts and I know myself I'm a ghost,
and I terrify myself.
Speaker 3 (06:49):
Like that show Ghosts. That like if I was a ghost,
that'd be awful big. Not only do I have to
interact with all these other ghosts are all from different
time periods and have stories and want me to listen
to them. Ugh, I don't want to do that.
Speaker 2 (07:00):
Yeah, and I have to hear old life story the time.
The ghosts probably just ramble on. But I do feel
like October sucks to be a ghost because like it's
just a bunch of like fair weather fans. Like if
you're a real hardcore ghost fan, it's like you appreciate
the ghosts, and these are a bunch of just fanboys
that go out and get hammered on on Saint Patti's
Day and New Year's Eve, and it's like that's those
are the ghost people that I think the real ghosts are.
Like this fucking sucks. I'm not doing it for you.
I'm doing it for the guy that appreciates me twelve
months out of.
Speaker 1 (07:32):
You, you know.
Speaker 3 (07:33):
I mean you could say December could be depending on
what ghost you are, because if you're the ghost of
Christmas Past, you're only working one day here, You're like,
I gotta go fucking work.
Speaker 1 (07:46):
Speaker 2 (07:46):
Everybody else gets today off. They're all stoked. Now. I
gotta go fucking walk this dude through through his past,
his present, and his possible future and trying to get
a shit out of him.
Speaker 3 (07:55):
Everyone's enjoying themselves with family, and I gotta go to
work and help some guy who's not grateful, like turn
his life around.
Speaker 2 (08:01):
Some guy that makes the fucking dude with a peg
leg kid work until as dark as it can be
on Christmas. Even though I don't want to go help
that guy. That guy needs to figure it out as
on his own.
Speaker 3 (08:12):
He's a seventy year old dickhead. Probably not gonna change.
Speaker 2 (08:15):
Yeah, can't. Old dog new tricks not gonna happens. Go
fix tiny Tim, dude. Why didn't they talk to Tiny Tim?
They're like, hey, we can just make your life awesome.
Speaker 3 (08:24):
Well they remade it, and they did. It was called
the sixth sense.
Speaker 2 (08:28):
Okay, makes sense, That does make sense.
Speaker 3 (08:31):
Ghost talking to kids turns out not that interesting. I
never saw.
Speaker 2 (08:36):
That and now kind of creepy.
Speaker 3 (08:37):
You didn't.
Speaker 2 (08:38):
Well, now you know how it ends. Yeah, six years later,
what else should I have for pre cup seven? Well,
private equity. I want to start a private equity.
Speaker 3 (08:49):
I don't know what that means.
Speaker 2 (08:50):
Fun, I don't really. So I did a little bit
of research and it's basically like a company that doesn't
offer stocks to shareholders and then I think they just
buy stuff. It's always like we're looking at a private
equity fund to get involved in this, and it just
is like you're about to be really rich or a
private equity. Private equity company does it. So let's just
start on private equity company and somehow we're gonna get rich.
Speaker 5 (09:16):
Speaker 2 (09:16):
I think we probably need money to start it. But
what if we don't and we just get rich because
we have a private equity.
Speaker 3 (09:21):
Company, Well, we need a financial backer. So I think
we should just find add Well I was gonna say
a super rich dude. That's just a broc I think
we call it dude Fund and we just invest and
buy companies that are just like shit that dudes love.
Speaker 2 (09:35):
Like dudes rock. Yeah, I mean that's already kind of thing.
Dude's rock is already kind of We said.
Speaker 3 (09:42):
We start a private equity fund where that is our
mission statement is just dudes rock and we just buy
all sorts of ratchet, Like we.
Speaker 2 (09:49):
Buy like go Kart parks, we buy, we buy Hooters.
Speaker 3 (09:52):
When we get enough, we just buy all the shit
that like makes dudes happy. I don't know how we
invest in cool sticks, but dudes love cool sticks. Dude,
like when you're out in the yeah, we should have.
Speaker 2 (10:05):
That'd be really annoying thing to do to whoever's hosting
us in our next our, next to it, I get
the spectacular. It's like everybody has to bring a stick,
and we just picked who has the coolest stick, and
you win a prize. I actually do love that would
be really funny.
Speaker 3 (10:17):
I mean, you just wrote on the coolest.
Speaker 2 (10:18):
String it sticks up everyone and set them down and
then we're like that one, that one's cool, and then
that's it. And if you win, we just spray paint
your stick gold. I give Robert a can of gold
spray paint that I have checked the color for because
I don't trust Robert's eyes. Give you a handshake with
eye contact, and then we're like, Robert, spray, but spray
it down and he sprays and he's like here you go,
but it's wet. And then Robert is like, I don't know,
that's what they told me to do. Now you have
a golden stick.
Speaker 3 (10:46):
That'd be the greatest. The gold the golden stick, that's
a great award. Okay, we might do that to touch
stick cont Also because it's a dude thing, chick's not allowed.
This is this is a dude contest.
Speaker 2 (11:01):
Chicks are allowed, but it has to take a really cool.
Speaker 3 (11:03):
You better bring the cool stick of all time or
else you're not gonna win. Like we will be biased
in the judging the stick.
Speaker 2 (11:07):
Better to see this, Can we tell a stick that
a chick picked, well, I'm not talking a dude stick, no,
because you'd put them all in front of us and like,
I don't want to know who it is that's the
coolest stick. And then whoever had that sticky?
Speaker 3 (11:21):
But people could lie be like that was my stick.
Speaker 2 (11:22):
We'll have to write their name on it. We won't
be looking at it.
Speaker 3 (11:24):
Well, then that's not anonymous.
Speaker 2 (11:25):
We won't look at the names. We'll just look at
like it there's a piece of tape we don't look
at that. I don't know.
Speaker 3 (11:30):
I follow a page where it's just dudes finding cool
sticks that.
Speaker 2 (11:34):
I would like the power to be able to say
this is the coolest stick in the room official stick auditors. Yeah,
so we're gonna do that at our spectacular. Let's mark
that bring sticks that's gonna be really fun for go.
And then what do you do with all the other sticks?
I don't know.
Speaker 3 (11:50):
It's still the people still can take them home. They're
cool sticks, They're just not gonna be gold.
Speaker 2 (11:53):
You guys left and they were eighteen sticks just all
over my restaurant. Well bring it.
Speaker 3 (11:59):
No, bring them to your dogs dogs up sticks.
Speaker 2 (12:01):
True, you could use your fire wood also, so really true,
it's biodegradable. It works. But private private equity company. I
just I'm gonna start just chalking up, like how are
you gonna pay for that private equity company? That's really
just where you can It's like the government, like we're
gonna fund this. How we're gonna we're gonna do it? Okay,
Like private equity company done? How Alex, how are you
gonna pay for this second house that you just bought?
Private equity company? What does that mean? Shut up? Shut up?
I said, PEC.
Speaker 3 (12:36):
We're a company where people give us lots of money
and then we buy other stuff and more people just
give us money.
Speaker 2 (12:41):
Well, let's get the gravy tech interns on the private This.
Speaker 3 (12:44):
Sounds like a pyramid s game to me. And I
don't know how they're not pyramid schemes, right, Like I
think black Rock is a private equity I don't know.
Speaker 2 (12:54):
We don't know enough to be talking about Blackrock probably,
but private equity we are about. We are talking about
that We're gonna start private equity company last night. If
you would like to be involved speaking of private equity companies.
The first thing I actually am going to use to
fund that is my new career that I'm going in.
I'm a music producer. I don't know if you know this.
I saw that maybe there was a void left by
a certain celebrity that may or may and I'd have
been arrested and you know, charged with a bunch of
really fucked up crimes that they allegedly have done over
the past couple of decades. They were a pretty big
music producer, And I was like, what if I'm like
that guy, but like the cool version where I don't
rate people or like have these weird parties where people
get like assaulted and stuff like that. Like I'm just
like the chill, Like, hey.
Speaker 3 (13:37):
We have an astronomical amount of lube.
Speaker 2 (13:40):
Yeah, I don't just have all the lube. What if
I just got into music producing. I'm not going to
do a making the band or anything like that. But
I signed a couple of artists and really the first
artist that I signed, I posted this yesterday. If you
would like to go watch the full version of this.
It is on our all of our socials, I guess.
But this is a pretty kick ass song that that
I got from this this brand new band that I
just signed. It's called Taking Back Gravy. And they were like,
all right, well, what do you want to I was like,
I need you to to give me a song idea,
like you wanted to write a song about what? And
I was like, well, my buddy Robert is a is
a diehard Astros fan. He doesn't care about any other
team in any other sport. But the Astros just lost,
and like, I feel like he's gonna to kill himself,
maybe because he's really upset that the Astros awest. It
would be perfect. There was like an emo song about that,
and they were like saying, no more fam and this
is what we got. This is called no More Jokes
by Taking Back Gravy. It's all royalty free.
Speaker 3 (14:43):
So we're good.
Speaker 1 (14:47):
Shuston dreams just.
Speaker 5 (14:50):
A little turning gray in the shadows.
Speaker 6 (14:54):
He he laughs, smile, now the pain the last while
his theme is out his hardest sworn.
Speaker 1 (15:18):
Every laugh now feels like scorn shot.
Speaker 2 (15:28):
His sperience show. So that's a banger. That's an absolute
banger if if I do say so myself, So shout
out to taking back Gravy again all past the Gavy
socials that is available. It really should be. I mean,
like we do have a Gravy's Award. So the Song
of the Year nominee done, done, immediate Song of the
Year nominee. And then there's another another song I wrote,
so I had to sign. I was trying to sign
like all of the different genres. I wanted to sign
all the artists that you can, and they're all up
and comers. But this is Tim mcgravy is who I signed.
He's an up and coming country artist and he was like, weal, fella,
what should I write a song about? And I was like,
I got another guy to do this podcast with Pat
and he really sucks at gambling and he loves gambling.
And every time like he thinks he figured out how
to win it gambling, he doesn't, and he just keeps
going back to the well. He just keeps losing. If
you could just write a song, but like, maybe, guy,
it sucks a gambling And he was like, all right,
I got you, dog. So this is uh. This is
called I Suck at Gambling by Tim mcgravy, And this
is like how easy he is to write a country
song too, By the.
Speaker 3 (16:49):
Way, yeah this sounds very Nashville. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (16:55):
The table cards.
Speaker 6 (16:57):
Laid out.
Speaker 4 (17:00):
All smile looking dollars.
Speaker 3 (17:02):
And my good, cowboy, I don't think this is the
one you sent.
Speaker 2 (17:05):
Me has got a trick. No matter how I shovel,
I can't even make money stick.
Speaker 5 (17:18):
I can't.
Speaker 1 (17:20):
To save my life.
Speaker 6 (17:22):
But maybe it's my chepy coach like a nine him.
Speaker 7 (17:29):
May I get in.
Speaker 3 (17:32):
I'm love my smile and I'll win that game.
Speaker 2 (17:38):
I've been pretty good, pretty good. And it's a three
minute song. Also yeah, so it's all good stuff, all
very good stuff. And then there was one more and
this is like the least good of all of them.
But I was like, give me like a Mumford and
sung Son's version of like sucking at gambling. And so
this is uh. This is called the Roll of the
Dice by Gravy and Suns and.
Speaker 7 (18:08):
I please my that swiss a trembling hand every game,
I think I understand, but when the final whistleboats.
Speaker 1 (18:17):
On back to zero all my.
Speaker 4 (18:22):
Speaker 3 (18:23):
Actually I like that. It's a bad Irish accent.
Speaker 1 (18:26):
With Fefrey coin and death re chip.
Speaker 2 (18:29):
I think I'll make that Lucky flip, but Lady Luck
just turns her, leaving me counting rocks and stell.
Speaker 5 (18:39):
The dice, spend the wheel on, chasing trees and chase
and froze.
Speaker 1 (18:44):
Maybe next time must strike gold. But now just.
Speaker 2 (18:48):
Feeling so that was not that great. But the other ones,
I mean, the ass gambling that one rocks.
Speaker 3 (18:58):
Dude, we think that Mumford and Sons are Irish.
Speaker 2 (19:02):
I don't know. I didn't write the song. I didn't
write the song, Okay, buddy, I just I tell the artists.
I was like, Gravy and Sons what you got. But so, yeah,
I'm a music producer. Now I might get into the
producing game. I made a music video yesterday. Roberts saw that.
I mean, I'm working on my chops right now. I'm
not necessarily the greatest producer, but.
Speaker 3 (19:20):
I feel Benny Blanco is probably gonna reach out to
you pretty soon, for I would love I would love
to collab with Bennie Blanco. So also, you know, he's
calling me a bad gambler. Somebody didn't lose any of
their bets this weekend on the gravy pic. It's true
and somebody did lose a bet again.
Speaker 2 (19:34):
If you would like to see the uh no More
Jokes by by Taking Back Gravy that is posted on
I retweeted it. I fucking forgot that you can't like
post it more than a two minute video on Twitter
if you don't pay, so I posted it on mine
since I was already VERI fighting. Then I was like,
just re share it on passa so you're good to get.
Speaker 3 (19:53):
So you're good to go.
Speaker 2 (19:54):
But everything else you can watch the full video and
if you ask us to post it, we'll post it
again because if fucking rocks, and we'll also you know what,
why don't we end the podcast with that? We usually
end with our intro, so on again, let's play. Let's
play the full version of No More Jokes from Taking
Back Gravies.
Speaker 3 (20:11):
An absolute banger.
Speaker 2 (20:11):
Yeah, dude, it's pretty sick getting into the music game, now,
you know. I mean, I work on a rock radio station.
It's just like that's obviously why that's the first single
I had to produce. I was like, Emo, I get it,
It's perfect, and like, if you haven't seen the music video,
Robert just great actor right there, great actor in the
whole music video. What we were talking about. We were
talking about you would mention PTG picks on the year
so far if you want to, if you want to
go follow our picks. We don't do the full segment
because not everybody give a shit about gambling and we
don't want to waste your time if you don't. But
at Gravy Gambles is our Twitter account you can go follow,
and every week or every day we post all of
the bets that we make that day. I have not
posted for today's but I will post Royals plus one
and a half. But we do the past the Great
Pick segment. Every Friday at four thirty we post our
picks for that weekend's NFL games. On the season, I
am seven and eight and past that is six eight
and one because Pat went one to oh or he
went two oh and one last week and I went
one or two and one, and so we are. We're
in a heated battle for the season. Through five weeks,
we've each won one of the last two years, and
I brought in a PTG picks punishment idea that I
feel like, you hate every idea I ever bring in,
So I'm expecting this to get shot down, But this
seems like it would be a funny, harmless one. But
I think that, Ah, you get up to three bumper
stickers you get to put on the loser's car if
you win. I can't say, like it can't have a
curse word on it, but it can be just about
anything else. Because I would immediately put like a Ted
Cruz and a Kamala Harris one on yours so that
people wouldn't know who side you were on. That would
be that would be two of them, and then the
other one.
Speaker 1 (21:53):
I don't know.
Speaker 3 (21:54):
Yeah, I thought of one this week two and I
couldn't decide between. It was basically like our waffle bet,
but it was hot dogs and I couldn't decide it
was other fifty or one hundred hogs. It's like you
have to eat one hundred hot dogs before you eat
any so and I was like, that might be a lot.
Maybe we do fifty.
Speaker 2 (22:08):
It's a lot, But yeah, I.
Speaker 3 (22:11):
Actually do like the bumper sticker.
Speaker 2 (22:12):
But bumper stickers not a bad idea.
Speaker 3 (22:13):
I think that might have to be a bumper sticker.
Speaker 2 (22:15):
Bet we had to decide how many, but that would
just be really funny.
Speaker 3 (22:20):
I'm just gonna get you three tool ones, like ask
me about tool.
Speaker 2 (22:25):
You have to drive it around with that tool a holic,
share my car with my wife sometimes serious you have
to drive it and like, damn.
Speaker 3 (22:31):
It, don't play a song for me if it's not
fourteen minutes long and.
Speaker 2 (22:34):
Rambling, I put a honk if your horny one on you.
Speaker 3 (22:39):
I would love that.
Speaker 2 (22:40):
Actually, I've seen some pretty bad bumper stickers last week
where it's just like I could get that. That'd be
funny to put on Pat's car, Like what like somebody
bought that seriously, like this is gonna look sick. Somebody's
gonna see this in trap and be like fuck yeah,
Like I gets it, and I'm like I would put
that on pats cars.
Speaker 3 (23:00):
Okay, I'm gonna give you a fucking Beto overworks sticker's
get all three, like three different political affiliations.
Speaker 2 (23:07):
It'd be funny. Just what side is he on?
Speaker 1 (23:10):
I don't know.
Speaker 3 (23:11):
Get you a fucking communist sticker?
Speaker 2 (23:14):
What do you got segments.
Speaker 3 (23:17):
I did something I never thought I would do. I've
been talking about it for months doing it. I finally
I finally cut the cable. Oh, I finally did it.
Uh it'll uh. I'll give the full reasoning later. Why
in my not cool or what finally pushed me over
the edge on it? But uh, yeah, it's weird. It's
the first time in my life I haven't had cable.
It's strange.
Speaker 2 (23:40):
How does it feel like?
Speaker 3 (23:41):
I mean, I really haven't been, like. It hasn't really
affected me yet because I worked Monday night. I cut
it Monday morning. I worked Monday night, so I wasn't
watching TV. Tuesday was hockey, so I just watched that. Anyway.
Speaker 2 (23:57):
Is it scary?
Speaker 3 (23:58):
Though not really like I was.
Speaker 2 (24:01):
I would if I don't have that channel.
Speaker 3 (24:03):
The one thing I thought about it is like, oh no,
I probably won't be able to watch the TNT hockey
coverage that I like. But I have alternate viewing methods
that I can catch these things on, so I'm not
that worried about it. I think I'm just gonna like
and I like. I upgraded my internet and I'm now
paying half less than half of what I was paying before.
That's pretty good. I've got dope internet.
Speaker 2 (24:28):
It's good.
Speaker 3 (24:28):
I fucking downloaded again and downloaded so fast.
Speaker 2 (24:31):
Yeah, so fast.
Speaker 3 (24:33):
I'm excited though, zeck.
Speaker 2 (24:35):
I feel like I want to go that way all
the time. But then it's like, I know that I'm
gonna want to Pack twelve game when that's eventually back
next year, and then I'm gonna be like, fucking I'm
pack twelve network.
Speaker 3 (24:43):
I can teach you. I don't. I didn't have Pack
twelve network anyway. That was the thing, Pack Trove network,
Big ten network. Still there'd be a game on there
and I couldn't watch it anyway, and I would have
to go my alternate methods. But it actually feels kind
of nice.
Speaker 2 (24:56):
I still have the cable. Feel free. You're taking all
the ship back yet, uh no, it's in my car.
What you gotta do? You know what you gotta do though?
What you're soaking water for a second? And then yeah,
And I asked, so they can't get back to somebody
that they're gonna just recycle it with.
Speaker 3 (25:14):
I asked. The guy was like, hey, do you know
are you are they your HDMI cords or are they miuse?
Speaker 2 (25:21):
Like I never know?
Speaker 3 (25:22):
And he was like, it's like, really, all we need
is the box, dude.
Speaker 2 (25:25):
Yeah, I have one hundred HDMI cords. Yeah, bring back
stuff like I don't know.
Speaker 3 (25:29):
Which also is good because I'm not giving them back
the remotes because those turn on my TVs and I
need them and I don't feel like programming my Roku
to turn on three separate TVs at once. Yeah, that
seems like a lot.
Speaker 2 (25:43):
Remember when they used to, like the super remote was
like a thing, and it felt like we were all
gonna migrate towards that where it was.
Speaker 3 (25:49):
Like universal remote.
Speaker 2 (25:50):
Yeah, the big like rich people one where it was
like the digital one. It's like, look at this box.
It was like the size of an iPad before iPad.
And they're like, I can turn on any of this
in the stereo and the lights and.
Speaker 3 (25:59):
Get the screen. You hit media and then you hit
satellite and that turns on the TV. But you can
hit media and then audio and that will control the mute.
Speaker 2 (26:07):
I'm like, no, don't, no, don't hit the side button.
If you hit the side button, you gotta start the
whole thing over and we gotta turn everything off and
evacuate the house and then like have the fire department
come and fix it. But other than that, like, we're good.
I thought we were, Like it seemed like everybody was
gonna have that eventually. And if you go to anybody's house,
nine out of ten of them at least if not more,
if not all, ten of them have like five remotes.
You're like, hey, I want to stream this game. Yeah,
it's on the Apple TV remote. I don't know. It
might be under the couch cushion. Can I get to
the input with this? No, that's the cable remote you
need the one for the actual TV. Everybody has at
least three.
Speaker 3 (26:39):
I'll be on my buddies and I'm like, what, how
do I turn on? It's like, you got this is
the one that came with the TV. You gotta turn
I'm like, how are you not just programmed it to
your fucking cable remote, dude, Like everyone has the TV
remote and normally it's just like I don't know where
to hide it. It came with the TV. I don't
use it. I've never used it.
Speaker 2 (26:58):
I always use that to turn on and put inputs,
but that's it.
Speaker 3 (27:01):
I don't know where anymore.
Speaker 8 (27:02):
That's the only one I have because I don't have
kble never had, so I only ever use the the
TV remote.
Speaker 4 (27:08):
I only have one.
Speaker 2 (27:09):
Remote, the one remote, the one remote. You're the one
out of the ten.
Speaker 3 (27:12):
You probably have a smart TV right where it's got
like yeah, And none of my TV's are smart though
they probably are. No, they're not.
Speaker 4 (27:20):
How do you have a smart TV?
Speaker 8 (27:21):
Didn't you just buy a TV recently too, like in
the last couple of years that smart ish?
Speaker 3 (27:26):
No, Here's how I got my TVs. We bought one
like off a truck I don't know, eight years ago,
which is still good. My other one my brother won
in a poker tournament. And then my third TV, my
uh GM's grandmother died and the TV was just sitting
in like our storage at the restaurant, and I was like,
can I have this?
Speaker 2 (27:49):
That sounds like a country song right there? How you
got all your TV so like? No, I haven't bottled
it in a poker game.
Speaker 3 (27:58):
All of my TV like at least eight years old.
Speaker 8 (28:00):
I think, did you guys ever like back a technology
that just didn't work? Like, did you guys back hd
DVDs instead of blue rays? And now I have a
bunch of hddvds.
Speaker 2 (28:10):
I never use, no remember the flip video cameras uh
huh h like the USB and it was just like
the one thing you could hit the button in the
USB would pop out. I got one of those and
was like, this is gonna be it, Like I would
be able to edit all these videos. It was like,
it's shitty video and the quality is not there for
the camera yet. And that's why I was like thirty dollars.
Speaker 3 (28:31):
I was with that.
Speaker 2 (28:32):
I was like that that went away in like four years. Yeah,
I was like with that.
Speaker 8 (28:36):
With the three D three D blue rays, three D
three D TVs worth thing. I'm like, I thought, I
thought one day I'll have a three D TV, so
I would buy three D blu rays, but that never I.
Speaker 3 (28:52):
Think the worst of the technology like that has to
be the curve TVs. Mm hmm. I was gonna get
so into them, like dude, it's so good. I'm like, yeah,
but if I sit slightly to this over here, it
ruins it. I can't see a pass that's downfield.
Speaker 2 (29:03):
I know a couple of people that have those, but
they're like the longer ones now and they kind of work.
The one I feel like it's TV's that are weird,
is they have them at all those text shows. But
it's like foldable TVs where like they can like look,
you can put it over a balcony and it does this.
I'm like, that's gonna break and somebody's gonna steal it.
And it's just not there's no way that it's good.
There's no way that a TV can just roll up
like a piece of paper and be okay, like no,
it's great, Like that's what they're gonna try and sells
and then just don't do it.
Speaker 3 (29:32):
They've got the phones now, it's the same thing. It's
just a bigger screen. They've got the phones that fold now, Like, dude,
look at how bigger screen is when you unfold. I'm like,
I don't know this works.
Speaker 2 (29:43):
Yeah, no, no, dude, it's weird. Although it would be
cool to be able to fold your phone, but I'm
not gonna do that until Apple does it.
Speaker 3 (29:48):
Yeah. I would also like one hundred percent chance I
would break mine like that was I have to have
the auto box. My autobox case is cracked. I drop
this thing soon.
Speaker 2 (29:58):
When I had the flips, like you watch it game
and I would always have the bad habit of like
opening it and when you get frush aged. You're like like,
you're gonna break it, and then you'd get drunk and
do it, and then you would break your phone. You're like,
damn yeah.
Speaker 3 (30:10):
When you now it's broken, your phone just like you
flip it open too quick one day and then it's
just like hanging and you're like, oh no.
Speaker 2 (30:18):
I had for the l side. Broke the screen on
my fire, remember just taping a post it note with
like the numbers that I needed, and that was I
was like, I can't text you just call.
Speaker 3 (30:27):
Me, dude. The screen just went white on it and
I was like, well, think, oh, I still have T nine.
Speaker 2 (30:31):
And just I can maybe text back to this, but
I don't know if I sent anything.
Speaker 3 (30:35):
You just remember your buddy's number, You type it in,
you hit the text button, you type it out. Phone broken,
can't text, and then you hear a text come in.
You're like, what the fuck? Did I just tell you? Man?
What was wrong with you?
Speaker 2 (30:44):
That's what I made it watch because now if your
phone breaks, you can just look at your watch.
Speaker 3 (30:47):
But uh yeah, I finally gone with it full millennial.
I'm a cord cutter, dude.
Speaker 2 (30:52):
It's pretty crazy.
Speaker 3 (30:55):
It feels weird.
Speaker 2 (30:55):
It's one of the oldest things I do is just
pay for cable like a weird uh. But then when
stuff goes out, I'm like, ah, I had cable, even
though my cable doesn't ever work. But that's the real down.
That was part of it, all right, I think that
was our pre come segment.
Speaker 3 (31:13):
Speaker 2 (31:14):
Let's get to Robert Feelines. You want to do some
Robert feline, Yeah, let's go, all right. Robert Felines are
a game that we like to do every week where
we come up with code words for other words. Robert
Feline is the proper name for Bobcat. All of our
words will be similar to things like that. Will give
you a category, then we will give you a Robert Feline.
You will try and figure out what the bobcat to
our Robert Feline is if you catch my drift. All right,
I have a couple this week. I did not go
too heavy on my Robert felines, but I will once
you start us.
Speaker 3 (31:46):
Off that all right? First category is drink okay, frozen
gossip frozen gossip, ice iced tea.
Speaker 2 (32:01):
Yep, yep, n there iced tea.
Speaker 3 (32:04):
All right, So you want to guess the category for
the second one, sandwich.
Speaker 2 (32:08):
No, or a drink.
Speaker 3 (32:10):
No, it's actually baseball. I changed a little.
Speaker 2 (32:12):
I was like, it's going to be the same thing
or sandwich.
Speaker 3 (32:14):
It's a baseball term. Fancy smash, fancy.
Speaker 2 (32:22):
Smash something hit base hit.
Speaker 3 (32:28):
Oh, fancy smash.
Speaker 2 (32:36):
What's fancy? I'm trying.
Speaker 4 (32:41):
I'm thinking posh.
Speaker 2 (32:43):
That's definitely raising baseball. That uses posh. I don't know.
Speaker 3 (32:50):
Grand slam. It's fancy, it's grand Okay. I thought if
I said piano, piano might have been a little on that.
Next one is a drink, back to back to the wheelhouse.
This one's gonna be hard. Okay, it's actually and I'll
even give you a second hint drink the second word.
You gotta think baseball on it to get the full
thing for the second words. So scorched Helton probably won't
know because he didn't play for the Astros, but Todd
scorched Helton. Hot Toddy, Hot Toddy, And I got one
more Hotton. Todd Helton. He was a leave Hall of
Famer for the Rockies.
Speaker 2 (33:35):
He was a quarterback at University of Tennessee and then
played baseball.
Speaker 3 (33:38):
He was fucking great. Last one, it's a drink. Oh, Okay,
you know it can't change too much.
Speaker 2 (33:47):
Pale bear wrestler, bear, pale bear wrestler.
Speaker 4 (33:56):
Like a bucket or like the shade.
Speaker 5 (33:59):
Speaker 2 (34:01):
Okay, white Russian, white Russian because Russians like to wrestle bears.
That's good, that's good. Okay, I got a couple I
can go with. Let's start off with. This is a
US city.
Speaker 3 (34:18):
Hammer wheels down, hammer wheels down, Land Cleveland, cleaver. Clever
is not a hammer. It's a fucking like sword. C Yeah,
hit stuff wheels down with.
Speaker 2 (34:44):
It's the hammer. So whatever close enough? Does that you
use a hammer?
Speaker 3 (34:48):
When you said a hammer, I was like, I was like, smack, Nashville.
Speaker 2 (34:52):
What is the thing you hit crabs with?
Speaker 5 (34:55):
Speaker 2 (34:56):
Is that not a clever?
Speaker 5 (34:57):
Speaker 3 (34:58):
I think it's mallet?
Speaker 2 (35:00):
Mallet? Fuck? Yeah, I should have said I should have
said mal that wheels down damn whatever. Hey, guys, got
it didn't matter. This is food food, Patch German.
Speaker 3 (35:17):
I'm thinking Patch Adams that he is not a food Yeah, no,
I know, but I'm trying to get the first word
Patch Adams. I'm sure, okay, okay, but I'm guessing that's
not it. Because that was not a positive reaction right, patch,
German patch, German okay for German schnitzel.
Speaker 2 (35:36):
No, you're getting there. I think patch, I think I wrong.
Speaker 3 (35:47):
I'm just thinking of German foods. Is the problem, okay,
fucking COLATCHI, No, damn it, Schnitzel and Clatchi's.
Speaker 2 (35:58):
There's like three other Germans. Crowd hre we go, sour crowd,
sour patch, sour patch, German Germans or crowds.
Speaker 3 (36:06):
It's really fun. If you know a German and they're
being cranky, you get to call them a sour crowd,
a saur crowd. They don't find it funny. No, I
bet I've done it. They're just like I've heard that
fucking a million times.
Speaker 2 (36:16):
Not everybody's an Italian, you know what I'm saying? All right,
next one, this is something you would find in a
kitchen news license, news paper, card.
Speaker 3 (36:35):
Id drive.
Speaker 2 (36:39):
No, something you'd find in a kitchen paper, news license.
Speaker 4 (36:51):
Man, newspaper paper.
Speaker 3 (36:54):
I can't get past newspaper. You're somewhere, you're getting there
something paper paper. What's in the kitchen that is paper?
I can only think of wax paper.
Speaker 2 (37:05):
What was the other word?
Speaker 3 (37:09):
What other word?
Speaker 2 (37:10):
News license?
Speaker 3 (37:11):
Yeah, I understand the light That's what I'm having difficulty
with this, the license part.
Speaker 2 (37:16):
Towel, paper holder, paper, oh, paper towel people.
Speaker 3 (37:20):
Uh license, I mean you've already used one word that
was wildly incorrect today, So this is right though, Guys,
it's right there, news license, paper.
Speaker 2 (37:36):
Plate, oh plate, damn newspaper.
Speaker 3 (37:42):
See that's where I fucked myself up. I was just
trying to think of like synonyms for license.
Speaker 2 (37:46):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, not always. You can't always go cinnamon cinnamon.
I got cinnamons. That's what I always say, paper cinnamon.
All right, this is another one. This is not a
very good but I'll wrap it up on this. This
is a type of music electronic Larry Curly.
Speaker 3 (38:08):
Uh tech techno. Now, because Larry Curly and Mo were
the stooges, but I don't know if any music that.
Speaker 2 (38:15):
Is stooge electronic Larry Curly something mow.
Speaker 3 (38:24):
How is it not techno?
Speaker 2 (38:26):
That's electronic and technow techmo?
Speaker 3 (38:30):
Maybe? Okay for back me up on this, he has
had ones that just sounds similar.
Speaker 2 (38:34):
To before I can see it. It's clear hiss day.
It's not that.
Speaker 7 (38:39):
Speaker 3 (38:42):
I don't, I don't. I don't really know a lot.
Speaker 2 (38:44):
Of music electronic Larry Curly emo Emo.
Speaker 3 (38:52):
Damn it, that was right there.
Speaker 2 (38:53):
It's right in frying face.
Speaker 3 (38:55):
You're the one who's all sad right now. You should
have figured that one out. I didn't know that one.
Speaker 4 (38:59):
I don't know Larry Curly.
Speaker 2 (39:00):
So no more jokes. Where are you.
Speaker 3 (39:07):
All right? Bobby? You got one for us?
Speaker 1 (39:09):
Speaker 8 (39:09):
I got a couple that were sent in a couple.
This one from Raymundo. It's a company. I think this
one's pretty easy.
Speaker 4 (39:16):
You're in rooster.
Speaker 2 (39:20):
Some peacock, peacock like something cock.
Speaker 4 (39:24):
He didn't send me the answer, but I figured that
was it.
Speaker 2 (39:26):
You have to send the answers.
Speaker 3 (39:28):
Goddamn answer.
Speaker 2 (39:31):
At Roberts three. Okay, that's where you can send you
is just say say Robert Field, give him the topic
and the actual answer.
Speaker 8 (39:39):
This one was from Brandon Whyhead. I think this was
a little hard. It's a medical condition, medical medical condition.
Mail juiced mail juice mail like man, not like not usps.
Speaker 3 (39:59):
What's the what do you call when you come too fast?
Speaker 2 (40:01):
Pre premature evaculation?
Speaker 8 (40:04):
No, that's not it, male juice. If you guys had
it right now, it would be very uncomfortable. You wouldn't
be doing.
Speaker 2 (40:10):
What you're doing, erect because that would be had if
you only had boners. That would be uh. Male heart
attacks would probably not be fun to do a podcast
during a heart attack.
Speaker 3 (40:22):
Male juice, And it's a medical condition.
Speaker 8 (40:27):
Guy, it's one word. The medical condition is one word.
So male juice is the combination of that word.
Speaker 2 (40:36):
What could juice to be? I don't know, I see,
I don't know a lot of medical cross cross state exam.
Speaker 3 (40:45):
It's one word.
Speaker 2 (40:45):
It's a medical condition, one word.
Speaker 4 (40:48):
What do you think like juice.
Speaker 2 (40:50):
Likes tell us?
Speaker 3 (40:54):
I don't know.
Speaker 8 (40:55):
Hemorrhoids, ah, camorrhoids. That's good as wouldn't be sitting.
Speaker 2 (41:03):
It's a good one.
Speaker 3 (41:03):
Yeah, you're right, good point.
Speaker 2 (41:04):
You're right, it's a good one.
Speaker 3 (41:06):
My butt would be hurting, that's what. That's all you got.
Speaker 2 (41:09):
Speaker 3 (41:09):
Those are good ones.
Speaker 2 (41:10):
Yeah, those were Those were our Robert Feelin's This Week gang.
Speaker 3 (41:13):
That was fun, especially like wundows because then we got
to say cock.
Speaker 1 (41:16):
Speaker 2 (41:16):
It's always fun when you can say inappropriate words, but
it's under the guys of like, hey, it's not inappropriate.
It's cool.
Speaker 3 (41:23):
Actually, that's why I didn't to change internet providers. I
kept the same one because I get to keep the
cock for free.
Speaker 2 (41:29):
There you go, There you go. It's always good to
keep the cock.
Speaker 3 (41:31):
Speaker 2 (41:31):
Yeah, Pat always says that.
Speaker 1 (41:34):
Speaker 2 (41:35):
All right, let's move on to our next segment, the
Comeback Kids segment. We'll tell you what's back of the
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Comeback Kids segment. It's the comeback Kid, the comeback kid
of the week, comeback Kid of the week, bitch all right, Uh,
first comeback kid this week is fishing. I don't know
if you guys know this. Going a huge out doorsman now.
I'm camping once a year, maybe twice a year now,
and then I went fishing, so big outdoorsmen, I'm officially
a one time fisherman this year?
Speaker 3 (44:13):
Did you catch a big one?
Speaker 2 (44:15):
I caught a three pound cat, three pound cat, dude,
pretty sick, pretty sick dude. And then my dad caught
a five foot eight alligator gar That was insane. It's
the biggest fish I've seen on a boat up close.
That was like caught by somebody on.
Speaker 3 (44:31):
That but that was the picture I saw, and I
was just like that, fuck that think that wild.
Speaker 2 (44:36):
We went fishing in Buffalo Bayou, which if you are
from Houston you are aware of. If you are not
from Houston, it is a there's just it's like a
river that just rudes by city and just can it's
all of our like sewage basically, I feel like, and
that's what the fish swim through, but it's still water
and they can still live there and you still fish there,
but not really you can't really fish there. There's this
one guy that has land and that he leases our
guide on and he let him take his boat and
like put he takes people on fish guiding fishing fishing
trips in Buffalo Byo like daily, which is pretty insane.
I went with my dad and my brother and it
was bad ass, like I've never really like that's not
I don't know if that's big game fishing or whatever
it is, but it's like all my fishing has been
just like real real, real, real, real real done. Okay,
cool fun more casting I've done. Yeah, that's why you
wipe me for the bobber. You're good to go. It's
never been like this is gonna be a big fish
you're pulling in. I've done fly fishing that was a
lot of fun, but this was sick. Were you just like,
all right, let's throw this this pretty big fish out
and then you.
Speaker 3 (45:42):
Fish taste. We don't eat those fish. Well, you don't
want to eat fish out of buffalo byo.
Speaker 2 (45:49):
We like to take and then give back to the
land to like, here you go, have this back that
we took from you.
Speaker 3 (45:54):
Yeah, but gars are a big scary fish. You should
kill them. I don't know if that's actually really.
Speaker 2 (45:58):
They won't bother anybody. We bothered them.
Speaker 1 (46:01):
The follows.
Speaker 2 (46:02):
The one that my dad caught, the guy said was
probably fifty to sixty years old because they grow about
an inch a year, so like being five eight that's
crazy if only. But then the one my brother caught,
I think he was he said was like thirty years old.
He was about five feet, which was pretty crazy. And
then I caught the catfish, which was funny because I
felt like my dad and my brother struggled on theirs
when they were pulling the line. They were a lot heavier, right,
And I was just like, this is crazy that like
they're both bigger than me and I'm crushing this and
a catfish still yeah, sick, but cat feels it ate
like a full mullet, which is a big ass fish
that is just swallowed whole.
Speaker 4 (46:39):
Do you throw them back?
Speaker 1 (46:41):
Speaker 3 (46:41):
So like but like these the one that you don't
want to eat those anyway.
Speaker 2 (46:44):
Yeah, And we saw like just like stuff draining into
the bio and just just like I wonder what's in
that tube that's going into where we're at.
Speaker 3 (46:52):
It's already you know, the fish was already pre seasoned.
Speaker 2 (46:54):
Yeah, I mean you can eat alligator gar I just
wouldn't eat him from a buffalo ayu. And they would
probably be some pretty good meat for the ones that
we caught, but.
Speaker 3 (47:03):
It could be spicy though.
Speaker 2 (47:04):
The first they would definitely be the one that my
brother caught, which was not quite five feet. But we
pulled that into the boat like it's cool because the
guy has a lasso or like a noose, I guess,
and you kind of just like you get the fish
close enough in and then he puts the lasso around
it and pulls it tight to make sure that the
fish doesn't get away, and then you kind of like
heave it up into the boat, and the one that
my dad caught that was five eight we had to
go and put it on the lasso and then troll it,
troll the boat to the bank so we could get
out and then take a picture with the fish because
we were worried that we would fall into the water
trying to bring the fishing because it was so big.
Speaker 3 (47:40):
That was cool.
Speaker 2 (47:41):
Catfish didn't have to do that. I just picked that
bad boy up as sick though, But yeah, fishing sick,
fishing is all fun. Maybe I'm a fisherman now.
Speaker 3 (47:49):
You having beers beers with the boys, Yeah, beers, beers
being it crazy? Were you out there about five or
six hours? Five or six hours?
Speaker 1 (47:58):
Speaker 3 (48:00):
What did you do? Did nobody have to poop?
Speaker 2 (48:02):
Dah before? B You can't five hours without pooping? No,
have you seen me, Robert? You can go five out
of that pooping?
Speaker 1 (48:11):
Speaker 2 (48:11):
I can go.
Speaker 3 (48:12):
Yeah, normally I can. It's when I'm sleeping. Yeah, okay,
other than that food has gone.
Speaker 4 (48:17):
I ever sleep for five six hours.
Speaker 3 (48:20):
Oh I do a weekend. I haven't done it in
a few days. But we got I'm on the back
to back three and a half hours.
Speaker 2 (48:26):
But We went to downtown Houston, got in on Allen
like around Allen's landing on the at like seven am,
and then got done about at about twelve thirty.
Speaker 3 (48:38):
See that's nice because that's not too early, like when
people were like, yeah, dude, I went fishing at four am.
I'm like, you're fucking psycho.
Speaker 2 (48:43):
That's when the fishery eating some people know that one.
Speaker 3 (48:47):
You knowwhere else the fish are biting your local grocery store.
Speaker 2 (48:50):
That too, that too, But yeah, fishing is fun, man,
And I'd never called an alligator gard and there's a
mean looking fish because their face looks like an allegat Middleton.
Speaker 3 (48:58):
Men out there bonding, it.
Speaker 2 (49:01):
Was like a life event. It was a cool thing
that I always look back on him.
Speaker 3 (49:05):
I could do that.
Speaker 2 (49:05):
My dad and my brother also came up with an
idea a business pitch while we were out there casting reels.
You know, like just tossing your your your line out there.
They should make a top golf for fishing. Just you
go sit in a fake boat and around it. It's
got a bunch of the circles like you would hit
the golf balls in. You just go cast, try and
see how far you can cast it. Can I cast
it in this one all the way over here? That's
this many points? Can I cast it in this one
right here? It's this many points? Can I cast it
all the way over here? That's this many points?
Speaker 3 (49:35):
You could do that with wheezy tie her out, t
tie a toy to the end and just cast out.
Speaker 2 (49:40):
You would just you could just section it off onlike
top golf where you have the layer like the floors,
you could just you wouldn't have to have the full
like driving range length. You could just kind of shorten
that and then just net in everything. They were patting
cages kind of.
Speaker 3 (49:55):
You ever seen those videos of the dudes. They'll be
like on the shore and they've got like a twenty
foot fishing pole with there's like a little glowing piece
on the end of it, and they do this like
big wind up and then cast it like four hundred
yards out into the ocean.
Speaker 2 (50:07):
Yeah, it's the coolest goddamn videos.
Speaker 3 (50:10):
Like I don't have that. They basically look like Goofy
doing his special cast when they just launched it out
there like that. But it looks awesome every time.
Speaker 2 (50:17):
Yeah, But fishing is fun, dude, Like I suck at
basic fishing stuff, but like, I like, I had a
guide there and that's the cool part of having a
guy shout out to Alex Sosa. I'm gonna I'm gonna
give a shout. I'm not getting paid for it, but
it's Bayou City Champs. I want to give out the
red address if you guys are looking to go book
with him. He's he's badass.
Speaker 7 (50:37):
Speaker 2 (50:37):
It's buyo Champs dot com. And you can go see
all the all the stuff and like all the people
that have chrodded through them, and you can go at night,
you can go during the day. You can get giant
ass fucking catfish, you can get all gator guard, you
can catch turtle. He said he's seen a body before,
and then Baio, that's crazy.
Speaker 3 (50:55):
They pulled two out the other day.
Speaker 2 (50:56):
That was like the first thing I asked is like, Yeah,
how many bodies you seen? He's like, I've seen some
before with customers of unfortunately, and I was like, I
bet that does. Second if it spooks him.
Speaker 3 (51:04):
Yeah, because well also because I'd be like, dude, dude,
then you have to call the cops.
Speaker 2 (51:08):
Yo, dude, did you see But you could probably just
call a cosway this is right here, Like I didn't
do it. We came across. It's like I'm gonna go, hey,
it's right here, here's where it is. Okay, bye.
Speaker 3 (51:20):
You won't see your dead body.
Speaker 2 (51:21):
That's like I was kind of like, this is gonna
be a dead body.
Speaker 3 (51:25):
Speaker 2 (51:27):
I feel like the idea of of seeing a dead
body seems like it would be cooler until it actually happens.
You're like, a body's dead.
Speaker 3 (51:36):
Now I'm now stuck.
Speaker 2 (51:37):
I got to talk to the police, and then you
get to see the wasn't a hippogriff? Was the horses
on the carriages at Harry Potter? Oh you need to
see those things.
Speaker 3 (51:50):
No, I think you have to witness dum. You can't
just see a dead body. You have to like witness
the dead mine.
Speaker 2 (51:56):
Then luckily you wouldn't have that surprise spoiled shout out HP,
shadowed HP shotoed HP. But yeah, top golf for fishing,
I think like for just casting, that would be a
money maker, right.
Speaker 3 (52:06):
Top cast top cast cast off. I think you got
to like you just put a bunch of stuff out.
It would be like a driving range where they have
like old cars and shit. You just put stuff out
there that people can try and hit.
Speaker 2 (52:18):
Yeah, but you can just put like little like things
that you just try and like have like a reb
There's like little magnet fishing games as a kid, you
just have like a little magnet on the end of it.
You throat there and you just try and like snag
something and you get the points for that, and then
you just throw the little magnetic ducks back after you're done.
Speaker 3 (52:33):
So hear me out. It's just a sea like a
big old yard of just ice, and there's beers all
in it and you're casting out there trying to magnet
catch beers. That'd be dope.
Speaker 2 (52:45):
I don't hate that because then you're like, oh now
I have a beer. They're pretty sick, all right. Just
that's a verbal trademark that.
Speaker 3 (52:54):
I also love that astral world in the in Looney
Tune Land, that little little kid fishing like you had
to try and land a little magnet on like the
little lily pads and stuff together. I love that. I kept, dude,
I would go back to there when I was way
too old to be in Loning.
Speaker 2 (53:09):
Never went to a world ever, you missed out man, never.
Speaker 3 (53:13):
It was a magical place if I had. If I
was like a multi billionaire, I'd bring back fucking astual world. Yeah,
be sick.
Speaker 2 (53:21):
Travis Scott tried to do that and you saw what happened.
Speaker 3 (53:23):
Though, Well, I want to hold concerts. It would be
a firm rule.
Speaker 2 (53:29):
Whatever you do, make sure you have crowd control.
Speaker 3 (53:31):
Oh would I'd hire the health crowd. I'm sure there's
some bikers and local Hell's ankles angels. That's Californias. The
that's what Hell's ankles. And we just get a bunch
of fat guys with cankles. Ye, hell's cankles. Health can
fuck it, dude, that would be the best. It's just
a bunch of fat dudes riding around on motorcycles Hell's cankles.
I'd ride with those dudes. No I wanted. No, I
had a firm roll no motorcycles. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (54:03):
I would die on a motorcycle for sure. But if
they're on mopeds, ooh good question? Or canmad roadsters?
Speaker 3 (54:09):
I always said in college I should have got a
moped because it would just be funny to see my
fat ass riding around on a moped.
Speaker 2 (54:15):
Former co host of the podcast John Joffrey had a
moped and that was funny seeing him on that. He
was a very large man. I bet he probably n
D one defensive lineman just driving a fucking moped, probably
close to three hundred pounds. Oh yeah, just like crushing it.
John is still crushing it too, by the way, I
think it's his building companies rocking.
Speaker 3 (54:40):
Every time I see him post something, I'm like, that's just.
Speaker 2 (54:44):
He's a fun follow. But yeah, fishing is back.
Speaker 3 (54:50):
I'm happy for you. But that's yeah, it sounded like
there's a good core memory.
Speaker 2 (54:53):
Maybe we'll know how to start like a PTG Outdoors.
Next thing, I'll just do an outdoors show.
Speaker 3 (55:00):
I'm outside, it's hot and going back.
Speaker 2 (55:01):
And by that, I mean we're gonna do the podcast
outside next week. Sot in the parking lot, just day drinking.
But this is the most not outdoors you could be.
You're on concrete.
Speaker 3 (55:09):
That's what PTG Outdoors would be. It would just be
us day drinking in somebody's yard.
Speaker 2 (55:13):
And sometimes there's a guy skateboards by it, like sick.
Speaker 3 (55:16):
This week on PTG Outdoors, we found the guy that's
gonna let us drink on his roof.
Speaker 2 (55:20):
That'd be fun, that'd be awesome.
Speaker 3 (55:22):
Workaholics style exactly like workaholics. Also back this week tearing
down goal posts. Have you seen this egregious act that
occurred in Nashville, Tennessee? Pat, Oh my god, this is
college sports.
Speaker 2 (55:37):
There are these these kids or their parents are paying
hundreds of thousands of dollars. If they're going for all
four years? How dare they have fun and pull down
a goal post and throw it into a river? How
dare them?
Speaker 3 (55:50):
Did you actually see anyone online that was mad at it?
Speaker 2 (55:52):
Yeah, there were old people that are mad at it,
saying that it's bad for the color football, that it
costs the school money. And it's like, well, Vanderbilt, I
don't know if you know that. What let me Robert
look up what tuition for one year at Vanderbilt is.
Speaker 3 (56:05):
Oh, let's guess. Let's guess before he tells us what
is I'm going to say, are we going per year?
Per semester?
Speaker 2 (56:11):
I want to I need to know the generic tuition,
So just.
Speaker 3 (56:14):
Per year, I'm going to say, Vanderbilt, let's go with
eighty thousand a year. Eighty thousand. I think it's way
more than that. Hold on average twenty four.
Speaker 2 (56:30):
Okay, so maybe eighty is not not too bad, I
would say, I would have said close to one hundred.
I would go, I'm gonna go ninety.
Speaker 4 (56:36):
So there's two. There's two here.
Speaker 8 (56:38):
I see tuition and fees and total costs, total costs,
total costs ninety four thousand, So.
Speaker 2 (56:47):
Ninety four thousand dollars a year to go to Vanderbilt.
And they're like, whoa, you don't know how much it costs.
They find to score one hundred thousand dollars because it's
like that's one kid's tuition. Basically, yeah, one kid and
for one year, and they have a lot. Does it
say how many kids are in attendance at Vanderbilt. Just
give me the enrollment, because that means I'm pretty sure
Vanderbilt's already made back that money off the goalpost. Vanderbilt
could buy a goalpost for every student to then go
throw into a river and still be okay. I believe
it's a private university. It's one of the richest universities,
if not in just the SEC in it it's basically
like an IVY League school is not an IVY League school.
Speaker 3 (57:25):
It's an IVY League school that is in the football conference. Yes,
and it's a hell of a school.
Speaker 2 (57:32):
And it's just funny to see, like, well, this costs
these people forms No, it's fine.
Speaker 3 (57:37):
Plus, their stadium has been under construction for like sixteen
consecutive years. I've never finished it. Tearing down the goal
post set them back another Ten'll be fine, They're not
gonna have goal post next game.
Speaker 2 (57:47):
You don't have to keep putting.
Speaker 8 (57:48):
Their website just says seven thousand plus undergraduate's okay.
Speaker 2 (57:53):
So seven thousand times ninety thousand, that's a lot of money.
They can buy goalposts. They could buy it at least
seven thousand goal posts according to that, and then they
can probably still pay some of their professors.
Speaker 3 (58:04):
That's what's great about college football. Bama beats Georgia and
then the next week they lose to fucking Vanderbilt.
Speaker 2 (58:09):
Yeah, and just like that's what like, I think we
already did the bit when Tennessee won and they ran
the they ran the goalpost down to the the river
and throw it in there. And it's like, but they
marched it three miles down Broadway in Nashville, then the
big street down there, and then just throw it in
the river. Like that's fucking awesome. And I love the
mentality of college kids. Just the that's the caveman brain
that takes over. And I know cave membrain is frowned
upon in so many things we do in society. And
I get that there's a lot of things that are wrong,
sexual harassment, a bunch of like, oh wow, he's just
being horny, could say, and stuff like that. But yeah, absolutely,
cave man brain is we won football game, we go goalpost,
tear it down. Take what do we do with the goalpost? River?
Throwing water, throwing water? Take to water, throw to water.
And like that's what like a thousand kids were like, yes,
tear this down, throw it in water. No, that's right,
they but the people are walk three miles throwing in water.
Vanderbilt kids, you guys should be more like Philly sports fans.
Don't tear down the goal post, just destroy the city.
That's batteries, people, don't. It brings to like West Virginia.
It's camaraderie.
Speaker 3 (59:12):
I think they rioted like two years ago after a
win something. It was West Virginia. You want to know
they burned cast Yes, but like, hey, all they did
was tear down a gold post. Let's just have a
little fun plus hurt in five years all these kids
are gonna be making so much money and giving more
money back to the school.
Speaker 2 (59:29):
Yeah, they're good, They're good. Yeah, the kids that do
that when they're CEOs. They should have to buy one
goal post for Vanderbilt.
Speaker 3 (59:35):
Like if I was a super rich alum of Vanderbilt,
I'd be like, I'll buy the new goal post.
Speaker 2 (59:40):
I would buy the goldpost, but I would also pay
extra to make sure that the padding under the goal
post said Alex instead of like the school that. But
I would like to be I would like it known
that this is the one that I bought, and when
it gets torned down, you don't have to put a
new one up there. But like I would like to
everybody know this is the Alex Middleton Memorial.
Speaker 3 (01:00:00):
Well, so I was gonna say, you gotta see Alex P.
Middleton Memorial goalposts Milton.
Speaker 2 (01:00:04):
Memorials goal post presented to you by Past Gay Podcast
and Little Imshop dot Com.
Speaker 3 (01:00:09):
I just didn't want them to have to pay for
it when I do eventually pass, so I put memorial.
Speaker 2 (01:00:13):
Yeah, like now I don't have to fill it out.
Speaker 3 (01:00:16):
That'd be so sick.
Speaker 2 (01:00:16):
You know, Like this is kind of dark, but like
when like if one of your grandparents passed away and
they had a plot of a grave plot and like
it would be like, okay, they put them in this one,
and then they would have your other grandparents name and
when they were born at their full name, and it's
just like nineteen twenty two to and then it's just blank,
like do you think you can get a discomfic ah,
you know what? Put it down like twenty sixty two,
give me twenty sixty two. We don't even change this,
bro And then and they like, why would you so
you don't have to pay for the ing graving.
Speaker 3 (01:00:50):
Don't worry.
Speaker 2 (01:00:50):
I already get done. But what if what if you
die before that or after it? Don't worry about it.
Speaker 3 (01:00:54):
Here's the thing. We open up a betting website on
it too. You put it on there, you bet over under.
Speaker 2 (01:01:04):
It's not a betting website, it's just Robert. You just
had to DM Robert and be over under. He's like,
what year did you say? Damn it, Alex, And then
for the rest of my life, right than you.
Speaker 3 (01:01:11):
Don't have to worry about their pay now because you're
gonna be.
Speaker 2 (01:01:14):
Yeah, Robert's problem at that point, Venmo Robert howevery much
money you want. Roberts is holding thousands of dollars in Vinmo.
God damn it, Alex. Even in death, he still hunts me.
Speaker 3 (01:01:28):
But I want it. Like it's just a specific cemetery
that does this, and you can bet on anybody in there,
people you don't know. But you're sitting there like your
grandfather has bought a plot in there, and you know
there's people like God, he better die in the next
six months. Fuck he did.
Speaker 2 (01:01:42):
Put twenty twenty four.
Speaker 3 (01:01:43):
Put twenty grand on this old guy to die. He's
been in hospice for two years. But dude, how many
people would have lost their bet if they had bet
on Jimmy Carter.
Speaker 2 (01:01:52):
That would have been crazy.
Speaker 3 (01:01:53):
It's so crazy. First president to make it to one hundred.
Speaker 2 (01:01:58):
Yeah, yeah he is, that's a fact.
Speaker 3 (01:02:01):
So eat more peanuts. I guess, guys, he.
Speaker 2 (01:02:04):
Does not look like he's having a great time.
Speaker 3 (01:02:08):
I don't have he's aware that he's still human.
Speaker 2 (01:02:10):
I don't, Yeah, I don't. It does not seem like
he's having.
Speaker 3 (01:02:13):
A big guys. Just unplugged me, Like no, just let it,
let nature take its course. Yeah, Like, once you get
to one hundred, Like, now what we're going two hundred.
That was like the Crockets streak ise like we already
get to one hundred. I got two hundred. I mean,
if you make to one hundred, the last fifteen years
or so probably sucked, but you might as well try
and hold on and make it to one hundred and eleven.
That way you can have a Bilbo Baggin's party. Maybe
wants to see kam all up. Dude, I made it
to eleventy one, it left. That'd be good one rob
Low will do it.
Speaker 2 (01:02:46):
But tearing down goalposts is is back, and it's just
American as it gets. It's like storming the court where
people do that and then somebody gets mad and they're like,
just there's no place for this in college?
Speaker 4 (01:02:57):
Is like no, that, this is.
Speaker 2 (01:02:58):
Absolutely the place for that. You don't want people storm
the court on pros. Don't do that.
Speaker 3 (01:03:01):
Don't lose games you're not supposed to lose, and then.
Speaker 2 (01:03:04):
Away, don't don't lose the rud And then you saw
the I think was it Tennessee did when Arkansas beat
him and the guy just like clotheslined a fan that
ran into him, and it was like, well, you're getting
too close, Like don't run out players and that the
guy is that that's the other guy is that three
hundred pound line man. Maybe don't do that.
Speaker 3 (01:03:20):
You can charge the field, you can charge the court.
You gotta have your head on a swivel because I
don't know if you know this. D One athletes are
large and probably don't talk. It's sad and angry because
they just lost charge. But like give them a wide berth.
Speaker 2 (01:03:31):
And probably don't talk shitt either. Not saying justifies them
retaliating if you talk shit. But like they're bigger than
you know that. You're in their turf. It's like when
you go to the ocean, you're in his house. You're
in the shark's house, in this d Tackles house right now,
right Dexter Lawrence coming at you full speed. You don't
want that.
Speaker 3 (01:03:50):
I would love to go to a state game where
I have to charge the field sometimes, except I don't
even know if I would, I'd probably still just hang
out in the stands and be like, y'all have fun
down there. It seems like a.
Speaker 2 (01:03:57):
Lot of running with Samone to go to the national
championship my my senior year, we got to go down.
I didn't run on the field, but we had to
walk down the field. Everybody else right on the field.
Speaker 3 (01:04:07):
There's an orderly procession down on the field.
Speaker 2 (01:04:09):
Yeah, well we like there was like the like turf
hill part that people could sit on and I just
kind of like hopped over under that and then just
walked down. It was like neat And now I'm on
a field, now I'm off the field.
Speaker 3 (01:04:20):
It's gotta be so much it looks like something.
Speaker 2 (01:04:22):
Yeah, it's gotta be a rush. Got a rush, you know,
it's not a rush. He's getting fired as an NFL
head coach in the middle of the season. Robert Salah
the uh the first coach fired during the season this year. Hey, buddy, pat,
if I told you before the season, uh, new York
head coach on the hot seat, Who's he gonna be
the first fire? And would you have a would you
have said, Robert Salad, would you go like, maybe Brian Dable?
Because I feel like a lot of people would like
Brian Dable. Nothing going on in New York, nothing going on.
I don't it wasn't him.
Speaker 3 (01:04:54):
I still might have guess solid because I was like,
if it goes bad, he's definitely gonning.
Speaker 2 (01:04:58):
But he has Anne Rogers. Dude, do you know understand
that he has Aaron Rodgers.
Speaker 1 (01:05:01):
Speaker 3 (01:05:01):
See, that's the thing. I would not have guessed that
it would go bad with Aaron Rodgers. I thought everything
was gonna be smooth. He was going to handle the defense.
Aaron's handling the offense. Nathaniel Hackett though, how did that
dude keep his job? He's so bad as an oc
I can tell you Aaron Rodgers. Yeah, like he's got
to have something on Aaron. But like, Aaron's pretty much
an open book. Now, like what, I don't know.
Speaker 2 (01:05:22):
It just turns out that maybe putting your entire franchise
one hundred percent solely reliant on a forty year old
aging quarterback not named Tom Brady may not be the
best strategy.
Speaker 3 (01:05:33):
Yeah, won that historically, especially one that has interests outside
of football. Tom did not have interest outside.
Speaker 2 (01:05:40):
Yeah. Tom was like, I don't even like my family.
Speaker 3 (01:05:42):
Aaron's like, I like to go to Egypt and do
psychedelics and contemplate the mysteries of the universe, and I
hang out with Robert F. Kennedy.
Speaker 2 (01:05:50):
Tom Brady's like, I will divorce my wife and kids
and then I will move to Tampa Bay, and I
will do all I can to make sure I win
a championship. And that's exactly what he I.
Speaker 3 (01:05:58):
Will dismantle my family just to prove that I can
do it without my legendary.
Speaker 2 (01:06:02):
I'll be a sponsor for my weird drunk party bro friend.
I will bring him down to Tampa two. I'll rehabilitate
him and get him to be in football shape, and
then he'll win another title with me, and then he'll
do the USA commercials for the rest of his life,
even though he can't be covered by them. But yeah,
Tom Brady was turns out Tom Brady's special guy. Pretty
special guy. Maybe the goat, And if you're not the goat,
you get bad at forty not bad, but you get
worse at forty.
Speaker 3 (01:06:32):
Yeah, in hindsight, maybe going to the Jets that didn't
already have an offensive mind.
Speaker 2 (01:06:37):
And it makes me happier that he's at the Jets
because they're more hateable for me. Like, if it was
like another team, I'd be like, I feel bad. If
it was the Steelers, I'd be like, Okay.
Speaker 3 (01:06:45):
Yeah, Jets are one of those franchises that no matter
how long they're bad, you don't feel bad for this
people fuck you because they're New Yorkers.
Speaker 2 (01:06:52):
So fuck no, because you should feel bad about the Giants,
not the Jets. Is the Giants.
Speaker 3 (01:06:56):
But here's the thing though. The thing about is Jets
fans are normally Yankees fans.
Speaker 2 (01:07:03):
No Jets fans are Mets fans.
Speaker 3 (01:07:05):
I thought Jets fans were Yankees fans.
Speaker 2 (01:07:07):
No more Jets, Mets, Giants, Yankees. But there's definitely crossover.
Speaker 3 (01:07:13):
Oh, that is right, I always I don't know why
in my head, I just I think what it is
is the Jets and the Yankees both seem dirty, like
not cheating dirty, but just like you know, gritty dirty
like that in my head, whereas the Giants and the Mets.
Maybe it's it's you know what it is. It's the blue.
It's probably blue. It's the blue that is also blue.
And the Jets are also just dickheads. Yeah, and the
Yankees are dickheads. Don't say that, you can admit it.
Aaron is a dickhead, brancashhead. Yeah, like Steinbrenner. Steinbrenner was
a dickhead. He was lovable. If he wasn't the Yankees
guy owner, I would have loved him because I love
the way he ran. That's how I would have ran
my team if I owned him. But they're dickheads. The
Jets are just in competent. The Jets, dude, competent.
Speaker 2 (01:08:00):
But Robert sala out in New York Giants best team
at med Lafe Stadium. In fact, if Brady goes to
the Jets next year or not, Brady, if Belichick he
won it, though, go to the Jets instead of the Cowboys,
I'll take that with the Eagles.
Speaker 3 (01:08:17):
See, actually, no, that would be funny if he went
to the Jets just to like break Cowboys fans hearts.
Speaker 2 (01:08:23):
I would really like that.
Speaker 3 (01:08:24):
Yeah, that would be hilarious.
Speaker 1 (01:08:25):
Having are good?
Speaker 2 (01:08:26):
Do they want again to beat the Steelers? Are fine? Fine?
Speaker 3 (01:08:29):
So did you see the stat on that one? Just
going off on tangents here, it was justin Fields in
his career, when his team gives up over twenty points,
he's like two and thirty eight.
Speaker 2 (01:08:39):
That seems bad.
Speaker 3 (01:08:40):
It's very bad. And it used to just be you
could be like, what might not be him? It's the Bears.
Now you're like, no, this dude just can't play court.
He can't score. He's just not he can do impressive things.
He's got all the skills set, but when it comes
to actually playing the position, not good at it. Right,
So Russell Wilson will be starting He probably.
Speaker 2 (01:08:58):
Very well could be.
Speaker 3 (01:09:00):
They're gonna be just as bad because he can't play either.
Speaker 2 (01:09:03):
So yeah, getting fired in the middle of the season
as an NFL coach. That's back, and then also back
is hockey. We kind of talked about it a little
bit before hockey's back. NHL season officially began yesterday. As
we're recording this and teams are playing the first game
Red We's get their first game tomorrow. Pretty stoked. But
that hashtag wings here, it's gonna be Wings here for sure.
If you're past the Gravy viewer or listener and you're
looking for a hockey team, since Houston does not have
hockey team, if you are a Houston based sports fan,
just root for the Red Wings. Detroit. That's the natural
next team, right, Sure, we don't acknowledge Dallas and then
Detroit is close enough. That's the logic we're gonna go
with there. So we're all Red Wings fans if we
don't have a team. Okay, I'm forcing everybody into that
and they're gonna be fun and they're young. They're gonna
be cool. I have cool jersey, the.
Speaker 3 (01:09:53):
Choice on the Rise, the Lions are well. Yeah, the
official Twitter account of Detroit flamed. I don't know if
he's in the NFL anymore, equanymy of Saint Brown. I'm
on raw Saint Brown's younger brother. They apparently they have
a podcast together, and he had said something along the
lines of, you know, if you could live anywhere in
the world or in the country, who was going to
pick Detroit. He was basically just shitting on Detroit because
he didn't have a good time when he was there,
because he wasn't Actually I don't even know if he
was ever there.
Speaker 2 (01:10:24):
I thought he was on the Packers and the Bears too.
Speaker 3 (01:10:26):
Yeah, but he was just shit talking Detroit. So the
official Detroit Twitter account replied and was like, actually, you're wrong.
Our population has grown for the first time in like
twenty five Yeah, for the first times, and now we're
in the top We're like in the top twenty six
of like growing cities in the country. So he responded
to goes, well, hopefully next year you can make the
top twenty five, and they go, well, Hopefully next year
you won't have to move to another new city.
Speaker 2 (01:10:53):
Oo ooh, that's good.
Speaker 3 (01:10:55):
Detroit's getting feisty.
Speaker 2 (01:10:56):
That's good.
Speaker 3 (01:10:57):
The lines are a little good, and the Tigers are good.
They're they're getting feisty.
Speaker 2 (01:11:01):
Chirping Detroit like ain't seen eight mile bro.
Speaker 3 (01:11:04):
Now, if the Red Wings are built on that might
if the Red Wings become good, that Twitter account might
have to become a must follow. Oh yeah, just feisty online, just.
Speaker 2 (01:11:13):
Excited for the Red Wings goal song every time. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah yeah yeah yeah.
Speaker 1 (01:11:19):
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.
Speaker 3 (01:11:21):
It's my favorite time of year. Hockey is football.
Speaker 2 (01:11:24):
Yeah, and then basketball start, but like it's still on
in the background, soccer, playoff, baseball stuff. Dude, it's great,
it's great, all right, baseball we're not talking about that
doesn't matter whatever it does.
Speaker 4 (01:11:39):
He's already.
Speaker 2 (01:11:41):
My team. Season isn't over yet, but it will be
probably in two games. It's fine, it's fine, let's move on.
You know what else is fine? Little m shop. That's
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Speaker 3 (01:12:07):
This is reay better.
Speaker 2 (01:12:08):
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Speaker 1 (01:13:21):
Not Cool Man.
Speaker 2 (01:13:32):
All Right? Are not Cool? Segment is our chance to
vent about what's happened throughout the week. You stub your toe,
That's not cool. Robert runs over you with his car,
Also not cool. You hit us up on Twitter at
passy Pod use the hashtag PTG not Cool. We'll pick
some of the best ones each week to share on
the show. Make sure you're also watching us on YouTube
if you're listening to us. If you're watching us, you
can also listen to us wherever you listen to your podcast.
Hit play on both. Please help us out. Make sure
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but make sure hit that subscribe button and share us
with a friend. Comments Say hello, say hi, how's it going?
What's going on with you? All right? You know what,
there's we're doing the not cool segment. So during the
notock cool surmout right something cool that happened to you
in the comments. Let's get to let's try to get
to two hundred comments on the YouTube post the YouTube
video this week, all right, guys and gals, Our first
listener viewers submitted. Not cool is from Raymundo B. Navidez.
He's at ky Mundo B on Twitter, and ray Mundo
says he is not cool is having a bulging disc
in sciatica issues now it's getting hard to even walk
a botch surgery from five years ago.
Speaker 3 (01:14:46):
That that sucks really bad.
Speaker 2 (01:14:49):
Sounds terrifying. Bulging disc problems like neck problems with a
disc in your neck, having to go to all that stuffs.
That scares me.
Speaker 3 (01:14:55):
Bobby, do you have any advice room? I know we
all know you know about bulging Yeah, and discs, discs.
Speaker 2 (01:15:03):
I tried to say it.
Speaker 3 (01:15:05):
Here, Yeah, dude, if they botches and fun that surgeon
man might have to send a eight legged friend of
ours to go talk to Oh Joe and associates.
Speaker 2 (01:15:15):
So I hear you roughed up my pal over here.
It'd be a real shame if someone roffed you up, though.
Speaker 3 (01:15:19):
Huh, that's dude. Anything to do with your back, that's
the worst.
Speaker 2 (01:15:26):
Speaker 3 (01:15:27):
I wish I could give you a hug, but that
would probably just hurt your back even more. Man, I'm sorry,
now you know what's because he's doing that. I'll give
you a pass on not sending the answer on your Yeah,
it's backwards. Probably here he's in pain. That's exactly what
it was, all.
Speaker 2 (01:15:41):
Right, all right, please get some good meds.
Speaker 1 (01:15:45):
Speaker 2 (01:15:45):
Next not cool comes from Alexis Garcia at Alexis Texas
Underscore on Twitter, and Alexis says her not cool is
Karen telling me to put my son on a leash.
Speaker 3 (01:15:57):
One, lady, mind your own fucking business, right.
Speaker 1 (01:16:01):
Speaker 3 (01:16:02):
I don't call your fucking dog your son. I don't
like that. Okay, yeah that was my like, I'm turning yours.
I'm pretty sure she's talking about her dogs, because I
don't think anyone in public is just gonna be like hey,
put your fucking kid on a leash, except I might
do that, that'd be fine.
Speaker 2 (01:16:18):
It was like that seems like something you would say exactly, Yeah.
Speaker 3 (01:16:22):
It's not. They're not your kid.
Speaker 5 (01:16:24):
You know.
Speaker 3 (01:16:24):
I'm a dog mom.
Speaker 2 (01:16:25):
You love your dog.
Speaker 3 (01:16:26):
I love you know what I call my dog. I
call my fucking dog. That's my family member, that's my brother,
so my son. Then again, I don't own a dog,
so maybe, but.
Speaker 2 (01:16:37):
Yeah, I mean I will allode that.
Speaker 3 (01:16:39):
Oh it's fine. Yeah, that bitch goddamn being bad. If
your dog was chilling and like who cares? But you're
young on at least won't you mind your own sn't have.
Speaker 2 (01:16:48):
A dog and it was bothering her and she was
just being like Karen, like fuck her.
Speaker 3 (01:16:53):
Just because you've got a dusty old pussy that nobody
wants to go down on doesn't mean you've gotta be
yelling at other people with their dogs.
Speaker 2 (01:16:59):
If your dog was just like attacking the other dog
or her, then like, yeah, okay, I can see your point.
Speaker 3 (01:17:03):
How funny would it be if we find out later
on no, she's actually talking about herself?
Speaker 2 (01:17:07):
Well, then didn't fuck that bitch? The bitch that told
you that you should be able to do whatever you want.
Speaker 3 (01:17:12):
Actually, in that case, I'd probably be on her side.
Put all your kids on leashas she.
Speaker 2 (01:17:17):
Like the big old like New York dog leash. We
have like sixteen of them, and you just take all
your kids and their friends.
Speaker 3 (01:17:22):
Stop fighting.
Speaker 2 (01:17:24):
Just come on, we're going this way.
Speaker 3 (01:17:26):
Yeah it just mind your own fucking business.
Speaker 2 (01:17:27):
Mind your own business. People, don't bother people.
Speaker 3 (01:17:29):
Okay. Plus, I'm sure her dog is a fucking good girl.
Speaker 2 (01:17:34):
Very good with son. So oh, assuming gender would assume
that's you.
Speaker 3 (01:17:39):
Know what, give your give your boy a boop and
a kiss and an extra treat for me.
Speaker 2 (01:17:45):
Uh yeah, So shout out to your dog, good boy,
give them all the boops.
Speaker 3 (01:17:49):
And I hope that lady stubs her toe every day for.
Speaker 2 (01:17:51):
Her Yeah yeah, me too. Uh So Tessa g at
Testa gouryants on Twitter, and Tessa says her not cool?
Is my husband bought store brand pop tarts?
Speaker 3 (01:18:05):
You know, I don't like turning on the Gravy gang
on back to back questions, but you know what, whoa
calm down, miss hoity toity, whoa fucking up there and
your ivory tower hating on store? I love a good
store brand pop tart. Okay, sometimes I just want to
spend thirty dollars thirty cents less. Okay. That being said,
though the store brand ones really can't compare it to.
Speaker 2 (01:18:23):
Pop There's nothing sprinkles on the top of it.
Speaker 3 (01:18:27):
Yeah, I'll give you a passing this on that is big.
Look him down the iebad honey Bot pop tarts again.
We got pop tart money, Okay, we don't have to
go store brand on that one.
Speaker 2 (01:18:36):
When's the last time you bought pop tarts?
Speaker 3 (01:18:39):
A couple of years at least I used to. My
mom didn't buy him that much because when she did,
me and my brother would just tear through them in
like a day. How often? What would you say your
ratio to toasted to not toasted pop tarts? You've eaten
in your life? Way more not exactly, Yeah, like I
don't have time for its eighty percent at least, if
not way more than that now. But because it made
it a nice special treat when you would yeah, ooh,
it's a warm yeah, a warm pop tart rate, but
like pop tarts perfect by itself, only to be warmed.
Speaker 2 (01:19:14):
Even though that was the point of it.
Speaker 3 (01:19:16):
But still.
Speaker 2 (01:19:18):
Pop tarts dude, I might go buy some I might
buy someone. Yeah, you scold him, Yeah, okay, we can
afford the pop tarts, not the.
Speaker 3 (01:19:28):
Toaster pastries. It's probably what they're called, all right. Next
Not cool from Ashley Wilkins at Buster Heeler Mixed on Twitter.
Speaker 2 (01:19:42):
Nashley says her not cool is my husband's shoulder went
out while he was pulling on a nut.
Speaker 3 (01:19:52):
Nut puller.
Speaker 2 (01:19:56):
Well, my husband's shoulder went out while he was pulling
on a nut with a wrench. Had to get an
MRI for a possible rotator cuff tear, had to sleep
on the bathroom floor for four days because it hurts
so bad. And she's in a picture of the MRI
now as not doctors, I would like to Robert, when
you put the picture of the MRI up on the
screen for the people that are looking at.
Speaker 3 (01:20:15):
It now, Pat, I would like to diagnose this.
Speaker 2 (01:20:18):
Yeah, that's what I was about to do, exactly, not
the picture of Sergio, but a picture of just this shoulder.
Speaker 3 (01:20:23):
He's got a ghost in his shoulder, dude.
Speaker 2 (01:20:25):
That's what I was thinking.
Speaker 3 (01:20:26):
That's almost exactly, honestly, And you know what, it might
even be a racist ghost because it looks like it's
got a tall white hat on.
Speaker 2 (01:20:31):
But also if you look at it, it looks like
it's like a dementor and it's trying to suck in
the rest of his shoulder. So really, you got bad bones.
Speaker 3 (01:20:40):
And also there's another ghost over here that looks like
it's high five trying to high five the main ghost.
Speaker 2 (01:20:44):
I don't even see that one. That's something we got
to think about. Got two ghosts in his shoulder. We
got yeah, you got a haunted show shoulder.
Speaker 3 (01:20:49):
You got to call all a medium, exorcist, exorcist. I
think that's right. This is just a he needs a
medium who can talk.
Speaker 2 (01:21:00):
You should probably call all of them, you know who
she should call ghost ghosts their demons, though they do.
Speaker 3 (01:21:08):
Look kind of demonic. I don't know that one just
kind of wants on high five s.
Speaker 2 (01:21:12):
See he's trying to suck in this shoulder bone right here,
he's like trying to like he's like that seems bad.
Speaker 3 (01:21:18):
Well, first try high five, try high fiving the shoulder.
That will probably that one ghost will go away.
Speaker 2 (01:21:23):
Make sure you just need to leave the image of
this up with just us just rambling in the background
of the whole time. But then like just put a
couple of arrows sporadically as we're talking, so it looks
like we're I think we're not.
Speaker 3 (01:21:34):
Speaker 2 (01:21:36):
Yeah, based on our like astute medical recommendation, you got
you got a spooky shoulder, which is actually this is
probably the best month to have a spooky shoulder.
Speaker 3 (01:21:46):
Did you tarry rotator cuff? No spooky shoulder. I'm sorry
that dude, a torn rotator cuff. It does sound absolutely Yeah,
that's like a real series. Anybody that watch knows that.
All day long, I just am constantly putting my hands
up and like behind my head. I don't even realize
I'm doing it till i'm doing it. If I had
a torn rotator cuff, it would it would never heal.
I mean I already I wake up. I wake up
every morning with my shoulder sore because I sleep with
my arm underneath the pillow like that. And then I
made the conscious effort yesterday like no, I gotta sleep
on the other side. Woke up same side, yeah, same
side with the and then like in the morn, in
the morning shower, I gotta just like put hot water
on it for like three minutes, try and work it
out Stretchesno, so I can only imagine what having an actual.
Speaker 2 (01:22:36):
Spooky shoulder, an actual spooky shoulder, must feel like. It's terrifying.
It's terrifying to think about. But Sergio, love you, buddy,
Teas and peas. Give Sergio a boot for it.
Speaker 3 (01:22:47):
Yeah, it might make it feel a little bit better
if you help him. Help him with that nut.
Speaker 2 (01:22:51):
Yeah, help him with the nut next time, Ashley. That's
a good recommendation. Yeah, a little love, help him with
his nut, and then make sure that like, I don't
think Sergeria listens. I know that you do so or watch,
but just give Surgery a boot for us.
Speaker 3 (01:23:07):
What the fuck did you just do? Nothing?
Speaker 2 (01:23:09):
Don't worry about it? And sorry about you? Just seeah,
I say sorry about your spooky shoulder. Boop nothing else.
All right, that was a good one. I'll go first,
min Not cool is that? All week and long, the
fire alarm at the building next door just routinely went
off for like an hour at a time without there
being a cause. I did find the security number and
was like, what's up, dude, and he's like, I'm working
on it, and I was like, okay, but can you
just listen but hey, it's been thirty minutes. Can you stop?
And then like it went off another couple hours later
and I called you and I was like, hey, I
live nice. I know I'm working on it. And I
was like, okay, well, but like i'm calling. I'm not
calling because it's been one minute. I'm calling because it's
been more than thirty minutes. And I'd like it to
stop because it annoys me. So that was annoying. And
then also I've just been I did the thing that
I always do where I don't do laundry for a
month and then I start doing laundry and then I
do the first part of the laundry and then everything
gets stuck in the dryer, and then my wife needs
to do laundry for work and stuff, so then all
of my stuff thing is taken out of the dryer
and put on a couch and then put back into
the dryer. And now I've just been chasing finishing a
laundry load for like two weeks now, where every morning
I'm like, shit, I eat socks and then you just
dig so you can find two white socks and like,
and then she needs it. So then the next day
I come home I'm like, all right, today, I'm gonna
knock it out, and I'll like start the dryer, and
then she comes home starts a load, like, goddamn it,
I'm not gonna put the I'm not gonna put these
away right now. It's on me. I'm not mad. I'm
not mad at her. That's mine, not cool. I am
not cool. She is one hundred percent in the right
to throw my shit on the on the couch and everything.
I'm not blaming her.
Speaker 8 (01:24:54):
Sam's like this too, where she'll leave her clothes in
the dryer and I'll leave them in there for days
because normally I only do laundry on Mondays, So when
she does laundry like throughout the week, she'll just leave
it in there until like Monday.
Speaker 2 (01:25:06):
But it's nice. You can get your stuff all warm
whenever you want it.
Speaker 4 (01:25:10):
He's there for days.
Speaker 3 (01:25:12):
I also, I don't even rewarm mine. I just keep
grabbing regularly clothes and.
Speaker 8 (01:25:15):
So I'll grab it out of the out of the
dryer and like put it on the table, thinking it's
out on display.
Speaker 4 (01:25:23):
She'll get annoyed.
Speaker 8 (01:25:24):
She'll put it away another day or two.
Speaker 3 (01:25:27):
I knew, I like Sam.
Speaker 2 (01:25:29):
Yeah, Sands, my people, my people, dude.
Speaker 3 (01:25:33):
The amount of times that my laundry just stays in
there until I've grabbed everything out of there, or it
stays in there until my sisters do laundry, and then
all of a sudden it's all neatly folded on the
on the stairs is very nice for me. I I
only have about.
Speaker 2 (01:25:50):
Maybe eight days to two weeks worth of socks, so
I can't go like I just downsided. So I had
to do laundry more. And I have exactly a month now,
I can tell, because I've had to like go back
and back. Damn, I gotta do another little. I started laundry,
go that in with your old dry clothes that have
been drying for a week, and like, well, these are wet.
It's fine though. They'll sit here for another week and
then I'll just wear these at some point and then
we'll have this new process going all over again.
Speaker 3 (01:26:15):
I started laundry at eleven fifteen last night because I remembered,
oh yeah, I am wearing my last pair of socks
right now, yep. And I had to do that. And
I've got two laundry baskets, and one of them just
keeps getting more and more filled because as I do laundry,
then like I'll be oh, I need to do more laundry,
and all my stuff is still in the basket, so
it gets dumped on top of the old basket so
I can fill up that one to do laundry. And
it's so mad, it's like overflowing on top. The basket
is on top of them furious. I've got two dressers.
Each one sits on top of a dresser. The clothes
could go into the dresser. They do not go into
the dresser, but I do like socks and underwear. Like
as I'm digging through for stuff, and I go, oh, underwear,
that gets thrown into the underwear drawer, and the socks
get thrown into the sock drawer. But like shirts and stuff,
I'm just constantly digging through. You know, this was in
the bottom of the Christmas Dude, This was in the
bottom of the refill basket. I have two baskets. I
had like two like bags in mine have like Christmas
sweaters from last year. I just watched my David as
Pumpkins shirt from last year that I were around Halloween,
but I never needed to wear it again, So like
why would I watch that I don't need this. I'm
gonna watch that in June, watch datas pumpkins around October
when I need to wear it.
Speaker 1 (01:27:27):
Speaker 2 (01:27:27):
But yeah, Like I'm just fucking terrible at that ship man,
and I've been chasing a whole little bit.
Speaker 4 (01:27:34):
It's not that hard, it's not.
Speaker 2 (01:27:36):
But then you just justify, You're like, well, I can't
hang these up because they're wrinkly. I got to put
the dryer back on. And then you forget about the
dryer and you're like, well, fuck now the driers I
gotta starting back up again because they're gonna be wrinkly.
Speaker 3 (01:27:45):
I've just gotten to the point where I accept I'm
a fucking slob. Dude, it doesn't bother me.
Speaker 2 (01:27:50):
Does your dryer make a noise when it's done?
Speaker 3 (01:27:52):
Speaker 2 (01:27:53):
Yeah, I have Like I'm not making excuses because I
have negative excuses. I have a negative amount of excuses.
Is one hundred percent on me. But this is me
being lazy.
Speaker 3 (01:28:04):
Like it's college behavior that you're supposed to grow out of.
Speaker 2 (01:28:06):
And I would just like, well, you're like, I'll do
it on Saturday. Fuck college footballs on and then you
watch football and then you forget about it. And then
it's like midnight and I'm drunk, and then well, I'll
do it tomorrow. NFL's on all day. I'll be home.
Oh no, I went to the bar. Okay, never mind.
Speaker 3 (01:28:21):
Every so often if I do it on like the
middle of the day on a Saturday, and this is rare.
But sometimes then like when it's done, I'll pull them out,
throw them into the basket, and I'll fold it as
I'm like sitting there watching that's what you got. But
then it still stays folded in the laundry basket. It
does not come out of the place.
Speaker 2 (01:28:39):
I'll do the thing where you like shake out the shirts.
You put them all on hangers, and I hang them
above like my closet, like right on the doorway, and
then I don't put them in my closet for some
reason for like three days. Oh yeah, and then I'll
finally be like, I'm tired of decking under these shirts.
Let me put these twelve shirts that have been just
sitting here for no reason up. That's how I waste
my time, would you guys for your neck wols. I've
got way too long.
Speaker 3 (01:29:02):
I got two one of them is uh. Usually before
we start the podcast, I go to the bathrooms here,
the wonderful clean bathrooms, and I take a quick pregame dump.
And I walked in there today beforehand and both stalls
were in use, so I was like, well, you know what,
I'll just I'll just knock out. I'll rock a quick piss.
And there's two urinals there, and I step up to one,
and as I do, the door opens and another dude
comes and say, and I'm a shyp here couldn't beee either,
So then I.
Speaker 2 (01:29:28):
Just you had to wait him out, and then nope, nope,
I just.
Speaker 3 (01:29:30):
After after me standing there for five seconds before he
got there, and then him standing there and I heard
him start to pee, I just hit the flush, washed
my hands and fucking left. I don't really have to
pee your poop right now. I just like to get
it out of the way pre intive in case in
the middle of the bot richual. Okay, But I was like,
and I just I feel like not a man every time.
I just I have a shy bladder, I can't weird,
I can't go, and my other one thing, my other one,
which led to me finally getting fed up, and uh,
it's like, Infinity, what a fucking shocker. So I wake
up Sunday morning and uh, the London game is already
going on.
Speaker 2 (01:30:08):
Buzz Light Air. It's buzz Light Aer. You guys know
what I'm saying last week, but you can say it.
Speaker 3 (01:30:13):
The the London games already going on. I woke up.
I think it started eight thirty. I woke up like nine.
I roll over, as I do whenever the London game
is I'm here. I flip open my laptop. Uh, no Internet,
no cable, and I was like, I know that bill
is paid up.
Speaker 2 (01:30:30):
You need Joe Jolio London and I pull.
Speaker 3 (01:30:33):
Up the Infinity fucking app and he goes, oh, we
know there's an We've noticed there's an outage in your area.
It should be done by about twelve oh five. And
I was like, so I'm gonna have to miss kickoff.
Fucking great, And I miss kickoff and it comes back
on and about three minutes later it goes back out,
and for the entire first half of the first round
of games, it's just out for ten minutes, back on
for two, out for another twenty, back on for three,
out for five, and just I can't watch the fucking games.
And that goes for the entirety of the second half
the games. It's just out. It just will not come
back on. I look and it goes, oh, it should
be back around five thirty. I was like, fucking great
because at this point, by the time I check, the
Packers are already on. I can't watch the Packers. But
by the time it gets to the fourth quarter, And
like I.
Speaker 2 (01:31:19):
Had when you get on, when you get on with
those people at that point, like when you're on the
customers er every like, bro.
Speaker 3 (01:31:24):
Oh, I didn't get on customer service, but when you
if you do.
Speaker 2 (01:31:27):
Like, that's what pisses me off with. I'm like, look, dude,
I'm trying to be real with you. I'm not yelling
at you. You're doing your job. I pay you guys
for this is the day I pay you guys for.
I pay you guys for this specific Like I'd pay
for all of the days, but I pay for like
this day. Don't fuck it up, and you're ruining my
life right now. You're ruining everything.
Speaker 3 (01:31:44):
Yeah. So, and because I'm an idiot, I wasn't charging
my phone all morning, so I couldn't just like load
it up on there. My brother's like, what don't you
just hotspot it. I'm like, well, when I hotspot my phone,
it's not strong enough internet to be able to stream
anything on my laptop anyway, so that's not a funck
an option. Finally, I just watched the fourth quarter of
the Packers on my phone around five thirty. It does
come back on for five minutes and then it goes back.
I just I didn't want to leave. I'd rather I was.
I was more content to just stew in my anger
for an entire fucking day. They did cover so and
they did god Point, which was great. Then the Cowboys
game starts and it's back on and then in and out,
in and out, in and out. The second half comes
on and it's pretty steady, gets the final drive of
the game and just goes out. Couldn't watch the final drive?
Was it the steal is defense? Am I right?
Speaker 2 (01:32:36):
Speaker 1 (01:32:38):
And uh?
Speaker 3 (01:32:39):
And I look at it and it goes should be
back around twelve thirty.
Speaker 2 (01:32:42):
Am you just told me so?
Speaker 3 (01:32:45):
You basically they were like, it'll be back at some point.
Maybe I took out my aggression on the Covenant. I
just played a Halo on my Xbox for like eight
hours that y.
Speaker 2 (01:32:55):
I feel like every dude needs GTA or some sort
of shooter game where you just say, I'm mad, this
is a totally responsible thing I'm about to do, and
just like, I just need to go on a rampage
in DTA for thirty minutes and then I'm.
Speaker 3 (01:33:07):
Fine, Yeah, I'm good to go.
Speaker 2 (01:33:09):
So then the next morning I woke up and went
straight to expinnity. I was like, cancel a ship. That's
why you gotta do this. Come with you, soak the
box and water before you do it. I tend to
give it to somebody else that it's gonna fuck up
on them.
Speaker 3 (01:33:22):
Somebody else's day.
Speaker 2 (01:33:23):
No, No, they're because they have to check it before
they send it out, and so if it won't turn on.
Speaker 3 (01:33:28):
I don't think they'll do that. I don't think for
a second that they check it be they just know.
Speaker 2 (01:33:32):
But when they go to somebody's house to install it,
they have to plug it in in front of the person,
so the way it won't work. So then the oh,
this one doesn't work.
Speaker 3 (01:33:41):
Oh see, that's assuming it's somebody that I usually just
go give me the box, I'll plug it in my
soh No, no, no, you make them do it. I
don't want people to say coming to my home, fuck them. Yeah,
that and that's another thing that's dumb. Oh and also
when I so I and I did upgrade my internet
to faster, so I have better internet now, and then
I when I go back by and drop off the boxes,
I have to talk to them because on the bottom
there's a ten dollars a month charge for twenty four
hour protection up to six cameras. I don't want. I
don't want home monitoring. I don't want to set up
camera I rent. If I drill holes and put in cameras,
that's gonna come out of my deposit. So now I'm
gona have to go there, and dude, take this off
my bill too.
Speaker 2 (01:34:16):
And if the cameras walk quick there and it does,
then people are just gonna be breaking into your ass off.
Speaker 3 (01:34:20):
Unless it's a closed circuit system, it's not gonna fucking work.
So did yeah, and uh, and I stayed with them
just for the convenience of not having to then switch
over and find a new internet and all that bullshit.
And I still get to keep Peacock for free, but
I don't really use that, so I think not too long.
I'm just going I'm gonna drop them completely. I'm gonna
find a new internet provider. But actually I didn't realize
I did sign up for twelve months. I want to
have a.
Speaker 2 (01:34:47):
Private internet equity fund. Should just start your own cable company.
That would be our next thing we do.
Speaker 3 (01:34:54):
Here's an idea. We'll package all the streaming together and
we'll just call it cable.
Speaker 2 (01:34:58):
That's also great.
Speaker 3 (01:34:59):
Yeah, yeah, Well, just say you want all the channels, Well,
they're all on all these individual services together.
Speaker 2 (01:35:05):
For well, we put all of our online stores in
like a brick and mortar place, and maybe like you
could walk around this brick and mortar place and like
go into each individual like online store. So it's like
Amazon dot Com. I could just walk into this store.
If I wanted to go to Lids dot com to
buy a hat, I could just walk into the store.
Speaker 3 (01:35:21):
We could even put like some restaurants in the middle
of it.
Speaker 2 (01:35:24):
Makes because you might get hungry, Yeah, because you know,
when you're doing all that online shopping in person, you're
probably like a lot of walking. I would normally door
dash if I was at home, but I'm not at home,
if only because.
Speaker 3 (01:35:33):
You're probably snacking when you're online ordering too.
Speaker 2 (01:35:35):
If I'm gonna go somewhere and then they should do
something like that, a jillion dollar idea, Robert, would you
be interested in something like that? Would you like to
invest in that?
Speaker 1 (01:35:48):
Speaker 2 (01:35:49):
I mean it's gonna give me some money, right, well,
it's the public whatever, private investment whatever I called it.
Speaker 3 (01:35:55):
And then also just me being the lazy bitch that
I am, I was like, you know what, I'm motivated.
I'm gonna start canceling all this stuff I don't use.
I don't use paramount Plus. I'm gonna cancel that. I
still haven't canceled that. Literally, I literally just have to
go online and just go cancel. And I fucking just
keep not loading up paramount plus dot com.
Speaker 2 (01:36:14):
Every time you think you're gonna like I don't need
paramount Plus, and then you're.
Speaker 3 (01:36:17):
Like, watch, well, it's because in my head, so my
I found out a couple weeks ago, my buddy had
never watched The Godfather, so it's like, we're gonna watch this.
Paramount Plus is the worst streaming because it is the
slowest by far its time, So it's not even that
it's just it take. It will not fucking load. It
takes forever it's sitting there for three minutes. Finally, like the.
Speaker 2 (01:36:36):
First thing, Netflix will do this thing.
Speaker 3 (01:36:39):
I just like even trying to load up Paramount and
then you go to search and each button you hit
like M, it goes M and you go right right right,
and it's like you only hit right once there, right,
It's it's so slow. So I'm like, dude, just to cancel.
It's gonna take me fifteen minutes just to get to
the cancel fucking screen. And they're stupid interface. All the
money that Paramount has, they could you guys can afford
to make top Gun. You can't afford a fucking website,
can't afford a streamlined website.
Speaker 2 (01:37:09):
I guess.
Speaker 3 (01:37:10):
So it's all that Tom Cruise money you guys are
having to Yeah, let's say I pay.
Speaker 2 (01:37:14):
Robert what you got, but you're not cool.
Speaker 4 (01:37:18):
I burn my finger in the oven.
Speaker 3 (01:37:20):
Ohudet Uh, that's what that scar is right there on
my knuckle.
Speaker 2 (01:37:26):
The thing is, I wasn't even making anything. I just
wanted to feel something. And Bobby wins the pop. Well,
then roberts, well, at least.
Speaker 3 (01:37:40):
It wasn't your head.
Speaker 4 (01:37:43):
Yeah, I banked out.
Speaker 3 (01:37:46):
We got we should probably tell Sam. Wait, do you
have an electric or a gas oven. Guess we should
tell Sam to disconnect the gas. Yeah, that's good, Yeah,
just for just until playoffs are over. I think he's
already over.
Speaker 2 (01:38:00):
Yeah, that's true. That's true, that's true. Have sy'count anymore?
Speaker 3 (01:38:04):
But maybe maybe until like sometime in early September. Then
we can turn his gas back on. But you might
have some cold showers coming up for a little bit, Buddy.
Hot shargs are overrated it, No, they're not. They are
very properly rated.
Speaker 2 (01:38:21):
All right, let's move on to the final segment of
the show. It's my favorite segment we need to do
every week. It's the answers segment. And if you'd like
to submit an ANSWER's question, you know, we do the
pre come segment where we bring up our business ideas,
we ask any questions we have. There's no such thing
as a stupid question. So if you have any questions
stupid people, No, don't say that. If you have a question,
you'd like to ask us a drunk thought, a high thought,
something like that parenting advice you want if you need
us to look at your MRIs. Actually, that's probably not
a great bit for the podcast to do. Continuously PGGMD,
but like, send us your ailments, but hey, it hurts
when I do this us or whatever, and then we'll
tell you where it is. If you just send us pictures,
that's not as entertaining for our audio only listeners. So
we want to be everybody. Oh yeah, we mundo. I
would like you to send us the MRIs on like Twitter,
and we'll tell you that. But then on the podcast,
just give us the ailments. I guess yeah, medical advice,
parenting advice, anything like that. If you need help with
hit us up at past grade Pod. Use the hashtag
ptg answers. I think somebody try to use this room,
but I don't know. And then you guys want to
do a podcast hashtag ptg answers. You can also email
them to us at or past Gray Pod at gmail
dot com and then just in the subject line put
answers on.
Speaker 4 (01:39:42):
Top of it.
Speaker 2 (01:39:43):
We do check Twitter way faster, way more often than
we do the email, but hit us up answers at
past grade Pod or no pastre pod at gmail dot com.
Put answers in the subject if you're emailing them, but
we do prefer Twitter at past Gray Pod hashtag PTG
answers on or sorry, I was distracted by all of that.
Speaker 1 (01:40:01):
Go do you just answer the question? Why? Just answer
the question?
Speaker 2 (01:40:07):
Answer answer, don't thanks the subject, just answer the question, kept.
Speaker 1 (01:40:14):
Answer answers, answer.
Speaker 2 (01:40:19):
Any questions. I think somebody was trying to use our studio.
It's our studio. This is our studio. Everybody knows that
you should, like put a piece of tape on the
door that says like PGG studios. I did when then
somebody took our plack down. Remember our Passing Memorial studio.
Speaker 3 (01:40:40):
All right, Just so all the rooms here, when they're
in it's got the thing outside that says like in
use or on air or whatever. We just get a
piece of like Scotch taper.
Speaker 2 (01:40:50):
Just put it in the on air, just get ribbered
to put like a velvet rope out in front and
just click it close.
Speaker 3 (01:40:59):
Probert would like that because then he could probably just
stand out there and not have to be in here
with us the whole time this show. All right, we'll
get franki Ocho and Robert Bounce group to do it.
Speaker 2 (01:41:08):
Alex oh At Alex mc thunder one on Twitter starts
this off on our answers segment.
Speaker 3 (01:41:14):
Alex o says, if you had to live in a
Halloween movie, which one would you choose? Halloween Town all
day Halloween Town. It's the far away, the least dangerous
of all the Halloween movies. Right, There's no murderer in it.
It's just a guy like trying to become mayor of
the town, or he is already mayor trying to become
like overlord of the town. He's like kidnapping people. But like,
I don't think anyone died in.
Speaker 2 (01:41:39):
The Dude, you're taking mayorship way too crazy, bro, And.
Speaker 3 (01:41:43):
Like, like some of the dudes are just like humans
with a giant pumpkinhead. Dude, that's so much room for
me to punch. I could punch that so easily. Halloween
Town would be a solid pick. Robert, did you have
another one?
Speaker 4 (01:41:55):
What happened to Hug Be Halloween?
Speaker 2 (01:41:57):
People were mean to him the whole time? But if
you weren't Hugh Bee.
Speaker 4 (01:42:00):
Yeah, you're just in that world, You're not Hubie?
Speaker 3 (01:42:02):
Speaker 5 (01:42:03):
Is there?
Speaker 2 (01:42:04):
Like? But would you want to be a bully?
Speaker 1 (01:42:06):
Speaker 3 (01:42:08):
Speaker 2 (01:42:08):
Because what if you had? If you weren't you Be?
You had to throw stuff at him every time he
was on the bike. That's kind of mean, nice, kind
of mean. Could you live with yourself if you had
to do that every day? Just like Adam standing on
his bike, You're.
Speaker 3 (01:42:21):
Like, godamn, I mean, hokas pokes probably wouldn't be that
bad either if they wanted to eat kids in there,
But like, I'm not a kid, and I don't like kids.
I have not true, I don't dislike kids. I just
like yelling at him.
Speaker 2 (01:42:32):
I would have gone with it. I would have gone
with it.
Speaker 3 (01:42:36):
Because that clown would kill me so fast.
Speaker 2 (01:42:39):
Don't go in the sewer. Step one, don't go in
the fucking sewer. And then all you have to do
is survive that summer or however long he was there,
and then you got to wait like thirty seven years
before he fucking comes back. Like you're said, dude, Like really,
you get through that one little time period as a
kid and you're golden.
Speaker 3 (01:42:56):
Also, Halloween, give just leave town.
Speaker 2 (01:43:01):
Yeah, you tell you, Hey, you don't like it.
Speaker 3 (01:43:04):
Here, anyone you care about. You go, we're leaving town. Summer,
you leave town. But you come back and like nine
of your friends have been murdered because they didn't leave town.
That would suck. You don't want your friends, just like, hey, guys,
I rented a fucking beach house this weekend.
Speaker 2 (01:43:21):
Yeah, dude, what keeps happening there? Every every thirty seven years?
They just fucking eat kids. Yeah, I don't know, it's crazy.
Just keep coming back all these disappearances.
Speaker 3 (01:43:33):
Friday the thirteenth. You just don't go to the lake.
Speaker 2 (01:43:35):
Yeah, just don't do that, because I feel like it
it's they you can make it through that first time
period and if you're not the kid he fucked with
the beginning and you didn't get away, then you're safe.
He's not fucking with adults after that. And if you
were the kid, then just like, don't come back to town.
Speaker 3 (01:43:52):
I still think Halloween Town's gotta be the answer, though,
because they have magic and that'd be dope.
Speaker 2 (01:43:56):
Yeah, But like, if I could avoided killer Clown, then
I'm also alpha of that killer clown and that's cooler.
Speaker 3 (01:44:02):
That clown would definitely get me though.
Speaker 2 (01:44:04):
Just don't go to the fucking sewer. Bro, is there
a red balloon? I'm out no, thanks, Like a, hey,
there's gambling stuff here.
Speaker 3 (01:44:11):
Fucking the sexy latinas like come down on the sewers.
I'd be like fuck yeah, I'm getting got quick, I've
got wings. Let's do it, all right, anybody you didn't
make them down there, did you? Okay, I'm in sir, Robert.
Speaker 2 (01:44:26):
You went h be Halloween.
Speaker 8 (01:44:30):
That's the only one I can really think of, And
I don't remember that I watched it, but I don't
remember what happens in it.
Speaker 3 (01:44:34):
I mean you get to hang out with the Sandman,
so that's pretty.
Speaker 8 (01:44:36):
Cool as far as I remember, mean to him, there's
no like Supernatural.
Speaker 2 (01:44:40):
That's pretty No, that's.
Speaker 3 (01:44:41):
Pretty I am mean to all my friends already though.
Speaker 2 (01:44:44):
Yeah, okay, so maybe it's perfect Robert.
Speaker 3 (01:44:47):
I haven't watched that one, so I can't put that
one on my list. But it's like Jason not good,
hollow or Nightmare before Christmas? Bad Guy, this creepy yeah,
and sing I don't want to all the time. And
then the rest are just like murderers. Yeah, like Freddy Krueger.
It's like, I don't know, I feel like I like
to sleep, Like.
Speaker 2 (01:45:11):
You're kind of a pussy though, like you let that
guy get in your dreams, like just be like, uh,
wake up.
Speaker 3 (01:45:17):
Here's an idea, get blackout drunk every night. You don't
in a m sleep he can't get you.
Speaker 2 (01:45:23):
Yep, that's like that was Why didn't they try it?
Speaker 3 (01:45:26):
Like anyo? I had like a three year run where
I was untouchable by Freddy and I didn't even realize it.
Speaker 2 (01:45:30):
That'd be a really funny Freddy Krueger movie to make. Y'ah,
we'll just get black out and it's like the one
kid that is scared to get black out and he
gets killed.
Speaker 3 (01:45:39):
It's like every house party, everyone dies except for the
one guy that passed out at nine thirty.
Speaker 2 (01:45:43):
And then some of them still die from alcohol poisoning,
but like, we don't know if it's from Freddy or
from alcohol poisoning.
Speaker 3 (01:45:49):
Everyone else has a claw that burst out of their son.
This guy just yeah, just died on his own vomits.
Speaker 2 (01:45:54):
We could make a Halloween movie. It'd be so easy,
all right. Great question Alex said that was going to
start us off with. This one is from Brett Brandon
at Price of a ZJ on Twitter, and Brett says,
is an ass a better boomerang or a ladle? Great question?
Speaker 3 (01:46:11):
Oh it's a ladle.
Speaker 2 (01:46:13):
I you can eat out of a ladle you can
eat out of Okay, I didn't look at it from that.
Speaker 1 (01:46:18):
Yeah, I.
Speaker 2 (01:46:21):
I would have classified it as a boomerang because like
when you make that ass clap or you're twerking, that's
like that's bouncing, that's going back and forth and back
and forth, and it's coming right back and it's going
out there, it's coming right back. It's like that's a boomerang.
Speaker 3 (01:46:33):
Here's the thing. Though every ass can be eaten, not
every ass has the fat today. Like, I'm pretty sure
you could smack one side of my ass and it
ain't moving, true, like like a nice fat. You smack
the side of it and then jiggles right back and forth.
And I guess you could slap a boomerang into the air,
So it could be that, But I think it is
a better ladle.
Speaker 2 (01:46:51):
Okay, I think you've you've you've shifted my perspective on this,
little Robert. What do you think.
Speaker 3 (01:46:58):
You know?
Speaker 4 (01:46:58):
I Iri wasinally gonna go ring as well, but Pat, you.
Speaker 2 (01:47:02):
Say, go bring that ladle over there. You go give
me that a little lady, all right. Next question is
from Chris Amita, who emailed in and says power rank
these skeletons, power ink and skeletons this week. Yeah, I forgot.
If you want us to powerrank things with the best
said it, give us five similar ranked things and we'll
powering the fuck out of them. Uh, you give us
five skeletons to power rank. We got giant decorative yard skeletons,
Jack skelington that's nightmare before Christmas skeletor from me, he man,
I just know the memes. That's pretty much what I
know from that. Dancing skeletons, and then the pirate flag,
giant decorative yard skeletons, Jack Skellingtons, skeletor dancing skeletons, and
a pirate flag.
Speaker 3 (01:47:49):
I'll go first, all right, Pirate flag one. Pirate flag
is dope. Pirates are dope. Yep. Number two probably going
with them. B Boy dancing skeletons, You boys with David s. Pumpkins,
you're good on my Just any skeletons doesn't have to
be the B Boy skeletons. It could be any skeletons dancing.
When I see dancing skeletons, I think David S Pumpkins.
Speaker 2 (01:48:10):
That same three.
Speaker 3 (01:48:15):
I mean, just for the memes, skeletor absolutely until next time, kids, Yeah,
it's fucking always. Just giggle as those land every time.
Four giant decorative yard skeletons. Those are really cool.
Speaker 2 (01:48:26):
We're gonna have the same, exactly.
Speaker 3 (01:48:27):
Same every time, and then five Jack skeleton. In my head,
I remember that movie being great. We watched it, not
like probably within the last year or two whatever it was.
I don't really like it. Man, that's too much singing.
It was weird, like this is Halloween iconic song, and
that's great. The rest of the movie. I was like,
Tim Burton, you gotta put down the drugs, man, this
is fucking weird.
Speaker 2 (01:48:50):
So yeah, I went the exact same, exact same rankings.
Is he pirate flag? Pirate flag is so easy as
it number one? It's year round. You see that, you're like,
this is what's up? Like, if you want to talk
about power, you see a fucking pirate flag on a ship,
You're like, get the fuck away from that. That's a
pirate flag. Up. Pirate flags rock, dude. And then like
what would have been bigger though, pirate flag or skull
and crossbones that like is it like this is dangerous,
don't don't drink this, this is poison, because that's more
of like a warning. I still think pirate flag pirate flag,
you get stabbed by poison. Yep, absolutely, Robert, what do
you got?
Speaker 8 (01:49:33):
I'm going dancing skeletons number one. Then I'm gonna go
decorative yard skeletons number two, number three, I'm gonna go
with skeletor number four, I'm going Jack's skelington and number five,
I'm going to the pirate flag.
Speaker 3 (01:49:54):
Pirate flag.
Speaker 2 (01:49:54):
I don't want anyone else.
Speaker 4 (01:49:56):
Being the captain now besides me.
Speaker 2 (01:49:58):
That's fair, But you can tell the fear like there's
some power to have that flag there. You're like, oh shit,
it's a pirate. Uh oh, I don't want it used
against me, So you have to become the pirate. Yeah,
we'll be pirated against.
Speaker 3 (01:50:12):
And you know what, he doesn't like rum, So that
makes sense.
Speaker 2 (01:50:15):
That makes sense today. Yeah, fair, all right. It was
a great power ranking. Course, keep those coming. Keep let's
keep up with some spooky power rankings. I think we
already did. We already do Halloween movies. I don't know
we already did candy. Don't do candy. Somebody's sending candy already.
I think we've done candy every year.
Speaker 3 (01:50:32):
Yeah, but they could probably send us the exact same
we probably could give a different list.
Speaker 2 (01:50:35):
We probably could do, so maybe I don't know. Just
just let's think of the box. This is Brandon Davis
aka Texas cat Daddy on or on Twitter. He is
at a stream of cream. But Brandon says, do eyebrows
count his facial hair?
Speaker 3 (01:50:51):
People don't mean it when they say it, but it's
hair on your face. Is face definitely is Sometimes you
need to groom it your main facial Yeah, you do,
because I would. Okay, that's if that's what you have
to classify it as. Like, because you do have to
like groom your eyebrows. I feel like I never noticed
it in more is probably there, but like I used
to have to pluck the you and and brow quite
a bit.
Speaker 2 (01:51:08):
Yeah, sometimes you get just like a little bushy one
you like when your hair cut, Like can you just
get the.
Speaker 3 (01:51:14):
Old man eyebrow or there's just one that's all fucking
wonky and long. Yeah, towards the end, my grandfather's eyebrows
were fucking crazy.
Speaker 2 (01:51:23):
If you have to do any sort of upkeep to it,
I think it counts as facial hair.
Speaker 3 (01:51:27):
I mean, if it's hair on your face, it's facial hair. Yep,
I get fucking hair on my I got like a
little mole right here. That's facial hair. I mean, granted
it's right next to my beer. Not hair, though, it's
hair coming out of a mole on my face.
Speaker 2 (01:51:38):
Like you said, you just had a mole. I don't think,
you know, don't count.
Speaker 3 (01:51:41):
It is of course, little sticky hair that comes up.
Speaker 2 (01:51:44):
Bless you.
Speaker 3 (01:51:45):
That was the cutest fucking little scenes.
Speaker 2 (01:51:47):
Do you think do you think it's a uh it's
facial hair? However, I don't think so.
Speaker 4 (01:51:53):
I don't think so because this this area you're talking
about your.
Speaker 2 (01:51:56):
Forehead, that's that's part of your facial region.
Speaker 3 (01:51:59):
So for you, you is your face just eyes down? Yeah,
I think so, Robert, it's weird. Take dog, So okay,
if that's the case, if you how far our eyelashes
facial hair? Yes see, I'm putting his brain in a fund, Robert.
Speaker 2 (01:52:16):
If you were to, you know, receive oral pleasure from
a female and you were to finish on her forehead,
would you say you gave her a facial.
Speaker 3 (01:52:27):
That's a good point. That's a good point because.
Speaker 2 (01:52:29):
I think that would be considered a facial Therefore, that
would be facial hair. If you had if you got
it and eyebrows, simply got it on her eyebrows and
it's like on her forehead that you got it in
your facial hair.
Speaker 8 (01:52:40):
No, if it's exclusively up here, I would say.
Speaker 3 (01:52:42):
No, here's one.
Speaker 2 (01:52:44):
Would you call that?
Speaker 3 (01:52:45):
Then? When women go and get an actual facial does
the mud mask just go up to their eyes?
Speaker 2 (01:52:51):
No, point all of the forehead.
Speaker 3 (01:52:53):
And face the front of your head. I think that
includes a forehead. Dog, you've been out voter on the
somebody democracy?
Speaker 2 (01:53:02):
There we go, There we go. That only works when
Robert is the one on that is the oddbn out
or the other one of us just pitches a fit.
It's fair, that's what we do.
Speaker 3 (01:53:13):
Probably was like no, and I was like, dude, eyelashes,
if it's me your pad on the outs.
Speaker 2 (01:53:17):
Fuck, this is bullshit.
Speaker 3 (01:53:18):
Roberts like, all right, whatever, I don't Okay, I got
out of it, all right.
Speaker 2 (01:53:23):
Question. Let's wrap it up with Hector Fernandez, who emailed
it and says, if you order food from a restaurant
and get up and leave right after, does that count
as dine and dashing?
Speaker 3 (01:53:33):
Does he mean like you order the food and then
leave before it comes. No, you haven't dined or does
he just mean like you pay the bill and you
get out quick.
Speaker 2 (01:53:41):
That's what I imagine it as, like, yeah, I'll take
the chicken palm and can I get this? And then
like the second the waiter walks off, you can't and
you just leave like that is that's not dine and dashing.
It's still a dick move if you're just like making
them make food and then not pay for it, because eventually,
like they're gonna bring that food out realize you're not there,
and then I know that you can maybe repurpose some
of it or somebody in the back hits it or whatever.
Speaker 3 (01:54:05):
Most likely you're just feeding the servers.
Speaker 2 (01:54:07):
But it's like still a dick move because they had
to make that.
Speaker 3 (01:54:09):
Oh it's a super dick move.
Speaker 2 (01:54:11):
But also what if you like, what if you ordered
and then you like really like, oh shit, I don't
have any money. I thought I had more money. I
don't have money. I can't like you you should just
flag down your hey money, something came up. I gotta go.
Speaker 3 (01:54:25):
Yeah, that's the way to do it, because that happens. Work.
Thing came up, I got I gotta go.
Speaker 2 (01:54:31):
All right, it's not dining and dashing if you just
order and don't eat. Yeah, it's dining dashing if you've
had the food and then your bath to just avoid
paying the bill.
Speaker 3 (01:54:42):
And and if you mean it's even funnier though you
hate paid and then like ran out of there. Yeah,
I mean technically by the definitions of the words, yeah,
but like it's not the spirit of it, right, dining
dash is specifically you're being a thief. You're eating the
food and leaving without paying. That's a dining dash.
Speaker 2 (01:55:02):
So no, it's not a dying dash. Correct, all right?
Speaker 3 (01:55:06):
Fair As the only food industry professional here on the show,
there you go.
Speaker 2 (01:55:11):
I've watched The Bear several times so so I'm actually
a pretty professional food industry expert as well, and and
a medical doctor too. They did just diagnose somebody with
a spooky shoulder today. Anyways, let's wrap it up. We
are at Pass three pod Onto Socials.
Speaker 1 (01:55:29):
Speaker 3 (01:55:30):
I really wish I had thought of that we were
talking about it.
Speaker 2 (01:55:32):
She could have brought that back at pass grape pot
on all socials. If you're watching us on YouTube, please
hit that like button, leave us a bunch of comments,
give us your ailments and we'll fix them. In the comments.
We'll go on. Pat, you have to go to YouTube
this week and just just respond to people's ailments in
the comments of this video and be like, this is
what you got, and we'll just give them. Just make
it something spooky, give them something spooky. Whatever it is,
it's a spooky insert, it's a spooky finger you got
right there.
Speaker 3 (01:56:00):
Sorry, I can't get hard. You got a spooky dick.
Speaker 2 (01:56:02):
Spooky dick, spooky dick over there at pass gay pot
and all socials. Subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you're
watching us on YouTube, hit hit subscribe on the audio
version as well. iHeartRadio, Spotify, iTunes, wherever you listen to podcasts.
Give us a five star review, write something nice, Share
us with a friend. Yeah, you can pick up on
that you don't have Pat doesn't have head funs on
You can tell that, but Pat can't here. Yeah, and
add I am at a Jamilton Pat is that not Pat? Dan?
Robert is at Robert Barbosa at zero three on all socials,
Please give us a follow, Share us with a friend,
tell a friend to tell a friend about Past the Gravy.
If you would like to support the podcast, Past the
Gravy merch dot Com. Gravygang twenty twenty four shirts are
available to get the dad hats available two if you're
going to the Rod Ryan Show twenty at the anniversary
party this Saturday at Carbok, where's some Gravy Gang gear.
Support the Gravy Gang.
Speaker 6 (01:56:49):
All right.
Speaker 2 (01:56:50):
We love you guys. You guys are the best. I'm
excited to see some of you guys out there, and
I appreciate you guys spending time with us every single week.
I know that there's a lot of podcasts, a lot
of bigger people in US that you could be spending
your time with it. We really appreciate you guys hanging
out with me every Wednesday. Love you guys. Until we no, no,
we got we got our random person generator. What are
we gonna do here?
Speaker 3 (01:57:10):
What you got? I'm gonna go since you went fishing
this week. Jeremy Wade, former host of River Monsters, Jeremy Wade,
I had greatest fisherman of all time, sand Man nice Pool.
Speaker 2 (01:57:21):
I'm all right, I'm gonna go. Michael Myers, the actor
Mike Myers, Canadian Mike Myers, would you say, Jason Wade,
Jeremy Wade, Jeremy Wade.
Speaker 3 (01:57:35):
All right, if Jeremy Wade comes up, I'm gonna ship
my pants. Gary brawls Ma, he's the new guy.
Speaker 2 (01:57:42):
Oh, the new guy. Carl Off or composer Carl Orff.
No man McDonald all that three, Tom Wolf, the author
of the electric kool Aid acid test. That sounds cool.
Speaker 3 (01:58:01):
It's not a celebrity.
Speaker 2 (01:58:03):
Wesley Barker, Alex Trebek. Okay that we'll end it on now,
and nobody won have a great recidue. We go, Giants, go, Packers, go, Texans,
go everybody, but they can. I want Molak of the
Week because your Molik didn't imply it's true. That's very true.
Congratulations to Melik Willis, Thank you. We're really having ourselves
in Milika the week off, aren't. We have a great
rest of you week, Love you guys, Past the gravy bitches.
Speaker 1 (01:58:34):
Bobby Jose's quiet now, Houston dreams.
Speaker 5 (01:58:38):
Just get the crowns lost in the journey, Gray in
the shadows.
Speaker 1 (01:58:45):
He Wills laughed in craft a smile.
Speaker 5 (01:59:02):
Now the pain will last a while, and his seam
is out, his heart is torn.
Speaker 2 (01:59:08):
Every laugh now feels like scorn.
Speaker 1 (01:59:12):
No more chunks.
Speaker 7 (01:59:13):
Bobby christ under me the Gloomys guys. After's gone his
Spearit broke life a longer chest.
Speaker 1 (01:59:23):
That choke.
Speaker 5 (01:59:30):
Every pitch and Frey swing echoes up the songs they sing.
Speaker 1 (01:59:37):
He can't bear to see the light. Darkness falls him
through the night. He was a joy, he was the fun.
Speaker 7 (01:59:46):
But laughter faith when hope is done.
Speaker 3 (01:59:49):
In the silence, he retreats.
Speaker 2 (01:59:52):
Said it's in his heart, repeats, no more chucks.
Speaker 7 (01:59:57):
Bobby cries under me the gloomy skeys, so it's gone.
His spirit broke Lie the longer.
Speaker 1 (02:00:06):
Just a joke, No more jokes.
Speaker 5 (02:00:22):
Bobby cries underneath the Gloomy Skies. Astro's gone, his spirit
broke Life's no longer, just a joke.
Speaker 1 (02:00:33):
No more choults.
Speaker 7 (02:00:35):
Bobby Christ underneath the Gloomies, guys, that's so strawn. His
theory broke Lie so longer, just a joke. I don't
need the Bloomies guys, How so strawn? His spirit broke
Lie so longer.
Speaker 1 (02:00:53):
Just a choke.
Speaker 3 (02:00:55):
Oh, oh, anything, nothing,