Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Bravy Gang Gang Gang.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
Baby powder top and lead spread.
Speaker 1 (00:10):
As we listen, it's a past.
Speaker 2 (00:12):
The Gray Gray were going fishing for your bitch today
with Chunky Houston Houston bab. Now we go ahead and
let camp will get rish today.
Speaker 3 (00:22):
Hitch, Bitch, Bravy, Gravy, Gravy Gang.
Speaker 1 (00:30):
What's going on? Everybody? It's past the Gravy Episode five
hundred and ninety one. I am Alex with my good
friends Pat and Robert, Bobby Jokes, Barbosa back again in
the room that we chose to be in, not other
factors making us be in this conference room? What's going on? Fellas?
Speaker 4 (00:47):
I mean, you booked it.
Speaker 1 (00:48):
This was a choice. I booked it, not because the
other room was going to not be available, but I
booked it.
Speaker 4 (00:54):
You gotta respect that.
Speaker 1 (00:55):
Right now, the conference room slash storage room is our studio.
Speaker 5 (01:00):
I don't know appreciate there's a TV in here that
has a schedule of when this conference room is available.
Speaker 1 (01:05):
We're not even on it.
Speaker 5 (01:06):
Yeah, we're not even on it.
Speaker 4 (01:07):
I didn't available all day. No, it's not. Try and
come in here right now, see what happens. Yeah, we'll
just make hey, no summer right here.
Speaker 1 (01:16):
Let's just start putting post it notes on it. Fine,
I'll just market it myself.
Speaker 4 (01:20):
That would be great if you just put a post
it note on the screen. TV.
Speaker 1 (01:23):
Well set it right there. Well we didn't see that.
Speaker 4 (01:26):
TV Fred to question Mark.
Speaker 1 (01:28):
That's on you. Three to six is what I say.
And then work ends at five, so you know how
that goes. You know how that goes. How you guys doing.
Speaker 4 (01:37):
I'm doing great, man. I got so much sleep last night.
Also the night before I only slept two hours, So
like I'm extra energized today. Well, good, I'm hydrated, had
a bunch of water. Nice, feeling good today. Beautiful weather, weather,
that's pretty good.
Speaker 1 (01:52):
It's so nice right now.
Speaker 4 (01:53):
We had all that rain and now it's just like beautiful,
beautiful outside and it's really cold inside the restaurant, so
like then I step out, it's a little warm.
Speaker 1 (02:01):
Speaker 4 (02:01):
Yeah, I'm having a day.
Speaker 1 (02:04):
Yeah. I was doing earlier today for way too long,
I was doing podcast prep and then somehow La Danny
and Tomlinson highlights showed up, so sick and I just
watched a bunch of La Danian Tomlinson highlights and then
I don't know, do you think l Danny, Like, I
don't think it's leadanian Thomlinson. He's got to be up there.
But like, who has the best athlete highlight reel? Bobby Bouchet. Well,
now very one sided on that one. There's the classics
of Barry Sanders, Barry Sanders, Michael Jordan, Walter Payton. You
go Barry Sanders over Walter Payton.
Speaker 4 (02:37):
It's close with those two.
Speaker 1 (02:38):
Speaker 4 (02:40):
Barries were more recent, so you see more of them,
but every time you see old Walter Payton highlights, you're like, dude,
that dude was different.
Speaker 1 (02:46):
Ken Griffy Jr. Is really fun to watch because he
just was like the perfect baseball player. Rady Johnson was
really fun because he was just nasty and you could
just watch him fuck people up with with his his
curveball BoJack.
Speaker 4 (03:00):
Someone's are great, they're not the best, but his or
more where you just go, what how did he do that? Like,
because the baseball ones sometimes are just like, Okay, it's
just a home run and they didn't track the ball
back then, but you see where it lands and you're
just like that was seven hundred feet yeah, or.
Speaker 1 (03:14):
Just football where you're like he's just fast than anybody.
Clearly he's just anybody out. But he just runs past everyone,
and like Barry Sanders is gonna run through you, he's
gonna juke you out, he's gonna spin past you. He's
gonna do all of the things the Danny and Thomlinson
kind of the same way.
Speaker 4 (03:28):
Who was the West Virginia guy that everyone always why, no, no, no,
the receiver Noel divine No No. He had the best
high school ones. His high school ones when he was
in I think he's from Miami, those.
Speaker 1 (03:40):
Were like that way, Oh he's a running back.
Speaker 4 (03:43):
God, what's his uh?
Speaker 1 (03:44):
Tevon Austin's college tape. There's like levels like the like
who has the best pro one, like high school, It's
got to be no all divine college. It might be
Taevon Austin His his like highlight reel one of the
sickest ones of all. I mean Reggie Bush too. Reggie
Bush was a really good high guy for college. For college,
specifically Leo Messi if you haven't watched, if you like
soccer highlights, like, he's just insane. Christian Ronado only scores
some penalties, ronaldinoes ens, but Messi just he doesn't try
and just scores on everything, so he's insane. Alexavegkin is
probably my favorite hockey highlights to watch.
Speaker 4 (04:24):
I mean McDavid Connor McDavid's highlights, and he did he
did the McDavid stuff, but like and also his it's
just like most of his highlights that you just watch
him hit the same slap shot from the same spot
six hundred and seventy two times and it's awesome every
single time. Every slapshot always rock every single time, like
he's just ripping them past the butmig David, when like
he's just skating one direction, then all of a sudden
increases his speed by four hundred percent, changes directions, skates
between four guys, deaks the puck around, and then goes
top shelf on the goalie and your yet I don't
even know what I just saw.
Speaker 1 (04:57):
Yeah, it's pretty crazy.
Speaker 4 (04:59):
This would be a good bracket to do best Highlights.
Speaker 1 (05:01):
Best Highlights wouldn't.
Speaker 4 (05:03):
Then you like, what are you doing? Oh, I'm doing research,
but you're just watching highlights for like three hours.
Speaker 1 (05:10):
I that's honestly what I did for an hour.
Speaker 4 (05:12):
It's it's awesome every single time, especially if we had
like divisions like like you do the NC double, Like
one corner of the bracket it's people's high school highlights
and you just find those, and then one side is
college and then like one is pros and those are.
Speaker 1 (05:25):
All fun and we should just like live and you
have other in one division. We should live stream us
do in the bracket and it's just us watching highlights,
be like whoa, whoa, whoa dude, whoa chat and then
it's just what you guys. I think that was. I
got thirty five woes and twelve dudes and fifteen holy
shit and seven bruhs. Dude, dude, we have.
Speaker 4 (05:52):
To have a bracket to see which like what's higher
a bra or a dude?
Speaker 1 (05:56):
Yeah, well, and we don't know. We're like, I don't know.
It's like when Michael ed beached and he's like, Pam,
you're missing things and she's like, well, he told me
five stars for this. He said that so and so
gets an A plus. He gave a gold star, Oscar.
I don't know if that's worth more or less.
Speaker 4 (06:12):
You just gotta go on vibes.
Speaker 1 (06:13):
Well, see if there's a see if there's some way
some way to transcribe it.
Speaker 4 (06:16):
Dude, I want to do the so bad now a
highlight bracket.
Speaker 1 (06:18):
What was your like your personal favorites, probably package guys I.
Speaker 4 (06:24):
Was gonna say, I was gonna say, Brett Favve highlights
are so much fun because every single throw you just
know right before he rips it and his brain goes,
fuck it. Yeah, because it's between four guys. Like, honestly,
Brett fav highlights are the best when you throw interceptions
in there too, because you just go on, dude, like
there's four guys in front of him. He's like, I
don't know, I went for it.
Speaker 1 (06:44):
Mine would be Brandon Jacobs and Jammie Shacky because both
of them were just like, I don't care if you're
trying to tackle me, I'm going to run through you.
And that's there. I worry about their futures with CTE
and everything, but it was fun as fuck to watch,
like Jammi Shocky just running through people, and then Jamie
SHACKI like losing his helmet and still running head first
into somebody and then getting about bloody. It was like
this guy rocks.
Speaker 4 (07:06):
I think my favorite highlights have got to be Mike
all Stop then just running people. But for college Brian
Leonard who was the fullback up Ructors with Ray Rice
because it was a white fullback hurdling people.
Speaker 1 (07:17):
And he played at at Cincinnati Cincinnati.
Speaker 4 (07:20):
Yeah, but but in college when you just saw like
it would be Ray Rice of sixty yards and then
Brian Leonard takes twenty three yards of the house where
he runs over a guy and then hurdles a guy.
Speaker 1 (07:30):
Shout out to him for not hitting women. Yeah, Bryan,
that we know of. Also, we could put Sam mcuffy
in the high school highlight one would be.
Speaker 4 (07:40):
Hurdles, dude. Hurdles and football are the best.
Speaker 1 (07:43):
Yeah, even better than hurdles of football's seeing the guy
trying to hurdle get fucked up. Oh, just guts, that's
my favorite. It's god not as good.
Speaker 4 (07:51):
It's like my favorite thing to do in the video game.
I'm like, I don't even care if I fumble, if
I pull off a hurdle, it's great. Oh yeah, oh yeah, like,
oh my running back's injured. Now I got four more.
Speaker 1 (07:59):
What's cool? Do you see? Highlight though? That was sick.
That was sick. But yeah, send us a on the
YouTube video. That's what we always always ask you guys
to do something on the YouTube video, comment who your
favorite athlete highlights are or who you think the best
athlete highlights are, and then maybe can you touch a
YouTube link to a YouTube video. Yeah, I feel like
i've comments or comment first, and then below your comment
put the link.
Speaker 4 (08:23):
I mean, I think there's still one or two Pat
McGuffey highlight reels out there that.
Speaker 1 (08:28):
Yeah, Pat mcguffee was not as good as Sam McGuffey.
Speaker 4 (08:31):
Some would say he was better, some might say that.
I still mad the full video got taken down for
music copyrights. But we had something like Robert I punted
the ball and then caught my own punt.
Speaker 1 (08:42):
It was sick jumping over everything Wild West days, but
like you didn't have to, Like you're just like, I
don't know. I grabbed the music I had on my
computer and I threw that over the highlight reel and
they're like, well, now this is blink on a two.
You're trying to steal from them, Like I'm not really,
You're right, I get it. I get it if we
try to show some highlights.
Speaker 4 (09:01):
Dude, if we were in high school ten years later,
I could have just been like a highlight guy.
Speaker 1 (09:04):
No kid can just send off to colleges. The boom
there combs the boom, are you not? And it was
like that was every running backs highlight reel.
Speaker 4 (09:14):
I mean my favorite individual reel.
Speaker 1 (09:16):
I think now they do the Big AJ and Big
Jazz is the boom. We burned the bomb do yo
they have to?
Speaker 4 (09:24):
But I still remember Notre Dames highlight reel from Charlie
Weiss's first season when they were good. When it like
cause it starts out it's his opening press conference and
he was We're gonna have a hard working, nasty, intelligent
football team and then it goes into uh, I think
it was Huba Stank. There was the song in the background.
Then it's just like Jeff Samars are running past people
and Darius Walker, Brady quinn Ah favorite thing to do
is a dude just named names yep rocks.
Speaker 1 (09:53):
That's like another good like so on the YouTube the
YouTube video, go and uh YouTube dot com, sash Past
Gay podcast or just search us and comment on this
video and just comment who your favorite athletes highlight reels
or who you think the best one is. Maybe comment
both and then if you want to attach a link,
do that, but on a separate comment so we can
get more clicks where we can get more comments too.
Let's move on to I saw this. I went. I
went out of town over the weekend, and on my
way out of town, I was driving past Conroe, Texas,
and they had a billboard that said gun show at
Margaritaville in black and yellow letters, and I was just like, fuck,
that's the most American thing I've ever heard. It is
the most American thing ever.
Speaker 4 (10:31):
What are you gonna have a bunch of drinks and guns?
Speaker 1 (10:34):
If you were like sum up the United States of
America in four words, I would say gun show at
Margaritaville and you'd be like, all right, yeah, if you
could like.
Speaker 4 (10:47):
Gun show Margaritaville, fireworks just take.
Speaker 1 (10:50):
Out the ad. Yeah. It rocked though. I mean I
can go to it, but I was like, I can't.
Just dudes in Hawaiian shirts Margaritae guns maybe not the
safest thing, but like.
Speaker 4 (11:03):
Vibes, they just don't put the AMMO in it.
Speaker 1 (11:06):
True, true, God, dude, that's got to be like the
greatest place on the planet.
Speaker 4 (11:12):
You know, a couple of weeks ago, we probably wouldn't
have had that. But now Trump's from.
Speaker 1 (11:18):
Well no, because then they would have done. I was like,
when it would have gunn buy back at one A
Democrat wins though, was like, by why you can buy
Why you know they're trying to come for your guns
that every gun store buys ads for like the last
up until they're inaugurated, and it's like they're coming for him, dude.
Speaker 4 (11:36):
I fell into it too. After Biden one. My buddies
were all trub was like, I need to finally go
buy a gun.
Speaker 1 (11:41):
I didn't, so you can miss it, actually shoot the
wrong person if something happens.
Speaker 4 (11:46):
Yeah, but if I'm firing from my own home, it's safe, Okay.
Speaker 1 (11:49):
Speaker 4 (11:51):
I thought he was gonna come inside.
Speaker 1 (11:53):
I was worried about it.
Speaker 4 (11:53):
He was walking his dog. I didn't hit the dog, did.
Speaker 1 (11:56):
I saw some thing on and read it and it
was they were yelling at some dude that pepper sprayed
a woman that was harassing him for whatever he posted
on Twitter, and he like she was banging on his
door and he opened the door and his pepper sprader,
and they're like, oh the fuck can you do that?
Speaker 4 (12:10):
Speaker 1 (12:10):
Did you go on his property and knock on his
door and harass him? Because then he can he can.
Speaker 4 (12:14):
Do that that guy's a total asshole.
Speaker 1 (12:16):
I mean, I don't know who he is, but I
saw it. I saw everybody just saying he said bad ship,
and I was like, I'm not saying I don't know
the other story. I know that if you are harassing
someone and bang on their door and then they open
it until you go away, you don't go away, and
then they can pepper spray you. Yeah, they're allowed to
do that. I mean, it was well within this right.
Speaker 5 (12:34):
She wasn't banging on the door though she was.
Speaker 1 (12:36):
She was in front of it. Okay, Well, then she's
rassing him knocking and banging. She had also been harassing
him for door. Am I harassing you if you had
been harassing me from outside by yelling at me for
hours before, Yes, which is the case. But I don't know.
I was just like, that's like, don't don't fuck with
people and then expect don't fuck with people at their
homes and expect to not like get fucked back with.
Speaker 5 (13:01):
I don't know, but did you even hear what he
was saying.
Speaker 1 (13:03):
I don't. I just saw I saw the second half
of it, and I was like, I that's his property,
You're on his property.
Speaker 4 (13:08):
Just because anything with that guy's.
Speaker 1 (13:10):
To someone else, which disavowed already on this podcast. You
guys know that.
Speaker 5 (13:15):
He's saying, because Trump one that women are property. He's
going hold on, here him out. He's going viral for saying,
oh your body, my choice.
Speaker 1 (13:29):
Oh that's that guy.
Speaker 4 (13:30):
Yeah, he's a real piece of ship.
Speaker 1 (13:32):
He wasn't serious though, Well here's the thing, what does
he think that I'm fifty.
Speaker 4 (13:37):
To fifty on. I kind of think he's a grifter
because he also was you know's gonna go. He wasn't
supporting Trump before it because he was like Trump doesn't
do enough, and then Trump one, he's like, I fucking
told you guys, I did this. Let's go maga And
I was like, you were just four days ago.
Speaker 1 (13:52):
Yeah, I don't know, but I mean, you know somebody's
on your front doorstep, you can pepper spram. You go
to someone's house to her ask them like you should
expect like maybe some sort of retaliation. That's all I'm saying.
I'm not saying that they should say the thing that
makes you go harass them, but like if you were
asked someone at the place where they live with their family,
then you should be like ready for shit to happen.
That's the fuck around. Find out like charte he I
get like, well he said stuff, We're doing that, Like find.
Speaker 4 (14:21):
Him in public and yell at him this first Amendment.
You can say, you're terrible.
Speaker 1 (14:24):
Shit. I didn't know he was a white supremacist. I
just knew everybody was mad online and then the people
who were like, he obviously did something and people were
justifying it.
Speaker 4 (14:31):
But like he still had his He's gonna Spanish last name,
which is always confused to me.
Speaker 1 (14:35):
Well, you know, Trump had a lot of Hispanic voters.
Speaker 4 (14:38):
But like the fact that he's a white supremacist, but
somewhere down the line like that Dave has to be
not white in him. Yeah, I mean.
Speaker 1 (14:46):
He looks like it's not that that's Stark is the one.
But let's not talk about politics. You guys wanna talk
about anything else besides politics? Yeah, okay, anything, okay anything. Well,
you're gonna role play a little bit another little scenario.
Al Right, so I was the Uber driver last week. Okay,
you are going to be the Uber driver this week.
I'm going to be the Uber passenger. Right. You are
an Uber driver named JD hants a mild manner guy
just trying to get through his day driving people around
at this ride share company. I am Opal Chris Anthemum,
an angry feminist uber passenger, so action opel.
Speaker 4 (15:32):
Yes, uh, well come, how's your day going?
Speaker 1 (15:36):
JD. Hant's nice name.
Speaker 4 (15:40):
It does well for me.
Speaker 1 (15:43):
Look, I don't look, I'm just I'm sick and tired
of everything that's going on right now. Can I just
can you pass me the OX? I'd like to listen
to something that's going to elevate me and lift me up. Please? Sure,
I'm not your your fuck women rhetoric that you're probably
listening to anyways, whatever you say, do you mind if
I have the OX? Please? Its fine? If I have
the oxould you please pass me the OX?
Speaker 4 (16:05):
There you go, shout out to my girl.
Speaker 1 (16:12):
I ran to Franklin risb E c T. You know
what that means to me?
Speaker 6 (16:17):
Hey, respecting women, we respecting women, respecting women, we respect
the women, respecting women, we respecting women. All of my Homiesamn,
respecting women. You see if women over there, we respect her.
Speaker 1 (16:32):
You see your women over there, we respect her. Another
woman she's like there, Well respect her. That's what we
gotta do. Well, respect her.
Speaker 6 (16:41):
Respecting women, were respecting women, respecting women, were respecting women. Hey,
respecting women. We respecting women. All of my homies Amy
respecting women.
Speaker 3 (16:52):
Moms, Yeah we respect them. Teachers, Yeah, we respect them. Nuns, Yeah,
we respect it. Nurses, Yeah, we respect it. Amelia Hair,
she respected April Love.
Speaker 1 (17:08):
She's just sketched. Katie Perry, who respects you? To at
least your silverstone? Daver got back to you. You respect it.
Speaker 6 (17:15):
Respecting women, We respected women, Respecting women, Yeah, we respect him.
Speaker 1 (17:20):
Women respecting women, We respecting women.
Speaker 6 (17:24):
All of my homies Andy respecting women.
Speaker 1 (17:26):
Yes, finally, just something to clear my head. It's about
women's rights.
Speaker 4 (17:33):
Why did the song only list stereotypically female jobs. I
thought women could do anything men do.
Speaker 1 (17:38):
Shut up. JD hants you white supremacist.
Speaker 4 (17:41):
All right, we're gonna get out of my car.
Speaker 1 (17:43):
All right, that's the same. Yeah, I don't know. It
was just a long way to get to the song.
I don't know if you've got that last two the
last two weeks. It's really just to play a song. Yeah,
I thought it was pretty good. I wrote it right
before I left top of the charts, freestyle it. I
was off free style.
Speaker 4 (17:57):
Oh like Little Wayne.
Speaker 1 (17:58):
Yeah, I'm pretty much like are basically little Wayne White Wheezy.
That's that's your wrap name, Whiteheazy shout out. I was
Young Mick, same guy that was the Uber driver in
last week's All Right shot, that guy White Wheezy, which
you got for precome segment. Fuck.
Speaker 4 (18:18):
I had it written down. Did I put it in
the wrong thing? Honestly, don't know where I wrote it down?
Did I not write it down?
Speaker 1 (18:26):
Doge? Oh was the dough? Oh yeah, just doge dose
is bad down.
Speaker 4 (18:32):
The coin is way up, same with bitcoin, but also
the Department of Governmental Expenditures excesses.
Speaker 1 (18:41):
I don't know. We're cutting jobs. It seems bad, No,
because it's cutting government jobs and government is bad. Okay, Yeah,
we're gonna save money hopefully, and that means do I
don't know.
Speaker 4 (18:52):
I don't I definitely don't see this going poorly because
Elon and the other I forget it for his name
rams of Swanee, they're definitely not gonna They're definitely not
gonna turn on each other over who has more power
in the department. That's not gonna go poorly. Yeah, sure, Yeah,
I don't know much about it. But it's just it's
it's just great that Trump just being the ultimate troll
he is. He's like, we're gonna name this after dose coin.
Give me an acronym that works. Oh that's okay, yeah,
because I don't know if Elon started dose coin or
was just big on it.
Speaker 1 (19:30):
But I don't know. He's like, I'm putting Elon in charge.
We're calling it dose we're cutting the government. I did
see Trump and Byen just cheesing in the White House
today being boys.
Speaker 4 (19:42):
Oh that was I saw it.
Speaker 1 (19:44):
As they look at them.
Speaker 4 (19:46):
Who would have thought, Joe, are we gonna get ice
cream after this?
Speaker 1 (19:50):
You know it? Come on in. It's great. I love
ice comut, they got chocolate. You're welcome. I dropped out late.
Speaker 4 (20:01):
I don't know. This is gonna be a weird four years.
She's gonna try and enjoy what you can.
Speaker 1 (20:06):
Anything else for four years. Robert, What you got for
pre com segment?
Speaker 5 (20:13):
That's a good question.
Speaker 1 (20:17):
Is that a pass?
Speaker 5 (20:18):
I think that might have to be a pas.
Speaker 1 (20:19):
Be a pass to be a pass. That's fine, that's fine.
Sometimes you don't have anything for the prem segment, but
watch highlights though. I know.
Speaker 4 (20:29):
I found the old Notre Dame one. The funny thing is,
I don't know what to search, but it's from two
thousand and five. I still remember the user name of
the girl that posted it.
Speaker 1 (20:37):
So I just searched that some psycho shit.
Speaker 4 (20:39):
Yeah, shout out. That's really sad and the lucky girl.
Speaker 1 (20:43):
She's still posting videos.
Speaker 4 (20:44):
Oh no, but I do remember I became friends with
her on MySpace right back in the day. That's a
dope ass highlight reel you made.
Speaker 1 (20:50):
I'm still friends with the people I met like giants
fans on MySpace shot Daniel Villano I so like hit
her up every now and then talk about the giants
like this fucking sucks. Like, yes, person that I met
when I was in seventh grade online and still contact
It's fine, it's fine. It was the early pace adults
that have families that are married now and we're still
just like, dude, the fucking giants.
Speaker 4 (21:10):
Right the early days of being able to contact strangers online, it.
Speaker 1 (21:14):
Was it was safe then. It wasn't all sex. It
was just teams at that point. I mean it was
kind of sex teams and Top eight where so most
of it wasn't sex.
Speaker 4 (21:24):
Sex adjacent. Remember asl and be playing for h sex location.
Speaker 1 (21:28):
Yeah nmu man same.
Speaker 4 (21:32):
We were not watched at all on the internet.
Speaker 1 (21:34):
Show no no no, no, no no.
Speaker 4 (21:37):
We had it awesome.
Speaker 1 (21:38):
When you see stuff like commercials where like dads can
turn off the Wi Fi for like your phone, like
your phone can just not get Wi Fi, it's like,
dad is wild.
Speaker 4 (21:47):
I need to figure out how to do that in
my house because I keep getting slow Internet when playing
video games. I'm like, there's too many devices I need
cutting people.
Speaker 1 (21:53):
There's that one where the boyfriend sneaks in the daughter's
window and the dad sees it. A new device is
connected to Wi Fi and it's like fuck brond the
card and ring doorbells ruined a lot of shit. We
all got caught sneaking out. Even if we didn't get
caught sneaking out, they would have caught me, like pushing
the car out of the driveway, or.
Speaker 4 (22:12):
Like every window's got sensors all. I used to crawl
through the upstairs window, out across onto the garage, down
off the side of the garage, and out the side
of my house.
Speaker 1 (22:21):
Speaker 4 (22:21):
Now i'd be like every time you open a window
in the house.
Speaker 1 (22:24):
Nowadays, balcony under the roof, under the top of the fence,
onnder the side yard out back, put your card neutral,
push it out the driveway, wait till you can start it.
Speaker 4 (22:33):
Did you ever ask your parents? But did you know
that's how I snuck out?
Speaker 1 (22:36):
Speaker 4 (22:36):
They're probably like, yeah, we just don't care.
Speaker 1 (22:38):
There was an incident where one of my friends, a
larger friend of mine, had you would you would slide
down the part of the roof and you would put
your foot on the top of the fence, and then
you would carefully hoist yourself down, using the fence to
balance yourself. He was a little bit bigger and broke
the fence board and that was the middle of night,
so we got caught. So yeah, they knew, they knew
that point.
Speaker 4 (23:01):
That'd be a fun one, just to sit down with
your parents and just be like how much did.
Speaker 1 (23:06):
You know how many they're gonna be like, we knew
all most of the Yeah, especially my parents.
Speaker 4 (23:10):
You were the fourth kid. We didn't care anymore.
Speaker 1 (23:12):
Yeah, we just gave up, gave up by.
Speaker 4 (23:15):
The cops never got called because of you, so we
just let it keep happening.
Speaker 1 (23:19):
Yeah, your brother's way worse.
Speaker 4 (23:20):
I didn't have a license It's not like I was
drinking and driving anywhere. So they were like, whatever car
hits Pat, he's big.
Speaker 1 (23:25):
He'll probably'll learn you want to do some Robert feelines. Yes, Robert,
Pat has never been this excited for Robert feline segment.
Robert feline is the proper name for bobcat. That is
a fun little bit we've been doing for the last
couple of months. Now. You send us things if you want.
If you'd like to hit up Robert roberts at Robert
robosa' yere three, make sure that you give him a
category and your Robert feline as well as the answer
for your Robert feeling. Robert fields is basically just code
names for other words that are similar Robert feline, bobcat,
think things like that, and we're gonna give you the
category and the Robert. You are going to try and
solve it. Let us know if you solve any of
these bad boys comment belove you solve any of these
on the Robert feline thing. Why don't we start with you, Pat,
since you're just so excited.
Speaker 4 (24:09):
All right, and I'm back to just one category. All
these are gonna be children's songs. Children's songs yes, So
the first one is tua Spanish one, my breast, Tua
Spanish one, my breast, keep going, you're on the right track.
Spanish one.
Speaker 1 (24:40):
My who know hawk who?
Speaker 4 (24:43):
Now maybe if you're saying it to a woman, so ye,
no to us Spanish one, Spanish one was right, But
you're my breast, my breast, my breast, Robert, what's what's
Spanish one? Now there you go, But put it together
with the first.
Speaker 1 (25:06):
One you had, my tata, my breast can hate that.
Speaker 4 (25:14):
I hate that, all right. Next one, cuddle stuffed sweetener.
Speaker 1 (25:24):
Cuddle stuffed sweetener. I do not know.
Speaker 5 (25:35):
Speaker 4 (25:35):
It's from Mary Poppins. Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine
go down. Spoonful of sugar. Cuddle spoon stuffed full sweetener, sugar,
spoonful of sugar. That's a tough one, all right. Let
me do, let me do, go, go go. I got
I got two more.
Speaker 1 (26:00):
I got about two in this week. I'm neither one
of them are my best. This is a restaurant. James Jonathan,
James Jonathan, James Jonathan.
Speaker 5 (26:21):
Jimmy Johns.
Speaker 4 (26:22):
I was about saying, Jimmy Jimmie Johnson.
Speaker 1 (26:24):
Jimmy john I love a good Jimmy John's all right,
and this is a musician Christmas decoration Benjamin, Christmas decoration,
Benjamin for a musician tree star light, Um, Benjamin. I'm
just trying to think of like famous Benjamin's Benjamin Button, Benjamin.
Who's the kite guy, the kite guy, Benjamin Franklin, Oh,
Aretha Franklin. There you go, there you go, Christmas decoration.
All right, all right, I.
Speaker 4 (27:15):
Got another children's song here, Grizzly Essentials Necessities Baby, let's
put these together. And I was like, I just need
to listen to a Disney playlist after this.
Speaker 1 (27:29):
Because these are what made you think children's songs.
Speaker 4 (27:32):
I don't know. Spoonful of Sugar popped into my head
and I was like, oh that's and then.
Speaker 1 (27:37):
Feelin's is hard. You'll you'll try and come up with one.
You're like, I'm gonna look at random things and try
and come up with one for them, and then you'll
just spend all day doing that and you won't come
up with anything, and then one just hits you.
Speaker 4 (27:46):
That's why I like doing the I think of one
and I'm like, okay, make it a category, and then
you last one round Existence, Circle of Life, Circle of Life.
Speaker 5 (28:00):
Yeah, I did better on those, and I thought, yeah, see,
I was thinking that you wouldn't go in like wheels
on the bus.
Speaker 1 (28:07):
I also thought, I thought songs, but I was like,
I don't know if all these are Disney they play
as kids songs.
Speaker 4 (28:14):
We got any user ones or not user listeners not
this weeknd, Well, if you.
Speaker 1 (28:20):
Want to send any user submitted Robert Feelin's hit Robert
Barbosa up at Robert Barbosa zero three on Twitter, and
uh make sure you dm them to him, give them
the category and you Robert Feelin as well as the
answer for it. Let's move on to the Comeback Kids segment,
where we'll tell you what's back in the news according
to us, and that is brought to you this week
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It's the Comeback Kid, the Comeback Kid of the week.
Speaker 5 (30:37):
Comeback Kid of the week, bitch.
Speaker 1 (30:43):
Trying to communicate in sign language. We're not very good
at it. During during song, first Comeback Kid is camping
because I'm an outdoors king. Now like I camp two
times a year, I've got it all figured out. Boys,
you're basically bear girl, Rocky Mountain Middleton right here.
Speaker 4 (31:00):
I like that. Please, next time you go camping, make
everyone call you that.
Speaker 1 (31:05):
Come of Rocky guys while Rocky Mountain middle Yeah. Rmm.
If I ever opened it outdoors like camping place to
compete with Ari, I would be r m M. That
would be sick. Yeah, but yeah, we camping went with
the wife was a success. Also helps camping is cabins
life hack with cat with camping cabins, rains, get a cabin.
Speaker 4 (31:31):
Yeah, and then you don't have to worry about bears
tearing your tent apart.
Speaker 1 (31:34):
True, well, we don't have to worry about bears where
we go anyways. But the first night we were going there,
I've been there long enough to know there aren't bears
or fish in the lake.
Speaker 4 (31:43):
You never know what a bear can get loose, and travel.
Speaker 1 (31:46):
Is a great point, you know what. I don't know
if they could escape the zoo here Bary postroskeys just
escaped not that long ago. But I went camping Friday night.
It was not great weather wise, but we already a
child card taking care of it. We're like, we're fucking
going I don't know, and then we're like, maybe we
don't want to set up a tent in the pouring
rain and then worry about if the tent leaks. How
we're gonna do this and it's pitch black and it's dark,
and yeah, we were like, we could just get a
cabin by where we usual I usually go poop at
this marina. They have cabins there. Who would have thought
just go rent a cabin. It's like sixty bucks.
Speaker 4 (32:23):
It's basically lamp at that point.
Speaker 1 (32:24):
It's awesome. It wasn't glamping because it was just like
a regular I mean it was I guess that cabin.
Is that clamping if you're in the cabin, because glamping
is like when everything's like fancy, like you staying at
like a pimped out trailer and stuff.
Speaker 4 (32:36):
You got TV and all that. You got wood walls,
it's not clamping.
Speaker 1 (32:39):
Yeah, yeah, we had wood walls or we had brick walls,
but like whatever, there are basic walls, there are basic walls,
and then just concrete floors, two beds, a bathroom, microwave,
were good to go. It was awesome. I bought uncrustables.
That's what I ate this week. It was great. That's
a great. Oh, we don't have a stove for the
cabin cool uncrustables.
Speaker 4 (33:00):
You can eat one hundred to those so many yeah, frozen,
defrosted whatever.
Speaker 1 (33:03):
I found two more in the cooler when I was unpacking.
I was like, awesome.
Speaker 4 (33:06):
And then I had them for unpacking. Oh I thought
you're gonna say you had an unpacking snack.
Speaker 1 (33:10):
Well they had they because then the cooler they get
kind of soggier. So just threw them back in the
freezer a day later. Perfect smart man. Yeah, shout uncrustables,
so they get it. They just get it. I can't
believe I went so many years without one. And they
are pricey.
Speaker 4 (33:25):
I still won't buy them, but they are.
Speaker 1 (33:26):
Pricey looking at it. When I was the first time
I bought him in a wild pricey. Didn't regret it. Ever,
You'll never regret buying uncrustables. Buy the end, you know what.
You just don't have to make the people short guys,
do the thing. Buy the incrustables. Okay, buy the incrustables.
Speaker 4 (33:45):
I want to. I want them to make uncrustibles but
with crust because I like crust.
Speaker 1 (33:49):
Crustables. Oh that's just not a great name though, No
it is. It's like just put it right next to them.
Oh but did you miss the crust. Don't worry, we
got that too. It's like you can get them and
also the package it just has this. They're still in square.
It's just missing the middle part that was made into
the uncrestible. Look, but we you can also have the
crust hill. I'd buy that, just crusts. It's like don
a hole trust crusts. Yeah, and then then we would
also you could do the stuffed crustables where you just
have stuffed crust uncrustables by just putting more jelly and
peanut butter into the crust.
Speaker 4 (34:27):
I'll tell you know in fact, because as soon as
you said that, I instantly got hungry. You put the stuff.
Speaker 1 (34:32):
Extra jelly and peanut butter around it and then put
the crust back on it. That's your stuffed crust stuffed crustables.
Speaker 4 (34:39):
Investors, we are currently taking your money fund.
Speaker 1 (34:44):
US or Uncrustables verbal trademarks, so you owe us now
for that. Please, we would like one thousand dollars per sandwich.
Unless you would like to work and deal with us.
I will accept Uncrustables as payments. If you could get
your paycheck and crustables.
Speaker 4 (35:01):
I want it because I still I can't pay bills
with uncrestibles. Unfortunately, the country still hasn't gotten that great.
Speaker 1 (35:07):
I wish you could get part of your paycheck as
just like this is the food you get. No, I don't.
I don't because don't want to choose it.
Speaker 4 (35:13):
I mean, I guess I kind of do because I
eat for free at the restaurant. So that's like a bonus.
Speaker 1 (35:18):
Dumb thought and all winners, right, No, No, it was
a it was a good thought, the dumb thought, like
if you if you were like, I want ten percent
of my paycheck in.
Speaker 4 (35:29):
I don't know Perry's gift cards. Yeah, I love that weird.
Speaker 1 (35:33):
I want that Skittles and just chilli trip.
Speaker 4 (35:38):
I mean, maybe some day it'll happen, like if the
NFL gets a good brand, because I remember Russell o'kun
like ten years ago got half of his UH contract
paid in bitcoin. Yeah, so like maybe some.
Speaker 1 (35:50):
Bitcoin kind of fell off. It's back up now, though
it's back. It's it's a big now, very much back.
I still don't understand it, but it's back.
Speaker 4 (35:58):
Don't understand it at all. My friend were just talking
financials all day in the group chat today. I felt
like a little kid that was out to dinner with
his parents and they're like financial advisors.
Speaker 1 (36:07):
I feel like I was.
Speaker 4 (36:08):
Like, I don't understand. You're guys are throwing a lot
of three H letter acronyms.
Speaker 1 (36:13):
The dollars sign eight four to three, and it's just like,
I don't know what this means. I like, VRT, it's
really a. It's a it's a safe investment sign PTG.
Just back, yeah, you guys, look at dollar sign PTG,
dollar sign SMD.
Speaker 4 (36:26):
They don't even listen to me when dollar sign ass
because they know I know nothing. So when I do
try and like jump into those conversations, they just straight
up ignore my test.
Speaker 1 (36:34):
That's what I think a lot of bitcoin dudes, I'm like,
you aren't like I've hung out with you for you
not like I don't know how you cracked the code
on bitcoin. Why are you trying to hype me up
on this?
Speaker 3 (36:45):
Speaker 1 (36:45):
We can do this, I don't know. I do it
with me friends, gambling. I'm you should gamble with me.
Speaker 4 (36:50):
See, that's what I have When I'm like, yeah, but
I can explain a money line to you, and you guys,
harl Is like, still, at least two three times a year,
I have to explain what minus one twenty two means
on a betting line.
Speaker 1 (37:00):
You feel smart? I do feel smart when somebody asked me.
Every now and then rod will be like, hey, so
what are the odds? Now? What does that mean? Well?
What that means, Rodney.
Speaker 4 (37:09):
It's really the only thing in the group chat they
come to me for to explain is like, hey, can
you explain plus versus minus again? I'm like, yes I can, and.
Speaker 1 (37:17):
So you but did you bet that?
Speaker 5 (37:18):
Speaker 1 (37:18):
I did this? And then I talk about teasers and
then that like you sound insane, Like I teach them
about you moved the line down so you could bet it?
Yeah I did.
Speaker 4 (37:26):
I teach them about new cheap alcohols, cheaper ways to
buy nicotine, and betting. That's all I contribute to my
group chat, yep. And I think general humor, that's what
you're there for. Yeah, I'm a vibes guy.
Speaker 1 (37:39):
Es not a crypto guy. Yeah, vibes guy.
Speaker 4 (37:41):
And thirty years they'll all be like, dude, we're going
to Vegas again this year and I'm like, sweet, send pictures, yep.
I really need one of them to like, really just
do their investments hit big and one of them buy
a lake house.
Speaker 1 (37:54):
That would be ideal. I don't want a lake house,
but I would like someone else to have.
Speaker 4 (37:57):
Yeah, I could use because our one friend that Isa
had one, they sold it, so like we don't have
anywhere to meet up now, I mean it's my boys.
Speaker 1 (38:05):
Yeah, well another komy Kid we had, well, not Coby
Kid is part of the camping one. It's were Wolves
of London. Dad, you're familiar with this, Lauren Zvon.
Speaker 4 (38:18):
Where London saw a long Cheney walk away with a limp.
Speaker 1 (38:24):
So where well for the Chinese menu in his hand
walking through the street.
Speaker 4 (38:29):
It's soho in the rain only you know what now?
That like it's it's it's like Bob Dylan lyrics, but
singing by somebody that can actually sing.
Speaker 1 (38:38):
No, it's like Jack White lyrics like Jack White similar
Jack White would write like it'd be like more Little
Kiddy where it's like a Nick mac Petty Weack can
give a dog upout. I think that's any Jack White
band ever. But Warren Zevon is just absolutely fantastic. And
that is a song we've been playing when I go.
When we were camping for the last couple of years.
It was kind of a bit that one of my
friends and I did where he would play it every
like fifth song, and then people would be why the
fuck is this song always in the rotation? And last
year we went camping, he let the song play on
repeat and then finally kept changing up where it was
still playing like every two three songs, and then he
went to bed, but he was still connected to the
bluetooth speaker, to the point where people were like, where
who's connected to the bluetooth speaker? Because why is Werewolf
in London playing all the time? We all thought he's
passed that he's sitting in his sleeping bag just playing
it again. And then my buddy went to it was like, dude,
where's your phone? I think you're still connect to the bluetooth.
I don't know where my phone is. I don't know
where my phone it is. So then it just started
playing more and more and more. It was a funny bit.
This week we just put it on repeat NonStop for
a long period of time, and then somebody brought their
girlfriend and she was like, what is this song about? Like,
it doesn't the song the Werewolf's a metaphor for society
for society, because sometimes we are all just walking through
so in the rain with the bag of Chinese food.
You know, sometimes we're just howling at the kitchen door,
and that just means we're hungry for Holy Fuchs or
LeHo Fuchs. That's really what it means. It's a metaphor. No,
we just kind of get bullshitgether. It's a hilarious song.
And then I looked up Warren Yvon and just what
a fantastic specimen of a human being to look at,
Like like I'm not saying Sandy's rockstar like that, not
like a gorgeous looking guy or anything, but just like
the hair is all the the hair rocks and not
like not not mainstream seventies rockstar, like indie rock star
from the seventies.
Speaker 4 (40:36):
The glasses, the hair.
Speaker 1 (40:38):
He looks like Mick Jagger, but like the indie Mick Jagger. Yeah,
but then like crazy indie Mike Jagger, Like if Mick
Jagger had money, but not rockstar, but they didn't want
to have money. He's trying not to have money, but
he just he rocks. I just I feel like we
should all be loving like Warren Zevon and the mustache.
He lived with with Steve Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham. Fun fact,
the other two dudes from Fleetwood Mac are on wearolds
of London. Fleetwood and Mac pretty cool. Yeah that's true
Fleetwood Mike Fleetwood. Uh but yeah, uh where was London?
Just put that tune on it rocks and then just
keep listening to it.
Speaker 4 (41:20):
It's one of those great songs.
Speaker 1 (41:21):
But sometimes you forget about songs. That's one we don't
want to forget about.
Speaker 4 (41:24):
You need a good song every once in a while
where everyone can join him and sing the lyrics. Who
doesn't want to howl like a werewolf?
Speaker 1 (41:30):
Well then we woke up Sunday morning by playing it
and just everybody getting out of the dance and go
oh but it was great. It was great. I regret
none of it. And Warren Zvon if you look at him,
he looks like a guy that would write a song
about a were wolf, Like he is more than anyone.
He looks like a guy that wrote a song about
a were wolf.
Speaker 4 (41:51):
He does kind of look like my best friend a
little bit, and that's totally something he would do right,
Like he's written uh a foal, but more of an
outline of a story of aliens versus zombies. Uh huh,
So I just said that that could be a Warren
Zevns song that I've never really known, I say.
Speaker 1 (42:11):
Von heh yeah, I go back and forth. I don't know,
but just the vibes on that guy, all vibes, all
the time, should make a highlight reel with wearols of
London playing in the background taking down so sad. We'll
figure out a way, Bob. Can you find a way
to get his highlights? We can put like how do
those how do those aggregator Instagram pages have like Barry
Sanders highlights? But they don't know them, they're not NFL films.
How do they get that? Because then you just put
the song over the clips you have. I need you
to find a way to give me just a bunch
of Barry Sanders highlights and then I can play it
to where rolves of one, because I bet no one's
ever done that.
Speaker 4 (42:51):
Now I'm on it.
Speaker 5 (42:52):
I don't know how they do it, but I'll figure
out away.
Speaker 4 (42:53):
Maybe we'll do Christian Okoye highlights because he's he was
a Nigeria and Nightmare and Nightmare werewolves. You know.
Speaker 1 (43:02):
What Garrett Wolf. Oh, there we go back from nor
I think it was Derek.
Speaker 4 (43:12):
Just looking at random college athletes from when we were
in high school.
Speaker 1 (43:16):
In college, Derek Wolf is the lineman. Garrett Wolf, Ah,
that's what it was.
Speaker 4 (43:20):
Okay, I stand down.
Speaker 1 (43:22):
We're both right, We're both right nailed it. Look at us.
Speaker 4 (43:25):
I want lineman highlights.
Speaker 1 (43:27):
Uh yeah, just get us all the highlights we can get. Uh,
you know, just get us pancakes, pancakes of limen just
blowing up defenders. Awesome pancakes. Oh, every time it's a pancake,
a different pancake each time. I love that. I've been
out for that. Also, coming back kid is scouting quarterbacks
because that guys, I am officially a quarterback scout. I'm
out on the Giants. I've never cheered for the Giants
to lose. I've never cheered for the Giants while they
lose until Sunday. And Sunday I cheered when Giants were
playing the Panthers through like the worst team in football
for the last three years, and Giants lost. This was
like the most winnable game the Giants had on their schedule.
They lost. They were in Germany. They should have just
stayed in Germany. They have a bye week, so I
have to watch them this week. But they came back
tied it, and I was like, they're gonna win this
and fuck up their drafts. You're not they and then
are running back fumbled on the first player over time
and we lost. I cheered. I've never cheered about a
loss for and I feel my brain feels broken doing that.
It feels wrong, but I'm just embracing it. I don't
care if Giants need to lose out. We're gonna get
cam Ward. We're gonna get I don't know, I don't know.
I'm a cam Ward guy. I'm a cam Ward guy
like Alex. You like the most can word, obviously, but
I can go. I can go Shador. I've talked myself
into shador Jalen Milroe all right, Uh, Lamar Jackson's ceiling,
Lamar Jackson ceiling. If I could get another of March, just.
Speaker 4 (44:51):
Have Lamar Jackson ceiling.
Speaker 5 (44:53):
Speaker 4 (44:54):
You don't see You're calling yourself a QB scout and
you immediately named the guy that.
Speaker 1 (44:57):
Is not a first round quarter We didn't like him
as my first choice.
Speaker 4 (45:00):
What about Garrett Usmeyer at the LSU I.
Speaker 1 (45:02):
Would also not hate him, but all those fun those
would be the four. I could see myself being a
happy with Jackson Dart. Stay the funk away from the
giants please.
Speaker 4 (45:12):
Yeah, but if he if he becomes good, if he
becomes good, you could say, you stay out there throwing darts.
Speaker 1 (45:17):
Speaker 4 (45:17):
You see, you need something that you can go with
the name like neus Meyer. You can get on the nuts.
Speaker 1 (45:20):
Bus nuts Meyer. Just he doesn't look like an NFL.
I don't want him to be my quarterback. I would,
I would deal with it, but just nes my hand,
he's not as funny. He's not as fun came word, yes,
cameoard Rocks should do or Sanders. I'll come around to it.
As long as his dad doesn't come along. His dad
might be on the Cowboys, WHI should be hilarious. He
has to play his dad two times a year. I
mean ESPN every day is like, as Dion should Deon
go to the Cowboys, and so then they draft his son,
and I think, you guys don't realize they just paid
Dake million up. Dak Press got a billion dollars.
Speaker 4 (45:56):
God, I don't want Dion on the Cowboys because I
love Deon and hate the Cowboys, but I.
Speaker 1 (46:01):
Know it would go poorly. See I'm so I kind
of do it on it. I don't like the young
because he was a cowboy, so like I like d
On the Man. But also, if the Giants just got
former NFL players sons to play quarterback, that might be
the strategy, because last time we did that it worked out.
Eli Manning future Hall of Famer first ballot.
Speaker 4 (46:21):
It worked out about fifty percent of the time it
worked out. But two super Bowls that's huge many. I've
gotten my.
Speaker 1 (46:27):
Flags fly for everybody they do flags fly forever, but
scatting quarterbacks, I'm pro at it. Every night I wind
down by watching some highlights and by highlights, and then
I go to YouTube and I type in their name
and then I look at a video I haven't watched it,
and then I do that. I'm not watching all twenty two.
I don't fucking have all of the fucking college tape.
I don't fucking know how to do that. But I
watch all the YouTube bylights.
Speaker 4 (46:48):
And just watch the big plays and you go, oh,
that would look so good and blue.
Speaker 1 (46:51):
And then I go I go Google, like should do
or Standrews Giants photoshop and then I save it my phone.
I'm like, oh, that'd be kind of cool.
Speaker 4 (46:58):
Can can like the AI search engines?
Speaker 1 (46:59):
Just do that? Now? I don't know, I don't trust.
I mean, what are we doing? I don't trust?
Speaker 4 (47:04):
What else? But what else? Like that's what a I
should be. I should just be able to.
Speaker 1 (47:09):
Type out my guy, put this guy in this, this
team's jersey done? What would Brett fav look like if
he played for the Edmonton Oilers? And then yeah, I
should just get Have you ever gone to the created
jersey and just fucked with it? Would not? Would you do?
Look like it would be cool that at two? Like
number two would look kind of sick. Cam Ward, he's
number one at Miami. Maybe maybe he goes seven on
the Giants. I don't know. I've seen him at seven.
I've seen him at three too, because he looks kind
of cool in three. But I've just you make the
jersey just kind of look at it. I'm like, you
know what that looks like?
Speaker 4 (47:39):
Speaker 1 (47:39):
That looks like a Giants jersey? Shit door, Sanders cam
Ward both.
Speaker 4 (47:42):
Looked gotta be single.
Speaker 1 (47:43):
Di mill Row also looks okay, that's matter. Thirteen you
don't thirteen looks funny. If thirteen looks.
Speaker 4 (47:49):
Funny, Jahlen Milroe is Daniel Jones. Like when he gets
to the pros, he will not be able to throw
the football or he can run.
Speaker 1 (47:58):
He's gonna do the Lamar Jackson thing where then he
wins MVP.
Speaker 4 (48:00):
It's not unless wait, who was their offensive coordinator when
he first got there. Maybe you could hire him as
your o C. Build a running game around him. But
then you got a quarterback that's running, it's gonna get killed.
Speaker 1 (48:13):
Were kind of have that.
Speaker 4 (48:16):
Yeah, so you don't want that again.
Speaker 1 (48:17):
No, but like he'll be good at throwing, then.
Speaker 4 (48:21):
You don't want to.
Speaker 1 (48:21):
If he's good at throwing, he's not. I can talk myself.
I'm gonna say I can talk myself into milk. You
don't want to, Oh, I I I buddy, I've talked
myself and it just about everyone's I know.
Speaker 4 (48:33):
I'm just really like after the draft, we're not having
this conversation.
Speaker 1 (48:38):
I can't wait now. I'm like just watching football, like
I think, I think it doesn't even matter. I did
throw that pick.
Speaker 4 (48:43):
I think you want Ward, you want not Smyer, or
you want your Earth. That's it.
Speaker 1 (48:49):
If we get Cam woard. I'm gonna be a dick.
I'm gonna be a cocky motherfucker.
Speaker 4 (48:52):
Here's what I'm worried about, because when you see him play,
he's thick, he's a big boy. I'm worried that when
he gets the approaching like, oh he looks short because
I think he's only like six to one and that's
what he's listed that so he might be like six foot,
which is okay.
Speaker 1 (49:05):
He's fine.
Speaker 4 (49:05):
That can work.
Speaker 1 (49:06):
He's fine.
Speaker 4 (49:06):
Work for Drew Brees.
Speaker 1 (49:08):
Yeah, he won a super Bowl. He's fine.
Speaker 4 (49:11):
You can be a short quarterback now if you're run around,
just can't. He's exciting. He does exciting things on the
football field.
Speaker 1 (49:17):
Ye, he's talking and Bryce Young, that's true. Talan Baker Mayfield,
he's pretty good. It's fine. Look I am, I am.
Speaker 4 (49:26):
I might have turned around on Baker so much.
Speaker 1 (49:29):
And then he did the commercials where he was living
in the stadium and I was like, all right, he's likable.
And then he was a douche again, and then I
hated him because he was in Cleveland, and then yeah,
I hate Oklahoma for I have no reason to hate Oklahoma.
The their state traders don't just ut people from Texas,
not from Texas having tin of state loyalty, but like
I do not like I mean, Sam, Houston and Oklahoma
have nothing to do with one another. I'm just always
like fuck you, Oklahoma.
Speaker 4 (49:55):
I just can't respect people that are from Texas, grew
up in Texas and then leave to go to Oklahoma
for four years?
Speaker 1 (50:00):
What like? What is that? Ohio State? Oklahoma? And A
and M just like fuck you for no reason.
Speaker 4 (50:07):
I like making fun of A and M, but I
don't dislike them.
Speaker 1 (50:09):
I want them to lose every time I see him play.
Speaker 4 (50:11):
I hate Ohio State because they kick Notre Dame's fucking
ass back to back years in Bowl games.
Speaker 1 (50:16):
And I never could get over erber Meyer and his scumbaggery. Hmmm. Personally,
there's no place for that in this sport. No place.
Speaker 4 (50:23):
So you hate Penn State too, also.
Speaker 1 (50:25):
Hate Penn State. There you go, also hit Penn State.
Gotta be consistent. Did you see Penn State didn't let
Donald Trump buy all the fans of hot dog Robert.
I did not see that buy everybody a hot dogs
like I would pay for everybody's hot dog, And they're
like no, which is ironic.
Speaker 4 (50:39):
It's a weird thing for a stadium to turn down
seven hundred dollars or seven hundred thousand dollars of hot
dog sales.
Speaker 1 (50:44):
Especially for a school that like turned a blind eye
to Jerry Sandusky putting his wien or wherever he wanted
for years. But like, no, you can't buy people hot
dogs DDE Okay, okay.
Speaker 4 (50:56):
Dude, doesn't sound like a real happy valley.
Speaker 1 (50:58):
That does sound. Yeah, that's why I know what Altmeyer
all Air Drew Aller, Yeah, don't want him on the Giants.
Get them fun away. Yeah, because I don't like what
they're doing at Penn State. I don't like it.
Speaker 4 (51:11):
I actually do like what they're doing now now I
feel like they've like it.
Speaker 1 (51:17):
People don't forget all right, Well, I don't like that
they can't win a big game. Yeah, you don't like
that for a quarter da joining your dad's the problem.
I have a quarterback that can't win in prime time.
I have that already. I know what that's like. It's
not fun, not fun, It's not fun at all. I'm
a I'm a quarterback scout now, so if you need
any tips on any quarterbacks, guys.
Speaker 4 (51:36):
I mean I could say I'm a quarterback. I called
that Caleb Williams was a bust. Look right now, yeah,
you are right. Let me go look at a good
good Barama. If you want to find out if a
quarterback is gonna be a bust. If they go to the.
Speaker 1 (51:48):
Bears, they're gonna be just probably.
Speaker 4 (51:51):
They can't. They can't develop quarterbacks. They're run by a
seven hundred year old woman that doesn't care about football.
Speaker 1 (51:57):
Yeah, boys have fun out there. They're not.
Speaker 4 (52:01):
It's a problem for them because that is where their
family maybe has their money. They didn't like get rich
in other industry and then own No, they got rich
owning the Bears and they have nothing.
Speaker 1 (52:09):
Else, which sucks when you're that bad at it. Yeah,
they're real bad. It's awesome. So tankathon dot com it's
where you can see the draft order. I check it
every day even though it hasn't been been in an
NFL game since Monday. Giants second pick, Jags. They already
have a quarterback, buddy, they already have Trevor Lawrence.
Speaker 4 (52:27):
That means but but but I get anybody. But then
you have to worry about their shopping the pick.
Speaker 1 (52:32):
They shot the pick. Tennessee might need a quarterback who
are the other even might need a quarterback. Raiders might
need a quarterback also, right there, they're sitting there at
one once Panthers, what do you.
Speaker 4 (52:44):
What do you need for their quarterback? They need a weapon?
Speaker 1 (52:48):
Travis Hunter, Travis Hunter. So maybe we go Travis Hunter.
Speaker 4 (52:51):
You can get a weapon offense.
Speaker 1 (52:53):
Maybe the best Travis hunder should doer Travis Hunter.
Speaker 4 (52:58):
That'd be crazy if the top two picks came from Colorado.
Speaker 1 (53:01):
Yeah, that would be sick for the Giants, specifically if
it be the way that I wanted to do it
for the Giants, but I would also like cam Woord.
So so I've been looking embarrassment of riches either way.
Speaker 4 (53:13):
That then you get the door or camp.
Speaker 1 (53:14):
Either way too early knock drafts.
Speaker 4 (53:18):
You gotta you can let someone trade up to one
that needs a quarterback. They picked the wrong one.
Speaker 1 (53:21):
Then we just we need to see Yeah exactly, we're like,
guess what bitch Jade and Daniels spot Yeah, getting chills
just thinking about it. What If're like, what if like
this time next year, Like we're just like Giants, what
if this time it works? Giants and Package are just
like good a quarterback? Okay, quarterback? I was laughing over here.
Eli used to be good, had Eli. I thought Daniels
would be good. I convinced myself here.
Speaker 5 (53:51):
You did convince yourself when many.
Speaker 1 (53:53):
People I'll go to be fair, I did say, do
not draft Daniel Jones.
Speaker 5 (53:58):
You did say black.
Speaker 1 (53:59):
And now they are both of the first and second
string quarterbacks and the Giants. So they didn't listen to me.
I just won't say that this year. But it's fine.
I'm a quarterback scouting expert. Also back this week fights.
There's two big fights this week. Fights. I don't know
I'm watching any of them. Mike Tyson's fighting Jake Paul
seems like a gimmick, but Mike Tyson is funny. So
I will watch all of the press leading up to it,
and then I'm gonna hope he wins. I don't think
he's gonna win.
Speaker 4 (54:24):
Yeah, I'm I'm all leaving up to this. So I'm like,
I'm definitely betting on him, just because, like what if
everyone wants him to win. He's not, Like he's a
pretty heavy underdog, not super heavy, but he's almost sixty.
Speaker 1 (54:38):
He's not gonna win.
Speaker 4 (54:39):
And like, I talked myself out of it, and now
I'm like as of today, I was like, no, I'm backing.
Speaker 1 (54:44):
I'm gonna bet him just cuz I can't. I'm not
going back. He's not gonna watch it. And if I
watch it, I mean it's on Netflix. It's free to
pay for it.
Speaker 4 (54:55):
Oh do you have to pay extra? How do does
Netflix have that?
Speaker 1 (54:59):
All this? He and plasted that to us where you're like, oh,
all the UFC fights are free? Wait? What seventy five
dollars to watch any UFC fighter? Pay for this?
Speaker 4 (55:06):
I didn't know Netflix had that technology. All this time,
I've been hearing it's on Netflix. It's on Netflix, and
I just assumed it was going to be on I'll
find another.
Speaker 1 (55:13):
Way, does it Tyson? That cost money? Oh? It will
be available to existing Okay, so yeah, I'll watch that.
Speaker 4 (55:21):
Yeah. Maybe it's gonna be sad and everyone's gonna get
super excited. In Tyson's first three punches, everyone's gonna be like,
oh my god, he still has the speed. And then
by round two he's gonna be gassed because he's sixty
years old.
Speaker 1 (55:34):
If he just knock Smile the first, if he don't
get me, watch, yeah, it'll be like the Joe just
out of the hatred. Oh yeah this is on Netflix. Okay,
I'll watch this just out of it.
Speaker 4 (55:43):
It's more, it's not even because of Mike Tyson. It's
just everyone wants to see Jake Paul get knock out
because he's the most unlikable person that like hasn't done
war crimes. Yeah, just everything about him. He was like
young on Disney Channel and stupid and then like he
rose up through YouTube and just everything about the generation
now that everyone hates is him. He's him and and
he's also like, no, I'm a legitimate boxer. Have you
fought any boxers?
Speaker 1 (56:08):
Well no, no, he thought that the hot guy it
was was that guy was a professional boxer. But yeah,
he's top level, confident competition. He fought what's his face
a UFC duh.
Speaker 4 (56:27):
Ben Askron and there's he fights guys that were in
the uf Woodley had knockout power. But he was a wrestler.
Speaker 1 (56:35):
He's a wrestler. It's just his fate.
Speaker 4 (56:37):
It's his face, Yeah, a punchable face.
Speaker 1 (56:40):
I don't think he will. But the other fighter is
what if he but what if he does? W hilarious?
Be awesome. But John Jones is fighting Steep a mio
Chic UFC three nine.
Speaker 4 (56:53):
Jones is never lost.
Speaker 1 (56:54):
He's never lost.
Speaker 4 (56:54):
He's not gonna lose.
Speaker 1 (56:55):
And steep Inoich is one of the most fun guys
to watch. And he's like a literal firefighter. That guy.
He does shift at the fire station.
Speaker 4 (57:02):
He did a twenty four hours shift within the last
I think two weeks of today and then.
Speaker 1 (57:06):
And he's a professional UFC fighter. And oh, I had
to put out two fires in Ohio. Let me go
to the gym to train real fast and then beat
the ship out somebody. But John Jones is the greatest
fighter who's ever left. Yeah, Jones debatable. I mean he's
a doper. He's a doper, but dope or I thought
it was just coke, that's dope. Did he do steroids too, Yeah,
he did do steroids too. That's right. It's also dope,
but it sounds more. It sounds worse when you say
doper and it's it sounds like steroids, but it's like
new drugs. It's still dope.
Speaker 4 (57:38):
If you look in his career, his only fights that
weren't wins were Deq's because afterwards, like, oh, yeah he
was on steroids.
Speaker 1 (57:46):
But I think it's Daniel Cremier.
Speaker 4 (57:47):
Yeah, and I think one of them are like, yeah,
we did the test multiple days ahead and we got
the results and you still just didn't announce it till after.
Oh yeah, I'm sick and watch he's amazing. Yeah, Like
he was a light heavyweight, just went up to heavyweights,
like I'm gonna kick everyone's ass in this one now
because I don't want to cut weight to them. Very
good at this So he looks like slightly doughe but
he's still stronger and faster and more agile than anyone
you've ever seen.
Speaker 1 (58:12):
Yeah. Yeah, so yeah, fights, it's gonna be fun. Fights.
You're back. Also, the last time back kid we got
this week is Little Debbie Christmas Tree cakes. Cause I
saw this in the story and I've already had two boxes.
Got a boy, it's the best. They're so good, the
best little Debbie thing ever. Like, just sell them all
you're ready and cream. I do not care that they
have Christmas trees on them. I do not care they
have other ones, like they have pumpkin ones. Just do
whatever you do with the Christmas tree one, but with
the pumpkin one, like, don't make orange whatever is inside
of it, like just make the Christmas Like Little Debbie,
you just fucking hear me out. Just you can just
keep the Christmas trees. I'll buy them around. It is
not Christmas season yet, it's still Thanksgiving season, but it
is Little Debbie Christmas tree season. Always.
Speaker 4 (58:56):
Always the Christmas tree ones are so good that even
if it was like June and I saw the box
and stores, I would think these might be old and stale.
Speaker 1 (59:04):
I'm getting I'm gonna buy him and find out Like
when I saw him at the story, I's like, well,
I'm obviously getting two of these, and then they were
gone the next day.
Speaker 4 (59:13):
That's how all the Little Debbie products works. Like these
will last me for a little while. Then you get
like kind of fucked up that night, and you wake
up the next morning and there's four rappers next to
you and you're like.
Speaker 1 (59:21):
Oh, yeah, I ate eight hundred star crunches. Shit.
Speaker 4 (59:24):
I had fourteen hundred calories of desserts yesterday. They're two
hundred apiece. I had seven.
Speaker 1 (59:31):
I had enough calories for six people.
Speaker 4 (59:33):
I had my daily allotted calories in sweet snacks.
Speaker 1 (59:38):
Nothing wrong with that, That's what that's that's the principle
that America was built on do.
Speaker 4 (59:43):
What you want.
Speaker 1 (59:43):
Yeah. Yeah, but the little Debbie Christmas tree cakes. I
feel like Robert gave me a look like he does not.
Speaker 4 (59:51):
Oh, I bet you he's never happened.
Speaker 1 (59:52):
You probably hate him, don't you.
Speaker 5 (59:53):
I don't hate him, but I'm not much of like
a desserted guy. So they do nothing for me. Good
more for me, more for you.
Speaker 1 (01:00:03):
More for me.
Speaker 4 (01:00:04):
Yeah, sugar, it doesn't do anything for me.
Speaker 1 (01:00:05):
No, I can't even feel it.
Speaker 4 (01:00:08):
I feel it sweet. Not my thing. I'm more for
an ooh mommy guy, which I still don't know what
the fuck oo mommy is. I don't know. I know
it's a term noodles. No, No, I see that's the thing.
You think it's like. No, I think it's just like
I think it just means like savory. I don't, but
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (01:00:25):
Nobody does.
Speaker 4 (01:00:26):
I'll just throw it out from time to time.
Speaker 1 (01:00:27):
Yeah, it makes you sound smart. It's like bitcoin.
Speaker 4 (01:00:30):
I don't know if you're using that right. I don't either,
but you don't know for sure, so.
Speaker 1 (01:00:33):
Go with it.
Speaker 4 (01:00:34):
I win. Let's invite to the little mommy.
Speaker 1 (01:00:39):
Let's move on to the not coolest segment where we
tell you, guys, what's not cool that's happened to us
in the last week. It's a nice little venting session
that we get to do each week, and we'd like
you to participate it. In it with us. If you
have anything that may say, hey, man, that's not cool.
You know, you stab your toe? Not cool? You get stabbed?
Also not cool. It's varying degrees of not cool, but
submit them to us. At pass Gary Pod used the
hashtag PTG not cool and we'll pick a couple of
the listener viewer reader submitted. We have readers again because
you can transcribe the episodes. Don't forget that. Let us
know if you shout out all the deaf homies. Yeah,
shout out, shout out. Oh dude, the deaf guy in
my apartment, I need to read it. He'd love that.
He always gets excited whenever I always get home from work.
This send them and he gets from from the grocery story.
He goes every Monday, and he always like gets random
stuff that he shows me. He'll pull out of the bag. Oh,
I'm like, oh, that's awesome. It's he can read my
lips too, But it's cool. Just learn like two signs,
like I usually finger spelled to him, Oh, I did
the sorry when when the elevator door is closed and
held up.
Speaker 4 (01:01:46):
He was like, okay, I like I said, you did
the sorry when you farted in the elevator.
Speaker 1 (01:01:49):
Like, but yeah, submit, you're not cool to us hashtag
PTG not cool to at pass to gravy pod. Make
sure you include the hashtags so you can search for them.
I love you guys, but make sure like, uh, some
of them are very specific and like people don't know
like the Gravy Gang does. But people that are not
in like the Gravy Gang group chat may not understand
some of these, so they make it less like try
and make them like very easy to like too long,
didn't read summarize it in like fourth sentences. I'm not
shitting on anybody's not cools. I saw there were some
other good not cools, but I just like, I feel
like it's hard to explain those two other people that
maybe like I don't know who that is, you know
what I'm saying, m h, but just kind of try
and keep them short and sweet. And I know we
fuck up and break up and break that rule too,
but I don't know. I don't know, but that's just
what I'm suggesting in the future. So let's start with
the Glamor Perry at glam for Life on Twitter. Glam
Let's at the intro first. Oh yeah, let's play that
not cool Man's.
Speaker 4 (01:02:56):
Not is Alex trying to deprive us of the beautiful
sound with the ladle lets.
Speaker 1 (01:03:00):
Sorry little lets, my bad dog, my bad. Uh. This
is from glammor Perry at glam for Life on Twitter,
and Glamour says her not cool is that my car
started leaking oil and it's gonna cost a bunch of
money to fix. I feel like the Gravy Gang in general,
including myself, has been down bad car wise lately. There's
been like multiple car problems. It sucks and anything with
the car like, oh, that's gonna cost a lot of money.
There's never a time, Oh that's just maybe a tail
light or something like that. I just gotta replace this bulb.
But you always assume that it's gonna cost a billion
dollars no matter what, even if it is just a bulb.
But I don't know, Bubba might have gone up they had,
maybe there's a bulb inflation. I don't fucking know.
Speaker 4 (01:03:41):
It's a headlight fifteen hundred dollars.
Speaker 1 (01:03:43):
I don't know. I don't know. Maybe so they can
do that though, and you like used cars or that way.
It's like this is this is an eight year old
car you're selling for this? What the fuck? I've just
been looking on facebok. That's why the plays for like
cars that people are found a ditch. It's like, if
you've got four K, I'll give you a car. It's
got parks. You can give you a car for four K.
Like that's go still drive all right, That's how I'm
gonna get my next car.
Speaker 4 (01:04:05):
You just buy You just buy like two thousand dollars
cars until they break and.
Speaker 1 (01:04:10):
Then just drive them together with whatever you have left.
Then you can have the supercar headlight goes out.
Speaker 4 (01:04:14):
Okay, I'm gonna tape a flashlight to the front of
my car.
Speaker 1 (01:04:18):
Yeah I can't be that.
Speaker 4 (01:04:19):
Yeah, you gotta get one of the really powerful ones
that won't be annoying for everyone else.
Speaker 1 (01:04:23):
On No, the cops will be chill about that. Driving camping,
it was like people have those LEDs on and it's
like I was having to drive down dirt roads in
the pouring rain, and like when you have your fucking
wipers on the glare from those LED's, I'm like, my god,
I can't see anything.
Speaker 4 (01:04:39):
Next camping trip, though, you need to take a.
Speaker 1 (01:04:41):
Steep fucking like a steep fucking hill too, so it's
like I can't go. I could go down the hill
just fucking kill myself. Like all right, thanks, guys, I'm
really glad that you got the brightest fucking lights possible.
Speaker 4 (01:04:51):
You need to buy one of those mega flashlights for
the next time you go camping, like one of those ones,
Like you'll see ads for it or they're just like
pointing it out the woods. So here's the normal, here's
the beam, and like it just looks like daylight. Like
it just looks like daylight for like one hundred meters
every direction. Just show up with that. Make oh guys
check it out. Like I know, bam, our whole camp
site slid up.
Speaker 1 (01:05:10):
Shh. Yeah'd be sick.
Speaker 4 (01:05:11):
Just flex on everybody.
Speaker 1 (01:05:13):
I have to those flashlights very expensive. I don't know.
Speaker 4 (01:05:17):
I've seen shitty versions online that will probably not do
the job. But you can get it for like forty bucks.
Speaker 1 (01:05:21):
But I'll think it will until it gets there.
Speaker 5 (01:05:23):
Yeah, they'll heat up, start a forest fire, but then
we just leave it.
Speaker 1 (01:05:27):
Not my problem.
Speaker 4 (01:05:29):
It's just a lightsaber by accident.
Speaker 1 (01:05:31):
It just that would be fine.
Speaker 4 (01:05:32):
Molten light coming out of the top of it, that'd
be cool.
Speaker 1 (01:05:36):
All right. Next one is from Samantha Garcia at Underscore
xx sam G three on Twitter, and Sam says her
not cool is that my four year old broke my
two hundred dollars perfume. That does suck. Fucking kids, man, kids,
I'm getting there. Yeah, I'm gonna be there before I know.
Speaker 4 (01:05:55):
You're gonna start playing. Like as soon as she starts walking,
You're like, Okay, everything I care about has to be
perched out.
Speaker 1 (01:06:01):
We have like a bar cart. It's like a stationary
bar card doesn't get anything show. We're like, I got
getting like a gate to put up outside of it,
Like just like gate it off just because she's gonna
fucking grab something off of that thing. Just buy like
a fireplace gate. Yeah that's man, Yeah, you just just
block it off. But she has started crawling or anything yet,
but she's she's rolling and stuff. But I know that's coming.
And it's like everybody always like when they get mobile, dude,
it's a different game. It's a different ball game. Time
to go mobile. No, you see the name speaking of
Baye of the monkeys they got out of that research
facility and they're like they found one. They're still thirty
nine at large and it was Bay and he's like that,
going to need to find one of us in the wreckage.
Speaker 4 (01:06:46):
Like the rest of the monkeys, Like, fuck you, dud
just get back to Jimmy slow, leave him behind.
Speaker 1 (01:06:53):
What do you guys have is you're not cool? That suck? Sam?
Sorry about that? Sam? Sorry? Sam?
Speaker 4 (01:06:58):
That that really it probably it's two hundred dollars perfume.
It's probably a present too, so that's extra bad. Yeah.
I've got two one of them my headphones that I use.
Uh you know, it's got like the little rubber piece
inside that like goes into your ear so you don't
just have like plastic jabbing your ear drum. And I
lost one of the rubber pieces on it a while ago.
But my yeah, that's the left ear. Whatever. It's not
that bad for one. I usually just use them when
I'm like mowing the yard and some edging around. I
was like, I can deal with that.
Speaker 1 (01:07:29):
When you're edging.
Speaker 4 (01:07:30):
Yeah, always when I'm edging due a while. Yeah, yeah,
and uh, at some point I lost the one to
the right ear, and it's been like three weeks. And
I keep forgetting until I'm using them, Like I keep
them in my car, so like when I go into
the grocery store if I'm listen, so I'll keep going.
And I put it in the other day and I
was like, oh no, I keep forgetting until I'm going
to use them.
Speaker 1 (01:07:52):
It's very uncomfortable and I could probably just on your
phone just to order, yeah, either the pieces that go
inside or just new headphones which will probably eat bags.
Speaker 4 (01:08:01):
Well, I mean they're like twenty bucks. I think I
bought these other hgb actually, but I just I'm gonna
just bottom at the story here.
Speaker 1 (01:08:08):
I keep just not not doing it, and eventually it's
gonna becoming problem because then the sound quality sucks too.
It doesn't oh yeah, because it's like it's making you
airtighten the you know what I'm saying. And uh, it's
it's uncomfortable and it sucks. And my other one is
it's really ruining your edging.
Speaker 4 (01:08:26):
I my laptop. I haven't been able to use it
for like five days now because it's dead and my
charger isn't charging it anymore, And much like the headphones,
I just keep not buying a new charger for it.
Speaker 1 (01:08:38):
Oh yeah, my wife had that about a year ago.
It was just like, hey, can I bring your charger?
And then like there are a couple of days that
I get to work, and she was because my work
charger worked for hers, and then I'd get to work,
Hey do you still have my charger? Can you bring
it to me?
Speaker 4 (01:08:53):
Yeah? But like so it happened like Saturday. I noticed.
I didn't do anything about it for the first couple
of days cause it's done it before in the past,
where like it wonted charge. I'm like, ah, whatever, And
then like later I would go somewhere else and I'd
plug it in and it would start charging.
Speaker 1 (01:09:07):
I was like, okay, whatever, it just keeps not charging.
Speaker 4 (01:09:10):
But I'm also worried now that I'm going to get
a new charger and it's just gonna it's gonna be
the laptop. It just won't take a charge anymore.
Speaker 1 (01:09:18):
But that was the laptop you cheaped out on. So
maybe then that's when you just get a real laptop.
Not likely if you think about it. Remember we were like, hey, Pat,
you should get a laptop for this podcast you do
every week. And he was like, yeah, all right, I
bought this one for like twenty five bucks. I was like, well,
like I meant, like a podcast worked.
Speaker 4 (01:09:38):
Yeah, I'll do exactly what I did that time. I'll
use my refund.
Speaker 1 (01:09:44):
So you're just not having No, I don't have another
Olympics for four years, dude. They're giving you refunds. You
don't get them every year? Only tax Oh I do?
Oh I the IRS like that? Oh dude, No this again,
getting fucking IRS returns on every year?
Speaker 4 (01:10:03):
Yeah all right, dude, dude, No, it's because I'm cheating
the government.
Speaker 1 (01:10:05):
You know they're gonna come after you. Dude. It's gonna
be no. But here's the thing.
Speaker 4 (01:10:07):
It's gonna be so much easier because Elon's about to
fire everyone, so they won't be able to track me down.
They don't have the manpower anymore.
Speaker 1 (01:10:12):
Oh is that true? Yeah?
Speaker 4 (01:10:14):
Dude, all those forty thousand IRS agents there they hired,
they're all gonna be gone right away.
Speaker 1 (01:10:20):
So are we about to like fuck over the government?
Speaker 4 (01:10:22):
Speaker 1 (01:10:22):
Yeah? Boys, are we taking over? Dude?
Speaker 4 (01:10:25):
There's gonna be so much more money to go around
now that we're not paying all these government employees.
Speaker 1 (01:10:28):
They won't know. They won't care. Our government our choice, yeah,
or your government our choice. That's what that guy said, right,
but with bodies. I'm not saying that one, but I
swear I thought that was a bit. I thought that
was a bit. I did not know that dude is
a white supermacist. Disavow disavowal h.
Speaker 4 (01:10:46):
He's a real piece.
Speaker 1 (01:10:47):
But that makes me happy. I'm not that into that
shit on the internet. So it just pops the MICU
what's going on here? It just happens in like public
freak outs on Reddit, and I'm like, this is a
public freakout. This is crazy. He is definitely a Karen So.
Speaker 4 (01:11:00):
Yeah, I got headphones that suck in a laptop that
doesn't work right now, so that is a sad not cool.
Speaker 1 (01:11:06):
Speaker 5 (01:11:07):
I had to buy a microwave after hours stop working.
But in the strangest way where it kept working.
Speaker 1 (01:11:16):
It just wouldn't turn off.
Speaker 5 (01:11:17):
It wouldn't turn off even when you opened the door.
It would still be going on, just microwaving your whole Yeah, man, and.
Speaker 4 (01:11:24):
Then you're just having to unplug a microwave that's working.
You're terrified of electrocuting yourself. Yeah, what if you unplugged
it and it still didn't stop.
Speaker 1 (01:11:32):
It's become somewhare.
Speaker 5 (01:11:33):
There had been several times though, when I would put
in something that was microwave safe. I'm just like like
trying to soften butter, and it would spark spark inside,
and I'm like, uh okay, but I'm like it's gonna
be fine eventually, and it just kept getting worse, and
I'm like, okay, I need need to get a new microwave.
But I'm like, oh wait, I think my mom has
an extra microwave that I can use. And I went
over there she did have an extra Microwave'm like, cool,
won't need to buy a new one.
Speaker 1 (01:12:08):
Microwaves are really one of those is like if somebody
can give you a microwave, you're like, I mean that's like, yeah,
eighty dollars, Maybe I don't have to spend then, But
there's microwave.
Speaker 5 (01:12:17):
This was like a push button that opens the door. Okay,
that button got stuck so the microwave wouldn't close, and
then it also wouldn't microwave. You would just hear like.
Speaker 1 (01:12:31):
It seems like a big part of the microwave. You
would hear the hum, but not like the actual Oh
it didn't give out heat or Yeah, so it's just
a white noise machine. Yeah, it's just like an electric
lazy season just going around in circles. It's a merryger
around for your food.
Speaker 5 (01:12:45):
Really. Yeah, so I had to buy a microwave, and
this one costs like one hundred and forty.
Speaker 1 (01:12:50):
Do microwaves really got expense? They did. They used to
be sixty bucks. You get a really shitty one for
twenty in college, and then they're like now they're smart microwaves. Like,
I don't need microwaves to be smart, dude.
Speaker 4 (01:13:01):
You can turn it on from your phone.
Speaker 1 (01:13:02):
I don't I have to walk over it to put
the stuff in anyway. Did you get a crazy one?
Speaker 2 (01:13:06):
Speaker 5 (01:13:06):
I didn't get it crazy.
Speaker 1 (01:13:07):
I don't.
Speaker 4 (01:13:08):
I don't think I got to.
Speaker 1 (01:13:08):
You just think about the food and we make it. Yeah,
I don't think I get on the internet on this microwave.
Why why would I want?
Speaker 5 (01:13:15):
I know, I probably could have just gone to a
good will.
Speaker 1 (01:13:17):
I something got a cheap more good will microwaves.
Speaker 5 (01:13:20):
Yeah, but I didn't. Yeah, I didn't house I didn't
want to drive to Goodwill. I think the closest one
is like, I don't know, twenty twenty minutes away.
Speaker 1 (01:13:27):
My that's too far. I'm not hating on Goodwill by
any means. I think that people find good stuff there,
but there's certain things from Goodwill you're like, I don't
want to do that. And I do remember my first
apartment that I lived that with my wife. It was
like we paid less than six hundred dollars a month
and we split it and it was just pretty good.
Like if if you look up like the most ghetto
apartments in Houston, it's like right at like the top
five fucking palms on West Time, you look at Palms
on West Time, it's garbage like. They're like places would
just burn down. There were nails all over the place
like that, you're like tired, would just go all the time.
But our like they had the little baby roaches, and
like our neighbors, every time we'd get new neighbors, they'd
spray there. They'd pray their apartment and then they'd come
to our unit and they would just be roaches in
our unit for however long, and then we'd spray and
then they'd go back to there, and then they'd spray.
You can always tell when people had sprayed because they'd
come back to your lett unit and they got in
our fucking microwave through the little holes and it was
like you'd open the microwave and you see fucking little
tiny baby roaches w all right there. And I just
remember be like, Nope, we're not doing this. I'm getting
a new microwave, and I set it outside, and like
people would go through and they'd just pick they'd look
at like the trash that people had set out next
to the dumpster, and I'd see people taking couches and
chairs and taking them back up to their apartments. I
saw this dude fucking grab our microwave and go up
to it as you just took roaches inside, and I
wanted to be like, no, no, that was it. He'll
find out. He'll find out. Oh.
Speaker 5 (01:14:49):
With Sam and I moving together her old place, they
had a lot of roaches, and she brought over a
blender that she had and I knew, like the roaches,
I'm sure got into the blender like whatever, and.
Speaker 1 (01:15:01):
You know, like the mechanics. Yeah, it's warm, it's warm,
so they'll live there.
Speaker 5 (01:15:05):
Yeah, and so when she got it over, I think
we did have a couple of roaches, like the first
a couple of nights and then I'm like, no, I'm
gonna put this splendor in a in a garbage bag
and just keep it shut. Yeah, just like just wait
for them to die, locate, just advocate the roaches. And
that that did end up working well. We had we
no longer have roaches. Do you still have that blender?
You still have that?
Speaker 1 (01:15:30):
It was a vitamins so it was like, oh, yeah,
you don't want to get rid of those, Yeah, that's
so gross. I got there. There was a Comcast guy
that I was like, what's the grossest thing you've had?
Like with like uh, because I had something that had
water splown and he was like, yeah, it's mold is
a grossest na. What's the grossest thing that? And he
was like, there's one code that pops up on our
on our machine, and that code that means that like
it's usually there's roaches living in it, and it's like
so they'll piss all over like the border or whatever,
and eventually it like screws up the circuit on that
and it's like you can kind of tell it's like
this usually means that that there's like roaches in It's
not like a roach code, but it's like, this is
what causes that roaches. Fuckingly, I hate roaches so much.
I hate roaches. There's a shout out roaches. But that's
the saw not cool, Robert Saw, not cool microwaves. Dude, there,
what the fuck? But I do think maybe your microwave
became self aware. You did, You did get rid of
it completely though, right the old microwave is gone.
Speaker 5 (01:16:25):
It's still in my place.
Speaker 1 (01:16:27):
Yeah, get that bitch that hell and you honestly has
it been near your your new microwave.
Speaker 5 (01:16:32):
It's still in the kitchen.
Speaker 1 (01:16:33):
No, still in the kitchen, so you will you need
to move them as far apart as possible because your
old microwave may be saying some ship to your new microwave.
And then if that becomes self aware, we got two microwaves.
I did unplug the old one though, so it's not power.
If he's still self aware, then he doesn't need to
be plugged in. If he if he's if he's you know,
achieved ultimate self awareness, he can be unplugged like Nirvana,
just like them. Yeah, which is ironic because Kurt plugged
himself and that ended Nirvana. Hey, all right, my not
cool is it? It's another hum applian. It's not cool.
But my dishwasher it works. But there's the we use
the like dishwasher pods where you put the oil or
the soap, and we have the little pods there and
then you close the little door, and the little door
just doesn't open sometimes. So you'll go and you'll be like,
oh cool, and I gotta get this pot to cook
with and the door is still closed, and like what
the fuck? Man? So it just did hot water, just
washed it with hot water and like it facund how
hot the water is.
Speaker 4 (01:17:44):
That should be fun.
Speaker 1 (01:17:45):
But still like it didn't get any soap on it,
which is the point that I put the soap in
there for. And he's like, dude, I don't. I can't
open it from inside there. It's a plastic little door.
There's nothing that's like I've checked. It doesn't seem like
it's stuck. And I can open and close it and
it's fine. And it's just like some times it doesn't open,
so you'll have to do dishes three times on like
one load sometimes, which is Honestly, it's kind of nice
because you're like, well, I'm gonna punt this chore.
Speaker 4 (01:18:10):
See, That's that's how I would look.
Speaker 1 (01:18:11):
But a very bad habit though, because then I get
frustrated with it and I'm like, well I needed that
pot right now? Now what I gotta hand wash this spot?
It sucks you need to hand wash something because it
wasn't done in the dishwasher. That's that's another just thing.
Speaker 4 (01:18:26):
Pots and pants I always hand wash anyway, though it's
like plates and stuff that I don't like.
Speaker 1 (01:18:31):
My wife, like working in food services, are like, you
gotta have hot water on it. You can't just hand
wash it.
Speaker 4 (01:18:35):
Well, yeah, you hand wash it with hot water, but
like I.
Speaker 1 (01:18:37):
Think you have to have like water enough to sanitize
it right, doesn't have to be up to like a
certain degree.
Speaker 5 (01:18:42):
I don't use hot water, Like I'll use warm ish water,
but I won't use hot water.
Speaker 1 (01:18:48):
And also, don't.
Speaker 4 (01:18:50):
You use enough soap it's clean?
Speaker 1 (01:18:52):
Speaker 4 (01:18:53):
Yeah, yeah, that's how I think.
Speaker 1 (01:18:56):
It's kind of I don't get so I don't see
anything on this right, I'm good, Like the.
Speaker 4 (01:19:00):
Water is hot to detouch and I used a lot
of soap and I've wiped it down, all the soap
is gone, and it is now clean and dry.
Speaker 1 (01:19:07):
That's clean, no believe me. I'm I'm with you on
like I think in theory that does work. My wife, though,
is like, it's got to have the hot water on it,
it's got to do this, which then makes me be like, Okay, cool,
I love the dishwasher. I'll do this stuff. But then
when it doesn't work and then I have to do
the chore of washing the dish by hand to use it,
then I'm frustrated that also that ads to not cool.
It's like I was just gonna this was gonna be clean.
Then I was just gonna use it, and now I
have to then clean it and then dry it and
then use it. So now I have added steps to
my trip.
Speaker 4 (01:19:35):
But also, if the dishwasher water is hot enough to
where that works, then you technically don't really need the
soap on it, because if it's hot, that's killing anything
that's on it. And he still put soap on it,
it's just just open. If it was hot enough in
there to do that, then you do a quick hand
wash with soap. So it got enough heat and it
got the cleaning soap.
Speaker 1 (01:19:55):
You're good. There are solutions. Absolutely, I'm still saying it's annoying, oh,
very to annoy it. I'm sorry this happened, Little plastic George,
what are you doing? Dude? Do you job like? It's
not like what do you think called your maintenance yet
about it? Not yet? Not yet. It's just been this
week thing.
Speaker 4 (01:20:11):
It's just hope it fixes itself over some point.
Speaker 5 (01:20:13):
Yeah, because I'm sure I would feel you're not gonna
get called maintenance over a little door.
Speaker 4 (01:20:18):
You should call maintenance because you know it's gonna take
them four weeks to come and fix it out.
Speaker 1 (01:20:21):
No, I'm tired with maintenance now. So then like Eduardo
and Rique a cool as fuck. So if you're tired
with them, just do you guys know a quick fix
for this? Because then I want I don't want to
be like asking that the little ship. That's what I'm saying, like,
do you guys know is this like a quick fig
like an easy little thing? Or should I just let
it go for that? I've also had a camping like
the light with the little care beaner on a on
a thumb tack as my bathroom light in the podcast
room for two months now also, like I got a
pat hair situation going on. I guess I get that
the but I bought a light bulb that I was
going to change myself. It's one of those like fluorescent
circle ones. Like I'm not gonna buy one of those.
I'm just gonna ask them, but just haven't.
Speaker 4 (01:21:00):
So, like I understand that in the dishwasher, the door's
supposed to open at a certain time, right, Just why
can't we just throw the pod in there?
Speaker 1 (01:21:07):
Because I throw the pod in there, then pod falls
out with the door.
Speaker 4 (01:21:11):
No, I mean, like, just throw it into the dishwasher.
It's going to be released at some point anyway. Why
can't you just throw it into the dishwasher? Why does
it have to be in that little.
Speaker 1 (01:21:21):
Drawer because there's a door and they told me to
put it in the door. Yeah, I'm just saying this
was like, you're right, but it was liquid. That kind
of made sense to me. It was like, oh the liquid,
will we released it? But now that it's a pod,
Like I'm a late in life dishwasher all right, I'm
still figuring this stuff out. I started washing dishes like
two months here, Emma, You're I was a woman's job.
Until then, and then I was like, okay, she does
get tired from Trump's America. Then got to do the Well,
now I'm an equality guy, respecting women. Now now respecting women.
All my homies and me respect women.
Speaker 5 (01:21:54):
How do we feel about storing food in the dishwasher
because I've never used the dishwasher?
Speaker 1 (01:22:00):
Oh well, if you yeah, because I've seen that with
ovens too, Like if you use if you don't cook,
you can like use it as someplace to store close
or whatever. You just gotta help you. What food would
you store in the diskwasher?
Speaker 5 (01:22:12):
Like like food not closed? I said closed?
Speaker 1 (01:22:16):
No, no, you have food? He said clo. Yeah, okay,
jeans in the oven before.
Speaker 4 (01:22:22):
I've never seen like you could line on the pants
of soup in there. Yeah, could be your soup drawer
called that like let me check my soup drawer and
you open your dishwasher.
Speaker 1 (01:22:31):
And actually it would be cool if you use it
as like because like I don't know in your kitchen,
do you just have like the jar or the the
canister that you have all of like the utensils you
used to cook with, like all dispatches and stuff. Line
that bad boy up and those are that's your dispatch
the holder and oh we need aspatu. That's just in
one of these things. Grab it out of there. You
keep some of your plates in there. You don't have
to use any like from the cas.
Speaker 4 (01:22:56):
Hold your plates and and everything. When they're clean, they
go in the dishwasher if you.
Speaker 1 (01:22:59):
Have reflow.
Speaker 4 (01:23:02):
Speaker 1 (01:23:02):
What were you thinking about keeping it?
Speaker 5 (01:23:03):
I don't know. I was thinking like dishes, keeping dishes
in there.
Speaker 1 (01:23:06):
Okay, So you said food.
Speaker 5 (01:23:07):
No, he said food.
Speaker 1 (01:23:09):
No, he's I thought you said food.
Speaker 4 (01:23:10):
You said food, and you.
Speaker 1 (01:23:13):
Were I was like, what food?
Speaker 4 (01:23:14):
Are you gonna start it?
Speaker 5 (01:23:15):
Speaker 4 (01:23:15):
Yeah, I've heard of fasher salmon where like people.
Speaker 1 (01:23:18):
Like, I don't think that's real.
Speaker 4 (01:23:19):
I don't think that's real that I had done it.
Speaker 1 (01:23:22):
Yeah, I thought it was like a.
Speaker 4 (01:23:24):
Thing wrapped tightly. You're salmon or whatever you put in there.
It's a little You put it in there and it
gets hot enough to work.
Speaker 1 (01:23:30):
It cooks the salmon. You take it. No, you got
to like say wrap it, you saran wrap it, then
you wrap it INTI it's don thing, don salmon. No,
it's silant.
Speaker 4 (01:23:45):
You get a baby duck and you're like, what would
it taste like if I ate this out of an oil. Spell,
let me cook it the dish.
Speaker 1 (01:23:50):
If you're like, how would you like your cap your
salmon cooked? I would never ever be like dishwasher like,
you don't. I don't need salmon that bad. I can't
have any the meal.
Speaker 4 (01:24:00):
What's your favorite dish to cook? Well, I make a
mean dishwasher salmon.
Speaker 1 (01:24:05):
I've been really into just frying shit, bro It's fun.
Just I made a bow boy yesterday. I put the
little baby shrimps because.
Speaker 4 (01:24:13):
I don't want to pour the oil down the sink
because I know you're.
Speaker 1 (01:24:15):
Not supposed to. I live in an apartment.
Speaker 4 (01:24:16):
Yeah, see, I don't.
Speaker 1 (01:24:17):
I don't usually I did last night.
Speaker 4 (01:24:20):
I did once while okay, I was like, this is
once just keep water running while you're doing it for
a long time, and.
Speaker 1 (01:24:26):
You can also reuse it. I didn't know that, so
it was like, just pour it in a drug and
then you can keep it in your fridge until you
need to use it again. It's like, I'm never going
to use it again for a.
Speaker 4 (01:24:33):
While, and eventually that oil is going to get pretty dirty.
Speaker 1 (01:24:37):
Well yeah, and then John Taffer yells at you. It
makes you clean it like once every six years. Yeah,
so like according to Dubai Rescue, I can go like
six years without it.
Speaker 4 (01:24:45):
I've also seen like hacks where you feel like baking
soda and the oil afterwards and heat it up and
then that'll like draw out all the bad stuff and
then you've got clean cooking oil. Again.
Speaker 1 (01:24:53):
We sat like old ladies talking about cooking hacks.
Speaker 4 (01:24:57):
We are old.
Speaker 1 (01:24:59):
Yeah, we're really old. We're fucking oldest shit. But we're
not too old to party. And if you'd like to
party with us, I got a party for you that
you't want to market. The calendars for Saturday, December twenty
first at Cobo's Downtown. It's the eleventh annual PTG Christmas
spook Sctacular at twenty twelve Rusk Street in Houston. We've
got the h the Christmas Movie Bracket. We're gonna see
who's gonna win that one. We're gonna have our Gravies Awards. Gravyes,
I think can we had Warren Zevon for Song of
the Year. I mean, yes, you know it didn't come
out this year, But who says song of the Year
has to come out that year?
Speaker 5 (01:25:35):
Speaker 1 (01:25:35):
Well? I think Olivia Rodrigo, Uh, get him back. Also
came out last year and I already had that on there.
It's our song, the songs that we like this, I
saw a song of this year, not fail year.
Speaker 4 (01:25:47):
Yeah, we can do whatever we want.
Speaker 1 (01:25:49):
Okay, but because that'll be really fighting on the graphic
when you post that and they're like, none of these
songs are twenty twenty four, but is this year awards?
Shut up? My awards are what we want, all right, dude? Okay,
do you have my War year choice? Does the Grammys
have Death of the Year? I didn't think so we
do and we got a stacked category. Uh but yeah,
the eleventh Daniel Pastor Gravy Christmas Spectacular, Robert. I know
we didn't ask this beforehand, but should we do on
a good eleventh Daniel? Sure we should figure something. We
should figure something out. And uh, do we want to
throw sweaters up again?
Speaker 5 (01:26:27):
I think we do.
Speaker 1 (01:26:28):
You used to have the designs for the sweaters. Yeah,
I think it's okay. Yeah, if not, I can get
him to you war. That's this is us having a
big meeting on the podcast. But you guys are all
part of it. We're all Gravy gang. So thank you
for coming to this meeting everybody, and uh that that
concludes our meeting. But yeah, so we'll have uh, we'll
have a pasta Gavy Merge dot com. We'll have some
stuff up there. Maybe not immediately, but in the next
week or so, we'll we'll work on our on our
Christmas stuff. And I mean, we got plenty of time.
We got plenty of time. But the eleventh Daniel Pastor
Gravy Christmas Spectacular or uh, we don't talk about them anymore.
Cobo's Downtown is is this is probably gonna be like
our last hurrah there at this pert at this exact location,
because they may not be there much longer. But we're
gonna have a bunch of fun there. Rosie gonna make
an appearance. Ever heard of them? Awesome rock, local band,
They rock, They kick ass. We're trying to get them
to perform for us as well. We're definitely gonna have
them on the pode. But the eleventh in the pass
we give you Christmas Book Tackley Saturday, December twenty first,
at Cobo's Downtown. You're gonna have family in town bring them.
They're gonna love it. We're gonna love it. It's the
best food in the city of Houston. I don't know
how they didn't get a Michelin star. You know they
got to you know what, they didn't get a Mission Star.
They got a gravy star. Fu. Yeah, can you give
more than one mission star or do you have to
get a star each year? No, it's like one, two
and three stars. I think I can get so you
can get three at once, yes, Okay, I's level Like
one star is great, two three star is like you're
one of the best. Bet So like they can go
and like you're one star, and then they come back
the next year and they can be like, here's two stars.
But then are you only a two star or are
you a three star at that point because.
Speaker 4 (01:27:57):
That's only two it's a binary or that's probably not
even the right word, but it's it's a it's a
rating system. So like you can get too and then
you can be put back down to one the next
year or have your starts.
Speaker 1 (01:28:07):
Taken away completely. Okay, but yeah, they have a never
have a gravy star technicially as a gravy star for
like five gravy stars. There we go, what is the
met micheline only goes up to three we got five
five Yeah, we have five five gravy stars. So suck
a dick Michelin and you're tires all right now the
eleven Danie Passic Christaspektack you We see you. Saturday, December
twenty first day Cobash. Let's get into the answer segment.
Speaker 5 (01:28:33):
We just answer the question.
Speaker 4 (01:28:34):
Why do you answer the question?
Speaker 1 (01:28:37):
Answer? Answer, don't thanks the subject, just answer then question, kept.
Speaker 5 (01:28:42):
Talking, answer answers, answers, answer any questions.
Speaker 1 (01:28:53):
All right, let's start off. If you'd like to uh
to participate in the answers segment, all you gotta do
is hit us up. We are at past gray pod.
Use the hashtag ptg answers. That's how we'll search for them.
That is, that's the best way to reach us. You
can also email them to us past three pod at
gmail dot com. Put answers in the subject, but it
doesn't always get checked. I'm gonna be honest, it doesn't
always get checked. And a lot of the spam goes
to the past three gavypod dot com or past gay
pod at gmail dot com. And so we may, we
may not. We may get lost to the shovel. But
if you don't have a Twitter. I recommend just getting
a Twitter It helps. If you'd like to email us
the Past Gary Pod at gmail dot com answers in
the subject. Hit us up on Twitter though at Past
Gray Pod hashtag PTG answers so we can search for it.
The answers segment will start with our buddy josh Ricottle
at Joshua Tree seven one three. He says, shouldn't there
be a reality show where flat earth people race to
find the edge? Shows how little you know about like
the world governments won't allow you to get close enough
to the edge, dude. Yeah, that's really that's why we've
never reached. That's what they have it. They know where
it is, but they stop you. They turn you around. Yeah,
they know. They have their their markers right there. That
gives them a signal like, hey, go get these people.
They're trying to they're trying to find the edge. They're edging.
They won't They don't want you edging.
Speaker 4 (01:30:15):
Government doesn't want you to edge.
Speaker 1 (01:30:16):
Patsy earphones don't want them edging. The government doesn't want
you edging, all right, that would be the name of
the show. Obviously, it would just be called edging.
Speaker 4 (01:30:23):
Oh, I thought would be called stupid Race.
Speaker 1 (01:30:26):
No, I like the name edging. It's funny, the never
ending race or to the edge, we keep going we
can't find the edge. Funny, it's round. I've been through
Australia three times. But there should definitely be a show
like that because it's it's a really good idea for
any network, because it's like an evergreen. It's like a
ghost hunting show or finding Bigfoot or the Locknus Monster.
We're like, we're gonna go out there, We're gonna look
for this thing, and then you can shoot a million
episodes because they find it.
Speaker 4 (01:31:00):
And we also have enough TV where stupid people are
being given money to do things on TV.
Speaker 1 (01:31:05):
Maybe let's not add this one to it. No, I'd
watch it, though, I'd like to see the theories of
like just like, well we if we go around the
ocean again, they like get they just keep going through
like they're just going south, Like see there's the ice wall, Like, dude,
that's an article. It's it's like the Truman Show. We're
gonna we're gonna go into the wall eventually, and then
there's a door, we'll open it and then the little
man behind the door is directing the whole thing. It's
really what it is, Robert. Do you think would you
watch a flat earther show where they're trying to find
the edge of the earth. No, I don't think I would,
but like as like entertainment, like just to see, like,
all right, what are they gonna do? Because it would
be funny to see them continuously like if the if,
like you can't come back until you've found the edge,
and then they just pale around the world over and
over and over and over and over and over and over,
like we're bound to find it someday.
Speaker 4 (01:32:00):
It's like episode one, the coast guard pulls up and
stops and the like, so it's the government and you're like, no,
you're trying to roll into the ocean in a fucking dingy.
They're stopping you so you don't die. That would be
a funny show though, and it'd be a lot funnier
if they let them die.
Speaker 1 (01:32:14):
It would be perfect on whatever channel like Ancient Aliens
design as a history History? What is the big Foot
one on? Probably History? Also like A and D.
Speaker 4 (01:32:23):
Maybe we put them on like the Outdoor Network.
Speaker 1 (01:32:26):
Yeah, whatever, the ghost Hunters the Bigfoot ones. Throw that
on their animal planet sometimes runs that, like just throw
that on there, deadliest catch going into edging. I do
actually like calling it edging, right, it sounds edgier than
really is next week on edging, and ironically there would
be no edge that they would find. So there you go,
just a little bit for other boys, I can feel it.
Do they have globes that are just like square Earth,
because that'd be a really funny globe to path I
think it's just a map. Well yeah, but be funny
if they instant if it was flat Earth, it was
just square Earth, Like it's still spun. It's like the
exact same Earth. They just like somebody flattened sides of it.
So it's just like a box. What's on the backside
just whatever else? Like it's just the globe that you
just pull it apart until the box.
Speaker 4 (01:33:15):
Do flat earthers think that there's like a whole other
ecosystem on the other side, like we only know one side,
like the other side, like, because if it's flat, that
means there is another side.
Speaker 1 (01:33:27):
Yeah, the upside down?
Speaker 4 (01:33:28):
Or is that like hell right, hell on the other side.
That's what That's a question I want to ask a
flat like what's on the other side. I feel like nothing.
What Yeah, you think only one theories. There's like no,
see that's where and if you can get through the crust,
then you can get to the other side. And there's
like dinosaurs and ship still over there. They just like
thousands of years ago crack opened and the diners all
every last dinosaur, this, every single one of them. The sharks,
just thing of the men. Yeah, it's like Bigfoot's over there.
Speaker 1 (01:34:02):
Yeah, it's clear. It's clear as day. Everybody knows. This.
Government won't tell you about it, though I don't know how.
I've never I really want to know if they think
there's something on the other side. I would watch a
flat earth show, but I would watch it for stuff
like that because I like watching it, like the Bigfoot shows.
I'm not gonna watch it all day, but if I'm
hungover on a rant, like a non football day, let's go.
Hell yeah, let's let's get in on this. I've been
watching a lone Star law. It's just the game game
warden guys, and it's like a lot of them are
giving people unnecessary hassles just because they have a camera
with them. They have and I will watch it every time.
What are these two four wheelers doing over here? Hey,
now that the four wheel at this far? Okay, you
know we could give you a ticket. We're gonna let
you off because we're nice guys. Yeah, I got a family.
I'm a family man. I'm just I don't wanna. I
don't want to to cause any problems for family. And
you're like, all right, okay, cool dude. And then I
do like when I'm all shot up about game wardens
on this show. But I like when they take away
whoever goes over there with fish, they take away all
of their fish. You can only have ten trout, you
have fifteen trout? What the hell are you thinking? And
then they take them all, and then they'd give them
the ticket, and they just give it to some dude
that just got there and was going fishing. He's like,
are you serious? Like all of these are mine? Like, yeah,
have them all. We ain't gonna do shit with him,
but you can take them and they're already done. It's like,
all right, well I'm not fishing today. Then, So if
I had shown up forty minutes earlier, I would have
only been able to catch ten fish, But now I
get fifteen as the cop said, so wait, wait, can
I have these?
Speaker 4 (01:35:29):
But that's honestly still go fishing.
Speaker 1 (01:35:31):
That's like the best punishment for the guy that did
it too, but he gets it as a see Nope, Nope,
that could have been you'd like being.
Speaker 4 (01:35:40):
Good guys over fishing. She's a game more walking up
in Texas, Buddy Dale, get over here. They're about to
give my fish away.
Speaker 1 (01:35:47):
It's worth the ticket. So okay. Next question. That was
a good question, Josh, good question, Josh, and I definitely
would watch that show. Our next question is from Melissa Sellers,
and Melissa says, does American cheese have holes in it
in Switzerland.
Speaker 4 (01:36:04):
I'm gonna be honest, I don't think Europe allows American
cheese over there. Oh I know that because it's like
six fucking plastic and they're like, this is not real cheese.
Speaker 1 (01:36:13):
I actually did some research on this, and according to
Swiss law, all cheese in Switzerland is required to have
holes in it because it's choking hazard. So for safety reasons,
American cheese in Switzerland also has holes in it. Weird.
Can you like even picture American cheese as holes in it? Yeah?
I can, I just picture it cheese.
Speaker 2 (01:36:32):
Speaker 1 (01:36:34):
Yeah, even though it's cheddar cheese, I just picture it
as American cheese. It's kind of the same color. I
can totally picture that, so it's easily done. So yeah,
American just use.
Speaker 4 (01:36:43):
The same cutter for an uncrustable you use that to
cut holes in the cheese.
Speaker 1 (01:36:48):
So yeah, American cheese does have holes in it in Switzerland,
specifically by Swiss law. Fun fact. Great question, Melissa, great question.
Next one we got alex Oh. He says, power rank
these shapes. Oh, this is a good one. Okay. We
always say give us a power rank similarly related things.
If you wanted to help us out with the answer segment,
he gives a circle, square, rectangle, triangle, and octagon. Robert,
I want you to go first.
Speaker 5 (01:37:18):
Number one is circle, all right, number one, A circle,
number two, square, number three, triangle, number four, rectangle, number five, octagon.
Speaker 4 (01:37:31):
Okay, I don't gone down at eight A right or
at five.
Speaker 1 (01:37:36):
If it was a that'd be sick. Okay, I'll go next.
I go next. I'm gonna go rectangle shape of a
football field that rocks the rocks. Number two circle, I
don't know.
Speaker 4 (01:37:52):
It's shape of a hockey puck.
Speaker 1 (01:37:53):
That's what I'm gonna go with there, and so I'm
gonna go with their number three square. I like squares.
Squares are cool. Squares are cool. Lots of things are squaresh.
Speaker 5 (01:38:02):
Shape of a baseball field.
Speaker 1 (01:38:04):
That would be it. It's diamond, diamond, just turn.
Speaker 4 (01:38:08):
It around the infield, I guess, not the field itself.
Speaker 1 (01:38:11):
The triangle, which is also available, but didn't pick that.
I might have square over triangle triangles. Four five is octagon.
Octagon's cool, it's fun to look at, it's cool to watch.
You'll fight in. But with that UFC like octagon really
is like no PR stop sign, no PR team. But
nobody likes stop signs except for school buses. Some people
like stuff crossing guards, human traffickers.
Speaker 4 (01:38:38):
Old cranky people. They love telling people to.
Speaker 1 (01:38:40):
Stop, but they don't like having signs that say it.
They might like, they might like having signs, yeah, but
like octagons are also like not cool because if it
is a stop sign and you steal it, it's like
a felony, isn't it. Yeah, So like, don't tempt me,
tempt me with a good time. Growing up on for President.
Speaker 4 (01:39:02):
Though my street, there was a stop sign that said
stop and someone had written in the name of love.
Speaker 1 (01:39:06):
I like that.
Speaker 4 (01:39:07):
It plays every time like that.
Speaker 1 (01:39:09):
I mean sometimes you put some somebod rights, don't stop.
Speaker 4 (01:39:13):
This comes along and right believe in Yeah, hammer time,
that's good, that's good, all right. Number one triangle it's
the strongest shape. I've learned that from from Instagram ads.
So like, if I learned anything from my thing, it's
that triangles are the strongest shape. And then I like
swipe past every time because I'm like.
Speaker 1 (01:39:35):
My problem with is like you, like, I know there
might be different like circles and squares, but like triangle loses.
I saw flies like the up tooth acute cute.
Speaker 4 (01:39:48):
Yeah, like, shut up, there's lots of different.
Speaker 1 (01:39:50):
It's always has to do with math. I can just
get out of here.
Speaker 4 (01:39:52):
Love triangles.
Speaker 1 (01:39:53):
But yeah, that's that's that's Dangerous's dangerous.
Speaker 4 (01:39:56):
Yeah, but it's exciting.
Speaker 1 (01:39:57):
No, it's not for the people in it.
Speaker 5 (01:39:59):
Yeah, there's no other kinds of circle or square.
Speaker 1 (01:40:03):
You're just a circle or a square. Circles going forever.
Speaker 4 (01:40:07):
Well, Triangle one two, you're the gone. Okay, it's the
most fun one to say. And UFC, you punched people
in the face. Octagon two uh, number three circle circles,
great circle gives us wheel pie?
Speaker 1 (01:40:21):
Uh huh, who doesn't the pie? Probably Robert?
Speaker 5 (01:40:25):
I don't like uh four the worst season for me?
Speaker 4 (01:40:28):
Now, four rectangle, five square.
Speaker 1 (01:40:31):
You're a fucking square, dude, you're a square d think
about like back in the fifties that was like a
sick insult to use on people. You're such a square,
there'll be a squared dide. I totally would have been
a square hip to be squared. So yeah, I go triangle, octagon,
rectangle or circle, rectangle square. This is a really good
thing to have people power rank a like, so well done.
Well it's more next week it's like hexagon eceptathon. No,
I don't know how long we'd be able to go
with just shapes, rambus, rhombustigon, what's the name we get government?
Speaker 4 (01:41:11):
What's the one that's flat on one side and rounded
on the other.
Speaker 1 (01:41:16):
Semi circle? Yeah? Why not? Did we go three D?
Do we go like sphere cylinder? That would be more difficult.
I think he gave us He could have given us
a cube cheese.
Speaker 5 (01:41:33):
No, I don't like that included square or rectangle there
because I like no, because I like it because like
rectangles just double square, but all squares are rectangles, but not.
Speaker 1 (01:41:42):
All rectangles are square right exactly.
Speaker 5 (01:41:44):
But that's that's that's why I don't like that included
both of them. He should include one of those two.
Speaker 4 (01:41:48):
Well, next week you submit one and you leave rectangles
out of it.
Speaker 1 (01:41:53):
We probably won't use it because you on the show.
Maybe you have a preak im saying what if we
did the same one, you should do that for your
preak segment. I give you forget something form. That was great, Alex,
so well done. This guy might get a Gravy Award,
you know, guy, it's get me nominated for a few
but Answers Asker of the Year definitely in the running
for that one. This one's from Dave t at PPWL
one on Twitter, and it's been a minute since we
hear from Dave, so it's good to hear from me again, Buddy.
Dave says, do adults put student driver tickets on there?
Do adults put student drivers stickers on their cars because
they are shitty drivers? No?
Speaker 4 (01:42:34):
But we should start doing this to other people's cars.
Speaker 1 (01:42:36):
I was I was thinking about not this specifically, but
I feel like I have seen like a billion student driver,
like caution, student driver, slow down, like it's got that
like warning behind it. Patient student. Yeah yeah that that one,
no get off the road. I feel like I've seen
like one hundred of those in the last two weeks
now that you mentioned, I've seen so many of them.
So do people just do that like that way? They
can't also at me? It's a kid, dude. If this
kid learn how driver is gonna learn. The people are
fucking honk catch you when you drive like an idiot.
Speaker 4 (01:43:08):
Like, if anything, the only people that don't get mad
at on the road is when they're really old. I'm like,
that's not cool.
Speaker 1 (01:43:13):
Last week I couldn't get mad because.
Speaker 4 (01:43:15):
Uh no, But I definitely think like we should go
around slapping student driver stickers on cars that are driving shit.
Speaker 1 (01:43:22):
That's one of Is that gonna be one of our
punishments for PTG picks. Oh it's not that much of
a punishment. Were you put a sticker on my car?
Speaker 4 (01:43:29):
No, you run away?
Speaker 1 (01:43:31):
But maybe like my own drive. But my thoughts were
like it'd be like seven or eight at night and
like you see it like like watch out student driver,
be patient and I'm like, are you either this the
driver like the teacher that is now going home, or
you're just lying because.
Speaker 4 (01:43:48):
People will still drive around with their kids at night.
Speaker 1 (01:43:51):
You put a sticker on your car just to drive
around your kid, well.
Speaker 4 (01:43:54):
Because the kid is driving and you want to let
other people know.
Speaker 1 (01:43:56):
But that's a bumper. You put the sticker on and
just leave it on.
Speaker 4 (01:44:00):
What if we instead of the student driver stickers on cars,
we make ones that look like student driver, but it's
a shitty driver, and those.
Speaker 1 (01:44:07):
Are the ones you put on others, just like a
weird font where student also kind of looks to take
it says shitty, it looks exactly like it.
Speaker 4 (01:44:12):
It starts with an S, so people in their brain
they'll just try and fill it in with student because
they're used to seeing They're like, wait, no, that's a
shitty driver. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (01:44:20):
I mean, if you can buy a dog vest I
guess a therapy dog fest for your dog just on
Amazon without having to have any registration or anything for it,
you could absolutely probably just buy a student driver sticker.
Speaker 4 (01:44:33):
Just put them on every Jetta you see, because I've
never seen a man driving a Jedi.
Speaker 1 (01:44:38):
Yeah. When I learn how to drive. The big thing
of our driving school was every car you learn her
driving was a Mustang. That was a Mustang. I didn't
go to driving school aid Driver's Dead. At home.
Speaker 4 (01:44:50):
Yeah, at home, did a couple of laps in a
parking lot with my mom and she was like, all right,
you're nineteen, go.
Speaker 1 (01:44:56):
Take the test. I met the dude that I started
this podcast with in Driver's Head. Oh fun fact about us.
Speaker 5 (01:45:02):
You were nineteen we got a license.
Speaker 1 (01:45:04):
Speaker 4 (01:45:04):
I didn't get my license until after my sophomore year
of college, when I was suspended and had to come
back home and get a job or a semester.
Speaker 1 (01:45:11):
I was like, I need a license which is suspended
for grades. Okay, I was having a good time, little
scope pro. I was having a good time.
Speaker 4 (01:45:19):
Speaker 5 (01:45:19):
I was eighteen when I got my license, just because
I didn't want to pay for a class.
Speaker 1 (01:45:23):
See, well that's what it was.
Speaker 4 (01:45:24):
When I was like when I turned sixteen, my dad
was like, hey, your insurance is gonna be crazy expensive.
What if you like, I'll just give you, Like I
don't remember if you said like one hundred and fifty
bucks a month. He was like, I'll just give you
that instead of you getting it. And I was like, cool,
I don't think you ever actually gave me any money,
but like anytime I needed money, he would.
Speaker 1 (01:45:40):
Just give it to me.
Speaker 4 (01:45:41):
But yeah, it was just a way for my dad
to be like, I don't want to pay for your
fucking insurance. And I was like, yeah, that makes sense.
I had friends driving me everywhere anyway. I was a
heavy drinker at that point, so my dad was probably like,
this is another good way to keep away from that.
Speaker 1 (01:45:53):
It's not doing that yet because that was like right
when I started drinking and I hit the ground. Yeah,
I think that adults must put student drivers. I don't
know they do. I think they have to. They should.
I think they have to because I've seen too many students,
Like there's not that many people. There's a lot of
kids that are student driving all the time that I've seen.
Speaker 4 (01:46:18):
They don't remove the sticker when a kid is not
actively driving.
Speaker 1 (01:46:21):
But then that's an adult putting a sticker on their
car still.
Speaker 4 (01:46:25):
But not because they're not necessarily because they're anybody a driver.
Most of the time, they're unaware that they're shitty dr right.
Speaker 1 (01:46:32):
So they think they're good drivers. So they might try
and teach people how to drive, but which actually, like
you're subconsciously thinking you're good at driving, but you're really
shitty at driving. So you are still putting the sticker
on your car to tell people you're a shitty driver,
but you think it's to tell people that you're should
helping someone drive, So that makes you think you're there,
see you to take if it's layers to.
Speaker 4 (01:46:51):
It pack you just like didn Inception on Shitty Drivers,
and I just like the movie. You could not follow
what you're doing.
Speaker 1 (01:46:56):
You're a shitty driver. You think you're a good driver.
I'm a good driver. I should teach kids how to drive.
I have to buy this sticker because I'm teaching students
how to drive because I'm such a good driver. Well
then you you do that, so you get the sticker
and then you drive around with it. So it's like
I look like I'm a I help kids. I'm a
I'm a kid helper.
Speaker 4 (01:47:17):
It's crazy to me that people know their shit drivers
just don't get better at Driving's like, sorry, I'm a
bad driver, fucking get better. Pay more attention.
Speaker 1 (01:47:25):
I don't know what just I guess you can only
pay more attention because like it's not like I'm not
going to go back to drivers d like, do you
think any woman that bad at it? If you get
like a certain amount of like you do just have
to take your fucking you can take those courses. But
do you think any dude that's like just sucked at
driving has been like I'm gonna go back to drivers
Dad real fast and catch up.
Speaker 4 (01:47:48):
I'm sure it's happened. There's a lot of weird fucking people.
Speaker 1 (01:47:51):
That's true. So someone's definitely done that. Then, yeah, you're right,
But this is a you know what I'm gonna say.
I'm gonna say, yes, Dave, adults do put student driver
sticker on their car because they're shitty at driving. They
think they're doing it because they're good at driving.
Speaker 4 (01:48:04):
Sure, there we go.
Speaker 1 (01:48:06):
We got to that. We got to an answer, We
got to an.
Speaker 4 (01:48:08):
Answer, Yes, all right.
Speaker 1 (01:48:10):
Last question of the week is from Jordan Welch at
j Underscore Welch two seven, nine to five on Twitter.
Jordan says, if flights are NonStop, why don't they continue
on their way? NonStop means no stopping based on my logic,
isn't that what a NonStop flight does? If you like
NonStop from you.
Speaker 4 (01:48:31):
He just means it shouldn't stop at the destination.
Speaker 1 (01:48:33):
Either, it should just keep going so like, but then
the NonStop.
Speaker 4 (01:48:36):
Are the only non stop flights?
Speaker 1 (01:48:38):
Paraut out, Oh I like that. I like that, Jordan.
Speaker 4 (01:48:42):
I should ask my buddy who's a para pair jumper,
and be like, dude, you shoke a lot of NonStop flights,
don't you.
Speaker 1 (01:48:47):
Bro. It'd be like it'd be like Fortnite. Just get
a big air bus that you're like, all right, we're
starting in Atlanta, thanks for going west, and then you
just got your pack on. You're like, let me know
when we're of Missouri.
Speaker 4 (01:49:01):
Speaker 1 (01:49:02):
Really, you pulled a little thing. They like, come on
back here with Baine and you'll jump.
Speaker 4 (01:49:06):
Anybody who's going to the Atlanta area jump Sometimes.
Speaker 1 (01:49:10):
Your time seconds, this is your time where we're dropping
boys Cincinnati. Only a few people got that, but I
think I think they would have appreciated. It would be
very much like Fortnite or Call of Duty or any
of those games where you're just like, I gotta jump
and find out where I'm going. That would be funny though,
if that was how you did it. Got a flight.
Speaker 4 (01:49:31):
Where are you going? Depends on the wind.
Speaker 1 (01:49:33):
I don't know, dude. I'd like to go to Seattle,
but I don't know how it's gonna end up in Tacoma, Chicago.
It's tough to land there. It's a windy place, very windy.
That would be fucking awesome.
Speaker 4 (01:49:44):
Like you couldn't fly anywhere during like dove season.
Speaker 1 (01:49:47):
You could go Houston to like California for like three
k or what I don't fucking know, like probably eight
k for plane tickets.
Speaker 4 (01:49:56):
But then you could also just for like two hundred
bucks air buses. And this flight's going to Japan, but
I'm flying NonStop to California.
Speaker 1 (01:50:03):
It's like a plane version of a Greyhound, except it
doesn't lant, it doesn't stop. It just a NonStop great.
Speaker 4 (01:50:08):
Great with Greyhounds too, it's like, all right, tuck and roll,
get on boys.
Speaker 1 (01:50:13):
They have just a slide doesn't touch the ground.
Speaker 4 (01:50:15):
Or you just go there's just ball pits. You gotta
jump out into the ballpit as it drives.
Speaker 1 (01:50:20):
Oh, that'd be sick. That would be sick. I I
was like when he said NonStop, I was like, they like,
that's what Houston too. Whatever means, like if you had
a connecting player.
Speaker 4 (01:50:32):
There's very few planes that can go NonStop, like I know,
Air Force. One can theoretically, like stay in the air
for years at a time.
Speaker 1 (01:50:38):
Can it for years?
Speaker 4 (01:50:39):
Yeah, because they just refuel it in mid air.
Speaker 1 (01:50:41):
Okay, but that's a caveat. It can't theoretically like if
you didn't No, no, theoretically it can't if you didn't
fuel it. Though, if you just were like NonStop, then
it'll have a hard stop. Why didn't you have a
Tesla plane? Huh? A test plane could just keep going
to the need of battery charge because a Tesla plane,
because he's battery, a new battery and then just starting
the plane up would kill half the battery. That's true. Yeah,
I think NonStop flights need to be a thing. Just
we started on one side of the country. You do
La to New York, just jump out, float to where
you gotta go. You have to be like parachute certified,
because like if you did, if you like, all right,
we're coming from LA, I'm gonna try and get to Houston,
you don't quite make it to Houston. You landed like Roswell,
New Mexico. Then you just got to rent a car.
Cooper's final flight was NonStop. It was for him for him,
never ended well, it did when he dropped Hero. I mean, like,
I know he held a lot of people hostage and stuff,
but like not for a long time. He robbed a
bank and we let him go. He didn't hurt anybody.
He didn't hurt anybody. Yeah, anybody was like a cool
hostage taker, Like what's up, dude? It was like Alpha Dog.
It was like Alpha Dog before they had to kill
the kid. What was that spoiler?
Speaker 4 (01:51:56):
I think I need to add dB Cooper to my
what was that Man of the Week or whatever that
I started and I forgot the name of it already.
Oh yeah, Great Americans or something. dB Cooper, you're on
whatever list.
Speaker 1 (01:52:07):
You're on that thing that we made we forgot about.
All right, let's wrap it up on Twitter. Give us
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and give us the link to it so we can
all go watch. I promise if you do this, this
will be what I do tomorrow afternoon. I will get
home from work and I will just sit and be like, all,
let's go watch what the Gravy gang gave me to
your watch highlights up and I will watch every single
one of them. I guarantee. Then also make sure you
know remember that uh that we were respecting women. We
learned about that on always and we're respecting edge. And
then go listen to a little Warrens Evon because we
all should listen to some Warrens Yvon and remember there
our world is in London. I A mat Alex J.
Milton Pat is that not Pat Dion. Robert is at
Robert Barbosa at zero three past the gravy merch dot
Com if you'd had to get some merch support the
podcast working on. Get some Christmas stuff up there too.
Have a great rest of your week, Love you, guys
and gals until we talk to you next time. Past
the great Oh wait, no no no no no no
no no no no no no no no no no no.
You're doing random person generator, Random person Generator. I got
Warren Yvon first.
Speaker 4 (01:53:50):
To Mike hall Stott.
Speaker 5 (01:53:52):
I'm gonna go Mike Tyson.
Speaker 1 (01:53:53):
Mike Tyson all right.
Speaker 4 (01:53:55):
Oh, Randy Moss is up there. Oh, keep it, keep
it football.
Speaker 1 (01:54:00):
Mike all Stock comes up. I might actually ship my pants.
Nancy cart right, Bart Simpson for Bart Simpson and Chucky
Fenced on the Rug and a whole lot of other
ones too. Vladimir Lennon, fucking communist, John Hamm call him him,
and Cheese Ford probably Billy Graham, Right, one more, one
more Robert Logi actor.
Speaker 4 (01:54:28):
Yeah dude, he was a general from Independence day.
Speaker 1 (01:54:30):
He was in Sopranos too, good man. All right, guys,
I have a great rest of your week. Love you
guys until we talk to you next time. Past the
gravy Yeah, bitches.
Speaker 2 (01:54:41):
Gravy Gang, Gang Gang, baby powder top and lead spreads.
As we listen, it's a past the great Great we
go win fishing for your bitch today with junkie Houston
and Houston Bait. Now we go ahead and lick ken
Pool get rich today, Bench bitch Houston. That's it's on
town Town passa gravy passa loud, loud we can talk
and go for ours ours entertainment, superpower, Gravy Gang getting louder, louder,
cast up, no childer man, we laugh, no.
Speaker 1 (01:55:17):
Prouder, live on.
Speaker 2 (01:55:18):
Maybe put the top and leader spread.
Speaker 1 (01:55:22):
That's we're listening.
Speaker 2 (01:55:23):
Then to Pastor Gray Gray, we ain't gonna with fishing
for your bitch today with drunk and Houston that Houston bait.
Now we go ahead and lick ken Pool get rich today,
Bench bitch
Speaker 1 (01:55:50):
M hm