Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Fuck that to the day.
Speaker 2 (00:02):
It was classic. We make you look smarty, Buddy's the
fun of the day, just like that.
Speaker 1 (00:08):
Did you call me Bro?
Speaker 2 (00:09):
Did you call me bro? Ashby? Alan Ashby? Yeah? Uh,
the old broadcaster and one time capture of the Astros.
I called him bro into Hendy air and he just goes,
you call me bro. I'm like, yeah, is that okay?
All right?
Speaker 1 (00:26):
Here we go.
Speaker 2 (00:28):
M Todd sent this one in. He said, I came
across this fact for this year's Olympic Games. You may
want to use it for home room. Well, thank you, Todd.
I do want to use it. The athletes that were
born or trained in Texas account for one third of
the United States total medals. If Texas was a country,
they would be in sixth place in the medal counts.
Speaker 1 (00:56):
Second world.
Speaker 2 (00:57):
Yeah, that is the most Texas fun fact ever. Nicole
from Clay and Kiln, she sends me fun facts all
the time. I've been brought in a little handout for
you guys to pass around the room. Dwayne the Rock
Johnson's beard in the movie Hercules was made of yack
testicle hair. That pass that around for everybody. I mean,
it's just a printout It's not really yack testical hair.
It's just a piece of paper, Peggy Nicol, you know what,
you know what hits here. Final fun fact for you today.
Speaker 1 (01:37):
Almost all with Sabby Wazaby, almost all the with Zobbie
we eat the US is actually a mixture of horseradish, mustard, starch, and.
Speaker 2 (01:47):
Green food color, green food, green green food coloring. It
isnat couldn't get that out. Real with Zobbi is just
usually it's too expensive to import it, so you're basically
eating horseradish.
Speaker 1 (02:01):
It's the fun back to the day to make you
look smart in front of your buddies. It's the fun
back to the day.