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May 14, 2024 • 43 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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It's time for coffee and company,fueled by Thornton's on Sports Talk seven nine
day. Holy crap, I don'tknow who the hell we think we are.
Get off our show, idiot.The kids are playing or tail off.
The countries are screwing it up.Gold Play Inner Murals, Brother,
gold Play Inner Murals. They're supposedto be mature adults, but they're really

not. Who's the kid here?Who's the kid here? Are you kidding
me? Now? Here's nick coffee? All right, ladies and gents,

let's get it started here on agloomy Tuesday afternoon. It is Tuesday,
right, It is Tuesday. Somereason I was thinking it was Wednesday,
and it maybe because after Friday,I'm out of here for a week to
go on vacation, so I'm wantingthis week to go by faster. But
it is Tuesday. And again it'sgloomy outside, and you know that usually

is a little bit of a buzzkillfor the vibes for a lot of folks,
and I'm kind of feeling that waytoday. I've got my Monster Energy
drink, which I did about twoweeks. I don't know if you noticed,
John, where I had no MonsterEnergy drinks, just trying to see
if it would make a difference.And I didn't notice any difference as far
as feeling better worse. I didn'tnotice anything. But today I needed it
in a major way. So youknow, I say this every time I

look at the can because it sayszero sugar all around it and it says
something l carnatine plus taurine. Noclue what that is. But with it
wrapped around the top of the canwith zero sugar, they're bragging that it's
in there, right like there was, Like, it's clearly not bad.

Yeah, it's clearly not bad foryou. But these are delicious and they
do give me like just enough ofa boost, but just you know,
the taste of them. I mean, I'm looking at the back of the
like these can't be good for me, right, probably an excess, Yeah,
not too much of a good thing, is is true? I feel
like, yeah, like I don'tknow, I just like I drink coffee.

They say it's good to have coffee. I believe like it has antioxidant
or something like that. But there'sa point to where with me, at
least, if I have too muchcoffee in a day, it'll tear my
stomach up. Do you drink alot of water? I try to,
So this is something like every sooften I'm reminded that, you know what,
like I'm gonna always feel substantially betterif I'm hydrated, Like if I'm

just chugging water throughout the day.And I don't mean like, you know,
just having like a contest to seehow much I can drink without yacking,
but like, if I make ita point to every hour or so
have water, rather it be youknow, half a bottle, sometimes a
whole, like everything's better. AndI was doing that for a while and
then today I've been hydrated, butI needed a little bit of a boost.
So I'm probably gonna shotgun this monsterenergy drink after our first break here,

And it may seem as if I'mon cocaine the rest of the way,
which could be, you know,could be good for the show.
To be honest with you, Ihave a I have a feeling there's a
lot of radio done back in theday when people were highly highly hi on
cocaine. Maybe some people who workhere wouldn't surprise me. I mean,
we all know who we're thinking about. Yeah, I'm not going to say

it, but anyways, let's let'sdo it. It's Coffee and Company.
We are fueled by Thornton's here alsofueled by cocaine and Monster Energy drink on
Sports Talk seven ninety Nick Coffee.That is me the company man, mister
John all on alongside today and I'mgonna do this once per hour. Today's
show is dedicated to my wife John. Oh really, it's our thirteenth anniversary.

Well, happy anniversary, and wellthank you appreciate that we have a
wonderful life together. She you know, as you guys have learned if you
listen to this show even a littlebit, you know, she's kind of
me. She's my wife, she'sthe love of my life. But you
know, she kind of is theadult of the two of us. And
you know, thank thanks to her, I've never really had to fully grow

up maybe the way some others have, if that makes sense. I mean
some of this is a little tonguein cheek, but like literally like a
lot of the adulting that goes on, you know, when you become an
adult, like she takes care ofit for me. That's one of the
many countless things she does that Iappreciate in a major way. So happy
anniversary to my wife Tiffany. Andthis is one of those things where,

you know, just to say thatI've been married for thirteen years is crazy.
But I'm also past the point offeeling like, wow, man,
you can't be this old, becauselike, I know, like I you
know, I don't know where Ithink mid thirties, which is where I'm
at. It's a point where likethere's quite clearly a difference in being like,
I'm not young, but I'm notold, right, I'm in the

middle, but I'm closer to beingold than i am being young, I
think, so again, I don'tit's not like, man, how did
I get this old? It's nowlike in this not to be like sentimental
here, but life, when youget older, it goes by insanely fast,
and it scares the hell out ofme because you know, one day

I'm gonna realize, damn, you'resixty. What happened? Like It's it's
crazy how fast life goes. Andwhen I became an adult, you know,
when I you know, obviously youbecome an adult when you're eighteen,
I guess legally, right, Butfor me, once she and I moved
in together and we got engaged andwe had you know, we bought our
house. You know, we hada good five six year run before we

decided to try to have kids andwhatnot, and you know, it was
great. But once we were married, things went by faster. And then
once I had kids, everything hasgone by insanely fast, and it you
know, there's nothing you can doabout it, right, So each time
there's something like this, meaning youknow, another anniversary, another birthday or
my kid's birthdays. Even I nowfind myself reminding myself, like, hey,

this stuff goes by quick. Like, don't be stagnant, you know,
get the most out of life.Don't don't be lazy. You know,
if you've been thinking about doing something, maybe taking a big risk,
I mean, you know, don'tdo something crazy, but like do it
right, because you wait long enoughand then you won't be able to maybe.
So yeah, today's been a dayof reflection for me. And obviously,

if my wife's listening, I've beenjust doing nothing but thinking about all
the great memories we have together andwe're going to have many more for the
rest of our lives. But justto say that we've been married thirteen years
is just it's you know, it'sinsane to me. Do you feel like
your life started going by faster likewhen you became you know, an adult,

Yeah, for sure. Like youmentioned thirteen, like it'll already be
five years for me next year,me and my wife, and that just
seems like a blur considering we gotmarried at the beginning of the coronavirus,
which I hate bringing that up.Every time we got married is just a
fact. Yeah, and you'll alwaysremember it. Yeah, I mean that's
just and the fact of like that'sthe timestampoint and I how that got started.
I don't mean you always remember yourwedding. Everybody will, but my

point is like that's something that isgoing to absolutely always stand out when you
think of your wedding. Yeah,because it was something that happens once every
one hundred years. So yeah,like high school is a four year stretch
that seemed like it lasted fifteen yearsof my adult life. Yes, do
you know what I'm saying? Like, I don't know why that's the case,

because you know they always say highschool years. Man, you got
to live it up. You're gonnaget older and it's not gonna be as
fun. You're gonna have responsibilities andall that stuff's true, But I don't
feel like high school went by fast. I feel like it lasted forever.
And I think there's so much totake in when you're in high school,
and there's so many different things thatyou experience for the first time. When
we were in high school, Yeah, all that stuff, and there's so
many people you meet that maybe younever see again after you graduate. So

there's a lot to that's that's whyit feels like such a significant part of
people's lives. I feel like,I think the age range of our listeners
here, it's wide, right.I think there's clearly listeners that are younger
than me, closer to your age, maybe even some a little younger than
you. And there's obviously some thatare my age, old enough to be

my parents, old enough to bemy grandparents. To be honest with you,
I mean, I hate thinking abouta demo just because it's just how
I'm wired mentally, which you knowprobably isn't a good thing. But for
me to like know, hey,this is who you're targeting these specific like,
I don't know if you know this. Have you ever been Were you
in the old studio where they hada picture hanging up of a person.

You've told me about this, butI don't think i've seen them. So
this this is very common in radio, and I get why. It's like,
I get it. It's part ofthe business, right, Like we're
selling to advertisers that there's a demothat really is active on this type of
content this station. And if youknow, we really do well and said
demo men twenty five fifty four,then the advertisers who really want to reach

that group of people, they there'svalue there. So I understand. It's
not like I'm questioning why it's justfor me. You know, I don't
want to think I don't want todo whatever this is. You know,
yapp in for three hours and feellike I'm I'm catering to one specific demo
and if if you don't fall inthat, then you know, the hell
with you. I want to bevery welcoming, right, you can come

from all walks of life and situation, age, whatever, gender, whatever,
and you could still find some enjoyment. Clearly, you're gonna be a
sports fan. If this is somethingyou probably really enjoy, you're probably gonna
be a big Louisville fan or evena Kentucky fan because that's kind of where
you were. You know, that'swe get deep into the weeds on that.
But I think the bulk of thelisteners you're not, you know,

it's it's it's not really considered deepin the weeds because it's something you are
very knowledgeable and passionate about. That'sU of L and UK. So anyways,
what I'm getting at is when itcomes to, you know, looking
at that picture like I would justyou know, they used to put a
picture in each studio that showed aperson like what they look like, and
you know, for us, itwas this dude with a goatee that looked
like he was forty five, andit listed his he works it, he

works it forward, he makes thismuch money. This is how much disposable
income he has each month, andthis is what car he drives. These
are the restaurants that he frequents.And again, I understand why you do
all that, but I just Ikept looking at this dude, I'm like,
I don't I don't even know ifhe's worthy of this show. I'm
gonna I'm gonna feel so narrow mind. It does. But again, there's
there's a reason for that, Yes, for what it's worth right now,

I mean that that that we don'thave that going on here today. That
was years We have a picture ofStevie Nicks outside my studio, that's right,
And I'll get older than she couldactually be. And I'll say this
that picture that I'm referring to inthe old studios that was probably hung up
eight years before I got hired,no joke. So anyways, I'll bring
all that. I bring all thatup to say we have a wide range
I think of listeners as far asage, situation, all that kind of

stuff. But I'm curious if you'resomebody that is my age or older,
like would you agree, Like it'scrazy how quickly things go when you're older,
and it times like that's good,right, Like you know I'm somebody
that you know because I'm weird.I don't love the sum or as much
as others. It's great for avariety of reasons, but I'm somebody that
like when when football and basketball seasonisn't going on, like I'm just there's

I need some fulfillment that I've neverreally been able to find when it comes
to other sports. So like ifthe summer went by quick and we got
to football season. Hell yeah,I'm ready to rock and roll. So
like that's somewhat of a benefit.But man, like I don't want I
don't want life to go by sofast, but you can't control it.
So like I'm I'm I'm choosing to, you know, keep that in mind

more often and not sit around andget stagnant and get complacent and just you
know, keep personal improvement in mind, that kind of stuff. So anyways,
when when when's your anniversary? WhatMarch twenty first March? Yeah,
we uh again, I talked aboutthis the other day. May is.

You know, it was perfect forus. We wanted to do spring,
it wasn't too hot, but uh, I never really considered it button up
with Mother's Day and how that makesit to where I got, you know,
I got to get a I gottaget you know, two gifts at
the same time, essentially. ButI'm I'm holding my wife to this.
She did, She's she seems totallyyou know, content with doing every year

instead of getting her two gifts becausethey usually fall within a couple of days
of each other. Like whatever Igive her as a gift is going to
be for Mother's day and for ouranniversary. But I always get parently thinking
like she might just be saying that, but you know, she might be
going and telling her friends at workthat her husband's lousy because he, you
know, he just thinks he canget by with one gift. Because I
said, that's fine. Anyways,we'll move on. I think we may

be on. Well. I don'twant to say this because I don't want
to I don't want to push anarrative that I don't necessarily believe to be
true. But we could be potentiallyon commitment. Watch today for Louisville.
And I say that without doing anykind of a of a of a refresh
here to see if there has beena decision made. But there's a Georgia
transfer by the name of frank anselomIby and not heard a whole lot about

it. I'm assuming a lot ofyou haven't heard a whole lot about him
either, And you know that's becausethis is not somebody that a lot of
schools are in on and right.This is not the kind of transfer that
fans across the country are hoping thattheir school lands. They're not checking the
Trilli Dawnovan discord to see if theirchances are good to land these young men.

And I don't mean any disrespect,but this man, frank anselom Ivy,
which John, I'm assuming you've neverheard of. No. Six'
ten. He is taking advantage ofhis fifth year for COVID, and he
played two seasons at Syracuse and heplayed two seasons at Georgia. In his
career four years at two schools,in twelve minutes per game, he averaged

two points in three rebounds. ESPNreported last week that he was going to
be making his decision today and he'sdown to Georgia Tech Louisville, n C
State in Wisconsin. It doesn't looklike he visited, so I'm not really
sure what Louisville's interest level is.But this is one of the things that

I don't really know what you doabout it, but it's it's kind of
annoying to me. And I knowwhat you're thinking you think. I mean,
I'm annoyed that Louisville like may getthis guy. No, they need
they need bodies now they don't havelike it's not like they've got five six
spots left. I actually think there'sa scenario where they could end up landing
three pieces that aren't you know,a great osibor, meaning he's not included

in one of the three, andmaybe the you know, maybe not even
Colemanhawkins because I don't have a cluewhat he's gonna do. But like I
still think if you get Noah Waterman, who will talk about him coming up
here soon, because I believe he'sgonna be visiting. That's the BYU transfer
who just hit the portal. Andagain reminder, if your coach leaves,
you get an extra month to decidewhat you want to do. So that's
what happened with you know, theday that Mark Pope left. It was

a month ago on Sunday, Andthat's when this young man hit the portal.
And I'm not going to accuse anybodyof doing any tampering. How However,
it sounds like before he hit theportal there was clearly some mutual interest
somehow, some way that was conveyedto one another Noah Waterman in Louisville.
So anyways, what I'm getting atis when I say this annoys me,
is that like, if you don'tget him and he goes to NC State,

there'll be people that run with it. As if Damn Pat Kelcey must
you know, big men must hatehim. You know what they'll do.
They'll make short jokes. I knowI can sniff a short joke coming from
a mile away. John. I'mnot very tall myself. I'm pretty short,
and I'm you're taller me, though, aren't you. I'm five seven
ish? Are you taller than me? I think we're pretty even. Yeah,

I'm five eight and I really notmany people would brag about being five
eight, right, Like it's notvery tall. But I've always thought I
was five to seven. And thenwhen I went and got my last physical
at thirty four years old, theythey measured me at five eight, and
I thought, well, you sureand I can do it again, and
I'm like, yeah, I justwant to make sure, like don't lie

to me. And sure enough Iwas five eight. So like went from
feeling I was five to seven,found out I was five eight. So
now I feel like a big guy. But anyways, back to this frank
An slim, ivy guy. Soif they don't get him, it could
be a blessing in disguise because maybeyou end up landing someone else because although
this guy is big and he's playedit for He's played four years at two
Power of five programs, two pointsand three rebounds in twelve minutes a game.

Like again, he would clearly justbe a body and you need that.
So if they don't get him,it'll be put out there by some
some Kentucky fans, and I getit. That's what they're gonna do there,
that's the rivalry. But then evenLouisville fans, like the ones who
are starting to kind of lose theirmind a little bit. And as I

said yesterday, I'm trying my bestto be to look at it differently than
just you know, gosh, youguys are insane. I'm looking at it
more so, Wow, what areminder of how much weak care. We
got some crazy people because they're crazyabout Louisville basketball. I'm trying to look
at it that way, but sometimesit's hard. So if they don't get
him, I'm not gonna care.And if they do get him, you

know, it'll be weaponized against PatKelsey. Wow, this is the best
you could do. And I guessI just need to realize, like,
no matter what, there's always goingto be somebody taking a stance that's you
know, gonna try to make abig deal out of something that's really not
you know, look, I knowthey need big guys, trust me,
well aware, and they're gonna haveto spend some money if they're gonna get

any of these guys that are availablethat clearly know they've got they've got leverage
on their side. But I thinkwe it'll probably take us getting to closer
to the end of the month beforei'd be really and I think they're gonna
have somebody by then. But like, for example, the young man who

visited on over the weekend, KahaniRus who is a Michigan Committee's a and
I kind of never include him becausebecause he's to me, it's just a
different situation. It's a true freshmanwho I'd love for Louisville Land, and
I think he probably mean clearly ifyou add him and you have a tough
time getting somebody else, he willplay big minutes. However, you know
he's a freshman. So even ifyou are somebody that's a little more worried

about, Okay, this guy camefrom James Madison, this guy came from
I don't know, Long Beach State, and you worry about can they do
it at this level because the ACCis a better league than where those you
know, than the Sun Belt andthe WCC. I think there's been enough

proof that you can plug those guysin. And it's happened the last three
or four years since the portal's beengoing on, You've had guys that have
been really really productive players. Somehave been all Americans that have I mean
Dalton connect He's going to probably bea top five pick. You know,
he started his career I don't evenin Northern Colorado, Colorado. Yeah,
and then did he go Juco.It's very weird. Yeah yeah, I
mean yeah, so you know,and he wasn't like he had his best

year playing basketball at the highest levelthat he's ever played, which is wild
to think about, right, samething with Great Osibore. He was a
bench player at Montana State, goesto Utah State with with Danny Sprinkle and
one Mountin West player of the Yearin his first year there. So you
know, there's been enough proof thatyou can and you never know how anybody's

gonna work out. But with thatsaid, I still think we now look
at freshmen just differently because yeah,they can give you something. There can
be real value there. They canbe guys that have an impact. It's
just it doesn't. It doesn't happenas much as as it used to.
And I think a part of thatis the portal gives you a chance to

be older. You can choose notto be young, and most coaches are
choosing that. What I mean is, how many times have you seen in
years not recently, but in yearspast you'd watch a guy and clearly he's
playing twenty five minutes a game becausehe's in the rotation. He's a freshman.
He's maybe not a starter, butman, he's the sixth, seventh
man, eighth man maybe, andhe has moments early on that make it

seem as if this guy's got alot of upside. Well then he'll have
some growing pains, right or yourealize, man, that's kind of what
we get when we have a truefreshman out there in that position. But
then you'd wait till March or February, I should say, maybe even late
January. Wow, he's not afreshman anymore, not playing like a freshman
because you played through that guid experienceand yeah, you're still young, but

you've really cut your teeth. Thatdoesn't happen as often now unless it has
to, because again, the portalhas given these coaches the ability to not
have to worry about, you,you know, having those growing pains,
which I actually don't know if that'sthe right way to go about it.
But the portal. As much ascoaches that time's complain about it and it
is far from ideal, they alsobenefit it, benefit from it in a

major way. Like they're getting playerswho can come in and help them,
and all the development that was doneis at the mid major level. With
that coach, you just lost thatplayer. So I am not super worried
about the you know, I thinkthere's a difference in understanding the urgency here
to go finish strong and get somebig guys on the roster. But I'm
not to the point where I'm justthinking they're gonna have to, you know,

play extremely small all year. Butagain, frank anselom Iv, I
just I'm a worry I'm a warrior, that's my nature, right, and
I just feel like, no matterwhat happens with this, it's gonna be
put against Pat Kelsey, you know, as if like you know, oh
red flag here, somebody you knowhit the panic button. All right,

quick break, we'll come back onthe other side. I think I've decided
who I'm gonna pick to win thePGA Championship. John, I'll tell you
that is on the other side,and the reason behind it has nothing to
do with golf. All right,quick break, it's coffee and Company.
We are feel about Thornton's right hereon Sports Talk seven ninety. It's right
coffee and company rolling along here ona Tuesday afternoon. We are fueled by

Thornton's. So keep that in mind. And if you've not signed up to
become a member of the Thornton's RefreshmentAwards program just yet, you're missing out.
And I said it before and I'llsay it again. I don't know
how you go home to your familyknowing that you're not doing right by him,
because you could be saving money atthe pump. That matters, right,
you know, my kids, theymy littlest he's just now calling it

Thornton's. He used to just callit the Icy Store because that's where he
would get his fizz freeze. Butnow he know, he knows it's a
brand name. It's Thornton's. Sowe appreciate them. And I imagine a
lot of folks around here appreciate Thornton's. They've been around for a long long
time. If you were in theKentucky and area right now, there's probably
one pretty close to you. AndI am not somebody that's big on sweets.

Rarely do I ever. You know, I don't say that because I'm
like some health nut. I justI'm weird. I don't like cake and
ice cream. Not exaggerating. It'sbeen twelve years or so since I had
any cake or ice cream. Wouldyou believe that, John, I would
because I'm not a cake or icedude. I is Today's my wedding anniversary.

I'm not kidding. I think thelast time I ate cake was probably
when I got married, because itwas like, you know, she shoved
it in my face, you know, after the wedding. So just not
my kind of thing. So Idon't eat donuts. They don't do it
for me. But I had somebody, and this is where I really you
know this not only is this niceto hear, but it's a reminder that,
you know what like it or not, you got in you know,

you got into this relationship with meThornton's. But we're tied together because I
thought somebody was gonna come up andtell me, like, you know,
they came up to hey, listento the show, and I thought maybe
they were gonna, you know,tell me you suck, you're an idiot,
or hey go cards, or youknow, l's down. Whatever.
You never know what's coming your way. They just wanted to tell me you
need to start telling people how goodThornton's donuts are. So you know what

I'm doing that right now. Thornton'sdonuts very delicious. I mean I've had
one before, I've had donuts before, I've had you know, cake and
whatnot. It's just not my thing, but a lot of people like donuts
and Thornton's just stop in there,you I mean, they got all kinds.
In fact, I got my kidsone with the sprinkles last time,
and they enjoyed it in honor ofDanny Sprinkle. That's why they made a
mess out of my car in mycar with it, but it was you

know, they enjoyed it, andif it's Thortons, it's worth it.
So anyway, shout out Thornton's.All right. So I mentioned earlier when
we started the show that I wastoday was our thirteenth anniversary, my wife
and I and I'm now to thepoint where I'm like wow, there's past
the point I should say of beinglike wow, how could I be this
old? I'm like, now,okay, you know what. The years
are passing you by. Let's let'slive in the moment. And somebody wrote
something that I think. I thoughtit was very nice and I'm glad they

shared it here on the text line. But they say, Nick, there's
a reason people say time flies whenyou're having fun, when you are enjoying
things in life, it goes byat a rapid pace. As someone who
this is not a good part ofthe story, but it said as someone
who initially married right out of collegefor ten years that felt like eighty years.
It felt like the worst stretch ofmy life separating. I've now found

a new companion. We share lifetogether and it's going by crazy fast.
That always reminds me that when thingsare going by super fast, it means
you are, in fact getting themost out of life. Well, thank
you. I don't know if you'relike a life coach or whatever, but
that that hit, as the kidssay, because you know, that makes
me not be as sad that thingsif that's true, And I'm just gonna
believe what you said on this textline because we got a lot of tech

you're on it. It doesn't evencome through if you're lying because it's a
no cap feature on the text line, no cabin allowed. But that makes
sense, right, So whenever youdo think about how quickly things go by,
just tell yourself it's because you're enjoyingit. That's what I'm gonna choose
to do, all right. Soa lot of folks speaking of enjoyment.
Great turnout yesterday at the at thePGA practice rounds out of Valhalla, you

know, not only because all ofthe local outlets were there and covering it
doing live hits. I know WDRBhad a really good photo gallery of everything.
But you know, nationally, right, there's a lot ofeople who cover
golf nationally and they're here in townand they were just bragging on us about
how wow, man Louisville more moreof an appetite for golf than you than

you would maybe some would have expected. So there's clearly some buzz for this
big event, and uh, Iknow it gets rolling here in a couple
of days and I'd never thought aboutthe amount of people who will travel to
be here, right, Like,clearly not as much as you get for
like the Kentucky Derby. But eventhough you and I are both not golf
guys, John, like, thisis this is a big event to where

you would think there'd be plenty ofpeople, Like, it's not just gonna
be locals that show up all that. It would be plenty. There'll probably
be a lot of folks who,like, maybe they try to go to
a pg event every year, they'regonna come to Louisville. Yeah, I
remember I had a teacher in highschool who took a couple of days off
just to go watch the PGA thelast time I was here. So yeah,
there's people who will invest their timeinto it, for sure. So
as soon as I mentioned that,I've found out who I'm you know,
picking to win. And when Isay, I mean, I'm not mean

me picking them to win, really, I mean it's just I mean,
I'm not going to bet on itbecause they'd be wasting money. But that
ended up with people saying, well, you better be Justin Thomas better be,
which I hope Justin Thomas wins itbecause he's a Louisville native. This
is actually the first time that hewill be playing at Valhalla as a pro.
You know, last time they hadthe PGA Championship here. He he

you know, he didn't participate init, and I really thought it was
cool because I don't know much abouthim other than he grew up in you
know, in Goshen and went toSaint X, went to Alabama to play
golf, and you know, hasbeen a U of L fan. I
know he loves a Bama football iswhere we went to school, but you
know, he also likes U ofL. And he's a big time you
have a basketball fan, and thereit might have been like a game day

thing. I think he might havedone something for Bama on maybe I don't
know. There was something he didon ESPN where he was asked as somebody
you know from the Louisville area,where like where did he fall in the
rivalry? And like he, youknow, without hesitation, like made it
quite clear like he's all on Louisville. And you know, I don't know

if he said boo UK, butkind of felt like that. And you
know, he didn't live here,which doesn't mean he's not a liew of
like he's I mean, there's alot of people that love Louisville that grew
up here that live elsewhere for varietyof reasons. You know, he happens
to be a professional golfer that youknow now lives in I think Jupiter,
Florida. But I thought it wasreally cool for him to be very emotional

when he got his hometown hero bannerlast week. And it's you know,
it's it's what you'd expect somebody toto do, right, show appreciation,
but like he had some emotion thatI think kind of surprised him even which
made you know, I'm a suckerfor that kind of stuff, right,
Like I think if you are someonewho reaches the highest point you can in

your career, and you're in whateveryou do, right, you're nationally known
as an entertainer, a musician,a athlete, whatever, and you know
you probably no longer call home home. But like getting inducted into like your
high school Hall of Fame probably notgoing to be an honor that's going to
stand out from like fans of yours, But that's got to be like that's

where that's like where it all started, so to see him be emotional about
because again, it's not like I'veever been ant. I just don't know
a lot about Justin Thomas other thanwhat I've mentioned, right, I don't,
you know, I don't know ifhe's got a big personality. He
did have a show on Netflix thator he was involved in a show on
Netflix that I didn't get a chanceto watch, but I heard it was
really good. But yeah, Ihope he does well, and you never
know, maybe there's maybe he's feelingsome pressure because he is here in his

hometown. But yeah, I'm pullingfor Justin Thomas for sure. But I
also think think my man, RoyMcElroy could be, could be really could
be the man to get it donein this event. So it was announce
and this is unfortunate, But itwas announced earlier today by TMZ that he
has filed for divorce, and that'sunfortunate, that's sad. But the last

time he went through a breakup,it really helped him on the golf course.
So in two twenty fourteen, hebroke up with tennis star Caroline Wozniaki.
I think I'm not sure if I'msaying that correctly, and then went
on to win the tournament before thePGA Championship of Alhalla, then wins the

PGA. Yes, I mean it'sthis, this has happened before. I
mean, I don't think he wasmarried to his his former tennis former.
I think he was his former girlfriend. But that led to him, you
know, I guess, blocking outthat distraction and just you know, being
dialed in and ready to get itdone. And it worked. So maybe
this, uh maybe this divorce couldlead to him doing the same thing this

time around. As it stands,this is up. This was updated a
little bit earlier today. You know, the favorite obviously is Scottie Scheffler,
who's just been you know, who'sbeen on fire, and then Rory so
Scheffler's at plus three hundred, McElroy'splus six hundred, and then Brooks Koepka
is at plus one thousand. Soit seems as if one of the big

you know, I feel like oneof the storylines. In fact, I
saw our man Kent Spencer, whois I tried to you know, we
probably will get him at some pointthis week, but he's been super busy.
I know, not only does hedo a great job for the folks
at whas eleven. But you know, this is this is his time to
shine. He's I know, he'sa big golf guy, very very informed
on the on the sport, andhe's been a part of the coverage.

But one of the things I sawthat he put together as far as one
of the big storylines is, youknow, can anybody beat Scottie Scheffler.
And it seems like a lot ofpeople think, you know, he can
be beat, but not many areseemingly expecting it to happen because he's been
you know, he's been on fire. All right. So yesterday we talked
about Noah Waterman and his his lateaddition to the portal because of again the

the the guys who lose their coachto transfer, they get an extra they
get an extra month. I guess, actually I don't know, So I
guess maybe you don't get ano.Actually I don't know. Like, for
example, if if something like GreenBay's coach left, which we'll talk about
who they hired, but Sundance Wickswith which what a name he's leaving green

Bay to go to? Is itWyoming? Yeah, Wyoming who just randomly
lost their coach? So Wyoming ingreen Bay? Even though the portal window
closed on May first. I thinkthey now have thirty days to decide if
they're going to if those players forthose teams are going to go to the
portal. So that's what happened atBYU. Mark Pope left in you know,
not mid April, but you knowbetween mid and early April, and

this guy waited the last minute toput his name in. He's a six
to eleven big who you know.I when I think of BYU last year,
like I knew they were good,and Mark Pope had himself a good
team. They knocked off some goodteams along the way. They they ended
up. I'm not even really surewhat the seed was that they got when
they got on the tournament. Butas far as just personnel, like I

don't remember them having like a starplayer. So therefore, like some of
these dudes, like even Ali Khalifa, whose numbers were kind of you know,
all over the place and just didn'tmake a lot of sense if you
remember you just look at like hisstatistics and you know, watch some highlights,
like clearly you know his stats didn'treally tell the whole story as far
as what kind of value he adds. But Noah Waterman's a guy that I'd

be a liar if I told youI've ever heard of him until he hit
the portal. But he averaged,you know, just under ten points a
game last year. Was a starter, started every game, played twenty four
minutes, so nine and a halfpoints, five and a half rebounds,
thirty eight percent from three. Imean, a good piece for them.
And you know, in Mark Pope'sfirst year in the Big twelve, I
mean they were pretty good. Imean they ended up losing to Decaine in

the n SAA tournament, which wasa bit, which was an upset,
But it sounds like there was somehow, some way. I think it might
have just been magic, because Ithink tampering probably happens, but I don't
know, is it Like for example, let's say Noah Waterman has an assistant

coach that knows somebody on the Louisvilleand I mean like a former coach or
something like an AAU coach, andhe talks to Noah Waterman regularly, and
that AAU coach happens to know somebodyon the Louisville staff, if in fact,
they communicate to each other, thatNoah Waterman might enter the portal that
there'd be some interest, like couldthe NC DOUBLEA do anything about that?

Like it almost makes it to wheretampering like shouldn't happen, But this day
and age, with different relationships sociallike it's gonna happen. Right. The
only time we've seen the NC DOUBLEAput the hammer down so far was with
Florida State football this past all wasthat tampering that was more so just nil
stuff? Was it? Yeah?Like it was like and I'm telling you
I can just everybody who read whatFlorida State was accused of doing. I

think they all thought, oh crap, Like I thought, that's whatever,
Like I thought, that's what Likethat's I thought, that's how this worked.
And that was there was an assistantcoach who was asked by a recruiter
a player about anil and he toldthe player to go talk to the collective,
and like I guess, answering himand even acknowledging that there's a collective
was against there is so stupid andthat's what led to you know, the

Tennessee and Virginia I mean right now, that's why I mean it's a free
for all because of the lawsuit thatwas filed basically claiming like you know,
you have no you have no authorityto punish us for that. But anyways,
he's going to visit Louisville. Itsounds like, and I wouldn't be
shocked if that's the only visit hemakes and that's where he ends up.
I mean, you never know forsure, but I'd say tampering or not.
A big factor in this moving quickerthan usual than you usually see with

a guy that's transferring is that heapparently is not just former teammates, but
he's close friends with Ali Khalifa,who you know has already decided to come
to Louisville, has visited Louisville righthas has has talked to Pat Kelsey,
heard the pitch and decided to comeand play here. So, I you
know, I don't know where he'llend up being ranked in the portal rankings

and all that. But last yearin the Big twelve, a league that
everybody tells this is the best leaguein the country. You know, he
put up good numbers and started everygame for a team that would it be
why you finished last year? Imean they were they were a six seed.
Yeah, twenty three and eleven theywere tied for it looks like fifth
place in that league. So Imean again, it's not somebody that did

a bunch of and maybe he will, but this isn't somebody who you know,
five elite programs are in on andthey're visiting, because that's the stuff
that builds up the buzz to whereif you get somebody like that, man
here we go, or if youlose somebody like that and you feel like
you had a chance, it's abig punch of the gut. So this
is to me again, maybe otherswere well aware of this guy and thought

maybe he'd enter the portal. Idon't know, but I look at this
as a if he was to cometo Louisville, I would consider this a
really really good pickup. And itmakes it to where, you know,
if you get him and the freshmanKahani Ruth's at that point, you're still
gonna have one scholarship to go use, and you know, maybe you end

up with a chance to go throwthe big bag at Colin Coleman Hawkins or
something. So again, that's whyI'm not as worried about Louisville's front court
as others seem to be. Nowagain, if this kid visits, doesn't
come to Louisville, goes elsewhere,same thing with Ruth the freshman, you

know, that wouldn't be ideal.And that's probably where I would think,
Okay, you know, I likeall the pieces they have, but man,
there's clearly a glaring issue here,and that's just proven front core depth,
which you know you need. Youneed even if you want to play
small, you still have to havethe ability to counter somebody who wants to
just go gigantic against you and youknow, beat you that way. All

right, quick break, we'll comeback on the other side. Wrap up
the three o'clock hour. It's coffeeand Company. We are feel But Thornton's
here on Sports Talk seven ninety.I think I'd mentioned this yesterday in the
five o'clock hour, So this isprobably a different audience than at that point,
unless you're a podcast listener, orunless you're one of our elite listeners
that listens to you know, theentire show. And if so, thank

you appreciate that. I finish theshow that I mentioned yesterday on Netflix that
is so good, so good,and I haven't binge a show that quickly
in a long Time. It's calledA Man in Full and it's starring Jeff
Daniels and Diane Lane is in itas well, and it's a it's a

mini series, which you know,you know, it's it's it's only gonna
be for like, it's not somethingthat they plan on doing, which I
don't really you know, I'm notsomebody that's ever worked in you know,
television, But why would you labelsomething a mini series before you know if
it's going to have like longevity?Does that make sense? John? Like,

I guess the thought is that you'reonly going to do a certain amount
of episodes, you want to tella specific story. And then I guess
they just know they're not going tohave planned be like if they get it,
if they get a big star todo it, it could just be
that like there, I won't beable to commit to doing this any more

than the six and like if youdo it, there's like there's just no
way I'd be able to do itbecause of movies that I'm working on that
kind of stuff. Are there examplesof mini series that had multiple seasons so
it's happened like for example, that'swhat There was a show on Showtime that
and Showtime has always, in myopinion, had really really good shows that

never got the same attention as theshows on HBO, and HBO has great
shows too. I'm not trying tosay that Showtime is better, but some
of my favorite shows that I've watched, like drama, suspense, like crime
shows were on Showtime. And youknow, it's not that nobody watched him,
it's just I never felt like theygot the same level of hype.
But maybe it's just because I'm weirdand like them more than most people.

But there was a show called YourHonor that has Brian Kranton. Of course
the I mean, he's mostly knownfor Breaking Bad, which is believed to
be one of the best shows evermade, and he did a mini series
with on Showtime called Your Honor,and it was really really good, so
they decided to give it a secondsee and in the second season, I
didn't think was very good, butit's more than anything was because the like

long story short, like it wasan example for me to where I'm like,
okay, yeah, they probably shouldhave just left that alone. So
I now find myself wanting a secondseason of this because it was so good,
so good and just really well doneand I haven't watched like a Netflix
original that was you know that Ifelt like was just like, you know,

elite tier. When it comes tothe cast, I mean the production,
the drama, it was really reallyit's just and you know, I'm
not going to give any spoilers,but it just it was perfect amount of
episodes, the story, you know, the way it wrapped up, Like
I just I love love the show. So if you're looking for a new
show to watch, I would recommendwatching A Man in Full because it's phenomenal.

And I used to talk a lotmore about this, you know,
in a previous life before I wason in the afternoons and one, but
so it hasn't come up a loton this this you know, the afternoon
show. And we don't need tou but John don't know, I know
you don't watch a whole lot ofTV. But the last time I was
just you know, couldn't help myself. But talking about a show, if

you remember, was was Beef.Yeah. I tried to watch some of
that and for some reason just droppedit off. And it's it's a you
know, it's its own show.Let me tell you a story. I
uh, when I was just inlove with that show, talking about it
on here, and I think Itweeted about it or whatever. I ended
up getting Chris Mack to watch itbecause he and I would occasionally talk about
different shows and whatnot, and wehave a lot of the same I guess,

uh prefer you know, same tastewhen it comes to television that kind
of stuff. And you know,he didn't seem intrigued by it, but
I'm like, look, man,you gotta watch it. You have to
watch it. It's gonna it's great. And he I later asked him,
like, hey, what did youthink? He was like, I watched
the episode and a half like thisshow sucked. Man, Sorry, it's
terrible. So everybody's got their owntaste. But that did end up some

awards Beef did. It was reallygood. I liked what I watched of
it, But for some reason Icouldn't commit. Is there a point in
the show that's like once you getto it's like okay, yeah, I
want to finish this, uh,because I feel like I should go back
and give it another shot someday.For me, it was the end of
the first like each episode to meended with like oh wow, like that
was huge, so it kept mehooked. I watched that, I think

in a day. I'm honest withyou, Like that's how I mean I
was. I was obsessed and Ilike getting lost in a show, like
just getting completely consumed by a show. And I truly believe that the ability
to binge a show has really changed. Like, you know, I don't
think there's certain shows that I wouldhave stuck around for if I have to

wait every week for a new episode, Like things have just changed and now
we'll probably get back to that atsome point. But like a lot of
the shows that I've liked on AppleTV, they'll give you the first three
and then after that you gotta waiteach week, which I still watch kind
of an it is annoying. Yeah, I mean I you know they do
that with ted Lasso. Yes,yeah, that's in. Yeah. I

wonder why, though, Like what'stheir benefits it they want to hook you
in in this? You see threeepisodes already, and it's like, Okay,
I've seen enough of this, I'minvested. I'll wait for the rest
of the season. If I likeit and I watch it in one sitting,
or I watch it in ten weeks, I'm still going to keep my
subscription because I like what you're doing, you know what I mean, Like,
I just I don't know. Ithink that's silly, but I'm sure

there's a method, there's a reasonwhy they do it. All right,
we got to run two more hoursleft. Stick around right here. Sports
Talk seven ninety
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