All Episodes

August 9, 2024 108 mins
Joe Burrow and other important Bengals players are expecting to play preseason week 1, what we hope to see from them. Plus Reds have an important series against the Brewers this weekend and some FC Cincy
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Bengals and Buccaneers banging out in their first preseason game.
Coverage starts tomorrow at three on ESPN fifteen thirty, the
official home of the Bengals.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Well just tell you something, man, I would. I would
give up years of my life to have that guy's voice.
I'm not joke years. I don't think that's possible, but
I would. I would do it.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
What's up?

Speaker 2 (00:26):
I'm oegar. This is ESPN fifteen thirty. I appreciate you listening.
I hope to hell your weekend has started, and hopefully
it's off to a good start. Hopefully our starts in
two hours and fifty four minutes. Not that we're counting
Red's win. Last night, David Bell gets kicked out, so

it was a good night all around. We'll get to
that coming up in about fifteen minutes. Kaylin Carr is
going to be on this show. MLS Season Pass Apple
TV has the match tonight as FC Cincinnati tries to
advance in League's Cup, coming off their group stage comfort
behind win over New York City on Monday, and There're
gonna be more whole. Looks like there's a good chance

Acosta plays Yedlind plays. Looks like Miles Robinson is gonna
give it a go tonight coming back from Paris.

Speaker 3 (01:15):
So all that's really good.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
Kaylin joins us in less than thirty minutes, and Tony
Pike hourly updates. Bengals play tomorrow night. As you heard
with that that guy with the voice just say so.
No practice today. But because our commitment to Bengals training
camp coverage is unwavering, unwavering, We're still gonna do training

camp reports with Tony at three forty five, four forty five,
and five forty five. We're not making him go downtown.
He can do them here in studio, but he is
going to join us coming up at three forty five.
Don't forget, of course, we do have the game tomorrow
night on ESPN fifteen thirty. This these next two weeks,
this is the anxiety part of the summer. This training

camp starts some we're all excited, and it's always fun
to get those first few glimpses from Bengals training camp.
And if you get a chance to go, it's it's awesome.
And we start talking football and there's a little bit
less speculation, and there's been there's been a good number
of things to discuss as they relate to this team.
But to see some of the stuff that we have

been talking about translate into games and on the field
is cool, right, And I'm I think these next two
weeks are gonna be fun and interesting to some degree
because they play a game tomorrow, they play another game
a week from tomorrow, and then they play another game
the following Thursday, and then the preseason's over. The entire

preseason's gonna take place in less than a two week span,
and there's gonna be two joint practices, So there's going
to be a lot.

Speaker 3 (02:49):
Of stuff, and I like stuff. There's gonna be a
lot of.

Speaker 2 (02:55):
Stuff, hopefully good stuff at the same time, especially tomorrow.
I'm being a little overly dramatic. I admit this Tomorrow
night at seven o'clock, I might not I might not
start paying attention to the preseason game until what do
you think about seven forty seven forty five? I might

have somebody like text me like, when Joe is done,
When Joe Burrow's done, Okay, Mo, it's safe to watch because.

Speaker 3 (03:27):
This Tomorrow night, like there's there's always, you.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
Know, the possibility of something going wrong in any football
game on any football play, but you accept that as
kind of the cost of doing business, the cost of
just how the sport works in the regular season. When
the games don't count, it's it's a little bit more difficult.
The game tomorrow night obviously does not count. This is
not a criticism of Joe Burrow playing. I don't like it,

but I get it. And I think if Joe says
I want some reps in the preseason, if that's gonna
him in a better position to play well week one,
play well week two, which they have not done and
he has not done the last couple of years, then
I'm I'm all for it. At the same time, Paul

Danner Junior put it accurately on the podcast that I
did with him on Tuesday at the Growler, where you
know we have young kids. It's kind of like the
first time you're six year old or five year old
or whatever is like carrying a full bowl of cereal
across the room, and like, Okay, at some point they're
gonna have to be able to start doing stuff like that.
But it's like this is this could be a disaster.

Is is this really worth it? But just get to
the get to where you got to put the bowl
down on the table. It's kind of the same thing
tomorrow night with Joe Burrow. Now that said, there are
some things in this game that I think, I'm I know,
I'm looking forward to watching. And so this is what
you have to do with the preseason opener every year, right,

talk about what you're looking for and what you hope
to see, what I hope to see, just on a
general level, more broad for whatever amount of time Joe
is out there, give me something that just reminds the
rest of the league.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
Hey man, when this dude's healthy, this is what can happen.

Speaker 2 (05:17):
If you think the Bengals are gonna be a nine
win team this year, I don't know that a series
in the preseason is going to make you go, you
know what, scrap that thirteen wins. And if you think
the Bengals are going to be an eleven win team
this year, which is about where I am, I don't
know that you're gonna see Joe Burrow play a series
and go, you know what, screw that fifteen and two.

And by the way, if if he plays poorly, I
don't think you're gonna go, oh god, you know what
they're gonna be bad this year, but it would be
it'd be fun for a quarterback that I to a
degree has even said it's kind of being slept on
just a little bit, just a little, not a lot,
just a little bit. I think it'd be fun if
for whatever amount of time he's out there, there's there's

something that reminds everybody, oh, yeah, here's what this guy
can do. Here's what this offense can do. But let's
be honest, I think we all believe the Bengals offensively
this year are gonna be pretty good. The biggest question
for me is, all right, how much better is this defense?
One of the hallmarks of lou Ana Rumo's defense, I'll

say in twenty twenty one, in twenty twenty two, and
even I'll say this about twenty twenty that we didn't
see last year. I've always thought one of the reasons
why I would give lou Ana Arumo a shot to
be a head coach or at least interview him. Watching
his units, you would not see assignment errs, and you
wouldn't see guys out of position, and you wouldn't see,

you know, players doing too much, and some of that's
a credit to the high end guys the Bengals have
have had right and specifically guys like Jesse Bates and
and Von Bell. But what has usually stood out to
me about the Bengals when they've been good defensively is,
you know, not so much that they have like just
a whole.

Speaker 3 (07:09):
Slew of all pro caliber guys.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
They have obviously had some very good players, but it
always looks well coached, It always looks well put together.

Speaker 3 (07:18):
You always get the sense.

Speaker 2 (07:19):
Other teams players may make great individual plays, or the
other quarterback may make a great throw. That's the sport,
that's what happens. But you have rarely seen or you
rarely saw during that stretch. Mistakes, mental mistakes, assignment errs,
guys not being in the right spot, that sort of thing.
That changed last season, and it really kind of changed

across the board. And yet it didn't help that like
physically upfront, that team kind of got beaten up when
teams ran the ball. But and yeah, they had, you know,
two new safeties and it was a significant drop off
from Baits and Bell to Battle in tax Hill. And
thank god Von Bell is back, but you know, last
year you want to him and it just didn't look

like the same operation. And yeah they miss some guys
who had been here, but it just didn't look like
the same operation. So tomorrow, I'd like to see a
unit that, even if they go very vanilla, very base,
even if Lo's not reinventing the wheel on defense, just
give me a sound fundamental look, right, Just a sound
fundamental look that gives me at least a little bit

more comfort that this season the Bengals defense in that regard,
at least, is going to resemble twenty twenty one in
twenty twenty two on a on a more maybe granular level.
By the way, twice this week I've used the word
granular on this show. I think I get a bonus
for that. In terms of individuals, this is a theme

that I've hit on all week long, and it comes
from training camp.

Speaker 3 (08:47):
I'm excited to watch a Marius Mims.

Speaker 2 (08:50):
I'm excited to watch Marius Mims just because it's going
to be fun watching him over tower or tower over
everybody else.

Speaker 3 (08:56):
It's fun.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
I think to watch Marius Mims tomorrow because it's neat
when you know there's been building hype and then it's okay.
Does it translate into a good performance on the field.
I also love it when people take advantage of opportunity,
and Marius Mims has an opportunity. Let's see if he
can take advantage of it. Let's see if we can
get a glimpse into the type of player, not just

the type of player the Bengals took in the draft,
but the type of player who in year one can
really start to tap into some of that immense upside.
I'm really excited to watch Marius Mims, I think on
a maybe more mechanical level. And Pike and I just
talked about this offensive line depth is a question.

Speaker 3 (09:41):

Speaker 2 (09:42):
It might not be a question that Zach Taylor is
losing sleepover, might not be a question that Frank Pollack
is losing sleepover the offensive line coach. But like, let's
be honest, I think we have a reasonable expectation of
what the Bengals starting offensive line could look like. Well,
we saw that unit play seventeen games last year, obviously

with a different right tackle, and so we're for the
excuse me, for the most part, you know.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
The starters are well established. They've been here now for
a while.

Speaker 2 (10:14):
You know, even like a guy Orlando Brown who's in
his second season in Cincinnati. His body of work speaks
for itself, so does Ted Carris, so does Kappa to
a degree, maybe Cordell Wohlson and then a Marius Mims
is kind of a different conversation. What happens with this
team though? When the depth gets tested? Do the Bengals
have players lower on the depth chart on the offensive

line that you could put on the field and feel
good about Last year It didn't have to happen, and
I hope the guy that doesn't happen this year. With
the exception of I think Orlando Brown missing a few
snaps and Cody Ford having to come in. It's it's
not something that they really they really had to address
last year. So I hope that's the case this season.

But I am it was not. It wasn't Orlando brad
As Cordell Volson. Anyway, they had really good offensive line
health last year. If they had to put the backups
on the field, When they have to put the backups
on the field, which is a better way of putting it,
what are they going to get If the major story
for the season is protecting Joe Burrow, keeping Joe upright,

ensuring his health as best you can. Yeah, A big
part of that is the offensive line. The starters playing
very well, it goes without saying that's obvious, but can
they keep them upright and can they do what they
need to do offensively when they've got to play backups?
I mean, we saw a very winnable AFC Championship game

two years ago unravel for the Bengals in part because
well the backups. So is one game gonna answer that
question for us? Of course not, but to me it's
it's it's maybe not the biggest question of training camp,
but it's really damn high on the list.

Speaker 3 (12:09):
Does the Bengals have offensive line depth? I don't know.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
I have no idea tomorrow. Give me some answers that
make me feel good when that question gets asked, we'll
get it to us. Some other stuff that's gonna happen tomorrow.
Our phones are open five point three seven four nine,
fifteen thirty eight sixty six seven oh two three seven
seven six. Tony Pike is going to join us as
well for his first of three training camp reports, even

though there is no practice today. Meanwhile, Rad's win last
night an extra inning game Hunter Green was not great,
but he wasn't awful. We talked yesterday about how bad
as you're bad. This is an interesting series this weekend.
Not because I think the Reds are gonna catch the
Milwaukee Brewers. I don't foresee that happening. But it's an

interesting weekend nonetheless, which we'll get to. And I guess
I should turn my phone off. It's eighteen. Here's my phone.
My phone just went off. My ringtone is the NBA
on CBS theme from the nineteen eighties. If you heard that,
it is eighteen and it's half to three o'clock on
moll leg You're glad you're with us today. Yeah for Friday.
Good good work by me. Right, leave the phone on.

That would have been cool if in the background you
heard that. By the way, the better theme. Everybody's making
a big deal about NBC's Roundball Rock, which is great.
The one CBS had in the eighties is better. And
that's that's my ringtone. I usually have two ringtones. One
is the theme from this week in baseball. The other
is the NBA on CBS, and I usually change it
midway through the year, and.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
I haven't done that yet.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
All right, that's enough. Nineteen after three o'clock. We're off
to a roaring start. This is ESPN fifteen thirty Cincinnati Sports.

Speaker 4 (13:47):
Station, Cincinnatis.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
I don't have that many hills that I will die on,
and I've got a few. One of them, though, is
that I believe that, even in this technological excuse me,
technological age that we live in, that concerts and sporting

events should always involve a paper ticket. I know most
ticketing now is done mobile, and I understand why, but
I am I am of the belief this is one
of the very few hills I will die on that
all sporting event and concert tickets should be on paper,
should be on card stock, should be something you can

hold in your hand, because in the event that something
really cool happens, it's neat to have the ticket.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
The Reds got no hit last Friday.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
Now, I don't know if you're a Reds fan if
that's like the ticket stub that you want, but like
I still have. I was in attendance for Homer Bailey's
no hitter. I went to the game that night not
knowing I was going to see a no hitter, but
I did, and I still have the ticket, and it's
cool in the absence of that. With the mobile ticketing,
you get QR code like screen ground, but no. So

last night there were not many fans in attendance in
Miami to see the Reds beat the Marlins in extra innings.
But last night David Bell makes history. And again, like,
you go to that game and you have no idea
if David Bell is gonna get ejected for the thirty
first time in his big league career, setting a new
Reds record for managurial ejections, eclipsing, excuse me, eclipsing the

old record set by Sparky Anderson, a Hall of famer.
You have no idea, but it happens. And then you're
left with what you could go and buy a souvenir,
I guess, but then you got to spend more money
if you have the payper ticket. That is something you
keep a little bit of an anticlimactic moment. Last night,
relative to many David Bell ejections, we did not get

a temper tantrum, which to me, if you're gonna set
the record, set it in a blaze of glory. I'm
not even sure David Belt deserved to be ejected last night,
but he does set the record. Congratulations, to him. I
have not heard yet. Reds have been busy with the

announcement today that they're gonna play at the Bristol Motor
Speedway next year, and so I'm sure they're just now
getting to work on how and they're on the road
this weekend, so they've got some time homestand starts on Monday.
I don't know how they're going to commemorate this, if
this is going to be something they do on the
first game, or if they want David's extended family to
be there for it. Maybe they do a pregame ceremony

commemorating this, maybe next week, and I haven't heard, but
it's a significant moment none the less. And it came
in a win too, which is cool, right if you're
gonna if you're gonna set the record for most managerial ejections,
well you might as well have your team win the game,
And the Reds did in extra innings last night.

Speaker 3 (16:52):
They take.

Speaker 2 (16:54):
Three out of four against the Marlins. Now they're off
to Milwaukee. They play the Brewers. The last time the
Reds were there, I think we were holding out hope
that that series against the Brewers in June could be
or at least was an opportunity for them to jumpstart

a push toward the division title.

Speaker 3 (17:16):
That was mid June. I think it was Father's Day weekend.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
If I'm not mistaken, and they win the first game,
they lose on Saturday, and then they lost a really
tough one on Sunday afternoon. This is, let's face it,
not that Pat Murphy should be the National League Manager
of the Year. The Brewers have just been crushed by injuries.
By the way, Milwaukee is coming off a three game

sweep of the Braves where they scored thirty four runs
in three games. Frankie Montas pitched yesterday, so the Reds
aren't going to see him, and in spite of a
revolving door of pitchers and a lot of injuries, they
have a seven game league going into the second weekend
of August. Here's why this series is interesting. The Reds

are going to play a team that, at least organizationally,
they need to be Like whenever I hear someone lead
the discussion about the twenty twenty four Reds with how
many injuries they've had and why that's the big excuse,
I look at the Milwaukee Brewers and I go, well,

they overcame injuries. Hell, they overcame for some reason. They
traded Corbin Burns, which still makes no sense. And yet
they're on the verge of running away with the division.
Why can't the Reds be that they get a glimpse
into what they need to be this weekend. More on
that later on Tony Pike in fifteen minutes. Kaylin Carr

on tonight's FC Cincinnati League's Cup tilt.

Speaker 3 (18:46):

Speaker 4 (18:49):
Cincinnati's ESPN and.

Speaker 1 (18:51):
The Buccaneers banging out in their first preseason game. Coverage
starts tomorrow at three on ESPN fifteen thirty, the official
home of the Bengals.

Speaker 2 (18:59):
That's tom m First things first, Tonight, FC Cincinnati with
a Friday night home tilt in the League's Cup, coming
off that final group stage match, pretty improbable comeback four
to two over NYCFC Santos Laguna in town Tonight, round
of thirty two. League's Cup. Orange and Blues should be

a little bit more whole with players they haven't had.
Miles Robinson didn't go on Monday, but I think he's
going to be on the pitch tonight. Same for Lucho
Acosta match tonight on MLS Season Pass, Apple TV and
part of the broadcast tonight, our buddy Kaylen Carr from
MLS Season Pass and if you haven't watched the movement,
you owe it to yourself. That's on Apple TV as well.

He is the host and producer. Caylen, It's good to
have you. What's going on?

Speaker 5 (19:44):
Hey, what's up guys? Thanks for having me back on.

Speaker 6 (19:46):
Really appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (19:47):
I appreciate you joining us. We'll talk about the match
tonight itself in a second. The round of thirty two
a year ago, at this time, it kind of felt
like we were talking about FC Cincinnati getting hardware in
this event. This is the stage they bowed out, handicapped
their chances against the rest.

Speaker 3 (20:04):
Of the field. Is this a winnable competition?

Speaker 7 (20:08):
I think so, And I think a big part of
it was that last match against New York City, and
you could maybe throw that one away pretty easily and say, well,
both teams were through, not a ton to play for,
and for the first say, sixty seventy minutes, it kind
of looked like that from Cincinnati's perspective, and then Patt
Newton makes all the changes, brings in four players, five

players actually, and then everything shifts on its head. And
the big difference with that, of course, is they don't
go to.

Speaker 6 (20:36):
The bottom half of the Eastern group, and.

Speaker 7 (20:38):
That group has Tigris, that group has inter Miami.

Speaker 6 (20:43):
It really is a difficult group to get through.

Speaker 7 (20:45):
So when you look at maybe the next round matchup,
it would be Montreal and Philly. And I'm sure Nowton
will tell you he's not looking ahead passed Santos Laguna,
but it's hard not to look around that group and say, okay, well,
maybe DC United and crucis Schooler the two big power
us PRUSA Soul, you know, is a top team in
Legua A Mechi. But you'd have to say Cincinnati liked

their chances of getting to the semi finals at least
at this point, and from there anything can happen. Absolutely,
and especially as you mentioned with Lucio Acosta, potentially getting
healthy Miles Robinson back into the team, just getting a
little bit stronger as the tournament comes on. I think
that could be a really good recipe for Cincinnati.

Speaker 2 (21:25):
They didn't exactly go into this event riding a wave
of momentum with how they were playing before MLS took
a break in the regular season. What do you make
of how they've played these last two games, understanding that
there were a lot of guys on the field on
Monday night that really don't get a ton of run.

Speaker 7 (21:43):
Yeah, they've had to kind of balance the rotation. I
thought it was a good performance from the young twenty
year old homegrown goalkeeper Paul Walters who came in, who's
started the season at fourth string and got his chance.
There's been a number of guys that have kind of
gotten a look. They've had to rotate a spec actually
with the injuries and absences in the back line to
kind of get through to this point.

Speaker 5 (22:05):
But I think you're going to start to see the.

Speaker 7 (22:07):
Stronger Cincinnati side re emerge. And frankly, that's what I
always thought when I saw the dip and form at
the end of the you know, a league play before Cup.

Speaker 6 (22:18):
Before this League's.

Speaker 7 (22:18):
Cup was just any team if you go through and
you go right into the heart and the spine of it,
and you take out Naska with an injury to the knee,
and then you see Hagland, who's you know, I think
as really solid defender and I think also gives some
personality and spirit to this team. Miles Robinson gone with
Copa America, then the Olympics. It's that's a lot to
take out of the spine right there. Lucha Akosa not

have full help throughout that time DeAndre Yedlin goes down.
So I think that's a lot to take out of
a team. So I still would have this team. As
you know, they're still in second place in the Eastern Conference.
I think with a real chance of going after every
trophy still available.

Speaker 2 (22:56):
I'm going to ask you about that in the second.
Let's talk about tonight's opponent, Santos Laguna, from an FC
Cincinnati perspective, what should concern you?

Speaker 7 (23:07):
Well, look, I don't think too much. Actually, the way
things are going for Cincinnati, I think this shapes up really.

Speaker 4 (23:13):
Well for them.

Speaker 7 (23:13):
Santos Laguna have yet to score a goal in this
League's Cup. They advanced out of the group beating Atlanta
United on penalties, and even in league play, they have
yet to score a goal from the run of play,
have one penalty in their four matches earlier this year
three and one, so have not been good in league
play either. Not John Breeze, the manager, it plays a

really attractive style of soccer. He likes to play with
the ball out of the back. I covered his team
last year to Luca and League's Cup. It good account
of themselves and he has a ton of experience. Losano
upfront and Fagundez I think are players that have the
ability to score. But I really think that this shape

towards f C. Cincinnati. But that said, that first match
against Carithro, I thought they were the much better team
and struggled a little bit with finishing.

Speaker 6 (24:03):
So if they don't put.

Speaker 7 (24:04):
Away their dances, if you leave it late, if you
think you're going to dig yourself out of a hole,
that can be really difficult and knockout plays.

Speaker 6 (24:11):
So they have to take their chance as well.

Speaker 7 (24:13):
But I think they'll feel good going into this one.

Speaker 2 (24:15):
The focus right now is on the League's Cup when
MLS regular season play resumes. It's interesting they had that
game against Miami about a month ago where they blew
them out, and we joked here that looked like the
greatest soccer team I had ever seen, and I didn't
care who wasn't available for Miami. They then lose the
three subsequent games and fall behind Miami in the Eastern Conference.

How do you handicap the race for the supporter Shield
once the regular season resumes.

Speaker 7 (24:41):
Yeah, I think it's going to come right down to
the wire. And the reason I'm so excited for that
rematch is exactly to your point, exactly the way that
much went five to one. I don't care who you are,
who's missing if you put a herding on a team
like that. And it felt like Cincinnati had had circled
that match to say, hey, we really want to go

out and make a statement, and they did. They did
the way they played, and but I would be careful
because I think that Miami side, we've seen when they
get angry, when they would hold a grudge, and you know,
even just some of the reaction that we saw, even
from Sergio Buskitz and some of the big players, they're
not going to be pleased. So I think that's going
to be a huge one that could potentially decide who

ended up.

Speaker 6 (25:26):
Picking the Supporters Shield.

Speaker 7 (25:28):
But I do think this is going to continue to
go all the way down the wire and be an
exciting rate. And I wouldn't leave LAFC out from the
Western Conference Columbus, I think there's a number of teams
still in contention for the Shield.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
Awesome stuff enjoyed the call tonight should be fun. Thanks
so much, awesome, thank us, appreciate you doing it tonight.
MLS season past Kaylin Carr on the call, match analyst,
and that game starts at seven thirty. Of course, of
course you could also listen to it on ESPN fifteen thirty.

I'm leaked for this. I don't want to make Kalin waite.
We got a new sports head lines. There are service
at Kelsey chev Lay, home of lifetime powertrain protection and
guaranteed credit approval from their family, the Yours for life
kelseyshev dot Com. Bengals in prep mode for tomorrow night,
hosting the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the preseason opener. Kickoff
at the venue originally known as Paul Brown Stadium at

seven Pregame coverage on ESPN fifteen thirty begins at three o'clock.
Reds off to Milwaukee first of three tonight against the
Brewers Cincinnati. With a successful stay in Miami, winning three
out of four tonight, the good guys will give the
ball to Carson Spiers, who I like. I usually think
Carson Spiers is at least slightly better than Andrew Abbott,

and I like Andrew Abbott. I'm sure both men are
very concerned about me liking them. Aaron Savali throws for
Milwaukee eight ten tonight, seven hundred WLW. Major League Baseball
made it official what was reported by The Athletic earlier
this week.

Speaker 3 (26:57):
Reds and Braves are going to play.

Speaker 2 (26:58):
In the MLB speed Way Classic on August second at
the Bristol Motor Speedway.

Speaker 3 (27:04):
It will be a home game for the Reds.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
Florence Yall's home tonight for Joliette FC, Cincinnati and Santos
Laguna in the League's Cup Round of thirty two. It
does appear that Luco Acosta, DeAndre Yeldon, at jor Jedlin
and Miles Robinson good to go for tonight. In the
Summer Olympics, are women's hoops team advances to the gold
medal game with an eighty five sixty four win over Australia.

Speaker 3 (27:31):
You know what, I am dramatic win.

Speaker 2 (27:33):
I'm sorry, a less dramatic YEA a far less dramatic
win than yesterday. Advance to the gold medal game, which
will be on Sunday. They will take on either France
or Belgium. France leads that game twenty nine to twenty one.
Men's volleyball wins the bronze, which means Cincinnati's Max Holt
gets a medal beat Italy in three sets. In the

bronze medal match, women's four by one hundred meter team
wins the gold. Men's by one hundred meter team did not,
and uh, this was a bit of an upset. Mason Paris,
friend of the show from Lawrence Burg, loses his opening
round wrestling match. Let's see sixteen away from four o'clock.

I need to when twenty twenty five gets here and
people start talking about New Year's resolutions, I'm gonna make
one that I will not stick to.

Speaker 3 (28:24):
To actually learn how to write legibly.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
I jotted all this stuff I can bear like it
says here for the women's basketball game Women's hoops to
gold Mesh. I'm not even sure that says game. But
it doesn't look like game eighty five six four.

Speaker 3 (28:46):

Speaker 2 (28:47):
I mean it's It's unintelligible how I've gotten to this
stage in life with just the world's worst handwriting. That
timing again baffles the person me who did the writing.
I need better handwriting. Just as a quick aside. Tony
Pike Bengals Training camp report. Next Hey, it's Mulagger. Look

injuries happen, sports, playgrounds, backyards when they do.

Speaker 1 (29:14):
ESPN fifteen thirty, the official home of the Bengals.

Speaker 2 (29:18):
Tony, It's almost here. A game tomorrow night. Bengals training
camp reports. Bengals are not practicing today, so Tony is
with me here in studio.

Speaker 3 (29:26):
Long week, long week in studio.

Speaker 8 (29:29):
I practice the practice fields in the stadium. But it's
been fun that the last two days. We mentioned this today,
last two days, like the mornings just feel like football,
you know, And I feel like campus hit the point
where it's on, like the downward slope where they reached
the pinnacle all the fights and now, like Zach Taylor
said yesterday, after yesterday, there's only four more practices that

they'll be together. Everything else is a joint practice or
a preseason game and then final cuts in the seasons here.
So the season feels much much closer than what it
is right now.

Speaker 3 (29:58):
I gotta think.

Speaker 2 (29:59):
I mean, as as a fan, I'm excited about these
next not even two weeks. I mean, they're gonna play
a game tomorrow night. They're gonna play a game a
week from tomorrow. Night, they're gonna play another game the
following Thursday. With two joint practices in less than a
two week span, there's gonna be a lot of stuff.

Speaker 8 (30:14):
What are we gonna learn about this team during that stretch. Well,
I think you get the opportunity that we haven't seen
in recent years. Yes, there's been a joint practice here
and there, but with the starter's playing tomorrow, starters will
play in preseason game number one, and I know they're
probably not gonna play another two preseason games, but they
will play in those joint practices, And I think there's
so much to get done if you can stay away

from the fights, which we've seen as a theme for
the Bengals hand joint practices to this point. Yeah, but
if you can stay away from the fights, you give
yourself in a controlled setting ones verse ones, And as
much as we'd like to, we're not gonna see that
tomorrow because Tampa's not gonna play their starters. Yeah, so
you'll get ones verse ones against Chicago, one's verse ones
against Indy, and I think both those teams have very

interesting dynamics and playmakers on the offensive side of the ball,
very interesting defenses. So from a standpoint of what they
can get done a lot of work versus really good players,
which when the season starts you don't get that because
it's scout team work. So they've got to utilize the
three preseason games and those joint practices and get as
much one verse one, the old cliche of iron sharpens

iron as they possibly can.

Speaker 2 (31:19):
So if you're Zach Taylor and Dan Pitcher, can you
tomorrow night in the game against the Bucks, show maybe
how Dan's fingerprints are going to be on the offense
without tipping your hand too much, because obviously you do
want to sort of be vanilla in the preseason.

Speaker 8 (31:34):
I think you can see parts of it, like, for instance,
I think you'll see them go with personnel groupings that
we've talked about a lot of training camp twelve personnel,
some eleven personnel. I think you'll see Joe under center.
But I don't think you'll see many variations of what
the plays can be. I think you just keep it basic.
You know, there are plays that we call in the
NFL that are just call and run it where you

know you don't have to worry about one high, two
high safe, you don't have to worry about man verse zones,
doesn't matter what they're doing, don't matter what the defense doing.
Whatever's called. You run, and I think for a preseason
game number one, that's all you want to see. Get it,
Get in out of the huddle, clean, get up to
the line of scrimmage, line up in the right spot.
They did it to an extent at the end of
yesterday's practice where they went with like and move the

ball drill. But it was a walkthrough, so literally they
did it just to make sure, Okay, these are the
plays we're calling, you're lining up in the right spot.
Making sure from an execution standpoint, that's the case.

Speaker 3 (32:31):
All right.

Speaker 2 (32:32):
Tony bike back with us at four forty five, providing
hourly training camp updates as the Bengals get set to
play the Tampa Bay Buccaneers tomorrow night. That game again
starts at seven pm. ESPN fifteen thirties coverage starts at
three pm and continues after the game with Austin Elmore
all the way until one thirty in the morning. That's right,

one thirty in the morning. Call Austin as as your
rap up your Saturday night slash Sunday morning, one thirty
in the morning, five point three, seven, four, nine, fifteen
thirty is our phone number. We're gonna post a poll
question maybe too, I'll be We did a pole question

yesterday that it's rare the result that the results surprised
me as much as this one did. Our pole questions
Ari service of United Heartland Insurance. And we did this
kind of late in the show yesterday so you could
actually still vote.

Speaker 3 (33:30):
We were talking about.

Speaker 2 (33:31):
Kind of based on a piece that Jason Williams rode
for The Inquirer about how the current college football environment
for him and maybe for others, has sort of undermined
interest and enthusiasm for the season. And so I asked
a pole question, what has conference realignment, player movement, and
I L, etcetera done to your interest in college football?

And I offered three choices. A it's hurt interest your interest,
B it's enhanced it, or see it's had no effect
on it now. My answer is it's had no effect
on it. And there are things about the sport right
now that I don't like, but there are things about
a lot of sports that I don't like, But I

love the sport enough for me to either overcome it
reconcile myself with it.

Speaker 3 (34:18):
Be open to.

Speaker 2 (34:21):
The new way of doing things working out. I don't
love the fact that baseball is watered down its regular
season with another playoff team. I think it has completely
diminished what used to be the most significant and meaningful
regular season. And it has I think, created a culture

where teams are now striving to win eighty five games.
They're building rosters with the idea of winning eighty five
games instead of winning one hundred and five games.

Speaker 3 (34:49):
And I don't think that's good for the sport.

Speaker 2 (34:51):
But like I love the game enough, I love the
sport enough that that really hasn't cut into my enjoyment
of it. Forty three point eight percent of you who
voted at Moeger say that conference realignment and player movement

and NIL have hurt your interest in college football. Now,
whatever you're interested in, you're interested in. I'm certainly not
here to tell you you should be interested in something
or that you shouldn't. That's not what I do. I
don't like it when people do that to me. I

think that's really interesting, though. I also think it's easy
to answer that question before the season starts with that answer,
Like if I were to ask that in the middle
of October. As you know, the season is heating up,
and as conference races are unfolding and the race for
college football playoff spots are developing. My guess is that

wouldn't be forty three point eight percent. It has made
the off season a little bit different. Games are still
so good. Anyway, you can vote on that. We're going
to have a pole question about David Bell. I have
to get to here in just a bit. Also, I
want to make fun of Caleb Williams's reported diet. But first,
more on the big preseason game tomorrow night, Bengals and Bucks.

It's coming up on four o'clock on ESPN fifteen thirty.

Speaker 3 (36:19):
This report is sponsored by Taco Bells.

Speaker 9 (36:24):
ESPN fifteen thirty congratulates Cincinnati manager David Bell for the
most managerial ejections in club history. Congratulations Skipper, from your
friends at ESPN fifteen thirty, Cincinnati Sports Station.

Speaker 2 (36:42):
All right, it's five minutes after four. This is ESPN
fifteen thirty on my lagger. Thank you for listening. Hopefully
your weekend is started. Hopefully it's off to a good start.
Whether this weekend looks spectacular, well, what's going on? Bengals
play tomorrow preseason opener here on ESPN fifteen thirty. We've

talked about that in excruciating detail for days, the hold.

Speaker 3 (37:10):
Your breath portion of the summer.

Speaker 2 (37:13):
I just saw this during the break and Tarn and
I talked about it very very briefly. This is This
is Dion Sanders, the coach at Buffalo, getting ready for
year number two. And this is him like a a
press conference. Typical is this today?

Speaker 3 (37:33):
Is this yesterday? This is from today?

Speaker 2 (37:37):
So it's like a typical like media availability at Colorado.

Speaker 3 (37:41):
Yep. Okay, so he's asked a question.

Speaker 2 (37:46):
You're going to hear him get asked a question and
he refuses to answer it or refuses to take the
question from the with the CBS affiliate in in Colorado.

Speaker 3 (38:00):
Correct, is that what we're about to listen to here? Yes,
go ahead and give it to me. That's the end
of that question.

Speaker 2 (38:06):
I guess next guy, Eric Kristensen with CBS Sports Colorado, Tylers.

Speaker 3 (38:13):
I'm not doing thatne with CBS. Next question with you,
it's above that you got none to do with you.

Speaker 10 (38:20):
I got love for you, I appreciate respect you, and
got none to do with you.

Speaker 3 (38:23):
They know what they did I'm here at Denver, not National.
You are who you are, CBS, CBS all right with you.

Speaker 2 (38:33):
I respect you and that's why I told you that
I'm looking at you and now as a man, I
respect you.

Speaker 7 (38:37):
I got love for you.

Speaker 3 (38:38):
But what they did was five. So that's today.

Speaker 2 (38:43):
He refuses to answer a question from a CBS reporter
in Denver because he's upseted CBS National.

Speaker 5 (38:52):
Is that?

Speaker 3 (38:52):
Is that what I'm gathering here?

Speaker 6 (38:54):

Speaker 3 (38:55):
All right?

Speaker 2 (38:55):
And many are speculating that his beef with CBS is
cbssports dot Com ranked all the Big twelve coaches and
ranked Dion Sanders.

Speaker 3 (39:12):
Second worst. Is that also what I'm getting here?

Speaker 2 (39:17):
They ranked him second worst?

Speaker 3 (39:21):
David Cobb was the writer.

Speaker 2 (39:23):
David Cobb is not the person you heard trying to
ask Dion Sanders a question. He wrote the following about Sanders.
Sanders' first season as an FBS coach started with a bang,
but ended with six straight losses. He has generated buzz
and excitement by talking a big game and collecting strong
transfer talent, but the foundation has cracks. See the offensive line,
for example, as the Buffalo's transition to the Big Twelve

in face another tough schedule, I just saw that. Now,
now I want to see now, I'm like searching for
it right now. Ranking Big twelve coach rankings Kyle Whittingham,
you on number one. Kenny Dillingham at Arizona State, who
inherited an absolute disaster of a program from HERM Edwards,

is the only one that ranks below Deon Sanders, ranking
just ahead of Deon Sanders, Scott Saderfield, you see the
blurb about him, says Saderfield. Stock has steadily dropped since
he posted an eight and five record in twenty nineteen
during his first season at Louisville. Since then, the one
successful Appalachian state coaches twenty and twenty eight, which includes

a three to nine record in year one at Cincinnati.
A favorable twenty twenty four slate no Utah, Oklahoma State, Arizona,
Arkansas offers a chance at redemption, So Scott Saderfield fourteenth,
Dion Sanders fifteenth.

Speaker 3 (40:44):
Many are speculating, although Neon Dion coach.

Speaker 2 (40:47):
Prime didn't say this definitively, that his beef with CBS
has its roots in being ranked.

Speaker 3 (40:55):
So low number one.

Speaker 2 (40:59):
For a coach who went four and eight and look,
Deon Sanders, I think is awesome for college football.

Speaker 3 (41:07):
I have.

Speaker 2 (41:09):
No issue at all with how he has run his program.
I have no.

Speaker 3 (41:13):
Issue with.

Speaker 2 (41:16):
You know, the video that came out when he first
got to Colorado and basically put his entire team on blast.

Speaker 3 (41:23):
I don't know what he was supposed to say. I
was supposed to tell those guys how.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
Good they were coming off a season where they won
one game, and I think it was neat that last year,
at least early in the season, the program that was
being talked about most was a program that typically doesn't
get talked about. That's really good for the sport. Like,
the more interesting stories there are in any sport, the
better the sport is. Colorado became a story last year.

That's terrific.

Speaker 3 (41:47):

Speaker 2 (41:48):
By the way, in his brief runt at Jackson State,
Deon Sanders was awesome. They went twenty seven and six.
I'm doing that one off the top of my head.
Also last year at Colorado, Deon Sanders correct me if
I'm wrong, was Sportsman of the Year by Sports Illustrated
correct for coaching a team that went four and eight.

There have been no shortage of nice positive things written
and said about Deon Sanders, like This is not a
guy who has been bathing in criticism. This is a
fair ranking of Deon Sanders, of the Big twelve coaches,
and like, I certainly can understand anybody not liking where
they're ranked. If someone did, like all the on air

personalities in Cincinnati, I would probably put myself last. But
if I saw that, I'd be like, oh man, that sucks.
Like but like, these jobs come with stuff like that.
Deon Sanders job comes with stuff like this. If his
beef is with the ranking and I don't know that
it is, that's awfully petty. Like you have a job.

It's a public facing job. A public facing job comes
with scrutiny, criticism. You can't bathe in the praise, which
God knows Deon Sanders is happy to do, and then
get mad every time you're criticized. This is a guy,
by the way, thirty two years ago, got pissed off
at Tim McCarver. Remember Tim McCarver was doing the National

League Championship Series for CBS. Deon Sanders at the time
was playing both football and baseball at the same time.
It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen.
Deon Sanders played a game for the Falcons in the
afternoon and then was available.

Speaker 3 (43:28):
He didn't play in the game. He was available for the.

Speaker 2 (43:30):
Braves in Game five of the nationally Championship Series against
the Pirates, and like I thought, it was cool as hell.
But Tim McCarver, at the time, a man who was
paid to give his opinion, didn't like it and expressed
that opinion, and then Deon Sanders got but hurt about
it and dumped ice and water on Tim McCarver when
he was trying to do his job at the end

of the National League Championship Series when the Braves.

Speaker 3 (43:52):
Be the Pirates.

Speaker 2 (43:54):
So this guy with a bit of a track record
of just not being able to handle any kind of criticism,
my guy, and like Sanders, is one of the most
awesome sports figures ever. He is played in Major League Baseball,
played in a World Series, played in the NFL, and
got to the Hall of Fame. Is coaching, and by
the way, I think coaches for a lot of the

right reasons. By the way, on top of that, started
at Jackson State and then took a job at Colorado,
which has been a dormant program forever. There's a lot
to like but my guy, like number one, you couldn't
have enjoyed. I would argue the amount of credit and
praise you got was not commensurate to how good your

team was and what four games last year at this level,
At this level, he has accomplished nothing and the team
at the end of the year was dramatically non competitive.
Do I believe he is the fifteenth best coach in
the Big twelve? I have no remote idea. I have
no clue. But you have a job that invite stuff

like this. If your reaction every time something like this
has your name on it is to get all bent
out of shape and not let people do their jobs,
especially somebody doing their job who had nothing to do
with what you're.

Speaker 3 (45:13):
Apparently mad at. Oh that's kind of weak.

Speaker 11 (45:18):
Yeah, that's not showing respectful me because you cost me money.
What the job is to report stuff like this and
I'll come back to the office with nothing, then it
cost me money deon.

Speaker 2 (45:27):
Right, Yeah, I mean, like, the guy's just trying to
do his job, reporters, just just trying to do his job,
and you're gonna make a show of it like that.
That's really petty. That's really petty. By somebody in a
leadership position, and yeah, nobody wrote about him from a

personal stand like I believe people's personal lives are are
not fair game. It's it's a a fair rank You
may disagree with the rankings. And again, I do not
have rankings in my head of the Big twelve coaches
one through sixteen. I will say this, I say this
is a hardcore, diehard UC football fan. I understand why
Scott Saderfield is ranked where he is.

Speaker 3 (46:09):
I do.

Speaker 2 (46:11):
They had soured on him at Louisville last year they
won three games, Like that's fair. The way you move
up in those rankings is to like win games. If
Deon Sanders has the sort of year that I'm sure
he thinks his program is gonna have next year, no
one's gonna say he's the second worst coach in the
Big twelve. I just someone like that job comes with

fair criticism. Fair criticism that is a You might think
lists are sort of pointless and stupid, and there's certainly
something to be said about that.

Speaker 3 (46:46):
Like let the guy ask his question.

Speaker 2 (46:48):
If you got beef with CBS, like you can pick
up the phone and call the guy who did the rankings.

Speaker 3 (46:55):
I hope they go oh to twelve. Now I hope
they lose.

Speaker 2 (46:58):
In October the twenty eighth, a quarter after four on
ESPN fifteen thirty five one three, seven, nine, fifteen thirty,
jump back into the Bengals preseason game. We'll get to
our pole question, New pole question, Brendeman and Jones on
baseball and also also Tony Pike Bengals training camp report.
Lot's to get to this hour ESPN fifteen thirty Cincinnati
Sports Station, Cincinnati's twenty after form.

Speaker 3 (47:22):
This is ESPN.

Speaker 2 (47:23):
Fifteen thirty Pole Questions and Service of United Heartland Insurance UH.
If you need insurance, go to United Heartland Insurance. If
you have insurance, but you want better insurance and better
customer service from the people who sell you insurance, go
to uhi ins dot com. If you just love insurance

so much that you want to spend your free time
reading about insurance, go to uhins dot com. United Heartland
Insurance offices in Cincinnati and Hamilton, and uh and Burnley
spent a lot of time in Burlington in my day
uchins dot com. David Bell last night established a new

record for most managerial ejections. He is now the franchise's
all time leader. He has a ways to go to
catch Bobby Cox to be the all time leader among
all big league managers. Hopefully, hopefully that, hopefully the Reds
turn things around and get good and stay good for
a while and David could approach that record. So my
question is, should the Reds commemorate his ejection record with

a bobblehead that depicts him throwing a tantrum and getting tossed.
I don't know if this is the sort of thing
they could cobble together in time for, you know, maybe
one of the weekend series this season. The Reds to
have I think only three homestands remaining. Fact, as I
look at the schedule from across the room, Yeah, a

Monday starts the first of three more home stands, so
there's not a lot of time. So it might have
to be. But you know, I think Bell's gonna be
the Reds manager next year. I don't think they're gonna
fire him. I don't think they're gonna pay him to
not work. So it's the record. He owns the record
until a new manager takes over and gets thrown out

thirty two times. David Bell owns the record So this
is the sort of thing you could do next year,
And as you come up with your promotional list of
promotional items for twenty twenty five, one of them can
be a bobblehead depicting David Bell throwing a temper tantrum
last night. Not so much a temper tantrum, I don't
really believe, based on what I know. I watched the

game this morning. Based on what I know, a little
busy last night down think Dave Bell deserve to get chucked. Also,
there's a part of me that thinks it's stupid that
managers get thrown out of games like go okay, they're
gonna go in the clubhouse or go in their office
and call the shots. But he does have a new record.
He often does throw a temper tantrum. So there's lots

of different you can have, like a like the umpire,
be like one of those, a bobblehead with David Bell,
but also the umpire throwing them out. Lots of different possibilities.
Vote now at Moeger Thanks again to United Heartland Insurance.
The early voting is in favor of this. We're also
going to ask I'm looking here at the renderings of

the game at the racetrack. Reds and Braves are going
to play next August at the Bristol Motor Speedway. I
think baseball, for all of the criticism we sort of
lob at it, has done a really good job of
creating these events, these moments. The Field of Dreams game,

I think after a while loses its novelty. But you know,
the Reds played in it, they had won the year prior.
It's pretty cool what they've played games. Excuse me. They've
played games in Williamsport, where the Little League World Series is.
They had a game this year rick Wood Field, the
oldest National ballpark in the United States, Cardinals and Giants,

and it coincided with Willie May's passing and so was
even more poignant than it already would have been. They've
done a good job with these like one off singular events.
Let's face it, Baseball historically has not really been a
sport defined by events.

Speaker 3 (51:20):

Speaker 2 (51:20):
NFL games feel like events, big big time college football games,
excuse me, feel like events. Baseball's not a pretty good
job of creating these. I think, as Pike said this,
and I'm starting to agree. As a television product, you know,
the baseball game at the racetrack looks pretty cool. I

I don't know that sitting in the grandstands in Bristol
with the baseball game looking as far away from where
you'd be sitting as it appears in the rendering that
I'm looking at right now is something that I would
be that enthusiastic about doing. I could change my mind,

and trust me, if someone's like, dude, we're going to
Bristol for the game, I'm gonna say yes because it's
a different experience. It's a place I've never been. I
like doing stuff. I like road trips. But I don't
know if you're interested in watching the game. As somebody
who has sat in a lot of cheap seats in
his life, this.

Speaker 3 (52:30):
Looks like it's pretty damn far away.

Speaker 2 (52:32):
But I do think it's something baseball has done a
good job of, and I think this will be cool.
I think it'll be cool on television. There is something
gonna be neat about a baseball game where there's one
hundred and forty thousand people. I guess I wonder how
cool it will be if you are attending, especially if
you actually care about the game itself being played. Also,

I do believe, and I think Tarn brought this up
the other day. I do believe. What would enhance the
experiences there is for there to be like an actual
car race taking place on the oval, on the track
while the baseball game is being played. Sign me up
for that. Sign me up for that? What else do
we have? Twenty six after three o'clock Bengals and Bucks tomorrow.

We were talking earlier about things worth paying attention to,
the Amarus Mims thing. I was doing a radio segment
today with a guy in Maine who informed me that
this is the sixteenth consecutive year that I have been
on his show when they do their Cincinnati Bengals preview.

This is one of those shows where I guess every
day for a month, Basically, they bring on somebody from
an NFL city and they talk about that team. So
we're taping the interview this morning. The reason we taped
it is his show is on at the same time
as mine. But on the he asked me about the
Bengals offensive line, and he asked me about Amarus Mims

and you know how he's progressing. And then he asked
me about Trent Brown, and Trent Brown obviously played with
the Patriots, and he starts to tell me, like, Trent
Brown here, didn't like the attitude, didn't like the effort,
wouldn't be surprised if a Marius Mims beats him out.
This is a guy in Maine. And I said, well,
it's kind of funny. We started to make fun of

Trent Brown this week for kind of be in the
wet blanket, for a really demonstrative lack of enthusiasm for
playing in the preseason or really anything else. Meanwhile, a
Marius Mims has become kind of the talk of training camp,
which is I think refreshing from the standpoint of a

Bengals offensive line getting to a point where it has
guys who have a really high ceiling, but he has
this opportunity, and part it feels like, because well of
Trent Brown, I think there's also something else about tomorrow,
and you know, we discuss all the different things that
have to happen this season. Bengals need better special teams play.

They have a putter battle happening right now. Putter battles
are not exciting. Special teams play is not exciting. Maybe
you think the NFL's new kickoff is not that exciting,
and there's certainly some validity to that, But as we
look for things in the preseason that you try to
translate to what's going to happen when the games actually matter,
it would be nice to walk away from the next

two weeks and feel better about Darren Simmons' ability to
mold a special teams unit that's better than the one
we saw last year. And also, like we've talked a
lot about the new kickoff rule and whether you like
it or don't like it in the pros and cons
of it, I like it for two reasons. Number One,
the NFL is trying to inject life into a dead play.

Number Two, it's just going to be interesting to see
how teams handle it. It'll be really interesting to see
how teams can maybe weaponize it. Can the Bengals weaponize
the kickoff both from the standpoint of kicking off and
receiving the kick?

Speaker 3 (56:11):
I don't know. Maybe we find out starting tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (56:16):
More from Tony Pike on the preseason open are coming
up in just about fifteen minutes. Also a poll question
and a lot to get to Brendan and Jones on
baseball Sports Headlines are next on ESPN fifteen thirty Cincinnati
Sports Station five time powertrain protection and guaranteed credit approval
from their family to yours for life, Kelsey chev dot com.

Bengals not really doing anything today because they have a
game tomorrow hosting the Bucks at the venue originally known
as Paul Brown Stadium. Kickoff at seven o'clock on ESPN
fifteen thirty. Pregame coverage begins at three. Meanwhile, rads Or
in Milwaukee start of a three game series this evening
against the Brewers.

Speaker 3 (56:57):
One might call them the brew Crew.

Speaker 2 (56:59):
By the way, this is one of those games if
you're if you're looking for it on TV tonight, it's
Apple Apple TV. We're boycotting Apple TV's baseball coverage, so
listen to the game on seven hundred WLW Apple TV.
They they offered their announcers for the game tonight and
I said, yeah, awesome, Well, we'd love We'd love to

have Wayne Randazo on, We'd love to have Heidi Wattney on,
and we were all setting good to go, and then
they said, I actually can't do it, and then both
have appeared on Milwalk. At least Heidi has on Milwaukee
radio today. So don't watch Apple TV's coverage cover watch
the soccer coverage because those people are awesome baseball coverage.

Now listen instead to seven hundred WLWT. Right, you're gonna
play the Braves.

Speaker 3 (57:46):

Speaker 2 (57:47):
This game will not be televised on Apple TV. In fact,
I couldn't care less who's televising the game, but they're
gonna play the game the Braves. August second at the
Bristol Motor Speedway. Eric Davis was there today driving in
a car. I think he was being ridden around. I
don't think they put him behind the wheel of a
race card. And if they did, that's cool because Eric
Davis is the coolest baseball player of all time. What

else do we have? Florence and Joliete. Tonight it's a
home game for the Yalls. FC Cincinnati plays in the
League's Cup Round of thirty two against Sentos Laguna. That
game is on ESPN fifteen thirty starts at seven thirty.
In the Olympics, Cincinnati's Max Holt wins a bronze because

the men's volleyball team wins a bronze and he's on
the men's volleyball team beat Italy in three sets. Women's basketball,
the US advances to the gold medal Tilts on Sunday
with an eighty five sixty four win over Australia. France
and Belgium are a good one. US will take on
the winner of this game. Right now, France has a
one point lead over Belgium fifty two to fifty one,

with seven twenty to go.

Speaker 3 (58:56):
I think that would be it.

Speaker 2 (58:57):
Oh for FC Cincinnati, they're expecting to have on the
field tonight Lucho Acosta, DeAndre Yedlin and Miles Robinson.

Speaker 3 (59:05):
So there you go, there you go. Hey, I don't
want to talk about the baton.

Speaker 2 (59:08):
Oh yeah, So men's four by one hundred. We lose
because we screwed up the baton exchange. How do you
how do you screw that up? I mean, I guess,
I guess I know how you screw that up? Is
that something we historically are bad at? Yes, the baton exchange? Yes,

like historically in that of the women handled it fine,
but the men were not good at the baton exchange.

Speaker 3 (59:37):
We have not meddled in that event in the past
five Olympics.

Speaker 2 (59:40):
Is it because we suck at the handing of the
baton from one to the other.

Speaker 3 (59:44):
I believe we got fast dudes, right.

Speaker 11 (59:47):
Yeah, I do fast, But I believe in this will
be the third time the baston has change.

Speaker 3 (59:51):
What's the reason why we lost three consecutive Olympics.

Speaker 2 (59:54):
We have lost We have failed to meddle in that
event because we can't get the baton exchange correct.

Speaker 3 (01:00:00):
Why are we bad at this?

Speaker 11 (01:00:02):
Well, if you ask the Great Carl Lewis, he says,
it's the system like our system.

Speaker 3 (01:00:07):
Yes, he was pissed. Well, how is our system different?

Speaker 2 (01:00:11):
You run and then the person in front of you
starts to run, and then you hand them the baton?
Why is every other country in the world good at
this but we're not.

Speaker 3 (01:00:20):
I'm pulling up his tweet because he actually tweeted about this.
Carl Lewis did. Yes, okay, pull up his twitter real fast.

Speaker 2 (01:00:29):
If Carl Lewis says this is the reason why we're
bad at this, I am not going to challenge Carl
Lewis's expertise. What I do want to know is why
can every other country on the planet perfect. Maybe it's
because one might say in the United States we're not
good at at transfers of power.

Speaker 3 (01:00:47):
I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 11 (01:00:48):
He says, it is time to blow up the system.
This continues to be completely unacceptable.

Speaker 3 (01:00:53):
Like blow up the system of US track and field.

Speaker 11 (01:00:56):
Yes, he said, it is clear that everyone at and
he added the USA track and Field Twitter, okay, is
more concerned about with relationships than winning. No athletes should
be able to step on. No athletes should step on
the track and field and run another relay until this
program is changed from top to bottom.

Speaker 3 (01:01:12):
Huh So it sounds like the RAI is honestly, yeah, I.

Speaker 2 (01:01:16):
Like the fact that that comes from Carl Lewis. Yep,
one of the four or five most famous men's track
athletes in American history. Correct, fair to say, easily, easily
without question, Like anybody who's trying to run fast to
this day. You're like, yeah, okay, Carl Lewis, And Carl
Lewis probably isn't run a race in what twenty five
twenty six years?

Speaker 3 (01:01:37):
Yep. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:01:38):
So if Carl Lewis says that I pay attention, all right,
well we suck at the baton exchange. The women did win,
by the way, four by one hundred. The women are
good at handling the baton, but the men aren't. Yeah,
why are the women good? At exchanging the baton, but
not the men.

Speaker 3 (01:01:55):
Well, never mind.

Speaker 2 (01:02:00):
Pike with thoughts on the Bengals in the preseason open
tomorrow night.

Speaker 1 (01:02:03):
Next It's just a training camp report brought to you
boy Hollywood Casino, Lawrence bur It on ESPN fifteen thirty,
the official home of the Bengals.

Speaker 2 (01:02:16):
Another check in with Tony Pike. Tony is not at
Bengals practice because the Bengals aren't practicing today. They do
have a game tomorrow night live on ESPN fifteen, already
hosting the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Speaker 3 (01:02:25):
We have talked a ton about what.

Speaker 2 (01:02:27):
To watch from Joe Burrow and the offense, but what
are we looking for tomorrow night from a defensive unit
that must be better than it was last year.

Speaker 8 (01:02:34):
I think just playing fast and playing confident. There were
so many times last year that this defense just felt lost,
and you saw that when guys were running wide open
down the field, or teams were going four or five
yards on a run without even getting touched. This year
at camp, a lot has been made about von Bell,
especially in ginostone back there of making sure guys are
in the right spot. But there's been two variations of

the defense that I've seen at practices so far, the
defense that feels like they're on their heels a little
bit and the offense kind of have in their way.
And then the defense I saw yesterday when the fights happened.
The day before, Yeah, Joe kind of called out the
defense that the offense was winning. Ted did, and yesterday
it looked like a defense that played with the chip.
We talked about the offense playing with an edge, yesterday

it was the defense playing with an edge. The way
they attacked team drills, the way they played fast. It
looked and it has at different times of camp, like
the defense has been told what the play is going
into a play because they just looked that much faster,
and then there's periods where they just look disjointed. So
for me, I want to see a confident defense that

plays fast, and you could help that if you're luing
a rouma by keeping it base, which it probably will,
But the most confident defenses play the fastest, and in
this league, you've got to react and you've got to
go make a play. So you know, can guys in
the secondary cover, can can they make a play in space?
Can the defensive line apply pressure? Can they stop the run,
and one of the rooms that we've not spend a

ton of time on linebackers. Yeah, it's probably the one
position outside of quarterback that this team can't afford an injury. No,
because there's no depth. Can Jermaine take a step forward
this year? Can Logan Wilson get back to his high
level of playah? And can they establish any type of
depth at all in the preseason.

Speaker 3 (01:04:18):
You know, it's interesting.

Speaker 2 (01:04:20):
We love Jermaine Pratt and Logan Wilson, and those guys
have been a part of the Bengals success. Those two
players both suffered a severe drop off when I think
of the Bengals defense in twenty one and twenty two,
and even to a degree in twenty when the team
itself wasn't all that good. What stood out to me
more than anything is you never saw guys out of position.

You never saw simon errors, You never saw guys uncovered.
Sometimes individual player would make a play that happens, but
you didn't see mistakes. You didn't see guys out of position.
Last year, I saw a lot of that. And they
may just play bass tomorrow, but if you're gonna give
me in a game that doesn't count and inkling that
things are going to be better. Let me see something
resembling prior to last year. Yeah, when it kind of

felt to me like this was a really well buttoned up,
well coached in position, smart mentally sound defense, And it feels.

Speaker 8 (01:05:09):
Hard to determine what you have if guys are in
the wrong spot. Sure like if I were to go
at tomorrow night's okay, we'll go in base defense. At
least I know in base Okay, who's gonna make plays
in base? Because now they know what they're doing? Who
can cover in a legitimate cover three, cover four, cover three,
a man de man setting. I'd like to see Dax Hill, right,
Let's not over complicate things from a guy moving to corner.

But if he knows what he's doing, can he still
be in the right spot or is he still getting beak?
I can evaluate that much more than you know. Is
he struggling because he just doesn't know the system? Play
at base? Give him something they all know, and just
see who can go make plays when they're at their best?

Speaker 3 (01:05:47):
All right, there you go.

Speaker 2 (01:05:48):
Tony Pike back with me five forty five, Tony back
for since he three to sixty, he has had a
very busy week. We have Bengals, Bengals and Buccaneers tomorrow
night live on a espney.

Speaker 3 (01:06:00):
How much Sunday we have to from about four minutes, Taren.
We have folks.

Speaker 2 (01:06:03):
We have folks that have chosen to spend their Friday
afternoon calling this show. Of all the shows you could
have called, we have folks who have chosen to call
this one. God bless them, God bless them. Yeah, okay,
And sometimes it just goes to show you don't need
to do a good show to get people to want

to participate in it.

Speaker 3 (01:06:27):
Pat, You're on ESPN fifteen thirty. How's it going?

Speaker 6 (01:06:30):
Hey, Moe'm good?

Speaker 3 (01:06:31):
How are you? I'm wonderful, good good.

Speaker 6 (01:06:34):
I just wanted to touch on this. This the Speedway
Classic or whatever it is, speed the Steed.

Speaker 2 (01:06:42):
Hey, I wrote it down, the MLB Speedway Classic.

Speaker 6 (01:06:47):
Oh hey, I got it right.

Speaker 3 (01:06:48):
Yeah, good for me.

Speaker 6 (01:06:50):
Well, obviously, page Marchase. But what I really wanted to
talk about was that being a very unique venue. And
it's definitely a game I'll want it. Sounds like it's
one that i'd be better off watching from home. Yeah,
but you know, again, super unique. I just wanted to
get your thoughts on what are some of the more

unique venues where maybe you've watched the game or you
know of the game. Obviously, the NCAA played on the
aircraft Carrier, and I don't think anything's gonna quite top that.
You have the Yankee Stadium and Finnway Park football games
that were that were both you know, I mean, that's
super unique to me. Anyway, I just wanted to get

your thoughts on on what what are some of the
more unique venues that you've seen sports played at.

Speaker 2 (01:07:41):
Well, nothing like I was not lucky enough to go.
I had to stay and do basketball. So you see
played in the Fenway Bowl against Louisville, and I was
excited to go until I saw that the basketball team
played on the same day, and so dan can't be
two places in one. So I had to do basketball,
so that I I wanted to see that I unfortunately

could not. I want to go to the Winter Classic
that the Blue Jackets are playing in at Ohio State Stadium.
Anybody that I've ever talked to who has gone to
a Winter Classic says it's awesome. And so Columbus is
playing in one this year and that looks that looks
really really cool. I'll tell you my favorite place I've

ever the most beautiful place I've ever watched a game.
It's not like a unique setting like a baseball game
being played in a football stadium or vice versa Mikey Stadium.
West Point, were Army plays, is right on the Hudson River.

It's you know, obviously, it's about an hour north of
New York City. It is as picturesque as anything I've
ever seen. You actually lost, I think Army had lost
like twenty straight games and broke their losing streak.

Speaker 3 (01:08:57):
That's stunk.

Speaker 2 (01:08:57):
But it's the pretty venue that I've I've seen a
football game in. Gorgeous, just absolutely stunning. You know the
game it was late September, maybe early October. The game
kicked off mid afternoon and so you got sunset.

Speaker 3 (01:09:14):
But like as.

Speaker 2 (01:09:14):
Corny as it sounds, they're in the Hudson with all
the colors, like just awesome, and you know it's Army,
it's a it's an American institution, it's kids from West Point.
Like it's just the whole thing was was cool. On
my bucket list is the Army Navy game, uh, which
is is just such a unique sporting event. And you know,

the game itself at times isn't all that great. But
I've always wanted to see like all the pregame stuff
and just enjoy the environment, enjoy the atmosphere.

Speaker 3 (01:09:45):
I don't care.

Speaker 2 (01:09:46):
You know, they've they've played it in Philly, Baltimore, it's
played in New Jersey.

Speaker 3 (01:09:50):
It's been moved around a little bit. But I'd love
to go see that.

Speaker 2 (01:09:54):
I've I've never seen anything like a ballgame at a
racetrack or a major league game play aid in a
in a like a non major league environment.

Speaker 6 (01:10:03):
Unfortunately, that's uh no, I mean it, it'd be tough
to match that. I think the you know, the Field
of Dreams obviously, and and what they do with Williamsport
those are those are both really and and Rickwood this year,
I mean Rick awesome. MLB is you You mentioned it
earlier this week. The MLB does a great job with these,

with with the one off games, and I think this
is just another one in in in the long line.
I guess maybe it's not such a long line, but uh,
in recent memory, it's you know, pretty good.

Speaker 2 (01:10:37):
Yeah, no, there's no doubt about it, Pat, thank you
very much. I'll also say that I did go to
the two times the Bengals played in London at at
Wembley Stadium and that was awesome. Uh, they didn't win
either game, but just as as a venue where you
have Bengals fans, you have fans of the other team,

and then you just have a lot of people who
are really excited to be at a football game. It's
not a very corporate environment for a neutral site game.
That's pretty damn cool. But I'm I do wonder if
the Bristol game is going to be a better television
product than an in person product. We do have another
poll question thanks to United Heartland Insurance, and it's should
they stage a race while the ball game is being played?

Vote now at Muegger Brandaman and Jones on Baseball.

Speaker 4 (01:11:22):
Next Cincinnati's ESPN fifteen thirty. Traffic from the UC Health
Traffic Center.

Speaker 12 (01:11:30):
Nearly sixty percent of Americans waiting on an organ transplant
are from multicultural communities. Give the Gift of Life sign
up today to be an organ donor. Watch out for
an accident that's on both north and southbound Burnett Avenue
south of Oak Street. Traffic is being directed around the
accident area and causing some delay there. We have a
ten minute delay on northbound seventy one between Ridge Avenue

and Ronald Reagan Cross County Highway and an accident on
Coal Rain Avenue north of Blue Rock Road. I'm Nicole
with traffic.

Speaker 1 (01:11:58):
This report is fifteen thirty Cincinnati's sports station.

Speaker 3 (01:12:03):
Yep, what's up?

Speaker 2 (01:12:05):
That Bush song made me think of my freshman year
at university at Dayton because I live next door to
a dude who played that Bush CD NonStop every day
for like nine months, and I wanted to pour gas
lead on myself and find a match. But it'd be

it'll be a great show. Go go get your tickets now. Hi,
this is ESPN fifteen thirty on Moegger. We're gonna steal
Ken Bruce bit except Ken Ken does that thing or
he's on on Saturdays and Sundays down the hall and Hey,
we're gonna have a beer. But he plays like a
sound effect. No, it's the Michelo vulture that was this

is this is the sound here? You can actually I'm
actually here. That's the there's me dropping the bottle top
on the counter. I've never needed this more. It's the
Michelobultrare five o'clock Happy Hour. Thanks to our friends. Now
I'm just throwing on the the the cap around mikeelo
Ultra five o'clock Abbyhower. Thanks to our friends at Michelobultra.
Whatever you're doing this weekend, whatever it is, hanging out,

it's gonna cool down a little bit this weekend, playing golf,
going to a church festival. I was gonna say, go
on the ballgame. Reds aren't home, Florence, Yawl's are.

Speaker 3 (01:13:18):
May trip to Milwaukee.

Speaker 2 (01:13:19):
You could go to the ball park up there is awesome.
Milwaukee's a great town. Some have contended that Milwaukee is
in Minnesota. It's actually in Wisconsin. But it's a great town. Michelobultra.
Whatever you're doing, enhance.

Speaker 3 (01:13:35):
It with the ah taste of an ice cold Michelobultra.

Speaker 2 (01:13:44):
I had something that I decided I needed to get
to at the top of the hour, and then I
lost it and apparently today I have no short term memory.
So instead what we're gonna do is talk to people
on the phone. Five point three. By the way, France
and Belgium and women's basketball semi final is in overtime
for the right to lose to the US on Sunday.

Speaker 3 (01:14:06):
This has been a really good game.

Speaker 2 (01:14:09):
And what I don't have the sound on obviously, what
feels like an awesome atmosphere. By the way, atmosphere for
the men's game tomorrow US and France in Paris is
going to be terrific. I don't know why Kevin Durant
is fighting with people on Twitter. Like, I'm a big
Kevin Durant fan. If you're Kevin Durant, you are going

to the Hall of Fame. You're a two time NBA champion,
a scoring champion, an MVP, You've got hundreds of millions
of dollars in the bank. Why are you arguing with
anonymous people on Twitter?

Speaker 3 (01:14:44):
Why are you even on Twitter?

Speaker 2 (01:14:47):
He has oh boy Ka Day, and like, I love
watching Kevin Durant play basketball.

Speaker 3 (01:14:53):

Speaker 2 (01:14:55):
I've never been a fan of any of his teams
or anything, but he's on the US wins this great
game and which was immensely fun to watch. The legends
on the team took over. There are all stars and
there are legends right now. Anthony Edwards is an All Star,
which is awesome. He's one of the building blocks of

the league. Steph Curry's a legend Lebron James is a legend.
Kevin Durant' a legend. Joe ellen Beiid's not a legend.
You have to play in more than five hundred NBA games,
But on the offensive end, at least he was terrific
yesterday as a great game, and the US wins, and
they're getting ready for the gold medal game, and Kevin

Durant's hanging out in Paris in the middle of the
night fighting with anonymous people on Twitter. I don't fight
with anonymous people on Twitter. And I don't have hundreds
of millions of dollars. I'm not going to any Hall
of fame. I've accomplished basically nothing in my life, and
I don't fight with anonymous people on Twitter. KD my guy, like,

what are you doing? It's he's tweeting people at like
three o'clock in the morning Paris time. There got to
be some things you could do at three o'clock in
the morning, Paris time that are better than fighting with
strangers on Twitter. All right, that wasn't what I was
going to get to. But let's take phone calls. The hell, Uh, Matt,
you're on ESPN fifteen thirty.

Speaker 3 (01:16:18):
What's up.

Speaker 13 (01:16:20):
Perry, just check it in with Jaba. I'm not too
far from Paris to Illinois.

Speaker 3 (01:16:25):
Oh okay, But.

Speaker 2 (01:16:25):
Anyway, today today was the day that I found out.
Today's the day that I found out there is a
Paris Illinois.

Speaker 13 (01:16:34):
It's a long drive home. I listened to the basketball
game that you were You're giving me the play by
player two days ago, so it was sounded that sounded exciting.
It was so I comment is on uh Dion Sanders.

Speaker 3 (01:16:49):
Yeah, similar to k D Ye Jean.

Speaker 13 (01:16:51):
Is a self promoter. He's gonna complain when there's something
to complain about. I mean, so I've had a long
hatred for because I always thought he was a self
er otary. It doesn't matter. He's good at what he does.
And right now he's uh, he's exactly today's birthday. He's
two days younger than I am. Oh, so he's fifty

seven years old. He's complaining about how he's ranked as
a Big twelve coach. That kind of is the same
as kd complaining of you know, getting it on Twitter.

Speaker 2 (01:17:23):
Yeah, I mean it's it's I don't understand, like the
Deon Sanders thing. I could understand looking if he's if
he's genuinely upset at being ranked where he is in
the Big twelve coaches like a human being, I understand it,
you don't like it, but to be that mad about
it that you're gonna make a stink with someone who

has nothing to do with that list and get in
the way of them doing their job in an effort
I think to embarrass them is is really small, is
really petty.

Speaker 3 (01:17:51):
And by the way, as a.

Speaker 2 (01:17:52):
Big twelve coach, Deon Sanders has accomplished nothing.

Speaker 3 (01:17:57):
Do I think that's gonna change? Yeah? But I mean, guy,
for someone who.

Speaker 2 (01:18:01):
Coached a four and eight team last year, has been
bathed in praise, bathed in publicity, and a fair assessment
of him in relation to the Big twelve coaches is
something he can't swallow. My guy, you've got a public
facing job that's gonna come with criticism.

Speaker 3 (01:18:19):
You're gonna have to learn to take it.

Speaker 13 (01:18:22):

Speaker 2 (01:18:23):

Speaker 13 (01:18:24):
I got one more thing for you.

Speaker 3 (01:18:25):

Speaker 13 (01:18:25):
The strangest one time event I ever went to was
an exhibition game in the Hoosier Dome when Bob and
I played with the coach of the speaking of Big egos,
but Bob Knight was coaching the Olympic team against a
group of NBA All stars. I think it was eighty four.

Speaker 3 (01:18:43):
Yeah, Hoosier Dome was kind of new.

Speaker 13 (01:18:45):
You couldn't see a darn thing. They were right down
on the floor. I was in the end zone watching
it on a very poortly designed JumboTron across the arena
or you know, the stadium there. But uh, but compare
that to nowadays when they do dome games. They put
the war up on almost like a stage so you

can see it better. And obviously the jumbo trons are
the monitors are so much better. You'd end up watching
the game on a monitor anyway. Sure, but that was
that was a highly height. It was the large world
record Guinness Book, the world record crowd, and they were
giving away tickets. That's probably what they're gonna have to
do in Bristol.

Speaker 2 (01:19:26):
So that I have watched that game on YouTube, okay,
And I mean it's like it's not just random NBA guys,
it's like bird Magic, Isaiah. I think Bill Walton's on
the club worthy, like there's there's some dudes, if I'm

not mistaken, And and the team that went on to
win the goal that that obviously had Michael Jordan, uh
wipe the floor with him. If I'm not mistaken, it
had Jordan, Chris Mullen, Sam Perkins, Patrick, thank you beat
these established like I've watched this game on YouTube. It's
a really fun watch. But yeah, basketball and a dome

if you don't have a seat up close, could be
really hard.

Speaker 13 (01:20:11):
Adrian Dantley played the original a day. When people say
Anthony Davis or A d I think Adrian Dantley. I
have to refrect myself every single time. That's how old
I am. But so in any case, so I'm still listening,
and I'll keep listening for the next couple hours while
you're still on. Thanks for your time. Oh good eating, Matt, Thank.

Speaker 3 (01:20:34):
You very much.

Speaker 2 (01:20:35):
Are we on for the next couple of hours? Tarn,
We're on for forty five more. I encourage you to
keep listening to ESPN fifteen thirty. I think we have
Freddie and Harry coming up after we're done. Here, go
find that game on YouTube. By the way, eighty four
US Olympics. Bob Knight, we won the goal that year.
That's where Bob Knight's like telling the Portland Trailblazers you

should draft Michael Jordan like, well, we need a center.
It's a good playing at center. And they played this
game at the time the Hoosier Dome and it's against
like legitimate NBA guys and the college kids. This is
obviously when we send college kids to the Olympics, just
wipe the fort with them and like the college kids
were no again, Michael Jordan, Patrick Ewing, et cetera. But

still it's a fun watch. I've been to one Final four.
It was also an indie and sat in the last
row of the upper deck. Basketball and a dome isn't easy. Uh,
not easy at all. And I have a feeling baseball
at a racetrack will kind of be like basketball and
a dome, but still a cool experience. All right, five

point three, fifteen thirty. We'll get to Patrick, We'll get
to Mike, we'll get to a hopefully you we have
open lines coming up.

Speaker 7 (01:21:46):

Speaker 2 (01:21:46):
Plus more from Tony Pike one preseason game number one
on ESPN fifteen thirty, Cincinnati's sports.

Speaker 4 (01:21:51):
Station, Cincinnati's ESPs.

Speaker 2 (01:21:55):
You heard that spot there for Hits Seekers Hit Seekers
sports cards, which which we are thrilled to have them
on board with us. I did see some hack ripping
with them on Wednesday night. We love hit Seekers. They
are hosting a Hunter Green and Nick Lodolo public autograph signing.

That's right Monday, August the twenty sixth. It's gonna be
at the Braxton Barrel House in Fort Mitchell. Your chance
to get Hunter Green and Nick Lodolo to sign whatever
you want. You can get information go to hit seekerscard
breaks dot com. That's hit seekerscard breaks dot com. Yeah,

so I have a tweet out there and go check
that out at Mullwager. But again, that's August twenty sixth.
It's in the evening. It's gonna be in Fort Mitchell
Braxton Barrel House, very close to where hit Seekers is,
So go check that out. Chance to get a Hunter
Green at Niclodolo. This can go under the heading of
not surprising unfortunately, but reading from a Mark Sheldon MLB

dot com, he writes what seemed likely is now for sure.
David Bell says Matt McLain will definitely not start his
rehab assignment on Monday because of that stress reaction in
his ribcage. So all along they were targeting. At the
last couple of weeks at least they have been targeting
August twelfth for his rehab assignment to start.

Speaker 3 (01:23:23):
That is now not going to be the case.

Speaker 2 (01:23:27):
Let's just go ahead and do this, Okay, Matt, we'll
see end goodyear. We've tried, Matt, see and goodyear. I
hate this for a lot of different reasons. Number One,
don't view I don't use the injury excuse as much
as many do with Matt mcco with the Reds because

I've watched other teams overcome injury, including the one they
play tonight. He's got a commanding lead in the division.
But the Reds are better with Matt McLain. Also, Matt
McClain has not played a full he's in the Major
League Baseball. He was going to benefit from having a
full season, six d bats and and and all the

good stuff that comes with it. And now it's it's
a whole year where he does nothing. And that's not
good for him, it's not good for the team, it's
not good for anybody. But if he's again, August twelfth
was going to be the start of a rehabit signment.
Who knows how long that would have taken. Now, who
knows when the rehabit sigment let's just Matt awesome seeing goodyear.

Speaker 3 (01:24:32):
Talk to you in February. Not that hard?

Speaker 2 (01:24:38):
Patrick and Cole Raine, thank you for hanging on. You're
on ESPN fifteen thirty. How you doing?

Speaker 3 (01:24:46):
Apparently not well? Patrick? Are you there? Patrick? Patrick is
not there? Maybe Mike is Mike? Are you there? Mike?
Are you there? Don't? Is it me right?

Speaker 2 (01:25:06):
Is everybody okay? Is everybody like? Is everybody just conspiring
to make the show some Mike? Or are you there?

Speaker 3 (01:25:13):
Mike is apparently not there? Well, what's going on? Are
we not? Are we not entertaining enough?

Speaker 2 (01:25:23):

Speaker 3 (01:25:24):
Well? Are we? Ever?

Speaker 2 (01:25:27):
I cannot tell you how much I sincerely appreciate anybody who, uh,
who calls our show. Legitimately, I'm not that there's there's
there's no Smarminess here. I legitimately appreciate anybody who calls
our show. The fact that you think enough to take
your phone call in wait on hold and give us
a chunk of your time is very meaningful to me.

But when you do call a show, understand we could
come to you at any minute. Twenty four minutes after
five o'clock.

Speaker 3 (01:25:59):
Are numbers?

Speaker 2 (01:26:00):
Aren't five point three seven four nine fifteen thirty and
eight sixty six seven two three seven seven six our
pole questions thanks to United Heartland Insurance. Good to uhi
NS dot com. I might make another one. Should they
tell Matt McClain will just in fact? That'll be the
next pole question? Should the Reds tell Matt McClain, hey,
we'll just see in goodyear U. Should the Reds commemorate

David Bell's ejection record with a bobblehead that depicts him
throwing a tantrum and getting tossed. Seventy seven point nine
percent of you say yes, which is this is of
course the right answer. Twenty two point one percent say no.

Speaker 4 (01:26:34):
Why not?

Speaker 2 (01:26:35):
You mean to tell me that wouldn't be the coolest
bibble head the Reds have had in forever? And then
this is the other one that I don't understand. So
Reds are gonna play in that game in Bristol at
the Eracetrack, and I think it would be cool er
if they would have a race and have cars going
around the oval while they're playing the baseball game. Thirty

point three percent of you disagree, which means sixty nine
point seven agree that the majority is on my side.
It wouldn't be more awesome if a car race was
happening while the baseball game was happening. You get two

sporting events at once, you get chaos. I look at
the screen, Tarn, and both Patrick and Mike are back
on hold. Now are we going to try this again?
Do we think maybe our phone system's broken again?

Speaker 3 (01:27:33):
I hope not. Well me once? Patrick? Are you there?

Speaker 5 (01:27:39):
Yeah? Can you hear me?

Speaker 3 (01:27:40):
Okay, I'm just glad you're okay? Man, what's up?

Speaker 10 (01:27:44):
Hey, I'm sorry about that. I've been having some phone trouble.
I don't know what's going on, but.

Speaker 2 (01:27:50):
Patrick, I'm just relieved it's not on our end, that's all.
I just wanted to make sure our phones didn't die again.

Speaker 10 (01:27:57):
Well, I'm more comfortable with talking with the phone to
my face, but I'm on speaker because that's really the
only way i can get a hold or talk to people.
But I'm not going to keep it too long. I
was just I was looking up and I was I
could have sworn when you guys were talking earlier about
Deon Sanders that it was going to be about the
allegations that were thrown around about promoting fights in the

locker room. And I was I was prefacing the call
thinking that's me, that's what that's what it was going
to be about, until I heard that it was possibly
in regards to being ranked too low on a poll list.
My only question for you is with bet, if you're
Deon Standers, wouldn't you be more concerned about people putting

out allegations about promoting fights in the locker room versus
being ranked too low on the list, especially when you
didn't have a really good first year. I don't you know?

Speaker 2 (01:28:51):
Yeah, so you're so what you're referring to as the
piece on athlon sports and I read something during the
top of the hour that at the same press conference
that we played audio from. I guess an athlon sports
writer tried to ask Deon Sanders a question and he
cut him off too.

Speaker 3 (01:29:07):
One hundred percent. I would care much more about what.

Speaker 2 (01:29:11):
Is being reported specifically, I guess either way, whether it's
true or not. But I listened to an interview with
the writer of the athlon story that made some of
the allegations you're referring to, and he was on with
Dan LeBatard, and uh, you know, Dan LeBatard asked him,
you know, essentially like are you are you are you

worried about Are you worried about the repercussions?

Speaker 3 (01:29:35):
Are you worried about how Dion's going to treat you?

Speaker 2 (01:29:37):
And the writer said, yeah, he goes, but I'm defending
my reporting and so and you know, he's he's taken
a wave of criticism from people on the outside, but
he he says, I stand by my reporting. I'm I'm
worried about the players themselves. I'm worried about the culture
of that program. And if Deon Sanders is mad at me,
so fine.

Speaker 3 (01:29:57):
But you're right.

Speaker 2 (01:29:58):
I mean, if I'm Deon Sanders, I'm a little bit
more worried about that sort of stuff than where I
rank in some list that most people aren't even gonna see.

Speaker 10 (01:30:07):
And my last thing I'll leave you with is just
as far as the Olympics, I I don't know what
to say anymore, because you know, when you watch the Olympics,
you remember some good moments, but you kind of forget
some of.

Speaker 13 (01:30:19):
The bad ones.

Speaker 10 (01:30:20):
And I almost had forgotten how bad the handoffs were
up until they started playing the footage yesterday and today
about the bad baton handoffs.

Speaker 3 (01:30:29):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (01:30:30):
I sat there and.

Speaker 13 (01:30:31):
Laughed when I watched it.

Speaker 10 (01:30:32):
I was like, I guess people got to start wondering.
People who are in there, like late fifties, early sixties
are gonna have to start wondering if they're ever gonna
see somebody from the US and win a gold medal
in the four about one hundred meter relay.

Speaker 2 (01:30:43):
Now, I just don't understand why we're so bad in
this one particular event when you know we're really good
and every other in nearly every other at least running
track and field event.

Speaker 13 (01:30:54):
Yeah, I mean, it's funny.

Speaker 10 (01:30:56):
We have the record for the most golds ever, I believe,
But you know, it's been a twenty year hold out
and I you know.

Speaker 3 (01:31:04):
It is what it is.

Speaker 10 (01:31:05):
But you know we're doing pretty well. But I'm gonna
let I'm gonna let you go, and I appreciate you
taking my call.

Speaker 3 (01:31:09):
Okay, weekend, you too, Patrick, Thanks so much.

Speaker 2 (01:31:12):
And for those wondering the if you don't know the
piece that is referring to athlon sports, uh.

Speaker 3 (01:31:20):
Which is.

Speaker 2 (01:31:22):
Let's face it, it's it's not an outlet like ESPN
or CBS Sports. That's that's not to diminish the work
that athlon sports does. It's it's not an outlet that
is typically associated with.

Speaker 3 (01:31:32):
Real bull doggish type of reporting.

Speaker 2 (01:31:34):
And that's again that's not a criticism. But there was
a piece in athlon or on athlon sports website about
how the Colorado program with Deon Sanders in charge, Uh,
there's a culture of locker room violence. There was an
altercation that was written about that allegedly involved as many

as six players and three different fights. Now, Deon Sanders
has talked about lies being spread.

Speaker 3 (01:32:01):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:32:02):
If I was him, I would be more concerned about
the story and the things in the story than I
would where I rank on CBS Sports list of Big
twelve coaches. And I don't know specifically that that's what
he's upset about. There are a lot of folks out
there speculating that the reason he wouldn't talk to the
CBS reporter was because of that list. Either way, again,

you have a job that involves criticism. I mean, it'd
be like me getting mad every time someone sends an
email or calls the show and disagrees about something, or
be like me losing my mind every time, you know,
some random anonymous person on Twitter tells me I suck.
Like there are just certain things in certain jobs you
have to accept, and you know people doing taking good

looks into your program. When it's high profile and you're
a high profile former Pro Football Hall of Fame head
like I, you just have to understand there's gonna be
stuff that comes with that job. And to come off
as small as Dion Sanders did is I think not
a good look.

Speaker 3 (01:33:05):
Five point three seven nine, fifteen thirty.

Speaker 2 (01:33:07):
I appreciate Patrick for calling back, uh, Brendanman not Brendiman Jones.

Speaker 3 (01:33:13):
I don't even know what Howard is.

Speaker 2 (01:33:14):
Tony Pike is going to join us in about ten
minutes on ESPN fifteen thirty, Cincinnati Sports Station. Sports headlines
are a service of a Kelsey Chevrolet Home of lifetime
powertrain protection and guaranteed credit approval from their family of
the Yours for life kelseyshev dot Com Bengals game is tomorrow.

We know that apparently. Pregame coverage starts with SINCY three
sixty at noon. It continues with pregame sports Talk at three.
Game kicks off at seven o'clock live on ESPN fifteen
thirty from the venue originally known as Paul Brown Stadium,
Reds and Brewers. Tonight, first of a three game series
in Milwaukee UH eight ten tonight on seven hundred WLW UH.

I was going to give you the a Red starting lineup,
but it's not out yet. If it was, it come
your way. Thanks to Madewell Restoration, go to made Well
Restoration dot com. Reds and Braves will play a baseball
game at a racetrack MLB Speedway Classic August second. That
is a Saturday. It's a Red's home game. They made
that official today. Was reported earlier this week by the

Athletic Florence Yall's hosting Joliet FC Cincinnati hosting Santos Laguna
in the round of thirty two of the League's Cup.
At matches live on ESPN fifteen thirty with pregame coverage
beginning at seven pm. Lucho Acosta, DeAndre Jedlin, and Miles
Robinson expected to be available and play. Cincinnati's Max Holt

part of the US men's volleyball team, which wins a
bronze medal beating Italy in three sets. Women's hoops, the
US advances to the gold medal game, where they will
throttle France tomorrow. France beat Belgium and the other semi
final that game was in overtime. The women's four one
hundred relay goes to the US, the men's four by

one hundred relay does not because we don't know how
to pass the baton and uh, Lawrence Burg's Mason Paris
out of the wrestling competition losing his first round match.
Which we had Mason Paris on this show. I think
when he won a national championship at at Michigan, he

lost his first round match. Now see I am scrolling
through here.

Speaker 3 (01:35:33):
He could get yes his Olympics. I didn't want.

Speaker 2 (01:35:36):
I didn't want to eliminate him from the competition entirely
to go back and read this story, because well, we
do it here to at least some degree of standards
on the show.

Speaker 3 (01:35:45):
Not many. All right, I'm gonna do it here.

Speaker 2 (01:35:50):
Our guy Mike calls love, Mike, go to him yesterday,
not there, Go to him twenty minutes ago, not there.
Let's hope the third time. Charge Mike. Yes, Mike, what's man?

Speaker 3 (01:36:06):
How are you?

Speaker 5 (01:36:08):
I'm I'm playing with my little kiddy cat. They gave
me a you know, their service dog. Well, now I
have a service cat.

Speaker 2 (01:36:17):
You have like a like like a comfort animal in the.

Speaker 5 (01:36:20):
Facility exactly, and I drained her to be an attack cat.

Speaker 3 (01:36:24):
What's the cat's name?

Speaker 5 (01:36:26):
If the Pittsburgh Steeler fans comes in here, their face
will be shredded by my cat's razor like claws.

Speaker 3 (01:36:33):
They haven't taken the cat's front claws off.

Speaker 5 (01:36:37):
Okay, I can't do that. That's brutal, man. That's like
the dingang. Can't do that, and it's.

Speaker 3 (01:36:44):
Not quite the same. What does the cat have a name?

Speaker 5 (01:36:47):
Yeah, we'll just cut out the anatomy, so hey, i'll
take that.

Speaker 3 (01:36:51):
Does the cat have a name?

Speaker 5 (01:36:54):
Yeah, Ruby, Ruby, it's a girl.

Speaker 3 (01:36:56):
Okay, I like it.

Speaker 5 (01:36:58):
I'll take a picture of for an email it to you.
She's a beauty boy.

Speaker 3 (01:37:02):
Play beauty, please please do. How are you doing?

Speaker 5 (01:37:08):
The last two days have been kind ross Yeah, but
I'm still up and moving and listening to your show,
and I'm so grateful for it every day. There's a
lot of shows I can listen to out here, MO,
and you are well aware of that for Southern California,
but I choose your You and Karen.

Speaker 3 (01:37:25):
So well, that's that's very kind of you.

Speaker 2 (01:37:27):
We are thinking of you and know you're going through
a hard time, but uh, it It means a lot
to us that even when you're not at your best,
you are tuning into us every single day.

Speaker 3 (01:37:36):
And I don't say that lightly. So what's on your
mind today, Mike?

Speaker 5 (01:37:40):
It's my connection to home. You know that's such a
big deal.

Speaker 6 (01:37:44):
You would hate Maine.

Speaker 5 (01:37:45):
I'm gonna tell.

Speaker 3 (01:37:46):
You what I would hate you.

Speaker 5 (01:37:48):
Oh, Maine is brutal.

Speaker 11 (01:37:50):

Speaker 3 (01:37:51):
I've been to Maine. I've been to bar Harbor, Maine.
It's awesome.

Speaker 5 (01:37:54):
Yeah, it's awesome in the summer. Mod But I went
there years ago to visit my sister. She lived pretty
close to I can't remember the big one of the bigger.

Speaker 3 (01:38:04):
Towns, bangor Portland. No, no, okay.

Speaker 5 (01:38:10):
I can't say there's a VA hospital where she was
working at the v A Okay, But I was there
for two weeks in December, and the highest temperature for
the whole two weeks was ten above zero in the
day timet.

Speaker 3 (01:38:22):

Speaker 2 (01:38:22):
I don't want to live in Maine. I don't even
really need to go back to Maine. But when I
did go, it was June and my Yeah, we did
one of those trips where we drove through and spent
the night in every New England state, and Maine. We
went to Bar Harbor and spent two nights and I
loved it. But that was Maine, and I have no interest.

I really have no interest in going back to New England,
if I'm being totally honest with you. But I have
no interest in going to Maine again. But if I do,
it's not going to be in the winter time. I
can assure you of that.

Speaker 5 (01:38:54):
No, Yeah, it's it's pretty brue. I'm not a New
Inland guy either. I got a question for you, and
now I wanted to address the Rams, Reds and the Burgh.
But why can't I while I'm out here listening to
Sean McVay or Hardball in a press conference, I can
always hear the reporters, you know clearly. Why can't that

happen with with that?

Speaker 3 (01:39:19):
It's not hard man.

Speaker 2 (01:39:21):
So I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna let you in
on on a little well, I don't know if I'm.

Speaker 3 (01:39:28):
Letting you in on anything.

Speaker 2 (01:39:30):
So back in the day, Mike, when I was just
starting in this business, we would have to carry And
when I started doing this, Bruce Coslet was still the
head coach. We we we we got the rights to
the games. The Bengals left to go somewhere else for
a while, which was a bad move by then, but
they came back and this radio station was on the

air and we carried the press conferences live, and uh,
someone said, mo, do you want to go down to
the Bengals press conference?

Speaker 3 (01:40:01):
And at the time I was, I was working.

Speaker 2 (01:40:04):
On a morning show, and I said, well, yeah, I
can do that, and they go, excuse me. What we
want you to do is hold a boom microphone and
so the boom big boom microphone which was designed for
us to carry a press conference and allow the listener,
allow the audience to hear the questions.

Speaker 3 (01:40:27):
And I did this for three or four years. I
did it.

Speaker 2 (01:40:32):
I'd like the first the first three games of the
Bruce Coslet Bruce cosletz last year, and then he quit,
and then I had Dick Lebou and I think I
did the first maybe year or two of Marvin Lewis.
And so they'd have these press conferences, we would carry
them live and you would hear the answers on the
radio station because I was there holding a boom mic.

And then I realized, they're not paying me to do this.
I don't want to do this. So I said, hey,
I'll keep going down there. Could you pay me?

Speaker 3 (01:41:08):
Can I get like a few bucks to go down
there and do this?

Speaker 2 (01:41:10):
And they're like, well, we don't have it in the budget,
and I said, well, I'm not gonna go do it anymore.
So since then as twenty years now, Since then, nobody
has gone down to hold the boom. Now, press conferences
have changed. At those other press conferences you listen to.
If you listen to a UC press conference, you hear
the questions why because they pass a microphone around and

whoever's asking a question has a microphone. The Bengals, for
whatever reason, refuse to do this. Now, you might not
care as someone who listens to these press conferences and things,
hearing the question provides good context to the coach's answer.
All the Bengals got to do is get a very

simple PA system, plug into it and then have like
immedia relations in turn, or somebody walk around with a
microphone and give it to whoever's going to ask the question.
They do that in so many different places. They don't
do it at the Bengals, and I really don't understand
why a lot.

Speaker 5 (01:42:13):
Of times they do it at presidential press conference.

Speaker 2 (01:42:17):
Yeah, I mean it requires almost no effort and almost
no money. And like, I don't do this to gratuitously
criticize the Bengals, but if you want to know why
you can't hear the questions, that's the reason why no
microphone is provided. And you might not care about hearing
the questions, but if you're listening to one of those
press conferences, would you rather hear the question and the

answer or just the answer? For whatever reason, the Bengals
do not provide the reporters a microphone. Now, sometimes the
press conferences air while we're on the air, I will
volunteer to I'm not going to volunteer. I will go
down there and set this up and do it like
I did twenty years ago, but I'm not going to
do it for free. And like after four years I realized,

like yeah, you know, like the first time I went
down like that's kind of cool. This is a press conference. Like, ah,
there's there's Denny Jansen, there, Brad Johansson.

Speaker 3 (01:43:09):
That's kind of cool.

Speaker 2 (01:43:11):
There's Paula Faris. Hey, there's a football coach. And then
after four years, I said, why am I doing this again?
Besel I stopped, and then they couldn't find anybody else
who would do it for free. And so for the
last twenty years you haven't been able to hear the questions.

Speaker 5 (01:43:24):
So so much for your gratuitous gestures.

Speaker 3 (01:43:27):
No more, no, absolutely not, no, I'm not not doing it.

Speaker 2 (01:43:32):
But but but like now, all the Bengals got to
do is set up a microphone and pass it around
to the people asking the questions, and you're good to go.

Speaker 5 (01:43:41):
You were talking earlier, real quick about some of the
you were at this Final four or this one away.
I started thinking about it. In my life, I've been
so lucky. I've done the nine Final four really, I think, well,
the first one was was the first one was the
championship game betwen Uc in Ohio State. So I was
a little guys about ten or sir or no, maybe yeah,

quite a round. And then after that the best one
I went to was the one in the late eighties
with Kansas and Michigan when Danny Manning and Glenn Brominson
were playing, and uh and uh it was a close game.
It was a great game. But I got to go
to several and I've been to fourteen Super Bowls. The
first one was the Raiders and the Packers.

Speaker 2 (01:44:26):
I think I think you're I think your timing is
off a little bit on because Kansas played Oklahoma. It
was an all Big Eight final. And then the Michigan
Michigan with Romel Robinson and Glenn Rice played the following
year and beat Seaton Hall.

Speaker 3 (01:44:39):
I think in overtime.

Speaker 5 (01:44:41):
Yeah's you're right, you're right. Yeah, my memories check though.

Speaker 3 (01:44:44):
That's okay, that's sorry.

Speaker 5 (01:44:45):
Fourteen Super Bowls, yeah, fourteen Super and sixth NBA Finals,
now five of them were in now because I was there.

Speaker 3 (01:44:53):
Then, what was the most recent Super Bowl he went to?

Speaker 5 (01:44:57):
Uh? The most recent Superboy went to was about ten
years ago. Yeah, and I'm trying to remember who in the.

Speaker 3 (01:45:07):
Heck it was.

Speaker 5 (01:45:08):
This chemo really messes with your freaking memory.

Speaker 3 (01:45:11):
I understand.

Speaker 5 (01:45:13):
I don't want you to have to you don't have
the time. I got the best, but you know, the
best NBA Finals team I've ever seen. I want to
say it's the Lakers, but it was those eighty three sixers,
and they smoked the Lakers four straight. Moses Malon creak
and deal with Moses Moses Malone kissed him off because

he would never foul out.

Speaker 2 (01:45:35):
Yeah, Moses Malone, Maurice Cheeks, doctor j right, Yeah, Bobby Jones, uh,
Andrew Tony who was a terrific.

Speaker 5 (01:45:45):
Scorer, Yeah, prolific three pointer.

Speaker 3 (01:45:48):
Mark Iavaroni was on that team. Yep.

Speaker 2 (01:45:50):
All right, Mike, we got to run. Have a healthy weekend,
and we'll talk to you next week.

Speaker 5 (01:45:55):
Okay, Okay, we're pitching staff is hanging in all their
tenth Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:46:00):
Tex, I'm more worried. They've scored, Thank you, Mike. They've
scored thirty four runs over the last three games. Reds
are getting in at just the right time. Tony Pike
joins me next. Hey, it's Mawagger, hope to see you.

Speaker 1 (01:46:13):
This is a training camp report. Brook to you, bar Skylight,
Jilie feeling good. It's Skylight time on ESPN fifteen thirty,
the official home of the Bengals.

Speaker 2 (01:46:25):
Tony is almost here. A game tomorrow night. Bengals training
camp reports. Bengals are not practicing today, so Tony is
with me here in studio.

Speaker 8 (01:46:33):
Long week for you, long week in studio at practice,
the practice fields in the stadium. But it's been fun
the last two days. We mentioned this today, last two
days like the mornings just feel like football, you know,
And I feel like Campus hit the point where it's on,
like the downward slope where they reached the pinnacle all
the fights. Yeah, and now Zach Taylor said yesterday, after yesterday,

there's only four more practices that they'll be together.

Speaker 3 (01:46:57):

Speaker 8 (01:46:57):
Everything else is a joint practice or a preseason game
and then final cuts in the seasons here, So the
season feels much much closer than what it is right now.

Speaker 2 (01:47:05):
I gotta think. I mean, as a fan, I'm excited
about these next not even two weeks. I mean, they're
gonna play a game tomorrow night. They're gonna play a
game a week from tomorrow night. They're gonna play another
game the following Thursday. With two joint practices in less
than a two week span, there's gonna be a lot
of stuff.

Speaker 8 (01:47:21):
What are we gonna learn about this team during that stretch. Well,
I think you get the opportunity that we haven't seen
in recent years. Yes, there's been a joint practice here
and there, but with the starters playing tomorrow, starters will
play in preseason game number one. And I know they're
probably not gonna play another two preseason games, but they
will play in those joint practices, and I think there's
so much to get done if you can stay away

from the fights, which we've seen as a theme for
the Bengals hand joint practices to this point. Yeah, but
if you can stay away from the fights, you give
yourself in a controlled setting ones verse ones, And as
much as we'd like to, we're not gonna see that
tomorrow because Tampa's not gonna play their starters. So you'll
get one's verse ones against Chicago, one's verse onees against Indy,
and I think both those teams have very interesting dynamics

and playmakers on the offensive side of the ball, very
interesting defenses. So from a standpoint of what they can
get done, a lot of work versus really good players,
which when the season starts you don't get that because
it's scout teamwork. So they've got to utilize the three
preseason games and those joint practices and get as much
one verse one, the old cliche of iron sharpens iron

as they possibly can.

Speaker 2 (01:48:26):
All Right, we would keep going, but we have to
go because you hear the music back at it.

Speaker 3 (01:48:29):
I'm not here Monday. Back at a Tuesday. Have a
great weekend. This is ESPN fifteen thirty. This report is
sponsored by Bank of America.

Speaker 12 (01:48:41):
Bank of America has powerful digital solutions for local hand

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