Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Dandy Myers joined this Fort Ben County Precinct three commissioner.
Of course, you've you've you've had your own experiences with
not only k P. George but also with his former
chief of staff Darryl Patel. Yeah, I'm wondering, what's what
are you thinking this morning? The most immediate thing I
would think is that I'm sure the reaction to a
lot of the voters in Fort Ben County is that
this these this guy should have resigned, right, KP. George
should stepped down.
Speaker 2 (00:29):
Well, I was the first one who called for, uh,
his resignation if he is guilty of what he has
been charged with. Uh, and he knows whether or not
he's guilty, as well as his uh former chief of
staff Tarrell Patel, who is running for my position.
Speaker 1 (00:50):
Uh Uh.
Speaker 2 (00:51):
He also uh has obviously has been charged, arrested. He's
been indicted, uh for four felonies and for demeanors. Uh.
So his uh, his charges were more serious than KP's.
Speaker 1 (01:06):
Is he still on the ballot.
Speaker 2 (01:09):
He is still on the ballot, Yes, he's still running.
The Democrat Party has put out a uh basically a
hit piece on me, accusing me of being responsible for
all the flooding that took place during Harvey in the
Katie area, Uh, which witch you know, I'm trying to
figure out how I did that. But any event, Uh,
I I can't well, I guess I can't believe that
these two would do this. But I was totally shocked
and I'm very angry that, uh, these individuals would send
racist statements to ar minorities Armnarti community in an attempt
to divide the community, uh to win an election. Kp
was successful in doing so when uh Terrell Patel was
running the same play, trying to do the same thing.
And UH, when all of this, all these racist statements
were coming down last year, I've got a very diverse
community in my precinct. They my minorities were getting somewhat
concerned about this. So I'm the one that approached U
d A. Brian Milton and asked him if he would
conduct an investigation. My objective was to uncover, unmask whoever
this person was who was pretending to be this Antonio
scallywag uh and once he was exposed that I knew
it would stop. And after terror Patel was arrested in June,
all of the racist statements stopped, so I actually achieved
that goal in doing so, and I got to commend
Brian Milton. In the face of a lot of pressure
from the Democrat Party, he has perceived he has proceeded
with his investigation and was able to get for the
fell in the indictments and for misdemeanor indictments against Terrell Patel,
and he's also now gotten some misdemeanor indictments.
Speaker 1 (03:07):
Against k P. George.
Speaker 2 (03:09):
It's sad, though coordinated their activity.
Speaker 1 (03:12):
Rabbid growth, rabid growth, political chaos, and what you would
think would be stable law driven.
Speaker 2 (03:19):
For ben County, well, Fort Bennett is really one of
the one of the nicest uh and most caring communities
in the state of Texas. And it's it's it's it's
absolutely uh reprehensible that these two would try to stir
up racial animosity with these racist statements UH to to
generate sympathy for themselves and and try to get what
I would call the sympathy vote UH to win an election.
You know, that's that's just beyond the pale.
Speaker 1 (03:50):
Frankly, Well, it's also kind of sad, isn't it though,
that there were enough members of the community that believed
that that could happen, that it was effective.
Speaker 2 (03:59):
Well, uh, it was effective in the twenty two election.
I guess they thought it would play well in the
twenty four election. Thanks to the District Attorney's efforts along
with the Texas Rangers, you know, they uncovered this scheme.
There's more to come, according to the District Attorney's office.
They say they have a plethora of information data that
they're still going through. So there's likely more and that's
going to come out on this. I know that in
the twenty two campaign, KP hired Terrell Patel to work
in his campaign. Now, Terrell Patel in twenty one moved
to Washington, d C to work for the Bide administration,
and he also was going to law school full time
got his law degree while he was there. How he
was a consultant in the campaign. I'm not sure.
Speaker 1 (04:54):
Yeah, are rushing in d C. We're running out of time.
But I want to thank.
Speaker 2 (05:00):
No, no problem, thank you.
Speaker 1 (05:02):
We'll talk again. I'm sure, thank you very much. Fort
ben County Precinc. Three Commissioner Andy Myers