Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Six, twenty two or time here in Houston's Morning News.
I let's start with the possibility of a border surge.
We're joined by Bob Price, Associate editor Bright Bart Texas.
We now know that President Trump will take office in January.
So I'm guessing I think we already had, we were
already expecting where we're not to have some sort of
border surge here over the course of the next month
or so, and that this will only I guess increase
the chances.
Speaker 2 (00:25):
You there, sir, well, yeah, good morning. Yes, absolutely, the
chances are on the way. Have A matter of fact,
we reported yesterday that another group of twenty five hundred
migrants left Chiappas and Southern Mexico headed up to Mexico City,
where they will then be dispersed to random border crossing
points across the United States southern border.
Speaker 3 (00:45):
You know, I'm really curious knowing that Donald Trump is
coming into office and the pledges that he's made about
deportations to begin with, But what about all of these
so called non governmental groups that have been making multimillions
of dollars in facilitating all of this so settling and
getting housing and all of that. What happens you would
think that what are they trying to do a last
gasp to make their money before Trump takes over or what?
Speaker 2 (01:13):
Well, they and the cartels who have made billions of
dollars off of humans smuggling. Some of these cartels make
more money from smuggling human beings than they do from
smuggling drugs. So there's a lot of economic pressure, I guess,
to get them up here. The people are lying to them,
and you know, the lying to the migrants, telling them
that they'll be okay if they get across the border
before January. But there is that threat that's out there
that President Trump has made that he will begin immediate deportations.
Speaker 1 (01:42):
Well, you know, I saw ched Wolf on Fox yesterday
and he was making some comments about mass deportation. And
I don't know that his comments about mass deportation that
necessarily match what some Americans have in their mind of
what mass deportation would be. Certainly, people coming across the
border who are not coming across legally are going to
be immediately sent back. That's deportation for sure. But other
than criminals, do we really think there's going to be
a major effort to round up illegals aside from people
who are being arrested for committing crimes, well, I think.
Speaker 2 (02:16):
There will be to some extent, but the initial emphasis
is going to be on people that are crossing the
border and on the criminals that the police encounter across
the country or people that they can track down. Those
people are a direct threat, especially when you look at
the trendy Aragua Venezuelan gang and the activities that they've
been carrying out across the United States. So those will
be priority one.
Speaker 3 (02:41):
Donald Trump is very good at working the economics against
anything that needs to be stopped, and certainly the economics
against Mexico for not making them stay in Mexico while
we go through whether they should be legally admitted. So
what can he do if he doesn't take both houses Congress,
Because if he gets both houses of Congress, he can
cut off the spigot.
Speaker 2 (03:05):
Well, and he did that before, even not having control
of the House, when the Democrats were blocking everything he
was trying to do, he still went to Mexico and
got things done that forced them and Honduras to keep
migrants and slow down the crisis to the lowest point
in recent history. One quick thing before we run out
of time. We broke the news this morning that the
Border Patrol has sent out a notice that Venezuelan migrants
are Venezuela is sending intel operatives to be and release
prisoners to quote unquote neutralized targets in the United States,
meaning that they are going to be searching for political
enemies of the Venezuelan government and trying to take them
out so that they cannot release information about what's going on,
true information about what's going on in Venezuela.
Speaker 3 (04:00):
We've been reporting that in our newscast, So thank you
for telling us about this.
Speaker 1 (04:04):
Yeah, and quickly, if he could, I want to get
a thought from you, Bob Brice on Star County voting
Republican for the first time since eighteen ninety six. That
is an amazing story.
Speaker 2 (04:13):
Isn't it? Isn't that crazy? And actually, when you look
at the map, with the exception of Brooks County, the
president took almost every county along the Texas southern border,
El Paso, and one other county in far West Texas
in the Big ben Region state Democrats. But when you
look at the twenty twenty map versus the twenty twenty
four map, it's a clear indication that President Trump won
the support of the Hispanic people. This county is Stark
County is ninety seven percent Hispanic. It's the most Hispanic
county in the country, and it hadn't voted Republican since
eighteen ninety six, as you mentioned, so it was a
tremendous move campaign by President Trump to emphasize the important
So what's been going on along the bad the economic
impact it has on everyday Americans lives, and nobody knows
it better than people in East Texas border counties.
Speaker 1 (05:09):
Right, Bob, Thanks as always appreciated. Sociate's editor at Breitbart Texas,
Bob Price at the six twenty seven