Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right. The death count of New Orleans remains at
fifteen thirty plus wounded after a Houston man took it
as electric pickup drug f one fifty that he had
rented through a NAP and drove it through a crowd
on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. You know that part
of the story. Of course, now it's all twenty twenty
hindsight trying to figure out what we should have known,
how we should have stopped him, et cetera, et cetera.
Doctor Jeff Attica joins this, director of the Warrior Defense
Project at Saint Mary's Law School. Is there anything about
this case that stands out to you? Is this just
kind of the same old, same old, doctor ettiqut that
we've seen that the terrorists, generally speaking, are one step
ahead of government authorities trying to prevent them from attacking.
Speaker 2 (00:43):
Yeah, well, there's a lot of points here. Obviously. One
thing that bothers me about the media coverage is the terrorist,
the terrorist that doesn't help anybody. Terrorism is a tactic
where you kill people and use a fear as part
of the strategy. Who's doing it is radical Islamic extremists,
and nobody seems to want to say it, even though
the President said, well, we found an iceis flag in
their car. We're trying to figure out why they would
do this, Why would you kill people? That's the heart
and soul of radical Islam. They want to kill as
many human beings as they possibly can. So until you know,
the government starts to admit that, you know who is
behind these types of attacks, the number one threat is
not right wing extremists, which the Biden administration has been
pushing for four years. They want it so desperately to
be so, it's always been radical Islamic extremists. And when
you devote your FBI resources to right wing extremist groups,
you know, Grandma's trying to pray outside of clinics or
whatever it is, you take your eye off the ball.
And the time to stop these people is before they
get to the New Orleans celebration or before they get
to Trump Towers, not afterwards. So the resources have been diverted,
in my opinion, wrongfully under this administration to the wrong thing.
Speaker 1 (01:54):
Well, and I think what you're also saying is listen,
the signs are there. This guy had white the footprint
on social media. He made his feelings known on social media,
that should have self alarmed somewhere, that should have that
should have invited at least a interview and a home
visit from the FBI, And it would appear that the
only time his home has been visited is when it
got rated yesterday after the event.
Speaker 2 (02:19):
Yeah, I mean they're too interested in you know, school moms.
They're domestic terrorists because they don't like their kids learning
about DEEI and the SERD nonsense. So yeah, the resources
have been diverted the top echelon of the FBI. They're
all politically correct, woke people. This whole thing needs to
be cleaned out and we need to get back into reality.
And again when people say, well, you can't say it's
a you know, radical Islam, that's xenophobia or racism, well,
you know, I wrote a book called radical Islam why
a few years ago. It's it's just on the internet.
But radical Islam has killed more Muslims than Christians or Jews. There, fella,
it's not about you know, it's not about denying the truth.
And you can't address the problem until you address the truth.
When this incident first came out, the FBI jumped up
and said it's not a terror attack. At that point,
I knew that it was radical Islam because that's what
they always do. Same thing here in Texas with Hassan.
It's not a terrorist attack, of course it is. And
again it's a tactic. So we need, you know, we
need to understand reality as reality exists, and then use
our resources to try to prevent these things, because this
is more than one person. And the attack in Vegas
now I'm hearing the same rental car company was used
for that attack, right, as well as the attack in
New Orleans, So of course there's a link and there's
a lot of people involved in it. It should have
been picked up, there's no question about that.
Speaker 1 (03:38):
Do you think this is just off the top of
that we only have a few seconds left here. But
do you think that this is being directed from outside
of the United States or do you think there are
enough potential terrorists in the United States to be directing
it from inside our own country?
Speaker 2 (03:51):
Well, this is not a low wolf attack because it's
a religious belief and so therefore you don't have to
get radicalized in another country and come back here, although
that's occurred in many cases. So it's not a one
person doing it. It's a it's a religious ideology that
their goal is to take over the world and kill
anyone that does not think like they think. They have
no regard for human life whatsoever. It's the evil of
our time. And we hit the slumber button on the
alarm clock because we haven't had a significant radical Islamic
extremist attack in the last five six years. But you
know it has occurred again, and it will occur again
in the future if we don't director resources where they
should be directed.
Speaker 1 (04:33):
Always, always appreciate your insight. Thank you, sir. Doctor Jeff Attigant,
Director of the Warrior Defense Fund, the Saint Mary's Law School,