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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Six, twenty three hour time here in Houston's Morning News,
doct avants again the economists that again Economic Consulting joins
us about this. Washington Post op ed that we have
to shrink our American dream. Just the young people, though,
vance the young people have to shrink their dream. What
is their dream going to be if they have to
shrink it?
Speaker 2 (00:18):
That's a great question. It's great to be with you
this morning. I don't really know. I mean, you know,
housing prices continue to go through the roof. I mean
we've seen them stabilize some in Texas, but then you
have interest rates that also make you really costly to
get a home, and then inflation, food prices, gas prices,
other things around you are going up as well. Makes
it very difficult to buy that first time home home.
And so that's influencing the American dream. We're in American
dream as we each have our own, but certainly housing
may not be a big part of that for first
time home buyers these days.
Speaker 3 (00:49):
You know, it's more than that though. I mean, you
can't afford the vacation, you can't afford the car, you
can't afford I mean, what is the American dream? I
mean has that changed.
Speaker 2 (01:00):
Well, you know, in my view, we each have our
own American dream. I don't know if there's the American dream.
I like to talk about it as being an American dream.
Usually that's been a part of having a house, maybe
going on some trips, living the life that you can
and that's affordable, and a lot of those things seem
out of reach for a lot of people.
Speaker 1 (01:18):
Speaker 2 (01:18):
I think that's what's part of this article in the
Washington Post of trying to shrink your American dream. Kind
of like shrink flation, I guess, is that you get
less from what you used to be able to pay
for because you know, average wages are down two point
three point four percent adjusted for infacient inflation since January
of twenty twenty one. All these things that are contributing
to this ankst that people feel across the country.
Speaker 1 (01:41):
You know, I forget where we heard this. This has
been quite a while since I've heard the story. But somebody,
somebody on the left who said that you know, you're
not gonna own in the future. You're not gonna own
a house, You're not going to own a car, You're
not gonna listen to all the things that we currently
pay for that we own that we are no longer
going to own, and you'll like it. It's the you'll
like it part I'm having a hard time with.
Speaker 2 (02:05):
Yeah, that's a great point, Jimmy. I mean when you
think about you're being forced to do something rather than
you making it on your own accord and buying a
home or something else. I mean this goes back to
I remember when President Obama said that utility prices were
necessarily skyrocket, your electricity prices and everything else will because
of their big government policy. And now we're actually feeling
that even more these days of these bad economic policies
that have been happening over the last four years, and unfortunately,
we have an election coming up where people can make
a decision about how they want their future to be.
Speaker 3 (02:40):
Well. American dream is not just a dollar figure either
though you know. It's liberty, it's the freedom.
Speaker 2 (02:46):
I mean.
Speaker 3 (02:46):
The car allows you to go where you want to go.
The house allows you to live inside your home without
people looking over your shoulder. I mean, all these things. Yeah,
there's a money a price tag to them, but a
lot of things are just self realization. Being able to
have a career that you love.
Speaker 2 (03:04):
That's exactly right. You know. It goes back to this
idea of who decides. To that point that Jimmy just
made as well, is it should be you, the individual
and deciding about what your future is going to be.
And too often that is not happening these days because
it seems like somebody else is always deciding for you,
whether it be the government or others around. And people
want liberty, people want freedom and prosperity, and that happens
by giving them the ability to decide what their future
is going to be. And we need more of that
across the country. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (03:36):
I think if we lose our American dream, we lose
our freedom. And that's the bottom line there, Doctor Gainn,
thanks as always, Doctor Van Skin economist again, Economic Consulting