Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
This is US Radio seven forty kt RH Houston.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
Live Everywhere with now the latest news, weather and traffic.
Speaker 3 (00:12):
It's more of what matters to you from the John
Morris Services studios.
Speaker 4 (00:17):
Well, good morning, It's Monday. It's five am here on
Houston's Morning News. I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among our top stories.
As we get started this morning, Urcott says we should
be okay even with these cold temperatures. Gravel issues though
around the country from this wintry weather, and coming up
at five o' eight a TV house where three hundred
and fifty grand goes on the market for four million dollars.
Details in the minutes. Sayhead, you're in Houston's Morning News
this first, We've got sky Mike ready to fill you
in on this Monday.
Speaker 5 (00:46):
All right, Jimmy, obviously, I says the thing that I'm
most concerned about this morning, although I'll tell you wind
is kind of crazy too, So if your high profile,
watch out on the ship Channel, bridges, especially anything that's
a tall overpass this morning. Same deal for bridges and
overpasses this morning. I've got thirty three at Hobby right
now and Bush in the Ghetto House for about thirty one,
and as you go further up into Montgomery County, I
know the sandtrucks have been out up there. Didn't hear
about any standing over the ship channel bridges.
Speaker 6 (01:14):
So far, we're.
Speaker 5 (01:15):
Clear on the freeways, but you tell me ice no
ice where you're driving seven one three two one two
tips Skymike on the Generator Supercenter dot Com traffic center from.
Speaker 4 (01:25):
Our KTRH top tax Defenders twenty four our web center. Sunny,
bit cold today with the high temperature only getting up
to forty six, back down around thirty four tonight we
get the last of the forecast and how long it's
going to take before we get back to something a
little bit closer to normal. When we talk to Terry
Smith at eight minutes right now, temperature currently is thirty
two at your official severe weather station, News Radio seven
forty k TRH. It's time down for the news. Here's
Cliff Sanders.
Speaker 7 (01:52):
Thank you, Jimmy, and good morning everybody. Five o two
on KTRH. Now our top story. Ercot issues a weather
watch through Frive because of.
Speaker 8 (02:00):
The cold snap.
Speaker 7 (02:02):
Now, grit conditions are expected to remain normal in Urcott
claims there's no expectation of an energy emergency, but not
everybody believes what Urkott says.
Speaker 9 (02:13):
Colder temperatures this week is putting Texas energy in high demand.
Speaker 10 (02:17):
If the forecast change is Ircott takes a direct hit,
we could be in big trouble, especially with freezing precipitation.
Speaker 9 (02:25):
At Hers, energy fellow at the University of Houston, says
the state needs more power plants.
Speaker 10 (02:29):
We do not have enough power plant in Texas to
meet the demand at night.
Speaker 9 (02:34):
Hers says it doesn't help that Urkont and Centerpoint don't
have much credibility with the public at the moment. Char
Lewis News Radio seven forty K eight.
Speaker 7 (02:42):
GE winter storm that is hitting more than twenty states
right now is causing major flight issues, especially here out
of Euston. According the flight Aware this morning, there are
fifty eight cancelations in twenty four delays. We've got eleven
cancelations out of Hobby with nine flights delayed. We'll keep
an eye on that all day. Five O three on
KTR Agent and Washington Congress will meet to certify the
election results from November. Our speaker Mike Johnson says it's
important to get everything ready for Donald Trump's return in
two weeks.
Speaker 11 (03:14):
We want to make sure that we're jump starting the
agenda now over the next two weeks so that he's
prepared and ready.
Speaker 7 (03:19):
On day one, Johnson with Fox's Sunday Morning Futures, and
on his way out the door, Joe Biden outrages many
by awarning liberal billionaire donor George Soros and Hillary Clinton
the prestigious Medal of Freedom.
Speaker 12 (03:33):
I'm gonna surprise everybody by saying that I think it's
good that Hillary Clinton got this award because not a
lot of novelists and fiction writers get the award. And
yet the Hillary Clinton campaign financed and created one of
the greatest works of fiction and living memory and the
stealed us.
Speaker 7 (03:47):
Yay that is our Kicks, Mary Catherine Ham five oh four.
There are new developments in the investigation into the New
Orleans terror attack. The FBI claims shamsu Din Jabbar visited
the city we before attacking and also traveled internationally to
Egypt and Canada. President Biden visits the attack site today. Meantime,
the White House tries to continue to spin how this
happened on their watch.
Speaker 13 (04:15):
We have adverse nation states, and for the past ten
years we've seen a significant increase in what we term
homegrown violent extremism.
Speaker 7 (04:24):
DHS Secretary of Alejandro Majorcis on ABC. But here's something
Majorcists didn't talk about the criticism of his department following
the attack. Writer Beth Brellia in The Federists says that
instead of focusing on terrorists, Biden's FBI spent the last
four years targeting Republicans.
Speaker 14 (04:44):
White supremacy, which is kind of code for MAGA. Republicans
as quote the most persistent rethal threat.
Speaker 15 (04:51):
But I think we know the most.
Speaker 14 (04:53):
Persistent rethal threat has been people who are.
Speaker 7 (04:56):
Aligned with ISIS, and she says as a result, America
is not safe right now it's five oh five. Here's
something else that Majorcis didn't talk about. Four members of
the violent Venezuelan gag trendy Uragua were caught trying to
enter the country in Texas on New Year's Eve. We've
told you they are already in twenty States and Washington DC.
A big part of President elect Trump's plan to secure
the border will be mass deportations. But there's a warning
from the incoming borders are.
Speaker 16 (05:27):
And that of course would be Tom Homan.
Speaker 17 (05:30):
I think you'll see more violence on the border in
the beginning.
Speaker 6 (05:33):
For it's something we certainly have to do.
Speaker 18 (05:35):
We got to secure the border because it's the biggest
national security vulnerability we've ever seen.
Speaker 16 (05:39):
More violence, which Bob Price of bright Bard, Texas says,
will be directed at border patrol agents.
Speaker 19 (05:46):
Physical assaults and fight assaults with weapons. The cartel and
these migrants seem to think this fair game on border
patrol agents.
Speaker 16 (05:54):
It's going to get worse, but it will get better.
Jeff Biggs News Radio seven forty K eight.
Speaker 7 (06:00):
Now, if you believe the mainstream media, the deportations will
cost about eighty eight billion dollars a year. What they
don't tell you, though, is that that number is cheaper
than letting illegal stay.
Speaker 20 (06:12):
All these other social services, you know, housing, food, medical care, schooling.
We're talking about something that may be close to another
one hundred and fifty billion dollars for state and federal funds.
Speaker 7 (06:23):
John Lott with the Crime Prevention Research Center says the
reality is Trump's deportations will cost less than eighty eight
billion a year. As for natural born citizens, according to
NBC News, only thirty six percent of Americans can pass
a citizenship exam first question, who.
Speaker 1 (06:41):
Was president during World War One? W? Wilson, Oh.
Speaker 8 (06:47):
Year, it gets worse.
Speaker 7 (06:49):
Research done by the Daily Signal shows that only three
percent of high school students could pass the test. Shocking
news out of Canada this morning, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
is expected to resign as the Liberal Party leader this week.
His disapproval rating there is nearly seventy percent. Five oh seven.
The Houston Texans and the regular season, beating the Titans
twenty three to fourteen.
Speaker 21 (07:13):
Proud of our guys. We're back to back ten win seasons,
finishing undefeated on a road in our division.
Speaker 8 (07:18):
Head coach Tamiko ryans.
Speaker 7 (07:19):
They'll host the Chargers in the wild Car Ground of
the playoffs on Saturday, kickoff at three point thirty, and
the Rockets beat the Lakers one nineteen to one fifteen.
I'm Cliff Saunders on Houston's news Weather in Traffic station
News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 22 (07:35):
Better Boulder, Richard, Safer and Stronger, the return the Great
of America Amurri can come back on US Radio.
Speaker 1 (07:42):
Seven forty ktrh.
Speaker 4 (07:48):
Just to show you how hopelessly out of touch I am.
Speaker 6 (07:53):
I have never once seen an episode of Breaking Bad.
Speaker 1 (07:57):
It's troupe.
Speaker 6 (07:57):
It just happened.
Speaker 4 (07:58):
I don't know why I didn't get into Breaking Bad,
but I didn't get into Breaking Bad. I know how
popular it was. I've heard plinny of stories about that.
I know that it's iconic for a lot of people,
and I know that just about everything connected with the
show has a following. So I guess I understand why.
If you are the people who happened to own the
home that was the setting for Breaking Bad, I mean
the outside of the home anyway, then you probably want
to try to make as much money from it as
you can. Except you know, there's a couple of things
about it. First, it's not like the Brady Bunch House. Right,
It's not wholesome and fun and kitchy and brings back
seventy memories. It is it is a house where the
character inside the home is making meth and fhetamine. Right,
So if you're really into the show and you buy
the whole character what the character was doing, then you
probably are thinking, were they really making meth inside that house?
I really wonder the home. It has been put on
the market for more than ten times. Its current estimated
value is one thousand nine hundred square foot property. It's
in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The homeowner is Joanne Quintana confirms
that she will be selling the property, spending her family.
By the way, since nineteen seventy three, so it gives
you an idea of how old the home is. I
had no idea of what the decory is, whether or
not it's been updated at all. It's a monus four
bedroom home worth approximately three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
It is put on the market now for four million
dollars because it was the setting for Breaking Bad. Fran
and Luis Padilla were the parents who originally owned the
home back in nineteen seventy three. I think that's when
it was first built. Home was largely ignored for most
of its lifetime until Breaking Bad producers decide to use
the homes facade for their show for granted permission to
do it from the own and ever since then, tourists
have been there. They come there, they take photos, they
intrude on the property. They've decided they don't want any
more of this crap. Let's try to cash in on
this and see if we can get any suckers out
there to buy this for four mil five ten. Time
for traffic and weather together. As we check out the drive,
sky Mike has the latest down that it's.
Speaker 6 (10:19):
Your west Loop.
Speaker 5 (10:20):
I got a stall at Hempstead northbound that's supposed to
be on the west Loop, right before the imps the
entrance ramps, so just watch out mostly on the right
side here. It looks like we've got plenty of room
so far. I got Roy on two ninety, and now
we're looking for ice, looking for no weis, and of
course I'm expecting it, even though let's see, we're thirty
three at Hobby, now thirty one at Bush. Even though
we didn't get precipitation, Terry, you know, there's I saw
spots where we had water leaks and stuff and like
sprayers or whatever, so you know, ice can just pop up.
Speaker 6 (10:52):
Let's look out Roy two ninety.
Speaker 23 (10:53):
Good morning, mikey Mike two ninety modulating.
Speaker 10 (10:57):
In my bowbine. There's no yellow on the freeways.
Speaker 6 (11:01):
All right, Terry, hopefully you speak jive Sam five in
Passbeno boom, I.
Speaker 10 (11:10):
Elevated, no.
Speaker 5 (11:13):
I All right, fantastic banana sticker for you, and let's
go to uh let's go out somewhere in Liberty County.
Speaker 10 (11:19):
God Mike Mike from a field one oh five to
the bypath, the.
Speaker 15 (11:24):
Ninety clear and free of all light. Good morning man.
Speaker 5 (11:28):
Boom Mike from us heel you get the Country Award
for this morning and his first banana sticker ever.
Speaker 6 (11:33):
We'll check.
Speaker 5 (11:33):
Let's seef we can check some golf freeway in two
eighty eight. In the next break at five twenty sky
Mike and the Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (11:41):
From r ktr H top tax Defenders twenty four hour Wathers.
I'm made by way and Terry down I forty five
to sixten. No problems this point. He was right around freezingly.
I left the house right around thirty two degrees.
Speaker 8 (11:53):
So here's the thing we had.
Speaker 24 (11:56):
You know, the rain yesterday, but the cold, dry air
has moved in and the winds are a bit of
a factor as well, so that will help to clear
up these roads and dry things out rather quickly. So
I don't think any of the wet weather from yesterday
is going to impact our commute this morning. But as
Skymke pointed out, if somebody forgot to turn off their
sprinkler and that's going on, that may be another situation,
so we'll see. Here's the thing, folks. Even though we're
dry for the next couple of days, the cold temperatures
are going to hang around.
Speaker 8 (12:32):
This is a big dose of Arctic care.
Speaker 24 (12:34):
And there is a cold weather advisory until eleven o'clock
this morning. Not because of the temperatures, yes, they're cold,
it's the wind chills make it feels like it's in
the teens this morning in a number of places, or
low twenties, so you'll want to dress warmly. It is
going to be a breezy day, mid to upper forties today,
Tomorrow upper forties to low fifties, and Wednesday still cold,
load of bit forties.
Speaker 8 (13:00):
By Thursday and Friday, we're talking about some rain moving in.
Speaker 6 (13:03):
And it is going to be rain.
Speaker 8 (13:04):
Right right now, it looks like rain.
Speaker 24 (13:07):
Yes, we're gonna be watching that because that could be
a little bit interesting.
Speaker 4 (13:12):
I got you okay, right now thirty two at your
official severe weather station, News Radio seven forty k TRH.
Speaker 3 (13:19):
It's Houston's Morning News, brought to you by New South
Windows Solutions. Now back to Jimmy Barrits and the Houston
Morning News team.
Speaker 4 (13:27):
All the info you need to take on the day.
Five nineteen is their time here in Houston's morning news. Well,
the decisions have all been made now for the FL
playoff schedule. And in case you haven't heard, the Texans
are the number four seed. They'll be hosting the Los
Angeles Chargers at NRG Saturday this Saturday, three thirty. The
game will be on CBS. They also have Denver at Buffalo,
the Broncos at the Bills. That's the early game at
one o'clock in the afternoon. The nighttime contest on Saturday
Pittsburgh at Baltimore Steelers versus Ravens against the Chiefs, number
one seed. They get the buye right now. Five twenty oh.
By the way, drone up date. We have talked about
drones in a while. Drone update coming up, But first
we've got traffic and weather together. Starting with you, Skybe.
Speaker 6 (14:08):
I just like to welcome Tennessee Titans.
Speaker 5 (14:10):
Enjoy watching the playoffs on TV yesterday.
Speaker 6 (14:13):
Your Oilers uniforms. Oilers uniforms.
Speaker 5 (14:16):
It jerks all right, westwoop six ' ten north found
Hempstead Entrance trimp. That's a stall truck. Let's see what
we've got here. You've got that' sover on the side.
Looks like Ninja should have that pretty shortly.
Speaker 1 (14:28):
I don't have.
Speaker 6 (14:29):
I've got a clearboard.
Speaker 5 (14:30):
As far as incidents for the moment, I'm still a
little nervous about anywhere where somebody let the water leak
could turn into a little ice here. Watch out on
the bridges and overpasses. Not a big problem right now,
but you keep letting me know. On the tip line
Skymike and Theegenerator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (14:46):
From r KTRH top tax Defenders twenty four hour Weather Center.
We do have a cold weather advisory until eleven this
morning because the windshield and the teens of the twenties
hi today right about forty six. Then clear and cold tonight,
little round thirty sunning high temptre fifty degrees on Tuesday.
Current temperature thirty one Now at your official severe weather station,
News Radio seven forty KTRH. Let's check out some of
our top Monday morning stories. Here's Cliff, Thank you, Jimmy.
Speaker 7 (15:13):
We are sponsored by Morrow Mechanical. Congress certifies Donald Trump's
re election. Today, President Biden announced his executive action to
permanently ban future offshore oil and gas development in parts
of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. And tonight's powerball Jackpond
is two hundred and twenty million dollars. Get the latest
news anytime at KTRH dot com. Our next update is
at five thirty.
Speaker 15 (15:38):
Well, with the holidays and everything, it's really hard to
keep up.
Speaker 6 (15:41):
Chiefing you caught off is what we.
Speaker 8 (15:43):
Do to know what's going on around me.
Speaker 3 (15:44):
Go with Houston's News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 6 (15:51):
Here's the last time we talked about drones.
Speaker 4 (15:53):
I mean, that's such a big story there for a
few weeks, and then all of a sudden, nobody's talking
about drones anymore. Did they disappear of the and that's
showing up. Well, the fact of the matter is they
are still showing up. Maybe other than the numbers we
saw before, we're still seeing drones and seeing people trying
to figure out exactly what they are. Ross haltheart is
on Newsmax. He did a feature on drones and says
that he's a correspondent for them. He said, based on
what little evidence he's seen, there's absolutely nothing that he
can find out that supports the idea that these drones
are coming from a foreign government, what the heck are they?
Speaker 25 (16:33):
The drones mystery still continues. New Jersey police has been
reporting that they're still seeing these objects, and despite the
government's efforts in mid December to try and suggest that
all of these drones supposed drones, are lawful, there's even
been an incident recently reported where a Gulf Stream jet
nearly actually collided with a metallic object, possibly one of
these drones, at twenty seven thousand feet overlordor so. This
is a very serious flight safety issue now, and the
government's head in sand attitude on this drone's mystery continues. Well,
there's been a spate of very very unusual things happening
Xavier that I think have been overlooked in the media.
Go right back to when a Boeing satellite blew up
in orbit, right back to when there were telecommunications and
power cables in Scandinavian waters clearly sabotaged intentionally by a
vessel linked perhaps to China. So there does appear to
be a hot Cold war going on behind the scenes,
and there is growing concern that the drones that we're
seeing over East Coast airspace, including over very many military facilities,
might in fact be linked to China, but I haven't
seen a shred of evidence for that, and everybody who's
been suggesting that it was an Iranian mothership, that it
was the Russians now the Chinese, nobody's put up a
shred of evidence to support this content. The government has
been conspicuously quiet. I think the difference between the public
attention that's being directed towards these alleged terror attacks, the
New Orleans attack, I think the difference between the incredible
amount of focus on that and the fact that we've
now had an ongoing presence in our airspace now of
mystery objects that are clearly atypical of normal drones. I
think the government deserves to give us an explanation.
Speaker 4 (18:30):
Yeah, sure they do. But are they going to No, No,
they're not. If they were going to, they would, So
what are the drones? Are they from a foreign power?
He just said there's no evidence that they are. Then again,
we haven't shut one down, right, so it's not like
we can examine it or try to make some determination
based on where it's coming from. There have been reports,
at least for a while, that there were drones coming
in off the ocean off the Atlantic. They could be
coming off a ship. Yup, and the ship could be
one hundreds of miles off the coast. You know, that
could be a foreign power, or maybe it's the United
States government doing something, in which case you got to ask, Okay,
if the United States is doing something, what are we doing? Well,
we can't tell you it's top secret. Well then tell
us you can't tell us is stop secret, but don't
worry about it. But instead all quiet, no information. We
wait long enough. Everybody's attention span is so short in
our country that did they'll stop asking questions. They might
be right about that. Five twenty six, Here on news
radio seven forty ktrh, time to take a look at
your money. Jeff Bellinger's here.
Speaker 6 (19:41):
And Jimmy, Good morning.
Speaker 23 (19:43):
The major stock market averages broke their five session losing
streak on Friday, posting games ranging from eight tenths percent
to one and eight tenths percent. Hann Heiser Busch in
Bev was among the losers Friday. That stock fell after
the Surgeon General issued a report saying drinking increases the
risk of cancer, and shares of alcoholic beverage companies fell
in Asian trading overnight. A government report on factory orders
will be out this morning. It will kick off a
big week for economic indicators leading up to the December
employment report, which comes out on Friday. Oil is trading
close to a three month high after Saudi Arabia race
its official prices more than expected. In Walt Disney's Mufass,
The Lion King was the weekend's number one movie. comScore
estimates domestic ticket sales total twenty four million dollars. The
film has grossed more than four hundred and seventy six
million dollars worldwide in the last three weeks. I'm Jeff Bellinger,
Bloomberg Business on News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 6 (20:47):
Houston's News.
Speaker 26 (20:48):
Why there are Traffic plus Breaking News twenty four to seven.
Speaker 1 (20:51):
This is News Radio seven forty KTRH five Everywhere with
the IRP.
Speaker 3 (20:58):
More of what's happening now from that Sean Morris Services Studios.
Speaker 4 (21:01):
By thirty is our time here in Houston's Morning News.
I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among our top stories this hour, Trump
he gets his wind certified. Today, the things that will
be the hardest for Trump to fix, and coming up
at five point thirty eight, did you see who got
middles of Freedom on Saturday night.
Speaker 6 (21:18):
A detail symptoms.
Speaker 4 (21:20):
It's George Sorrows got a Middle of Freedom Saturday Nightsky Mike,
dun dun, dun, d d dun.
Speaker 5 (21:27):
All right, let's go to two eighty eight. No mosquitoes
include this morning. You're right up to eighty eight there,
Stephen F.
Speaker 6 (21:33):
Austin, Oh. Gold doesn't really affect him.
Speaker 5 (21:35):
As we're coming up now from Iowa Colony, you're right
up twenty two minutes here, Jeffrey in the Walgreens truck, Dude,
Good morning, Sky Mike.
Speaker 6 (21:45):
We're in bound on the Hardy Toll Road. Boom.
Speaker 1 (21:48):
It's all high and dry all the way in Ova
Passes from the JFK in the downtown.
Speaker 5 (21:54):
All right, bananas took her for jeff From the Walgreens truck.
We're all good on the Hardy Barn. I'm Skymike and
the Classic Puick GMC Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (22:01):
From our KTRH Generators Supercenter. Twenty four hour Weather Center.
Cold weather Advisory until eleven a m. With windschills and
the teens and the twenties, we're going to get up
to forty six if we're lucky today, with sunshine down
around thirty four tonight up around fifty tomorrow, but the
coldest weather's yet to come towards the end of the week.
We'll get more on that from Terry when we talk
to her at the Weather Channel. Temperature right now currently
is thirty one at your officials Severe Weather Station, News
Radio seven forty k TRH. It's time out for the news.
Here's Cliff Slanders.
Speaker 8 (22:34):
Thank you, Jimmy.
Speaker 7 (22:35):
It's coming up on five thirty two in our top story.
We'll have the latest on the cold snap in a
couple of minutes. But first Congress meets today to certify
the election of Donald Trump. After that they can concentrate
on getting the president elects nominees confirmed before is inauguration
in two weeks.
Speaker 27 (22:51):
His nominees are going to go through a committee where
they get a lot They are going to have to
answer questions. There'll be some hard questions posed. We're going
to do everything we can to ensure that he has
the people he wants in place.
Speaker 7 (23:02):
Who cent a majority leader John Thune on NBC's Meet
the Press. Trump has a long list of challenges that
he's got to take care of when he gets back
into office.
Speaker 28 (23:12):
Well, there's all kinds of things that you know, the
Biden administration is doing, with spending, with the economy, with
the illegals, with the border. I mean, look, all of
these folks on the left and the right are only
interested in one thing, and that's power.
Speaker 7 (23:27):
Political analyst Matt Locke expects a lot of executive orders
to start flying out on day one of Trump's second term.
Trump will be sentenced in the Manhattan Business Front case
on Friday. New York Republican Mike Lawler says it's all
a big joke.
Speaker 29 (23:43):
Alvin Bragg took what would have amounted to at worst
a violation of the FEC and turned it from a
federal case into a statecase and from a misdemeanor into
a felony.
Speaker 7 (23:55):
And Judge Wanmershaan already has said that Trump isn't going
to jail.
Speaker 8 (24:00):
It's five thirty three.
Speaker 7 (24:01):
The Texas legislative session starts next week with Dustin Burrows
claiming he's going to lead the Texas House while officials
like Ken Paxton campaign against him.
Speaker 30 (24:12):
Despite opposition from Paxton and other conservatives, Burrows hasn't stopped.
Speaker 31 (24:16):
People are continuing to be barraged by texts that are
coming from the lobby. It's not a conservative group, it's
a lobbyist group that's sending out all these text messages.
Speaker 30 (24:25):
State Representative Steve Toth told KTRH these Republicans backing Burroughs
are going to face consequences for it.
Speaker 31 (24:31):
They're going to find out very quickly how painful supporting
Dustin Burrows is when they run for reelection in the primary.
Speaker 30 (24:38):
Tooth says he thinks when the time actually comes to vote,
many of the Republican holdouts will wind up voting for
GOP nominee David Cook. Ethan Buchanan News Radio seven forty KRH.
Speaker 7 (24:47):
Thank you, Ethan, and thanks to the cold snap, Urcott
issues a weather watch through Friday. Urcott claiming they're not
expecting any issues with the grid or any grid emergency
due to higher demand. This this is all part of
winter storm Blair that's already killed three and impact to
twenty plus states. Travel is a mess this morning. If
you're flying, check your flight between Bush and Hobby. We've
got about one hundred flights either delayed or canceled so far.
Speaker 6 (25:16):
Speaker 7 (25:16):
The President elect wants to fix inflation by cutting energy
bills in half, but is that.
Speaker 32 (25:22):
Realistic considering every product we use involves fossil fuel, costs
could drop almost ten percent.
Speaker 33 (25:28):
When they hear things like hell, stop drilling in the
Gulf of Mexico, save the planet, they don't realize every
person on this planet is dependent on fossil fuels.
Speaker 32 (25:37):
Fox Oil and Gas expert Phil Flynn says futures are
excited about Trump's return, but the biggest challenge is undoing
Biden's mess.
Speaker 33 (25:44):
They scared away investments, they slowed down drilling in federal lands.
They've caused a lot of uncertainty in the marketplace.
Speaker 32 (25:51):
He says a good start to dropping prices is removing
Biden's executive energy orders.
Speaker 6 (25:56):
Andre Perard News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 8 (25:59):
It's five point thirty.
Speaker 7 (26:00):
Officials in New Orleans say the terror attack that killed
fourteen could have been worse if not for a mistake
that shamsu Dinjabar made with his bombs.
Speaker 34 (26:10):
He didn't use the right of the correct device to
set it off, and that is just the indicative of
is an experience in lack of understanding how that material
might be set off.
Speaker 7 (26:22):
President Biden is in New Orleans today more at six o'clock.
Well violent crime continued across Houston this weekend. Police are
still looking for the shooter after a man was wounded
critically near a Washington Avenue food truck, and another man
is in critical condition after a shooting that led to
a crash in the a Leaf area. Former Harris County
DA Kim Ogg's got a new job. She's the senior
policy advisor for Harris County Precinct three Commissioner Tom Ramsey.
Ramsey's the only Republican on Commissioner's Court five point thirty
six now, and looking at your money. If you live
in Harris County, your property taxes going up even higher
than you realize.
Speaker 35 (27:02):
County Judge Lena Hitdalgo and Democrats on Commissioner's Court raised
property tax rates by ten percent, using a loophole in
state law that allows them to exceed limits because I'm
a natural disaster. But former Houston Mayor oald candidate Bill
King says it's even worse than that.
Speaker 36 (27:16):
At the time they passed that rate increase, they knew
that the house values were going to go up around
four or five percent. You as apply out at ten
percent times of four or five percent, so you get
like a fifteen percent tax increase.
Speaker 6 (27:28):
On the average house for the year.
Speaker 35 (27:29):
State Senator Paul Bettencourt is pledging to try to repeal
that loophole in the new legislature, which begins next week.
Speaker 6 (27:35):
Corey Eelsen News Radio seven forty ktr H, Thank you, Corey.
Speaker 7 (27:38):
The Federal Reserve is expected to cut interest rates three
times this year. While these cuts will reduce borrowing costs,
they're still going to leave rates at their highest level
in seventeen years.
Speaker 37 (27:49):
We've been holding out for those four and five percent
mortgage rates of yesteryear. Twenty twenty five is not going
to be that, however.
Speaker 7 (27:57):
Bank rate analyst Greg mcbrian says auto loan rates should
come down to around seven percent before the end of
twenty twenty five. And finally, the Texans beat Tennessee twenty
three to fourteen. They'll host the Chargers in the playoffs
next weekend. I'm Cloff Saunders on Houston's News Weather in
Traffic station KTRH.
Speaker 3 (28:17):
What happened, Why it happened, The information you need to
start the day. Now back to Houston's morning news.
Speaker 4 (28:27):
Five thirty age or so times around Houston's point News.
I'm sure you probably missed it. Purposely, but there was
a big celebration at the White House as we ticked
down to the last few days of the Biden presidency.
He was passing up medals on Saturday night, the Presidential
Medal of Freedom, which is the highest honor a civilian
can get from the United States government, and generally speaking,
to be fair, I mean it's it's meant to send
the message from whoever the president is and was very
clear when you're giving billionaire philanthropist and Democrat megadowner George
sorow is a Medal of Freedom, then that you're telling
people that I support this guy and he supports me,
especially with the money. Here's what they said about George
Sorows that he quotes supported organizations and projects across the
world that strengthen democracy, human rights, education, and social justice. Yes,
that's exactly what I think of when I think of
George Sorows. Hillary Clinton also received not only a Presidential
Medal of Freedom, but got a standing ovation in doing
so from the other attendees.
Speaker 6 (29:41):
Standing ovation.
Speaker 4 (29:44):
Yes, I mean that's what you get when you write
a fictional Russian dossier and lose to Donald Trump in
the twenty sixteen presidential election. Now, there were plenty of
people there who were normal or celebrity types like Michael J.
Fox for example, Denzel Washington got one, Miami soccer star
Lionel Messi got one. Uh, Magic Johnson got one, Ralph
Laurent got one. I'm not sure what they did to,
you know, to promote freedom, but those are people that
we probably generally speaking, would would not object to former
US Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy posthumously. Okay, they gave
some up posthumously as well, but it's the George Soross
Hillary Clint thing that stands out to me. Five forty
time for traffic and whether together. Remember Obama won a
Nobel Price. So yeah, well, you know, what are these
prizes really worth. They're due, they're well, they're worth whatever
they get cash, whatever they're made out of, I guess
I don't know what they're made out of. I don't
know if there's any precious metals involved.
Speaker 6 (30:50):
I won the Land Judging Award in ff A. I
have no idea where that well plaque was well done,
really proud of that. I hope you got a trophy
for that little plaque here.
Speaker 5 (31:00):
Two forty nine Tomball Parkway I still fail to agg too,
Tomball Parkway southbound two forty nine at Green's very embarrassing
two left lanes.
Speaker 6 (31:08):
Uh, this is an accident? Or are we okay?
Speaker 10 (31:10):
Speaker 6 (31:10):
Look out? Coming down from Willowbrook, I don't see much.
Speaker 5 (31:13):
I don't see much sucker jet just yet, so uh,
I expect them to take an extra lane shortly does
look kind of normally forty five north coming out of
the Woodlands.
Speaker 6 (31:21):
We're looking at twenty two minutes.
Speaker 5 (31:23):
Good job here again, I'm just going to assume that
someone spilt something.
Speaker 6 (31:27):
Wet somewhere, and if they did, there could be ice.
Speaker 5 (31:30):
We're still gonna, you know what, We're gonna keep the
watch out for ice for bridges on bridges, signs up
to terry, especially on the ship channel overpasses and all that.
Speaker 6 (31:38):
Of course, the big deal is win, right now, Let's
do some tip line.
Speaker 16 (31:41):
Dude, Hey, thirty six.
Speaker 10 (31:42):
Degree down here, Kima and the roller coaster is standing
clear Boom, Holloyd.
Speaker 5 (31:47):
I love that Broadway bullet all right? Tell me ice,
no wis what what award did you win that you're
proud of? You get a bowling trophy seven one three
two one two t ips Skymike on the Generator Supercenter
dot Com Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (31:59):
From all R Generator super Center in twenty four hour
where the Senator Terry Smith is here. We're just dealing
this is a nuisance, you know, the cold weather's nuisance.
I had dragged plants in and you know, unhook the
you know, hopefully shut down the sprinkler system and we
hook the hosts and all that kind of stuff.
Speaker 38 (32:13):
Speaker 4 (32:13):
It's it's what's going to happen towards the end of
the week that has me more concerned. Not even so
much for us because it looks like it's going to
be rain of very cold rain, but what about North Texas?
Speaker 6 (32:24):
Are they going to end up with a bunch of snow?
Speaker 15 (32:26):
Speaker 24 (32:27):
You know what, I haven't looked at North Texas because
I'm more interested in what happens with that low pressure
system near the coast, and then as it moves east,
let's check out North Texas maybe next time we took Okay,
it sounds good because we've got a pretty serious blizzard
situation going on across parts of the Ohio Valley in
the Mid Atlantic this morning, and we've got a serious
dose of some cold air that has moved in overnight
and we'll hang around really throughout the week. Right now,
main concern this morning is to be prepared for not
only a very cold day, but even with just a
little bit of a breeze here and there, these windshills,
they're running between ten to twenty degrees this morning, so
make sure that you are well covered before you head outside.
The actual temperatures will wind up in the mid upper
forties for highs, and you know what, that's what our
typical low temperatures are like right now. So that's how
cold it is Tomorrow, upper forties to low fifties. Wednesdays
still dry, load to mid forties. Thursday and Friday, we've
got some rain both days. Right now, it should be
just rain as temperatures expected to remain above freezing. But
we're going to have to watch that because a subtle
change could make a big difference in what we're talking
about on Thursday.
Speaker 4 (33:46):
Yeah good, And like I said, if we get rain,
they get snow up there, that could be bad news
for the electric grid all the way through the state.
Speaker 8 (33:53):
Oh yeah, oh yeah, because it's still cold.
Speaker 4 (33:56):
Turn right right down thirty one in your officials. Severe
Weather Station News KRH what you need to know for.
Speaker 6 (34:03):
The day ahead.
Speaker 3 (34:04):
This is Houston's Morning News, brought to you by New
South Windows Solutions.
Speaker 4 (34:10):
Just about five fifty here on Houston's Morning News. You know,
we talked a lot last week about what happened in
New Orleans and what happened in Las Vegas.
Speaker 6 (34:19):
In both cases.
Speaker 4 (34:19):
By the way, the green Brain in Las Vegas left
behind a letter which talks a little bit about his motivations.
I guess we'll be sharing some of that with you
here this morning. We also found out that the New
Orleans guy guy from Houston, Jabbar, had been casing New
Orleans since at least October, had made several trips there
in order to be able to you know, he bought
some of the glasses, the video glasses, so he could
ride a bike through there and film in the French
Quarter in Bourbon Street, and so he he did quite
a bit of preparation. He'd been working on this for
a while. He also evidently took a trip to Canada.
What do you suppose he meant there? Anyway, all this
has people concerned about the inauguration, the safety, you know,
between what's been going on at the FBI and the
Department of Justice and what's going on in the world
of terrorism. Is the inauguration safe? More than that story
coming up next first, though, traffic and weather together as
we check out the drive once again to skuy Mine.
Speaker 5 (35:20):
Oh, I've got a minute to at least look at
some pretty stuff. Since freeways we have, we're not doing
much for incidents so far. We did have that wreck
on two forty nine. I'll get to that shortly. You've
got I forty five coming down from the Woodlands. Twenty
two minutes. I've got this shot of downtown from Hogan Street.
That's pretty, and then I ten around Houston Avenue. Looks
like you're actually moving. I don't have that used little
squeeze down as you're trying to hit the President's that's easy.
Twenty six minutes. John from Tomball is on two forty nine.
Speaker 10 (35:48):
Good Morning's guy two forty nine, right over there by
Greens Road. It's all clear. Nothing over here right now.
We're moving and grooving all right.
Speaker 5 (35:56):
The official board is showing that's still there, so that's
gonna be on your online sources.
Speaker 6 (36:00):
But I'm looking at the shot here. I don't see
a thing.
Speaker 5 (36:03):
Thank you, John, Tomball that's a banana sticker and I'm
in the classic view at GMC Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (36:08):
From r KTRH Generators Supercenter, twenty four hour Weather Center.
Cold weather advisory until eleven am this morning. Sunny, cold,
about forty six for the height today, but the windchill
this morning is in the teens in the twenties. Clear
and cold tonight, low round thirty Sunday hi right about
fifty for tomorrow, thirty four Tomorrow night, and then only
about forty four high temperature on Wednesday. It's like Thursday
and Friday when there might be some precipitation mixed in
along with cold temperatures that we're kind of keeping an
eye out for. Temperature right now, currently is thirty one
at your official severe weather station, News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Check out some of our top trending stories on this Monday.
Speaker 7 (36:46):
Here's Cliff, Thank you, Jimmy, sponsored by Morrow Mechanical. Urkont
says there's no grid emergency, but they've got us under
a weather watch this week. A state of emergency is
declared in several states over winter storm Blair in Former
President Carter. Former President Jimmy Carter lies in state until tomorrow.
He'll be taken to Washington then for a state funeral.
Get the latest news anytime at KTRH dot com. Our
next update is at six o'clock checking in.
Speaker 1 (37:13):
I'm money, Why don't you call more?
Speaker 3 (37:16):
We all avoid it, but you'll better understand the world
around you if you check in with US News Radio
seven kt RH.
Speaker 17 (37:26):
Speaker 6 (37:26):
That's a fancy version five point fifty three.
Speaker 4 (37:29):
So time here on Houston's wanting news how the inauguration
is coming, and we're what we're wanting. Of course, what
everybody's wondering is will it be secure? There's a you know, thousands,
probably ten to thousands of people who attend this thing.
It's out in the open. Yah, can we count on safety?
I think that's a legitimate question. Ask Hiven what's been
going on. Here's a former NYPD inspector, Paul Morrow. Here's
what he has to say about inauguration safety.
Speaker 39 (37:58):
This is going to come down to leadership. Think about
the disparate agencies that are almost certainly going to be
involved here. Right, you have DHS, you have FBI, you're
going to have Metro, DCPD, You're going to have the
Capitol Police, You're going to have federal parks police that
have all these different agencies coming together. You got to
make sure everybody's in sick. And here's a subtlety. Are
the civilians in?
Speaker 6 (38:20):
Speaker 39 (38:20):
A big part of this kind of operation is the
civilian analysts some one of the great force multiplayer you're
about all the time, the intelligence community. Our civilians keep
us synchronized. They take all this disparate information. They're the
ones who produce those threat products that we hear about
those bulletins that come out, those come from civilians almost
ninety five percent of time. Are they in because the
last audit we heard there was what one percent in
if you take out the security guards and the gun carriers.
Speaker 6 (38:46):
So are they in? Is this being organized?
Speaker 39 (38:48):
Are all ships at sea being activated here to make
sure that this upcoming series of events, which there's a
number of them, we're coming into that season. Here are
all hands on deck and is everybody pulling in the
same direction?
Speaker 18 (39:00):
Paul were four years now tomorrow January sixth, twenty twenty one.
Tomorrow b January sixth, twenty twenty five. We still don't
know why there were twenty six confidential human sources on
the ground.
Speaker 6 (39:13):
There at the Capitol.
Speaker 18 (39:15):
Are we ever going to get any answers on that,
Why do the FBI have so many people there, and
why don't we know exactly why they were there?
Speaker 39 (39:20):
You really got to drill down to the ground level
to find out who these sources were, who was running
on other sources are just not out there running around
on their own. There's somebody assigned to quote unquote handle
that person known as a handler.
Speaker 6 (39:32):
Okay, were the.
Speaker 39 (39:34):
Twenty three who were not activated and purposely sent.
Speaker 6 (39:37):
To the capital?
Speaker 39 (39:38):
Were they told to go? Who paid for their carempeeding?
If they didn't go, well, then were they being handled?
And then there's even a larger question. Think about this. Now,
you had over two dozen sources, right That argues that
at least twenty six different FBI agents were handling these
sources for god knows for how long, at.
Speaker 6 (39:58):
How much expense. How did they not pick up that
this was going to happen.
Speaker 39 (40:03):
If that's how I ran my unit, and I had
that level of penetration in place, and I got no
india of the fact that something like what occurred was coming,
I hadn't been walking a foot post, I think that's
a really salient question we have to ask ourselves.
Speaker 6 (40:16):
I don't like treating.
Speaker 39 (40:18):
Counter terrorism this kind of prophylactic work.
Speaker 6 (40:20):
As zero sum. You can always miss something. That said,
with this level of.
Speaker 39 (40:24):
Penetration, you got to say to yourself, guys, how'd you
miss it?
Speaker 6 (40:29):
Speaker 4 (40:30):
Well, and that's you know again, that's like we've been
saying that since the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania, how'd you
possibly miss that? And the question is did they really
miss it or did they just ignore it for whatever reason?
Five fifty six. Now you're a news radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 1 (40:52):
This is used radio seven KTRH Houston drive everywhere with
now greatest news weather and Draffa.
Speaker 3 (41:02):
It's more of what matters to you from the John
Morris Services Studios.
Speaker 4 (41:06):
Six AM is our time here in Houston's morning news.
I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among our top stories this half hour,
Urkott says, we should be okay even with these cold temperatures.
Probably issues though across the country. If you have a
flight to catch this morning, bear check at first. It's
all due to wintry weather and coming up at six
to eight. More state measures to eliminate or make permanent
daylight saving time details in the minutes ahead. You're in
Houston's morning News. First, we're checking out that morning drive
once again. Here's sky Mike.
Speaker 6 (41:36):
All right, let's see.
Speaker 5 (41:37):
I've got Tracy from spring Fire telling me they're heading
for a call at a Starbucks North Freeway feeder road.
Oh no, that's my Starbucks Lueta. Okay, so watch out
in the feeder road here mainlanes. You may get a
little bit of rebernacking right there. Let's see John from
Tomball Cleared two forty nine. The official board still shows
a wreck at Green's. Looks like a big nothing berger
now inbound.
Speaker 6 (41:58):
We're full speed.
Speaker 5 (41:59):
Ahead Skymike and the classic Fewike GMC Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (42:03):
From our KTRH top tax Defenders twenty four hour weather center,
we have a cold weather advisory that's until eleven am
this morning, with wind chills and the teens in the twenties.
Other than that's ending cold today with a high forty
six back down around or below freezing tonight. We'll get
the last and all this from Terry Smith at the
Weather Channel. In eight minutes. Current temperature is thirty one
at your official severe weather station, News Radio seven forty KTRH.
It is time now for the news. Here's Cliff Sunders.
Speaker 7 (42:31):
Thank you, Jimmy six oh two on KTRH, sponsored by Isofarmic.
In our top story, A weather watch is in effect
through Friday from Erkon thanks to the first real blast
of winter weather. Urcott says they don't expect any emergencies
and that the grid is expected to remain in normal conditions.
That said, demand for energy is certain to go up
this week.
Speaker 10 (42:54):
Increasing precipitation, high winds will take the WIB parts offline,
and we don't have enough coal, natural gas, and nuclear
power plants to meet the advance.
Speaker 7 (43:05):
Or For Texas, uh's ed Herst says the state has
enough wind and solar for daytime, but there's going to
be greater demand at night. The state doesn't have enough
power plants. This is all part of winter storm Blair
that's hitting more than twenty states and causing major flight
delays across the country, including here. According to flight Aware
at Bush, there have been fifty eight cancelations and twenty
eight flights delayed, eleven cancelations at Hobby, with thirteen delays
so far.
Speaker 8 (43:34):
Six ZHO three now on KTRH.
Speaker 7 (43:36):
Congress is set to certify Donald Trump's election and then
get to work today. One of the first items on
the to do list the budget. The president elect wants
one bill, not the two that sum Republican senators are pushing.
Speaker 8 (43:50):
So how long will this take to get done?
Speaker 40 (43:52):
The job right now is specifically in the House, is
putting together the overall package, and then your political dynamics,
dynamics on Capitol Hill, the calendar in the House, the
calendar in the Senate that will largely dictate what this
ends up looking like.
Speaker 7 (44:07):
Florida Congressman Byron Donalds as for the current president, Joe
Biden took a shot at Trump, calling what he did
four years ago today, or calling what happened at the
capital four years ago today a quote threat to democracy
and then cursing out reporters.
Speaker 41 (44:23):
Might being the oldest president kind of more world leaders
than any one of you ever met in your home life.
Speaker 36 (44:29):
Speaker 7 (44:29):
Biden also award Medals of Freedom this weekend to Hillary
Clinton and George Sorows six O four. Now new developments
into the investigation into the terror attack in New Orleans.
The FBI claims that shamsu Din Jabbar visited that city
twice before the attack. Also traveled to Egypt and Canada.
President Joe Biden visits New Orleans today. The question remains,
could this all have been prevented?
Speaker 6 (44:56):
He could have been found and could have been prevented.
Speaker 41 (44:58):
We'll learn what those are in ways in which he
might have been been found, and maybe we could have intervened.
Speaker 7 (45:05):
Ohio Congressman Mike Turner on CBS's Faced the Nation now.
While radical Islamic terrorism is not new, it was definitely
not a priority under Biden and Harris.
Speaker 16 (45:17):
That's because their focus was on white supremacy.
Speaker 15 (45:21):
The Department of Justice and.
Speaker 14 (45:23):
The FDI have all been focused on getting mega Republicans
and white extremism.
Speaker 16 (45:30):
That is Beth Brellia, writer for The Federalist, And if
that's not bad enough, because.
Speaker 14 (45:36):
Of Joe Biden's focus on the wrong direction, we're not
safe in the United States today.
Speaker 16 (45:42):
It's what she calls outrageous political malpractice.
Speaker 7 (45:46):
Jeff Biggs News Radio seven forty k T eight. It's
now six ZHO five. More issues at the border. Texas
Governor Greg Gappat announcing that four members of Trendyarragua were
arrested trying to come here illegally on New Year's day
the incoming borders are. Tom Holman warns that there will
be violence at the border once Trump takes office. Right
Bart's Bomb Price talks about what that might look like
for law enforcement.
Speaker 19 (46:12):
Border patrol agents are already the most assaulted law enforcement
officers in the United States. You're going to see some
pushback from the smugglers, from the cartels, and even from
the migrants themselves who don't want to be apprehended and
who don't want to be deported back to their country
of origin.
Speaker 7 (46:25):
And he says it'll be up to Trump to send
a message that the border has closed. As for the
cost of Trump's mass deportations, there's the truth and then
there's what the media says.
Speaker 30 (46:36):
Mainstream media says it will cost eighty eight billion a year,
but it's probably cheaper.
Speaker 20 (46:41):
They essentially assume that once every year you have to
rebuild all the facilities, which is just crazy.
Speaker 6 (46:47):
And that's the one that the media has been going with.
Speaker 30 (46:49):
John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, says
even that number is cheaper than illegal staying here.
Speaker 20 (46:55):
The costs for them committing crime is going to be
something huge, over three times the cost of deporting them.
Speaker 30 (47:03):
Lott also pointed out that illegals consume around one hundred
and fifty billion dollars of social services each year. Ethan
Buchanan News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 7 (47:11):
And here's a sobering fact. The latest research shows that
less than forty percent of Americans could pass a citizenship test.
Speaker 6 (47:19):
How many justices are on the US Supreme Court.
Speaker 42 (47:22):
I'll give you multiple choice, nine, ten, eleven or twelve
not it's.
Speaker 8 (47:28):
Not twelve eighteen nine.
Speaker 7 (47:33):
As if that's not bad enough, the Daily Signal says
only three percent of high school students could pass the test.
We've got studying news from north of the border. Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau expected to step down as the Liberal
Party leader, maybe as soon as today. His approval rating
in Canada is just twenty eight percent. Finally, the Houston
Texans wrap up the regular season beating Tennessee twenty three
to fourteen.
Speaker 21 (47:57):
Guys may plays, but what I'm most proud of is
that guy's played our brand of football.
Speaker 7 (48:01):
Demiko Ryans and the Texans host the Chargers in the
playoffs on Saturday. Though Rockets beat the Lakers one nineteen
to one fifteen. And I'm Cliff Cylinders on Houston's News
Weather in Traffic station KTRH.
Speaker 6 (48:14):
I live in Conrad, I live in Deer Park.
Speaker 3 (48:16):
Next on the ten You're Reliable forecast on seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 4 (48:24):
Six O wait our time here on Houston's Morning News.
Here we go again with daylight saving time and a
whole variety of different proposals. There might even be a
national proposal coming out. President Trump has expressed an interest
in eliminating either Standard Time or daylight saving Time. I
don't think he cares which it is. He just doesn't
like switching back and forth, and he's maybe going to
urge Congress to introduce a measure that would either institute
daylight saving time permanently or eliminated permanently, no more switching.
Most people seem to think that they like more light
at the end of the day. I'm not alone on
that one. But the concern has always been school kids.
We don't like the idea of sending kids to school
in the dark during the winter months. And now that
used to be an issue when we had kids walking
to school. How many kids do we have walking to
school anymore? Between parents who drop them off. We don't
even have parents who like using the transportation system anymore.
Most of them prefer to drop their kids off the line.
For at least where I am, the line for parents
to pick up kids at school is, and it doesn't
matter if it's elementary, middle or high school is longer
than the bus line. We've got a lot of soccer
bombs out there picking up their kids dropping them off.
So I don't think there's gonna be a lot of
kids walking to school in the dark, if that's what
we're worried about. So anyway, here in Texas we have
State Senator Mays Middleton. His measure would exempt Texas under
section three of the Uniform Time Act of nineteen sixty six.
State Representative Briscoe Caine carrying the measure in the House
of What it would do is it would eliminate daylight
saving time, where would be on standard time year round.
There's going to be other measures introduced that would be
the opposite, which is we are on daylight saving time
year round and eliminate standard time.
Speaker 6 (50:32):
Just pick one's stick with it.
Speaker 4 (50:35):
Six ' ten. Time for traffic and weather together. As
we check out the drive once again, here's sky Mine
oh Man.
Speaker 5 (50:40):
All right, Nord Freeway southbound at Luetta. Let me assume
this out real quick. We've got it on camera now.
Ktr Rach listeners were the first to know about this fire.
We've got two right lanes here. Houston Trends Stars got
a shop there, and that is southbound North Freeway in
Spring at Luetta. Supposed to be at the Starbucks. I've
got the original Andrew from spring on your tip line, guy, Mike.
Speaker 10 (51:02):
Hey, listen that call over there at the Starbucks. Pretty
big one. There's about we fteen or twenty responders out there.
Lots of flashing light.
Speaker 5 (51:11):
All right, big thanks to Tracy from spring Fire too.
She's helping me out there. It's causing a little reverdecking
on the main lanes. I got Tracy from Cyprus. I
believe he's on the west side.
Speaker 10 (51:21):
Dude Way eight ram Onto iten westbound. I found ice all.
Speaker 5 (51:28):
Right, look out that's that big overpass to watch out
there the belt at I ten west further northwest.
Speaker 6 (51:34):
I got Steve from Burton.
Speaker 10 (51:36):
Mike Dude Threw Brenna Chapel who Now, I'm hungry. That's
the Bucky all the way to ninety nine, No I s.
People are driving pretty good and back in high school
when the Knights is shining armor of war.
Speaker 6 (51:50):
Correct relations. I don't know what that award is. I
like to know what people want to involve a horse
and armor.
Speaker 5 (51:55):
Maybe I don't know if he could write it's jousting
seven one three two one two t I. We'll take
a look at your south side at six point twenty
and the Generator Supercenter, dot Com, Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (52:06):
CAMAR KTRH, top tax Defenders, twenty four hour Weather Center.
Nothing to laugh about with the forecast. If you have
a if you have a flight to Washington, d C.
To the year, you might as well get down.
Speaker 6 (52:16):
No you don't. You don't have a FLA.
Speaker 4 (52:18):
If you have a flight to Saint Louis, Missouri today,
No you don't know, you don't, Okay, And the list
goes on and on. It's kind of a big swath
across the middle part of the country that's being impacted
by someone.
Speaker 36 (52:27):
Speaker 24 (52:28):
So this winter storm Blair pulled out of Kansas and
Nebraska Missouri, made its way eastward through the Ohio Valley
into the mid Atlantic. Now that's where the active winter
storm mornings and winter weather advisories are from Illinois into
Virginia and even southern New Jersey.
Speaker 16 (52:47):
But here's the thing.
Speaker 24 (52:48):
They had so much snow and ice and temperatures are
below freezing that it's going to take a while for
the roads to clear out and the airports to open up.
So if you are traveling there, all ahead to make
sure that your flight will actually be able to land.
I'm sure at some point they'll get things back on track,
but I just have no idea how long that it's
going to take. And we are stuck in the cold
all week. Log folks, I mean, this is a big
dose of Arctic air. So there's a freeze warning until
nine o'clock, but a cold weather advisory until eleven o'clock.
That's because the wind hills are in the teens and
low twenties this morning, so you'll want to be well
covered up if you can't. Beautiful day, breezy at times.
The actual temperature today in the mid upper forties, so
it's obviously very cold, and then mid twenties to mid
thirties tonight Tomorrow, closer to fifty in the afternoon, but
then Wednesday's dry and temperatures will low to mid forties,
and then we're looking at some rain, Thursday and Friday.
Speaker 4 (53:48):
Step at you're right now thirty one at your officials.
Severe Weather station is Radio seven forty ktrh use Traffic
and Weather.
Speaker 3 (53:56):
You're starting your day right with Houston's Morning News, brought
to you byden New South Windows Solutions six twenty now
here on Houston's Morning News.
Speaker 4 (54:04):
Evidently the Biden administration thinks it's nineteen seventy or maybe
nineteen sixty four, nineteen sixty five. They continue to insist
the white supremacy is the most persistent lethal threat, more
of a threat than Islamic terrorism, which we've just got
an example of New Orleans. Beth Brilliant will join us.
He's a writer at the Federalist Heroes a story about it.
We'll talk to her next. First, though, we've got traffic
and weather together, starting with you, Skymike.
Speaker 5 (54:31):
All right, two forty nine Tomball Parkway. We had that
earlier wreck that was reported on which side are we
talking from? Southbound? That was said two forty nine and
Greens it's gone. It's out of the way. Thank you
Bryce from Magnolia for your help. Skymike and the Generator
Supercenter dot Com Traffic.
Speaker 4 (54:47):
Center from r KTRH Top tax Defenders twenty four hour
Weather Center. For today, we're looking at cold weather advisory.
That's until eleven am this morning. Wind chills in the
teens and twenties, sunny, cold, forty six for the high today,
down to thirty tonight, and then about fifty for the
high temperature tomorrow. Current temperature still thirty one at your
official severe weather station. News Radio seven forty k TRH.
Check out some of our top trending stories on the Monday.
Here's Cliff, Thank you, Jimmy.
Speaker 8 (55:14):
It is six twenty one.
Speaker 7 (55:15):
Kamala Harris will be forced to preside over her own
election laws, certifying it today in Congress, and her cot
weather Watch is in place through Friday because of the
cold and back on this day in nineteen seventy five,
Wheel of Fortune premiered the original host, Jimmy. Do you
remember I do not Chuck Woolery who died last year.
Speaker 4 (55:34):
Speaker 7 (55:34):
Get the latest news anytime at KTRH dot com. Our
next update is at six thirty Better.
Speaker 1 (55:40):
Boulder, Richard, safer and stronger.
Speaker 22 (55:43):
The return the great of America can come back on
News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 4 (55:52):
Yeah, that's what life is maybe more accurately, like in
nineteen sixty eight or nineteen seventy when that song came out.
It's kind of funny though, you remember Leonard Skynyrd Sweet Home, Alabama.
That was sort of an answer to what Neil Young
had written about the South. Neil Young came back and said,
America richly deserved the story, the shot that Leonard Skynyrd
gave me with their great record. I don't like my
words when I listen to it today. They are accusatory
and condescending, not fully thought out, and too easy to
misicans true, that's what he said in twenty twelve. So
obviously Neil Young realized the times have changed. Why can't
the federal government Beth really adjoints us, she's a writer
at the Federalist. Why is this an actual belief or
just a propaganda push by the Department of Justice that
somehow racism, in particular racism black on white racism is
the biggest problem this country still faces.
Speaker 15 (56:50):
Oh, Jimmy, I can't believe we are having this conversation
on January sixth, because it's all really started January sixth,
twenty twenty one. The Department of Justice tried to make
domestic violent extremism a national priority area in response to
January sixth, they were trying to milk all the political
currency they could out of the people going to the capital,
when actually most ordinary citizens who who went there wanted
Congress to investigate for corruption before certifiing the twenty twenty election,
which kind of crazy that's happening, you know today. But
within months, the FBI Director of Christopher Ray, told Congress
that January sixth was mostly people who were racially motivated
violent extremists who advocated for white supremacy. And then the
government likes to make a lot of reports that justify,
you know what it is, the direction they want to
take things. So there were a bunch of reports that
were put out saying, you know, white supremacy is the
biggest problem. And what happened was and this is not
even in my story because my story talks about how
the federal government moved its focus away from things like
ISIS and really focused on domestic terrorism. But in a
previous story I've written, I talk about how this is.
Back in twenty twenty three, I wrote this story how
the federal government spent twenty million dollars on grants to
combat white supremacy. And I'll tell you some of the
crazy ways they spent the money. And this is a
grant that was re upped in twenty twenty four, so
there's more of these kind of crazy things. But they
spent like four hundred thousand dollars on an eight episode
true crime podcast to prevent extremism and accelerate equity, which
does nothing to prevent isis right? They just totally took
their eye off the ball.
Speaker 4 (59:02):
It's about redistribution of wealth. It's about taking money and
just distributing it to people you like or people you
want to have it. That's it's a money it's a
money grab, it sounds like. But in the meantime, we're
not investigating the people like the guy in Houston who
ended up going to New Orleans and running over a
whole bunch of people. If we should have I mean,
he had a major presence on social media. Shouldn't the
FBI have known about him?
Speaker 15 (59:27):
Well, and we just learned over the weekend that he
traveled to Egypt and to Canada, which you know, they're
not sure what the connection there is of anything. But
first they said, well, We're pretty sure he worked with
other people, and then they quickly said, well, no, no,
he worked alone. And now they're saying, well, he traveled.
And you know, they're going to keep investigating. But you know,
because the DOJ and Biden spent so much time putting
all these January sixth attendees in prison and there's still
prosecuted these folks. And because they turned their eye onto
you know, what they considered the most lethal threat in America,
white supremacy, which is, you know, if it were so
prevalent and lethal, I think we would notice it a
lot more. They weren't paying attention to this kind of thing,
and they weren't taking it seriously. And yet we've known
about the threat from ISIS since before the Biden administration.
But because they did this, Americans have lost trust in
the Department of Justice and the FBI, and it's now
we call them the deep deep state. Now we just
don't trust what they're doing. Are they really going to
do the investigations we expect of them?
Speaker 6 (01:00:45):
And do we do?
Speaker 4 (01:00:46):
We expect them to protect President Trump and the inauguration.
Everybody there are civil for the inauguration, how worried, how worried.
Are you about that?
Speaker 15 (01:00:55):
I mean it, You know, the swamp exists. You remember
in twenty twenty he was you know, he's well, I
should say twenty twenty sixteen, he was going to go
in and clean out the swamp. And the swamp is
just so much deeper than anyone, you know, ever expected.
And you know, they don't really use that language anymore,
the swamp, but it still exists, and it's just it's
so dirty.
Speaker 4 (01:01:21):
Yeah, Bret, Beth, thanks for coming on the show. Good
to talk to you this morning. Do appreciate it. With
the federalists, that's writer Beth Brillia. It is six twenty eight.
It's time to take a look at your money and Jimmy,
Good morning. United Parcels Services Preparing for the future. UPS
has been quietly building a healthcare operation to offset stagnation
in its package delivery business. There's the potential for big
profit margins. Stock market futures are hired.
Speaker 6 (01:01:49):
This morning.
Speaker 23 (01:01:50):
I'm Jeff Beldinger, Bloomberg Business on News Radio seven forty KTRH,
No Houston's.
Speaker 26 (01:01:59):
New Why they Were Traffic plus Breaking News twenty four
to seven. This is News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 6 (01:02:06):
Child everywhere with the IRF.
Speaker 3 (01:02:09):
More of what's happening now from the John Morris Services Studios.
Speaker 4 (01:02:13):
It is six point thirty now here in Houston's Morning News.
I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among our top stories this f are
Trump is when gets certified today, the things that will
be hardest for Trump to fix, and coming up at
six thirty eight, the latest recall item might be a
problem if you're hauling something. Details in the minutes ahead.
You're in Houston's Morning News. First, we're taking out that
morning drive again. Here's Skymine Queer the Nord Freeway feeder.
That's I forty five in Spring at Luena.
Speaker 5 (01:02:42):
That was a whole fire at Starbucks Ponderosa Fire Department
with both a banana sticker and a pumpkin spice latte
Nord Freeway Andrew.
Speaker 6 (01:02:49):
Spring guy, Mike, we have a skunk here here, well said.
Speaker 31 (01:02:54):
Doubt found at Parker so then on the right side
with a blown tire in the hop All right.
Speaker 5 (01:03:00):
Extra points for Urban Skymike and the classic Buick GMC Traffic.
Speaker 4 (01:03:04):
Center from r KTRH Generator Supercenter, twenty four hour Weather
Center Cold weather Advisory until eleven am this morning. Wind
chills and the teens in the twenties. We're only going
to get to forty six today sunshine down to thirty
to night cold fifty tomorrow, so a little bit of
a rebound, then it goes back down again. Step at
you're right now thirty one at your official severe weather station,
News Radio seven forty k TRH. It's time now for
the news. Here's Cliffs Souders.
Speaker 8 (01:03:30):
Thank you, Jimmy.
Speaker 7 (01:03:31):
It's six thirty one on KGRH. We'll have the latest
on our first real blast of winter in a few moments.
But first, Congress will certify the election of Donald Trump
as president later today. After that they turn their attention
to confirming Trump's cabinet.
Speaker 1 (01:03:47):
Do them now, do them quick, get them all done.
Speaker 7 (01:03:49):
In January February, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham on Fox's
Sunday Morning Futures, the House convenes at one o'clock this afternoon.
The President elect has a lot to do once he
gets back to the White House, and the challenges facing
him aren't just from Democrats either.
Speaker 28 (01:04:05):
Well. Trump's biggest challenge is his own party. I mean,
the Republican Party is in complete disarray. They're all a
bunch of Trump haters, and they're going to do everything
they can to see how they can figure to screw
it up.
Speaker 7 (01:04:15):
Political analyst Matt Locke says Trump, though, we'll get a
lot of work done on his own and fast. And
despite everything we know, Senate Democrats still won't admit that
Joe Biden wasn't up to the job of leading the country.
Speaker 38 (01:04:30):
Do you feel, as we have this conversation today that
President Biden could serve another four years had he stayed
in the race and potentially won.
Speaker 13 (01:04:39):
Well, I'm not going to speculate, as I said, I
think his record is a stellar one.
Speaker 7 (01:04:44):
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on NBC's Meet the Press
coming up on six point thirty three in Austin, Dustin
Burroughs continues to call himself the next Speaker of the
Texas House, but he may lose more support from the
few Republicans backing him when the time comes to vote
next week.
Speaker 31 (01:05:03):
You're going to see a tremendous number of Republicans ship
their vote when it gets to the floor because there's
no way they want to throw their hat in with
Burroughs and the Democrat State Rep. Steve toath out of
Conro says that anyone who votes against the Republican Caucus
for Dustin Burrows will face it primary, and to that
Attorney General Ken Paxton is campaigning against some of Burroughs's supporters.
Urcott is issue to weather Watch that will go through
Friday because of the cold weather, claiming they are not
expecting any issues with the grid or any kind of
grid emergency due to higher demand.
Speaker 7 (01:05:41):
This is all part of winter Storm Blair that's turned deadly.
It's killed more than three and it's hit more than
twenty States. Travel is a mess this morning between Bush
and Hobby. We've got one hundred and ten flights either
delayed or canceled so far this morning six point thirty four.
Now President Joe Biden visit it's New Orleans today. After
last week's terror attack that killed fourteen and despite traveling
to Egypt and Canada, officials are claiming that shamsu didn't
Jabbar acted on his own.
Speaker 23 (01:06:11):
We have not seen any indications of an accomplice in
the United States, but we are still looking into potential
associates in the US and outside of our borders.
Speaker 7 (01:06:21):
We also found out that Jabar made a pair of
visits to New Orleans before the attack.
Speaker 8 (01:06:27):
More violent crime here in Houston.
Speaker 7 (01:06:29):
A shooter on the run after an incident in a
leaf yesterday that has one man hospitalized in critical condition,
and a pair of brothers are shot in North Harris
County overnight. One is dead, the other in the hospital.
Deputies are trying to figure out if this was an
accident or not. Didn't take long for former Harris County
DA Kim Ought to find a new job. She's the
senior policy advisor now for Harris County Precinct three Commissioner
Tom Ramsey, who, by the way, is the only Republican
Uncommissioner's court. It's six thirty five and looking at your money.
Unleashing American energy is part of the Trump plan to
bring prices down. Fox Oil expert Phil Flynn says futures
are positive about Trump's return and his reversal of Biden's
policies will bring us.
Speaker 33 (01:07:18):
Back instead of demonizing the oil and gas industry like
President Biden did.
Speaker 6 (01:07:22):
I think President Trump will work with them. I'll get
things moving.
Speaker 33 (01:07:26):
Let's be a safe and efficient Let's not just slow
down approval processes for.
Speaker 7 (01:07:31):
The sake of doing things but he says price drops
will not happen overnight and that might be too late
for some businesses. It's possible that more restaurants are going
to go belly up this year.
Speaker 41 (01:07:44):
They've been facing increasing cost of food and the ingredients
are much more expensive than they used to be. You've
got also at the transportation costs in there as well
for transporting the food to the restaurant and the suppliers,
combined with a decrease in demand. Because consumers have been
hit very hard in the wall of over the past
year due to inflation.
Speaker 7 (01:08:02):
Economist Hank Lewis says the rising cost of rent and
many people just deciding to eat at home are additional
reasons for closures in bankruptcies for local restaurants. The Federal
Reserve is projected to reduce interest rates three times this year,
but rates will still be at their highest level since
two thousand and eight, and that's going to result in
higher financing costs for consumers across various markets.
Speaker 37 (01:08:27):
We will see some improvement in auto loan rates. Expect
new car loan rates on average to come down to
seven percent by the end.
Speaker 36 (01:08:35):
Of the year.
Speaker 7 (01:08:36):
Bank rates Greg McBride says if you're holding out for
those four to five percent mortgage rates.
Speaker 8 (01:08:40):
Again, this will not be the year for that to happen.
Speaker 7 (01:08:44):
And your property tax bill is about to arrive, Harris
County residents are going to be in for a doozy.
Democrats on Commissioners Court voted to raise the tax rate
by ten percent because of Hurricane Beryl, but former Houston
mayoral candidate Bill King says rising home values mean that
the increase is actually closer to fifteen percent.
Speaker 36 (01:09:05):
When the need to start showing up and complaining about
it like they did about crime, and telling their neighbors
that these elections in twenty six are going to matter
because you have three members Commission's Court up been primarily
Leana Hill Daldher, who really pushed this agenda to raise
your property taxes.
Speaker 7 (01:09:19):
By the way, Hidalgo falsely claimed last year that the
tax increase was only eight percent. Six thirty seven. The
Texans beat the Titans twenty three to fourteen. They'll host
the Chargers in the playoffs next weekend after finishing the
regular season at ten and seven. The Rockets beat the
Lakers one nineteen to one fifteen. And I'm Cliff Saunders
on Houston's News, Weather and Traffic station KTRH.
Speaker 1 (01:09:42):
Traffic and Weather when you need it most every ten
minutes on the tens.
Speaker 3 (01:09:47):
This is Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett Tad the
Houston Morning News team.
Speaker 4 (01:09:54):
Probably have a trailer situation. Uh huh, six thirty eight
is that time here in Houston's Morning News. Actually, it's
not really for the kind of trailer you're going to
live in. It's the kind of trailer you would haul
behind you, or or you know, might have some law
and equipment on it, or it might be a U haul,
you know, because you've got a college student who's you've
got one of those little U haul things or whatever
it may be that you're hauling. We have a it's
not a trailer problem, it's a trailer hitch problem. You know,
the trailer hitch that's hooked to your vehicle to hook
up to the trailer. More than one hundred and forty
thousand trailer hitchlocks being recalled due to a loose part
that could cause towing vehicles to detach from their loads.
Horizon Global recalling certain rese hitch receiver locks produced between
September nineteenth and twenty nineteen. Well, that's a long time ago.
In June tenth of twenty twenty four due to a
manufacturing era. Wouldn't you think if there was a problem
with these hitches, they would discover that a little while ago.
According to the recall notice submitted to the National High
Traffic Safety Administration on December twenty third and published this week,
they cap on the receiver lock may lose its retention
over time. Well, I see it's a time problem or
under certain circumstances causing the lock to become loose and
separate from the pin. That could cause the impact vehicle
to separate from whatever it is hitch to. Here's the
funny part, increasing the risk of a crash. Really you
mean it that trailer I'm hauled behind me comes loose,
there might be a crash. Most certainly there'll be a
crash at least of the trailer Reese hitch receiver locks.
If you have one of those, check out the recall.
It's sick forty time for traffic and weather together. As
we check in again with Skymine tah.
Speaker 5 (01:11:40):
Katie Freeway, Jimmy Hop on the westbound side at Barker Cypress.
That's an accident it's moved over to the left shoulder.
It's kind of a sticky spot, so let's be super
careful here. Now, I've got some two ninety problems here
West Sam southbound at two ninety. That's coming down from
the horse track. So rec that's moved over to the side.
Everybody's fine, Just watch out. You got flashy lights and
all that business. Uh, this snuck up on us north Loop.
Piece found at airline right if you're trying to exit
the Farmers Market. Had some police activity there. That's out
of the way. South Freeway. You look good to eighty
eight from twenty two minutes. Manble up Gulf Freeway. I
don't have the wreck at at park Place. Melissa from
Maryland is listening on the free iHeartRadio app. She's got
a wind chill of fourteen. Terry Monroe listens every day
from Gunnison, Colorado. Ten degree windshill there. And I think
I've got Jack from Connecticut. He's about twenty four.
Speaker 6 (01:12:29):
So dude, good morning.
Speaker 36 (01:12:30):
Scat Mike Mama.
Speaker 10 (01:12:31):
Way to Brandley Airport here in Connecticut.
Speaker 15 (01:12:33):
Now passengers head into Houston to take good care of
room on the world.
Speaker 5 (01:12:36):
All right, Uber Michael, take care of him to ninety Mike, Magnolia, dude,
nice and dry and actually.
Speaker 10 (01:12:42):
A little bit light on traffic. Thirty three degrees here
at Spring, Cyprus, twenty nine degrees coming out of Magnolia,
so it's warming up further's out.
Speaker 6 (01:12:49):
Yet, all right, remind me if we have ice, You
got ice or not?
Speaker 5 (01:12:52):
Wherever you're coming from seven one three two one two tips.
I'm Skymike of the Classic Buick GMC Traffic.
Speaker 4 (01:12:58):
Center from r ktr H Generator super Center twenty four
hour Weather Center.
Speaker 6 (01:13:02):
Terry is here.
Speaker 4 (01:13:04):
This is week one of our two weeks of winter
this year, Terry, So, so I guess we might as
well go ahead and yeah, it's January.
Speaker 6 (01:13:12):
It's time for yeah, embrace it as well.
Speaker 8 (01:13:15):
Hey, listen, I know a lot of folks don't like
the cold.
Speaker 24 (01:13:17):
Don't blame them at all, but at least we are dry,
and that is much better than what we're seeing in
other parts of the country with the snow and the
ice and the cold and the cold that's so cold
that what falls frozen will be frozen for a while
for some places, but for us, we are sunny. It's
going to be a breezy day, a cold afternoon only
in the mid to upper forties. Today and tomorrow upper
forties to low fifties will be as warm as it gets,
cooling back down Wednesday into the low to mid forties,
and then there's rain on the way Thursday and Friday.
Now Thursdays looking like an even colder day upper thirties
to low forties, and Friday temperatures mid dupper forties. So
you could see, we're stuck with the call, but at
least we're dry through midweek.
Speaker 4 (01:14:06):
Temperature right now thirty one at your official severe weather station,
News Radio seven forty KTRH. All right, so more information
than as I've been mentioning this morning, has been coming
out about Jabbar. That's the Hustonian who went to New
Orleans and you ran over a bunch of people on
the sidewalk and finded these ied devices. Have you seen
the video, by the way, that the FBI has dug
up of him placing these coolers with these ied devices,
none of which evidently worked, Thank god, none of them exploded.
They were all very in very very busy areas. But
as it turns out, he'd been casing New Orleans for
a long long time. Here's a report on this from
our television partner KPRC two.
Speaker 42 (01:14:47):
This short clip shows Samson and Jabbar looking in the
mirror of his Houston rental home testing his metaglasses.
Speaker 8 (01:14:53):
In October.
Speaker 42 (01:14:54):
That same month, he recorded this video through his metaglasses,
riding through the French Quarter on a bike bicycle filming
his surroundings. Forensic studies professor David Thomas says it appears
Jabar scoped out the area months ahead, carefully planning his attack.
Speaker 43 (01:15:09):
I think about when you're driving down the road, you
want to know what every point of entry is going
to be and what is going to be the most
likely way.
Speaker 36 (01:15:16):
To get in.
Speaker 43 (01:15:17):
And it doesn't look like he had planned on getting out,
But if you were going to exit, then what was
the most likely way to be able to exit? So
you're looking at You're thinking what he's doing is putting
on his glasses and putting in his mindset, thinking like
law enforcement would think about how they are going to
protect that area.
Speaker 42 (01:15:35):
Three months later, on January first, Jabar is seen on
this video just hours before the attack, leaving the first
ied or homemade bomb inside of a blue cooler at
Bourbon Street in Saint Peter Street, It was found a
block away at Orlean Street after.
Speaker 6 (01:15:50):
Several people grabbed it and moved it out of their way.
Speaker 42 (01:15:53):
An hour later, Jabbar is seen leaving the second ied
inside another cooler at Bourbon and Toulouse Streets. The FBI
says these bombs failed because Jubbar used incorrect material.
Speaker 34 (01:16:04):
He didn't have access to detonator, so he used an
electric match. He didn't use the right of the correct
device to set it off, and that is just in
the indicative of is an experience in lack of understanding
how that material might be set off.
Speaker 6 (01:16:20):
Thank God.
Speaker 4 (01:16:21):
Six fifty one time for traffic and weather together is
check out the drive again. Here's sky Mike.
Speaker 6 (01:16:25):
Got some trouble here.
Speaker 5 (01:16:26):
This is West Sam southbound right at Golf Bank, right
before you hit two, right before you hit two ninety,
and it looks like it's affecting the ramp here.
Speaker 6 (01:16:35):
Just watch out it.
Speaker 5 (01:16:36):
We're moving by it, but we've got just a little
slow down and then we'll take a right lane. This
is West Sam southbound at Golf Bank. Lookout clear Katie Freeway, Barker, Cyprus.
That wrecks out of our way. That was on the
outbound and they've also pulled the fire trucks away from
the Starbucks on I forty five southbound at Lueta. If
you're a kid with green hair and a booger ring,
you may not have to go to work today. Skymike
and I think Buick GMC traffic.
Speaker 4 (01:17:01):
Center small business optimism way up since the election. We'll
have more than that story coming up in a moment. First,
our KTRH Generator super Center twenty four our weather center forecast.
We have a cold weather advisory that's until eleven AM
this morning, sunny, cold forty six, eventually clear, cold down
round thirty again tonight, and then sunny high temperature about
fifty four tomorrow. Current temperature is double check it for you.
Still thirty one at your official severe weather station. News
Radio seven forty KTRH. Time to check out some of
our top stories. It's a Monday morning. Here's Cliff, Thank you, Jimmy.
Speaker 8 (01:17:34):
Six fifty two.
Speaker 7 (01:17:35):
We've got an Arcot weather watch in effect through Friday.
Houston police are looking for a group that robbed a
convenience store in Houston earlier this year.
Speaker 8 (01:17:45):
They're calling it the Crock.
Speaker 7 (01:17:46):
Crew because the bad guys wore crocks. And if you
notice a change at the fries at Chick fil A. Well,
you're not alone. It's due to the use of peace
starch apparently, which customers on line of cold quote Gross.
Get the latest news anytime at KTRH dot com. Our
next updates at seven o'clock.
Speaker 2 (01:18:07):
But a new year is always a news year on
Houston's information station, New.
Speaker 22 (01:18:13):
Journeys, something new, it's new days in the new year.
Use radio seven KTRH Sex fifty three is our time
here at Houston's Wing News. Certainly there seems to be
some real small business optimism. I saw a group of
women who got you know, we're really very troubled with
where their business was going over the last four years.
Speaker 4 (01:18:32):
It was doing well under the first Trump term. Now
we have another Trump term coming. They're called the dessert Ladies.
By the way, here's what they're already seeing as far
as an increase in sales and what have you.
Speaker 44 (01:18:43):
Literally, the first phone calling me that morning was an
expletive yes, and we were so excited. And then my
next my next direct thought was, Okay, when we get
into Trump for their holiday party, we need to blow
this out and we need to make sure that we
have a huge Gingerbread White House for them as well
as the Trump Dminster White House, and really celebrate the
the new coming of business that we're looking forward to
because the past three and a half years have been
very difficult and now we're seeing already as a direct
result of him getting in a huge uptick in positivity
and momentum.
Speaker 8 (01:19:13):
And we just signed with W. B.
Speaker 44 (01:19:14):
Mason this past week and launched on their website and
now we are distributing for Food Buy and Compass USA
for I mean thousands of businesses across America starting for
next year. So already the growth is tremendous.
Speaker 45 (01:19:27):
The last three and a half years have been really
rough for many small businesses, So I just want to
drill down on that. Are you seeing people's optimism translate
into sales and consumer spending? Are you optimistic that they
feel Trump will fix the economy and so they are
free to spend a little bit more? And ingredient cauts
are an issue too, I'm wondering if you think those
will come down.
Speaker 44 (01:19:46):
Absolutely, So, we saw a huge setback from the inflation
the past three years, and everything from labor costs and
even what our own staff has experienced as far as
they're extended costs for heating bills and food and groceries.
Speaker 8 (01:20:00):
And that sort of thing.
Speaker 44 (01:20:00):
So now all of a sudden that we're seeing new
appointments automatically being scheduled for next year that we wouldn't
normally see until September October.
Speaker 8 (01:20:08):
As for the tradition from the last three years, now all.
Speaker 44 (01:20:10):
Of a sudden, it's really taking off and we have
new appointments set for January, March and all throughout the
spring that would have taken months to get beforehand.
Speaker 4 (01:20:19):
There you go, that sounds optimistic. Let's hope it is
a great year for a lot of businesses that have
been struggling for the last four years. All right, time
for the time, like, yes, it's back, got our prices,
We're ready to go. We have a four pack of tickets.
By the way, it's brought you by Velocity Business Products.
Four pack of tickets with pit passes to Monster Jam Sunday,
February the second d Nurg. Tickets are on sale now
at ticketmaster dot com. But you can win a pair
from us. Just tell us what years today's timeline's from.
Speaker 41 (01:20:44):
Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along.
Speaker 6 (01:20:48):
It was January that changes everything.
Speaker 46 (01:20:51):
Steve Jobs introduces Apple's latest device called the iPhone.
Speaker 8 (01:20:55):
Apple is going to reinvent the phone.
Speaker 36 (01:20:58):
On TV, I Could Kill Me.
Speaker 6 (01:21:00):
Michael C.
Speaker 46 (01:21:00):
Hall stars as a serial killer in the first season
of Dexter.
Speaker 6 (01:21:05):
On Showtime, Study is a surgeon.
Speaker 5 (01:21:07):
In the category of Best Achievement in Directing in Hollywood,
Martin sco SESI for the Departed.
Speaker 46 (01:21:12):
The Academy Awards nominations are announced then and.
Speaker 6 (01:21:19):
On the radio, the fray How to Save a Life
is top ten. What year was it?
Speaker 4 (01:21:28):
If you know seven one three, two and two fifty
eight seventy four, that's seven one, three two and two
k t r H.
Speaker 6 (01:21:34):
Good luck.
Speaker 4 (01:21:35):
All right, we have ourselves a winner. That'd be Stephanie
and Houston who the right year was two thousand and seven.
Well done, Stephanie. You get a four pack of tickets
with pit passes for Monster Jam Sunday, February the second
at NRG. Enjoy the show and thank you for listening
to Houston's morning news.
Speaker 1 (01:21:54):
Is used Radio seven forty kt RH Houston everywhere with
now the latest news, weather and traffic.
Speaker 3 (01:22:03):
It's more of what matters to you. From the John
Morris Services Studios.
Speaker 4 (01:22:08):
Seven AM is our time here on Houston's Morning News.
I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among our top stories this half hour.
Urkitz Or cod brother says we should be okay even
with these cold temperatures. Travel issues though across the country
from this wintry weather and coming up at seven o' eight,
our biggest worries for the new year details in the
minutes ahead. You're in Houston's Morning News. First, stick out
that morning drive again. Here's sky Mike.
Speaker 5 (01:22:32):
Got a stall truck on the hardy varn. This is outbound,
it's a right lane. It's not causing any kind of spackle.
But let's keep our eyes peeled. From nineteen sixty down
West Sam southbound at Golf Bank. Clear that accident. We
still have the suckage from West Road down. I'm Skymike
at your Generators Supercenter, dot Com Traffic.
Speaker 4 (01:22:49):
Center from r KTRH top tax Defenders, twenty four hour
Weather Center Cold weather advisory. That's until eleven am this morning.
Wind chills and the teens and the twenties actually up
to about forty six for a high today, but back
down around thirty degrees tonight, so below freezing again. It
is currently thirty at your official severe weather station, News
Radio seven forty k trhe it's time now for the news.
Here's Cliff Saunders.
Speaker 7 (01:23:15):
By the way, it feels like temperature Jimmy is twenty.
We are sponsored by the Oak Harvest Financial Group. In
our top story, Rcott issues a weather watch through Friday
because of the cold, great conditions. They are not expected
to get into any danger in Urkot claims there's no
expectation of any kind of emergency, but not everybody believes
what ur Cut says.
Speaker 9 (01:23:38):
Colder temperatures this week is putting Texas energy in high demand.
Speaker 10 (01:23:41):
If the forecast change is Irkcott takes a direct hit,
we could be in big trouble, especially with freezing precipitation.
Speaker 9 (01:23:49):
At Hers, energy fellow at the University of Houston says
the state needs more power plants.
Speaker 10 (01:23:54):
We do not have enough power plant in Texas to
meet the demand at night.
Speaker 9 (01:23:59):
Hers says it doesn't help that ERKHA and Centerpoint don't
have much credibility with the public at the moment. Chart
Lewis News Radio seven forty KJH.
Speaker 7 (01:24:06):
Thank you, Jared. The winter storm is hitting more than
twenty states. It's killed three people and cost major flight issues.
So far, according to flight aware dot com, We've got
fifty eight canceled flights out of Bush in thirty one delays.
There are eleven cancelations out of Hobby, with twelve flights
delayed so far seven point two.
Speaker 36 (01:24:26):
Speaker 7 (01:24:26):
Congress will meet later today to certify the election results
from November. House Speaker Mike Johnson says it's important to
get everything ready for Donald Trump's return on January twentieth.
Speaker 11 (01:24:39):
We want to make sure that we're jump starting the
agenda now over the next two weeks so that he's
prepared and ready on day one.
Speaker 7 (01:24:45):
Johnson with Fox's Sunday Morning Futures. Joe Biden has just
two weeks left in office, but he managed to outrage
many awarding billionaire donor George Soros and Hillary Clinton the
prestigious Medal of Freedom on set.
Speaker 12 (01:25:00):
I'm to surprise everybody by saying that I think it's
good that Hillary Clinton got this award because not a
lot of novelists and fiction writers get the award. And
yet the Hillary Clinton campaign financed and created one of
the greatest works of fiction and living memory in the
Steel Dos.
Speaker 7 (01:25:13):
Yay, that's how kicks. Mary Catherine Ham. It's now seven
oh three. There are new developments in the investigation into
the New Orleans terror attack. According to the FBI, shamps
who din Jabbar visited the city twice before the attack
and also traveled to Egypt and Canada. President Joe Biden
will be at the attack site later today. White House, meantime,
continues to try and spin how this all went down
under their nose.
Speaker 13 (01:25:41):
We have adverse nation states, and for the past ten years,
we've seen a significant increase in what we term homegrown
violent extremism.
Speaker 7 (01:25:50):
DHS Secretary Alejandro majorcis on ABC not talking about the
criticism of his department following the attack, and, as writer
Brilliant notes in The Federalist, instead of focusing on terrorists,
Biden's weaponized FBI spent the last four years going after Republicans.
Speaker 14 (01:26:09):
White supremacy, which is kind of code for MAGA. Republicans
as quote, the most persistent lethal threat. But I think
we know the most persistent lethal threat has been people
who are aligned with ISIS.
Speaker 7 (01:26:23):
And she says as a result, the US is not
safe right now. If seven oh four, here's something else
the mainstream media ignored for members of trendy Iragua. We're
caught trying to enter the country on New Year's Day
in Texas. We've told you they are nearly in twenty
states now and in Washington, DC as well. A big
part of the President elects plan to secure the barter
will be mass deportations, but there's a warning from the
incoming borders are and that of course would be Tom Homan.
Speaker 17 (01:26:55):
I think you'll see more rights on the board in
the beginning for it something we certainly have to do.
Speaker 18 (01:27:00):
We got to secure the boarder because it is the
biggest national security vulnerability we've ever seen.
Speaker 16 (01:27:04):
More violence, which Bob Price of Brightbarn, Texas says, will
be directed at border patrol agents.
Speaker 19 (01:27:11):
Physical assaults and fight assaults with weapons. The cartel and
these migrants seem to think this fair game on border
patrol agents.
Speaker 16 (01:27:19):
It's going to get worse, but it will get better.
Jeff Biggs, News Radio seven forty k TIH.
Speaker 7 (01:27:26):
The media also claims that Trump's deportations will cost eighty
eight billion dollars a year, but what they're not saying
is that it's actually cheaper than letting the illegal stay all.
Speaker 20 (01:27:37):
These other social services, you know, housing, food, medical care, schooling.
We're talking about something that may be close to another
one hundred and fifty billion dollars for state and federal funds.
Speaker 7 (01:27:48):
John Lott with the Crime Prevention Research Center says reality
is that the deportation program will likely cost much less
than that eighty eight billion dollars a year that the
mainstream media is planning about. As for natural born citizens,
according to NBC, only thirty six percent of Americans can
pass a citizenship test.
Speaker 6 (01:28:10):
First question who was president during World War One? Wilson pass,
oh Jee.
Speaker 8 (01:28:19):
And it gets worse.
Speaker 7 (01:28:20):
According to the Daily Signal, only three percent of high
school students can pass the test. Shocking news out of
Canada as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to resign
as the leader of the Liberal Party, maybe as soon
as today. His disapproval reading north of the border is
almost seventy percent. Our news time is now seven six.
The Houston Texans in the regular season by beating the
Titans twenty three to fourteen.
Speaker 21 (01:28:45):
Provarts we're back to back ten ways seasons, finishing undefeated
on a road in our division.
Speaker 7 (01:28:51):
Head coach Tamiko Ryans, By the way, that's what the
Titans get for wearing the Oilers throwbacks. The Texans will
host the Chargers in the wild Card round of the
playoffs on Saturday, kickoff at three point thirty. The Rockets
beat the Lakers one nineteen to one fifteen. They visit
the Wizards tomorrow night. And I'm Cliff Saunders on Houston's news,
weather and traffic station News Radio seven forty KTRHNET.
Speaker 1 (01:29:15):
Nine one HT two.
Speaker 3 (01:29:17):
It's used Radio seven forty KTRH on FM Houston's News, Weather,
Traffic and Talk at ninety nine one ht two.
Speaker 36 (01:29:25):
What it's like.
Speaker 6 (01:29:26):
What are you worried about?
Speaker 46 (01:29:27):
Speaker 4 (01:29:28):
Those people probably inflation seven leaders at a time here
in Houston's boring news. According to a recent Wallhub survey,
top concern for Americans in twenty twenty five is still inflation,
because I think most Americans realize that, you know, even
though inflation is not as bad as it was, prices
are not going backwards. And even though we have a
new president coming into office and in new Congress, they're
going to they're going to have to fix a lot
of stuff in order to obtain the inflation monster. The
big thing they need to do is stop spending so
much dog gone money is what they need to do.
That's where the Department of Government Efficiency comes in. Hopefully
they find some ways to save a bunch of money
and we can start catching up on our bills here.
That would certainly help. But that seems to be where
most of us have put our concerns for twenty twenty
five inflation. Fifty six percent said that's the biggest financial
worry for the coming year. Fifty two percent Americans say
they're also concerned about their personal finances. They're making plans
to make finance related New Year's resolutions, you know, maybe
find a new investor, maybe just concentrate more on saving
money and putting some of the money towards retirement, those
types of things. Saving is a bigger priority forty one
percent to save more money spending less also on the less.
Twenty one percent of response planned to spend less money
in twenty twenty five. And about sixty percent of us
feel that we probably won't achieve any of these things
that we want to achieve, which is, you know, that's
the thing about resolutions, right you don't you don't keep them.
If it's so only on you to keep it, then
what are the chances you're going to keep it. You know,
you got to find a way to involve others in
your resolutions in order to kind of hold your nose
to the grind stone. I think seven to ten. Time
for traffic and weather together as we check in again
with sky Mike Wright.
Speaker 5 (01:31:27):
We still have that spackle on the west Sam southbound.
We cleared the wreck at Golf Bank, but you're still
smunched up now after the horse track golf three way
I forty five.
Speaker 6 (01:31:35):
It's God Dug from.
Speaker 15 (01:31:36):
Conroky Mike dude, just doing you me and the fence
post at the Greggs exit. There's a car.
Speaker 10 (01:31:44):
Setting in the left hand lane, all.
Speaker 5 (01:31:46):
Right, that's outbound, not inbound. Looks like they moved into
the side Blake from New Caney.
Speaker 41 (01:31:50):
That is guy Mike heading down fifty nine from ninety
nine on the northeast side.
Speaker 10 (01:31:54):
We got no eyes, right, so you get the rank
and there is a solid vehicle with no life on,
kind of fixed up on it.
Speaker 5 (01:32:01):
Look out on the inbound all right. Then let me
know if there's ice or no ice where you are.
Seven one three two one two tips headed for the
Golden Triangle.
Speaker 37 (01:32:09):
Junior from Dayton, got my dude, sixty nine ninety seven,
which every one of these are going to Fort author.
Speaker 10 (01:32:15):
The only is not gonna look out floors Lewerty County.
Bobo sitting Endeavors, flashing his lights that should be going
over fifty.
Speaker 5 (01:32:21):
So no, I just win, all right, Banana stickers all around,
you know, Jimmy, my very first traffic ticket Liberty County.
Speaker 6 (01:32:28):
That's like, that's like Madonna talking about losing her virginity.
Speaker 5 (01:32:32):
Skymike and the Generator Supercenter, dot Com Traffic Center.
Speaker 4 (01:32:35):
From Barkati r Age Stop tax Defenders twenty four hour
withther Center. Terry Smith is here twenty nine right now
in Conrodterary. Uh yeah, that's one of the colder spots.
Everybody else seems to be around thirty thirty one thirty
two degrees right in that general range. So it's a freeze,
but at least it's not a hard freeze yet.
Speaker 24 (01:32:52):
Right, and and the cold air is just beginning to
make its way into Southeast Texas. So usual a good
rule of thumb is when you have a cold front
moved through, it's the second night that's going to be
the coldest night.
Speaker 8 (01:33:08):
We're just seeing the tip of the iceberg.
Speaker 1 (01:33:10):
So to speak.
Speaker 24 (01:33:10):
It's a chilly day today. You add in a little
bit of wind, and the winds are a bit breezy,
and they'll be breezy off and on. But you add
the wind into the equation and that makes it feel
more like in the teens the low twenties for a
lot of us. So there is that cold weather advisory
because of how cold it feels, and temperatures today will
only make it into the mid upper forties, so we're
not warming up much. It's going to be colder tonight,
mid twenties to mid thirties. Overnight Tomorrow a little bit warmer,
closer to fifty. But then Wednesday as a cloudy, dry
day and hies in the low to mid forties, and
we stay cold Thursday and Friday, and that's when.
Speaker 8 (01:33:50):
The rain moves in.
Speaker 24 (01:33:51):
So try to get things done before Thursday and Friday
because frankly, I'd probably just want to stay inside.
Speaker 4 (01:33:58):
Yeah, it sounds like it. I know you're not a botanist,
by the way, but we talk about windchill on our skin.
Does a windchill impact a plant?
Speaker 14 (01:34:06):
No, it does not.
Speaker 24 (01:34:06):
The whole concept of windchill is in relation to it
removing the heat from warm from warm blooded things like
people and dogs and cats.
Speaker 47 (01:34:20):
You know.
Speaker 8 (01:34:21):
So a plant doesn't have.
Speaker 24 (01:34:22):
Any blood that I'm aware of, so it wouldn't affect
them in that kind of way. But the actual temperature
definitely has an.
Speaker 6 (01:34:29):
Impact, no doubt.
Speaker 4 (01:34:30):
Right now thirty one at your official severe weather station,
News Radio seven forty k TRH. It's Houston's Morning News,
brought to you by New South Windows Solutions. Now back
to Jimmy Barretts and the Houston Morning News team.
Speaker 6 (01:34:45):
All the info you need to take on the day.
All right, So here we go again.
Speaker 4 (01:34:50):
We got a cold snap and there's worries about losing
bower and the grid freezing open and all that stuff.
And you know, it's the same same war we've had
for the last number of years, last four or five
plus years, if not longer. And we know we know
the solution, but nothing is being done to solve the problem,
which is frustrating. But we'll talk about it again with
doctor ed Hrs, Energy fellow at the University of Houston.
First though, at seven twenty Traffic and Weather togethers we
check out that drive once again with sky Mike right here.
Speaker 5 (01:35:20):
Give doctor ed Hurst a hardhead too. We're going to
the east side here, Jimmy, here's yours. We've got I
ten inbound Sandracento River Bridge. I've got either a wreck
or a stall. Hard to tell what you're doing right there,
but here comes the backup from three point thirty. This
is inbound Take two twenty five. I'm Skymike on the
Classic bu A GMC traffic Center from.
Speaker 4 (01:35:40):
R KTRH top tax defenders, twenty four hour weather center
for today. Lots of sunshine, but it's cold. We have
a cold weather advisory until eleven a m. Wind chills
in the teams and the twenties forty six for the
high today. Clear cold, about thirty tonight Sunday with a
high fifty four tomorrow. Current temperature thirty one. At your officials,
your weather station, News Radio seven forty k t RH.
We're checking out some of our top stories here on
this Monday morning. Here's Cliff, Thank you, Jimmy.
Speaker 7 (01:36:07):
Congress certifies Donald Trump's re election.
Speaker 8 (01:36:10):
Speaker 7 (01:36:11):
US Steel and NAPON Steele are suing the Biden administration
over his blocking their merger, and more than a third
of all workers globally Jimmy say they're considering changing jobs
this year got the latest news anytime at KTRH dot com.
Speaker 8 (01:36:26):
Our next updates at seven thirty.
Speaker 1 (01:36:28):
Checking in, I'm um money, why don't you call more?
Speaker 3 (01:36:31):
We all avoid it, but you'll better understand the world
around you if you check in with US News Radio
seven forty kt RH.
Speaker 4 (01:36:41):
All right, it's our official Centerpoint theme song. Seven twenty
two is their time here on Houston's Morning Newstown. We've
we've we've heard all this before, but we've got Center
Point Energy actively monitoring severe cold weather in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Indiana,
and Ohio or the course of the coming days even worse,
for example, in Louisiana, Mississippi, Indiana, and Ohio than it
is here. It's going to get a little bit colder.
I don't know if there are grids in better shape
than ours. I'm sure the one in Ohio is because
they're used to the gold weather. Doctor ed Hurst joins
us er G Fellow at the University of Houston. We
sound like a broken record with this, doctor Hurst, because
we talk about this every time winter comes around and
we get a cold snap, and here we go with
a gold snap, and nothing has really changed since the
last time we talked about a gold snap.
Speaker 17 (01:37:27):
That's absolutely right. In fact, let Lee talked about this
in twenty twenty one, following the freeze of February twenty
twenty one, also known as Uriah. It was obvious if
we did not add power plants to the grid, we
were going to be in more precarious position year after
year after year going forward.
Speaker 6 (01:37:46):
And well here we are.
Speaker 17 (01:37:48):
Ericott had said before URI that there was a five
percent chance of rolling blackouts. It's the storm hit with
freezing precipitation, and today that an eighty percent chance. And
that's because we do rely upon the wind. Right now,
it's generating more than fifteen thousand megawatts, which is a
healthy shot for the current demand. That's about twenty almost
twenty five percent of what we're using today at this moment.
But we need the coal plants. We need the gas
plants and the nuclear plants. We haven't made the transition
to renewables, and it's going to take a few years
to do that, and by few, I mean probably ten
before we get the batteries there that we need. The
coal plants average fifty five years in age at this point.
The natural gas plants average more than thirty years, and
nobody's building new ones on the grid. The governor and
the Lieutenant governor have tried and tried, and nobody wants
to build brand new power plants just to lose money.
Speaker 4 (01:38:50):
Right, Yeah, that's the bottom line. That's the same problem
that we've had. But at the end of the day,
the R and ERCOT is reliability, right, So it's their mission,
it's their job. Or vrovitis with a reliable energy sources,
So what.
Speaker 28 (01:39:04):
Do we do to.
Speaker 17 (01:39:06):
They don't have a way of doing that, ORCUTT doesn't
make the investments. You know, the California Independent System Operator
they California is a grid operator, actually went out and
contracted for five thousand megaatts of natural gas generators, which
they put online within two years and that's really improved
the reliability across California. But Texas for some reason has
not wanted.
Speaker 36 (01:39:31):
To do that.
Speaker 4 (01:39:33):
Well, I think they want the private sector to handle it, right,
But the problem is is the current business model does
not allow for enough profit for the private sectors.
Speaker 6 (01:39:41):
You said to make that investment, that's it exactly.
Speaker 17 (01:39:44):
And so you and I can't contract to with Center
Point or with NRG or Vistra because it's so fragmented today.
In the old days, you and I here in Houston,
we had Houston Lighting and Power, and Houston Lighting and
Power understood how many customers there were in the area
and what they would need to have on a hot
summer day or a cold winters day, and so our
bill during the year actually reflected the fact that they
had spare capacity and we were paying for that. Today,
the model doesn't allow consumers to actually pay for spare capacity.
If we do that, then we're doing that on our own.
Speaker 6 (01:40:26):
Such as AGB has had to do.
Speaker 17 (01:40:28):
They've installed backup generators at all their grocery stores because
on the first case, Centerpoint was so unreliable, in the
second because Urkot across the state is so unreliable.
Speaker 6 (01:40:39):
Well, certainly it's been a boom for generators sales.
Speaker 28 (01:40:44):
Speaker 6 (01:40:44):
You wonder who owns the generators these days, right, Well,
well that's.
Speaker 17 (01:40:48):
The sponsor of your show.
Speaker 10 (01:40:51):
Uh you know, but that's that's a rich man's solution.
Speaker 17 (01:40:55):
Uh, you know, if we go without power, as we've
seen for example during Barrel and that was that was
a last mile issue, that was a distribution issue with
the wires and the fabric of society breaks down pretty quickly.
Traffic lights go out, water systems go down. It's very
difficult to operate without electricity in the twenty first century.
And no one in this, you know, in Austin, is
really taking this with a degree of urgency that's required.
Speaker 4 (01:41:25):
Okay, Well, as we know, they have a tendency to
make it more urgent. When it actually happens, then they're
getting all the complaints and then it just kind of
goes to the back burner again. Is this something that
can only be fixed? I hate to say it, because
I don't believe in every thing's being fixed necessarily by government.
But does the government need to get back into the
power business in order to fix the problem?
Speaker 17 (01:41:48):
Well, the government isn't in the power business. I mean,
this is not a regulated grid. This is a government
operated grid. You know Chief Justice Nathan Heck Who's has
ruled that Urkat is an arm of the state. This
is one hundred percent government operated. The government decides how
much electricity to buy during the day, It decides the
price in the wholesale market. It uses an old style
Russian input output computer model, an algorithm. I mean, this
is one hundred percent government control and It's essentially the
same as a you know, pick a government agency that
goes out and buys pencils or office shares or office supplies.
That's what the State of Texas is doing for us
every minute of the day with our electricity grid.
Speaker 4 (01:42:35):
All right, well, we're not making any progress yet, but
mane if we keep complaining, Thank you, sir, appreciated, Doctor
ed herz Erg Fellow at the University of Houston. Seven
twenty eight. Jeff Bellinger is here with a look at
your money and.
Speaker 23 (01:42:46):
Looks like a positive start to head on Wall Street
to Jimmy S and P futures or up forty six
Nasdaq futures or up two hundred and seventeen points, and
the Dole futures are up one hundred and seventy one.
I'm Jeff Beldinger, Bloomberg. Business is Radio seven forty k TRH.
Speaker 6 (01:43:05):
You are no Houston's News.
Speaker 26 (01:43:07):
Why there were traffic plus Preaking News twenty four to seventh.
This is News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 3 (01:43:14):
Child Everywhere with IRP more of what's happening now from
the John Morris Services Studios seven thirty.
Speaker 4 (01:43:23):
Now You're on Houston's Morning News. I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among
our top stories this half hour. Trump's win gets certified
today the things will be the hardest for Trump to fix.
And coming up at seven thirty eight more information on
the Vegas Green Beret details in the minutes ahead. You're
on Houston's Morning News. First, we're checking out that morning
drive again. Here's Guy Mine.
Speaker 6 (01:43:43):
All right, Jimmy, put your hard hat home. We're going
to it in East.
Speaker 10 (01:43:46):
Dude, I'm i at the Sands Semo River going. There's
an accident home bridge.
Speaker 5 (01:43:51):
Right ktr H. The listeners the first to know about it.
Looks like the rest of the media has it now.
They're calling it a stall. I've got a good authority.
It's a wreck. A take a lot flane out here.
Two eighty eight slow at alum Meta, Genoa and West Park.
Speaker 6 (01:44:04):
Clear the rec at Fondern. I'm Skymike in the classic
Buick GMC Traffic.
Speaker 4 (01:44:08):
Center from our KTRH Generator Supercenter. Twenty four hour Weather Center.
Cold weather advisory. That's until eleven am this morning. Sunny cold,
about forty six eventually for high temperature winchill right down
the teams and the twenties. We're back down around thirty
degrees for low tonight. We'll check out the rest of
the forecast with Terry Smith that the Weather Channel will
do that in about eight minutes. Temperature right now thirty
one at your official severe weather station, News Radio seven
forty KTRH. It's time now for the news. Here's Sliff Saunders.
Speaker 8 (01:44:37):
Thank you, Jimmy.
Speaker 7 (01:44:38):
Good morning everyone. At seven thirty two. We'll have the
latest on the cold snap coming up. But before that,
Congress meets today to certify the election of Donald Trump,
and after that they can get to work on getting
his nominees confirmed before the inauguration in two weeks.
Speaker 27 (01:44:58):
These nominees are going to go through a committee. They
get a lot, they're going to have to answer questions.
There will be some hard questions posed. We're going to
do everything we can to ensure that he has the
people he wants in place.
Speaker 7 (01:45:09):
New Senate Majority Leader John Thune on NBC's Meet the Press,
The President elect is a long to do list and
a long list of challenges ahead of him.
Speaker 28 (01:45:18):
Well, there's all kinds of things that you know, the
Biden administration is doing, with spending, with the economy, with
the illegals, with the border, I mean, look, all of
these folks on the left and the right are only
interested in one thing, and that's power.
Speaker 7 (01:45:33):
Political analyst Matt Locke expects a lot of executive orders
to start flying out on day one of Trump's second term.
Trump will be sentenced in the Manhattan business fraud case
on Friday. New York Republican Congressman Mike Lawler says the
whole thing's a joke.
Speaker 29 (01:45:49):
Aalvin Bragg took what would have amounted to, at worst
a violation of the FEC and turned it from a
federal case into a statecase and from a misdemeanor into
a felony.
Speaker 7 (01:46:01):
Judge Warmer Shawn has said he will not sentenced Trump
to any jail time. It's now seven thirty three. The
Texas Legislature starts work next week, with Dustin Burrows claiming
he will lead the House Attorney General Ken Paxton's campaigning
against him.
Speaker 30 (01:46:17):
Despite opposition from Paxton and other conservatives, Burrows hasn't stopped.
Speaker 31 (01:46:21):
People are continuing to be barraged by texts that are
coming from the lobby. It's not a conservative group, it's
a lobbyist group that's sending out all these text messages.
Speaker 30 (01:46:30):
State Representative Steve Toth told KTRH, these Republicans backing Burroughs
are going to face consequences for it.
Speaker 31 (01:46:36):
They're going to find out very quickly how painful supporting
Dustin Burrows is when they run for reelection in the primary.
Speaker 30 (01:46:43):
Tooth says he thinks when the time actually comes to vote,
many of the Republican holdouts will wind up voting for
GOP nominee David Cook. Ethan Buchanan News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 7 (01:46:53):
It is now seven thirty four and thanks to the
cold snap, or COT is issued a whether watch from
today through Friday, claiming they're not expecting any problems with
the grid or any emergencies due to high demand. This
is all part of winter Storm Blair impacting twenty states.
It's making travel a big headache. This morning, one hundred
and fifteen flights are either delayed or canceled out of
Bush and Hobby combined this morning. President elect Trump wants
to fix inflation by bringing down energy bills, cutting them
in half, but is that realistic.
Speaker 32 (01:47:27):
Considering every product we use involves fossil fuel costs could
drop almost ten percent.
Speaker 33 (01:47:31):
When they hear things like hell. Stop drilling in the
Gulf of Mexico. Save the planet. They don't realize every
person on this planet is dependent on fossil fuels.
Speaker 32 (01:47:41):
Fox Oil and Gas expert Phil Flynn says futures are
excited about Trump's return, but the biggest challenge is undoing
Biden's mess.
Speaker 33 (01:47:48):
They scared away investments, they slowed down drilling in federal lands.
Speaker 6 (01:47:53):
They've caused a lot of uncertainty in the marketplace.
Speaker 32 (01:47:55):
He has a good start to dropping prices is removing
Biden's executive energy order.
Speaker 6 (01:48:00):
Andre Perard News Radio seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 7 (01:48:03):
Seven thirty five. Now New Orleans officials say the terror
attack that killed fourteen last week could have been worse
if not for a mistake that shamsu Din Jabbar made
with his bombs.
Speaker 34 (01:48:14):
He didn't use the right of the correct device to
set it off, and that is just indicative of is
an experience in lack of understanding how that material might
be set off.
Speaker 7 (01:48:26):
The President visits New Orleans today. Here at home, violent
crime continued. Police still looking for the shooter after a
man was heard critically near a Washington Avenue food truck,
and a man is in critical condition after a shooting
that led to a crash in the a leaf area
of the shooter in both cases are on the run.
Former Harris County DA Kim Ogg has a new job.
She'll be the senior policy advisor for the lone Republican
on Commissioner's Court. Harris County is Priestinct three Commissioner Tom
Ramsey at seven thirty six, we're looking at your money,
and if you live in Harris County, your property taxes
are about to go up even higher than you imagined.
Speaker 35 (01:49:04):
County Judge Lena Hidalgo and Democrats on Commissioner's Court raised
property tax rates by ten percent, using a loophole in
state law that allows them to exceed limits because of
a natural disaster. But former Houston mayoral candidate Bill King
says it's even worse than that.
Speaker 36 (01:49:18):
At the time they pass that rate increase, they knew
that the house that I used were going to go
up around four or five percent. You've astified at ten
percent times of four or five percent, so you get
like a fifteen percent tax increase from the average house.
Speaker 15 (01:49:31):
For the year.
Speaker 35 (01:49:32):
State Senator Paul Bettencourt is pledging to try to repeal
that loophole in the new legislature, which begins next week.
Corey Yolson News Radio seven forty KTRHCH Federal Reserve.
Speaker 7 (01:49:41):
They're expected to cut interest rates three times this year. Now,
while these cuts will reduce some borrowing cuts, they will costs. Rather,
they will still leave rates at their highest level since
two thousand and eight.
Speaker 37 (01:49:52):
You've been holding out for those four and five percent
mortgage rates of yesteryear. Twenty twenty five is not going.
Speaker 8 (01:49:59):
To be that bank rates.
Speaker 7 (01:50:00):
Greg McBride and finally, the Texans in the regular season
on a high note, beating Tennessee twenty three to fourteen.
They'll host the Chargers in the playoffs on Saturday. I'm
Cliff Saunders on Houston's News Weather in Traffic station KTRH.
Speaker 2 (01:50:15):
A new year is always a news year. On Houston's information.
Speaker 22 (01:50:20):
Station, New Journey is something new each two days in
the new year. Use Radio seven KTRH.
Speaker 8 (01:50:27):
The Green Blue Ray.
Speaker 10 (01:50:29):
So the.
Speaker 4 (01:50:31):
Highly decorated Green Bray who killed himself in front of
a hotel in Las Vegas in a suicide, left a
letter behind. In it he sort of indicated why he
was doing what he was doing. There's a lot of
theories about whether or not he was suffering from PTSD.
That could very well be the case, but certainly it
continues to shock a lot of people that he served
with that this has happened. So first we begin with
a little tiny bit from the press conference from the
Las Vegas Police Department explaining some of the things that
we're in that letter that seemed to be the motivation
behind the suicide. In reaction from Tim Kennedy, who's the
founder of Save Our Allies and he's a former Green
Bray who has, it turned out, served with this guy
at one point.
Speaker 48 (01:51:17):
This is an excerpt from that letter, he says, fellow
service members, veterans, and all Americans time to wake up.
We are being led by weak and fecless leadership who.
Speaker 6 (01:51:25):
Only served to enrich themselves. This was not a terrorist attack.
Speaker 48 (01:51:28):
As a wake up call, Americans only pay attention to
spectacles and violence. What better way to get my point
across than a stunt with fireworks and explosives.
Speaker 6 (01:51:36):
What did you make of those letters? I mean, they
seemed unhinged.
Speaker 49 (01:51:39):
You know, his current standing was one that he is
a good soldier, and you know then kind of clearly
in a few months leading.
Speaker 6 (01:51:48):
Up to what happen in front of the Trump Tower
in Las Vegas. Something broke, and.
Speaker 49 (01:51:55):
They're very scary letters to come from somebody that is
so talented in so many different things. You know that
the selection process for green Brais is arduous, and they're very,
very particular, and very rarely do you see. Of course,
there's going to be bad apples, but this doesn't seem
like a bad apple. This seems like somebody that was
hurt or broken or very scared, and you know, it's
just it's I've been at a loss for words for
the past day and a half.
Speaker 4 (01:52:24):
If it is PTSD, who knows what it is that
they might have set this whole thing off. Hard to say,
but it gives us at least a little bit of
insight into why that happened. Seven forty time for traffic
and weather. Together's we check out that dride once again.
Here's sky Mike.
Speaker 5 (01:52:38):
All right, and as usual, you know what, not only
our KTRH and iHeartRadio listeners the first to know what's
happening on the freeway, you're also the first to know
when it's clear.
Speaker 6 (01:52:47):
Let's check you out, hard hats.
Speaker 37 (01:52:48):
Hey got Mike Anthony from the hard work and hate
thought here here will sick.
Speaker 10 (01:52:52):
It went through the big.
Speaker 6 (01:52:53):
Buffle boom burbage at.
Speaker 10 (01:52:56):
The river cleared. Now there was nothing there, just a
big backup.
Speaker 6 (01:53:00):
All right, banana sticker and extra points.
Speaker 5 (01:53:02):
Anthony seven one three, two one two tips. I'm still
concerned a little bit cheery about ice. So hopefully everybody
will call in and say, you know, ice, no ice.
Wherever you are round the horn, let's check two eighty eight.
You're doing nice. It's a little thicket alme to Genoa.
Really a decent morning for two eighty eight. You don't
even need those pricey toll lanes back to the East Freeway.
I didn't want to mention we have the backup still
from Thompson Road inbound coming this way at also three thirty.
Speaker 6 (01:53:27):
I would stay the course. I think those will be gone.
You got roadwork.
Speaker 5 (01:53:30):
Nord Sam still there, Alding Westfield westbound eastbound Imperial Valley.
Kind of a skunch there west Loop. We're going down
to uptown from two ninety.
Speaker 6 (01:53:39):
Does that make sense?
Speaker 5 (01:53:40):
We're losing about three minutes heading southbound, and then the
Southwest Freeway spackled up at West Park and also right
by the golf ball Terry eastbound Grand Parkway northbound. You
big shots, you're a little stuffed up there in extra
eight minutes heading over toward the Woodlands, I forty five.
Did you say there's a variable for Thursday? I'm skylike
on the classic Buick GMC track.
Speaker 4 (01:54:00):
I hear Bucky says a lot of ice from our
KATYRH Generator Supercenter, twenty four hour weather Center, Terry Smith,
is here variables? You want to talk about variables for
Thursday and Friday?
Speaker 8 (01:54:12):
Like, what kind of variables do you have in mind?
Speaker 6 (01:54:15):
Well, here's the thing we've got. We've got this.
Speaker 4 (01:54:17):
You know, we've got temperatures that are forecast. The highs
are going to be very low, like maybe forty to
forty five degrees, and the lows aren't going to be
that much lower, at least the way the forecast right now,
mid thirties. That's kind of getting towards that.
Speaker 8 (01:54:33):
Are you getting nervous?
Speaker 1 (01:54:34):
Is that what you yeah?
Speaker 6 (01:54:35):
Getting towards the borderline of freezing precipitation.
Speaker 8 (01:54:38):
It is, so it's a couple of days out.
Speaker 24 (01:54:41):
The storm itself hasn't formed, but it's in a position
right along the coast to the south of us that
makes it a possibility that there could be something frozen,
So we're going to be watching it. You don't need
to do anything about it right now. We'll try to
give you at least twenty four hours notice before Armageddon
freezes over.
Speaker 8 (01:55:05):
You know, right now, I'm thinking it's just rain to
be quite honest.
Speaker 24 (01:55:11):
But we'll see because we're kind of on that borderline
and it can change, so we'll let you know what happens.
Speaker 8 (01:55:18):
I'll tell you this.
Speaker 24 (01:55:19):
I can say with certainty we are dry through Wednesday,
and we are cold, mid upper forties today, upper forties
to low fifties tomorrow, load of mid forties on Wednesday,
and then the rain. An eighty percent chance of getting
wet Thursday, and a sixty percent chance of showers on Friday.
Speaker 4 (01:55:36):
All right, most of us are still below freezing right now,
Conrod twenty nine. It is thirty one in the city
and thirty at your official severe weather station, News Radio
seven forty KTRH.
Speaker 6 (01:55:47):
What you need to know for the day ahead.
Speaker 3 (01:55:50):
This is Houston's morning News, brought to you by New
South Windows Solutions.
Speaker 4 (01:55:55):
Seven to fifties a time. Here in Houston's boring news.
Do you know who Jim Gaffigan is the commute hot
buckets that guy. Anyway, he evidently has regrets about alienating
Trump supporters with some of the things he said about
Trump during the last campaign. More than that story coming
up next, But first we've got traffic and weather together.
Sky Mike starts it off.
Speaker 6 (01:56:18):
Now we're tangled up downtown.
Speaker 5 (01:56:20):
That's east text the elevated slope for a minute, made
southbound Katie Freeway. You'll hit the brakes right before the
presidents at Houston Avenue. We cleared the wreck off of
it in east at the at the San Jazano River Bridge.
Speaker 6 (01:56:32):
Still some breaks. Graham Parkway North, it's uber Mike.
Speaker 10 (01:56:36):
Hey, it was up scab Mike heads up ninety nine
and down right past Gosling Road. Looks like there's a
couple of ninjas already on the seam boo. Hopefully they'll
get to.
Speaker 5 (01:56:46):
Take care of all right, extra points for verbage there.
I knew we had something there. Look out from the
golf ball. Actually it's almost backed up Pastor kirkandall loose.
About twelve minutes going that way eastbound. Skymike on a
classic Buick GMC Traffic.
Speaker 4 (01:56:59):
Center KTRH Generator Super Center twenty four hour Weather Center
Cold Weather Advisory. That's an effect until eleven am this morning. Sunny,
cold forty six, but that doesn't figure in the windshield.
The windsors still brisk out there, So the windshield this
morning's been in the teens and the twenties in some spots.
They're cold about thirty tonight sunnay fifty Tomorrow thirty four
Tomorrow night only about forty four. High temperature on Wednesday. Yikes.
Temperature right now is thirty At your officials Severe Weather
Station News Radio seven forty KTRH. Time to get you
caught up on some of our top Monday morning stories.
Here's Cliff, Thank you.
Speaker 7 (01:57:34):
Jimmy Urkhott says there's no grid emergency despite issuing a
weather launch for this week. Winter Storm Blair has killed
at least three people so far. In Congress will certify
Donald Trump's election this afternoon. Get the latest news anytime
at KTRH dot com. Our next update is that eight o'clock.
Speaker 3 (01:57:52):
I live in clearly humble, reliable KTRH traffic and weather.
Speaker 1 (01:57:57):
Next on the ten.
Speaker 4 (01:58:00):
You don't for most of his comedian career, and I
happen to think that Jim Gaffigan is very funny, but
for most of his career he was a political. Now
he he got little political on Saturday Night Live by
you know, doing Tim Waltz on Saturday Night Live. But
what really made him political was the way he kind
of lashed out at Trump and Trump supporters during the
last election. You know, he sort of outed himself at
that point. He now is looking back at that with
some regrets, really kind of wishes he hadn't done it.
So here's Jim Gaffigan explaining why he wishes he hadn't
done it and reaction to that.
Speaker 50 (01:58:41):
I regret that people think that I was criticizing people
that support Trump. That was never the intention, it was, uh,
I you know, I regret to kind of I mean,
I definitely someone said like, now I can't follow you,
and I kind of said f you to them. There
are true die hard Trump fans that you know, probably
enjoyed my comedy that because they feel so passionately, will
never forgive me.
Speaker 6 (01:59:14):
They don't get it right.
Speaker 51 (01:59:15):
They make the insults Daggan and they do this and
then they realize that, wow, I don't have any fans
coming to my shows. So now all of a sudden,
They're like, but it's not even an apology. It's kind
of like a well until it's good for me again,
so CNN starts paying higher booking prices. We're just gonna
start walking over to Foxes.
Speaker 6 (01:59:35):
And we've seen a lot of it.
Speaker 51 (01:59:36):
Can we see a lot of people who were so
ANSI and now they're like, hey, is any seats available
over there?
Speaker 1 (01:59:40):
Speaker 47 (01:59:41):
So Greg Guttfeldt put on X like the last day
or two. It was a photo of like Colbert and
Kimmel and those other just hideously unfunny people who are
all losing to guttfelt exclamation point. And I thought that
Gaffigan is worried about being included in that toilet soup
that he.
Speaker 1 (02:00:07):
Is looking at.
Speaker 38 (02:00:08):
He's like, if I'm on that list, I am a
comedian underneath, mate, like somewhere below JEdgar Hoover and ni
Ki cruse Chef in terms of being funny. So he's
worried about his legacy.
Speaker 4 (02:00:25):
Yeah, maybe, but it also sounds like a non apology apology.
You know, it's well, if Trump's supporters took offense, that
really wasn't what I was trying to do, and that
was not my intention? Well, what's your intention? What's the
old saying, the road to Hell's paid with what good intentions?
Speaker 47 (02:00:51):
Speaker 4 (02:00:52):
It doesn't really matter what your intention was, What was
the result of what you did, and what did you
really accomplish by doing it? You know why, if you're
in the in the comedian game and you've never been
known for being political before, and your humor is not
based on politics, why start now? Why Why destroy your
brand over politics? At the end of the day, nobody's
going to care about. Nobody's going to vote or nobody
did vote, certainly for the Democratic candidate based on what
Jim Gaffigan had to say about Trump and Trump supporters
not on the least, I guess last night, though I
didn't see the Golden Globes, I don't really care to
watch that kind of stuff, But I understand that Nicki Glaser,
who's the comedian host of that, was very equal opportunity
if she had a lot of fun lampooning Hollywood celebrities
for supporting Kamala Harris, so she was willing to be
political last night.
Speaker 6 (02:01:50):
Got a run.
Speaker 4 (02:01:50):
Listen, You'll have a great day. See tomorrow morning. Brighton
nearly five I'll see the staff from four on AM
nine fifty KPRC