Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Is Larry K.
Speaker 2 (00:00):
Fish, joints, US retired colonel to the US Marines and
writer of a story we saw an American thinker we
wanted to find out more about cold. It's about the
tyrannical war on truth and information. Larry, Welcome to our
show here this morning. Here's I think we know what's
going on here as far as misinformation, half truth and
downright lives that the American people are being told. The
question becomes, with all the help that the globalists are
getting from a very willing mainstream media, what can we
do about it?
Speaker 1 (00:29):
Well, Hi, Jim chare, thanks so much for having us,
for having me on this morning. Yeah, that's the big question.
So when you look at, let's face it, the globalists
are raging war on we the people. And when you
look at this and from a war fighter's perspective, you
have to find out what their center of gravity is. Okay,
and you've already alluded to it. Their center of gravity
is where do they get their strength? And what if
we take away ensures their demise? And in this situation,
we already realize the reason they've been able to make
such progress and do this is because they own the narrative.
If you own the story, you own the world, right,
And that's what they've done. So they've been able to
overcome and take over, let's face it, ninety percent of
our media outlets, you know, you know, take away good
radio stations like yourself, podcasters, different different radio shows, and
news outlets, which is only about ten percent is sharing
the truth. So how do we do that? How do
we defeat the globalists that own the narrative? Well, it's easy,
but it's but it's hard. The bottom line is you
have to share the truth, right, because they cannot survive
the truth. And I've been pushing this a long time.
They can't survive the truth. So that's what we must do.
So every time we hear a lie, we have to
be able to counter it with the truth ten times
and that's challenging when we're being suppressed on every single
channel and they own the mass media. So it's a
it's a slow process. But the biggest weapon they have
is the TV, and and and and the corporate media outlets.
So how can we yet wake people up enough to
realize we have to turn it off. We have to
stop listening to sources that have no credibility. So and
this is you know, I'm an infantry guy by trade,
but I've done intel work as well. And the rule
in the intel community is do not listen to any
source that doesn't have credibility, okay, and.
Speaker 3 (02:36):
Only listen to information that is credible, and only really
use it if you have two sources that are credible
me they have a long chalk record of telling me
the truth and they're corroborating.
Speaker 4 (02:48):
Sadly though, sadly though, the propaganda field has already been
laid through schools. I mean, we have entire generations who
believe man made global warming is the reason why we
have hurricanes, and on and on and on man made
global warming, and everything follows from that, and then the
government piles on, I mean, is coming from every area.
How do you get And now you've got people who
believe that misinformation should not be allowed, whatever misinformation is.
Speaker 1 (03:21):
Yeah, yeah, no, you're absolutely right. I mean, this is
not an easy problem because there have been so many
folks that have been sucked in. Fortunately, we don't need
one hundred percent of the population to know the truth.
We don't even need fifty, but we need enough to
be able to turn the tide. You know, I think
twenty to thirty percent. In fact, we can look at
COVID for example, the COVID experiment was they pushed this.
I'm going to use quotes air finger quotes, safe and
effective vaccine out to the people. The World Economic Forum
has already come out and said the pandemic was just
to see how far we could push the population. Between
sixty and seventy plus percent of the people took the vaccine,
even though it was not safe, even though it was
not effective. We're seeing the results now. So you're looking
at a critical population, people that think critically only about
thirty percent. But you're right, this is not easy. How
do we do it. We have to get the word
out and if we can just share that. I mean,
we know our corporate media has lied to us about
Russian collusion. We know they lied to us Hunter's laptop.
We know they lied to of us the JAB being
safe and effective. We know they lied to us about
the election of twenty twenty. We know they lied to
us about January sixth insurrection life. But we do have
to get to these people, and I encourage I'm going
around speaking to different groups. I'm doing writing I'm doing
podcasts and I'm just I'm trying to get the information out.
You're doing the information, but how do we do it? Ultimately,
we need to get a Patriot in office. Well, I mean,
let's look at.
Speaker 2 (04:55):
This and ultimately, because we're running out of time rapidly,
but ultimately, people have to pay the price for the misinformation.
People have to pay the price for lying to the
American public. People need to be prosecuted, and so far
that's not happening. Thank you for your time, sir, do
appreciate it. Larry Kayfish, retired Colonel US Marines and writer
with an American Thinker at seven twenty seven