Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Songs about flying in Houston. Is the airport even open
right now? Mayor John Whitmyer joins us Mayor of the
City of Houston. Is the airport opens their no sair
it's still closed. Do you have any idea when the
airport will open?
Speaker 2 (00:14):
A couple of hundred people sleeping on Concept Bush Airport.
But we're providing form your nineings cooperating, but no flights today.
Speaker 1 (00:22):
Okay, got you no flights today. This is not exactly
Chamber of Commerce weather, is it.
Speaker 2 (00:30):
I don't know. Uh, it's not what we advertise, but
it's pretty special, particularly if you prepare for it. It'll
interrupt a lot of commerce and in honestly, school and
government activities and lifestyle. But you know, I think everybody should.
Like my grandkids there, they were cheering for their Oh yeah,
I had a little problem in the family. I was.
They saw me on TV concerned about to snow while
they wanted the snow. So you know, that's just a
learning experience. But anyway, I'm very pleased with our status report.
We've had over one thousand and twelve people in our
warming center, so we provided for the most vulnerable that
wouldn't get off the street. We had the course a
few of them to get into a warming center. But
you know, we continue to deal with that population after
we come through the storm. But you know, people are
staying off the streets. We did get the report of
the rosenbird three eighteen wheelers, and can't explain that circumstance
other than they trying to make their deadlines, I guess.
But you know, Houstonians have cooperated. We have a great
city and great people, and we meet our challenges. And
I'm just urger body to continue to stay off the roads.
The danger will be when this melts later today and
in freezers overnight, so in the morning will be be
a major concern. But I'm working at home. Pore your
department heads. We'll get out after lunch and go to
some fire and police stations or emergency centers. So all
hands on deck. O're all very pleased. I'll put a
really good team together at city Hall. A lot of experience,
so you know right now, I'm very pleased, But we
can't let up. Let up. I'm looking out the Window's snowing, yep.
So there'll be uh, there'll be locations. I'll tell you
one that probably doesn't surprise your listeners. We had two
outlaws try to steal an ATM machine mid morning. They
didn't red lines for snow, left their footprints. How you
know how apropos and I just got that report from
the brief feeding. They were captured real quick. I guess
that's why President is filled with a lot of stupid people.
But you try to steal something in this snow, you
will leave tracks. So you know. I don't know if
any of the outlaws listen to you, but tell them
we're watching them.
Speaker 1 (03:06):
I think our audience is mainly the people trying to
arrest the outlaws. But I appreciate what you're saying, sir,
and I'm glad to hear things are going well. I
only got about ten seconds left. Are you concerned about
tonight going down into the upper teens around twenty degrees
As far as water means and that kind of thing,
We're going.
Speaker 2 (03:21):
To be concerned all week. Like I said, this will
melt later today, We're toe it'll freeze overnight, so in
the morning will be very dangerous conditions for traveling. So
I still encourage everybody to stay out throads, looking out
for our most vultable residents and your pets. Don't tie
your pets up outdoors. Yes, violate state law, but it's
so dangerous, so everybody look out for everybody. We have
a great city and right now we're hungered down and
doing the right things. So I'm available if you need
TOSE Advisor any time today.
Speaker 1 (03:55):
All right, sir, we'll call you back. I'm sure. Thank
you for your time. As always, it is used to
make John whip Meyer