All Episodes

January 7, 2025 • 119 mins
Jimmy Barrett takes you through the stories that matter the most on the morning of 01/07/25.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
This is huge Radio seven forty kat rh Houston.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Live Everywhere with Art now, the latest news, weather, and
it's more of what matters to you from the John
Morris Services studios. Well, good morning, five am is our
time here on Houston's Morning News. I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among
our top stories as we get started this morning. Trump
has his election victory. It's been certified. Now it's onto

the cabinet. Is Biden making the transition less peaceful and
coming up at five oh eight, Biden puts a ban
on certain gas water heaters that it's coming soon. Details
in the minutes ahead. You're in Houston's Morning News. First,
we're choking out that morning drive. It's a chili morning
out there. This guy could be possible ice too.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
Normally it would be slinky time with this little stuff
going on on the board.

Speaker 4 (00:52):
But not really now because of the.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
Possibility of possibly some that makes sense, some ice here
or there.

Speaker 4 (00:59):
At least the wind is.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Chillaxed a little bit if you're trying to go over
ship channel bridges.

Speaker 4 (01:03):
For now, we're good to go.

Speaker 3 (01:04):
Just be super careful on bridges overpasses, and you know,
sometimes water just trickles out here. There freeways of rocking
now Skymike on the Generator Supercenter, dot Com Traffic.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
Center from r KTRH top tax Defenders, twenty four hour
weather center. For today's sunny with the high temperature right
about fifty, We're back down around thirty two tonight, so
at least one more night of freezing temperatures for some
of us. We'll get the latest on the forecast, especially
on Thursday when the weather, especially to our north up
around Dallas. They're talking eight to twelve inches of snow
up there. Can't wait to talk to Terry about that.

In about nine minutes right down thirty one at your
official SIP, your weather station, News radio seven forty KTRH.
It's time now for the news. Here's Class Sanders.

Speaker 5 (01:45):
Thank you, Jimmy. Good morning everyone, five o two on KGRH.
We'll get to the cold snap in a moment, but
first today.

Speaker 6 (01:51):
I did what I have done my entire career, which
just takes seriously the oaths that I have taken many times.

Speaker 5 (01:58):
Kamala Harris officially tofying her election loss to Donald Trump yesterday.
Republicans are now looking to get as many of Trump's
cabinet confirmed asap.

Speaker 7 (02:09):
We recognize the urgent situation that we have now been
left with because of four years of America Last and
of weakness.

Speaker 5 (02:16):
Flauriada Congresswoman Cat Camick on Fox Well, the actgoing administration
talks about a peaceful transfer of power, but their actions
speak louder than words. They're desperately trying to maintain control.

Speaker 8 (02:30):
Biden is trying to make sure the deep state holds
onto some of it before he leaves office.

Speaker 9 (02:34):
Biden is essentially trying to Trump proof the federal government,
which is what the hard left demands. It's obviously not
consistent with the way residential transitions usually occur.

Speaker 8 (02:43):
Political strategist Matt mccoveac says that Biden is also going
out of his way to kneecap Trump's agenda.

Speaker 9 (02:48):
He's gone out on policy with his executive order seeking
to ban offshore drilling in US waters.

Speaker 5 (02:54):
Unclear how quickly.

Speaker 10 (02:56):
That can be undone.

Speaker 8 (02:57):
Mccoveyac did say that Trump can undo most of Biden's
last minute executive orders, but again that could take some time.
Ethan Beginnon News Radio seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 5 (03:05):
And one of those orders, Biden permanently banned future offshore
oil and gas development in parts of the Atlantic and
Pacific Ocean.

Speaker 11 (03:13):
These kinds of midnight regulations that are being put in
place by the Biden administration are going to undermine American
energy security and hurt American consumers.

Speaker 10 (03:22):
That's not what America voted for.

Speaker 5 (03:24):
Mike Summers with the American Petroleum Institute. Now, the President
elect says he'll reverse this, but he actually needs Congress
to do it for him. That's because in twenty nineteen,
a federal judge ruled that the Outer Continental Shelf Lands
Act does not permit presidents to overturn bands established by

previous administrations five oh four. Now, one thing Trump can
do has issue pardons for the January sixth prisoners, something
he's expected to do.

Speaker 12 (03:55):
I think I suspect that he will start with the
lowest hanging fruit, which is the eight hundred nine hundred
who were convicted or took three deals for the four
or five common misdemeanors.

Speaker 5 (04:05):
Julie Kelly telling KTRH is Clay Travis and Buck Sexton
that Trump will likely issue some executive order relating to
j six as soon as the twentieth. While north of
the border, a major political shift yesterday.

Speaker 13 (04:19):
I intend to resign as party leader as Prime minister
after the party selects its next leader through a robust,
nationwide competitive process.

Speaker 5 (04:33):
Justin Trudeau has been the Canadian Prime minister since twenty fifteen.
His disapproval rating was nearly at seventy percent. Coming up
on five zero five, Texas Governor Greg Abbott activates the
state emergency response to deal with this week's cold snap,
already responsible for at least one death, a man who
died at a metro bus shelter on the East Side.

While so far we've got less delays at the airports
than we had yesterday day, right now, Flataware says there
are eleven flights delayed at Bush with ten cancelations at Hobby.
We've got eight delays and eleven cancelations nationwide. It does
continue to look like a mess, with over seven hundred
and seventy five flights canceled, nearly five hundred delayed here

at home. Euston City Council meets today and one thing
that's on the agenda a proposed center point rate hike.

Speaker 14 (05:26):
Any rate adjustment for centerpoint right now will be heavily scrutinized,
and I think that will be the difference in this year.
I think it's scrutinized every year when they bring it.

Speaker 5 (05:35):
City Council Member Sally Acorn. The request from Center Point
is to address quote, infrastructure improvements. Remember they walked back
a rate increase request in August after their Hurricane Beryl response.
We could have an opening on Harris County Commissioner's Court,
at least according to a new lawsuit, which says that

Precinct two Commissioner Adrian Garcia gave up his seat when
he took a job in Galveston.

Speaker 15 (06:02):
And according to attorney Jared Neywar, Garcia's seat is now vacant.

Speaker 16 (06:07):
Accepting the conflicting position when you're already an office holder
by Texas law of over one hundred years, means that
he automatically resigned as commissioner.

Speaker 15 (06:16):
And because of that, Neywar is calling for a special
election for the seat in May.

Speaker 16 (06:20):
Harris County Commissioner's Court has an obligation to call an election,
and because they're not acknowledging that duty, we're going to
court to force them to call that election.

Speaker 15 (06:29):
Local pastor Richard Vega plans to run for Garcias seat.
Jeff Bigs News Radio seven forty k tieries and.

Speaker 5 (06:37):
Looking at your money. Gasoline price is check in this
morning at two sixty a gallon across Houston, So where
are they headed?

Speaker 17 (06:45):
I think prices will camp out in the mid two
dollars range in Houston for the next couple of weeks.

Speaker 5 (06:50):
Patrick de'han with Gasbuddy. In case you're wondering that Biden
ban on drilling and undeveloped waters won't impact prices now,
but it might down the road. Trump prepares to take
office and has the goal of restoring the economy to
pre COVID levels and I'm sharing in a golden age
of America.

Speaker 18 (07:08):
And Trump's strategy to achieve this goal emphasizes collaboration with
the private sector and approach that was largely overlooked under
the Biden administration's regulatory agenda.

Speaker 19 (07:18):
Making sure that the government is not getting in the
way of business being able to expand and had murders
and acquisitions, and looking at what's best for the consumer
versus what politicians thinks that's best for them.

Speaker 18 (07:29):
Economist doctor Van Skin says another crucial STEMP is the
reauthorization of the Trump tax cuts from twenty seventeen that
are set to expire this year. The Trump economic policies
are set to better resonate with the financial realities of
everyday Americans. Eric Sharp News Radio seven forty k TRH.

Speaker 5 (07:46):
College basketball UH beats TCU sixty five forty six. The
Rockets are in Washington tonight pregame at five on seven
to ninety. I'm Cliff Saunders on Youson's news Weather in
traffic station KTRH.

Speaker 20 (07:58):
What happened the greatest political comment comeback of all time?

Speaker 10 (08:03):
This has ever been two, three, four times?

Speaker 21 (08:05):
Today News Radio seven j t RH.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
Is that the next thing to get banned by Biden?
Singing in the shower? Yeah, if you're sing the shower,
you take too much time in the shower, You use
too much energy. Therefore it's band five O eat is
our time here on Houston's morning News. All right, we
have a ban on certain hot water heat They even
said that in this article hot water heaters. It's not
a hot water heater, it's a water heater. Hot water

is Yeah, it's a it's a misnomber. Anyway, I'm nitpicking here,
that's not that's not the main thing I want to
I want to talk about here. The Department of energy
through President Biden is banning certain water heaters, and as
a result of that, water heaters in general are going
to end up being more expensive or lean on non

instantaneous storage tank water heaters, which are generally cheaper but
tend to be less efficient than the ones that are
facing a ban. The new rules require new tankless gas
water heaters to use about thirteen percent less energy than
today's least efficient tankless models. The rules apply to both
non condensing and condensing gas water heaters, but the rules

increase efficiency requirements to a threshold that only condensing models
can meet, So that means that non condensing water heaters
end up getting banned by the year twenty twenty nine.
That's about forty percent of the available water heaters on
the market today. Reni, which calls itself the leader in

tankless technology as a tankless non condensing natural gas water
heater costs about one thousand bucks at home depot, while
the comparable condensing tank goes for eighteen hundred, So that
almost doubles the cost right there of getting a water heater.
So what is going to do is drive up the price.

Does it mean that you won't be able to get
a gas water heater. It just means you're going to
have to give one that's a whole lot more expensive.
This ruling goes into effect in twenty twenty nine, unless,
of course, the new incoming administration does something about it.
Five ten. Time for traffic and weather together. Water heater
like me a good long hot shower, how about you, skym.

Speaker 4 (10:23):
Out I like to sing too, Sorry, it's too early
for that.

Speaker 3 (10:27):
Let's go to the hard work and east side your
put your hard heads on as we check out your
fred Hart Membridge.

Speaker 22 (10:32):

Speaker 3 (10:33):
Let me see if I can get a camera shot
of that quickly. We're looking at one six Heart Membridge.
Go from the baytown side here, let's check out number
one three zero seven, my favorite camera in the whole
Transtar site. You can go to their website, play the
home game and looking this way.

Speaker 4 (10:47):
Oh how pretty? Look at that nice shot.

Speaker 3 (10:49):
It's cold out there, Terry, But both ways between Missouri
Street and the Laporte side, we're in good shape here,
toll bridge rocking along both ways. It's nice to have
two actual lanes southbound, the two twenty five and six
ten year Sherman Bridge. I've got some kind of pavement
supposed to be their pavement work supposed to be there
later today and we've got that moving nights.

Speaker 4 (11:10):
Sure is glad to have the roadwork too.

Speaker 3 (11:12):
Also wayside right in front of Guswortham golf Course, that
was sure disastrous.

Speaker 4 (11:17):
That's out of the way.

Speaker 3 (11:18):
So if you ever need a back hack around across
Buffalo by you or the Houston Ship Channel, Wayside's a
good way around that stuff.

Speaker 4 (11:25):
Let's check your southwest side.

Speaker 3 (11:26):
At the twenty break, I'm Skymike at the Generator Supercenter,
dot Com Traffic.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
Center, rum r R Katie rh Top Tax Defenders twenty
four hour Wether Center. We got another cold morning here,
Terry Smith. But it's Thursday that everybody in Texas is
concerned about. The governor has put out a is activated
with the emergency folks for Thursday, in particular for North
Texas in the Dallas area where there's they're looking at
what you Well, it's Dallas. We don't mind to put

a snow getting dumped on Dallas. We we just minded
to put a snow gets stuffed on us.

Speaker 23 (11:59):
Yeah, well, they're not going to get a foot of snow,
and I don't think we'll see any snow either at
this point, Yeah, it mainly is north central northeast Texas
that is concerned about this developing storm and what may
happen between Thursday and Friday. And best estimates at this
point is Dallas could get anywhere from two to four

five inches of snowfall in that time period. But just
south of it, that's where it gets even more dicey
because it's not just snow. It could be a little
bit of freezing rain or sleep that mixes in, and
that's the worst because that makes it just so much
more slippery for not never mind driving, but just if

you're outside sidewalks and that kind of thing gets kind
of icy. So it's rain for us though. And it
starts Thursday and continues into Friday. And right now we
got sunshine or we will shortly and temperatures just a
little bit warmer briefly upper forties to low fifties today.

Tomorrow we'll start to get some clouds ahead of that
developing storm, but dry low to mid forties tomorrow Thursday,
and eighty percent chance of showers. Friday, We've got a
sixty percent chance of showers in the morning, and Saturday
all nice and sunny and dry, and I'm so excited
Saturday will be the warmest day of the week with
our highs in the low to mid fifties.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
Wow, I know who thought that would be something to
get so excited about? Right now thirty two at your officials,
Severe Weather Station, News Radio seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 21 (13:38):
It's Houston's Morning News, brought to you byen New South
Windows Solutions. Now back to Jimmy Barrets and the Houston
Morning News team all the info you need to take
on the day.

Speaker 2 (13:49):
So, if you priced eggs lately at the storem if
you bought eggs, you've seen what's going on with the
price of eggs right going back up through the roof again.
It's bird flu related. We're told. It's also having a
big impact on restaurants. We'll hear from a guy owns
about sixty restaurants. I don't think most of them are
breakfast places, so but it's still I mean, he has
some thoughts on what's going on with egg prices and

what's going on with restaurant prices in general. He may
have some good news for us when it comes to that.
We'll talk to that issue next first, though, traffic and
mother together which came first, chicken or the egg. Yeah,
had to be a chicken to have an egg.

Speaker 3 (14:25):
If it's the golf freeway first, it was the roadwork,
and it's happened during the Texas Revolution and it's still
on now from Tiquy Island up to BUCkies. It's a lifestyle,
just three little skinny lanes and the text wall of death.
So look out there. We've got some real cold spots
out there. There could possibly be some ice on your overpasses.

Speaker 4 (14:44):
To look out.

Speaker 3 (14:45):
I'm Skymike on the Chicken in the Generator Supercenter dru
Cut Center.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
From our KTRH tom Test Defenders twenty four hour weather Center.
For today, we're looking at sunshine with a high temperature
right about fifty. You're to partly colld you about thirty
two again tonight. Clouds forty four tomorrow down to thirty
eight tomorrow night, so we stay about freezing starting tomorrow night.
Card temperature is double check it here for you thirty

two at your official severe weather station, News Radio seven
forty KTRH. Let's check out some of our top stories
on this Tuesday. Here's clip.

Speaker 5 (15:19):
Thank you, Jimmy. We are sponsored by Morrow Mechanical Governor
Abbott activates the state's emergency response because of the cold snap.
Manhattan Judge Wan Rashaan denies Donald Trump's request to delay
Friday's sentencing in the business fraud case. And maybe this
is because of the peace starts they're using in the
waffle fries. Chick fil A brings back two popular drinks

for the first time in five years, key Lime Frosted
Lemonade and key Lime Lemonade. Get the latest news anytime
at KTRH dot com. Our next updates at five thirty.

Speaker 2 (15:50):
You like free stuff. We all like free stuff.

Speaker 21 (15:54):
Guess what. Our iHeartRadio app is free and free never.

Speaker 2 (15:59):
Sound and it's so good. You know, they don't write
songs like that anymore. It's probably a reason five twenty
three is at a time here in Houston's morning. He
is a right bird flu. Y know, we've got a
couple of things going on with bird flu. Number one,
it would appear that bird flu is kind of working
its way through other species, which might be a bit

of a problem going forward. But the bore immediate impact,
of course, is the price of eggs. And just about
everything big has eggs in it, and just about anything
you want for breakfast has eggs in it, so that
has driven up certainly menu prices when it comes to breakfast.
So what about that and what about restaurant inflation in general?

Cameron Mitchell, restaurant's founder and CEO, Cameron Mitchell, talks about
the impact of the bird flu and maybe have some
good news about restaurant prices going forward.

Speaker 24 (16:51):
Eggs per dozen are almost who over double what they
normally would be right now, So that's impact. Yes, Fortunately
for us, it's not a huge part of our business.
We're not really in the breakfast segment per se as
some other company operators are, and certainly chicken prices themselves
are much higher also today how.

Speaker 25 (17:10):
Much of these just sort of general higher prices chicken, steak,
everything has started to really impact your business?

Speaker 24 (17:19):
Well, I think there's a little bit of a misnomber
there currently today as we stand, especially as we finished
out twenty twenty four, our cost of goods were much lower,
almost a point of total sales versus twenty twenty three.
So the huge price increases in what you just quoted
there were front loaded in twenty two and twenty three

and have subsided in twenty four a little bit and
we've actually seen some reductions. So we're pretty comfortable today
with where our cost of goods are in relationship to
sales overall.

Speaker 25 (17:52):
Okay, so you're actually seeing prices come down a little
bit year every year.

Speaker 4 (17:57):
Is that accurate?

Speaker 10 (17:59):
That is true.

Speaker 24 (18:00):
We you know, we could not in twenty two and
twenty one, twenty two, we could not raise our prices
high enough to keep up with increase cost some goods
and food prices. Today we're actually raising our prices very
very little. We raise our prices very little on twenty
twenty four and expect twenty twenty five to be the same,

about half of what we would normally raise our prices
around two percent per year versus four So and that's
a lot of it's because of the ease of pressure
not only in the cost of goods, but also labor
wages of society a bit also along the way.

Speaker 2 (18:37):
Okay, prices of subsidy or they're probably going to continued
to increase, but maybe not the same rate, which is
good because eating out is got to be a very
very expensive thing to do. I enjoy doing it, but
you know the breakfast that used to cost about for
two people used to cost I don't know. Twenty to
twenty two dollars is now thirty two dollars. You know,

the dinner that used to go for two people about
thirty two dollars is now forty two dollars. I mean
it's compare to what it was four years ago. It's
not going up as much, but it still hurts. Five
twenty six, you're a news radio seven forty ktrh. Time
to take a look at your money. Here's Jeff Bellinger
and Jimmy good Morning.

Speaker 26 (19:16):
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announce new rules to help
people who incur medical debt. Most unpaid medical bills will
not appear on credit reports, and that means consumers with
otherwise good payment records will not see their credit ratings
suffer because doctors' bills. The personal computer market has been
stagnant of late, but Dell is hoping to change that

and make PCs cool again. The company is rebranding most
of its PCs, borrowing a page from Apple's playbook. Most
Dell PC's will fall into one of three tiers Dell,
Dell Pro and Dell Promax and contract talks resumed today
between unionized DOC workers and the Maritime Alliance If there's
no agreement by a week from tomorrow, a strike could

show down the nation's East Coast and Gulf Coast ports.
Stock market futures S and P futures are up eight,
Nasdaq futures are up nineteen, and the Dow futures are
up fifty seven points after Stock's closed mix yesterday. I'm
Jeff Beldinger, Bloomberg Business on News Radio seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 4 (20:19):
You are no Houston's News.

Speaker 27 (20:22):
Why there are traffic plus breaking news twenty four to seven.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
This is US Radio seven forty KTRH five everywhere within
the IRF.

Speaker 21 (20:31):
More of what's happening now from the John Moore Services Studios.

Speaker 2 (20:36):
Five thirty is our time here on Houston's Morning News.
I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among our top stories this hour, Governor
Abbitt gets Texas ready for a weather emergency, Mexico worried
about a US military intervention. And coming up at five
thirty eight, the flu is on the rise, and there's
a new virus coming out of China. Details in the
minutes ahead. You're in Houston's Morning News. First China No,

No China Okay, Sky Mike.

Speaker 4 (21:03):
Traffick, Good Weather, here's me.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
Let's check out your big shots now on ninety nine
Grand Parkway from Mott Bellevue. We look good from I
ten all the way rot Bealvue, around the China actually
New Caney, and then from New Cany. If you're somebody's
butler and Tomball, you're having an easy ride rest of
our freeways rock. I would just be super careful just
in case we might have a nice.

Speaker 4 (21:23):
Spot here or there.

Speaker 3 (21:24):
I'm Skymike on the Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic.

Speaker 2 (21:26):
Center from our KTRH Generator Supercenter twenty four hour weather Center.
We have a weather advisory cold weather advisory till nine
am this morning, Sunday. Today, we get up around fifty
degrees for the high temperature. Little warmer for tonight too,
although a few folks will get into the freezing stuff.
We'll talk to Terry Smith about that. It's evemen's safe
to put the plants back outdoors. We'll talk to her

in about eight minutes. Temperature right now is thirty two
at your official severe weather station, News Radio seven forty KTRH.
It's time now for the news. Here's Cliff Sanders.

Speaker 5 (21:58):
Thank you, Jimmy. It's five thirty two on KTRH and
our top story the cold Governor Greg Abbott because of
this cold snap has activated state emergency responses, mostly for
what's coming on Thursday. The cold weather blamed for the
death of a Houston man at a bus shelter on
the East Side. In the meantime, winter Storm Blair is
responsible for at least six deaths nationwide. All of this

made traveling a big problem yesterday, and those travel problems
continue this morning. So far, according the Flight of Where,
we've got eleven canceled flights at Hobby ten at Bush.
That number is certain to go up. It is now
five point thirty two on KTRH. We have to get
President Trump's nominees in office now. Incoming National Security Advisor

Michael Waltz with KTRH a Sean Hannity. That comes just
hours after Congress certified the election of Donald Trump yesterday,
and Republicans are pushing to have his national security picks
like Waltz confirmed six days after the terrors that killed
fourteen people in New Orleans.

Speaker 28 (23:02):
As for the investigation, we've learned that late last year,
Shamsa and Jabbar made two trips to New Orleans, including
one in October, when the FBI says he recorded videos
wearing meta smart glasses while riding a bike through the
French Quarter.

Speaker 5 (23:15):
Garretenny in New Orleans. President Joe Biden and the first Lady,
doctor Jill Biden, were in New Orleans last night. And
we know now that Americans are being radicalized against their
own country, and unfortunately we're not doing enough to stop it.

Speaker 29 (23:30):
The New Orleans attacker was born and raised here, but
pledged allegiance to ISIS and became a terrorist. Extremism researcher
Ryan Morrow tells Fox that a dangerous anti American mindset
is being allowed to fester in our country.

Speaker 22 (23:41):
There are still these jihad factories specifically for ISIS, but
for the Islamist's ideology overall. That operated through registered nonprofits
and online as well. So there is an infrastructure that
creates the pipe effect.

Speaker 29 (23:55):
That mindset includes excusing anti Semitism, attacking American patriotism, and
minimize the importance of citizenship. Coryolson, News Radio seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 5 (24:04):
It's now five point thirty four on KTRH, and there's
the border crisis. Illegal aliens are now riding on top
of dangerous cargo trains like one that's been called the Beast,
just to get to the US in time for cartels
to smuggle them in. But that might be just the
beginning for them.

Speaker 30 (24:21):
Cartels and criminals smugging networks in Mexico, They're going to
become more desperate. They're going to want to change and
adapt to what the policies or you want to be
in twenty twenty five and so on.

Speaker 5 (24:31):
Chris Olivars with Texas DPS. There are reports that the
cartels have started to dig tunnels with railways and elevators
in order to get the illegals and their drugs here
after Trump shuts the border down. On top of that,
Mexico is now concerned that once Trump returns to office,
he could order the military to go after the cartels.

Speaker 15 (24:54):
Jason Jones, or retired military captain with the Texas DPS,
says they should.

Speaker 31 (25:00):
We cannot allow what the Mexican government has allowed to
happen in their country, and we have to go after
these cartails.

Speaker 2 (25:08):
So what would that look like?

Speaker 9 (25:09):
What we truly needed to attack is what they call
the company, and that's the lawyers, that is the accountants.
So those are the people who run the organization and
feed it so that it can.

Speaker 15 (25:19):
Survive cartels that he says must be stopped. Jeff Biggs,
News Radio seven forty KY Tier eight.

Speaker 5 (25:27):
It's five point thirty five. He Euston cop shoots and
kills a bad guy who tried to grab another officer's weapon.

Speaker 32 (25:33):
Yesterday, officers are trying to get the suspect in the
custody that were fighting and rolling around in the ground.
At one point the suspect was on top of the officer,
which is when he was reaching, had his hand on
his weapon and his culture.

Speaker 5 (25:45):
This all started when HPD got a call about a
man slashing tires and breaking car windows. The State Bar
of Texas' website had an asterisk next to the new
County DA Seawan tears name saying he was not eligible
to practice law. Tier apparently missed two hours of required education.
He claims he made those up and paid to fine.

The state's website now says he is eligible. The return
to law and order under Trump could lead to a
new wave of gun friendly laws, which might include a
national constitution carry. Chris picknutt with Texas Gun Right and
says Trump has a better grasp on what gun owners
want and even Democrat law fair won't stop him.

Speaker 33 (26:27):
Back in twenty twenty two, we had the Brewin decision
that is the facto sledgehammer for our lawsuits moving forward.
Is basically what the Brewined decision did was say that
any gun regulations have to point to the history to
be able to justify.

Speaker 5 (26:41):
Any of these banned the state of Texas past constitutional carry.
In twenty twenty one, also in Austin, the governor appoints
Jimmy Blacklock as Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court
to replace Nathan hect who retired on December thirty First
coming up on seven thirty seven and victor of the
tornado in Montgomery County last month, have yet another problem

to deal with the insurance companies.

Speaker 34 (27:07):
And that takes a lot of patience. In most cases,
there are negotiations over insurance payouts. Then there's the mortgage
company's interest in the settlement. Texas Lone Star president Leith
Dyke says the top thing to beware.

Speaker 35 (27:19):
Of contractors that are just trying to get a quick
buck and not really going to be there to you know,
finish the job number one, which is the biggest risk.
But then secondarily, be there to service any warranty claims
that happen after.

Speaker 34 (27:31):
And in tough cases, he recommends companies that specialize in
interfacing with the insurance and mortgage companies on behalf of
the home or business owner. Michael Shiloh News Radio seven
forty KTRIGHT and.

Speaker 5 (27:43):
I'm Cloff Saunders on Houston's news, weather and traffic station
KTRH checking in.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
I'm a money Why don't you call more?

Speaker 21 (27:51):
We all avoid it, but you'll better understand the world
around you if you check in with US News Radio
seven KTRH.

Speaker 2 (28:01):
All right, maybe it is flu season. There's no surprise
about that. So when we hear about fluecases on the
rise in January that there's nothing to be surprised by it.
I just thought i'd report to you that the flu
levels I are very high across forty states, with the
South and the Pacific Northwest hit the hardest. In Oregon,
for example, eight point four percent of emergency room visits

at the end of December involved the flu that exceeded
last year's winter peak. What are how many these people
had a flu shot? You know every every year, you
know the pharmacy I go to tries to get me
to get a COVID shot in a flu shot. They
never they learned not to ask me out loud to
get shots because they know I'll react in that particularly

well way. You know, same thing, you know, same thing
with the supermarket, you know, the supermarkets, that pharmacies, you know,
go to the gas pump. I'll be sure to come
in and get your COVID nineteen flu shots? No, thank you.
What's the effective right of the flu shot this year?
What Senator we had? Is it like twenty five percent?
Is it that high or is it even lower? Flu

is picking up again. I don't know how many these
people have had a flu shot and the flu shot
just didn't work, or how many people have just no
longer trust the CDC and other health agencies are purposely
not getting a flu shot. But flu is on the rise.
It's just the standard flu though there's nothing unusual going
on here. You know, parts of there's only like four

or five states like Montana, for example, where you got
borchet than people where the flu is not particularly progressive
right now. Also, China says they're getting a virus surge
of h MPV, which also seen some spikes in the
US very similar to the flu. But they're saying, no,
we don't have a COVID nineteen situation here. Nobody's suggesting,

by the way, that at this point anybody's going to
have to do any social distancing or anything else in
order to get through this flu season. And don't let
them that suggest that to you. Please five forty time
for traffic and weather together.

Speaker 4 (30:04):
Only vaccine I'll get as a cootie shot.

Speaker 2 (30:07):
That's because you can die from the goodies set.

Speaker 3 (30:09):
You can't hear tag Carrie Terry, you got them. Let's
go Southwest Way that you can't cross your fingers.

Speaker 4 (30:14):
That doesn't help anymore.

Speaker 3 (30:15):
Southwest Freeway northbound, they're resistant. We're looking at Grand Parkway
across the Brass River. A little freezing down here. Sweetwater
Willy too. You look good all the way up and
let's take.

Speaker 4 (30:25):
It into the canyon northbound.

Speaker 2 (30:27):
You look good.

Speaker 3 (30:27):
I'm giving you a clean belt of health on the
Southwest Freeway Katie Freeway all the way back from Donegan Road.
Remember that awful road work we had at fourteen eighty
nine cameras out there Brasis River.

Speaker 4 (30:39):
We look good. It's good to see that finished.

Speaker 3 (30:41):
And from part ten into the President's that's easy right
in now, twenty four minutes in to nine a Northwest Freeway.

Speaker 4 (30:48):
That's not fog. I think there's something wrong with that
camera there.

Speaker 3 (30:50):
Bauer Muski, Cypress Rose, who look, that's pretty We're good
to go. If you had a grand march at your wedding,
you are an easy twenty six minute right in now
from Grand Parkway into the Westloop six ' ten. Let's
check your north northeast side at the fifty break SKYMIKEE
on the Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center.

Speaker 2 (31:08):
From our KTRH Generator Supercenter twenty four hour Weather Center,
Terry Smith is here. I'm not I don't have the flu,
but I am sick of the gold weather.

Speaker 36 (31:18):
And it's only just begun, my friend.

Speaker 23 (31:21):
Yeah, it's going to be a long stretch of cold temperatures.
I haven't looked yet. Okay, so let's just put this
into context. Normally, our afternoon temperatures will be in the
low sixties.

Speaker 36 (31:32):
We're not going to see that this week. I'm just
gonna let.

Speaker 23 (31:35):
You know right up front, we're nowhere near that this week.
So at least we are sunny and dry today, and
we're a little bit warmer, upper forties to low fifties today.
Tomorrow we've got some clouds, Temperatures only low to mid
forties tomorrow, and then this area of low pressure in
the Gulf of Mexico starts to head our way Thursday.
That's going to bring us some rain, an eighty percent

chance of showers. Temperatures will load to mid forties on Thursday.
We stay above freezing Thursday night. We've got some showers
in the morning. On Friday, afternoon drives out still load
to mid forties Friday, and then the sunshine returns Saturday,
and that's when we make it into the fifties. So
I'm going to go look and see when we might
get into the sixties.

Speaker 2 (32:19):
See how far out you have to look? Huh yeah,
teperture Right now thirty one at your official severe weather station,
News Radio seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 4 (32:28):
What you need to know for the day ahead.

Speaker 2 (32:31):
This is Houston's.

Speaker 21 (32:32):
Morning News, brought to you by New South Windows Solutions.

Speaker 2 (32:36):
Five fifties our time here on Houston's Morning News. Isn't
it interesting? All of a sudden, the media, in particular
the mainstream media, is asking Democrats about the mental fitness
or lack thereof, of the President of the United States.
Why didn't you tell us sooner? Like they didn't know
they already knew. What do you think is this a

play to try to get some credibility back? Know more
in that story coming up next. First, though, we've got
a little drive time to check up on. Here's sky my.

Speaker 3 (33:05):
Traffic on your forty fives now I forty five North
Freeway freezing up here in the Woodlands twenty three minutes down.

Speaker 4 (33:11):
We do not have the wreck yet.

Speaker 3 (33:13):
It's the Shepherd Curve so far, it's an easy stroll
and golf freeway. Nothing doing. League City. We don't have
the wreck at Park Place yet. From Leak City. If
you're looking wide open now Tiki Island of course to
Bucki's the endless construction. Skymike a Generator Supercenter, dot Com
traffic Center.

Speaker 2 (33:29):
From r KTRH Generators super Center, twenty four hour weather
center for today, we have a gold weather advisory that's
until nine this morning Sunday today about fifty clear to
partly cloudy about thirty four tonight tomorrow cloud skies with
the high forty four. It's Thursday when we're gonna get
a whole lot of rain, cold rain around here, and
they're gonna get snow in the North Texas. Temperature right

now currently is thirty one and your official severe weather station,
News Radio seven forty KTRH. Just check out some of
our top story this morning. Here's Cliff and.

Speaker 5 (34:01):
We're brought to you by Morrow Mechanical. The body of
former President Jimmy Carter arrives in Washington, d C. Today.
Officials in Louisiana say a person with bird flow has died.
That person did have underlying health conditions, and United Airlines
will launch its first commercial flight with Starlink Wi Fi
this spring. That company, of course, owned by Elon Musk's SpaceX.

Get the latest news anytime at KTRH dot com. Our
next updates at six o'clock. I live in Katie, I
live in it.

Speaker 21 (34:32):
You're reliable forecast next on the ten on seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 2 (34:40):
Oh, I wish he was because he's creating a whole
lot of damage. Yeah, coming up here in about fifteen minutes.
You know, he pardoned a bunch of terrorists yesterday. Add
to Aris to the list of people getting pardons from
Joe Biden, and of course the oil and gas thing
will get into that this morning. The oil and gas
lease is six hundred and forty five thousand acres of

federal land that will not be able to be drilled upon.
Of course, a lot of these things can be overturned
when Trump takes office, but it will take time. It's
like a sabotage campaign. In the meantime, the media, all
the media seems to want to know is, how come
he didn't tell us that this guy has diminished mental
abilities his faculties? Why didn't you tell us about that?
Is if they didn't already know that. So here's the

media with their questions and response from just back from vacations.
Fox News is Greg Guttfeld.

Speaker 28 (35:30):
What do you say to Americans who feel as though
you and other top Democrats misled them about President Biden's
mental acuity?

Speaker 37 (35:38):
Look, we didn't, and he's a patriot, he's a great guy,
and when he stepped down, he did it on his
own because he thought it was better not only for
the Democratic Party, for the America.

Speaker 5 (35:50):
We should all salute him.

Speaker 10 (35:51):
We should all salute him.

Speaker 38 (35:52):
I was very surprised, and when you asked the question
about mental acuity, he didn't.

Speaker 7 (35:56):
More forcefully push back.

Speaker 4 (35:57):
The question on the table.

Speaker 38 (35:58):
Is is is the president all the way there?

Speaker 35 (36:02):
And the answer is unequivocally yes.

Speaker 39 (36:04):
Well, first of all, watching like Schumer defend himself is hilarious,
but remember those people that are questioning them him were
in on the hoax.

Speaker 4 (36:14):
The media was complicit.

Speaker 39 (36:15):
So in a way, it's like watching one Menendez brother
pointing his finger.

Speaker 4 (36:19):
At the other.

Speaker 39 (36:21):
The media didn't ask these questions until it no longer
mattered when the election was over. They waited until their
side lost, and now they're.

Speaker 4 (36:29):
Doing their job.

Speaker 39 (36:30):
It's like, you know, it's kind of frustrating watching comedians now,
whether it's the Golden Globes or CNN's New Year's Eve
doing Biden jokes now that there's nothing edgy about it.
My guys were doing jokes about the administration and about
Joe Biden when it mattered. They lost friends, they lost jobs,

but they still took the risk because they wanted to
be true to their audience.

Speaker 4 (36:53):
They didn't lie to their audience.

Speaker 39 (36:55):
And meanwhile, you see what's happening around the world, which
is amazing. So Canada is tossing out Trudeau, Mexico is
happily prepping for deportations. Zelenski is embracing Maga in that
latest interview. England is finally facing their reckoning over the
mass rapes. This Trump effect is real, and it's and

going back to the hoax thing, the Trump effect is
defined by citizens embracing what they see versus what they're told.

Speaker 4 (37:24):
You know, everything that the government told.

Speaker 39 (37:26):
Us went counter to what we saw our lived experience.
We knew Biden was not well, we knew the border
was worse, we knew crime was beyond control, but the
government said, no, believe us, No figured we figured it out.
And a lot of it had to do with the
fact that the right had experiencing, had experienced debunking the hoaxes.

Democrats weren't doing that. They weren't debunking any hoaxes because they.

Speaker 10 (37:51):
Were behind them.

Speaker 39 (37:52):
But not only did the right debunk these hoaxes, they
taught others how to do it well.

Speaker 2 (37:58):
But that's good that others don't how to do it,
because there can be plenty more coming.

Speaker 40 (38:02):
You Know.

Speaker 2 (38:02):
The thing that works to me the most right now
is how quiet things are from the left. Things are
really really quiet. What are they cooking up? Right? They
went ahead and they went through the electoral process with
Trump yesterday as if yep, perfectly, everything's fine, Yep, he's certified,
he wins. What are they up to? They're up to something.

Five fifty six our time.

Speaker 1 (38:29):
This is Huge Radio seven kt RH, Houston Live everywhere
with now the latest news, weather, and it's more of
what matters to you from the John Morris Services Studios.

Speaker 2 (38:44):
Six am is our time here on Houston's Morning News.
I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among our top stories of this half hour.
Trump's win, it's been certified. Now it's onto the cabinet.
Is Biden doing the best he can to make the
transition less peaceful? And coming up at six oh eight?
And speaking of Biden, did you see now he's pardoning terrorists?
Details in the minutes ahead. You're in Houston's Morning News.

First this jow got that morning drive again. Here's Sky Mike.

Speaker 3 (39:09):
Let's got right up two eighty eight now as you're
coming up from Angleton, looking good. Steven at Boston not
affected by the cold so far, Manul We're looking at
twenty two minutes northbound up into the canyon. Problem free
here golf freeway rocks now clear light twenty one minutes
here and at two twenty five on the working side
one forty six, it's a breeze into six ten. I'm
SKYMIKEE on the Generator Supercenter, dot Com Traffic Center.

Speaker 2 (39:31):
From r KTRH top tax Defenders, twenty four hour Weather Center,
Cold weather Advisory. That's until nine this morning. Sunshine today
with the temperature right about fifteen. We'll get the latest
on the forecast with Terry Smith at the Weather Channel
in nine minutes. Particular eye out for Thursday details coming
right now thirty one at your officials Severe Weather Station,
News Radio seven forty k TRH. It's time now for

the news. Here's Cliff Saunders.

Speaker 5 (39:55):
Thank you, Jimmy six Z one. We are sponsored by
Plants for all seasons. In our top story, Donald J.

Speaker 6 (40:01):
Trump of the State of Florida has received three hundred
and twelve votes.

Speaker 41 (40:05):
Kamala D.

Speaker 5 (40:06):
Harris, Well, it happened in two thousand and wine Al
Gore had to do it. Kamala Harris did it yesterday,
making her own election loss to Donald Trump official.

Speaker 21 (40:20):
Trump calls today a big moment in history, and it's
also the end of an era, the Obama era.

Speaker 5 (40:26):
That is Fox's Jesse wanders his reaction. The White House
claims that the transition to the new Trump team will
be smooth, but it looks like Biden's working to make
sure as much power as possible stays with the deep
state when he leaves.

Speaker 9 (40:41):
Well, Biden is, you know, rhetorically claiming that he wants
it to be a smooth transition. He's doing any number
of things that are seeking to make it as hard
as possible Trump connect his agenda.

Speaker 5 (40:49):
Political strategist Matt mccoveac Trump himself posted onto social media
that Biden is quote doing everything possible to make the
transition as difficult as possible. Do you need more proof? Well,
Biden issued another eleventh hour executive order aimed at Trump's agenda.
This one band offshore oil and gas drilling in most

federal waters. Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan says this will threaten
American energy production.

Speaker 42 (41:17):
The Biden administration has issued sixty eight executive orders and
executive actions singularly focused on shutting down Alaska. This hurts Alaska,
of course, but it hurts America.

Speaker 5 (41:30):
The President elect is vowing to reverse this, but he
needs help from Congress to do so. Because back in
twenty nineteen, a federal judge ruled that the Outer Continental
Shelf Lands Act does not allow presidents to overturn bands
put into place by their predecessors. It's now six oh
three on KTRH, we are thirteen days away from Trump's

official return, something that January sixth prisoners are waiting for.

Speaker 12 (41:57):
I do believe that President Trump will issue sort of
executive order on January twentieth related to pardons to j sixers.

Speaker 5 (42:05):
Journalist Julie Kelly Tilly, and Clay Travis, and Buck Sexton.
On KTRH, she thinks that Trump will start by pardoning
those convicted of misdemeanors. On the international front, Canadian Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau resigned yesterday. Alberta Premier Danielle Smith of
the United Conservative Party wants a Trump like figure to

take over there.

Speaker 43 (42:27):
I would like to see a new prime minister chosen
so that we would have a four year mandate. Your
incoming president doct Trump has a four year mandate. We
need to be able to have somebody who has the
credibility of a four year mandate behind them as we
get into these really difficult conversations about tariffs.

Speaker 5 (42:43):
Trudeau's approval rating was below thirty percent. Six oh four
on KTRH, Texas Governor Greg Abbott activates the state emergency
response ahead of the worst of this week's winter weather,
which is already responsible for one death that we know of,
a man who died at a bus shelter yesterday on
the East Side. We could have more travel issues today,

but so far we've got eight delays and eleven cancelations
out of Hobby the numbers from Bush eleven delays and
ten cancelations so far. Six oh five months after walking
back a rate increase request, Center Point get this is
asking the Houston City Council today for a rate hike.

Speaker 44 (43:26):
It's expected all cities and municipalities will deny the proposal.
It will then go back to the PUC, according to officials,
for more examination and presentation, and in the end there
is a slight rate increase to no increase that will
be expected.

Speaker 5 (43:44):
Mario Diaz with our TV partner Channel two. The Centerpoint
request is allegedly to address infrastructure improvements. A new lawsuit
claims that Harris County Precinct two Commissioner Adrian Garcia actually
vacated his sea when he took a job in the
Gulf Coast Protection District, Attorney GenEd Navars calling for a

special election.

Speaker 4 (44:07):
This is not a new principle of law.

Speaker 16 (44:09):
You can't hold conflicting positions at the same time has
been part.

Speaker 10 (44:12):
Of Texas law for over one hundred years.

Speaker 41 (44:14):
Our position is that seat has been vacant since August
twenty twenty three, and we're going to have to get
to court to recognize that.

Speaker 5 (44:19):
He says. Garcia has held both jobs for well over
a year six h six. Trump has promised lower gas prices.
The average around Houston this morning is at about two
sixty prices relatively in that neighborhood. Now for a few
weeks and we.

Speaker 17 (44:34):
Begin the transition to summer gasolane, but there won't be
any impact from drilling restrictions or prohibitions in any new areas. Thankfully,
those are areas that most oil companies haven't really shown
a whole lot of interest in.

Speaker 5 (44:47):
Patrick Dehan with gas, but he says prices are likely
to remain low for the first half of the year.
Trump is also promising a return to the quote golden
age of America. Economist doctor Vanskin says one one of
the biggest ways to help fuel the economy is by
removing a lot of the Biden error regulations, and.

Speaker 19 (45:06):
I think will be the tax cuts and making sure
that those are made permanent and hopefully even reforming them
more at the federal level. I think that's going to
be a big part of this because all of those
individual income tax cuts from twenty seventeen, those expire at
the end of twenty twenty five.

Speaker 5 (45:20):
He says Trump could also address the aggressive outreach at
the Federal Trade Commission. In college basketball, last night, number
twelve UH beats TCU sixty five to forty six. The
Rockets are in Washington tonight. Pregame is at five o'clock
on Sports Talk seven to ninety. I'm Cliff Saunders on
Houston's News weather in traffic station News Radio seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 2 (45:43):
Welcome to this, Welcome to the know.

Speaker 4 (45:46):
People have the right to know, to know what no
state in the know.

Speaker 21 (45:50):
Note with US Radio seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 2 (45:55):
Six O waiters are time here on Houston's morning News.
It's been seven brand going on twenty four years. He
believed that since September eleven, two thousand and one. But
that's not something we should ever forget about. And that's
not something that you just forgive a terrorist for doing.
The bid administration has released, yes, released, pardoned if you will,

eleven Eeminy terrorists who were captured after the September eleventh
terror attacks. They've been released from Guantanamo Bay, eleven of them.
Oban reportedly. The country reportedly agreed to quote resettle them
and provide security monitoring for the eleven prisoners. Oh well,

we'll have them find a place to stay and we'll
keep an eye on them. Right make sure that you
know ISIS or any of these other terrorist groups operating
our country. We'll make sure that you know they stay
away from those people. Not to worry. They we can
put ankle bracelets on them. They're described as former al

Qaeda members. Former, Well, they haven't been members for twenty
four years because you know they've been in prison. But
now they can just go ahead and join again if
they'd like, you know, because you know El Kaida is
still out there, or or maybe they'd like, like I said,
isis there's play of other terrorist groups they could join.
You know, maybe maybe they're ready, maybe they're ready for
a fresh start with a new terrorist group. Unbelievable get

of all the people that this president could be pardoning.
And he's pardoned plenty of people, including some people who
haven't been accused of doing anything yet you know, pardon
like his son, just making sure, pardon, pardon for anything
he might have done, just to make sure. So I
guess if we're just gonna let everybody go, like, why

not throw some terrorists into the mix? What a great president?
Six ' ten. Time for traffic and weather to each other. Amen.
Imagine he's probably, yeah, we could resettle him. So we're
in California. I'm sure he'd be very happy you were, Mike.

Speaker 3 (48:03):
Let's add up for the north side now, Jimmy Barrett.
We're checking out that road work. It was supposed to
be done about a week and a half ago. That
Waldan Westfield westbound. When these things happen, you've got the
text dot wall of death. We're missing a left lane
westbound and then eastbound. If you're trying to catch a plane,
you've got Imperial Valley. Not much of a scooch for now.
Later on that becomes a thing and you could always
take if you're trying to reach Bush Airport. Will Clayton

Parkway is a good way to go on the backway
or my secret route, but you can't tell anybody, Terry.
The Hardy Toll Road Airport Connector specially designed for that
East text. We're coming down from the sticks. We look okay,
a little thick around the graveyards around Aldean Mail Route southbound,
but stay the course if the East Texas is your thing.
On the other side of sixty nine the Southwest Freeway,

beautiful Rosenberg, Texas.

Speaker 4 (48:48):
You have a gorgeous drive in so far.

Speaker 3 (48:50):
Well, I don't want to jinx this, but I don't
even have the scooch at the west Loop six '
ten looks good coming into the canyon.

Speaker 4 (48:56):
The original Andrew from spring On forty five.

Speaker 20 (48:59):
God, Mike, what I'm gonna now call it a Sidwell curve.

Speaker 41 (49:02):
We go down zero miles.

Speaker 3 (49:04):
An hour for about thirty seconds, and they quickly speed
back up for absolutely no reasons.

Speaker 41 (49:09):
No road hazards, there's nothing in the street.

Speaker 4 (49:11):
Maybe there was a random person.

Speaker 3 (49:13):
At least they would have their clothes on this morning, Terry,
I've got the form. The artist formerly known as Ray
from Conro listening on the app.

Speaker 35 (49:20):
Hey guy, Mike, listening from Frisco, Texas, twenty five degrees
currently wind chill of negative.

Speaker 4 (49:26):
Kids, I'm in the generator. To forget that, I'm in
the generator.

Speaker 3 (49:30):
Supercenter dot com traffic sell banana stickers all around.

Speaker 2 (49:33):
Fairness it is it feels like temperature. Maybe it feels
like negative ten To him from our KTRH stop tax
Defenders twenty four, our weather center, Terry Smith is here. Yeah,
we don't tolerate cold weather for long periods of time, Terry.
So you can make this go away anytime you want.

Speaker 36 (49:47):
I'd like to, but I'm not in charge. I do
have a quick question.

Speaker 23 (49:52):
Do presidential partons apply to speeding tickets as well?

Speaker 2 (49:58):
Now you're preaching right there, all right, might need a
goubnatorial pardon for that one, and I may.

Speaker 36 (50:03):
Need a pardon for the cold weather.

Speaker 23 (50:05):
But hey, right now, it looks like we'll escape anything
frozen as far as rainfall, you know, like snow or
something like that later in the week.

Speaker 36 (50:16):
So we are dry today or tomorrow.

Speaker 23 (50:18):
Upper forties to low fifties today, tomorrow's colder, load of
mid forties, little coastal system heading our way Thursday with
an eighty percent chance of showers. Now it's still going
to be cold, just not cold enough, load of mid
load of mid forties. Yeah, Thursday, and some rain Thursday
night and showers in the morning Friday, and we dry
out by the afternoon and Saturday the sun's out and

temperatures in the fifties and we'll be close to sixty
on Sunday, but only Sunday.

Speaker 2 (50:45):
And you know, just to complicate things up around Dallas,
the Cotton Bowl, the college football playoff with you, that's
Texas and Ohio State is Thursday. Yeah, good luck get
into that game.

Speaker 23 (50:55):
Huh yeah, no, Chuck, Well, you know, the Ohio State
folks will know how to get.

Speaker 2 (51:01):
Yeah, but we don't want them there. We just we
just we just want the Texas people there. No, I
get it. I get You're right. They won't be shocked, though,
well they'll be shocked only because they probably thought they
were going somewhere warm in Aanruary. Wait a minute, if
I wanted this, I could stay home.

Speaker 36 (51:18):
Is this Columbus?

Speaker 2 (51:19):
No, well, it might look a little like Columbus. Unfortunately.
Exactly thirty one right now, and your officials, the fair
Weather Station News Radio seven forty k TRH.

Speaker 4 (51:29):
Use traffic and weather.

Speaker 21 (51:31):
You're starting your day right with Houston's Morning News brought
to you by New South Windows Solutions.

Speaker 2 (51:37):
So another way that legals are trying to get into
this country, especially in the last minute here, because we're
getting down to the real nitty gritty here before the inauguration,
is they're getting on board something called the Beast Train.
So what is the Beast train? And is anybody doing
to try to stop this? What is what are they doing?
If anything? Ron Vittello will join us, former chief US

Border Patrol and retired acting ICE Director, he'll join us
to talk about that. Next first though, we've got traffic
and weather together. That starts with you Sky Mike.

Speaker 3 (52:06):
Well, let's get Ryan Vittillo a little extra time here.
I don't have a lot, but I do have an
East Sam reck. This is southbound. They've moved it over
to the side at Old ninety. There's a difference if
you're not from here, but Old ninety that's the one
southbound before the Crosby Freeway. We'll take up the right
side here. Looks like everybody's okay. They've just gotten ninjas
on the scene. And remember we're easy to get a

hold of seven one three, two one two tips. I'm
super easy to find on social media and the free
iHeartRadio app. Just click a little talkback Mike Skymike on
the Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center.

Speaker 2 (52:38):
From r KTRH top tax Defenders, twenty four hour Weather
Center cold weather advisory. That's until nine this morning. Otherwise,
sunshine with the high temperature about fifty clear to Parley
Cloudie around thirty four tonight, so not all of us
will get down to freezing. And then tomorrow cloudy but
cooler with the high temperature of forty four. Current temperature
thirty one if your official severe weather station. News Radio

seven KTRH. Time to take a look at some of
our top trending stories on this Tuesday morning.

Speaker 5 (53:05):
Here's Cliff, Thank you, Jimmy. Six twenty one. Texas Governor
Greg Abbott mobilizes.

Speaker 4 (53:10):
Emergency or spore.

Speaker 5 (53:13):
Ahead of winter weather coming later this week to parts
of Texas. Thanks for the cameo, Mike. Attorneys for President
elect Trump file a motion to block former Special Council
Jack Smith's report on the classifying documents case. And Jimmy,
we finally know what the Enron comeback is, and it
was exactly what we thought it would be a parody
company launching something they called the Enron egg, which they

called a micro nuclear reactor which doesn't exist.

Speaker 2 (53:41):

Speaker 5 (53:41):
Get the latest news anytime at KTRH dot com. Our
next updates at six thirty.

Speaker 21 (53:49):
Make your season more sir with the latest news, traffic,
and weather Radio KTRH.

Speaker 35 (54:00):

Speaker 2 (54:00):
This is this, ain't no love train. This is the
Beast train, and it operates between Mexico and the US border,
and we have migrants rushing to get on board, fighting
amongst themselves, falling off the train. All kinds of issues
going on here. Ron Botello joins US Farmer Chief, US
Border Patrol and retired acting ICE Director. I assume this
train is on the Mexico side of the border and

is crossing obviously into the United States. So what's happening
as far as whoever's operating this train to drive to
prevent this from happening.

Speaker 40 (54:33):
Yeah, good morn Jimmy, thanks for having me on. It
is a it's a freight train that runs from near
the Mexican Guatemala border up north through Mexico, and so
it's used by migrants who would be illegal migrants who
are trying to make the way to our southern border.
Mexico's northern border. And as you said, it is they
call it the beef because it choows people up and

spits them out. It's a very dangerous way to travel.
People use this, you know, freight cars and hoppers and
all the kinds of things that you know, the carring
commodities up towards the northern border, and they use it
to tatch a ride, and so it's very dangerous. It's
out in the elements. The corrupt officials from Mexican government

and smugglers and all kinds of people are you know,
in the pipeline, and then those people are being picked
off by cartels and smugglers and other people who are
corrupt in Mexico. So it's not only dangerous physically, it's
it's it's it's one heck of a trip for young people,
for women, et cetera. And uh, you know, freight trains

are not made for people, and so, uh, lots of death,
lots of destruction and maiming that goes on people trying
to make that journey toward the border.

Speaker 2 (55:43):
And of course the cartails don't care. They just care
about making the money and you know, trying to get
as many people up to our border as they possibly can. Obviously,
if it's operating between Guatemala and the US border, if
it's if it's completely under Mexican control, there's little, if anything,
we can do about it. Why isn't the Mexican government
doing more about it?

Speaker 40 (56:01):
Yeah, it's in private hands, and so that the company
that owns it and the government have tried over the
years to you know, keep people off it. There's a
bit of technology in play to try to keep people
off the train while it's moving, but it you know,
this is this is a problem when we have, like now,
we have this terrible problem at the border because we've
incentivized people to get on that train and come towards

the you know, the Mexican northern border to come into
our country. And so the pipeline is full. It has
been full for the last four years. And like you said,
these cartels are making money hands over fits. They've not
had a better president in New White House than Joe Biden,
and so you have this volume of activity. And even
if Mexico engaged and tried to limit the number of
people that are using the train, there's still lots of

smuggling going on. The cartels really control the pipeline. Uh,
and if your policies encouraging people, then you're just going
to get more people in the pipeline.

Speaker 2 (56:55):
Right. And of course, January the twenteth inauguration days less
than two weeks away, so I'm sure they feel the
clock ticking on this. You know, there's a rum run
that the Mexican government is worried to some extent that
the Trump may use the US military to intervene at
the border, and especially as it relates to the cartel.
Do you think there's any possibility that that could happen

or is he just striking fear into their hearts at
this point.

Speaker 40 (57:21):
I think it's a little bit of both. I think
there are things that the military can do to help,
you know, the border patrol on the line, to help
with this problem in our country, and certainly could do
things in Mexico. And so I think it's part of
the strategy and part of the bigger picture in which
the President says, hey, you know, look, if you're not
helping us with our border, we're going to We're going
to start talking about tariffs of your goods coming across

the border.

Speaker 4 (57:43):
That would be.

Speaker 40 (57:44):
Economically devastating to Mexico, and so they have an opportunity
to step up and help and make.

Speaker 45 (57:50):
The border safer between.

Speaker 40 (57:52):
Them and Guatemala. They helped in Trump one point, oh,
make our border safer when the large people were large
group trending across the border all at the same time.
And so there are things that they can do. We
don't want to outsource this problem to them, but if
they want help with cartels and they want, you know,
I could see a plan where we're helping them decide

on what kind of resources to use. Maybe advisors in Mexico,
you know, intelligent sharing intelligence from the military, those kinds
of things, boots on the ground, I think would be
very difficult thing to do without the cooperation of large
you know populations in Mexico, including the government. But this
again is like you said, everything changes on January twentieth

with regard to how we treat the problems that are
border in the streets of America. And so Mexico has
got an opportunity to lean in and help and do more.
And Trump is having these conversations right essentially in public,
and after the twentieth we'll be having it with government officials.

Speaker 2 (58:53):
Trying to provide them with the incentive. Thanks, Ron, appreciate it.
Ron Botello, former chief US Border Patrol and retired acting
ICE Director. Six twenty seven. Time to take a look
at your money. Here's Jeff Bellinger and.

Speaker 26 (59:04):
Jimmy ahead of the Tuesday session on Wall Street. Stock
market futures are mixed. S and P futures are up
four points, and the Dow futures are up forty nine,
but the Nasdaq futures, which did very well yesterday, are
down sixteen points. I'm Jeff Wellinger, Bloomberg Business on US
Radio seven forty ktrh.

Speaker 27 (59:26):
A Houston's News, Why there are traffic plus breaking news
twenty four to seven.

Speaker 1 (59:31):
This is News Radio seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 43 (59:34):
Five Everywhere with RP.

Speaker 21 (59:37):
More of what's happening now from the Sean Morris Services Studios.

Speaker 2 (59:42):
Six thirty our time Here on Houston's Morning News, I'm
Jimmy Barrett. Among our top stories this half hour, Governor
Abbott getting Texas ready for a weather emergency, Mexico worried
about a US military intervention, and coming up at six
point thirty eight, there's one point two million bidens on
the road. Details in the minutes theyhead. You're in Houston's

morning news. First, let's check out that morning drive again,
sky Mike.

Speaker 3 (01:00:05):
Hereve live. It was twenty five. All right, let's do
some north side here. I'm forty five coming down from
the Woodlands. Well, let's go back further. Let's go to
Conroe and check out your drive from one oh five.

Speaker 4 (01:00:16):
We're pretty good.

Speaker 3 (01:00:17):
I would still watch out for ice and spots, especially
if I was on one oh five between Conroe and Cleveland,
or say thirteen to fourteen coming down from border North Sam.
We're starting to smush up now westbound. It's the roadwork
at Alden Westfield. I'm Skymike and the Generator Supercenter dot
Com Traffic.

Speaker 2 (01:00:33):
Center from r katrh Generator Supercenter, twenty four hour Weather Center,
Cold weather Advisory. That's till nine this morning. Sunshine with
a high round fifty four today. Take a step back
tomorrow as far as the temperatures go, but at least
we stay above freezing for that precipitation that comes in
on Thursday. Not so much up in Dallas. We'll have
more story coming up in here in eight minutes. Right now,

temperature is thirty one at your official Severe weather station
News Radio eleven four KTRH. Time Now for the news.
Here's Cliffsanders.

Speaker 5 (01:01:03):
Good Morning, Jimmy. Six thirty two on KTRH. Top story.
Winter weather is threatening parts of Texas this week, and
Governor Greg Abbott he's activating state emergency responses. The cold
already blamed for the death of a man outside a
bus shelter on the east side of Houston yesterday. Winterstorm
Blair already also blamed for six deaths across the country now.

Flying around the country was a major headache yesterday and
one that continues this morning. So far, between Bush and Hobby,
we have forty one flights either delayed or canceled. Six
thirty two. Following the certification of Donald Trump's election victory yesterday,
the president elect is getting ready to hit the ground running.

Speaker 38 (01:01:44):
He's expected to meet with Senate Republicans tomorrow in Washington
to work out the party's reconciliation strategy and discuss getting
his mega agenda through. And the incoming president's cabinet picks
are also hard at work. They are trying to shore
up support ahead of their confirmation here rings, which kick
off next week. Today, Trump's pick for Director of National
Intelligence is set to meet with Senator Mark Warner. He's

the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Speaker 5 (01:02:09):
That is Fox's Brooks Singman. President Joe Biden was in
New Orleans promising the families of those killed in last
week's terror attack that the Feds will get to the
bottom of how shamsu Din Jabbar flew under the radar.

Speaker 24 (01:02:22):
Directing my team to make every resource available to federal,
state and local law enforcement to complete this investigation quickly.

Speaker 5 (01:02:32):
Yeah, but the attack is raising concerns about Americans being
radicalized and turned into terrorists. Online researcher Ryan Morris says
that the open borders and the Prohamas crowd all are
to blame.

Speaker 10 (01:02:45):
The radical Islamist element exists.

Speaker 22 (01:02:47):
Within this broader seditionist, anti American, anti Semitic ecosystem that
includes a lot of nonprofits that are stoking things like
the violence you see at protests on college campuses.

Speaker 5 (01:02:58):
He says the Trump administration should start by cracking down
on any nonprofit that supports terrorism. The Biden administration is
transferring eleven ye many detainees into it, including two former
bodyguards or Osama bin Laden, from Guantanamo Bay to Oman
to reduce the population of the prison. There there will

only be fifteen prisoners left after this. Six point thirty
four on KTRH would be illegal. Aliens are getting so
desperate that they've started to hitch rides on dangerous cargo
trains in order to get here before Trump becomes president again.

Speaker 8 (01:03:38):
They think that if they can get in under the
Biden administration, they'll get to stay.

Speaker 24 (01:03:41):
If you look at the historic number of entries the
last four years, ICE Immigration Custom Enforcement has a lost
number of deportations in the history of the agency.

Speaker 8 (01:03:50):
Incoming Borders, our Tom Homan told Fox even new cartel
tunnels won't be enough to sneak these desperate illegals in.

Speaker 24 (01:03:56):
President Trump is going to take every effort to secure
the border and using the latest technology on tunnel detection
and shutting these things down.

Speaker 8 (01:04:04):
There are also some concerns that these immigrants might get
so desperate to enter before the twentieth that they resort
to violence. Ethan Buchanan News Radio seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 5 (01:04:14):
Mexico reportedly is worried that the President is considering a
military strike against cartels once he comes back to the
White House. Jason Jones of Newsmax tells Kate trhdse cartels
are out of control.

Speaker 31 (01:04:26):
Our government is going to have to make the Mexican
government want to work with us to go out them,
and we are going to have to fight very hard
because the Mexican government hasn't been accountable.

Speaker 5 (01:04:36):
He says that will change under Trump and that Mexico
should be concerned. New Harris County, GA Chaan Tier is
once again eligible to practice law in Texas. The state
bar actually had him ineligible on its website yesterday. That's
because during the campaign apparently he missed two hours of education.

He says he made up for it and paid a fine.
He's listed as eligible as of this morning. More crime
in the city of Houston. An officer involved shooting on
the northeast side after a man got into a scuffle
with officers.

Speaker 32 (01:05:10):
And the struggle, the suspect is on top of the
officer with his hand on the officer's weapon in his holster.

Speaker 5 (01:05:15):
This started as a call about a man slashing tires
and busting up car windows. Trump two point zero is
about to bring more gun friendly laws and tolerance into existence.

Speaker 46 (01:05:27):
After being surrounded with bad eggs in his first term.
This time is different.

Speaker 33 (01:05:31):
The battle lines are clearly drawn now to where he understands.
We're going to understand on many issues that he didn't
understand before.

Speaker 46 (01:05:38):
At Chris mcnut of Texas Gun Rights says, national constitutional
carry is on the table, but it all starts with
getting the ATF under control.

Speaker 33 (01:05:46):
We actually want to abolish the ATF, but we know
that that's going to be a long fight, so we
can start off by appointing a much stronger ATF director.

Speaker 46 (01:05:55):
He says, anything Trump tries will be met with lawfare
from Democrats, but it won't get him far. Andrei Perrard
News Radio seven forty KTRH and.

Speaker 5 (01:06:03):
Also in Austin, Governor Greg Abbott appoints Jimmy Blacklock as
the Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court to replace
the retired Nathan hect six point thirty seven. Damage assessments
continue in Montgomery County after last month's tornado. Some residents
have another headache to deal with their insurance companies. Leith
Dyke with Texas Lone Star says it's unfortunately a slow process.

Speaker 35 (01:06:26):
On top of that, you've got in the mortgage lender
that has a lean on the property. In most cases
where they have interest in the outcome of the claim
as well.

Speaker 5 (01:06:35):
He says there are companies that specialize in negotiating between
disaster victims and their insurance company, but their fees come
out of a portion of the insurance payments. I'm Cliff
Saunders on Houston's news, weather and traffic station News Radio
seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 36 (01:06:51):
I live in sugar Land.

Speaker 21 (01:06:52):
Be prepared for wild Houston weather next on the ten
on seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 2 (01:07:01):
Go Granny Goo six thirty eight hour time here on
Houston spart News. I'm sure we have a few little
old ladies and passed into Texas who are still driving
and maybe shouldn't be. There's a research piece done by
Medicare where basically they've determined about fifteen percent of patients
with mild cognitive impairments are on the roads, have a

valid driver's license, but would fail a driving evaluation. In
other words, I mean his face when you renew your drive.
It's a bit of a joke, right, when you renew
your driver's license. I mean, even if you're older, all
you really have to go in and do is past
the vision test. Well, the vision test lets them know

if you can sort of see something, but it doesn't
say anything about your reaction time or your real ability
or lack of ability to drive a car. So this
separate test that dedrivers about fifteen percent of people with
you know, just even mild. I mean, we're not talking
about Joe Biden here. We're talking about mild cognitive impairment

fail a driving test, an actual driving test behind the
wheel test. That means, with about eight point two million
older Americans experiencing mild cognitive impairment, it would suggest they're
are for one point two million people driving on the
roads that are potentially unfit to still have their license

and drive. Now, this is not I'm not saying this
to damn the elderly. I'm too close to being one
myself to do that. There will be a point in
time where somebody's going to come to me and say,
jb you need to give me your keys. It's time
for somebody else to drive you. I mean, after all,
Joe Biden doesn't drive himself anywhere. At least they're smarter

enough not to have not he's president. But I think
even as a private citizen, you know, other than maybe
driving is his classic car up and down the driveway
a couple of times for the cameras. He's not going
to do any of that stuff. It's a hard thing
to do, but at some point in time we all
kind of owe it to our elderly family members to
keep an eye on them and be willing to talk
to them about taking away the keys. When it's time

six forty, time for traffic and whether it's together.

Speaker 3 (01:09:13):
Biden should be driving. Would be in front of the
grocery store. You put a quarter in it, dude. I
got a wreck on the two ninety inbound at the
direct connector. If you're playing the home game movie, it's
on camera number four zero one. Looks like everybody's fine.
It's kind of a miner who hubbub. It's not a
full blown whoah. So far inbound don't have a big backup,

but I do see some folks slowing down just approaching
the Westweep sixteen and we'll zoom that again at six fifty.
I want to get a kind of a better bite
Katie Freeway. Here's the breaks off the rent from Graham Parkway.
I would sure watch out for a little ice here
and there as you're coming in. Some breaks into Mason road.
Flip over to the hard hat side. I got something
scunched up at the bud plant on New ninety on

ninety Crosby Freeway. Right there is that a stall? Are
you a wreck? Is there a random person? What are
you doing right there? I see the backup now from
Oates Road, So if you can do it, do that instead.
And besides the possibility of ice, Terry, at least we
don't have wind blowing us around like crazy. Ghetto Dave
is up north. He's got an interesting road hazard.

Speaker 45 (01:10:17):
If you're coming out of any farm road out of
the National Forest out there hitting forty five and Euston,
watch out. The bucks are in rut and all they
got the own that though.

Speaker 3 (01:10:27):
Bucks are in rus see Jimmy, we remember being young,
you know.

Speaker 2 (01:10:31):
We was in rut for three years when I was
fifteen years old.

Speaker 4 (01:10:35):
Not making good.

Speaker 3 (01:10:36):
Decisions back there, Terry, I hope you had your ears covered.
I'm in the Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center from
r KTRH Generator super Center twenty four are with Terry
Smith us here.

Speaker 2 (01:10:45):
I need to amend something I said earlier. I think
I mentioned that Texas, Ohio state was Thursday. It's not
it's Friday.

Speaker 36 (01:10:50):
Oh is it Friday?

Speaker 2 (01:10:51):
But the point being pretty much the same. You drop
five or six inches of snow on Dallas, Texas, they
may clear right around the stadium. It's still going to
be an issue of the day after, right.

Speaker 23 (01:11:03):
Yeah, that is an interesting point that you make, especially
with hosting such a big event and so many people
coming into town when the weather is less than ideal.
And even though you know folks in Ohio are hardy
and know how to deal with this, it's still going
to be well.

Speaker 2 (01:11:24):
And what about all the Texas fans who have to
drive up by forty five to get to that. That's right?

Speaker 23 (01:11:29):
And I forgot about that, I mean didn't forget. But yes,
so you got a bunch of people and messy weather
pattern and we're just gonna have to see what happens.
I got my fingers crossed that it doesn't have too
bad of an impact. Hey, listen, one thing we haven't
talked about so much this morning is the cold weather
advisory here in southeast Texas. Before you step out the door,

make sure you are prepared for wind chills in the
twenties this morning. The winds are light, but just because
the air so cold. Just that little bit of a
breeze is really making it feel like it's in the
twenties right now, which is just a little bit colder
than what it actually is. Upper forties. Still a fifties
later today, load of mid forties tomorrow. We got rain

on the way Thursday, Thursday night and Friday, and then
sunshine back on Saturday, and temperatures finally getting into the
load of mid fifties by Saturday.

Speaker 2 (01:12:22):
Yeah, but you're right now thirty at your official severe
weathers station, News Radio seven forty KTRH. You are commute,
you are forecast, you're news. It's Houston's Morning News, brought
to you, buying new south wind those solutions. I don't
know why, but I'm kind of fascinated by this story.
Stories are out of Houston. Saw it on our television

partner KPRC too, about a guy who got arrested. Forty
three year old guy got arrested because he's going door
to door trying to get people to allow him to
paint their address on the curb. And he's wearing a
safety vest and he's making it look like he's representing
the city of Houston. So he got arrested for impersonating

a City Houston employee. That that's the charge. Well, what
he was doing kind of seemed like a public service
to anyway. We'll get into it in a second. First, though,
let's do a little traffic. They no, we didgether because
he was hustling. Skuy Mike's here, all right, that's a
two ninety inbound. Got that wreck on the direct connector.
If you're playing the home game with me, everybody's okay.

It's on camera four zero one West.

Speaker 45 (01:13:26):

Speaker 4 (01:13:26):
I got Cindy from Dayton at.

Speaker 35 (01:13:28):
Belt Way eight and Richmond.

Speaker 47 (01:13:30):
Richmond is closed, so the theater road backed up because
of the signal and because it's just everybody squinching together totally.

Speaker 3 (01:13:38):
Well, all right, Cindy, that's a banana sticker two forty
nine Lance for Magnolia.

Speaker 20 (01:13:42):
Gomach dude, Lance from Magnolia. I know I've forgotten freeway.
All these cars showed up out here today and they
don't know how to drive, and we're having to hit
our break nineteen six. No, we're before nineteen sixty, getting
the brakes hard.

Speaker 3 (01:13:56):
All right, Lance, watch out for other stations, listeners. Let's
do some yipline seven one three two one two tips
at the top of the hour, Skymike and the Generator
Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center.

Speaker 2 (01:14:06):
From r KTRH Generator super Center, twenty four hour Weather Center.
Cold Weather Advisory and effect until nine this morning. Sunshine
today near fifty. They're to partly cloudie low thirty four tonight,
cloudie in forty four for the high tomorrow. Current temperature
is double check it for you. It's still thirty at
your official severe weather station. News Radio seven forty KTRH.

Time to get you caught up on some of our
top stories this morning. Here's Cliff, Thank.

Speaker 4 (01:14:30):
You, Jimmy.

Speaker 5 (01:14:31):
We're coming up on six fifty two. The state funeral
for former President Jimmy Carter is on Thursday. Facebook's owner
says it's ending its fact check programming, admitting that it's
current moderation practices quote have gone too far, and McDonald's
becomes the latest big company to roll back what they're
calling diversity goals, what you and I call DEI get

the latest news anytime at KTRH dot com. Our next
update is at seven o'clock.

Speaker 10 (01:15:00):
Thirty nine.

Speaker 4 (01:15:00):
In Bound at the loop is always a problem.

Speaker 21 (01:15:02):
KTRH time saving traffic connext on the ten.

Speaker 2 (01:15:08):
We have a four forty two glen with Avenue. We
might six fifty three of our time. So got this
forty three year old guy. By the way, he's been
convicted before in Galveston of impersonating a city official. He's
his name is Maurice Turner. He got busted because he's
going door to door trying to talk people into letting

him paint their address on the curb, which is not uncommon,
at least in the suburbs where I live. You know,
a lot of people have their address on the curb.
It's actually kind of a public service, right, makes it
easier for the police and fire too, especially have big
trees around the house to know your address. Anyway, here's
Corley Peel KPRC two and their report on the story.

Speaker 48 (01:15:48):
We found records showing that Turner was actually convicted of
impersonating a public servant back in Galveston in two thousand
and three. Now, I have been in contact with the
City of Houston public Works department, and they tell me
that painting addresses on sidewalks or curbs is not something
the city does. I've been speaking with some neighbors out here.

Some say that they were skeptical of Turner, while others
were satisfied with his work, regardless of the alleged scheme.
A spray can is left next to a curb where
an address was being painted. Please say it's near where
Maurice Turner is accused of posing as a city employee
will offering to paint addresses on curbs in exchange for money.

Neighbors shared surveillance of what appears to be Turner knocking
on their doors Saturday afternoon. He's wearing a vest and
holding a clipboard with pink slips. Alberto says Turner stopped
by his house, but.

Speaker 49 (01:16:44):
You need a number because the police or the fire
department comes to your houses. Were going to be visible,
They will see you.

Speaker 48 (01:16:52):
Alberto did not need the service and turned down Turner's offer.

Speaker 4 (01:16:56):
I didn't.

Speaker 12 (01:16:59):
I don't know.

Speaker 48 (01:17:00):
Did you notice anything suspicious about him?

Speaker 49 (01:17:02):
Yes, he was augitimate to pay cash.

Speaker 1 (01:17:04):
Did he show you a badge at all?

Speaker 4 (01:17:06):
Saying never.

Speaker 48 (01:17:08):
We spoke with two neighbors off camera who paid Turner.
They say this service costs twenty five dollars, but Turner
gave them the senior discount for twenty dollars. They received
this copy of a fake notice from Turner the paper,
even citing a section of the City of Houston ordinance.
What would you have others be mindful of if someone
comes to their.

Speaker 49 (01:17:28):
Door, I will say, don't don't trust him if they
don't have an order or something or something that can
prove that is from the city.

Speaker 2 (01:17:38):
Hey, why five bucks is cheap? The only mistake, the
only mistake he made was trying to pass himself off
as a city official. Now, why would you do that.
You don't need to be a city official to do
what it is your suggestion you do. You can go
door to door and ask people if they want their
address painted on the curb. Happens in the suburbs all
the time, unless, of course, you're using your status as

a quote unquote city official to kind of coerce people
into doing Well, you know this is a city ordinance
you need to do this, in which case, yeah, that's
a problem all right. Time for the timeline. We've got
a four packet tickets with pit passes the Monster Jem Sunday,
February the second at NRG. Tickets are on sale right
now ticketmaster dot com. But you can win affair from us.
Just tell us. What year today's timeline's.

Speaker 21 (01:18:21):
From Definitely the storm a blizzard rather of the decade.

Speaker 4 (01:18:26):
It was January.

Speaker 15 (01:18:27):
Blizzard conditions are expected in a lot of the metropolitan areas.

Speaker 27 (01:18:31):
One of the worst blizzards in American history hits the
East Coast.

Speaker 26 (01:18:34):
She had a retirement land in North Arkansas.

Speaker 16 (01:18:36):
Hillary Clinton testifies on the growing whitewater investigation before Congress.

Speaker 33 (01:18:40):
We didn't have anything to do with the operation or management.

Speaker 4 (01:18:43):
Our home for this mission is Earth.

Speaker 21 (01:18:45):
A third rape plant on television, find out what women
on this planet do.

Speaker 4 (01:18:49):
Third Rock from the Sun makes its debut on NB City.
It's up a very good question. Why am I the woman?
Because you lost?

Speaker 50 (01:18:55):
In Hollywood nominees for Best Director of a Motion Picture.

Speaker 4 (01:18:59):
The Golden globes are handed out and the winner is.

Speaker 2 (01:19:04):
And on the.

Speaker 5 (01:19:04):
Radio says.

Speaker 16 (01:19:08):
Breakfast in the Blue something is top ten with breakfast
to Tiffany's what year was it?

Speaker 2 (01:19:15):
If you know seven one, three, two and two fifty
eight seventy four, that's seven one, three two and two
k t r H. Good luck, all right, we have
ourselves a winner. That would be John from Spring Branch.
You knew the right year was nineteen ninety six. Well done, John.
Get a four pack of tickets with pit passes to
Monster Jam Sunday, February the second at NRG. Enjoyed the
show and thank you for listening to Houston's Morning News.

Speaker 1 (01:19:39):
This is US Radio seven forty kt RH Houston.

Speaker 4 (01:19:44):
Live Everywhere with the IRT now.

Speaker 1 (01:19:47):
The latest news, weather and trapping.

Speaker 21 (01:19:50):
It's more of what matters to you from the John
Morris Services Studios.

Speaker 2 (01:19:54):
Seven am is our time here in Houston's Morning News.
I'm Jimmy Barrett. Among our top stories this half hour,
a Trump's win has been officially certified. Now it's on
to the cabinet. Is Biden trying to make the transition
less peaceful? And coming up at seven to eight reacting
to Biden's oil and gas band details in the minutes ahead.

You're in Houston's Morning News. First, we're checking out that
morning drive again. Here's sky Mine, all right.

Speaker 3 (01:20:20):
Forty five north. Something's brewing, Roger Mgnoia, Good morning.

Speaker 4 (01:20:23):
Sky Mike.

Speaker 45 (01:20:24):
Starting at about Spring Cyprus.

Speaker 9 (01:20:25):
I don't know what's going on because I can't see
the end of it.

Speaker 45 (01:20:28):
Stop and go, reaching a maximum about five miles an hour.

Speaker 2 (01:20:31):
It's all lane, all.

Speaker 3 (01:20:32):
Right, that's southbound Thank you, Roger. I got Jersey Village,
Justin on the North Freeway.

Speaker 45 (01:20:35):
Hey guy, Mike, Hey, you got a big hubbub.

Speaker 2 (01:20:38):
Good verbice right in the center lanes Starpus Wood.

Speaker 3 (01:20:41):
All right, I'm getting from Justin on my Facebook. He's
now saying there's eighteen wheeler involved in this. Let's call
it two center lanes and that is solid backups. You're
the first to know about it. To forty nine and
inbound wreck at nineteen sixty two ninety A rec at
the direct connector inbound. I'm Skymike and the Generator Supercenter
dot Com traffic Center.

Speaker 2 (01:21:00):
From our KTRH top tax defenders twenty four hour weather
sent we have the cold weather advisory that's until nine
this morning. Otherwise sunshine with the high temperature right about fifty.
We'll get the complete forecast, including the overnight lows for
the next few nights and see if we can get
away from the freezing temperatures. We'll talk to Terry Smith
about that at the weather channel in eight minutes right
now thirty at your officials Severe Weather Station News Radio

seven forty KTRH. It's time now for the news. Here's clipsonders.

Speaker 5 (01:21:25):
Thank you, Jimmy, Good morning everyone, seven two on KTRH.
We are sponsored by Isopharmic and our top story this
just into us. Three firefighters are injured in an apartment
fire overnight. We're still waiting for more details on that,
but we just got that notification. Also topping the news today, I.

Speaker 6 (01:21:45):
Did what I have done my entire career, which just
takes seriously the oaths, but I have taken many times.

Speaker 5 (01:21:51):
Kamala Harris certifying her election loss to Donald Trump yesterday.
Republicans now want to get as many of Trump's cabinet
picks confirmed SAP.

Speaker 7 (01:22:00):
We recognize the urgent situation that we have now been
left with because of four years of America Last and
of weakness.

Speaker 2 (01:22:08):
Lard A.

Speaker 5 (01:22:08):
Congresswoman Kat Camick on Fox. The outgoing administration talks about
peacefully transferring power. Their actions speak louder than words, is
they desperately try to hang on to it.

Speaker 8 (01:22:19):
Biden is trying to make sure the deep state holds
onto some of it before he leaves office.

Speaker 9 (01:22:23):
Biden is essentially trying to trumpproof the federal government, which
is what the hard left demands. It's obviously not consistent
with the way residential transitions usually occur.

Speaker 8 (01:22:32):
Political strategist Matt mcoveac says that Biden is also going
out of his way to kneecap Trump's agenda.

Speaker 9 (01:22:37):
He's gone out on policy with his executive order seeking
to ban offshore drilling in US waters. Kind and clear
how quickly that can be undone.

Speaker 8 (01:22:46):
Mcoveac did say that Trump can undo most of Biden's
last minute executive orders, but again that could take some time.
Ethan beginning News Radio seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 5 (01:22:54):
And one of those orders Biden permanently banning future offshore
oil and gas development in parts of the Atlantic and
Pacific oceans.

Speaker 11 (01:23:03):
These kinds of midnight regulations that are being put in
place by the Biden administration are going to undermine American
energy security and hurt American consumers.

Speaker 10 (01:23:12):
That's not what America voted for.

Speaker 5 (01:23:14):
Mike Summers with the American Petroleum Institute. The President elect
says he'll reverse this, but needs congressional approval to do so.
After a federal judge's ruling in twenty nineteen coming up
on seven oh four to one, thing Trump can do
on his own is pardon January sixth prisoners, something that
he's expected to do.

Speaker 12 (01:23:35):
I think I suspect that he will start with the
lowest hanging fruit, which is the eight hundred nine hundred
who were convicted or took fee deals for the four
or five common misdemeanors.

Speaker 5 (01:23:45):
Journalist Julie Kelly with KTRHS Klay Travis and Buck Sexton.
Now north of the border, we had a major political
earthquake yesterday.

Speaker 13 (01:23:55):
I intend to resign as party leader as Prime minister
after the party selects its next leader through a robust
nationwide competitive process.

Speaker 5 (01:24:08):
Justin Trudeau has been Prime minister since twenty fifteen. His
disapproval rating was at nearly seventy percent seven point four
on KGRH. Texas Governor Greg Agbed activates the state's emergency
response to deal with upcoming cold weather, in fact, a
possible winter storm in some parts of Texas. It's already

responsible for one death, a man who died at a
metro bus shelter on the East Side yesterday. If you
have to fly today, you might want to check it because,
according to Flyaware, delays and cancelations are building once again.
At Bush we've got seventeen delays with ten cancelations. At
Hobby eleven delays and eleven cancelations. Houston City Council holds

their first meeting of the year today and apparently one
thing that's on the agenda is a proposed rate hike
from Center Point.

Speaker 14 (01:25:00):
Any rate adjustment for Centerpoint right now will be heavily scrutinized,
and I think that will be the difference in this year.
I think it's scrutinized every year when they bring it.

Speaker 5 (01:25:09):
City Council Member Saley Acorn on our TV partner, Channel two,
the request is to address what Centerpoint calls infrastructure improvements.
Remember after Hurricane Beryl, they were forced to walk back
a rate increase request, And apparently we could have an
opening on Harris County Commissioner's Court. According to a new lawsuit,

Precinct two's Adrian Garcia gave up his seat when he
took a job in Galveston.

Speaker 15 (01:25:36):
And according to attorney Jared Neywar, Garcia's seat is now vacant.

Speaker 16 (01:25:41):
Accepting the conflicting position when you're already an office holder
by Jexas law of over one hundred years means that
he automatically resigned as commissioner.

Speaker 15 (01:25:50):
And because of that, Neywar is calling for a special
election for the seat in May.

Speaker 16 (01:25:55):
Harris County Commissioner's Court has an obligation to call in election,
and because they're not achnowledging that duty, we're going.

Speaker 41 (01:26:02):
To court to force them to call that election.

Speaker 15 (01:26:04):
Local pastor Richard Vega plans to run for GARCSC. Jeff
Biggs News Radio seven forty KT eight and.

Speaker 5 (01:26:12):
Looking at your money. Gas prices check in this morning
at around two sixty a gallons, So where are they headed?

Speaker 17 (01:26:18):
I think prices will camp out in the mid two
dollars range in Houston for the next couple of weeks.

Speaker 5 (01:26:23):
Patrick de'han with Gas Buddy there and Trump prepares to
take office and has set the goal of restoring the
economy to pre COVID growth levels, ushering in what he
calls a new Golden Age.

Speaker 18 (01:26:34):
And Trump's strategy to achieve this goal emphasizes collaboration with
the private sector and approach that was largely overlooked under
the Biden administration's regulatory agenda.

Speaker 19 (01:26:43):
Making sure that the government is not getting in the
way of business being able to expand and had murders
and acquisitions, and looking at what's best for the consumer
versus what politicians thinks that's best for them.

Speaker 18 (01:26:55):
Economist doctor Van Skin says another crucial step is the
reauthorization of the Trump cuts from twenty seventeen that are
set to expire this year. The Trump economic policies are
set to better resonate with the financial realities of everyday Americans.
Eric Sharp News Radio seven forty k t RH.

Speaker 5 (01:27:12):
College Basketball last Night uhbats TCU sixty five forty six.
The Rockets are in Washington, pregame at five on seven
ninety and I'm Cliff Saunders on Houston's news Weather in
Traffic station KTRH.

Speaker 21 (01:27:24):
Four New years, Big olden Age Eberberg. The next four
years real happen here US Radio seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 2 (01:27:38):
So, what is the thing?

Speaker 22 (01:27:39):
What is it?

Speaker 2 (01:27:40):
They call those the strips the police throw down on
the pavement to cause flat tires. What's the name of those?
Do you remember what the name of those are? I
can't go stay. Mike Crowby knows because he's probably been
stopped a few times by those. I don't know what
they're called.

Speaker 4 (01:27:54):
It's escaping me.

Speaker 2 (01:27:55):
Yeah, there's a name. Forty You see to tell us.
You see it on the cop shows all the time.
That's what Biden is trying to do to Trump right now.
He's trying to throw down you know, he's trying to
cost some flat tires for the incoming administration. He's doing
everything he can to, you know, to do the far
left agenda before Trump gets in there. Of course, what
he's doing he's doing by executive order. So if you

do it by executive order, you can overturn it by
executive order. But one of the things is announcing yesterday
that there's an oil and gas drilling ban that he's
instituted on six hundred and forty five thousand acres worth
of US coastal controlled federal land that they will not
allow any oiler gas drilling on. You know, Trump will

overturn that. But here's some comments on the whole thing
from American Petroleum Institute President Mike Summers.

Speaker 11 (01:28:43):
The American people certainly didn't vote for less energy development
in the United States. In fact, energy was on the
ballot during this election and energy won. And unfortunately, these
kinds of midnight regulations that are being put in place
by the Biden administration are going to undermine American energy
security and hurt American consumers.

Speaker 10 (01:29:02):
That's not what America voted for and I'm.

Speaker 11 (01:29:04):
Calling today on the United States Congress to lift this
new moratorium because it's going to harm consumers and it's
going to undermine American energy security. Congress has a number
of different options that they could pursue. The Congressional Review
Act is certainly one of them, but they could also
pursue this through the reconciliation procedures because the royalties that
would be gained in the offshore from developing these resources,

because they are federal resources, would be tremendous.

Speaker 10 (01:29:31):
In fact, just if we were to.

Speaker 11 (01:29:34):
Have a robust leasing plan in the Golf of Mexico,
that would score about eight billion dollars for the American
people that they could put towards other priorities like funding
the border, for example. So if we just put a
robust leasing plan not just in the Golf of Mexico,
but in other parts of the offshore, we could have
tremendous resources to continue to cut taxes for the American

people or to do big things. And so we have
an opportunity here to reverse this in the first few
days of Congress, and I think Congress needs to get
on this and make sure that it is a top
priority for them in the early days of this Congress.

Speaker 2 (01:30:09):
Yeah, it's not just an executive action. You want to
make something permanent, or make it much more permanent. Make
it a law enacted by Congress, not in an executive order.
All right, seven eleven, that's time to get the traffic
and weather together. By the way, they're called tire spike strip.

Speaker 4 (01:30:22):
Tire spiked strips.

Speaker 2 (01:30:24):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (01:30:24):
I hope I never get any on me either, Mike.
It's clear two forty nine inbound. The reck's gone. The
suckinges there now from Cypress Wood inbound.

Speaker 4 (01:30:32):
Yes, stay the course, that'll get better. Nord three way.

Speaker 3 (01:30:35):
We've been super busy Cypress would who gave me that
on my Facebook comments? I think Justin did? Southbound? He
can verifies that's an eighteen wheeler. Now I've got a
camera shot there. It is one two three left lane,
Cypress Wood. You were the first to know. That's backups
now from the Woodlands. Twenty minute drag this way East
tex I got Blake from New Caney.

Speaker 40 (01:30:53):
That is guy Mike Riser.

Speaker 45 (01:30:55):
Getting to the Beltway.

Speaker 40 (01:30:55):
You take the ramp to go onto the Beltway.

Speaker 41 (01:30:58):
There is a car pulled over.

Speaker 17 (01:31:00):
Service to be able or what not?

Speaker 50 (01:31:01):
But we got the flashing.

Speaker 40 (01:31:02):
Lights behind it.

Speaker 4 (01:31:03):
I don't think it'd be a traffic stop.

Speaker 3 (01:31:05):
I fit's on the ramp, so watch out that East
Tex southbound ramp to the Beltway south Felt Megan from
Keema Morning Skymike.

Speaker 47 (01:31:13):
Right before the wayside exits, we've got a dump truck
boom sitting.

Speaker 12 (01:31:17):
There waiting for waiting toe truck Ninjas Boom.

Speaker 3 (01:31:21):
Well said, extra points for verbage there, Meek from Keema
and seven one three two one two tips.

Speaker 4 (01:31:27):
I got web from mumble.

Speaker 20 (01:31:28):
Hey, Sky Mike.

Speaker 16 (01:31:29):
Coming in on New ninety crossing at tens, there are
two vehicles on the right hand shoulder.

Speaker 40 (01:31:35):
They've actually been moved to the grass.

Speaker 28 (01:31:37):
No tone Ninjas, but the suckage.

Speaker 3 (01:31:40):
Is real, Well said, right there, see all that verbage, Terry.

Speaker 4 (01:31:42):
You do not have to speak jibe to talk to us,
but it kind of helps.

Speaker 3 (01:31:46):
I'm in the Generator Supercenter dot Com shot Yeah, yeah,
Skymikey's it is the Generator Supercenter dot Com traffic center.

Speaker 2 (01:31:52):
Dude's got his own language for sure. From r KTRH
top Tax Defenders twenty four our weather Center, Terry Smith,
this year, you're not gonna like her language very much.
You might use your own obscene language.

Speaker 36 (01:32:03):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 23 (01:32:05):
Yeah, it's cold, and it's cold all week long, and
there's no snow in our forecast, so you might be
cursing at me about that. I'm sure there's a few
disappointed children listening. So a nice day today, at least
compared to yesterday. It's sunny, it's a little bit warmer,
upper forties to low fifties. Tomorrow only load of mid

forties and Thursday, that's when that area of low pressure
brings us some rain.

Speaker 36 (01:32:31):

Speaker 23 (01:32:31):
Areas to the north, in the piny Woods or the
Bronzos Valley they may get a little bit of frozen stuff,
but we're all liquid around here. Eighty percent chance of
showers Thursday, and still some raine Friday, and then sunny and.

Speaker 36 (01:32:44):
Warmer, load of mid fifties Saturday.

Speaker 2 (01:32:47):
Right now thirty one at your official severe weather station.
News Radio seven forty k TRH.

Speaker 21 (01:32:53):
It's Houston's Morning News, brought to you by New South
Windows Solutions. Now back to Jimmy Barras and the Houston
Morning News Team. All the info you need to take
on the day. I'm allowed to have more than one job,
You're allowed to have more than one job too. But
if you are precinc duke Commissioner Adrian Garcia and you
take another job that potentially conflicts with the job you

have as Precinct du commissioner, that's not allowed. And that's
why there's a lawsuit filed against him for a new election,
for a special election for a new Precinct two commissioner.
More than that story coming up next. First, though, we've
got traffic and weather together's we checked out the drive
once again with skyline.

Speaker 3 (01:33:32):
The Cypress Wood thing here southbound looks like real trouble.
I've got at least one eighteen wheeler involved here. Double
check my workwife, Christina Cruz. Forty five southbound Cypress Wood.
We are stopped now from twenty nine to twenty. We're
just down to a right line getting through. Let's jump
on the Hardytell Road, big shots, commoners take.

Speaker 4 (01:33:49):
The East tex instead.

Speaker 3 (01:33:51):
We'll update you on two forty nine at seven thirty
in the Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center.

Speaker 2 (01:33:56):
From RKTRH top tax Defenders, twenty four hour Weather Center
Cold weather Advisory. That's until nine this morning Sunday, eventually
up around fifty for the high today, clear to party,
cloudy about thirty four tonight tomorrow, cloudy in forty four
down to thirty eight tomorrow night. Thursday. We're keeping an
eye out for a very cold, rainy day. We'll talk
to Terry about that just a little bit right now

thirty one at your officials Severe Weather Station, News Radio
seven forty KTRH. Check out some of our top stories
this morning.

Speaker 5 (01:34:25):
Here's Cliff and we're sponsored by Morrow Mechanical, a pair
of death row inmates that had their sentences commuted by
Joe Biden or refusing clemency. They're still claiming innocence. Donald
Trump ramps up his call to take ownership of Greenland.
And there were no Powerball winners last night, so tomorrow's
grand prize is two hundred and forty million dollars. Get

the latest news anytime at KTRH dot com. Our next
update is at seven thirty.

Speaker 1 (01:34:51):
Ninety nine one HT two.

Speaker 51 (01:34:53):
It's US Radio seven forty KTRH on FM Houston's News, Weather,
Traffic and Talk at ninety nine one h.

Speaker 2 (01:35:03):
Well, Adrian Garcia was just you know, working at home.
I guess on personal business that'd be one thing, but
to be on the board of a Golf Coast Protection District,
whatever they do at the Gulf Coast Protection District to
be on that board, serving on another government job that

taxes people who are also in Harris County, which is
part of what he does as pre pre Sainct Two
Commissioner Texas says you can't do that now. He has
since quit, but that doesn't matter. Our next guest has
filed a lawsuit. He wants to see a special election
because he says the Precinct two Commissioner's office has been vacated.
Jared Neywar is an attorney a Chalmers and Adams. Interesting,

interesting lawsuit you have going here, sir. Does the fact
that Adrian Garcia stepped away from that board step down
this past year, does that complicate matters for your lawsuit
or not?

Speaker 50 (01:36:01):
No, it doesn't, not at all. It's long standing law.
This goes back more than one hundred years that as
soon as somebody. So if you're a public office holder
in Texas and you accept a second position, if that
position conflicts with your duties that you currently have, then

you automatically it's it's a deemed resignation from the first position.

Speaker 41 (01:36:27):
And that makes sense. You know the policy is you
can't have an office holder sitting.

Speaker 50 (01:36:31):
On both sides of the negotiating table or you know,
when when entities like this might have an interlocal agreement,
which is something that you know is certainly potential here,
and you can't be taxing people in the same you know,
jurisdiction for two different government bodies.

Speaker 2 (01:36:50):
Okay, So that being the case, you deem, according to
Texas law, that he, whether he said it out loud
or not, he resigned basically as pre Sainct. Two commissioner
the moment he took this other position.

Speaker 50 (01:37:06):
Right, yeah, and he you know, and so Harris County
needs to acknowledge that, and they need.

Speaker 41 (01:37:10):
To hold an election.

Speaker 50 (01:37:10):
This seat is vacant as a matter of law since
actually August of twenty twenty three. And you know, I
don't know if the Harris County Attorney's office was aware
of this when they or if the county commissioners, you know,
Lena Hidalgo and her team ever consulted with their attorneys

about this.

Speaker 41 (01:37:31):
If not, they should have. I mean, this is not
a new rule of law.

Speaker 2 (01:37:36):
Have you been just out of curiosity, have you been
to a commissioner's court meeting and you know, made them
aware of not only your I'm sure they're aware of
your lawsuit, but made them aware of what Texas law says.

Speaker 50 (01:37:50):
Well, I haven't gone to a meeting myself. I didn't
have any need to do that when we, you know,
realized this, I followed a lawsuit. I mean first I
told him that the lawsuit was coming with an email
to the County Attorney's office, and then we went ahead
and filed. Because the fact is, it doesn't matter, you know,

if we had told him in a meeting or not,
or you know the fact that now after we followed
the lawsuit, they pulled, well, they replaced Garcia on the
Gulf Coast Protection District with another person as the Harris
Kunty representative. But nothing, you know, that doesn't change the
fact that he resigned when he accepted that second position,
and there's nothing that they can do, you know earlier,

I mean, after he accepted that position, as a matter
of law, he resigned as commissioner, and the commissioner seat
became vacant. I guess there was nothing that they anyone
could do about it.

Speaker 2 (01:38:46):
I guess the reason I'm curious as to whether or
not you'd been to a commissioner's meeting, is is it
assuming that your case is valid? And that's exactly what
Tesla's law says. Adrian Garcia is not qualified to vote
on Harris County issues, in which case he shouldn't be
sitting there voting on issues to the effect taxpayers.

Speaker 50 (01:39:04):
Well, that's right, and that's actually so there's two things
we're asking for in this lawsuit.

Speaker 41 (01:39:09):
And I would point out we filed this.

Speaker 50 (01:39:13):
Back in June originally, so over the summer in my
so that original suit was filed on behalf of another
plane if Mark Gullaby, who was a taxpayer activist Harris
County resident, and he sued as a taxpayer seeking.

Speaker 41 (01:39:26):
To because this is actually the twenty twenty three.

Speaker 50 (01:39:31):
Reappointment was actually the second time that Garcia had been
appointed to this body by Harris County.

Speaker 41 (01:39:38):
So he's currently vacated his seat in his current term,
but he.

Speaker 50 (01:39:42):
Also was appointed to and accepted this position during his
first term as a commissioner in twenty twenty one. And
folks will remember, I'm sure there was a lot of
controversy in Harris County at that time because Commissioner's Court
was divided three to two, so from August twenty twenty
one to December twenty twenty two. All of those three

two votes when Lena hid Allgo and her folks were
passing crazy stuffy handing out money like water to their
you know allies, they void right, if it was a
three to two vote, then then it was it should
be voided.

Speaker 41 (01:40:20):
It should be voidable now.

Speaker 50 (01:40:21):
And so we're part of the problem is we're trying
to uncover in this lawsuit what what spending might still
be an issue undertaken by those votes, and so that
we can.

Speaker 2 (01:40:32):
Try to enjoy it all right, welled, do us a favorite, please, sir,
keep us posted here on how your lawsuit is progressing,
because obviously there's a lot of taxpayer money on the
line over this one. Jared A War joined us, So
he joined us, turning it Chalmers in Adams seven twenty eight.
Time to take a look at your money, Jeff Bellinger's here.

Speaker 26 (01:40:49):
And ahead of the Tuesday session on Wall Street, Jimmy,
the stock market futures are a little bit higher. The
S and P futures are up eight points. Nasdaq futures
have just turned higher. They're up a fraction. The now
futures are up eighty five points. I'm Jeff Bellinger, Bloomberg
Business on News Radio seven forty KTRH, New.

Speaker 27 (01:41:10):
York No Houston's News, Why there are traffic plus Breaking
News twenty four seventh.

Speaker 1 (01:41:16):
This is News Radio seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 21 (01:41:19):
Five Everywhere with the more of what's happening now from
the John Morris Services Studios.

Speaker 2 (01:41:26):
Seven thirty our time, Houston's Morning News. I'm Jimmy Barrett.
Among our top stories this half hour. Governor Habita has
declared an emergency for Texas for that impending weather, especially
in North Texas, Mexico worried about a US military intervention.
And coming up at seven thirty eight, are those mystery
drones creating a chemical fog. Details in the minutes ahead.

You're in Houston's Morning News. First Lit had that morning
drive again. Here's kuy my.

Speaker 3 (01:41:53):
Nord Freeway Cypress Woods southbound. All right, that's her wreck
with an eighteen wheeler. This is pretty gnarly. All we
have is a right lane get by, and that backup
is all the way from the Woodlands.

Speaker 4 (01:42:03):
Now get a time stamp quickly. Whoa sixty one minutes?

Speaker 2 (01:42:06):
All right?

Speaker 3 (01:42:07):
Definitely do the herty big shots if you're a commoner.

Speaker 4 (01:42:09):
Do the East text instead. You've got East Loop six
y ten.

Speaker 3 (01:42:12):
Make this I ten East Freeway right at the loop
that Rex moved over. But it's sure causing some backup
here and Richmond. Don't get on the feeder road on
the west Sam at Richmond.

Speaker 4 (01:42:23):
The lights are out. Sindy from Dayton, give you some credit.

Speaker 47 (01:42:25):
Everybody tuinching together.

Speaker 4 (01:42:26):
She made her own verbiage.

Speaker 3 (01:42:28):
I'm in the Generator Supercenter dot Com Traffic Center.

Speaker 2 (01:42:31):
Prom r KTRH Generator super Center, twenty four hour weather
Center for today. Have the cold weather advisory till nine
this morning. Otherwise sunshine with the iigh temperature right about fifty.
Thursday is the day. We're giving an eye out for
a real cold, heavy rain that's expected around here on Thursday.
But if you're traveling north towards Dallas, they're gonna get snow.
I will talk to Terry about that again in about

eight minutes. Right now, temperature currently is thirty one at
your official severe weather station, news Radio seven forty ktr H.
It's timed out for the news. Here's Cliff Saunders.

Speaker 5 (01:43:03):
Thank you, Jimmy seven thirty two. In our top story,
the Houston Fire Department says three firefighters are hospitalized with
varying degrees of burns this morning. This all due to
an apartment complex fire in Sunnyside this morning. We're still
waiting for more details, but again, three firefighters are hospitalized.
Governor Greg Gabbott because of this cold snap, activates state

emergency responses. The cold weather blamed for one death in
Houston yesterday, and the winder storm blair, which has killed
six people nationwide, is made traveling a big problem. Those
travel problems continue this morning, with fifty flights either canceled
or delayed out of Bush and Hobby. Also topping the news.

Speaker 28 (01:43:45):
We have to get President Trump's nominees in office now.

Speaker 5 (01:43:48):
That's incoming National Security Advisor Michael Waltz with ktrh is
Sean Hennity. Just hours after Congress certified the election of
Donald Trump yesterday, Republicans are pushing to have the national
security picks confirmed. Six days after the New Orleans terror
attack that killed fourteen people.

Speaker 28 (01:44:06):
As for the investigation, we've learned that late last year,
Shamsay and Jabbar made two trips to New Orleans, including
one in October, when the FBI says he recorded videos
wearing Meta smart glasses while riding a bike through the
French Quarter.

Speaker 5 (01:44:20):
Garretteni reporting there, President Joe Biden and the First Lady
were in New Orleans last night. We know that Americans
are being radicalized against their own country, and we're not
doing enough to stop it.

Speaker 29 (01:44:33):
The New Orleans attacker was born and raised here but
pledged allegiance to ISIS and became a terrorist. Extremism researcher
Ryan Morrow tells Fox that a dangerous anti American mindset
is being allowed to fester in our country.

Speaker 22 (01:44:45):
There are still these jihad factories specifically for ISIS, but
for the Islamist's ideology overall. That operated through registered nonprofits
and online as well, So there is an infrastructure that creates.

Speaker 15 (01:44:57):
The psycho thing.

Speaker 29 (01:44:58):
That mindset includes excuses anti Semitism, attacking American patriotism, and
minimizing the importance of citizenship. Coryolson, News Radio seven forty KTRH.
It's now seven thirty four.

Speaker 5 (01:45:09):
Illegal aliens are now riding on dangerous cargo trains to
get to the US, just in time for the cartels
to smuggle them here. But that might just be the beginning.

Speaker 30 (01:45:19):
Cartels and criminals smugging networks in Mexico.

Speaker 10 (01:45:22):
They're going to become more desperate.

Speaker 30 (01:45:23):
They're going to want to change and adapt to what
the policies or you want to be in twenty twenty
five and then so on.

Speaker 5 (01:45:30):
That is Texas DPS Lieutenant Chris Olivars. This also comes
as the reports of a new migrant caravan trying to
get its way to Texas before the twentieth there's also
this Mexico is reportedly concerned that once Trump gets back
into office, he may use the military to strike the cartels.

Speaker 15 (01:45:49):
Jason Jones, a retired military captain with the Texas DPS,
says they should be.

Speaker 31 (01:45:55):
We cannot allow what the Mexican government has allowed to
happen in their country, and we have to go after
these cartels.

Speaker 2 (01:46:03):
So what would that look like.

Speaker 9 (01:46:05):
What we truly needed to attack is what they called
the company, and that's the lawyers, that is the accountants.
Those are the people who run the organization and feed
it so that it can survive.

Speaker 15 (01:46:15):
Cartels that he says must be stopped. Jeff Biggs news
right in the O seven forty K Tier eight.

Speaker 5 (01:46:22):
Coming up on seven thirty six, the Houston cop shoots
and kills a suspect who tried to grab another officer's
weapon yesterday in Northeast Houston. This is all started when
HPD got a call about a man slashing tires. No
officers were hurt. The State of Texas's bar website had
an asterisk next to the name of the new Harris
County DA Sean Tierry yesterday, indicating he was not eligible

to practice law here. Well, it turned out that during
the campaign he missed two hours of education. He made
those up, had to pay a fine, and he's apparently
now eligible again. The return to law and order under
Trump could lead to a wave of gun friendly laws,
which might include national constitutional carry. Chris mcnunt with Texas

Gun Right says Donald Trump's got a better grasp on
what gun owners want, and even Democrat law fair can't
stop him.

Speaker 33 (01:47:12):
Back in twenty twenty two, we had the Brewin decision
that is a de facto sledgehammer for our lawsuits moving forward,
because basically what the Brewin decision did was say that
any gun regulations have to point to the history to
be able to justify any of these banned.

Speaker 5 (01:47:28):
He says that progress, though, starts with fixing the atf
Also in Austin, Governor Greg Gabbitt appointing Jimmy Blacklock as
the new Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court to
replace the now retire with Nathan hect At seven thirty seven.
Victims of last month's tornado and Montgomery County have yet
another problem to deal with the insurance companies.

Speaker 34 (01:47:49):
And that takes a lot of patience. In most cases,
there are negotiations over insurance payouts, then there's the mortgage
company's interest in the settlement. Texas lone Star president Laith
Dye says the top thing to be.

Speaker 35 (01:48:01):
Aware of contractors that are just trying to get a
quick buck and not really going to be there to
you know, finish the job number one, which is the
biggest risk, but then secondarily be there to service any
warranty claims that happen after.

Speaker 34 (01:48:13):
And in tough cases. He recommends companies that specialize in
interfacing with the insurance and mortgage companies on behalf of
the home or business owner. Michael Shiloh News Radio seven
forty KRH.

Speaker 5 (01:48:25):
And I'm Cloff Saunders on Houston's news, weather and traffic
station KTRH.

Speaker 2 (01:48:30):
The tools you need to take.

Speaker 4 (01:48:32):
On the day news in the morning, weather and traffic.

Speaker 21 (01:48:34):
This is Houston's Morning News with Jimmy Barrett. Tell you
what this is the mother of all conspiracy theories right here.
I'm sharing this with you tongue in cheek. You'll take
it for what you will. Here's the headline. Chemical fog
ignites bio weapon theories after drone sightings spook Americans, people

reporting I'm a so called chemical fog rolling into multiple states.
Residents in those states have reportedly been sneezing and dealing
with cramps. One Florida resident said, within an hour of exposure,
I started sneezing repeatedly and my eyes were swollen. I
felt feverish with stomach cramps. The internet is now in

complete panic mode, with everything from secret government bioweapon testing
to aliens and of course the drones.

Speaker 2 (01:49:30):
Local officials trying to calm the masses, asking people to
chill because it's just you know, it's just winter time.
You know, we get fog in the winter. I mean
we had we had a lot of fog last month
here in Houston. Anybody gets sick, you know, after being
out in the fog. By the way, this fog supposedly smells.
It smells chemically. At least that's the claim. Here's here's

one person in full bio weapon conspiracy theory panic mode.
There's chemicals to try to create the bird fluid epidemic.
My allergies have gone crazy since Christmas when it first
got foggy. It happens every time they spray that chemical
bs in the sky. Oh that's more the that's more
the contrail thing, right. So but yo again, I would

just urge if the United States government knows what's going
on with the drones, can you like give some level
of transparency here, because people start thinking up some crazy
stuff when left of their own imagination. Seven forty time
for traffic and weather together. Fogs, smelly fogg.

Speaker 3 (01:50:37):
You are amusing some fourth grade boys right now.

Speaker 2 (01:50:40):
All my fingers sky, Mike can do arm for it.

Speaker 3 (01:50:42):
By the way, let's check out your Grand Parkway. I
got Jin from Tomball.

Speaker 4 (01:50:46):
What's that Jin?

Speaker 47 (01:50:47):
Takry, Mike, don't send anybody to the Hardy eats found
ninety nine is backed up all the way to forty
five to try to get on the ramp to the Hardy.
I just saw emergency vehicles pass and we're not moving
at all esp.

Speaker 4 (01:51:01):
Okay, that's my fault, gotcha.

Speaker 3 (01:51:03):
Cypress Wood North Freeway southbound of Cypress would have got
this big wreck just a right lane getting by, so
we're smudged up now lake Wood and Land's Parkway looks
to be the back door. And also eastbound from the
golf ball Terra. You're packed up now from kirkandall trying
to get that way. It's a tough row this morning.
If you could find some back roads through Spring do that.
Sixty nine East, Texas looking better by the minute. I

got marked from Santa Fe.

Speaker 45 (01:51:26):
Dude that my Highway sixvis got a gaggle of emergency response.
Looks like a dump truck and a small vehicle. Two
lanes and block.

Speaker 3 (01:51:38):
All right, Hopefully everybody's okay. Thanks so much for all
your tip line calls this morning. Banana stickers around. Cindy
from Dayton brought me some new burbage west. Sam, you
got the light problem at Richmond, well said Web from Humble.

Speaker 4 (01:51:51):
The ninety thing.

Speaker 3 (01:51:52):
At the wet East Loop is real and even meek
from Chemaway and in look Out. I'm in the generator
suit dot Com traffic center from r.

Speaker 2 (01:52:02):
Katie rh Generator super Center twenty four, our weather center,
Terry Smith is here. The wintery weather is coming and
everybody gets a little dose.

Speaker 23 (01:52:12):
Everybody's gonna get cold winter for you and for you
and for you. Yeah, there's a lot going on, and
there's a lot we don't know at the same time,
and you know, I hate to admit it, but at
this point we're just trying to estimate this developing winter
storm and exactly what's happening. Best estimate at this point

is here in Houston, it's mainly going to be rain.
It's parts north of us that may get something frozen,
and that could include, you know, the Brazos Valley or
the Piney Woods, and certainly places up in northeast Texas,
Dallas in particular.

Speaker 36 (01:52:46):
Good thing is we don't have to worry about any
of that today and tomorrow.

Speaker 23 (01:52:49):
I can tell you that with certainty sunshine and upper
forties to low fifties today and tomorrow we got clouds
and it's cold load to mid forties tomorrow, and I'm
thinking rain, and I'm thinking real hard eighty percent chance
of showers, temperatures in the low to mid forties and
more rain Thursday night and some showers Friday morning, but
a dry afternoon and then sunshine helping to get us

out of the forties by Saturday.

Speaker 36 (01:53:15):
Heis in the fifties. Woo Saturday.

Speaker 2 (01:53:18):
Right now current temperature, let me double check it here
see for making any progress? No, still thirty one at
your official severe weather station, News Radio seven forty k TRH.

Speaker 4 (01:53:28):
What you need to know for the day ahead.

Speaker 21 (01:53:31):
This is Houston's Morning News, brought to you by New
South Windows Solutions.

Speaker 2 (01:53:36):
All right, well, the United States has been trupified, or
soon will be. Europe is certainly changing, and guess what
Canada is getting ready to do the same. Justin Trudeau,
the Liberal leader of Canada, announcing guest today he's stepping
down as prime minister. So what's coming next for Canada?
More in that story coming up next. First, though, traffic

and weather together, as we check out the drive once
again with skyline.

Speaker 3 (01:54:00):
All right, Katie, Freeway visors flip them down pretty sunrise,
but a lot of backups Grand Parkway into Eldridge Parkway,
the normal thing, West Park Tollway fourteen sixty four. As
you're back up here, Jim from Tomball told me to
stop putting people on the Hardy toll Road.

Speaker 4 (01:54:14):
I see that problem.

Speaker 3 (01:54:15):
We've got the North Freeway wreck at Cypress Wood and
all that re routing is making the ramps to the
Hardy crazy. The North Freeway's backed up all the way
from the Woodlands, Linda from Spring.

Speaker 45 (01:54:25):
Forty five south.

Speaker 33 (01:54:26):
You've got another.

Speaker 2 (01:54:27):
Hubbub, Well said.

Speaker 39 (01:54:28):
This is just north of Westmount Houston.

Speaker 45 (01:54:31):
Only the right lane is getting by ninjas.

Speaker 41 (01:54:34):
Please rescue all right.

Speaker 3 (01:54:36):
Fantastic banana stickers all around, and I'm going to upgrade
this whole North Freeway thing to full hoobas stakery. Now
let's find out why two ninety smudgeing up at Eldridge.
I got that at eight o'clock. And the Generator Supercenter
dot Com Traffic Center.

Speaker 2 (01:54:50):
From our katrh Generator Supercenter, twenty four hour weather Center,
they cold weather advisory. That's until nine this morning, Sunday
today about fifty there to Parley CLOUTI thirty four tonight
he's forty four Tomorrow mostly cloudy Tomorrow night thirty eight,
and then Thursday is a rain day. Breeds of cold,
heavy rain with a high only forty two. Temperature currently
is thirty one at your official severe weather station, News

Radio seven forty k TRH. Check out some of our
top stories on the Tuesday. Here's Cliff, Thank you, Jimmy.

Speaker 5 (01:55:18):
Texas Governor Greg Gabbott activates the state's emergency response because
of the winter weather. The FBI and Harris County Sheriff's
Office apparently conducted a law enforcement operation overnight. No details
yet other than there's no threat to the public and Jimmy.
Back on this day in nineteen twenty seven, the Harlem
Globe Trotters played their first ever game. Get the latest

news anytime at KTRH dot com. Our next update is
at eight o'clock.

Speaker 10 (01:55:44):
I live in Pasadena, Sharptown, Southwest.

Speaker 21 (01:55:46):
Next on the ten time saving traffic on seven forty KTRH.

Speaker 2 (01:55:54):
I have a feeling that they're going to go through
all the capitals in Canada's a Bay country, and did
Lug's are going to change much? Anyway? Seven to fifty
three is our time here on Houston's Morning News. Ottawa
is the capital of Canada, and Justin Trudeau is still
the Premier of Canada, the prime minister, if you will,
of Canada, but he's not going to be prime minister
much longer. They're going to be holding an election you

know pretty soon. First of all, they have to declare
a new hand of the Labor Party there and then
they're going to end up having an election and maybe
this is when Canada will go conservative. Here is the
expected announcement from Justin Trudeau himself yesterday and some reaction
to it from the Premiere of Alberta. Her name is

Danielle Smith.

Speaker 13 (01:56:41):
I intend to resign as party leader as Prime Minister
after the party selects its next leader through a robust
nationwide competitive process. And it has become obvious to me
with the internal battles, that I cannot be the one

to carry the Liberal standard into the next election.

Speaker 43 (01:57:05):
I should probably tell you that as a Conservative premier,
my policies are quite a bit at odds with our
federal counterpartn and so one of the things that I've
seen is exactly as you analyze that they used to
be more of a centrist party, in the same way
your Democrat Party was more of a centrist party, but
with the wokeism, with the extreme environmentalism, with the punitive
approach to taking to anything from mining to all the

way through to the development of oil and gas. Excessive
carbon tax is making life more unaffordable spending like mad
seeing the increase in inflation. I think we've had parallel
experiences over the last four years, and quite.

Speaker 10 (01:57:42):
Clearly Canadians had enough of it.

Speaker 43 (01:57:44):
I personally think that we'd be better off going straight
into an election. I would like to see a new
prime minister chosen so that we would have a four
year mandate. Your incoming president doct Trump has a four
year mandate. We need to be able to have somebody
who has the credibility of a four year mandate behind
them as we get into these really difficult conversations about tariffs.
Who I think is our future Prime Minister Pierre Polyef

was just on Jordan Peterson's podcast got forty million views,
so I think that that tells you something about what
he has tapped into and I think it's a very gain.
It's the parallel track that we've been going on, seeing
if the Americans have had enough with the wokeism, with
the punitive measures, with the unaffordability. And I would say
that in a few months time, you're probably going to
see Prime Minister Pierre Paulyev and if that does happen,

then our Conservative province will have a partner in being
able to do development. We'll have a partner in building pipelines,
We'll have a partner in development, will have a partner
in productivity, growth, and we'll have a partnership. I think
that will be a really strong ally of the United States.

Speaker 2 (01:58:44):
So who is Pierre pauliev whatever is name. The sounds
French to me, but that's okay because he's a Conservative.
He's head of Canada's Conservative Party and he's likely the
next Prime minister. Welcome on board, Canada. Good to get
you back. Listen, y'all have a great day. We'll see
tomorrow morning bright nearly at five am. I'll also see

you the SAT from before, I hope on AM nine
fifty k PRC.
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