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October 21, 2024 • 33 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
It's that time, time, time, time, luck and load.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Michael Varry Show is on the air.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
Had a summer job at McDonald's. A li it's a
total I she never worked at McDonald's, but she lies
about everything. I'm love you.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
The nice people we made him. I'm loving no together, Grimace.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
We could own this town.

Speaker 4 (00:32):
It's a happy birthday, Gama.

Speaker 2 (00:35):
Maybe I'll get her surprise. I love you this guy.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
I'm not gonna mess with him, but I could do
this on that.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
I wouldn't mind this job.

Speaker 1 (00:45):
I love.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
Function that.

Speaker 4 (00:54):
I've not worked for fifteen minutes more than Kamala.

Speaker 1 (01:01):
So some people who are new to politics or don't
understand how the game is played, and it is a game.
Let's make that very clear. The stakes are high because
whoever wins the game gets to govern. But make no mistake,
it is a game. This part of the year is
known as the silly season for a reason because this

is the moment that everybody is calling the other person
a bad person and showing their picture kind of blackedown
and maybe horns coming out of them and they're terrible
and all that. I tell people all the time, never
believe anything that is said in a campaign ad from

September fifteenth on. If you have a candidate, you like,
stick with that candidate because whatever they're saying after September
fifteenth is probably a lie or a stretch. Nothing they
say to you about Donald Trump or for Texans about

Ted Cruz is true. They're just saying it to dupe
you for the moment. And remember the people who told
you that the Hunter Biden laptop that laid it all
out there, We've never seen anything like this. We got
the president's son and all the information we need to
send him to prison and his dad to prison on

his laptop because he's such a dummy. He left it
and didn't pay his bill at the computer store. So
what do they do. That's not true, Jedi mind trick.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
That's not true.

Speaker 1 (02:41):
That's not his that's the Russians that did that. That's disinformation. Twitter,
because Elon didn't own it yet, took the story down,
so a lot of Americans didn't get to know about it.
The same people who told you that was Russian disinformation
later had to confess it was a real story. One

in six people who voted for Joe Biden said that
if they had known about that story, there was a blackout.
They didn't know it. They would have voted for Trump
instead of Biden. So yeah, those people have lied to you,
and they're gonna lie to you again. They never stop
lying to you. So what do they do? What do

they do when Trump has a moment? They know he
had a moment, They know the power of him having
worked at McDonald's, they know he's going up in the polls,
he's got all the momentum. They call it a stunt,
a stunt. Hum with all the things the Democrats have
done over the years, now all of a sudden, it's

a stunt. Working at McDonald's is a stunt. You know, Yes,
it is a stunt. Everything is a stunt, or nothing
is a stunt. Trump's connection to McDonald's goes back to
being in an ad in two thousand and two. He's
been photographed with their French fries. He's ragged about loving McDonald's.

He's brought McDonald's into the White House. But by the way,
he didn't need to have done all that to have
gone and worked there. To make the point, remember this, folks,
let me use a sports analogy. Let's use TJ. Watt,
a star defensive end for is he technically an end?

He plays like a linebacker, but whatever a star defensive
player he lines up on the line, so I guess
technically he's an edge rusher they call him now and
kind of like Lawrence Taylor. It's hard to In the
old days, a d lineman was a big, fat guy
who wasn't very fast, but you didn't want him to
get hold of you, And a linebacker was leaner and faster,

but not nearly as big. Now you got these edge
rusher But I digress. So like JJ Watt, I wouldn't
say is he a linebacker or alignment? But TJ is leaner,
seems to be just as strong. That guy's a beast anyway.
Pittsburgh Steelers game last night. People study these things. At
Chiefs games where Taylor Swift is in attendance, she is

on screen an average of seven times NBC. I never
saw them put Trump on screen. Last night. I was
watching the game with Crockett. I'd been out of town.
I'd been in Austin all weekend. My wife and I
went up to see our son who's at the University
of Texas, and I'd been out all weekend, so I
needed some father sontime. So one of our father son

activities is we watch football together. And he's in a
fantasy league, which is where you get points for when
people score or do this or do that, and so
we'll go through his players and I'll make suggestions and
he'll tell me I'm crazy, and which I usually am
because mine isn't based on data and his is. But
it's a fun. Anything you can do to spend time

with your kids, you do it. You know what I'm talking.
So he and I were talking, but we would have
to keep looking stuff up because a friend of mine,
Tom Morstead, is the punter for the Jets. He's originally
from Houston, Proland, then he went to the Saints. A
lot of New Orleans, our New Orleans listeners will remember
him playing for the Saints, and now he's with the Jets.
And I love Aaron Rodgers and I love the DeVante

Adams story and I want them to succeed. But anyway,
so I might have been looking at my phone when
they showed Trump because I was told he was on
screen one time. Did you see it? Did you watch
the game? I didn't either, but the entire crowd when
he came in starts chanting USA. So Taylor Swift, who's

a political hack and an idiot, man, I say, she, okay,
let me play this because we're gonna go to break.
This is This is MSNBC calling him unwell. This is
how you know what he did was good.

Speaker 5 (07:05):
I mean, if you're on his campaign, and I know
you are certainly not, I'm not.

Speaker 2 (07:09):
Making any implication of that. But what is the.

Speaker 5 (07:11):
Logic behind us going to a McDonald's. I mean, we
know the guy likes Big Max and filet of fish,
and he's used the word love to describe the way
he feels about the food there before.

Speaker 1 (07:21):
But what's this about.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
There's no logic to it. It's a stunt.

Speaker 6 (07:26):
He has not put forth an economic agenda.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
He as you know, appears.

Speaker 6 (07:31):
To be not well and he's engaged in some really
bizarre types of activities during this campaign.

Speaker 2 (07:40):
So this is just another one of.

Speaker 6 (07:41):
Those stunts that he will continue on through the campaign.

Speaker 2 (07:46):
And I think that we need to.

Speaker 6 (07:47):
Really focus on making sure that he is not elected,
of course, because he is a threat to our democracy,
but also the Harris Loss agenda is about the economy,
reducing the cost of living, reducing the cost of prescription drugs,
reducing the cost of housing, and making life better for everyone.
And that's what we have to focus on and make
sure we get every voter to the polls.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
And you mad, sister, girls, vote.

Speaker 1 (08:11):
For you mad because you sound mad. Trump got another wind.

Speaker 2 (08:19):
Happy birthday.

Speaker 1 (08:20):
I'll get her in the cattles, Michael Barry, Maybe I'll
get her surprise.

Speaker 3 (08:26):

Speaker 1 (08:29):
Kamala Harris despises you. She really does sing, not just
the whities man Blue. She despises everyone. She is a very,
very entitled person. And you know what else I've learned
over the years, when people are living a lie, they
resent the people who are not celebrities often resent the

very people who make them famous. And do you know
why I've come to learn this Because they're not as
great as their fans think they are, and they know that,
and their fear is their fans will figure it out.
And when their fans figure it out, they'll hate them.

So they resent their fans for loving something that the
fans think they are but they're not. Kamala Harris despises
other people because she knows she's living a lie. And
if they knew what a dumb dumb she really is,

and how the decisions have been made to put her
in this situation that they would drop her like a
hot potato. So it's a preemptive dislike for other people.
So she's at a little rally at a high school
g in Wisconsin. Can you imagine getting a crowd of

Trump supporters in a high school gym.

Speaker 2 (10:06):
Couldn't do it.

Speaker 1 (10:07):
Too many people, too many fans, but they do this
to make it look more crowded, and they you know, technology,
I'm not a big technology guy. People get mad at
me for saying that if I don't love technology. I
don't love technology. But I don't love technology, but I'm
amazed at what can be done with technology these days.

They can now see the cell phone activity at a
Kamala Harris rally, and they can see what the area
codes of the phones are, and they can see they
can track those phones, and they can do it in
a mass sample. So there was a rally in Detroit recently.

There were four thousand phones at that rally. And I
can't remember the exact numbers, so I may be off,
but this is the range of where it was something
like thirty two hundred to thirty six hundred of the
phones were people that had also been in Atlanta the
week before, in North Carolina a couple of days before. Well,

let me ask you this, do you really believe that?
And I can't remember where the original area code was from,
but none of these people were native to Detroit. Do
you really believe that Kamala Harris supporters are all from
the same area code? And I don't know, some poor

town in Georgia, I don't know where it was, Mississippi.
Wherever it was, They've gone in and paid these people
to travel like they're grateful dead fans to Kamala Harris
events and be there so that they can script a crowd.

You know why, because she can't draw a route because
people don't connect with her. People don't want her to
be the president, so they have to script the media,
the legacy media, and the Hollywood crowd. Everything for them
is fake. So this doesn't bother them. This is what

they're good at. Well, she insults Christians at her rally
because she doesn't like Christians. Listen carefully.

Speaker 3 (12:31):
Donald Trump hand selected three members of the United.

Speaker 2 (12:33):
States Supreme Court with.

Speaker 3 (12:37):
The intention that they would undo the protections.

Speaker 7 (12:40):
Of Roe v.

Speaker 2 (12:41):
Wade, and they did as.

Speaker 3 (12:43):
He intended, Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally. No,
I think you meant to go to the smaller one
down the street.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
The guy screamed out, Jesus's Lord, and she said, you're
at the wrong rally. Luke Pulaski is one of the
young men who praised Jesus at the rally, and Fox
News invited him on. They tracked him down to ask
him what happened after that moment.

Speaker 8 (13:18):
There's a lot happened that, a lot that happened off
camera that we said at the protests, and well why
we were protesting. And I guess we could start off
with when she after she talked about overturning Robe Wade
and Donald Trump, I yelled out to the crowd that
abortion is the sacrament of Satan. And when I said that,

I deeply do believe that as a Christian. And about
ten seconds go by, and that's when the video of
my friend Grant and I proclaiming that Christ is Lord
and Jesus is King when we said that, and I
think it's important to say, this is a small venue
and we were about twenty to thirty yards away from

at this point, there's a lot of controversy that says
she wasn't talking to us, or we laughed, we didn't
get kicked out. Well, I can speak on Granchi's behalf
on video. Grant's getting pushed and shoved, and there's about
five seconds after or before she tells us to go
to the smaller rally down the street, and you can

see on the video she waves.

Speaker 2 (14:21):
She waves. She was actually waving to me.

Speaker 8 (14:24):
I took this cross off my neck that I wear,
and as we were getting asked to leave, I held
it up in the air and waved at her and
pointed to her, and she looked directly and I kind
of gave me an evil smirk, and yeah, I just
want to clear that up and confirm that she was
talking to us. And there's other controversy that says we left,

we were getting shouted at, pushed, assaulted, screamed at.

Speaker 2 (14:50):
So we were walking away.

Speaker 8 (14:52):
But there's about three attendees there, volunteers that kicked us
out with pressed with badges or whatever they had. And
I typically remember this one man saying you were invited
and on and welcome to this event.

Speaker 2 (15:04):
You need to leave, And all they did was walk
us out the door.

Speaker 8 (15:07):
They didn't tell us why no cops has scored us out,
no secret service, and uh, yeah, that's our story.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
This is what you do in third world dictatorships. You
cannot question them. In contrast, JD. Vance had a similar
situation at his rally. Listen to how he handled it.

Speaker 7 (15:27):
Anti Christian rhetoric and anti Christian approach to public policy.
I don't think we've just I don't think that we've
that's right, Jesus is king, and I don't think.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
That we've seen.

Speaker 7 (15:43):
I don't think that we've seen anything like this in
modern American politics.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
So after insulting Christians and telling everyone that Jesus Christ
has no place at her rally, she goes to a
black church, a soul's to the polls, which is really
just a front for the Democrat machine. And now she's
back to quoting the Bible.

Speaker 3 (16:05):
And let us recognize that when we shine the light
in moments of darkness, it will guide our feet into
the path of peace. And let us remember that while
weeping may endure for a night, joy cometh in the morning.

Gone is the day of everyone thinking they could actually
live the American dream.

Speaker 2 (16:29):
The Michael Verie Show.

Speaker 1 (16:33):
Problem was asked what generational change means to her. So
this was her answer.

Speaker 7 (16:43):
You talk about generational change, What does generational change mean
to you?

Speaker 3 (16:48):
I think it's about a state of mind and it
is about understanding that we should be focused on this moment,
and this is a very particular moment where there's a
lot happening in our country that is about innovation that
are but really new approaches.

Speaker 2 (17:02):
To long standing challenges, and there's about it.

Speaker 3 (17:05):
It's a new generation of thinking as much as anything else.

Speaker 1 (17:09):
Wait, what remot can you? I don't think I got
an answer there.

Speaker 7 (17:16):
You talk about generational change, What does generational change mean
to you?

Speaker 3 (17:21):
I think it's about a state of mind, and it
is about understanding that we should be focused on at
this moment, and this is a very particular moment where
there's a lot happening in our country that is about
innovation that are but really new approaches to long standing challenges,
and there's about it. It's a new generation of thinking
as much as anything else.

Speaker 1 (17:42):
So generational change is change in a generation.

Speaker 2 (17:45):
Okay, Well.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
Yeah, when you have to use the word that someone
is asking you to define in the definition, I don't
think you know what you're talking about. So now Kamah
there is. This is how bad things are. She's had
to retreat to home base to hav an quote unquote

interview with somebody who's not going to ask her a
single question that would have her out of her league.
Nothing serious. So she's back on MSNBC with Al Sharpton.
Now you're not adding independence, you're not adding undecided, you're

not adding new demographics they are now she's just going
back to comfort food at this point, and even with
Al Sharpton, she does it again.

Speaker 3 (18:46):
The President of the United States must set a standard,
not only foreign nation, but understanding the standard that we
as a nation must set for the world. You know,
we we as presenting the United States of America, walk
into rooms around the world with the earned and self

appointed authority to talk about the importance of democracy, rule
of law, and have been thought of as a role
model and perfect though we may be, but a role
model of what it means to be committed to certain standards,
including international rules and norms, but also standards of decorum.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
The President of.

Speaker 3 (19:28):
The United States must set a standard.

Speaker 4 (19:32):
What what you've just said is one of the most
insanely idiotic things I have ever heard at no point
in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to
anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in
this room is now dumber for having listened to it.

I award you no points, and may God have mercy
on yourself.

Speaker 1 (20:01):
So Kamala is now losing with white women. The majority
of white women are for Trump. She is losing. She's
not below fifty percent with black women yet, but she
is hemorrhaging black women. She is losing them. And it's

quite interesting on social media. You have to be careful
on social media because the algorithm will feed you what
you already like. So unfortunately, if you look up the
Wisconsin I mean, if you look up the Milwaukee Bucks

basketball team from back in the day, you're going to
be fed a steady diet of Sydney Moncrief highlights for
years or the early days of lou Elsendor And you're going,
why do y'all keep sending me this? Because that's what
they think you want? So to get outside that. And
when you get outside that, you still see that more

and more black women, inner city black women, young black women,
and you know what they're saying, stop screaming abortion, Kamala
you're killing our communities. You're putting criminals back out on
the street. Legal aliens are replacing us. You can scream
abortion till you're blue in the face. It's not gonna matter.

But boy, oh boy, is she losing men. She is
getting crushed by men. So what does she do? She
and that genius Al Sharpton decide that any man that
is not voting for her hates women. They're a misogynist.

She is every dude that ever had an ex wife.

Speaker 3 (21:59):
I am.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
I've been with my wife for thirty five years. She's
the best wife in the world. She supports me, she
makes me better, she challenges me. But I've had some
friends who married women who changed on them, and they
became awful ex wives and co parents, and they went
through hell because of it. Kamala Harris is that the

woman who blames men for everything. So here she is
all you fellas black men, Hispanic women, Hispanic men, white men,
Asian men. If you're not supporting Kamala Harris, then you
hate women.

Speaker 9 (22:38):
Do you think some of the resistance of some men
black and white is misogynists? And are you proud to
see that most Americans is even even being pold have
no problem of supporting a woman at all. And I'm
one that lived from Shirley to Kamala inter these campaigns.

Speaker 3 (22:58):
That have an emotional reaction to you raising the plane
of Shirlechism because it is on her broad shoulders that
I stand and so many of us stand. And we
have come a long way to your point, and on
your specific point about including the fact that I have
the support of countless black men who are in elected positions,

including on just this afternoon and two church visits today
with the Mayor of Atlanta.

Speaker 1 (23:30):
That being said, I think that.

Speaker 3 (23:33):
You are absolutely right that there is this narrative about
what kind of support we are receiving from black men
that is just not panning out.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
You are an awful person, Kamala Harris, a divisive person,
a person who causes problems wherever you go. Your desperate
attempts to get people to like you by insulting other

people are not only not presidential, they're indecent. They're grotesque.
This is terrible, terrible, terrible behavior. You ever had a
worker who in your workplace was toxic, You've got to

fire them, You've got to get them out. I've seen
a child. A toxic child, destroy a family, destroy the parents,
destroy the family. I've seen toxic workers to destroy you see.
This is why sometimes a great wide receiver like a
terrell O ones had to get Berkision, had to be

kicked off a team because they're toxic. She's toxic.

Speaker 2 (24:53):
Happy Birthday, I get her.

Speaker 1 (24:55):
A mcdadals Michael Berry.

Speaker 2 (24:58):
They don't get her.

Speaker 1 (24:58):
Surprise. A Michigan voter on MSNBC, when asked, says that
Kamala Harris is insulting Christians to appease abortion activists focused.

Speaker 2 (25:20):
In on abortion.

Speaker 3 (25:23):
We have constitutional protected abortion here in Michigan.

Speaker 2 (25:26):
It's not an issue. I don't have a unurus anymore.
My husband never had a uterus.

Speaker 3 (25:31):
But we have utility bills, we have grussy bills.

Speaker 1 (25:35):
If you think that abortion is what most Americans care about,
you're out of touch. You're probably a paid staffer one
of these organizations. People want safe streets, they want jobs,

they want economic security, and they want opportunity for their kids.
If all you can do is scream abortion, you know
what she's doing. She's appealing to the one group of
people that she's still holding on too. Do you know
who that is? They're known in the political world as
awfuls affluent white female, urban liberal, but these women have

positions of authority. These are white women, mostly white women.
They're very well quote unquote educated. Now, they couldn't change
a tire. They don't have any common sense, they don't
have any practical sense, but they have educational credentials and

they are completely focused on their career. They're not good mothers,
they're not good wives, they're not good friends. They spend
a lot of time I'm in therapy and they need it.
And they are the characters of sex in the city.
They are the you know, there are TV shows made

for these women. And they are very bitter, very angry.
These are the women that when Trump was elected the
first time, were the pink hats that they made reference to,
these hats being a female cat. Everything about them is
their uterus, their vagina. They constantly they're angry that they menstruate,

and some of them may not be menstruating anymore. But
if very angry about it, men need to pay for
the fact that they've been angry. You've got to go
deep into the psyche of these human beings to understand
how they ended up there. They thought that by now
they would rule the world. This is very much the

Hillary Clinton model. They thought that by now they would
rule the world, and they're not as powerful as they
thought they were going to be. And they're very resentful.
They're resentful of the differences in the sexes. They had
a brother, and their brother played football in baseball, and
their daddy went to every game, and he didn't want

to come to their activities. So they're resentful, which, hey, okay,
I feel for you, but that's not my fault and
that's not your fault. They're resentful that the older generations
may not take them as seriously as they believe they
should be taken, and so they're mad at everybody, and

they're out to exact revenge on everyone. They're drunks Kamala Harris. Interestingly,
the reason Blacks don't claim Kamala Harris is for the
same reason that blacks didn't claim Barack Obama when you
got right down to it, because Barack Obama is the

prototypical white liberal Democrat. Sissy Kamala Harris is the prototypical angry, white, entitled,
quote unquote educated liberal. She just happens to not be white,

but if you ever notice, that's who she runs with.
She married a guy who is the He might be
a wife beater, but he is the softy white liberal
San Francisco law firm partner. I mean, these people are
straight out of Central Casting. And that's why when they

went looking for a man's man, because we got to
get the man back on track. Their idea of a
man's man was Tim Watz.

Speaker 2 (29:57):
There was a writer for he.

Speaker 1 (29:59):
It was a New York Times a few years ago,
and she said, I don't even know anybody who owns
a truck. Who are these people buying all these trucks?
That was such a revealing moment. You don't understand what

y'all call flyover country, because that's how the people on
the coast refer to most of the country. Flyover country.
Y'all are just the peasants down there that we fly over,
going from New York to LA to DC. Y'all don't matter.
Y'all aren't real. Y'all are church going breeders driving your trucks.

The only thing y'all are useful for is changing my
tire and hauling my stuff. But I can replace you now,
I've got an app to replace you. I don't need you.
I'm I'm the advanced person. Everything I need is right
here on my iPhone. Will then fight your own wars

and pay your own taxes. And when the storm hits,
you get your own self out of your building in
your own John boat, save your own self from flooding.
You arrogant elitist, because that's what they are. So Kamala

is speaking at a rally in Detroit and she brings
along with her Lizzo because she always has to have
somebody else. She can't ever just be the person. And
Lizo is this fat black woman who's a singer, and
oh Ramona says, she's lost a lot of weight. I
don't care. She's fat, she's black, she's a woman. All

three of those are facts. It's not a judgment, it's
a fact. I'm describing her so people would know who
I'm talking about. So Lizzo starts talking and she says
that if Kamala wins, the entire country will look like
the Motor City. I don't want to live in Detroit.

I'm so proud to be from this city.

Speaker 4 (32:15):
You know.

Speaker 3 (32:16):
They say, if Kamala wins, then the whole country.

Speaker 7 (32:19):
Will be like Detroit, like Detroit, resilient.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
Like Detroit, three hundred homicides in twenty twenty three, much
higher than the national average. Violent crime rate across the country.
It's four hundred per one hundred thousand people In Detroit.
Last year, it was twenty two hundred, five and a
half times the national average. Property crimes forty seven hundred

incidents per one hundred thousand people. Five percent of people
are going to be a victim. The median income is
half the national average. The poverty rate is three times
a national average. The unemployment rate is eighty percent above
the national average. I don't want America to look like Detroit.

I want America to look like Tennessee and Texas and
Florida and Mississippi and Alabama and Oklahoma and Arizona. I
want America to look like the places that are thriving,
not the places that are dying. Detroit was once the

fifth largest city in this country. Detroit today is broken, busted. Anyway,
We'll see back tomorrow.
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