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January 21, 2024 29 mins
Joe Escalante's weekly dip into the treacherous waters of the business end of showbiz. This week: Madonna got hilariously sued for starting a show late. Also, the latest from the box office, Joe's awesome band management skills, and Pauly Shore tryiong his hand at acting like someone else for a change! Richard Simmons??? Oh this is going to be good...
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Joe Escalante live from Hollywood. Ifby Hollywood you mean burd Bank, we
are preempted today. So this isa podcast version. Sam is here and
we're gonna run through the usual stuffwithout commercials. But sometimes they just pop
in, huh, don't they?Sam? Yeah? I think the system
naturally pops them in there just becausethe populate them. All Right, that's

cool. You might have already listenedto one to get to this part.
Okay, what are we gonna do? I don't have to describe the show
because if you listen to the podcast, you already know it. When we're
on AIM Radio, we have togotta sell it. A lot of competition
out there, like vitamin infomercials andsome buy gold and on the other stations.

Sam, let's start with them witha lawsuit for the ages. I
got to hear this. Two disgruntledMadonna concertgoers are suing her for being two
hours late to her performance. Evidentlyshe didn't go on until two thirty.
I mean, I'm sorry ten thirty, but so they the concert said it

would start at eight thirty. Shedidn't go on stage till ten thirty.
And they have been harmed in away where they were confronted with afterwards,
confronted with limited public transportation, limitedride sharing, and and or increased public
and private transportation costs with the showending after midnight. Now, I don't

think that was late for Madawn.I think that was just early. That's
probably when she wakes up to becauseshe's seventy years old or something like right
now, and she probably got adifferent time zone. So you got to
allow for the elderly when they're youknow, dealing with with I mean the

ladies. How old is she,Sam, I don't know, but she
what's wrong with people? I thinkthat's what this show, this lawsuit goes
in the category of what's wrong withyou people? You people should be shamed,
and I'm here to shame you.They are. I got to get
their names so I can fully shamethem. I'm checking Madonna's age right now.

She's sixty five years old. It'sonly five years older than me,
so and maybe she could get therun time, but everybody knows. And
part of their lawsuit was she ithas been known to be late for other
tours, and so if that's thecase, if I'm the judge, I
go, wait a second. Youknow she's going to be late. Everyone's

talking about it. It's just likegoing to see Morrissey, like, oh
will you show up and all thatkind of stuff. It's part of the
thrill. What time will she showup? You want to come into my
courtroom and you want to sue herand then trying to make it a class
action suit because other people have hadthe same harm. Get out of my
courtroom, that's what I say.Fortunately, this BS article didn't list the

names. Oh wait here they aresorry. Oh my problem is they listed
it in the first sentence. MichaelFellows Jonathan hadn't Shame on you, Shame
on you never win for going shameon YouTube for not for suing people.
I mean, since when has haveartists been responsible for transportation costs? Well?

I mean did The legal question isdid they have a reasonable right to
rely on the schedule and plan theirday accordingly? And if they did,
and she's responsible for these increased costsin transportation, then she could be liable
for these damages. But since theyare deminimous, as they would say in

the courtroom, get out of mycourtroom. That's what I say. Get
out. They call this a wantonexercise of false advertising, negligent misrepresentation,
and unfair and deceptive trade practices.And they're also naming the Barkley Center and
Live Nation for this unconscionable, unfairand deceptive trade practice. It is egregious,

outrageous, and preposterous. I hadthat, but Michael Fellows Jonathan hadden't
two losers that just entered the alitigation Hall of shame. So I mean
that's like me going and ensuing Dodgersand Dodgers Stadium for a game going eighteen

innings right due to a lackluster offense. Yeah, is it reasonable to expect
that that that they could get onerun in the extra nine innings? That
would be a court that would bean issue for the trier of fact,

as they also say, so ifthis is a this is going to get
somewhere in the court and and somebody'sI mean, there are legitimate, not
legitimate, but cases of of youknow, consumer trade consumer fraud cases that
are similar to this. So itkind of apes a consumer fraud case,

which would be like you said,this Jack in the box burger was made
out of one hundred percent angus beef, when in fact, it is made
out of one kangaroo byproducts. Thatwould be a legitimate consumer fraud case.
And they're trying to say, well, you promised that this show would be
at eight thirty and it didn't goon until ten thirty. Okay, Well,

if a concert ticket says eight thirtythe band, we know the band's
not going on in eight thirty.They want you to get in the seat.
They want you to hang around,buy a couple of foam fingers,
some nachos, funnel cake t shirts, maybe a couple one hundred and fifty
dollars t shirts, maybe a twelvehundred dollars satin tour jacket, glow sticks,

gotten candy. How about a program? But you're not so, this
is not good. This is notgoing anywhere. Let's move on then,
Joe, since that's not going anywhere, But what if it does, then
I'll eat my hat. Here's somethingI don't I talk about a lot,

but there's some projects in development thathave got caught my eye. He's not
really because there's not a lot OF'sa few legal issues going on with these.
There's a lot of movies and TVshows based on you know, just
either torn from the headlines or acultural phenomenon that's a movie about or you

know, some trend or maybe abiopics like hey, Queen did really well
and nw a movie. And nowwe've got so in development. We have
a Richard Simmons biopic with Polly Shoreas Richard Simmons. Oh my god,

that sounds amazing. It does untilyou see the short film that they I
haven't seen at all. I justwatched his initial performance and it looks so
you can see this now. There'sa short film that is that Sundance right
now. Sundance is going on,and that's a film festival where people,

you know come and buy all thecool indie markets like Netflix will go there
and buy, you know, whateverthe hottest indie movie is and throw it
on their channel Manchester by the Sea, that kind of stuff. Oh Amazon,
I'm going to give you eight milliondollars or whatever. That's going on

right now. And then they alsohave a lot of screens of movies that
are just about to come out.So they're pig poly Shores there or this
company that that's trying to make thisbiopick, and they have a ten minute
short film that showcases Polyshore as RichardSimmons, so you can see it right
now. It's called the Court Jester. I'm not sure what if that's a

good name or not. Yeah,Usually you want a title that can make
it so that you can immediately identifyit with whoever you're talking about. Yeah,
and maybe more uplifting or indicate drama. But the Court Jester, I
don't know what the court is like. If it was about a really funny

guy that played badminton or something,or you know, or tennis, so
there was a court involved, Idon't know where the court is involved in
the Richard Simmons world. So let'sstart there. Your title sucks, let's
go. And I'm a poly Shorefan. Don't get me wrong. This

guy is. I think he's anAmerican treasure. But watch the watch the
go look up bio, look uppoly Shore or Richard Simmons Court Jester.
You'll see it on YouTube. It'sten minutes. And I saw his performance,
just the first couple of minutes ofit. And and here's another thing.

We're now our eyes and our sensesare conditioned to watch biopics where the
people look like the character because ofprosthetic makeup. Right, yeah, this
guy's got no makeup. He's justgot a wig and he's dancing around and
being somewhat effeminate. I think heseems more like poly Shore, I mean

like Richard Simmons when he's actually doinghis polyshoract, then when he's making when
he's impersonating Richard Simmons. So Ithink there's some work to be done here.
I don't know if this was awise move. And then there's a
lead good idea on paper, itsounds like it needs better makeup and good
directing. Yeah, I think youand I haven't seen the whole short,

but I just I just I justwant to see how he's you know,
pulling this off. And I wasa little bit underwhelmed. But we're early.
But I just don't think he shouldhave released this. So but maybe
they've tried everything else and they saidwe just got to do it. But
I would have spent another fifty grandon prosthetic makeup and then and really lived

in that character. Yes, that'swhat I would do. Okay, So
there's Richard Simmons. Is he ishe? Is he on board? No?
Evidently there's he put out a messagesaid I don't support this movie,
don't believe the lies. I amtrying to just live a quiet life.
I don't have a manager, Idon't have a publicist anymore. I'm just

trying to quit live a quiet life. You know. Good for him,
that's a very refreshing statement about acelebrity. He's not trying to milk it
till the end, waiting for hiscomeback. He just trying to just live.
So I picture him in Palm Springs. I don't know where he really
lives. I know that he wason a He had a house where Beverly

Hills tour buses went by, andhe would come out and wave to everybody.
What a guy. But I don'tknow where he's at now now then
he was missing for a while andeveryone's worried about Now he says, I'm
not backing this. But now PollyShore has come back and said whoa,
whoa, whoa. Richard Simmons hasreversed coals course, and he has said

good luck with this. So Ithink that the one good luck. Maybe
it was a good luck or wasit, oh good luck? Poly Shore?
I love you. I don't know, but we'll find out. So
is it going to be an unauthorizedbiopic or not at this point. It's
unauthorized, and what is the lawon that. The law is you can

do a story about anything you wanta movie as long as you're using things
that are in the public record.They're just facts. So there is a
fact that Richard Simmons had a show, and there is a fact that he
was a flamboyant character. You goahead and imitate him and make a movie.

What can you not do? Youcan't take his private writings or stuff
that's not public and make scenes outof that that no one else was around,
or you're not getting it from someoneelse. Let's say he has an
interaction with a security guard somewhere ata store and he's accused of shoplifting.
Let's say I'm making all this up, This didn't happen, and no one

else saw this but him, andthey go in a room and he's interrogated.
No one's there but Richard Simmons inthe security guard. And in a
case like that, you would needthe rights from Richard Simmons or the security
guard. But you can't just likerumor had it, or steal them,
basically saying you couldn't steal the privatediaries of Richard Simmons or the security guard

and publish that, because that wouldbe private and that's not in the public
record. But if there was anewspaper article about a interrogation that happened,
and you could put that in yourmovie, and you could simulate what you
think happened in interrogation, and youyou know, that's why you see these

disclaimers that say some of these thingsare inspired by real events, blah blah
blah. So we want to livein a world where people can tell stories
about other people, but you alsowant to live in a world where people
can have a certain amount of privacyor have the right to sell their own
story. So Richard Simmons can begoing like, I'm going to sell my
own story, so I don't wantyou to make that movie. Okay,

Well, then your movie's gonna bebetter because it's authorized and you have more
details about your life. But youmight be whitewashing it and not want to
tell the dirty stuff, so theother one might be better. So there's
a balance. Honestly, I thinkthe way to go would be like how
the Elvis movie kind of just tookrandom public and publicly known stuff and just

made stuff up around it, andthey can. I think they should go
and like make it clear that thisis inspired by his life, but it
is not one to one remake.It's definitely like you can say he was
an international man of mystery, aspy. You can go in any direction
with it. Well, it can'tdefame him, you know, you can't

say, well, he nothing defamatory, make him a superhero, right,
yeah, you can do that aslong as he doesn't suffer any damages.
But that's not the there's I don'tthink there's any legal, real legal problems
in this biopic. But there wasanother one that Sophia and Virgara is is
about to debut on Netflix. SoSophia Vergara is gonna play Griselda forgot her

last name, the you know,black widow Cocaine Queen of Colombia. Also
Carol g the singer, is makingher acting debut in this. So it's
set in the nineteen seventies and eightiesin Miami, and there's probably some Colombian
stuff in there. And she waslike ruthless, like you know, like

just an awful person, like youknow, cut your face off, kind
of a cartel boss. And sothere may I think This has already been
done in the Spanish language, butthis one is an English language one.
And the son of the cocaine Queen, Michael Sepovida Blanco, he is suing

Netflix and Sophia and everyone else insight saying that wait a second, I've
been working on this thing for along time, my own movie and book
and etc. I met with thesetwo guys, and these two guys met
with you guys, and then youstole the whole thing. So now they've

got a problem because and this,if you look at this article, I
think it's a variety or something Iforgot, so I apologize for having you're
not gonna look look at it anyway. But let me tell you something.
I read a lot of these lawsuitsand complaints and they're they're poorly written,
or they're just pie in the sky, like, hey, you you have

no right to make a movie aboutmy life or my mother's life. This
one was written by a level lawyerswho are concentrating on some private information that
was not known to the public,that that the son of the cocaine queen

told some TV developers and they toldthat to the people at Netflix. And
it's so there's some there are thereare some private things that are not public
that are in this movie or TVseries. That's what they're alleging. And
if that's true, then you havea case because you could anybody can make
a movie about this cocaine queen,but you But if there's some private stuff

that's not public that that he couldmake an argument say that's mine and I
and now you've ruined my ability tomake I was going to disclose that in
my book or my movie. NowI've been harmed and nobody. But it's
a kind of a case where peopleare meeting with this guy, but know
wanted to be in business with theguy. Oh, I wonder why,

And so they're making their own thingand without him. Now, when you're
dealing in the world of Colombian necktiesand Cicaro's kidnappings, seems a little dangerous
to me. I don't know whySophia Vergara would want to play this role

in a contentious family rights atmosphere becausethings happen in Colombia. I don't know
if you remember this being a sportsfan, you probably do. When the
Colombian and they're in the World Cup, the Colombian goalie accidentally scored a goal
in his own net Oh yeah,no, that was Andre's Oh jeez,

Escobar andres Escobar. What happened tohim? He ended up getting killed once
he went back to the country liketwo weeks later. Yeah, virtually dead
on arrival when he went. Yeah, great documentary in the thirty for thirty
series about that called Oh my God, I highly recommend it. Okay?
Is that the way those are allon ESPN Plus? Now I heard,

Yeah, the entire series, Allof those are great, but that one
in particular is my favorite. Thatis a reason to get ESPN Plus those
thirty for thirty Catalog and Plus isbundled with Hulu and Disney Channel. So
I'm trying to talk myself into it. So that's why I'm telling you.
Okay. So I don't know whyshe's doing that, but they filed an

injunction. They would like to getan injunction to stop it from airing.
It airs on January twenty fifth onNetflix. We'll see if it happens or
And it seems like the guy justkind of wants credit. Hey, let
me in on it. The Hollywoodaction. Then he can get a producer
credit, and then he can runaround saying I'm actually a TV producer,
not just the son of a murderer. It's pretty legitimacy. All right,

I'm gonna zip through these other stories. So far, I'm having fun.
How about you, Sam, I'malways having fun when I'm here with you.
There's a there's a very, there'sa dearth. I think that's the
word of celebrities behaving badly this week. Everybody they're on their best behavior.
So the only thing I got isSamantha Fox getting kicked off a plane and
arrested for drunken behavior and delaying aflight from Munich to London. You mean

the former porn star and music star. She had to have one hit,
wonder, yes, the very one. And I don't know how she could
be the most obnoxious German on thatplane, or you know, more obnoxious
than all the Germans on this planefrom Munich to London. But somehow she
did it, and they threw herin jail. By the way, I
like your segue because that was thename of her song, I want to

have some fun. Oh, yeah, of course I knew that. Let's
see what else I got. I'vegot? Oh, the movie is the
box Office you may have noticed,if you're a listener to the show.
I kind of put the box Officein the middle of the show instead of
at the beginning, because I thinkwhen people are listening to AIM radio they
could care less about the box office. But I like to. I like
to touch on it, of nodoubt. But this is this week.

There's nothing going on. This isthe dead month for movies because all the
good movies theoretically were released in Decemberso they could have Academy consideration. You
dump your terrible movies in January,unless it's everywhere, Everything all at once,
which was released in like February orsomething. January of February something like
that was a weird one best picture. So that's the exception that proves the

rule. I guess the number onemovies right now are Mean Girls. Number
two is Wonka. How many wayssaw it? Wonka? Still, Hey,
I went and saw it. Itwas a great movie. Right,
So, after a certain amount ofword of mouth and nothing else to see,
you went and saw it, right, Yeah. I took your recommendation
specifically. I was like I gotto see this. Yeah, okay,

good. So maybe I'm driving thebox office on this. I think that's
what you're saying. Yes, it'sabsolutely you. I'm giving you one hundred
percent credit for making Wonka number twoin the nation. Thank you, thank
you. I got to tell theirpublicists that they got to put me on
their list. No one invites meto anything, no screenings, no junkets,
no nothing. And here I amdriving the I'm making like his history

with this Wonka movie. So ifyou haven't seen, it's a really good
movie, right, good songs,Oh yeah, and it's a what do
you think it's a beautiful prequel tothe original with Gene Wilder. Yeah.
Like they pay so many great homagesand tributes to that original. It's beautiful.
Yes. What did you think ofHugh Grant? I didn't even know
he was in it. I sawhis name and the credits at the beginning.

I'm like, oh, wow,you Grant, and then I just
didn't notice him. He was theWonka. He was the oppa. Oh
that's right, he was the Oupalumpa. Yeah, he was outstanding,
outstanding, so much standing, youdidn't even know it was him exactly.
He really like he that's some goodmethod acting. He lived and breathed the
oopa loompa experience. It was outstanding. It was actually what I would consider

him for Oscar consideration. That wouldbe the ultimate burn on him because he
complained about his experience in the movieand he trashed the movie. Oh jeez.
I would love to see him getlike best Supporting Actor for the imp.
In fact, we should get acampaign going for him, like a
William hung style grassroots campaign for HughGrant. For your consideration, I'll work.

I'll work on the ad mats rightaway. So okay, yeah,
So the no good movies, Imean no real big movies that are getting
released, but there are a couplecool movies, like there's this Iss movie
about the I haven't seen yet.The world is the Russians in the United
States are fighting. The war breaksout, the war that you know everyone

things, Yes, yeah, Isaw the trailer for this one. Yeah.
And then the space station is upthere with the with Americans and Russians,
and I think they both get amessages like go and kill the other
astronauts. So there's a big spacefight. So I'm definitely going to see
that. I didn't go to themovies this week. Things are crazy in

my life, and in a goodway. The money's pouring in. Don't
work. No, it is,really, it's it's incredible. I don't
know if you noticed that Coachella wasannounced this week. Yes I did.
I saw the lineup, and Iam the manager of the main stage Coachella
band called Sublime with featuring the sonof the original singer, Jacob Bradley no

Jacob Nole, and then the originalbass player and drummer, Eric Wilson and
Bud gaw And it's caught fire.So it's one of the big stories coming
out of Coachella, other than NoDoubt getting back together. And these are
two bands that played together and partof the same scene. And they will
be in the Saturday night at Coachella. That's awesome. So yeah, that's

this is like a full time jobdealing with this now. And it kind
of just I don't know if Italked about it that much on the show,
but it kind of fell on mylap. I was doing some legal
work for the bass player and justas a favor, because I don't do
legal work for hardly anyone. Butand then one thing led to another on
you know, I got a partneror managing this band and on Coachella and

we got a movie coming out ornot. The movie Shooting in the Summer,
directed by Francis Lewis, The That'sAwesome, The Hunger Games written by
Chris Monday of Ozark, so onSony three thousand Pictures. So it's crazy,
and so I guess I could say, well, I was busy making
movies. I couldn't release see one, but I did watch. I'm in

the middle of it, so I'mnot done with it. I'm not going
to talk about too much, butI do recommend it. It's the Snow
Society of the Snow Netflix movie aboutthe Uruguayan rugby team that crashed in the
Andes. I don't know if yougot at what they meant the live or
the real life story of the peoplefrom the movie Alive. Yes, which,

after you watch this movie you willbe embarrassed that you sat through that.
That a live movie. This movieis so good and such a deeper
level. It's all in Spanish.Uh, it's it's It's a wonderful film.
I'm not done with the yet though, so we'll talk about it later.
And then another development coming up,a movie called not as a movie.

It's a TV show. It's ait's a squid game type TV show
based on the popular dining establishment ChuckE Cheese. Oh go On, It's
the Pizza Time Theater, and it'ssurreally dystopic kid's birthday party destination, and
it's uh, you know, it'sadults are going to compete, you know,

with a giant arcade games and theyget you know, winning tickets and
they can exchange them for prizes onthe iconic Chuck E Cheese prize wall.
That sounds awesome. Yeah, Idon't know. I mean, it sounds
awesome, but you know, there'sa million ways that can go wrong.
So let's they could also try tokind of capitalize on that five Nights at

Freddy's vibe and turn it into kindof a horror survival game. I think
that's what it is, and Ithink that's what they did. Freddy is
definitely the inspiration for this cool SoI think we're we're I think we're ready
to move on and wrap up theshow. I just want to let everybody

know that Monday, January twenty second, there will be a solidarity bargaining kickoff
rally for the American Federation of Musicians. Now we had your SAG strike,
your a w G A strike Andnow the af of them are having a
rally over at the Galleria where thewhere the Producers Society has the headquarters,

and they're gonna have a big rallyand probably some drums to uh fight for
a better contract. I get,you know, it's streaming royalties. I
think that's what they're looking for.And I got to say, I am
the showrunner on a streaming show acouple of them, and I found out
that they're not paying any uh performanceroyalties, and so yeah, there's some

movement there, but it's such aweak union. I don't know what they'll
get. I think they'll got nothing, but we'll kind of follow that.
It's kind of cute. Cute guys. All right, let's leave it there.
I got a couple of shows stillcoming up with the Sweet and Tender
Hooligans Morrissey tribute band that I planCasbo show sold out, but the Tearground

Ballroom on February tenth, I thinkit is tickets still available for that one.
If you like the Mexican Morrissey Ido. And I will now leave
you with just a taste of thegreatest song ever written. See you next Sunday
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