Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
His brain is full of nerves, and every weekday afternoon,
around four point fifty you get the daily rundown on
everything with the Mike Jones Minute car on DC one.
Speaker 2 (00:13):
What started as a computer simulation has turned into a
legendary video game franchise, And now we'll get the whole
story on the Madden NFL games with the new four
part documentary It's in the Game Madden NFL will take
us to the beginning of the series, how John Madden
got involved, what the developers at EA put into it
each year, players and their ratings, and so much more.
It's in the Game Madden NFL debuts on November twenty
sixth on Prime Video. Also coming is the new movie
The Little Mermaid. Don't expect to see another cartoon with
Ariel and her friends singing under the sea, though this
is a new take on the story from Lionsgate, bringing
a hard twist to the tale because now it's public domain,
and this one after a doctor and his team finds
an underwater temple in the Caribbee and the mermaid who
lived there looks for revenge on humanity. The Little Mermaid
is coming on December seventeenth. Every weekday around four point fifty.
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