All Episodes

January 8, 2025 • 62 mins
The hour begins with thoughts on the Vikings OLine, Sam's misses from Sunday, and how those things are adjusted into the Rams game, before Alan Roach joins for vox-to-vox fodder. News follows, with some thoughts on the wildfires in California.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Personal foul clipping, personal foul, personal foul, personal foul clipping.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
I shouldn't do.

Speaker 3 (00:25):
Good stuff, double doink fifty ninth times.

Speaker 4 (00:32):
The charm from a season worse than Ebola to winning
in Nola. That is there.

Speaker 3 (00:42):
It is you have. You have a life changer at
your fingertips, the life changer of baby style. Oh well,
I mean yeah it. Let's get some run out of this,
right well. The plan was to play it back in
the final hour, which we'll do. Uh. Then during the

conversation with h ho F and uh and pft, yeah,
you know we after that, I hadn't looked at my
phone in about thirty five minutes, I'd say of the
sixteen text messages I received during that time, nine of
them were I missed Woopum Van Ginkle Style. I caught

the end of Woopum van Ginkle Style. Can you play
it again? Pretty pretty pretty please? I'm like, yeah, we're
gonna play in the final hour. I got a meeting,
all right. Three two tanks on fire.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
It's vent Tinkle Style. Vent Kinkle Style.

Speaker 3 (01:52):
Brought to.

Speaker 2 (01:56):

Speaker 3 (01:56):
Four touchdown it and run whost career and he read
Daniel Jones like a book. They put lender at it
and they paid for it. Kicked up by Fan King
Here's fifty fun styline forty.

Speaker 2 (02:19):
Forty three. The body of that show. They didn't know,
Now they know. Ruining there blows.

Speaker 5 (02:28):
Sacer bad Row everything every day, robing corn back out
to Julians head.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
Back, Joe, it's Don jingkle Star, Don kinkle Stock.

Speaker 3 (02:47):
Here's Dan.

Speaker 2 (02:49):
It's Don kingle Star, Robank un kinkle starro Bank. It's
n jingle Star and Van Gink.

Speaker 3 (03:19):
Yeah, we like that as hopefully the Rams get whooped.
Then gingkle Style. If the Los Angeles pass rush is
that of ferocity, how will the head coach of the
Minnesota Vikings handling Now This emerged deep stretch of the
talker Tuesday nine to noon at the Twin Cities Orthopedics

Performance Center, specifically after the the elongated chat we had
with Viking's head coach koc Style and Nordo sniffed out
the inference yesterday during that thirty with the coach that
about defenders leaking through playing into Sam's or aggression at
the MotorCity Davy because Kevin has referenced it multiple times,

either with nine to Noon or via press conferences, so
ain't nobody breaking news here, but it just triggered us
slash yours truly to think about a potential KO conflict
coming up on Monday night. So the question would be,
and and you know, I mean it's I'm gonna put

this all right, three two. This rule is BS. I
watched back all of the offensive plays yesterday, and I
had watched some of them the day before because I
just wanted to get a feel for what Kevin was
talking about and when. And I mean, obviously he and

they know a thousand times more about it than we'll
ever know, and they look at it critically in a
way that I or we don't. I felt there was
a fair amount of time, with all due respect on
several of the throws that were missed, sailed, missed, thrown
too hard off target. Okay, and I understand what he's saying,

but to a man, I still feel that some of
those touchdowns absolutely should have been closed on. So you know,
maybe it's maybe part of the KO conflict is, you know,
inflating certain things to take some heat off somebody or
their facets of it that would not have led to

touchdowns that I just missed. And that's quite possible too,
But what if it's a problem Monday night pass rush
from the middle. Does the KO conflict would be does
he play c J ham and or Josh Oliver more
than their playing of late? Now that means it could

mean Hockinson and Naylor mostly would have to sit on
the side. Jalen's given you six touchdowns. TJ is He's
a threat that sometimes requires multiple players, and some may
view an approach like this if indeed it is a

CHO conflict as having some submission to it. Coaches ain't
big on the submission card. Just remember that, but a
couple of ways to potentially fix it. Perchance things do
become leaky and we're looking to avoid a CHO conflict. First,
with all due respect, left guard Blake Brendell may have

had his worst game of the season Sunday night. I
had somebody after the game, and then somebody who watched
the game tell me Monday that Brandell had his problems.
So I went to watch it back, and I mean,
Blake has been Blake has been very helpful for many
many reasons for this offense this season. It might have

been his the worst game of the season pass protection
or run blocking all right, So to avoid a KO conflict,
the expectation is that will be better plus Sam. I
mean if that and then the middle part of this equation,
I mean, if that's not completely ready. I'm not going

to say prepared, because the preparation is ten to ten.
But then the lights get bright and then the whistles
sound and the fans start touching. No, wait, that's ford Field.
The fans get loud and they're they're they're supporting their
squad and everything. Well, then that's you know, the moments
like that are not for everybody. And I'm not calling

out Blake Brandell. I'm just saying that high leverage situations
are different than games of Tennessee. That that's a regular
season games at Tennessee. Sam then would feel the middle thrust,
and that's always the best way to foil a quarterback
with a middle thrust or surge or penetration. That's where

keeping a back or c. J. Hammon the game. But
out of pass routes becomes the KO conflict, pulling a
guy from the arsenal of catching plays. So when it
comes to what we hit on very very very late
in the nine to noon show yesterday before we left

hang on. The ko conflict has tentacles, and some of
it involves the pass rush, some of it involves the
quarterback and his feet and jitters or lack thereof Jefferson,
when to try, when not to try, And all of
this comes up now and didn't last week because they're

truly in cliche fashion. But in fact, there is no
tomorrow if you lose on Monday. You know, I've said
this few times now, But like with a lot of
the radio interviews I did last week, or some people
with whom I was chatting, mostly national radio or things
like that, they'll be like, you know, you've called game
for quite some time. Where does this rank the Lions

game with all the games you've called? And then finally
I was just like, well, it's behind every playoff game
and every win and in I've had the privilege to
call over X amount of years because there is a tomorrow.
So while appreciating the magnification and opportunity in front of
both of those teams Sunday night, this one's different because

it's over if it doesn't go the right way, if
guys are missed, if tackles are missed, if passes sale,
if passes are dropped and they're at key times and
the adversary capitalizes, it's over. It wasn't over after Sunday,
So I'm like, I don't know, man, maybe top fifteen,
top twenty. It's super cool game and stuff, but there

is a tomorrow and the KO conflicts something that I've
been thinking about the potential of a KO conflict now.
If they protect like they have a majority of this year,
including in the Green Bay game, which may have been
the best pass protection Sam Darnald received the entire season,
the KO conflict is a non starter. But speaking of

conflict or speaking of the Vikings offense, and I reference
this with with hof fran tarkentim it's I'm curious to
see what Darnald does when Jefferson is singled outside the
numbers and Darnald starts to get himself in a little
bit of trouble or excuse me, all right, three to
two and Donald starts to get in trouble either caused

by him or others around him. In the ultimate team
game because justin Jefferson has to be and absolutely is
a bailout fifty to fifty guy, I mean, Hockinson got
a fair amount of those Sunday and this week. I
don't know. I mean, I'd tell Justin to be on

alert for that fifty to fifty when Sam is pressured
and preferably close to the sideline, preferably outside the numbers
between the sideline. You know it's it's a big time game.
Justin is a big time player, gifted with the bailout Jen.
If the Vikings go down, let's go down. Making sure
Justin Jefferson responsibly is given every possible chance to go

hof on this game. And that doesn't mean forcing something
to him back center the end zone where you know,
despite a meek Robertson, the Louisiana Tech kid playing the
best football game I've ever seen him play in his life.
Watching it back, it really really helped me gain an
appreciation for a the return of Alexandzeloni. Wow, what a menace,

What an absolute menace he was, and a Meet Robertson
has never played better. And I can't say never, because
I haven't watched the totality of say, you know, all
of their games since Carlton Davis went down. If a
Meet roberts has ever played a better football game in
his life, I would have to have it shown to me.
Twenty one was terrific for the Detroit Lions, but he

was also terrific for the Minnesota Vikings because Sam went
Jacksonville on it, tried to force one to Justin back
center of the end zone. It was inaccurate, and Mee
Robertson should have had an interception and he dropped it.
But if there are opportunities and you know Justin is
single because you caught a glimpse and they're bearing down
on you, I'm a fan specifically if it's outside the numbers,

close to the sideline, because now we eliminate the potential
for players coming from all angles to let Justin be
the bailout guy on those situations. And if you throw
a fifty to fifty to Justin and it doesn't work,
all right, we got beat on a fifty to fifty
being thrown to a player who probably or has a

great chance to go to the Hall of Fame. I'm
not mad at that. It's not Jacksonville esq. That was
blatant forcing. This is the bailout part of the equation
which may be required on Monday night. Now, well, well
we're gonna hit on the defense tomorrow. But first and foremost,
you're watching this thing back from from the Motor City.

Davy Kyron Williams, the running back for the Rams. He
doesn't run like Jamiir Gibbs, right, He's not as fast,
he doesn't He Kyron is a one speed, one gear
bowling ball with a nice little slide and a decent
little jump cut. Jamiir Gibbs is entering super freak territory.

I mean he when when when he slow rolls that thing,
and then he puts the pedal to the metal. If
you're not ready for it, then he runs like the wind. Now,
cam Binam really had a rough night judging angles on
Jamiir Gibbs, as the running back was gaining speed, all right,
So tackling has to be on point Monday night because

it's all short and run after catch these days. I
mean week eight with the Rams, it was all short
and run after catch. And then Stafford started to get
a little claustrophobic and he got pissed off at the
blitzing and how things were being taken away from a
short game standpoint. So late third quarter, early fourth quarter,

on second down, first or second down, they had just
gotten a first down, he went back on a seven
step drop and just heaved the ball deep left and
there really was nobody in the vicinity. I think DeMarcus
Robinson was running for it, but there was no chance
he had to catch it, and the receiver was doubled.

But what did Stafford do. He did what a lot
of quarterbacks the Vikings have faced this year have not done.
He made discretion the better part of valor. He chucked
one up deep just so you know, I ain't afraid
to do this. So if you keep doing this, it's
going to take us five seconds to figure out how

to get around it deep. And I need you guys
to back off a little bit. And they had to
back off a little bit, and then all of a
sudden it got wonky and they lost to Marcus Robinson
a couple of times. So the tackling in this game,
the tackling in this game with the short run after
catch up, is so so very important. Not sull Lieber
joins tomorrow with ten to help us through the game.

And when we return, the vox of all voxes, ever
to vox amplifies nine to nows. Alan roach is the

box of all boxes, ever to vox He's a Slaton,
Minnesota native resides and just outside Red Rocks in a
beautiful Colorado these days. And when it comes to the
vox of all voxes, ever to voxus following via the
tweet machine as a nine to noon does at Mile
High Roach and I here is Alan, Alan, good morning.

Is there any chance you fly into the Southland and
taking the game from the box box box?

Speaker 4 (16:16):
I was actually just discussing that with my wife. Yesterday's
a lot easier to get to La from here. They
haven't jacked up the airline prices from Denver, really. But
then I yeah, then I hear you talk about the
fires and maybe the game being moved. That's that's kind
of a lot to think about.

Speaker 3 (16:35):
Yeah, I haven't heard any anything from the inside about
that potential. It's just you know, I have a family
and friends who live in southern California, and I knew
about the fires, and and I remember the Santa Ana
Winds when I went to high school and junior college there.
They actually used to be called the Santana Winds the

Devil's wins, but they blow from the south like Santa Ana, California,
and they're they're vicious. I mean they're they're up to
like one hundred miles per hour. Now when when the
fire has taking place, And I started thinking, wow, Pacific
Palisades is, you know when when they say that they
can see flames from the fire at Venice Beach, Venice

Beach is even with the bad traffic, twelve minutes to
so far. So then I started, I started, so, and
Pacific Palisades has the crow flies is a thirty minute drive,
It's about fourteen miles. And so I started thinking about
it a little bit, and I brought it up with
Florio and and I'll see if I can uncover more
when I'm at the facility today. But it's it's it's scary.
It's very sad stuff what they're going through right now.

Speaker 4 (17:39):
Right, Yeah, thoughts, wishes, prayers for everybody who lives in
that area is probably being affected a whole lot more
than what football fans will be now.

Speaker 3 (17:49):
The Box, the Box of all boxes ever, The Box
contacted yours t early yesterday with an epiphany from the
Gridiron Gospel, and he told me the first line and
I'm like, stop, this is fantastic. I just I don't
want to know the rest. I want everybody to be
apprized on the radio, and here we are, so please
give it to us.

Speaker 4 (18:09):
Epiphany's a great word at a great lead in thanks BA.

Speaker 3 (18:14):

Speaker 4 (18:14):
First, you got to know where I sit. You can't
know where I stand till you know where I sit.
Rufus Miles said that it's called Miles law. Where you
stand depends upon where you sit. There's two places that
I sit. I know you'll agree with one of them,
or I think you will. The second one might be
a little more challenging for UPA. We'll find out. First

place I sit is this. Sam Darnold is no longer
the quarterback of three to six years ago. When he
was drafted, he was considered an exceptional, if not generational, talent.
Third overall pick twenty eighteen, became the youngest quarterback to
start an NFL game in the modern era. But he
started it for the New York Jets. That was strikes

one through three, maybe strikes one through twenty seven, game
over for Sam Donald. The Jets are the most dysfunctional
and have been the most dysfunctional organization in the NFL
for maybe three decades. Have you ever thought of what
would happen. Had Aaron Rodgers not sat backstage at Radio
City Music Hall for almost the entire first round, and

had the New York Jets drafted him and thrown him
out as their quarterback on day one, a rod would
probably have stats that are a lot more like Andy
Dalton or Gino Smith right now than the brilliant career
he's put together. And that story for a different day.
Sam Donald's talent was stifled, muted, and buried by the
New York Jets because of their organizational dysfunction. Two head coaches,

three offensive coordinators. Then Sam gets traded at Carolina with
a first year head coach and Matt Ruhle coming out
of college who was in way over his head, another
two offensive coordinators. Matt Rule was fired after barely two years.
I don't think he'll ever get another shot in the NFL.
Sam Donald's already buried talent then had a grave market

put on it and it was dead. So now Sam
goes to San Francisco and that began the turnaround of
Sam Donald because of Kyle Shanahan and that organization. When
the Vikings signed Sam Donald this last spring, I don't
remember the quote, but what I took from it listening
to KOC talk was that Sam Donald learned more and

grew more as an NFL quarterback in one year on
the bench in San Francisco than he had in five
years of playing in the league. So the first place
I sit is that Sam Donald has exceptional talent and
skills and he will not regress back to the Sam

Donald of years ago, especially now after this year of
coaching from KOC and Josh McCown. He's not going to
go backwards. He will be a quality, high functioning starting
quarterback in this league for years to come, whether that's
here in Minnesota or somewhere else. Do you agree with that.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
The epiphany was terrific? What's next?

Speaker 4 (21:08):
All right? The second one, second place I said is
that Sunday night against the Lions was Sam Darnold's first
career playoff game. Now I understand it was not a
playoff game in the literal sense. And I heard you
talk this week and last week about interviews that you had,
and you said, this was not a playoff game. It

wasn't one of the biggest games in your announcing career
because it wasn't a playoff game. It wasn't lose and
go home. But it was a playoff game in every
other sense. Cam Bynham said it himself Monday on the
Dan Burrero Show. He said that he and other players
looked at that game as a playoff game because had

the Vikings won, they would have advanced to the second
round of the NFL playoffs. That's the definition of a
first round playoff game. Yep. Attention, the bright lights, the height,
the interviews, the talk to the biggest NFL regular season
game in history, the Sunday Night crew having their set
on the sidelines. Every there were exponentially more aspects of

last Sunday Nights game that were similar to a playoff
game than there were dissimilarities. Okay, where I sit. Sam
Donald played his first playoff game last week in Detroit.

Speaker 3 (22:23):
When we chatted by that when we chatted on the
phone yesterday. You're so crafty. You saved the cam binam
bit box for the radio show today and the whole
second round equation box. It just put me in a
major box, which truly did kind of make it a
playoff game. So box, well done. Yes, I do agree.

Speaker 4 (22:45):
So that's where I sit. Here's where I stand.

Speaker 3 (22:48):

Speaker 4 (22:48):
Sam Donald is going to play a lot more football
for the Minnesota Vikings in these playoffs, and here's why.
History of numbers. If Sam played his first career playoff
game last week in Detroit's numbers were eighteen to forty
one forty four percent completion, no touchdowns, no interceptions, a
fifty five rating. So let's take a look at some

other quarterbacks in their first playoff game. Peyton Manning, multiple
time MVP, multiple Super Bowl champion. Peyton Manning's first playoff
game nineteen to forty two, forty five percent, no touchdowns,
a sixty two rating in a loss to Tennessee Bocks.
John Elway, multiple Super Bowl Champion, MVP, Hall of Famer

Both those guys. John Elway's first playoff game ten to fifteen,
sixty seven percent, no touchdowns, one pick, sixty four rating
a thirty one to seven loss to Seattle. Eli Manning,
soon to be Hall of Famer, two time Super Bowl
champion ten of eighteen fifty five percent, no touchdowns, three picks,
a thirty five rating in a twenty three to zero

shutout to Carolina. One of the most prolific passers in
NFL history, Dan Fouts, granted never made it to the
Super Bowl. His first playoff game twenty five of forty
seven to fifty three percent, no touchdowns, five picks, a
thirty six rating in a loss to Houston. Two more
for you quarterbacks that are in the game today, Josh

Allen his first playoff game twenty four of forty six,
fifty two percent, no touchdowns, a sixty nine rating in
a loss to Houston. Lamar Jackson fourteen of twenty nine
forty eight percent, one pick and a seventy rating against
the LA Chargers in a loss. What happened to each
of those quarterbacks after they played their first playoff game

and then moved on to their second playoff game. Now,
not every one of those guys led their team the
next year to the Super Bowl, but I can tell
you that each one of those guys went on to
win their next playoff game and to play exponentially better

than they did in their last playoff game. And the
difference is those guys had to wait. When they lost
their first career playoff game, they were done for the year.
They went home, they cleaned out their locker, they came back,
they went through OTA's, they went through training camp, they
went through another full season, and they granted garnered more experience,

but Sam Donald's already had that experience now, being in
his seventh year. They had to wait for the opportunity
to play in their second playoff game. And you could
say that after losing their first playoff game, all they
could think about was having their chance at a second
playoff game. But they had to wait at minimum one

calendar year, maybe more than that, maybe two calendar years
to get to their second playoff game. Sam Donald has
to wait seven days.

Speaker 3 (25:58):
Oh there.

Speaker 4 (26:00):
Donald is going to look at what he did wrong, wow,
and look himself in the mirror. And with the coaching
of Kevin O'Connell and Josh McCown, Josh Donald is going
to be lights out in his quote unquote second career
playoff game against the La Rams. And I can't wait

to see Sam Donald play in another playoff game against
the Detroit Lions.

Speaker 3 (26:30):
They're in the Through the annals of time, Alan Roach,
there has been I don't know the Gettysburg address. I
have a dream we shall fight on the beaches, sermon
on the mount And then what you just shared today,

that was beautiful, It was well researched, It was beautiful,
it was delivered eloquently and it was from the heart.

Speaker 4 (26:57):

Speaker 3 (26:57):
But now we've got to play the game. And I'm
really really hoping you right with this. And I'm not
going to say you're wrong, but see, like what you
just mentioned, and yeah, you sold me on at hard Man,
but what I was trying to sell you on yesterday
and I couldn't get you over the hump. I'm gonna
try to do it again. I think we're talking about
second times here. I think it's important O'Connell got rid

of some of the weird of contesting his mentor week eight,
so maybe that experience helps our squad a bit too,
bucks At, I mean, have you gotten over the hump
on that one?

Speaker 2 (27:31):

Speaker 4 (27:32):
I certainly agree with your stance that playing the Rams
one time already considering the past of Kevin O'Connell and
the Rams coaching staff. But yes, it's it's good to
get that first one out of the way.

Speaker 3 (27:49):
Yeah, time for two more? At my, OHI roach, how
badly do you want the games to fall this weekend?
How badly do you want the games to fall the way?
We have a home game next week. We can app
and you can jump back on the microphone at US
Bank Stadium.

Speaker 4 (28:11):
Obviously that's I mean, that's you know, that's the garden spot.
If all of the all of the wild card teams
can beat all of the division winners, then absolutely playing
at home next week against the great what be the
Green Bay Packers.

Speaker 3 (28:30):
Yeah, that's a Washington Commanders actually is being told right now,
Washington Commanders.

Speaker 4 (28:36):
But we take car Oh that's right, because the Lions
would get the Packers.

Speaker 3 (28:39):
Yeah, a Lions would get the Packers and dispatch the Packers.

Speaker 4 (28:41):
So you can't you can't drop a better scenario than that.
Three wildcard teams win, three division lose winners lose. Okay,
the Vikings at home against the Commanders in a game
that they'd be favored by probably at least a touchdown.

Speaker 3 (28:56):
No, I don't know about that. Maybe four four and
a half. But you know are about that than me?
Well okay, I think, well, box off that on that vein,
all right, three to two in that sassy vein. With
the games this weekend, and you wanting to get back
on the microphone at US Bank Stadium to be the
Slayton Box of all boxes ever to box? Will you

dare utter go pack go at any time up to
or during the game at Philly in your face, Milwaukee.

Speaker 4 (29:30):
I will be announcing a PWHL Professional Women's Hockey League
game the Minnesota Frost and the oh Yeahntrel Victoire.

Speaker 3 (29:39):
Oh that's sweet. Now remember the ballerina.

Speaker 1 (29:42):

Speaker 4 (29:43):
The game will probably get over about halftime of that
Philadelphia Green Bay Package game. So maybe maybe my sign
off after the PWHL game. Minnesota Frost four, Montreal Victoire three.
Thank you for today, Go back, Gore.

Speaker 3 (30:06):
Now remember with the Frost, Alan, it's Taylor Hoosy and
Grace Zummichael. Okay, just keep that in mind for the weekend. Okay, Fox,
she is she.

Speaker 4 (30:20):
Is the poster child's up Winkle. Does she have Minnesota ties?

Speaker 3 (30:24):
Oh yeah yeah? And Taylor Taylor Heisei u her her
boyfriend is a power forward for the Gophers basketball team.
Parker Fox does a Wolves fan line with Hoodie Who
and joins nine to Noon every so often. And yeah,
Taylor's Taylor's got some superstar tour and like you, she's
salt of the earth. I appreciate the conversation. Let's text
and talk this thing out up to the Monday night

life changer.

Speaker 4 (30:46):
Okay, Sam Darnold has a lot more football to play
in these playoffs.

Speaker 3 (30:50):
BA boy, you are on your game right now. Thank you, Alan,
good night. That uh that's Alan Roach, the voice of
us Banks Stadium, the box of all boxes ever to
vox my punch them in the safe be right back, Yeah,

welcome back.

Speaker 5 (31:12):
It is nine to noon and nine to noon and
News do Nord is always brought to you by the
casino at Canterbury Park Canterbury Park dot com and I'm
absolutely scrambling right now to find the.

Speaker 3 (31:27):
Notes because this is a big one here. What do
you got the hundred k bit.

Speaker 5 (31:30):
Well, it's the Bonus weekend and it's at Canterbury Park
January seventeenth through the twenty first. You've heard about poker,
blackjacke and table games, Well they're adding an extra one
hundred thousand dollars to their Ultimate Texas Hold'em table game,
so the jackpot an extra one hundred k. They're just
dumping that thing into the kittie and it's January seventeenth
through the twenty first to take advantage of that, and

they got a ton of fun stuff, so don't miss out.
Go to Canterbury Park dot com for details. Height on
behalf of the Sampson's and all of Canterbury Park.

Speaker 3 (32:01):
We thank you very much for the time you put
into that each and every newsed and nords specifically Wednesdays
and Thursdays. And secondly, do you have a key to
the money rope?

Speaker 5 (32:11):
I can get you one, because I appreciate the pleasantries
and all of that, and you know, really, at a
base level, I just love all those guys over there,
so I'm always going to support them.

Speaker 3 (32:19):
But if you did have a key to the money
rope understood. I see those emails you're getting and it
seems the key is coming to you.

Speaker 4 (32:29):

Speaker 3 (32:30):
But there's snow cross this weekend, all right, sweet, It's
very popular and it's very cool. So snow cross this
weekend at Canterbury Parkcanterbury Park dot com. Do you remember
when hockey used to do some of the play by
playing bits for that for CBS. I'd like to do
it twice, yeah, CBS Sports maybe. Yeah, that's a really
cool event they put on there. It's fantastic. And how

I knew was or how it was reminded is because
Smiley is doing like snow cross prep stuff today at
the race track. Eleven to seven. So I'm like, hey,
snowcross this weekend sounds like a heck of a time.
I might want to go Kennebury Park dot com by
prep work. Is he going to be at Chips? I
don't know if the Slips will be at Chips. I

believe they will on Saturday and Sunday with ice on
the SIPs at Chips leading to Tips. Not exactly sure
what the young man's doing out there today, but we'll
head out there after the radio show and say yell
out all right on air.

Speaker 5 (33:27):
Production meeting has been concluded for the Minnesota Timberwolves. They
win last night one oh four ninety seven over the Pelicans.
They've now won four in a row, so we dig that,
or excuse me, the Wild have won four in a row.
We'll get to them momentarily. The Wolves have won two
in a row one O four ninety seven. Randall I
think was better last night, Pa, but the story over

the last three, albeit in Detroit, it led to a loss.

Speaker 3 (33:51):
Anthony Edwards with thirty two last night.

Speaker 5 (33:53):
He now has twenty three triples, his last three shooting
at about fifty nine percent from beyond the arc. Is
last three he had seven last night. In terms of
the Pelicans, I mean, they're a seven win team. They've
just been destroyed by injury over the course of the
twenty twenty four into twenty five. Zion's pretty good when
he actually plays, and de Jontay Murray is a stud

when he actually plays. And the problem for CJ McCollum
is he wasn't playing earlier this year and then he
played and he went won a fourteen last night. Wow,
it's pure ugliness for New Orleans right now with the Pelicans.
So they're struggling with health and CJ in particular, McCollum
just looks like he's aged. Maybe similar type of conversation
we're having with Conley right now.

Speaker 3 (34:36):
McCollum just looks like old people right now. Well it
the Pelicans are down now, and you're right about the
injuries this year for them, brandon Ingram one of their
better players. He's out. He's still down. Yeah, So they're
getting closer. So three quarters of what they feel is
going to be a team a all right three to two.

Three quarters of what Pelicans fans, if there even are any,
I think is going to guide them to the postseason
as returned now Zion Williamson in those twenty eight minutes
last night, big people got a little tired at the
m Big people hadn't played for a while. Big people
sweat a lot too. He is a menace not only

to the NBA but to the Minnesota Timberwolves. He said
some of the best games of his life against the
Minnesota Timberwolves, and he was trying to do that last night.
But you see the windmill Donkey had last night. Yeah,
the big people got tired, but it was some channel
popping last night, channel surfing from the wild over to
the Wolves and then to the wild. But in the

vein or as a common thread here, you know, to
Monday night with the Minnesota Vikings is last night the
Timberwolves did some things you know they're capable of doing consistently. Yep,
They're as good, if not better than most in the
league at certain facets defensively speaking, and they executed them

at key times last night. So it's it's doing it's
copyright Dan Cole. However, it goes copyright common doing the
things you're supposed to do, the major good something like that,
and that, you know, to Monday night, it's like you
sack the quarterback, sack the quarterback. You take the ball,
take the ball, you throw the ball, well, throw the ball. Well,
you're good on third down. Be good on third down.

It's it's too many things fell off Sunday night where
the Lions had some things fall off, but they dominated
at the time of possession. That's what they do. They
had the most first downs. They're number one in the
NFL for the Timberwolves. Edwards is hot and Anthony is happy.
Anthony seems very happy right now. And a lot of

the threes. I don't watch the entire game, but a
lot of the threes were within the rhythm of the offense.
And that's you know that, That's how he plays. That's
how all the best players play. They don't force it
unless it has to be forced in the final minute
of a tightly contested contest. Anthony is on a heater
right now, man, But it can't be disputed. And this

is with all due respect to Mike Connolly. They're two
to zero since Devincenzo entered the starting lineup. Yeah, and
I ain't going to bang my fist down on the
four Mica and be like, hey, I said this into
the season. Now that wasn't the case. But like one
of the first interviews I had with Chris Finch out
of the Gate where they were starting to get a
little wonky, was I mean, de Vincenzo got really good

starting now he's coming off the bench. Not everybody does
it the way Jordan Clarkson, Michael Cooper or Lou Williams
do it, or Kevin McHale back in the day, and
dee Vincenzo I thought, defensively especially, I had some really
good moments last night. But he's gaining confidence by the second.

And you can tell when you watch him off the
dribble where he's confident enough to act up, set somebody up,
execute a crossover, and if you can't get to the basket,
try to get a little floater to go his way.
So de Vincenzo is starting to take off and it's
not a minute too late. They've won two in a
row for de Vincenzo. Two in a row for de Vincenzo.

Speaker 5 (38:17):
And if they're going to take take advantage of an
injury riddled squad in New Orleans, why don't they just
go down to Orlando and do the same thing last night?
I don't know how much you've been paying attention. We're
LFL of course in the mix year on a daily basis, but.

Speaker 3 (38:29):
Yeah, they're diseased right now. Franz Wagner is out of
the mix.

Speaker 5 (38:32):
Paula Benco I think he's only played a handful of
games this year, so that's another opportunity for a team
in Orlando. Well Suggs, I mean Suggs is playing is
he's kind of looking the park though, by the way, yeah,
I mean unless he came back and I missed it,
but I think he took an injury out recently. So
now you've got Cole Anthony Terrorism starting and you can
win some games with Cole, but it'll also shoot you.

Speaker 3 (38:53):
He'll shoot you into last place. Now, you're right, he's
missed a couple of games in a row now, so
they got just when they got used to playing without
Wagner and ben Cao, Suggs went down and Jalen, like
you said, was having the best season he's ever had
in his life. So off what you're saying here, I'm
with you. Ken Tavia is called well pope though, it's

you you if you are Western Conference final or NBA
final finals or playoff worthy uh, then you beat teams
like this, Yes you do.

Speaker 5 (39:23):
That's just what you're supposed to do. And then you
go three in a row for de Vincenzo Goga, Vidatz, Goga, Vidatz.
The heralded matchup to tomorrow night between Rudy and Goga
to the Minnesota Wild in the third period, it was
Jake Middleton who tied it and Matt Boldy put the
team ahead for good. Steve by Robert lost sleeper roll

to charge it prosis of seth and it was Joe
Hanson with an empty netter later on that made it
six to four the final over the Blues at the X.
The Wild have won four in a row for Hines, though,

and the Wilder third in the West. They get a
chance to punch mister McKinnon and company tomorrow night at
the X. Injuries a problem Favor left Brock Favor left
with an upper body injury. Last evening, Hines joined This
evening and this morning excuse me to open Night to Noon.
John Hines on the show and kind of spoke of it.
He's worried about it, as he is with any injury.

Not an update that he was either able or willing
to offer thus far. But a team that's won four
in a row, grinding through every injury. I mean, you
want to speak about battle testing and this and that,
it's kind of it's trial by fire on a nightly
basis with this team. It doesn't get easier with the
with the the avalanche around the corner, but they get out.

They battled the they batter the Blues last evening at.

Speaker 3 (40:51):
The x YEP and it was great having coachines on it,
little peppen as step with the delivery. Today. It's just
super excited with what's happening because they Jonas Brodean played
thirty three minutes. Thirty three minutes, I mean, Faber went
down and Brodeine picked up the entire load. John Merrill,
uh personally speaking from what I'm being told because I

haven't watched all the wild games the last few weeks.
John Merrill never has played better he was he was
press box guy more than a handful of times, or
a handful of times earlier in the year with the
healthy scratch and and in fact we Noorda wasn't there.
The last box in the box that I did is
I caught a weird moment where final hour of the show.

After the morning skape, Merrill was being told by an
assistant coach at Center Ice, you're out, You're scratched tonight.
Oh no. And you know, I'm not one to like
the sounds of hockey mic on, I'm not. I'm not
one to put words in the mouths of people, but
or like looking like I looked into his eyes and
I could tell there was fyer. He wasn't happy. Well

just end it. Well, you can just tell he wasn't
happy when he was getting the news. So from there
to that box in the box before you went to
the Army Navy game to where we are now and
he scored the second goal last evening that that that's fantastic, man,
I mean, it's it's I'm not going to say it's
a rags to richest bit because I don't know enough
about his career before that in college and all that.

But he's getting an opportunity and he's capitalizing.

Speaker 4 (42:21):

Speaker 3 (42:21):
I'm gonna put a picture out on Twitter here in
a minute, because for the first time in my twenty
seven ish year radio career at AM eleven thirty KFAN
or FN one hundred point three KFAM, we have a
guest who has scratched. Sam Farmer, a twenty five year
National Football League writer for the La Times. Super well accomplished,

incredibly well respected and a long time friend to nine
to now he scratched because those fires. He lives in
an area of what's known as Lochanyata, Okay, and I'm
quite familiar with it. Played sports there a lot when
I was in high school and in high school, and
it's north and west of Pasadena, so it's on the

way up to the San Fernando Valley and Pacific Palisades
in Malibu and all that area. He said, he sent
me a picture right now from his backyard and he's
he and his neighborhood are being forced to evacuate. Uh,
I mean, these fires are on himn And it's like
I mean, the the Santa Ana Winds which I shared earlier,

originally were called the Santana Winds the Devil's winds. They
blow in from the south. Happens yearly in southern California
and this time of the year. I remember January and
February that's when it would get super rainy when I
was in high school and junior college, and that's when
the winds would be a factor and the surf would
be a factor at Huntington Beach or Newport or Balboa.

And that's when there's a place between Newport Beach and
Balboa called the Balboa Wedge. And like the wedge when
you're a knuckle ahead high school guy, I mean, the
waves are massive. It's like it's not Hawaii five zero
type massive, but they're massive, which leads to what massive undertow.
So you know when I would body surf or boogie

board because I I could never jump up on a surfboard. Know,
you had to be very careful no matter how knuckle
headish or fearless, you would be body surfing the Balboa Wedge.
When the Santa Anna winds would emerge, they shut the
sucker down. I mean, like the greatest surfer of all
surfers ever to surf, they wouldn't let you go out
there because the waves were massive. They would crash down.

The undertow was so bad because the next one came
in more quickly because of the wind, and like you
just could not get up for air. That's the situation
with the Santa Ana winds from southern California. Now, now,
when I live there. To my recollection, there never was
any form of massive fire that took place during the

Santa Ana winds.

Speaker 5 (45:00):
And that's what I was going to ask you, and
you kind of answered the question because as you were
setting this up, you talked about the Santa Ana wins
come in this time of year January February and then
it gets rainy, and that was the key.

Speaker 3 (45:12):
And I was just curious how how rare this really is.

Speaker 5 (45:15):
And I've heard about it other times of the year,
but the idea of in January in particular, the weather
being in a spot where this is able to emerge
and manifest itself as unbelievable.

Speaker 4 (45:26):

Speaker 3 (45:26):
It's uh. There are I mean there are, you know
a lot of annual things in a lot of different places.
The swallows and Capistrano, that's a beautiful thing.

Speaker 2 (45:33):

Speaker 3 (45:34):
But the Santa Ana winds have they They've never been
I don't recall them being as threatening as they are now.
I mean, I've read that these winds are one hundred
miles per hour and I remember stiff winds heading south
on fifty seven to go down to the beach or
you know, head down Tijuanaway and like when you're driving.
If you drove a Volkswagon like I had, Uh, well,

then that sucker it would it would get wonky. I
mean it was moderate chop on fifty seven South. So
was it a beatle? It was a convertible Volkswagen that
my stepfather was nice enough to buy from my older
sister for me for high school. Awesome, And it was
like it being in a plane flying into the wind
on a landing with moderate to severe chop. Well, from

what I understand from talking with family members of mine
and reading all these stories, is these winds are more
ferocious right now than anybody can ever remember, and ever
would be a long time for friends and or family
members I have back there. I lived there nineteen seventy

nine to ninety three, and then San Francisco ninety three
to ninety eight. Moved here full time in ninety eight,
So therefore I was there sixteen years, and I remember
those Santa Ana wins. My family and my brother and
some other people have been there longer than me, and
they're telling me they never have been more aggressive, more violent,
and more consistent than they are right now. Well, now

we have a natural disaster where a fire popped up
in the Pacific Palisades area, and some of these things
that you see online on social media unbelievable. Like there's
this guy in Pacific Palisades who I don't know if
he refused to evacuate his place or I'll bring it
out up. Pride was the root of all evil. Valor

was the better part of this crash. I got no idea,
but he gives you a three D view from his
living room. He and with whomever he lives and one
or two animals can't get out because now the house
is surrounded by flames that are twenty feet high and
he can't get out. I don't know what the outcome

to that story was. I prayed for him and his group,
you know, but it's it's visuals like that. So Sam Farmer,
have you and I apologize And Sam's in the thick
of it. Yep, Sam's away, scratch man, he's evacuated eating
his house right now. No, it's it's it's it's it's
absolutely awful. So I want to figure out the right way.

Speaker 5 (48:05):
So on a yearly basis, there are wildfires in California,
and you know.

Speaker 3 (48:13):
I mean, and it seems yearly. I mean, it might
not be yearly, but it seems it seems that way.

Speaker 5 (48:17):
Well, no, there are annual wildfires there, websites that and
so the probably not to this magnifue. The size the
size of the fire. But but I'm curious if this
is more about location as well. So, I mean, there's
a lot of as as packed as the Southland is,
there are more rural areas of course, in the hills
and such, so wildfires that take place out there. You

got old trees and brush that are not cleared, and
that creates an opportunity for fires.

Speaker 3 (48:43):
This is an annual thing.

Speaker 5 (48:45):
But where we're talking about right now, this just cannot
be an area that has experienced something like this before. Yeah,
I agree, because I've never heard, like I've heard Malibu
being involved in maybe not fires, but like if there's
an earthquake and and mud slides and a lot of
rain and stuff like that. Well, you got those those

zillion dollar homes that are in essence on stilts, but
they're strong enough to hold the houses for half a
century until mother nature, until the the environment and the
elements go against you furiously hard and consistently.

Speaker 3 (49:26):
And like actor James Woods, oh, I saw that yesterday.
You see that, right, So I mean it's like you
can you know, somebody have binoculars or whatever, and they
saw James Woods House, which is between Palisades and Hollywood
up in flames. I saw a video too.

Speaker 5 (49:40):
It's it's kind of it's nutty with those winds to
see the fire actually physically jump the PCH. Oh when
it physically yeah, with embers and things, it's just physically
with with that kind of whiff to be able to
catch on fire and continue on just completely unmitigated.

Speaker 3 (49:58):
Well, PCH would be Pacific Highway and for them to
see that, that's I'm really glad you said that because
Pacific Coast Highway generally is right next to the Pacific Ocean. Yeah,
I mean it's not like the four h five, but still, well, no,
it goes from it goes from Tijuana and below San

Diego all the way up to the Pacific Northwest y
and a lot of the drive is by the Pacific Ocean.
These winds come in off the ocean, and so therefore
those getting the brunt of these fires by the ocean
are getting the wind at its highest velocity. So it's

that perfect storm that is forcing it Inland. Now, the Southland,
you know, has has a lot of beach areas and
a lot of elevation and things like that. But when
you start to get to the Inland Empire, as it's called,
you're out there by Riverside and Rubideaux and Corona. It's
on the way up to Las Vegas. They hasn't got
that far out. But if if and I believe Sam Farmer,

writer for the La Times, who just scratched from nine
to noon for his appearance which was supposed to be
right now, and this is you know, it's it's Sam
and I are about the same age. And he went
to high school relatively close to where I went. And
George Payton, general manager for the Denver Broncos, you know,
they they we all kind of went to the same

same conference of schools as like they would play sports
and stuff like that. It was the Baseline League, is
what it was called.

Speaker 4 (51:32):

Speaker 3 (51:32):
So therefore we know a lot of the same areas
and a lot of the same a lot of the
same areas that would have potential for things like this.
And I had my friend Antoine Michael, who lives in
El Segundo, big time vikings fan El Segundo's right by
the airport. Probably twelve minutes as the crow flies from

Sofi Stadium, but about twenty five to thirty minutes given traffic,
depending on what Manchester looks like. Well, he texted me
yesterday wondering, you know, if the team's talking about because
he's going to the game Monday night, are they talking
about relocation? Are they talking about these fires? Are they
talking about the smoke and everything? And I was there
yesterday for about you know, five hours, including nine to noon,

and I hadn't heard anything. I would imagine that we'll
start hearing things about the game from the teams. The
Rams put out a statement yesterday that you know, was
a team related statement, we're grieving for those who are
losing their homes. And at last checked there from the
last story I read this morning, there had not been

any deaths. But we're talking about tens of thousands of
people who are being evacuated and relocated. Yeah, and so
with Sam, given he lives Inland, probably i'd say it's
about twenty miles away from Pacific Coast Highway. It's by
the San Gabriel Mountains. So in the five years I

worked at Santa Anita covering horse racing for the Pasadena
Star News. The you know, one of the most consistent
beautiful views I had at a job in my life
was working at Santa Anita Park because you look straight
ahead at the San Gabriel Mountains and but before you
get to the San Gabriel Mountains kind of like the
Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Yeah, you get foothills, all right.

So that's where Sam lives. And the fire is creeping
into the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains in the
San Gabriel Valley. Well, that means these winds which are
blowing in from the ocean, the Santanna winds, are changing
directions because the Santa Ana winds come from the south.

That's where Santa Santa Anna is. Again, used to be
called the Santana Wins the Devil's wind, but then it
was I don't know it was it was americanized or
it was cliche eyes to make it Santa Ana winds
because they come in from the south. That picture he
sent me from his backyard, that you know, when he said, respectfully,
you know, I have to scratch him like brought respectfully.

I'mnna pray for you right now and you're evacuating your house.
Don't think about nine to noon? Are you kidding me? Yeah?
There are beachfront homes in Malibu just in ashes right now.
That's I mean, that's I just can't stress it enough
from living their sixteen years. When these winds hit and
they come in from the ocean and you're right on
the ocean and there's a fire that's ten to ten there,

it can't be worse. Yeah, I mean it, Yeah, it
could be worse. Of the winds did not peek out
at one hundred miles per hour. They peaked out at
one fifty. Maybe it gets where it's going faster. But
when I lived there, I don't recall a lot of
fire activity in the San Gabriel Valley or out by

Palisades or Malibu. And I'm sure, I'm sure it did happen,
But earthquakes were the thing when I lived there. And
whether it's living in Glendora or living in Pasadena, when
when when when a six or a seven, a seven
and a half or whatever hits, and the the San

Andreas Fault is always involved with it because there's a shift.
It's as jarring a feeling as as I've ever felt
my life, you know, because you don't know when it's
going to stop. So just think turbulence moderate or severe,
chopping an airplane and then like you jump around and
then all of a sudden, it chills, and then you

jump again.

Speaker 4 (55:35):
You know.

Speaker 3 (55:36):
That's what those earthquakes were like, and and the devastation
that that would transpire from those was unbelievable. I don't
remember when I lived there, you know, I'm sure wildfires
and fires were a problem. Well, I wish I knew
exactly because this is from cal Fire. I'm gonna send
you a picture of farm from farmer's backyard just to
give you a feel for what you're talking about right now.

Speaker 5 (55:58):
Yeah, I wish I understood exact how because we're sucks,
we're looking at what's happening in Pacific Palisades, Malibu and beyond.
They must be considering those almost like more than one fire,
because I'm looking via coal Fire the history of wildfires
from eighty seven to last year. The number of wildfires
eighty seven, thirteen thousand, four hundred and seventy six, and

then they listed the acres burned, you know, jumping ahead,
for instance, twenty twenty looks as bad as it has
ever been for multiple reasons. Twenty twenty there were ninety
six hundred wildfires that burned four point three million acres,
So I'm curious what they judge, like, is this a
singular fire, is it multiple or whatever?

Speaker 3 (56:40):

Speaker 5 (56:41):
But over the course the course of averages from from
seventy nine to eighty eight when you first lived there,
there were three point seven million acres burned, eighty nine
to ninety eight, two point seven, ninety nine to two
thousand and eight six point nine million, and then from
nine to twenty eighteen seven million acres burned right view wildfire.

So I don't know how they judge them, track them
and put them in statistics. But it is a yearly thing.
It sounds like in California. But right now, Pacific Palisades
is in trouble now. And if you like, get a
Google map and or some type of overview map and
you look at where Palisades is located, I mean Malibu,

you know, because of Pepperdine and actors living in Malibu
and stuff.

Speaker 3 (57:27):
You know, people have heard of Malibu and probably I
don't know, I mean people, you know, they if they vacation,
say in Santa Barbara, which is about ninety minutes two
hours north of Malibu. Yeah, well that's generally like if
you're driving up there, that's where you stop because it's
Malibu and you have really the maybe the most beautiful

college campus one ever will see Pepperdine University, which overhangs
looking at the Pacific Ocean. It's phenomenal. A Biola Bible
Institute of Los Angeles is around there. They have just
a Loyola Marymount is elevated, so a lot of beautiful views,
but also they're in treacherous places if something like this emerges.

So like if you take a Google Maps overlook, Yeah,
I'm looking at Pacific Palisades right now. You can you believe?
Can you believe that is the place that's part of wildfires?
I mean it's uh, it's it's bigger. I think it's
bigger than outside of Minneapolis. Maybe Saint Paul put them together.
It's like bigger than any city in our state. Yeah,

it's a massive, massive area with a lot of wealthy homes,
but you know, a lot a lot of other side
of the tracks homes too. Sure, there's just a lot
of people who live there. It's not in a vast forest,
it's by one and that's what's getting devastated. Yeah, that's
that's pure ugliness right now. Wow, But you want to
just in closing here, Yeah, And I think you'll appreciate this.

And you probably have seen it too. You said the
word ugliness. The I don't even know how to put this, man.
I mean, like following this on Twitter on X and
then you see a picture, you see a picture, you
read a post, you see something about a cat getting saved,
you see something about kids running out jumping in a pool,

and then the next fifteen submissions that you reader see.
Do we have to overly politicize everything? I mean, honestly,
does it have to be this guy's talking about this
when thirty thousand people are getting evacuated? Shame on you.
I mean, honestly, does every single thing in a person's

life have to come down to your bunk weak political agenda?
It might, Seriously a lot of people are obsessed. I
don't care what side you're on, man, I don't care
what side you're on. I'm on God side. So therefore,
when you look at it from a left or right side,
and you can read between the lines here with stuff
you're seeing, It's like, can you at least have a

sliver of common decency to recognize that's the last thing
in the world people suffering want to hear see right now. Yeah,
And it's their choice that they don't have to look
at it, see it, or hear it. Sure, I get
that part two. I understand that. But I mean there's
a time and a place for things. And some of
these freaking over zealous morons who just can't hold back

because they lack self control, or they got to get
their stupid tweet out there at just the right time
so that they can they they can push their agenda,
even if they don't represent anybody, they have five followers.
They just want to get their opinion out. And I
happen to see it. Got to be right, gotta be first,
got to be loud.

Speaker 2 (01:00:43):

Speaker 3 (01:00:43):
Yeah, it's it's a it's a lifestyle of gotcha's okay,
I got and right? And I've been dunked on, okay,
and you've been dunked on, and we've all been dunked on.
Who cares in one inar ear and out the other.
For me, it's freaking elevator music. You can do it
all day, Cancel me all you want. I don't care.
But there's a time and a place to recognize this

is the wrong thing to do in the middle of
one of the worst fires in the history of the
United States of America, and people will be hurt by it.

Speaker 5 (01:01:13):
What are those mountains just outside of that area you're
dead on with it on San Gabriel. That is San
Gabriel right there. I'm just trying to picture. I mean,
they're just sitting there. Yeah, freaky. I don't know what
they're called. It's the Malibu area.

Speaker 3 (01:01:25):
It's just a funnel man is going to stop as
you head as you head east to the Inland Empire, well,
that's where it gets really flat, and that's where it
gets really desert y. But as you head north of
Pacific Coast Highway to Santa Barbara and then Bakersfield and
all the way up, I mean, you got a lot

of brush you have. You know, where I went to
high school was right by an area called Big Bear Mountain,
you know, and San Gabriel Valley. Well, that's a lot
of a lot of foliage and a lot of forestry
and a lot of trees and a lot of stuff
like that. I've seen some of the best concerts I've
ever seen in my life at the Greek Theater, which
is a wooded area where you drive up to it.

Griffith Park Observatory is the area that it's called. That's
not far from where this is taking place right now.
And if Sam Farmers evacuating his house in La Canyada,
that area, which is fifteen minutes from Pasadena and about
thirty minutes from where these fires originated, those winds are
bad and there are people who are in peril. But

you know what, go ahead and sit back on the
tweet machine and bitch about somebody not doing it exactly
the way you think it should be done, because that's
the perfect time right now, when people are evacuating.

Speaker 4 (01:02:42):
To do that.

Speaker 3 (01:02:42):
You know what, man, We'll be right back
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