Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:19):
Hi Miss nine to noon at FM one hundred point
three KFA n Welcome back. It's Paul Allen, joined now
by a former Minnesota Vikings linebacker and a current sideline
analyst for the basket and never expanding KFA in Minnesota
Vikings Radio network. He's been a liver at Nacho liber
via Twitter and Twin Cities Live on the TV three
to four thirty each and every weekday on Channel five TCL. Yeah,
you know, we I wonder if the Minnesota Vikings are
going to Arizona or Los Angeles, not looking for intel,
just looking for the Nacho discernment, which happens to be
quite good and a good more and good morning.
Speaker 2 (01:02):
Well, it sounds like according to Tom Pelisera this morning,
that the the the NFL has probably up until Saturday
morning to make a decision. It seems kind of late
to me, but but listen, it is a it's an
ever changing situation there in Los Angeles.
Speaker 1 (01:20):
I think everybody's.
Speaker 2 (01:20):
Everybody's looking about looking at the support staff that it
takes optically, What does it look like? Does it does
it get worse if the wind does die down? Does
the wind shift at all to make it even more
inhabitable for everybody in downtown and the metro area of
Los Angeles, especially down by the stadium. So still a
lot of moving parts, it sounds like. But and I'm
and I'm guessing the NFL is getting lots of pressure
from the Rams to not move the game. So there
is that. I did think about that. How does the
NFLPA handle that?
Speaker 1 (01:54):
Speaker 2 (01:54):
Wow, they from a player's safety standpoint, air quality is
going to be a big issue, right it is. And
it is considered an open air stadium, there is going
to be you know, ambient atmosphere that goes inside the
stadium because you know, as you know it's there is
you know, it's just like a canopy over the top.
Speaker 1 (02:10):
It's not like enclosed.
Speaker 2 (02:11):
Fully, how does the NFLPA look out for the Vikings
players and say like, oh, from a health benefit guys,
and we're like we can't have our players, you know,
you know, being out there for over three hours plus
the fans and whatever. But at the same time, I'm
sure they're hearing from their their NFLPA rep with the
Rams saying like no, no, no, no, we don't want to
move this game, Like no, we're fine, We're fine. You know, like,
don't worry about us. It's gonna be out We're gonna
be out there just for a few hours, No big deal.
Speaker 1 (02:38):
We might have a couple of cops after, you know,
at the end of the night. No big deal. Let's
keep the game here.
Speaker 2 (02:43):
How do you look out for one player's team, the team,
the players on one team and not the other.
Speaker 1 (02:49):
And and NFL representative, you know, uttering anything close to
there may be a couple of cops after the game.
I mean, that's what. That's step number one to lose
in four billion dollars in eighteen lawsuits for myriad coughs.
You know what I mean. Well, yeah, I.
Speaker 2 (03:06):
Mean it's if it's like pandemic related, yes, but I
mean if it if it really is, it's like, look,
it's probably not the healthiest because I remember, you know,
going back to my time in San Diego when we'd
have wild fires and we had the one that had
us move the move the game to Arizona as.
Speaker 1 (03:21):
Well, oh Sun Devil Stadium, right, yeah, Oh that's right.
The air quality is a real thing.
Speaker 2 (03:25):
Because my wife and I were even talking about it
last night and she's like, I remember even she's like
even when we came back like the fires were over.
She's like, I went for a run and there the
residual ash in the air which continues to fall for
days and days and days. I mean, gets this coach
your car, coach everything right, yep. She's like, it was
so hard to breathe on the run, and she's like,
I like, my lungs just kind of hurt at the
end of my run. And she was out there for
what maybe forty five minutes to an hour. I think
he asked these players in the height of this of
this firestorm, to uh, to go out there and play
high intensity football, like it's not good for your health
at all.
Speaker 3 (04:04):
Well, and just different conditions. But the field conditions I
remember I had to look it up. But the Chiefs
Rams game in Mexico City, they moved that just over
field conditions because they had had a rainy season and
a multi event calendar. As the article I'm reading from
twenty eighteen, they move that and ended up coming back
to the States for it.
Speaker 1 (04:22):
If we're talking like ash.
Speaker 3 (04:24):
In the air and those sorts of things, and it's
a postseason game, not maybe, you know, I wouldn't believe that,
you know, even though it's the playoffs. It means more
in that context. Maybe it doesn't mean more in terms
of the health of the players, But in the same sense,
if we do have open venues, just make the How
about just be proactive and just move it. I know
there are these backdoor conversations and things. You're right, the
RAMS would prefer not to have to move that game
and lose a home game effectively.
Speaker 1 (04:49):
Well, and the gate, I mean the gate would be
preseason and postseason for NFL owners. He kitty, kitty, I mean,
that's that's the scoop, right.
Speaker 3 (04:58):
Well, I wonder I wonder if let's say it's down
in is it Glendale?
Speaker 1 (05:01):
Is that where?
Speaker 3 (05:02):
Okay, Cardinal Stadium? What if you flip them a corner
of the gate there? I mean, Arizona's getting free cash
out of this opportunity. Can you make a deal in
that regard if it's truly down to gate, but if
it's down to air quality, just move the thing as
quickly as possible.
Speaker 1 (05:15):
So above all else, by.
Speaker 3 (05:17):
The way, fan bases, if you're in LA, can you
make that drive and can fans adjust they want to
come from Minnesota and other areas, can they make that adjustment?
Flight wise and such to get too asy.
Speaker 1 (05:27):
If it goes to Glendale, the Vikings may end up
with a massive home field advantage.
Speaker 2 (05:35):
Yeah, I'm just going to throw this out there, just
my own opinion.
Speaker 1 (05:39):
Right now.
Speaker 2 (05:40):
You're looking at probably seventy thirty in Los Angeles, as
far as thirty percent Vikings fans. Yep, I think that's
probably fair. You're I think we're tipping the scales of
the majority over fifty percent. Great, and Glendale would be
Vikings fans well.
Speaker 1 (05:53):
And you know, with the with the recency of the
Southern California fire and Pacific Palisades, Santa Clarita, now we're
getting Doalta Dina, you know, which is close to Pasadena.
I mean, so it's it's that that was what was
transpiring yesterday. All right, Winds calmed down and dissipated a bit,
picked up, calm down, picked up, calm down. Santa Ana Wins.
You remember them from when you played with the Chargers
on a yearly basis, and you know, me living there
a decade and a half. I put this on Twitter yesterday.
I mean, I've lived through Santa Ana Wins like you,
and that they're you know, Newport Huntington Beach, Balboa, the
Balboa Wedge, all those beaches, they can be closed down
because of the winds and the undertow and everything. So
we've seen things like that. I've never seen palm trees
at a ninety degree angle because the winds are so
strong right now. But here's what has popped up this morning.
And perhaps I'm naive, or perhaps I'm callous for even
saying this, but like I saw Marty Fish tweet, okay,
and he lives in the in the Hollywood area studio city,
and the Hollywood Hills ain't exactly super close to Alta,
Dina and Pacific Palisades. I mean, we're not talking one
hundred miles. But now I'm starting to wonder. I mean,
and again I may be naive. Here do we have
copycat roots like setting fires to different areas? Well?
Speaker 2 (07:22):
There are like five with four or five fires going on.
Everybody's talking about the Palisades fire, but there are around
the La County and I think, you know, even east
of downtown LA, there are like multiple other fires they
are concerned about, and I don't think any one of
them is contain right.
Speaker 1 (07:39):
Well, I mean, like embers sailing in the Santa Ana
winds to Studio City or Hollywood. That's impossible. And I
don't care how hot the ember is, how big it is,
or how vicious the wind is, that's too far.
Speaker 2 (07:55):
So now, I don't know if anybody, I don't I
haven't heard anybody talk about there's a threat of fire
in downtown LA or you or any any parts of
the actual concrete metro.
Speaker 1 (08:05):
If you get to the Hollywood Hills, you're in your
inches from downtown La.
Speaker 2 (08:10):
See, I'm not I'm not aware that it's that close.
Speaker 1 (08:14):
Studio City is burbank ish, yeah, and you know, so
you go out to Dina Pasadena, then you get burbank
Studio City, then you get like we're occidental colleges before
you get to where we stayed before in Los Angeles,
the Financial District, so so Studio City and Hollywood Hills
from where we stayed a couple of I think it
was last year, last year the downtown spot or right
now when we played the Chargers the downtown spot, I'd
say nine miles eleven miles. So it's just it's it's
creeping into the into the city scene a little bit. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (08:48):
Well, and then they play into the decision. Yeah, and
it'll play into the decision again. It's about to me.
Speaker 1 (08:55):
Speaker 2 (08:55):
I know Los Angeles is a big city and they
have a lot of people, and they have a lot
of resources and stuff like that, but it sounds like
everything is being literally and figuratively choked off. The air
quality is getting choked off, the number of firefighters being
choked off, emergency responders.
Speaker 1 (09:13):
What do you mean choked off? Well, all the.
Speaker 2 (09:15):
Resources are going to the areas of need, so like
everybody that's on standby, they're all working now. So now
you worry about you think about how many resources And
I don't know this number. I'm guessing it's a lot,
because I know how much the NFL cares about security
and all the staffing and all that stuff, all the
vendors that put these games on. Everybody that's in and
around that Sofi Stadium has got to be working. It
should be working on game day and you know the
days leading up to game day. So how much of
that are you taking away from the city. I don't
know that number. It seems like you would be optically,
it seems like, now, you know, Abbott made a great comment.
Speaker 1 (09:52):
We were just talking about it He's like, but you.
Speaker 2 (09:54):
Know, the NFL could be you know, they could use
this also as just sort of like, hey, let's everybody
together in this trying time.
Speaker 1 (10:02):
Yeah, you know, all of that. As long as.
Speaker 2 (10:04):
You're not taking away from resources that should be used
for people that are evacuating homes and all other stuff.
Speaker 1 (10:10):
I think that's fine. Right, we'll see like from the
and I'm glad you said that. I'm glad you know
you and Chad talked about that. I'm actually on the
other side, and I recognize that sports absolutely can galvanize
communities during tragedy. Southern California Los Angeles is not a community.
It's a massive, massive region that's basically like a state,
and so few people care about the la rams in
the Southland. You have that, and then secondly, it's not
a region. You know what I'm saying. It's just I
just don't I mean, I understand that, and I've seen
it and or heard about it before. I just don't
think that's the case here.
Speaker 2 (10:50):
Well, I think you got you and I are in
the same We're on the same wavelength. I think I mean,
you're you're for moving the game, is what it sounds like.
Speaker 1 (10:58):
I don't know. I can't say that yet. I mean,
it's I was talking with somebody about that yesterday who
actually lives out there, and somebody who works in the
media told me, I'd be shocked if the game has
moved now. That was actually early this morning, and and okay,
so that's that's what I heard from him. But I guess,
writing my discernment, it's like if this, if what's transpiring
now dramatically comes back by tomorrow, slows down, gets in
control the resources and everything. And you know, another thing
that would be novel is if they're freaking fire hydrants work.
But that's a different conversation. I couldn't believe. I couldn't
believe what I saw on social media. It's crazy. Governor's
being interviewed and it's like, my man got it. Yeah,
my man's like, ro what's up with the fire hydrants? No,
water's coming out. I don't know exactly, I know. I
mean that.
Speaker 3 (11:51):
Mabel's able to water a rosebush over there now. And
the mayor is a disaster too. She has no idea
what what's going on this.
Speaker 1 (11:58):
So the mayor who I saw that social media too,
the mayor who would not talk to a reporter. Is
that what you're talking about? I believe so. Yeah. Yeah,
like at exiting a plane coming back from a vacation
or something. Okay, people have rights to go on vacations
not knowing why empires are going to take place. But
then when somebody encounters you in one of the worst
situations in the history of a part of the country
that has had a lot of bad situations with natural disasters,
and you sit there and look like a moron. Yeah,
and don't say a word. I mean how it's Embarrassing's
not the right word. Reprehensible and repulsive or the two
words that came to mind for me.
Speaker 2 (12:41):
I think they were constantly reminded that a lot of
we see a lot of people in high power, high
profile positions, and you'd think that like, yes, they've they've
earned it, They've worked really hard to get there by
whatever means, whatever game that you need to play to
get there.
Speaker 3 (12:58):
Yeah, they inherit like this level of ross, respect and
reverence as part of that position.
Speaker 2 (13:03):
Correct, But over and over again, when when life gives
you real life situations, we see so much lack of leadership, right,
We see so many that was just stupidity.
Speaker 1 (13:13):
We see so many people that.
Speaker 2 (13:16):
When when when push comes to shove, you really don't
have the credibility that we thought you had to handle
these situations or the common sense or the common sense well,
simply because the opportunity was there to say, just got back,
got to get all the intel, I'll have comment whenever, Right,
that's all you have to do. And you're telling me
that you don't have You don't have the means on
your flight back from wherever you were to have your
team debrief you on everything down to the last detail,
like how do you how are you not prepared like that?
Speaker 1 (13:50):
And how mean? How devastating? And this is the one thing.
Speaker 2 (13:53):
I heard from from the news as well, and this
was both on social media and major news.
Speaker 1 (14:00):
The fire chief.
Speaker 2 (14:00):
You know, can you imagine the reports as a fire chief,
as you're sending your crews out to fight these fires,
legit life and death situations, Right, they pull up to
a fire hydrant in its bone dry? I mean, how
helpless do you feel? What you what are you gonna do?
Throw sand at it?
Speaker 1 (14:19):
Wow? What are you supposed to do? It's almost like
a trick. It's almost it's almost like there was infiltration
in the cartoon. Well, it's like there was infiltration by
the bad guys who set the whole thing up. And oh,
by the way, when you think there's an out, we
got that too. And I'm not saying it is that.
It's not. However, that's like how.
Speaker 2 (14:40):
If you're watching some Hollywood's a helpless feeling, Yeah, what's
the move the pur the Purge series, it's kind of
like it's kind of like that, like you're all trapped
in you got nowhere to go.
Speaker 1 (14:52):
Everything's awful, but I got one out. Oh, mask a
guy fix that too. Yep. Now I'm sudden. You get
your head chopped off and nobody's nobody's talking about it
outside of an American Airlines flight. All right, three two?
So just like you know you said, you know, you
asked me, am I in favor of the game being
a Los Angeles I don't know. I want to see
by tomorrow, you know, set you out of with and
Texas with a lot of family members yesterday who live
in areas called Monrovia, Arcadia Dwarty, which is probably fifteen
minutes from Oltadena. Pasadena's right next to Olta Dienum and
and it was getting worse. I mean, because the winds
were super strong. But then the winds calmed and you know,
it was still awful. It was down to ten, but
the emergency responders and firemen and everything were able to
at least get a hold of a few things could
because there the wind was down to like eleven miles
per hour from like sixty five miles per hour. Well
so so if that continues and things dissipate and people
are starting to you know, regap, they're themselves. If they
played it in Los Angeles on Monday night and there
were like seventy two hours you know between that, I
personally I wouldn't be offended if they had the game there.
But but do you think it would be a bad
look for the NFL and or the RAMS under those circumstances,
things have gotten a lot better. They got pretty much
everything in control now. No, I don't. I don't think
it would be.
Speaker 2 (16:26):
It wouldn't look offensive, It wouldn't look out of touch
to me, as long as as long as I felt
like I trusted the information that they were telling us,
like Nope, we've got this, We've got this handled. We
have plenty of resources allocated to up North and the
air hydrons working the other the other fires that were
fighting out east and whatever, and you know, the as
long as we get I feel like we get a
sound explanation.
Speaker 1 (16:45):
I'm cool. I'm cool with it. Like there are so
many ways in that state that you and I used
to call home. I mean, I went to high school
and junior college there, and I know it inside out. Ma'am.
I love that state. It's so embarrassing now there's so
many things in embarrassing about the state of California. And
it's like, I don't even you know, it's if I'm
going to get with family members, we're going to meet
in Las Vegas or they're going to come here. I
don't want to deal with going there. I don't want
to deal with the floor oh five, I don't want
to deal with the ancillary strays everybody's catching on a
weekly basis from decisions that are made and just people
that are leaving. And it's not the same close to
the same as when you played there twenty some odd
years ago, and when I lived there from I lived
in the Los Angeles area from seventy nine to ninety four.
I mean it's like sixteen years. It ain't the same man.
Speaker 2 (17:37):
Yeah, I wonder from a from just an insurance standpoint,
and Florida's feeling the same thing. I mean, there's they've
got a real crisis on their hands as far as
it was where everybody is flocked to is they've seen
the highest jumping in new residents in Florida. And then
you have all then you have all these hurricanes that hit,
and then none of these insurance companies want to touch
Florida homeowners, and so you have to have the disposal
disposal income to buy property, have a house there, and
know that any sort of flood or water damage or
hurricane you're not covered. So you you better have the
pocket change to fix all those things. That's going to
drive so many people back out of Florida. I think
the same thing can be said just from an insurance
standpoint in California. You've got you've gotten a large part
of the state under earthquake insurance, right and then and
then you've got wildfires. I mean they have wildfires all
year round. I mean in different parts of the state
right and now, especially in those overpopulated areas. You know,
people can't afford to live in San Francisco anymore. For
a lot of reasons.
Speaker 1 (18:39):
People don't want to live in the city anymore because
of the homeless situation in South of Market.
Speaker 2 (18:44):
Correct, a lot of people are feel feel disenfranchised that
they're not being represented from political standpoint.
Speaker 1 (18:50):
Taxes aren't going to where they want to go to.
Speaker 2 (18:53):
Even my my, you know, one of my favorite cities
in the country is San Diego, not just because I
lived there for a while, but like it is truly
just a remarkable city. I mean, they built as America's
most beautiful city.
Speaker 1 (19:03):
Is it the gas light District lamp gas lamp. Yeah,
that place is the bomb. It's great because it's quaint. Yeah,
it's great, and it's got a lot of charming character.
The problem is, like I even go there now and
it's like a different vibe because there's so many homeless people.
I mean, you go to Balboa Park, which is is
this great green space in town.
Speaker 2 (19:23):
It's where the zoo is at. And then all the arteries,
the walk the walking paths, the bridges filled with tents everywhere,
homeless people everywhere. It doesn't feel like a safe city
to walk around it anymore. It is, I don't know,
it's losing its charm in a lot of space in
a lot of places, and I wouldn't I wouldn't disparage
anybody if they were a lifelong California and they're like,
I gotta.
Speaker 1 (19:44):
Get out, hey. And three two or three was when
you read three okay, yeah, right to play Arizona. We
played the Dolphins in Arizona. Yeah, got you? Thank you?
All right? Three too. I'd forgotten that. So therefore when
I crafted this, you know that from that moment due
to fires. But I was gonna ask, what was December
twenty ten like for you when they relocated to Detroit
to play the Giants after the dome collapse. You had
a couple of tackles in that Monday night game. Yeah,
that was That was like a little bit. I don't know.
That was such a different feel. It was a whirlwind,
one day deal.
Speaker 2 (20:24):
It was a whirlwind deal, and it was just as
a player, You're like, all right, well, I guess we're
gonna jump on a plane and go to Detroit. We
found a little bit of humor in it, and it
was easier to roll with the punches. The San Diego fire,
I think they call it the Cedar fire. Back in
three when we had to move. It's a whole different
deal because you know, guys live all over the city.
You know coaches, staff, they live all over the city
somewhere affected. I was like two blocks away from being
evacuated in my community. I know Ladanian Tomlinson had to
be evacuated. There are a lot of other guys and
support staff and staff members that had families that it
wasn't about football anymore. It was about you guys want
us to play this game. And I've got young kids
at home and a wife that they don't know if
our house is going to get burned down. They're asking
they're asking me to help figure out, you know, a
hotel room, friend's houses to stay at. You know, kids
are having You're having tough conversations with your kids and
in a short amount of time about like what's important
in your life and what you can gather up and
grab and like leave. So that situation was far different,
a complete one eighty from our situation with the dome
collapse here in town. That was just like okay, out
of our control. Nobody's nobody's hurt, nobody's unsafe, nobody feels
like their life is threatened, Nobody feels like their emotional
belongings and all that stuff are threatened. The San Diego
deal was way different. And and for me and for
Abby and I, you know, having never experienced that, the
the unpredictability that is a wildfire. It's like you had
to be glued to the TV or whatever radio it was,
because every ten minutes the wind would change and it's like, Okay,
now this canyon's on fire.
Speaker 1 (22:10):
And if and now we got to.
Speaker 2 (22:11):
Predict, if the winds stay the same, it's going to
rush through this canyon into this community. And that's the
way it is. And you know that growing being in
the area for so long, it's very hilly. It's the
lots of canyons, there's lots of valleys, and when the
wind starts going down one valley, there's nothing you can
do to stop it.
Speaker 1 (22:27):
And the fire moves at miles per hour. Oh my gosh,
it's not so fast. Yeah, I mean, it's it's I
was watching I watched the Weather Channel last night, probably
for three hours, and what a wonderful job they did.
And they had a reporter in Altadena and they were
interviewing this lady and she had just lost her home.
So they were trying to get the pockets out and
the embers and spray them with water and everything. Man,
she just said the saddest thing where she's like, there
was in twenty twelve there was a wildfire in that
area her house, and she said working with insurance because hey,
I wasn't prepared and I'm not the first ever to
not be prepared, but now I'm prepared. The way she
described working with an insurance company. During that, I almost
had to turn the TV off. I can't imagine, like this,
give me this is like I won't be able to
sleep just listening to what she has to go through.
I feel so bad for her. And now she has
to go through it again, but she has different insurance.
She knows what to do now and stuff like that.
Though what you say, alta Dina lakanyata all that area,
that's that's that's can that's a canyon area, And she said,
exactly what you said. Uh, we didn't have a warning.
There was no evacuation warning. This sucker came over the
hill and we were done. So you just there's no
video of it. You just like envision a fire coming
over a hill and just rolling in and wiping out.
Speaker 2 (23:53):
As you talked about the stas even yesterday and then
you mentioned it today. The Santa Anna's they they blow
at such high velocity that you think that you're safe
if you see a fire, a wallifier a mile away. Well,
those embers in that sixty mile an hour wind up
to one hundred miles an hour can be those.
Speaker 1 (24:11):
They're not just embers. There's chunks of.
Speaker 2 (24:13):
Fuel, chunks of wood, chunks of other people's homes being
spit out and thrown, hundreds and hundreds of yards that
land on people's houses, on people's homes, on their properties.
So you think that you have time, but the wind
in Mother Nature is like, nope, We're to spitting fire
the whole way through.
Speaker 1 (24:32):
Lastly, Curtis Nelson tweeted all three of us at Vike's
Royal thanks for the help here because I missed this tweet.
It was from Kevin Seafert, super well respected scribe covering
the Minnesota Vikings for ESPN, and about ninety minutes ago,
Kevin tweeted, one of the many issues to consider is
the NFL decides whether to play Monday Nights Vikings rams
game in Los Angeles or in Arizona. Hotels are serving
a vital local role, a temporary lodging for displaced residents.
Now that you know, that would be hotels within the
Inglewood area, I would say, or the greater Los Angeles area.
So there are so many hotels in Los Angeles. But
I'm looking at it from the other side, Lundine Martin,
Chuck Peterson, Yeah, Milan, that group. I mean it's it's
these hotels for football teams. They take minimum one hundred
and fifty rooms or whatever. Yeah, if it's a field trip,
if it's an organizational field trip like it was to
the Motor City, well that could involve multiple hotels and
those are set up months in advance. Yes, so all
of a sudden you just call the Westons, Hey, you
need to in her rooms. Yeah, it's I don't know, man,
but prayers for prayers for all involved. May God bless
all of them and rams play by play voice JB.
Long joins about thirty minutes from now, so we'll get
to some thoughts from the belly of the beast. But
double light in the conversation. It's had some ball, would
not your labor Next.
Speaker 3 (26:29):
Welcome back Night to Noon Thanks to Maple Grove lock
and safe Ben Leber's in studio.
Speaker 1 (26:34):
Man, what is your level of.
Speaker 3 (26:35):
Confidence in the Monday night?
Speaker 1 (26:40):
It's pretty high.
Speaker 2 (26:41):
I only I only hesitated because my confidence level going
to the Lions game was actually pretty high. I was like,
I was like, no, I think that we're going to
pull this thing off. You know, I think that we're
gonna we're going to continue this like amazing run and
we're gonna get this first round by and it obviously
didn't happen. So I'm going to this game comp But
I also have to understand that this is the playoffs.
Their starters got a little time off, you know, I'm
sure that they really enjoy getting that little refresh, and
you know, our guys are coming off a really, really
tough loss.
Speaker 1 (27:12):
But I do feel good about it. Maple Grove lock
and say, what for the Vikings, No matter where the
game is, what's the lock of the week.
Speaker 2 (27:23):
Well, I think our pass rush has gotten much more consistent.
If I remember right, you probably have the exact number.
We had what three pressures? I think the first time
I played in zero sacks, zero sax shafts. Don't know
the pressures.
Speaker 3 (27:37):
Yeah, well it was that quick game I remember going
into it. We talked about just the immobility and how
good our pass rush was and how that would mix,
and then in some ways we're left kind of in
awe of how easily McVeigh was able to kind of
structure things around that quick three and it's out and
that gave us problems all night.
Speaker 2 (27:54):
Yeah, so it's one of those things, as you like
to put it. You know that I know that, we
know that. You know that, I know. Whatever it ain't
or whatever it's real, I know, I know. I just
didn't say it as eloquently as you do. We're expecting
quick game. They also understand that. I think all of
that being said, the little chess match that happens, I
think that we do get to Stafford. I don't think
that he has the fishing game that he had.
Speaker 1 (28:17):
The last time. They got a new left guard, the
the y l that was there when we were there,
was replacing a second rounder who's in his second year,
Steven Avila. I don't know if he's good or bad
or whatever, but he's their preferred left guard, so he's
playing well. That could really help out too.
Speaker 2 (28:35):
So anyway, point is I think that we get my
Maple Grove lock and safe lock of the week is
we get three sacks?
Speaker 1 (28:42):
What happened to the Addison txt?
Speaker 2 (28:44):
I told you that's just an answer, that's just that
has nothing.
Speaker 1 (28:48):
If I ask you ten to ten forty two tomorrow,
are you in it's a forty seven yard touchdown for
Jordan Addison. That's not a yes. That's that's the law.
That's not a yas I mean, okay, okay, so pass
rush or what?
Speaker 2 (29:06):
Okay, So I think our pass rush we get to Stafford,
we'll have two this week, so we'll get sacks. No,
we'll have three. We'll have three sacks, at least three
sacks on Stafford. And to pay off my text to you,
Jordan Addison will have a forty plus long touchdown.
Speaker 3 (29:26):
Okay, coward, why don't you say forty seven? Yeah, just daggery,
go go specific on the.
Speaker 1 (29:30):
Yardist Let's uh, let's see in the next three minutes,
three to four minutes. I want to fly through some
of these games just to get your quick twitch. And
here they are. How do you give the Packers much
chance at Philadelphia four and a half point underdogs. No,
I don't.
Speaker 2 (29:47):
I think that Philly's going to get them kind of
left handed, pretty early.
Speaker 1 (29:51):
I think they're going to.
Speaker 2 (29:52):
Struggle with the passing game now that Watson's out, and
I think Philly.
Speaker 1 (29:56):
Kind of rolls in this game. The Chargers minus three
at Houston. What do you think about that one?
Speaker 2 (30:00):
I think the I think the Charger's got something kind
of hot and rolling right now. Houston has not been
particularly strong, so I would take the Chargers in this one.
Speaker 1 (30:07):
I'm with you on that doesn't Doesn't this just seem
like Jim Harbaugh's time of the year. Yes, I mean,
and justin Herbert. Do you trust Herbert? I'm such a
fan of Herbert. Okay, the Ravens hosts the Steelers and
are nine and a half point favorites, which happens to
be quite a big number for a couple of division rivals.
Speaker 2 (30:26):
Yeah, and I think everybody understands that this. You know,
Russell Wilson's kind of cooled off, very inconsistent with the
Steelers right now. Is Pickens going to show up? Don't
know what's going on there. I mean, there seems to
be a lot of issues. Now, we all know what
one game can do. And now for for him, if
he goes out and has it just an amazing game,
it sort of rights all the wrongs from the last
couple of weeks.
Speaker 1 (30:48):
I don't.
Speaker 2 (30:49):
I think that there is some quiet dysfunction happening within
that locker room, and I think the Ravens roll them.
Speaker 1 (30:53):
Sounds to me like I'm not the only one watching
in season AFC north On h Oh, it was fantastic.
Toy had finished Tuesday. I watched the final episode yesterday. Well,
it was. It was an excellent blend. I mean, because
I mean, Russell is Russell, and he's you know, the
superficial or is it authentic? Who knows? You're always guessing
with the things he says? Least I am. Tomlin's unbelievable
in a show like this. Stefanski was unbelievable in a
show like this. Miles Garrett was terrific. Zach Taylor, I
don't know much about Zach Taylor, but I mean what
we're garys wonderful personality. You can't lose with Joe Burrow.
You just can't lose with Joe Burrow. Everything about him,
the boyish nature that is authentic. And who am I
leaving out here? Oh yeah? John Harbaugh, Yeah wow? And
you know Lamar and then Zay Flowers gets hurt. How
they handled that. Yeah, I really really enjoyed the AFC
North end season. All right, So you like, so you
like the Ravens by more than nine and a half, Yes,
I do. Actually, the Bills host the Broncos nine and
a half point favorites U now with with out Denver Way. Seriously,
that's terrific work to salvage a season that was five
and five two months ago. Who do you like in
this one? If I'm a betting man, I would take
Denver and the points. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (32:15):
I really like what what they're doing there. Defense is outstanding.
Peyton's good this time of the year. Peydon's good this
time of the year. They're gonna They're gonna keep this
game close because their defense is very, very good, right
and you never know, bo Nicks just has this little
bit of it factor going on right now. So if
he pulls out a little bit of magic that he
has that nobody has seen yet, then that's that's a possibility.
Speaker 1 (32:35):
Buffalo doesn't explode. Buffalo is here and there and run
Cook and here's Shakir and here's Kincaid and it's like
the like there's eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, play Ponies
getting up and down the field. That choose the clock
to Bucks minus three at home against the upstart Commanders,
who you dig in there, you know.
Speaker 2 (32:56):
I I think now the tough the Bucks are, you know,
they're running the ball much better, They're finding a little
bit more balanced. I love the gunslinger mentality of Baker Mayfield.
I think they win this one.
Speaker 1 (33:08):
Lastly, Minnesota opened a two and a half point favorite
at Los Angeles, got bet down to nearly pick them.
Now it's back to Vikings. My just one and a
half at most places that that number. Vikings opening his favorites?
Did that surprise you because of the surprise Nordo and I.
Speaker 2 (33:26):
It did a little bit, you know, especially coming off of,
you know, the game that we just we just showcased
against the Lions and the fact that you know, you
look at our last game against the Rams and you know,
they they kind of outclassed us. You know, they they
beat us pretty good. You know, maybe the score doesn't
indicate it, but it's like it was a pretty convincing win.
Speaker 1 (33:44):
The great So like the thirty one to nine I
feel was a closer vibe because Darnold missed five touchdowns. Yeah,
then the Rams bit which was closer, but I didn't
think it was closer.
Speaker 2 (33:56):
Yeah, that's a good It is a good point because
you saw the obvious missed opportunity that we had against
the Lions and maybe not so much against the Rams.
So I'm a little surprised by that. I do think,
you know, like I said earlier, I do think that
we win this game, but I'm surprised that we opened
as the early favorites.
Speaker 1 (34:12):
Good seeing you, Good to see you this weekend, and
who knows where we're going, but we will be there
together for Monday night football. Thank you Ben, Thank you
Ben Libra at Nacho liber Via X and also three
to four thirty Twin Cities Live on Channel five that
includes today, Don't Leave Here, Welcome Back.
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You had head coach Chris Finchawn to start the show.
The Minnesota Timberwolves are at Orlando tonight, a very injured bunch.
The Magic The Wolves are a five and a half
point favorite is a six PM tip. One thing that
kind of struck me is is early in the conversation
you kind of you went backwards to go forward when
they did lose at Detroit a week ago. You asked them,
you know, hey, what'd you say after the loss? And
I did kind of find it interesting and maybe I
shouldn't because he also talked about kind of, you know,
working with a young girl. Roster Randall's not young, Rudy's
not young, Conley's not young, but you have several young
players in big spots on this team, and he kind
of talked about, you know, nearly midway through the season,
where we're having discussions about urgency, and I just kind
of found that to be jarring a bit, Pa, And
I guess I wonder what your thoughts are on that,
because you know, since then team's won three in a row,
we dig that and and Anthony Edwards has i mean
just lifted off from the three point line. And there's
a lot of positive things to speak of in terms
of Anthony's game, the team seeing success, a couple of
big games in their pockets over the last week. But
in the end, that did kind of jar me midway
through with all the issues chemistry wise, we've gone through
that gamut this time of the season, that kind of loss.
I get it, no Jade and Ivy, but still Ky
Cunningham's pretty good. You lose the way you do to
Detroit and we're talking about urgency. Yeah, that kind of
that kind of smacked me a little bit, to be honest, understandable.
Speaker 1 (36:53):
But see, I've pulled back on getting loud about certain
things Timberwolves related to a certain extent outside of a
couple of childish tantrums in truncated fashion because I learned
a lesson a couple of years ago with the Rudy
Gobert move, and this right now is better than what
it looked like when Gobert was throwing punches at slow
mo because those who formulated ten of ten's on how
bad it was, how wrong it was, how much of
a loser you are in a deal. Yeah, well a
you didn't hear from him, because that's generally what opinion
related cowards do. But secondly, it completely turned around and
they went to the Western Conference finals. Yeah, doesn't mean
that's the case this time, but that is part of
Those are part of the past performances with this coaching staff,
and it's interesting you bring that up the way you did.
Dane Moore, who joins nine to Noon, he has a
very interesting tweet and I'm not sure he tweeted it.
I think it was yesterday and it was off a
pot cast he did, and he wrote January seventh, Chris
Finch discussing how much respect and admiration for what he
and the team have asked of Julius Randall this season
and talking about the absolute disconnect between an honest Finch
I mean Chris shoots straight compared to like the fan
base and what a perception is, which really reminds me
of a couple of years ago after that stifled Tower
trade and Chris said, listen, I got a lot of
respect admiration for Julius. His shot attempts overall are down
from where he was in New York as numbers have
been in line with them too, so he's having a
bit more of an efficient season for us. We've asked
him to do different things at different times as our
team ebbed and flowed. Hey we need you to score more.
Hey we need you to pass more. Hey we need
you to create more offense, We need you to handle more,
pick up the pace for us. He's tried to respond
to it all, always conscious we're asking him to do
a lot of things and maybe he's not able to
settle into his own rhythm sometimes. But he's been a trooper.
He's guarded a lot, taking a lot of really good
matchups for us, and tonight was a good example of that.
So that was off the Clippers win. That was I
believe after the Clippers win or they Yeah, that was
a couple of days ago.
Speaker 3 (39:22):
I misspoke by the way it would have been, Clippers
would have been.
Speaker 1 (39:24):
I can't remember who they most recently be Well, it
was at New Orleans, thank you, ten days ago. It
might have been that because the box score for Randall
and I didn't watch the Clippers game, but the box
score for Randall was low the box score at New Orleans,
and I watched about half that game, and he was better,
he was more engaged and stuff like that. But there
are just some it's I mean, it's very interesting because
from an eye test standpoint two seasons ago, there could
have been a laundry list of things with like Gobert
doesn't work, doesn't work, doesn't work, doesn't work, doesn't work,
doesn't work. But I mean, if that was a heaven
or hell situation, you better have sunscreen, because it flipped
the next year with Randall. There are so many eye
test things with him for me where I'm just like,
what in the hell is that? Yeah, I mean, I'm
at Little Caesars on Saturday night. He takes a pass
down by the block by the basket basically nobody in
front of him, and instead kicks it out to Conley,
who clanked a three, and then they go the other way,
and of course Malague Beasley it's a three. Yeah. So
you know, I kind of wondered with somebody after the game,
like like why does he do that? And the point
was made to me is you see the score. I'm
down nineteen, and you know over late third early force
you got to get some threes. I still disagree with
the dake. I think you take that two there and
deal with the next trip. But I test things with Julius.
For me and clearly for a lot of other people,
have been been a bit shoddy.
Speaker 3 (40:56):
Minnesota Wild hosting the Avalanche THISCE evening, you're gonna get
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Speaker 1 (41:07):
I saw this.
Speaker 3 (41:07):
We had Michael Russo on, so if you're looking for
a preview to the game tonight, you can podcast Russo
or in the opening hour, flurry not skating, So I
assume that means it's a gust bus affair tonight. The
lines look normal for the most part, and then he writes,
d all messed up, Brody not out there, so geez.
Speaker 1 (41:25):
So that's the That's the update from Russo. But if
the thirty three minutes, Wow, I wonder what happened there.
Speaker 3 (41:32):
Maybe thirty three minutes means he just gotta he gets
to chill out a little bit. Maybe it's an optional
for Jonas after having to carry oh a mountainous load
the other night.
Speaker 1 (41:40):
If I missed the beginning of what you said, I apologize.
Is it an optional? No, I'm just saying he was
not out there. Okay, then it's an optional. And the
Avs played last night, Brodean will play tonight.
Speaker 3 (41:51):
And then finally we were talking about it earlier during
the ten AM. But people are starting to wonder, starting
really with your conversation with Mike Florio yesterday, if there
was any chance, with the devastation that's taking place in
California right now with the fires.
Speaker 1 (42:04):
Excuse me, I'm sorry. Brodean out tonight, Russo tweeted two
minutes ago, Brodean out tonight. Day to day, Faber out
Flurry is sick and questionable tonight, Iowa was in San Diego.
I believe whatever that means.
Speaker 3 (42:18):
Yep, So Brodean dead and Heines also confirms the Fabor
injury did happen from the elbow. He caught during his
first shift. Caprice off skated last few days. Okay, we
need to do like a Russo timeline. Heines doesn't know
if he'll go on the road trip yet. In terms
of caprice Off, Lauco is close Alic brodein lower in parentheses.
So again, maybe that thirty three minutes was tiring. It
is indeed, though back to the Vikings, back to the
alternative route. If so far is not an option, it
will be down in Glendale, Arizona, at State Farm Stadium.
So if anybody has not heard, there is potentially a
contingency plan. Sounds like the NFL has until Friday, and
you mentioned maybe even Saturday morning.
Speaker 1 (43:01):
Yeah, that's what Ben said.
Speaker 3 (43:02):
I don't have any timeline, but then yeah, and I
don't either, so but I would expect over the next
thirty six hours we'll hear some sort of concrete answer
that says we're rocking. So far, yep, we're heading the
State Farm Stadium in Glendale where the Cards play, but
the game, of course will take place on Monday nights somewhere.
Speaker 1 (43:19):
Kevin O'Connell addresses the media subsequently the conduit to the
public today at twelve forty and we will see what
he has to say. But when we return the Rams
play by play voice JB. Long joins us from the
belly of the Beast don Kfam