Episode Transcript
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Done it. Welcome back. It'sthe Friday Feast. PA in Charge and
you're gonna hear PA in Charge reactnext segment to what I'm about to play
for you this segment, and that'squarterback Sam Darnold addressing the media. Camp
underway. We're hearing about fifty yarddimes and everything's good with Sam. Well
here he is with the media yesterday. Excited to be back out here for
camp or I guess back out herefrom otis my first camp here obviously.
Uh, just very excited, man, very excited to get to work and
with the fellows and uh obviously withthe fans too. Man, get some
open practices. It's gonna be funto see those guys and uh, just
ready to get to work. Sam, can you kind of take us through
some of those throws? Its justinJefferson. You guys heard the build chemistry.
That's one of these camp here.Yeah, you know, just uh,
you know, for for right now, it's just going through, you
know, going through the play call, going through what I'm seeing on defense
and just making sure I'm checking allthe boxes mentally for me and then you
know, if the read obviously takesme to two jets at you know,
his ability to you know, changespeeds and you know pick an angle and
stick at that angle. Uh,it really helps as a quarterback, even
these first you know, this reallyfirst day throwing to him. Obviously I
got two days thrown thrown to hima little bit in a mini camp,
but uh, you know this,you know, yesterday being able to throw
to him a little bit, youknow, felt really comfortable. So you
are just absorbing the scheme. Youknow, it's obviously takes some time.
Sure you've had some of it before, but it has taken you know,
Kirk Cousins used to talk about,you know, he went right into the
season before he felt comfortable learning it. Yeah, I'm just curious where you
feel like you are in that process. Yeah, you know, I feel
like again, I feel like,you know, Kirk kind of nailed it
right on the head, just likeyou said, but just kind of you
know, diving right into it.And obviously there's things during OTAs where you
know you can you can look backand take notes from there, and we're
we're continuing to go through the installsrepeat installs from OTAs, so that helps
the learning curve. But yeah,every single day, man, I gotta
gotta study, do my uh duediligence in terms of you know, looking
at things, making sure I'm goodwith everything on the on the practice script.
And then yeah, once once youget to game planning, you know,
you start to combine certain plays andyou you know exactly what coverages and
what kind of pressures uh the teamyou're going against his bringing so to an
extent, you know, it's uh, it's it's tricky, right. I
mean, you have a lot ofwords and you have with those certain plays
and game plans, but you comeout here and sometimes you know, our
defense especially is running one hundred differentcoverages and and different pressures off of them.
So it's really good work for usto come out here and test our
you know, test kind of thewidth of of how much we we know
the playbook, the money for anapproach here, less kind of mentoring,
not just the thing steam. Yeah, JJ has been awesome just to be
able to come out here and andcompete, you know, help him in
any way I can, you knowobviously, and and for him, you
know, you know, just justcontinuing to soak everything in, you know,
come out here and and be kindof just you know, like I
said, just a sponge be ableto you know, okay, what's the
play call? Call it in thehuddle, see the defense motions all that
stuff, like just take a deepbreath and go one step at a time
that way, So you know thatthat'll help him a ton. So what
you thought it would be like tobe working with Josh McCown every day?
Like what how much has it livedup to maybe what you hoped or what
I remembered from twenty eighteen? Yeah, as a as a coach, right,
I mean, it's or take astep back in twenty eighteen. When
I was playing with him, itwas a lot of positive reinforcement. Not
that he's not positive, but asa coach, you know, you got
to be a little bit more moreon your players and tell them what they
what they got to do better mostof the time. So that's a little
bit different. But yeah, Imean Josh is he's awesome to work with,
really competitive like all of us outhere, and really uh really cool
that we get to work together,which you felt when he left. When
he left where in New York?Yeah, yeah, I feel like as
a rookie, I mean, everythingeverything goes by. It's really slow in
the moment, but looking back,it went by really fast, and to
be honest, it was such ablur for me that rookie year being able
to you know, learn the playbookand and kind of, like I said
in the beginning with with plans,being able to just all right, dive
into the game plan this week,what's the defense doing, and then just
do the same thing over and overagain week after week, so you kind
of get into a rhythm routine routinewise. And for for Josh to be
there and be able to help mewith that during that rookie year was was
incredible. And you know he's beenhelping me a ton already this year and
Spedia has today how much of achallenge is just the complexity of a bunch
of Flora's done deively? Yeah,I mean, shoot, it was install
one for them, and yeah,it's it's very complex. I remember last
year in San Francisco. Gives aton of problems just throughout the week,
like hey, what are we gonnado if we get this look? And
then you know, you you getthose one off looks where it's like shoot,
I didn't I didn't know they couldbring that pressure from that side with
that front, and there's just somany different things you have to account for,
and you know, obviously it's agreat scheme, but it's it's really
the players that make it go.You got you got great, really smart
players in the back end that areable to disguise the way they do,
obviously led by by Harry Harrison.Smith's just back there, you know,
messing with us the whole the wholeday. So it's really fun to be
able to go against. Frustrating attimes, but you know, fun for
the most part to be able tocompete out here. See when you come
into a new team and they havean offensive line like this one that has
largely been the same since twenty twentyone, I guess like, can you
can you tell that? And whatkind of a difference does it make for
you? Yeah, you can tell. The cohesion of the offensive line right
now is uh, you know,it's it's in a good place. They're
they're really comfortable with each other.You see that right away with the way
they are off the field and thenjust coming onto the field and just you
know how how easy it is forthem to be able to make you know,
Garrett makes one call and they knowexactly what they're gonna do, and
it's just it's a good feeling asa quarterback to have an offensive line that's
that's so cohesive and you know,just just ready to go. You say,
just the last year in San Francisco, being able to lund things a
little bit different perspective for that year. I guess how much did you take
away from that that you be ableto play and now get your back in
the team's wing. Yeah, Ithink the biggest thing for me as a
quarterback, I think it's just playingthe game like a point guard. Just
being able to just diss the ballto the guys, let them go run
after the catch, not trying todo too much out there. Really just
in essence, just take what thedefense gives you. I know that's a
cliche, but it's really true,especially on first and second down, just
taking completions, coming back to thesideline, if if we had a look
where I could have taken a shot, talk about it, maybe come back
to it, but just taking whatthey give you play after play and eventually
something's gonna pop. Saying how muchdo you value bootings off the field with
some of your teammates, for example, in an a meeting grew on a
white board and watching the film witha player like Justin and picking up our
things together. Yeah, it's hugewhenever you can you can spend that time
off the field together, whether it'syou know, watching film on a whiteboard,
all that stuff. But I thinkjust as important, I think is
just spending you know, genuine timetogether outside the outside the facility or I
mean, you know, outside thefield or off the field, just to
be able to hang out and uh, you know, find stuff out about
each other that you didn't know.And obviously I probably know a lot more
about him now with Netflix with theshow, uh than he knows about me.
But uh, yeah, so butit's been it's been really cool man
to just not only Justin, butyou know, the the entire skill positions,
the defense, everyone on offense.It's been fun to to be able
to be a part of this teamnow for a few months. And you
know, it really feels like homeright now where ye game out with some
of those teammates now that you're inMinnesota, waitning for some of your big
anit to do with golf, Uh, we're not able to go off nearly
as much right now, but duringot as we got out to uh,
you know, whistling Straights out therein Wisconsin, made the drive even the
drive, you know, spending thattime with those guys was really fun.
And then uh, yeah, whetheryou know, going to the t Wolves
games. We're going to some ofthe Twins games as well. You know,
anytime you get to spend together withteammates or spend time with teammates,
it's always always a blessing. What'syour lak at your thoughts on Nike,
Darris, You're gonna get me gettingmore money than getting the best in the
position out of San Francisco, Soand just your thoughts on deris, I'll
get the big contract which is evenbigger than you know, Trent Williams,
so obviously got the best in thebusiness right now, right yeah, I
think you know c d obviously heearned that over the course of of the
last years. And yeah, it'sjust, uh, it's incredible, man,
anytime one of one of your guys, one of your teammates, can
get paid like that, it's allit's obviously a great thing. And I'm
just really excited or happy for him. But you know, he hasn't changed,
you know, since since Osias whenI met him. You know,
he's still a very hard worker,and you know that's just who he is.
And and you know getting that contractisn't necessarily going to change him at
all. Yeah, do you feelmore confident now than than in the strength
de sign? Yeah, I meanjust you know, kind of going like
I said, going back through theinstalls. You know, these first few
days, it's really starting to feelcomfortable. But again, you know,
with what the defense we're going againstevery single day, it's it's really fun
to be able to push the limitsof what you can do at the line
of scrimmage, breaking the huddle withinyou know, fifteen twenty seconds, to
be able to you know, makedifferent protection calls and you know, if
if we are you know, hot, if we got to if we got
to throw hot, be able toknow where those answers are. And it's
important if you mentioned, you mentionedthe mentorship with JJ. They're having situations
where that hasn't been a good Ihaven't been good relationships. Why is it
important to you to mentor him andbe and be a good be a good
steward cool to be honest, Imean, it's uh, you know,
everyone learns together in the quarterback room. You know, if I can take
things from JJ that you know,he you know, can teach me,
I'll gladly take it. Man Like, we're all learning from each other,
not only in the quarterback room,but you know, everyone on the offense,
on the defense. Everyone's just constantlyasking each other, not only about
football, but off the field thingstoo. So just to be able to
help in any way I can andbe able to ask for help amongst these
guys in the locker room. That'sthe kind of relationship that we have with
each other in that locker room.And again, that's that's one of the
great things about this place that I'verealized so far. That's Sam Darnold addressing
the media yesterday. Vikings training campunderway and when we returned. Now there's
a couple of things from that presserI want to throw by PA in charge
as we continue to Friday football feast, Ready or nine to do another yum
yummy, yummy yummy? What onearth is this? Is this one of
the week tracks? Yeah? Ithink I heard a voice, Hey,
I heard like a yummy in there. Or get into the podcast, take
out those voices, leave the leavethe rest of the week. Well,
thankfully, apparently we paid for this. We don't pay for the music we've
been playing for years, but wewe paid for yummy, and maybe we
didn't pay for it. This soundslike it could just be an AI creation.
This sounds like it's so generous itwould pay forty five dollars to go
see admit it doesn't have words.Oh I do like that part, right,
I like to know. Well,a little D and B, give
me some flashing lights, maybe someglow sticks, and we as in the
Minnesota Vikings also paid for Sam Darnold. It's one year and ten million dollars.
Yeah. Towards the end of thatpresser, there were a couple of
things that struck me in his conversationyesterday. Pops in my head. I'm
wondering how JJ's doing. Sam's throwingdarts and Alec Lewis is saying we're back
and it's training camp underway. Buthe was kind of talking about the learning
process, the teaching process, youknow, and kind of the verbage around
at the idea similar to what we'veheard from Quaysiu Doo Famensa. This this
cascading of information, collaboration being akeyword of course, how much do you
think that actually happens. I mean, in that room, it's it's you
know something that you know did DidAaron Rodgers truly benefit from being under being
behind Brett fav We've kind of playedthat that understudy game. Wow, what
it means to sit behind Kirk?All of those things. Some guys are
more helpful than others. But whenyou think of the dynamic of Sam Darnald
and now JJ McCarthy ultimately is tryingto grow up and eventually take that job,
and the franchise making the decision theymade makes that the favored path,
what do you think about that?That dynamic between Donald fighting to stay the
Week one and stay the twenty twentyfour starter and the kid that wants to
make plays and take his job.I don't think JJ McCarthy is teaching Sam
Darnold a lot. I understand whySam says says these things because he's now
been to starter handling school, He'sdealt with the media. He gave a
lot of sort of the right answers, even when you're asking questions about people
he barely knows. I mean,how much does he really know about Christian
Darisaw? Probably you know, notthat much. I think this stuff is
largely overrated. I'm sure that thequarterbacks talk, I'm sure they give each
other tips and things. But SamDonald is ultimately responsible for being for being
ready to be this team starter inweek one, and that's where his focus
is, don't I don't think he'strying to get Jaren Hall ready. I
think Sam Darnald spending his time withSam Donald and you know, his coaches,
and trying to learn a new offense, and Sam's got a lot going
on. I don't know that.Let me ask you this, how many
many times have you heard somebody like, let's say, Jordan Love come up
and say, the reason I gothere is because the tutelage I got right
from the previous starter. Never never, And I've always I might just be
a Rogers thing though from an experiencestandpoint, I've always heard that that it's
most incumbent on the learner as opposedto the learnee, excuse me, the
learnee as opposed to the to theone offering the tutelage. And there's an
art to doing it, because you'reright. I mean, now, in
this situation, with the nine tonoon assumption that that's that's been the case
for quite some time, that SamDarnald will start week one. And you
know, I've said on the radio, I wouldn't be surprised if Donald played
every game this year and they dustup McCarthy in twenty twenty five or whatever.
It's for McCarthy, it's finding thenuance of how of what to ask,
how to do it, when todo it, so that you're not
clomping now with Darnold. You know, if he is going to be the
starter, there is not, inmy estimation, anybody beating down the door
behind him to take that spot.So that opens things a little differently from
a security standpoint. And finally,then you get to know things about Patrick
Peterson, the former corner here.Well Patrick, whether it's because there were
a lot of young corners here orbut I had heard he had done this
in Arizona. I'm not going tosay every Tuesday, but a lot of
off tuesdays. Patrick would bring thecorner back room whomever could make it to
his house and cater food or prepareddinner and they would spend hours together watching
film, going over nuance and techniqueand things like that, you know,
and here it was at a stageof Patrick's career which was right in front
of him, shifting to safety fora little bit with Pittsburgh and kind of
going back and forth. Patrick's rightat the end, and that that was
very impressive to me, that thatsomebody who knows that they're not as fast
as they used to be, they'renot as dynamic as they used to be,
and you know, somebody behind themeventually could cut into their reps.
But for the totality of the teamand the best for the team, Patrick
would invest his time, knowledge andskill into getting the other guys to be
better. And he did it alot. I mean it took place a
lot during the season. I thinkthat's antithetical to a lot of other people.
I love I love that story,and I wish there were more guys
like that. You have to havea certain cachet. Your career has to
be in a spot where you cansay, Okay, cornerbacks, come to
my house, let's break down tapeand you know, let's have a meal
together. And that's you got tohave that. And by the time Patrick
got here, he was already tenyears in the league and basically a lock
for the Hall of Fame. Bythe time he got here. I think
I think Patrick Peterson's going the Hallof Fame. Is there any doubt?
I'd have to think about it andor look at it. I would lean
yes, just top of the head. One thing people forget about Patrick is
his punt return ability. His firsttwo years in the NFL. I mean,
my man, he might have fourpunt return touchdowns and all they might
have all taken place in one season. He was unbelievable returning punts. But
you know, maybe he was gettinga little nicked up. So therefore they're
like, yeah, you know,we got to pull back on the But
Patrick, you know, when itcomes to HOF Grad, you know they're
gonna they look over everything with afine tooth calm, and they're going to
get back to the initial years.I think he was the third pickout of
LSU something like that, fifth orfifth overall, fifth overall on three first
team All pros. He's the twentytens NFL A decade Team, eight time
Pro Bowler, thirty six career picks. The All Pro part for the HOF
matters way more than Pro Bowl.Yeah, infinitely more. It's eighty five,
fifteen ish, ninety ten ish.But the I don't have the exact
numbers in front of me, butPatrick Peterson either with pick sixes, but
specifically these punt returns. I meanhe he was unbelievable at one part at
one point of his career. Yes, six total touchdowns patrick Peterson returns.
Uh that that's probably pick sixes inpunt returns because he had three or four
his first two years return td specifically, Yeah, he had he had two
interception tds, so it must bethree on returns and none on fumbles.
Patrick Peterson is last year here fiveinterceptions. Yeah, that's pretty good when
you're in year. That would havebeen year twelve of his career at five.
Last year he had five with theVikings. You remember the last year
with the Vikings. Yeah, yeah, a pick six. Now that that
pick six he had for us,it does count with the last game of
the year. But the team basicallyparted the Red Sea I think was the
Lions. I'm pretty sure it wasthe Lions. I don't recall which one.
It's Lions or Bears. Yeah,but it felt like old linemen were
actively just getting out of the way. But that's gonna count. And when
he gives his speech in Canton.I suppose, Yeah, it won't.
It won't matter at that point.Peterson just in closing eight seconds, he's
one of the most well respected teammatesin the history of the NFL. And
and that's a big statement because Idon't know about all teammates for other teams
over the history of the NFL.I'm just going off what I've been told
and that story that I told youabout Tuesdays. I mean there are a
lot there are a lot more storieslike that. So, yeah, Pat,
don't you think he just has likethere's a mature, cool guy.
Aura. I mean, you've beenaround so many athletes. Yeah, and
some of them it's it's it's headingthe clouds. Other guys certainly very humble
and welcoming, great people throughout theNFL. But Patrick, Pat Pete's got
some like superstar chill Aura to himon another level. I will lay it
out like this, He's Darren Sharperwithout the prison He's Darren Sharper without the
prison cell. That's I mean,because Sharper, I mean, Darren was
a soup. I sat next tohim on team buses going to road stadiums
many times, chatted with him,you know, a bunch of times,
and Darren was just he was avery very cool cat until the other shoe
dropped. Yeah, if Peterson was, he did this station many many times.
You and I talked to him manytimes. It was weekly with Barrero,
weekly with Barrero. He he's justgot it together. And if he
wants, if he wants, andhe doesn't need to, he doesn't need
to work another day in his life. But if he wants a media career,
it's waiting for Patrick Peterson because hewould be He would be fantastic and
almost anything media related. He everdecided, Well, in listening to Sam
Darnold and would you take the leapthat Donald will be the starting quarterback week
one, I don't think it's aleap, that's I think that is a
that's a virtual lock. Got it? Okay? So next charge constructed some
Minnesota vikings over on wondering which sideyours, Trule and Nordo are on,
and some of them include what wouldbe Sam Darnold like passes per game and
sacks and points scored and stuff likethat. And that's next on KFAM.
This is the Friday Football Feast freakout on this charging. Yeah, we
are fifteen days from the first MinnesotaVikings preseason game, Purple Paradise against your
Las Vegas Raiders. And then afterthat a week later they take on Kevin
Stefanski and his rough and tumble ClevelandBrowns August seventeenth in Cleveland in Cleveland,
then to the fighting city of PhiladelphiaAugust twenty fourth for the final preseason game.
But we are fifteen days from anactual game. It's a preseason game,
get you get your dust off,your Lucky Jackson game war, and
it's going to be a lot offun. But man, as they getting
here quickly, only cow it is, and the the preseason games all thanks
to the Rams. The Rams havetaken the preseason games, They're already a
little shaky. Although I was anardent defender of those who enjoyed preseason action
if you enjoy it, great,But now since basically the Rams tapped out
on their whole their whole preseason program, no starters ever play. Ever,
the rest of the NFL has nowbasically adopted that, and we don't.
We don't get much play from anybodyof consequence. But nevertheless, it's football,
and we still love it. Okay, and I'm still I'm still intrigued.
Say it's cousins here for a halfdecade, and and so O'Connell is
the coach, so Kirk would play. He would play minimally, you know,
like his twenty eighteen before O'Connell atDenver, I think he got you
know, he got like most ofa quarter, then he got a quarter
and change. Well, it's withSam Darnell now, justin Jefferson. I
mean, he's not going to seethe field in the preseason, shouldn't.
Jordan Addison probably won't, Hawkinson's hurt, Aaron Jones probably won't. What about
Donald because it's it's the it's thedouble edged sword related terrorism. You want
him to get reps in games wearingyour colors, to hear the calls coming
in and stuff like that. Yeah, what kind of an offensive line is
going to be in front of him? And to whom is he going to
be throwing? Because like you mightdial up some plays that you're going to
use in the regular season, butif second and third type receivers aren't running
the routes right, or if they'rejust not as good as the ones or
maybe the twos, I just Iwonder what they're going to do with Donald
Dallas Turner JJ McCarthy during these preseasongames. Selfishly, I'd love to see
those guys play because I just Iwant to see them on the field.
I want to see them. Ithink McCarthy plays a ton. I hope
he does. I hope he doesin this miss home preseason game. You
know it's O'Connell's good about this,where you know he will recognize this is
a home game. There are peoplewho actually paid money to be here.
And JJ McCarthy was the tenth overallpick in the draft and he's probably not
going to play during the course ofthe season. I mean McCarthy should get
what a half three quarters? Iwouldn't I'd love the home game, yeah,
simply because people want to see him, right, And you know,
there isn't a plan. We don'tbelieve there's a plan to start JJ McCarthy
anytime soon. So barring a catastrophicseason ending injury, even if he gets
dinged up, doesn't matter. Wasn'twasn't scheduled to start anyway, So the
injury risk to me just gets isso low and the reps could be so
important for him to get live gamereps right, I would give JJ a
long run if for me, Ihope it goes that way. These these
Vikings over unders you have crafted,wondering on which the side nor do an
I will fall. Where would youlike to begin. Let's start at points
per game. I'm playing the roleof the circa sportsbook. I have set
these lines, okay, and Iwant you to tell me for going over
je cycle lines or I have signed. I've set these lines because many of
these do not have actual lines.Any of these shade over or under here.
You're trying to run a game onus like you do when you bring
your Super Bowl prop numbers in here. No, that is not happening with
these games. You need to getover that. By the way. Need
to move on points per game,over under twenty points per game. But
at the end of the year forthe Minnesota Vikings so well, they've beg
gone over under twenty points per game. Last year they were twenty point two
points per game, so almost exactlythat they ranked twenty second in the league
over under twenty points per game.Nordal, let's start with you. Yeah,
it's easy, it's over. It'sover. Just consider the Raiders game
in itself, like you just takethat masterpiece of awful out of the mix,
they would have averaged more than twentypoints a game. Just another field
goal gets them over twenty, right, Yeah, the offense and this is
all predicated on health. Right,I'm not playing the games of backups and
who's starting and how good or badother operations are. I'm just picturing health
and stability and consistency. With SamDonold, the team will score more than
twenty points a game. Yeah.The head coach is an offensive minded head
coach. He'd throw eighty percent ofthe time if they let him. And
he's really really good at attacking weaknessesand players for other teams who have just
come back from injury, I mean, about as good as I've seen with
that latter point, where like,oh, you've you've been out a couple
of weeks. Here you're questionable allweeks. Let's make sure you can run
again and again and again, dragGreenlaw and again and again. He's called
blooded that way, Nordo hit it. The Raiders game's key, But you
know the Dobbs games, and thenyou know the one the Jaron Hall and
stuff like that. That Raiders threepoint game doesn't help the old average.
Yeah, that's the bit so offensiveminded coach, high end skill guys in
the rights, and a quarterback whoknows to get who knows how to get
the ball around the gym. Thisis an absolute over all. Right,
so you're both over twenty points pergame. Let's go to points allowed per
game. This is tough over underhis again, set at twenty. Last
year, this team was twenty onepoint two points per game, right roughly
right in the middle of the packthe over under. Now we're gonna say
this defense is a little better thisyear by setting the line at twenty,
not the twenty one point two thatit was last year. You're going over
or under twenty points allowed per game, Paul, this time you go for
it. Yeah, it's a collaborationhere because the I mean when you say
better. Okay, it's dj Wanhamhad the season of his life before he
got hurt. Daniil Hunter had thebest overall season he's had of his career.
Harris and Phillips had the best overallseason of his career. Josh mittellis,
I can go on with a couplemore. The point being is those
who are coming off what was anew top well, I mean it,
just because it was the top forthem doesn't mean there's not more now that
it's it's quicker twitch with Flores.So the point being here is who is
like, is Van Ginkel going tohave the best season of his career?
Cash Men? Maybe I've ben pacedJunior should be overall better than he was
last year and he was pretty goodGrenard with what they're going to do with
him. So it's prognosticating what Floresdoes with certain players in certain situations.
He brings out your very best.Because the rest of the league has not
seen it, it takes you alittle while to get up to speed with
it, but when you do,it's super unpredictable. When you get three
four hundred plays on tape and you'rein like week five or six, Well,
now they're looking at seven roubes strewnacross the line of scrimmage and you
don't know where it's coming from becauseyou've now seen it seventy t times.
So that that all plays into it, the unpredictability for the defense and totality,
those who found tops last year arethey going to be better? And
the handful of newbies, A bevyof newbies are they going to are how
quickly will they pick it up?So it's the number you laid here over
under of twenty twenty points a lotlast year twenty one point two thirteenth in
the league. Like you said,what what do you think? Well,
I am Did you give an answer? Did you give an over an under?
No? So this is it's acollaboration. We talk things out together.
This is an optimist and this isa projection play for me. And
this is where I'm going with it. I'm going under twenty and I believe
ultimately they're gonna be They're going tobe tasting, they're gonna be kissing,
they're going to be sniffing that topten line of scoring defenses this year.
Uh, this is a defense thatemergents bold proclamation. Well but and it's
based on this simply enough. Adeeper team will lead to a situation in
which the final four games of lastyear, when they gave up twenty seven,
thirty, thirty three, and thirtytheir final four games, guys playing
career high in snaps, guys aretired. Walls were hit and were not
busted through. I am betting onthe idea of a team that lost some
big names, but added depth.From my perspective, I believe that if
you shave some of that off downthe back end of the season, that
ultimately you're looking at a team thatstatistically will be sniffing the top ten of
scoring defenses. This is the bestoverall linebacker group they've had here in a
long time. Now. I'm notgoing to go down the Lieber Greenway,
EJ. Henderson, Road, Kendricksand Barr when they played Nickel together.
I mean that was really really good. It's the depth, Like Nordo just
said, Ben ginkl Is, youknow, I don't you know. I'm
not going to be shy about sayingthis, and if I'm wrong, I'm
wrong. He's going to have byfar the best season he's ever had in
his life once he gets healthy becauseof the complimentary pieces around him that weren't
necessarily there in Miami now. DallasTurner is I think the biggest key here
because you know Dallas Turner, Ithink. And we'll see if we can
learn some stuff during practice, specificallywhen the public and media part of practice
comes to a conclusion late August earlySeptember. How much do they use Dallas
Turner a defensive end because Dallas canput his hand in the grass for sure,
but he's also the stand up,you know, rush guy on the
outside. So getting a pass rushfrom one of those three defensive linemen when
you're in a standard three four thatwas a problem last year. Jonathan Bullard
is a he's a very good runstopping defensive end, and he holds the
point of attack so others can eat. As they would say in the business,
team was seventh or eighth against therun last year. Yeah, but
that's not that's not you know that, that's not getting you over the hump
getting into the backfield, specifically withthe middle pressure, you know, which
is a quarterback's nightmare. So Iexpect, you know, until I just
never see it and it never happens. When it's third and say five or
six or more, I think Turneris going to be all over the place.
I think he's gonna mug the agap. I think he's going to
line up as a three technique,a defensive end, a pass rushing outside
linebacker. I don't think you cando as much with Grenard because he's he's
more slender, and he's he justdoesn't have the build that Turner has to
use in certain spots. But Turnerand how they unleash him, that's going
to be the key to this numberbeing top ten scoring defense, like Nordo
said, or giving up maybe morethan twenty points a game. So you
guys swinger us around to the twelveare under correct, Now we better pause
you. We can keep ahead ofthe clock into the final hour. Yeah,
and there are more over unders involvingthe Purple into which we will dive,
including sacks, passes per game,rushing touchdowns, and interceptions thrown.
And we also have a fantasy componentto the Friday Fantasy Feast. Paul Charching
and the Tolstoi has put together someintriguing, very tough decisions that are approaching
you quickly if they're not already there. So make sure you listen to the
entirety of the entire hour, whichbegins around the corner.