Episode Transcript
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And hey Nine to Noon Radio elevenoh seven. Good morning. Hopefully everybody's
having a wonderful day and even abetter weekend. Nine to Noon is a
Twin City's Orthopedics Performance Center. OnMonday, we will be in the radio
studio. Offensive line coach Chris Coopermost likely will be joining. I might
run down an interview or two aftera practice today that we can drop into
the mix. So make sure youlisten to nine to Noon each and every
day for vikings and a National FootballLeague conversation that undoubtedly will envelop the show
for about the next month. Andspeaking of the NFL, before we get
back to the ou, the oversand the unders. Courtney Cronin who joined
nine to Noon earlier this week tochat about the Bears at Courtney R.
Cronan via the X machine. TheChicago Bears have gone into pads at training
camp for the first time today,and Courtney tweeted X amount of minutes ago
about ten minutes ago. Intensity hasratcheted up a bit. In eleven on
eleven, we've got about we havesome playful join between cornerbacks coach David Overstreet
and running backs coach Chad Mortin.Next play DeMarcus Walker and Gerald Everett get
into it after the offense took exceptionto Khalil Herbert getting tackled. Caleb Williams
got in the middle to break itup. The cage matchup in this thing,
people love that all they want.They would like to see teams getting
feisty and players getting fights. Whatabout coaches love it? You don't normally
get that. What if it?What if it like leaks into the cafeteria
and meetings and things like that.Cornerback coach David over Street and running backs
coach Chad Morton. Oh, playfuljoin between those two. Yeah. So
that's that's the most recent from aChicago Bears training camp where they go into
pads today and the Minnesota Vikings headinto pads for some super special eleven on
eleven they play. Is it nextThursday? Already Hall of Fame game?
I believe? So wow. Mondayis when they go into pads noon to
two Tomorrow Saturdays with Nordo. They'llbe on the exclusive Vikings radio network perch
and Tomorrow is the first day forfans at at training camp. Autographs in
the whole thing Vikings dot Com forinformation. We left off at at at
sacks sacks. Last year, theVikings had forty three sacks, tied for
nineteenth in the league. The thechurch line here is over under forty five
sacks. Can the Vikings scrounge uptwo more sacks this year than they had
last year? Despite the loss ofDanielle Hunter and his thirteen I think thirteen
sacks from sixteen and a half,thank you sixteen and a half him eight
for Oneham is gone to yeep,no way thing norch. Well, you
got to replace twenty So that's twentyfour and a half sacks that you have
to replace. Sp I have Turnerand Grenard speculating and guessing here, I
have them on twenty four twenty fivesacks combined really well this so this is
where it's it's difficult for me becauseI love that number. But then you're
thinking about you got three from HarrisonSmith. Oh wow, you know,
so you start kind of doing likewhere did And I think all three of
those came in one game. Wasn'tit like a triple sack game for Harris?
Is it Miami? Wow? Itwas something like that. Yes,
so he had the blow up game. You got two? You know,
you like Ivan pace to be inthere for two two and a half.
What do you have last year twoand a half? Okay, you had
two and a half from Mattelis.So now we're blitzing Mattelis. We're doing
weird stuff. He's one of thosethose vaunted floaters. Van Ginkle is not
a sack guy. He just hejust never really has been a sack guy,
high tackle guy, just kind ofin the on and off ball linebacker,
which which is super versatile. Noteverybody is that kind of guy.
Like you know, Daniel dropping incoverage and Daniel engaging offensive players to stop
the run, and Daniel rushing.You know, he's good at every all
of those. But Van Ginkle incoverage is he's a He's quality stock in
coverage and also around the line ofscrimmage. But you know, instead of
being good at everything and grated none, he's becoming great at a couple of
things. But I don't think sackingthe quarterback is won now. Patrick Patrick
Jones is a wild guard here.I mean you got to get I mean
you got to get dj wanham numbersout of Patrick Jones. Well, Patrick,
is Patrick Jones going to play outsideor will he kind of move inside
in the context of the three fourexcellent questions? Is he potentially playing because
you know, Tillery is not exactlythe biggest body in the world, right,
I mean, and so you know, what are they going to get
from some of those interior guys takesome reps off of Harrison Phillips once in
a while. Man, he's justa weird name from the minute we signed
him, Jerry. It's one ofthose weird fascinations I've had that that caused
you to call me the cartoon characterwhere I know, Jerry Tillery's good all
right now. He had his bestgame of the season against the Vikings last
year in that in that Vegas Jame. Yeah. So, but but how
good was it? I mean,like what made it really really good?
I don't know. I've just beentold that by two people who would know
a thousand times or more about itthan us and and Tillery I think he
was a first round pick for thefor the Charger Track of the day.
Yeah. So it just hasn't pannedout for him in terms of high end
yeh equity, but still certainly tryingto carve out a spot. Has he
ever been a floater? I'm tending, well, you might be this year.
Get ready for it. Jerry neverplayed for Brian Flores. Let's go
jare Bear would I would? Iwould? Forty four. We're talking.
We'll let us talk it out.Okay, we're trying to work this out.
This hard one, all right,this is tough. Tillary dillery dock.
What happened? What got cleimed?The quarterback's clock. I am leaning
at this moment to saying, whileI do believe the defense actually improves,
the front seven is solid, welockstep. I might go under forty five
where it's like the whole thing looksbetter, but it's not because of the
gaudy sack numbers. So I mightgo under forty five. All right,
So it was forty three last year, tied for nineteenth. You when you
established this, you established it ashade higher. Are you trying to suck
us in jail? And under?That? Is just a lemming square bet?
Like what was your modus operendi forthe four to five? Really setting
the line at forty five sacks whenthey had forty three last year and had
Daniel Hunter and had dj on himis really I think a discussion about Dallas
Turner. And do you think DallasTurner is going to hit the ground with
a thirteen fourteen sack game and beingthe defensive player, defensive rookie of the
year mix, I do. Ithink the way I think that the utilization
for him is going to be alot of pressure on quarterbacks. He may
be coming from different positions, differentsides of the field. I think the
production's going to be there. AndI was trying to suck you into a
conversation about Dallas Turner and the upsidethat he's got. Yeah, I mean
we had that, you know,when we talked about how much he's going
to potentially play defensive end free techniquein Nickel. He's going to be all
over the place. So yes,I mean, but to say you're going
to jump out of the gate andDallas Turner is going to have a resacked
game because his technique is perfect,so is the spin move. And you
know, it's just I just thinkthat's a long shot simply because he's so
new at it now getting there overthe course of the race. Yes,
absolutely, that will happen. Weto get that number over forty five or
forty five or over Yeah, wejust think McKenzie Alexander. Think Brian Williams,
who wore twenty nine from NC StateBack in the day when he was
the inside corner with Antoine Winfield,they would rotate it. Brian Williams was
one of the best blitzing cornerbacks I'veseen in the x amount of years that
I've called Vikings games. McKenzie Alexanderalso was really good with the instincts of
rushing the quarterback. I think hehad four sacks one season, which may
be a team record. The pointbeing here is like Shack Griffin is I
mean he's going to He's not goingto sack the quarterback Byron Murphy junior.
Now, he came on some blitzerlast year and most of them got picked
up. But he's a droit andor comfortable at rushing the quarterback from the
inside. But a Caleb Evans andAndrew Booth junior, Nordo's guy, Jalen
Williams second year, Indiana AJ Greenthe third who's no relation due to the
other AJ Green, I mean gettingI don't have it in front of me.
How many of her sacks like theircornerbacks had last year. Not a
lot? Yeah, right, Iknow all right, so are we We've
established your under forty five sacks,but also corners on the corners, on
our corners sacks last year. Yeah, he added up, I'm trying to
do. Okay, let me seehere, Okay, like three corner yeah,
Caleb Evans, No, I'm talkingcorner by trade because Mittellus plays corner
in certain situations. Well, Mattella'shad two and a half, but Mattelis
is not a corner. So I'msaying the corners. What I'm seeing right
here is I believe that the answeris zero sacks. Yeah, right,
zero sacks by our corner. Iwould have guessed too. So if you
want to get that mug over fortyfive, you need five, four or
five from your corn nerve backs.Yep. So yeah, I'm with an
order. Let me throw this.Twenty seventeen Vikings defense number ones across the
board, right, but they wereactually high teens, low twenties in sacks.
They had thirty seven sacks in twentyseventeen. The only reason I bring
that up is in the context ofthe forty three. Forty three sacks would
have put the Vikings as fifth inthe NFL in twenty seventeen, and you've
seen gradually, as I want,year to year, forty three keeps kind
of slowly but surely getting pushed downthe line. So in some ways,
do we look at going over fortyfive by nature of a passing league?
Where again, in twenty seventeen,forty three is fifth in the NFL,
and it's mostly been outside the topten since and now we're talking about nineteenth
in the NFL. Is there apart of this where if you do get
a couple of sacks out of acorner and you play those games and Dallas
Turner lives up to the hype thatyou just kind of get there by the
number of reps these guys are puttingin pass rushing downs. The evolution.
I mean, we've seen the DallasTurners of today. I don't want to
say that they're you know, it'sit's a dime a dozen, but they're
the pass rushing talent coming out everydraft, and these guys hitting the ground
running. It's year after year afteryear. And so you know, we
had this last year we had theleader in the NFL had sixty sacks.
You had the next four. Inthe fifties, you had five teams forty
eight or more. I mean,that's that's nearly half the league right there
that we're talking about. Maybe I'mjust you know what, I'm bitballing.
I'm changing my mind. You're goingover forty five just for the hell of
it. Very compelling over under here. And last thing I'll add to it
is the quarterbacks. It's the offensiveline. Teams play obviously matter. They
don't matter with sacks as much aspeople would think it's the trigger man.
It's the quarterback getting the line squaredaway with the protection. Can your running
backs pick up the blitz? Howwell do your tight ends block? So
a lot of that goes into sacks. So you know, I mean,
who is the Miami Cats Kyler Thompson? Was that his name? Quarterback?
He got Skyler Thompson. You gotDesmond Ridder up in here. You got
Taylor Heinike, he got Aidan O'Connell. So now we got we got Danny
Dimes. All right. You knowhe can run away from sacks. I
just don't think he takes a tonof sacks, but it could be wrong.
Then Perdy, that'll be his firstgame back from the ACLS. The
ability, well he'll play Okay,but the mobility you know, which got
him out of a lot of sacksmay not be there for Daniel Jones.
So we should see the Daniel Jonesto Malik Neighbors propaganda that's popping up all
over giant social media right now.They well they're just excited about it.
Oh yeah, they're making Daniel Jonessound like lway over the Okay. Uh,
Perdy gets rid of the ball quickly. C J. Stroud can run
out of trouble, and he getsrid of the ball quickly. Jordan Love.
I mean that's a five sack game, if you know. Jordan gets
rid of the ball more quickly nowthan when we saw them at Lambo last
year. A Roger is old.He ain't taking a sacks. Old people
don't like to get Brady made agolf does not take sacks. Stafford used
to take thirteen a game. Nevertakes him anymore. Old people don't like
to get hit. Anthony Richardson,well, if you hit him, well,
good luck, good luck getting himdown if you hit him with that
with that Ben Roethlisberger esque build.Trevor Lawrence not super familiar. Will Levis
Charts hates him so let's put makethat a four that game. Caleb Williams,
No idea, Kyler, he holdsthe ball too long, he throws
punts, but it's still tough toget him cuz buzz oh geez. Yeah,
now you can get Kirte Kurt.Oh, of course you can.
I mean that's a good offensive linethough, right, But that's the guy
like you know, it's Kurt Warner, Brett are Ben Roethlisberger. Those are
three quarterbacks who take the hit andthey know they're gonna get smacked. Yeah,
and they will wait there till thelast second. They will unfurl a
dime and then they'll get they'll getbludgeoned, and they'll bounce back up,
shake it off and play again.Cousins is like that. Yeah, but
the part is they get bludgeoned,they get hit. So consider that in
week fourteen, Caleb, no idea, I'm backed under forty five? Are
we still? Are we still rollingGino Smith out there? And yeah?
Okay, then you got Jordan,then you got Jared. You can't sack
off okay, Yeah, so wow, what a great line you played on
that. It's an under so yeah, because we walk on a hundred dollars
bank roll. This is like eighteendollars on the under our big sack games
last year. We had five onBrowning, four on Aiden O'Connell. We
had the four sack in the firstgame against Love, but zero in the
New Year's Eve game, back up, back up, five again experience.
Then he got better five against JustinFields slash Bagent. Yeah in that game.
Well remember with with Fields he hadbeen sacked like it was that?
Remember that that I had that Icouldn't believe writing there were two numbers last
year? And how about when youget to hit that stat with basically the
first play of the game DJ.There were two things I wrote down on
the game calling depth chart last yearwhere I said, I just I can't
recall ever writing this down out ofyou know, four hundred whatever games.
One was whenever we played Carolina.It wasn't one of the first three games.
So week four maybe yeah, we'llgive the rookie three games. You
know. But Bryce Young's yards perattempt was four point one, and bro
I was like, you know,I mean like you got two hundred passes
here. I mean, we're notlooking at eight passes, eight checkdowns.
Bryce Young's yards per attempt was inthe fours, which is not preferred,
and justin fields, I I thinkwith twenty twenty two, and then the
first part of twenty twenty three mighthave been sacks seventy two times. Yeah,
it was an insane the number waslike seventy two. And then of
course first player again set that wholething up, you know, and here
we go Soldier field and then thiswith the sacks and everything takes the step.
Here comes dj and down goes justin. We got Bryce Young five times
and Jalen Hurts four times and experience, oh we got oh Hurts. The
Hurts bit was amazing because that wasweek two, all right. So even
though eventually it took Jalen all ofabout six minutes of the first quarter to
figure the whole thing out, butin the first series or two, there
were two plays on second and thirddown where he had watched so much of
the Flores defense from Miami and justall around where he thought something was coming
and he literally like docked and therewas nothing there and then picked up and
then just like ran. But youknow, then all of us Jalen Jalen,
then it changed and now we gotDevonte Smith over the top for sixty
one on a busted coverage. Soit but so Jalen. Yeah, they
got him four times, but twoor three of them were when he had
no idea what was coming. Oncehe figured it out, they beat us.
Glad to not be playing the Eaglesagain after visiting them back to back
years. Somebody tweeted this. Ican't remember who it was, but thank
you very much for the tweet.I thought it was a cool little nugget.
Cousins. The Falcons are at Philadelphiaon Monday Night football Week two.
So Cousins three consecuted all week two? What are you doing here? Oh?
Wow, Kyle Pitts. Is ita touchdown? No, the ball
was fumbled into the end zone andthe Falcons are gonna lose. What if
Cousins is awesome in Week two inPhiladelphia? Carve them up? Or like?
Where was that when we were there? Nordo hit me with us yesterday.
I didn't see this in the NFLon new cycle, but your guy
James Bradberry moving to safety. OhI hadn't seen that moving Jans. Wow.
Assuming the validity is a one hundredhere, Well it is. It's
because they're going Quinnon, Mitchell,and I love Cooper Dejean the Iowa Cat.
They got both those guys, andDarius Lay still is on the Eagles,
right, he is still on theteam. But I was telling you
yesterday that they're breaking this whole thingdown. Check Out this secondary is going
to line up super pumped with Quinonand Dejeene in the mix and the whole
article. Bradbury now playing some safetyspot. What about sleigh? They forgot
about sleigh? I know what wasit big game slagh or what or big
play slave, big play sleigh?We would always say on Fantasy Football Weekly.
Yeah, you got to be whenslag. When Darius Lay was at
the top of his game and youhad that matchup with your receiver, you
did not want him going on thesleigh ride because that was that was your
three for thirty. Do you havea sours It's like some sleigh bells we
did. We had the sleigh bellsthat we would play slay bells. Make
it top eight all time Fantasy FootballWeekly or called yeah right, I mean
it's top eight. It was topthirteen, but the sleigh bells amplifies it.
Sony Walkman's pretty good. Tony Walkman'sSony Walkman Top six, the Morris
number one. It's not even closebecause Bam Morris wasn't he caught with a
ton of pot in a trunk ofa car or something. He was,
and his name became Bong Morris.I still weekly. Busted screen door is
still one of my favorites. That'sthe that's the other endster screen. You
got big play sleigh. Don't wantto go on the sleigh ride, but
if you get that busted screen door, it's it's open all day. I
got two other favorites for you,yeah, Mitch Trubisky Sad Trombone Ski one
of my all time favorites top four, Yeah, and then Chris Johnson.
You remember there was that brief timewith Chris Johnson and Adrian Peterson who was
all that stuff, right, butlater in his career he was the tap
dancing Nancy. I'm sorry as hewanst Crickets, I get it, but
it doesn't like have his name right. I know he was top twenty.
Chris Johnson's a tough name to workwith if you're trying to expand on creativity.
How about the how about the nameof a fantasy team? And I
don't know if this person still hasthis name in one of your leagues,
but it was. I love Bigt D's I always love it. Well
enunciated, well enunciated. You're listeningto nine to noon around the corner.
We'll put a rap on this overunder piece and also mix in some fantasy.
Because you're listening to nine to noon, you're cash delivering leader Yeah the
Fan along with big deck dot Com, they want to give you a chance
to put a grand in your handwith the National Cash Contest this hours.
Keyword is grand. Might win athousand dollars with the keyword grand and you
enter that keyword KFA and duck.This is your find a way to look
at six over unders that aren't evenavailable for the wagering public and milk it
for two and a half segments.A leader of the fan in kfan dot
com passes per game charge, gotbored with it. We're going to eliminate
it. We now are to rushit. Yeah, I mean he melted
over here between between segments. Heemslike, you know, let's just you
know, because we want to doa fantasy segment about ten to twelve minutes
from now before the wrap on theshow, and if there is a rap
on the show, because you've beenquite good on it. Now busy this
last hour. He looks at itand he goes, look, let's get
passes per game over under thirty fivebecause it's a it's boring, we don't
need to do it. And quitehonestly, I'm frustrated with myself for putting
it down on the paper. Ever, like charge, it ain't that bad.
Now, all we had to dois, let's say, let's just
skip it. So we get torushing touchdowns for the season for the Minnesota
Vikings. And again these these arenot available in the legal wager Republic under
under thirty five though, just justto swipe through that one. But for
the for the sake of the conversationabout a favorite football team and the NFC
North representative wearing purple, it's Paulis put together. He's crafted, as
you know, he looked at lastyear like the Vikings had seven rushing touchdowns
last year. Last year tied fordead last. And then he's taken that
and crafted his own number off whichwe mythically can can play with mythical honeybees
and rushing touchdowns for the season.Take it away chargebook has rushing touchdowns for
the Minnesota Vikings for this full season. You're over under his twelve and a
half. Last year they had seven. Alexander Madison accounted for zero of those
seven. Do they get over orunder twelve and a half rushing touchdown and
Dobbs have five? Something? Question? I bet I bet he let the
team. Are you kidding me withthis? Well Madison had he had two.
Of course two rushing touchdowns. Weresuper thankful for that. No,
I don't think Alexander Madison had none. Excuse me, ty Chandler had three.
Dobbs had three. Yeah, therewe go. Somebody else had one.
It was cam Akers, cam Makers, right, cam Makers was the
back for me. I didn't haveI didn't have the hook on my page.
Did you add the you had youhad the half? I'm madden,
yep, I'm add in the halffor this. So over and under twelve
and a half rushing touchdowns? Canthey improve by six? I'm gonna go
over. I'm going to go overbecause show time is going to have seven
or eight. Yeah, for thisoffense to function, it better be.
We saw the drop off from twentytwo to twenty three. They had eighteen
and twenty twenty two. Some ofwe've had this running back conversation recently.
Run game needs to get better,et cetera, et cetera. That's not
new. I think that seven wasa function of just the inability to move
man, specifically in the red zone. I'm anticipating that it's better. I'm
not against the idea of over thecourse of the season that Sam Darnold could
replicate the Josh Dobbs three to fourtouchdowns on the ground over the course of
the season. And I do believewe get more from our running backs.
I'm over. I'm gonna you know, fifteen tds on the ground this year,
fifteen Holy cow, so well over, Donald will run for three or
four and now you got you gotsuper special showtime seven to ten. Yeah
we're over. Yeah, we're we'retwelve and a half. Yeah, this
is We just took the chart bookand murdered it so badly they had to
move you from the strip to downtown. And the only reason people come to
your book is because because steak andLobsters four dollars ninety nine cents and like
circa with the cabanas you have inthe pools. Well, you also,
so have some servers doubling at thespearmint Rhyano later that evening. Oh so
you know, certain people like thatpart of charge book. But we pounded
you pretty good on this one overtwelve and a half for Vikings rushing touch.
All right, not as much conversationon that. Let's go to this
one and see if this one isa little bit trickier for you. Interceptions
thrown Last year, the Vikings isa team through nineteen that was fourth most
in the league. Obviously, lessof that I Kirk a lot more on
a series of backup quarterbacks that replacedhim. But this year the team rolls
in, obviously with Sam Darnold whohas a pedigree of interceptions thrown, and
perhaps JJ McCarthy trying to learn onthe job. So we've set the line
at the exact same number. Yeah, nineteen, what a pedigree to have.
I mean, how do you know? How do you know his father
and his grandfather and his great grandfatherthrough interceptions. It's the wrong word,
but we're going to keep it becauseI love it. Could Yeah, I
mean, he doesn't have a agreat his past performances, as he does
have past perform we'll call it apedigree. Yes, interceptions, it's under
and it's easy, you think,so it's easy, all right? I
think it's I think it's easy becausehe's going to be in a system in
which he's going to be asked todo very specific things. And that's going
to be the evolution of this thingwhere he's not going to have to potentially
go out of body to find JustinJefferson the way that he had to go
out of body to find Tommy Trimblein Carolina. And so I just think
that the the And then again,this is a projection, this is this
is the the faith in the ideaof Kevin O'Connell putting something together and working
him into that process. His firstyear is starting eleven games, playing in
twelve for Carolina, had thirteen picks. Okay, so, and then and
then starting six the following season musthave been injury related. He threw another
three. So I mean that thatnumber nineteen. I I just think I
think you you put that it's thebooks Smith stake that I'm going to feast
on by putting it under nineteen,and you're giving me up to eighteen.
I'm happy to take it. Ithink it's but I think it's good number.
I think it is well, Ithink it's too high. I think
the thirteen fourteen fifteen range is reallyI think that sweet spot. And then
that'll also kind of determine how wetalk about the offense. If he's in
that thirteen fourteen to fifteen area andwe're entering December, I think a lot
of things have gone wrong. Ifwe're if we're really kind of pushing up
to that line, you know,ten eleven somewhere in that area, I
think that that would be a verypositive sign for Sam and this offense.
How many did Buzz have the lasttwo years with O'Connell, Oh, good
question, Well, because Darnold hadwon every forty six attempts with next level
Shannon. Yeah, he had fiveover his over the eight games he played
last year, and I thought twentytwenty two, actually that number ticked up
a little bit fourteen fourteen full season, right, so nineteen in his final
twenty five games. So it's applesand oranges with compliment menory talent around Kevin
O'Connell's quarterbacks. I think the answerto the question here is to look back
at what O'Connell has done as offensivecoordinator and head coach here in other places,
and what the passing percentages have been. It was sixty one percent here
a couple of years ago. Don'tknow what it was last year, can
I remember? I think the fifthhighest passing rate last year, despite the
fact that Cousins missed half the year. Now in his final year with the
Rams, stafford through seventeen interceptions inthe Super Bowl regular season. I don't
have Jared Goff's numbers in front ofme for the time before that that nineteen
is a good number. That nineteenis. It's a good number. And
even though Darnold's interception numbers, youknow there we got some fat numbers up
in here, but not super juicyor fat. Is I think the if
I can recall from when he playedwith Carolina from the Jets, like he
gets to Carolina and people were talkingabout him off his Jets days, being
like he doesn't take enough chances,he will not take well. That plays
into the under. I mean,if he's still a guy risk averse,
then the under nineteen has some smashabilityto it. You know, is that
it all right? So I believewe're taking under under nineteen interceptions. I
actually love it. I mean,now, you know, unless Donald gets
hurt and then we go through thatfour quarterback trick again, you know,
then that's super unpredictable. I justthink I think that's too high. And
from a number stand I think you'reyou're looking low. Mid teens will be
We'll be right where it is.And but you're right if Donald gets hurt
and we start I mean, Mullinshad eight and five games last year.
I mean, he just loved throwingit to the other team. Couldn't help
himself. He was so excited todo it in late stages of games while
we're trying to come back, canwin. And let's let's remember, as
we've talked about a couple of times, there's a scenario where if Donald either
gets hurt or isn't good and theyneed to go to their backup, Mullins
might be two. It might beMullins. If they think JJ's not ready,
Mullins might be back on the fieldrather than nineteen putting JJ out too
fast in nineteen. If I gotfive gram and I'm gonna split these five,
I'm not going to go percentages,but my largest play probably would be
under nineteen interceptions my second largest play. No, my largest play would be
over twelve rushing touchdowns. I thinkthey're going to smash that. Yeah.
My second would be the under oninterceptions thrown, and then my third would
be under on the sacks total underforty five. My biggest would be under
nineteen. My next biggest, Ibelieve that the offense, and it doesn't
mean they're going to be the highflyer that over twenty I think it just
that has to be a sure thingfrom my from where I'm looking at it,
that would be my biggest I'm stillworried about I'm still worried about this
run game. Pa, I'm stillyou know, it's it's not I'm not
losing sleep over, right, Idon't lose sleep over anything, but uh,
that's still that's a scary. Number. Twelve is like the perfect way
to sum up how this Russian attackis gonna go. It's brilliantly laid.
Final segment around the corner, questionfor you, anybody out there lonely?
Is anybody out there in search ofcompanionship? Well, the next segment involves
fantasy, So don't leave. Icant wait. I can't wait until tomorrow.
Go tomorrow, mom very well,be truly all right, you fantasy
freakazoids. We can't, we can't. It's the pre eminent fantasy football mind
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Don't forget Fantasy Football Weekly. Thisweekend, you find that your favorite
podcasting spots right charge. Yes,Fantasy Football Weekly, wherever you get your
podcast. We've got a new episodedropping this afternoon. I'll be taping with
Scott Fish. We're going to talkabout some of the great best under valued
starters across the fantasy football landscape.Donald Starty one, Sam Donold's name may
very well come up in this one. Currently going off the board as quarterback
thirty four two. I'm going tohit you with your bits and you give
us the answers in pithy, yetpoignant and or quick fashion. So these
are some very tough decisions fantasy draftersneed to make. Let's begin with Rams
running back Hyron Williams and Blake Korumthe Michigander I think he was the twentieth
overall pick in the draft. Orwell, Kyon Williams is going off the
board as the twy Korums on theteam. Yeah, Blake Korum is a
problem because right last year Kyron Williamswas found and tip of the hat to
co host Brian Johnson, who hascalled him out Paul preseason likely well,
Isaiah likely worked out while he neededthe injury to Mark Andrews, but he
came on great at the end ofthe year. Here at about pick twenty,
you're thinking Rams running back, HigrinWilliams is there. And now,
of course you know we we love, we like that Rams offense. You
know you're gonna have some productivity outof it. But last year there was
nobody on the roster of the Ramsto take the ball away from Hyron Williams.
He had moments when he looked good, but now they drive get hurt
for like a month and a half, he did he missed something in the
neighborhood of six ish games. Yeah, you're about right on that. But
now here comes Blake Corum. Andwe know Blake Korum can be a workhorse
back like he was at Michigan.He can be used anywhere on the field,
and so a tough decision on whetheror not you can trust Kyron Williams
to do what he did last year. Knowing Blake Korum is now there and
Sean McVeigh. Typically you have goingback to to to Todd early Before to
workhorse back, you generally used arotation including cam Akers on and off.
So I'm out on Kien Williams.Other people think it's a great value.
You're getting a guy who was atop five running back last year when he
was healthy. But I'm worried aboutBlake corn. We will save JJ,
Saquan, Marvin Harrison Junior and soon for next week. Great seeing you,
Soun's great. That's Paul Charchie GuillotineLeagues dot com speaking of fantasy football.
It is time Guillotine League Guillotine Leaguesdot com. It both get both
gets you to the same spot.It's my favorite way to play fantasy and
it's not even close. So giveit a look if you're thinking about a
draft. And I'm Paul Allen.Everybody, have a blessed weekend chat with
you. On Monday, here comesNorda with a rap on the show,
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looking for a big wide receiver scorewell, buster screen, He's the busted
screen door. Remember Trubisky the sadtrombone ski? Start him in your league?
How about maybe you don't ski?Funny stuff from chart and weekly cohorts
like the Todd Heat Memorial injury report, Chris Johnson, a tap dancing Nancy
say that to his face, texteda rube no chancey Friday Feast Today it
was lit mcde milt an hour outof a Vike's over under bit We're done
for the day. Don't mean toleave you in a lurch, do you?
And in tomorrow at noon we'll beon the camp perch You home,
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