All Episodes

August 1, 2024 • 36 mins
Alec Lewis is in studio for most of the final hour on Vikings training camp!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Man, how you've been.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
I'm good, I'm kind of tired. How have you been?

Speaker 3 (00:40):
Pretty well? Thank you? How how are you holding up?

Speaker 4 (00:44):
The stage of Vikings training camp, the heat and the humidity,
lots of writing at the Old Athletic and the Athletic
dot Com, lots of tweeting at ALEC underscore Lewis. This
generally is the time where like minds and bodies start
to get tired for a lot of different people.

Speaker 5 (01:01):
In good morning, good morning. No, I mean I did
some pre training camp prep. I was out there running
in Alabama on the hills of the humidity in Aniston. Yeah,
I mean I knew what was forthcoming, and so I
put in the work pre training camp to get my
body right and prepared. I knew it was a big
training camp for me. It's my second full training camp.

I started my first year after training camp. So it's
been good. It's hot, but I mean, yeah, it's not
going to slow down. Like I made my two week
plan last night, laying in bed at eleven thirty, I'm like, okay,
I've got this day, story, this, this, this is I mean,
I think I'm writing every day for the next two
weeks and I'm happy about it. I've got a lot
of stuff I'm working on that I'm very excited about.
And so while I am tired, like I started in

good morning, I'm feeling good.

Speaker 4 (01:47):
All right, Well, we have crafted something new for you,
and I came up with the idea. I foisted it
upon the producer, foisted and we'll see where it.

Speaker 3 (01:55):
Goes from here.

Speaker 4 (01:56):
I may be the official, unofficial clock, but it's called
Nordo's nine, and we have nine questions for he has
nine questions for you. It's more like six, but we
can go with nine, and we have and you have
nine seconds to respond. So, in other words, are you
doing this because I'm long winded? So I gotta I gotta,

I gotta know I'm doing it because I'm trying to
come up with new stuff. So Nordo's nine no way
to get the producer into the show. Way to come
up with something new.

Speaker 5 (02:27):
So nine because of his name, it's it's like an alliteration. Yes, okay,
that's creative.

Speaker 6 (02:31):
Right, Well, man is built on alliteration Nordo's nineteen. It
may morph to Nordo's nineteen between.

Speaker 5 (02:39):
The thesaurus that he uses and then the alliteration I
mean that it's part of it's it's really the fuel.

Speaker 4 (02:44):
It's here we go, here we go with uh, I'm
kind of nervous learned scribe yes, and Nordo's nine.

Speaker 2 (02:53):

Speaker 6 (02:53):
So so we're going to start out with an example here.
It's it's a math question. Are you good with that?

Speaker 2 (02:58):
I am better at me? I am English?

Speaker 3 (03:00):
All right?

Speaker 6 (03:01):
What is Mackay Blackman times JJ McCarthy. Then subtract Nick mullins.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
The answer would be Jeremy Flax.

Speaker 3 (03:15):
Can you say that again?

Speaker 6 (03:18):
What is Mackay Blackman times JJ McCarthy, Then subtract Nick mullins.

Speaker 3 (03:29):
Thirty three?

Speaker 6 (03:32):
Oh, it is Aaron Jones.

Speaker 3 (03:34):
That was the bomb? Wow?

Speaker 2 (03:38):
What was the number thing?

Speaker 1 (03:40):

Speaker 6 (03:41):
All right, come on, man, I thought you were just
trying to make a fun baby game for you to
make you smile and skip around and and and pick dandelion.
That that was pretty good. That was a good good.
It was elite. It was it was supposed to just
be an icebreaker into the bit. Yeah, math is not
your thing.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
I've been thinking. I've been thinking about Jeremy Flax.

Speaker 4 (03:59):
So anyway, it was the bomb. It was no JJ McCarthy.
Family story from Lagrange lagrange. But we're doing our best
around here to try to forge careers.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
No, that was pretty good.

Speaker 6 (04:12):
I have you. Okay, let's get to this. So speaking
of Aaron Jones.

Speaker 2 (04:16):
Is this number one of north this is this.

Speaker 6 (04:17):
Is number one?

Speaker 2 (04:18):

Speaker 3 (04:18):
Good now?

Speaker 6 (04:19):
Ice. Ice has been broken. People have been confused, but
we're gonna bring it back.

Speaker 3 (04:22):
Do you have the buzzer and then the other bit?

Speaker 2 (04:25):

Speaker 6 (04:25):
I got, I got the whole thing, thank you. All right,
here's the deal. Aaron Jones ty Chandler time share? What's
the percentage on that?

Speaker 2 (04:36):
I'm so confused? Sixty five? I don't know what. I
don't overstand the game.

Speaker 6 (04:42):
All right, we're gonna start do that with me, all right,
Aaron Jones ty Chandler time share? What's the percentage on that?

Speaker 4 (04:53):
It's an impossible question to answer, and I have no idea.
I mean that's that's it's Aaron will play more than tie.
I just wanted I just wanted quick takes. Yes, okay,
we do. We have to reset this again. But how
can one answer that question when there's been nothing established
as the time share between the two? Okay, Aaron's one

ties two one, Aaron's one's ties two that could be
the answer that very much. You have nine seconds to
offer an opinion. Yeah, all right, what's next?

Speaker 6 (05:23):
Okay, this is this is going incredibly well. The question
wasn't great, and it's okay. The question wasn't great. No,
it was a good question because the point is is
that I give someone nine seconds safety about preseason games
the other day. Okay, ain't nobody throwing no hitters here?
And we're fine. No, I understand, But so I am
not looking for right or wrong answers. Yeah, these questions

are merely a tee upon which a ball sits and
then you have nine seconds to hit it.

Speaker 2 (05:50):
Yeah, like the kid who's just swinging over the ball.
You're like, buddy, buddy, just swing straight or at the ball.

Speaker 6 (05:58):
Yeah, number, Okay, here we go. Let's try this nine seconds?
Why second? Salek? All right, hopefully do you see a
natural athleticism from JJ McCarthy in the pocket that Kirk
may not have.

Speaker 3 (06:09):
Had nine seconds?

Speaker 1 (06:10):

Speaker 3 (06:11):
Give us more?

Speaker 2 (06:12):
Uh no, he's look, he's looked very athletic. He scaped
the left yesterday, made it out of bounds.

Speaker 6 (06:16):
Was impressive, excellent, that's how you play the game. Wow, Yes,
let's not take everything, so personally, no, let's have fun.
There was he did. It's radio, it's not life and death.

Speaker 5 (06:26):
He did move out of the pockey yesterday to the left,
and I think Josh mattelis closed on him, and I
was out. It was really closing fast. Yeah, and I
know this is not in the nine set. No, it's
the essence of the game. The nine seconds starts it.
Then you get into conversation. But it's new.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
I was very I was very concerned.

Speaker 5 (06:45):
I was like, if Josh mintelis hits him right now,
I'm gonna I'm gonna throw my reporter's notebook in the air.

Speaker 2 (06:51):
He stressful.

Speaker 5 (06:52):
No, JJ, JJ's I mean everything about JJ has been
above what I think I even hoped for in this
in this turning kit so far so. But yeah, the
athleticism is included in that mix.

Speaker 4 (07:04):
Excellent and good morning and good morning, And that's how
the game was supposed to be executed. In my estimation,
the undrafted UCLA cat Gabriel Murphy have a chance on
this team.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
Uh yeah, I think so. Kevin O'Connell shouted him out
the other day.

Speaker 5 (07:19):
I personally haven't seen a ton of crazy flashes, but
Kevin's mentioning of him to me was important.

Speaker 6 (07:24):
Yes, okay, that's how we play the game. Here we go,
oh man, all right, Now, every question I've asked Kevin
O'Connell for pregame interviews in the history of my relationship
with him have been great.

Speaker 4 (07:35):
They've been fined. Every single question has been fined. I've
never made a mistake. That is exactly how you play
the game. So now it leads to edge. We have
Dallas Turner, Jonathan Grenard, we have Patrick Jones, we have
Gabriel Murphy, jehad Ward jehad Ward who was running yesterday
on the two and three.

Speaker 5 (07:56):
He is one of the biggest human I've ever seen
in person. I don't know what his height weight says,
but you know, like some people are just bigger.

Speaker 2 (08:05):
Yeah, I mean, that's maybe the dumbest thing I've ever said.

Speaker 3 (08:08):
Well, joh hot Warden.

Speaker 5 (08:10):
He is literally he wears number fifty two. He is
a massive human being. I haven't talked to him, but
if I do, it will feel like.

Speaker 2 (08:19):
I mean, I don't like.

Speaker 5 (08:20):
I just think about like the Game of Thrones and
guys like and and people in that show talking to
like a dragon.

Speaker 6 (08:25):
That's how it would.

Speaker 5 (08:26):
I think that's job. He's that big. This guy is massive.
He's the mountain and irtarian, exactly mountain. That's what I
was trying to I would not be surprised to see
him in a little bit of the of the the
five technique over the guard and like a five down
front where you.

Speaker 3 (08:41):
Have guarantee he makes the team.

Speaker 5 (08:43):
Joh hod Warden, no questions asked.

Speaker 2 (08:46):
Really, Uh, he's.

Speaker 6 (08:48):
Looked pretty good.

Speaker 2 (08:49):
Porters look pretty good. You like Porter.

Speaker 5 (08:51):
You brought oen Porter up to me in February, and
I think I was a rookie camp. I think I
was more thrown off then than I am in the
Nordo's nine.

Speaker 3 (08:58):
It was a rookie cap.

Speaker 4 (08:59):
It was just you're an ex You are an expert
on the gate on somebody's gate. Like that was from
a tweet that you had the other day. I liked
Porter's gate. So Marshall, kid, we'll see what happens. All right,
what's next?

Speaker 6 (09:13):
Here's Byron Murphy on the defensive backs room.

Speaker 7 (09:15):
Definitely just sticking with our guys. You know, whoever comes in,
you know we're going to come in, welcome them. But
right now and the guys in our room. You know,
we're just sticking to the game plan, sticking with each other,
obviously coming out here and just getting to work every
single day.

Speaker 6 (09:25):
We heard about Fabian Moreau joining the team. The question
is is there a corner standing out thus far?

Speaker 5 (09:31):
Yeah, Fabian Moreau kind of stood out yesterday's first practice
with the team, and he was pretty I mean he
was out there with the ones and he was pretty good.

Speaker 2 (09:39):
So that's my answer.

Speaker 6 (09:40):
Okay, Fabian Moreau.

Speaker 4 (09:42):
Well yeah, but I mean they can't possibly be that
stuck at corner where your nine second response in Nordo's
nine any corner's looking good? Well, yeah, baby, and Moreau
just got here yesterday, And that's my response.

Speaker 5 (09:55):
I mean you said they can't possibly be that stuff.
I mean he brought it luggage to the I will
say I also saw Dwight mclotherin make a really interesting
pass to mcglothern. Yeah, well you are the guy who
right there. You know, I wouldn't say it ruined. You're
probably okay, you've you've you've talked. Did you learn that

from the spot? But I mean otherwise, like a I
was on last week and I said something about Caleb Evans,
I do want to say he's looked athletic.

Speaker 2 (10:26):
He does look motivated. It is your three.

Speaker 5 (10:29):
I know internally they are looking forward to see if
he can make another step. But yeah, I mean, Shat
Griffin stood out to me before he got hurt, and
I hope he's back soon.

Speaker 2 (10:37):
But I I I'm.

Speaker 3 (10:38):
Glad you brought up mcglothern.

Speaker 5 (10:41):
He's I mean, from a body type standpoint, it's what
you want in an outside cornerback. And then he has
the relationship with Durante Jones from their time at L
s U. And I think from a a like a
football awareness, intelligence, like ability to read stuff on the field,
I think he has that and I've watched him after
this working with guys, so I'm I'm very intrigued by him.

Duke Shelley stood out to me yesterday too, the Duke
he deserves a shout out. But yeah, that position group,
I'm still I mean, I would just love to see
a guy like Stefan Gilmour be brought in here, really
I would.

Speaker 6 (11:15):
Okay, Harrison Phillips played a career high in snaps last year.
Still depth questions maybe on the interior last year of
his deal. Is he absolutely a guy the team is
thinking about bringing back.

Speaker 5 (11:27):
I would think so both from a production in the
run game and a leadership perspective.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
So that's what I would say. And he's laughing at me.

Speaker 3 (11:34):
I thought it was a great question.

Speaker 2 (11:35):
There we go.

Speaker 3 (11:36):
I thought it was a great question.

Speaker 6 (11:38):
And you left time on the table. Is that easy?

Speaker 2 (11:40):

Speaker 6 (11:40):

Speaker 2 (11:41):
I really think you're.

Speaker 5 (11:42):
Using this as a as a This guy's so long winded.
Now it's not how can we get this kid to
just shut up?

Speaker 6 (11:50):
But that's not it at all.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
No, I know, I'm it's interesting.

Speaker 4 (11:55):
It's multi layered production questions, not me talking blah blah blah.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
This multi layered.

Speaker 4 (12:01):
Okay with Phillips right here has tentacles and this is
part of the tentacle with Phillips.

Speaker 5 (12:07):
I have been thinking about this, like we always or
not even we, but like a lot of fans always
say to me, it's like they need an interior defensive lineman.

Speaker 2 (12:16):
And I think it would be obviously, it would be.

Speaker 5 (12:19):
Awesome to have the uh Dexter Lawrence, the Justin Mattabek,
the Chris Jones, like Jeffrey Simmons, Jeffrey Simmons, that level
of player, Like obviously, if you can get one of
those guys phenomenal. But I do think with how Brian
Flores calls defense and how willing he is to move
guys arounds in different spots, to have guys like Harrison

Phillips and Jonathan Bullard who fit and run specific downs,
and then to be willing to throw in four pass
rushers on pass on obvious pass downs, I think they
can make it work on the interior defensive line in
a way that I think sometimes people fret about it
out externally. I don't really like if it's a run down,

I don't worry about Harrison Phillips and Jonathan Bullard stopping
the run and and and that is pretty nice to
not really have to worry about.

Speaker 4 (13:08):
With with Pace and or Cashman behind them, I mean,
Hicks team captain. You know, he kept Hicks was fantastic
specifically in pass coverage. Cashman and the run force with
Pace I mean that, you know, but but they both
Pace got better covering the past from what I understand

during the year.

Speaker 3 (13:29):
Cashman is already pretty good.

Speaker 4 (13:30):
So those two behind those guys that plays into it too.

Speaker 5 (13:34):
Pace Paces I mean, I think he is just I
mean the fact he went on drafted is still so
crazy to me with what he accomplished in college. But
from a and Gabriel Murphy Murphy potentially, but I've in Pace.
His ability to decipher on the fly and fill gaps

that need to be filled on the fly is I
don't know if that's really a teachable skill. I think
just from a quick react, quick twitch mental kind of
stamina ability on the fly to be able to pick
the right gaps. Pace has that at a level that
I don't I'm not really sure you can teach. And
it stands out even in these training camp practices.

Speaker 3 (14:14):
What's next?

Speaker 2 (14:15):

Speaker 6 (14:16):
All this weeping and nashing the teeth about competitions at
left guard and right guard? Third year of Ingram? Oh My,
Dalton Reisner in the mix? Is the race already over?

Speaker 5 (14:29):
I want to see it against other competition before I
say yes. But Brandell looks big, strong and solid thus far.

Speaker 6 (14:37):
What about the right guard spot? Who do you make favorites?

Speaker 1 (14:42):

Speaker 5 (14:42):
Ingram right now is the favorite? But I'm less confident
there than I am with Blake Brandell.

Speaker 6 (14:48):
Right now like it and all you do is hit
the post like it now.

Speaker 5 (14:53):
That's probably a little bit of a bold I don't know,
like if what people will think of me saying that,
but I mean, Blake Brandel, he's massive, And I mean
I watched it ed Ingram yesterday and one on ones
and these are one on ones, so it's not the
real thing.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
But I think ed Ingram, you're no longer at least.

Speaker 5 (15:10):
This isn't not this isn't me talking to people internally,
but you're no longer with him in the spot where
like we need him to continue to play to develop.
This is year three, Like if he's not gonna get
the job done, then it's just not But I will say,
you got to give the front office and the coaching
staff in the offensive line room credit for the depth
they've built at that spot in the event of injuries,

given you have a Dan Feenian, a Dulton Reisener behind
those those two guys, if Jurgons, if Jurgons, if those
two guys are starting, if there are injuries, I think
you don't have to just totally alter your offense in
a way that maybe last year or two years ago
they might have. And so I I do think that's
been like a quiet sneaky thing they've done and been

intentional about doing it. Doing is just enhancing the depth
both on the interior end in that room as a whole.

Speaker 6 (16:00):
Well said, who leads the team in sacks in twenty
twenty four, Grenard.

Speaker 3 (16:06):
That's all he needs to say.

Speaker 5 (16:07):
Okay, Gernard looks he's really fast. I watched a he's fast,
but I watched it one on one yesterday where he
lines up across from Christian Darrisaw, and I'm thinking, this
is gonna be pretty interesting. Dearrisal's pretty good, you guys know,
Dearrisaw's pretty good, and he's maybe the strongest. I mean, like,
he makes it look so easy. And Grenard just explodes

off the line, bull rushes in his chest, knocked Darisaol
back and it would have been a sack. And I
was like, wow, like I did not expect him to
have that that and this is not a knock on
darris I it was Dearrisaw. You could tell after he
was talking to Brian and it was almost like, holy cow,
this guy Grenard is good. And if you talk to Gernard,
his awareness of the technical aspects of pass rushing kind

of blows me away. There's a reason they went out
and got him and paid him what they did. Now,
the injury history is what it is. But if this
guy stays healthy, that's my answer. And I don't have
a tape for a second.

Speaker 6 (17:01):
I'd go with Dallas Turner. And and here's why interesting.

Speaker 4 (17:05):
Because I believe the Grenard will get a matt will
get more attention early in the year because he got
a lot of attention last year after he took off.
So therefore Turner will have more one on ones early.
But Turner is built in a way where you can
use him inside in certain situations up in the a

gap between the center and the guard, where Grenard you
can use him there. But you know he may stay
blocked against a center and the guard longer or more.

Speaker 3 (17:39):
Than Dallas Turner.

Speaker 4 (17:40):
So so I I you know, I would take Turner
at plus one eighty or higher.

Speaker 5 (17:45):
The sneaky pick there, like the long shot odds if
you were if these were odds by prize picks or whoever,
like would be probably Andrew van Ginkel.

Speaker 2 (17:55):
This guy has sex sex.

Speaker 5 (17:58):
I know, I know I'm telling you, but in the
last I said it's a long shot.

Speaker 3 (18:01):
Out though he might leave the interception.

Speaker 5 (18:04):
He has like a top fifteen pressure rate in the
NFL over the last two years. From a pass rusher standpoint, now,
he hasn't rushed the passer as much as other guys,
and the injury history with him as a factor too.
But like, I don't know if he gets a credit,
gets enough credit nationally and even locally here for just
his skill set as a passer. As a pass rusher, geez.

He's also capable of dropping and coverage, which and is
part of the reason they signed him as well.

Speaker 3 (18:32):
Where are we on the nine?

Speaker 6 (18:34):
We got two more for you, this one in particular
quarterback related. Has Camp changed your mind at all yet
on what we expect to see in the timeline for
JJ McCarthy playing in games that count?

Speaker 3 (18:46):
Love it? Not really?

Speaker 5 (18:48):
No, I don't think really And that'll be my answer
until the beeper goes found on time.

Speaker 3 (18:54):
But no, not really mine either. But it's it's changing.

Speaker 4 (18:59):
I mean it's not it's it's it's like I said
early in the show, the favored trifecta is Donald starts,
Mullins backs up, and JJ's the third quarterback. That's still
the favorite trifecta. He's just and you're seeing the same,
you're seeing more than me. But you're seeing some of
the same things I'm seeing, or perhaps maybe talking to

the same people I'm talking to. He's really jumping out
of his skin right now in a lot of different
ways with the way he's handling things that are wrong,
the humility with which he handles things that are going well,
and he's really earning the respect of a lot of
teammates for for just just a lot of different things,

you know. So he's just it's like if I thought
it was ninety eight percent Donald starts against them against
the Giants, it's it's a little less, but still JJ's
opening eyes.

Speaker 2 (19:51):
Well, I think you hit the perfect note right there.

Speaker 5 (19:54):
To me, like Kevin O'Connell is going to do what's
best ultimately for JJ McCarthy's long term development, but he's
also going to be very aware of what the locker
room thinks, right and how the players in their feel
and you can't really fake that, like the if the
players rally around a certain guy, you can understand that,

you can feel that, and so I think that that.

Speaker 2 (20:17):
Will ultimately be a factor.

Speaker 5 (20:19):
And I also think like it is important to mention
that while JJ McCarthy from a mechanic standpoint, from a
throwing standpoint, from an all in the field, from what
we've seen thus far standpoint, it's been really impressive. But
this offense is complicated, and there are hurdles in terms
of both learning the verbiage that comes with this offense
and reading defenses on a full time basis, so that

to me, both you're guarding the respect and learning the
intricacy of the offense. Those are the two big hurdles
to me more than anything else. Like yesterday, they bring
pat they bring bring a cornerback from the nickel. He
identifies it, quickly, feathers the ball perfectly the corner and
then zone fist pumps afterward.

Speaker 2 (21:02):
Hell of a read, hell of a throw is the
lucky Jackson, I believe.

Speaker 5 (21:05):
So he knew it was a good play. Everyone knew
it was a good play, and the teammate, like you know,
the teammates are like impressive, But but I still think
just ultimately, like I expect Kevin o'connelly mindful of it's
so easy externally to get ahead of yourselves, and I
think he has the experience this head coach does of
knowing that ultimately you think long term with this thing, as.

Speaker 2 (21:28):
Hard as it may be from us outside.

Speaker 6 (21:30):
All right, Last one nine explain the entirety of the
new kickoff rule.

Speaker 1 (21:35):

Speaker 5 (21:36):
So, I told Kevin Seafert yesterday that I was going
to spend two and a half hours today reading and
watching about the kickoff. And I haven't done that yet,
ye I, I it is uh. I listened to Matt
Daniel's talk about it. He's talking about two kick returners,
one kick returner recovering the ball, placing kicks, potentially a
position player kicking so you have an extra tackler, use

a more starter like I.

Speaker 4 (22:01):
About when he said, Oh and by the way, when
there is a roughing the kicker, it's assessed on the kickoff.

Speaker 3 (22:08):
What happens there? Well, I mean, I'm like, what do
they really not know?

Speaker 2 (22:11):
It is literally I need.

Speaker 5 (22:13):
To spend two and a half hours watching and reading
about it today.

Speaker 2 (22:17):
Those literally come three point thirty pm.

Speaker 5 (22:19):
If you come to my apartment near Saint Anthony, Maine,
you will see Alex Lewis reading about the new kickoff.
Whether it is enjoyable, unenjoyable, boring, whatever, that is. That
is my test of the today. So I don't want
to You can ask me that next week in the
Nordo's and I'll give it to you if that's okay.

Speaker 4 (22:34):
A's Alex Lewis the Athletic, Theathletic dot com and this
is nine to noon. What were some interesting facets with
your McCarthy family feature that is pinned atop of your
Twitter at alec underscore Lewis and you spend some time

in Lagrange in Illinois chatting with the JJ's family.

Speaker 5 (23:01):
I mean, the most interesting part was the fact that
I reached out and JJ's dad said to me. I
said to him, I was like, hey, can I would
love to meet up and just talk about your son.
He's going to have a pretty big role in the
vikings both this year and beyond, and it would be
fun to just meet up and kind of talk through it.
And I wasn't sure if he's gonna be willing. I
didn't know if he was going to meet me at

some I don't know, usually meet at some restaurant and
that's how usually goes.

Speaker 2 (23:25):
And he just sent me an address and he's like, hey,
come at noon. I'm like, okay.

Speaker 5 (23:29):
I pull up and it's their house and it's just
this what you'd expect for just kind of like a
middle class home and house in suburban Chicago, And so
we sat on the and they had like a screened
in backyard little part of their screened in area in
their backyard, and it was kind of like messy. There
were like hockey sticks pap piled up.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
Over in the corner. They had like a pool back there.

Speaker 5 (23:52):
There was like afraid basketball court, and it was just
so his dad was just like in a backwards hat hoodie,
just hanging out. There wasn't stuff like adorning the walls
of JJ, which I thought was just like it was
just a very normal home. He has two sisters and
one attended Nebraska, the other one goes to Paul, and
he wanted to talk about the sister as much as

he wanted to talk about JJ.

Speaker 2 (24:14):
So it was it was awesome.

Speaker 5 (24:17):
The day I was there, and as I was sitting
outside with his dad, the news broke about him signing
his contract, which I guess people here were all kind
of like fretting over. And I said to his dad's like,
you know, people like were worried, like would he sign
his contract?

Speaker 2 (24:30):
And I put this in the story, and his dad's like.

Speaker 5 (24:33):
JJ not signing his contract, what do you mean? He's
gonna be a training camp or I was just I
just moved him up into this new house.

Speaker 2 (24:39):
He's ready to go.

Speaker 5 (24:40):
He's so just a very normal like proud dad and
proud family. So it was very fun to meet him,
and I know they're very excited for JJ that he
is in this environment.

Speaker 4 (24:52):
It did did they go down the road on or
off the record? Into his freshman year in high school,
that's when he made the decision I'm going strictly football.

Speaker 3 (25:02):
I believe that was the time.

Speaker 4 (25:05):
And maybe he was just dramatically better at football than hockey,
but I guess he was. He was really good at both.
But I think McCarthy made the decision into high school
it's only going to be one. Was that, you know,
I'd prefer to be great at one than good at both.

Speaker 2 (25:21):
I think so.

Speaker 5 (25:22):
I do remember Jim his dad, telling me that Meghan,
his wife. JJ's mom was like tearing up like every
night for two weeks after that because she was a
former figure skater. I don't know if that she was
like a competitive figure skater. JJ's mom and loved the
fact that he played hockey, and I think like he
used to on their little basketball court in the backyard.
I think they used to bubble that up and he

would just practice out there with hockey sticks on this
like pavement at all times, and he loved it. Like
he Gretzky is still like I think for him maybe
his favorite athlete, one of them, without question, and so yeah,
you could like they were still I'm telling you, seven
hockey sticks piled up in this indoor backyard, like the
remnants of that life for him are still very much president.

So I like when when we see him, I'm sure
as we will this fall at wild Games, probably he'll
chug a beer at the get whatever on the jumbo.

Speaker 3 (26:12):
I'll do the let's play hockey.

Speaker 5 (26:14):
I think I think he will absolutely like like eat
that up, eat up the wild scene, eat up the
hockey scene. Here be at the state tournament, like I
really think he will enjoy not just do it because
it's like a cool branding thing, like do it because
he loves hockey.

Speaker 4 (26:29):
When when when he starts playing full time, I mean
he he I believe is going to be immensely popular,
you know, I think polarizing and popular. But I think
people if you look back to the way he handled
some situations in Michigan. Now, now, he won almost every game,
but there were some situations, you know, where he was

pressed on things and he just comes at almost everything
with humility. Like that Friday press conference when he was
talking about I was at a boarding school, the pandemic hid.
I went into a oppression, a lot of anxiety. This
this helped me throw it. You know, he just he
he has an openness to him that comes through no
matter if if they win or lose. That's authentic and

it's really impressive.

Speaker 5 (27:13):
Well, around the draft after they picked him, the phrase
that everyone used, like literally seven people, they continue to say,
the kid has such emotional awareness high EQ emotional awareness,
emotional aware. I'm like, did they just come in a
boardroom and script, all right, we're gonna talk about his
emotional awareness. But like you listen to him talk at
the podium, you watch him interact like I did with

Aaron Jones' son the other day, and it's just like
the he just he knows what buttons to push.

Speaker 2 (27:41):
Whether he's intentionally doing.

Speaker 5 (27:43):
It at all times, I don't really know, and I'm
sure like it is pretty crazy. The one thing I
did talk with his dad about is like when you
are a quarterback who is such a an elite player
at such an early age, you have to be so
mindful of how you're interacting, what you are saying.

Speaker 2 (28:00):
And I am, yeah, so, and I imagine that takes a.

Speaker 5 (28:04):
Toll, but for him to have navigated the way he has,
even early on here in Minnesota, navigated the situation the
way he has, I mean to your point, like, I
think a lot of kids look look at him and
are like, this, dude is I mean, it's charisma or
whatever you want to say, But it's pretty obvious that
he has it. And I think it's pretty obvious too
that like teammates see that. And that's an important aspect

of this thing too.

Speaker 4 (28:28):
So you watch you you watch pretty much, if not
every throw and every play, specifically when it's ones on
ones right in front of the stands. So like with
Sam Darnold, like what are you saying? I mean, is
is it nondescript?

Speaker 3 (28:42):
Is it?

Speaker 6 (28:42):

Speaker 3 (28:42):
What are you saying?

Speaker 5 (28:45):
I think I'm saying a little bit of everything nondescript
is good? I would think, yeah, I mean, look and
I wrote this this week, but like the reality is,
even in my role with every one of these training
camp practice. You don't know what the play's supposed to be,
where his eyes are supposed to look, where the receiver's
supposed to peel off his route, And I don't get

the all twenty two, which is usually how you verify
what you see, so you get one shot at seeing it,
and then you got to make some rash observation, and
everyone externally wants some big grand opinion.

Speaker 2 (29:19):
Sam Donald's good, Sam Donald's bad.

Speaker 5 (29:21):
He's playing amazing, He's struggling, like the reality is in
the middle of all that, as he usually is with
every quarterback in this time.

Speaker 2 (29:29):
I saw a report.

Speaker 5 (29:30):
I mean, you guys talked about the Titans and Mike
Keith talked about him like they're the best team since
the eighty five Bears. But I saw a report the
other day about Will Levis and him really struggling. And
I have some Titans, some buddies who are Titans fan.
I told him, like, guys, one practice on a training
camp day means nothing, like it really does. Seven practices

in training camp don't mean anything. When Sam Donald is
matching up against the Cleveland Browns in two weeks and
Miles Garrett is breathing down his neck and Denzel Ward
as cloaking justin Jefferson the outside. Then we can really
talk about it, we can really evaluate it. Until then,
it's all just fodder that we like to analyze because
it gives us us something to talk about as boring
and as objective and as probably annoying that is to hear.

Speaker 4 (30:14):
Yeah, but I think I think people specifically in this
market like that. You know, you should as a diversion
with a ninety man roster right now, so which is
perfect to close with this, I mean with the right
to change the opinion closer to the season Labor Day
ish around there. Why And we've gone over some wild
card names to make the team. Gabriel Murphy, yes, yeah,

Owen Porter maybe maybe Am mcglothern.

Speaker 6 (30:40):
Those were the three that I wrote down. Would there
be anybody else? I mean, I don't know who.

Speaker 5 (30:46):
Really like who exists as a while, like Jonah Williams
a defensive clignment, not a while because okay.

Speaker 4 (30:52):
Played too many games in years koc tie, But like
Fabian Monroe Moreau, oh yeah, at three two the Island
of Fabian Moreau. He rolls in here, you know, and
at walkthrough he's on the side in the practice, he's
he's with the ones a little bit. According to you, Well,
that's quite the rapid ascension.

Speaker 5 (31:10):
I mean, yeah, but he is as experienced as anybody
that is currently healthy other than Byron Murphy Junior. So yeah,
it makes sense. I mean other guys' names, I don't know.
I mean, I think, like Walter Rous, i'd expect them
to make it. Jurgens, I think they like him and
they like what he's capable of in the interior. I
mean the tight ends we'll see with Tunyan in terms

of like what's the syn about Thomas is probably borderline
for me. I know they really like him, and you
watch them and you see it would be w R
five sure like Canad and Wangwa expect him to be
on the team any running back after that, I'm not
totally sure. I will say this one thing that has
really stood out to me that I haven't really written

about or talked about. And maybe this is a subject
every single training camp, but I have seen more CJ.
Ham than I've seen in my first two years here.

Speaker 6 (32:04):
And then Wes Phillips yesterday was like he's one of
the greatest leaders.

Speaker 5 (32:08):
They but they've used him and it seems like blocking
past block. Like part of me has wondered, maybe they
use him in a role that that that covers for
some of the run blocking deficiencies they don't have at
receiver like I will see.

Speaker 2 (32:24):
I need to have more conversation flesh that out.

Speaker 5 (32:26):
But they I've seen, I mean, he is almost used
on a consistent basis in these training camp practices, and
I think they've talked about his skill set for a while.
They extended him, which means they they verified what they've
said about him from an action standpoint. But I feel
like they believe in his skill set, so they want
to maximize it. I've just seen a lot of CJ.

Ham I just I'm gonna point that out right now.

Speaker 3 (32:50):
Appreciate you, my brother.

Speaker 2 (32:53):
I like the nine.

Speaker 5 (32:53):
Sorry I was, I mean asleep for the first three, but.

Speaker 6 (32:58):
We got on track. It was fun.

Speaker 2 (33:00):
I liked it. I think the Nordos nine has legs. Well.

Speaker 4 (33:03):
I'm hoping to get sponsored by Jersey Mike so you
can finally get down get these sandwiches at no charge.

Speaker 2 (33:08):
If you can get I've literally had it.

Speaker 6 (33:09):
If Jersey Mike's where is it Egan, If.

Speaker 5 (33:12):
Jersey Mike's Egan wants wants someone to advocate on their behalf.

Speaker 4 (33:16):
Yeah, if Jersey, if you don't have to advocate, you've
been indoors. But I mean if whichever one you go
to charges you for a sandwich again, they're foolish.

Speaker 5 (33:26):
I did get a free sub. I've got enough shot
points Jersey shore points.

Speaker 4 (33:30):
Kf An and I have a radio's freaks very secure
with talking about freebies being given away for either social
media or radio to any.

Speaker 6 (33:38):
Other comps that you get that you'd like to share with.

Speaker 3 (33:41):
I want to us out of business any sooner.

Speaker 2 (33:44):
I will be an advocate on their behalf.

Speaker 3 (33:46):
Good see you by, Thank you guys. We'll be right back.

Speaker 4 (33:50):
Kill it, gut, wait until tomorrow because tomorrow is the
Friday Football Feast. Not about wild wings, but we're getting
close to that. It is a Twin Cities orthopedics performance
center from the Vikings Entertainment Network. Yours truly, Paul Charchian
Nordo by our side for the Friday Football Feast, eight

days in front of the first preseason game. And it'll
be curious to see what mister Charchian has up his
sleeve when it comes to this stage of Vikings training
camp and position battles and things with teams around the
National Football League because news pops frequently involving training camp,

and you know, sadly, when it pops, it generally is
not so and so we replay. Like Sam Howe moved
by Geno Smith in the pecking order for the Super Chickens,
it's generally negative. Like Deontay Foreman, former running back for
the Carolina Panthers and Chicago Bears, he now balls for
the Calm and he got so hurt during practice today

they took him to a hospital. So God bless him
and hopefully things day status quo from an injury standpoint
for this team and everybody around the NFL. Like Makai
Blackman already ripped up his ACL that's absolutely the a
topic for teams looking to avoid catastrophic injuries, and we'll

have plenty to talk about tomorrow on the Friday Football Feast.
Thank you for listening. I'm Paul Allen. Here comes Norda
with the Rave on the Jump.

Speaker 6 (35:23):
And thank you Caseyes for presenting the nine to noon show. Raps,
Casees Food and Fueld Rewards. The Elite pizza stop into
a Casey's Today pie stood the whole show. He can't sit,
though he celebrates the success of the butt bit. Too
excited for camp. The talkers are stacked at Alec Lewis
and studio. He confirms we're back.

Speaker 3 (35:45):
Jay just throws God.

Speaker 6 (35:46):
People getting dreamy. It's the summer heats, superhumid and ultra steamy,
smelling the host feed. He wears shoes without socks. I mean,
I didn't know they held practice near the docks.

Speaker 2 (35:56):

Speaker 3 (35:56):
Those dogs are.

Speaker 6 (35:57):
Clearing out a room. It's the new kickoff rule, new
meaning to the boom. We are rubes. We have been
fanned back to the womb, dismissing that yearly sinking feeling
of impending doom. And tomorrow we're back down there in Egan,
counting down to Cleveland and getting to see Megan tomorrow. Hey,
we'll be joined by Charge in the studio this time.
No water issues, nobody parched. Excuse me while I whipped

this out for the podcast Today's Paul Allen Show, or
listen back to previous show and interviews.

Speaker 1 (36:25):
I go into the iHeartRadio app or kfan dot com
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