All Episodes

July 29, 2024 • 35 mins
Gabe Henderson joins to show to deep dive into all things Vikings.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:05):
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Speaker 2 (00:30):
All right, Max, appreciate you man, specifically with the technical
problems we had early in the show, keeping your wits
about you and being patient. But in nine to noon,
Boom Indeed is in the air at Twin Cities Orthopedics
Performance Center in order to produce his on site.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
I'm Paul Allen.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
This spot was supposed to go to Minnesota Vikings offensive
line coach Chris Cooper. That's going to take place tomorrow
and it's guaranteed, so you will hear the leader of
the Minnesota moving company tomorrow. But right now you will
hear one of the very best, our main man, Gabe
Henderson at gabey Henderson via Twitter, and he's with Vikings
dot com and the Vikings Entertainment Network he's on the

exclusive Vikings radio network.

Speaker 4 (01:10):
Perch with us.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
And before we get into some hardcore Minnesota Vikings related
minutia with pads going on today, how's Ella and what's
new with her?

Speaker 4 (01:21):
She's good. She's running the house.

Speaker 5 (01:24):
There's no literally, no cabin unopened, no door unclosed. Everything
is her road at this point and it's the best.

Speaker 4 (01:33):
Right now.

Speaker 5 (01:33):
She's walking and she was out here at training camp
the other day, so she's she's in full full camp
od right now.

Speaker 4 (01:39):
So glad to see you guys. You too, very sweet.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Welcome back, as Alex Lewis with tweet and or say
we're back, because I mean he saw he was so
excited when he saw Darnold hit Jefferson over the top
Sands pads for a fifty plus. I mean the tweet
was like Justin Wentz skipping around and the ball was perfect,
and we're back, which we are back. There's a game
in twelve days against the Las Vegas Raiders at US

Bank Stadium, then we go to Cleveland. We're going to
be in Cleveland longer than we're going to be in London,
which is weird. And after that close up at Philadelphia,
then the regular season at MetLife Stadium against the Giants.
Let's chop up some football with Gabe Henderson and here's Nordo.

Speaker 6 (02:21):
Well, let's start with the QBS butt in the eye
of the beholder. So over the weekend did a Saturday
show here with Saucy, kind of watched the walkthrough portion
of it. Ultimately they're doing seven on sevens and various drills.
I've been seeing some say, and I'm trying not to
catch myself in this where you're willing someone over the
hump in terms of your not delusions of grandeur.

Speaker 4 (02:43):
But your expectations for him. And that's JJ McCarthy.

Speaker 6 (02:46):
Over the weekend, I'm hearing people you wouldn't believe JJ's
outperforming Sam Darnold on a consistent basis at camp. And
he had this red zone bit where he was like,
I think four or five with three tds perfectly plays
back of the end zone again no pads on. But
what have you seen thus far in terms of, you know,
let's not go too far. You know, how's JJ looking.
You're probably getting that question all the time, but what

do you think about these qbs out here?

Speaker 5 (03:08):
Yeah, these QBS, they've made a huge stride from OTAs
in mini camp until now, and just speaking of JJ
McCarthy in general Thursday, Well, I mean this past Saturday,
those red zone drills, that was the best that I
have seen him looked all off season. And granted Sam Donald, yeah,
he is the presumably starter, and he's been doing his thing,
but still everyone out here is to see JJ. How

long is it going to take for him to ultimately.

Speaker 4 (03:33):
Be the guy?

Speaker 5 (03:34):
And I do believe JJ's a surgeons or whatever resurgence
has ultimately made Sam Donald better and ultimately this entire
offense better. But still it's kind of too early to
tell how good JJ McCarthy's going to be without the
pads on right Like everybody's hall of famers. J Notson
always says that everybody's hall of famers and shorts and

T shirts, So you really can't say a guy is
going to be who's going to be right now this
early on?

Speaker 4 (03:59):
Well, I mostly agree with Jay.

Speaker 6 (04:01):
I'm not can't bound out here myself, but but I
get the point in the sentiment. Uh, talking with Christian
darrisaw here on the perch on Saturday, and he was
kind of he was speaking to how uh, how fantastic
it is working with both Donald and JJ McCarthy and
as close to this as you are, what do you
feel if if have you noticed any differences between Like

Kirk used to roll in here, it was business as usual.
We all know, you know, Kirk was Kirk personality wise,
also pretty high end on the field, of course, But
but it sounds like to me we're talking about different
universes in terms of the personalities and what goes into
working with these some of some of these guys. Have
you noticed a little bit of difference because I caught
it kind of a common theme with with both Donald

and JJ, like these guys are dudes like the and
and maybe there's there's just a different perspective among the players.

Speaker 5 (04:52):
Yeah, I mean Kirk, It took Kirk a little bit,
you know, it took us some time to like really
feel like himself in this locker room, and ultimately a
team got around him. I think it was around that
twenty twenty two season when we went thirteen and three,
like that was the year everyone was like, Okay, this
is who Kirk is. JJ and Sam Donald when they
got here, they just pretty much figured out the rest
of the locker room and said, Okay, this is who

I am, except me for who I am, like it
or not, And ultimately that's made this entire team better.
And Kirk, I mean, Kirk was one of my favorite
guys in the entire locker room. But when you look
at this young energy, right yeah, twenty six year old
Sam Donald, twenty one year old JJ McCarthy, they just
kind of get it. They understand the times with the
locker room. And when you look at Christian Barisol him

saying those comments of like, look, when JJ McCarthy comes
in the locker room, you just know that he's here.
He just has a presence about himself and he lits
everybody in their eyes. He's, you know, tapping everybody up.
He's giving hubs. Just a free spirit type of kid.
And Sam Donald been a bunch, been around a bunch
of locker rooms, understands the vibes, understands how the team build,
and you know, being in San Francisco last year, being

on a Super Bowl team, understands what a locker room
is supposed to look like. So they both have their uniqueness,
but ultimately you can start to see these guys starting
to gather around him, and ultimately, healthfully that that helps,
you know, build that quarterback position battle come week one.

Speaker 6 (06:14):
Now, eventually later today they'll put the pads on. That's
where you know some questions are going to start to
be answered in a hurry, which is sweet.

Speaker 4 (06:21):
But one thing.

Speaker 6 (06:22):
Have you noticed the athleticism being evident with these qbs
in particular? And I heard Ben Lieber on my way
over here to the facility today kind of talking about
and it's very true Kirk could be elusive, and Kirk
evolved into somebody that from a pocket awareness standpoint from
his first years here where as soon as there was pressure,

it's two hands on the ball, sucks it to his chest,
head down and Kenny Clark kills him. Now by the
time we get through twenty twenty three, sadly the injury
takes half the season. But you started to see and
it was a talker at times like Ken Kirk improve
in that. Yeah, and you know, old dogs, new tricks
type of thing, and I think Kirk did a good
job of that. I think the trademark of both these

whether it's age and certainly maybe some immeasurables, both Sam
Donald and JJ McCarthy appear to possess a little more
athleticism overall, just on a base standpoint, do you see.

Speaker 4 (07:17):
That at all?

Speaker 5 (07:17):
Yeah, I would say that JJ McCarthy in general, you
just know that he can make plays on the run.
If you turn on Sam Donald's film when he's been
able to be in the games, a lot of his
really good passes down the field are outside of the pocket,
extending plays. And there have been a few periods out here,
a few team periods in particular, where you know, the
first option wasn't open, the second option wasn't open, and

Sam Donald automatically fills the pocket, steps up and starts
running looking down the field, extending the play.

Speaker 4 (07:46):
And that's something that you just can't coach. When you
have it, you have it.

Speaker 5 (07:49):
And both of these quarterbacks, Sam Donald and JJ McCarthy
both had in it haven't And it's honestly being here.
You know, Kirk was the quarterback when I first got
here in twenty twenty, and you know, one of the
when protected. I think Kirk is the top three most
accurate quarterback in the NFL. But when the play breaks down,
that's when the big question marks came of, like okay,
can Kirk extend to play? I know, Pa just talked

to the Arizona Cardinals box in the last segment. But
that Cardinals game where Kirk had that I think a
thirty yard touchdown run at US Bank Stadium where he
extended to play, It's like, if Kirk can do this
every play man, we could be that much better.

Speaker 6 (08:24):
It didn't hurt that Marcus Golden I think was the
guy trying to.

Speaker 4 (08:27):
Beat him to highlot.

Speaker 6 (08:30):
We looked like we said, bolt just taking that turn up.

Speaker 4 (08:33):
Oh, it was beautiful artwork from Kirk.

Speaker 5 (08:35):
But seeing that more often now with these two quarterbacks
in the mix, even Nick mollins, he can extend to
play if need be. But having that option now, ultimately
as a receiver, you just know you're always a valuable
weapon down the field. So I'm excited to see what
that looks like with with pads On, with the quarterbacks
we have now in.

Speaker 2 (08:52):
The system, with JJ McCarthy, you know, I think I
think it will be virtually impossible to analyze the exact
two where, when, and why of said rookie until he
gets x amount of plays with the first offensive line,
the first skill guys against the first defense and the
first defense for opponents, and practice after practice, game after game,

game after game. So it it's when when you're running
with the group that he consistently runs with, there are
challenges that the one will not face, and specifically when
pads go on.

Speaker 5 (09:30):
You know what I mean, yep, and when it comes to,
you know, building your confidence with the second team, Uh
that the level of maturity is lessened by that because
when you have those starters, your first offensive line going
in there, you know you're going to have two and
a half three seconds to get the ball off the
second team just usually on any team, you're not going

to have as much time. So the maturity, the level
of growth, we're going to see some some challenges, some adversity,
and I I think the reason why Kevin O'Connell has
JJ in this offense is because of what he did
at Michigan. He was only asked the ball, asked to
throw the ball on third down when pressure was in
his face. I believe he had the second highest completion

rate versus the blitz in college last year. So the
guy can make plays under pressure. So how that translate
with his second team ultimately with his first team, whenever
that time comes, It'll be interesting to see.

Speaker 2 (10:24):
Well, well months ago you and I chatted with the
same person at the same time about Walter Rowse and
Michael Jurgens and those are a couple of rookies, and
the person told us the same thing. With rals Rowse,
he rarely gets pushed back, that he's just a bulldog
with his approach, and he's very smart, and that they

happen to be quite high on him. Now with pads
going on today, again, that's that's going to change, amplify,
or eliminate opinions. Jurgons we were told will be a
starting center in the NFL one day, and that's not
going to be this year. But nevertheless, you know, they
they undoubtedly are quite high on him and and what
he's doing and and and McCarthy works with those two.

But again we're we're we're not talking about in pads.
You know this is and the preseason games are gonna
be big for those guys. I did I think JJ
plays a lot in the preseason, don't you?

Speaker 4 (11:19):
For sure?

Speaker 5 (11:19):
I think him and Sam play a lot. JJ plays
a little bit more, but I do think Sam has
to get a few reps at least in that first
preseason game. I don't know absolutely, I don't know if
joint well, joint practices are going to be enough. But
maybe after the Raiders game begins joint practices and he's done.
But JJ, he's going to get a majority of those reps.
He's I mean, he's gonna be thrown in the fire
at least by that third preseason game in Philly. I mean, JJ,

can you come out kickoff beginning of a game, commanding
offense and driving offense down the field with no type
of I guess fidgety in your in your wind up
or anything that that comes with that. So his poise
will be tested. I'm excited to see what this this
offseason looks like now that pad come on. Everything up
to this point it matters, but it really doesn't matter

right because football is played with pads on. So we're
going to see a live pass rush, We're going to
see pressure in his face. Can he make plays down
the field? And I'm excited to see what what it
looked like today.

Speaker 2 (12:15):
Adam Schefter just tweeted the Minnesota Vikings have made a
free agent signing. They have signed Dolphins and Giants free
agent defensive back Bobby McCain, reuniting Minnesota defensive coordinator Brian Flores.
Undoubtedly they were together in Miami. Also last week, I'm
sure you know this, the Vikings brought in the Duke.

Speaker 3 (12:38):
The Duke. The Duke is twenty nine running around the field.

Speaker 2 (12:43):
But to Bobby McCain, I got all his albums.

Speaker 4 (12:46):
He's he's with.

Speaker 2 (12:47):
The Minnesota Vikings as some corner back assurance.

Speaker 6 (12:51):
Yeah, and I do want to get back to that
because Shack Why am I losing shack Rick?

Speaker 4 (12:55):
Excuse me?

Speaker 6 (12:56):
There was an announcement that he suffered I guess it's
a soft tissue injury. Could have been worse, so that's
good news. But I do want to get back to
the quarterbacks. But I wanted to hit one last thing.
I felt like I was overthinking it about Sam Darnold.
It just made sense to me that Sam would take
snaps in the preseason under Kevin O'Connell. Oh yeah, and
we've covered this at length over the last the previous

two years. Is Kirk's the guy, right, so you're gonna
go some low impact, you know, thud in these joint practices.
He's gonna get his work done there and then its
lights out. Put him on ice. If Pete Persich was here,
but now with Sam. This is truly a completely unique situation, right, So,
whether it's the joint practices with Cleveland, but ultimately in
those three preseason games, even if it's a you know,

if we're playing the series by series game or a
quarter Sam.

Speaker 4 (13:44):
We got to get Sam out there, Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 5 (13:46):
And I really do believe that first preseason game against
the Las Vegas Raiders that that's going to play a
huge factor in this quarterback position battle is because after that,
now you have a full week of going against the
starters in Cleveland against that you know, very good defensive front.
You got Dalvin Tomlinson, Zadarius Smith. Oh did I mention
Miles Garrett. Iving got both of those quarterbacks in first team,

So there's going to be a lot of a lot
of reps for both of those guys. And I think
if Kevin O'Connell, if you know, if he's going through
this you know, full evaluation process, he definitely has to
consider playing Sam Darnold a lot in that first preseason
game because he hasn't really got a full look in
a couple of years now. So it want to be
interesting to see.

Speaker 2 (14:28):
Right And another thing, you know, and Kevin's generally really
good with this. Ye, what you're talking about is recognizing
there is one home preseason game. People actually pay money
to come to that game and they want to see
JJ McCarthy. So, I mean it's I don't know how
much JJ is going to play in that game, but
I mean the fans are are really paying because Justin

Jefferson ain't playing in that game. I'll be surprised if
Aaron Jones plays in that game. Harrison Smithing, So I
mean it's people.

Speaker 4 (14:55):
And Walthor Rouls is going to play in that game though.

Speaker 3 (14:57):
Right right?

Speaker 4 (14:58):
And people.

Speaker 2 (14:59):
So you know McCarthy if only because it's a home
game and you want to see reps with him, we
can go business first. We need to see reps. We
need to see him throwing to Lucky Jackson. We need
to see Nick Muse stroke the post on a dime
from JJ McCarthy, or that probably would be Robert Tunyan.
You know, I've seen Run with the twos and the

threes quite a bit so far with Hopkinson on the men,
but fans want to see JJ McCarthy, and I'll be
curious to see how much he plays twelve days from today.

Speaker 6 (15:28):
You know, speaking of wanting to see third receiver starting
to establish it itself. And so now kind of you
know from where we've gone to now where we are
going starting today. You mentioned you know, in Jay's right,
everyone looks like a Hall of Famer in shorts and
a T shirt. But now pads are going to go on.
So from your standpoint playing wide receiver at liberty, knowing
the position, well, you've been out there throwing and catching

passes at times as it is right here on these fields,
what are you looking for From a Jalen Naylor standpoint,
Let's go Wolf walk Ons with they or Thomas, just
all of these individuals as we try to answer that
question as to who replaces kJ Osbourne.

Speaker 5 (16:07):
I think right now, when you look at that wide
receiver three position without the pads on, Jalen Naylor is
your your guy that stands out the most. And back
together weekend this past Saturday, he had three touchdowns in
the end zone where they were just spectacular catches, right,
I mean, good route running, great finish, the swag at
the end, the celebration. He just looked to par when
you look at okay, if someone is going to replace

kJ Osbourne, Jalen Naylor is going to be that guy
now that the pads come on. It'll be interesting to
see what that looks like and what that transition will be.
What about Brandon Powell. Brandon Powell, you know he's going
to be a playmaker. He's a kick returner, punt returner.
I believe at the worst he will be wide receiver four. Right,
you just know when the ball is in his hands,
he's going to make a play.

Speaker 6 (16:48):
Well, you're starting to see the shoves, the and the
battles at the wine right the pads on.

Speaker 5 (16:52):
It is Brandon Powell, pr one, pr one punt returner one.
He was punt returner one last year, I believe, and I'm.

Speaker 2 (16:59):
Not Wednesday, Jordan Addison was catching a lot of punts.

Speaker 4 (17:05):
I mean if I would be surprised if Jordan atisay.

Speaker 2 (17:10):
Well not to clomp, but we we we really really
need to start honing in and just getting squared away
on this kick on this kickoff thing. I mean, that
sucker's changing every single day with with the stuff they're
throwing against the wall. And you know it's if Brandon
Powell were to return kicks in this situation, it would
not surprise me. Maybe they're getting Addison to handle the

trajectory of kicks and or punts because maybe they feel
he is a guy that can use back there canay
Wan will obviously he's on the roster, you know, But
but with Knay, I mean, he might be the fastest
guy out here when we're running a hundred, but when
it comes to you know, getting going and quick twitch
and making one or two guys miss in in very
very quick fashion, I'm curious to see how he handles this.

So it's uh this and I want to talk about
it around the corner because there was something that changed
today or changed over the weekend, and the New Orleans
Saints Special teams coordinator had something interesting to say about it.
I saw it via Kevin Seffert's Twitter feed. And we'll
do all that when we continue from Twin Cities Orthopedics
Performance Center you're listening to night to noon.

Speaker 1 (18:18):
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Slash Training.

Speaker 6 (19:17):
Welcome Back nine to noon on the perch here An Eagan,
Twin City's Orthopedics Performance Center nine to noon and Pa
rejoining us momentarily. Gabe Henderson, Vikings Entertainment Network is with us.
I did mention the last segment, but being out here
on Saturday with Saucy hearing when Kevin O'Connell says it's
a soft tissue and injury, Shack for Shack Griffin breath

of relief, maybe you bound and I guess you know,
we can get to that. But it's the it's the
distraction factors into the season. And I'm not minimizing tragedy
in that regard, but this team having to deal with
adversity right out of the gates, the death of Kyrie
Jackson and then you have a torn a cl from
a Kay Blackman just a week and change later, as

they're still trying to figure out how to deal with
the emotions surrounding their lost teammate and now Shaq you know,
during early on in practices as well, how do you
think the team overall as they get out here at camp.
I saw him on Saturday, a lot of energy, a
lot of excitement. But how do you feel that they've
dealt with that situation just in totality over the last
few weeks.

Speaker 5 (20:22):
I think I think this team has dealt with that
as best as it can, right Like you, you deal
with the death early on with the guy that was
arguably going to come in here and get some meaning
for reps. You draft him for a reason, and unfortunately
he passes away in an unfortunate car accident. Still still
just sat to think about that. And now you know,
the first practice, I believe it was the first practice. You're,

you know, getting over that, you're trying to see what
this new lik defense looks like. In middle of the practice,
mkay Blackman goes down and you could just feel the
win just gets sucked out of the team because you're like,
all right, well, we got to go to the next play,
but we know the cornerback position, there's a position battle there,
and that's a guy that's gonna hopefully make plays for
us this year. And fast forward three hours after that injury,

the news comes out of Makaia Blackman touring a cl
and ultimately that puts more pressure on this defensive back unit,
especially those young guys, the white mcglothrms of the world
who was on drafted free agent this year that was
on the borderline of, you know, getting some some meaningful reps.
Now his role increases now you signed Bobby McCain. Yeah,

it's ultimately going to factor when it comes to making
some tough decisions this offseason because you have to weigh everything.
But you know, the other thirty one teams don't feel
sorry for you. Yeah, they understand that unfortunate situations happened.
But we're going to test your defensive back unit to
see how good they are. And hopefully our past rush

can can marry up to our pass coverage because we're
gonna need that, especially though those first few games when
it comes to trying to find some depth at that
cornerback position.

Speaker 4 (21:57):
Go ahead, well on.

Speaker 6 (21:58):
One of my favorite parts abouts going on today is finally,
you know, we're sitting out here, I'm watching Dallas Turner.

Speaker 7 (22:03):
Okay, I get it.

Speaker 6 (22:04):
You know, it's just typical guy out of college that's
cut out of stone and he's super fast by the
way too. But now the pads are going to come
on and those sorts of things, And that's where I
was going with this, This dearth of just healthy bodies
in the secondary right now is you know, he's not
going to put it out publicly, but there's probably some
sweating in Flores's camp here as he's trying to figure out, Yeah,

we lost some names and Deneil and we know that
we can play that game in terms of who's out.
But I simultaneously feel that they got a little bit
deeper and maybe that if we're leveling out level of
talent across the board, I think that they actually should
be a deeper and better front seven than they were
a year ago. And that's ultimately the game then that
Flores is gonna have to play. Is that marriage of

coverage outside and just getting I mean, the trickiness as
good as it was in twenty twenty three, might just
have to be that much better, bringing in the Van
Ginkels and the Turners and even the Jerry t Let's
go to Cherry, but everybody included up front there.

Speaker 5 (23:03):
Yeah, And I think this this front seven, while you
think they while you said they got deeper, I believe
the wealth of talent just increase. Also, I mean, you
have a rookie who's going to be in the running
for defensive Rookie of the Year if he stays healthy,
he's probably coming off the bench. If Andrew Van Ginkle
is healthy, your third down pass rush, your run defense.
You're hoping I Hearson Phillips and Jonathan Buller can take

another step in their career. There are so many weapons
on that front seven that Brian Floores can lean on
and hopefully to the main point of.

Speaker 4 (23:34):
You hope that can alleviate.

Speaker 5 (23:36):
Some pressure on the corner back position, because if it doesn't,
you're going to be leaning on your your depth to
be able to come in and make some plays immediately.
Like I do believe Brian Murphy has made another step
in his game. He looks a lot more quicker, I
understands the game better. Second year in this Brian flore
as defense a Caleb Evan, we know from a physical
standpoint he has all the tools, it's just putting everything

else together with that. Now he has another year under
Brian Flores to do that. And Shaq Griffin when he
gets back healthy, we know he's been a proven starter
in this league. But now now that you have those injuries,
you just hope some of those young guys they make
the most of these reps. These the ton of reps
that they're going to get with both the first and
the second team doing training camp.

Speaker 3 (24:17):
Did you watch or are you watching Netflix Receiver?

Speaker 4 (24:21):
I watched it?

Speaker 2 (24:21):
Okay, well it One of the great things about it
that I enjoyed was was the humility and humble nature
of Justin Jefferson And you know that Philadelphia situation with
the pylon and you know how how bad he felt
about it, and then in the locker room and then
out of the locker room, and then on the boss
and then on the plane.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
You know, you just know Justin really cares.

Speaker 2 (24:41):
I thought that was a really cool behind the scenes
type look at a team on the other side of it.
One thing that continually frustrated me was when the when
when they would put together stuff with am and Ross
Saint Brown. Well, I mean, does the Caleb Evans have
to be on the wrong side of every single a'mon
Ross Saint Brown at you show on Netflix?

Speaker 3 (25:01):
Are you kidding me?

Speaker 2 (25:01):
I mean it was like a three, like like a
thirty I thought, all right, thirty seconds we got out
of it alive. You know, a Caleb got beat. He
was pointing at somebody else and it's a first down. Well,
then they went back to some more stuff. I'm like,
can we get twenty one out of the frame here?
I mean, this is just bad for business right here.
So that just kind of gave me a snapshot as
to how things finished with the Caleb. And you know

that that you know, we we I think it's fair
to remember that that was from Quasia Dolfo Mensa's first draft.
And and the measurables, the measurables matter, you know, but
a Caleb long, strong, long arms and speedy. So we
have you know, when when you are a stock trader
by trade, when when the stock world is is your

go to by trade and you're very good at it,
You're you're going to take what you can find at
the collegiate level and make it tangible from a progression
and or prognosticating standpoint to the highest level. And and
with that twenty twenty two draft, obviously there you know
there have been some problems. Okay, well twenty twenty three
got better than the free agency class this year, and

you can just tell that Quasi is morphine that he's
just he's changing on the fly. His self awareness is
really really high, and he you know, he brought collaboration
as it's a word, but he brought it in here
as a strong foundational type word for the culture within
this facility. And to execute that the right way, you

have to be authentic, which means when you make a mistake,
you have to say, my bad, here's what I did wrong,
and I'm going to correct him. So I'm not saying
that Caleb belongs or does not belong. I know why
he was drafted. It made sense why he was drafted.
Now it's up to a Caleb Evans with X amount
of reps on his resume to figure out how to
stay right.

Speaker 5 (26:44):
And he's going up against Justin Jefferson and Jordan Addison
every play, so he's getting the best probably two of
the top fifteen receivers JJ being first, but two of
the top fifteen receivers every single play in practice.

Speaker 4 (26:57):
So he has no choice but to get better. And
that's best case.

Speaker 5 (26:59):
In there if your Brian floor is because if you
lose a rep, look come back next play, learn from
your mistakes, and go from there. So I'm excited to
see his his you know, Resurgence in Year year number three.

Speaker 2 (27:10):
Form Gabe Gabe Henderson via Twitter, Vikings Entertainment Network. Before
we pause for the final segment, it's I've been meaning
to ask you this, and I know I think I
know the answer to it, but I want you to
put out there publicly because I thought it was really
cool that you started a football camp for kids, and
it was the inaugural year this year in your hometown

in Raleigh, right in Raleigh, North Carolina, and you and
I talked a lot about it up to it. I
know how proud you were to do it, So I'm
going to give you a fist bump right now.

Speaker 4 (27:42):
How did it go? It went? It went really well.

Speaker 5 (27:44):
Two days prior to the camp, it rained every day,
so leading up to the camp, everybody was like, I
got the text of like, hey, how are we feeling
about tomorrow?

Speaker 4 (27:52):
It did.

Speaker 5 (27:52):
It did not rain on camp day and we had
about sixty five kids sow up. Wow, volunteers came out.
Bucky Brooks from NFL Network included just a great day.
I think that the highlight of just seeing the kids' faces. Yeah,
like they were happy, they were smiling. We tried to
add some broadcasting in there. Like the ultimate goal of
what we want to do back home is provide opportunities

just not in the game of football, but outside of
the game. So we're slowly sneaking in broadcast techniques and
drills in between what we're teaching on the football field. So,
you know, it's my passion being able to give back
to not only my community, but just the community in general,
and just being exposed to resources like we have here
in Minnesota. I'm so blessed and thankful and ultimately hopefully,

you know, I can continue to change a kid's life
and hopefully find the next Gabe Henderson, right Like, my
goal is to continue to inspire the next you know,
person that wants to be on camera that that doesn't
look like the mainstream media.

Speaker 4 (28:48):
So yeah, day about day. I appreciate it. That's beautiful.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
Final segment, last question posed for Gabe Henderson if you
missed us some stuff earlier.

Speaker 3 (28:58):
Pads go on today.

Speaker 2 (28:59):
For the Minnesotas and then as we go in the
NFL world, today is a very big day for each
and every team around the league, and we'll see what
intrigues him when we return.

Speaker 3 (29:17):
The final segment nine to noon is provided by.

Speaker 4 (29:20):
Yeah, thank you so much.

Speaker 6 (29:21):
Cases, whether it's the wraps on the show or the
final segments of the show, cases food and fuel rewards,
or the elite pizza thin our original crust stop into
a Casey's today, Pa.

Speaker 2 (29:30):
With pads going on today, the interior, the offensive and
defensive lines and linebackers and tight end protection and running
back stuff like that. I mean that all pops up,
you know, where you really start to see who's getting
it at this equation and who isn't now from a
receiver or defensive back standpoint pads go on. What excites

you about receivers trying to get open stuff like that?

Speaker 4 (29:56):
Yeah, for a receiver is can you still get separation?

Speaker 5 (29:59):
Now? You know that these dbs are going to be
a little bit smarter when they're close to you, They're
going to be grabbing your shirt, they're gonna be grabbing
your pants, just the veteran moves of the game. Can
you still get separation and make plays and get up
and do it over again? There's so many different things
that you can't see with without the pads on. And
now the road man will come out to play, and

of course you know offensive defensive line pads are for
these guys. They finally we finally get to get a
look at what the defensive line will look like with
the offensive line trying to block and vice versus.

Speaker 4 (30:29):
I'm excited. Today is my favorite day of the year.

Speaker 2 (30:31):
So with with that scenario, do teams put players in
situations you know that you don't prefer to have during games?
In other words, Christian Darisov is one of the better
left tackles in the NFL. Dallas Turner is the favorite
to become defensive Rookie of the Year. And you know,
with the sacks and tackles for loss and where he

was drafted, you know he's ballyhooed. I mean, they're they're
counting on Dallas Turner. So outside of the one on ones,
like in eleven on eleven situations, will they put Dallas
in a spot to like go right at Christian. Yeah,
and let's see how you handle this this little duck
movie has with his left shoulder or the spin. Meanwhile,
let's see how Turner handles Darisol when he gets his

hands on him.

Speaker 5 (31:15):
For sure, I think it'll start in the one on ones.
They're gonna if you have Dallas Turner at you at
your left defensive end, you're gonna move him to the
right for the for the next rep against Christian Darisol.
They're gonna be plenty of opportunities for Dallas Turner to
get some reps with arguably the best left tackle in
the game. And how he fares, It'll be interesting to see.
But that's what I'm most excited about. We know Johnathan

Gernard is going to get some first team reps with
you know, Brian O'Neill and Christian Darisol, But what about
this rookie? How how good is he? How how does
he fare? How does he live up to the speed
of the game. I'm excited for you, Yeah.

Speaker 4 (31:46):
So am I.

Speaker 2 (31:47):
And the the one on one drills, uh now, the
the receivers in the corners. Those one on one drills
are cool, but you're reliant on somebody else to make
it work or play into it not working the quarterback
and then you put the weather into it, and it's
been windy here every single day this entire training camp. Now,
But when it's.

Speaker 3 (32:07):
The O line and D line or O line and
edge guys and.

Speaker 2 (32:11):
It's one on one, well, no that's that's the mono
amano right where if you get beat by a move,
you didn't know the move was coming, but you're not
supposed to get beat You're supposed to to scan the
person up right. And and you know, Christian's really really
good at protecting that part of the equation. And Turner's

moves are also really good. This is going to be nice.

Speaker 5 (32:34):
And and on top of that, something that a lot
of fans are starting to understand is that Dallas Turner
sometimes in pre like individual like workouts before you know,
the team goes to team, he works out with the
inside linebackers, and then when he starts practice, he's with.

Speaker 4 (32:49):
The outside linebackers.

Speaker 5 (32:50):
So one on ones today we might see some Dallas
Turner against Garrett Bradbers. I saw maybe some opportunities for
him to get some interior pass rush. Also, I saw that,
and I saw it somewhere else in the off season,
and it indicates to me, and I've said this nine
to noon, is is I believe he in certain situations
is your inside guy in Nickel and Dime on third down.

So you know, with three four defensive ends, if it's
a standard three four, you.

Speaker 2 (33:19):
Have Jonathan Bullard and and who else. I mean, it's
a battle. Well he's your nose, so but they rotate
their interchangeable Jerry Tillery, big opportunity for him to win
a spot. But when Flora starts mixing that thing up
and it's third and six or longer and you see
Dallas Turner with a hand in the grass or mugging

the a gap standing up, you have to account for that,
you know.

Speaker 3 (33:42):
So that's why I just felt that.

Speaker 2 (33:44):
Having him inside as a linebacker, I mean, yeah, sure
that may happen, but I think they're getting ready for
him to see what it looks like in situations for
when he he is a doubt is a lineman in
Nickel on third down?

Speaker 5 (34:00):
Interested to see how much micro Parsons film that Dallas
Turner watches, because that's what Micah does. In Dallas, he's inside,
he's outside, he's able to move around. And you have
ever you have your your Dexter La, not Dexter Lawrence,
but your their defensive ends of the world. I can't
think of the name off the top of my head
to be able to do the one on one battles,
so your elked pass rusher can get in so it'll

be exciting speaking of.

Speaker 7 (34:21):
The word elite.

Speaker 2 (34:22):
That's every bit you, your wife Julia, and your daughter Ella.
Thanks for stopping by, looking forward to seeing you pretty
much every day for the next.

Speaker 3 (34:28):
Six and a half months.

Speaker 2 (34:30):
Like last PC and you, Thank you, Ordo, thank you,
thank you Max Fuller, and most importantly, thank each.

Speaker 3 (34:36):
And every one of you for listening to nine to
Noon whenever you do.

Speaker 2 (34:39):
We're back at it tomorrow from the UH from the
six to five one Carpets plus Studios and I'm Paul Allen.

Speaker 7 (34:45):
Have a wonderful day.

Speaker 3 (35:04):
Two Game.

Speaker 1 (35:06):
Up, Gamey, Game.

Speaker 8 (35:11):
Game Podcast, Today's Paul Allen Show, or listen back to
previous show and interviews by going to the iHeartRadio app
or k f a N dot com. Sh
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