All Episodes

January 7, 2025 • 52 mins
Lavelle joins the show to discuss Vikings, Wolves, & much more.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:13):
Thing to say.

Speaker 2 (01:21):
Good morning and to welcome to twin Citi's Orthopedics Performance Center,
specifically the t CEO Radio studio, and welcome to nine
to Noon with yours truly, Paul Allen. The on site
producer is Eric Nordquist and Max Fuller Gods the Great
Ship Love Covenant from the six five to one carpets
plus studios at FM one hundred point three KFAM your

home for Minnesota Vikings football. The taping of X's and
O's Today, which is live nine to noon at eleven AM.
That takes place with Minnesota Vikings head coach Kevin O'Connell
the KOC Yeah you know we that'll be eleven o'clock
today during the nine to noon presentation And for Nordo
and I, that happens to be a favorite time of

the week, whether it's off a loss or off of victory.
And given it is a Tuesday with the head coach,
a talkback will be played for the head coach during
the course of the conversation and the best way to
leave us a talkback into the playoffs into the Rams
game for Kevin O'Connell would.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
Be Yes Free iHeartRadio app for those of you listening
on the iHeart app appreciate you for doing so. By
the way, find that microphone on the KFE and screen
as you're listening and you can record up to your
thirty seconds.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
Give us your.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
Best asking a coach into a postseason game off a
fourteen and three regular season? What are we looking forward
to with McVeigh and these rams? You got the questions,
I got the access to it. We're going to play
one of them during the eleven AM segment with the coach.

Speaker 2 (02:53):
You have a question about the quarterback, about Sam Darnold.
It's in play to get into the to get an
to the script or the set list for Kevin O'Connell.
The Sam Darnald portion of the equation for me takes
place relatively late in the conversation and it goes like this,
do you feel you have a hold on what played

into Donald's game at Detroit? Speaking of abnormalities? Because I'm
starting the conversation with Kevin with an abnormality being the
operative word, So your truly being a leader of a
common thread covenant like common threads. Right near the end,

do you feel you have a hold on what played
into Donald's game at Detroit? Speaking of abnormalities. So if
you have a you have a question about the quarterback's
performance and the anticipated, expected, needed, and or required bounce
back in a no tomorrow scenario absolutely in play, or

really anything else you have on your mind, they'll be
vetted out and we will play one.

Speaker 1 (04:02):
For head coach Kevin O'Connell.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
Now, this one against the Los Angeles Rams to a
certain extent, reminds me of the end of the two
thousand and four Minnesota Viking season when they got into
the playoffs at eight and eight. All right, Now, not
the season we got. You know, we got fourteen and
three and we got eight to eight, So not the season.

It's the circumstances and the operative common thread word here
would be bewilderment, is that there were bewildering factors to
things that played into the thirty one to nine to
close the two zero two four. Bewilderment with the quarterback's performance,
I think is a wonderful describer for what transpired at

ford Field, just under the cover of darkness and out
of nowhere on Sunday night.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
Now now Sunday night, not only.

Speaker 2 (04:58):
With the quarterback at ford Field led to bewilderment overall
with some abnormalities that transpired with our favorite football team.
Same as with the two thousand and four Minnesota Vikings
and a trip to Lambeau Field.

Speaker 1 (05:15):
Down memory Lane we go.

Speaker 2 (05:17):
Let's begin the Tuesday provided by Sue Cup and Sue
Cup dot Com with a skull story.

Speaker 1 (05:24):
All right, So here's the deal.

Speaker 2 (05:27):
At the end of the two thousand and four season,
the Minnesota Vikings needed to beat the then Washington Redskins
at FedEx Field in the final game of the season.
If you'll win that game, boom, you're in the dance.
That's it. Win the game, you're in the tournament, You're

in the postseason. It was a win and in win
and in win and in well, they lost and they
lost to FedEx Field. And and I think a lot
of Vikings fans will remember the circumstances that transpired within
the final minute and a half one day to be

Hof Randy Moss walked off the field before the game
was over and went to the locker room once again
before the conclusion of the game. So they're losing, it's
a winning in they're going to lose, and Hof walks
off the field.

Speaker 1 (06:25):
It's caught on camera.

Speaker 2 (06:27):
It's super negative after that game. It just I mean,
it's the pissed off Covenant was a ten to ten
because they were the better team and they lost, and
the most identifiable player with the team walked off the
field before the conclusion of the game, so the winning
in became no win. Now drank gin as you sweat

the final stages of a New Orleans Saints Carolina Panthers game,
and the Saints, of all teams, had to do. The
Minnesota Vikings a solid all right, and I'm gonna get
to the twenty year common threat I believe is transpiring
into this Rams game now the Saints. The Saints were

at Carolina, all right. They couldn't get into the postseason,
even though their record was right around the same as
the Vikings. They couldn't get in because Minnesota beat them
earlier that season, so they had to head went the
way of the Purple. The New Orleans Saints had nothing
for which to play in that game. Carolina had everything

for which to play in that game. Because if the
Vikings lose and Carolina wins, Minnesota's out of the postseason.
New Orleans it was flour to lose. They had nothing
to play for floor to lose was the trick. So
if the Vikings lose, which they did, and Carolina wins

at home, it's all over, Johnny, that's it. And you
got the identifier walking off the field and everybody's negative.
It's the Saints by three, very late in the game.
So the Minnesota game just ended. They lose. People are
wondering about the Moss situation. And there are about maybe
a minute and a half two minute warning left in

the Saints Carolina, So you leave the box box or
the players and coaches and everybody go to the locker
room and you're able to watch the final stages of
the Saints and the Carolina Panthers, and once again, Carolina
wins at home against a Saints team that had nothing
for which to play, and the whole thing is over.

So we got kind of a negative fan base here,
all right, with the Minnesota Vikings not taking shots at
the fan base. As I understand the bewilderment and the
consternation and or negativity that came with that situation. I
was living to two is you should have eaten Washington.
You didn't Moss. Moss got a little petulant and that
was a story the week up to the next one.

And of course Carolina, as a big favorite, is going
to win at home with Mussin Muhammad and Jake Dellom
and all those cats against a Saints team that everybody
fought wouldn't try. But it was the Saints by three,
very late in the game. So we're sweating that game
and watching it. Panthers kicker John Casey, I think it
was the last play of the game, down by three.

It was lines up for a kick, I believe from
sixty yards grey to.

Speaker 1 (09:28):
Midfield, sixty sixty. It was fifty six or sixty, it
was sixty.

Speaker 2 (09:33):
John Casey lines up for a kick to tie the
game and force overtime. And that's just going to extend
the negativity with everything that's happening. These Quinton Saints weren't
the Quinton Saints. Down memory lane we go. The kick
was blocked and the season was over for the Carolina Panthers.

The Minnesota Vikings backed into the postseason with zero fan fervor,
zero fan fervor, you're eight and eight. The identifier acted
like a child, And now everybody's going to talk about
that for the for the course of a week and
you're now going to lambeau Field to play a Green

Bay Packers team that beat you twice in the regular season,
did so each time by the same score of thirty
four to thirty one. Ryan Longwell walked off on the
Minnesota Vikings twice that season, including once in the middle
of the afternoon on Christmas Eve at the Metrodome, and

it was just completely negative because everything was on the
grind at that stage of the season. Now, because Casey's
kick is blocked by a team everybody thought was the
Quintin Saints. Vikings lose back in.

Speaker 1 (10:55):
Bee Bee Bee bee Beep.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
The fan fervor was a one of ten into the
lambeau game. It was a one of ten, all right,
fan fervor off the Lions game into the Rams game
has a little one or two of ten to it,
wouldn't you say.

Speaker 3 (11:14):
I'd say in some ways, in particular with the quarterback,
and that's going to be whether it's talkbacks for the coach,
your conversation with the coach, and the way that we
frame this thing up. I think that the fan fervor
is very muted right now. Fourteen wins. Everything's good, so
much on the line, and then you see what you
see on Sunday night.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
People are tepid right now.

Speaker 3 (11:34):
They're certainly apprehensive in relation to that result. With so
far and in McVeigh, Looming, I can see some parallels
there certainly.

Speaker 2 (11:43):
So the Vikings now go to lambeau Field, all right,
they weren't supposed to be there. They're eight point underdogs
to a team that beat them twice. From a fan
fervor standpoint, it was a one of ten. The team
rolls up to the team hotel in Appon, Wisconsin, and
at that stage I had been to that hotel or

lambeau Field, I think four times, three or four times,
and so I knew what it looked like and what
it felt like when the Vikings and Packers were playing
in Appleton, I know, and was part of what it
felt like Sunday night when the nineteen hundred tickets were
purchased and those who already had purchased tickets for the
Life Changer were there, it was a high level of excitement.

It was not necessarily you know, we're one hundred percent
gonna win.

Speaker 1 (12:35):
We know.

Speaker 2 (12:36):
Everybody knew the Vikings were in the playoffs, regardless of
what happened on Sunday night, but the magnification of that
situation on Monday night was big, and the proverbial balloon
was popped. And the fan base is amazingly negative right
now over the way things developed. And ain't nobody mad

at you for being negative bewilderment. We were bewildered too
over some abnormalities that transpired from that Sunday night game
at Ford Field. So there's the parallel and the common
threat because when we arrived in Appleton before that playoff
game against the Green Bay Packers, absolute ghosts down. I

mean as there might as well have been tumbleweeds blowing
through the streets. That the situation at FedEx Field and
the winning in going the wrong way and the Vikings
backing into the postseason.

Speaker 1 (13:31):
There was nobody at lambeau Field.

Speaker 2 (13:33):
There were a very few amount of Vikings fans who
are like, all right.

Speaker 1 (13:38):
Well here we are, it's close.

Speaker 2 (13:39):
We're going to purchase tickets and there will be thousands
of Vikings fans at lambeau Field, which we've seen myriad times,
including for the playoffs. They were too dejected, they were
too bewildered. The team hotel Crickets, I mean, bleep talking.
Green Bay fans did not even come down to flip

you off, cuss you out and tell you that you
have no chance because you just lost to our favorite
team two times in the regular season, including within the
last couple of weeks on Christmas Eve, Crickets into that game.
Green Bay off those two victories and walk off winners

by Ryan Longwell. Of course, had Brett Farvick quarterback, and
they had won the division and liked the Rams. The
Packers didn't have the greatest record, and not a lot
of people thought there since to go to the super.

Speaker 1 (14:32):
Bowl, kind of like the Rams.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
But the bewilderment and dejection and what had just recently
happened to the Vikings to Vikings fans favorite team kept
them and kept Packers fans away, So the thing went
under the radar a little bit, kind of like Monday
night at SOFI against the La Rams. Vikings couldn't win
the game, everybody bought and then they played it, and
then the boom, and then they played the game. Third

play of the game down memory later we go. Third
play the game, middle linebacker Chris Claiborne blitzes between the
center and the guard. In the business, we call it
the a gap. Farv didn't see it coming. He hit
Brett Favre so hard and drove him down. It changed

hof for the entire game.

Speaker 1 (15:20):
He threw four picks in that game, didn't he.

Speaker 2 (15:22):
Yeah, I don't know how many Chaves and Brian Russell had,
but it feels like they each had two. I mean
he was throwing it to the other team every other
play in a game the Vikings couldn't win. There's dejection
and bewilderment. People don't know what to think. And Claiborne
on that sack changed the whole thing. The Vikings would
go on to win that game. Williams had a long
touchdown on a swing pass from Culpepper.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
That was the Moss game.

Speaker 2 (15:47):
Playing on one ankle man he had a high ankle
Sprain put a double move on Al Harris, scored a touchdown,
went by the stanchion and did the mooning bit. And
that's when Joe Buck was like, well, I never that's disgusting.

Speaker 3 (16:00):
Seventeen nothing lead the Vikings had midway through the first quarter.
Get it, cam Antwine winfield early pick. Can you get
into the second quarter here, wilderment. Brian Russell picks him off. Okay,
let's chance, second.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
Half, eight point dogs, Ralph Brown, no fans going to.

Speaker 1 (16:17):
The game, Ralph Brown with a pick.

Speaker 2 (16:19):
I'm not paying a dollar off what I just saw
at Ford Field.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
And then with about five and a half minutes left.

Speaker 2 (16:24):
See would I fly to LA It's on Monday night.
I gotta work on Tuesday.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
It's already twenty four to ten.

Speaker 3 (16:30):
Brian Williams picks Farv off for the fourth time, and
the Vikings find their way to the end zone.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
This is looking good.

Speaker 2 (16:38):
That's gonna happen Monday night, through the darkness of beat down, Bewilderment.
I believe Minnesota will do the same thing to start
the postseason. I'm not saying. I'm saying, same fishball under
a different rock. So it may not be Grenard driving
Stafford into the ground on the third play of the

game and then Stafford throwing four picks to a bunch
of different guys. I'm just saying. And the Rams are beatable.
Of course, the Rams are beatable. The Lions were beatable
the other night, the Vikings. The Vikings can beat anybody
in the National Football League. When the quarterback plays the
right way and they're squared away off what we've seen

all season.

Speaker 1 (17:22):
I I'm writing a vibe of.

Speaker 2 (17:25):
Discernment into this game off the skull story and the
feeling I remember from four with the Crickets and Appleton. Yep,
nobody gives them much of a chance because of what
they just saw. They're going on the road to play
an hof quarterback. Stafford will be a Hall of Famer.
They're going on the road to play a quarterback who

had won a Super Bowl. Matthew Staffords won a Super Bowl.
And the dejection and bewilderment of the abnormalities that transpired
on Sunday night means there will be it's blowing down Manchester.
When it comes to Vikings fans, it's so far because
it's a Monday night, because they're dejected because flight prices, Seriously,

with this this price gouging with these these prices on
flights for some of these air carriers is ridiculous. Its seriously,
it should be larceny. But nevertheless, flight prices the whole
clip to it. Yeah, same thing with the Lambeau game,
the whole clip to it. But the dejection off what
they just saw is going to keep a lot of
people away, and then they're going to play the game

and they're all going to be back on the bandwagon
into the Divisional round game against the Detroit Lions, and
we will deal with that replay of dejection from this moat.
We'll deal with that when when, when that comes to us. Yes,
but I truly believe what transpired twenty years ago is
going to transpire in this Rams game. And the Vikings

team and the quarterback that we saw Sunday, the Vikings
team that everybody saw at FedEx Field lose to an
awful Washington team with the identified most identifiable player walking
off the field before the game's over. That's how negative
he was. He had no idea what the score of
the Saints Panthers was. The Saints were massive favorites on

the road. Excuse me, the Panthers were massive favorites at home.
Because the Saints had nothing for which to play. The
Panthers couldn't lose, and then they lost. The Vikings weren't
supposed to be there, but they were. They have no chance.
They were just beaten by this team twice. Then they
played the game. You feel me, I'm feeling you right now.

I'm getting excited on it.

Speaker 1 (19:40):
Tuesday. This is the turn the page moment.

Speaker 3 (19:43):
I can see the parallels there, and that's going to
be whether the fervor is at a two as it
is maybe today, or whether at two it's at a
two on Monday.

Speaker 1 (19:54):
Uh huh. None of that's going to matter.

Speaker 3 (19:57):
If the quarterbacks back on his block and the coaches
already it's McVeigh two point.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
Zero and the ability to go win in a.

Speaker 3 (20:06):
Not exactly hostile home field advantage environment right on Tuesday morning,
You're going to be here short sleep. I'm going to
be here short sleep, and we're going to be turning
the page to the kiddies in the divisional round.

Speaker 1 (20:21):
I love how that can line.

Speaker 2 (20:22):
Up smack Stafford like Claiborne and farv Open, a lead
like Culpepper, Moe Williams, Darnold and Addison or whomever. And
that's the vibe and I'm sticking with it all the
way up to the game on Monday. Welcome to nine
to Noon from a Twin Cities Orthopedics Performance Center. Thanks
to timber Tech and timber tech dot Com. What's on

deck nine to noon includes US Star Tribune columnist Lavelle Neal,
iid he'll be joining us around the corner courtesy of
Alleries in Saint Paul. He's followed by Cohort and Fellows
scribe Ben Gesling courtesy of Standard Heating and Air, and
then Kevin O'Connell joins nine to noon at eleven o'clock
of The presentation on Tuesdays is provided by Sue Cup

Band suit Cup dot Com. Nordo is on site with
yours truly, Paul Allen, Maxwell Fuller. God's the great ship
Love Covenant and we're back after this.

Speaker 1 (22:01):
I'm going on there.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
Lavelle Neil, the third columnist for the Star Tribune. Courtesy
of Allery's Bar and Barbecue, home of free parking and
Wild Shuttles.

Speaker 1 (22:11):
Hello, good morning. Good morning.

Speaker 4 (22:12):
Was like I said, I was writing for a schedule
to write for tomorrow's paper, so I was kind of
writing my column on my head when I started driving,
and I was literally driving toward the Star Tribune office
and I got the ninety four and I said, wait
a minute, I'm going the wrong way. I had to
turnaround and I tail it over here.

Speaker 1 (22:28):
That's are you a dictator?

Speaker 3 (22:30):
You mean you would vocalize you know speech to text?

Speaker 1 (22:34):
Yeah, are you icon plastic?

Speaker 4 (22:36):
No, I wouldn't say that speech to text. I hope
not the speech, but not speech to text.

Speaker 1 (22:41):
Okay, I'm just curious.

Speaker 3 (22:44):
I'm just curious how that works because as a non writer,
you know, I'll write bullet points down that sparks something
in my head, so I can fill a segment for
instance too. But if I'm in the car and I
have ideas, I know people will record, You'll record pressers
or interviews that you do. How much can you do
to simplify your life from a physically speaking the column

into existence and just having a computer program write it
out for me.

Speaker 2 (23:09):
Yeah, that's step number one to AI costing you your
job exactly.

Speaker 4 (23:12):
You brought that that's the lasting of sports where I
wasn't even considered that the Actually there is a program
out there called sports writer.

Speaker 1 (23:19):
Way, if you put in some basic facts, it could
turn out.

Speaker 3 (23:21):
I No, I'm talking about you physically, just just instead
of typing it out. There are these programs that have
been around for twenty years and speech to text. That's
all I was asking. Oh, I didn't mean to make it. No,
I'm not trying to take your job. Well, I have
those phones. They talked about AI articles and things and
how freaking awful they are.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
I've got hotter on my phone. Okay, that's all. I
was curious, yeah, I said.

Speaker 4 (23:43):
I mean I have had some thoughts I want to
verbalize and didn't have a promotive but I could actually
do that.

Speaker 2 (23:47):
You know, Sports Illustrated Magazine immortality was something for which
I still pay and I still get Sports Illustrated mailed
to my house for the bikini issue. It's no, it's
probably it's probably thirty five years for me for some reason,
even though I don't I don't look at it necessarily
all the time. I just I just like having Sports
Illustrated and saving them because like I've looked back through

boxes of Sports illustrateds I have from the seventies and eighties.
I mean, I got Pete Rose winning the MVP on
the cover. I got the Herschel Walker trade. I don't
know what they're worth, but I mean I have some
immortality related Sports Illustrated history.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
Really, this is like forty year old virgin keeping his toye.

Speaker 2 (24:26):
But I but I think Sports Illustrated off AI generated
articles where they got in some trouble with that right, Yeah,
a lot of trouble, right, Okay, I think they're reeling.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
And here's why.

Speaker 2 (24:36):
Because my subscription for Sports Illustrated ends at the end
of each year.

Speaker 4 (24:41):

Speaker 1 (24:42):
And even though they do have the back.

Speaker 2 (24:45):
Door scam of it's going to re up unless you
tell it not to reup, you know, everybody remembers that, right,
but they always send an actual physical reminder where you
have an option here you can either or pay for
it online and it automatically reups, or you can send
in a check for this deal. Well, here's the Sports

Illustrated digital online and the physical copy of the magazine.
Deal that I got in the mail yesterday. You can
get two years, okay of the magazine and the digital
for thirty dollars where it's normally one twenty something. Wow,
it's like normally one twenty something for a year. Now
it's like, no, it's not one twenty.

Speaker 1 (25:28):
For a year.

Speaker 2 (25:29):
It's it's forty for a year. I think thirty for
two years if you sign up right now. So I'm
not sure this sucker is about ready to go out
of business and they're trying to recoup some cash.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
Well, you see that type of sale that it was
a red flag. Well that's no different.

Speaker 3 (25:44):
Than in the nineties when and I hate to admit this,
so I hope none of the music labels are listening.

Speaker 1 (25:50):
You subscribe to Swank.

Speaker 3 (25:51):
You get the you get these, you get the magazine,
you get the BMG or the Columbia house Fit where
you get six CDs for you buck.

Speaker 2 (26:00):
Yeah, as well like Britannica with the Encyclopedias and then
you have.

Speaker 3 (26:04):
To buy then you have to buy two full price
CDs over the next year. Well maybe let's just say,
like eight year old Nordo signed up for the the
six CDs for a buck thing. Maybe just didn't come
through on the two full price CDs bit and my
mom was getting calls.

Speaker 1 (26:22):
But I mean, I I they've always had those deals,
magazine subscription.

Speaker 3 (26:26):
Suddenly it's it's Highlights, and it's you know, for me
as a kid, some of that stuff at a super
low price.

Speaker 1 (26:32):
Maybe maybe Eric.

Speaker 3 (26:33):
Signed up for some things as a child, but times
change those things, haven't.

Speaker 1 (26:37):
Can you change your name as sign up twice? No,
I've never did that.

Speaker 2 (26:41):
But for name branding and or magazine immortality.

Speaker 1 (26:46):
Yep, s I all right, SI.

Speaker 2 (26:48):
Steve Rushing at the back Rick O'Reilly lets everybody started
reading Sports Illustrated with the back page, not the back page,
but the last page in the magazine. Steve rush And wrote,
like Aaron Space was it Rick Riley who rank to
Ford might have had the back page for a little
bit le Mopville, Right, Okay, So it's immortality, man. I mean,

when you're taking something that's one twenty and you're giving
it away for thirty dollars for two years plus your
digital online bit if you set up an account, they're
really off that AI thing, and and and and what
triggered me with that is just, uh, simply the fact
that I can't exactly remember what triggered me.

Speaker 3 (27:30):
Well, we were with the AI articles, what we were
talking about. I can't remember whether it was you or
maybe it was guess it was somebody.

Speaker 1 (27:36):
I think it was you.

Speaker 3 (27:37):
As a matter of fact, though you look at these
AI generated articles and it would say, you know, preview
of the game.

Speaker 1 (27:42):
Maybe it was Russo in fact.

Speaker 3 (27:44):
It was Matt BOLDI has scored goals in his previous
ten games.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
That's what that was.

Speaker 3 (27:49):
That's artificial intelligence previewing an NHL game for you, Carell Caprice,
he scored goal well, he's missed a couple of games
he hasn't scored.

Speaker 4 (27:59):
If you go on Google and a search, now you
get an AI. The first thing is AI generated response.

Speaker 3 (28:04):
And you gotta watch for that too, because they aggregate
information that is not necessarily congruent.

Speaker 2 (28:09):
Yes, was was Sunday special for you? Snapping that losing
scheme to Green Bay and good morning?

Speaker 1 (28:16):

Speaker 4 (28:17):
We we decided that it was worth having the Bear
fall in the draft order a couple spots uh in
exchange for a victory over the Packers and then an
eleven game losing streak to the hated Green and Gold.
So yes, we partied it up at Allery's. It was
a great time, and we walked over to camp and
claimed the trophy because there's a traveling trophy that between
the two bars. Wow, you walked over to war Camp.

Oh wow, that's a bar. That's a place right next
to the Keys Cafe off Robert Street.

Speaker 1 (28:43):
Got it? Got it.

Speaker 4 (28:44):
Unfortunately, here's the thing, and I told my friends we're
gonna get in trouble for this. So we walk in
to get the trophy. We agreed to sing the Bears
fight song as we entered in, so we're going so
we headed we headed to get the trophy, and then
we realized that some some slappy at the bar had
turned down the Bears still still sucks song. Okay, So

now a couple of us in the group weren't happy
about that. So as we're walking out of the bar
with the trophy, a few people started the f the
packers chant. So now we're walking out going f the
packers the packers, and I told on the text, I said,
that's gonna come back to bite us in the button man,
and we need to be respectful and act above it all, exact.

Speaker 1 (29:26):
The way we want to be treated, you know.

Speaker 4 (29:28):
So we should be doing that, but it happened, so
U but the trophy is now sitting in the legend
out good.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
What do you think of the reports of the head
coaching candidates who are set to be interviewed by the
Chicago Bears, because one of them is I believe a
direct link from Kevin Warren when he was here with
the Minnesota Vikings being very impressed with then wide receivers
coach Drew Petsing, who went on to become offensive coordinator

for the Cardinals, and he's from this. I mean, if
Stefansk he's a tree, he's a limb. So when I
saw Petsing's name pop up in this thing, I believe
it's a off the work Petsing has done to earn
the right. But be Kevin Warren going to somebody. I
know this guy he's unbelievably smart, which he is, and
let's consider him well.

Speaker 4 (30:17):
I think when you do these search it you want
to cast a white net, because this is not what
happened the last time. Ryan Poles was hired. Three days
later he hires man even foods. I hate that process.
He just in three days he has this guy. I'm like, really,
did you really have your guy after three days?

Speaker 1 (30:30):
You know?

Speaker 4 (30:31):
So I like being as thorough as possible, throwing at
me as bringing as many people as possible. Apparently they
were interested in talking to Mike McCarthy, which I'm fine with.
I don't even bringing in Pete Carroll. Why are you
fine with him talking with Mike McCarthy, Because he's got experience,
he's won a Super Bowl, he's done something right in
his career, you know. And here's the thing to me,
like even even bringing up Pete Carroll, I have a

conversation with him, there may be some things that come
up during that conversation that helps you with the rest
of your search. So you tap to the brains of
these experienced minds to see if there's a fit or
it may lead you lead you down the path of
funding the right person after that. So I'm fine with
the dream Petson connection. You know, Ryan Poles and Brian
Flores played at Boston College together, you know, and they

want to talk to floor. So you start as broad
as possible and narrow it down as you go.

Speaker 2 (31:20):
Now, now they're also you know, or reports coming out
of Detroit. It's starting where Ben Johnson is basically there.
I don't know Ben saying it, but they're kind of like,
you know, don't be surprised if he's with the Lions
Covenant next year moving forward as offensive coordinator and does
not take a head coaching job, which which plays into

you know, and I don't go with this like loudly
because the source is good, but I mean, it involves
somebody's personality and I'm not there to see it firsthand.
So therefore I don't like to be the one to
throw that tomato can from the third deck. However, now
that this has happened for a third consecutive year where
I'm not sure Ben Johnson's going to take a head
coaching job. And he's the most coveted of all of them.

Ben's a genius. Ben's brilliant. Ben organizes offense and catches
you off guard as well as anybody in the last
twenty years of football. When it comes to being the
centerpiece of an organization and getting in front of the
entire covenant and galvanizing the entire covenant, I did. I've

never you know, I've watched some of his press conferences,
but I've never liked seen him in front of people
and how he handles meeting rooms and stuff like that.

Speaker 1 (32:29):
But that they're these jobs are hard to get, ma'am.

Speaker 2 (32:33):
And if if the Chicago Bears, with Caleb Williams and
with that market and that money, if they want you
and you don't take it, then then I'm wondering, truly
how deeply Ben Jonson wants to be a head coach
in the National Football League and what he what's what
fear he has with what like, what's holding him back?
What's scaring him from taking that leap? Because nine point

six out of ten times opportunity like this, they take
the first lead. Look, they take the first one, you know,
like Stefanski went to Cleveland with Baker. Now, Baker was
different then than he is now. But Kevin knew what
he was getting into. But he took it, you know,
because they're hard to get man. You know what I'm saying,
What a bad deal for Kevin.

Speaker 4 (33:16):
By the way, and think about the Johnson You keep
hearing different things with Johnson. You know, Okay, Jacksonville may
be at more attractive place than Chicago.

Speaker 1 (33:25):
During the season.

Speaker 4 (33:26):
My buddy Clarence Hill Junior, who I work with the
Kansas City and covers the Cowboys, he was in a
podcast claiming that Ben Johnson wants fifteen million dollars a year.
You know, so now Andy remakes twelve. Why would you
all of a sudden you get him. Yeh You walk
in through the door watching fifteen million, and then you
hear about, well, Ben Johnson only is going to interview
with teams where he really wants to go and will
accept the offer. I sakay, what the hell does that mean?

You know, so these weird stories are coming out with
Ben Johnson. I'm trying to for what's bs, what's real,
what's being flowed by.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
His agent and what's going on with all this?

Speaker 3 (33:57):
Yeah, well, the one thing I'm curious about, and maybe
this isn't just Ben Johnson, but the specific situation, I
would actually liken it to Brian Flores as well as
he potentially might go out and seek his second head
coaching opportunity. Is there any part of these guys when
you think about how the quarterback and certain things could

dictate your tenure as a head coach where there are
so many variables now where coaches you're getting two three
years with an opportunity. The Giant's actually showing more loyalty
to Dable than I thought they would. I thought he
was done. But the idea that, man, if I'm Ben Johnson,
I'm onto something here where we're potentially in the race
for the ring for the next half decade and I

can make over. You know, I'm not on the salary cap.
I can make two and a half million dollars a year,
or I can be put in a spot where I'm
going to a franchise that has had historical issues in
Chicago and a talented rookie qb Off the first year.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
Now he'll be in a second year.

Speaker 3 (34:59):
I can go to New England, who just gave Gerrod Mayo,
who probably shouldn't have gotten his first year, but they
gave him a one and done opportunity. With Robert Kraft's crew.
Drake may talented. I kind of think he did too.
I don't think he got a fair shake up there.
But so so with that said, I can go and
try to completely I'm following a legend, and Bill Belichick
as well, by the way, and then I mean the Saints,

come on, Ben Johnson, I mean Spencer Ratler.

Speaker 1 (35:22):
If you watched that mess, that's awful.

Speaker 3 (35:24):
So if I'm Ben Johnson and I'm thinking, and maybe
it's new Age, it's comfort, it's stability. Maybe they're security
in the idea. Yeah, I can go get six or
seven and if I instantly have great success, then I
can get some fat cash and an extension. Or I'm
gonna sit up here with Dan Campbell. I'm gonna call
elite offense, make two million bucks a year and raise

my family in Detroit.

Speaker 4 (35:48):
That's true, but if you're a head coach, it doesn't
work out, and then you're getting you're not getting fifteen,
but you're maybe getting five or six a year and
you're making double triple, which.

Speaker 1 (35:57):
You will make it as an assistant. And if you
get can you still get But yeah, is there any
aspect to too? I mean, but if you.

Speaker 2 (36:03):
Get canned, you will be the most sought after offensive
coordinator on the market in the last twenty years, right,
you know. So there's something with Johnson? I see, And
what what Nordo just said? With Johnson the first two years,
he's like, no, I'm good, Okay, yeah, I agree, And
they ran for the Super Bowl last year and had
a great chance to get there, got be late by

San Francisco, didn't get there.

Speaker 1 (36:26):
They might get there this year.

Speaker 2 (36:28):
But if he turns everything down after this year, I
just think there's more to it that either either he's
being sought after. So I don't think it's other people
being like, well, you know, we know some things, you
know that we just don't want to.

Speaker 1 (36:43):
I don't think it's that.

Speaker 2 (36:44):
I don't know what it is, but these for if
he turns down an opportunity three consecutive years, there's more
to the story.

Speaker 4 (36:51):
Another thing too, about Ben there was another report I've
been I've been monitoring.

Speaker 1 (36:54):
This last thing throws tantrums.

Speaker 4 (36:56):
No, that is h former front office person with the
line is now an assistant GM with the commanders, and
that he might want that guy to be his GM.
Yeah if he comes to Chicago, which puts Ryan Poles
in the crosshairs. So all these different Ben Johnson angels
have been popping out here.

Speaker 2 (37:13):
Yeah, but just look at the way this thing's building
up off the reports. Oh what he wants fifteen Oh
what he has to handpick the GM? Oh what he
gets complete control over personnel? You see what I'm saying. Okay,
you run the stumble bumb and nobody's seen it, and
you did it to perfection. That does not mean you
can run an entire organization when it comes to personnel

and hand picking people at fifteen million a year, And
that's hitting me.

Speaker 3 (37:40):
That's why I think maybe there's some self awareness here
where you're putting out these and if these are rumors,
you know agents are playing playing their part in this too.
Maybe set the bar so unbelievably high where if somebody
actually calls your bluff, okay, let's ride.

Speaker 1 (37:55):
Yeah, But otherwise, oh, it didn't work out.

Speaker 3 (37:58):
I guess I'm just going to keep making these elite
offenses with a super young group and a pretty nice
runway moving forward.

Speaker 4 (38:06):
And like you pointed out, being able to lead an
entire locker room, not just a quarterback room or a
Laura School position room. And two, I got to know
who are you gonna bring in for assistance? Who are
going to be who's going to be on your coaching staff?

Speaker 1 (38:18):
Gave me some names.

Speaker 4 (38:19):
What connections do you have in the league that gives
me confidence you can put together a rockstar coaching staff.

Speaker 2 (38:25):
Mm Anthony Edwards gave us a memory last night. We'll
discuss that and more with a Lavelli Neil, the third
columnist for the Star Tribume. He's a quarter century member
of the Covenant, now sponsored by Allery's Bar and Barbecue,
home of free parking and wild shuttles.

Speaker 1 (38:41):
This is nine to noon. Gave us a memory last night.

Speaker 2 (39:16):
Boys walked off on the La Clippers, snapped a little
losing streak there, and welcome back to nine to noon.
How about the weekend for yours truoling at Little Caesar's
Arena Saturday night for Wolves Pistons. I mean, what Edwards
has fifty three and they lose by twenty kind of
like that and.

Speaker 1 (39:34):
Didn't you have I mean part of that fifty three too.

Speaker 3 (39:37):
I saw some snarky related responses to that that it
was it was fifty three and I think at one
point he had.

Speaker 1 (39:45):
Thirty and like one assist. Yeah, And so you were
at the game, you felt the vibe.

Speaker 3 (39:49):
We didn't really talk about it yesterday, but it did
kind of feel like that just watching it go through
where Edwards was going to get his There was no
je and Ivy in the mix. But it's but for
some reason and something wasn't clicking. I thought it was
kind of an ugly game.

Speaker 2 (40:02):
Would you think, well, Julius Randall should not have suited
it up. I mean, that's about the only way to
put it. He should not have suited it up in
that game. And really that comes with no due respect,
because I'm tired of saying with all due respect involving
his game, and I'm talking about lack of effort on defense,
lack of getting back when Kate Cunningham and Tim Hardaway
Junior and Malik Beasley are streaking down the court, Kate

Cunningham's the bomb. Seeing him live was a privilege, Holy cow.
I mean, I've seen him play before when he's ten
to ten healthy, he is a problem for the NBA.
Kate Cunningham is sweet. Malik Beasley and Tim Hardaway Junior,
they've seen their better days. Man, so is Isaiah Stuart.
And those are the players that were beating the Wolves
and beating them repeatedly. And like Randall was out to

lunch man, he'd beat somebody up the dribble, he'd be
right under the basket, there's a layup, you know, and
then kick it out in the corner to Conley. All right,
so you're chasing seventeen points, yeah, you need threes. And
then Conley's short arms and it hits a front rim.
He front rims it, and it's a brick and it
goes the other way and they get a dunk. So
it was like an evening like that. So now we

fast forward to last night and and and Conley's got
some basketball immortality to him. He's you know, he's a
consummate gentleman. He's on a wonderful career. He gets benched
and they start Dante DiVincenzo and they win a game.
And and it's interesting that they did that because when
Devincenzo was struggling to a certain extent early in the season.
Off off all the examples we got about his highlight

moments with the Knicks, well, well those high point moments
with the Knicks involved Jalen Brunson or somebody being hurt
and Devincenzo starting, and and so, you know, like i'd
bring up to Chris, you know, not everybody that not
not everybody's comfortable coming off the bench and starting or
starting something like Jordan Clarkson, Lou Williams, Michael Cooper, Ry

DIMWITTI who who started before back in the day with
the Lakers, Michael Cooper when he started, he wasn't the
same as six Man of the Year who came off
the bench, Kevin, Bennie Johnson, Bennie Johnson, pistons, Adrian Dantley
off the bench, thank you and so on. So dee
Vincenzo gets into the lineup, didn't shoot that great, but
he had a bunch of boards and he had more

pop to him than some of these games I've seen
this year.

Speaker 1 (42:21):
But they were able to win. Last night. Aunt walked off.
I felt good for Aunt, ma'am.

Speaker 2 (42:26):
He walked off with that long three and he was
yelling at the crowd and everything, just feeling good about
the whole thing.

Speaker 1 (42:31):
So they needed that. Two things.

Speaker 4 (42:33):
First of all, did you holler at Chauncey Bullets when
you saw him at the end?

Speaker 1 (42:37):
No? JB. Bickerstaff coaches the Pistons. I want to.

Speaker 2 (42:40):
I wanted to say how to JB. Bickerstaff, but I couldn't.
I couldn't get backstage.

Speaker 1 (42:44):

Speaker 4 (42:44):
Two, Jullis Randall's games, he's it's irking me. I don't
want to say I'm totally pissed off or angry or mad.
But one, I don't know why he's not rebounding the
way he did last year with the Knicks.

Speaker 1 (42:54):
Two. Defensively, he doesn't move his feet. He just doesn't.

Speaker 4 (42:57):
There's something there where he just can't keep puppet dudes.
And I was like, how come this is a problem
with the Wolves. I don't remember him being this much
of a liability on defense with the Knicks, but it's
been the issue here and that that's bugging me about
his game. I'm glad they won with Defencenzo started. I
feel bad for Mike College, but he's gone off to
a terrible start. He's not he's shooting like what thirty

is it up to thirty five? Yeah, he's he is
like thirty two percent in the first month. He aged
ten years over the summer. Yeah, there's no doubt.

Speaker 1 (43:26):
So I don't get that.

Speaker 4 (43:27):
And I'm also putting some of this on Finchy too,
because I think some of these adjustments seed to come quicker.
And he, as I demanded earlier in the year, you
got used the hammer, and the hammer is the bench.
And once you start motavating people by leaving their ass
on the bench, especially in the fourth corner and crunch time,
they'll respond.

Speaker 1 (43:41):
So, yeah, we need to see more of that. I
think you're right.

Speaker 3 (43:45):
When the trade was made and Randall and de Vincenzo
were here, one thing that excited me about Devincenzo was
not just all the triples, but the fact that I
liked the way that he was used not as not
as a third guy, not as a third guard on
the court and playing deep, but as an actual two
guard or a guy that's ball handling at times. The
way that he was used both when Brunson hurt his

hand and Miles McBride. They have Miles McBride their backup
guard in New York. He spent some time on the shelf,
and they put de Vincenzo in those spots and he flourished.

Speaker 1 (44:15):
Secondly, Conley, what Finch's.

Speaker 3 (44:18):
Got I feel like, And obviously I haven't talked to
Finch about this, but down the road, I feel like
this is gonna happen. Last night, specifically in the Clippers game.
You start the game with de Vincenzo, that's awesome, But
late in the game they had a player mix which
was I believe off the top of my head it
was Conley, it was Jaden and Nas and Rudy Randall

on the bench, and that was some of the best
that we saw from that team in the game last night.
So if they're finding ways with limited minutes to mix
Conley in, and maybe that's the second half situation, and
you're finding good player mixes where you're using NOAs in
bigger spots, then you're using Randall, just rip that band
aid off and do it and make could happened, because
that was that looked better, more aesthetically pleasing, more effective

on the court when Randall was drinking water on the
in a chair.

Speaker 4 (45:09):
That's that's what I want to see more of. I
have no problems with that. And I think sometimes it's
gonna have to change. One day it's going to have
to be go baring a bench in the fourth quart.
Another day it's going to be Randall and Finchy's got
to read and react to how these games are going.
But when this tray was made, I thought it was
getting a pair of dogs. I thought the Vintage was
a dog, That random was a dog. I think we're
starting to see that from Dante. Not sure if we're
seeing that from Julius.

Speaker 1 (45:29):
Yeah, it was, it was.

Speaker 3 (45:30):
I think it was wishful thinking. I'll say, at least
it was on my part, where you're you're saying, you know,
here's what you here's what TIBs got out of them,
and then you're hearing.

Speaker 2 (45:38):
But we're not getting what everybody else got from him. No,
I understand that. So I think it begs the question,
sorry to clip, but I mean, we're we're we're staggering
here it or stammering it.

Speaker 1 (45:48):
Does he want to be here? If you don't want
to be here?

Speaker 2 (45:51):
Man, It's like I've just seen things online, whether it's
involving family members or whatever, where I just don't get
the feel that the con Great Jungle to the Cornfields.
Bit has exactly hit him and his covenant, you know,
the way we would hope it will well.

Speaker 3 (46:07):
But that's what I'm saying is that he Tibbs got
something out of him. But then he comes to Minnesota
and the New York Knicks fans were not sad to
see Julius Randall go. So we're you know, is there
there can't be a romanticism between Julius Randall and the
concrete jungle, as you're saying. So we didn't get what

maybe especially missed half the season last year. But prior
to that very good player he was talking about. Man,
the best you know, the the revelation or the resurrection
of my career post La was with Finch in New Orleans.

Speaker 1 (46:42):
Okay, well he's crediting this guy.

Speaker 3 (46:44):
He's with this guy, and now we're not getting anything
from this guy. So maybe it's the honeymoon of Oh man,
it was pretty good with the Knicks and and I
screwed that up and now I'm here in the cornfields
and it's super cold. I don't know what the hell
the deal is, but it needs to needs to be
shoved to the bench. I mean, Finch is going to
have to do some of his best coaching in his
career over these last so many games to make this

thing work.

Speaker 1 (47:07):
And I don't think it includes Randall in a big spot.

Speaker 4 (47:10):
Be happy that traffic isn't as bad as it is
New York, all right, Maybe you need an off season here,
play a lot of golf, gold fishing.

Speaker 1 (47:17):
Realize how zero chance at that this is a.

Speaker 3 (47:19):
Chill abon culture, right exactly. Let's get him up to
Ballard's resort for a weekend. Absolutely well, it it. I
think it's fair to bring up. I mean, his minutes
are getting cut. He played twenty and changed last night.
It's not the first time. His box score last night
was terrible. But I didn't watch the second half of
the game. I fell asleep.

Speaker 2 (47:40):
But I do think it is fair to wonder how
much he is still two by foward over the head
with being here, and whether he wants to be in
this market or not. He starts in Los Angeles. From
Los Angeles, he goes to New Orleans. New Orleans is
a smaller market than here, but it's New Orleans, all right,
Burn straight Frenchman Street, the whole thing. And then he

goes to the concrete jungle. Now he's in the cornfields.
It's like, man, if, if if you don't like it
here or you don't like your situation, please make it
known so they can move on without you, because he's
not the same guy that that that he was with
the New York.

Speaker 4 (48:16):
Next five point six rebounds for what the year? Juz
last night? What five point six rebounds for the season?

Speaker 1 (48:25):
Right? Yeah, how does one have five point whatever?

Speaker 2 (48:27):
And he didn't have no fraction five points? He scored
five point six rebounds.

Speaker 1 (48:31):
Jess. Shooting was terrible. He played like twenty three minutes. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (48:35):
So in the end, I mean, at the at the
risk of repeating myself, which I'm gonna do, I just
I feel like on the front end, I don't want
to say that we were sold a bill of goods.
I just think that whatever that sentiment was in leaving
New York and the opportunity here with a team that
was in the conference final, and the mix and the
rough start to all of that. At some point, you

know who's going to rise to that challenge and change
and if if, because that was a conversation Randal was
going to have to maybe adjust in the same way
we talked about Carl adjusting to Rooty. Randal was going
to have to adjust his game into this mix with Ant.

Speaker 1 (49:10):
And what we have here.

Speaker 3 (49:11):
It clearly there's been no adjustment and it's not working,
and so Finch is going to have to handle business.

Speaker 2 (49:16):
Before you leave, can you give us your best ninety
seconds on something you wrote that. I'm sorry I didn't
read twenty twenty five Minnesota sports can be legendary from
twenty twenty four, like what potential legendary aspects are there?
And before we giggle, like the announcer never reads the
columns work. I read Dan Campbell, the big log. I

read the Golden Gophers aim higher. Okay, so now I
got all your albums. I happen to miss one song
on an album. Now we're giggling at the announcer. So
the twenty twenty five Minnesota sports can be legendary.

Speaker 1 (49:54):
How well, here's the thing.

Speaker 4 (49:56):
Once you look back at last year, a lot of
good stuff happened this market and then being in Chicago
win Chicago just has worst sports year ever ever. You know, Bulls, Bears,
White Sox, you know biblically bad. Here, the Links went
to the finals, the Frost won the Championship, the Wolves

made the final four. The wild are among the best
teams at NHL winning games now without Carell, Vikings overcame
six and a half win estimates at the beginning of
the year. I mean, bam, bam, bam. A lot of
cool stuff has happened, and I think it's a slingshot
into this year where we're seeing the Wolves trying to

work things out, but the Wilder rocking and rolling. The
Vikings still one of the best teams in the league.

Speaker 2 (50:44):

Speaker 4 (50:45):
I'm putting Vikings fans on my chaise lounge today and
trying to help them process what happened on Sunday so
I can get focused on kicking ass a week for
yesterday night.

Speaker 1 (50:56):

Speaker 4 (50:58):
So there's a lot of positive right now on the
sports and PJ Fleck just and you'll go, fish just
won a Bowl game. You know what PJ with his
roll to pot SKYI my stuff. Authentic PJ was when
he was like, it's flavor flav Well craft. That was
authentic and I loved it. So but go for football.
They they've kicked button the transfer portal. I'm demanding ten

wins because now you can be within a shouting distance
of the football playoff if you get the double digit wins.
There's a lot of positivity going on in there, and
I just think that twenty twenty five could be a
big year.

Speaker 2 (51:32):
We love when you talk like that. Thanks for stopping
by next next Tuesday. In question as to whether we're
here or not, and we'll let you know.

Speaker 1 (51:39):
Oh that'ld be after the game. Yeah, yeah, Are you
will be back in time? Are you going to the game? No,
I'm not. We already had a schedule, got you. It
will be you in studio next week. No, we're not gonna.

Speaker 2 (51:49):
We have enough to worry about with the next two
segments to ponder where we're going to be next Tuesday.
So we're going to depart by saying that we love you,
we appreciate your contribution. Thank you, Allery's Bar and Barbecue,
home of free parking and wild Shuttles, and we will
if you are so inclined, we will see you somewhere
next week.

Speaker 1 (52:07):
Absolutely, Thanks for having me. I love you guys too.

Speaker 2 (52:09):
Ben Gesling, the Scribe, joins us weekly to chat Vikings
football and his next
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