Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:20):
Nothing to say anything.
Speaker 2 (01:33):
Can you repeat the part of the stuff where you
said all about the things?
Speaker 3 (01:39):
Sure, cads, this show.
Speaker 4 (01:42):
Is naughty and might make you a piemuse.
Speaker 5 (01:54):
Well, Pa and Nord were down at t c O.
We're waiting for them to get here. It's wheat sauce.
It's Tatum, Tatum. I was just telling you off the air.
Getting five in the initials game Winn or Lose is
an incredible feat alumit of bat. Yeah, there are just some,
like you know, I've played it enough where like when
it clicks, it's the best.
Speaker 6 (02:14):
When it like is handed to.
Speaker 5 (02:15):
You, you're like like you're Aurora Borealis. Maxo had that
because it's Sleeping Beauty. Yeah, I only know because of
my daughter. I'm not a Disney adult.
Speaker 7 (02:24):
No, yeah, I guess you know. Some things came were
my favor right, Like I am a Disney adult. Just
went there in April former birthday, like that's what she
wanted us to do for her birthday. So yeah, so
I'm a Disney adult and I'm Catholic, so it really
worked out for me.
Speaker 3 (02:40):
Speaker 5 (02:40):
Ultra Boy was good too. There was a lot of them.
Corey's here, Hi, Corey.
Speaker 6 (02:46):
Maybe not he's I don't know who he's talking to. Yeah.
But the best part, though, is when it hits you
right in.
Speaker 5 (02:52):
The wheelhouse like it is it is, you know, and
you didn't just you know. It's one thing if you
get them and they all go to the six clue
and you're.
Speaker 4 (03:01):
Like all right, but you feel like we went to
the sixth clul huge.
Speaker 6 (03:03):
Yeah, but not like yeah, I mean I don't think.
Speaker 7 (03:06):
I got one on the six clue because if I
if I didn't.
Speaker 4 (03:08):
Have it by the six clue, I'm not gonna know.
Speaker 6 (03:10):
Likes a good point.
Speaker 7 (03:11):
Like, I mean, I feel like probably this is like terrible.
But I mean I don't know al Bundy, like I
would have never gotten there because.
Speaker 4 (03:18):
I don't want I've never seen the show.
Speaker 7 (03:20):
Yeah, and there was another one. I was like, there
was no way I was gonna get that.
Speaker 5 (03:25):
But the but the other thing too, though, that you
did well that I think hockey can also talk about
is when you got when you didn't bite on Antonio Brown.
Speaker 7 (03:34):
That's another thing that comes from listening to you guys.
Correct And that's how I prepare and like go into
it because I'm like, Okay, he's gonna want.
Speaker 4 (03:41):
Me to say that. So I had that for like
the first couple of clues. I'm like, no. When he
said fictional, I was like, no, way, that's it.
Speaker 8 (03:47):
He's a texture. That's the thing.
Speaker 9 (03:48):
You got it.
Speaker 10 (03:49):
You don't have to just think about what it is.
You have to think about what he's trying to trick
you into believing.
Speaker 7 (03:53):
In my I mean, as much as it is about
like just being like trusting yourself, it's like so much
about how he asks and.
Speaker 4 (04:01):
Like the way he words things like I like the gamesmanship,
I love the strategy.
Speaker 8 (04:06):
She's a sneaky hing else.
Speaker 5 (04:09):
But was just saying, that's half the battle. If you
know not to bite. Yeah, yeah, then you then it
opens you up to let it go more clues, you
let other people, you know, get it run over by
the train.
Speaker 6 (04:22):
That is the fake, that whole thing do you have?
Speaker 7 (04:24):
But you have to take the swings like yeah, I
mean Perry's no no job.
Speaker 8 (04:28):
Well did he tell you out there? And I do
hope I'm not.
Speaker 4 (04:30):
No, he said he had a Roora morealities.
Speaker 8 (04:32):
Well, and that's the thing he said.
Speaker 10 (04:33):
He thought it was going to be kind of a
you know, a pretty easy, kind of laid back a
little and then in the game.
Speaker 8 (04:39):
Yeah, that's that was the difference, right, for sure, that
one was.
Speaker 3 (04:42):
Speaker 10 (04:42):
So if you're wondering, what's going on, we're having technical difficulties, right,
they're getting hooked up down atok P works.
Speaker 4 (04:53):
Yeah, it's finny.
Speaker 6 (04:55):
Speaker 8 (04:55):
How has it been since Winter Park? Do you think now?
Speaker 7 (04:57):
Two and seventy okay, maybe six something.
Speaker 6 (05:04):
Was the last time you were there? The last game
of the season.
Speaker 5 (05:06):
Yeah, yeah, it's it's incredible now that whole area t
c o.
Speaker 6 (05:11):
Oh, it's unbelievably cool.
Speaker 8 (05:13):
It's wolftown of the place to walth To. I love
it so yeah something.
Speaker 10 (05:19):
But and the vision they had from the very beginning,
it's coming into view. Now you're starting to see it
actually take shape.
Speaker 8 (05:24):
I love that.
Speaker 10 (05:25):
I mean, for the longest time it was just a
hotel in the facility, and now it's its own little town.
Speaker 8 (05:29):
That's pretty sweet.
Speaker 3 (05:30):
Speaker 7 (05:30):
You can live right across the street from the facility.
How about the Yeah listen to training camp all the time. Yeah, no,
it's it's been really fun. It's really awesome to be
able to work in there, to walk in there every
day and be like, wow, this is what I this
is where I work's so cool. It's really nice. I'm
excited for this season though. I mean, I feel like
the vibes are really good at the facility. Everyone is
always I mean, it's kind of been that way since
this new coaching have been in there. But there's just
so many new faces and things to learn. And we
have a show coming out this week with Ron Johnson
to talk about training camps that will be around here
later this week.
Speaker 6 (06:05):
Doesnt by the way, you.
Speaker 7 (06:09):
Know, we were talking about playing initials the other day
at at camp.
Speaker 4 (06:12):
Actually because he's looking forward to playing He's not. He's not.
Speaker 7 (06:15):
He's yeah, he's good telling me about that one he
tells everybody. But I might start doing that today.
Speaker 6 (06:23):
Yeah, I'm sure.
Speaker 10 (06:25):
Once Pa gets hooked up, there's gonna be a million
things about Vikings. So let me take it away from
Vikings for a moment. This is a long way to
get there. But one of my favorite book series is
by a guy named James Lee Burke. It's the Dave
Robshow Novels, and it's based in New Orleans and the show. Yeah, yeah, exactly,
it's based uh, And I know it's ridiculous because it's
fictional accounts but I've learned so much about that area
of the country. It's pretty spooky, right, Yes, there's a
lot of spook there, a.
Speaker 7 (06:52):
Lot of ghost stories, a lot of voodoo and black
magic type stuff.
Speaker 4 (06:56):
Like I've been on a ghost tour before down there. Yeah,
it can be a little eerie.
Speaker 10 (07:00):
That's where I was going. You ever, do you ever
see anything that the freak chat little bit?
Speaker 9 (07:04):
Speaker 7 (07:04):
No, but I have actually, like got on a ghost
tour before, and they'll explain like things that have happened
in the buildings around the French Quarter and stuff like that.
It's a little eerie, you know, it's got that kind
of vibe about it.
Speaker 4 (07:14):
You never know what's going to go on.
Speaker 10 (07:16):
I hate to take it in this direction. But how
long has it been since you lived there? I guess
what I'm asking is were you there around Katrina times?
Speaker 4 (07:23):
Oh yeah, Katrina, I was my first year at LSU.
Speaker 10 (07:27):
Okay, so and geeesh, I mean crazy, I can't even imagine.
Speaker 7 (07:31):
No, it wasn't it wasn't great. No, we evacuated for that.
You have learned to evacuate after a while.
Speaker 4 (07:36):
My grandfather actually stayed, did he really?
Speaker 7 (07:38):
Yeah? He was like, you know what I'm a boy
scout or eagle scout. I'm just I've made it through
Camille and Betsy. And then he names all the names
of all the hurricanes and he's like, you know, I'm
just gonna stay. He wouldn't talk to him for like
four days. It was kind of crazy not to take
a turn.
Speaker 4 (07:55):
But you know, it's that's why.
Speaker 7 (07:57):
Kind about like four feet of water in the house
and stuff. Well, yeah, it's a real life thing.
Speaker 10 (08:01):
And the hurricane was one thing, but actually what the
dyker Yeah, yeah, and breaking and everything like that.
Speaker 4 (08:07):
Well, that's what that's what caused. That's what cost I'm like,
you know, the hurricane itself was bad.
Speaker 7 (08:11):
New Orleans would have survived if it wasn't for the
canal the levee breaking. So yeah, you know they it's
been knock on wood and do all your superstitious things.
That's been pretty okay since then as far as like
what has hit. But you know, this this season scares
me a little bit. You know, because of the more
warm weather we've had this winter means it's usually going
to be a more active hurricane season.
Speaker 4 (08:38):
We'll see.
Speaker 8 (08:39):
And did you did you go to high school in
like New Orleans proper.
Speaker 6 (08:42):
Or right now.
Speaker 4 (08:43):
No, I was just a bit north of the city.
Speaker 7 (08:45):
It's called the North Shore, so we were just a
little outside, about thirty forty five minutes away from from
the city.
Speaker 4 (08:52):
But both both my parents are from there.
Speaker 6 (08:54):
Speaker 7 (08:54):
Football schools king, right, I mean yeah, I mean I've
covered Louisiana high school football for you know, twelve years
or ten years, and.
Speaker 4 (09:01):
Texas high school football. I covered that before, and they
it's insane.
Speaker 10 (09:05):
I watched a documentary about an inner city New Orleans
high school that has won like seven championships or something
like that.
Speaker 6 (09:12):
Yeah, that's it exactly. Yeah, yeah, I think we both.
Speaker 4 (09:15):
I think there's a little recent too. I've covered one
of their state championships before. They are.
Speaker 7 (09:20):
Yes, it's fantastic, but I mean, if you even look
at like where talent comes from, like football talent, at
one point, Louisiana had the most NFL players per capita,
because it's just they're just so gifted out that you
think of the guys that are on the forefront of
your mind who are just so good. I mean, yeah,
justin Jamar Chase Gosh, I feel like, of course my
mind will now, But there's guys that you know, go
to Alabama and then they they go pro and you
forget they're from Louisiana. I mean earth Smith Junior was
from New Orleans proper. So yeah, it's it's a hotbed
for football talent.
Speaker 4 (09:53):
It's a whole.
Speaker 7 (09:53):
I think it's very similar to how y'all treat hockey.
Is how the South treats for sure, you know, so
that kind of like fandom, they grow up playing it,
all that kind of stuff.
Speaker 8 (10:03):
Yeah, it's huge.
Speaker 7 (10:05):
As you said Texas, I mean a lot of the
Texas schools have their own indoor practice facilities. Like I
went out to like a three A so that it
goes up to six D and Texas a.
Speaker 4 (10:14):
Three A school who won a lot of state championships.
Speaker 7 (10:17):
They have a large stadium with a turf field, and
like right across the way is their indoor practice facility,
which looks, you know, similar to a college one. I
want to say the Viking. It looks like the Vikings,
but it's not connected to ability. It's on its own
and there most Texas schools have that because when you
think about the shot too hot. So that's where they
practice and do a lot of their summer football workouts,
and it's just like you're so like, wait, this is
a three A school, Like what the heck? You know,
and it's in the middle of nowhere, East Texas and.
Speaker 8 (10:49):
Like a three I mean they know it was like.
Speaker 7 (10:51):
Six all they are three schools. I mean that that
Texas is insane. Yeah, and they're like all six A
So yeah, it's crazy.
Speaker 10 (10:59):
Max would just let the snow where like when we
got a good break or anything like that, because I'll
just keep talking all day.
Speaker 11 (11:03):
Yeah, for sure if we pa and order about to
hook up to an access so it should be that's good.
Speaker 4 (11:07):
So that you went to l s U, Yes, I did.
Speaker 8 (11:09):
Is that where you get started in broadcasting kind of?
Speaker 3 (11:12):
Speaker 4 (11:12):
Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 7 (11:13):
I did a lot of internships and actually I got
my start at Mandeville High School.
Speaker 4 (11:18):
No, I used to read the lunch in the morning announcements.
Speaker 9 (11:21):
That's great.
Speaker 8 (11:22):
Yeah, that kind of so I couldn't do that because
I'd be too hungry by the time.
Speaker 7 (11:25):
It was for the next day, you know, so you'd
already eat lunch at that point.
Speaker 9 (11:30):
Speaker 4 (11:30):
No, I I knew I want to do it really
early on.
Speaker 7 (11:32):
So I walked into the broadcast teachers and I was like,
can I be in the class when I wasn't even
really like wy eligible? And she's like sure, So I
did that and did broadcasting at LSU, and I just
like to talk and kind of like Lisabeth said, like
just you give a mic in front of me, and
it's just easy to talk.
Speaker 4 (11:47):
And football's fun.
Speaker 3 (11:48):
You know.
Speaker 4 (11:48):
I don't want to talk about I don't love talking.
Speaker 8 (11:50):
About real stuff.
Speaker 4 (11:53):
I'm not a very serious human being.
Speaker 7 (11:55):
So yeah, and like this stuff, I don't think I
could handle it. You know, football fun definitely, like my
bread and butter. I feel very, very lucky to be
a team reporter.
Speaker 8 (12:05):
I don't even know. Did you have another NFL team
before this one?
Speaker 1 (12:08):
Speaker 7 (12:08):
Actually I was in local TV for a really long time. Yeah,
for like twelve fourteen, twelve years.
Speaker 4 (12:13):
I can remember. The last half I was in was Nashville.
Speaker 8 (12:16):
Oh my goodness. I figured I did talk about this.
Speaker 6 (12:19):
Yeah, I've never been. I've heard of sweets, have never been.
Speaker 4 (12:21):
Are you going to go this year for the game?
Speaker 6 (12:24):
I don't know.
Speaker 7 (12:24):
Maybe the Vikings the great thing, well maybe not for
Nashville or Titans fans, but the great thing if you're
a traveling team and having experienced three Titans seasons.
Speaker 4 (12:34):
I know this.
Speaker 7 (12:35):
If you go to Nashville and you're a Vikings fan
for the Vikings game, you will take over the city.
Speaker 8 (12:40):
Speaker 6 (12:41):
We were in Carolina last year exactly.
Speaker 7 (12:43):
But the difference is the stadium is across the river
from Broadway, so you can go to Broadway after, you
can go to Broaday the night before, and I promise
you you will be.
Speaker 4 (12:52):
Nothing but Vikings fans. Well, I'm Bachelrette party.
Speaker 6 (12:55):
Yeahs, Titans fans don't show up very well.
Speaker 4 (12:58):
Go to Titans fish.
Speaker 11 (12:59):
Yes, family's from Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee, Startville, Mississippi.
Speaker 4 (13:03):
So my a game dog fan too.
Speaker 11 (13:06):
Lakwan's Avius DiCaprio, my quarterback on n C doua A
twenty five. He plays for the Mississippi State Ble. He's
still ineligible. I'm still ineligible. Yeah, I got my I
got my grades back up, but I think I can
get back.
Speaker 1 (13:16):
In the games.
Speaker 4 (13:17):
Yeah, oh yeah, I know. My husband's been playing a
lot of that game.
Speaker 6 (13:20):
It's great, much fun.
Speaker 4 (13:21):
I think he's in like year twenty twenty nine.
Speaker 8 (13:23):
Yeah wow, Yeah, I'm going to start my coaching career.
Speaker 4 (13:25):
Brought Maryland to multiple national championships. Yeah, and I'm like,
what fake world is this?
Speaker 8 (13:30):
Yeah, it's special is what it is.
Speaker 4 (13:32):
He gets, that's what he gets it play Caroland.
Speaker 9 (13:35):
I love that game.
Speaker 8 (13:36):
I took Iowa State to the National.
Speaker 4 (13:38):
Champions Yeah, exactly exactly. I'm like, so what happens if
you played at ls as LSU. He goes, Oh, that'd
be too easy to see.
Speaker 6 (13:44):
That's why I feel see it's too easy.
Speaker 5 (13:47):
Well, your husband Hawk and Max oll where there have
work ethic and want to try.
Speaker 6 (13:51):
I just played God Squad. I was Texas. Yeah.
Speaker 4 (13:54):
Oh yeah, that's nice with.
Speaker 5 (13:55):
Yeah roll no, man is the backup? Oh you start?
Speaker 4 (14:01):
I just didn't know Disneyland.
Speaker 8 (14:03):
Oh yeah, did you.
Speaker 4 (14:04):
Get Aurora bory Alis? Really? I figured you if you're
a Disney adult.
Speaker 8 (14:10):
Oh he's a giant Disney fan.
Speaker 4 (14:12):
Yeah too, yeah too, yeah. I think.
Speaker 7 (14:14):
I mean, like, you don't get me started, because like
people who go I'm always like, here's my teel lighted
lanes plus passes and stuff like that. So if you're
out there, yeah I know. Well I haven't done my
research on the new the new system, so don't come
at me.
Speaker 4 (14:31):
If you need Disney advice.
Speaker 12 (14:32):
Make it more complicated.
Speaker 4 (14:34):
I hate that don't they.
Speaker 7 (14:36):
I will say I've gone twice in the last three years,
and I'm good.
Speaker 4 (14:40):
I don't need to go again for another five.
Speaker 8 (14:42):
How many times have you gone in the last couple
of years?
Speaker 1 (14:45):
Speaker 12 (14:45):
Well, I went to the Disney World in January and
I went to Disneyland.
Speaker 4 (14:49):
And you haven't done Land.
Speaker 8 (14:51):
I haven't ever done it.
Speaker 6 (14:52):
That was my This was my first. You can do
it all in a day, but you should do it.
Speaker 12 (14:57):
It's very It's not it's weird because it's like it's
like Magic Kingdom, just smaller. Yeah, and it feels a
little eerie, but it's it's very historic.
Speaker 3 (15:05):
You can see where wald.
Speaker 7 (15:06):
I actually might make it to Tokyo before Disneyland. I
have a friend moving to Japan and Disney Tokyo.
Speaker 6 (15:11):
Is really it's sweet.
Speaker 11 (15:13):
I went to I didn't get a chance to go
to Tokyo Disneyland, but I walked past.
Speaker 4 (15:17):
It's it's cool.
Speaker 6 (15:18):
Yeah, it is a legit kingdom. Is that where the
Simpsons bit is?
Speaker 4 (15:21):
No, that's that's a that's a universal Okay.
Speaker 6 (15:24):
I've never been either.
Speaker 4 (15:26):
I don't make it over there because I spend too
much time in Harry Potter World.
Speaker 6 (15:28):
Yeah, I love it hawk.
Speaker 7 (15:33):
Yeah, Ali Vander chose me for a wand in a
group of thirty people and multiple children.
Speaker 8 (15:39):
Oh my gosh, what were you?
Speaker 4 (15:42):
Oh no, I didn't get chosen for the.
Speaker 8 (15:44):
House, Okay, but I got the wand.
Speaker 4 (15:47):
It's a unicorn hair and chestnut.
Speaker 8 (15:49):
Look at you. Well, yeah, I bought three of them.
Speaker 6 (15:53):
He bought three of them.
Speaker 8 (15:53):
I bought three.
Speaker 13 (15:54):
Speaker 4 (15:54):
I had to buy that one obviously because it chose right.
Speaker 8 (15:57):
It shows you exactly, and it's special.
Speaker 4 (15:59):
It is special.
Speaker 8 (16:00):
I love that place. I love butter beer.
Speaker 10 (16:02):
I wish they saw butter beer at my local bar.
I loved it, you know, I did love this.
Speaker 11 (16:06):
I liked it.
Speaker 7 (16:07):
When you put like a fire shot fireball, yeah, I
like it. If you're going to do butter beer you
don't like butterscotch, you do the hot butter beer with
the fire ball whiskey in it.
Speaker 4 (16:16):
And then that's what she has.
Speaker 8 (16:17):
That's a pro tip.
Speaker 4 (16:17):
Right there, there you go.
Speaker 5 (16:18):
I think that's what we end. I think that right
there is the sound of Hotel Talk Disney. We'll be back, Uh,
we'll be back right after this.
Speaker 6 (16:26):
I'm the fan.
Speaker 2 (17:09):
Copyright Barry Manilow. It looks like we made it. Looks
like we made it on the radio, and welcome to
the nine to noon show. It's about nine to twenty.
We had some technical difficulties within the Vikings Entertainment Network
TCO Radio studio, so producer Eric Nordquist and to yours truly,
Paul Allen have relocated to the exclusive Vikings Radio Network
perch overlooking three perfectly manicured practice fields, really four, but
that it seems they're doing some manicuring to the Mike
Hughes Memorial Field. To our far left, Max Fuller produces,
and we have some excellent, excellent Vikings training Camp coverage
coming up today the first day they head into pads,
but let's head back to the six five to one
carpets plus studios Nordo and yours truly, we're here for
some steamy in pads football action later today. Meanwhile, joining
us from the Juggernaut KFAM after the Initials Invitational is
Tatum Everett from the Vikings Entertainment Network. She's in my chair,
I'm out at her facility, and I understand we're talking
to an Initials Invitational qualifier and or somebody en route
to a potential championship regulation.
Speaker 7 (18:28):
Thank you I was fully expecting to have to defend
myself as not being the brightest crayon in the box today,
but I am.
Speaker 4 (18:37):
I am elated. This is crazy, Pa.
Speaker 7 (18:39):
I feel like I can walk into Egan with my
head held high.
Speaker 2 (18:42):
Well, I mean when when you and I put this
together yesterday and I started crafting a couple of questions
just off the cuff, like the first one I wrote
was what went wrong?
Speaker 6 (18:50):
No one?
Speaker 7 (18:52):
No one had me at all, and that's neither to
perish parish was like, I let a few go a
little bit longer because I thought I'd have a little
bit more time. And when you started kind of getting
a few, I had to change my strategy up a
little bit. So not offended, I probably would have doubted.
Speaker 4 (19:06):
Me as well.
Speaker 2 (19:08):
I'm playing with you, but due to the technical issue
related terrorism, I was not able to listen to initials.
What were the initials? A b ab okay? So how
many did you end up with?
Speaker 8 (19:21):
Speaker 3 (19:22):
Speaker 4 (19:22):
I know, thank you?
Speaker 7 (19:24):
I never I mean I've I came in here with
five points total in two games, so that was pretty
and and and the last time I was in initials,
I only got one. So needless to say, I had
a little bit of a redemption, a redemption today, which
is nice.
Speaker 3 (19:38):
Who were the who are you battling?
Speaker 7 (19:41):
El Parish, John Bonus, uh, Eric Solhanski, Elizabeth Reese?
Speaker 4 (19:50):
So yeah, that's five.
Speaker 3 (19:52):
Where So how did the game? God? Did you last
out of the gates?
Speaker 4 (19:56):
Perry had an early lead.
Speaker 7 (19:58):
I had one from I got Aurora Borealis pretty fast
after one clue. For the second one, they did a
Disney reference and that's like my right in my wheelhouse.
So he was up I think like three to one,
and then it came I tied it up four to
four and then walked off with the wind with altar boys.
Speaker 3 (20:16):
So this thing was a spine tinkler.
Speaker 7 (20:18):
It was I was pa was shaking. I've never been
more nervous in my life.
Speaker 9 (20:22):
I don't.
Speaker 7 (20:22):
I get nervous going on air sometimes, but I'm never shake.
Speaker 4 (20:26):
Definitely shaking.
Speaker 2 (20:28):
Did you feel at any step of the journey Tatum Everett? Yeah,
the who housed Initials today and advances in the Initials Invitational,
which is which is a signature contest as we go
at FM one hundred point three KFA. And did you
feel at any point there was any cheating or chickanery
to try to keep you down.
Speaker 4 (20:47):
Oh no, no, no, I don't think so.
Speaker 7 (20:49):
I've been sitting in the same seat every time I
do it, so I can't even see Parish or Bonus
in the other room, and I don't know it just
I was a little worried about the vowels, because vowels
are really hard for me. Last time I had s
O and that totally just my mind went blank. This
time I felt really good. I still have in disbelief,
I really am. I just can't believe it.
Speaker 4 (21:13):
I really can't. I do feel like it's a little
bit more street cred though.
Speaker 7 (21:17):
I feel like maybe you know, maybe you didn't know
exactly who I was or you know what I was.
Speaker 4 (21:22):
Doing in life.
Speaker 7 (21:23):
But I feel like I've got a lot of Twitter
love right now, which usually is not the case.
Speaker 2 (21:28):
Well, it definitely is a where were you moment? And
I don't know what the odds were, like who would
be favored of that group and stuff like that.
Speaker 7 (21:35):
I'm sure Parish, I mean, he was definitely like a
higher seed. I was like right in the middle. And
actually when the Seeds came out, I was like, I
haead of Brian Oak, who I played last time, and
he just smoked us.
Speaker 4 (21:44):
I was like, I shouldn't be this high. I should
not be ranked this high. So that's pretty good about it.
Speaker 2 (21:50):
So like that, Tatum, So is this like NCAA tournament
A sixteen beating a one of fifteen or two?
Speaker 7 (21:56):
I think it's more like a like a Okay, so
this is stretching my march madness brain.
Speaker 4 (22:01):
I'm really a football solely knowledgeable human being. Is it
like a five and twelve?
Speaker 3 (22:06):
Yeah, like a like a ten six or something like that.
Speaker 7 (22:09):
Here you go ten six. That's probably what it is. Right,
Parish was eight, I was twenty four, right.
Speaker 3 (22:14):
I mean down Bowsier City way.
Speaker 2 (22:16):
You're a mid You're a mid major there, I am, Yeah,
a mid major that advanced. Which is now the pressure?
Speaker 3 (22:21):
You know?
Speaker 2 (22:22):
They what like, what did it feel like as the
game was advancing with the initials A, B, and and
it's clearly it's tumultuous, It's going to come down to
the wire.
Speaker 3 (22:31):
What was that pressure?
Speaker 10 (22:32):
Speaker 7 (22:32):
I had nothing to lose, pa, nobody thought I was
going to do well, right, Like I had nothing to lose.
I was just I was just thinking, like I'd like
kind of go through my head sometimes I wrote a
few clues down, but I just listen and just try
and see what I can do. I don't write anything
down normally, like answers ahead of time.
Speaker 4 (22:50):
I did have like I had a lant of braids,
which we all had.
Speaker 7 (22:53):
I had Antonio Brown, I was thinking about I had
apple bottom. I know that's kind of random, but I
was thinking about the boots with the fur.
Speaker 4 (23:00):
So I was just trying to go all over the place.
Speaker 7 (23:02):
And this is really I do want to mention, this
is very strange for me, first of all, because it's
like you're interviewing me after a win, which obviously you are,
but like that's my job, and so this is very
weird to be on the other side of said interview.
Speaker 2 (23:15):
Yeah, I understand. So where do you go from here? Like,
like you know, when you come back, what's the next round?
Speaker 7 (23:21):
Is a month from now? Again, nothing to lose. I'm
a month from now, the competition's gonna be sway harder.
Not that these people, not that these guys weren't. It's
just you know, the the people that are advancing are
like the guys who've won or play all the time,
and it's it's it's I'm intimidated, but I again, nothing
to lose. It'll be fun. I'm excited to play again.
I just like playing the game. It's just fun.
Speaker 4 (23:44):
I'm gonna you know, be Actually, I'm gonna attack it.
Speaker 7 (23:46):
Like I do my my Guillotine League, and I'm just
gonna play, you know, Chip on my shoulder, underdog, which
is what I've done always.
Speaker 2 (23:54):
All right now here, at lastly, here at Twin Cities
Orthopedic Performance Center, we're on the exclusive Vikings Radio Network
Perch perch overlooking three perfectly manicured practice fields and they're
they're they're doing something some excavation or something like that
with the Mike Hues Memorial fields. So we uh, we
will report on that as as information comes to us.
But it's the first day in pads for the boys
over here. Exciting, Yeah right, what what what does excite
you with the rough and tumble action set to referral today?
Speaker 7 (24:23):
Well, I think just you know, the the younger guys
were so excited that fans are there, and I expect
that to just go up even further today. You know,
they had a day off of yesterday, so they're going
to be well rested and they're going to be amped
that they're in front of in front of the fans,
and they can finally hit each other, which is so
much fun.
Speaker 4 (24:44):
I think you can you're.
Speaker 7 (24:46):
Able to dive into what guys are able to do
and who's looking good and watching the depth chart a
little bit more. Now practice will have a little bit
more substance for you to be able to talk about.
You know, sometimes when you see walkthroughs or you see
you know, not even in the shells like T shirts
and shorts, it's just you. You can make comments about, oh,
JJ looks so sharp, Jalen Naylor looking great, Johnny Munt
with touchdown catches, like that's really all you can say.
Speaker 4 (25:15):
Now you can start.
Speaker 7 (25:15):
Saying like, oh, this guy's looking like he's coming fast
off the blocks. He can he's looking like he's in
prime position. I mean, there's just so much more you
can kind of gather from the ability to hit.
Speaker 4 (25:27):
Each other and stuff, and I'm excited.
Speaker 7 (25:30):
I mean, it just feels like it's it's here a
lot more as well.
Speaker 2 (25:34):
On Behalf of Love Covenant Productions, we are not only
very proud of you, we're very happy for you and
we look forward to following your initials related journey as
it continues to unfurl.
Speaker 3 (25:47):
And I'll be a practice today, see you later. I'll
see you out there today.
Speaker 4 (25:50):
Congratulations, Thank you so much. Bye, guys.
Speaker 2 (25:52):
Yeah, that's Taydom Everett with the Vikings Entertainment Network. She
advanced via the initials invitation well today and as Nordo knows,
that ain't no easy task, right, that was a big
move by the girl today.
Speaker 13 (26:03):
No, it's massive and whether so it was Tommy Olsen
last week and I don't have it in front of me.
Speaker 9 (26:07):
I don't know what Tatum seed is, but it's.
Speaker 13 (26:10):
The tournament, while being fun, has been a little top
heavy at times, right, so I don't want to.
Speaker 9 (26:15):
I mean, who is she? Is she University of Maryland,
Baltimore County?
Speaker 3 (26:19):
Speaker 9 (26:19):
Is she la high beaten duke here.
Speaker 13 (26:22):
I don't know exactly if we were going to liking
it to the tournament, but Tommy was certainly an upset
by astronomical proportions. I couldn't believe that winning's tough. I
never play anymore except for the tournament. Yeah, so, I
still don't know how I made it to the championship
last year. It's a lot of fun, but that's the
excitement of it. It's cool to play when you're sitting
in your car, But like Tatum, she doesn't get the
chance to play often. Then she gets in there, she
gets exhilarated, she gets excited, and she kicks ass.
Speaker 9 (26:47):
It's super cool.
Speaker 2 (26:48):
Nine to noon officially is in the air on what
is developing into kind of a murking Monday. It's quite
pleasant on the Vikings Radio Network perch right now. The
wind doometer was not needed today because we don't we
don't have Wendy skies. I mean, it's we got lawnmower
guy you know about ready to come come do execute
his toil. But meanwhile, during break, hopefully turns the other
way so we don't have to hear that.
Speaker 3 (27:12):
You know, your.
Speaker 2 (27:12):
Planes above us and the Minnesota Vikings practice today in
pads for the first time. That's that's at two point
thirty in the afternoon, and the courtesy of timber Check
and timber tech dot com. What's on deck includes Vikes
fights around the Corner, a one on one interview I
conducted recently with the Vikings offensive lineman Dalton Reisner.
Speaker 3 (27:31):
That'll take place in the ten oh.
Speaker 2 (27:33):
Three segment Our Friends on Foes, A segment series continues
today and we're down to like four teams, four adversaries
for the Vikings to handle, and we hit them birds
today with the Arizona Cardinals and their two decade plus vox.
Dave Pash, who very gifted, also calls basketball for ESPN
and worked with the late Bill Walton, so we will
get in that too with Dave Pash.
Speaker 3 (28:01):
That'll take place in the ten o'clock.
Speaker 2 (28:02):
Hour, and we fully expect Minnesota Vikings offensive line coach,
the boss for the Minnesota Moving Company of Chris Cooper
to join us today from twin Citi's Orthopedics Performance Center.
He's Nordo and I'm Paul Allen. Welcome to nine to
noon from the exclusive per sewn KFA N.
Speaker 3 (28:23):
Join Paul charge.
Speaker 11 (28:24):
In in the Fantasy Football Weekly Crew at Treasure Island
in the Full deg ball Room on Friday, August sixteenth
from six to nine pm for Fantasy Football Training Camp.
Speaker 6 (28:34):
Live broadcast starts.
Speaker 11 (28:35):
At six pm, followed my Fantasy Football deep dive right after.
Great prizes to be had, including a one thousand dollars
grand prize, plus everyone in attendance will receive ten dollars
in free slot play and a ten dollars dining voucher.
Speaker 6 (28:49):
How cool is that?
Speaker 11 (28:50):
Get the full details now at campian dot com keyword calendar.
Speaker 3 (29:04):
Let's unfurl Vikes.
Speaker 2 (29:05):
Bites nine to noon and mix it up, not only
with some Minnesota Vikings conversation. During the course of the
nine to noon radio show from the exclusive Vikings Radio
Network perch, we are facing east as we see it
here at the Twin Cities Orthopedics Performance Center, looking at
this palatial purple paradise with players set to come out
a little later today for the first padded practice. But
there is a very interesting news that has popped not
only from over the weekend, but really this morning from
our division, the NFC North. But first to the pertinence
Bikes Bites is provided by.
Speaker 13 (29:44):
Yeah, the great people at Thousand Hills Lifetime Grays grass
Fed Beef. Go to Thousand Hillslifetime Grays dot com, Clearwater,
Minnesota based company. It's Matt and everybody doing a terrific
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Speaker 9 (30:03):
Thank you Thousand Hills.
Speaker 2 (30:04):
For the Chicago Bears. Some reports now that they've gone
into pads. They did so last week. I believe it
was Friday. There were some really really positive reports from KYLEB.
Williams over the weekend, the way he's working with the
veteran receivers and rome A Doonsay, the rookie from Washington
also with the Detroit Lions. And this just popped this morning,
and I'm looking at the Twitter machine, at the X machine,
and something called the thirty third team FB has really
put it appropriately. The Detroit Lions are all in the
favorites to win the NFC North. During the course of
the off season, have have signed their quarterback Jared Goff
with a four year, two hundred twelve million dollar deal,
one of the better receivers in the NFL, Alman Ross
Saint Brown, he of the Netflix variety, four years, one
hundred and twenty million dollars, Piney Seul right tackle four years,
one hundred and twelve million dollars. And then now the
veteran Ohio State Buckeye left tackle Taylor Decker my Man
gets three years and sixty million dollars. That just happened
this morning, so we don't have any particulars to the
Taylor Decker deal. But nevertheless, mister nord Quish, your Detroit
Lions have shipped all in with those deals, and I'll
be curious to see what they're able to do or
not do from an ancillary standpoint as they move on.
But getting to the NFC Championship Game last year, playing
the way they did, for the most part, they firmly
believe they're sitting on a Super Bowl and a Super
Bowl victory, and they have pushed all of their black
and banana chips and the purple chips into the middle
of the table.
Speaker 9 (31:45):
Yeah and there.
Speaker 13 (31:46):
It feels like in some way the Lions are just
farther along the process than we are. I mean, they
the Vikings have been trying to get younger and more
financially flexible while supporting and kind of surrounding itself with
some stars. We've done that and we'll see what what
Dallas Turner can do this year.
Speaker 9 (32:02):
All those things.
Speaker 13 (32:02):
But when you look at the Lions, Jared Goff, the
way he's played, and you know it's it's just, you know,
removing him from McVeigh, what would he look like all
of those things. He's he's the best quarterback in the
division in my opinion right now. Penny Sewell, what they've
been able to get out of him, it feels like
a lot of cash. Like we signed we just signed
Darris Saw I think to a contract that's maybe just
a few million dollars more for our left tackle than
what they just paid their right tackle. But getting the
veteran and Taylor Decker back in there, they should absolutely
be all in. As close as they are, you know,
if you're just kind of moving pebbles to to kind
of balance the scale defensively was that was the issue
with Aaron Glenn's defense over the last couple of years,
and adding Terry and Arnold.
Speaker 9 (32:46):
Brian Branch is an.
Speaker 13 (32:47):
Absolute super young stud that has a ton of promise.
And then you have agent Aiden Hutchinson, Alee McNeil. You know,
if Marcus Davenport actually ever is healthy, is there any
and whatsoever that he'll play another NFL game?
Speaker 9 (33:02):
We shall see, but he's there. DJ reed.
Speaker 13 (33:05):
They've done absolutely everything they can to say that this
is the vibe, this is the culture that we wanted
through Dan Campbell, and we're ready to win now, and
in some ways it's tough to say that about a
team in your division, to watch the lovable morose, just
the the all time losers that the Lions have been
for so long, and now the jump that they've made
over the last few years is so impressive and hopefully
we're not on the wrong side of it a couple
of times this year, but they're all in the top.
Speaker 2 (33:33):
Gridiron glare from the weekend and we're talking the entire
National Football League involves Green Bay Packers quarterback Jordan Love
and the fat deal my man received on second down.
Love with an empty backfield, he's cop out to.
Speaker 6 (33:50):
Be hit and his that.
Speaker 3 (33:54):
J one of them up.
Speaker 14 (33:56):
DJ wanted him and DJ got him.
Speaker 2 (34:00):
He now has three sacks this season. It's third and seventeen.
This Jordan Love deal. Is it gridiron glare or football folly?
Speaker 14 (34:10):
Takes the Meyers snap, Minnesota rushes three Love straight drop
fires at center of the field and in intercepted it
was picked off in front.
Speaker 3 (34:18):
Of Jayden Reid.
Speaker 14 (34:19):
Pair comes Jos Mattelis to the fifty, to the forty
far side to the thirty five.
Speaker 3 (34:24):
Wait so vera Packer at the twenty five.
Speaker 14 (34:27):
Pay's jos Mattellis with a big interception middle of the
third quarter and the Vikings have turned over.
Speaker 3 (34:34):
All that is green and.
Speaker 2 (34:36):
Cold, gridiron glare or football folly. It really doesn't matter.
The chief rival for the Minnesota Vikings has its franchise
quarterback and paid a pretty penny for undoubtedly quite the
gifted young man. It's fourth and very short for Green
Bay from the Vikings twenty.
Speaker 3 (34:53):
Four love play action boots.
Speaker 14 (34:55):
Out to the left, another man wide open bow Mountain
in thirty plates terrible pass by Jordan Love. He had
bow Mountain wide open for a first down or a touchdown?
But Love, What's love got to do with it? Everything there?
Vikings ball now from Pro Footballtalk dot com. Jordan Love
is one of the three highest paid quarterbacks in the history.
Speaker 3 (35:18):
Of the National Football League.
Speaker 2 (35:20):
There was a subsequent story when it comes to like
the cash of it all, like all the quarterbacks in
the NFL, Now, who's going to be scooping the most
chips and who's going to legitimately get the most cash?
Speaker 3 (35:33):
And that's still going to be Patrick Mahomes.
Speaker 2 (35:35):
It's not really worth going into because the the a
topic here is that the Green Bay Packers have absolutely
solidified what they believe is their quarterback of the immediate
and subsequent future. Now, for Jordan Love, he gets seventy
five million dollars guaranteed. Twenty five million is due within
ten days, which is kind of weird because the contract
got signed to for the weekend and we're two days
into it and there haven't been any reports that Jordan
has received just twenty five million dollars. So when you
owe somebody twenty five million and you've got ten days
to pay it, and they're like, you know, we love you, man,
we want to give you all this, including this, this
twenty five million dollars. I mean, I mean, how long
do you slow pay the guy? I mean like, how
long do you make him wait with a metaphorical baited
breath for his twenty five million dollars?
Speaker 9 (36:29):
But can you do the postmark bit?
Speaker 13 (36:31):
I mean you're seeing him at the facility every day
camps and play.
Speaker 9 (36:34):
It's like, oh no, no, no, Jordan, Yeah, I sent it.
Speaker 13 (36:38):
Oh you know what I did. I sent it to
your college address. Guys, I'll get a return on that
right away.
Speaker 9 (36:45):
Can you play how came? How long can you play
that out?
Speaker 3 (36:47):
I'm trying to get my money man.
Speaker 2 (36:48):
I mean it's you know, maybe they give him a
million one day and then they look between couch cushions
on the second floor and give him three million the
next day. But he'll get it because it's promised, and
it's contractually speaking promise, so he'll get it.
Speaker 13 (37:01):
Would you take a two hundred and fifty thousand dollars
Shopco gift card?
Speaker 9 (37:05):
Jordan Hey till Friday?
Speaker 2 (37:06):
Jordan his base salary this year, Team Friendly three and
a half million dollars, his base salary next year eleven
point nine million dollars. Then the rubber meets the road
in twenty twenty six. My man's base salary in twenty
twenty six forty nine point nine million dollars, and it's
guaranteed for injury. The old two zero two six right
around the corner. So what do we think.
Speaker 3 (37:33):
About all this? What do Green Bay Packers fans think
about all this?
Speaker 2 (37:36):
And and and when when that's the case, you know,
generally speaking, if we're in studio, you know, then maybe
we would.
Speaker 3 (37:43):
Fire up the talkbacks or the six four six eighty six.
Speaker 2 (37:45):
But yours truly has enough green Bay learned and emotionless,
just very steely with their analysis and and the way
they the way they deduce things that are of the
green and gold variety. I got plenty of those people
in my life, including the Sultan of smug super special Sinny,
so I texted him yesterday just to get My text
last night was please give me your take on the
Jaylove deal and all that comes with him, and David
wrote back, there's obviously an element of risk since he's
only played one year, but that's the trade off when
you ask him to sit for three. He's been in
the building for four years, so they know the person, work, ethic, growth,
et cetera. And his performance from week eleven on was
mostly brilliant. If you think you have a guy, you
pay him and let the chips fall throwing. The fact
that he was throwing only to first and second year
pass catchers and his performance stands out even more. He's
already a borderline top ten guy that appears to be
his floor. A borderline top ten guy seems to be
his floor. According to David Senekon, I like that text
and and I really appreciate you taking the time to
share that, mister sinnecon The part that I really liked
about it is is because that there is there is
there is a risky nature to a contract like this
for Jordan Love. I mean there's a risky nature for
contracts like this pretty much for everybody, but specifically here
given the the minimal amount of past performances you have
over not that long when it comes to the course
of time. But the way Sinecon put it here is
he's been in the building for four years, so they
know the person, the work ethic, the growth, and his
performance from week elevenon was mostly brilliant and David is
not overstating that, and thank you very much, super special Sinni,
the Sultan of smug it.
Speaker 3 (39:49):
You know. It leads to how much of a risk
is this for them?
Speaker 2 (39:52):
And and from a fan standpoint, will they ever wrap
Maybe they have already, And yours truly is just out
of touch with the equation, wondering if Packers fans are
going to wrap their arms around Jordan Love and buy
football faith, follow the man the way they did four
and twelve, the way they did far Van Rodgers and
all of this loot seventy five million guaranteed, all that
loot is off. Eighteen starts all right, eighteen starts, So
like Cinny text, did they think they know exactly what
they have?
Speaker 3 (40:28):
Speaker 2 (40:30):
Now, last year with Jordan he went for thirty two
touchdowns and eleven interceptions on sixty four percent with the
yards per attempt of seven point two. You can win
a lot of games with that, and they did win
a lot of games. And they killed fraudulent Dallas in
the first round, and quite honestly had a wonderful, wonderful
chance to beat the San Francisco forty nine Ers, the
team that went to the Super Bowl, and Jordan Love
lost the game for them on the final offensive play.
But that doesn't mean Jordan Love is a loser, because
without Jordan Love during the course of that game, they
would have gotten blown out. And you know, whether you're
a Vikings fan and an NFL fan, a Packers fan,
or whatever, it's very unfortunate to see what Jordan did
on that final play when he rolled out to the
right and threw across his body. We had some back
league terrorism again, with which I'll get to in a minute,
because I think it's a legitimate problem with him and
something on which they'll need to work, which maybe they have.
And he had Tucker Craft wide open left flat to
get another first down and just move the chains. Jordan
was following Matt Lafleur's plan so beautifully in that game,
absolutely so beautifully. He went out of body on the
last play and it cost him the season. That doesn't
mean that's who he is. That's who he was in
that moment, but honestly, I don't believe that's who he is.
I was very impressed with Jordan Love over let's say
the final ten or eleven games of the season. You know,
he goes thirty two and eleven on sixty four, he
starts every game. In two playoff games, he completed sixty
seven percent of his pass is with five touchdowns and
two interceptions. His yards per attempting the postseason was eight
and a half.
Speaker 3 (42:05):
Speaker 2 (42:05):
I mean that that's moving the ball right there through
the air. Another thing that popped into my head, and
I might start working on this today to see what
I can unfurl. I just wonder what Aaron Jones, now
Vikings running back, longtime Packers running back, thinks of this
deal for Jordan Love, not necessarily the deal, but what
he thinks of Jordan Love and Jordan Love the leader.
You know, when when the Vikings head to lambeau Field
in middle Ish to Lateish September, Aaron will be peppered
all a lot with questions of what he thinks about
not only the organization but Jordan Love.
Speaker 3 (42:40):
And we'll see what he says then.
Speaker 2 (42:41):
But I'd like to just get some sneaky opinions from
somebody just seeing what Aaron thinks about Jordan Love, because Aaron,
you know, Aaron knows this game inside out, and he's
played it longer than Jordan. And in twenty twenty three,
for Jordan Love, I found this to be quite compelling,
and it really plays largely into why he got this
deal outside of what we don't see behind the scenes
in the building and the meeting rooms, in the locker room,
and you know, how he handles conflict and how he
handles problems and how he handles prosperity. But last year,
in the first nine games of the season, Jordan Loved
threw fourteen touchdowns.
Speaker 3 (43:18):
Ten interceptions, and he was sacked nineteen times.
Speaker 2 (43:20):
All right, Ain't nobody getting seventy five million guaranteed off
fourteen ten and nineteen sacks?
Speaker 3 (43:27):
All right?
Speaker 2 (43:28):
Now, the next ten games you know, which would include
two playoff games, twenty three touchdowns, three interceptions, and eleven sacks.
And some of that coincided with the return of Aaron Jones,
who really really propelled a lot of positive things they
did at the end of the season.
Speaker 3 (43:46):
But Love had a lot to do with it too.
Speaker 2 (43:48):
Twenty three touchdowns man three interceptions on just eleven sacks,
including those two playoff games, and he absolutely completely obliterated
and dusted everything that was purple and gold late in
the season at us Bank Stadium. So clearly off the
latter ten the Green Bay Packers, they feel the beast
is taking off and he's ready to not only run
in but win big races. But as I mentioned earlier,
and Green Bay Packer fan don't talk about this a lot,
some of them do. But all you got to do
is is watch the young man play quarterback. Okay, and
it's clear he's smart, it's clear he's in charge of
the huddle. And his arm talent. I mean, he has
a fantastic arm. Jordan Love's arm is super strong. The
accuracy improved as the season went on, specifically with the
intermediate stuff and throwing people open. So Jordan Love can
play the game. But what about those backfoot throws? I mean,
in case people have forgotten, you know, with the way
he plays, when Jordan unfurls certain passes, he does everything
off his back foot. I I've just never seen a
inconsistently like this in my life. Just think Philip Rivers
with that weird three quarters motion toss and and then
make it. You know. But for Philip it worked incredibly well,
throwing it with an abnormal throwing style.
Speaker 13 (45:13):
I think it looks like Rodgers, to be honest, It
looks like a guy who sat behind Rogers and watched
for days be magical. Yeh off any foot, great point,
including the back foot at any time.
Speaker 3 (45:23):
Excellent point.
Speaker 2 (45:23):
And if you're going to model your game off Aaron Rodgers,
really the last thing I would do was to throw
from my back foot every single pass probably. I mean,
they're probably about fifteen things I you know, want to
emulate before that, because Jordan is not as good as Eron,
and he's not as good as Eron until he's as
good as Eron, as accomplished as Eron, and and and
has the Hall of Fame projectory Aaron Rodgers has, but
the back.
Speaker 3 (45:51):
Foot throwing it.
Speaker 2 (45:53):
It got him on the final play of the season
against San Francisco, and and it's going to get them
at times they cannot see right now, because it's just
you have to be a certain type of talent to
really work around what he does almost every single throw
from the back foot. So I'll be curious to see
if they've worked on that in the off season if
in indeed, is Aaron Rodgers ask every single time. But
he's a quarterback on the rise and they paid him
for it, and we'll see what he looks like when
they come into the season. But to congratulations to Jordan Love.
Speaker 9 (46:27):
Yeah, congratulations to him as a human.
Speaker 13 (46:30):
It was the amount of money was shocking to me
because Aaron sat behind Brett. They didn't immediately I don't
remember them making him the highest paid or near the
top right of the totem pole financially, so it was
a little shocking to me. I've heard many Packers fans,
including what you were talking about, Sidney, the sentiment is
kind of, well, that's the going rate, that's the cost
of doing business, and and ultimately they did get themselves
a pretty good one. And I think as a Vikings fan,
I'm trying to think about right now, JJ McCarthy sitting
behind Sam Darnold.
Speaker 9 (47:04):
Now, will that be for three years? I don't think so.
Speaker 13 (47:07):
But all the same that the point is pression at
the fact that what what do you do in that aspect?
You're either starting your guy day one and you get
all those physical reps on the field, or you do
sit them and you get an opportunity to let this
kid develop and then put him out there when he's
truly ready. I feel in some ways, I don't want
to call it desperate, but to put you know, kind
of that demarcation line of man. After week eleven, he
was mostly brilliant, Yes, and that goes in line with
the running game. There were there were other aspects of
that season I think that played into some of that success. Ultimately,
they were healthy, they were rolling, and Jordan Love was
doing absolutely everything that Matt Lafleur told him to do,
maybe save for those backfoot throws.
Speaker 9 (47:50):
So and in the end he played a winning game.
Speaker 13 (47:52):
Andrews Carlson misses that forty one yard field goal, Yeah,
that would have made it a seven point lead before
the Pack or before the Niners rolled down. They have
been McCaffrey with about a minute left, and that put
them in desperation mode. That put the ball in Jordan's hand.
That for that ugly pick town in the game. So
he's he is a very good quarterback. I as an outsider,
I'm still skeptical in terms of what we saw in
twenty twenty three, is it still has to be that
much better. You're paying that guy to two hundred and
twenty million bucks, that means that he's still going to
ascend maybe into that.
Speaker 9 (48:28):
Aaron Rodgers like conversation.
Speaker 13 (48:30):
Yeah, I'm still skeptical off of so few reps that
that's going to happen.
Speaker 9 (48:35):
But he got paid and we'll get to see.
Speaker 2 (48:37):
Nine to noon is that Twin Cities Orthopedics Performance Center
for the first day in pads for your Minnesota Vikings
as training camp practices would go, and we head into
the second hour, which will include a one on one
I conducted recently with Minnesota Vikings offensive lineman Dalton Reisner.
Also Arizona Cardinals. Vox Day Pass joins about forty five
minutes from now. That's the Friends on Fox series and
much more coming your way on FM one hundred point
three Kfan