All Episodes

July 31, 2024 47 mins
–Nordo fills in for PA, he talks Twins and their lack of moves, and he breaks down the latest with the Vikings and the NFL.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Sixty five one carpets Studios six five one carpets plus studios.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Excuse me, it's nord to win for PA.

Speaker 1 (00:08):
On a gorgeous Wednesday morning in Minneapolis, Slash, Saint Paul
and Brett Blake Moore produces PA. This is this is
not a vocal maintenance day. It's important to note that
the voice is fine. Everything's good. But for the host
of nine to Noon, Wol, you's just got to get

a tune up today. He's getting he's getting the old
oil chain and and so he will. And I've already
received some proof of life text messages from the host
of nine to Noon. It sounds as though everything went well, Wols.
So the host will be U will be back in
the saddle tomorrow. But the voice is good, the heart

is strong, and everything is moving forward. Thanks for joining
us on a Wednesday morning. Of course, training camp is
in the mix. We're going to get to the timber
Tech set list and throughout nine to noon today it's
going to be heavy on not only Vikings training camps,
some NFL bits, but of course at eleven o'clock, Dan
Hayes from The Athletic will be joining us to celebrate

the Twins made them move.

Speaker 2 (01:18):
You asked, you asked, and you received.

Speaker 1 (01:24):
Minnesota Twins fans a trade deadline dull, I mean deal.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
But it's Trevor Richards.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
It's Trevor Richards potentially the missing piece for the Minnesota
Twins pitching staff. Some would say awful, I would say
awesome or dud or thought, I mean yeah. The Twins
fans reaction to such things yesterday somewhat predictable, the air
of apathy. If you're running a team, you probably don't

want apathetic fans in the stable. But that was the
vibe with it yesterday. I saw this from from Aaron
Gleman of The Athletic Love Gleaman. The Minnesota Twins were
the last of thirty teams to make a trade, and
their loan move ended up being one of the lowest

wattage deadline deals across the mL Welcome Trevor Richards. They
traded Jay Harry, a marginal prospect. Still with Gleaman here,
they traded a marginal prospect ranked outside of their top
fifty or two months of a low leverage reliever. That's

a tough way to Hey, guys, nice to meet you
put them in front of a microphone low leverage reliever.

Speaker 2 (02:54):

Speaker 1 (02:56):
So as we've gone down and I saw this yesterday, Uh,
listener of the fan, I've never met him, so I
would I would never be so bold as to call
him a rube. Seems like a bright guy. But Dan Wennesota,
and you may hear that name bandied about sometimes Bumper
to bumper, calendar of calamity and some of the things

you hear during during the drivetime.

Speaker 2 (03:20):
Bumper to bumper, Dan Barrero. But he went through. And
this is.

Speaker 1 (03:26):
I think it's it's it's important, and it's valid as
part of the argument, but it is almost becoming reflexive
at this point, especially just days after, you would have
heard Derek Falvey effectively stating.

Speaker 2 (03:39):
That he is hamstrung.

Speaker 1 (03:40):
He is hamstrung by the the purse strings potentially of
the ownership.

Speaker 2 (03:46):
He wouldn't put it that way. I will. And therefore,
any moves.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
That were made near the deadline, I mean you had
to hold onto your butts yesterday when you heard this
one come through. But that any anything that was done
with the team, there would also have to be a gif.
There would have to be salary out the door of
some point. Again, the right sizing of the business less
than a year after making some memories, ending a playoff drought,

giving you hope, and being very game in a series
against the Astros. Right sizing the business. But I saw
this from Danny put a spreadsheet together. He's very organized.
I think he's a teacher, so that makes sense. I've
had trouble with Excel over the course of time. I
can get like sums together in things and averages, but

I'm no maestro. But the average payroll ranks of World
Series participants post nineteen ninety one, the average winner would
be seventh in Major League Baseball. Okay, not necessarily the best.
You can think of times like the three Marlins there
were twenty fifth in Major League Baseball. More recently, the
twenty seventeen Astros, all the can banging and buzzers and

everything abound, they were eighteenth. Those pesky Royals in twenty
fifteen they were sixteenth. But for the majority, you're going
to see numbers here people top ten averages out from
now nineteen ninety four not in the mix.

Speaker 2 (05:14):
I think there was a strike.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
The average payroll of a World Series winning team was
seven The average payroll even of the runner up over
the course of time Diamondbacks. Last year they were twenty
first in Major League Baseball. The Rays always figuring out
how to make it work. They only get like fifty
five hundred people at at Tropicana as it is, nobody
can find their way from Tampa into Saint Pete Clearwater area,

and they don't go to the games which might play
to that twenty eighth ranked payroll. They sell off all
of their great players before they have to pay them.
They were twenty eight.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
Cleveland twenty three when the Cubs ended the curse.

Speaker 1 (05:52):
Stuff like that. You know these numbers again, it's reflexive.
We go back to that every single time.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
But the average roll of a runner up post Twins
ninety one was eleven, and then, of course the Twins
their average payroll over the course of time twenty.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
So it is a it's a never ending conversation that
will persist until the end of time. But many Twins
fans feeling on the verge now and his other news
has come out now, it's I mean, you want to
talk about it, a landslide of bad news. Guys going
on the sixty day il. This guy's hurt, everybody's hurt.

Didn't If you didn't know Randy Dobnach was still with
the organization, you're you're about to get to know him.
He's been elevated. I believe they purchased his contract and
and enter Trevor Richard. So let's dig into the details
with Trevor. It's a thirty one year old debuted in
twenty eight team's played for four different teams, so the
Minnesota Twins shall be his fifth. Forty five appearances thus

far in twenty twenty four, fifty two and a third innings,
strikeouts are lower than they've been in years.

Speaker 2 (07:00):
It's kind of ternendic.

Speaker 1 (07:01):
I'm starting to feel like, is this baseball's version of
just a guy? Did we trade for a jag and
then Jay Harry get to know him the love you lost?
Former Penn State or low end prospect he goes to Toronto.
So that's where we're at there, the Stonemont cat, he's
been dfaed here all off to the sixty day il

Rock Stewart is hurt. My goodness, Randy Dobnak is back.
I mentioned that. Now the only thing with this Trevor,
what Richard's thing is that you know, at least we
could say here potentially that okay, numbers, they're fine. Low
leverage guy, We totally get it. But maybe maybe he's
on the come. Maybe we got him on the trend upwards. Well,

here he is in July, made ten appearances, ten and
the third innings, pitched in ten in the third innings,
he is allowed fIF teen earned runs. He has struck
out just nine in those ten. In the third innings,
he's walked eight and an ERA of thirteen. So we

have now it's possible that he's just having a bad month.
He's going to get over that. It's the last piece
of the puzzle. All jokes aside. This is a team
that is ailing in health right now, and so that
that should be ultimately the a topic of a team,
and maybe that factors into a decision for a team
that despite losing two in a row, here to New

York and the final one is going to be a
nooner today. It's Lopez and Severino. Luis Severino, former Yankee.
Now he's a met probably got to keep the same condo.
Good for Luis. So get that one today and come
home against the Chicago White Sox. White Sox are awful.
You should sweep that series. But maybe the injury situation

plays into this, the fact that that gap is gaining
in the AL Central The gap is widening, i should say,
And this is an ownership group that has made decisions
very consistently. That's the one thing you can't say about
this team. They're definitely consistent. They definitely this time of year,
have proven a track record over the course of time

in which they're going to do exactly the same type
of thing. They're going to stay within the bounds of
their revenue. The bounds are their particular budget each and
every year, so we should not be surprised. But Trevor Richards,
get to know them. You asked for it, and the
Twins made a deadline deal.

Speaker 2 (09:40):
Thank you for that.

Speaker 1 (09:41):
But we will get into that more so at eleven
o'clock with Dan Hayes. They still are playing the games.
They still are as of now, very comfortably in the
playoff mix. They still have an opportunity, if to get healthy,
to make some noise in kind of a muddy American
league right now. So all of those things considered, there's
I'll optimism and starting tomorrow, for a small convenience charge,

I could watch them on TV again, so not all
is lost with the baseball team, but certainly an underwhelming
situation at the trade deadline. Probably Garner zero surprise. Timber
Tech sett list brought to you by timber Tech. Get
you're decking done with timber Tech TimberTech dot Com. At
ten am, a mod Hicks Fox nine, he's gonna be

in studio. He's been a training camp. He interviewed Jay
Ward yesterday. I want to talk to him about that.
But get a vibe for camp. We've got Olympics going on,
go for footballs on the horizon. We're gonna talk about
a bunch of stuff in studio with a mod at ten.
As I mentioned Dan Hayes of the Athletic covers the
Minnesota Twins.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
He'll join me at eleven.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
We'll continue this conversation not only about Trevor, but these
significant injury issues that continue to persist and crop up
for the Hometown nine. Brett Blake Moore is in here.
We got vikes bits around the corner. Thanks for hanging
out with us on a.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
If you want to.

Speaker 3 (10:59):
Sign on what's happening your favorite KFAM shows, you can
make your voice heard on the Bradshawn Bryant kfan text
line this let us note you have to say by
texting your message to six four six eighty six. That's
six four six eight six diner text message and day
rate supply.

Speaker 1 (11:15):
Yeah, text message is always appreciated. A couple here. I
don't want to hear any excuses for the Minnesota Twins
and owner Jim Poe Lad an estimated three point eight
billion millionaire owner who's cheaper than Ebenezer Scrooge. Every team
in the division improve their team, and we skate on
the cheap. At least the Wolfs want to win pole.

Ads just want money. Sad Brandon in New Mexico, I
wonder how this is. You know, we we we've heard
that attendance is now and I suspect that's because of
the TV clomp. It's it's out of sight, it's out
of mind. We hear in Minnesota are very good. If
I mean, we'll jump on any bandwagon, there's no doubt

about that. But we can also jump off the bandwagon too.
We can go do other stuff. We got lakes, we
got cabin culture, we got all kinds of things to
do all summer long. And if you're not gonna let us.
You're not gonna let us in. We don't have access
to something, We'll just go do something else. We'll get
over it. Now that that can quickly change again. Tomorrow
wake up. It's the first of the month, and for

a small convenience charge, you can begin watching Twins games
on Comcast again. Good news, first game on Friday. I
think White Sox in town, so looking forward to that.
But I I'm always balancing this spending other people's.

Speaker 2 (12:37):
Money, and.

Speaker 1 (12:40):
For me, I think the the a topic is going
to be more about how they message this than actually
the execution of it. And I think whether it's it's
managing your farm assets and developing keeping guys. I mean,
this is ultimately a team that, save for a couple names,

this is not constantly a team. And I know that
David Ortiz is gonna pop up. That was a big one.
That's a Hall of Fame example. But this isn't a
team that's necessarily always getting rid of guys that ultimately
flourish and excel and are among the league's best at
other locations. This ultimately becomes a situation where we're developing,

we get them to a certain point, and then.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
There's a leveling period. There's a plateau, and so.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
Is it always going to be about money and just
adding and doing what the Yankees do and doing what
some of these teams do financially?

Speaker 2 (13:40):
That certainly is a topic.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
Again, I'm not a person that's trying to make excuses
for them per se, but I am organizationally questioning from
a development standpoint and ultimately getting the most out of
the guys that you're bringing up the free ones, by
the way, the guys you get to have before they
earn all that money. We're not seeing a ton of
those guys go and be forty million dollar guys elsewhere.

So what's what's not happening there that allows us to
put this team together in a way that is consistently
competitive and can win.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
In that regard.

Speaker 1 (14:13):
So just continuing to think about some of that, But again,
no excuses. This team certainly is not in a position
where they can't go out and supplement this team in
route to a playoff run and Twins fans, whether it
be how this TV thing was handled, how these sorts
of things have happened at the trade deadline for years,
how offseason negotiations and things.

Speaker 2 (14:35):
Happen, you have right to be frustrated.

Speaker 1 (14:38):
You're the guys that are paying the money to watch
these guys, paying the money to go see these guys.

Speaker 2 (14:42):
Thank you for the text messages.

Speaker 1 (14:44):
Text messages continue to roll in, always accepted nine to
noone will continue to read them throughout the.

Speaker 2 (14:49):
Throughout the show.

Speaker 1 (14:50):
But Vikes bites back to the lesson in hand is
brought to you by a Thousand Hills Lifetime grays grass
fed beef thousand Hills Lifetime graysed.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
You can get.

Speaker 1 (15:01):
You can get the stuff showing up at your door
in a box. Think about a box of meat on
your doorstep. That's sweet that the product's delicious. By the way,
it's a Clearwater, Minnesota company, you know. So find him
at your local co Burns, your local co ops locations
as well.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
Where we added to first, Brett Fikes bites well.

Speaker 3 (15:18):
I had it written as the Vikings are planning to
sign free agent cornerback Fabian Moreau, but now it's official.
According to every Vikings beat writer they've tweeted it out
over the past fifteen minutes, they have signed free agent
cornerback Fabian Moreau. They waved linebacker Abraham baw Plan, I'm
going with bull plan.

Speaker 4 (15:37):
Yeah, Beau plan to make room. So there you have it.
Another cornerback in the in the mix over at TCO.

Speaker 2 (15:44):
Yeah, whether it's it's Shaq Griffin and I heard him.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
He was interviewed after practice and it sounds like he's
getting closer and closer to being back in the mix,
So that's nice. We know about Byron Murphy Junior. We
know about Andrew Booth, we know about a Caleb Evans,
we know about Duke Duke the Duke is on fire,
Dwight mclothern, the undrafted rookie AJ Green the Third.

Speaker 2 (16:05):
Admittedly I don't know much about it. AJ Green the Third.

Speaker 1 (16:08):
I know that he's not the AJ Green who scored
touchdowns for the Bengals, So that's that's one thing that
I know. And apparently he plays cornerback for the Minnesota Vikings.
I mentioned with the mod he's in studio attend jay
Ward has been moving around a little bit and has
been actually participating in cornerback drills.

Speaker 2 (16:24):
He sounds game for the challenge. That's what this thing's
going to be.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
It's it's body in, body out, and none of it's
going to be exciting. You're not going to hear a
multi year deal for Zavian Howard and just kind of
those those pie in the sky dreams about a quick
fix of this thing. This thing's going to be all
hands on deck, and it's it's one of the worriesome
aspects talking about it during the Friday Feast last Friday,

is there's an element of this through the off season.
So forget the injuries, forget the tragedy with with Kyrie,
and just thinking about what they did as a franchise
and Quasi's kind of measured spending spree that has all
been part of getting this thing healthier, or getting this
thing financially healthier, and getting this thing younger. It felt

like we left and that's a big miss for Danil Hunter.
Not having Danil is a big deal. But I also
feel whether it's Van Ginkle, you draft Dallas Turner, you
do some of these other things, and you look at
how this thing's constructed now, I would actually say that
the front seven is deeper and more athletic, and you

got to rely on Ivan Pace getting better in year
two and those sorts of things, and you got to
rely on Blake Cashman, who has had health issues for
a large majority of his NFL career, But when he's
given the opportunity, we've seen him make plays. I think
we actually got better in that regard. So the only
remaining question and we like our safety group too, right,

we like me tell us, we like cam Binam cam Bidham.
I think is going to need some money here at
some point.

Speaker 2 (17:58):
We like hit Man.

Speaker 1 (18:01):
But the only question was corner and so now it's
going to be its all hands on deck. It's going
to be how can this front seven make life even
a fraction easier on that on that cornerback group? And
it's going to be Byron Murphy, please stay healthy. It's
going to be Shack Griffin. Once you get back on
the field, don't leave it. But it is going to

be Fabian Moreau. And he had an alright season a
couple years ago.

Speaker 2 (18:25):
For the Giants. We saw him twice.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
We saw him on Christmas, we saw him and then
and then in that playoff game. I think he has
seven career picks. This isn't exactly a ball hawking stud.
This is his third or fourth team as well. Is
this the NFL version of adding Trevor Richards. I'd actually
say it might. It might be a little bit better
than that. Let's not get down on the thing. But

but I I would expect even you know, as as
camp goes on, that this may not even be the
last corner ultimately that you hear being signed to the Purple.
So it's that time of the year and we're in
that type of spot. Fabian Moreau doesn't he neither excites
me nor annoys me, but get used to that. There's
gonna be a bunch of names floating in and around

as they just try to find some kind of combination
that can work with this front seven that I think
is going to be deeper and better than it was
a year ago, and we need.

Speaker 2 (19:20):
It to be Vikes bits. There we go, Thank you U.

Speaker 3 (19:25):
The kicker battle, as we know, is over, but the
end of yesterday's practice will record where they were simulating
game situations. Yeah, they had a kick from fifty two,
fifty four and fifty five.

Speaker 4 (19:39):
He made the third but missed the first two.

Speaker 1 (19:42):
Oh yeah, See this is I've entered a stage in
life where I feel like I am Like I said,
I'm I'm really should I wouldn't say I'm nonplussed, but
when it comes to Fabian Moreau the name. Yeah, it's
just kinda it's just it's elevator conversation at this point.

And this and Fabian by the way, in the land
of opportunity, he's gonna have an opportunity to make plays
and be in that rotation. So I don't want to,
you know, indict him. He's trying to extend his career.
Good for him, and we need it.

Speaker 4 (20:18):
But the.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
How do I explain this with the with the kicking
situation Reikerd, I'm neither. I'm neither old nor young, and
I'm watching Reikerd yesterday and I thought I was watching
like some sort of like Mike Max doing like a
prep report on WCCL, Like he just looks like he's

twelve years old out there and all the kicking issues.
We can't get it out of our heads. He's got
an absolute cannon of a leg. We get rid of
the TikTok cat John Parker Romo. And so he's the
guy I'm trying not to in the same vein that

I would overanalyze every good throw that JJ McCarthy makes
or every bad throw that Sam Darnold makes, trying not
to overanalyze. I know he's got the power, but I
need to see those makes. It was fine. It was
one day in camp. That's the end of it. He's
our guy, like you guys went into it last year.
Now I shouldn't even invoke the name because ultimately I

don't want to bring that that curse upon our purple
and gold household. But Andres Carlson, right, you got the
wrong Carlson, didn't you. We'll see we had the right
The Vikings had the right Carlson at every point, and
things went south and you're sitting there with an opportunity
to win out in the bay and you just needed

a forty one yard field goal in the fourth quarter
to make it a seven point game. So that ultimately,
in the final minute of the fourth quarter, after I
think it was mcafe you scored, Was it McCaffrey.

Speaker 2 (22:01):
With the go ahead TD?

Speaker 1 (22:02):
It was yeah, So McCaffrey gets to go ahead TD,
and instead of being tied, and now you have Jordan
Love with poise, you have Jordan Love with a run game.
You have Jordan Love with a chance to go down
and put a confident and field goal making Anders Carlson
in the mix for a game winning field goal. You
have him trying to create magic and he ain't magical.

Maybe it will be someday, Oh he isn't yet. So
you guys have felt you felt that vibe a year
ago with Anders Carlson sweating all of that. We overreacted
to our Carlson in twenty eighteen. Yeah, cutting him three
games into his career and he's turned out pretty well
for the Las Vegas Raiders. Well, you know who's battling

for the Anders Carlson spot. Yeah, it's Greg Joseph. Come on,
I see that whole thing. That whole thing though, with
Greg and the Packers, just get rid of Anders. I honestly,
I honestly, I don't understand it, only because Greg's gonna
roll into camp and I haven't seen updates and I'm
not you know, I'm not listening or reading what the

head cheese, Dave Sineken and is saying right now. On
a daily basis, I do as the season crops up,
but right now it's it's nothing. But yeah, man, you know,
in some days we're gonna look back and we actually
got a deal for Jordan Love.

Speaker 2 (23:25):
Like you know, everything, sky's the limit. There's too much.

Speaker 1 (23:28):
Happiness happening over there. Right now, And I'm not really
excited about it.

Speaker 3 (23:32):
I deserve the Packers cheap shots since I was trying
to get you going that will record missed two kicks. No,
but it was mostly doing a bit. But he did
miss him. But it's like who cares no?

Speaker 2 (23:41):
But but anyways, But in the case of Andre's Carlson,
in some ways, you're hoping that there's some sort of
a jump. But you know what you have in Greg.

Speaker 1 (23:49):
So are you signing him to the team specifically to
light a fire under Andres Carlson? Maybe that's the case,
but you already know what you're You're gonna get out
of Greg Joseph, So either you like that, yeah, which
there were moments of greatness, there were moments of are
you freaking kidding me with him? Get rid of Hoders

and keep Greg, or just dump Greg and keep Bonders.
Like I don't I don't understand. And I think you
guys even have you might have still have a third
kicker on the tap too. They cut pod Lesnie. Do
you remember him, the Georgia kicker. I think I think
the Vikings signed him as a free agent. I think
he's been one point. I think he's been a Viking too. Yeah, anyways,

good luck to that. Yes, I'm still I'm still very
bullish on record, but he did miss two kicks tomorrow.
So if you know, the next time he misses a kick,
I'm gonna ask for for him to be cut and
bring Greg Joseph back Vikes bike.

Speaker 3 (24:46):
Yes, back to the to the Vikings. JJ is spinning
it at Camp. Rave reviews for JJ, but Kevin O'Connor
reiterated yesterday that he'll get consistent first team reps, just
not yet. Their whole nof on giving him first team
reps do you read into the first team I know
it's been said on this show hundreds, yes, hundreds of

times that JJ's probably not playing this year period. If
all goes to plan, he's not playing. But then we
get the story he might get first team reps.

Speaker 2 (25:17):
You might see a.

Speaker 3 (25:17):
Little bit of him. He's working his way up, he's
spinning it. I mean, these stories will just never end
no matter what. But your thoughts on him potentially getting
some first team reps consistently in the near future.

Speaker 2 (25:29):
Well, it was interesting.

Speaker 1 (25:30):
Over the course of camp, I've actually heard people talking
about how well JJ's arm strength is coming through every
single time he throws the ball.

Speaker 2 (25:40):
JJ McCarthy is a canon of an arm.

Speaker 1 (25:44):
So however the other parts fit in and how the
other parts develop all of that time will tell. But
he's got a cannon of an arm. His placement is terrific,
and there are some that are saying he's out playing
Sam Darnold in camp. But then but then you have
and and PA's refer to them as the aggregators, those

that will take other people's content and kind of re
report it right, and then you know, in the social
media world that works with them, people will follow them,
considering them almost as a like a certified New curt almost.
And I see and it's not like they're lying out there,
they're just they're they're kind of they're repurposing or or
repackaging and redelivering the content and the statements and the

quotes of others.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
But then there are other things they say.

Speaker 1 (26:33):
I think it's like Dov climbing or something that he
posted something and it was the interception that JJ threw yesterday,
threw it into double coverage.

Speaker 2 (26:41):
The thing had there was no chance.

Speaker 1 (26:44):
And then he kind of so, but he didn't repackage
it with with a quote or a legitimate report in
terms of this is you know, here's a video, here's
a bad JJ McCarthy highlight, and here's what x y
Z scribe on the ground had to say. He just said,
And sources can be anybody that JJ's had an awful

camp and people are worried about.

Speaker 2 (27:09):
Like, that's ridiculous. Nobody at this stage is worried about JJ.
This is all.

Speaker 1 (27:15):
This is the and I hope it goes better than
it's gone in Philly with the Sixers.

Speaker 2 (27:18):
This is a trust the process moment.

Speaker 1 (27:21):
Of course, Sam Darnold's gonna get the Ones veteran equity
and more pro ready at this stage, and absolutely the
rookie is going to be elevated into getting number one
reps and snaps, and once the preseason starts, you're going
to see JJ out there getting significant runs during the

preseason games themselves. But because the starter is because the
Justin Jeffersons and the Darisas and those people will not
be playing in those preseason games, I don't believe then
that means you're gonna have to get those reps in practice.
So of course JJ McCarthy's gonna get reps with the
Ones that is no surprise at all, and he absolutely
should so get to training camp practices to see these

guys and both there's a there's a fluidity to the offense.
And again, as an outsider, you know how much how
much is truly being installed, how technical, how deep in
the weeds are they getting with the playbook and the
the easing in process of JJ playing with the two's,
playing with the threes. You're hearing a lot about him throwing.

You know, he had a fifty yard deep ball to
Christian Jackson yesterday, just.

Speaker 2 (28:32):
The hair underthrown by JJ.

Speaker 1 (28:34):
You gotta let the you gotta let the training wheels
off that cannon a little bit. JJ, Christian had to
slow down, You had to come back for it.

Speaker 2 (28:42):
Just just a dick. But then he got into the
end zone. But you're hearing a lot of.

Speaker 1 (28:46):
JJ to Jalen Naylor, a lot of JJ, Christian Jackson,
Wolf of walk On's. They are Thomas's of the world.
You're gonna see him working with the ones and it's
gonna be really cool. Right now, Sam Darnold doing his thing.
People have been harping on him a little bit. I
guess he has a streak of interceptions that he's been
throwing in practice. This is all a part of the

over analysis aspect of preseason, and it's kind of fun
to do it. It's kind of fun to obsess over it.
And in the end, the same thing we've talked about
all summer will ring true until week one or maybe
at least into the preseason games, is that this is
all projecting, this is all putting the pieces together, and
I'm excited for it. But yeah, JJ is going to

get reps with the ones, absolutely, but that doesn't That
still doesn't move me off my spot that Donald is
absolutely starting week one, and but we still.

Speaker 2 (29:39):
Have of course, what time is it.

Speaker 1 (29:41):
It's nine thirty five am on Wednesday, July thirty first,
So we still have a better part of six weeks
for JJ to have a say in that competition, a
say in that fight. He's been pretty good overall, He's
looked like a rookie oft times. Donald has been more steady.
I think you can see that the talent and the

mobility of both of these guys, it just looks so
different than it did the previous six with Kirk, and
it's kind of fun.

Speaker 3 (30:11):
Fikes bites more on a JJ McCarthy fan line.

Speaker 2 (30:15):
I mean fikes bites, uh.

Speaker 3 (30:17):
Something that came out. I don't know if you brought
it up, but I speaking just since we're on. JJ
Seaffert tweeted this out that Flores had a revelation or
they had a revelation that Brian Flores has had several
conversations with JJ McCarthy about NFL defensive schemes.

Speaker 4 (30:33):
One thing they've zered.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
In on identifying tells there's always someone giving something away.
Brian Flores has taken JJ McCarthy under his wing. Here
we go, ye your thoughts.

Speaker 1 (30:47):
Well, my thought is, is you know, for instance, in
any job. When I started here as an intern, I
was down the hall on the news talk side where
the evil Republicans are, but trying to get in the
door and trying to learn as much.

Speaker 2 (31:02):
As I could.

Speaker 1 (31:04):
All resources were up for grabs, and I was, and
I still am, the king of asking just stupid questions.
If I want to learn about something, I'm not going
to be I don't have an ego about it. I
will ask the dumbest, most elementary question I possibly can,
so I can know something and never have to ask
that question again. And in the football sense many of

you out there listening, how have you grown and gotten
better at your jobs? You've taken advantage of all the resources.
Some of you take night classes, some of you read books,
you use online resources, You do all of those things,
whatever you can to find an edge and to advance.

Speaker 2 (31:39):
Your career at a quicker pace.

Speaker 1 (31:41):
It would be stupid for anybody in any industry to
look at themselves and say, how do I get better
and not figure out Wait a minute, I see all
the guys that make all the money and win all
the games and hoist all the trophies. These guys are
so clued in on d These guys are so educated.

Speaker 2 (32:01):
Included on films.

Speaker 1 (32:02):
They're so smart that a lot of times they know
what the defense is doing before the defense does it.
So why would I not talk to the defensive coordinator
and ask him all the stupid questions I want to
learn more? And it's we're just talking about our own
players right now. Hey, every time Blake Cashman slaps his
left eigh, this happens. Hey, I noticed on these two

plays that there's a little shuffling of the feet.

Speaker 2 (32:28):
Well, that means that Dallas Turner is dropping back into coverage.

Speaker 1 (32:31):
Right, and he's got Brian Flores who his entire job
these days is creating tricks and creating mysteries and confusion.
Given at times a lack of talent, specifically in the secondary.
We've talked about that. No need to harp on it.
Why would you not use those resources? That's awesome And
the fact is, from my standpoint, hearing that JJ has

kind of he's been the guy that has been the
catalyt for that that he has reached out that he
wants to learn more. Yeah, that's that's terrific. And I'm
sure a ton of rookies do it, a ton of
young people do it. How does he take that information
and run with it?

Speaker 3 (33:12):
It'd be like working at the fan and not asking
Barb for free tickets. Got to use your resources that
you have anyways, I'll see mikes bites, we move on.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
You asked Barb for free tickets sometimes, what have you
done to earn free tickets?

Speaker 3 (33:25):
I'm around that's fair bikes, bikes Speaking of the secondary
that may or may not have talent on it. H
lewis seen lower leg strain officially and his day to day.
Can this guy catch a break because it is unfortunate.

Speaker 1 (33:41):
No, and and he really hasn't created his own breaks either. Yeah,
it's it's it's disappointing. I I kind of take the
same I'm getting to the same point where Pa is
on this, and it's just I don't want to say
it's a non talker. This guy's trying to maintain his
NFL life and main taining his career with the Minnesota Vikings.

But the whole first rounder things that's been out the window.
He couldn't even make the he would not have been
a starter and would have played minimal, minimal stats snaps.

Speaker 2 (34:15):
Excuse me as a rookie.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
Now you pile on the fact that he's also dealing
with that injury. His rookie season's got a rebound from
that and all of that, but there's just been no
spark and he got almost no run a year ago.
There's a reason for that. Something has not clicked and
it continues not to click. So the sad part for
him is that in a situation where we got guys

like Jay Ward now trying to play corner and we're
just trying to find bodies that can contribute that he
can't be out there, and we saw it he's standing
the under the upright watching the twos and threes play,
and we were questioning what's going on with that.

Speaker 2 (34:56):
Clearly there's an injury in the.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
Mix, but it's just I just don't see a spot for.

Speaker 2 (35:01):
Him on this team.

Speaker 1 (35:02):
So in the same vein that we would talk about
anybody where it's just not working out. We just you
hope that he gets healthy and finds his way with
another team.

Speaker 2 (35:11):
But things continue. He can't catch a.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
Break, he can't make his own breaks, and therefore, from
my standpoint, he shouldn't be on the fifty three.

Speaker 2 (35:21):
Let's do this. That's Vikes Bites. Thank you, Brett.

Speaker 1 (35:24):
I know you might have one or two left in
the tank and final hour we'll have some more time
for that. But Vikes Bites is brought to you by
Thousand Hills Lifetime, Grays, Grass Fed Beef, AMD Hickson Studio.

Speaker 2 (35:35):
At ten, we're gonna look around the NFL when we return.

Speaker 1 (35:39):
Is it a big deal? Is it no big deal?
Brett has more on that. Around the corner, you're listening
to nine to noon, I'm the Fan.

Speaker 3 (35:49):
Hockey Season right around the corner, and you can join
the Minnesota While for their block party series for them
to by at Cub Foods and Roast Bat Tuesday, August sixth,
stop by from five to eight pm from games kfan Swag.
All proceeds from concessions will be donated to local youth
hockey associations. Full details over to KFA dot com keyword calendar.

Speaker 2 (36:10):
Got this text message text messages six four six eight
six Brad Shawn Brian text line, is Darnold really going
to be ready for week one? When JJ is taking
half his first team reps? And I don't you know,
half just kind of throwing an arbitrary number out there,
you know, who knows what it exactly will look like.

And it's not a completely unfair point.

Speaker 1 (36:35):
The I I do believe that both of these guys
will play in the preseason, and so therefore both are
going to you know, versus Kirk, and we're just going
to put it on ice, says Pete Bursich. The it'll
be a little bit different this time around. I think
ready is as this thing lifts off, Reddy becomes kind

of a subjective term in regard. I think he's gonna
get plenty of reps, so I'm not worried about the
amount of reps that Sam Darnold is going to get.
I am worried, though, I'm worried, but I would say
to prepare yourself for the fact that we saw, even
with Kirk Cousins, that the mastery of this offense, that

being ready did not mean mastery of how this thing
ultimately was going to look. And he worked his way
through twenty twenty two and finally last season, at least
statistically team starts out one and four.

Speaker 2 (37:30):
They couldn't.

Speaker 1 (37:31):
I mean, they just couldn't bother holding onto the ball
at any point in time. We've talked about the turnovers, absolutely,
but the team was one and four and Kirk was
having the statistically best start to the season of his career.
So being ready does that mean mastery? What does this
thing look like week one? Is it high flying, high gunning?

And again, the idea of this being one of the
elite offenses in the NFL, I just don't see that.
But he will be ready in regard that, I still
believe of the two he and JJ McCarthy, that he
will be the one under center when the Vikings take
on the Giants have met life week one. But yeah,
just framing it up, JJ needs his chance with the ones.

I do not believe that that's inherently then stunting the
preparation of Sam Darnol. I just wouldn't look at it
that way. But big deal or no big deal, Brett,
you put this together and it's kind of the idea.
The NFL has thirty two teams, not one, even though
I prefer just to focus on one as much as

I possibly can, or at least eliminate one of that
thirty two. From the conversation, cot Times, your favorite team.
But big deal or no big deal bits happening around
the NFL. Between you and I, we will decide whether
it is a big deal or no big deal. The
Texters will have their say in this as well. Where

we headed to first.

Speaker 3 (38:55):
We're headed to Atlanta first because their owner Arthur Blank
has been talking in the media the past couple of days.
One thing that stuck out to me. He said, quote,
We've made it clear to Kirk that we were probably
going to draft a quarterback in this draft. And it
turned out that Michael Pennox, who a our coaching staff
and personnel department graded extraordinarily high. They viewed him as

a tremendous player, was there. So they made it clear
to kirk apparently before the draft QB was coming at
some point.

Speaker 1 (39:24):
Well, okay, before the draft, if we're looking into semantics,
does that mean before the draft is in, before they
were on the clock, because all those reports came out
that he was he was on his way to like
a fan fest. Was he was going to go pump
up the crowd at the draft party. We got Kirko
chains with a lack of creativity with the Atlanta folks.

Come on, that was our thing. He was on our
play he was shirtless with our team. Uh, it's so
it's it's a big deal ultimately, in the fact that
everything that I've heard and seen reported elsewhere was that
he's going there. It's a win now operation. You give
the guy all that guaranteed cash, and you have an

opportunity with the eighth pick to immediately bolster and immediately help.
As a matter of fact, many people were thinking, wow,
Dallas Turner, this team can't sack anybody. They took Dallas
Turner at eight, think about what that could do.

Speaker 2 (40:21):
They don't do it.

Speaker 1 (40:22):
They take Pennix and Penix also immediately when you take
a twenty four year old guy it's not fair necessarily
to Penex, but we're not operating in a universe of
ultimate fairness. He's kind of on a clock, right, I mean,
you're not gonna let him sit for four or five years.
I mean, even Jordan Love, he's still twenty four to
twenty five, right, correct. Yeah, So picture if you had

to make the quarter billion dollar deal on limited reps
and he's twenty eight, I mean that's you just you
got to play that numbers game a little bit. So
it's it's a big deal in that regard, but it's
no big deal because I can't speak for every Vikings
fan out there.

Speaker 2 (40:57):
I just don't care. I don't care anymore. Best of
luck to Kirk in Atlanta except when they play us.
I don't care.

Speaker 1 (41:07):
We gotta we gotta move on from it, and I've
and this is not an indictment of you bringing it up.
It's a thing that's in the news and I even
yesterday played an audio of it where he was talking
with Chase Daniel and Diana Rassini.

Speaker 2 (41:20):
You can't escape it. But it's just we we I
gotta move on. It's time to move on. Kirk.

Speaker 1 (41:27):
Thanks for the memories, but now I'm going to sit
here and obsess over every throw of JJ McCarthy's.

Speaker 2 (41:33):
And now I'm excited as I've seen players and I've
heard various things thus far in camp that there is
an incredibly positive and optimistic vibe about moving forward with
both Darnold and McCarthy and what the future holds. I
am soaking all of that in. I don't have time
for Kirk figure it out. I think the Falcons made

a huge mistake taking Pennix at eight.

Speaker 1 (41:56):
That's what I think. And I just, I just I
hope that Kirk stays healthy. I hope Kirk finds some
semblance of success.

Speaker 2 (42:04):
Down there.

Speaker 1 (42:06):
While the Falcons lose a bunch of games, and specifically
when they come to US Bank Stadium later this year.

Speaker 2 (42:13):
So no big deal for me. You cool with that?

Speaker 3 (42:16):
Yeah, I mean on board with that. Yeah, it's no
big deal. I mean it is what it is at
this point. Well, there's no taking it back down.

Speaker 2 (42:22):
You don't care because you're you're a Packers fan, you
know whatever. Jordan loved this.

Speaker 3 (42:27):
Speaking of things I don't care about, here's a couple
of bites on the Bears. One Dj moore biggest extension
in Bears history, four years, one hundred and ten million bucks.

Speaker 2 (42:37):
Yeah for DJ.

Speaker 3 (42:38):
Moore, that's huge money spent for the Bears in their
offense under a terrible offensive coach and ebra flues.

Speaker 2 (42:44):
Yeah, Dj Moore is so good.

Speaker 1 (42:48):
Now adding Keenan Allen to the mix, he's just he's
probably I think he's a one year bit romadonsay. Of course,
on the rookie contract, Ryan Poles has had no problems
in money and as many jokes, you know, I can't
remember exactly how he phrased it, but when he first
was hired as the GM of the Bears, it's basically like,
there's no looking back. NFC North is ours. We're going

to be Kings of the North and the Bears are
going to reach stratospheric heights.

Speaker 2 (43:16):
And that includes hoisting Lombardi's. It's all good.

Speaker 1 (43:19):
But since then, well since then, kay, the fields thing
hasn't worked out. However, when this guy puts big money,
I mean it's it's not a huge track record, but
what he did with Montes Sweat and that defense effectively
becoming a top ten defense over the final half of
the season post trade, he has to be respected for

some of that. The other draft picks have to work out.
Tyreek Stevenson. I forget the name of the big old
lineman that they drafted either this year or last year.
Last year, of course, because they went QB and Rome.
All of that's to play out on the field. And
Caleb we're not going to get to see him tomorrow night.
It sounds like Caleb Williams won't be in the Hall
of Fame game, Okay. I would also, well, let's handle

this first. I think it's a big deal in the
fact that we need to be paying attention to what
the Bears are looking like, because I think Ryan Poles
has actually done a pretty good job. Now you lock
all these contracts in and things go south. But DJ
Moore when he's healthy, has been nothing but a beast
on the field, and he was terrific for them a
year ago in a season in which they were still

trying to figure out ken justin field stay on the field,
and is this a guy that you can commit long
term money to. They made the decision that they made, obviously,
but in the end, I think Dj Moore is fantastic
and he's worth the cash that they gave him, and
that's going to be instantly as long as as long
as Caleb works out instantly a formidable option for them.

So I think it's a big deal and actually a
good one for the Bears. I think Bears fans coming
into this season. I mean, you want to talk about
optimism and hope, like all those guys got to be feeling,
all of you obnoxious Bears fans.

Speaker 2 (44:57):
I love Alleries. You guys are all just I.

Speaker 1 (44:59):
Mean lining the bar right now and Lavelle providing the anchor.
You guys have to be on cloud nine right now
with how this thing is being put together. So a
lot of positivity there.

Speaker 2 (45:10):
Big deal.

Speaker 1 (45:10):
It's a good deal for for Bears fans. It's a
bad deal for Packers and Vikings fans. It is no
big deal. However, that he's not that he's not gonna
be playing tomorrow night, it's no big deal.

Speaker 4 (45:22):
Yeah, I would have liked to see it as a viewer. Well,
ultimately it's not a big deal.

Speaker 2 (45:26):
I want to see him.

Speaker 1 (45:27):
But whether he plays tonight, you will play in one
of the other preseason games. You're gonna get to see
Caleb Williams reps and you're gonna get to see in
an exhibition environment and probably not too dissimilar from the Vikings.

Speaker 2 (45:38):
Some of those guys that we're talking about. Maybe DJ
Moore doesn't play Roma Dunza, he's a rookie, maybe you
give him limited reps, etc.

Speaker 1 (45:45):
Keenan Allen probably isn't getting out on the field in
a preseason game. The cole Comets of the world. Do
you arrest those guys? What's that O line look like?
But you're gonna get to see him and it's gonna
be cool. But in terms of tomorrow night and Ken,
which apparently we have, we have meetsass Paul Lamb and
Chris Hockey on site. They were at k h o
F as believe can, so maybe we'll get to hear

what their thoughts are. Certainly a lot of social media
and promoting going on as they are in Canton.

Speaker 2 (46:12):
For those festivities.

Speaker 1 (46:12):
I'll get the audio, but no, the game will go
off and you'll get to see Caleb at some point.
So no big deal there. Let's let's let's hold onto
these again.

Speaker 2 (46:21):
Final hour.

Speaker 1 (46:22):
You had a couple more VICES bites. We'll talk some
more NFL bits. There's some Harrison Phillips audio that I
heard from yesterday to that kind of. It piqued my
interest in terms of looking forward with the Minnesota Vikings.
We haven't even we have any We've barely had padded practices,
we haven't had a preseason game. And this morning at
about eight am, I'm listening to Harrison Phillips yesterday and

and I hear him start talking about what he needs
to do to get better at this stage of his career.
And I realized, I think he's in the final year
of his deal. And then I look and I find
out that I think we have thirty some free age.
It's into twenty twenty five with the Vikings, Harrison being
one of them, by Ra Murphy Junior and some others.
And we keep talking about all this cap space. Well

how quickly that cap space might disappear? But I got
that audio and we got some big deal, no big deal,
we got some Vikes bites.

Speaker 2 (47:13):
Final hour as well.

Speaker 1 (47:13):
Dan Hayes of course on the Minnesota Twins at eleven o'clock,
excited to chat with him as always up and next,
excited to hang out with the mod Hicks Fox nine.
He's in the studio, he's been at camp. I mentioned
his interview with Jay Ward from yesterday. I want to
dig into that with him because it's a complete rats nest.
The cornerback, there's some Olympics in play. We got to
go for football around the corner. We're gonna have some

fun with the mod from Fox nine. That's the ten
am hour coming up. It's Nordowen for PA nine to noon.
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