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May 23, 2024 • 50 mins
Common Man Hour 2

--5 Questions
--Twins Bandwagon
--Progrum Password
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Game two of the Western Conference Finalstips off this Friday at seven thirty,
and you can hear it right hereon FM one hundred point three KFN and
anywhere you go on the free iHeartRadioup presented by scar Audio Elevate You Ride
the Day, twel thirteen, fourteenpast Common and Chennabe. Time down for

five, three four. Time nowfor five questions, Well actually three,
but five sounds like more than four. Brought to you by Casey's General Store
Question number one. It's time nowfor the where on the bandwagon is Common?

Updates? The Twins took two ofthree from the Nationals after winning three
two in Washington. Yesterday at Common, after that losing streak, they went
two of three. So where onthe Twins bandwagon are you? It's some
hard to get comfortable sitting down inthe Twins bandwagon, even standing with the

I mean, if you're gonna standin on the band you got to have
one of those leather straps to hangon to. I'm probably hanging on the
bumper. I it's nice. Imean, I you know, they they
had the ten oh win where thewinter Snitz will apparently and you know,

sees all and does all the Wins. All that was nice effort yesterday.
It sounds like they almost gave itaway late. But you know, they're
They're not a bad team. Idon't think I don't even think they're really
They're kind of a Midland kind ofa club to me. And can that
change as the season goes on?You get Lewis back, and he stays

healthy and keeps showing the promise thathe has in his short stints here,
Buckston says, healthy Correa, Yeah, you know. And there's other guys
in the lineup. Jeffers seems tobe a hell of a player pitching staff.
I just don't know how deep itis. Your your closer apparently just
considers himself an employee, not reallya teammate. I'm just an employee of

the clubs. I don't know howthat all fits into things. He made
things interesting yesterday? Yeah was that? Yeah? He did make things interesting.
So I guess what I'll say is, I'm keeping an eye on the
Twins, but I'm certainly not gettingI'm not climbing on that bandwagon yet.
Because it could hit a steep,it could hit a sharp curve, tumble

down a steep embankment, and takeeverybody with it. And I've I've tucked
and rolled enough in my life toknow that even that could be dangerous.
So I'm really not on the bammling. I'm watching and let's see what happens
by the All Star break. Questionnumber two, and now it's time to
go in the trenches. The NationalFootball League plans to experiment with optical tracking

technology this preseason, a move thatcould eventually make the league sideline chain gang
obsolete. According to sources and multiplemedia reports, the league experimenting with the
technology in a few stadiums this pastseason, but we'll do so in all
preseason games this year with an eyetoward fully implementing it for the regular season
if all goes smoothly. CBS Sportsfirst report of the news, noting that

the sideline down in distance markers wouldremain as a backup for officials and a
reference points for fans, coaches,and players. Common you all? Are
you all for technology replacing the chaingang? I was gonna trying to do
a pretender's Chrissy hind joke, butthat I couldn't think of anything quickly enough.

I don't mind, you know me, I'm I know I'm technologically.
When it comes to things that Ihave to do personally, it's hard for
me to catch on. I gotI got boomer in me. I will
never deny that, but I'm I'mgetting better all the time. And when
it comes to implementing technology that Idon't have to implement or operate, I'm

all for it. I've been aninstant replay supporter for forever. I can
there be too much? Yeah,I guess if you're gonna you know,
I don't want to see them replayevery single play, but I like getting
it right. And you know,for me, the whole measurement thing.

I remember my dad used to saythis to me. My dad used to
just roll his eyes, and helikes sports. But you know, when
there's a scrum, you know,like on a quarterback sneak right and the
quarterback goes on fourth down and thenthey blow the whistle and then they come
on and they place the ball ina certain place and then bring the chains
on. My dad, you justsay, there's no way they can know
exactly where that was. And that'strue. So with this, I'm assuming

this this the intention of this isto make it more accurate. Is that
what we're is that what we're doinghere trying to make the the the the
chains more. You know, thethe artiste marker is more reliable. Is
that would be reliable more efficient interms of you know, how many times
do you in the last like thirtyseconds and they get a first down and

everyone's running up the line of scrimmage, you see the chain gang run running
as well with it. Then I'mall for I'm all for giving her to
try. How about you do you? Yeah, I'd love to see how
it works, so I would needto see it before I really give a
full opinion. But it is funnywith all the technology we have these I

mean, I don't know how youdo it with yeah, because I know
they put like chips in the football, Like if there's wait to put the
chip in the football, I don'tknow if you can figure out because of
when the ne goes down. Idon't know if you can figure out the
exact distance. I think things youstill need a referees. But it is
like always humorous to watch like tennis, where they can show the ball going
either out of bounds or in andcan immediately have the correct call for the

empire. Yet we still have tolike bring out guys an orange with the
chain and have the ref you know, hold it, have them hold both
ends to be able to get acall Raiders. Yeah, kind of funny.
Question number three, It's time nowfor to pultiple ple choice, all

right? Common which headline at NFLdot com piques your interest the most?
So to be a Prescott on contracttalks quote, I don't play for money.
B ex Pro Bowl running back Cookhopes to join team for camp see
Chiefs head coach. He addresses Iwrote the wrong name dumb. Who's the

wide receiver? Rice Rice Butker situationsor d Lamar to quote be more agile
with offseason weight loss Lamar Jackson.How big is he? Well, sounds

like he's getting down to two offive. At his biggest he was at
two twenty five. So Martin,pardon me, things like you want to
be bigger and stronger so you cantake hits. Yeah, especially a guy
who runs around as much as hedoes. But maybe now that he he
wants I guess just wants to befaster, more elusive. Not that he

needed more of that. Yeah,well, if if, if, if
that is indeed the goal, itshould help the what was the other one
that for Dak Prescott, he doesn'tplay for the money. I mean,
I I guess, you know,I know what he he obviously plays,
he accepts the check, he's notgoing to turn it down. I think
he's sort of like trying to dothe old I mean, he's already made

a ton of money, right,Oh yeah, Okay, he's already had
a big contract, so it's like, well, now I play for the
love of the game. I'm not. In other words, he's not going
to take a really lowball offer.I think what he's trying to say is,
I don't if it's forty million orthirty million, it's really not that
big of a deal. I playnow because I love the game and I'm

trying to win a championship. SoI guess I sort of kind of get
that. But say you don't playfor the money, I've always kind of
I've got a kick out of that. Well, that's the one to me
that's the most humorous on the Buttkerthing, And we talked about some of
those comments that he had, andyou know, everybody's entitled their own opinion.
It's a great thing about America.Mahomes had some things to say about
it, and so did Read andMahomes basically said, I don't agree with

everything he said, but to teachhis own And that's how I kind of
feel about it too. It's like, oh, whatever, I mean the
one about I mean, he didn'tsay women should all be barefoot and pregnant
at home, but he kind ofsaid that is, like that's the most
of that should be. They kindof insinuate a little bit. And I
don't mind if I just think youcan you you can do both. Now,

I would say, am I doI take more satisfaction and in raising
my kids than being a talk showhouse? Yeah, because your family that
I created those two kids from mylaw and so sure you you want them
to watching Scottie grow, But thatdoesn't still mean I still like to.

I still want to have a careerand be able to you know, part
of being a parent is also beingable to provide for them, right,
you know, give them what theyneed to succeed and get started in life.
And in this day and age,sometimes you just need two income households.
Man. It's just like just becauseyou're a multi million dollar football player
and your wife doesn't have to workthere are other people that they they they

need both salaries. They they needboth, they need both breadwinners. So
and yeah, I mean does adoes a woman you know, uh,
a mother slash homemaker slash career person. You know what if they get more
satisfaction out of I don't know ifthat's to each his own, but I

just don't like. If I don'tlike him, tell me you're gonna get
more satisfaction out of that than youare career Well maybe maybe not. I
don't know. We should just letpeople do what they want. Well that's
what I would. Yeah, andthat's it for today's edition of five questions.
Well actually three questions, but fivesounds like more than four. Now

I have to move my because I'vebeen eliminated from the program pass you get
your lunch all over there. Ihave to move my my whole operation here
over to the middle spot. Sohere's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna
we're gonna take a break. I'mgonna move my operational where then all of
a sudden, lights, camera action, the participants will come in and we'll
be ready to go. Program passwordquarter final Invitational tournament matchup. That's next.

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head over to kfean dot com Cybratcalendar. Hey, welcome back.
It's a couple of thirteen fourteen passI'm I'm a man, Dan Cole,
He's tend to be in his timenow we're full grown. Password Invitational Tournament

number three. It's a quarter finalmatchup that I think is highly anticipated.
It's highly anticipated as Dallas, Minnesota. Maybe not, but I think close
at least for our purposes, itis. And Tennebe we got a great
matchup here, a couple of ceilingfan guys taking on a couple of morning
show. Guys that have a goodvibe together, and this should be a

lot of fun. Are you eatingon the air? Yeah, well I
can't help it that my show wasscheduled during the lunchot How much food just
flew out of your mouth there?That was tough, it was Yeah,
you might want to grab that spit. Now. Are you still in this
tournament? And if so, who'syour partner? Rosie? I was in

it for a little time. Yeah, little one of the worst clues in
the history of this game. Youguys provided a blueprint of how to proceed.
Yeah, just a tournament goes on. It was a hell of a
plan. Yeah, absolutely, shinebaby, Yeah, Sausage. How much
relief do you feel that it doesn'tmatter how badly you do today, it

won't be as bad as Muss aweek ago. We could get shut out
and technically still do better. HeI don't I'm not trying to be mean
because I love Muss and I don'ttry to be mean to people on the
air. On the air, justpunched down, and I'm gonna punch down.
I don't think he understands the conceptof the game com and I was

telling him as how to play Itold must to his face off the air
Monday morning. I'm like, Iwas listening to your game, can vinced
you also thought Common got to hearthe word. That's the only rationale for
some of the terrible clues you gaveis you were just convinced he had to
repeat it. And as you said, Tenna after update, you probably Common

haven't watched Saturday Night Live since ChevyChase, since the Blue Sheet, And
he kept just leaning on me.Yeah, JOSD and Shay like you know
what that is, like spells someodd It was, man, it was
interesting to hear your enthusiasm because earlyon you were kind of into the bit.

You spent the whole hour reading likethe bits of you know, how
to get muscle along, and youcould tell you were into it, and
that immediately evaporated. That enthusiasm immediatelywent down the Yeah, it was.
It was just like using a sportsanalogy. You're in you know, the
air just gets sucked out of thestadium. You know, you're the hometown
team, You're waiting for a bigstart, and you're down, you know,
twenty one three minutes into the game. Yeah, yeah, and I

think it was the game. Probablyare you ready to play. Yeah,
let's go man Ashy gift up Pashway, William gifted up Fashway. Ladies and
gentlemen, It's time to play broBroword. Here's your host, the very

average and plane looking Tenna b.Yes, Program Password Imitational Quarter Final number
three. As always, you canwatch Program Password at campan dot com splash
Watch our teams today, it's CoreyKobe and Meat Sauce. Corey shockingly shocked
the world by picking Meat Sauce ashis teammates versus the Ceiling Fan guys,

Justin Guard and Eric Nordon. Weshould have a truck with a ceiling fan
on the side of it. Youcan make a t shirt seven three thousand
the Ceiling Fans guys. I thinkthis is the first ever Program PAS.
It is because we've only two championshipswhere we have two champions going at it
in a Program Password Imitational. CoreyCove sixteen and five all time. You

are five and one in the ProgramPassword Invitational and you are the twenty twenty
three Program Password Invitational champion. Youryour teammate is Meat Sauce. Nice resume
not as nice on this side ofthe thing. Nine and thirteen all time
for Sauce, oh and two inProgram Password Imitational history. Butt, Sauce,
you've won two in a row.You've been playing better in the last

calendar year, and I'll do you. You and Corey are two and one
together as a team. And Paul, about what three weeks ago I gave
you that list of words, mostof them three and four letters, and
you've studied them. You know morewords today than you did three weeks ago.
I glanced at Oh god, Iwas playing MLB the show. You
guys are gonna up against Justin GardenNordo. JG is one of the most

fascinating Program Password players because his recordmediocre eleven and thirteen all time, but
he knows how to flip the switchcome postseason. He's five and one all
time in the Program passer Inmitational,including as a member of Team Todd the
champions in twenty twenty two. Youdo enter on a two game losing streak,
though, JG. Yeah, Idon't get to play very much and

I'm often disinterested on Friday afternoons atthe end of a long week. Enough
said, yeah, exactly right tothe exact same resume for initials. You
don't play very often, you're notthat great at it, and then you
get into the tournament and just truckedeverybody. It was a pretty dominant performance
and maybe you just well, youknow, rise to the occasion in some
of the book off that games becausehe only gets fired up for the for

the majors and he's won five ofthem. And I've had knee problems too,
exactly. Yeah, right, Uh, your teammate is Eric Nordquest Nordo
three and eight all time. That'sugly. This group one and two in
the Program Pass. We are imitational, but as I said before, you've
played with a lot of let shouldsay, teammates on the lower end of

things. Values in you know what, we take responsibility. Okay, it's
part of those losing teams. Sowe're going to turn it around today.
How many of those were musterfulness andyeah you hey, I'm the only with
the winning streak going. Actually Nordohas won his last game. He has
a one game winning streak. Veryimpressive performance. Entering the Program Pass Invitational.

You and Little b were down fortyeight to eight at half against Charge
and Common, and you outscored themseventy three. Oh in the second half.
Char was so devastated he hasn't beenseen or heard from since. No,
he went camping. Yeah, hewent to Joshua Tree immediately after getting
his ass kicked. Let's do acoin toss for who's gonna have the possession
era. We don't have any ladieshere meet Saw. Since you're never mean

to anybody, I will just letyou. Uh, I mean to everybody.
I meant like, oh publicly public? No, yeah, I'm not
nice. Yeah, ripped the heckout of them, yeah, most,
But Sauce, I'll let you dothe coin toss. Are you ready?
Yeah? Heads or tails? Tails? It is tails, so I'm pretty

we'll have the option. So let'shave Corey, you and JG take a
look at the iPad first. Sauce, make sure the other iPad is flipped
over. The password is value,all right, The option is going to
be on core Flip that upside downthere, Corey. There you go,

Corey. Since Meat Sauce won thecoin toss, you have the option first.
Do you want to go first orsecond? Let let Girdsy go first?
All right? JG and Nordo forten bet wager Cob and Meat Sauce

for nine worth net JG and Nordofor eight cost amount, Corey and Meat

sauce for seven price total back onto Gerdsey and Nordholl for six. I
think they turned it onto all Maddenor yeah, meal, Corey and sauce

for five. I think I gotMcDonald's. I was gonna say ticket last
one, Gerdsey and Nordo for fourextra mhmm charge tough start value value is
the right answer, is the correctfor sure? The three fat guys able

to get that one? Sorry,And I told McDonald's just said it was
gonna be a slam. Yeah,yeah, can I try it one more
time? Even though Paul now knowsthe word little, I know it was
it was marmade. Yeah, nevermind the best about the little one.
There's not only a billion options upa little. He didn't even like inflect
his voice. It wasn't it wasfollowing it. Yeah, oh okay,

rough start. That was a toughtough I thought, said meal. I
thought it was like that, likemeal, ticket value meal. That's why
I went with McDonald's. I wastrying to turn you because and I just
said value didn't work, all right, So zero zero sauce and Nordo.
Take a look at the iPad Mthe password is met. All right,

we're gonna move the option over toNordo and JG. You got the possession
arrow here. Now I still needto turn my head set down. No
oh, be taking the iPads.I can just hit the button. Ok,
you're good, all right. Uh, you've got the option here.
You want to go first or second? We'll go second. All right,
Meat, Sauce and Cove for tenGala met Wow, yeah, great clue,

fantastic. Oh that's got said confidentlythan this year. We got a
new camera, right, uncommon.I never even saw that before. That's
awesome. Angel camera put them onthere. Look at that. That's awesome.

Play today, Woodhill Country. We'reall one. I hit it right.
I I didn't do wheel. Thetopic wasn't worth it. I hit
it right up the gut. Thewait wheel A topic is a it's always
something rand. Well, we don'tknow what is ever going to turn out
to be. That's exactly right.I've seen him spin it out in the
hallway. All right, Corey andSauce lead ten. Nothing over JG and
Nordo. Corey and JG take alook at the iPad. The password is

screw JG down ten. You gotthe option you want to go first or
second? First? All right?JG and Nordo for ten drill bit Cove

and meat sauce for nine, DriverSergeant JG and Nerdo for eight. Okay,

job construction, Coved meat sauce forseven. Bang, Boss Scott,
Yeah, you said driver drill Idon't know. And uh Nordo for six

drill Uh if it goes to four, they don't get it? Can I
answer before you give it away?You can't hear it? Yeah, Coved
meat sauce for five. I believehammer nail. I have no idea.

We get one more right, yeah? J G and NORDA for four Phillips
screw, Yes, Oh, Ishould have gotten that one earlier. That
was my fault. Okay, sorry, col hang on a second, that
was my fault. Did you didyou think? You said? You said
shrive like Sergeant Shriber, No,like drill? Well, now driver makes

such drill sergeant second driver sergeant.I thought you want to see if I
can text must oh? I shouldI should have. Sorry, That's why
I said bang. I tried togo power trip on it. See if
you could think of screw. Ohyeah, yeah, sorry, all right,
ten for Cove and meets us maybebe the longest game ever at this

stage, Meet Sauce and Nordo.Take a look at the iPad. The
password is goat all right, Nordo. Six point deficit. You're down ten
to four. Of the options yours. You want to go first or second?

I'll try first, all right,Nordo and JG for ten. Billy
goat O good one. Yeah thatwas my guest too. Damn it,
that was good. I think theway he said Billy was gonna be Billy
Crystal Crystal. Yeah he was onSNL. He preceded Colin Joson. Yes,

exactly, so was the guy thatplayed Billy Madison as well. Uh.
Fourteen to ten, JG and Nordohave taken the lead. Cove and
JG take a look at the iPad. The password is journey. Corey.

You've got the option now because you'redown four points. What do you want
to do here? First or second? What a barn burner? Five seconds?
I'm a like Gurdsy, go first, all right, JG and Nardo
for ten. Believe man, Journey, God dang it, you can sing

only hers can sing. You newto the game, must I mean,
what are we doing here? Onemore second? Three in a row from
JG and Nordo. They lead twentyfour to ten over the music and Meat
Sauce, Sauce and Nordo. Itook a look at the iPad. The

password is promise all right, meatSauce, you're down fourteen. The option
is yours. What do you wantto do here? First or second?
It feels like we're down fifty.We're in this, no, and we
got this still. Yeah, youcan sing mhm, we will go uh

first first, it seems confident.We'll go first. Sauce and Cove for
ten. Kept saved, Nordo andJG for nine, Ring Sauce and Cove

for eight. Pinky finger what Nordoand JG for seven? Swear promise?
I don't know. I promise ringis still a thing anymore. But we'll

find out. Our kids are gettingto that age. Oh man, I'm
sorry, Corey. No, that'sI'm gonna do the common bit. No,
that was my fault. That wasthat is on me. J Yeah,
which makes sense. Yeah, No, those were good clues. They
lead thirty one ten. Yeah,Cove and JG. You take a look

at the iPad. The password isHoney. All right, Corey, you
got to stop the bleeding here.You're down twenty one points. You have
the option you want to go firstor second, easiest one of all time.
Let's go all right, Cove andSauce for ten. Honey, great

song, great song, best Jacksonbrown song of all time? Jam yeah,
Jackson Brownie. There's me at theend. Oh, thank you?
Not overn not over yet. It'sonly eleven point deficit feels like how bad
you feel like you're playing? It'sthirty one to twenty. The ceiling fans
would have had an interesting one forHoney. I didn't know what I was

going to that that was going toblock me? Yes, but I couldn't
figure out how to do it.So I'm kind of glad I didn't have
that option. All right, Meat, Sauce and Nordo take a look at
the iPad. The password is ditch. All right, Sauce. You're down

eleven. You can make this aone point game right now. The option
is yours. What do you wantto do? Uh? We will go
first, all right, Sauce andCove for ten to get within one Digger,

Shovel, Nordo and JG for nine, Culvert Grave what here it is,
Sauce and Cove for eight side ditch. I should have had that with
Bigger. You're doing good. Iappreciate that. I believe the culvert is

the it's like underneath it. Yeah, they have cheese curds. Yeah,
a culvert is a you know whatit's. It's like going to you know
the word. But I can't arguesaying this is team Todd. Okayno,
come on, buddy, ditch diggersfrom a diamon buddy. Alright, we

got a three point game. It'sthirty one twenty eight with the lead and
Toddy. I gotta get back intothat mode. I'm there, I'm there.
Cob and JG ta a look atthe iPad. The password is Carnival

Corey down three. You can regainthe lead. Here. You have the
option you want to go first orsecond? Oh man, let's go five
seconds. Let's try going first,all right, to regain the lead.
Cove and Sauce for ten, CircusPeanuts, Williams, JJ and Nordo for

nine, Cruise Line, Cove andMeat Sauce for eight. Festival lineup Jo

for seven. Sorry, uh,party show all right, Cove and Meat
Sauce for six, fair gathering,j G for five either Barker Carnival,

fantastical, Yeah, yeah, fantastic. What is lineup we have to do
with? Oh boy, we're derailing. This is gonna go over to Rosenstein
big time today. Oh no,not that. Yeah, what a shame?
Is it? Catered? It's amarker? Was the best clue?

J G and Nordo have the lead. Meat Sauce and Nordo take a look
at the iPad. The password isSTU. I saw still down eight.
You can still regain the lead here. You have the option you want to
go first or second. Uh well, we will go second, all right.

Nordo and JG for ten Beef,Jerky Sauce and Co for nine soup
Stee. Oh my god. Iwas like, you're asking the wrong person.

I don't know anything about food,so I went second. Oh my
god. That's why I went second, because if I said I panicked,
yeah, oh, I would havehad no idea that was perfect. I
just paniced because I'm like, you'reI'm trying if you think I know the
names of soups who are greatly mistaken. Why I went second? Fantastic A
lot of a lot of cans ofdenty more in the Asshold, would you
eat beefs not for a place atthe World Series of Poker Final Table,

final table? Absolutely, that's amillion dollars. You have my idea?
Got how good? Oh? Guardsygood? Wait? Am I allowed to
puke? No? You know thatstory comment. When I was an intern,
Morris offered me five hundred dollars eata hard boiled egg, and I
wanted that five hundred, but Isaid, I'm gonna throw it. He
goes, well, then I'm notpaying you. I go, well,

then I can't do it. Right. Then, I'm just gonna eat a
hard boiled bag throw up, andyou're not gonna give me any money.
So it never happened. Yeah,you got the last lap, last one
before halftime. Cove and Meat Saucehave regained the lead. They lead by
one. It's thirty seven to thirtysix. Cove and JG take a look
at the iPad. The password isvolume. All right, JG. You're

down one point, so you nowhave the option would you like to go
first or second? First? Allright? To regain the lead. J
G and Nordo for ten decibels volume. Great job, great job, it
was not a great club. Greatthat was perfect. Yeah, that was

great. Yeah, even I knewthat one. What's a heck of a
match up? Very good? Fortysix thirty seven. This is the group
of death. Let's start practice.It started slow. Let's just say we're
feeling the game assets. I'm feelinga distinct difference between when those two are
offering the clues and when we area c Yeah, answering it over here.

Yeah, a lot of idiots speakingof beef stew Let's take a break
and come back. Program Password righthere in the fan A fast pace,

very close Program Password quarterfinal matchup herein the third Annual Invitational Tournament on the
common Man Dan Cole. Teams areCove and Sauce versus Nordro and JG.
And where are we at right now? Tenemy, Yes, j G and
Nordo lead forty six to thirty seven. We played a eighty, so they're
thirty four points away from victory.As always, you can watch Program Password
at kfan dot com slash watch massiveonline numbers. We're told right now numbers

are fascinating. The play I wouldbest describe as must trading from some of
your team, and it's got tobe sex appeal. Yeah. Yeah,
we're people too. I mean we'refrequently objectified. It's just part of the
business. Yeah, it's part ofthe business what we signed up for.
We're ready for the second half,sau We have this. Yeah yeah,

I've actually how many points did you? And must score forty three? Okay,
just get past that. That's thestandard you said. Just get past
the musk. No, we're gonnawin, man. I didn't come here
to lose, you know, likeslosing, losers losers. Okay, Corey
my teammate for another fifteen minutes.All right, well I get it.

Meat, Sauce and Nordo take alook at your iPad please. The password
is cork. All right, Sauce, you're down nine. You can regain
the lead with a ten pointer.Here. The option is yours. You
want to go first or second?Uh, we will go second, all

right. Nordo and JG for tenbottle cap, Sauce and Co for nine
wine opener, Nordo and JG foreight board Cork got it on his sauce.

That helps it. That did helpus though, all right, I
think this is the biggest lead ofthe game. So oh no, not
the biggest lead, almost seventeen pointlead for JG and Nordo. They lead
fifty four to thirty seven. Ory, if you could go back in time
time, would you change your selection? I'm just kidding. No, it
was a good clue. Absolutely Again, I think I would have faked an

illness if I had really thought thisout. Well, here we are.
It's not Corey's fault that my houseis littered with corks from wine bottles or
COVID. So yeah, you said, Cary, Eastern tokens from the kids
meals Cory and JG. You takea look at your iPad. The password

is Ram. All right, Corey, down seventeen points. You have the
option. What do you want todo here? Let's go first? All
right, Cove and meat sauce forten, Big Horn Texas, JG and

Nardo for nine. If you squint, you look a little like mus I
don't think we're gonna get to fortythree. J J. Nordo for nine.
McVeigh, Timothy, I knew Coveand sauce for eight. Stafford Ram,

Oh, I thought I got itwrong. The way he's gonna be
okay, bigger, okay. Sorry, we were gonna go to Timothy.
That was my part, no,and it's my fault because I was thinking
sorry, I was saying little.I was thinking cheap, little, big
horn, and then I was hopingyou if you hit me with dodge,
I'm going ram. I was gonnahit you with dodge. Damn. All
right, But McVeigh McVeigh, Iwe talked about making sports connections. You

make one and then I completely funded, and we did not talk about bombing
connections building. Yeah, we nevertalked about tragedies from our childhood. We
did not talk about making those connections. You got it, It doesn't matter,
you got it. We got that. That might be the ant turnover
right before halftime. It's a nicefifty four to forty five. JJ Nordo,

still have the lead, Sauce andNordo tooke a look at the iPad.
Any Waco clues in here, KoreshThe password is waiver all right,
Sauce down nine once again. Youcan regain the lead with a ten pointer.
What do you want to do here? You have the option. We'll

go second, all right, Nordoand JG for ten safety net I guess
Sauce and Co for nine signed autograph, no Idea, Nordo and JG for

eight form waiver, thank you,we love it all good. That's the
safety. Safety was way too broad, does it little? Yeah, it
was pretty close. You got aslip, but you got it. There

we go. Yeah, it's atough word. You have sixty two.
You're eighteen points away from victory.Corey and Sauce you were at forty five
or seventeen back Cob and JG.Took a look at your iPad. The
password is Crown. All right,Corey, you are down seventeen points.

The option is yours. What doyou want to do first? All right?
Corey in Sauce for ten Tiara Princess? What where are you going?
Made? What do you mean?J I've used to meet sosbian one that
start to try not to j Gand Nardo for nine Royal Crown. I

mean, Princess. Isn't a horriblegas, is it? It's not a
good one. It's not horrible.I mean it's not horrible. He didn't
need to walk off like that.I'm sorry. I think he overreacted.
No, that was my fault.No, it's not but was your fault?
That speak of you to take theblame on this. You're the who
drafted him. I don't know ifI am on, Tiara, but I'm

not smart either, am I?All right here? Bothered you with my
friendship. I'm trying. This ison, like hord, I don't do
well if it's on hard. Ibarely graduated high school. Accuse a sleep
number. You're acting like I'm sweatbird? Do you do you use the IQ

sleep number? Bit at flops,wet and tears. That's a good line,
that's very I am by th Yeah, it's a good bit. You
should work that in. All right, here's where we're at. JG and
Nordo. You're at seventy one.So if you get nine or more on
any answer, what's a score?You are advancing to the semifinals. Cove
and Meet Sauce have forty five,so it's seventy one to forty higher than
the must line. We have accomplishedthat. Sauce and Nordo, take a

look at the iPad. The passwordis level. All right, Meet Sauce,
you're down twenty six points. Gonnahave the option most of the rest
of the way. Kind of abig decision here, what do you want

to do? Go first or second? Let's just run the table. We'll
go second, all right. Nordoand JG for ten and the win even
Strength Sauce and Co. For nine, Bubble no Idea, Sauce and JG

for or excuse me, Nordo andJG for eight. I kind of look
like him sometimes, fatter version,Plane Field, Sauce and Co. For
seven, Beginner m Nordo and JGfor six. Standard, Yeah I'm completely

lost, Sauce and Cove for five, even Balance Man last one, Nordo
and j G for four Balance justno idea. Correct answer was level.

Yeah. I was going to saythe level, yeah, and then I
thought I said level. The worstclues ever, that's my bad. What
was bubble? It was a hardone like bubble, bubble like a bubble
A level. He's an aginda guy. He doesn't. Yeah, yeah,
that's what they call them. That'sbrilliant clue. I mean, you're really
good at this. No I'm not, but I like I'm I am.

I don't want to let you down. Why would you let your friendship get
You've gotten like laser, like alaser level? What was it. That
wouldn't help me. No, no, no, okay. If you would
have said, like executive concierge premiumo good one, then was yeah,
yeah, club level that would bea ten pointer. Yeah, club level

alright, still seventy one, fortyfive. J G and Nordo just need
a nine or more for the win? Uh. Corey and JG took a
look at the iPad. The passwordis Hollywood. All right, Corey down
twenty six options yours? You wantto go first or second? Oh?

Man, oh, Gersey, gofor it all right, JG and Nordo
for ten and the win. Broughten, Neil slow Down, Cove and Meat
Sauce for nine, Showbiz Star,JG and Nordo for eight. California Hollywood

got it? Oh they won,right? We did not? I need
one more point? They won.They did not know they died nine.
They had They got it. I'llbe the idiot in the room, well
more than once, but right nowin particular. Broughton, Yeah, Josh
Broughton, I was, Yeah,I thought you listened to Bumper to Bumper.
Oh. You text me every dayand tell me what a great show
it is, so I figured youwere listening one of us Hollywood actor guy.

Hollywood actor guys been on recently.No, okay, so but he's
you know, I thought it was. It was a good clue to try
to get it without giving it awayfor the nine pointers. I thought that
was smart. Apologies to Neil nohey, well done. All right,
No, that was my mistake.I wasn't thinking Neil, JG and Nordo,
you're at seventy nine. You're onepoint away from victory, so any
correct answer you advance. There goesHove and me Sauce in NORDA, take

a look at the iPad. Thepassword is hater. Alright, Sauce,
you will definitely have the option therest of the way out. You're down
thirty four. We'll go second,all right, nod and JG for ten

and the win play a hater.They went, My god, Yes,
that was an ass kicking. I'msorry, that's all done. That's a
kid's term. I'm not that younganymore. I'm not that young anymore.
I wouldn't have it. No,I didn't know it. Great clue.
There's one answer to that. Greatclue. That was ugh, I'm sorry.

I like the entertainment value. Youguys all were very entertaining today.
Thanks for participating in the program PasswordInvitational seriously, well done again. And
who do we play? Yeah,you'll play the winner of the next matchup,
which is Marnie Gellner and Carly Zuckerversus Paul Charching and Greg Sweatburk.
And when is that matchup? That'llbe a week from to day next Thursday.

For streaming numbers, Now, I'mguessing that one will have a fetwork
that should be a little higher.Yeah, Moro, Sauce, Cove and
JJ have a great Memorial Day weekend. We come back the legendary Mark Rose
and joins us next year on theFan
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