All Episodes

July 17, 2024 • 73 mins
Hawk takes us back to the year 1996 and shares some fun facts about Interstate Highway naming
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,and welcome to video message number twenty nine.
Gaze at a graveyard. What's onemove in bed that makes a mango
crazy? Every time you gotta getin that fuck dude spit on that night.
Oh that's a good Listen up.The radies just came in for last
month. We are number one.We just grabbed every key demogram super duper.

That's nice. Why to go Nitoguy? Yes, boy, that
is good news. It is theseventeenth day of July twenty twenty four.
Good morning everybody, and welcome toyour little pout trip Marty Show. How
are you? My name is ChrisHockey's Wednesday. Everybody, have yourself a
hump day to day. Let's dosome humping, shall we. Here's some
comedy from Brian Reagan before we getthe show started. No perish today.
You got in late last night,but we will have some Marco Rosan and

the cast of thousands a National TattooDay on the part of Morning show.
I got a few tattoos, Iget a few more. Why not you
come on in. I'm glad you'rehere. They're gonna get into tattoo.
But I want to get a tattoothat's unique. You know. I don't
want a tattoo like everybody else.So I want to get a tattoo of
a blender, a big one onmy chest, you know. And when

I go to the public pool takemy shirt off, everyone will be spellbound.
They'd be like, is that ablender? Born to frepay? I
have unusual tattoo ideas. I thinksomeone should get a tattoo of a dozen

Easter eggs. But tell the tattooartists to hide them. You get back
in shape, you might find agolden egg gaze at a graveyard. Won't

you heed it? When that happened? The side sweet and feed us on
your side. You hear the distanceunder Jeff, look at this thing.

Wednesday, July seventeenth. This isthe Power Trip Morning Show. My name
is Corey Cove. That's Chris Hockey, that's Meet Sauce, Paul Edward,
there's Zachary Halberson. Chris just meantto no Parish today late scratch for Parish.
But look, a late flight isa late flight. The dude wants
to sleep. He wants to sleepwhen he has his plane land on time.

The guy likes to sleep. Givehim a break so he wants to
sleep. Can't blame him, Sono parish today, but Rosie'll be here.
We'll make fun of them for alittle bit. Then we'll do the
initials bracket reveal at eight, youguys get to figure out and find out
what seed you're at, who youhave to take out? SHOs can see
if you can get out of thefirst round for the first time. I

doubt it. We'll see that's atat eighty. You're better this year than
you were last year? I don'tknow, man, I got I got
the opportunity in the past to playsome of the worst players in that game's
history, sleds as we once calledthat couldn't put it together. But yeah,
is it the pressure? I don'tknow, man, I have no

idea. I'll be better this yearthough, who knows? Who knows?
Yeah, who knows. How's yoursquad doing? So? I did your
bit? Yeah? Uh, that'sway more fun. It's way more fun,
way more fun. They good.I'm glad to hear it. Yeah.
Yeah, you design a player insteadof a coach. Yeah, and

it's way more fun. Did yousee the video of Luke Comb's playing it?
No? He says this, andit looks awesome. I appreciated that
it says app stayed in there aswell on some of the on some of
the little clips. Oh man,this is the new kickoff too. Huh
oh, give me the block,baby, go. Gotta gotta have big
plays to win this game. Itdoesn't feel anything like Madden in like a

really good way. Like it feelslike a completely different game. Eighty seven.
You gotta make that block. Game'sawesome. I loved it. I
thought it was. It felt reallygreat, felt really smooth. Yeah.
I saw about four people post videosof themselves accidentally laterally in the ball.
I do that. I've done thattwice already because I'm trying to high step

into the end zone but you hitthe wrong button. Yeah yeah, I've
recovered it all every time. Butyeah, it's frustrating. I don't know
why that's an option. It shouldbe a tougher thing to do because you
do it so infrequently. But uhyeah, well, get creative, it's
great. Get some skill, YeahI should, And you better get some
skilled because me, if me andyou and Max are gonna be on the

same team, we got you betternot screw it up for you ladder.
I mean, so you made yourown player? Yeah what position? Quarterback?
Really again, Chris, this you'reright? This is like a psychology
test. Really is? So youwant to be the quarterback? And approximately
what level of skill did you giveyourself? I am five stars? Okay,

yep, course you are, andI am the starting quarterback as a
true freshman for Michigan. I wasgoing to go to Notre Dame, but
I was the backup and I'm notgoing to be the back play Notre Dame.
At some point you got to showthe boss. But I for being
a five star recruit going to Michigan, but I will eventually next season when

that senior quarterback moves on. Iam most likely taking my talents to Notre
Dame. But h does your bit? Do this? Hawk with the lineback?
But do you only get certain playsyou can call? Yes? Yeah,
yeah, that's kind of It's uh, it's kind of cool with the
quarterback because a lot of running playsbecause you don't you're a true freshman.
They don't trust you to throw theball a lot. But once you get

the hang of it, I startedslang in it. Yeah yeah, no,
I like the I don't really carewhat the play call is I let
the coaches do that. Ay myjob. I'm a player, right,
I'm a coaching guy. Right,do you coach me? Tell me what
to do? Coach, I'll doit, and I'll do it twice.
That's why I do. That's whoI am, So sauce. Did you
name yourself yourself? Because Chris namedhimself Chris Hockey, I believe, did
you not? Did you name yourself? Absolutely? Name yourself yourself? What

name yourself? You named yourself?Coisty dafamenza, noisy dafamensa. Mine is
named after my soon to be son, So that's what I named it.
Tommy still Lambert, Still Lambert.Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is
and the guy says Lambert. Doesthe guy say hockey in the game?
But I have done anything to makehim do it. The quarterback of Michigan

is jelly Bean Lambert. Yes,you knew it, yeah, Jellybean.
Yeah, it's fun, man,I love you got it at the zecho
Oh yeah. And I did thelateral thing as well. I learned it
in practice actually, because I wasmessing around in the practice mode and I
hit a button and all of asudden, the ball just went flying backwards.

I'm like, all right, wellthat's good to know. Don't hit
whatever the button I just hit.So I think it was like l one
or something something Crazy's something way like, as you said, way too way
too easy. But but man,it's unbelievable that they were able to do
what they did for the one hundredand twenty plus schools that are in the

game. Like there was one thingback in the day where you know,
it's one thing to make thirty twodifferent stadiums and thirty two different teams.
And you know, if you rememberthe old college football games, most of
it was generic because they couldn't theycouldn't do all that. But the fact
that they got traditions, they've gotGoldie spin in his head, they've got
all sorts of a great stuff acrossall of the schools. I hate to

say it, but props for propsis do EA Sports did very very well
with this. Just wonderful. It'sso much fun. Only got to play
it for a smedge yesterday. I'mnot happy about it at a gig.
Now you're playing yesterday sauce feed onmy me outing you a bit was to
play all day till your wife gothome from work and then pretend you hadn't
played yet. I so I isshe listening? Probably? Yeah? I

rode the peloton, like I said, I was going for how long?
Twenty minutes? That bastard's hard.It's hard for not doing it in probably
six years. But I did fourmiles, which is good for me.
Job. Yeah, are you sorea little? Yeah, my taint sore
because that's what sucks the seats.Yeah, it's just it's tough on my

taint. And thank you. Yeah, you're welcome. Well, the first
couple of times you wrote a corp, was it tough on your taint?
Both great? Well, you havea delicate taint. She's just opposite.
He's so many misdirects and miss missfires. I mean, yeah, I'm
glad you have a good rough taint. I can't do it very callous.

And then I did some other phases. I played a while. Approximately how
many hours I'm gonna tell you she'slistening. Probably in total, No,
I'm not, that's fine. Probablyin total hours of how much have to
Probably three and a half because Itook a break for like an hour,

did some other things. So ishe cutting in half? Like? No?
I I honestly no, I honestlydidn't play as long as I would
have. You ever seen a grownman naked, made myself some lunch as
long as you would have under othercircumstances. What do you mean you said
I didn't play as long as Iwould have. I thought I would play

more, But you know, youget no now that I'm a an athlete
and rode the peloton, I hadto do that. I'm sweating so much.
I had to take a shower.It's four miles is a lot for
me. Jesus yep, he wasvery ashamed of my shot. Real.
I mean, let's break this down. Twenty minutes of peloton, five to

ten minutes for the shower. Iwandered around the house for a while without
my shirt on. Hey, JesusChrist video that's my ring camp did.
Yeah, cameras in your house?It'd be like, uh, you know
Blair Witch project kind of filming.Would you just being in the corner?
Yeah, thank god yesterday and thenit looks at lunch. Yeah, it

was fun, Brett. Are youhaving fun with it? Oh? I
love it. It's the best.It's so much fun. Yeah, just
love. I can't wait to getdone with this stupid job. Go home
and play my game. You're gonnaplay it today? Yeah, I mean
literally all day. Yeah, Ican't wait. I am gonna get done
with this job. Run home,Remember I drove to work, and start

playing my game. Where's your roadto glory? Hawk? I'm sorry,
where'd you go to school? IowaState? Iowa? Where'd you pick?
Brent? He's Iowa guy, Wisconsin. I just want you to know,
Game two of the season, webeat your ass. We have played Iowa
yet. My son's gonna throw forsix touchdowns against Iowa Corey. It's the

most fun because, like the quarterbackfor Iowa when we were whooping that ass,
was getting so frustrated as receivers likeand like so the other quarterbacks like
have a different personality, Like hewas absolutely pissed at the receivers. You
kept seeing him showing him what routethey were running, like they were running
the roundstro Like, I love thisman. We're frustrating that kid. I'm

not worried because too my defensive linemangot hurt though. Man, my defense,
I know it's a problem. Idon't know what I'm doing wrong.
I got to do it. I'ma player, and I'm not coach.
I'll let the coaches coach. Yeah, and then can you guys sync up?
Could you guys theoretically be in thisnot just the like what you talked
about. We're all three of yourun the same team. Could jelly Bean

Lambert's Michigan Wolverines take on Chris Hockey'sIoway State Cyclones. Yeah, right,
Sauce, right, Brett so Zacho. I have no idea, So I
don't think on your like player modeyou can, but you can on like
the coaching mode like on Dynasty.So yeah, if head coach Sauce could

take on head coach Hockey's team andbattle for own their own recruits and stuff
in the same universe. Okay,Whi's too bad because I'm a plant old
jelly bean ground. No line youmake, jelly Bean Lambert. I think

they I think they started six four. Oh my god, I don't think
they can. I think that's theheight they start with. Do you mind
if I dance with your girl,I'm gonna get up and be like,
why are you so tall? God? Being me? Linebacker Chris Hockey is

going to run up to Jellybean Lambert, sack him and then as he is
laying on the ground partially paralyzed.Chris is gonna whisper into his ear.
Your dad plays video games for fourhours and masturbates before your mom gets home.
I'm gonna go up to him andgo, I saw your mom naked
in Vegas. Forgot I saw whatyour name is after But like guy talks

trash, not just seeing her nakedin Vegas. Seen her naked in Vegas
the week she's getting married. There, right, that's marriage week. I
ain't never told any by this.Hope you don't mind Sauce. But Sauce
sent me into inspect it. Whatno, don't say that double before I'm
signing up for this. Before heclosed inspection, man s inspection. She

saw suspection furnace looks like it's working. Well, that's the oven basements flooded.
Wow, oh no, this show'sdomin. We're back up and it's
on the fan. The Power Hourbegins at eight a m. It's brought

to you by Quantum Fiber. Youcan watch it a campaign dot Com slash
watch and it's a big one todaybecause it's the reveal of the twenty twenty
four Initials Invitational Tit tyrant. Iforgot about that word. Does that mean
again? I don't remember a guywho wants all of them? We'll stop

it. Nothing. That's my businesscard right here. Here's what it says
on Zach's business card. Yeah,here's what's on sauces. This is fruit.
What? Yeah, this is fault. This is fruit. This is

fault. I can't. I can'thear that. It's piss's fault. Any
be out there know where I canget my ears candled? Please let me
know. The place I used tohave it done doesn't do it anymore?
And I love that, man,I can't hear blank anymore. Is that
the place where you got your jotsonknocked around? No? I wouldn't.
I wouldn't trust them with my ears. So it just sucks all the wax

right out of there. Man.Yeah, and it's I I can tell.
I know you could do it yourself, and and uh, I don't
want to do it myself and somebodydo it for me. So if you
know of a place out there,whether you're listening this morning or if you're
podcasting later hocketkfe dot com, letme know where I can get it done,
because man, didn't we do itin studio once you and I or
was that the nose bit? Thatwas we had our nose as wax,

which I love to Yeah. Getyour ears candled. Yeah, man,
you can't believe how much better youcan hear really, Yeah, especially if
you wear headphones as much as Ido. We use those in your monitors
all the time. Yeah. Damn. After a while you're like, I
can't hear blank, Man, wecan't hear Blake. Yeah. I probably
should do that, of course,my ears candled. Yeah, you should
do that, Corey, Yes,sir, I'd like to play something for

you, specifically for you. Ohgod, I hope it's poker related.
It's not, damn it, it'snot. But I think I might have
played twice because I was confused listeningto it and I like this. I
did not know this. I didn'tknow that I needed to know this.
It's kind of what really matters.But it's way more than that. Are
you ready sure? Do you everwonder, like why interstates are numbered the

way they are? I hadn't either. Now I know, and this is
kind of what is behind the numberingof US interstate highways. First, the
interstate major highways are labeled with twodigits that are divisible by five. Highways
connecting east and west end in zerofrom I ten to the longest I ninety.
Interesting that there are no I fiftyand I sixty. They are skipped

to avoid confusion with the US highwaysthat were around before the interstates. The
highways running from north to south endin five. I five stands out from
the general rule. It is nota two digit number, so you just
need to imagine a zero before thefive. This system helps you navigate easily
like our ancestors did by the stars. The farther southwest you are, the
lower the highway numbers, and thefarther northeast you go, the higher the

numbers. If you see a zeroat the end, you are moving horizontally,
and if you see a five,you are moving vertically. There are
also interstate miners marked with a threedigit number, which are branches off the
major highways. The last two digitsmatch the number of the major, and
if the first digit is even,the branch returns to the major. If
it's odd, it does not actthat. How about that last one,

I did not know for sure.Yeah, that one was very interesting,
Like three ninety four ends right overhere doesn't reconnect to ninety four. I
never did kind of because this ison four ninety four, which does reconnect.
That's fascinating, right, you wannahear it again? And you got
it. It would also be nicethough, if anybody knew this, right,

it's because it does. But I'mjust saying in here if all of
that stuff is true, and clearlyit is because uh, it just was
laid out beautifully. What percentage ofpeople that are driving around actually know that
and actually use that? And nowwith GPS and Apple Maps, Google Maps,
nobody needs to know that. No. Yeah, so it's nothing like

navigating the stars like we used touse. Eh, yeah, cool,
though didn't know that. Yeah,I didn't know any of that. I'll
play it one more time. Yeah, here we go. What is behind
the numbering of US interstate highways?First, the interstate major highways are labeled
with two digits that are divisible byfive highways connecting east and west end in
zero from I ten to the longestI ninety ninety. Interesting that there are

no I fifty and I sixty.They are skipped to avoid confusion with the
US highways that were around before theinterstates. The highways running from north to
south end in five. I fivestands out from the general rule. It
is not a two digit number,so you just need to imagine a zero
before the five. This system helpsyou navigate easily like our ancestors did by
the stars. The farther southwest youare, the lower the highway numbers,

and the farther northeast you go,the higher the numbers. If you see
a zero at the end, youare moving horizontally, and if you see
a five, you are moving vertically. There are also interstate miners marked with
a three digit number, which arebranches off the major highways. The last
two digits match the number of themajor, and if the first digit is
even, the branch returns to themajor. If it's odd, it does

not connect. Back. Cool,there you go, now, you know.
Yeah, I think I'm gonna stickwith GPS. Yeah me too,
Me too. But if you're outyou know, you're out there. You're
hooking on the highway and you needto find your way back home. Who's
hooking on the highway? Uh,I'm trying to think somebody has one hand

and hook. I can captain hook. Yeah, that's all very interesting.
So us name other people that haveonly one arm or one hand, the
blue guy and he has one arm, Cluster Blue, the one armed man
and the fugitive. Yeah, FrederickSykes, you know that. I don't

know how you do it either peoplewith just one arm. Yeah, like
in real world or like in thefictional world. I mean you just named
two fictional jobs from Happy Gil martwell done, adela scene. Didn't Johnny

Tremaine like burn his hand in thatbook? Who's john your man? I
don't know. That's Michael Andre Skywalkerlost? Yeah? Yeah about Skywalker?
Sure you get a fake one,both of them. Daniel Sanchez money and
holy grail guy he lost everything buta flesh wound or whatever his flesh great

scene, we'll call it a draw. What about uh uh uh uh?
What's the dude's name? Got hishand thrown in the in the bowling alley
thing? Oh guy? Uh youget How about the snowman thing from Empire
strikes back? Oh yeah, helost his arm? Good point? Yeah

from uh yeah, the snow beastin the cave from Empire and the what
the hell that thing is called?Don't mess with Luke? Yeah, doesn't
he sleep in that thing? Itwas a ton Timewk likes tonts. You're
way off. Sorry, I don'tmind an Yeah, keep warm man saws.

You have to lose an arm ora leg? Which one? And
why a leg? Because I can'tplay in a n C double a football
with with one arm. It's areal good answer, but it's the wrong
one you do. It's an arm. Really, I don't know what's your
answer. I don't know. I'mgoing to stand in my basement so I
avoid losing an arm or a leg. Yeah, that should have been my
answer. I'm looking at my peanuts. I mean, because right now we've

been talking about it all week.You write a card on the golf course.
But you can walk. I canwalk. You only have one leg?
Then I would be given an excuseto be able to That's my point
is clearly Kriesel has two prosthetic legs, but he walks. But I'm saying
you you would be given an excuseto never walk again. And I think
you would take that to full advantage. Probably. Yeah, yeah, I

did ride my peloton yesterday though somany hands two? You need both?
Yeah? Really? Yeah, morethan rest fat you have a massive erection.
Thank you, lady. That's whatyour taint hurts. Yeah, my
taint does hurt, right now,you meb that thing for you? Yeah,
go ahead, you do the Yeah, where'd you ride through Scotland?

But I turned the guy down.I don't care what he has to say.
I was listening to my tunes.You do this, you do the
one with the guide whether they're now, they're now right. Well, there's
two options. There's ones where theytell you a guided tour. Then there's
one that's just the nature around you. I I didn't know that, I
thought because I read it anyway too. I'm watching poker. Yeah, I'm
listening to tunes. I'm listening totunes while you're on the peloton poker,

not porn, which is my atthis point in my life. That is
porn. Oh yeah, gutshot straightdra and a flush down to three.
So the all time best player inonline poker history is the Leader John Stewart.
No, so he was one ofthe three that I picked yesterday.
He's your leader. He took outthe other two guys that I pick in

the bonus bet, Joe Manzanello andWrapper Drake very close. Yeah, so
there's three to go. I havethe Leader and Bonus has the two right
behind me, but all of themare pretty even, so I think my
guy is the best player of thethree of but band there's not much of
a gap. They're all kind ofin the same mix here. So it's
anybody's game today. Am I gonnawin our bet? Yeah? I'm gonna

you a hundred, which is okay. I won one hundred for me last
night in the baseball game. Butyeah, it looks like Minnesota did not
win a bracelet this summer at theWorld Series. At poker something I saw
one hundred bucks. Wait a goo, Minnesota. Yeah, sounds of bitches.
Aaron Johnson almost had it, gotsecond in one what seven thirty two
thousand dollars? He almost had youis thatch? Yes, sir? The

new Twisters is almost here. Isaid that some people were watching it last
night somewhere. I can't wait.I can't wait. Man. It looks
really good. It's around eighty percenton Rotten Tomatoes really with a bunch of
reviews. I think so. Godand that dude who plays the main character
Glen, Yeah, he's in anew show on I think it's on Netflix
where he's uh yeah, a hitman. Yeah, it's pretty good.
Man, I haven't seen it.It's not it's I mean, it's a

it's kind of a you know exactlywhat's gonna happen, But it's pretty good.
The kiddo just watched Twister the otherday because she saw the trailer for
Twisters and wanted to see it.We said, well, then you got
to see the original. Yeah,man, you gotta have a base Helen
Hunt and a white T shirt inthe rain? Come on that the first
one too horny? Yeah, youcan't wait for Twisters. Man, it's

been too much money and I'm toohorning on Prime today? Hey, hell
yeah, man, did you getyour hat? I haven't gotten the hat
yet. I'm pissed, but Iam going to do a whole and I
know it's in the rear view mirror, but I'm gonna do an announcement that
I'm taking my talents to I alwaystayed on video today because I think I
missed out not doing that. I'mreal proud of me. A good point.
Are you gonna stay there for anotherfew years or you? I think

I'm going to stay the whole timeas long as my coach stays there.
If he leaves and I'm leaving.I did get an N I L from
a barber shop. Yeah, Igot that too. Well, you'll eventually
get one from a pizza place.Wait, you got an nil from a
barber shop? Yeah? Why wellnot me? Thea my son's got a
full yeah, was like his dad. Yeah, my dad is a full

head of hair. Right hawk,damn right? Oh head of hair.
My page Courts is next. He'skind of sound. Sorry. There you
go. Local music this morning,By the way, I started it off

with Dennis Thieves and p Rod theProdigy than some chanders now Smith and Irban
a little instrumental. There you go. Getting ready for Route party on Friday
night. The band had a practicewithout me last night, but they're getting
ready at a lovely Alexandria last night. Jeez, Louise, what are pepfulis
holding balls anytime in Alexandria. Alexandriais sweet. I can't believe it.

Wonderful. That's a great place,Zach. When you ranked every city in
Minnesota a couple of years ago,where did you have Alexandria on the list?
Probably in the top seven hundred.Okay, all right, that's cool.
Good for them, It's good youknow, they're moving on up,
that's what they are. I gotto get get a new list because it's
again, there's some cities that areway too high. What's number one,
uh de LUs? Yeah, whichis above White Bear Lake? Yeah?

Whiteear Lake is top seventy seventy,like right above the just above the seventieth
place city Alexandria four hundred and thirtyfourth. What dude, you got to
re rank thirty four? Yeah,right about Maynard like the restaurant. No,
the city is that? Where doessauces Minnetonka? And a Dina rank

is eightieth and Minnetonka is third.So how do you feel about that?
Yeah? I mean I think we'regetting short changed. But yeah, you're
two forty nine employment. What aboutShisago city dead last? What are you

talking about? I don't know ifit was large enough for large enough?
Doesn't it? Don't you list everycity in the state of Minnesota and fortieth
see exactly better than Minnetaka suck it? Yeah, jorhadan get going on that.
Yeah, you're going on going onthat. And do you remember what
the the name of the machine thatthey sent up into the tornado was called

Dorothy Doors. Right. Oh wow, good memory makes a lot of sense.
Yeah, today is the day bythat means a lot going from your
car. You usually you're the onethat's you just made his day core.
Did you hear that? Man Corlis, It's like Michael Jordan's saying nice basketball
shot. Yeah, because that's whathe would say, nice basketball shot.
Yeah, because he's just wanted.Those are the phrases that all times use

a right, real high, realreal high? Nice? What kind of
shot was that? It's a basketballshot? It was a nice one.
I saw it. I'm Michael Jordan. I know I just said I saw
it. Yeah, brilliant. CanI get an autograph? Now? I'm
watching basketball shots? Yeah, watchof this. This kid shoots basketball shots.
You just remembered a reference from anineteen nineties movie and then nailed the

great basketball shot. And I wantto comment on both. Let's do front
paid sports. Actually a lot happenedtime now, first sports, I'm just
presented by Holiday Stations. Holiday stationStores. We love you, Holiday station
Stores. They have Celsius at Holiday, and they have a whole bunch of
stuff at Holiday, of course,but for a limited time you can buy
two, get one free. Whenit comes to Celsius and they have an

exclusive flavor which is watermelon lemon.Hell. Yeah, man, let's go,
so go get some Celsius at holidaythis morning, all right? And
then look, they don't tell meto say this because they have their little
bullet points and say, hey,you should promote this or promote that,
you should get those pretzels when they'rethere too, those uh April Harry and
Pretzels middle of the day. They'reso freaking good man. Yeah, they
go by quickly. They do goby quickly. You got to get one.

If they're hot, get them withus. They're super good to I've
said up you guys before, I'vegot it right here, get yourself one
of these yachtie mugs for holiday becauseyou go in and fill it up every
now and again. They'll even giveit to you for free. But I'm
serious. I ain't kidding you.Sometimes they're like, yeah, you're good,
and they probably I probably they probablyshouldn't, but you know what I'm
saying anyway, but the refills arereal inexpensive and I love it, and

you get their ice is the bestice. I love you holiday, thank
your holidays the best, all right? Do you guys? Want to start
with embarrassment or embarrassments? Embarrassment,what's wrong? The number two pick in
the NBA draft is a guy namedAlex Sar. He got drafted by the
Washington Wizards of Anaheim. No,normally we wouldn't really care about summer league

almost at all, but this iskind of epic. The number two pick
in the draft for the Wizards lastnight went over fifty with zero points of
seven from three. He even missedboth of his free throws. Those aren't
nice basketball, That's what Michael Jordanwas saying. So I guess if it

had been a regular season game,it would have been the second worst shooting
performance in history. I guess somebodyhas been worse than that. I don't.
I read it this morning. NowI'm already forgetting who it was.
But oh for fifteen would have beenthe second worst of all time if it
had been a regular season game.Yeah, that's incredible fact that happened in

a regular season game. Exactly.I had never seen him play, right,
I saw the highlights on draft night. He does you know, like
when you watch Wimby at seven fourand you're like, man, this guy's
athletic, and he's smooth and heflows. Alex Sarrow, I guess is
a beast defensively. I think he'saveraging three blocks so far a game in
the Summer League. Man, heis not super fluid on offense. Looks

a little like that's a weird step. That's a weird step, that's an
awkward spin. I mean, he'snineteen. Let's give the kids some time
at man. Offensively, looks likehe has a long way to go.
Oh for fifteen. You know whenyou watch sports and go and I would
have cut that ball right to hithim right in the numbers. I would
have caught that. And then yourwife goes, no, you wouldn't do

and they're probably right. I couldhave gone home for fifteen. Yeah,
yeah, I might have made one. I might have made a great basketball
shot. At one point, Brownniecalls that a Tuesday. That's a tuesday.
Hawkeey were saying something something realized.My mic was on, Oh,
it's all right, of course,I'm all riled up because I between today

may be the greatest day of mylife. Oh yeah, between NCAA College
football and Twisters coming out and AmazonPrime Day and Amazon Man, I got
a shop in tornadoes and video gamesis a big day for you. I've
tried to figure out how I knewThe Lady and Twisters. She was the
Lady and Where the Crowd Dads Sing, which is a good book and a

good movie, real, real good. Okay, so I knew that face.
I didn't need to do that onair. My apologies. Yeah,
I went, oh yeah, itsucked. The other embarrassment member yesterday,
about twenty four hours ago, wewere talking about the gall that's saying the
national anthem at the home run derby. That was an absolute train wreck,
and we're like, man, what'swrong with this gal? How did they
not stop this? Well ingrid Andresposted on social media yesterday that she was

drunk and that she is entering rehab. That that was, you know,
her rock bottom moment. She realizedshe has a problem, and she kind
of sarcastically said, I've heard rehabsfun, So here we go. So
she's going to rehab. Good luckand good for you. You know,
yeah, it just sucks that youhad to have your rock bottom moment in
such a public space, because itgod dang man, I know, yeah

sucks. I listened to a lotof her music yesterday. I really like
it. She reminds me of toNeil Towns, who I'm a huge fan
of Tanil as well. I likeda lot of her music, so not
that that matters to get my point, though, I'm hoping that though,
I hope it works out for you. Good luck. A Major League Baseball
All Star Game was last night.The American League won five to three,
or for the National League. They'venow won ten of the last eleven,
and it won me a hundred bucks, thanks sauce. Yeah, man.

Red Sox center fielder Jaron Duran Didhe say his name? Jaron Durant?
I don't know j A R RE N. Jaren No, I don't
know Jaren Durant. We're gonna godur He was named MVP, hit a
two run home run. He isthe fifth Red Sox player to win the
All Starring Game MVP. I thinkthe first insta JD Drew. I think
I read this morning. I forgotabout number JD. Drew. Isn't he

a saint? Yeah? At onepoint? Yeah, I mean his mom
says that about him. Yeah,also a full sentence, JD Drew.
Yeah, very clever. Hawk.Hey, can I ask you a quick
NCAA football question. Hell yeah,Banks Hawk, if you create your own
player, I don't know why I'mlooking at you, Corey because you don't
care. But if you create yourown player and you start on the bench,

do you just watch the game?M Yeah, that's a great question,
Like like if i'd gone somewhere whereI was the second show. Yeah,
do you just go in on likepunt team or something. It'll skip
ahead if you ever see the field. But I don't think you have to
watch the whole Okay, the wholething, all right, but no,
it'll just skip ahead. Interest.There's got to be that option for the

psychos that want to truly live vicariouslythrough their player, right, Like,
there has to be the option tosit there and watch the entire game and
so sadly about the start right exactly? Get asked questions like are you gonna
throw a tantrum on the sidelines?Are you gonna sabotage your starting quarterbacks next

drive by giving him bad advice?That would be fun as hell? Right?
Are you gonna do to stay loose? Did you ride the peloton?
Are you gonna go stand by thecoach and kiss ass? Yeah? Are
you gonna do weird dances when yourteam scores. What are you gonna do
when the play by play guy touchesyour sufle side? Yeah, what are

you gonna do when he has topee his pants or pooh? Yeah?
Press a to check what stadium wasit where he almost blew his ow ring
boo. I mean, it wouldbe a shorter list if we said the
ones that he didn't. It wasChicago, which is tough because it's a
bathroom a long ways away. No, it's right behind the booth, but
it's the public bathroom. Oh soyeah. I mean you can't go during

halftime because it's seven hundred thousand people. That sucks. But I love that
stadium, man, that's fun.Back to you speaking of that, remember
all I had mentioned the other daythat like at the World Series at Poker,
you get a twenty minute break andyou need it because there's so many
dudes trying to get to the bathroom. Right, there's only a handful of
bathrooms that are within walking distance.Yeah, first time in my entire career

going to the World Series at Poker. When we came back from break or
right before were sorry, right beforewe went to break, the guy on
the microphone actually said all right,after this is, you know, twenty
minute break, no running right orderlyfashion, blah blah blah blah blah.
Any only said and he goes andif you're going to the bathroom, please
wash your hands, and half theroom like giggled and laughed, but almost

everybody into their breath was like somebodyneeded to say it, so many people
don't. And we're passing chips around. Wash your freak poker chips. Did
you hear what you just said?By the way, you guys are children.
You got to be told I don'trun to the bathroom and to wash
her Yeah, that's like again,these are degenerates jets. Yeah, oh

man, you know I kept sayingtoo that it would be nice if a
gal one out of the ten thousand, one hundred and twelve I think it
was this year, three hundred andeighty five women, I think is all
it was. So basically we're atthree percent women. Really, yep,
so it is ninety seven percent dudesthat have to be told don't run and

wash your hands. They have alike, I mean, I suppose they
have to have like one female bathroomopen, but do they ever do anything
where they switch. No, butthere's there are douchebags that absolutely just go
to the women's bathroom and hope theydon't get in trouble. And every year
they get out it on social media. It's like, just wait in line
like the rest of us. Youdon't. I mean, that's we're a

bunch of man babies. When Iwent to the Shawn Mendes show, they
converted a man's bathroom into him towomen until men needed to use it.
They actually had a security guard outthere. It's a bad idea. I
had to wait for the the galsto get done, but that's maybe something
that they could do. Numbers ofthat exaggerated. My god, Zach,

why don't you you should suggest thatto the world too. Is a poker
about, you know, like anon off switch between men and women's bathroom.
Let me get that guy in thissuit on the phone. Yes,
Jack, that's what his name is. Uh. The open starts tomorrow.
We bet on it yesterday. ScottieScheffler is your heavy favorite right around four

and a half to one at thatbag. Yeah, it's gonna be great.
I think they tee off at twelvethirty am local time. I was
roundly criticized off the air by KevinGorgy for my pick, who'd you take
again? Man? Yeah, Iwould have taken him too. Who cares?
Man? I mean, look thewhole point of it, it's once
you get the one of these Idon't know, ten to fifteen top guys.

It is just if any of theseguys get in the zone, they're
all capable of winning. Course,they're all good enough. Nobody yesterday took
somebody that has zero percent chance.Well, I mean it's one percent.
He has a one person I justdon't I don't hate him, but he
just who took him? I forgetTommy? Oh yeah, well Tommy was

doing scissor kicks. That was hesmashing his nutsat it looked like he was
loosing in his task after riding thetrying to get rid of it. Quick
reminder too, Kevin O'Connell two daysfrom now on the show, thank you
forgetting that. That's pretty awesome man, first time in studio here with the
Power Trip Morning Show. And I'llbe see he will make his initials debut
at eight fifteen on Friday. Can'twe see what he does. I'm gonna

thank You're best friends with him whenhe walks out of the studio Friday.
You wait and see. I'm excited. Goo dude, good guy, very
young dude. Man, he's youngerthan both you guys. Yeah, what
is he forty ish? What isKevin O'Connell? Let me look at up,
oh connell football thirty nine? Yeahhe is, he's I mean and
he he is. You can tellwhen you talk to him. He's a

young dude. Man. May twentyfifth, nineteen eighty five. What a
great year for movies. Nineteen eightyfive, thirty nine years old. All
right, what really matters is next. This is the Power Trip Morning Show
on the fan. Blurker. Goodfor old doctor Ponge. Still kid,

that's interesting. I'm good for him. I know if you didn't hear the
low commercial break though, I guessyou don't know what we're talking about.
But doctor Jerry Punch, NASCAR expert, just did an anti speeding commercial,
like me doing an anti booby commercial. Yeah, Sauce, that would be
like you doing a what commercial forhair? That's a good one? Now

that's that's that's good or small hatsor small wiers. Yeah, yeah,
I don't get it. Beat Saucefor Magnum Condoms. Nobody would believe.
It is crazy that there are Magnumice cream bars and Magnum condoms same company

too. Yeah, is that right? I think. I think their slogan
is don't put both of these inyour mouth. Oh my god, it
would makes you happy. Yeah.Should we do what Really Matters? Yeah?
Sure, and don't forget we getsome due to the decades next,
which is going to be completely differentthan ever done before, different than ever

done before. What Really Matters hasbrought to you by a friends at Catalyst
Supply Code dot com. Thanks CatalystSupplying Catalyst supply co dot com. You
know what, Corey, we forgotto say it again? You know what
was the very first segment was allIt was so much fun. We had
taught medcaa football. It was broughtyou by, It was brought to us
by. Sorry, I was lookingat something else, my friends at gutter

Helmet and gutter Helmet MN dot comthe best place to get the best protection
for your gutters. You never haveto clean your gutters again. Go to
Gutterhelmet MM dot com. BRANDONIUK hasa requested a trade from these San Francisco
forty nine ers According to sources,he wants out to live his life alone.

Yeah, this is a sung bybeing called Halloween. I think the
one Helloween actually the one team.All the media is connecting him to the
Washington Commanders, but I don't knowif they'll trade him. Claim they have
no interest in trading him. Youcan't sip on that that was a fact.
What did you sip after that fact? No? I think I hit

my chin on the Okay, thinglike a sip. I'm like, you
can't sip after a stadium. Okay, yeah, let me let me do
the story again. Make a reallyprofound point or an interesting statement, and
then take a sip. Okay,yeah, let's see if it works.
Se if it works, Okay,I got it. Brandon I you guys
A requested to trade from these SanFrancisco forty nine ers, according to sources.

Although the sources say the Niners arenot interested in trading him, sounds
like they should call him. BrandonI out of here. Oh okay,
Okay, that's good. I likethat. Man, that's funny. Man,
that was bad. Thanks Echo.I don't know serious, but thank
you. I'm sorry. He's he'swatching basketball still. Yeah, and the

title of the podcast is Brandon Iouta here. What really matters is this?
You get that right? Brother?Yeah? Hawk wishes he was out
of here so he could go play. Yeah. I can't wait, man,
I can't wait to play that game. Do you have nothing to do
today? I got, I meanone thing today, which is pound that
meat? God, my god,you asked. You don't ask? Okay?

Yeah, yeah, brother, yougot to ask. You can't afford
it? Yeah, all right,Sorry I asked, are you Yeah?
I didn't want to know you weregoing home to wow to hammer yourself.
I'm making steak today. Oh youpound your steak? Of course you haven't
made steak before, tender, youdo what I'm saying. Yeah, okay,
here we go. You ready?This bothersome, a suspected serial killer

has confessed e murdering forty two womenover the past two years in Kenya,
forty two in two years, ina shocking case that has sparked calls for
increased measures to combat gender based violencein that country. Collins Jamas Kulasa lurd

and killed and supposed to forty twobodies, rested in Soweeto at three am
on Monday, outside of club wherehe'd gone to watch the Euro twenty twenty
four soccer final, take a breakfrom killing. Yeah, watch him soccer,
didn't bun? I think Bundy wentto the Rose Bowl in the midst
of his killing spree. I meanserial killers are allowed to like sports.
Yeah, yeah, I'm I'm sureDahmer caught a Brewer's game every once in

a while. Yeah. And inhis interrogation, he went ahead admitted since
twenty twenty two through Thursday, Julyeleventh, when they when he takes care
of his last one forty two jeez, Louise. Yeah, even tell them
where you put him? Good MilwaukeeBucks game in like nineteen eighty eight,

Please welcome the fan of the game, Jeffrey Dahmer, and everybody clapsed for
little Jeffrey. Yeah, you wantto hunt. I don't need that.
I don't need that. Yeah,you don't know what they put him there?
Give me number seven? Oh,I get it. Ye, Like
he's ordering a McDonald's. Is myturn? I don't care. Yeah.

Kobe Bryant's dad, Joe Jellybean Bryan, died at the age of sixty nine.
I didn't I didn't know he playedin the NBA as long as he
did. It was almost a decade. I knew he played pro ball,
I just didn't know it was almosta decade in. But yeah, jelly
Bean Bryant dead at the age ofsixty nine. And look, Zach's classy
enough to even skip the bit becausewe're talking about that. It's always tough

with a persevere though. Yeah,well done. What really matters is this
Target used to be known for havinga design of the decade award winning pill
bottle design clear RX. Yeah,but it was discontinued when their pharmacy Divisi
was sold to CBS in twenty fifteen. The patent was filled in two thousand

and five. A FILEUS FILEUSS shouldsay, so when twenty twenty five,
the design will be fair for anybodyto use. I don't remember that at
all, do you remember? Yeah? You remember those red h Yeah,
I'm looking at it right now.I don't remember I remember those. Oh
yeah, it was the best.Why we did the best? Yeah?
So, first of all, itwas the bottle was not like circular.
It was more flat, so youinstead of like having to like read and

like spin everything around to see them. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I remember those. Yeah. Oneof the cool things. Is that
like little rubber ring on the nearthe cap could be different color, different
colors, so like if you havea family and you got multiple people in
the house, everybody could have theirown color so you're not accidentally grabbing the
wrong bottle. It was a geniusdesign. And I still don't understand why

CVS and you know, when theyinherited Targets pharmacy, why they didn't continue
with that. But I've every year'starget fargacy. That's where I go.
It's the old CVS at the target. Do you get your taint medication there?

No, mine's fine. Yours theone that's struggling taint hurts? Well,
get a rubbed by who Joe Rogan? I don't know anybody. I
don't know ask him. Do youthink there's somebody that is into the specifically
into the taint? Of course he'llbe here at nine. No, I
think he's back next week. Whatever. Hey, I watched half a Chad

Daniels thing. I should say listento half I just by the way.
Uh A little pro tip as Idrive a lot because we play some many
gigs, you don't have to watchthe Netflix County speaker at his bit about
being an empty nester. Did youdid you watch it? I got the
first ten minutes before poker started,so I heard his first handful of bits.

He doesn't a bit where he sayshe dropped as youngest off of college
and he's sitting at a stoplight andhe gets upset because he didn't he couldn't
cry in front of her, sohe's let not his anger after he drops
her off, and he starts punchinghis harm but it just goes beep beep.
So he's trying to punch it hardenough to make it loud, and
the guy goes, did I dosomething wrong? And Chad just goes,

I'm going home doing empty house.He's funny. I got I got as
far as uh when when he wascrossing the street with the guy would be
forever crutches and he called her acramp lady. He just went down a
hole. It's funny, man.He's really good. He is very funny

man. He's good nice guy too. Oh yes, he loses the golf
bep. Yeah yeah sure. Uh. Team USA versus Serbia today another exhibition
game. But we have the jokeron the schedule today against Team USA.
Aunt so I think it's what isit newonish or so I forget what time
it is. Middle of the daythough, because I think it's an Abu

Dhabi again somewhere over there, Soit's the middle of the day bit today.
I had a buddy when I workedin Norfolk, Virginia and radio.
He was the afternoon guy. Wecalled him Robert Robert, Robert James,
Yeah, Robert James. And hewent by the English Guy because he had
an English accent. He was fromAbu Dhabi, but he was afraid to

telling anybody he was from Abu Dhabi, so he went by the English guy.
It was during the First Iraq War, got it, Uh? He
was his dad was a prince inAbu Dhabi. Is that the guy that
your friend got money from? That'sfunny. And he showed me pictures that
place, that place, holy holyman. Yeah, I bet there's some
bad parts of it. My goodness, Abu Dhabi is a lot of money

there. Yeah, yeah, greatstory. What really matters though, this
So when I was a kid,if you threw the basketball up and it
hit the uh, the ceiling ofthe gymnasium, like snow would fall from
the gymnasium you know so, Yeah, I got a few years left at

best. I never knew this tillright now. The asbestos health hazard not
caused chemically, but mechanically as best. Those fibers are so small they pierce
cell walls without killing the cell.Fibers cause mutations by piercing the mitotic spindle,
which disrupts mitosis and causes chromosomal damage, responsible for the ill effects.

I thought it was poison, butapparently it's not. But man, that
stuff rained down, rained down onall of this. Yeah, yeah,
oh well, I got life insurance. You'll be fine. It'll be cool.
I've had a good run. I'mfifty three. How much longer did
I need? I will miss you. Oh I'm not dying yet. Oh

I guess everybody's dying. Yeah.Not if you've been Cuba football. You're
living. You got that, brother, I'll live forever in Iowa State.
I'll never forget me. We'll doa duel the decades after that. Why
you don't get no bitches and uhInitial's bracket reveal for the Invitational twenty twenty
four happens at eight o'clock. Butmore of the Power to You Morning Show,

including Mark Rose in in about anhour right here on the f then
hubb and Home and Chains. Besure to join us sun Friday night.

It's the Rude Party, a forgottenStar Brewing. It's gonna be a blast.
We all kick things off at thesix point thirty with the red carpet
broadcast, all thanks to Star Bank, and then you can we'll play some
great games. We have some greatprizes, including take us to see Metallic

at us Bank Stadium. We gotround for Rubes, all thanks to Star
Bank, and of course live musicfrom the Chris Hockey Band. More details
at Cafe dot com slash Party.So it's a free guys, come on,
yeah, what are you doing?You said we're gonna play some great
games. I'm gonna confirm late ittoday, but my sources say everybody will
have a chance to play great gameson Friday, everybody, even me.

I'm talking about the Rubes. Butyeah you could play, oh just everybody.
That'd be funny. Good for youman, Friday night. Good job.
Should we do a duel of thedecade. That's gonna be very undual
like today, but I'm very excited. This will be great. I appreciate

it. Thank you. I appreciatethings I appreciate. Can I see your
things? Of course? Of course, of course. Okay. Brought to
you by Unique Classic Cars Man Catolove it. By the way, I
was down there on Saturday. Mygoodness, I think they sold eighty nine
cars and last month or something.The time. People love buying old cars.
You got one, they want tosell it, or they want to

fix it up for you. Ifyou don't have one, you always wanted
one, they'd love to sell youone. Holy balls, they got some
sweekers. Yeah, sweet. Iwant to focus this year, or to
this day on nineteen ninety six,Corey held Were you in nineteen ninety sixteen
years old? I was almost twentysix? That's twenty five most of the
year. What about you, saucyfourteen? Everybody else wasn't born yet?

Right, just born, just born? As a year you were worn?
Yep, what about you? Useecho in ninety five? I was okay?
Right? And what about you?Derek did not exist yet? Gotcha?
Got you? Well? Year?Were you born in nineteen ninety eight?
That's terrible year, my best yearto be a Vikings fan. True.
Also that means Derek was probably apart of the bizcit baby boom where

fred Dura's turn on an entire nationof women and kids were just popping out
of their left and right. Isthat why your middle names? Nookie?
Wow? Wow, you got it? Yeah, that's what I thought.
So, yeah, what's the yearwe're going to talk about? Nineteen ninety
six? That's right? Thank you? Give me a little more. Announcery
nineteen ninety six? Not bad?What do you think that? Pretty good?
Pretty good? You're an announcery guynineteen ninety six. Yeah you did

that. Yeah, party from amaster. You say that when you say
the party zone, the party zone. Say you need classic cars please me?
Who oh me who uh. Let'shave a language you speaking up there?
Uh you need classic cars. That'snot a language. You need classic
cars. Cato, that's right,and then Kato. Today is the day,

the day we've all been looking for, Twisters comes out the sequel A
Twister, which came out in nineteenninety six. That's much better. Good
job. So we're gonna loo atnineteen ninety six today. But first of
all, let's look at some thingshave changed since Twister came out in regards
to its weather and tornado. Froma great article on the updated Weather Channel

app, which, by the way, if you haven't updated your app yet,
sign up for the email. Youcan't believe the amount of great stuff
they email you every morning about weathernot only in your area, but in
areas you care about across the country, and others you don't care about.
And estimated thirty six million people wereusing the World Wide Web in nineteen ninety
six, thirty six million in Apriltwenty twenty four, five point five billion.

Yeah. Wow, roughly two outof every three people on Earth have
access to the other I'm actually surprisedit's that high. Really, Yeah,
just with how many you know peoplearound the world that probably don't have great
access to that kind of technology.That's almost everybody in the civilized world is
using it. Yeah, I don'tknow how you can't, Right, if

you're a part of a civilized nationand you are up to date, how
do you keep up with everybody elseif you're not? Yeah? And can
I move there? Right? Ofcourse I couldn't play in CA football,
but get off the grid then,no, I would love to get off
the grid. Yeah. Would youbring your Xbox with it's PlayStation byes?
Yeah? See uhid thirty thirty somethingmillion people. Yeah, thirty six I'm

trying to think that's about when Istarted using the internet. Give her toror.
There definitely was a kid in myneighborhood that knew how to get nudes,
and that's when they're almost every nudewas window. No, we're still
fakes. Yeah right there. Yeah, there were a couple of really famous
like Sandra Bullock fakes and Jennifer Anistonfakes. And it would take thirty five

minutes, David, thirty five minutes. Well, you must have had high
speed internet. It took forever,right download, But when it would download,
it would download to the bottom,one right, one horizontal line at
the time. So you'd be like, all right, we got her face,
let's go play basketball for like twentyminutes. Yeh see what we got
we can when we get back.Yeah, absolutely, And then everybody was
like, no, that that's SandraBullock. I don't think so, man,

that looks fake. How would theymake that fake? How we understood
we didn't Knowbody would go hello,right now, everyone skeptical, that's got
to be photoshop. That's got tobe AI, that's got to be this.
Back then, it was how wouldthey possibly get her head on that
body? That has to be her, right. I don't think Sandrew Bullock's
taking nudes, man, I don'tthink she would do that. I don't
think her knockers are that big man, right, everyone there line after lying

Corey just a tip of aerial life. Hawk looked like Randy and salt Park
when they found Internet Town. Keepin mind that twenty six ghost. The
rest of us are like, thislooks awesome that Chris is doing. I

love him. I don't know whatit is. Hawk got beat up by
a dad because he loved this womanso much. Anyway, wasn't she's sleeping
with half the town at least?But that was about what year did like
AOL instant messenger, what I Gotyou here book, because that's about when

it was, Yeah, I gotsome more stuff for you from about nineteen
ninety six. It would also beanother eleven years until the first Apple iPhone
came out, so no apps withradar alerts or live streaming for severe weather.
Instead, the Palm Pilot one hundred, a personal digital assistant, was
released, planting an early seed forwhat would eventually become the smartphone. Any
of you have a palm. Inever had a palm pilot. I knew

some people who did, but Idid not either. You had to be
I did not. I did not. I'm surprised you did not. I
mean my old man might have.He was doing business things of course.
Yeah, yeah, like iron hookersand stuff. Yeah, looking for you
downloading boobs. That was twice six. Yeah. Social media wasn't its infancy,
so you know, none of thenormal stuff. So we've got the

world's first social media network. Sitewas founded in nineteen ninety six. It
was six degrees. Never heard ofit, never heard of it either?
Is that anything? No? Nothing, I've never heard of that. It
would be seven years before the firstwidely used social network, which was my
Space, was launched. The dramawith your Top eight that was I've never

had I don't know about it wasthe top eight things. So on my
Space it was literally a feature whereyou could like power rank your friends so
if someone so if someone like didsomething to piss you off and be like,
oh, you're down to number four, now we should bring all right,
we should bring that back right now, as how many people are in
one to three four, you're numbersix right now? You got you got

Carter Brothers. Who the hell haseight friends? Well? I do Ski
Cup Pat spit pastabolic that's doubtful.Uh, Tree not by choice? Tree
three four, Scene Bear five?Luke, is this in order? Are
you ranking them? No? Ora few of them? Listen? It'd

be sad. I got my rankingsright here. It's Harry Styles. I
do it every once in a while. I've been doing it for ten years
now. I have a whole notenot sapp with you really do? Look,
yeah, you really do? Who'snumber one? Chad? Your buddy
Chad? That was Dad's number one? Chad Olsen? Uh to his cam?

Congrats to cam. Cam's moving onup. Jim's number three, like
Cole's number four and Kevin's number five? Man, Kevin Foleness number five?
Yeah no, no, no,no, no no. Do you have
no female friends? No, it'sthe highest ranking female friend or do you
not even miss? Not applicable?Jeez? Okay, So if you want

to be friends with Zach, youbetter have a you don't want otherwise he's
not interested. Yeah, exactly whatTommy's is similar. Tommy's gonna text me
his list in a minute. Here. I think he's gonna want Zach's list.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Inever did. I did have a
MySpace page, but like, lookagain, this is how primitive it was.

Do you remember just people thought itwas so cool you could just customize
your wallpaper. That was like abig thing was the look of your MySpace
was kind of your personality. Itwas like, wow, that was a
pretty cool background. Where'd you getthat? Or how'd you do that?
Who gives a rats? Ask?Right, it was never on my space
and pick what song plays and theyvisit your space and that was a huge
choice. That was awesome the agetmlman back in the day. That was

the first experience with coding for alot of people. Yeah yeah, yeah,
yeah, what what I know?I should know this? But what
was the downfall of my Space?What happened Facebook? Facebook? Okay,
got it all right, So theydidn't do anything wrong. They just got
passed by. Yeah, because Facebookhad actually instant messaging. It had.

It was just a little bit moreand as people got older, they got
tired of like comic sans fonts andlike wild different colors with like yeah you
know you could you couldn't even readanything. Facebook was more mature. I
got it for a little bit.We're looking at the year nineteen ninety six
because that was the year of Twister, and today comes out Twisters. Can't

wait looking forward to seeing to myselfwhat, Yeah, I got it?
The nationwide roll out of the NationalWeather Service Doppler radars wasn't even completed until
nineteen ninety seven, the year afterTwister debut. Wow. Yeah, Today,
not only do we have this nationalnetwork that can detect rotation and severe
thunderstorms, we can also detect debrislofted by tornadoes, confirming their presence even

at night without spotters. Never doit without a spotter, Corey, How
many times have I told you daily? I once dated a Gael who claimed
that her dad helped invent the colorDoppler radar, and based on her home,
I believed her, No kidding?Yeah, is that Douglas. Didn't
Paul Douglas invent it? I'm notsaying he. I think it was a

He was a part of the groupthat did say it was a single inventor,
wasn't it Paul Douglas. It wasone of the early pioneers of that
stuff. He you know he was. Was he part of that movie Twisters
as well? Yeah? And likeJurassical, he's in the movie. Yeah,
he did a bunch of the PaulDouglas is in Twister. Really yeah,
a bunch of the weather. There'sa brief scene where there's a mean

or all just doing the forecast atthe when they're dead the drive in or
whatever that toward the end, andand the TV is on, and he's
the one doing the forecast because hemade a lot of his money working with
Spielberg on faking radar making you know, like those radar screens on the movies.

He would they would make that up, but make it somewhat accurate.
So look, I'm no I'm noHollywood director, but I've always argued this,
I think some of the worst scenesin the history of movies are really
bad actors trying to pretend to beanchors or whether men or news men.
I've always thought you should just likeyou get Amelia Santonello or Frank vass or

somebody like that to sign on andagree to be a part of a movie.
Right, but then whatever you needthem to do, you just have
Channel four, Like on a randomWednesday, go hey, let's let's run
through the news before it airs,Like you know, you do like a
thirty minute and you just have themread the teleprompter as if it's a real
story, so they don't quote evenknow that they're acting, and then throw
it in the movie because they're gonnanail it and then it'll look natural and

real as opposed to cheesy lines.The Again, no offense to those who
they're not actors, right, they'renewsmen and women. So like, just
let them read the teleprompter, almostprank them into reading the stories. If
it's real, then put it in. It's gonna look completely natural. I
oh man, So many bad actorstry to do the the anchor bit.

We're talking. Graphics are always cheesyand lays right. The graphics are never
like accurate. They always you shouldget the licensing to do WCCO and make
it be a real broadcast. Whycan't they do that? And Ben was
talking last week about this. Ithink we were all kind of talking about
the tax breaks that we don't offeranymore in this state, and you know,

talking about getting that back and gettingmovies back here. Because that's all
I want to do in life,is I want to be like in the
background of like they're driving down theroad or whatever, and I want my
voice like on the radio, likein the car, talking about like whatever
big alien invasion or whatever it's goingon in the movie. So the rest

of your life, your entire goalis to be the radio voice in the
background of a monster invasion. Fiveseconds, all I want is an IAMB.
Cruise is driving on the road andand he's you know, he's in
Salo's Park. He's on a hundredand and it's you know, War of
the World's too And he turns onthe radio and he hears you go,
oh no, there's aliens here,but check out the party on the parties

out. Oh god, cam isup to number two on my friend's list,
Miss Chad. Tom Cruise flips onthe video for emergency information, and
he flips on Kfean because he's inminneapolission and he hears Zach's coke freestyle ram
yes when he wants to know wherehe's supposed to go over These aliens aren't

gonna like diet coke with gray grapeflavored. And then whoa, whoa,
we're talking about nineteen ninety six.It's dual to the deck. He's bright,
but you need classic cars We're goingto through things that happened and things
like that. Uh, unibomber tech. Tazinski was arrested in nineteen ninety six.
Arrested in nineteen ninety six. Uh, the summer deal, it was

huge deal. Some Olympics were heldin Atlanta in nineteen eighty six, which
was bomby bombing. Yeah, yeah, Richard Jewell incorrectly framed, right,
Yep, we didn't know that fora long time. Luckily for him,
they named the fake cigarettes after him. Uh, brilliant. Dolly the sheep,
the first mammal successfully cloned by anadult cell, was born on July

fifth. Oh, yeah, youknow, I remember that vividly. Yeah,
what what happened with Doll? Though? Like? How long does sheep
live? What? Tom CRUs iswondering what you're laughing about? He asked,
if oh, I don't know whathappened to me? How long does
sheep live? And if so,is Dolly still alive? Somebody looked that

up? How long does sheep live? By the way, speaking of that,
do you see the story? Itwas about a week ago and the
perma frost. I don't remember ifit was Siberia or whatever, but they
found basically the best DNA of awooly mammoth they've ever found. Oh yeah,
and they basically said, this iseven closer now they were on the

right path to cloning a wooly mammothanyway, And the short of the article
was, this is essentially getting usto the finish line. I'm look at
this right here. That's crazy manspeaking a finish line. They found it
in a sock, a wooly mammothsackgod, perfectly preserved teenage wooly mammoth suck
by the way, bad news,has he being serious? Dolly died ohe

years ago? Twenty one years ago, two thousand and three. Five.
Geez, well that's pretty good forseven, seven or six? No,
but again, is that a goodrun for a sheep? I don't know
how long they live? I don'tknow. And does she have babies?
She where was hawking to life spanten to twelve years? So no,

oh man, come on, Dolly, yeah, come on, dolly.
Oh euthanasia, Yeah, what's comment'sbeen about that doesn't know enough about young
people in that part of the world. Yeah, well, progressive lung disease
and severe wouldn't stop smoking? Ohman, Wait, that's basically what that's
how my grandfather died. Yeah,there's a yeah, you see that.

You see the length there. Well, at some point, somebody whispering in
Dolly's ear. You're a test too, baby. She just started changing.
Yeah. She loves cigarettes, oh, pulmonary and then the Carsinoma. Yeah,
they're at the film or on Sundayright now. She liked cools.
Yeah, I went through a coolphase obviously. Yeah, there's a lady

cigarettes, aren't they? No,that's uh, Virginia slims. Did your
mom smoke those? I don't rememberwhat she smoked. Slims were lady cigarettes?
Were they really? Yeah? Idid not realize. Yeah, they
were super skinny cigarettes. Cool.I don't remember. And lastly, we're
talking about nineteen ninety six for Duelof the Deck. It's about to buy
your friends. You need classic carsand Mayko you need classic cars. Dot

com uh born in nineteen ninety six. Here we go. Florence Pew,
Sophie Turner, Dlo di'angelo, Russell, your guy. Yeah, Abigail Breslin,
actress, Anya Tailor Joy gambit.That hurt my tongue. We can

tell also furials it right, yep, yep, which is great. See
that. I haven't seen it.It's really good. The Mad Max movies
are meant to be seen in thetheater. They're very good. Tias Jones,
Minnesota's very on. Tom Holland,Yes, calm down, Zendaya,
Yes, Devon Booker said, Booker, said Booker, Booker, there's your

podcast. How do you it's Brandon. I gotta get out of here.
Whatever it is, Booker, whatvery close? Out of here? Oh
that's it all right, Brandon,I out of here? Lord? Oh
wow, I thought it was.I thought that was I thought that was

zero. How many years ago?Is that twenty twenty four hundred? In
there? Hailey Bieber? She wasborn Hailey Bieber. It just sounded like
you said something else. Yes,pretty sure. Joe Burrow, Yes,
and Hailey Steinfeld All born in nineteenOh haileyt great artist, Well so she

though, but remember she got famousfor True Grit. True Grit was the
actress and True GrITT and then didmusic after that and was not gigantic,
but she was little liars. Idon't know. She's another movie too.
Well, she's the new Hawkey.That's all right. I appears fantastic.
Yeah, they're doing a female versionof mash Oh great, it's called the

you know started? Did it startwith a g? Oh? I'm going
to have a power trip translator?Why do I always know what you idiots
are thinking? That's really good.That's really good. There's your podcast?
Really good? What No, it'sgonna be Brandon I out of here.
We're sticking with that so we don'tget fired. The news is next.
We'll do the Initials Invitational bracket revealat eight o'clock. Mark rosen In like

thirty minutes, lots to get tobetween now at nine o'clock. On the
fan, thank you Neque Classic Carsand Unique Classiccars dot Com and man Cato
love you get your old car
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