Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Morning, lady and gentlemen, and welcome to video message number
twenty nine, the Beezer.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
That's nice. I woke up yesterday morning with us to
start later. Please, I could never know what the day
with us Florida.
Speaker 3 (00:13):
Listen up. The ratings just came in for last month.
We are number one. We just grabbed every key. Democrat, Yeah,
super duper.
Speaker 2 (00:22):
That's nice. Fight a goo nto gay. Yes, boy, that
is good news.
Speaker 4 (00:27):
It is the fourth day of December twenty twenty four.
Good morning, everybody. Welcome to the Parts of Morning Show.
My name is Chris Hockey. Here we are. It's Wednesday.
Thanks for all the help out yesterday at Toys for Tot's.
Thanks to the good people at Shields and Unreal and
the Vikings and everyone of course the United States Marine
Corps and hope they raised a gabillion toys. Keep doing
it out there, ladies and gentlemen. Here's what we've got today.
Ben Libra on a Wednesday, because he can't be here tomorrow.
So Ben liber today, No perish, no Carly. I believe
Carly tomorrow and I cast the thousands. But today's show, well,
we're ready. Let's get a rolling, shall we here's Paul
gil Martin on the uh impossibility of picking the fastest
line in any waiting line. Man, that's me. If I
get in line behind you, you're screwed. A Patrick Marty
show on Wednesday. Come out in. I'm glad you're here.
Speaker 5 (01:13):
Find the older I get, the less and less patient
I become. I think one of these days I'm gonna
snap at the bank and kill somebody because I always
pick the wrong line at the bank.
Speaker 3 (01:22):
You like me, You try to pick which line.
Speaker 5 (01:23):
You're gonna get in based on what people look like.
Speaker 4 (01:25):
In each line.
Speaker 2 (01:26):
All right, let's see if we got an old lady
with a bag of chain that.
Speaker 3 (01:32):
I've got an old guy talking to himself.
Speaker 2 (01:34):
Wow, we gotta tie.
Speaker 4 (01:36):
It doesn't matter.
Speaker 2 (01:37):
I always picked the wrong line.
Speaker 5 (01:38):
I was gonna stuck behind the person attempting a transaction
that's never been performed before. I'd like to change the
name of this ship on my checks.
Speaker 3 (01:55):
People aren't even born when you.
Speaker 5 (01:57):
Got in line, or now at the head of the
other line paying.
Speaker 2 (02:00):
Off their student loans.
Speaker 5 (02:02):
I just want to grab them by the hair and go,
what are you doing that is taking so long? I've
grown a beard since I've been in.
Speaker 3 (02:09):
Line behind you.
Speaker 5 (02:10):
If you don't put some pepper in your step, I'm
gonna rob this place and kill you.
Speaker 3 (02:15):
Because chances are pretty good i'd be paroled before.
Speaker 5 (02:18):
I stop looking at the back of your fat head.
Speaker 2 (02:23):
You're gonna let me go. No, thank you very much.
Speaker 3 (02:27):
Like one hundred dollars in Buffalo Nichols.
Speaker 2 (02:38):
You have to look at this thing. Ye see.
Speaker 1 (02:50):
I tracked her down feetus on your side.
Speaker 3 (02:55):
You here the distance unders.
Speaker 2 (03:16):
Never giving up the weed exactly. You would have been
proud of me and disappointed me.
Speaker 3 (03:21):
Last night in the middle of the we cash those tickets.
Speaker 2 (03:27):
Yeah, Madonald's gonna have to take another day to come in.
Speaker 1 (03:32):
I need a segment on Friday. Some people have tired tuesdays.
Speaker 2 (03:34):
You know. I was doing one of those cours like
trivia bits right in Maple Grove at the Lookout.
Speaker 4 (03:40):
Love that place.
Speaker 2 (03:42):
Yeah, small ceilings, love it, yeah exactly. Small ceilings makes
you feel intimate, though, that's how. And there's there was
a guy handing out gummies because he was promoting his
own business.
Speaker 4 (03:52):
That's is that good?
Speaker 3 (03:55):
I don't know, so I took one.
Speaker 2 (03:56):
I didn't I didn't take the dummy, but I took
one from him, and I'm like, well, like, I know
this takes like thirty forty five minutes to kick in,
so I have two hours here.
Speaker 3 (04:04):
I can't take this now. So but I did take
it from him.
Speaker 2 (04:07):
There were a lot of people saying no, because I
think they were like, why would I just take a
random gummy from some guy walking after me at the bar? Yeah?
Speaker 3 (04:13):
Man, I took one.
Speaker 4 (04:15):
Did you take it last night?
Speaker 5 (04:16):
Speaker 3 (04:16):
No, I didn't take it.
Speaker 1 (04:17):
Was it in like a ziplock bab just handed it
to me? Wait, the gut the gummy?
Speaker 2 (04:22):
Wait, yeah, the gummy just handed it to me, Like
just what just a gummy?
Speaker 3 (04:25):
He took it.
Speaker 2 (04:26):
He took it out of a like a candy cane
shaped kind of like container. So I did watch him
take it out of the container, but I did, of course.
Speaker 3 (04:34):
That's why another reason I didn't take it.
Speaker 2 (04:36):
I'm like, oh, I don't think he's trying to kill me,
but if he is, this is a clever way to
do it.
Speaker 4 (04:40):
Yeah. You know, used to back in the day go
to Grateful Dead concerts and you'd have to be careful
because they were spiking everything with LSD because it was
good for you. Sure, some people think that, you know,
that's a good thing.
Speaker 3 (04:54):
And it's their mind for the right.
Speaker 2 (04:55):
And it's like, look, if I'm going to go do
some trivia and I'm going to get handed a gummy,
don't want to worry about getting fent and old, right, right,
I just want a good old fashioned gummy at a
trivia spot in Maple Grow.
Speaker 3 (05:08):
You know, if you're.
Speaker 4 (05:08):
Looking for gummies, I know a guy who's got his
name on the side of and they're real good.
Speaker 3 (05:13):
Is that right?
Speaker 4 (05:14):
And he'll hand him to you still in the jar?
Speaker 2 (05:16):
Yeah, I know. Other people said yes. Last night, I
wasn't really watch a lot.
Speaker 4 (05:23):
I'm going to guess people went up for fifte and seven.
Speaker 1 (05:25):
Oh, there's so many questions for this guy.
Speaker 2 (05:27):
Speaker 4 (05:28):
Was his hand sweaty when he handed the gummy, because
that's the.
Speaker 2 (05:32):
Did he look like a legit businessman?
Speaker 1 (05:33):
Speaker 2 (05:34):
For sure?
Speaker 3 (05:34):
And he was super nice? Yeah, sure, they're probably he
looked he.
Speaker 2 (05:37):
Looked like a respectable guy, seemed like a nice guy,
righteous dude.
Speaker 3 (05:41):
I actually trusted him.
Speaker 1 (05:42):
If I didn't have to to do trivia and beyond
for two hours and then drive home, I probably would
have gotten after it.
Speaker 4 (05:47):
That's crazy.
Speaker 3 (05:49):
Yeah, why not?
Speaker 4 (05:50):
No, I mean, like that's crazy, not because of the
act that it's you saying that you would do that
you won't put.
Speaker 3 (05:56):
In your mouth twenty years.
Speaker 1 (06:00):
Yeah, man, gummies are fine.
Speaker 4 (06:05):
Yeah, man, absolutely, I'm a I'm on a kick now.
I can't do it during the week, but on the
weekends I'm straight up gummy and the THCs I sleep
like a baby. Yeah, yeah, it's the U. During the week,
I just do CBD because I find that I wake
up still high if I do it during the week,
which is not so bad.
Speaker 1 (06:26):
Yeah, their gummies are pretty like you can definitely, I
think smoke during the week during work week and be
fine in the morning and everything.
Speaker 3 (06:35):
But yeah, the gummies is when it gets kind of They.
Speaker 4 (06:38):
Stay in your system, right, Yeah.
Speaker 1 (06:39):
They hang around, they take their coat off, and they
stay a while.
Speaker 4 (06:41):
They sure do, especially if you get handed them from
a sweaty guy. Right wait at.
Speaker 3 (06:49):
Take off their trench coats and stay a while.
Speaker 4 (06:53):
In my mind, he's real sweaty.
Speaker 2 (06:55):
Sweaty. So a couple of us schedule shifts today, right
car or least move until tomorrow. Liber moving to today,
No parish today, He'll be back Friday for the big
Madonna initials game.
Speaker 4 (07:10):
Like a virgin.
Speaker 3 (07:11):
Yes, the same Madonna.
Speaker 2 (07:12):
Wow, yep, that was her best era eighties Madonna?
Speaker 3 (07:20):
Who am I forgetting?
Speaker 4 (07:21):
Speaker 3 (07:23):
Huey Lewis will be here at eight o'clock.
Speaker 4 (07:24):
No, you just forgot about him.
Speaker 2 (07:27):
I don't know if I ever will everywhere because Back
to the Future is such a huge part of my
Oh by the way, god, dang, this is just you know,
the first segment is random, and it never is good
and it never makes any sense. I saw something on
Instagram the other day about Back to the Future that
I never knew, and I love that. I've seen that
movie a thousand times and I still once in a
while catch something or like this him showing something that
I never saw.
Speaker 3 (07:53):
Do you know when.
Speaker 2 (07:57):
When they are drinking beer in the first one before
George McFly hits it big because he writes that book right,
and he gets all the money, remember Mari, he ends
up Penis. It's like a fiction writer. Right after I
think there's a scene where, like I don't remember if
it's Biff or somebody grabs a beer and it's like
a Miller. Okay, when Doc Brown is going through the
garbage to get garbage to throw into the Uh yeah,
it's Miller High Life.
Speaker 4 (08:28):
Oh my god.
Speaker 2 (08:29):
So it's a little it's a little like nod to well,
now they drink better beer because before he didn't have money,
so he just drank.
Speaker 3 (08:36):
Miller, but now he drinks Miller High.
Speaker 2 (08:39):
I wonder how many of those things they they just
easter egged in that movie that are so subtle like
that that you really have to be paying attention. I
would have never thought, well, I wonder what beer they
were drinking the first time, but they do that. Apparently
there's a couple of those things where there's just little.
Speaker 1 (08:56):
Tiny switches that aren't verbalized that they just want you
to notice on your own.
Speaker 2 (09:00):
And I never noticed that one. That's pretty cool, pretty cool. Yeah,
that's sweet.
Speaker 4 (09:04):
I don't know why that. Well, okay, i'll tell you why.
I actually I can think this the through line. Stay
with me, Cory, you can do this. I don't think
they can. But you no, no, you know my mind.
For a long time, you said back in the future
made me think of the Peep and Tom scene, and
that reminded me to tell Saus stop using PA's binoculars
at the Vikings games. What do you mean you don't
want your fingerprints on those. Oh yeah, very great point,
you know what I'm saying. Yeah, because they're going to
be used as evidence at something, and you don't want
your tiny fingies on there.
Speaker 2 (09:37):
Yeah, that's a good point. You also probably don't what
you don't want what's already on the binocular your prints there.
You don't want to pick up what he's laying down.
Speaker 4 (09:46):
And what if, by some stretch of the of the
you know, the elasticity of the world, you see what
he's seen when you look through those.
Speaker 2 (09:53):
Yeah, that's a great point.
Speaker 4 (09:56):
Yeah, like you look in and boy, that'd be a
good short story from Stephen. Yeah, the parabinoculars that keep
all the memories of everything they've seen.
Speaker 2 (10:03):
Yeah, oh my dear, Yeah, God, well Sauce is that's
not the case yet, because otherwise Sauce would run out
of US Banks Stadium in an absolute terror direction? Yeah,
how do you.
Speaker 3 (10:16):
Look at it through the binoculars?
Speaker 2 (10:18):
So the other day, who was it?
Speaker 4 (10:21):
Was it a new quarterback? Yeah?
Speaker 6 (10:23):
I was trying to figure out if Daniel Jones was there,
and then I can ask Ben when he gets here
in forty minutes, fifty minutes. I was like, I couldn't
figure out who Ben was talking to on the sideline.
It was a former Viking, I'm pretty sure, but he
had his back like kind of half turned, and I
just couldn't figure it out. Then I handed him to Pa,
and PA's like, oh, that's Kyle Rudolph. I don't think
it was Kyle Rudolph.
Speaker 2 (10:51):
I don't know. It just puzzled me.
Speaker 4 (10:52):
I did see I saw a video of him talking
to Kyle Rudolph.
Speaker 2 (10:55):
Oh, then maybe it was.
Speaker 4 (10:56):
It must have been. I think it might have been.
Speaker 2 (10:57):
Yeah, you don't know what Kyle Rudolph looks like. You
were friends with him. No, I do know what he
looks like. But I'm I don't think that was him.
Speaker 1 (11:05):
Even through binoculars, you couldn't tell if it was Kyle.
Speaker 4 (11:08):
No idea the film on those binoculars, you know what
I mean?
Speaker 7 (11:11):
Speaker 2 (11:12):
Speaker 4 (11:12):
Yeah, like the glare and I don't know what else.
The greasiness, yea, they are, My god?
Speaker 3 (11:19):
Is it truly? Only is it during breaks? He never
actually uses it during the game.
Speaker 4 (11:23):
No, No, I've seen him do it. I've seen him
do a lot of things during the game.
Speaker 2 (11:27):
Yeah, those aren't the same binoculars he uses it Canterbury.
Speaker 4 (11:30):
Correct, Oh god, are different ones. Remember the picture of
him wearing the lady's outfit?
Speaker 6 (11:38):
Yeah, why is he wearing that like some Illuminati thing
that he went through. Why was he wearing that outfit?
Speaker 4 (11:47):
I just don't know what he's doing now.
Speaker 2 (11:50):
I just keep thinking, what if that is a pathway
to the brain of Paul Allen? If you look through binoculars,
you see what he sees.
Speaker 1 (11:58):
Oh boy, they're not good babies and puppies everywhere.
Speaker 2 (12:03):
None of us can prove that. We all look at
the world the same way. You can't prove it.
Speaker 1 (12:07):
Speaker 4 (12:08):
Do you think he looks at supple sides and like
gets an erection?
Speaker 1 (12:11):
Oh, one thousand percent? Yeah, it's the number is higher
than that, higher than one thousand percent. He just has
to think of them, yeah, and they have to be supple.
Speaker 2 (12:22):
They have to be or yeah, or they don't even
have to be supple. He just has to refer to
them as supple. That's the key.
Speaker 4 (12:27):
I'm not even sure what would make a side supple.
Speaker 1 (12:30):
I don't know. My guess is if you're absolutely ripped
and they're just.
Speaker 4 (12:34):
Ye oh, that's I thought the other way.
Speaker 2 (12:36):
No, I'm saying if they're absolutely steel and they're ripped.
Speaker 3 (12:39):
Then he would say those are not supple.
Speaker 2 (12:41):
I think I think there has to be at least
a little pushability. Yeah, if you're just pushing into a
brick wall, he's going to be like, these aren't very supple.
Speaker 4 (12:48):
Yeah, okay, yeah, but I think.
Speaker 1 (12:50):
His threshold is pretty low. But I also likesng as
he can touch him.
Speaker 6 (12:54):
Hockey has been around those guys for so long that
in the middle of the bit Hockey and I do,
someone pushed into Muscle's sides and must made a noise
and Hawk immediately on the air goes, that's Pete, right,
and it was Pete.
Speaker 4 (13:08):
Yeah, because Beetle get you.
Speaker 2 (13:09):
Yeah, Pete got much peet get you.
Speaker 4 (13:11):
He'll either Beditya or he'll slap you right in the
nutsack and sometimes that I mean hit you in the tip.
And that is the worst pain there is.
Speaker 6 (13:19):
That's why Norda doesn't go to the games anymore, because
he would spot for Pa, and Pa would pretend like
he saw something and Norda would turn and look and
he'd hit him right.
Speaker 2 (13:28):
In the tip with his binacaar.
Speaker 4 (13:30):
That may for a second weird thing about being doing
what I do I'm standing behind them, so he'll do
that like to Harper, who knows the spot her on
the road. And if he gets him, he turns around
looks at me like, did you see what I did?
Like I'm like, I should be proud of him. But
they thought you just hit a grown man in the
nut sack.
Speaker 6 (13:50):
But they both, Nordo and Harper both know that they
can't make a bunch of noise because we're on the
air right right.
Speaker 2 (14:01):
I will never forget when I was sixteen years old
and I went to the Metrodome and my dad had
the ability to bring me up to the old radio
booth and the TV booth and my dad goes, son,
here's John Madden and Pat summer All, and John Madden
tickled me and Pat somemmerl hit me in the dick.
Speaker 4 (14:23):
I mean, I mean, let's.
Speaker 8 (14:26):
Think about what we're talking about, Like there's such a
good broadcast. But everything we're saying is true, is that
if you go into that booth, you're gonna get either
sexually molested or tickled to death.
Speaker 6 (14:38):
Pa will pretend to see things so everybody will look
that direction, and then he'll sneak around and just hammer
you in the ball.
Speaker 4 (14:44):
I mean, I'm gonna tell you too. I'm convinced. I'm
not gonna say which one of them, but somebody on
my broadcast team simply likes pissing in bottles.
Speaker 2 (14:52):
Yep, yep.
Speaker 4 (14:53):
Yes, I don't think he has to do it. I
think he likes to do it.
Speaker 6 (14:58):
One of them who were remain nameless, I think is
on multiple occasions, did I poop my pants?
Speaker 2 (15:03):
Speaker 1 (15:03):
Yeah, that's why when you say you spotted for PA
does not always mean you're looking at the fields.
Speaker 2 (15:10):
Yeah, that's why.
Speaker 9 (15:10):
If you found out that that last week when it's snowed,
I went off the road and was stuck in my
car for seven days and I had to urinate in
a used Gatorade bottle just to because I had nowhere
else to.
Speaker 1 (15:23):
Pee, you'd say, man, what a harrowing tail he PE's in.
And there's bathrooms at US Bank Stadium. Yes, it's right
behind the broadcast booth.
Speaker 2 (15:33):
Yeh, it's not far.
Speaker 3 (15:34):
It's a ten second lock, and there are.
Speaker 2 (15:36):
Enough people that know who he is that would let
him go in front of it.
Speaker 3 (15:40):
There's that One's never that busy anyway.
Speaker 4 (15:42):
What's happened in Chicago now? Chicago doesn't have a lot
of bathrooms, and the one that's closest to us is public,
so it's not easy. It's a weird booth situation. I digress.
I won't say who it was. But Jared doesn't like it. Okay, yeah,
he doesn't like it. He doesn't want to hear grow
man pee in a bottle around to this person who
I won't mention, and said, Pa, there's a bathroom right
around the corner. And PA's response was.
Speaker 2 (16:12):
I know, he's like, he's like punishing himself. I can't
doesn't do with.
Speaker 4 (16:17):
The bottle of piss, just drops in the trash. Oh,
what is the line from Men in Black? I can
are from a throw a wrench, but you can't.
Speaker 2 (16:26):
Throw a ball or whatever, dodgeball?
Speaker 4 (16:28):
Yeah, what's the line?
Speaker 3 (16:29):
Can dodge you wrench, but if you can dodge you wrench,
you can dodge a ball.
Speaker 2 (16:33):
Speaker 4 (16:33):
But he says about urine. Do I have to drink it?
Speaker 5 (16:36):
Speaker 4 (16:37):
But it's sanitary and I like the taste or something
like that.
Speaker 2 (16:40):
That's exactly what it is.
Speaker 1 (16:43):
Speaker 2 (16:45):
We work with the weirdest people.
Speaker 4 (16:47):
Yeah, and the brilliant, But I think that comes with
the territory, right, brilliant breeds idiocy.
Speaker 1 (16:54):
And the fact that there's somebody who's looked outside their
living room window and seeing this genius walking his cat.
Speaker 4 (17:05):
I know, yeah, see what happens when you take a
gummy's from random people at bar?
Speaker 2 (17:09):
Yeah, you walk your cat. Maybe I should have just
gone down the rabbit hole that he walks his cat.
Speaker 4 (17:15):
I don't know if he still does.
Speaker 1 (17:17):
Oh, I forgot about that on the Winner. No, he's
not crazy. Yeah, I forgot about that.
Speaker 2 (17:25):
I assume Ben's gonna be here about six thirty or so, probably,
I guess is his normal slot just on Wednesday instead
of a Thursday.
Speaker 3 (17:32):
Power to the Morning show after this?
Speaker 2 (17:33):
On the Fan, What's going on?
Speaker 3 (17:39):
Podcast listeners?
Speaker 7 (17:40):
Zach Halverson here and I know that you guys want
to be included as well. And this awesome twenty twenty
five World Junior Championships giveaway trip to Ottawa which is
next month, so be ready. If you have your passport
and you're ready to go to Ottawa, go to KFE
dot com, go to the contest page fine the World
Junior champion Ship give away. Click on that and use
the exclusive podcast code Champion. That's Champion. That is your
keyword to use when you enter, and you could be
going to Ottawa if everything goes in your favor, So
good luck. Use that code, Champion, And thank you so
much for listening to the Power Trip podcast.
Speaker 2 (18:45):
Hill Are you.
Speaker 4 (18:51):
Good morning, Zach?
Speaker 5 (18:56):
Speaker 4 (18:57):
We got to do things today to give away because
it's almost Christmas, and that's what you do. We're giving
things away. What are we getting away? Trips to Omaha.
Speaker 2 (19:09):
Almah? You mean something? I don't know if cards he
has been to Idawa.
Speaker 4 (19:18):
Nobody has. He's a traveler man.
Speaker 2 (19:23):
You could get there by water. I don't know if
you knew that.
Speaker 4 (19:29):
Let get to Atawa by water.
Speaker 2 (19:31):
Something like that. Take the Great Lakes to Yadawa River.
I could kayak all the way to Ottawa. You could
can imagine that.
Speaker 1 (19:40):
I wonder if I will, We'll have to start. I
would bet everything I've ever owned into the.
Speaker 2 (19:46):
Own that he wouldn't.
Speaker 1 (19:49):
So do I start in to Louth? Where would I start?
I mean that would be the natural starting point.
Speaker 2 (19:56):
So I can have your entire net worth, everything you've
ever own, copyright, bread, everything I own.
Speaker 3 (20:03):
If I can kayak from Duluth to Ottawa.
Speaker 1 (20:06):
And I would let you like basically cuff me and
whoa I would No.
Speaker 2 (20:12):
You don't get to win from this. I get to win.
You don't get to live out one of your fantasies,
zach If you were Mark Cuban, I would start learning
how to kayak today.
Speaker 4 (20:23):
What's his nationality got to do with this?
Speaker 2 (20:25):
Speaker 3 (20:29):
This is the generic?
Speaker 4 (20:31):
Yeah, I can't play?
Speaker 2 (20:33):
Speaker 4 (20:35):
Well those is pretty close, Zachary.
Speaker 3 (20:36):
How's that gonna work?
Speaker 2 (20:37):
Though? We have had two qualifiers so far. The one
on Monday took Marnie Gellner.
Speaker 1 (20:42):
The one yesterday when we were at Shields took Chris
Hockey second bless America.
Speaker 4 (20:46):
I know, Judge Wabner.
Speaker 3 (20:48):
Now what happens today, Zach, Well, I'll tell you what.
It's Wednesday.
Speaker 1 (20:51):
Sauce, who has won more than a few times, still
on the board, as is Mike Madonna as his Mark
Parrish Parish has been hot as of late. So the
Powers Your Morning Show wants to send two lucky listeners
to Ottawa for the twenty twenty five World Juniors. You
can listen live today and tomorrow and listen for the keyword,
which I'm about to reveal, Dumpster. You go to kJ
dot com make the keyword contest. Go to the World
Junior page. There's two, by the way, there's one that
says podcasts don't go to that one that's for the
podcast listeners, but this one for the main one is rival.
That's the keyword today is rival. So if you put
that in there, just be ready by your phone in
the end o'clock hour. If you win, we will give
you a call and you get to pick between those
three wonderful players between McDonough, Meat, Sauce and Parish.
Speaker 3 (21:47):
Maybe you saw this on Twitter, but the year's almost over.
Speaker 4 (21:51):
Yeah, bom, how about that?
Speaker 3 (21:52):
Do you know who.
Speaker 2 (21:53):
Leads twenty twenty four in initials points? Who has scored
the most points not win points in the year twenty
twenty four?
Speaker 4 (22:04):
Oil point. My initial thought was to say Parish, but
then I thought maybe Gilmer.
Speaker 3 (22:10):
Marnie would be My guess that is the correct answer.
Speaker 2 (22:14):
Marnie has one hundred and twenty two points in the
year twenty twenty four.
Speaker 3 (22:17):
That's five more than you.
Speaker 2 (22:19):
Sauce. Wow, that's neat.
Speaker 3 (22:23):
That's crazy.
Speaker 2 (22:23):
Yeah, Sauce, you have the most wins this year with ten,
Parish has nine, and Marnie and Hockey each have eight.
So all four of you pretty even across the board. Eh,
very much, ten, nine, eight and eight. Thank you very much.
You wel welcome. Elvis shout out to power Trip Initials
who keeps track of all those stats?
Speaker 10 (22:40):
Are you serious?
Speaker 2 (22:41):
Yeah? He's dead? Oh he did anyway, So yeah, Sauce
Parish and Mike Madonnald are the three that are still
on the board. So be by your phone in the
eight o'clock hour if you enter on kfean dot com
cured rival.
Speaker 4 (22:56):
Hey Derek, yes, Hawk, turn your mic for mm hmm.
How crazy is fleet Farm right now? With the Christmas stuff?
Speaker 2 (23:05):
Speaker 4 (23:05):
Is it fun?
Speaker 1 (23:07):
Speaker 4 (23:07):
No? No not if you if you work, there's not fun.
Speaker 3 (23:11):
Speaker 2 (23:12):
Speaker 4 (23:13):
Have you ever seen anybody walk into fleet Form by
a Christmas tree, a shotgun and some circus peanuts?
Speaker 2 (23:19):
Some what? What? You know?
Speaker 4 (23:21):
Speaker 3 (23:22):
Nothing comes to mind?
Speaker 1 (23:23):
Speaker 2 (23:24):
Maybe I'll do that after after the show though.
Speaker 4 (23:26):
You could do that. Yeah, and some tires for your tractor.
I love fleet Form.
Speaker 3 (23:31):
Yet been there in a while.
Speaker 4 (23:33):
You can get Corey go on horse food?
Speaker 2 (23:38):
You can?
Speaker 4 (23:38):
I kid you not?
Speaker 2 (23:39):
How does it taste horse food?
Speaker 3 (23:44):
Isn't that just called?
Speaker 2 (23:45):
Speaker 3 (23:45):
What do they give horse pellets?
Speaker 2 (23:48):
Sure? I don't know if you give horses pellets, do
you carrots?
Speaker 4 (23:54):
Oh Jesus, if it breaks his leg, muh, you can
get a you can get a fish and rod. Yeah,
I said the Circus.
Speaker 3 (24:04):
Peanuts you mentioned those.
Speaker 4 (24:06):
Never had never tasted one of those.
Speaker 3 (24:08):
Oh they're so good.
Speaker 4 (24:09):
They cannot be.
Speaker 3 (24:10):
Yeah, you.
Speaker 4 (24:13):
Sugar, you almost sad a gummy from a stranger. You
like Circus peanuts?
Speaker 3 (24:17):
Speaker 6 (24:19):
Oh, peanuts?
Speaker 2 (24:24):
You look at that juggling.
Speaker 4 (24:28):
Wait a minute, you're saying the bearded lady.
Speaker 2 (24:30):
Ain't no lady, but you would.
Speaker 3 (24:32):
I would have known if I hadn't taken a gummy
from a stranger.
Speaker 1 (24:36):
No, really, I can't believe the bearded lady. No, they're
really good. They're really good, no kidding. I should try him, Derek.
Would you bring in some Circus peanuts? Sure, thank you.
Circus what peanuts?
Speaker 2 (24:48):
They are one of those candies though that if you
have too many of them, your stomach gets sick.
Speaker 3 (24:52):
So you got to have about four.
Speaker 4 (24:54):
That's how those those uh twizzlers with the orange taste,
I liked them.
Speaker 2 (24:59):
About Yeah, to them exactly. Not a whole bag. That
would have made you sick, for sure. Circus peanuts are
the same way they sell them in those bags at
Fleet Farm, but you got to get about four or
five and then call it today. That's that's enough.
Speaker 4 (25:11):
Well there, I'll give her a shot if you'll bring
them into sauce.
Speaker 3 (25:13):
You don't like those, that kind of floors me.
Speaker 2 (25:18):
Nope, the Circus peanuts.
Speaker 4 (25:21):
They should make them into a blizzard.
Speaker 2 (25:23):
Oh that would be gross.
Speaker 3 (25:25):
Yeah, yep, that is not.
Speaker 2 (25:26):
The right texture. No, I would never you like that?
What circus peanuts? Sure?
Speaker 3 (25:33):
Yeah, just not in a blizzard sauce.
Speaker 2 (25:36):
Eleven hours ago, you tweeted, Winnie, our dog has the
worst gas ever. Yeah, it was really bad.
Speaker 6 (25:42):
I don't know what has happened, and I don't I
can't pinpoint which one it is, but I like to
blame Winnie.
Speaker 1 (25:49):
There's no doubt based on just what you've said on
this show alone.
Speaker 2 (25:53):
You like him Uppet so much more than you like Winnie.
It's not even close. You've even said if they've both
went overboard, that that you would save Muppet. You would
definitely not save your uncle Peter. It would not, But
you've gone out of your way to say you would
save Muppet, and then when he's drowning, No, I love
Winnie sounds like it, But Muppy and I just have
a special bond. So right, so you like Muppy more
than you like Winnie. Yes, but not by like leaps
and bounds. Not by leaps and bounds.
Speaker 6 (26:22):
But uh yeah, one of them is really bad gas
and I think it's Winny and it smells like rotten trash.
Speaker 4 (26:30):
You gotta be careful because your car won't run? Right?
Speaker 2 (26:33):
What is it? Back to the future reference? Oh yeah,
good point, but yeah it stinks.
Speaker 4 (26:42):
Manure. Did we have a guy named Dante Divon shinzo On. Yeah,
that's crazy, that's a cool name. According to the Athletic,
they're desperate for optimism and he might be the one
that delive.
Speaker 2 (27:02):
He's got to play much better, Yeah he does. He's
pretty awesome when he's awesome, if that makes sense. That's
dating the obvious. But he was great the other day.
He can be a really good three in d guy
Zachary if if he just plays up to his.
Speaker 3 (27:15):
Speaker 2 (27:16):
Man for he did a lot for the Knicks, but
we gotta see it for us.
Speaker 3 (27:21):
Uh Front Page Sports after this on the fan.
Speaker 4 (27:41):
Six of six patch of Morning Chick, Good Morning.
Speaker 11 (27:42):
Everybody, Big Show, Ben Lebra on his way in today
is we'll have labor on Wednesday.
Speaker 4 (27:53):
Set a Thursday because he's busy tomorrow. And right now,
just like always big that it's just after six o'clock.
Time for some perfect.
Speaker 1 (28:01):
Time now for front paid Sports presented by Holiday Station Stars.
Speaker 3 (28:05):
Holiday Station Stores.
Speaker 2 (28:07):
Monster by two get one free for a limited time
at Holiday Mix and Match any flavors of your favorite
Monster Energy drinks. The sixteen ouncers why two get one free?
Speaker 3 (28:18):
I love it. Holiday is the absolute best.
Speaker 2 (28:22):
Top three Top three Monsters are the white ones, the
Purple ones, and the green ones.
Speaker 4 (28:27):
What about the ones under your bed?
Speaker 3 (28:29):
WHOA, those are mostly in my head?
Speaker 2 (28:33):
Now? Yeah you know, yeah, Zachary, your team is basically unstoppable.
Speaker 3 (28:39):
They are awesome.
Speaker 1 (28:40):
The Wild win in overtime against Vancouver three to two.
Speaker 2 (28:44):
Carill Caprizov with a laser for Rossy. That is his
sixteenth goal of the year. That is your game winner.
The Wild continue to have the best record in the
NHL at seventeen four and four, four straight wins for them,
the last two win overtime. They now go on the
road for three at Anaheim on Friday, at the Kings
on Saturday, and then at Utah on Tuesday.
Speaker 1 (29:08):
Yeah, I'd put that four and a half minutes of
three and three overtime last night among the best I've
ever seen in among the best sports entertainment out. There
was an incredible back and forth action. I thought multiple
times it was over for the while because Rossi did
something stupid, but then he redeemed himself over and over again,
and finally the ultimate redemption and feeding a crill Caprizov
for an incredible, incredible goal. And of course howckeyr prediction
of him being the candlest of the game would have
been probably correct had Philip Gusison not saved the day
so many times. He is absolutely on fire right now.
This team is from a defensive side with Faber and
everybody else, on the forward side with Carprizov and everybody else,
and now the goaltending. I mean, it's clicking. They are
the top team in the National Hockey League none, it's
It's an incredible time to be a Wild fan. The
concern right now as Jewel Eriksanek went off during overtime
with a pretty did not look good in terms of
him trying trying to get out basically on one leg.
So that is another, yet another injury that they're dealing with.
It was I don't know, potentially not positioned correctly at
one point at the ay. So but yeah, so hoping
he gets back to uh hopefully it's not too bad.
But the rest of the weekend here back out west
for them, they've been great on the road again. They'll
hopefully beat up on the ducks again and keep this
incredible run going.
Speaker 3 (30:44):
Last night they were promoting an upcoming.
Speaker 2 (30:47):
Star Wars evening and they were giving away Darth Faber.
Speaker 3 (30:51):
Yes, no, brilliant, Sure it's or Jersey.
Speaker 2 (30:53):
I couldn't quite tell what they were Is that just
for Star Wars Night or is that an actual nickname
that he goes by once in a while, because Darth
Faber's kind of a cool nickname.
Speaker 1 (31:00):
Yeah, well I think it's just for Star Wars Night.
But maybe it's sticks. That's kind of sweet, very much
might sick. But the problem is he's like one of
the nicest kids ever. He's, you know, just a nice,
nice dude from Maple Grove.
Speaker 4 (31:13):
You know it's not a very good dad.
Speaker 1 (31:14):
Uh brilliant he cut his kid's arm off, was crazy. Well,
he had it coming, but then he saved them, so
leave him alone.
Speaker 3 (31:23):
That's true. He did save.
Speaker 4 (31:25):
Him, saved him from himself.
Speaker 3 (31:27):
Was so spoiler alert? I apologized to anybody.
Speaker 4 (31:30):
Yeah, everybody's read the book.
Speaker 2 (31:32):
Yeah, let's see that was what Empire was eighty ish.
Speaker 4 (31:39):
Yeah, so it's.
Speaker 1 (31:40):
Like forty five years old almost, because it's got to
be right around give or take eighty. Man, they're going
to like fiftieth anniversary celebrations, the very very tolerable Star Wars.
Speaker 2 (31:52):
Star Wars was what seventy seven? Yeah, so Empire must
have been. I don't know why. Why am I not
just googling it? I don't know where you are?
Speaker 3 (32:01):
Oh, strikes back a new Hope was seventy seven?
Speaker 2 (32:06):
Ye, Empire was eighty There we go, I got lucky.
So forty four years ago, so not really a spoiler. Yeah,
he probably should have seen him, but by now I
think so. Yeah yeah yeah. The Vikings and the Falcon
square off at noon Sunday, right here on the fan.
The Vikings designated Andrew Depaula and Will Rikerd to return
to practice. They did wave long snapper Jake McQuaid, So
maybe de Paula is more likely to play because even
as of yesterday, before they made that move. Special teams
coordinator Matt Daniels was still unsure that they would be
ready to go. But my guess is, if you're waving mccuaid,
that you're convinced that Paula is going to play on Sunday,
but just maybe not rikerd yet. Yeah, that's the hot runner.
John Parker Rumo is eleven of twelve on field goals
and seven of eight don extra points. Maybe he'll be
the Ravens kicker. They're not going to move on from Tucker,
but I don't know, man eventually. I mean, it looks
like Tucker has the yips. Yep.
Speaker 3 (33:17):
I think he missed what three on Sunday, two.
Speaker 4 (33:20):
Field goals on an extra point?
Speaker 2 (33:22):
Yeah, yeah, not good. Wolves are at Clippers tonight at
nine thirty. The Wolves are ten and ten. The Clippers
are thirteen and nine. But they played last night, so
I didn't see if they want or not, so that
the record is not quite up to date. Did you
see if they won last night? Either way, we got
them on a back to.
Speaker 3 (33:38):
Back, I guess.
Speaker 2 (33:39):
But the Wolves are at the Clippers tonight. Let's say one,
the Clippers won last night, Okay, so they're fourteen and nine. Yeah,
they beat Hawks team the Trailblazers in the NBA Cup.
That we are again not We're never going to win that. Nope. No,
we could have gone to Vegas and celebrated. Yeah, you
a guneh. Remember last year we were in Vegas during
it because that was the week the Vikings were there
to take on the Raiders, and we were like, what
would it take to get Chris to go to the
NBA Cup? Didn't Piego? I think he did. I think
he went to the Lakers versus somebody. Yeah, I don't
think he went to the finals though, Didny against the Pacers?
I don't remember, It doesn't matter who knows. He probably
brought his binoculars. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (34:29):
I would have maybe gone, but the Lakers being in
town sort of drove the ticket prices. I mean, you
know the best part about that city is that's a
major event and you couldn't even know. You could barely
notice it, right, That's what's cool about Las Vegas. There's
so many things to do. There's so many hotel rooms
that you were like, oh, there's a major NBA event
going on.
Speaker 2 (34:50):
With with Berkeley, Paul Lambert on the way in a
couple of weeks. So what's the Vegas plan for you?
Are you scheduled in twenty twenty five or not? Don't
have one on the books, per se. No, I don't
know when i'll be What did you call me? Per Se? Oh,
I got it. I don't know when I'll be going back. No,
I don't know. I don't know. Bring the kid teaching
me young, cut off his hand like Darth Vader.
Speaker 1 (35:15):
I mean, I think my dad took us there when
we were like that sounds right, shut out.
Speaker 4 (35:21):
He tried to lose you.
Speaker 6 (35:22):
Yeah, but that's back when Las Vegas was trying to
be like Disneyland, where there's a ton of arcades and
whatnot and buffets and they're like, Paul, will this this
is my heaven?
Speaker 4 (35:32):
Yeah, the way I can afford to feed him.
Speaker 1 (35:34):
Yeah, bring Berkeley to Circus Circus.
Speaker 3 (35:38):
Hawk loves that place, Circus Circus.
Speaker 2 (35:41):
Speaker 3 (35:42):
I'm not making this up either.
Speaker 2 (35:44):
A guy came up to me last night, and I
honestly I told him after he told me this joke,
I go, I wish this had been a true story,
because he I actually fell forward for like the first
fifteen seconds. He said he knew somebody that taught you
second grade. Sauce. Yeah, And I'm like, go on, this
is going to be great.
Speaker 3 (36:00):
Sure, and he goes, he goes.
Speaker 2 (36:03):
Yeah, I was told Sauce was asked when he was
in second grade to use the word fascinate in a sentence.
And he was sitting there and Paul was a little
overweight and second grade, and I go, go on, and
he said to the teacher, teacher, I have nine buttons,
but I can only fascinate. That's pretty fun. And until
he said that, I was like, I can't wait to
tell the story tomorrow. It's gonna be epic. I can't
wait to see what he did when he's in second grade.
And it was a joke coming he dang it. Yeah,
Rosie loved it. He's like, nine buttons, but I can
only fascinate. Yeah, coming as this is that his opener.
Speaker 6 (36:46):
He has this joke where he says, I found Paul
in the break room staring at a glass or a
bottle of orange juice because it said constant concentrated.
Speaker 2 (36:57):
Right, yeah, yep. I will do what really matters after
this scores and stats around the world of sports.
Speaker 3 (37:05):
Crys will change your life with something else.
Speaker 2 (37:07):
Then Ben Leber on a Wednesday in about fifteen minutes
on the fin.
Speaker 4 (37:22):
Man Hey Rooms.
Speaker 1 (37:23):
This football season, Bell Bank is giving one camfaeign and
listener each week one thousand dollars.
Speaker 3 (37:29):
To pay for to a charity of their choice.
Speaker 1 (37:31):
Just head over to gavan dot com make the keyword
contest to enter today It's cafe dot com keyword Contests.
And again while you're there, keyword is Rival the World
Junior Ottawa trip giveaway.
Speaker 2 (37:45):
Make sure you have that passport as well.
Speaker 4 (37:47):
And thank you to bell Bank. And by the way,
speing a bell Bank blooth to come and see you.
On Friday night at Bentleyville, Metkirk all night playing some
some Christmas tunes, three different fifteen minutes sets. Because it's
called I say you got to go back. I think
we do like six seven and eight o'clock or something
like that. Benville, Bentleyville, Friday Night Christmas Music. Thanks for
our friends at belt Bank.
Speaker 2 (38:09):
I think it's seventy night.
Speaker 4 (38:10):
This is seventy nine. Thank you man, I knew something
like that.
Speaker 2 (38:13):
Mike might see you there, We'll see.
Speaker 4 (38:15):
Oh really man, have you been there for Bentleyville? Yeah,
it's just awesome.
Speaker 1 (38:20):
What cool?
Speaker 3 (38:20):
Yeah, the best the tree, the music.
Speaker 4 (38:23):
Everything, yeah, and then the freak cocoa and all the
kids are so happy.
Speaker 5 (38:26):
Speaker 2 (38:27):
Yeah, it's great.
Speaker 4 (38:27):
You just gotta love to loot anyway, So that's happening.
And oh, by the way, speaking of sponsors, cultivated at
cultivated cbd dot com, because I beat two aions this.
Speaker 1 (38:36):
Week, I believe me and Creesel for sure. Yeah, anybody
already got three?
Speaker 2 (38:42):
I beat three?
Speaker 3 (38:42):
Yeah, because you beat Zach too.
Speaker 4 (38:45):
Zach two yeah movie yeah, yeah, that's right. So uh
through Thursday at midnight because I beat three people thirty
percent off at cultivated cbd dot com using the word
the code word KF a ghost all one word KFA
and ghost cultivate ADCBD dot com. And I haven't beaten
people but much lately, so take advantage of it now
thirty man.
Speaker 2 (39:09):
And only two weeks to go in the old charts challenge,
And got a little bit tighter because krisol struggled and
Zach struggled a little bit, so you made it a
little bit tighter for the bottom two looks like I mean,
I'm a ninety nine point nine percenter parish and Sauce
look like you are absolutely.
Speaker 3 (39:27):
Gonna be safe.
Speaker 2 (39:29):
I mean it would take a miracle, but tell you,
guys are probably pretty safe. But Criestl and Zacho's still
in trouble. And again one of them has to lose,
but they might both lose if Chris passes them both.
Speaker 6 (39:42):
You have fifteen points or no, you have five points
on Hawk, Zacho and John is.
Speaker 2 (39:48):
Up nineteen on Hockey and fourteen on Grease.
Speaker 3 (39:53):
Yeah, give me fourteen on on Zach.
Speaker 4 (39:57):
No, say that again.
Speaker 1 (40:00):
Fifty nine one forty five and Hawk one forty got it? Yeah?
Speaker 2 (40:04):
Yep, right, all right? What really matters?
Speaker 3 (40:07):
Scores and stats around the world of sports.
Speaker 2 (40:09):
And in between, Crystal, change your life with something more interesting.
Shout out to Koy Parritch. How about first Team All
Big Ten. He's the first true freshman for the Gophers
to be on the All Big Ten teams since Darryl
Thompson in nineteen eighty six. Yeah, that's a sweet honor.
Good for him.
Speaker 4 (40:26):
Yeah, man, hope he sticks around because that is a
hell of a player. We got right there, and it
would be real hard not to chase the money. I
don't care who you are, I don't care how much
you love your school, how much you love your state,
it'd be real hard not to chase the money if
somebody offers it to you.
Speaker 2 (40:40):
And you almost can't blame him. You just got to
blame the system, right, that's the old line. I came
up with the line a couple of weeks ago that
I hope sticks. Go ahead, don't hate the player, hate
the game.
Speaker 4 (40:49):
That's really good, thanks, because we're talking about players exactly.
Speaker 2 (40:52):
That's why I came up with Okay, great, so yeah,
it would completely suck. Yeah, but you just got to
tell yourself full twenty years ago, he would have been
here for four years, three or four years. But that's
not the way it works now. And if our school
is a school that cannot pay him, like you just said, Chris,
put yourself in that spot. If you're nineteen years old
and somebody says we're going to give you a million
dollars to come to LSU, and the Gophers say I'll
get you two hundred and thirty thousand dollars, I'd say
that's a million dollars. Man, I'm nineteen years old. I'm
taking it, of course. I love this state, I love
this school, I love my teammates. How can you pass
up on a million dollars. Yeah, they're good more than that.
Speaker 4 (41:32):
Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, there'd be a jet stream behind me.
I believe so quickly because you have to, because your
leg might be pointing in the wrong direction two weeks
from now, you know what I mean, you got to,
you gotta.
Speaker 2 (41:41):
I don't think we're all going to be pissed, but
I think we're all going to understand. Yeah, those of
us who are rational will understand that he's doing the
right thing. Yeah. But but this is the this is
the unanswerable question. And I don't know why I just
keep throwing on a million, but it's just the number.
That's a nice even number. If the Gophers offered a
million in l you offered a million. I do think
he would stay here, Yeah, I really do. It seems
everybody around him says he loves it here. That's why
he picked to come here, right he He has said
so many times that this is a path for safeties
or defensive backs to go to the NFL, that we
produce high end safeties and d backs. All right, we
have to pay him, Yes, they have to pay him
or he's going to leave.
Speaker 3 (42:25):
But what really matters is this.
Speaker 4 (42:27):
You know, rich people come on. Yeah, come on, dead
ass off my dead ass rich people, man, because you've
made you made us lose that player we wanted.
Speaker 2 (42:36):
Dude, if you grew up in Minnetonka and now living
at Dinah, if you can't harvest some money from those
two communities, then what good are you going to do here?
In three minutes?
Speaker 3 (42:45):
Ben is from San Diego and from one of the Dakotas.
Speaker 4 (42:49):
You think he's not going to pay him to go
to Kansas State?
Speaker 3 (42:52):
Yeah, that's a good point, A good point. Yeah, I'm
saying I want to stay here.
Speaker 2 (42:57):
You are right, Hugs. Where do you go to college?
Speaker 1 (43:00):
I didn't your mom goes to college of the greatest
comebacks of all time?
Speaker 2 (43:04):
Yes, so good, Napoleon dynam.
Speaker 3 (43:06):
What really matters is this.
Speaker 4 (43:08):
You filthy bastards.
Speaker 2 (43:10):
Thank you.
Speaker 4 (43:10):
You want to see something that will ruin your day? No,
but it's I can't help it, man, It's fascinating and
you've seen it many times us When you walk in
here and I'm watching disaster videos on YouTube. In the
show that there's a documentary, I think it's brand new,
but I hadn't seen it before. That just came out
about the tsunami on Christmas Day in two thousand and
what was it four, two thousand and three, And it
says at the very beginning, hey, you're not going to
want to see this. O don't know what you're doing.
There's real footage that has never been seen before, and
there is you want to see the moment the tsunami
hits on multiple beaches. They have so much footage that
I'd never seen before. And they go back and forth
between I'm.
Speaker 2 (43:59):
Sorry, Nami race against time.
Speaker 4 (44:01):
Yeah, that's it. What's it on? Which one?
Speaker 2 (44:03):
It's I think it's on Hulu and yeah.
Speaker 4 (44:05):
There you go. So, I mean, there's video and it
starts the worst possible way possible with a family of
four singing we wish you a Merry Christmas on video
and from there I've only watched three episodes, but I
couldn't stop. It flashes back and forth between the scientist
talking about how the like and this is incorrect. I'm
gonna say anyway because you'll get the idea what I'm saying, Like,
the area under theneath the ocean that was affected by
this earthquake was the size of California. Okay, that's why
the tsunami was so enormous, and it hit so many
places in so many disastrous ways and so quickly that
they didn't have time to even warn anybody. So you
see video of people on the beach going what the
hell's going on? Just like a movie, only it's not
a movie. You see people on a train when the
way and they have no idea the water's coming and
they're just on a train and suddenly the trains upside
down and they're drowning. And this is all on video.
You're watching this happen.
Speaker 3 (45:12):
Yeah, I don't think I'm going to watch that.
Speaker 4 (45:14):
It's not like Faces of Dad Man, but it's pretty
hard to watch.
Speaker 6 (45:17):
In the trailer hawk, there's as as you see it,
like rolling in in the distance. There's just people out surfeed.
Speaker 4 (45:23):
Oh yeah again, they're having a Christmas day. It's a
beautiful day. These people are on vacation, right. But and
they do a pretty good job of mixing in a
real good, feel good story every once in a while,
where like a brother and his brother get separated and
somehow they find their way back to each other. But
then they they there's these people men they're on an
adventure where they're swimming in a cave it's part it's
a it's.
Speaker 2 (45:46):
A terrible time, right right, Oh my gosh, you're not
gonna watch.
Speaker 4 (45:52):
This at that moment the damn tsunami hits. They're in
a cave. I mean you think, you think, okay, you
think about the people you know at the hotel and stuff,
but there are people on having excursions in the middle
of the ocean. Right.
Speaker 2 (46:04):
If you're going to list where do you not want
to be during a tsunami? I think in a cave
would be number one on my list. Despite all our age.
You don't want to be a swimmer in a cave, sauce.
I want to try a game. Grab a piece of paper.
Don't let Zach or Hawker obviously see what you're about
to write down. Pen here ready, that's.
Speaker 4 (46:25):
It, goes an eyeball, Sauce.
Speaker 2 (46:30):
I want you to do your best. Don't just write
it down because I want them to guess. Yeah, what
do you think tsunami translates to in English? Write down
your best guess? Let's go true match game, Chris and Zach.
You're going to try to guess what he's guessing, not
what you think.
Speaker 4 (46:47):
Yeah, right, okay, got it?
Speaker 2 (46:48):
Yep, what do you think he's going to guess. Let's
see who gets the closest to matching Sauce what he
thinks the English translation to Tsunami is. I wonder if
Ben even knows here? Here comes Ben? Leave or high? Ben? Ben?
Speaker 3 (47:02):
You can play too. Don't look, Ben, don't look?
Speaker 4 (47:04):
Speaker 2 (47:04):
Speaker 3 (47:04):
Okay, Ben can play? Sauce you locked in? Yes, sir?
All right, Ben, here's the game.
Speaker 2 (47:09):
We're trying to guess what Sauce just wrote down for
the English translation of Tsunami.
Speaker 4 (47:17):
Now what it really means?
Speaker 2 (47:18):
Now, what it really is? Do you know what it
really is or not? I didn't know until I just
looked it up. No, I mean all right, right, you
can probably guess maybe, ish right, you can probably get close.
That's what I wanted to see here. Let's see what
Sauce guesses. All right, So, Chris, what do you think
Sauce is writing down?
Speaker 4 (47:34):
Big water?
Speaker 2 (47:41):
Zacho, big way? Oh on my mic, turn off? Big wave,
big wave, big water with an eye? Wait?
Speaker 3 (47:50):
Big has an eye?
Speaker 2 (47:51):
Or a wave has an eye? Uh? Ben?
Speaker 10 (47:56):
Since you guys took the obvious ones, I'm gonna go
anger ocean.
Speaker 2 (48:02):
That's not bad, that's a good one. Sauce what did
you write down? I spelled it correctly, but Zach is
exactly right. You wrote big wave, A big wave. Wow, Zach,
Oh you got it right. Yeah, right, answer is harbor wave.
Would not have known that it's just harbor wave.
Speaker 4 (48:17):
And you're the kind of guy who would watch this.
Speaker 10 (48:19):
Yeah, I heard you before I got on my car,
and I'm like, I have to watch it.
Speaker 4 (48:23):
I can't believe the footage that I saw. And I
can't believe it. I mean, and it's heartbreaking and it's terrifying.
And you there's one time you see this guy because people,
you know, they they they they're taken by the wave
and then they crawl on top of the debris because
that's the thing you don't think about, all the damn debris.
Speaker 2 (48:39):
Yeah, it's like a tornado. Right.
Speaker 4 (48:41):
So he's floating on this debris pile and they're watching him,
and he's coming up on a bridge and he doesn't
know what to do, and you watch as he makes
the decision I'm gonna jump in the water and he
doesn't come back up. I mean, it's terrifying. It's the
force of this water. You get the idea because you've
seen little bits of footage. But to actually see the
force of the water, just the earth taking back the
land like we don't matter at all. It's unbelievable. A
guy climbing a tree in desperation to save his own
life and it works. He got through it, or at
least at that moment he did. But you see this
guy climbing a tree like it's a cartoon.
Speaker 2 (49:27):
And of course before you just said he made it,
my instinct was cool. He climbed the tree and then
the tsunami knocked the tree over and he drowned. Anyway,
somehow it didn't. Yeah, depending on how strong the tree is.
Speaker 4 (49:37):
Right, It's something, man.
Speaker 2 (49:40):
Yeah, that's Tsunamis are one of those things.
Speaker 10 (49:42):
As a kid, now that I'm an adult, totally way
different than what I thought as a kid. When you
see what a tsunami really is, it's really not you
think of like this giant tidle wave, right because we've
seen all these like cartoon depictions of.
Speaker 3 (50:00):
Year storm at Bell's Beach.
Speaker 10 (50:01):
Yeah, it's just gonna come crashing down like a big wave,
like a big wave, like big water, like angry ocean,
all of those things, and it's it's very just like
benign looking and but it just keeps rushing in.
Speaker 2 (50:17):
It looks like an overflowing bathtub that is unstoppable.
Speaker 3 (50:20):
Yeah, man, what else sauce? Is it exactly like?
Speaker 2 (50:25):
Speaker 6 (50:26):
I don't well, I don't really want to make jokes
about it because it kills people and fat.
Speaker 3 (50:31):
Let's meat sauce with what else? Is it exactly?
Speaker 1 (50:35):
Speaker 4 (50:36):
Well done, Well done, you deflected that just masterfully.
Speaker 2 (50:40):
Thank you. Yeah, good job. We'll do more of what
really matters. We'll talk to Ben liber on a random Wednesday.
We'll do some wild news lots to get to between
now a nine o'clock.
Speaker 3 (50:47):
With Bet Libra after this power te morning to on
the fan.
Speaker 12 (50:54):
You know, I hope this is again the start of
a good run for us, but it's up to us
to keep doing it.
Speaker 2 (50:58):
Guys are in a good place mentally, you know.
Speaker 12 (51:00):
I think a lot of things have been said in
the locker room with great purpose and meaning, and guys
have taken to it, taken it to heart, and still
maintained a good camaraderie, good spirit and positivity around all that.
Speaker 4 (51:12):
Lady Gus Finch, I can't remember his first name.
Speaker 2 (51:18):
He sounds like as a It's a name you would
never remember.
Speaker 3 (51:23):
Ever, Daniel, it's Chris.
Speaker 4 (51:28):
Is it really?
Speaker 2 (51:29):
I like Gus though.
Speaker 4 (51:32):
He doesn't sound like a Gusus. You don't know his
name is Chris.
Speaker 2 (51:35):
That's that's the h ben.
Speaker 3 (51:37):
You're not going to get this reference at all, Zacho.
Speaker 2 (51:40):
It's the scene from the Office where they do the
roast of Michael Scott and Darrell just goes, what is
his name? And he points to another guy, another guy
in the warehouse, and Michael's guy goes, I don't believe
I've had the pleasure, and the guy goes, I drove
you home last week we talked and when we got
stuck in traffic for like an hour, and he doesn't
remember the guy's name and his name ends up being Michael,
same name, and he.
Speaker 12 (52:07):
Can again the start of a good run for us,
but it's up to us to keep doing it.
Speaker 4 (52:11):
That sounds like Gus.
Speaker 1 (52:12):
That's Chris Finch, That Chris Gus.
Speaker 4 (52:16):
I hope he's with it. That'd be cool.
Speaker 2 (52:19):
Yeah, you're you're the only Chris I think about. Oh,
you know, you don't think about Chris Catan No, I
really don't the mango.
Speaker 3 (52:30):
Do you think about Chris Christopferson R I P.
Speaker 10 (52:32):
No, no, no, maybe Christopher across his name of Chris.
Speaker 2 (52:38):
Chris Jones. Yep, uh huh, well he went straight to sports.
Speaker 6 (52:43):
Yeah, I mean, uh, Chris Crinkle, Christian Guzman.
Speaker 2 (52:52):
Can I say something controversial? Of course, it's interesting.
Speaker 10 (52:56):
So you know, with this three game road trip that
we were just you know, a few weeks ago, I
did take your advice, Cory, and I did watch a
few episodes of The Office.
Speaker 2 (53:06):
You started on season one, season two. I just want
to write to season two, which a lot of people
have told you to do right, because the Dundees episode.
Speaker 3 (53:13):
One of season two is really when that show starts
so good.
Speaker 10 (53:16):
Yeah, pretty easy to put together all the pieces, especially.
Speaker 3 (53:20):
Especially after dynamic, after.
Speaker 10 (53:22):
Like seeing snippets for the last few years of like
knowing the storylines. After I think I watched four episodes,
so not a lot. Didn't haven't dove deep in it.
It's just all right. Like I'm not saying it's bad,
I'm not saying it's excellent. It doesn't bring me back
to wanting watched to watch more interesting. And I think
the problem is that I was not a part of
it when it was such a cultural phenomenon, and so
I've seen enough of the show and the clips to
kind of know the cadence and like what's going on.
Speaker 2 (54:00):
Nothing surprises me.
Speaker 3 (54:02):
That's interesting for a couple of reasons.
Speaker 2 (54:04):
I think the first part of what you just said
is something all of us deal with, and I just
dealt with it the last two weeks when I watched
season one and season two of White Lotus. It is
so hard now mentally to watch something when the rest
of the world has already let it go by, Yeah,
because you do feel like you're not the cool kid anymore,
or it doesn't matter anymore. You're like, if I watch
White Lotus and love it or hate it, I have
nobody to talk to this or talk to about this.
But if I watch it while everybody's watching it, then
we can all watch it together. So that is strange
that the office isn't hitting you because you feel like
it's not new because you've seen the clips.
Speaker 3 (54:43):
It's just kind of old.
Speaker 10 (54:44):
That's weird, And it's understand because I know that there
are there are moments and their comments and there it
does go in a direction that I that maybe I
wasn't expecting to make a one liner, so to speak,
But to me, it seems sort of predictable.
Speaker 2 (55:00):
Speaker 3 (55:01):
Yeah, have you guys ever done that with a drama?
Speaker 2 (55:03):
I think more so than Comedy's you ever done that
with a drama where you're like, I really want to
watch The Wire, but I don't want to go twenty
years back because nobody see I don't so do I
but I just won't do it because it feels like
it's so outdated and everybody says it's a Mount Rushmore show.
But I'm like, am I gonna watch The Wire when
I can watch something that's current?
Speaker 10 (55:21):
I know that, si ie. Sorry, we I just talked
about that with somebody yesterday. Because I love I'm going
to say his name wrong. I love Idris Elba.
Speaker 3 (55:28):
Yeah, it is fantastic.
Speaker 10 (55:30):
Yeah, everything that he's in, I'm like, I like this
guy a lot.
Speaker 3 (55:34):
Oh wait till you get to season five of The
Office five ish.
Speaker 4 (55:40):
I won't make it.
Speaker 2 (55:40):
Yeah he's oh, oh, I won't make it. I won't
make it.
Speaker 1 (55:43):
He's great. Yeah, he is great. His character is very good.
We watched I Hate Him three episodes of the Wire
and never went back. What's the for the same reason,
what's the Idris elbas show that that you want to
watch that won't go back.
Speaker 2 (55:55):
Well, was isn't he in the wire?
Speaker 1 (55:57):
Speaker 2 (55:58):
I think he is?
Speaker 3 (55:58):
Yeah, I believe that he is.
Speaker 10 (55:59):
Yeah, yeah, isn't he Like that's how he got like
his big start in fame.
Speaker 2 (56:03):
Right, that might be the case. Again, I've never watched
it far enough to know, yeah, yeah he is.
Speaker 10 (56:07):
Yeah, interesting, Yeah, interesting.
Speaker 2 (56:10):
I don't know.
Speaker 10 (56:11):
I'll keep giving office a shot here and there, but
you know, I know it's like funny, and I know
that there's a lot of one liners that I am
not is this going to go right over my head?
Speaker 2 (56:22):
But I just didn't find it like that's interesting as
well because seasons two, three, and four are the best
three seasons. Yes, okay, there's a ton of gold in five, six,
and seven as well, eight and nine you can skip,
but two, three and four that's the golden window right there.
That's as good as it gets. So if that's not
hitting you, that's not good. But whatever, Yeah, you know
the other thing gets happening now A lot You ever
suggest to show to somebody and you're like, hey, you
should watch the Americans. It's phenomenal, and they go, oh god,
I can't commit sixty hours to a show.
Speaker 1 (56:53):
But of course, if a show starts today, you would
do it. You would do it because you're gonna commit
those sixty hours over the next couple of years. But
you don't want to go backwards and commit sixty hours.
Speaker 10 (57:06):
Yeah, I also think I think the harder thing for
me is just finding the time to watch it separately
because my family, we've we will just like plow through
Outer Banks because my kids love it.
Speaker 2 (57:19):
So we sit down.
Speaker 10 (57:20):
It's like it's like a family thing that we do, like,
oh yeah, okay, nobody's got anything going on tonight, Let's
let's watch an episode or two of Outer Banks. So
it's like, I'm into Outer Banks, even though I know
it's silly and it's probably not geared towards forty five year.
Speaker 3 (57:33):
Old probably not more like fourteen year old girls.
Speaker 2 (57:36):
For sure. Was it on this show or on to
in Today's Live where you said there's a Minnesota connection
to that show? Yeah? The co creator is it, Josh Pate.
Speaker 3 (57:46):
He's from here.
Speaker 2 (57:47):
I think he's from Saint Paul, No kidding, that's pretty cool. Yeah, yeah,
I talk to him about how you get a Netflix show.
I know we need to find us a final way
to get him on.
Speaker 4 (57:59):
We did have people coming and just film ust doing
the radio show.
Speaker 2 (58:03):
Yeah, and the behind the scenes yeah, man, like a
like a mockumentary where we're talking to the camera.
Speaker 3 (58:10):
Yeah, in between funny segments.
Speaker 2 (58:12):
You know, that'd be great. You know, we'll call it
the the Studios.
Speaker 3 (58:19):
I was going to say office, but sure, studio works.
Speaker 2 (58:22):
Let's do a Wild News because it's presented by Catalyst
Supply and Catalyst Supply co Hey dot com. Thanks Catalyst, Zacho.
You said Caroll Caprisov was not the catalyst of the game.
Speaker 3 (58:33):
No, he did win the game for the while and
overtime with.
Speaker 1 (58:37):
The most beautiful shot I've ever wreaking scene.
Speaker 2 (58:42):
That's unbelievable. It's just that overtime shot.
Speaker 3 (58:44):
Yeah, laser, I know, laser.
Speaker 10 (58:46):
It was the injustice of watching it on my phone
and I didn't like blow up the video so I
couldn't even see it happened so fast. Where did the
puck even go? Yeah, I just went to the back
of the neck.
Speaker 4 (58:58):
He's a magician.
Speaker 2 (59:00):
Wild hosted Vancouver last night at the Action. They won
three to two in overtime with the Carill capriz Off
game winner from Rossie And that was right after Zach
as you mentioned of twenty minutes ago, I think it
was brock Besser right that hit the post. Yes, so
Vancouver had a breakaway and it looked like they were
with it. A two on oho or a two on
one pretty much at two and zero.
Speaker 1 (59:18):
Yeah, because Rossi turned the puck over, that's right, and
the neutral zone terribly. One of the many bad plays
he made. But as I mentioned, he completely redeemed himself.
He redeemed himself. He back checked, he got that puck
and fed Cariill beautifully. But the catalyst of the game,
Tom Raid named Philip Philip Gussefson, and I agree. I
mean this guy was that's a Gus there hawk, that
is a a true Guss. That's a Gus because he
killed it. I mean there was a couple of states.
I thought again, I thought that game was over so
many times, but he was able to kick that pat
out just in time and was in great position and
h and kept the wild in it.
Speaker 3 (59:59):
So and it broke the dude streak. Right, he was
ten and o on the road.
Speaker 2 (01:00:01):
It was the first goalie and NHL history to start
ten and o on the road for a season. But
he lost last night yes, still a pretty good record.
Good on the road up next to Wild.
Speaker 3 (01:00:13):
They're at Anaheim on Friday.
Speaker 1 (01:00:15):
By the way, the uh the interview, I don't think
we can even play it.
Speaker 2 (01:00:20):
They did.
Speaker 1 (01:00:20):
They interviewed Kevin gorg did with Jake Middleton on the
ice after the game say that but he talked about
that that shot that girl man and you described it
as going top t word two by four? My god,
if he didn't say tea work no kidding? Oh is
that a hockey Yeah? Top t word is definitely. I
haven't heard the two by four part, but fo sure
makes sense. It's like how you say fatty fatty two
by four?
Speaker 4 (01:00:51):
Yeah, you do that and that makes me laugh.
Speaker 2 (01:00:52):
Yep, yeah, thank you.
Speaker 3 (01:00:54):
What really matters, though, is.
Speaker 4 (01:00:56):
This, I'm kind of down. Magic is now real?
Speaker 2 (01:01:01):
Oh the gab like sorry type of magic.
Speaker 4 (01:01:05):
Like any kind like where you do tada, you know, becus.
If it was, then somebody'd be so good at something
that you just couldn't believe it and like it. There'd
be one person if they knew how to really do magic,
they'd be the best hockey player in the world because
they'd literally make the puck disappear.
Speaker 2 (01:01:22):
And then uppear in the net, right, like the prestige, Right,
you have to if it was real magic, you would
still have to put a little bit in there just
to let people think that it's actually still magic.
Speaker 4 (01:01:33):
Maybe they are doing that, maybe there's a possibility that
is real. You're right, Corey.
Speaker 1 (01:01:36):
There's a Disney movie here somewhere where like a hockey
team is struggling and then they meet with a magician
and they find like, right, various crazies. Anyways, Sure wasn't
that the knuckle Puck? And in God, you know who
the closest to this is. And again, let me state
the obvious. I know there's a trick to that. Yes,
I understand he's not reading people's minds. I don't understand
one percent of O's Pearlman.
Speaker 2 (01:02:08):
He was on CNBC yesterday. Again, you guys are all
familiar with those poems.
Speaker 1 (01:02:11):
Speaker 4 (01:02:11):
Yeah, he's the guy at the NFL thing exactly.
Speaker 2 (01:02:13):
He goes around to corporate events and NFL teams and
college teams and just blows everybody's mind. He's a mentalist, right,
that's the trick. They're the illusions. He reads people's minds. Yesterday,
he's on CNBC. He gives the two hosts a clipboard
with thirty different logos of like the thirty biggest companies
in the world, and he says, don't let me see,
but each one of you circle one on the clipboard.
Speaker 3 (01:02:37):
Don't let me see it, hold it against your chest.
Speaker 2 (01:02:40):
He he has written Spectator New York, Speculator I think
it was like Speculator, Spectator or Speculator or whatever, a
name of a city on a on a on a
piece of cardboard or whatever, a whiteboard, and he has
a dollar bill and he's like, I'm gonna we're gonna
need this dollar later basically, and then he says, what
company did you pick?
Speaker 3 (01:03:05):
Or for actually hang on to take that back.
Speaker 2 (01:03:07):
He guesses you picked Comcast, and the gal flips it
over and sure enough, out of the thirty she hit
circled Comcast.
Speaker 3 (01:03:13):
And then he takes her clipboard.
Speaker 2 (01:03:18):
He has the guy shut his eyes and he goes,
all right, shut your eyes for a second, and he
pulls out a coke bottle from behind her out of nowhere,
it seemed like, from behind her clipboard, and he goes,
before you open your eyes, tell me what company you picked,
and the guy goes, I picked Coca Cola, and he
goes open your eyes and there's a bottle of coke.
So he somehow nailed both of their guesses. And you're like,
that's incredible. There's a trick. I don't know how he
did it. Then he says, somebody on staff here, look
up what the fifty two week high for Coca Cola
is and they find the price. Then he goes look
up what the fifty two week price for Comcast is
and they find that price. They add those two together
plus the one dollar that he had on the table,
the five numbers, or they add those three numbers together,
and then the five digits were the zip code of Speculator,
New York. It's like, yeah, it was like wait a minute,
wait a minute, wait a minute, Like every level of
that trick I didn't understand.
Speaker 3 (01:04:21):
I'm like, how is this even possible?
Speaker 2 (01:04:23):
Because obviously then it is all he knows exactly what
companies they're going to pick. I don't know how but
he does. How does he possibly know that because he
you don't randomly get those numbers right now. All of
it is he works backwards somehow. But it's like, how
do you get them to pick those two companies because
if they don't, none of it works.
Speaker 3 (01:04:42):
But how does he know? I just I don't get
it credible.
Speaker 2 (01:04:47):
It's worth your three or four minutes watching it because
everything he does blows my mind more than like most
magicians that do, Like you know, hey, I just made
a rabbit to secure This stuff freaks me out even
more because it truly looks like he can read somebody's mind.
Speaker 3 (01:05:02):
I know he isn't, but then how does he do it?
Speaker 10 (01:05:04):
You know what else is genius about his approach is
he's not calling himself a magician.
Speaker 3 (01:05:10):
Sure, just the.
Speaker 10 (01:05:12):
Idea of labeling and branding yourself as a mentalist seems
like you're far superior to right, Like, this is not
a trick, it's not a joke, it's not a ruse.
I'm not just like it's a sleight of hand, Like
I really can get into your brain.
Speaker 2 (01:05:29):
That's the freakier part to me, because here's I'm not
saying in any way that those two people are plants, right,
I think they truly just fall for his trap. I
would kill to have him on our show because I
would love to be that person and be on the
brink of circling Comcast and then switch to McDonald's, but
then somehow have him still.
Speaker 3 (01:05:52):
Get it right, Like, well, how did you?
Speaker 2 (01:05:55):
Because if she does that, if she circles McDonald's instead
of Comcasts, the trick doesn't work. But how does he
know she's going to circle Comcast? I don't freaking get it.
I don't get it. Yeah, that's incredible. He's so good.
Howard Stern was a a judge the year that os
Pearlman was on America's Got Talent, and Howard has did
so many times he should have won that year. The
fact that he didn't win America's Got Talent that year
is a big joke. I don't know who won because
I've never seen the finale of that show Underwood, but
Howard was like, oh's was the most talented person in
the season.
Speaker 10 (01:06:28):
I though, because then if he would want he to
have to sign this like super big contract, go to
Vegas with the network and they would own like sixty
percent of everything he did and all this other joke.
Now he just gets to make videos and go see
do everything on his own.
Speaker 2 (01:06:42):
How do we get him in Minneapolis on this freaking show?
Speaker 3 (01:06:46):
Call him?
Speaker 2 (01:06:47):
Yeah? Can you do you think he'll know he's here. Actually, yeah,
my gosh, you think he does that just randomly? It
starts to picking up his phone here, No, dude, that
would have been great, just to blow SAT's mind. Zach
turn around and Os is just standing there. He's an
awesome follow on social media too, because he posts clips
of all of his mentalist tricks and all the stuff
that you see on Sunday NFL Countdown. But then he
posts some of the corporate gigs. Some of these CNBC
appearances are Today Show appearances and stuff.
Speaker 3 (01:07:16):
He just blows my mind.
Speaker 2 (01:07:17):
How many people are here? Three? Four or five? Okay,
six guests?
Speaker 1 (01:07:22):
Then you ka fan studio, Well you can actually apply
and book them. Oh, the number is going to be
epic studio. What would you guess, like fifty k? I
bet occasion at least to fly in and do an
a birthday January sixth.
Speaker 2 (01:07:48):
No, that might be a feld breaker. I don't think
is going to be busy that day.
Speaker 1 (01:07:54):
It's Monday. He's just the best. I'm gonna do this,
do it just to see what I get. I'm sure
it's like number of guests. I'm sure they'd see they're
probably usually in the thousands. Yeah, it's gonna be six, yes,
six of us. Well can we count the listeners? Oh yeah,
there's got to be media requests.
Speaker 3 (01:08:19):
But there has to be a reason he would actually
have to.
Speaker 2 (01:08:21):
Be in Minneapolis for a different reason, like maybe he's
doing some show at Target or best Buy or three
am or something and on some ten Yeah exactly.
Speaker 1 (01:08:28):
Yeah, we should I put that in the comments. Plenty
of Minneapolis tens for you. Yes, put that in the comments.
Speaker 4 (01:08:37):
And tell him this too, and a couple of threes.
Speaker 6 (01:08:39):
If that's what you like, Yeah, the best, that's what
you like. Oh yeah, you don't know what he's well,
here are some of the companies he's been at, Apple, Prudential, Liberty, Mutual.
Speaker 4 (01:08:55):
Liberty, Liberty, What about General Mills.
Speaker 2 (01:08:58):
Oh yeah, exactly, let's yeah what Sarah Jane Booking, step
it up, book him and then tell him that he
should come on the Power Troop Morning show when he's
in town y Sex trying though.
Speaker 10 (01:09:09):
My goodness, he has six point seven million followers.
Speaker 3 (01:09:13):
Yes, he's an awesome follow Yeah.
Speaker 4 (01:09:15):
What's his name again?
Speaker 3 (01:09:16):
Oh's Pearlman. It looks like oz O z Oh's pearlman.
Speaker 2 (01:09:20):
You think eight fifteen be good?
Speaker 1 (01:09:23):
At eight o'clock seven thirty whatever said it would be
good for him.
Speaker 4 (01:09:27):
Yeah, recorded if we need to.
Speaker 1 (01:09:29):
Yeah, seven thirty am, uh my thirtieth birtha practice number
of guest six kfean studio.
Speaker 3 (01:09:37):
Just right, Hawk will pay additional information.
Speaker 2 (01:09:40):
Then I'm not anti magician either, right, Justin Willman's awesome.
I've seen Copperfield in Vegas.
Speaker 4 (01:09:45):
That guy in uh Wisconsin's uh what Rick will Cox?
Speaker 2 (01:09:49):
Speaker 1 (01:09:49):
Speaker 3 (01:09:51):
Get this wrong? Is that the ski guy? No, that
will Cox is the the scheme guy is Steve?
Speaker 9 (01:10:00):
Speaker 2 (01:10:00):
No, No, isn't it Steve?
Speaker 3 (01:10:02):
I don't think so.
Speaker 2 (01:10:03):
We screw this up every time either way, Scuba Steve.
I'm not anti magicians either. There's some magicians that blow
my mind as well. But I think your point about
being labeled a mentalist. If somebody could say you could
have the skills of a world class magician or a
world class mentalist, right now, I would take this every time.
Speaker 3 (01:10:20):
Yeah, this is more interesting to me.
Speaker 2 (01:10:22):
But maybe that's picking a little bit because it is.
Speaker 3 (01:10:26):
Rick Rick Wilcox, who's the skiing guy?
Speaker 1 (01:10:29):
Then oh, Zach brilliant, Oh barlet Yeah yeah yeah, just
light bulb went up. Yeah, this would be great. What
water skiing or Perlman, the Os Peerlman.
Speaker 3 (01:10:46):
He's trying to book him for like fifty K.
Speaker 1 (01:10:48):
I'm putting prox number of guest six in studio, three
hundred thousand plus on air in podcast.
Speaker 3 (01:10:55):
I don't know if that number is right, but it
sounds right.
Speaker 2 (01:10:59):
Speaker 1 (01:11:01):
I can't wait to you. You get a quote back,
thank you for inquiring as already here you were going
to do this and he doesn't like you? What that?
He is?
Speaker 2 (01:11:13):
Good? Yeah, he nailed it. The News is next with
Chris ben Leeber's here on a Wednesday. This is the
power Chim want to show in the fan