Episode Transcript
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Good morning, lady and gentlemen,and welcome to video message number twenty nine.
What's one move in man that makesa mango crazy every time? Oh,
you gotta get in that fuck dude, spend on that night you get
me? Oh that's homes were good. Listen up, the radies just came
in for last month. We arenumber one. We just grabbed every key
demogram, super duper. That's nicenight. A goo nito gay, Yes,
boy, that is good news.It is the third day of July
twenty twenty four. Good morning,everybody. Welcome to the Patrick Morning Showing
on Wednesday. How are you?Last day of the week for us,
hopefully for you as well. Tomorrow'sthe fourth day of July. About that
already. We believe Mark Parrish onhis way in. We'll do some duel
to the decades and to cast thethousands. So let's get her started.
David tel on fireworks on a Wednesdaymorning. Come on in. I'm glad
you're here. I'm glad to behere. I travel a lot. I
hate traveling, I guess because mydad used to beat me with a globe.
Now, my dad was a toughman, never let me have anything
fun like fireworks. Who didn't lovefireworks? Come on, raise your hook
hands so we can see you.Let's get it out. You know what
we had, You know, wehad sparklers. Sparklers, that's all we
had. Sparklers are the gay cousinof the fireworks family. I think a
flashlight is more dangerous than a sparkler. My friend's got ms bottle, rockets,
sticks and dynamite. They're blowing stuffup, having fun. I'm walking
around like the special Olympic torch boy. I'm like, hey, hey,
everybody, how's it going. Planesare landing on me. I tell you
is quite an ass. Sweet feetus on your side, you hands distance.
I might be more than Earth's totake it too. I've come in
the power to the Morning showdies Wednesday, July third, one day before our
nation's birthday. We're getting old andmaybe it's almost over. You never know.
America has had a pretty good run. But the happy Birthday tomorrow to
America. Yeah, we did prettygood for a while. I mean i'd
say it's it's a yeah. Imean it's take a look at some good
things. Hey, cantand dot comslash Glizzie, that's one good thing America
did we produced some T shirts.Yeah, well, I don't know if
we produced them yet. Oh.Man, that hasn't happened to us yet.
Man, we already did like threeinside jokes and we've been on the
year for twenty seconds. I'll tellyou what I know that we we we
we brought to to the universe gutterhelmet. Yeah, we do. Gut
her helmet. Whales, they wereover yesterday. I'm gonna put some gutter
helmet on the gutters. Gutter heelmetmn dot com love them. Yeah,
thanks to gutter Helmet. Would yousay that they're sponsoring this segment. Yes,
they are sponsoring this segment. It'sgood your gutters are now well protected,
thank you. Yeah, man,because they need a helmet. Yeah.
CT has been a rampant problem inthe gutter world. Yeah, I
didn't know that. Yeah. Doesgetter helmet have a helmet big enough for
your head? I doubt it.Your head should have gutters. I mean
why, it'd be a good look. I mean it'd be a good look
for you. I know you likethe shaved head look. A dark Star
Baseball app with gutters on him,Ye, would be excellent for you.
And he had a larger head thanI did. He did that twins out
of his that I wear is biggerthan the one I current. Maybe that's
why you guys got along. Yeah, yeah, you're aliens. I think
him and I got along because we'reboth degenerate gamblers. Yeah, he and
I got along because he felt badfor me. Yeah, there was a
little bit of that you were thelost lost dog, yeah mentality, And
he was like, well you were. You were Mowgli and he was bagheera.
Yeah, that's very well said.And then he got hockey swear on
the air. He sure did.Ghost Ghost of Dark Star, the Ghost
of Dark Star. Yea, theghost of Tom jod. So his hat
that you have, you have anactual dark Star hat is a little too
big for you. Yeah, isthat right? My dad bought it a
lost that best State sale. Youremember what he paid for it? Ten
bucks? Ten bucks for a darkStar hat. Yeah, that's that's not
very much. Who was the beneficiary? He had a daughter? Oh,
I thought it was a movie.It was me, So I assume it
went to his daughter, Did youbeneficiary? No? I did not.
I thought at least the I mean, when we found out that he had
a fifty thousand. He'd put fiftythousand dollars down at the Porsche jag dealership
on three ninety four so we couldhave the first Aston Martin suv. Yeah,
he put fifty grand down so wecould have it. Yeah. So
yeah, and did you get it? No? I didn't. I think
they're still waiting for him to showup and get it again. I know
I've told this story a thousand times, but it still always blows my mind.
The first time I ever hung outwith him outside of the horse track
right where we just would be askedor go to movies with the whole group,
right, the first time, itwas just dark and I I went
over to his place. As soonas I got there, he said,
I'll be right down. I'm like, oh, you're coming out. I
thought I was coming upstairs. Whatare we? And then he rolls out
of the parking garage with his bazilliondollar car. I'm not a super big
car guy, so I don't rememberwhat it was, but it was crazy
expensive and crazy nice. Yeah.And then and then we went and picked
up his dry cleaning. Yeah.And then went back to his house and
talked like radio and contracts, andthen I watched him bet two thousand dollars
on an Indiana Gopher football game IndianaGophers, Yep, the Hoosiers and the
Gophers were playing. I think hehad two grand in the game. I'm
like, on this game, like, what do you do today? Well,
I went and picked up dry cleaningwith dark and then watched him gamble.
And of course he smoked weat thewhole time too, So he's higher
than hell watching the Gophers gambling thatthat was his life. Yeah, gambling,
smoking six smoking, sick. Heloved darts. Yeah, nice cars.
Yeah, apparently taking at that pointwas I probably probably twenty fourish,
twenty four to twenty five whatever,it was something like that, maybe twenty
six and taking me to pick updry cleaning. Yeah, it was weird.
First, it was awesome. Thefirst time I went over there,
he sat down on his big chairand he was probably gambling, and he
had a huge stack of just adultfilm city next to it. I didn't
see it. I didn't see hiscollection of porn. I did see his
obviously. He basically had Cooperstown inhis apartment. He had the most memorabilia
for an adult I have ever seen, and it was blatantly displayed too.
He didn't have it locked in asafer and he was just around his house
a bunch of really nice stuff.Is that Yeah, you're listening to the
same story. I am right.Yeah. Doesn't it sound like they should
have been very afraid? Yeah,a grown man. Yeah, there's a
lot of money. Yeah, whowas smoking a lot of dope and surrounded
by porn? Yeah, and gamblinga lot and giving them rides in his
fancy cars. Did did he offeryou boys candy? No? No?
Yeah, are we being groomed?I wonder if you were being groomed?
He took us. He took meto J. D. Hoyts a lot,
That's what I mean. Yeah.JD. Hoyts a candy store to
store from home alone too. Yeah, he took you toy store. Yeah.
Do you buy you anything I wanted? He did? You were being
groom probably complimented you a lot,try to produce your show? Did produce
you if you were if you weresore anywhere? No? No? Oh
my god again. P A andDark used to argue about me way back
in the day, like he's gotto get an agent and I got and
and uh he would say no,Dark would say yes, and they would
argue over and over again about agentsand dark O's we're gonna get you an
agent. We're gonna make you alot of money, And I go,
how's that the case? An agentcan make you the grand marshal of almost
any parade in Minnesota. And I'mlike at the time, I'm like,
that would be kind of good money. Now I look back and I'm like,
his plan for me was just ridingon floats. That was how I
was going to get rich. Yeah, he didn't have high expectations. Yeah
he didn't. Yeah, he toldme the same thing. Actually, I
remember because I was at that hetold you you could be the float.
Yeah. But he was like,so she said, he told me the
same thing. We were being groomed. Yeah he was, he was.
He was tempting. You want toride a parade or parade floats and get
candy? Yeah? No, god, damn, this is my light bulb
moment. Yeah, oh you likegambling. Let me put two thousand on
this random game. No, No, I feel weird. Yeah, dark
was the best. It was thebest. I'm gonna tell you. I
know nothing unto word was going on. But that's that story. Real least
I was like there was there wasthings happening. Well, yeah, man,
it's like the old stories back inthe day where like you could legitimate
like because would legitimately get a ridewith with an adult or whatever. It
was fine. I mean we're stillboth the mid Yeah, but we were
naive. Yeah, I didn't knowhow the world were impressionable. I was
listening to both Pa and Dark aboutthe old agent thing. I thought getting
one hundred dollars or something to ridingsome flow four hours away would be fun.
I'll do that. Back then,that wasn't so bad. I remember,
and I remember asking Dark, well, that town is some random small
town. They're not going to knowwho I am. And he goes,
that's the point. That's why they'llpay you, right, You just get
you drive up there, you takethe money, you come home. So
wait a minute here, And ofcourse I didn't do the math. That's
seven. Wait I'm gonna drive likethree or four hours, make one hundred
dollars and drive back. That can'tbe a great nut. Are you coming?
Yeah? With the miles and thegas? Am I am I really
making money? You're Dark? Or? Am I just riding in parades?
Set me on. Doesn't that soundOh it's awful, It's just awful,
awful. He had plans for us. Now I'm just concerned what those plans
were. How much you want tomake the business course? You know how
you could speaking of writing on things. Let me tell you why I needed
you to pick up my drank clean. Let me tell you I got it
dirty. He went miss. He'seasy. He'll show up eventually. It's
only been a few years. He'seasy to find all of this because we
talked about how big your head wasand then you might need gutters helmet.
Did your parents ever worry it wasa Rocky Dennist situation with your head.
I don't know, man, ifyou laid down and went to sleep,
it might be too much. Yeah, my dad has a big head.
My uncle has a big head.About that, that's an enormous head.
On Pete, Yeah, yeah,Pete has a huge ass hed Pete I
think has the largest head in thefamily. That's a weird thing to Yeah,
well, at least you're freak wellyeah, well there you go.
Yea rest in peace. Yeah,what a good dude. He was fun.
One of the things that that bugsme about that is never being able
to meet him, because obviously growingup he's a legend. He would have
loved you. I was just goingto say that. My guess is he
would have loved you because you.You would have loved your sense of humor.
You and him could have gotten hightogether all the time, all the
time. You like to gamble.You would have gone to the track,
the horse track, would talk todark Yeah, you'd have sat in his
apartment and got high and lot theGophers take on the There are certain parades
you definitely would Marshall. I gotsauce in Corey over there, line up
with a whole bunch of parades.But in June, I'm gonna get you
rich in every city in Minnesota.Well every one month, you're going to
dominate the metro area. That mighthave paid more than a hundred bucks.
You could have been groomed, that'sright, and you need some grooming.
Yeah, I definitely Yeah. Wellwho knew, I knew what was going
to be like today. True,I do think you would have liked you.
That's a good point. I neverthought of that. I never either.
I never had a real good chanceto hang out with him. I
was a knee deep and dad time. Yeah, you know, but I
uh, I wish I had spentmore time with them, but we always
feel that way, right, Yeah, yep. I spent so much time
at the track betting on horses,playing cards. That's weird too, because
like, when's the last team,but you were at the track. I
take the kiddos about once a year. Girls like watching the horses race.
Yeah you know, yeah, notserious money back there some day. I
never bet serious money on horses becauseI don't I don't understand it enough.
I just think it's fun. Youbet good money on horses. Uh No,
not really. Was there a rhymeor reason to it? Of course?
Yeah? Ask Gorgre's studying the oldrace racing form and breaking down past
performance. There's it's still in exactscience, but there's things that they are
looking for. That's an interesting question. I mean, I never I guess
I never thought about it. ButI've been out there a bit, you
know, not as much as youguys have, but there are a lot
of people out there who you cansee are real pissed about stuff. Do
you think there's people out there tomake real good money though, like serious
money. I've bet on the horse'sjust a Canterbury. My guess is it's
like poker that there is a verysmall group that does very well, then
there's a whole bunch that are justjust hanging on, and then everybody else
gets smoked. And you can beton horsey races everywhere, right, like
exactly, Yeah, yeah, itdoesn't have to be local here. You
can watch on TV and bet thosehorses whenever you want, half the TVs
that Planet, Hollywood or horse racing. True. Yeah, maybe I had
to try because I like racing andI like horses, and I like money,
and I like gambling, and Iliked dark. You don't have to
bet much to have fun. YouWell, then see you have a game
for you. What a beautiful outthere, guys. Tomorrow might be right,
so enjoy your July for today.Yeah, they're looking we're supposed to
play in ana Dale tomorrow night,and they're telling us that they're going to
make the determination tomorrow morning at tenam. That's how bad the rain could
be the model. Yeah, Excelsiormoved their legendary fireworks show to tonight.
Did you read it a script ordo you call it their legendary firework?
Well, I mean, that's thefireworks show I grew up watching, so
to me it's legend. But isthat what it's? His point? Is
that what it's all like? Youwere reading a script just now? It
did? I don't have, butyeah, they moved it to tonight,
White Bear leg moved their infamous uhtraditional fireworks show inside. Yeah I heard
that. Are you reading a script? I'm playing uh devil no tonight and
they're doing their U gdo magnificent.Yeah right, h fireworks night? Remember
that ten? Is that? Man? Remember that seventy degree? Yeah,
we're playing that again to night.It's a good ten for retaining heat and
hid. Yeah. Just you're ifyou like the sound going out of the
speakers, you're gonna love it comingright back. It perishing a little bit.
No Rosie today, right, he'sout the next couple of weeks now,
Yeah he's not in. No Brett, no nothing. Well, we
want to do with the decades andsome sort of figure it out. Yeah,
I gotta ask you about that,because, man, did I have
a discussion in at its office yesterday. I'm sure you heard all about it.
I told you two weeks ago theywere gonna shut this story. You
were right. I told you Iknew the loopholes were gonna get closed,
and that's exactly what happened. Youwill tell you about that later, Powart,
you wanted you on the fan.This is Steamer Dream and Trying out
look the Lands and the Patch ofMorn Show. You can watch The Power
Trip Morning Show weekdays at eight amon Cafe dot com slash Watch. It's
the hour hour presented by watching Firefor your World. Jacuzzie, Puma and
dog Gone. I love the nameof that band local bands on the Powers
of the Morning Show because I don'tget fined for it and I like to
support them as well. So JacuzziePuma. It was weird because Corey invited
me to his house last week.I was wearing a Puma sweatshirt and uh
he invited me into the Jacuzzie Didhe really? Yeah? I want to
go Jacuzzi if you want to watchthis, who's your gopher game with me?
Zachary, go get my laundry forI want to be a grand marshal
at the parade? Was he showingyou where his laundry was to be picked
up? Bity chance, Oh boy, Kato, go get my laundry.
Not Kato Kalin No, Oh wellmaybe maybe I wonder if Kato did get
OJ's You better believe he did.You better believe he did. He's still
on with Barrero once in a while. I was on with Barrero yesterday for
what to talk about the Moondance jam? Scandal? Oh yeah, what we
went to scandal? What's yeah?Oh yeah, poor Zacho? Was it?
What was your family planning on going? Is that how you knew how
much of it was going on?Did you just happened to be that was?
It was gonna be a kind ofa last second thing. Possibly it
was going to maybe shoot up thereafter read party, depending on how I
felt in the morning. Because theyhad some great acts. Creed was gonna
headline Saturday, but no more.Who are the great acts? Create a
fog hat hand Zach, Who arethe great acts? You walk right into
it? Okay, music, Snam, Captain, Billboard, Jacuzzi, Puma,
Party, invitation to vote, Ohno, groom, somebody else.
He has to go get his own. The headliners were fog Hat, Uh,
Kansas and Creed, switch Foot Finger, eleven Uh, Blue, Oyster
Cult and The Suite and a guyused to sing for Journey all all right,
So all jokes aside. Those area lot of big names, I
mean over the course of the lastforty or fifty years. Sure they all
have their own little fan bases.That's a big enough draw for a place
like Moon Dance. Yeah, Sowhat happened, Well, I conjecture on
my part, but they had tocancel all the headliners and just replace them
with local bands because financially they couldn'tafford to pay the headliners. So what
are we two weeks out? Yeah, yeah, two weeks out? Yeah,
which makes sense because having been inthe spot before, I know a
little bit about when the when youhave to pay the headliners. Yeah,
and how you have to pay theheadliners. And so they made the call
and said we weren't you know,apparently the ticket sales weren't weren't good enough
to pay the headliners, so theyaren't coming. But you can still come
and watch the local bands. Butyou can get a refund. Well that's
where they're at right now. They'reworking on bab They might flip and offer
refunds if you want. They're definitelyoffering you an opportunity to use your tickets
next year or to just come tothe show and use your tickets next year.
It's a tough thing, man,It's a mess. So my conjecture
is the following. So I knowthat, first of all, the reason
Fog had Kansas and those bands areyour headliners is because in the world of
country music, there are seven hundredpotential headlining acts that could headline your festival
you name it, from Rascal Flatsto old school artists like you Know,
you name it. There are somany big ones, small ones, medium
size. Essentially in country music,if you had a number one hit at
some point, even in the nineties, you could headline a festival. I've
played with all of them. Inrock, there's thirty, maybe fifty rock
bands that could headline a festival.And even if it's Kansas, whom I
love but hasn't had a hit onthe radio and thirty years, they're still
getting top dollar to headline your festival. If you get somebody like Creed,
they're getting top top dollar headline yourfestival and they work it. So you
have to give them your deposit,which is normally half down. Like if
let's say Creed, I'm throwing outnumbers I don't know. Let's say Creed
is getting seven hundred thousand dollars toheadline your festival. You got to pay
them half upfront, you got toget you got to give them another chunk
two weeks out, and then yougot to pay them the rest of the
day of the of the festival.Well, if you give them that first
hunk, it's gone. They gotit. If you cancel at by a
certain date, then you don't haveto pay them a certain amount of money,
but they get to keep the deposit. And so I'm guessing I'm guessing
again completely, don't sue me.I don't know. I'm guessing that somebody
realized that the ticket sales weren't matchingwhat they needed to make up the rest
of the pay for the headliners.So they had to make a call.
And it's a terrible call to make. But how far debting are you willing
to go? How far into debtare you willing to go? And so
that's a terrible sit way, man, I'm surprised Creed didn't sell well enough.
If they didn't. If that's thecase, I'm surprised they didn't sell
well enough to make the nutback.But it is a reason I am no
longer in any kind of business ofany kind because woof that kind of pressure.
The pressure, man, it almostkilled me. It really didst me.
Friendships cost me everything. So notto not to pile on and rip
somebody we just mentioned, but thiswould be the equivalent of saying like,
hey, I'm gonna go see BruceSpringsteen and at the last second you don't
get a refund and jacuzi Puma isthe headline, right, yeah, yeah,
right, but again that won't fly. They know that. I think
they're just they're doing their best topacify as many people as possible before they
have to give out the big refundsand completely canceled the entire event, right,
not even running back with local bandsor just feelers. They're just going
to say it's off this year.I would guess they'll still do the local
artists no matter what, real becauseyeah, there'll be people who come in
and there'll be some beer sales.People are already planning to be there.
I mean it's you know up theWalker people are already camping anyway. Yeah,
yeah, so they'll still have somesort of show. We played that,
I mean I played Moon Dane's jam. Do we play it? With
you, Uzacho, you were withthis one. Yeah, the country.
Yeah, yeah, we played that. I've probably played it four or five
times. Kathy and those people,they do a great job. I love
it. It's it's you know,it's just a small town festival that they
that is a big festival. Theygo out of their way to bring a
giant festival to Walker, Minnesota,and it sucks all the way around.
I hate do give any idea howmany tickets in the past they have sold.
What's what's kind of the number they'vedone in the past, Zach,
We've been there before when there wasa giant crowd. I mean we're talking
twelve to fifteen thousand. We're talkingbig crowds of pemp. I myself just
attended as a fan, I don'tknow, twenty fifteen, twenty sixteen,
and you know that it was coolbecause so many people had gone there for
decades. You know, it's aI think it's another thirty third year.
Our guy Bob, Yeah, hehas a cabin up there. That's his
festival. Yeah, he loves that. I don't think he's ever missed it.
No, I don't think he has. So sucks. Yeah, it's
the same thing it really is.I mean again, they do a really
really great job, and it's agreat stage with the VIP sections on the
side of the stage that are threelevels where people are watching you from the
sides of the stage. It's superawesome. The the the parties stage after
the concert we would be the youknow, like the opener or second on
the on the on the big stage, and then you play after the headliner's
done. What a freaking party thatwas. Man, I love that festival.
Ye yeah, yeah, that's thebest. The year I went,
it was mainly because the Saturday headlinerwas shined down, but the third was
actually followed. They followed Peter Framptonand it was awesome because I would never
see Peter Frampton right in a regularbut yeah, he was awesome. But
the Thursday, the headliner was Nickelback, but the rain just completely drenched them
out. They they they took themout, took pop a Roach out.
Sammy Hagar was the great before Nickelback, and obviously took him out as well
because they couldn't get the main stageready. The rain was terrible. Yeah,
they have is it called it likea saloon or smmer stage? Yeah
yeah, yeah, yeah, thatmight be Country Fasted. He has a
saloon You're right, it's the saloonstage. And so yeah, just this
big, you know, big garagebarn looking structure back there as we talked
about, and there's band, localband, them Pesky Kids, just playing
and they next thing, you know, they all told us to go to
this place because Sammy Hagar walked inwith his band basically used a bunch of
the equipment that them Pesky Kids hadon the stage and he played like an
hour and a half. That's sweet. That's crazy because his band is Michael
Anthony from Van Halen. Yeah,might have been Jason Bonham was the drummer
John Bottam's kid, and that wouldhave been probably Joe Satriani playing guitar.
I'm sweet on that barn stage.That's crazy, man. So yeah,
it's a tough situation, man.I hope they can figure it out.
And it sucks because it's two hundreddollars for a week in past and nobody
wants to lose that kind of moneyobviously, But you know, tough situation.
Yea. Yeah, And everything Isaid was a guest by the way,
Yeah, I don't know anything aboutanything. I'm just telling you,
but it's a good breakdown by bothof you. Thank you, Thank you.
Here's the tight Whips fix me upheadlining Moondance Jam next Saturday night.
That's not true, that's not true. I don't think I don't think we
should mention Creed coming to Treasure IslandResort and Casino in August and uh and
Ben Pesky kids are going to beat that music by the Mississippi at t
I as well. Yeah, theydidn't ask me to be a part of
that. All I know. I'venever played that big ass stage. I
want to. We'll ask nicely,use good man. I don't ask nicely
if I pay. Sports is nexton the fan tanfan dot com slash Glizzie.
That's where you get your kiss,the Glizzi shirt, the idea springing
out of Sauce's head and now rightonto a shirt that looks great YFA dot
com slash Glizzie get it today.I'm glad you finally promoted it. I
mean, like, you know,let's sell some T shirts, right,
guys. Do you have any ideahow much smarter doctor Zach is than the
rest of us? Oh it's significantlyyes, especially he's in here for the
first time. How long has itbeen Seff seen you, doctor Zach.
It feels like almost two years.Hasn't really been alone. I think when
he diagnosed you with crabs the lasttime you saw him, you don't get
diagnosed with crabs and your dagnoses.In fairness, I diagnose him with crabs
every time I come, he doeshe. Yeah, I'm starting to starting
to think there's a pattern here.No, he was just I mean,
doctor Zach, You're gonna be sorich. Some beliefs change in the world
with drugs. Yes, he's partof Big Pharma though, Yeah, you
are. He's the bad guy.Can I come live on your big Pharma
and we can raise some chickens.You can look at my portfolio. I
am not part of Big Farmer.Big farm takes advantage of what I do.
Oh, so you're agreeing at bigFarm is evil. No, I
would actually push it back. Yeah, would you please stop with him.
He's trying to make money here,okay, Right, he's trying to make,
you know, game changing money.He comes to him and he's trying
to make people's lives better and it'sworking. God, you probably can't tell
me that stuff. You were justtalking about right. Oh, I can
pay you whatever I want. Ohgood, He's got a drug that's almost
been approved. It's going to takeozembic and all that stuff to the next
level, to another level. Isthat right? Is it about to be
approved? Hell? Yeah, man, I haven't seen the South Park special
The End of Obesity. But isit about your new drug, my new
drug? No, it's about theozempics of the world. And I think
they made a Lizo drug. Ibelieve they did. Is that yours?
No? First of all, Idon't think we could pay for Lizo's licensing
fee. And second, in allseriousness, there is about ten years worth
of drugs that are going to changehow you know metabolic disease is treated over
the next ten years, and it'sgoing to be kind of a revolution.
The only challenge is going to becan people pay for it? That's the
thing, right, But want toget simple, like easier for that once
it becomes generic? Yeah, wethought that, But then one of the
earlier classes of the ozembic drugs justgot generic classification in the past month and
it ended up still being five hundreddollars a month. So there's a lot
of price fixing that that's the price, man, it's big Pharma, that's
the ps. I'll tell you what. Let me tell you what now,
let me tell you right now.I would absolutely pay five hundred dollars a
month to be as skinny as Iam. Now you know what I mean.
Yeah, I'm down fifty one pounds. Yeah right, I mean Olivia
at Livy dot com, everybody.But I'm gonna tell you right now,
dude, that stuff. But whatyou're saying, and again, tell me
if I shouldn't be saying this,but you're saying that your drug is gonna
have the same weight loss success,but without the muscle loss. Yeah,
right, that's correct. And becausehuge, dude, it's not just our
drug. There's two or three otherclasses. They're going to help people maint
or even add a little bit ofmuscle mass while they're losing weight. It
make you feel buzzed at all?Sure, Okay? If not, there's
a litany of other drugs that willmake you feel okay, I'm sorry,
buzz thank you, You're welcome.Can you make a drug that makes us
feel nothing like a true sociopath?A lot of them? Yeah, a
lot of those. Yeah, they'reeverywhere. I don't think the market for
that is all that high. CanI ask another question, Actually, the
entire market I would imagine is veryhigh. I've been told by a friend,
by many many people doctors act thatthat we go vy and such is
going to make me want to gambleus Not true. Is there a drug
that I could take that would helpwith that as well? So the good
news is there's about four more generationsof Wigovy family drugs that may or may
not for and there's variability from personto person on how much it's going to
impact compulsive shopping and gambling and propensityfor drugs smoking. So you we don't
have a great understanding of which drugsare going to influence those types of behaviors
from person to person. So lookin the next ten years that there's going
to be more options that you cangive a shot for non weight related changes.
In The nice part is they're allgoing to be so great. They
all are really effective in treating youknow, weight management and that sort of
thing. Yeah, you'll be ableto choose what is your what's your take
on the ozempics and the wegovies ofthe world That there's those claims that basically
it can freeze your stomach and seesome of your digestive system. So we
actually have twenty five years worth ofdata on this drug family on how frequently
this effect is, and we're talkingabout one case per tens of thousands of
doses or less. So we're talkingabout very very infrequent things. And you
know, this gets kind of avery you know, a thing that's very
challenging and talking about health in aforum like this of a lot of the
media kind of headline stuff, andyou know, it's great because it makes
very very entertaining and headline catching,you know, headlines. It's all sensational.
And so we're talking about very veryvery very infrequent things that really get
people kind of scared. But youknow, there's got to it's this great
drug, it really is changing clinicalmedicine, but it's got to have a
dark side, or it's got tohave something that we can say, oh,
it's not that great, blah blahblah, something to act up against.
So these are very infrequent events andpeople should be kind of looking at
the data and thinking of it asthings that happen. I don't think people
are going to read data. Yeah, so what you're saying though, zach
Is, you're saying it's worth thegamble. I'm gonna tell you it is.
I'm saying it is just can't stopgambling. He loves it, he's
heard the odds. He's willing togamble. Right, tell you, right
now, I'm incise thirty pants aswe sit here. Good for you,
man, Come on now, yeah, good for you. You do have
a nice blouse on tools. Seehow big the thang looks. Let's see
it. You got no one toinject them? Yeah, I keep putting
I didn't gambler. Yeah, Iwant you to take the rest of the
secon An office. It wasn't criminal. Cast boards presented by holiday stations say
stores, you can get a coupleof Celsius at the holiday and then get
one free by two get one freeat holiday. We love holiday station stores.
We love Celsius stuff super good.I have got to try watermelon lemon
that is inexclusive holiday. It doesrun. I keep saying it sounds good,
and I keep getting gas at holiday, and I keep forgetting to get
the old watermelon lemon. Celsius.You're a failure. Wow, I'm gonna
make today today. I'm gonna doit today. That's what you said,
because I have, like I thinkI have forty miles left on the old
gas tank range, so I needgas on the way home. Anyway,
Stopper Holiday, you try a watermelonsugar flavor. My sources say sauce would
not ricochet. The Minnesota Twins beatthe Tigers five to three home runs by
Margo and Correa. That extends thefranchise record. That is the twentieth straight
game the Twins have hit a homerun. Hell yeah, man, twenty
straight. So they were underdogs inthe game because of the pitching matchup,
but they won and hit a coupleof home runs. The bad news is
Royce Lewis left the game with tightnessin his left groin muscle. You don't
hear the specifics very often on whichside of the groin. It's normally just
a groin pull. Right, thissays left groin. No I know to
look doctor Zach is that bad?Yeah? Groin injuries are notoriously not great,
as he's had it before, andit's gonna be a couple of weeks.
Yeah, great, Come on.The Twins had a season high eleven
game over five hundred record. That'sthe highest they've been all year forty eight.
Yeah. Another game against the Tigerstonight at seven ten. David Festa
goes for the Twins. Uncle Festayep, brooks Le will probably be called
up. Can I tell you guys. I just watched Mark and Zach hug
as they greeted each other, andI thought they were going to smooch it
out. It was an interesting uhgreeting there. I think one of them
also thought that there was a moment. I thought they don't know when to
hold him or well, I mean, didn't Mark kiss you on a plane?
One? Sure? We uh,Parish and I decided, uh right,
when we got out of what wasthe area we couldn't drink in kuwait
wait, everybody was asleep and Parryand I were like, do you want
to drink a bunch of free cheapwine? Yep, yeah. So we
kept drinking and drinking and drinking,and then we decided at about two am
we were going to go over andkiss Hockey. So we did. Wait,
hang on, we thought it wasjust Mark no we were going to
but Parish got to him first andhe woke up. I was asleep and
I woke up to a tongue inmy mouth. Yep, yeah, we
were. I wanted to make itmemorable. You certainly did. And you
tasted of wine and regret. Yep, that's a salt, brother. I
tasted like the wine. You tastedlike the regrets. And then we got
to the airport and Parish and Isat down to get something to eat,
and he started bringing up stats ofa former player he played for and then
walked away. They were they werehammered, and it was wine and we're
the only literally the only people.It was, you know, completely dark.
Sarah Jane has the whole thing on. Well, there was like so
there for a while there too.We were just walking like just kind of
giggling, how like everyone was asleepand just wandering around the flame and we
were smoked. Oh god, whatdid he text? Now? Just wants
me to I said, it mademy way bigger and he has proved.
Boy you Markie Mark Parrish. Iwasn't good. I had other things to
talk about. But since you're hereand this is sports, zee boam,
I think how you saying? Yeah, a lot of people thrilled that he
was on the board twelve. Yeah, the wild move up and and get
him twelfth. Your thoughts on thebig wild first round draft pick. Yeah,
he's a he's skilled. I gotsee him a couple of years ago
there was the McDonald's US US team. I covered the Blue and White game.
It's more or less just an intersquad game. Yeah, he was,
he was. He's a special kid. He could play. It was
impressive that. I love the factthat he slid down there for us and
that we got him because there's alot of upside there's he's obviously it's the
projection. We're not going to knowfor another year or two probably, But
that being said, you know,as it's it's it's as quickly as the
players. The player is the onethat dictates how quickly you developed, more
or less. I mean, whenyou're ready, you're ready, you show
it yourself, and he comes inwith confidence. And but the one thing
you got to put on a littlebit of mask because it is a little
boys playing against men most of thetime. So that's what the hard part
is for. You know, thosethose guys that just get drafted a step
in the Connor Badards, that's whatmakes them so special is they're so mature,
physically mature at such a young age. So where was he projected to
go and why did he fall totwelve? He was a top ten and
you know, you never know,you know, it can be a situation
where it kind of teams. Usuallyusually those will kind of happen when teams
teams kind of start to see wherethe defenceman start to go or something like
that. A lot of defencemen goearly and they're like, oh crap,
we now instead of maybe taking aforward, they're like, oh, we
got we got to take this defensemix. We're gonna we're not going to
get out of chance in them lateror something like that or vice versa.
But that being said, it's it'shard to say. Is sometimes sometimes they
just slip through because teams will teamswill kind of circle a guy in the
first round, and especially like thetop ten, they'll just circle a guy
and kind of think that's their guy, and regardless of who slides by.
Then all of a sudden, somebodystarts sliding. They're like, well,
now we've kind of already decided thatthis is who we're taking, so that
one player just kind of tends tojust kind of keep slipping to someone who's
very grateful to take them at numbertwelve. Out of all the zeves you
played with, this guy is byfar the best. He's the number one.
Yeah, to like the b UI U M. Yeah, it's
it's it's it's a hockey name.I mean, come on. The boom
is something that Gavin Cason makes.It's also Z's cousin. Yea that actually
kind of flows there, zang itdoes? It also sounds like something that
would be it. Yeah, Yeah, it's unstable. Yeah, Demi whatever
the Wild schedule released, it's out. Let's kind of sneak up on us.
I didn't know the schedule. Yeah, maybe die Harden Wild fans knew
it was coming, but I didn'tknow that. Yeah, free agent.
Once free agency, they like tokind of blend it all together. Gets
you excited for this upcoming season?Cory? Yeah, hey man, the
Wild kick ass? Yeahs go man, let's go all right? What really
matters? We come back some formof duel of the decade in about fifteen
minutes. Mark Parrish is here.This is the Power Tie Morning. Join
the fan Man. Fantasy Football trainingcamp is back at Treasure Island Resort and
Casino. You can join Paul Charchiand the Fantasy Football Weekly Crew in the
Full Deck Ballroom on Friday, Augustsixteen from six to nine pm. You
can stop buy for the live broadcastfrom six to eight and stick around for
the Fantasy Football Deep Dive. Greatprices to be had, including a one
thousand dollars grand prize. Go fulldetails now at Cafe dot Comic keyword Calendar.
I went to break with Jeff Reindersoncrosses now this is Capitol and juleb
Kiss Kappanow was the original bass playerfor Rocket Club. How about that?
Where are you? Kapinas liked tohear you're doing well? Brother? There
you go, mother through want Yearmusic on the Power Tree Morning Show,
Hockey Campean dot com. And ifDerek gets off his lazy ass, he'll
loads him end today, right Derek, See doctor Zach Chris, good to
see you, to see you too. At what point am I going to
be able to borrow thousands of dollarsfrom at the right terms? Probably right
now? Okay, great, fantastic, Thank you. Keep that in mind.
I have a sandwich chain thinking abouttalking about some of the things later
all time. Ben, Yes,he gets it. I got a little
sandwich that's so good. I guesswe're going the air now. It rose
who you're with. You got tobring it so anyway, wish do what
really mad? What really matters?Mark? Mark Parrish is here, he
loves what really matters? Favor Zacho'shere too. By the way, would
you buy Catalyst supplying Catalyst supply codedot com fased Catalyst? Zach? You
were saying Bill Garon and John Einesjoining Russo filling in for Barrero this afternoon.
So that's a lot of ace.You just had that right yesterday.
I was on with Brero yesterday.It was very nice to me. Yeah.
Did he talk about our Glizzy Tshirt? No? Did you come
in studio? Oh you can't provethat, Johnny. Wow, that was
on the phone. All right?What really matters? Scores and stats around
the world of sports. We're gonnaplay a little game saucy with Mark Parrish
and Chris Hockey. Yeah. Didit happen yesterday or in twenty and thirteen?
God? I love this game.I read an NBA headline. Mark
and Chris have to decide whether thishappened yesterday or the year twenty and thirteen?
Are you two ready? All right? I'll look down and make sure
I don't see anything on IV accidentally. DeMarcus Cousins agreed to a four year
deal with Sacramento yesterday or twenty andthirteen? Say that one more time.
DeMarcus Cousins agreed to a four yearextension with the Sacramento Kings. What do
you think, Mark, it feelsrecent, like a free recent name.
This sound feels like a recent Let'ssay now, Yeah, so yesterday,
Yeah, Paul, that was two. That was two thousand, all right,
I thought we were all for good. Start number two. Derek Favors
agreed to a deal with the UtahJazz. I've never heard of that guy.
That name is not even exist.So we're flipping a coin, is
what? It is a real story. It's just is it yesterday or twenty
and thirteen? It's a real personyesterday or eleven years ago? What Titanic?
Yeah, it's a Tintanic. It'sway worse what I call your dad's
but hoole. I honestly, Ihonestly have no idea. I've never heard
I've never heard that name anything.So if you've never heard of him,
which one is it? Ten yearsago? Let's go to yeah, thirteen?
Yeah, yeah, Paul, theyare correct. That is correct.
There we go, there we goone for two Utah in twenty and thirteen,
so you're one for two. JohnWall agreed to an eighty million dollar
extension with the Wizards. Okay,that had listen to me, Perry,
that guy played for Kentucky like onehundred years ago. That had to have
been thirteen years ago. Okay,I actually do recognize the name, but
I couldn't. Yeah, I'm goingwith you. I'm with you a partner.
Okay, we're in. John Wallstill does want to play. But
yes, that was eleven years ago. That was in two thousand. Yes,
ye, man Kemba Walker retired.Did he retire yesterday or in two
thousand and thirteen? I bet heretired yesterday because I remember that name.
Woa. Okay, I like thatagain, that's a name that does not
bring any kind of bell person.Let's go with yesterday. That is a
correct answer. He retired yesterday.Full time All Star. He was the
number nine pick in two thousand anda eleven, scored sixty points in a
game in twenty eighteen. The votethirty guys three and one. Yeah you
have three right one? Yeah?You the change. Kyle Anderson agreed to
a three year, twenty seven milliondollar deal with the Warriors. I bet
that was yesterday. I bet that'syesterday, because I guys still want a
player and his name is Kyle Andersonis a boring ass name. I bet
yesterday or twenty and thirteen. Ithink it was three years for how much?
Three years? Twenty seven? Wait? Are you right? That's that
much money? That? Yeah,that's got to be twenty thirteen and NBA
money. You're right due cause Igot if I've heard that guys name,
he should be making a hundred milliondollars. Yeah. Yeah. He played
for the Wolves the last two seasons. He got traded to the Warriors in
a sign and trade. Yesterday,you had it, you had it right
there, played for the Wolves andthey don't know this year it was serious.
He had a guy on our team, Ky Hawk had it at Paris.
The whole time. Has just beengoing with it, and then all
of a sudden he goes, well, he probably had to make more money.
That was twenty nine million a yearis not enough in the NBA.
But that's what he's making, allright, So what are you now?
Three and two, four and two, four and two, Monte Morris signed
with Phoenix. Monte Morris signed withPhoenix yesterday or twenty thirteen, Any ideas,
I've never heard that name in mylife. That does sound like a
now name though, let's go now, okay, now, he also played
for the Wolves this season and justsigned with the Phoenix Suns. So technic,
Yes, he did not play forus, the only trade they made
in the deadline. You got it, right, but you got very lucky.
Yes he played for Yeah, allright, Last, but not least,
Larry sam signs with the Milwaukee Bucks. All right? Is he messing
with this? This is a Thisis not one of those Larry Sanders.
This either happened yesterday or two thousand. Gary had a weekly basketball game.
But Larry Sanders a long time,four year deal with Milwaukee yesterday or twenty
and thirteen. You know what,I would probably go with my considerable gut
and say yesterday, well, I'mgonna run with that considerable gut. Don't
trust your gut. That was elevenyears ago. It was a bitch.
I mean those Morris and Kyle Andersonmade it worded. Two guys that were
on the Wolf squad this season.Didn't and he did them back to pack.
But did did either of those guysever make it on the on the
field, Kyle, Kyle had areally frustrating season, but Man had a
couple of monster games in the playoffs. He yeah, he first this year.
Yes, yes, yes, hewas cue a couple of wins.
I actually want to start when Rudywas out for the birth of his son.
Yeah, he was a nice littlechange of pace for the birth of
Kyle Anderson's Rudy emotional about it.And then right, you guys were good.
But what really matters is this Iforgot. I have to do that.
Don't hold on, I'll get there'dbe cool. Take any breath,
guys, I type in the followingthing into your Google machine. You ready.
Yeah. Passengers stuck in overhead beINafter severe I saw that. Oh
my god, I can't believe ithappened. He's literally half of his body
is hanging out in and they weren'tsure that's exactly how he got up there
either, Like that's just kind ofhow he got out. Yeah, so
you might have just gone straight upand through, I guess, and they
go through the door. Thirty passengerswere injured, after a flight from guy
was hit by quote strong turbulence.Yesterday is right next to Belize and Beloit.
Yeah, I didn't know about Beloite, a city in Illinois. It's
south Beloit. Did thank you.Landing in Brazil, some of the seats
were flat out twisted like twisted upin like a POPCN. The plane destabilized
and went into a dive. Ohmy gosh, like you're thinking your life
like that's it, that's it.Yeah, And that guy's hanging out of
the overhead. Yeah, what's thatguy thinking. I don't know, but
at that point, does he eventhough they're in a dive? And is
his neck broken? I mean,I mean like he they like there was
some there was some fractures. Idon't know if he was the one that
had like the fractured neck, butlike when they showed him getting out,
like he was Yeah, they weremoving and they was moving a little bit
out like hey, doctor Zach,you're smart. You know. We hear
all the time that the planes almostfly themselves right pretty much start to finish.
You've got to have a couple ofpilots there for a handful of things,
and obviously in case something goes significantlywrong, but essentially they fly themselves
in the next I don't know,five ten, twenty years. With artificial
intelligence, are we going to havethe ability to not have pilots at some
point in our lives, not havepilots in the aviation sense, but in
the surgical sense. No, no, no, no no. In the
aviation sense. Oh, we're soyou're never going to be able to,
for legal reasons, not have somebodyin the cockpit who can take over.
But the planes are already so closeto flying themselves that it's really just taking
off in landing and emergency situations likea Sully situation that you have the pilot
do going there, and like youshould have talked to actual aviation people,
but you could automate probably landing andtake off processes too. It's just those
are harder to automate, and soyou really just need to collect more and
more and more flight data that youcan have large you know, seven eighty
seven style planes all the way upto that size taking off and landing,
and have reliable data sets and AIdata sets be able to do that.
Because then I start to think aboutlike when Anakin Skywalker was pod racing,
and you know, so Bulbo's messingwith his pod and all of a sudden
he's, you know, on thefly fixing his his pod racing. I'm
going, I know this is along time ago in a galaxy far far
away, but their Texas way advanced. Shouldn't they have artificial intelligence to just
fix the pod itself? Yeah?And that was the end of my run.
Is that when he asked what medchlorianswere? Oh God, I've been
wondering what our mediclorians. Great,it's not it's not a kid, It's
not Jake Lloyd's fault. That's GeorgeLucas going, how am I going to
explain to uh to start wars ofviewers? How am I going to explain
what Mediclorian's? What if I justhave The dumb kid asked the question point
blank to Qui gon Jen. Ithink that has taken two years off of
your life at this point. There'sso many other ways to explain it that
can help him with that. There'snothing that can help wondering what are med
chlorian? Oh, let me letme do a quick tech talk. And
it's so mad about it. Igot take some power point and whiteboard.
Come on, man, man,I just want to see Darth Maul not
in the last twenty minutes of themovie. Can you show him a little
bit less pissed by jar jar Binksthan you asked? No, everybody get
pissed about George. Yeh he gothe got an annoying fairy. It would
have been nice if Anakin just goI got a question, why if Jarge
or in this movie? That wouldhave been I'd say, Finally, the
kid asked a good question. Stupidask jar jar Binks? All right,
uh du all the decades and wehave no idea what that means. I
guess christ wal surprise is I'm gonnasurprise been closed? This is the power
to Morning Joan the Van. Alright, let's see who is this? This
is a oh, this is FirewaterGospel Choir and Misery good tune. You
get up join us for the Turnof Rube party on Friday, July nineteenth.
I've forgotten Star Brewery and Fridley.We're kicking the party off with the
Star Bank reg carpet broadcast starting atsix thirty, followed by some of your
favorite fan games for great prizes,including tickets to see Metallica US Bank stadium
and rounds for rubes thanks to Starbankthat We'll wrap up the night with live
music from the Chris Hockey Band.Full detail The full details now at campaign
dot com slash party. That's right, Won't Belong now? Won't Belong now?
Hi guys, Hi, Hi,Hi Mark Big Fourth of July plans.
What are you doing? We arehanging out at home. We're going
over some friends. Actually actually onthe fourth we are going to my parents.
We're having We used to do thisChristmas gift where we always get Lego
or excuse me, nerf guns,and we switched it to the summertime this
year because because the wing is kindof miserable. Sure for nerve toys outside
uh and yes hopefully it doesn't rain, so we usually get some pretty good
ones bop and on. This hasbeen going back good forty years. So
are all the kids involved or isthis just you and Gino? Yeah,
they're they're finally all involved. Well, there were some pretty but the parish
just don't mess around with nerve toys, so there was that you have to
get to a certain age before youcan handle it. And I think that's
mainly for Bapa Nona's safety. Well, I'm surprised you guys are competitive.
You guys don't seem like a competitivefamily. Not surprised to you, guys,
No, no, not at all. Lands can become the tallest one.
That kind of pissed me off.Had that distinction for forty five years.
All right, shall we do?Uh, you'll love the decade?
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need class Cars dot Com momentarily,but right now it's time for the duel
of the decades. And we're goingback to an old favorite, guys,
because we can't play music on thisstupid show. Loop Pole close. Yeah,
lou Pole is his name. Bythe way, Speaking of lou Pole,
huh, it's SmartLess. The otherday I think it was SmartLess.
I think it was will Onarnett theother day that mentioned again that you know,
your poor name is your middle name, and then the first street you
grew up on, lou Pole,is pretty good. But my middle name
is Lewis, And I laughed inmy car to myself because I realized under
that formula, my poor name wouldbe Lewis or lou wood Duck. Yeah,
that's Lewis wood Duck is a prettygood poor name. Alan State Line.
Yeah, that's pretty good. Paul, I'd be Jeff heathcode also sounds
good. Mark Parrish Daniel one hundredand third Street Circle. That is not
gonna work. I'd much rather watcha Lewis wood Duck film. Zachary pat
Roth, Oh my god, thatis definitely a post. Yeah, doctor,
Zach. What's yours? Alexander Shelter? Yeah that yeah? Yeah,
man, those are all pretty good. It's pretty good. Marks is way
too specific? All right? Arewe ready? Yeah? These are two
thousands movies. Are you with me? I'm gonna read the movie line.
I don't say him, you knowwe're writing them down. Hang on down,
Segon guys, knee paper you guys, I'll have Derek brings him over.
We're good? Yeah, I stillgood? Yeah, Yeah, I
got I got Derek. You're playingto h doctor Zach, you're playing to
is? Does pat Roth have apiece of paper over there? I just
use my notes? App. Okay, it's fancy. Now you're your poor
name? Was it pat Roth?Yeah? Yeah, fro that? Okay,
we're ready, We're ready. Twothousands of movies. I'm gonna say
the line. You tell me whatmovie we're talking about. Number one.
If you're a bird, I'm abird. Two thousand and four. If
you're a bird, I'm a bird. Oh man, that sounds super familiar.
Two thousand and four, box yourZach smiling? You know that one?
No, does anybody feel confident aboutthat? I don't even know it.
Yes, really, you're a bird, I'm a bird. Man.
That sounds super familiar. It's veryfamiliar. Number two mm hmm. They
say when you meet the love ofyour life, time stops, and that's
true. Two thousand and three.Corey, you loved this movie. So
did I. Oh. They sayyou meet the love of your life,
time stops, and that's true.Man. This is it's We talked about
this a week or two ago.It's so different having Chris just real,
bluntly without any you know, inflectionlike the movie. Yeah, because that
sounds super failure too, and Ican't place it and hear the voice of
the actor or the actor exactly.Yeah, I guess it would be a
dead giveaway, but I can't.I just can't hear it with Chris at
least I have a guess on thatone. Yeah, they see you meet
the love of your life. Timestops and that's true. Two thousand and
three, two thousand three, great, just a great movie, groundbreaking.
Number three. I just don't thinkthat Brooke could have done this. Exercise
gives you indorphins. Endorphins make youhappy. Happy people just don't shoot their
husbands. They just don't. Twothousand and one. One more time,
I just don't think Brooke could havedone this exercise gives you endorphins, andendorphins
make you happy. Happy people justdon't shoot their husbands. They just don't.
Oh, this one's gonna piss Ithink I have a guess. That's
number three, two thousand and one. Number four, due all the decades
brought to you by you need classiccars. You need classic cars, dot
kind of Number four. I wouldrather share one lifetime with you than face
all the ages of this world alone. Two thousand and one. I would
rather share one lifetime with you thanface all the ages of this world alone.
I feel like meat sauce in zachin high school. Yeah, yeah,
I think I have one of them. I might be over four.
I got a couple of guesses.I still haven't thought of a guest for
one. Number five, there's amonster outside my room? Can I have
a glass of water? Two thousandand two? Okay, that one I
finally have. Geez, I gotthat one. I percent on that one
side my room. Can I havea glass of water? I'm pretty sure,
pretty sure. Number six. Imight be wrong on that one even
but that's the first one I evenfeel remotely confident about. Number six.
I have to believe in a worldoutside my own mind. I have to
believe that my actions still have meaningeven if I can't remember them. And
that is two thousand year two thousand. I have to believe in a world
outside my own mind. I haveto believe that my actions still have meaning
even if I can't remember them.Two thousand hmm, all right, and
again, all these movies I'm sureyou guys have seen, Man, I
don't. I have no idea Ithink I have that one. Based on
the last part of that quote,I think I think, yeah, that's
I think I have it. I'msemi confident in my guess for that one.
Number seven. I have a competitionin me. I want no one
else to succeed two thousand and seven. Oh okay, I have a competition
in me. I want no oneelse to succeed two thousand and seven.
All right, my confidence level isrising. I have no idea. I
don't think that movie was break Ido not like the Cone of Shame,
all right. That one two thousand, sorry, two thousand and nine,
two thousand, Yeah, I knowyou can't help me. You're also there's
another line in there that hand toothough. Yeah, I know you tipped
your hand a little bit. Andthere's another line in there that that he
says that I still used to thisday. I can't say no. I
know, I know, I know. I do it all the time too.
Yeah. Number nine, Yesterday ishistory. Tomorrow is a mystery,
but today is a gift. That'swhy it is called the present. Two
thousand and eight, Oh man,one more time. Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery, but todayis a gift. Oh that is why
they call it a present. Ohwhat is it? I don't know.
Come on, man, I'm seeingthat two thousand and eight, folks,
me and lastly number ten Duel ofthe Decades. But you by you need
classic cards. You need Classic Cardsdot com. I'm the dude playing the
dude disguised as another dude two thousandand eight. I'm the dude playing the
dude disguised as another dude two thousandand eight. No idea that sounds from
that. And I think I haveabout three. I think I have two.
What game I'm used to playing?Just went right to twelve. That's
a week from Friday. You knowwe're off Friday, right Mark, Just
a reminder we're not on this Friday. I appreciate that. I guarantee you
I would have showed up. Okay, yeah, but we are until I
got home and fallen back asleep.Here we go the answers. Some of
these you guys are going to pokeyour own eyeballs. Yeah, probably one
for one or ten number one,and if you know it, please tell
me and Derek slide on over thereto that chair so you can say if
you know one of them. Okay, here we go. Number one,
If you're a bird, I'm abird? Does anybody know it? And
that sounds super familiar. Big Birdgoes to Hell. Well, no,
I'm a bird, europe Bird,I'm a bird. You're a bird.
Nobody's got a guess, No one, no doctors, that nobody, I
said. Ernest goes to Camp Brilliant. That is two thousand and Four's the
notebook? Oh the note bus?You know that. I never watched the
greatest film of all time, neverseen it. Number two. They say
when you meet the love of yourlife, time stops. And that's true,
all right, So I have aguess just based on the air.
Is it eternal sunshine of the SpotlessMind? No, that's what I wrote,
I about serendipity. Nope, dangit. Anybody know it starred you
and McGregor. They say, timestops You and McGregor. What year two
thousand and three? We both lovethis film, Core You and McGregor and
I loved it. Remember how atthe end he tells his dad as his
dad's in the h the fish thingbig Fish MacGregor, right, fish,
great, great movie. That's likeI think the first line of the movie
that yes, big Fish. Numberthree, two thousand and one. I
just don't think that Brooke could havedone this. Exercise gives you in doorphins,
and doorphins make you happy. Happy. People just don't shoot their husbands.
They just don't. Anybody. Irun American Beauty, Honey, you
just shot me. No, anybody. I'm trying to think of a brook
where there's a murder. I can'tthink of anything. Oh my god,
maybe I thought forgot. I thoughtfor sure you guys knew this legally blonde,
right, I never saw it?No? Really, Okay, that's
crazy. Yeah, that's yep,I've seen that. Number four. I
would rather share one lifetime with youthan face all the ages of this world
alone. Anybody. City of Angelsone year, two and one, Nope,
not being alone, a lifetime originalmovie, Nope. Croaching Tiger,
Hidden Dragon, No, I can'tbelieve it. I thought for sure,
you guys, I thought that wastoo easy. Man, we're terrible at
this. It was Lord of theRings, Fellowship of the Ring. I
would rather share one line time lifetimewith you than face all the ages that
were alone. Yep. Yeah,wow, okay, man, I guess
I was way too difficult this time. Number five this one. I'll be
outside my room. Can I havea glass of water? I think that's
signs that signs right, Right,a little girl comes out of the run.
Yeah? Wrong on that one,thought was right? Number six,
two thousand. I have to believein a world outside my own mind.
I have to believe that my actionsstill have meeting, even if I can't
remember them. The last part isthe giveaway. I think it's moment.
That's right. It's a masterpiece.I've never seen it so good, so
good, Mark you've seen that?Right, Oh my god, drop everything
and see memento. It's that good. You can still carry things if you
want, drop it, put everythingdown. Watch and I don't like holding
things in my hand when I'm watchingthings. Well, what if you just
left the studio and watched it?Yeah, honestly, just go home now
instead of showing up here accidentally onFriday, just stay home and watch Amno
deal. You guys right for numberseven. Yes, I'm gonna give you
number seven. Then you're right fornumber seven. I have a competition in
me. I want no one elseto succeed. You have two thousand and
seven, So this is going toirritate me. So seven I think that's
the giveaway. I think that's therewill be blood. That is there will
be Actually I actually played that.Love that movie so good and I've never
seen anything Daniel day lewis anything.Oh my god. Yeah, he doesn't
want anyone to win. He's incredible. I don't think I would have gotten
that though. Without the two thousandand seven sang It, I forgot about
that one. I love the seawhere he is saying his son's you know,
death. He just throws the napkinover his head the restaurant and just
light I know, just lights up. I drink your milkshake. Why can't
you just say I drink your milkshake. Then we all would have gotten Yeah.
I do not like the cone ofshame. Go ahead, Mark,
it's from Squirrel to this day.Yeah, squirrel, whatever my attentions.
Man goes, Squirrel, hog gaveit away, he goes. I do
not like the Yeah, I knowthat's a best. That's a great film,
Man Sectagular film number nine. Yesterday'shistory. Tomorrow is a mystery,
but today is a gift. Thatis why it's called present. No idea,
anybody have this one? Come on, zacho, I don't have a
guess, No, Derek Nobody,Doctor Zach Year two thousand and eight,
give us a hint without giving itaway. The it's it is a animated
film. That's well, I'm outWally. No, it is William Shatner.
I believe this, says the lineMonsters Inc. Six Shatner in two
thousand and eight animated It is KungFu Pandemic seen that? Gosh? Yeah.
And lastly, I'm the dude playingthe dude disguised as another dude.
Two thousand and eight. Tropic Thunder. That's right, was going to make
the mad and it did. Youwere over ten? Up? Excuse you
got two as well? You gotone? I got two? Yet two?
What did you get? Saw Corey? I got the four in the
middle. I got eight and bombedon everything else A gentleman's one, gentleman's
one. What about you, Mark? What'd you get? I also got?
I got an ungentlemanly one. Wow, So Corey wins. That's embarrassing.
At four is the winner? Iknow that's not good. Well hard
for this time, guys, thatI only have four. I didn't even
have a guess on five of thesix that I missed, I didn't guess
I didn't even have I well morethan that, I did literally almost all
of them. I had no idea. I wonder well some of those even
if I had heard the sound bite, because I haven't seen the movie,
I don't know if I would havebeen able to place the movie even with
the sound bite. All right,I'm gonna give you a couple more.
But I thought these were two easy, But maybe I should have gone with
the zero. Is you ready?Two thousand and one. I feel like
I'm taking crazy pills. Oh god, hang on, I feel like I'm
taking crazy pills. That's Anchorman closethat the same actor? Oh oh,
it's Mogadish what. Oh, exactlyright? I can I can hear Will
Ferrell's screaming, right, exactly right. Two thousand and eight. There's so
much room for activities step brothers.Right, it's not a purse. It's
called a satchel Indiana James one.Yeah, see, these were tooes.
I knew these were gonna be tooeasy. These would have been right in
my wheelhouse, though. I thoughtthat was Chris Hockey twy Tutch correct smiling
is my favorite. Oh that's right. Yeah, sixty percent of the time.
It works every anchor man. That'sanchor man, that's sex panther.
Yes, there's a bottle of thatin my uh. I'm sure there is.
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