Episode Transcript
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And American rockers A Day to Rememberare headed to the Ledge Amphitheater Thursday,
June sixth see them when they takethe stage with special guests. The story
so far in four years strong.Tickets are still available, but we've got
your last chance to win tickets.Caller eleven right now will win your way
in call eight hundred three two zerofive three two six plus. The Power
Hour is live powered by our friendsat Quantum Fiber. Hey, Hi,
everybody out of the way. Hi, Hi, everybody waiting on into come
on, waiting on to common.There's been there's a there's mister Mussman,
Corey Saucy. Hi, Hi Oe, there's Maxo. Oh, Zacho is
up in the corner up there,Zach. Have you been there the whole
time? Yeah? Oh cool,yep, just kind of sitting there watching
us pretty much. Wait, waitwhere is that California? And by the
way, high A couple of things. One Hi, Ben's dad, uh
and two. A lot of otherpeople have asked why we don't start the
Power Hour before eight am on MondaysFor some reason, I don't know why,
but apparently a lot of people liketo watch Ben's days. I don't
know why. Yeah, Ben,they like to look at you. It's
all. It's all muss. MaybeI should closer to this camera. Yeah,
yeah, idea. Well then ifif we started earlier, then you
couldn't call it the power hour.It's very nice at the end power hours.
Well, buddy, you put anass at the end. So I
thought, for a second on Fridaynight, I was going to be a
part of a news story, anactual news story. Just for a split
second, thought of my she almostget caught. This is going to turn
south pretty quickly. Yeah, Sokiddo graduated on Friday night. Right graduated.
Bailey graduated. Super cool. Yeah, class of twenty twenty four.
Congratulations to Bailey. So even thoughI went to the University of Minnesota,
I don't believe until Friday night,I don't think I had ever been inside
Mariucci Arena. Wow, really,because I've never seen a girl. I've
never seen a right, I've neverseen a go for hockey game. Didn't
go not I agree on that campusof all. Didn't go says you don't
go to the movie, dude,But what I know what you're about to
say. I guarantee I know whatyou're about say. Corey, really what
you just went through Friday Nights andnightmare hmm, all those different graduations going
in and out of there, didsomebody want to kill somebody else and almost
getting a fight? It was justone. Yeah, it was just one.
So Whysetta graduated Friday night? Okay? Because there were like nine in
one day when Alex graduated there,it's massive. Yep. Their class was
eight hundred and forty four kids.And I think Bailey was one of the
twenty or so first kids called.So it's not like, all right,
well, wait twenty minutes something tolook forward to. Her name gets called
and then you know it's twenty more. She was almost first they so it
was just forty five minutes to name. Is this alphabetical or do they China?
Well, so kind of each sectionis like the left side starts with
the a's, the right side startswith the l's, so it kind of
goes back and forth. Long storylonger though, So Superintendent gives the speech,
Principal gives the speech. Right Mariucci'spacked, like the entire stands basically
full. Kids are all on thefloor speech speech. Then the two kids
get up there, they do theirspeeches. Then they're about to do the
name calls right, and it's eighthundred and forty four names. And beforehand,
of course, we talked about thislast week. Oh my god.
Principal guy goes, now, lookthere's a lot of names. There's eight
hundred and forty four graduating students.Let's all show a little decorum here.
Let's all hold our applause to theend. And he even made the point
he goes, a lot of you, you know, want to hear your
child's name, big moment for alot of you. Can you imagine if
you know somebody was yelling so loudlythat you didn't get to hear your child's
name, right, basically telling theadults in the room, let's be adults
and not ruin somebody's graduation. Right, must have said it three times,
let's all show a little decorum,let's be adults, let's hold our applause
to the end. Just forget it. And it was like name note number
one. It was like Aaron Abrams, You're like, god, dang it.
It lasted one or two names andnobody could help it. Like every
tenth name, some group would justscream like it was, you know,
a horror movie like literally screaming,like they were getting literally screaming. That's
the screaming, screaming like somebody screaming, like screaming. They didn't know what
the result was going to be,like they didn't drive them. So that
happened a handful of times, andthe two gals that were going back and
forth reading the names a couple oftimes did take one extra breath to hope
that the screaming had stopped. Butthere were out of eight hundred and forty
four names, I bet there wereabout five names that did get kind of
washed out because of the scream.And I'm like, man, if that
had been my kid, I'm throwingpunches. Which is where this is going.
I knew it, Yes, thousandsof people at Mariucci and I don't.
I was a section or two over. It was about thirteen or fourteen
rows in front of me, aboutone or two sections over, and we
were probably, I don't know,ten percent of the way through the names.
So it's pretty early. And allof a sudden, I see a
group of about thirty people all standup and one guy is climbing over the
seats and he is He's got hisfist cocked back and everybody's like, no,
no, this this gal behind me. It was again two sections over
whatever. She just goes no,not at the graduation, No, like
you don't, she has nothing,she has no stak in this. Chill,
Please don't bring this for me.She's like, not at that graduation.
No, I haven't screamed yet,right exactly. So she's screaming at
these all you know, adult menand women as if they are children,
like basically sit down. So nopunches were thrown, but the guy had
to be held back, and theneverybody was yelling at that whole group like
don't do this, don't do this, please stop. They're death staring each
other like if this wasn't a graduation, I would kill you right now.
That's the looks on the guy's faces. So there were some people from why
is it a high school? Idon't know exactly what their roles were.
They walked over and basically was like, everybody's got to calm down. At
one point a police officer came downand tried to calm down the situation.
I don't know what was said orwhat happened. That guy wanted to throw
fists and I can't believe he heldback and didn't pull your hands up.
So a hockey graduated that night,I don't think so, unless his name
got drowned out right, somebody triedto steal. I thought for a second,
I'm like, there's this is thirtypeople and everybody's mad. If these
thirty people start throwing fists, we'regonna have an all out, yeah,
and I don't know how we're goingto stop this. So up until that
point, you did not recognize thatthat section of that group of people were
like no, because because so manydifferent groups from all over the arena had
yelled when their kid graduated. Myguess is somebody down there had yelled and
pissed off somebody. But I don'tknow what was said because I was so
far away. But all I sawwas a guy with his fist cock back
with fire in his eyes, readyto throw fights. And he was climbing
over the seats and had to beheld back and stopped him. This is
coming from me that you probably shouldn'ttailgate before graduation, right, Yeah,
yeah, yeah, graduation from onetailgate A friend told you. Yeah.
But I just don't get it,man, I don't understand the whole just
why can't we just wait forty fiveminutes and I'll clap together. I'm surprised
you didn't leave after your daughter's namewas announced. You sit there for the
wanted Yeah, he was. Hewas on his phone anyway. He's either
on his phone outside or he's onhis phone sitting there in the comfy see
put those old goggles with the eyeson him, pretended like you were awake.
Right, Listen, there's it's arecipe for disaster. So there was
no throwing a fist once they gotoutside because well, hopefully she said,
not at the graduation, anything aboutafterwards. I don't know why. That
lady was the one that made melaugh the hardest. Though. She was
so convinced that her screaming was goingto stop the fight. Even though they
were in you know, blood mode, right, they were blood thirsty.
They didn't hear a word. Shesaid, Okay, so I didn't.
I didn't know that this was athing. So hockey, as is Corey's
setting on the story, you knewexactly where this is going. Let me
tell you what. Every graduation I'veever been to, there's a certain group
of people who don't care about therules at all. At all and a
certain group of people who care waytoo much about the rules. There's very
few of us in between who arejust laughing at the whole ridiculous the whole
situation. There's a group of peoplewho want to kill the screamers, and
a group of people who are screamingwho don't care at all about the people
who want to kill him. It'sa recipe for disaster. I can't believe
there's been no gunplay. There wereyou know, you had to go through
metal detectors to get in. Buteven though there were thirty people. That
was one of my first thoughts.I'm like, how bad could this be?
Yeah, but Chris just nailed thisthing perfectly, because it's not just
like how do I describe this?So in between each name, there's a
lot of names to get through,there's about a three or four second little
break, so it's not just likePaul Lambert and you don't just hear like,
yeah, Paul right on, likethat would at least quickly die down
before the next name, right,even your dad. Definitely, even though
there's not following the rules, atleast you're like, all right, You're
you're definitely gonna cut off the volumebefore the next name is read. The
four or five names I'm talking about, I'm talking about twenty seconds of shrieking,
literally and Ben, we are tolike you won the Super Bowl.
It's like what I would Lauren Kay'sgraduation this year from college. The difference
between Alex graduate from high school whenwhat he's talking about uh, to Abigail
graduating a couple of years ago fromhigh school to Lauren k graduating this year
from college Metropolitan State University. Thescreaming went from yay to ah to yeah.
It's not in scenes, I'm tellingyou, and it is not an
exaggeration. It sounds like Jamie LeeCurtis being chased. Yes, I don't
know, why are we? Idon't know. I don't understand. And
again I'm telling you, I've seen. When I mentioned at the other I
got multiple videos from people sending mecheck out what happened to our graduation.
Same thing. That's the trend now, screaming, violent screaming, and no
child walking across getting in their namered once to want to be associated with
the psychotic screaming that's coming from thegroup. No, it's it's unbelievable.
And what's weird. Here's the weirdestpart. This is what I couldn't stop
thinking of, is let's say you'rethe guy the kid after the twenty second
shriek freak out right, then it'slike Michael Mussman and it's there. That
was. But even though even thoughthe next kid's family is technically following the
rules, when it's dead silence andit's almost like no one cares about me,
it's like, no, they do, They're just following the rules.
Sorry that your family didn't lose theirminds for fifteen to twenty seconds, right,
it's probably the big men kind ofthing because uh yeah, Max sh
you know se s oh yeah.School. When Ruby graduated, you're right
there at the zoo in uh whatis that called the stadium there whatever,
it doesn't matter, the aphtheater thing. Yeah yeah, okay, yeah,
yeah, that's awesome. So yeah, then everybody was like you plugged it
for every kid, you know,because it's just like, well, that's
nice. And then you obviously knewwhere appearance were. Family were in there,
but it wasn't like crazy. Noone was not ready to throw hands
or anything. It's on. It'sa problem, but send the videos to
bed I don't even know. Idon't If I don't even have a kid
out there and I was subjected tothat, I think I would lose my
mind. I would get frustrated.It is very frustrating. How did that
sound when Bailey got her name?Well, so, well, my ten
year old clap and we're like,Harper, Harper, you can't clap.
But she's also, you know,not shrieking and screaming. She was just
like yay, which she was stilldone in two seconds, which in no
way would have ever. That's ahuge arena. There's no way that cheering
got to the stage or disrupted thenext name. So we were like,
okay, okay, I have actuallyannounced it. Your your daughter's name,
please Corey Bailey Lstrom. I didn't. He does have a history of stepping
on touchdown calls, so why wouldn'tyou just walk on somebody's ead? Pete,
wait your turn. The other partthough, about that dad that wanted
to fight monkey knows once once fightinggrabs hold of you either got to be
held back or you gotta fight.You can't just stand there. Well,
that's what that happened, was spilledout into the park. Somebody got minutes
forty five minutes and names being read. That wasn't the first five or ten
minutes. So he just had tosit there and stew for thirty minutes.
And you know that they're looking atthe back of your head. And that's
the other thing I can't stop thinkingabout is like the guy that wanted to
climb over the seats had them behindhim for thirty minutes. I wouldn't want
to have level shit. I wouldn'twant to be, you know, in
front of guys that were about tojust rumble with me. I'd be so
uncomfortable. Yeah, there's fight.Then let me just tell you this,
two guys, because I've been whoopedby this guy. You want the guy
climbing over the seats. You don'twant the guy to be this guy.
Hello, we're going to have usa fight. Would you like to step
outside right now? Don't fight thatguy? Yeah, guy climbing over the
seats, fight that guy. That'sfine, he's crazy. That guy's Chuck
Norris, yea, exactly. Thecalm guy knows Brazilian and your ass is
going to be in an arm bar. Zero. The guy, the guy
climbing the seats is just doing it. For intimidation. You back up.
He's hoping his buddies will hold himback. He's looking to his friends like,
hey, hold me back. Nailedit, never thrown a punch in
his life, nailed it. Butthe guy that's super calm and collected,
some sort of retired marine. That'sthis guy. Yeah, a bouncer at
a bar. Honestly, the bestyour best case scenario is that he just
whoops your ass. That guy mighthave that thing on him. Yeah,
Well, and you're you're happy thatyou see the cops because you're of the
cop. My favorite. I mightoverstepped a little bit more. Could you
escort me out of here? Butmake it look like you're doing it for
his I'm gonna scream now, Okay, my daughter's about to be sorry.
I'm the one shriek screaming. Iput my phone away because her name had
already been called. But I wasjust thinking of all the parents that were
waiting for their kids. There hadbeen so many videos of this because so
many people are either recording or aboutto record. Everybody's got their phone out
waiting for their name. This wouldhave been all over social media. It
would have been a thirty person rumbleat Marry Uchi. It's been awesome.
Before we move on, I forgotto mention this did this happen for you?
Because it probably didn't if you hadmetal detectives. We did not.
The what do you call those blowhorns? Wow? I thought they used a
soccer game. They had those two, those two. It is great,
It's just great. Really, he'swrong with well. I felt like I
was at a soccer game. Ireally did. I'd rather get beat up
than go to a soccer can Oh. Oh oh, sorry the dude.
Bring a whole DJ the PA systemto my daughter's graduations. Bring boxing snuckles
Man. Brought to you by buildersand remodels and remodelers. All right,
the big news from last night isthat the Stanley Cup Final is set because
the Oilers beat the Dallas Stars insix games. They won last night two
to one. They win the seriesfour games to two. I mentioned this
earlier. Here's a couple of randomfactstory but I think some of these are
cool. Between Edmonton and Sunrise,Florida, twenty five hundred and forty miles,
this is the longest distance ever betweenfinal opponents and NHL history. That
is a haul isn't it. Igotta tell you, man, I don't
know much about hockey, but thatmcjesus goal that he scored was nuts.
It was like the most I hadto just watch it over and over,
like how did he do that?Right? And how do you ever expect
anybody to gold that? To defendthat goal? From that I had,
that's got to be the hardest jobin sports. Oilers only had ten shots
on goal last night, but theystill won. That is the fewest by
a team and a playoff win sincenineteen ninety. That really is incredible.
Only and thinking about that, that'samazing. Two of them went in the
Dallas Stars I think at thirty fiveand only scored once. The Oilers are
just the third team ever to makethe playoffs or sorry, to make the
finals after being ten plus points outof a playoff spot because they started five
twelve and one when McDavid was hurt. But since then they finished the regular
season the rest of the way fortyfour, fifteen and five, and over
that stretch they led the league ingoals and goal differential, So they obviously
when they were a full steam kindof a head team, were virtually unstoppable.
So they are slight underdogs against theFlorida Panthers, though the final starts
on Saturday. Paul, your handsup. The Vikings and all Pro wide
receiver Justin Jefferson have agreed to anew deal that will reset the wide receiver
market, making him the highest pinning. Four year extension'd worth one hundred and
forty million dollars with one hundred andten million guaranteed thirty five thirty five years.
So we all, when you guyshad us gits a couple of weeks
ago, we said thirty five tothirty seven I think is what we guess
is the number that makes sense.We thought maybe Justin was going to hold
out and try to get forty,but thirty to thirty five to thirty seven
is a done deal. Yeah,awesome, ten guarantee. Let's go,
ike deal all right? He willbe at Mini came now Yeah eighty according
to sorry, I'll drive a Bentley. Yeah. Uh, he will get
eighty nine million fully guaranteed at signing. Let's go wait, Jay, wait
what that's a Pallisero just tweeted,boy, they had one more time because
I talked on you. Sorry.The Minnesota Vikings never wavered in their commitment
to paying Justin Jefferson, who getseighty nine million fully guaranteed at signing,
is a part of this market,sell, I see what you're saying.
Okay, not a signing bonus,but he basically once he signed, is
the contract that is the biggest Thatguarantee will will take place over the course
of the contract. Yeah, hellyeah, right between the eighty nine and
the one ten. Then then I'mconfused. Is probably the other twenty one
million is over time, Ben,But if it's guaranteed, then what's the
difference. Yeah, I don't know, it doesn't matter what. Yeah,
there's point though. The salary capis a myth. It's a myth.
It doesn't matter. There's no suchthing as a salary cap. Yes,
there is no chance. You canpay whatever you want to whoever. You
want to split it up normously betweenone year to the next so that it
wouldn't actually impact the cap. Yeah, hey, it'll come out, The
details will come out. That's that'shuge. Maybe we should you think Tom
has anything to add to it,or reach out to him, see if
he wants to call in. Yeah, yeah, of course, if you're
not one second, I mean that'sthat's big stuff. Is he connected?
I'm sorry? Is he connected?I mean he's pretty plugged. Is the
writing of the wall. That's nota contract, uh framework that I had
heard. But Tom's pretty clear he'skind of connected. He's connect a little
bit connected. Sure, man,that's just huge radio for five people.
Yeah, that's we love it.I thought you met was like down the
lot. Is he supposed to be? I have no idea. I don't
know how to run this board.All right, justin Jefferson and the Vikings
agree to a deal. We'll talka little bit about that in the second.
Come on, that's huge returns thefan. Yeah, man, it's
happening. We are your home ofthe Minnesota Vikings or Minnesota Viking Morning Show,
the Partrick Morning Show. We justbroke the news to you. Justin
Jefferson signing the deal. Stay withyour Minnesota Vikings. Jumping on the phone
momentarily here with theexpert dot com TomPella, sero of the NFL network.
Momentarily we're calling him as we speak. He's pretty connected. He's pretty connected.
But Saucy broke the news just momentsago. It is official. He
will continue to be one of us. He being Justin Jefferson. Good news
for the powers to morning. Sothis morning, Ben, before we get
you out of here, one toget dot Com Tom on so you guys
can have a high level discussion ofeverything going on. I believe dot Com
Tom is on the phone as wesee. Can you touch them up over
there? Yes? Sure, thereit is, Hi dot Com Tom.
What's up man? How we doingthose? We're pretty excited as of right
now, just because of seeing yourtweet a couple of moments ago. It's
official, Justin Jefferson stand with theVikings right. Four years, one hundred
and forty million dollars. That isthe highest paid player non quarterback in NFL
history, not just highest paid receiver, highest paid non QB. It is
a massive deal. It's a totalmarket reset. It's in line with you
know where the discussions had been goingfor the past year and a half.
The Vikings are always going to fakeJefferson the highest paid in this position,
the highest paid outside of the quarterbackshere. They did not waiver, and
then, no matter what rumors weregoing around, this was the commitment they
were going to get something done.They were able to agree to terms on
a deal came together over the weekend. Justin wanted to tweet it out himself
at eighteen am. No points sincethere and here we are Justin Jefferson's Viking
through twenty twenty eight. So thiswhole deal, as you mentioned, everybody
was a little concerned that they weren'tgoing to get a deal done, how
far part they were and all thisother stuff like as this now has all
come to fruition, what do youfeel like this was the total game plan
really from both sides is to waitfor all the other wide receivers out there
to sign their deals, to seewhere they were at aj Brown's at thirty
two million dollars a year, andthen that's the new benchmark to get this
new deal done. That So,all that being said, that was the
plan from months ago. Correct.No, I wouldn't say if they were
waiting for the other deals to getdone, because you know, they were
pretty close. My understanding was tothese numbers even back before the draft.
You know, some of the otherdeals that have gotten done, whether it's
you know, a'man Ra Saint Brownor Nico Collins last week, those didn't
really bear on the negotiations here becauseagain, you know, the Vikings were
always going to pay at the topof the market for Justin Jefferson. You
know, if anything, some ofthe other receivers, guys like Ceedee Lamb,
would want to wait and just seehow far Jefferson was able to push
the market here. So you know, it ends up coming in at thirty
five million dollars per year, whichyou know, on paper, when you
think about the fact that it wasnot that long ago that the highest paid
receiver was closer to twenty million dollars, it is really exploded here in recent
years. But you're paying for everythingwith Justin Jefferson. Like, if we're
being totally honest here, it's notjust Justin Jefferson, you know, the
best receiver over his first three yearsin the league prior to the injuries last
year, you know, statistically breakingevery record here. You're paying for the
gritty. You're paying for him tobe the face of the organization. You're
paying a guy who Quasi doo FaMensa said, I don't want to be
the GM if Justin Jefferson's not onthe team. Well, now you know
Justin Jefferson's under contract for another fiveyears. It's a you know, it's
a big day for Minnesota. Justto put that drama behind. Now,
you just got to, you know, go through camping, figure out exactly
who's throwing on the ball. Soone and ten million guaranteed. And if
I'm reading this right, it sayson the Chefter story here the deal includes
eighty eight point seven four to threemillion do at signing eighty eight points cault
a Sheffard story to me, Corey, I got we started to just show
the timeline, right, you're worththat connected to he's checking your work.
You're pretty connected. You're pretty tappedin. Tom, I said, eighty
nine million. Congrats on Adam forfor getting the non rounded number there.
But is that upfront? I meanthat's literally due at signing. He gets
at immediately. No, it justmean no, it means fully guaranteed.
So then the other twenty one millionbe a rolling guarantee, meaning that it's
injury guaranteed, its signing and thenit vests. I mean, let's be
honest with deals like this, witha guy like Justin Jefferson. He's seeing
every diamond of contract. He's notgetting cut anytime soon. But yes,
eighty nine million dollars roughly fully guaranteedat signing. You know, the way
that the cap works too, Imean, and the way that the Viking's
historically done deals, I would anticipateit's got a larger signing bonus, so
that keeps his number low. Thisyear, he was going to be counting,
you know, somewhere in the rangeof nineteen million against the cap on
the fifty year option. This probablydrives that number down, if anything.
And then you know, as thesalary cap continues to go up, these
numbers look you know, more reasonableover the course of time, just because
you know, the percentage of thecap is not going you know, is
not going to grow over the coursethis deal, I understanding. As it
gets you know, the deal ismore or less flat by the third new
year, and at that point thecap to be close to three hundred million
dollars and be able to look like, I don't want to say a bargain,
but it'll look like a pretty decentdeal. So Tom, let me
ask you this, because if they'reif this new deal does sort of like
take down a little bit of hissalary cap for this year, and let's
just say the Vikings have a littlebit more money to spend than maybe previously
thought. Like, do you thinkthat this roster is is pretty much finalized
right now? Do you We don'tneed to add anything else. I'm saying
we as the Vikings. I knowthat you're you're obviously connected with the Vikings,
but they got Dalton Reisner back atthe left guard position at least to
compete at the left guard position.Like this pretty much seems like this is
the starting group. Is is prettymuch figured out, correct? I mean,
there might be a signing here andthere, but off season is pretty
much done, right I think?Yeah, I think for most of the
league, the offseason is pretty welldone. There's not a lot of really
high profile players still out there.I mean, I would say Koisy has
shown over the course of time hereas GM, he's always going to be
aggressive, He's always going to belooking to add. But yeah, unless
you're going, you know, aftersome you know, one of the older
former Pro Bowl type guys, youknow, like step On Gilmore sitting out
there, Campbell's out there, SkielLeonard. I don't you know Dalvin is
still out there as well. Idon't really see the Vikings, you know,
going in that direction, you know, in terms of adding a veteran
here. But again again the KFand they you know, they see holes
on their roster. They've they've proventhat they're willing to go out and address
those and at this time of year, there's not a lot of money left
and so any of those guys whoare signing, it's probably a on a
pretty reasonable type of deal. Tom, I'm asking you to speculate here.
But if that is the case andthis is our roster, what is your
assessment of the Vikings going into thisseason? I think hog if you just
look globally at the division, it'sit's you know, it's a really treacherous
type of division because you know,the Lions obviously or everybody's darling. There
are a couple of bounces away fromgoing to the super Bowl. Last year,
the Packers might have been the hottestteam in football, and they almost
knocked off the forty nine Ers inthe playoffs, and you know, every
every show I see as segments onthe Bears making the playoffs. You know,
I think there's a lot of people, honestly, if you stack up
this divisi, just fans media,they might been putting the Vikings fourth out
of four, which I think issomething that Kevin O'Connell and company probably welcome,
you know, the expectations being lowerbecause last year coming off of you
know, playoff birth and how doyou build on that? But you had,
you know, the Cousins drama kindof you'll hovered over and frankly,
you know, they moved on froma lot of veteran players last year.
You know, you move on fromKendricks and you move on from Dalvin.
It was a different type of team. It was a little bit of a
transition year. I think that youknow, they're they're always going to be
with the staff on both sides ofthe ball, one of the best coach
teams in the NFL. A lotof it's going to come down in terms
of how well they compete to whathappens at quarterback here. Everything I've been
told is, you know, SamDonald's had a really good spring. There's
a lot of things that they likeabout him. Donald's issue, of course,
has never been looking good in practice. It's been you know, when
when the live bullets are flying inthe games, kind of does he you
know, does he make the rightdecisions or does he make some of those
catastrophic throws that have dominated his career, and with JJ McCarthy, you know,
he's just kind of getting up thespeed in this I anticipate it's gonna
be a real quarterback competition through theof course of camp. Obviously, when
you draft a quarterback tenth overall,he's probably seeing the field sooner than later.
But will that be Week one?Is JJ's showing up. He's played
a lot of football at Michigan.I wouldn't be shocked if he ends up
being the starting quarterback, and ifhe's able to play efficient. I mean,
go back to last year and thequarterbacks they were rolling out there,
what they had to overcome. IfJJ could just be or Darnold efficient with
the weaponry that they've got now,with Jefferson locked up and that anchor off
his shoulders, plus another year infor Addison, plus TJ. Hawkinson plus
Ad and Aaron Jones in the backfield, only there's any reason that the Vikings
can't compete, certainly for a playoffspot, if not for a division title.
But I think that every one ofthose NFC North matchups are going to
be worth watching this year, justbecause this is a really, really talented
division right now. Tom the Vikingsabout two weeks ago release that video where
they showed kind of the behind thescenes stuff of the draft and Quazy.
The first voice you hear is Quazysaying, our goal to get a younger
quarterback started about two years ago.This is all part of that goal.
Because if you still have Kirk Cousinsat fifty something million dollars, I don't
know how you make this whole contractwork correct. Well, I think that
you know, there's yeah, itwas gonna be difficult for the Vikings.
You had three big things in theoffseason. You had Cousins, you had
Jefferson, and you had to NeilHunter. Realistically, the one who was
always most likely to come back wasJefferson just because it was under contract for
this year, plus you had youknow, two future franchise tags. You
had to go that direction. Hewas probably the one, plus all the
other stuff I mentioned, he wasthe one who was going to come back
with Cousins. You know, theyhad It was a real offer that they
had on the table to Cousins.It wasn't the forty five a year and
one hundred guaranteed that the Falcons did, but they had a legit, you
know, offer out to them,but they also were probably realistically going to
take a core in the draft thisyear, regardless of whether Cousins was back,
just because they need to make surethey're set up for the future.
And Cousins is, you know,thirty six years old. So you know,
there was I think a lot alot of confusion through the course of
the process, and you've seen someof that with you know, various rumors
and reports or whatever you want tocall them about. You know, what
the Vikings were doing in the draft, you know, including the whole Elak
Neighbors thing, which listen, theVikings called all over the top, you
know, five in the draft inthe weeks leading up to it, not
because they're trying to trade for awide receiver and trading away the face of
the franchise. They're calling those teamsbecause they don't know exactly how things are
going to play out with the quarterbackshere. Same reason they flew down to
Baton Rouge a week or so beforethe draft and met with Jade Daniels.
They didn't think Jayden Daniels maybe slidingto them at eleven. They met with
them in case the commanders who werethinking about j J. McCarthy. If
they went that direction, maybe JadeDaniels to that four or five range,
and now you're trying to go andget them. But once drink May came
off the board at three, afterDaniels at two and Caleb at one,
the Vikings didn't call the Cardinals atfour, they didn't call the Chargers at
five. That's what it would havetaken to go and get a wide receiver.
You know, the whole idea thatyou're going to trade up and take
a different receiver, and then afterthe draft is already underway, start trying
to work on a Jefferson trade.But he doesn't even make logical sense.
This was always the plan to getJefferson, and part of the plan too,
was make sure that you've got thatyoung quarterback so that the next five
years of Justin Jefferson's career are playedwith somebody that they believe can keep giving
them the ball as efficiently and asa high volume as Kirk Cousins did over
the past four years. Well,I'm glad that you were able to clear
that up because I thought the wholeMalik neighbors thing was just ridiculous, that
that whole rumor, But I wantto I want to ask you about Sam
Darnold again, what do you knowabout him from a play style standpoint compared
to what Kirk Cousins was. Imean, I think that we all watched
Kirk Cousins and we saw him,you know, when he was, you
know, really rolling in this KOCoffense. This was a deep downfield attacking
style of offense where there was alot of air yardage from the big arm
of Kirk Cousins. Is does SamDarnold have that sort of arm talent?
Are we expecting the same sort ofstylistic offense. Are they going to have
to you know, morphit a littlebit to what he does best? Well?
Kirk also is a really fast processor. And I think that, you
know, just from everybody I've talkedto when Darnald's played a few places now
you talk to people about him andit's just you know, the ability to
see it and make the right decisionsin the games, that's the big thing.
You know. In practice, healways is going to be impressive because
he's probably a better athlete than Kirk. He quite possibly has a bigger arm
just in terms of pure arm strengththan Kirk. But you know, you
need to be able to see itand rip it in the game. And
with Donald, you know, he'ssomebody who go back to USC. He
could extend plays, he could makethings happen, you know, with his
legs off schedule. But he alsohad like fifteen interceptions his last year in
USC, and that's kind of carriedover. It's just these catastrophic throws that
he's had to make. I mean, I think that you adapt your offense
to whoever, you adapt your teamsto, whoever your players are. Kevin
O'Connell certainly can do that here,but in terms of them, you know,
having to go way off, youknow, and do something different.
I think that's really the case.I think just realistically, though Kirk's got
so much experience and has been inthat offense so long, you may be
doing a little bit less out ofthe gate, put a little bit less
on the quarterbacks shoulders, But there'sno reason to think that, you know,
Sam Darnald and JJ McCarthy can't dosome of the same things we've seeing
Kirk Cousins do. Quickly, speakingof Kirk Cousins, what do you think
happens with Atlanta and the tampering bid? I would anticipate that Atlanta does face
punishment for the tampering investigation. That'ssomething that you know, it's it's sounded
for a couple of weeks now likethey were close to wrapping it up,
but there's a lot of layering thathappens down the stretch and these things.
I do anticipate that there's going tobe something that happens to the Falcons,
quite possibly evolving the loss of thedraft pick. Can't say for certain exactly
what that punishment would be, butbased upon what I know right now,
I would anticipate that the Falcons aregoing to face some discipline for their pursuit
of Kirk Cousins. Sounds good,appreciate it, Tom. When can people
watch you on the NFL network today? Are you going to be on the
Insiders six pm Central Time every weeknight, including this weeknight? And I'm sure
it will be tons of Justin Jeffersonand Viking Stock, So tune in right
and I have some good stuff foryou real quickly, Tom, So I'll
be reaching out to you soon.So thank you, buddy. That's good
fellows. Thanks thank you Tom,Thank go Tom Fellow Sero breaking down the
breaking Justin Jefferson news four year,one and forty million dollar deal with the
Viking one and ten million guaranteed.That's oh yeah, man, huge,
man, this is sweet. Andyeah, as a fan base, everybody
obviously is excited. They wanted toget the deal done and everything else.
But it's kind of crazy because heturned down twenty eight mil a year just
before the start of last season,like the day before, and then then
he gets injured during the middle ofthe season. I understand this is an
unbelievable talent, but it's still like, that's how much glaring it is,
justin Jefferson means to the NFL andmeans to the Vikings that not many players
get to do that turn down adeal, get injured, and then get
a much bigger deal. Well,we saw how important he was to this
team, right, I mean,and again everybody's saying what they're saying Corey
about where we're going to finish,and you know, we're fourth out of
four, blah blah blah. Wegot a young quarterback. What we've just
done is signed the best receiver inthe league for when JJ McCarthy is ready
to be a starting quarterback in thisleague? Are correct? Right? You
are correct, and if he's not, then this contract will still extend beyond
when they take the next quarterback ifJJ fails right the other JJ McCarthy.
But yeah, I don't know that'sthe Remember, like Justin we or Justin
Jefferson at least wanted to know theplan, yeah, right, And Dutch
he wanted to know. Like Dutch, he wanted to know what the plan
was. I and you know,I've heard a lot of people say,
like, well, athletes don't deservethat. Nobody's required to tell you what
the plan is. I still thinkit's common courtesy. If you have a
superstar like Justin Jefferson, he shouldbe in the loop, right, like
Kirk Cousins not getting told that theywere thinking about quarterback in Atlanta? How
do you do that to somebody?Right, shouldn't he at least know what
he's walking into? I think heshould? Right? Are they looking at
leverage? Possibly because if you letthem know too much, then suddenly that
contract gets bigger. Well, Idon't know, but I'm just saying in
general, if I'm Justin Jefferson,I think I have every right to go
where are we going with this?Are we resetting Kirker, are we going
rookie? What are we doing?I would want to know that if I'm
agree in my future. So he'sowed that. Yes, So whatever the
plan was, he obviously knew theywere going younger. The goal was to
get younger, whether it was Drakemay or JJ McCarthy or whoever they ended
up with McCarthy. And I thought, no matter what, he was probably
going to sign here because why couldyou How can you turn down one hundred
and ten million guaranteed? Yeah,I still want to know what they're doing.
Rob Razinski, Emily Batis, allall the people down at the nice
job quazy this. I mean,it's great, that's huge, And you
know you have to you have togive a thumbs up to everybody involved in
the situation. You get this downe. I know it seemed like a foregone
conclusion. It definitely was not.It just it definitely was not. And
I love this too, a statementfrom Justin. I'm sure we'll hear from
JJ Moore soon, but he saysto all my teammates and coaches, from
the very beginning as a kid inLouisiana all the way to the NFL,
thank you for always being there.For me and pushing me. And lastly,
the Vikings fans everywhere, You'll continueto get my very best each and
every day. School justin Jefferson.We have a happy superstar on our team.
Oh yeah, man's awesome. That'sawesome. It's sweet, and he
deserves it right and of course it'st one hundred and forty million dollars well
deserved. Yeah, he's the mostexciting rookie they've had since Adrian Peterson and
Randy Moss. You know, whenhe was here, he was I mean
the gritty tacks. That was somethingover the offseason everybody talked about. You
have to pay him a little morebecause everyone is doing the gritty He He
is awesome. He's such a goodplayer and he's a great dude too.
It's awesome. Well, and he'sthe face of the Vikings obviously, but
he's also the face of the NFL. Yeah, I mean one of the
biggest face yeah, for the NFL. So it's just good business giving him
the money. Yeah, And I'mnot saying anything anybody doesn't already know.
But he's a good enough wide receiverthat if a young quarterback gets the ball
somewhere near him, he'll make tocatch. Yeah right, yeah, I
mean that receiver can make a quarterbackthat's decent and looking it looks like a
great Yeah. He's a receiver thata quarterback doesn't have to throw him open,
right, he just is just I'mreally excited. I'm even more excited
than I thought I was going tobe. That does happen? You know
that's great? Yea good good,it's badass good. I was a little
upset that we weren't shaving meat sauceshead. This makes it better. Yeah,
yeah, yeah. We were toldwe couldn't make a mess, so
we can do it some other time. I'm up, so we can make
a mess some other times. Ithink maybe we need to have like a
like a tarp. They know youdon't have I'm sorry, this sounds like
a you don't have a lot ofhairy It's not like a lot of head,
but not a lot of Yah.Yeah, that was we're not shaving
David cover Hill. You know whatI mean is that the guy on rise
close close, Oh, a littleless trim. That's funny, man,
now I looked him up. That'sa great bit, you know what,
that's genius. I should take itin the show. I got like eight
minutes after the show. I canI say something. It's not like we're
shaving David Coverdale genius. Yeah see, I mean look at this. Yeah,
that's the guy from White Snake Man. Never mind he's from white I
don't know why that's a bad thing. He still has great hair. White
Snake's awesome. White Corey, don'tdo it. Don't say thinks you can't
take back. You should play someWhitesnake. You should pray to the Lord.
I don't know about some stuff.All right, Well I don't know.
You know about some stuff. Zach. You're still there, Yeah,
Daddy, Yeah, daddy. Ican see him, Isaac, it's where
there he is. There is Hi. Let go, Hizach. I had
to disconnect. I have an audiofrom Justin Jefferson, the announcement that he
made in next Gen right now foryou in next Gen right now. Oh
cool, there it is, Thankyou very much. Here you go JJ
announcement again. In case you're justhearing Justin Jefferson. Vikings four year,
one hundred and forty million dollars contractextension just happened this morning. The time
has finally come. The deal I'vebeen waiting for since I was a little
kid, being doubted my whole career, not being highly recruited, not being
the first receive off the drive board. This whole journey wasn't easy for me.
First off, I want to thankthe Man above. Without God,
wouldn't be possible at all to begiven a gift to play football at the
highest level. It's a blessing.It's an honor my mom and Dad.
Thank you. This is a journeyfor all of us, and y'all still
with us every step of the way. To my brothers Pricky and Jordan,
y'all are everything, y'all me andme who I am today. This is
a new step in our journey,new step in life. Always dreamt of
this moment and to now share itwith all of y'all a dream that we
all had. It's a blessing.Kevin O'Connell, Quezi the Wilfs. I
appreciate y'all for giving me this opportunity. Been my agent. Thank you for
getting this deal done, Liz,and not least, thank you to the
fans. Y'all set the tone,y'all set the mood, y'all set the
energy, and I'm definitely excited toset that energy for five more years.
Thank you all of the ones thatsupported me throughout the whole way. This
is the start of it. ButI done yet. It's his way.
Yeah, yeah, I can't believehe had an entire orchestra at his house.
I have been more excited to gettoasted canes and he is to get
one hundred and forty more. Butthat was the most depressed guy I've ever
heard in my life. Well,it's early in the morning, man,
I just got one hundred and fortymillion dollars and this is everything I've ever
wanted. I guess he's cool withme. I would not be that cool
about getting one hundred and forty million. The people last night hearing names that
the graduation were more excited than thatthey didn't get one hundred and forty million.
Wow, he's excited. He's moreexcited than justin Jefferson. No,
he don't jump. Good for you, JJ Yeah, hell yeah, man,
man, one hundred and forty million. That's pretty cool man. Good
for all of us. That's right, we got stuff to talk about.
Yeah, look at this man,the Vikings being there for us like that.
The Timberwolf season ends everybody's like,oh, I got no reason to
listen to that rotten morning show,and now here we go, Vikings getting
there with us once again. Thankyou, Minnesota Vikings. Thank you Robertsinski,
Thank you crazy who's the guy thatdrafted him? Thank you that guy,
Rix Pielman, Thank you, Thankyou Philadelphia for passing on him.
Thank you a guy who's terrible.See who did was it a jal Rager?
Oh? Wait, he plays forus? He did he done anymore?
Thank you? Something like that.Thank you with the Patriots. Yeah,
is even in the league. Idon't know. Thank you, Yeah,
thank you, Bill Belichick. Ifwe had done headlines, they would
have been brought to you by ourfriends Electric. Let's headline a headline whatever,
Electric. I'm so pleased. Now. You guys are young, maybe
you understand this, but you guyshave ever if you guys heard the phrase
Instagram official right, well, likewhen a relationship goes official, it's Instagram
official. Let everybody know. Everybodyknow. The new dating trend is the
opposite, though, it's called nolaunch, where you don't post about your
relationship at all, so you're together. No launch. Yeah, I've seen
that from people where it's like asoft launch where you don't see their faces
or something. Yeah. Man,there is just one person in that relationship
that gives a damn if it's justshown. Be proud of your lover,
Show off your lover like Hawk doeswith my dad. Young lady, I'm
fifty three, I still launch likea champagne court. Oh my god,
brilliant genius. You know post picturesonline. It's just the top of my
dad's head, you know. Yeah, that's because I knocked his head off.
Oh wow. A fruit stand inAustralia had to install security cameras after
someone in a maserati kept stealing bananas. A masarati stealing fruits? Come on,
what kind of stand again? Fruitstand genius? I don't you don't
even have to say it, notthis month? Core, Come on,
all right, here we go,last one. Somebody can come up with
a genius joke. Here a flightattendant smuggled over two pounds of gold in
her rectum. Cool mine in forgold. Man, sus, you got
a funny joke. You're a standup comedian. A lady found gold in
a rectum. That's not a joke. That's a recap of the story.
It was. Yeah, thanks hawks, I do let's say your genius.
You're grabbing me land a joke youunder sixty seconds ago? Well they found
her lucky charm, don't sip Ididn't. I don't have any Try it
again. Talk about a gold rush? Yeah, okay, expect maybe again
one more, No three, thinkabout it, think about think about what
where the baby had the where thewoman had the baby? Golden Corral?
Yeah, think about it. Ohgot it? I wonder if that's all
you can eat? Okay, it'sthat's where I got my gold teeth from.
Oh yeah, yeah, the Midasbit. Have you seen that family
guy bit? Tacho? Yes,I'm glad that got the joke? All
right? Uh My guess is nineand Noon will reference to Justin Jefferson contract
at some point, probably probably intheir next We're back tomorrow tomorrow or not?
Uh? What was that? That'sexactly how I feel. It's a
question since so great, we haven'tlearning for days. You're t having that
both here this guy, sir,Thanks to everybody came to hawk Fest.
Really appreciate it. Thank you all, love you all. Thanks having