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July 28, 2024 • 56 mins
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Episode Transcript

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The following is a paid podcast.iHeartRadio's hosting of this podcast constitutes neither an
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its flagship program, talk Line withZev Brenner, America's premier Jewish broadcast,
the pulse beat of the Jewish community. And now your host, Zev Brenner,

and welcome to another edition of talkLine. I'm Zeb Brenner. We
got a great show for you tonight. But first I do want to remind
you that we broadcast twenty four hoursa day. Check us out at talklinenetwork
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part of our radio shows, podcasts, YouTube or digital platforms, contact me
Zev Brenner at gmail dot com.Zev Brenner at gmail dot com. We

have a wonderful show for you tonight. We'll introduced through in just a few
moments that doctor Charles Jacobs, author, journalist activists who over two decades has
founded human rights and pro Israel organizations, some of them which have become nationally
known, including Camera and he currentlyformed the African Jewish Alliance TED get the
public about the Islamic onslaught against Africansin Africa. Today, he don't want

to miss our special program. Weare America's only Jewish radio programs on regular
brook As Radio, on the Internetand digital platforms. We begin right after
this. This is Mayor Shalam Girdner, vice President and director of the Harshalom
Cemetery. Are you tired of thesky high burial costs? Harshalom Cemetery understands

your concerns. We were founded onthe principle of providing affordable, dignified burial
options for our community. As thelargest Hamish owned and operated cemetery in the
Tristate area, located in Munsee,we offer peace of mind and a sigul
off longevity Arikasiama when you purchase aplot, no more worrying about any downtime.

Hars Shalom offers twenty four to sixburial services or visits to love ones.
Gates are open and only closed onshapas with no widden fees or overtime
charges on night and weekends are nolonger a problem for burials. Plus take
advantage of our special rates for familyand larger plots. We also have our
own Caviri Kadisha covering the entire EastCoast including Florida. Harshalom is a beautiful,

well designed place, plenty of parkingall around the cemetery to make it
easy for visitors to reach their lovedones. Planning for the future shouldn't be
so stressful that our sholem take careof you. Call us today at eight
four five four hundred two to twoseven Extension one hundred. That's eight four
five four hundred two two to sevenextension one hundred or at HSCNY dot org.

Thank you for listening. Hi amJoy. If your author of Anchoring
through Life Challenges, Hashan has aplan for you even when life gets tough.
I know I faced muggers, kidnappers, help my mom through stage four
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school psychologist and my faith incorporating Kabbalaand Torah to help you. In my

book, you'll find practical tools,real life stories, and the inspiration to
overcome any challenges you may face.Please join me at my book launch event
on August nineteenth at the Kingsway JewishCenter in Brooklyn at seven pm and VIP
sception at six pm. To orderthe book or to r s VP for
the book launch, Please log onanchoring high dot com. That's anchoring high

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The Jewish Connection is a newspaper thatcomes out twice a month, serving

the five towns Great Neck, Queensand Long Island, Brooklyn, Northern New
Jersey, and Staten Island. It'salso available online at www dot jewishc dot
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Call seven one eight seven six onetwenty six twenty six. Again,

that's seven one eight seven six onetwenty six twenty six. Please welcome the
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at Mindful Medicare Solutions dot com.Because your Medicare journey deserves a trusted companion.
You're listening to talk line with ZevBrenner, America's premier Jewish broadcast on
the air since nineteen eighty one,and now here's your host. Welcome back
to the program, mom Zev Brenner. Doctor Charles Jacobs joins us, I
don't know why over the last fortysome years I should have had him on

the air. He's accomplished so much, but glad we have him on our
program now. He's a co founderwith Andrew Levan of Camera. He also
was the founder of the Anti AmericanAnti Slavery Group. He co founded the
David Project, which promotes a fearand artist discussion of the Middle East.
He's written so many different publications andalso he launched a Jewish leadership project and

one of his latest projects is theAfrican Jewish Alliance educate the public of Islamic
slavery of black people. We'll talkabout that on our program as well.
You can read him in the NewYork Times, in the Boston Globe with
Jerusalem Post, who was given theBoston Freedom Award by markin Luther King's widow
helping to liberate black slaves in Sudanin two thousand and one. And as

they said, you can read themin all different publications and media. Is
an activists a very active Jewish community. And my apology is doctor Charles for
not having you on earlier. Butwelcome doctor Charles Jacob to the program.
Thank you very much. It wasthe Boston branch of Camera that I co
founded with Andrea that later became thenational branch. But thank you for reading
that letter from my mother. Atany time, anytime, I always wanted

there to be a you know,a big, big national Jewish TV radio
podcasting and I would have called ita jew zerra. But here we are.
You heard about the guy who's soreligious he had two satellite dishes.
But you know, listen, thetruth is and you hit something. Is
that we and I think the presidentDonald Trump, former President Donald Trump said

the other day we Jews created publicrelations. He didn't say that part,
but we're terrible when it comes toIsrael is one of the worst countries when
it comes to PR. They haveso much good stuff they can promote them,
they're terrible in getting it out there. Awful and it's a Jewish problem,
you know. The I think oneof the better explanations was written in
a book by Andrea Levin's husband,doctor Ken Levin, where he said,
you know, the Jews are kindof like an abused wife. You know,

when a wife gets beaten by herhusband, she wants to think that
it's her fault. Why does shewant to think it's her fault? Because
if it's her fault, she canchange her behavior and the husband stops beating
her. Well, the Jews havebeen beaten for centuries and centuries and centuries,
and we would rather think that ifwe would only, you know,
if we could compromise here, ifwe could compromise there. It's so complicated,

then they wouldn't beat us anymore.So I think that may lie at
the bottom of this. It's agreat book by Ken Levian No. And
by the way, this is somebodyI believe it's been done to study on
this Jewish psyche. Two cases inpoint, after Israel pulled out e Lebanon
and twenty some years ago, Iremember reading the New York Times pardon the
phrase where an Israeli women screened acrossthe border to a Lebanese women. You

know, we pulled out, welove you, and they go, we
hate you, you know, Andthat was the exchange that kept saying I
love you, and they kept sayingI hate you, and we don't learn
sounds familiar. Yes. And bythe way, the classic case I forgot
which neighbored in Boston, it wasgoes back twenty or thirty years ago.
The neighborhood changed and it was sobad even Kabad wouldn't take the Jewish center
that was there, so decided togive it to an African American group.

So they have a ceremony with Jewishleaders are giving this building to the African
American group, and they say,give us a symbolic dollar, and the
building is yours. They refuse togive them this symbolic You were shaking head,
you know, they refuse to givethis symbolic dollar. So the Jewish
leadership, instead of saying you don'twant to give us a symbolic dollars,
we're not giving you the building,they took a dollar out of their pocket
and gave it to the leaders togive to them. They have a symbolic

clothing. And I heard that theblack leadership in that instance also demand the
money for fixing up the building.Right, Well, this is exactly what
we've been living with in Boston withJewish leadership there. It's you know,
I just wrote a book about thiswith Alan Dershowitz and others called betrayal the
failure of American Jewish leadership. Look, they they got us stuck in a

very bad place. They told usto allie with all the left wing causes
and support with our talent and passionand money, all of these far left
agendas because they thought somehow there wouldbe reciprocity that when we needed them they
would come to Well, instead,they stabbed us in the back. And
so you can go now and askany Jewish leader who told us this wrong

theory. You can make a verynice phone call and say, you know,
do you think it's time to rethinkthis? Do you have any regrets?
You know, they all are yellingat Bebe to apologize for all the
mistakes that he might have made.Right, But you can't say anything to
the Jewish establishment in America. Youcan't even say, can you think of
a new set of allies that mightbe good for us instead of the ones

that you told us that stabbed usin the back. So it's a sad,
sad thing. Well, you've beenforward looking. I'm going to go
back to nineteen ninety three. You'rejoined with African Christians and Muslims. You
founded the American Anti Slavery Group,you flew illegally to Sedanu on rescue issues,
and you free thousands of slaves.So that's a big thing. I'm

Coreta Scott King presented you with theBoston Freedom when I mentioned this for your
work. But that's making new.All lines is how is that? How
did that come about? And what'shappening? Because that was the most incredible
thing that ever happened to me orthat I did. I was a management
consultant during those years. I hadgone God forbid, I'm sorry to say
to Harvard University. I was flyingaround the country giving advice about things that

I didn't know much about to managersin getting paid handsomely. And I was
on a plane one day. Andthis is before the iPhone, and they
used to walk up and down withmagazines to hand out. You might be
as old as I am. Youmight remember that. I remember I liked
those magazine A magazine that reading.I was reading the Economist magazine and I'm

on page forty seven and then onbottom of page forty seven it says you
can buy and sell black women andchildren in Sudan and in Mauritania for fifteen
dollars, and I'm an old liberal. I was at Martin Luther King's I
Have a Dream speech. I wasthere. If you play me the tape
of that speech, I'll tear upright. And I said to myself,

how can this possibly be? Firstof all that it's happening, but even
more, why is it on pageforty seven? Slavery in our time?
So I decided that rather than spendmy life telling people how to manage better,
I would delve into this issue.I always wanted to kind of be
a journalist whatever, and I foundincredible things. I found people in the

United States from Sudan and Mauritania whohad gone to the Human Rights Watch and
they had gone to Amnesty nothing nothing, you know, they would they would
write about it and put in theback of their files and they should just
say they're Jews doing it. Thenmarch in the streets and close down Wall

Street and you know, like that. But because it wasn't white people,
right, Because if you think aboutAmnesty, internationals and Jews have to understand
what I call the human rights complex. The people who long to Human Rights
Watch and I'm this international, arethere because they're good white people, and
they want to say I'm not abad white guy, I'm not a racist,

and so therefore I'm going to tellyou all the bad things that white
people do so I can be theone who's the good white guy. Right,
So what does that mean? Itmeans when they come across instances which
are horrific, more horrific. Youknow, apartheid was bad, slavery is
worse. Right, So apartheid wasin South Africa because white people did it.

Everybody was in the streets, right, white guilt, white guilt,
bad bad bad, Okay, virtuesignaling. But if you find out that
it's not white people who are enslavingblacks mass murdering them, as it was
in Sudan, they killed two millionpeople because they were Christians. The Christians
called us to hitting holocaust them.They're right to say that. They're right

to say that, and they enslavedtens of thousands. So I went,
I found out about it. Iformed a group with Africans here Mauritanian Muslims
and because who don't want to beArabized, and there's hundreds of thousands of
black Muslim slaves. Minister Parakhan.You get hundreds of thousands of black Muslim

slaves serving Arabo Berber masters. SoI worked with a Christian group. The
heroes of the story are Christian SolidarityInternational. They're amazing people and they figured
away how we could go into Sudanand buy back the slaves that were taken.
So how were they taken? Youknow? October seventh, That's what

happened to them, exactly the samething. Explain heap Islamists who declared jihad,
armed by the government in North SudanKhartoum, stormed African villages, shot
the men, captured the raped,burned people alive, enslaved the women and
children, took them back to theNorth by the hundreds of thousands, and

nobody cared that was there. Octoberseventh. This has been happening in Africa,
all across Africa. It's now ninein nine countries in Africa, there's
jihadists, right. So I wentto Africa with Christian Solidari International. We
flew illegally into places I can't tellyou to get there. We went there
and we paid. We had collectedmoney in Europe and the United States through

my organization, about fifty dollars ahead. We paid these Arab retrievers who wanted
who didn't, who were nice guysliving near the border to the blacks and
who needed the trade with them,and they didn't want the war. They
went up to the north and theystole or found or bought many of these
slaves, thousands of these tens ofthousands of these slaves, and they bring

them back. Okay, we wouldpay them to do this, they would
be brought back. I went tothe place where we retrieved them, and
this hero John Eibner from Christians SolidInternational, he's a saint, had duffel
bags full of cash, sat downon a blanket in the desert, doled

out fifty bucks in whatever cartoon moneyit was. And then all of these
people that we met underneath these shadetrees, women and children, now men.
They killed the men once in awhile, little boys they hadn't killed
yet. And Ibner paid and hestood up and these were Dinka. You
know minut Bowl. If you're oldenough, you would know the basketball player

Minuke Bowl, seven foot nine whateverhe was. He was Dinka. They're
very tall. And Iibner said tothem, God blessed you. He sent
people with money to pay you toget you freedom, to buy back your
freedom, and you're now free.And it was the most amazing thing.
I've done this three, four orfive times. It was the most amazing
thing that ever happened to me inmy life. There we have films of

this on I abolished dot org,the letter I abolished dot org, and
we tried to get the human rightscommunity to free the black slaves, and
they wouldn't do it. Zeb Wow, why A, I'm not surprised they
wouldn't do it. So when Octoberseventh came and I read about this,
and I talked to my daughter whomade Alian and lives in Israel, and

she called me up on a DadDad, and then I heard about it.
I said, I've seen I've interviewedthe survivors of jihad before, and
they're telling me the same stories thatthe Jews are telling me. So I
immediately thought to revive the anti slaverymovement and I found Nigerian Americans. Nigerian

Americans are a very successful diaspora group. They probably have a higher income than
most other diasporas. Their doctors,their lawyers, their real estate guys,
they're wonderful people, Their people arebeing jihadied like the Jews. Every week
they have in October seventh, maybeevery day they have an October seventh.
In fact, there's nine countries inAfrica. I know about three or four.

Well, I'm learning about the otherones. You know, Mali,
Somali, Aberkina, Fasso, Cameron, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger,
Mozambique, Nigeria, Sudan. Allof these people are getting October seventh
right. And because the human rightscommunity doesn't want to talk about evil that's

done by non whites and specifically byextremist Muslims, it's a silence. It's
the most shameful thing that is goingon. Doctor Charles Jacobs he is a
author, journalist, activist for decades, he's been involved in Jewish life and
one of the co founders of Cameraother groups. But his current passion is

the African Jewish Alliance to educate thepublic about the Islamic onslaught against Africans that's
happening today, the enslavement of thekilling, the murder, of the rape
of Africans by Islamic Bob Saraschilovittan MindyMeyer. We represent criminal criminal Defense,
former prosecutor, Immigration, family,personal injury and all your legal needs aggressively

conveniently located in Manhattan, Brooklyn,we represent all Burrows and also Florida.
We don't sleep until we handle yourcase. We get the job done and
we work hard to get results.We are zealous advocate. We could be
reached at Criminal Defense tag Team atgmail dot com. That's Criminal Defense tag
Team at gmail dot com and wecould be reached dot our phone nine one

seven four nine seven one five ninetwo. That's nine one seven four nine
seven one five nine two. Lookingforward to zealous representation for all your legal
needs. This is Mayor Shalom Gertner, vice President and Director of the Harshalom
Cemetery. Are you ted of skyhigh burial costs? Harshalom Cemetery understands your
concerns. We were founded on theprinciple of providing affordable, dignified burial options

for our community. As the largestHamish owned and operated cemetery in the Tristate
area located in month Sea, weoffer peace of mind and a sigul off
longevity arikasyamum when you purchase a plot, no more worrying about any downtime.
Harsh Shalom offers twenty four to sixburial services or visits to love ones.

Gates are open and only closed onshoppers with no widden fees or overtime charges.
On night and weekends are no longera problem for burials, plus take
advantage of our special rates for familyand larger plots. We also have our
own Cari Kadisha covering the entire EastCoast, including Florida. Harsh Shalom is
a beautiful, well designed place,plenty of parking all around the cemetery to

make it easy for visitors to reachtheir loved ones. Planning for the future
shouldn't be so stressful that our Shalamtake care of you. Call us today
at eight four five four hundred twotwo two seven Extension one hundred. That's
eight four five four hundred two twotwo seven Extension one hundred, or at
HSCNY dot org. Thank you forlistening. Hi, I am joy if

your author of anchoring through life challengeshas Shan has a plan for you even
when life gets tough. I knowI face muggers, kidnappers, help my
mom through stage four cancer and learnto rely on a shem now I use
my experiences as a school psychologist andmy faith incorporating Kabala and Torah to help
you. In my book, you'llfind practical tools, real life stories,

and the inspiration to overcome any challengesyou may face. Please join me at
my book launch event on August nineteenthat the Kingsway Jewish Center in Brooklyn at
seven pm and VIP reception at sixpm. To order the book or to
r s VP for the book launch. Please log on anchoring high dot com.

That's anchoring high dot com For sponsorshipopportunities. Please call me nine one
seven five four seven four two fiveeight. That's nine seven five four seven
four two five eight. May thismessage be a blessing for the memory of
my precious mom, Zahava Basia HuskelZeharna Raja, who exemplified these words and

inspired all who knew her. Let'sanchor ourselves in Hashem together. Are you
looking to create extra income for yourselfwith your family well. Talkline Network is
looking for go getters who are lookingto generate more money by getting involved in
the lucrative world of selling radio andTV time as well as commercials and podcasts.

You can work part time or fulltime. We pay high commissions for
those that are motivated to sell radioand TV time. If you're interested,
please contact us at two one twoseven sixty nine, nineteen twenty five Extension
one hundred. Two one two sevensixt nine, nineteen twenty five, Extension
one hundred, or info at talklineetworkdot com. I deal for students,

for retirees, for housewives, anybodylooking to generate extra income. Again,
that's two one two seven sixty nine, nineteen twenty five Extension one hundred,
or info at twalkline network dot com. Are you feeling lost in the maze
of medicare? Are all those adsthat you see in here confusing? I'm
Medicare Monacham Friedman, and I canhelp you make the right choice. Over

fifteen years ago, I helped mygrandparents navigate the complex world of medicare.
They were confused, but I broughtthem clarity, and I can do the
same for you. I hose countlessMedicare educational events breaking down the abcs and
ds of medicare, no jargon,just plain talk. Wondering when to n
roll? I can advise you atthe proper time to n roll at the
right moment so you can avoid penaltiesand make informed choices. If you're confused

about Medicare supplement plans with part DRX versus Medicare advantage, I will help
you weigh those options. I don'twork for Medicare, but work for you.
Fear shouldn't drive your choices. Iwill empower you to make clear and
concise decisions. Say goodbye to thatMedicare anxiety. I'll help you find the
plan that fits. It's your uniquesituation from New York to Florida to California,

unlicensed in over twenty five states.Please connect with me Medicare Monachem Friedman
today called three four seven seven threeeight six eight four six. That's three
four seven seven three eight six eightfour six. Or you can find me
on the web at Mindful Medicare Solutionsdot com because your Medicare journey deserves a
trusted companion. You're listening to TalkLine with Zev Brenner, America's premier Jewish

broadcast on the air since nineteen eightyone, and now here's your host.
Our guest is doctor Charles Jacobs.He is a author, journalist, activist.
For decades, he's been involved inJewish Life from one of the co
founders of Camera other groups. Buthis current passion is the African Jewish Alliance

to educate the public palth the Islamiconslaught against Africans that's happening today, the
enslavement, of the killing, themurder, of the rape of Africans by
Islamic terrorists. You were working foryears doing this. Are some of these
countries supportive of Israel because of thework that you and others are doing.
Well. I just restarted the AfricanJewish Alliance after having won. Let me

just finish this way. So inSudan we redeemed mostly by Christians solidar already
hundreds of thousands of slaves. PresidentGeorge Bush found out about this, right,
found out that there was a jihadagainst black Christians in Sudan that killed
two million people, and he forcedKhartoum to allow the people in the south

to separate. So South Sudan isthe world's newest nation because of this.
Okay, then I stopped that andI went on to do pro Israel stuff.
Okay, now I'm coming back toit. I can tell you that
African Christians are going to be maybethe most important. And this is the
long range. I mean, everybodywants to go to the emergency room now,

we have to fight, fight,But in the long range, African
Christians will be the biggest supporters ofIsrael and the Jews. And if you
would know them like I know them, you can go into their villages and
you would see Israeli flags, right, you would see they're old fashioned Bible
believing Christians. Right. What doesthat mean. It means they're not going

to be like the Christians in theWest, who are going to secularize and
who are going to not have familiesanymore, and who are going to give
up their churches. That's what happenedin Europe, right. These people are
not going that way. They're goingthe other way, and they're being assaulted
by the enemies that we have.So in the long run and twenty five
years from now, according to thePew research, Africa will be the place

in the world where there are mostChristians in the world, and those Christians
will most naturally be allied with Jewsin Israel because of they're being jihatted and
because they're being Christian, old fashionedChristian. So I think this is a
really important thing. A really importantthing. So I'm working with South Sudanese
Nigerians, Darfuris Igboos from Nigeria,amazing people, and we're going to build

this alliance and it's it's both practicaland it's moral, and it's powerful.
I'm curious the Christians you're working onare the Catholic Are the other denominations of
Christianity in South Sudan they were Catholicin Nigeria, they're Evangelicals. There's a
mix. There's a mix because theCatholics. I think the thinking is in
the Catholic Church is that at onepoint in the very near future, a

coming pope will be from the fromAfrica. Yeah, growth well, and
I think that not only that,but I think that many many Protestant ministers,
I mean Protestantism. If you've gotyou go to Europe. The churches,
the Catholic churches are museums. Right, nobody's going to church, nobody's

getting married, nobody's having babies.We know this problem. But also in
the Protestants too. So I thinkthat this is a long range and I
just want to give you an exampleof how powerful this. Two three days
ago I'm going to send you thevideo. My ally of thirty years.
His name is Simon Dang. Simonwas a slave in Sudan. He was

a slave in Sudan. He nowlives in America. When he found out
what happened on October seventh, heforced me to fly with him to Israel.
What am I going to go Octoberseventh? Simon says, I am
going to show the Jews of Israelthat this happened to me. And he
met the parents of the relatives ofthese of the captives. He says,

I was a captive, I know, you know, And we met with
Sharansky. It was amazing. Threedays ago, Simon's in New York City
on the streets of New York withJews with flags of Israel, and he's
in a bullhorn saying Africans stand withJews. What's happening to you is happening
to us. So I think thisis an important and important thing and I'm

working very hard launch it. No, it's great. Now, let me
ask you this question when we haveRalph one of the other issues and we'll
talk on another programut your book betrayal, how we don't really have leadership helping
the Jewish community at least strong leadership. But the point is, though,
if their rallies for Israel, wouldn'tthere be more of these Nigerians and other

Africans that are working with you andan appreciative of Israel. How do we
tap into that so it's not justwhite Jewish faces that are going supporting Israel.
We get some of these people,right, that's my job. That's
my job. The Nigerians who arehere are seven hundred and fifty thousand Nigerians
are here, and they are afraid. Most of them are afraid. They

have family in Nigeria, right,or they work for places where they can
be canceled. Here in the UnitedStates. Yeah, here in the United
States, when you say cancels,they can be fired because they speak out.
They could be you know, dismissedfrom their jobs. They could be
they're afraid. They're starting to come. I have some right, and more

and more will come. But partof the is that they're afraid. They're
you know, if they went,if they sent their kid to college,
their kids going to learn that,you know, Jews are bad. White
people are bad and you better shutyour mouth if you have a different opinion.
So they are they having those problemswith their kids going to Chris.
Of course everybody's having that problem,so front of you you mention, and

it's an unfortunate situation. Everybody knowsthe Evangelical Christians in the United States a
supporter of Israel, but the nextgeneration Evangelical Christians may not be. They're
actually not. They're a pro Palestinian. And I guess one of the pastors,
why is this? You know,one of the reasons is the kids
go to these world colleges and theycome back anti Israel. Same problem with

the Jews have zeb zeb In twothousand and four, my partner Ave Goldwasser
and I he was the producer,made a movie called Colombia Unbecoming Right.
Two thousand and four, two guysfrom Boston flew down to New York because
the Colombia's Jewish students couldn't find anybodyin New York to help them. In
New York, they couldn't find anybodyto help them, and we interviewed them

on film and we let the filmgo out and it was a huge outcry.
I mean, the New York DailyNews had had in those days,
had poisoned Ivy as the one,and we made the film to take it
to the Jewish community and show themwhat's going to happen if you don't change
this. And they turned you know, we'll take care of it behind the

scenes, don't. You're an outsider. You know, Hillel knows what they're
doing. Who are you? Andnow we have what we have. At
that point that we made the film, we had a little spot on the
long Now it's fantastasized, could havebeen taken care of twenty years ago.
So you're out there, you're activists. What can we be doing considering the

situation. Well, I think peopleshould As far as the African Jewish Alliance,
I need Jewish people to partner withAfrican in New York and these Africans
need to come and speak to synagogues, and these Jews need to go and
speak to the African churches and thereneeds to be a bonding. That's that's

one thing. Then we can wewant to issue resolutions, you know the
ceasefire resolution that's you know, burningup city city councils across the country.
We want to have our own resolutionstop the jihad in Africa. If you're
going to if you're going to citycouncil and you're going to do more than
potholes, which you should be doingpotholes, right, And you want to

go foreign policy, well here's agood one. How about how about freeing
the slaves in Sudan. The problemis you don't have a George Soros type
or other of these woke individuals thatare listen all these demonstrations that are anti
Israel. These they're not pro Palacanto me. They're Hamas demonstration. They're
being well funded and orchestrated to thehundreds of millions of dollars. Well,

Jews have hundreds of millions of dollars. We don't have as much as the
Arabs have. It's true. Imean all these guys who think that by
Jewish money being taken out of thecolleges, the colleges are going to collapse.
They're not going to collapse. They'regonna get guitar money. But they
still should take their money out.But there's a lot of Jewish money.
The Jews are being misled by theirleaders because if they would put their money

in things that are going to offense. Right, everybody talks about going on
the offense. Nobody knows how todo it right. Here's an offense.
Our enemies are killing and enslaving blackpeople. That's an offense. Who's gonna
say it right? You think you'regonna get a federation to say it.
You think you're gonna get a JCRCto say it. No, But I
think Jewish funders will be interested ina movement like this. Our guests is

doctor Charles Jacobs, author, journalist, activist. Over two decades, he's
been involved in fighting for the Jewishcommunity's latest projects called the African Jewish Alliance,
and he was given the Boss andFreedom Award by Martin Luther King's widow
for helping deliberate black slaves in Sudan. And he's now helped rescue some of
these slaves and he's now fighting tohave this alliance of Blacks and Jews use

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Jewish broadcast on the air since nineteeneighty one, and now here's your host.
Our guest is doctor Charles Jacobs,author, journalist, activist. Over
two decades, he's been involved infighting for the Jewish community's latest projects called
the African Jewish Alliance, and hewas given the Boss and Freedom Award by

Matt Martin, Luther King's widow forhelping deliberate black slaves in Sudan and he's
now helped rescue some of these slaves, and he's now fighting to have this
alliance of Blacks and Jews, buta different kind of lines than we had
in the United States. So you'rebringing back the black Jewish lines, but
a different one than we had inthe nineteen sixties. Correct. Correct.

When I did this twenty five yearsago in Sudan, we got African Americans
to join us. I got EleanorHolmes Norton, I got the NAACP,
I got who was the congressman inNew Japan, Donald Payne from New Jersey.
We had a lot of blacks onour side. But now because America
and especially the black population has beenpoisoned against us, because they've been told

that Jews are white oppressors, andwe have white privilege, right, white
privilege and white oppressors, and we'veneedlessly oppressed the darker skinned indigenous innocent Palestinians.
They bought that line. So nowit's going to be harder for them
to open up their eyes and listento these Black Africans, to say to
them that your friends in the intersectionalitysquad, why don't you ask these Arab

Muslims who you like to help freethe black slaves that their cousins are taken
captive. So let me ask youthis question. You mentioned of all the
black African groups that Jermans are mostsuccessful, So why aren't they funding getting
more pr doing rallies, getting themessage? Because you and I are having

this conversation, I would dare saythat the majority of people listening and watching
us have no idea about what you'retalking about, right, they have no
idea. Why would they have anidea? You think that the papers would
read it. You can find thisin the papers. You have to look
for it. You know, youcan find that this happened. You know
Michelle Obama, let me tell youwhen she found out that time when they

raided that girls school in Nigeria,right, she made a big thing out
of it. She had hashtag bringback our girls. She did for about
a minute and a half, probablyuntil she talked to Pharakaan. I don't
know, but people did know aboutthat. The problem with getting so many
Africans now immediately to come to thestreets is that they're afraid they'll come.

It'll take time. We have whythe height if they don't want to get
to this sreets, so they're afraidof their job. Why are they hiring
pr firms, doing ads, doingthings to bring this play. They're just
starting this, They're just starting off. They're just starting off. I will
send you a clip which you canshow people of one of these guys in
New York with the Jews yesterday ortwo days ago on a bullhorn. So

it's possible. We just got tobuild. No, it just seems to
me the more this gets out there, it helps the Jewish and Israeli cause
because we're not the only victims.Look at the Islamic terrorists are doing it
to the Jews. They're doing itto the Christians. Listen, so they've
been doing it to the Christians fortwenty five years. American Christians have shamefully
let this happen in Africa, andall the African Christians know this well.

Look even look even in places likethe Palaestinaries. The Christians have been moved
out Lebanon, they've been moved outfor the most by. They're still there,
but is not what it used tobe. They've been persecuted in Syria
and other parts of Egypt, otherparts of the rest. It's that what
happened to the West on October seventhis one tenthacle of an octopus, right,
because Hamas is Boko Haram, andBoko Haram and Hamas are the janjueed

in in Sudan, and they're thesame as the groups I forget the names
of them, all of them arethe same. There's intersectionality global ghat and
the Jews are the focal point ofit, but it's a global to hot
The Christians in the world in Europeare coming under attack, right, you

see it in France and Germany andBrussels. And where's the pope? This's
the problem? Good question, butthat's been the case for you said,
for over twenty five years when they'vebeen slaughtered in Lebanon and other Syria,
there's been no outcry. So youthink the Jews have bad leadership. They
also But the problem is is Ihate to say, not this what the
previous popes have condemned Israel for actionsthat Israel has done, but hasn't condemned

some of these Islamic terrorists. That'sno worries. If you want to condemn,
condemn everybody that you don't just chooseand pick and that's the problem that
we have. They pick out Israeland they ignore everything else that's going on.
The Israel is the most just inIsrael. Even in the case now
in Gaza, the amount of killingthe golds on Israel is the most just
army. The ratio is just sodifferent from other wars, but nobody wants

to look at that. Listen,the very foundational definition of anti Semitism is
to treat us and differently than youtreat others, to judge us differently than
than you judge others. The onemistake be be made in his speech,
I think when he said we havekilled less in urban welfare warfare than any

other he should have said, well, here's what the French are doing in
New Caledonia, and here's what theAmericans did in Iraq. And you know,
but he didn't want to offend,you know, his Western allies.
But you want to compare. Ifyou don't compare, it's anti Semitism,
right, If he single out it'santi Semons by definition. Are you going
to try to reach out, forexample, to Kamala Harris and others like

that. Maybe Michelle Obama to beinvolved. I'm sure, I'm sure Kamala
is going to want to take mycall. But Nigerians two years ago,
yeah, picketed. I had tenNigerians. I shouldn't say we all of
us together, but they picketed elonOmar's office with signs help us free the
slaves that your cousins have taken inAfrica. So she didn't respond them started,

we're just getting started. Show no, no, absolutely, The truth
is is that they should be morevocal and get that. We Jews do
a terrible job for ourselves and noreason everybody else has to follow our lead
when it comes to bad pr Andthe truth is is most people will know
about it. People know about it. You say, you know Hamas,
Boca, Harrim, all these groupsboth they're all intersection. Now they're all

together, so they're killing everybody.They're killing blacks, they're killing Jews.
So why do you support them andrallies when they were I would kill you
the same way. And look whatthey're doing. They have a track record,
right, and if we had adecent Jewish establishment, they would have
been screaming this from high heavens fortwenty years, right, But they didn't.
You got your work cut out foryou. But listen, we got

to have it, not me.We wait, we got our work.
That's true, Listen, I'm allfor it. I've always said we have
to forge alliance. As I saidthis years ago that even in New York
we're losing political power. We haveto forge long with the Asians, with
the African Americans, with other groups. And to a certain degree, the
Congressional Black Caucus has been supportive ofIsrael. That's an important thing. We

need alliances and it's important to knowand then to do that. And you're
doing your forging alliances, and Ithink more of it needs to be done.
So Yasha came up to you,so I want to thank you.
We're going to have you back in. It's been too long. We never
had you on before. With doctorCharles Jacobs. He is an author,
journalist, activist. Over two decadeshe found human rights and pro Israel organizations.

His latest project is called the AfricanJewish Alliance. If people want to
learn more about it than the workthat you're doing, how can they do
so? They can go to AfricanJewish Alliance dot org no highens or dots,
African Jewish Alliance one word dot organd they can go to peaceantolerance dot
org, Peace intolerance dot org andthat shows all my work, for all

of our work over the last fifteentwenty years. Thank you for joining us.
Look forward to having you back again. Thank you, Thank you.
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