All Episodes

December 7, 2023 • 20 mins
The weekly podcast from The Lynch & Taco Morning Show on 101one WJRR in Orlando
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hello there, and welcome to anotherepisode of Off the Air, the weekly
podcast from the Lynch and Taco Showon one O one one w j r
R and Beautiful Maitland, Florida.I'm Pat Lynch, Taco Bob across from
me. Good morning. Thank youfor tuning in. Yeah, if you're
if you're joining us live on Facebookas we do this, feel free to,

uh, you know, throw inyour two cents. Yeah, you
can message us right there on theFacebook live post. Okay, so you
and if you're listening to this afterthe facts, thanks for checking out the
podcast. How about that concert announcedthis morning? That's interesting show. Huh
yeah, pretty cool. I sawthat EMAI yesterday and thought, all right.
Stadium show in Orlando July tenth,def Leppard and Journey co headlining,

Cheap Trick opening up. What's agood, good lineup? And it's another
example of rock resurgence again. Mandy'shuge shows that you're seeing all over the
place, shows, festival, stadiumconcerts, and it's not just you know,
the the newer stuff. Obviously,the classic rockers are having a big

impact still these days as well.Yeah, I love seeing it. Obviously,
if we're in this industry. There'llbe a few songs you're familiar with
at that concept. Oh my god. And I almost did this on the
air earlier. Just as long asdef Leppard doesn't rip into all their new
music like last time they were hereat the Etah Yeah, Motley Crue the

Stadium tour, Yeah, the Stadiumtour in the about three four songs,
and I got all I gotta go. I'll go as far as to say
this, and you know, maybethis gets back to them at some points,
Guys, def Leppard, go backand play some of your really early
stuff. I mean there were thereis definitely two different eras of def Leppard.

The early stuff was much more rawand aggressive and just pure rock,
and then they got more into thepoppy, harmonizing stuff, which is fine
that that was obviously their biggest,biggest, you know, albums. But
there are some of us longtime defLeopard fans. I'm raising my hand,
you know, on Through the Nightand High and Dry era. I'm talking

about when you guys were mere teenagersopening for Ozzy on the Blizzard of Oz
tour. That was something. Manlove to hear some of those songs in
the mix hits. That's what I'mlooking for, the hits that everybody knows
and the reason why they're going tosee you. Okay, anyway, if
you're excited about that show, thetickets go on sale on the fifteenth,

that's a week from from Friday.Yeah, for that show, that's gonna
be a nationwide tour. The openersare being rotated in and out different cities.
We're getting cheap trick, Steve Millerband in Heart also in the mix
in some places. It's interesting therebecause I'd be kind of keeping tabs on
Ann and Nancy, who have hada ye kind of it on again,

off again relationship, especially the lastfew years Taco. They had some family
issues going on, and they seemto have smoothed it all over. And
then I saw that they were doingthree shows this month as hearts, which
they haven't done in a while,two in California and then one on New
Year's even their hometown of Seattle.I'm like, there's something going on here,

and now we know. So they'llbe rocking some stadium dates in twenty
twenty four. So that's cool.Hopefully they're still getting along by then.
Oh yeah, yeah, that wouldbe very uncomfortable for the people out there
right, yeah at the show,right. I I no offence to cheap
trick or heart. I'd rather seewith Steve Miller band. Any of those
bands great. All of them justhave a huge catalog of fantastic music in

tons of hits. So I wouldimagine that tour will do pretty well again.
Tickets go on sale a week fromtomorrow. You see what I got?
Oh? Are we gonna do that? Do an unboxing here? Literally?
Yes, the mystery box, thisbox and I'll hold it up for
uh for the listeners watching. Onthe j R Our Facebook page Facebook Live,

it says on the side, nextstep pancake, Next stop pancakes.
Oh, next stop, sorry pancakes. Now it's addressed to both of us.
It's quite heavy. I saw Isaw g money over there in our
promo department, and I was carryingthis. I go, what do you
think could be in here? Soobviously you would think it would probably be

like syrup, maybe pancake mix.I sent, that's my guess. But
it's pretty heavy. Yeah, it'stoo heavy to be actual pancakes because generally
those are white and fluffy, wellnot the batter, but I let her
know i'd let her know if therewas a head in the box, and
she would be an awful, awfullysmall head. It'd be a shrunken head,

could be maybe like a you know, I see it's like a witch
doctor did something. Getting back fromit. In case it's anthrax. Uh,
it's from a guy named John andSamfray a lot of anthrax because that
thing is quite dense, a littlebit of weight to it. It's careful.
Good packaging job. John in SanFrizl got a plenty of clear packing

tape on this thing. That's professional. Yeah. The way I'm cutting,
it's not because you're supposed to cutaway from yourself. Sorry for the suspense,
everybody, Ah, what is it? Zero? Oh? It is
from Vermont? Okay, all right. I remember we were talking about getting
real maple syrup, and then wewere talking about how you know Canada obviously,

and then we were reminded that Vermontalso does a pretty damn good job
at a real maple syrup pure.He even put wrapping paper around it to
keep it scratch tree because they're inlike plastic container. That's super cool,
man, John, you're the man, all right. Let me yell to
glory that there's no head in thebox. Is that a card that came

out the box? Thank god?All right, so now i'm that training
that we just got done taking.Are we allowed to accept this, uh,
this offering from John? Yeah,you're sure we didn't name the company
or things or any A nice littleChristmas card? Then I got a real

present for you. This is thisone's awesome, and we have something else.
I know. There's no anthechs,just some sparkles, though, warmly
wishing you a bright and merry Christmasand a happy New Year from your friends
John and Robin and I don't wantto say their last name for very cool.
Thanks guys, that's super cool.You guys, very much appreciated.

Hell yeah, the heck was Igonna say? Okay, I got something
else to show my mix A littlebit of that under my sausage links again,
So thank you. That's cool,and thanks for bearing with us during
the podcast opening that. I justfigured that if it was gonna be something
that would kill us, I wantedto do it. Yeah, we want

to get the clicks on it,the views. Yeah, I mean,
because you know, be a wasteotherwise, shoot some reels man. Yeah,
So okay, this is a TikToker. No, no, TikTok and
reels. This is the other thingI wanted to show you. He's in
his phone now scrolling through and you'regonna be happy. What do you got?

Oh, the Boobies of Christmas YEP, twenty twenty three edition. Here's
the first one for you, Lyncher. Uh what about Facebook glub with that?
You can't show nud to me?Well, you just come out yourself.
Yeah, hold on, don't doanything on my phone. Oh my
good. Yeah those are real.So if you if you are one of

those peoples, are very real andvery large and very jiggly. If you're
one of those people that gets theBoobies of Christmas sent to you from friends,
it's coming because yeah, yeah,my guy, easy, don't be
not on my phone anymore. Oh, it is just only how many of
how many of On the next day, there's already opened. You'll see it
on the tree X that out.Oh wait, no, this I'm going

to some body camp. What didyou up for a sex site to it?
Yeah? Wonderful, thanks Pat.I don't know how to operate iPhones,
dude, I'm an android guy anyway. Man. Okay, so wow,
this is been eventful podcast already.Sorry, sorry to board all you
all you No, I'm not talkingabout pulling up the site. It was

just asking about was eighteen m Okay, explain the list. Let's let's a
little background if you're newer to theshow. The list is something that and
I'm sure other people have their version, but the list is something that my
father mentioned to me probably thirty fortyforty years ago. I think a lot

of our parents had kept a shitlist. Yeah, exactly, that's what
I'm saying. But that's where Ibecame familiar with it. And then I
brought it over to the station,and our boss Rick would put certain people
on the risks on the list,or certain restaurants. Like he walked into
a restaurant and they were playing adifferent radio station, a competing rock station.

He came in, all right,I love their subs, but they're
on the list. Actually we weretogether when that happened, and it was
over twenty years ago at this point. Yeah, and we went, me
and him went out to lunch andlike the list. Half this place,
they're on the list. Yep.So Pat, you know, he puts
a few more on the list thanI do. Because I would just wait

on like more patient in places thanI understand. And you know, it's
like whatever. But I know onethat you put on the list that I
think it might be the one thatyou took off. Is it that wing
place? No? Because that one. See, here's the mistake you're making.
It's not a astrourant. I'm justassuming it is correct. That's the
mistake. Okay. Yeah, whatelse did you have on the list?

Yeah, it's a long it's along list. It really is. Over
the years. Oh, the theother thing on the list. This is
why I'm bringing it up here.I've never removed anyone or anything from the
list until now. Until now,because that's the whole purpose of the list.
You just that's where you park somethingthat bothered you, rather than just

carry it around all the time.You just park it there. Yeah,
and then just avoid it. Yeah, I'll go there. What is it?
I am removing the Miami Dolphins fromthe list? Wow? Okay.
Officially they were on the list becausethey were kneeling. Yes, that's that's

what triggered me back during that wholesituation. And to be fair, no,
they were not the only team thatwere kneelers during the national anthem.
But they were your football team fromchildhood, team that I knew and loved
and grew up with and totally respected. There's a few things that really really
anger me, and not standing ifyou were physically capable of doing it for

the national anthem is one of thethings that really pisses me off. And
they can go and try to spinoh, well, we was. It's
tired. Listen. The deal isif if you disagree with the anthem or
whatever, fine, but you shouldstill stand up anoledge, just stand there
quietly and uh, you know youdon't. I'm not asking you to sing,

I'm not asking you to put yourhand on your heart or anything like
that. But the whole, thewhole deal that started with that Kaepernick asshole
and then spread just completely pissed meoff. And when I saw it spread
to the Dolphins, I'm like,that's it. I'm done. Fact I
was almost done with the NFL entirely. This is a guy that did you
You had Dolphins tickets at one point. I know you had Canes tickets,
didn't you. I used to goto the Dolphins home games back at the

Orange Bowl all the time when Ilived in South Florida. Yes, and
I mean he he had Dolphins stickermagnet every I mean he was everything.
I was hitched it all. Hewas a he was a homer for the
Dolphins, which is cool there.And now, is it your back because
there it's been enough times gone throughor just because they're a good team?

Two things. No, it's it'sa nice bonus that they're doing well.
There's still a lot of games leftto be played, and they have a
lot of tough games left on theirschedule. But two things here. First,
I realized that the jerk offs whowere doing the kneeling are long gone
good playing that team all right,So to harbor ill will at this point

against the current roster on that teamis pointless. Second, the Dolphins are
being featured on Hard Knocks in seasonthird episode aired this week, and I've
I've watched all three and I gotto tell you, I just I have
a whole new found respect for forthat team, and I'm going to pin

it right on their new head,fairly new head coach, Mike McDaniel.
That dude, he is a genius. For one, he's a smart dude.
When we first saw that guy gethired. We're like, what,
this dude looks like he should berunning like, you know, an internet
cafe or something for me. Ididn't. I didn't really question it when
they hired him because there was alreadysomebody similar to that coaching another football team.

When that guy got remember the othercoach that remind you of him,
kind of young, kind of nerdylooking, young coach and oh my god,
who was he the coach? Hewas the coach a lady oh seaw
McVeigh. McVeigh. He was anotherone that was so young, it's not
nerdy looking. Did you see hiswife anyway? Holy young dude. And

when I saw that, I waslike, that's the one that I questioned,
And now so this one didn't.Yeah, so anyway, And McDaniel
his personality just rings through in thisthis Hard Knocks and season on HBO.
There's there's no show being put on, there's no you know, hamming it

up for the camera. He justis who he is and who he is
I've come to really really like hismethod of approaching things with people, the
game, life in general. AndI'm like, this, this guy's a
leader, man, And I canclearly see why this team although they have
some great players they've assembled this seasonare responding to him. Of course,

he's h he's not making it upbecause it's about football in the game,
and it's it's it's during you knowseason stuff. So and he also had
Taco. He had you know,the type of humor I like, you
like the dry sense of humor?Got boss Rick hat? Yeah, boy
does he have it? And uhyeah, some good There's some things that
might just right over some people's headswhen you watch them, but just dial

yourself in. Yeah, go intoit with a clear head, and you're
thinking cap on in your brain.Working at tow too. Are the text
the direct messages coming in John Baker? The list makes sense. Yeah,
I mean most of us probably havea list, you know, that list
that you got people on and justsay, uh, Mike Smith is upset

over the terrible concert announcement. Taco, they're irrelevant bands that just need to
give it up. They got alot of hits, Okay, got a
lot of hits. Don't go tothe show, dude, I don't know
what to tell. You know,one's you know, it's a free country.
That's cool. Hey, he's tuningin the podcast. Thanks for listening.
No, did we ask you guysto comment. We're gonna respond back.

Mm hm okay, So you're backon with the Dolphins. I am.
I'm back on board with the Dolphins. I think while you're taking things
off your list, you could putthat wing place back on because unfortunately the
guy who ran it that that youput it on the list four passed away.
So yep, I have a pointthere. Well that was you know

what, Oh, I got glitterall over myself from the Vermont maple syrup
box. It's it's fine, don'tyou worry about it, John, Yeah,
that uh, that incident that wasprobably the most glaring example of how
to quickly get on the list.Yeah. Guy chased me and the wife
into the parking lot to scream atus running a restaurant. He's the GM

of the place, and and actuallychased you out. Yeah. Why was
he screaming at you about? Because, uh, they sent us a mailer
you know, come on up andenjoy whatever with you know, it had
a five dollars off or something,and they they did not want to accept
it. Didn't want to accept it, like you just mailed it to our

house and well it turned into waymore than it should be. And I'm
like, no, I didn't screamat all. I was like, I
told the server I go, becausethe server was the one who was acting
as a go between. Is therea manager here, the owners here?
And that that's when it got sowe just we paid and took care of

the server very well. That serveddidn't do anything wrong. And as we
were leaving is when the guy followedus out and started be rating us right
there on the sidewalk in front ofthe restaurant. Had he did the place
serve booze, had he been drinking, he might a few. Yeah,
that could be. No, youknow, he wasn't in the back.
He was sitting with some pals overat the bar area and was too busy

to come over until he saw usleaving. Yeah, that's definitely so material.
But he's not there anymore, notanywhere anymore. Stop. So yeah,
all right, man, ready forsome pancakes. I get some pancakes,
all right? Something else I wasgonna tell you, and I spaced

it, but he did come tothe table with some boobs for you.
Well, I'll show I'll come aroundand show you the rest. Sorry if
I inadvertently got your credit card chargefor something there. It wouldn't be the
first time. Don't worry. Okay, I'm gonna I'll pull it up and
go to the backside. All right, Yeah, we're good. Now,

okay, all right, we're gonnaboog you on out of here. Uh
whoa what was O? Whoa?Hold on? What's going on there?
No? It was I hit thewrong link anyway, that was from this
group of guys. I don't thinkwe'd I'm glad it didn't play on air.
All right, we'll do it againnext week around the same time.

Yeah, next week, creeping closerand closer to that holiday man, getting
there, getting there Christmas time.So just one quick question, just to
clarify from earlier today. There's nohead in the box. No, the
blow up thing that you bought fromChina for the front yard, that's that's
it's not happening. It's dead done. I'm gonna pull it back up and

and I'll try I'll attempt to getthe lights working. But we have Thursday
night football tonight, so I'll probablydo that tomorrow. I don't either way,
I can tell you it's probably notit's not going back in the closet
with the other ornaments for next year, just because you got to fill the
bottom with water and that's just gonnastink and create mold. And it's gone,

all right, scissors, front yardexecution done, mommy, after this
season, after the smoth season,or maybe I'll pawn it off on somebody.
All Right, everybody, have agreat day. We'll see you m
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