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This episode is brought to you byComcast Business. Whatever your day brings,
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day in business is a big day. Comcast Business will keep you ready for
what's next. Comcast Business Powering Possibilities. You just got to get out there
and swing and ding it. Yeah, you know, just guess it's gonna
go out there and try to swingit and ding it. All right,
Hello and welcome to Swing It andDing It And iHeartMedia Podcasts. Sponsored by
Draftking Sportsbook kar We've been kind offlailing a little bit. Draft. I
feel like we need a big week. This week we do. We'll see
the line. We see thee alsoAll Access GTE. How you were with
the great Ryan Gaino out of thefilming E Inside Golf? Is that correct?
Yeah? Yesterday over at Lulu CountryClub with Harry Donaghue, our buddy
Brownie Joe Logan. Joe Giuliano madean appearance before he relocates to Madison,
Wisconsin, and we had a greattime. Awesome. Yeah, we'll hear
more about that and of course responsoredby Comcast Business introducing Ultimate Speed for Business
the fastest Internet plans yet from ComcastBusiness Powering Possibilities last week. How the
tour was in the Great White North, Canada. Are you familiar with that
place up there? Har I am? I am, yeah, the hockey,
the dasher boards out. It wasa cool, cool scene up there,
man. That's right, that's right. And we stay in Canada and
we we welcome guests that were onthe show before kind of came to us,
to our friend Wes Patterson as weget ready for our golf outing from
the dormy golf workshop, we welcome. Wow. I forgot if it was
Todd or Jeff. It's Todd.I know you just said that it's Todd.
It's Todd, Todd Bishop. Jeff'son a plane to LA remember.
That's right. That's right, that'sright. I should know that's it's My
name is Jeff. But welcome toswing it and dig it. Man.
How you doing doing good? Thanksgood? So what was what was it
like when a tour come out?I know it's like, yeah, it's
like saying, hey, the touris in in Philadelphia and someone lives in
like Chicago. But I know it'sbig when whenever the tour comes up for
the for the Open. What wasyour what was your involvement with that with
that last week? Yeah, sothis year I didn't get to go personally,
and I have attended and it isit is a monster event for everybody
up here, and it typically isin Toronto, uh, and there's kind
of a rota that they do aroundaround the city some of the older courses,
and Hamilton is a place that Ihave not played, but we do.
Uh. It's a really good clientof ours and a really historic,
beautiful layout. I think the TV, I think it showed pretty well and
the players certainly enjoy playing that onebecause I've never heard anybody ever complain about
Hamilton. But it's great, Likewe've such a talented group of guys now
and a lot of it goes datesback to like the Golf Canada vision of
having a national team, and youknow, USA now has adopted a similar
model and it just it only happenedlike within the last twelve months. So
it's interesting to see that USA,who usually when it comes to sports and
figure out you know, capsules andthese little segmented ways of improving, took
a page out of Canada's Golf Canadaand like we got to get a national
team going. Yeah, Golf Canadareally showed well, and not only with
the with the golf course which isan old Harry Colt design, I mean
that place is just spectacular. Butthey performed well too as a team.
I know they're getting ready for thePresident's Cup and they'll be well represented with
with Mike Weir as the captain.But you guys are over in the Nova
Scotia Halifax area. Is that correct? Yeah, so the east coast.
There's a one province further east andthat's Newfoundland actually Island. So you know,
we kind of claim that the easternseaboard side is the last place you
can drive to without having to takea ferry. Well, I've been to
how that area when I was growingup on a trip, a summer trip,
but I wasn't a golfer. Then. How many golf courses are in
your area, man, that isa great question. I know that in
our city alone, we're definitely underserviced for public courses, and our waitlist
on all the private courses are maxedout, just like everywhere. I heard
a stat that it was pre COVID, there was around twenty nineteen that almost
next to zero wait list and weare at sixty percent. Every private course
has a weight list now, soI don't even know what that you know,
the X factor of that happening inthe history of golf. I don't
think it's ever happened like that before. Wow. So it's a phrase that
we you like to use on theshow as your golf journey, right to
talk to those about your golf journey, how you started in the game,
and how you got from you know, playing the game to making you know,
the number one head covering golf,these beautiful custom leather headcovers and other
accessories that are absolutely tremendous. Butyou know that doesn't just like pop out
of nowhere. Talk about your historyto get to that point. Yeah,
I mean it would have started backfrom my grandfather, who was a lefty
and he was he was a goodathlete, but he wasn't He never really
was dedicated to it, and hewas kind of a family man, worked
hard, and then that lefty setof clubs worked its way to my father.
Now, my father was a diabolicalopposite of my granddad, where his
whole life was playing sports. Whenhe was fifty, he ran the new
York Marathon. He played basketball,volleyball, he was a physic teacher.
He did all these different things,and it was all based around playing sports
being competitive. And as the firstbornof three sons, I saw those lefty
clubs, got those ones going.And I started a very young age.
I mean I was laying in alittle crib and there was there was like
a full iron land right across Likewow, this is uh it's just a
generational thing. And uh So sportswere always really important to my brothers and
but Dad was definitely the one thatreally got us into, you know,
looking at the world from a competitivesports angle. And I always wanted to
be a professional athlete. So whateverI did, it was always moved to
that location. So I was aprofessional skier for a while and I lived
out in baf and tot skiing forsix seasons. Kind of got injured,
but in the meantime I was workingin the band Springs golf course, so
it was like ski golf. Youknow, you're just kind of and this
is all post university. So thenwhen I kind of injured myself out of
skiing, I moved to Florida instantlyand just went straight into golf in two
thousand and one and played all theseamateur events for three years. Wow.
Then it was around two thousand andfive when I played my first pro event
in San Antonio at the Quarry.It's a really cool course of rattlesnakes everywhere,
and I had never been to SanJose and and it was like,
sorry, it was San Antonio,San Antonio, Texas. And so that
was the beginning of playing as apro, trying to make money at it,
and that went on, well,I've been I got my PGA card
with Canada PGA Canada in two thousandand eight. And during those times,
you know, we were kind oflooking at how do we make more money
and it was definitely teaching is theway to go in golf. And so
yeah, my brother I had ajob on a cruise ships as a golf
pro and this this is what youcan go on a journey. Yeah.
Like I said, we just movedto like the greatest spots and then just
hunker down and find courses to playor places to ski. And the cruise
ship was an amazing experience because foronce in my life, I was actually
making legit money, didn't have tocook. It was like turn down service
almost because I had a like officerstatus on the Princess line. So I'm
sitting there at the captain sitting overhere, and I've got my own table,
and there's a waiter coming over offerme wine and food, and I'm
like, this is this is likethe best life ever. The Captain's like,
my backswing is just a little bit. Can you help me? I'm
having trouble in the transition. Yeah. Well there they were all Italian guys,
so hardly any of the play golf. Unfortunate because I really could have
used some help in terms of likethese excursions get pretty wild, you know,
because it's it's like all inclusive.We're going to Mexico. We're hitting
like Cabo Masaalan the other one,but I mean on the East Eastern seaboard.
We're hitting play at Carmen Cosmel,really really awesome spots, right and
the Mexican golf court. I wouldhave like five or six, maybe ten
people come with me and we goto the golf course. And I felt
like a teacher in a class thatwent on a field trip because I'm like
one, two, three, four, oh man, what happened? I
saw him on the eighteenth oll.No, he went back to get another
drink. It's like, oh man, we're going to miss the ship.
Oh my god, that's great.So it was taking people off the ship
to these excursions, golf outings orwhatever. It was just to get people
off. Wow, that's tremendous.Yeah. So I got Jeff on as
an assistant, like I mean,stretching it to the max, like I
remember asked my boss. I waslike, you can get another guy on
this ship to like to help me, because I mean it was going pretty
good. So Jeff and I teamedup, and that was when Jeff got
reintroduced to golf, and he reallycaught the bug bad and he's he was
an exceptional amateur golfer. He madeit to the US Open final qualifier at
one point for the US and andhe's won the Nova Scotia Amateur here way
back and then he turned pro aswell. So during all these times,
we at one point we started upour own ballmarker business and that was kind
of the entrepreneurial start, was makingthese these ballmarkers that had a line on
it because we used to be lineline line cutters, so that gave us
that extension to read the pot.I mean, they're super popular now,
but we were doing those back intwo thousand and nine, twenty ten,
so we were you know, itwas a it was kind of a because
we were so involved in the game. We knew that this was a game
improvement piece, and that was howwe marketed it. And so we learned
a lot about hustle and just howto talk to people and listen and network
and all the things that you needto kind of be a good entrepreneur,
because we've been doing all our lives, whether it was selling ski lessons,
so I was working at night,when I was do you guys are at
the resort? I would there bea my business card in the sugar bowl.
I'd hide them in the sugar bowlsall over the place till I was
the last guy to clean the bar, and then I would get the private
requests. So these little things,you know, you find ways to kind
of gamify where you're at to increaseyour reach. And when it came to
Dormy, that was something that Jeffhad brought up on his own and said,
Man, I'm seeing leather head coverseverywhere, and I went to buy
one. I don't really see anythingthat really sets me off. And I
was like, well, we gotthe ball markers going, we have our
own Bishop Brothers Golf school. Youknow, it's going to be our third
wheel at something like I know thatthis is something's got to give. And
he was like, well, I'mgoing to do it with it without you.
That was where I was like,well, I can't let my little
brother take off on me. I'magain all right, let's do it.
Screw it, Jeff, I broughtyou on the boat. Come on,
man, you can't leave me hangingout. That was like September twenty fourteen,
okay, and that was a RyderCup year, and we just you
know, when we thought about branding, we had learned from the last one.
It was kind of more. Itwas called lined up Golf, and
it wasn't really warm. It wasvery technical. It was right, we
thought it was. It was coolat the time, but Dormy had a
much better sound to it, becausewe're hearing that word over and over on
the Ryder Cup and we thought,well, we did a little quick search.
Nobody seemed to have owned the name, so we were like, okay,
we'll use the word dormy. Andthen for workshop gives it that old,
kind of old world feel. Youkind of think about a guy that
might be wearing a leather apron andyou know, sipping a single malt scotch,
smoking a cigar, maybe hammering somethingor tinkering with wearing wiry glasses.
So we thought, okay, let'scombine those two and that's kind of how
the name started. Wow, well, congratulations on your tenth year anniversary.
You talk about tinkering and hammering outthe you know, the design who comes
up with the great designs that youguys have? Because to me, when
I first you know, saw youknow, I looked on your social media,
I'm like, man, these designsare so cool and I don't see
any of this stuff anywhere else.Yeah, I mean that Originally it started
with the three brothers because our third, our youngest bro. We brought him
in about six to eight months intothe business, I believe, because we
were all artists. So, youknow, living in Australia, we used
to surf and golf in cool andwait wait wait wait, how did we
get Australia in here? I gotbanned, I got Florida, I got
Mexicans, got Australia a couple ofchapters and they're the the older you.
Well, my son told me thatYoda died at nine hundred, so that's
that's my goal is to maybe that'swow, Yeah, like such a loser,
right, Jesus. But in Australia, I had actually given up golf
and I was just surfing almost fulltime and painting, selling art on the
on the streets like and and theboys are playing golf, and I was
like, well, maybe I'll playlike one day with you guys, and
I'm just going to continue to surfand paint and uh. But in the
meantime, like they were Alex doesgraffiti artists. Jeff was also a painter,
but they were more focused on likereally enjoying the Australian life. But
from that we were able to asa three, we just focused on like
really cool ways to you know,if Moose you came to us and said,
hey, I want to get acover that represents what I love,
well we would question you and grillyou and you know, try to find
something whether it's a colorway or aneat thing about maybe it was a family
member or whatever it was that youknow, one of our things was whoever's
on the when you get to thefirst tea box, whoever has the best
story wins. And that was kindof a theory. So if you have
a really nice set of head covers, you're gonna be able to break the
ice right out of the first teabox and set the tone. So from
that that was how we kind ofviewed all our personal headcovers. Was trying
to figure out what was the bestway to express somebody's inner emotion as opposed
to being a titleist, loyalist ora callowe. I love both those brands,
but I don't need them splashed allover my bag. I'd rather have
my own self because it's kind oflike your you know, you put your
own stickers on there. You're gonnacustomize little things. So that was kind
of how it all came together.But now we've got seven full time designers
on Style, don't I barely evenget into a design meeting. Like Jeff
still is very involved in the designstuff, Alex is still heavily. He
does a lot more of the photographynow, so he transitioned into making sure
that the website and and our catalogsand everything like that looks sharp. And
Crisp, and we've invested a lotinto we built a studio, We've got
all these different ways of taking picturesof headcovers that I just I don't know
whether anybody else cares that much aboutstanding up. Yeah, make sure you
check it out. Go to dormyworkshopdot com. Just check out the way
that they, you know, showshowcase their products. I mean, last
year, you guys made an incrediblelong Drive Champion headcover for us that was
the biggest hit. And I lovethe way that the that the packaging comes
right. It looks like you're gettingthe surloin delivered when you get the head
cover, just like the little thingsthat you guys do and think of just
separates it from everything else. SoI mean, you could see the thought
that goes into it with you guys, and the fact that you're artists and
you care about all the little elementsof it. So it shows through man
for sure. Thank you. LikeJeff has gone, I went once,
but we went to the there's aleather show in Milan, Italy, and
you know, these are the lengthsthat we'll go to. And we walked
the floor for three days and justtrying to find the coolest zipper, the
best snap, all the little embellishments, right, I mean, let alone
the leather. Yeah, we wentthere to the leather obviously, and we
have one hundred and fifty just instock in our warehouse. But we also
have ways to order custom dialogues andall these unique leathers that we found over
in Italy, because those guys arethe masters. They might not know how
to golf that well or a lot, but they certainly have mastered leather and
the artistry of that craft. Andso we again, you just go right
to the source and just been therethree times, so he's really got a
good hold on how to source thebest leathers and all the embellishments. How
does it? You know? Becausethe custom side is so cool too.
I have a couple of people thatI refer to you guys that got for
their outings or for events where theygot custom covers. But the stuff that
you guys make is so cool tobegin with. So it's like, you
know, you don't really need tothere's so much out there, But how
much of your business is what youguys are producing compared to other people's concepts
that you're making for them? Yeah, So the custom side. I mean,
that's what really separated us from ourcompetitors because there's really two ways you
can look at the headcover world.It's a very low barrier to entry.
You can be a mom and popshop and only do custom stuff one of
all the time, and there's lotsof talented people out through that do that.
But then there's another aspect, whichwould be just doing full wholesale,
where you're only working with OEMs orpro shops and they won't do one offs.
But what we're doing is we're doingboth, and that's we've been able
to transpose that unique artistry of findingout what a golf course wants and treating
them like it's a person. Sowe'll just keep asking the pro like is
there a bridge, is there abar? Is there a unique tree?
What is it that the culture ofyour course? Really? Like, what's
going to resonate with your members insteadof just cranking a logo on there.
Now it's orange this year and nextyear it's a blue cover and it's got
a logo on and that's it.It's like, well, we don't want
to have it so that when yougo to the next course and you drive,
oh, look, it's an orangecover with a logo, and so
that was kind of like, Okay, how do we do it so that
if they play both courses, they'regoing to have to buy each cover each
time because it's so cool and unique, and so I guess are split right
now. We were originally like morecustom and we were trying to get pro
shops on board. Then the proshops start to order more, and then
we needed to hire more. Andnow it's like, man, we're at
we might be doing five percent customand then the rest is ninety five wholesale
and partners like corporate, whether it'sPorsche or whether it's you name it,
Like we're working with so many greatcompanies now that it's it's it's a wake
up in the morning. I amexcited to come in to see who the
heck is knocking on the door,because it's pretty cool that way. That
is cool. What is like aminimum order for a custom order like of
headcovers for wholesale or for like,say yourself, arey, Like let's just
say you have a golf outing,you know every year, or a group
of guys are always taking a tripand they want each year they want to
you know, twenty thirty guys gettogether, they want to have a commemorative
headcover. Yep. So you knowwe always say there are we'll scale it
so that, let's say there's fourguys going, we will give you at
least a discount because you got four. But our mlqs typically start at twenty
four. And you know, sometimesbecause we use eight heads on our embroider
machine, I think it might itmay have moved down to sixteen. So
I actually have to double check onthat because I'm actually not in this,
Like I used to be the onlysales guy at one point. Now it's
like you've got four internal guys,two custom guys. These are all in
at HQ here in Halifax, andthen we've got a team of wraps out
in the field. So it's it'syou know, it's really developed into like
our company in Halifax's seventy employees workingout of it. So it is it
is like our dad. He comesto all the shows and he just continually
is, I can't I can't believeyou guys. Like it's not that he
calls his bullshitters because he wouldn't usethat word, but he's just like,
I can't, I don't know howyou guys pulled this off. Well,
how long were you into it?I have you've been around ten years as
dormy workshop. What was the yearwhere it really kind of exploded or was
there a year when that happened.It was kind of a slow, slow
boom, and but there there aredefinitely like I I went to university and
have an English degree, so Iwas the guy that always wrote all the
copy and Jeff was like, man, that there's a thing that says that
we should be chronicling all all theseyou know, key key moments, and
uh so I started doing that andit's kind of like a diary probably just
in simple terms, and looking back, it was a real combination of things
of meeting. You know. Iremember Jeff and I were surfing and Jeff's
phone went off and the guys like, hey, it's Chris Pronger. Just
look for some covers. And we'restanding there in websuits, freezing because it
was like November, and Jeff's lookingand he's like, it's Chris Pronger on
the phone. Like nah, man, oh my god, sank guy.
Right, But like little things likethat, well then that led to more
NHL guys, right, and soit just there was you know, it's
not an overnight success. It's atwenty four hour grind and you just wake
up the next day and and yousee what happened and build from there.
But yeah, there were some reallybig moments of like grand Furor is another
guy that we've become really good friendswith and he's come to our tournaments,
we support his and he's one ofthe nicest guys you'd ever meet, an
amazing player and huge heart. Thosetype of like influential celebrities that are have
legitimized themselves professionally but also as ahuman. That's kind of where we're at
we really, I would say,looking back, it's more of the relationships
that we've established and the relationships thatwe have with our customers. So are
pros that we see every quarter ata trade show, or maybe it's only
once year we see them at theOrlando Show, but we make sure that
we try to get and talk toas many people and keep those relationships strong,
because I mean, without those,we wouldn't be anywhere, no doubt.
Well, listen, we appreciate yoursupport. It is a second year
in a row. You're supporting ourgolf outing. We have the pinch hit
Fairway and the switch hitter and someother accessories that are going to be part
of I don't know what the prizeis gonna be. I'm guessing it's gonna
be Wes Patterson's long drive Hole andsome in some form or fashion. It's
got to be. But we postedthat, I got so many responses like,
I gotta win that thing. Whatdo I gotta do? I gotta
win that set. So we appreciateyour support as always. That's that's awesome.
We love Wes. He's an awesomeyou know, played the fair amount
of golf with him. I stillcan't believe he hits it that far.
It's not far. That's what Iwant to know, Like when did when
did the connection start with Wes?How'd you get hooked up with him?
That was Jeff had met Wes througha guy that we know that's no and
is the King of Miami, anduh, you know another character who just
is like a connector and he wasone of the producers of the show Man
I'm blank, And I was like, it's like Entourage Ballers. Oh yeah,
so the show Ballers. So JoeyKurtel we became really good friends with
him, and he's come to tradeshows. He's stayed at our airbnb.
Joey was my roommate when we werestaying in Orlando. We rented an airbnb
in the Disney area, and Idon't know if you ever rented one,
but you go in, it's justMickey Mouse everywhere and there was like two
single beds. I'm looking over atJoey and there's there's Goofy on the wall,
and you know, Donald Duck onthis side. We're just like killing
ourselves, like because we're still kindof on the budget too, right,
We're not going to just go andwe're not Ballers. We're working towards that.
We're still in that Disney Airbnb phase. Right, So we end up
meeting West through Joey. Okay,the Rock was involved with Ballers. Yeah,
show. Yeah, it's probably gotthe best. Like you know,
if you say who's your best numberon there, he would have like,
well like alphabetical, Oh wow.The West is hiding him from us,
Harriet. Yeah, he he doesn'twant to open up the Philadelphia door there.
You know, they gotta be yougotta be careful because you can't shut
it at some point well, youguys are the king of Philly to some
people. Yeah, in our ownminds. Well, listen, man,
we appreciate it. Thank you forcoming on. It was awesome to hear
your story. I mean I knewa little bit about it, but to
hear you know, we talk abouta golf journey, har I mean,
this is a golf journey to getthere, but it's all about hard work
and dedication. It's so cool tohear from you know how it started with
your family for the love of golfand got you to this place. And
we're we're thrilled to be associated withyou guys in any way and are here
to support any way we can.And thank you again for for supporting our
outing this year. Oh happy todo it. And we really appreciate the
chance to come on and share thestory because we're still trying to get it
out there. Absolutely, yeah,no, really appreciate it. Check him
out Dormy workshop dot com. Checkout Dormy Workshop on social media and we'll
be posting some more about the prettycool prize that someone's gonna get a chance
to win at our outing and we'llconnect with you guys again soon. Man
continued success have a great tournament.All right, thank you appreciate it.
Thanks all right, let's take aquick break and we will be right back.
All right, welcome back to swingit and ding it hair. Wow,
curve balls can't go right now?And tell I mean you just never
run the world. Yeah, weask about the journey. That was a
real that's a real journey. Imean you talk about all the different time
zones that Todd and Jeff have beena part of. It. Mean,
when he threw in the Australia crimelike wait, wait a second, and
then he goes from being like aski instructor, so he's great skier to
a great golfer who was playing professionalevents to a great surfer and artists think
about that, and now an artistand an entrepreneur. I mean, wow,
it's funny. Right, every everyplace he talked about there was the
connection to golf. Right, itwas he was a ski instructor, but
he was also working at the golfcourse, right, working on a cruise
ship, but he was working asyou know, everything about it just connected
back to the game of golf sovery I mean, you know when you
see a product like this and aline like this, and you know that
there's passion behind it, and youknow it's all about the game of golf.
It makes you just, you know, gravitate towards it even to be
a part of it. Yeah.Yeah, I mean there's stuff is just
there's nothing like it. I mean, we all see the different stuff in
the and there's a lot of peoplemaking some great stuff right now. But
when when you look at what theydo and the detail they put behind it,
it's it's tremendous. And I can'twait to hand that prize to somebody
at are sold out golf outing Harrythat's right now, sold out now,
who was the last person under thewire? I hate to do it to
him, but Andrew Factor fact right, fact money listen, he was in
from the start. He just youknow, it's like, yeah, I'll
get to it. I'm like Ihad to text a couple of guys.
I'm like, guys, I gottashut this down. Man, you gotta
get in. And I know I'mgoing to get the text like, oh
man, I can't how many timesdo we say like, you got to
get in, We're right, Howmany scare do we have now? How
many players? Well, I thinkI'm trying to keep it exactly like last
year, which is still a lot. At one hundred and sixteen golfers,
that's a lot. But that's whatwe've had last year, and the Legacy
Club got us done and you knowa little over four hours. You know,
I slow it down because of allthe craziness we have on the course
and contests and games and pyrotechnics,rin stands and stunt coordinators and everything else
that we have out there. Butyou know, we'll try to keep it
moving. But awesome. Yeah,and you saw the he saw the belt.
He saw champion your belt for thelong drive this year went a little
bit of a different direction. Guythat got some response. Yes, oh
yeah, that's that's pretty cool.Actually what I called out Russ hart tongue
because he hadn't signed up yet,right because like Danielle's not going to make
it, is he in? Ohhe's in now? He was Actually he's
actually the last Okay, so hedid get it right, did get in
all right? Yeah, got togo out and shake trees, man,
you know. Yeah, we wantthe guys that want to be there.
We know they're in to be there, you know, but let's stay up
in Canada real quick. Because itwas a pretty interesting event, a pretty
emotional ending. We talk about youknow, Todd and his dad and how
that started. But Robert McIntyre getshis first PGA Tour win with his dad
on the bag, Dougie, thegreenskeeper, Harry. Yeah, how cool
was that? He's he is aninteresting person to watch. Yes, his
facial expressions, just everything about himjust seems that accent the Scottish action is
the hardest understand, but the coolestto listen to. Yeah, it is
terrific. It was. It waspretty cool. I mean, you know,
his first win on the PGA Tour. He had that close call against
Rory last year in the Scottish Openwhen Rory had to hit that right four
iron or two iron, I forgetwhat it was, and he's stuck one
real close and ended up winning it. But you know, he's a Ryder
Cup guy. I mean, youknow, he's a very accomplished player,
but just hadn't you know, beenable to He wasn't comfortable, you know,
on the PGA Tour, and thatwas something that came out of this
that you know, he was veryhomesick. One of the reasons why,
I guess, you know, hebrought his dad on, you know,
to carry the bag and actually isskipping this week's tournament. He was automatically
now you know, exempt into theinto the memorial, when prior to the
win he wasn't. And he's skippingit to go back home to Scotland and
celebrate the win with his people.And you know, that just goes to
show he's passing up almost to guaranteedpaycheck. There's a cut at this event,
but there's not going to be manyguys that will miss the cut it
they cut it down to fifty andties and there's only like seventy four players
to begin with, so chances arehe was going to make another check.
And he's said, no, I'myou know, I'm I'm miss home and
I'm going back. And I thoughtthat. I thought that was pretty interesting
and doesn't seem to be into itfor the money, this guy, No,
no, this doesn't seem like aguy who's going to live right,
let's exact exactly. He's here forthe love of the game and uh and
and and to win tournaments and compete. And it was pretty cool and his
father is sort of like a he'snot going to carry the bag and going
forward. But he's in you know, a little bit of a celebrity and
he's just a greenskeeper. He's agrass cutter. I mean you think of
imagine that. Now, it's likehe's gonna be He's a legend, right,
yeah, total legends. He's nevergonna have to buy a pint for
the rest of his life, youknow. No, it was araam of
Scotch like that that Sunday. Hehas the lead, but there there were
guys that were firing and you didn'tknow Ben Griffin, you know, Perez,
you know, even even Rory fora little bit, and you're like,
man, what this is all?All he has to do is just
hold these guys off. He doesn'thave to you know, Birdie, Birdie,
Birdie, like just just par someof these holes. And that's exactly
what he did. But you know, to the point, Ben Griffin's out
on the range because you know hegot within what wanted at that point,
and you think, well maybe ifhe if he Bogey's here, there's a
chance. But that's gotta be aweird feeling, right, would you rather
be like in the chase one downor would you rather be one up with
someone chasing you on a on aon a finishing day. I think I'd
be very uncomfortable with the one uplead. I would I would rather be
like needing to make make a birdieor something to to try to catch a
guy. I agree, I'm tooworried about making a bogie trying, like
I'm excited about I could try tomake a Barty or a par even but
like the thought of like, manif I can't, I can't alf is
like don't hit it was mistake,hit it in the degrees, not like
you know, let me fire this. So I always wondered at too.
I'd like to ask some of theguys we talked to and how they would
feel about it. Some guys wouldprobably prefer the lead and they feel like
they can protect it, but man, I would be uncomfortable. Yeah,
But I mean the idea of havingyou having done everything you could that day,
and you finished a couple under par, and you made a run and
you're on the range, you know, staying loose in case you're in a
playoff. I think that would bepretty cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah. The Canadians showed up.Corey Connors comes in six. Mackenzie
used Hughes. Yeah, those guysright there. But they in this final
uh final round the uh the hockeyrink holes they're saying, oh Canada before
he teed off. That was prettycool. Yeah, it was pretty cool.
Yeah, the thirteenth hole there thatyou know, they've been doing that
now for six straight years and that'sa cool that's a cool element to that
tournament, you know. I meanthey don't get necessarily get the best fields
because it's not an elevated event,a signature event right now, and it's
kind of sandwiched in between other bigevents. But you know, when Rory
shows up, you know that thatyou know, gives it some elevation.
But it it seems like a reallycool thing. They really love it,
you know, and their their seasonis is limited, you know, due
to weather and so forth. Butman, when they get out there and
play golf, the Canadians love theirgolf. Yeah, and RBC spends a
lot of money in the game.Yeah, a lot of those guys play.
It's good to see Tom Kim,you know, getting back form.
He gets a T four with Rory, who he played later twice. Yeah,
they seedn't have a lot of funplaying together, but you know it's
so strange, right, Hawrot's likethese guys just pop up and then you
fall back and they pop up.That's why when you see a guy like
Scotti Sheffler that just is at thetop all the time, it stands out
to you just because of how hardit is, right, And you know,
we hadn't seen that since Tiger Woods. You know. Now I'm wondering
did Tom Kim get the hug Amandabaallyonis afterwards or was that just reserved for
Rory McElroy. Yeah, I didn'tsee. I saw the interview, but
I didn't see any exchange of emotionor yeah. Yeah, interesting, Yeah,
we'll see. We'll see. Anyoneelse stand out to you from the
Canadian Open. Yeah, Shane Lowry, who was my one and done pick,
stood out because he's stunk. Youknow, I hate the doity you're
just telling you man. I meanhe finished second there back in twenty nineteen
on that very same golf course tohis buddy Rory. And you know,
he and Rory won a few weeksago in New Orleans basically on Rory's back.
And it was really evident last weekendbecause Rory played really well and had
a chance to you know, tomake a run like you said, and
lowry. He made the cut onthe number which I believe was even and
did nothing on the weekend. Sotypical. Yeah, yeah, uh Lancaster,
Yes, Harry, I mean itwas the Charlie Hall Show. Oh
it was oh like uh yeah,Charlie Hall burning heaters, signing autographs.
It took over the week, youknow, before the tournament even started.
And then there was some other videoof her. I mean, she's you
know, everybody wants her on videoanyway for obvious reasons. But she played
really well too. I mean Ithink she did she have a top twenty
because I know she I know shewas. She was playing really well,
made the weekend and I think shemade up made up a top twenty.
But yeah, the whole thing though, like Lancaster Country Club is so great.
You and I are going to getout there this year with our friend
Ken Phillips from the Gap and Ihave another foursome there that I want in
an auction that I gotta I gottause up too, so we're gonna get
out there. I've been there before. It's tremendous, but I'm just I
don't want it to be known asthe golf course that broke Nelly Corda.
You know what I mean. Imean the twelfth hole, her third hole
of the day and her tournament's over. She made it ten, as everybody
knows, and put it in thewater three times on that hole, and
from then on played half decent golf. I mean, you know, okay,
not good enough to make the cut. All she needed to do was
go one one more birdie to makethe cut on the number at plus nine.
She ends up plus ten and missesthe weekend, which I really thought,
you know, okay, she didn'tplay well enough. Why is the
USGA put that hole that pin positionin one of the first two days like
it was on the first day,Mike, save the carnage for the weekend.
Let some of these bigger players,like it was a bunch that missed
the cut. I mean, likeI got a list of them here,
Nelly, Grant, Maguire, Rozang, Corpu's Cup, Show, Lydia Coe
Lexi. They all missed the cut, and a lot of it I think
I had to do with that,with that pin position and that that crazy
hole. So I don't know,you're trying to grow the game. People,
you know, want to see thesewomen on TV on the weekend.
I thought they kind of did adisservice to their own event, which they
tend to do typically. Uh,you know you want to have that pin
position, great, do it onSunday especially. It was the third hole
they they played. Yeah, ifyou if you started on the back,
it was your third hole. Canyou imagine like you and I know that
feeling our third hole and we putup a huge number and I'm like,
oh here, I'm not breaking eightytoday. Yes, I'm drinking exactly.
How about our friend Josh Saunders.We played a nice round of golf with
Colin Berger that day out at thenineteenth belve Club Director of Grounds at Lancaster
Country Club. Terrific work is honored, honored by the by the by the
was it the USGA? I guesswas the honoring tremendous job. I can't
I can't imagine, like you knowwhat what those guys go through in the
months leading up to an event.Years right, we remember we talked to
the guys from Women's in Country Clubit right, like as soon as you
find out, it changes your whole. That's it. That's all. You're
thinking about working on right. Youknow, all eyes are on you,
and if something goes wrong, thenyou know, one little thing and you
look like crap. Right, youcould have ninety nine percent of it right,
So right, Yeah, but atremendous job when the golf course showed
spectacularly as we figured it would,and uh, you know, it's just
brutal test. I mean, youknow, Yucusasso played some amazing golf.
I mean she hits it a mile. She's hitting a eight ninety, you
know, as pad in her gameafter Rory McElroy. And this is her
second US Open, the first timerepresenting Japan, the first time she represented
the Philippines when she won a fewyears ago. But man, she wins
by three shots, four under par. Only two players were under par at
the end of this thing, andthe other was another Japanese player, Hanaka
Shabuno. And I thought that waspretty cool where she's in the fairway back
on the eighteenth pole and she seesSasso, you know, making this great
chip shot and put it right upfor a tap in, you know,
to secure the win, and sheyou know, you become the country person.
Then it's like, here is myfellow Japanese competitor is going to win
another one, and I thought thatwas pretty cool. But I mean,
you know, I watched Andrea Lee, the young American girl, the phenom.
She had a rough day on Sunday, but she had a tremendous week.
That young Wushani Meatschai. I meanboth of them had tough Sundays,
but I mean they had tremendous weeks. And man, I couldn't believe Minji
Lee blew up. I mean,she hits a plus eight on Sunday,
I'm thinking she's gonna lock down.Would have been her third major and her
second US Open, and it wasnot to be so tough test, Yes,
I had one bet right though,a knock of food away had a
T six. I had her topten. She went two under on Sunday
to finish at plus two for theweek, So there was one I nailed.
Diega All, let's talk about thegolf game, Hair, how are
things going with the takeaway? Areyou finishing, are you completing your swing
heading to the left side? Talkto me. I'm not having as many
times where I just absolutely know thatI didn't get through it. I mean,
it's getting better. I had aninteresting weekend. Took a guest out,
you know this jump, Nick Cale. I had him over at Great
Yes, and we were out there. It was very crowded over the weekend
at the nineteen twelve club. Butthe first four hole, which are usually
my death sentence, you know,Usually I get to the fifteen and I'm
already like, you know, well, I'm not breaking eighty today, you
know, because the thunder four theretortures me a lot. Yeah, and
number two, the out of boundsis constantly lurking. But I got through
without any implosion, without any bignumber, and made a par, brilliant
par on the fourth hole, thatone you talk about, the long par
three. Pushed the drive right intothe right rough and made an unbelievable pitch
that ends up fifteen feet and Irun the putt in for a three.
Hey. Now, Kale hits hist shot on four to the front left
corner of the green. The pinis back right. He makes at least
a fifty footer for birdie. Sohe makes a birdie. I make a
par and lose the hole. Okay, but we're we're both played really well
over the first four holes, andwe hit we hit a wall, because
that's where we got stopped. Itwas we were only a twosome and twosome
some time you run into you know, because you're playing faster than a foresome.
But it was a single that wasstuck in between us and a foursome
who was taking their good old time. So we hit a wall. On
the fifty. We asked the gentleman, you know you want to link up.
He says, yeah, I'm onlygoing to play nine anyway. So
we're like, all right, cool, you want to talk about an energy
change? That was absolutely negative?Nick and I both coming off the fourth
hole and the start that we had, I'm thinking today might be the day
we hit a wall. The energychanged. We didn't look like we knew
how to play golf. For thenext three holes, this guy leaves us.
He quit. He was having sucha bad time, like hitting at
thirty thirty yards. I mean itwas it was bad, he was,
but we look bad and he finallyleaves. I make a par and I'm
like, something was weird about haveyou ever experienced Yeah, oh yeah,
that is awful. It's like theyjust changes, it could throw everything off.
Yes, really, can you knowyou're used to the guys you play
with and the pace and the rhythmthat you're playing, and all of a
sudden that all changes. No gooddeed goes unpunished. Now, that was
on full display. So we endedup quitting after nine holes and just went
to the bar. Yeah. Igot some big stuff coming up. I
have the Legacy Club one Day memberGas this week, right, Green Valley
next week is Green Valley member gas, which is which is a big one.
I'm going back out to White Manorin a couple of weeks, which
that course took my soul from methe last time I played it. I've
never played there. It's uh,it's a it's a task. A lot
of times you can't see where you'rehitting it to blind shots, you're just
guessing a lot. It's a lotuphill downhill. But hey, I like
the torture, right, we alldo. That's why we That's why we
play the game of gos. Weembrace the torture. Yeah, and the
punishment. Yeah, played ballet againlast week. How'd that go? Great?
I mean it just that we've beenplaying it like early morning before work,
get out there first thing, andquick shower because my office is a
minute from there. Yeah, butyeah, it's in great shape. How
was the Iron game? Uh,it's improving, improving, you know,
but you know, you know howit is. It's like you I played
mon Memorial Day and I was drivingthe crap out of the ball like kind
of how I used to. Andthen the next time I played, I
couldn't hit my driver. So it'slike, I don't know, I don't
know. I get used to thep XG irons though, right I kind
of pulled them back out of thebag for for for a time. You
put them in time out. Yeahthey're in time out. Oh okay,
it can't be me. It's good. Sometimes you got to do that.
You know, I'll go back tothem eventually. It's like my buddy does
that with this putter all the time. He's I put that in the garage.
It's cold out there, Like heputs it in the garage where it's
cold. Yeah, you have todo it. You have to just have
a what it was. It's funnyLegacy Club. The roof was so thick
for a while, and I wasnot hit hitting fairways, and the p
x G clubs are just a littlebit like heavier and wider, and I
just you know, it was havinga tough time, kind of like getting
them through that rough So we'll see, we'll go We'll go back to them
at some point, we'll go backto them. So we talked a little
bit about inside off, but tellme more. I was, uh,
you had a lot of a lotof big hitters out there. Yeah,
we did. Harry was in fullform, man, I'm telling you,
he he he's just like he's likea comedian and just breaking everybody's balls.
It was unbelievable. I was laughing. Me and Brownie weren't weren't on the
first set up, so we're therewatching it and we were just busting out
laughing at Harry just you know,giving everybody the business. So it was
it was great. And I'll tellyou between Brownie and Ryan Ganno, they
know everybody in the game of golf. You talk about six degrees of separation
from I mean, it's i theyknow everybody and they've played everywhere. Yeah,
you know, it's like they've experiencedeverything. It's incredible. That's the
kind of expertise you get with thoseguys. And that's that's what we mean,
like talk about golf. People thatknow, like you know, This
isn't some website that you're booking roundsat. These people, these guys play
these courses, they know who worksat them, they know where to go.
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guys out. And Marty m andO from the From the Gap was out
there. Good to see him again, So Joe Logan from My Philly Golf
and Joe Giuliano, who spent somany years at The Inquirer covering like college
football, college basketball, and golf. He was a tremendous sports writer for
many years. He's since retired andis now moving he and his wife from
moving to Madison, Wisconsin to relocateand going up to what experience that Wisconsin
golf So this he's moving soon.So this I think was his last time.
He was one of the original guestson the teed Off panel for a
while side golf, so Joe Giuliano. So I'm gonna hope he very Joy's
retirement. Great guy, no doubtabout it. How about who's hotter than
Harry Higgs right now? I know, Well, what's on with his face?
Did he have some sort of mostsurgery or something? I saw a
bandage on his face. Yeah,but yeah, he's won two tournaments a
row and then goes and qualifies forthe US Open and gets in a in
a playoff and and advances. Sohe's going to be in the US Open
next week. Yeah, he's playinggreat. He is playing really good golf.
It's it's it is. It's afight with skin cancer that he's coming
with. They had to remove somethingfrom it. I thought, So,
yeah, it's scary. A lotof these guys are out there. Yeah,
twenty four to seven, you know, and then I worry all day
long, right, It's yeah,it's it's scary. That's why people make
fun of me when I wear mybig hat, the big you know,
brimmed hat. I'm like, hey, I'm five degrees cooler than you are
right now, number one, andI'm probably not going to get sunburn.
Think about that. Who'd you doone and done. I went with Hovelin
this week. Yeah, this week, I'm probably going with Max Homer.
Okay, yeah, I like that. Yeah, looking forward to this week.
I love the Yeah, Memorial Jack'sPlace signature event. Seventy three player
field. You talked about it,fifty plus ties plus within the top ten
or something, so like you said, most of the guys are going to
make it through. Yeah, alleligible in the top fifty are playing in
this. Harry obviously, Scheffler,PGA Chant, Xander Schaffle, last year's
winner, Victor Hovlin who won itseven under right, So this is a
test. It's a tough one.Yeah. Only how about last year only
one guy broke seventy on Sunday andthat was Scheffler, who moved up to
a T three because of it.Yeah, this is not a Birdie fest.
It's nice so Jack will not havethat. But yeah, terrific and
I'm looking forward to seeing Jackson Coyven, the Auburn freshman. I was watching
him in the they won the nationalchampionship. Shout out to John Rusk and
Jason Duffner and those Auburn Tigers WarEagle winning the men's championship. I watched
this kid. He is unbelievable.You talk about a talent. He's not
a big guy either, but whata golf swing. And he's he's going
to tee it up this weekend.So I'm looking forward to seeing him play
at this level, no doubt.Well, let's talk about nine of the
ten in the Official World Golf rankings. Everybody in there but John Rahm,
who's now falling down to number sevenI believe in the Official World Golf Rankings.
Wow. Yeah, let's talk aboutMeerfield Village. Let's talk about the
course of course with Harry Mays ifyou will. Yeah, Meerfield man at
nineteen seventy four Jack Nicholas design ofcourse named after Mierfield, which is a
place where he won his first OpenChampionship, his first of three. I
believe it's almost up to seventy sixhundred yards now they keep lengthening at parse
two four par fives, five,seven, eleven and fifteen and fifteen is
just terrific. The closing holes atthis place are amazing and make for great
drama. They're really hard. Infact that I saw on the scorecard the
first three handicaps. You got aweird handicapping system out there that the top
three handicapped holes are the final threeholes on the golf course. So you
talk about a great finish four parthrees four, eight, twelve, and
sixteen seventy one. Bunkers and wateris in play on eleven of the eighteen
holes. I'll start off at twelve, which is a beautiful par three one
hundred and eighty yards with an elevatedtee over water to a shallow two tiered
green. There's bunkers in front andback, and you'll notice it is similarities
to the twelfth at Augustus. It'san homage to one of the iconic par
three in the world, the twelfthhole at AUGUSTA thirteenth hole you start coming
back back the other way, parfour four to fifty five in yards,
dog leg left, narrow landing areafor these guys. Jack does that he's
going to pinch in on the fairwayswhere he knows. Like he keeps changing
the golf course for the changing ofthe game, these guys hit it farther
all right. I'm going to tightenup the fairway at three twenty now,
so he's gonna make it really,really tough green slightly offset left with large
bunkers left and right. We knowJack likes to offset those greens from the
fairway to make them narrower and shallower, you know, to make it look
like, man, I gotta landthis thing in a picnic basket, or
it's going to go off the green. The fourteenth hole a brilliant par four
to shorty three hundred and sixty yards. But don't you dare try to drive
it because there's water all up theright side of the green. It bisects
the fairway around two hundred and ninetyyards out and extends up the entire length
of a narrow green. Bunkers guardingthe opposite side. Then they start coming
back. They change direction again.The fifteenth poles, the final par five
five hundred and sixty one yards.He's tightened up this fairway changed he dropped.
He he lowered it like twenty yardsdown. Four bunkers guard the right
side of the landing area in acreek. It brings the creek into play
all the way up the left sideand eventually cuts in front of the green
complex and guards the right side ofthe green. Two bunkers along with two
bunkers lots of eagles and birdies,but also you're going to see sixes and
sevens at that hole too, soit's a great hole. The sixteenth hole
they changed direction again start coming backtowards the clubhouse. This is a par
three two hundred and twenty yards,a really tough one water and play off
the tee. Three bunkers surround thegreen. The angle of the green serves
as a really shallow target. Thenthe seventeenth hole is a long par four
five hundred and three yards, reallytough, very tough, narrow landing area
off the tee, tons of bunkersin the fairway, and then there's a
creek that runs the entire distance acrossthe front just in front of the green.
Slightly raised green with a bunch ofbunkers. The eighteenth hole is one
of the most iconic holes that thePGA Tour visits each and every year.
Par four four hundred and eighty fouryards, the toughest hole in the course,
so slight dog leg right with thecreak all down the left of the
fairway and right at the dog legthere's three bunkers and a huge tree that
protect that protect that side of thegreen raised or that side of the fairway,
then the raised green bunkers all aroundit. You got that amphitheater area
there where Jack's gonna be up therewith Barbara waiting to congratulate the winner and
drinking milkshakes. This is a greatfreaking tournament. I love the memorial it
is. It's tremendous, it reallyis. And if you're gonna be watching
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How about fourteen of fifteen had aT five or better within the year this
calendar year, this golf season,and eight of nine made the cut in
the previous start. I know it'sa little bit skewed because like most guys
make the cut, but you hadVictor Hovelin in a playoff over Danny McCarthy.
If you recall Horseal and then youhad Can't Lay Rom Can't Lay.
So Can't Lay's won this thing twice. Does he get his game back a
little bit on the place he's familiarwith, we'll see. What are you
thinking? Well? Yeah, Andone of those Can't Lay wins was when
John Rahm, who had a biglead, had to go home after the
third round because of a COVID test. Remember that one, that's right,
It kind of handed Cantle one.I think Rom would have had actually won
that one. But Can't Lay lovesthis place, and he's kind of in
a little bit of a funk rightnow, and I think this is just
the venue to bring him out ofit before a major championship. I actually
like Can't Lay this week in atop ten at plus two twenty five.
Danny McCarthy. You mentioned him inthe playoffs. He's got two straight top
fives at this venue, plus oneeighty for a top twenty, and he's
plus seven thousand to win. Imean, at some point you think a
guy that can putt that well isgonna break through and get a win.
This would be a nice juicy payday. If you like Danny McCarthy,
he's on my fantasy team. I'lltell you that. So's this guy Lee
Hodges. He's only sixty five hundredon DraftKings. I got him in a
top twenty at plus three thirty.He was twelfth here in twenty twenty three.
He was twelfth at the Schwab justa couple of weeks ago, and
twelfth at the PGA. So he'splaying some really good golf. And I
think that price, at that priceon DraftKings, you got to put him
in a lineup. Sewu Kim toowas fourth here last year, four straight
top twenties at this event. He'splus one forty for a top twenty.
I talked about Max Homa. He'smy one and done. He was fifth
here in twenty twenty two, sixthhere in twenty twenty one. He's also
plus three thirty in a top ten. I think he's trending too. Harris
English, I'm gonna take in amatchup at minus one ten over your guy
Bizeidenhout and that's all I got.All right, Yeah enough. I like
Cantlay. I can see him winningthis with that number. I keep looking
at Speed who had a T fivehere in twenty three. Is that another
guy that gets you know, backon track with this. I like Seawou
for the win at five thousand.Talked about Hoblin, who I'm taking into
one and done. Also JT.I could see him getting the top five
at that five to fifty number.Another guy that can that can play well
here. And then a couple ofmatchups can't Lay minus one ten over Obert
and Seawom sticking with him minus onetwenty over FEMW. If I like him
the win, I'll take that asa one on one matchups. Yeah,
Scheffler at three sixties and Or atnine hundred, Rory at nine hundred,
Marikal at fourteen hundred, Who's geta lot of looks here from people,
and then Hobblin at sixteen hundred.So this is gonna be a great one
hair, Yeah, it's gonna begreat. And you mentioned, you know
we have the DraftKings contest. Ithink it's almost full. There was only
five slots left after I signed upat can't Lay, Hodges, McCarthy,
Homa, Speith and j T.Wow, damn. I mean if that
doesn't place, I give up.You fit that in the budget. I
got zero dollars left. That's it. That's the way he's got a big
I love to see it. Yeah, you know there's a live event this
week. Did you know that?Oh yeah, they're in Houston. Uh,
you know, getting revved up fortheir guys that are gonna make the
US Open. Ram is the favoriteof get this number plus seven hundred,
Nieman plus eight hundred and Bryson pluseight hundred. Yeah, don't take any
of the majestics, Harry. Apparentlyall their clubs are still in Heathrow.
Oh yeah, I saw Tyrol Hatton. He doesn't have him too, right,
all the guys that came over right, So take a look at that.
Because no one has their golf clubs. Maybe they're maybe they're with Delta
getting thrown in the middle of likeEast Tennessee State University's golf team. Those
poor guys. Cam Smith plus sixteenhundred along with Brooks Kepkat the same number.
I'm gonna take Dean Burmester minus wonten in a matchup over Abe.
Answer. That's the only play I'mgoing to make on a lift. But
I'm interested to watch it because wehave the US Open next week and some
of those guys like Cam smith Brooks. You know, you got to see
what kind of form they're going tobe in leading into Pinehurst. I'm excited
to see Pinehurst for the US Open. I really am. Really it's gonna
be awesome. Yeah, I'll beright in the middle of the Green Valley
at member guests, so'll in betweenrounds, you know, I have that
going on. Probably some tequila willbe will be had during that event.
So looking forward to it. Haddad getting out, when else getting out
this week? Yeah, I gotit. I got a foursome set up
at the nineteen twelve club for Sundayat ten ten, and uh, I'm
going over there today. I gotto. I want to work on the
game. But they got the women'smember members. So the old ladies got
her squad. She and Kindra I'veteamed up and they got uniforms like they've
bought. You know, there's thesecrazy wild print skirts and you know,
I mean they're gonna look good.So hopefully hopefully the game matches the outfits
because they're they're ready to go.It's a one day member member for the
women at the nineteen twelve Good Luckgood luck to the ladies. I hope
they'll be over there rooting them onChrista and you're gonna be on the bag
or no, no, no,I don't think they'd allow that anyway.
No, awesome good stuff. AndI want to I want to get you
out to the Legacy Club before ourouting so you can get a little warm
up. Yeah, absolutely before thebig event. But let's do that.
Everyone else enjoy it. Looks likewe'll have a good stretch here again to
Todd Bishop for hopping on from dormygolf workshop. Check those guys out supporters
of us UH and we'll be backnext week. But listen, swing it
and ding it.