Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Any is time for your true real estate nine one
one mid week update with your local real estate pro
Lisa True Lisa. Next week, we are anticipating the Federal
Reserve to begin cutting interest rates, putting an end too
the exceptionally high interest rate cycle we had been in,
especially compared to the prior decade plus. We've already seen
mortgage rates begin to move lower in advance of that.
Tell us some of the opportunities.
Speaker 2 (00:23):
Here, Yes, Brian, we want to be ready when the
opportunity opens up. If we're thinking of selling in the
next let's say, two to nine months. One of the
things is that the honeydew lift always takes longer than
we think that it should. What you need to do
is grab a piece of paper, rock around and make
a list of everything that either is broken or everything
that bothers you. If it bothers you, it will probably
bother the buyer. Get that done so as rates continue
to improve and buyers and sellers get off the sideline
and come back into the market, you are ready to
take action when the time is right for your home,
your circumstances, and every neighborhood is going to be a
little bit different on the perfect timing.
Speaker 1 (01:14):
Lisa, this is a good point. There used to be
kind of an arc towards real estate market activity. Nothing's
happening real quickly anymore. We see that changes in the
market have instant reactions in the marketplace.
Speaker 2 (01:26):
They do, and buyers literally are sitting on the sidelines
waiting for this to happen. We can see calls are
already up, people are starting to engage looking at real
estate again. They are ready for those rates to continue
to drop. And if your neighborhood has limited inventory, you're
going to want to be ready to be on the
market sooner as soon as that happens.
Speaker 1 (01:52):
And the Truths can help you get ready, So reach
out to them today. Call five six one, nine, seven,
two eighty three, twenty six, visit True real Estate nine
to one one dot com, or just google True group
that's t r EU group