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April 25, 2024 35 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Anyone who thinks that TSA is madea safer really need to have their head
examined. Like for me, it'slike, oh, you can't take a
bottle of water on because it mightbe explosive, But no, they just
toss it off into the bin behindthem, Like seriously, I think it's
a revenue generator for the airport andalso a way to employ people who may

not be able to be employed someoneelse because of their lack of indus.
Seven minutes after, I'm John Calderain for an ailing Michael Brown. He's
probably there two week, two week? Who was I think I know the
situation, huh. I get thatthe situation. So he's on his deathbed

right now, and he's upstairs andhe smells cookies, chocolate chip cookies that
remind him of his youth. Michaelbrownis dying, but yet he gets his
strength to wander downstairs on all fours, and he sees that his wife has
made his favorite, these chocolate chipcookies, and he uses all of his

strength to reach for one, asmissus Brown slaps his hand and says,
those are for the funeral. It'sold, but it's not that good.
I'm John Caldera. And for MichaelBrown, we're talking about TSA talking about
if not bathing daily, how aboutthis one. I am an office monkey,

bureaucrat, older and female. Idon't bathe daily, and I'm perfectly
happy not to attract the attention ofthe opposite sex, particularly my husband.
Not bad so I told you aboutthe guy who is stuck in Turks and
Caicos. I think said that theright way because he had four rounds of

hunting ammunition in his travel bag froma previous hunting trip and now he's facing
twelve years in that gun free placewhere only the government has guns. One
woman says she puts rocks in herhusband's luggage to put a TSA to find
John. There are several reasons Iput small rocks in my husband's luggage.

First, he doesn't travel too often, so he forgets that I do this.
Next, I've always wanted TSA tosee the rocks and ask him why
he has rocks in his luggage.I'm pretty sure he would tell TSA that
I have a great sense of humor. When he does find the rocks,
I know he knows I was thinkingof him and miss him. Well,

that's pretty sweet. I also leavea note to take care of this pet
rock and tell him I love him. Moral find a woman who cares enough
about you. She puts small rocksin your luggage. All right, Alexa,
I can't argue with that. Threeor three seven, one, three,
eight two five five. I wastelling you the story of Gary the

Dog. Let me just finish upthe Gary the Dog story. I never
wanted a dog, never wanted adog. But after eight years of my
daughter pouting and giving the eyes andwhat a dog? You said, I
tell you, promise you'd get adog. She she pulled, She pulled

the best. When I was goingto miss her birthday. She used that
as the guilt leverage to say,you know, I would rather cuddle a
dog than a boy. Five minuteslater, there we are the dog pound
because my daughter's chastity at steak.Oh what a manipulation that was. And

there were like no dogs at thepound. And I'm running out of town
and and I gotta I gotta savemy daughter. So look at the first
little you know, cell little doggyjail, and there was this meanness looking

dog who is missing an eye,drooling, growling and chewing at the chain.
Of the door to get out.I'm thinking, hm, I'm thinking
this might not be the one.Then we look around there's another cage,

and inside is this tiniest dog.Wasn't it chuawa? It was just this
weird looking thing. And all Iwas doing was shivering and shivering and shivering
and shivering and shivering, and thenhe locks eyes with me. He stops

shivering completely and then just starts urinatinguncontrollably as he's frozen. I'm thinking,
uh, now, this might notbe the right one. I don't think.
So then we go to this lastcage and there's this white dog meetingum

sized fifty pounds. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
nothing about dogs, and it seemedkind of nice, and so we say,
who is it. Oh, it'sGary, Gary, What a name?
Gary the dog? And so weplay with him. He seems kind
of nice, and then in alie that masters I am not a crook.

That beats I did not have sexwith that woman, missus Lewinsky even
tops the if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your health
care plan. The woman at theshelter says, oh, no, he

won't shed much, so bring Garythe dog home. As it turns out,
somebody messed with Gary whoever owned himbefore? And white hair everywhere,
and he can't stop barking when anyany activity happens outside of the house.

And he has a knack when he'son a leash of wanting to take nips,
bites, barks, and bites menwith white hair, particularly black men
who are a little older. Hewill chase them down the street. My

ex and I share the dog,goes back and forth with the kids.
And he jumped over a six footfence in my backyard. He jumped over
a four foot fence to try tobite a black neighbor. The guy is
a racist. He bites black men. And I know what you're thinking,

how long did it take for meto train him to do that? That
was a joke. Do not sendin letters. That was just a joke.
Now, whoever messed him up beforewe got him messed him up pretty
bad. And so now I'm stuck. I was stuck with a racist,
barking dog that sheds and has mydaughter done In the meantime, she grew

up and went to college. Stuckwith Gary the kk Hay member. Well,
she's at partying in school. Thisis why you should never have daughters,
because fathers can't say no to them. It's awful. Three h three

seven one three eight two five five. All right, so we get into
the real stuff of the day.Yeah, let's let's do that. I
want to get into I want toget into this one. This is,
this is I know how to putit. I remember, I remember when

the left used to do things likeprotect your right of free speech. I
remember that then you could say whatyou wanted, and there would be people
out there saying, I will defendto my death your right to say it,

even though I wholly disagree with it. There was a time the ACLU
and Jewish lawyers for the ACLU wentto bat for neo Nazis and Skokie,
Illinois, who are despicable, awfulpeople, because even they had the right

to parade and have free speech.That was the left. That was the
left of yesterday. The left oftoday now uses government to direct what you
cannot say, including including at theState House of Representatives here in Colorado.

This from yesterday's Denver Gazette. Republicanleaders accusing Democratic leaders of censorship, saying
that the latter would have provided themwith a list of words they are prohibited
from using during floor debates. Thinkof this for a second. These are

our elected officials. If anyone shouldhave the right to free speech when they
are in session to have open andhonest debate, you would think who would
be elected officials House Democratic leaders couldnot be reached for comment. It's the

latest battle to erupt over speech,more specifically over words that the majority party
deems offensive. In the past fewmonths, Democrats Republicans have clashed over using
transgender person's birth name, which activistscall dead naming. Just a few weeks

ago, a group filed a federallawsuit against Democratic leaders, alleging they suppressed
during public hearings free speech of thoseopposed to a measure that would provide a
specific avenue for transgendered convicted of feloniesto change their name. Yes, the

group called Gaze against Groomers. Theirspokesman would not use the pract the correct
pronouns and in fact used the namethat someone didn't prefer. A felon who

who changed their name. He usedthe wrong name and was gabbled down and
kicked out, and as a citizencame to testify and because of the words
he used, he lost his FirstAmendment right to speak. But it got
even better On Saturday. They hada Saturday Session. Representative Ron Weinberg from

Loveland, a Republican, spoke ofhis own experience as an immigrant, labeling
himself as an illegal alien. Hmm. This was during a discussion of House
Built twelve eighty, which seeks tocreate a grant program for organizations to provide
services for immigrants. I like thatimmigrants, so up at the chairman's position.

At the speaker's position was Representative KyleBrown, a Democrat from Lewisville.
Hmm. He intervened during this speech, stopped the speech, and ford members
they are not allowed to use thatterm now. Weinberg, who was an

illegal alien himself, said he's talkingabout himself. Brown instead suggested using other
terms, such as undocumented immigrant,arguing that calling a person illegal can be
hurtful and offensive. Are you kiddingme? Representative Gave Evans from Hudson had

a similar rebuke for using the termillegal immigrants. These people are not allowed
to have free speech in front ofpeople who swore an oath to both the
Colorado and the United States constitutions,which guarantee a right of free speech.

This is Orwellian. This is sovery repugnant. Let me lay it out.
A country that dictates speech is workingon mind control. Why because the

words we use have an impact.And when you have to call something that's
something it isn't, you've got thegovernment messing with your head. If there
is a person who is obviously male, but you are forced to call that
person female, you are forcing someoneto lie. Now, I want to

be really clear. I'm not suggesting, not suggesting at all that that person
can't that man can't identify as awoman, call himself a woman, live
as a woman, do whatever heor she wants as a woman. But
from my point of view, ifhe's still a man, if I wish

to call him a man, thenI should be able to. If we
can squeeze in a real quick callhere, let's go to Don don Welcome.
You're with John Kelderic glad to haveyou. Hey, good morning John.
I mean, the bottom line isthat when the Democrats see a voter
group or you know, want toget rid of certain people or discriminates,

they're going to flex their muscle andbasically clamp down a free speech or whatever.
And right now, the LGBTQ isa community that they think they can
get power from, and they're goingto press the trance issue to the point
where, you know, people likecertain men like the one swimmer from Philadelphia,

you know, they'll they'll let themcome in and swim with the women,
and they can't say anything about itbecause they're they're basically I think they're
trying to use them as part oftheir quote unquote revolution. That's that's how
I see it. And the sadthing is, you know, they have
so much control of corporate America thatyou know that we have to at least

shut up and forward the lie areotherwise these Karens and Opels and liberal white
women, you know, complain andyou know, try to get people canceled,
and they're successful, successful at it, believing that this thing called utopia
is right around the corner. It'sit's they're utopia, but it's not mine

think of that. It's like it'slike they are they are closing down free
speech in the House, in thebuilding that was built to protect free speech.
These are the same people, thesame legislators who voted to exempt themselves
from large portions of the open meetingslaws that we have in the hearing,

Colorado, all the other governments,all the other five thousand governments in Colorado
are still obliged to live and workby the open meeting of law. They
have exempted themselves from transparency. Andat the same time they're saying you can't
use the words you wish to use. You can describe the world only in

the terms we prescribe, and thoseterms are loaded terms. We'll go over
the list of some of these wordswhen we get back. Thanks for the
call. Three are three seven toone, three eight two five, five
seven to one three talk. Shouldthe legislature tell us what words we cannot

use? I want to get yourthoughts on this one. Do you find
it as insulting as eye? I'mJohn Calderic. Keep it right here six
point thirty K how I choose notto suppress my Flagelenci in the elevator.

Michael Brown, you you have cultivatedthe classiest of listenerships. Yes, your
goobers are by far some of themost sophisticated talk show listeners in the in
the free world. Yeah, we'repretty high brah around here. I'm so
glad I could be part of it. I'm John Caldera. Give me a

call. Three or three seven onethree eight two five five. Someone says,
when my baby, when my daughterwas a baby, she would cry
at any men with facial hair.Good. That's good. Now you just
need to get her to make sureshe never talks to any man ever.

It could being an overprotective father.Three out thirty seven one three eight two
five five. The Colorado legislature hasbeen deciding who should say what. Ron
Weinberg spoke of his own his ownexperience as an immigrant and labeled himself an

illegal alien. This stopped floor debate, while the person running the debate up
in the speaker's chair decided to usethis as a lecturing moment that illegal can
be hurtful. Well wait a second, I'm just curious, how about correcting

my speech? Could that be hurtfuland offensive? You see, in a
free society, we all get tobe offended by different things, and over
the course of dialogue we end upcoming to some consensus of these things are

bad, these things are okay.But it's by social pressure and a social
contract we do that, not byword of law. When government dictates speech,
they're dictating thought control. Why doyou think George Orwell was so into

the idea of new speak in nineteeneighty four his book, Because when you
limit the way people can speak,you limit the way people can think.
And that's what this is all about, all about limiting thought. It's ugly.

Now I'm Italian, I'm an ItalianAmerican. I get to use all
sorts of wonderful terms. I likecalling myself a wop, a dago,
a guinea. And I used todo able to do that without any problem.
And now people aways say, youcan't call yourself that. What do

you mean? I can't call myselfa wop? I can call myself a
wop all I like, this isme talking about me? When Weinberg calls
himself an illegal alien, how darehow dare they say he can't? What

in the world happened to real liberals, classic liberals? What happened to the
ACLU types who would come and defendfree speech? Do you really have no
no free speech? Should you be? Should you be free from offense?

This person was elected by his representatives, by his constituents, by the people
who voted for him. You knowwhat, if they don't like the words
he uses, they have the abilityto yank him at the next election.

But to think that you send downa representative, you send down someone who
is there to do your work,and he can't even speak. Hmm.
Now there's been so many migrants cominghere, so many illegal aliens coming here,

so many refugees coming here, thatDenver is now asking them not to
come to Denver. They have sentpeople down to the border towns to try
to convince these migrants from avoiding Denver. And now there's a new policy that
don't come, You're not welcome policy. How funny is it that this sanctuary

city for that now has to beconsidering major cuts to public safety budgets and
other programs to pay for the fortyone thousand immigrants nearly seventy million, if
we can even get an actual cost. The city of Denver now saying no,

we can only house you for seventytwo hours. Wait a minute,
that doesn't sound like a sanctuary city. That sounds like a rather paitful city.
That sounds like a terribly unwelcoming citygoing down to Texas to tell these

migrants that there's nothing for you inDenver. Goes someplace else. Wow,
isn't that amazing? So House leadershipprovided a list of words that are offensive

to the majority around illegal immigration,and they're told that the minority can't use
these words. Do you not understandwhat free speech is about? Our rights
numerted in our Bill of Rights werenot there to protect the majority. The

majority doesn't need to be protected.Minorities need to be protected. That's why
we have the First Amendment. It'snot so that you can say things that
are socially acceptable, and so youcan say things that are socially unacceptable and

be able to challenge people's thinking.Now you might just offend them, and
you might drive them in the oppositedirection. So be it. That's what
a free society is. If thisdoes nothing else, it shows us what

is at the heart of the progressiveelitists running our state. These are the
people who scream about tolerance. Theseare the people who smugly say they celebrate
diversity. These are the people whobathe themselves an adulation for how welcoming they

are. How in the world canthey be welcoming if their fellow citizens are
not allowed to speak freely? Orare they so afraid of These are elected
officials, what do I have wrongabout this? Three or three seven one

three eight two five five seven onethree talk so this continues. Earlier this
month, the Institute for Free Speechfiled a lawsuit on behalf of Gays Against
Groomers and the Rocky Mountains Women's Network. Why to prohibit lawmakers from enforcing speaker

restrictions so we have the right.We have the right to go and testify
on bills. It used to bethat our legislature would would allow us to
freely say what we wanted to sayand have it back and forth with them.
Now they've got the egg timer ruleand they like to cut off speech.

So you can wait for hours,so you can have your one to
three minutes in front of the legislature. But when you're up there, shouldn't
you be able to say what youwant? Apparently you can, but you
can't. Misgender and you cannot deadname. That's referring to a transgender's past

name. Misgendering refers to assigning thewrong gender to someone. Dead naming means
using the individual's birth name rather thanthe name they adopted. Find The bill
that Gaze Against Groomers were there totestify against was something that would allow felons

to change their name, making itmuch more difficult to find out where they
are and who they are HMM.Lawsuit claims that lawmakers prevented two people from
speaking during the House Senate Judiciary Committeemeetings in January and March because they had
used a male pronoun for a chantransgender woman. So, in other words,

they used a male pronoun to describea biological male, and by doing
so they were forced into silence.Portions of one person's testimony were scrubbed from
the official audio recording of the Senatehearing. Now, when someone gives testimony,

it's recorded. It's recorded because it'spart of the official record, and
you can go online and hear thosetestimonies in every committee hearing going back as
long as they've had recordings. Itwas erased like Pharaoh erasing the name of

Moses. It was erased, solet it be written, so let it
be done. So. Gay's againstgroomers, it has created a couple of
years back. The organization is comprisedof gay individuals, but they are against
the sexualization and doctrination and medicalization ofchildren. That's according to their website.

They are anti groomers. This isugly. This is ugly, and we
all should be a shame of thepeople in that building shutting off people's speech.

I thought dissent was patriotic. Imust have had it wrong. Three
or three seven one three eight twofive five. It's taken, quick,
breather. I'm John Calderrek. Keepit right here, six point thirty k
how I once, just a fewweeks ago, sat at the Capitol building
for eight hours to speak in frontof these people for two minutes while they
stuffed their faces in front of youand barely listened to a word you said.

They're disgusting individuals. I'm John Calderre. It's ten minutes to the top
in for Michael Brown. Give mea call three or three seven to one,
three eight two five five, textand talk back, of course.
Yeah. I have never seen sucharrogance at the state Capitol. In the
many decades I have worked in politics, I have never seen such hubris.

But I've never seen such abuse ofpower. So my old friend in drinking
buddy, the late great P.J. O'Rourke, had a saying He

basically said that my freedom of speechstimulates your freedom to tell me I'm wrong
that encapsulates it perfectly. When thelegislature tells legislators what words they cannot use,

this is a dangerous sign. Thisis totalitarianism. This is against the
very principles of our people. Thisis how out of step they are.
To remember, it was a leftwho came to the defense of scumbags like

Larry Flint who put out pornography.Larry Flint said, if the First Amendment
is intended to protect anything, it'sintended to protect offensive speech. If you're
not going to offend anyone, youdon't need protection. They are not allowed

to use words like illegal immigrant,illegal alien. I would get kicked out
of the House of Representatives in Coloradofor using speech speech that works for me.
They have stopped people who are testifyingif they use the wrong pro nouns.

You are asking me to lie.You are asking me to look at
someone who is biologically male and callthat person female. I refuse to do
that because when you start lying verbally, it creeps into your soul, it

creeps into your head, it creepsinto your character, and before you know
it, you're believing the lie.Two plus two equals five. And if
the state, by threat of cancelingyou taking away your speech, taking away

your job and your livelihood. Overtime, you will believe that two plus
two equals five, and that abiological man is not a male. Maybe
really clear about this. I don'tsee any inconsistency with protecting the rights of

a trans person who believes he isa woman. We should be respectful of
that. Great call yourself a woman, believe you're a woman, Wear what
you want, speak how you want. You speak how you want. I

speak how I want. That's whatmutual respect is. But when when this
legislator was lectured saying that you cannotuse the word you cannot use the word
illegal alien because, as the speakersaid, shutting him down, instead use

other terms like undocumented immigrant. Otherwise, calling a person illegal can be hurtful.
In America, we put the modifiersbefore the nouns. This is not
a fear cold, it's a coldfear. I speak the way I want,

you speak the way you want.I'm John Keldre give me a call.
Three h three seven one three eighttwo five five In for the bidy Michael Brown
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