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March 31, 2024 38 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I'd be Sunday, Tampa Bay.We're with you for another week here on

the Duncan Duo Real Estate Show,like we are every Sunday at ten on
WFLA News. I'm Andrew Duncan withthe Duncan Duo team, your host every
weekend, giving you all the informationand knowledge about what is going on in
the Tampa Bay real estate market.I've got jayfab Josh Babello on the radio
show today talking about the real estatemarket as well. Josh is a buyer

partner and listing partner on my team, kind of in a hybrid role where
he's working with both buyers and sellers. We're going to talk to him a
little bit. But I want tomake sure to let everybody listening this morning
know about our appreciation party. Soif you have been a fan of our
radio show, or a client ofour business, or you're a real estate
agent, you are invited to afun filled day at Emily Arena, no

cost event, skating on the EmilyArena. Ice will have some cool merch
giveaways, we'll have some sign lightningstuff, We'll have some ticket giveaways,
free food, very kid friendly eventat Amili Arena from two to six next
Sunday, So a week from today, you can r SVP and get your
free tickets at duncanduo party dot com. Again, that is duncanduoparty dot com

super easy. Remember duncan duo partydot com and you can r s VP
for the event that will be yourticket. Come that day, have a
good time on us. We hopeto connect with as many of you as
possible. I will be around thatday obviously with my entire team, making
sure that you have a good timeand sharing an experience with you. We
started doing the party a few yearsago, I think simply because I found

that we'd given we'd given gifts likewe'd always done gifts like you know,
different types of gifts for closing,and we just never felt like we could
find a way to add enough value. And we felt like adding an experience
like the event was better than usgiving somebody a bottle of wine that may
not like or some you know,cut brand cutlery that's gonna sit in their

cabinet, or even tickets to gamesbecause some people aren't fans or they can't
bring their whole family. So thisis something for your whole family to come
to again their free tickets, andit's our way of showing appreciation all of
our clients as well as the community, both agent community and real estate buying

and selling community. So if you'relistening a hit of Duncan Duo party dot
com next Sunday from two to six, and we hope to see you there.
So I want to talk some aboutthe real estate statistics that I'm seeing
in the marketplace, and I feltlike having Josh on the show would be

another person that's kind of experiencing whatwe are seeing in the real estate market
from a different perspective than mine.As a leader where I lead a lot
of agents, I'm not necessarily onthe battlefield, so to speak, all
the time. So so Josh,the real estate stats show us that inventory

has risen a little bit, butthe spring market kind of showed up a
little bit. Early February, wehad over three thousand sales in the Tampa
MLS and that was a few percentagepoint gained from last year. So a
lot of people are expecting interest ratesto drop, but the spring market seems
to the energy behind it seems tohave showed up a little early this year.
Oh absolutely, I definitely agree I'mseeing it now with my buyers,

now that you've think I'm on thelisting side of little Yeah, it's been
great to get some appointments finally,maybe some appointments and people are excited.
I want to start selling. Thebuyers are coming out now, which has
been good because we started off alittle slow. The year was slow to
start, and I feel like therewas this nervousness that now is subsiding a
little bit as more and more peopleexpect interest rates to soften and as our
prices keep rising. Because as theyrise, it kind of debunks any myths

or misinformation out there that oh,we're going to have you know, values
are going to drop. And look, there's no question there might be parts
of the country where values are goingto drop. This just isn't going to
be one of them. No,I don't think Tampa's I think we're in
a long period of just growth studyone hundred percent, just like everything we
see downtown, and so when youwhen you're talking to a home seller today
too, I think another thing thatthey're that has held a lot of them

back has been lack of inventory.Now we're seeing it as more homes come
out of the market, and thisenergy around the possibility of interest rates softening
in the second half of the year. So I think that's actually driving some
home sellers to say, Okay,now's the time. Now's the time for
me to start the process of selling. So by the time I sell and

find the purchase I'm gonna the homeI'm gonna purchase, rates will have have
softened some and and there'll be afew more opportunities, a few more options
for me out there on the marketplaceto buy. Absolutely seeing it now.
Even with the sellers that I'm workingwith, they're looking at, you know,
the conversation leading up to getting thelisting, have a listing appointment this

Saturday, or they're excited because nowthey go, Okay, we're seeing something
happening, seeing the trend, andwe're now we think we're confident we can
go buy something now. Yeah,whereas before they didn't think that. They
were afraid and so it was twofold. It was the lack of housing availability,
and look, I don't want anyonelistening to this to think we're seeing
some massive rise in inventory. We'renot. We're not repeating the Great Recession

here. Okay, there's no foreclosurecrisis going on. You know, there's
no massive changes there. We're seeinga slow, incremental, slight rise in
inventory from maybe two months of inventoryto three and a half or four in
some of our neighborhoods. And sixis still considered a seller's market. So

we're still in a very much seller'smarket. It's just not you know,
there were neighborhoods in Tampa two yearsago that had point seven months of inventory.
Every house was a bidding war.We're still seeing bidding wars, like
I just had a bidding war ona two point eight million dollar condo in
downtown Saint Pete. So I mean, we are still seeing bidding wars,
right, but it's just not asrampant as it was back then. So,

you know, and the list tosell price ratio is another thing I
think that people need to pay attentionto because it tells you kind of who
is in the leveraged position of thenegotiation. So back when I started twenty
years ago, it was common tosee you know, ninety three ninety four
percent list to sell price ratio.So a three hundred thousand dollars house selling

for you know, two eighty twowas kind of in line with with market
trends, but is as data hasbecome more readily available and as the market
has changed and had different fluctuations.You know now that ninety eight percent list
to sell price ratio today is stillvery much as seller's market compared to buyer's
markets of the past, where itwas the load them in nineties. But

it's not at one hundred and twopercent that it was two years ago,
because two years ago the list tosell price ratio in Tampa was one hundred
and two percent, meaning that everyhome not every home, but but the
majority of homes were bidding warst right. So we're still seeing it, just
not as rampant and not as common. So it's a more balanced real estate
market than two years ago. Butit's certainly a healthier real estate market than

it was when when I first startedin the industry. Absolutely, And so
another thing I think that's important forpeople to kind of think about is our
average sell prices. So I thinkwe've hovered in that mid four hundred's range
the last few years. You know, we kind of had a last year
was kind of a stagnant year wherewe might have been lucky in some of

our neighborhoods to claim a one ortwo percent percent appreciation this year. However,
we've already seen a nice pickup onprice to where in February of this
year compared to last February it waslike a four percent higher, you know,
four percent higher over last year.And and generally the market gains in

Tampa happened in the spring and summer, so we expect to see that aciation
number in my opinion, more likein the seven percent range this year.
So the average cell price is expectedto end the year in my opinion,
really near five hundred thousand dollars,you know, as an average. So
you know, it's interesting that thatsounds expensive. But in the grand scheme

of things, if you look acrossthe country, it's really kind of middle
ground. When people say, oh, Tampa is really expensive, Truthfully,
it's from a sales price standpoint,it's not. And I certainly hear people
say things like, oh, well, I don't want to pay those taxes
and those insurance. But we stillhave plenty of people moving here. And
you know why, because the peoplemoving here can do math. They can

do basic math. And here's thebasic math. Okay, there are a
lot of states in this country thathave a five to ten percent state income
tax, and that five to tenpercent state income tax is still a bigger
number than an increase in our propertyvalues or an increase in our taxes and
insurance on our properties. So thereality is I hear people say that all

the time. I'm like, well, why don't you price out living in
one of those states that has that, because I promise you that's why they're
moving here because they can do math, and the math tells in that while
our prices haverisen and of course it'smore expensive today because we're more popular,
we have more demand for the peoplethat want to move here. But again,
we don't have the state income taxhere, and that is a huge

thing that is moving a lot ofpeople here and is going to keep moving
people here. It's not going away. And other states, it's interesting they
keep increasing those things and it's likethey're trying to, you know, trying
to get more money from the peoplethat are staying behind, and then it's
causing people to leave. And sowe're benefiting from that here in Tampa Bay.
So so the stats again show,you know, some moderate appreciation this

year. I think we'll see alittle bit better appreciation in the second half
of the year as interest rates drop. And I think the smart money today
is buying now because later in theyear they if they're cash, great.
If they're not cash and they're financedlater in the year, they can refinance.
Most of the lenders out there todayare doing free or at cost or

really limited cost refinances within a certainperiod of time to keep people from sitting
on the fence, right, tohelp those people move the needle. And
I'm sure you have plenty of consumersyou've worked with that have said I want
to get ahead of this, andthen you have plenty of them they're like,
oh, I'm just gonna wait forrates to drop, And it's really
a backward way of thinking. Itis, it really is. But it's
been a great program that you doone buy down has been fantastic for our

buyers. I think that's moving theneedle for people for surely as it helps
us out, especially when you explainit to the person, it's like,
hey, we want to get thisproperty. If you're gonna wait till the
rates is dropped down, that you'regonna be getting into bidding war again.
Correct possibly well and over paying right, and over pay they're gonna pay too
much for the house. They're gonnamiss the mark and they're gonna pay thirty
or fifty grand over to save afew percentage points that they'd still save if

they buy now, and they'd geta better price. That's it. And
again I always say, you know, don't wait to buy real estate by
real state and wait. Like,if you just play the long game with
real estate, you're gonna win.If you play the short game, you're
gonna lose. Not always, butbut it's harder to play the short game.
And so you buy, rates dropand then you refinance. But if
you wait until rates start dropping tobuy, you are going to get priced

out of the market and there's gonnabe there. You're just gonna have bitting
wars like and I'll tell you aquick story and and and you know,
it's something that goes back to theearly part of my career. I remember
sitting with a family in two thousandand seven that look at houses and they
ended up kind of missing here andthere, and then they dramatically raise their

budget. They said, you knowwhat, we're gonna raise our budget in
terms of what we buy because thesehouses that are in these price ranges,
they need too much work, orthey need this or this, that and
the other, and so to compete, they raise their budget and they raised
it to the absolute ceiling that theycould get. Well, a couple of
years later, the economic crisis hitsand they overextended themselves. They ded up

in foreclosure. So a lot ofbuyers today think that the path to you
to making a good real estate decisionis they want a house that's got no
issues and no flaws and has aperfect inspection. And the reality is those
houses are more expensive, and ifyou extend yourself to get that house that,
if you put a little sweat equityinto it, you'd get some of
that equity back. The same thinggoes for when the biddig wars happen.

If you overpay and you push yourselftoo high and then you overpay on the
price, you could end up causingyourself financial ramifications later on. So a
lot of people don't prepare for thator think of it the right way.
So again you're listening to the Duncandu A real estate show when we aren't
on air. At the Duncan DuoTwitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok again
that is at the Duncan Duo Makesure to follow us and go to Duncan

Duo Party dot com if you wantto come have some fun with us at
Amily Arena next Sunday from two tosix. We'll have some cool lightning giveaways,
signed items, tickets, free food, and your entire families and buy.
It's a family for only event,well caricature artists. So much more
is skating on the Amily Arena iceas well. So again hit that up
at Duncan Duo Party dot com andwe'll be back after a quick break here

on WFLA News. So we're backhere on the Duncan Duo Show talking about
the Tampa Bay real estate market.Duncan Duo Party dot com. Come to
our appreciation party next Sunday at AmilieYou could get You can get your free
tickets at Duncan Duo Party dot com. Josh Babello with me on the on
the radio show today. Josh ison my team working with both buyers and
sellers. And so, Josh,you've probably got some of your friends and

family listening today. You've got thekids and the wife at home. Your
first time on the radio show,and I just wanted to give people an
opportunity to maybe learn a little bitabout you. What was it that got
you into real estate? At howlong you've been in kind of a little
bit of background for people listening tothe show to learn a little bit more
about you. Awesome Well, Tampanative born and raised. I grew up

here with the school here and itstarted working here. And a really little
cool thing about me is I grewup in the cigar industry, so I
worked for my uncle do Defonte Junior. I was I did. I work
from working in the warehouse sorting tothe cigar boxes all the way up into
the sales, which is why Ireally fell into love with sales. Then
after that, I worked for anational cigar company and helped them with a

brand and we built that for twoyears until they actually sold. It was
really profitable for them, but theysold. So when they sold, I
had to realize, well, whatam I going to do next? So
I did a couple of different things. I immediately got my real estate license.
There was something about real estate thatI've always It's sales driven and I
love the product right and for me, helping people with home ownership making a
good decision. I love it.I mean, we had a good realtor

for us as well, so itmade all the difference knowing that have proper
representation. So I did. Igot into real estate license. It was
kind of more of like a dabbler, you know what. I would not
want to consider myself anymore full timefor a while now. And at the
same time, I still had apassion for the cigar so I opened up
with a partner of mine a cigarbar and went a park and then we
actually blew up and we got it, I mean four years into it,

and we opened up a new location, two story location off of Mills Avenue,
downtown district, the only two storybar with the cigar bar on top.
So we're very super unique. ButCOVID happened, and then here we
go reset. Yeah, business wisereset, you know, you go home,
You're like, my gosh, whathappened? Where do we go from
here? And that was the timetwenty twenty when I said I need to

get serious about real estate. That'sawesome. Yeah, and we love having
you on the team working with buyersand sellers. It's interesting because you have
it Josh like there's a lot ofpeople to get into real estate, and
they either they've got the gifts,but maybe they don't have the work ethic.
You got both of those. You'regrinding, you're putting in the time.
The thing I find interesting is similarlylike the company. The way I

got moved into real estate was acompany that I worked for got bought out,
And as it got bought out,I said, you know what,
you know, I bought and soldinvestment properties at the point, so I'd
done some rentals, I'd done someflips, and I said, you know
what. I I remember pulling upto a rental house in Saint Pete that
I ended up buying for eighty grand. Okay, I sold it a few

years later for one hundred and eightygrand, so I did well. But
I bought this rental house for eightygrand, and it was in a good
neighborhood. This was not the hood, okay like back then. This is
many many many years ago. Sosomeone hear you say you're buying an eighty
thousand dollars house in Saint Pete todaythey think you know, you're buying something
falling down, or it was adecently nice house. So Anyway, the
agent that pulled up that was showingthe property had a much nicer car than

me, and I said, whatam I doing? This is what I
need to be doing what she's doing. So got my real estate license and
then the rest is history. It'sfunny. I told the story on my
social media a couple of weeks agoduring the LPTX conference because the company that
I worked for at the time wasone hundred First Avenue South. This is

pre real estate for me. Itgot bought out. The number two at
the company, the vice president ofthe company, super condescending, very like,
very arrogant, Napoleonic complex, thewhole thing. Just when I told
everybody I was getting into real estate, I probably haven't had someone like laugh
as much as he kind of madefun of me going into real estate.

It was. It was pretty motivation, joy motivated that you know what,
out of me. So when Imade the post on social media a couple
of weeks ago, it was likea really a kind of full circle moment
for me. Because lpt's got thisex conference. I've launched my team there.
It's been a great run for sixmonths. I've been in the industry
for twenty years, you know,a lot of great success and I'm walking

to the conference you know where I'mgonna speak on a panel, and I'm
racing the next day on the racetrack, and I'm walking by the building and
I'll never forget that. Like so, so it was super motivational for me.
But that company got bought out.And when the company got bought out,
everything changed, like the culture,the everything, right. The number
one at the company, who wasamazing, a great mentor of mine,

has been a client of ours andwho I looked up to and you know,
had a lot of respect for Hesold and he exited. Number two
kind of hung on and and itwas just rowed into the ground like it
was. It was bad. SoSo nonetheless, I you know, went
into real estate and have and havedone a lot of great things and provided

a lot of resources and helped alot of people. But but for me,
there's no question that that put achip on my shoulder. But but
but my success in real estate hascome from helping other people, helping agent
succeed, helping clients, and obviouslythe more people I help, the more
I benefit. So it's been agreat run. But yeah, similarly,
I had been with a company thatwas kind of bought out and then it

was time for me to pursue someother things. So uh, similar path
there so but uh anyway, ifyou are listening, you are invited to
our appreciation party Duncan Duo Party dotcom again, that is Duncan Duo Party
dot com. It is next Sundayat Emily Arena. They'll be skating on
the Emily Arena ice. We hopeto see you there and share a fun

day with you again and Duncan doa party dot com for a free ticket.
And we're going to be back continuingour conversation about the Tampa Bay real
estate market after a quick break hereon WFLA News. So we're back here
on the Duncan Duo Show talking aboutthe Tampa Bay real estate market. Andrew
Duncan at the Duncan Duo Social Media, any of our handles at the Duncan
Duo Twitter, Instagram, YouTube,TikTok and Facebook, duncanduo dot com.

If you want your free home valueestimate or an instant cash offer for your
home, we blend all the datafrom all the online websites to give you
the best home value estimate at DunkinDuo dot com. Just type in your
dress. It's very intuitive, veryuser friendly, a value that we think
is better and more accurate than Ziloand realtor dot com and all the other
companies out there, simply because weuse a variety of different sources. But

in addition to that, we hadthe human element and that when you plug
in your value, we have theability to override some things. We're gonna
call you, we're going to talkto you, we're going to keep you
updated about your value, but we'reable to do some overriding and learn about
your condition so that you can getthe most accurate data available. So if
you want to know what is goingon with the value of your home,
what's what's selling in your neighborhood,what's not selling in your neighborhood, again,

that's duncanduo dot com. So gotannounced this week that it sounds like
Britain Plaza is going to go away, And all I really saw I think
they said it was for sale orit was being sold or being you know,
and and so I didn't get intoa lot of the specifics of it.
But having lived south of Gandy andhaving a company south of Gandy for

a long time, even doing thisradio show for more than probably twelve to
thirteen years on Gandy Boulevard, youknow, it's been my stomping grounds for
for a really long time. SoI when I heard that it was happening,
especially as I've gone out to eatand experienced Midtown, right, I
love Midtown like I love you know, like you know, I love Sunda,

So I'm a I love Japanese food. One of the favorite places I've
ever been to in my life isJapan. Japan is pure bucket list and
it was so bucket list that Iwant to go again. So I made
another bucket list. I had asecond bucket, and the second bucket is
going to Japan again. But Ilove Sunda. I love the experience at

Midtown. They've they've combined kind ofresidential commercial you know, my South State
Banks who I banquet, that's theirmain branch. And so so when it
got announced that you know, BritainPlaza was going to go away, you
know a lot of online speculation about, hey, it's going to be you
know Midtown, right, It's goingto be something like Midtown, right.
So if you've gone to Midtown,you think it's cool. I love it.

I love the concept of it.Right, it's walkable, it's walkable,
retails, there's restaurants, there's bars, there's really everything. There's residential
there. I got a friend thatlives there. So yeah, I think
it's and I think it's a coolconcept. And again, if you look
at other you know, growing citiesthroughout the country, you have these little
districts, right, and so whenyou look south of Gandhi or or it's

technically Britain, Plaza is not southof Gandy, It's it's just barely north
of Gandey. But let's just callit that kind of South Tampa corridor.
Like around the Gandy, you know, around the bridge that can shoot over
to Saint Pete, you can shootto downtown, super convenient. There's nothing
that really defines that area, right, there's nothing, right you look at

if you look at other parts ofTampa, there's something in other parts of
Tampa that kind of define it clearly. Like Water Street defines you know,
Harbor Island and downtown. You've gotMidtown that defines kind of that that urban
core. Now you go up tolike Wesley Chapel and you've got the outlet
and that strip of you know,that kind of defines that area. And
south of Gandy it's just kind ofhodgepodge. You don't really have, you

know, to go to like areally nice restaurant. You got to drive
a little bit, you know.And and there's a couple of locals.
Don't get me wrong, I'm nothating, you know, there's there's some
locals. And and look, it'sno secret that I'm in the Chick fil
A drive through every every day.Okay, So I love that we got
to chick. But there's nothing reallyclose that's walkable that's cool. Besides,
Bayshore and Bayshort doesn't have any commercialdevelopment. You can't walk along Bayshore and

pop into a restaurant like you canwalking along the River Walk. So there's
nothing in this area that that kindof defines it. So I believe there's
gonna go. I believe the smartmove and the best move is some sort
of development like that to define thatthat southern tip of Tampa, kind of
that Gandy Corridor. But you're gonnaget a lot of people upset about it.

Of course, he's got all theresidential right around it. You've got
people love the publics there, eventhough there's two other Publix's like within a
mile. Okay, you got peopleagain, there's a church there that I'm
a member of. The people aregoing to be disappointed that's going to have
to find a new home. Butif you look from a real estate perspective,
I think there's a great opportunity forit to kind of define that Gandy

Corridor with that development an identity aswell. Correct And again, you especially
now that you have the overpass,the expressway overpass, will make commuting back
and forth to Saint Pete because youknow, I spent I spent the last
month in st in downtown Saint Petepretty regularly, and it's pretty awesome,
Like downtown Saint Pete is, it'spretty awesome, and downtown Tampa is getting

there. But I don't live indowntown Tampa. I live in in in
you know, in that Gandy Corridor. So for me, I've got to
drive to one of those spots toreally kind of experience something cool. And
I think especially with home values andthe number of people moving and our military
base, because our military base isnot We're not talking like a grunt soldier
base, a lot of officers,a lot of a lot of high net
worth people, and and a higherincome than most military bases. So it's

there's something missing in that little corridor. And I think Britain Plaza has the
ability to, uh to kind ofbecome that. And I want to tell
you, I already have a namefor it. What is it? I
already have a name, and Idon't and and I I probably should not
say this on the air because nowsomeone's gonna gosp someone's going to go and
buy this domain name. But youknow what, if you're paying attention right

now, here's here's my belief.So you have downtown, right, you
have Midtown, you have something underwaycalled uptown. Right? What else is
there? Southtown? Southtown? Yeah, I mean I think southtown makes the
most sense. I mean, yougot Midtown, you got downtown, you
got Uptown, Like I mean,it's it's it's kind of I mean,
what else is there in south ofGandy. It's it's not quite south Agandy,

it's barely north of Gandy, butit's not north Town. It's not
you can't call uptown, you can'tcall it downtown. It's something else.
I think Southtown. So I thinkthat would be a cool name for it,
like is it is it, youknow, on the on the coat
tails of the other names, ofcourse, but to me, it just
makes a ton of sense to callit. The geographic behind Yeah, the

geographical behind it. You know.The only other thing I thought you could
do there, you could somehow americanizedtheme it because the proximity to the base
and maybe do some kind of spinoff of that, you know, like
like you know, you could dolike Dill Town or you know, air

Force Town. You could do somethinglike that. I think could be really
cool, just because a lot ofthe clientele are going to be you know,
military and officers, because that's look, that's the largest employer here,
the largest employer, uh, youknow in that South Tampa corridor is mcdeil
Air Force Base. So you coulddo something, you know. It's funny.
The other thing that I thought about, a buddy of mine set it

and I was like, that'll neverfly. But buddy of mine, it's
an Air Force pilot and he's aI think he became an Air Force pilot
because he wanted to be Tom Cruise, Like he he literally like he wanted
to be Tom Cruise. He hasthe same build. He dresses up as
Tom Cruise like every other Halloween.He can't do it every Halloween because it

gets too played out, like everyother Halloween is Tom Cruise. And so
he was like, we should nameit a fighter town because but the problem
with that is and everyone is goingto go to the bar. I want
to get in fights, right,fighter town, fighter towns go. But
I could see some courters. Soif they didn't do Southtown, I could
see some sort of cool spin off. And hey, look if you do,
if you do run with Southtown,if the developers are listening and y'all

run with that, you owe usa shot at listing some of the residential
probity there. So if you takemy name, somebody already from me talking
right now went out and registered southtowndot com. It may mean it may
not be available, who knows.But but you could also spin off some
sort of I think spin on themilitary. I think some sort of spin

on the military would be pretty cool. I don't know what that looks like.
I don't know the name, butyou could do something like that.
Like, you know, it's interestingbecause having lived in this area and paid
attention to real estate. I've beento other military towns and they, you
know, close to the base,they have they have almost like militaristic businesses,

you know, like they you know, like I remember going to you
know, Lawton, Oklahoma, andI've been to all these different parts of
the country that have military bases,and then they have these restaurants that are
like very pro military themed or likelike you said, like fighter Town or
whatever. And even in San Diego, where I spend a lot of time,
you have a lot of a lotof those, right how it's going,

And I don't feel like you havethat close to the base. No,
I don't think you have any ofthat. Like like there's been a
couple of times where there's been buildingspop up where a restaurant and I was
like, man, if you madesome sort of like Americana, you know,
themed militaristic, cater to the military, cater to patriotism, I feel
like it would blow up at thatlocation. I would love to see something

centered around that with Southtown, becauseof how close it is to the base,
some sort of homage maybe in thename, maybe in the design something,
because I just don't feel like wedo enough to show love to to
the to the military in Tampa.I just and I think we forget.
It's like you know, and andit's and it's wild because this weekend we're
going to get a constant reminder inSouth Tampa because the AirFest is. Yeah,

the Afest is, the AirFest is, and I living super close.
I love it. I think it'slike to me, that's the sound of
freedom, Like, oh, freedomTown, freedom Town. Oh, there
we go, freedom Town. Allright, somebody, somebody, James,
don't don't don't do it, JamesJames on go daddy right now, he's
looking Freedom Town. I bet bothof those are probably taken already. But

either way, something like that Ithink could be really cool. So if
you're a developer and you're thinking aboutbuying Britton Plaza or you're someone involved with
it, and you're listening right nowfrom a twenty year real estate guy in
this area that loves the military,lives close to the base, has military
family. Both my dad and mybrother served, man, I think there'd
be something cool, you know,that you could do, even if you

didn't do it with the name.There's something cool that you could do with
the military, even like you havein other areas, these like little areas
where you dedicate or you allow soldierdedications or you know some sort of patriotic
uh thematic thing. I think couldbe really part too that they built it
inside it would super cool, rightlike a flag and then like a monument

and you know, maybe make itdedicated to like the best military leaders at
McDill. I think that would justbe you know, amazing. So so
if you want any more advice aboutwhat to put in there, all right,
uh and if you're selling the residential, just just hit me up.
We want to help. But butyeah, it's it's I think that could
be really cool. And and againare there going to be some obstacles with

it? Yes? Is it goingto cause congestion on Dell Maybury whatever they
build there? Of course it is. Is it going to cause even even
congestion behind uh over on on overon the other side with Hymes. Is
it going to cause some complications?Absolutely? However, you know, as
far as as as you know,Tampa is concerned that facility just isn't up

to the standard of other parts ofTampa. So well, it caused obstacles,
Yes, Do I think there's away to do it? Do it
right and do it really cool.I think so too, and I just
I really hope there's some sort ofMcDill McDill play in there for sure.
So see that. Well. Anyway, you're listening to Duncan du a real
estate show. We're going to wrapup with our last segment when we aren't
on air at the Dunkin Duo Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Duncan

Duo dot Com for your free homeevaluation or an instant cash offer on your
house and Duncan Duo Party dot Com. Next week, we want to hang
out with you. Bring your kids, bring your friends, bring your family.
Duncan Duo Party dot Com the abilityfor you to come out to Emily
Arena on our dime, enjoy theAmily Arena, ice, some free food,

some lightning merchant giveaways. Again atDuncan Duo Party dot Com. We'll
be back wrapping up with our lastsegment here on the Duncan Duo Show.
So back here on the Duncan DuoShow talking about the Tampa Bay real estate
market. Duncan Duo dot Com foryour free home value estimate, Duncan Duo
Party dot Com. Come join usnext Sunday real estate Agents invited. All
of our clients invited. If you'relistening to this show, we'd love to

have you come out to a freeevent at Emily Arena again Duncan Duo party.
This just in my landscaper texts meand I was on the way home,
on the way home from a meeting, and I picked up my girlfriend
and we were driving on my streeton Shelton, and I just I'm excited

because I sold that literally right infront of me, stopping for this turtle,
which I'm going to talk about ina minute. We just show put
twenty fifteen Shelton under contract, whichwas the first time in the five years
I've lived there that actually we solda house on the street that I drive
in and out of. So it'sbeen like a great thing for my ego
to get to drive by that thingevery day, because you know, it's

real estate agents. This is whatwe do. We drive around neighborhoods and
we're like, I sold I soldthat one. I sold that house.
We sold that house. Hate Idon't remember showing that house right, and
so so I've been driving up anddown my street. I built the house
in twenty nineteen and I haven't hadone on Shelton, you know where I've
sold it, so I got tosee this one right Well, anyway,
I'm on the way home and rightin front of the house, I had

to stop. My girl friend juststart screaming, oh stop, stop stop.
I'm like, what are you talkingabout. There's a turtle crossing and
I'm like, okay, well let'slet it cross. And now she's like
wait no. She literally as we'restopped, she gets out of the car
and picks up the turtle and it'slike, you know, I don't want
it to get run over? Canwe take it home? And I recorded

I didn't it on social media,but she she wants to take it home,
and I'm like, no, wecan't take it home, Like no,
you can't bring a turtle to ahouse like it's it's a turtle.
So well, like like a lotof men do. I I lost that
battle. Of course, the turtlemade at home, and so my landscaper
texts me with a picture of theturtle crawling through my yard. Good morning,

we were just at your house andsaw turtle in the backyard. Wanted
to give you a heads up.Didn't want your dogs to get him.
Like, no, that's that's newpet turtle. So needless to say,
the turtle has been brought water andfood and been fed and is it is
eating the strawberries and the lettuce it'sbeing provided. However, as I as
I told, you know, mygirlfriend, I said, look, the

turtle feels probably captive. It probablyfeels like it's captured right now. We
need to like let it go becausemy house is gated and fenced and that
turtle isn't getting out right. SoI'm like, we need to like release
the turtle into the wilderness now,you know. So we're gonna we're gonna
take it back to where it wascrossing it back to where it was from.
But I just thought it was funnybecause as I'm doing the show today,
I literally get a text from mylandscaper being like, there's an enormous

big turtle in your backyard. Youknow about that? Yeah, It's like,
yes, unfortunately I do know.So So anyway, Josh, we
we were talking about some of theobstacles in real estate right now and interest
rates I think are holding people back. But but I think sometimes they're not
really looking big picture when they dothat they're they're looking only at like they're

looking very short term instead of thelong term benefit of being able to lower
the rate later. Pretty Much everyeconomist is out there saying like, within
the next few months or maybe youknow what, let's say there's some other
change. Let's say it ends upbeing a year. Okay, rates are
gonna come down if you can affordthe payment, or you can negotiate with
a great agent like yourself, ayou know, two to one buy down,

you know to one buy down,get your rate down for a couple
of years, so then you getto the path of refinancing. But a
lot of people are waiting, andwhen they wait, they're gonna end up
they're getting that pay more. They'regonna hold more for the house you priced
out. Yeah, because a lotof people, a lot of the a
lot of the leads I'm getting rightnow that we're talking to people, talking
to buyers, you know, thosethat can't afford maybe the Tampa market,

they're going up north, they're goingto Newport Richie, spring Hill. Yeah,
but we're seeing it there now.We're chasing the dollar there and I'm
seeing that the prices are going up. Yep, We're talking nineteen sixties,
nineteen seventy block homes two bedrooms,one bath and there now there they used
to be one thirties, now twohundreds, two fifties, some of them
three if they're really nicely done,you know. And so so the obstacle
is is that people are looking atit, and they're looking at it wrong.

If they can have if they canafford the payment. Now look,
that's not to say that you lovethe payment, but if you can qualify
for it and you can make ithappen, you're gonna be able to lower
the payment, right because rates aregoing to soften at some point. Now,
how long can you endure the payment? Certainly we don't want anyone to
overextend themselves, but I think alot of times they don't look at the
whole picture. Like, for example, somebody that moves up to Newport Richard,

like, oh, I don't wantmy payment to be, you know,
thirty five hundred, so I'm gonnamove up here, and it's twenty
five hundred. But then they senda car two hours a day and they
spend just as much a gas,or they buy an inferior house, or
they you know, like, sowhat I want to encourage people to do
is if you're looking at making afinancial decision, make a true financial decision,
to look at all the elements.If you're gonna send a car two
hours day and you're gonna spend abunch of extra on gas and you would

five minutes from the office with ahigh higher house payment, do the math
similarly. Like you know, likeI taught utilities a newer construction house,
You're gonna have lower utilities in anolder house. You know, like all
these things. People they're like,oh, well the payment here is cheaper.
It's like, okay, I getthat, but your electric bill is
gonna be way higher. This isgoing to be way higher. You're going
to spend this doing this, andthey completely you forget that, you know.

So when you're looking at it's variablechange. I mean if you if
you in essence change one variable changesall the variables. Right, So so
you move to this in your house, payment might be cheaper, but now
you're paying gash, you're paying extrathis, you're paying extra that you're doing
maybe higher insurance you got. Yougot a fifty year old house versus a
five year old house. So justbe conscientious and look at all the different

variables, don't just make a decisionon one, and that's what a lot
of home buyers make the mistake about. So anyway, we appreciate you tuning
in. That is a wrap fortoday. Hit up Duncan Duo Party dot
com to join us next Sunday atEmily Arena our annual appreciation party. Got
a lot of cool stuff that we'redoing there with some skating on the Emily
Arena Ice again Dunkin Duo Party dotcom and if you want a free home

value estimate, go to Dunkin Duodot com and my man Josh Fabelo is
gonna call you and he's going tohelp you understand the value your property.
He's gonna say, hey, thisis what it says, but what are
your features and conditions? That issomething Zillow cannot do for you. They
don't have a huge they don't havethe human element to the home value conversation.
So hit that up at dunkin Doodot com and have an awesome rest

of your weekend. Tampa Bay
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