All Episodes

July 14, 2024 38 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Happy Sunday, Tampa Bay. We'rewith you for another week here on the
duncan do a real estate show likewe are every Sunday at ten talking about
all things real estate in Tampa sothat you can stay up to date on
everything going on in our housing market. It has been quite a tumultuous last
year or two in the Tampa Bayreal estate market. We spent several years

with an enormous run up years wherewe saw neighborhoods appreciating at thirty plus percent.
That has stabilized and as of recentlywe're starting to see some softening.
We're seeing some neighborhoods turned towards buyersmarkets. We're seeing inventory rise, more
price reductions, and challenges in thecondo market related to insurance. So it

has been a tumultuous rye but wedid get some relief this week. We
have started to see interest rates soften. That has been probably the biggest thing
holding our real estate market back andcausing many home sellers to say, I
don't want to sell my home becauseI don't want to go out and have
to buy another. And now thatwe're starting to see some reprieve and interest
rates a lot of people are predictingthe fourth quarter of this year, the

third and fourth quarter of this yearto be stronger than expected simply because of
some changes in rates. We didget some CPI data this week that showed
some good stuff. It indicates thatinflation may be starting to slow and that
is a sign where we might seesome rate cuts from the Fed that could,

you know, fuel our market.A lot of economists have predicted that
if we can get interest rates witha five in front of them, that
we'll see a bounce again and morebidding wars coming back to our real estate
market, but that remains to beseen. We do see bidding wars.
When a property is properly marketed andproperly priced, a bidding war can still

happen. It just isn't as oftenas it was maybe a year or two
ago. So I want to talknext about strategies to price your home.
And this is important because there area lot of real estate agents out there
giving advice to customers that have neverbeen in anything by the hot market,
and we see more homes sit,more homes of price reductions, more homes

take longer to sell, more homeschanging agents than we had in prior the
last prior years, and a lotof that is because real estate agents don't
understand the shift in the market ora change in strategy. Their strategy was
the market's hot. I can pricethis at an overpriced number and it'll still
sell because there's no inventory in theneighborhood. Now that that's changed, real

estate agents have to get er,and sellers have to get really serious about
the advice they give to their clientsand in terms of pricing the home,
and sellers have to understand the strategybehind it. When you're in a market
where inventory is rising, their pricesare softening, you can't overprice the home
because if you do, it's it'sa it's a downward that if you overprice

it from the beginning and you loseall of the energy at the front,
and then you're chasing the market down. The market from a year or two
ago is over. Everybody likes it'scanceled. It's gone there. We might
see little blips in the radar,but we're not going to see you know,
unicorn fantasy land again, which iswhat it was when interest rates were
two and three percent and we wereseeing home sellers get you know, fifty

and one hundred grand over asking price, It just isn't there anymore. So
if you're a home seller that trulywants and needs to sell, you have
to kind of think of your processin real estate as all relative. So
we had a customer come to methis week and they said, Hey,
I've got this five hundred thousand dollarshouse, but I want five to fifty
for it. Well, the marketisn't going to support that. Well,

I'm going to wait until I canget five to fifty for it. Okay,
Well, what is it that you'relooking to buy. Well, I'm
going to go and buy a milliondollar house. Well, if you're going
to wait for the five to goto five fifty, what do you think
the million's going to do. It'sgoing to go to one point one and
you lost fifty grand. People lookat their house, unfortunately, in a
vacuum sometimes instead of looking at itfrom a market standpoint to understand that what's

likely going to happen on your houseis likely happening on other homes. The
only time that doesn't make sense ismaybe if you're a drastic move down or
if you're moving to another area ofthe country where the real estate market is
in a different space. But ifyou're moving within the same market and you're
wanting to wait until your home goesup, the home that you're going to
buy is just going up to Sothe reality of that is that it doesn't

make sense. Your best opportunity tosell your home is within the first month
of it being on the market.Right now, in Tampa, we're seeing
homes take about fifty days to sell. So if it's not sold in fifty
days, then you're fighting against consumersthinking something is wrong with your house.
Your best opportunity is early. Ifyou overprice it and you miss the mark.

By the time you finally do getto the price, consumers look at
it and say there's something wrong withthis house because it didn't sell quicker and
because more people don't want the house, because this is how society and social
media is today. I don't wantit. I only want a house of
other people want it, or ifI know that it's an in demand house
to stroke my ego aka it's soldquickly. So when you're pricing your home,

you have to take this into consideration. Again, in a hot market,
this didn't come into play in today'smarket. It does. And I
think there's stree strategies that you canuse when you price your home, and
each of them depends on your uniquesituation, your motivation level, and your
next step. So let's first startwith you can overprice the home. When

you overprice the home, you aregoing to chase the market down. You're
going to price it high, oryou're going to listen to a real estate
agent that lied to you about theprice or told you that some fantasy land
price was achievable just to get yourlisting, and hope and pray and do
the three piece of real estate toget your home sold, which is put
it in the MLS, put asign out, and pray. That doesn't

work today, So you overprice thehome, and then by the time you
finally do get to the right price, you're only at the right price of
what it should have been when youlisted it, not the right price of
what it should be today. Andyou just keep fighting this battle, trying
to catch the market, all thewhile consumers passing over your house, you
losing leverage, and any buyer thatdoes end up liking your house because the

days on market have crept up andbecause people have passed over your house.
They're just going to low ball you, and you're going to lose equity.
Overpricing your house loses equity. Thesecond strategy is pricing it at retail value,
and retail value is not what homeshave sold for. This is a

major misnomer and a shifting market.You're seeing all over Tampa Bay homes sell
homes being listed and sold below appraisalvalue. Okay, the appraisal value is
not the retail value. The retailvalue is what will someone pay for it
right now, Not with someone paidfor it ninety days ago, not with
someone paid for it two months ago, six months ago, a year ago.

That's not retail. That's backward thinking. Retail is what will someone pay
right now? What is going onin the marketplace. The best way to
determine that is certainly to look atthe sold and pending comparables, but also
to look at what's active on themarket. You need to be the best
conditioned and the best priced to beatthe competition to be the next one in

a saturated neighborhood for a home thatsells, So if you are pricing it
at retail value, the market saysthat it should sell within a month or
so, and you'll get an offer, and you'll negotiate, and you might
pay some closing costs because that's themarket today, and then it sells after
that. The third strategy, andit's a strategy that we deploy for people

who have motivation. These are peoplethat say, hey, I want a
cash offer, but the cash offerisn't anywhere near what they want, or
they say, you know, hey, I have to sell because I have
another home i'm buying, or Ihave to sell because I'm moving or my
job, or I have to sellbecause I'm in some financial trouble. Okay.
The third way to price the home, and again if your agent hasn't

given this to you, you maynot have the right agent, is to
price it aggressively slightly below market.What happens when you price a home below
market is an unofficial auction can kindof ensue. The goal would be to
price it so aggressively that if they'rea buyer is sitting on the fence,
that you knock them off the fenceand they chase your home, and you

get more than one of them tochase your home in order to drive the
price up. You control price,You control term and you have a greater
chance of fully getting your home closedand potentially getting retail or above retail value,
because you've created an opportunity where peoplecompete against each other. I don't

know about you, but I've goneto auctions before for non realists state related
things, and I've seen people pay. You know, I've gone to meet
him and Barrett Jackson, which arecar auctions, and I've seen people get
their ego involved and pay way morethan something is worth just because they want
to beat the guy over across theway that's raising his little number up competing
with him. You have that opportunityif you price your home aggressively. You

don't have that opportunity. You're chasingthe market down if you price it over
market. So we unfortunately, thereare still a lot of sellers paying attention
to news from a year or twoago and thinking that, you know,
they can price their five hundred thousanddollars house at five point fifty and it'll
sell, And that's just not themarket we're in. If you want to
move the home, you've got toprice it aggressively and hope that that you

can get the whole moved. Oneother thing that I think a lot of
home sellers make is when they whenthey do decide to take their house off
the market, and then they shopfor agents, and they shop for agents
based on fees. Look, ifyour agent can't negotiate their own fee,
okay, if they can't explain thevalue, you're hiring someone to sell the

most expensive thing that you own.If they can't negotiate their fee, how
much of your equity or are theygoing to give away in conversations that you
don't know about? How can yoube comfortable that they're negotiating your equity.
You might think that you're saving moneyby getting a fee reduced, but in
reality, all you're doing is buyinginto a weak negotiator, and you're going
to end up netting less more moneyfrom the you know, from the small

amount of money you're talking about saving. So, you know, the other
thing that I say is marketing.Right now, we're at a market where
marketing a listing really matters. Howmuch money are they spending on marketing?
You? Have you heard of thebrand? Do they run radio, TV?
Billboards? Or are they at lightninggames? Are they all these places
to drive traffic to our website?Are they doing any of those things because
all of that drives traffic and eyeson our listings. And there's a lot

of agents that if they're cutting theirfee, guess what that means. They're
cutting their marketing budget. They don'thave profit, they don't have money to
spend, and ultimately they're going tonot get your home the maximum exposure.
So the last thing I'll say isif you are thinking about taking your home
off the market, sometimes there aresituations where we look at a home and
say, look, it needs tocome off the market for a couple of

months. We need a reset.You need to do a couple of things.
It needs to come back on asfresh and new so that the days
on market on all the websites canreset. Unfortunately, people will go and
change and go to another agent.They'll go immediately back on the market,
and sometimes that can work. Butthere are a lot of times where it
makes sense and it's in the client'sbest interest for the home to come off

the market for a couple of monthsso those days on market can reset and
you can look like a fresh,brand new listing and have a do over.
You don't have the opportunity for ado over if you go right back
on the market, and everyone inthe marketplace that's been looking at homes knows
your home. You're not really trickinganyone, so you know there are Oftentimes
a home needs to come off themarket, needs a new aggressive strategy for

a different market. And again wehave a lot of experience with this.
We've done this, you know,We've been through lots of shifts in real
estate markets. And the strategy rightnow that we think is likely to work
as the one where you can createdemand, you can price aggressively, move
the property quickly with the expectation ofa bidding war. So hopefully those strategies
help you. If you're thinking aboutselling your home, you can go to

Duncan Duo dot com. You canget your free home value estimate. You
can talk to one of our agentswho will update you on your home value,
make updates to improvements you have,keep you updated. You can also
request a cash offer. Again,you can do all of that if you're
thinking about selling and want this advicefor yourself, whether you're almost failed to
sell, whether you're thinking about sellingit. Duncan Duo dot com again with

your free home value estimate and consultationat Dunkin Duo dot Com review. Back
after a quick break here on theDuncan Duo Show. So back here on
the Duncan Duo Show, talking aboutthe Tampa Bay real estate market. In
my first segment today, I talkedabout home sellers, and I want to
make it clear there are three waysto price a home, which is what
I did. You can price itaggressive, create a bidding war. You

can price to that market. It'sgoing to sell, but it's going to
sell in you know, thirty tosixty days at retail value, which retail
value is not what sold three andsix months ago, it's what's happening right
now, especially in a market whereinventory is rising and we're seeing some price
oftening. And then the third wayis overpricing it, in which case you're
likely not to get your home sold. So hopefully those strategies help get your

home value estimate and learn how wecan help you at duncanduo dot com.
I want to talk next about peoplethat are in financial distress. We're starting
to see more home sellers come tous behind on their mortgage or potentially looking
at a short sale opportunity. Ifyou know, if you recall back from

two thousand. The late two thousandsto twenty ten range, there were a
lot of short sales in Tampa Bay, and I've done hundreds of them.
A short sale is basically a wayfor someone to avoid foreclosure, sell their
home and allow the bank to acceptless than what is owed to forgive the
debt. Now, each and everyinvestor, loan product lender, they're all

different in terms of how they handleand process them, but we do have
a massive amount of experience doing them. We actually had a walk in this
week from someone that needs to doa short sale. It is something we're
experienced at. Even if you're nota short sell candidate, you have equity,
but you need to sell your homefast because you're behind, or you're
in forbearance. Those are all thingsyou're realistic agent needs to know. You
can't gamble on price in those situationsbecause you're you really do need to price

it aggressively so that the bleeding canstop and you can get out of the
situation. We had a situation notlong ago where a seller came to us,
they talked to us about selling,they went with another agent. Six
months later, the home didn't sell, and they came to us and said,
hey, we're ready to sell now. But during that six month period
they were so unrealistic on price,they got such bad advice, and they

were in financial distress and they didn'tpay their mortgage for six months. So
much of the equity guy eat isgetting to eat up by their forbearretts that
now they're kind of behind the eightball. Now they're at the risk of
not having equity left. So ifyou're in that situation, don't gamble.
It's not going to pay off.You've got to price your home from the
jump to sell in a market liketoday. So again you're listening to the

Duncan dou a real estate show whenwe aren't on air, make sure to
falls on all of our socials atthe Duncan Duo Twitter, Instagram, YouTube,
TikTok, Facebook, We are allof the socials and if you've not
been paying attention to real estate,we have some major changes coming to the
real estate industry starting in August,which is that sellers will no longer be

obligated to pay the commission of buyersagents. There's still a lot to come
out about this, but it wasa lot of litigation and a settlement by
MLS's and most real estate brokerages thatnow the seller will hire their firm to
sell it, they will pay thatfirm a commission, and then the commission

offering is no longer there, meaningthat the seller can offer concessions, be
willing to pay concessions which could consequentlycover commissions, or the buyer asks for
a commission based on what the buyeris willing to pay them and asks for
that in a concession, or thebuyer's agent gets the commission directly from the

buyer. So it is going tocause a ripple effect of a lot of
changes in our industry, and youknow, nonetheless, we are prepared for
it. We've got some strategies andultimately our organization is ready for those changes,
ready to support our clients and allowthem to make business decisions. Sometimes
I'm sure those clients are going tosay, you know what, I don't

want to offer a commission. Wecan see the commission from each offer.
Some will say, hey, I'mwilling to I see the value in it.
And again I see the value init. I think this lawsuit is
crazy, But at the same time, it's not my call. So we'll
have to pivot and decide and helpour clients make the choices that are best
for them while representing them in theirbest interest. So we're going to still

keep selling a lot of real estateand working with a lot of home sellers.
It's just going to be a littlebit different moving forward. So,
if you were a buyer wanting tolook at homes, unless you go directly
to the listing brokerage listing agent,you're going to have a kind of a
filter in between you and houses.Now, if you were going to meet

with an agent to see homes,you're going to have to sign a representation
agreement that covers fees. This isthis is federal. This is not a
This is not like a you know, our brokerage. This is not like
a local thing. This is everywhere. It is a massive change where you're
not going to be able to goout and look at homes with an agent
unless you have a representation agreement withthat agent, and and if you don't,

there are massive penalties and fines.So real estate agents are going to,
you know, more or less,say look, if you want me
to show you homes, we've gotto have an agreement that goes over you
know, my fee structure so thatyou understand and it is clear. So
that's pretty much the change that's happeningremains to be seen, the ripple effect
of all the things that will happen. I think our MLS is rolling it
out in early August. I thinkthe drop date for the nationally is August

seventeenth, but I think we're oursis starting it a little early. So
if you are a home seller ora home buyer, just be prepared for
some conversations around that that you maynot be used to hearing if you've bought
and sold real estate before. Sowe're gonna be back. We're going to
continue this conversation again. Make sureto follo us on all of our socials.
We've got some cool giveaways coming.You know. Look, everyone loved

Steven Stampcoast, was sad to seehim go, but we are going to
as a tribute to his services forthe Lightning and in Tampa, we're going
to be giving away signed stamp CoastLightning jersey. I'm sure he's going to
be back. I'm sure that Jerseyis getting retired. I'm sure he's going
to the Hall of Fame. Sogiving away signed lightning jersey on our socials
shortly, so make sure you're followingus at the Duncan Duo on every social

channel and we'll be back after aquick break here on the Duncan Duo Really
State Show. So back here onthe Duncan Duo Show talking about the Tampa
Bay real estate market. And Iwant to give a great, big shout
out to a couple of agents onmy team that recently had high end sales
that that I assisted them with.Lori Quay had a three point two seven

five million dollar sale and a twopoint four million dollar sale for her and
Sam Minday from my team had atwo million dollar sale in downtown Tampa.
And what's interesting about a couple ofthe transactions for Lourie is Laurie is an
incredible agent for us. If you'relooking at buying or selling luxury real estate,
you know we have people to helpyou. The way that my company

is set up as we specialize andour agents specialize in certain niches. So
I have agents that focus on doingshort sales. I have agents that focus
on working with sellers in certain neighborhoods. I have agents that focus on working
with are affluent or high end luxuryclients like Laurie and Sam and myself personally.
So with that being said, youknow what I find interesting about what

Louri did with this client is somethingthat I want if you're a real estate
agent, I want you to listenup here. There's a lot of massive
change come into our industry, andthe real estate companies and teams that are
going to thrive and survive aren't justgoing to be the ones that generate new
leads, but rather have a brandand a database. The sale that Luri
had for three point nearly three pointthree million was a two year old lead

in our CRM that she simply continuedto follow up with because she discovered through
looking at the data that our CRMpulls that the lead was from her hometown
in New York, and so itwas an instant connection build for her as
a real estate agent. If you'renot being coached on how to look for
that kind of information or your companydoesn't provide it, new leads are going

to become harder and harder because there'sno trust that's built, especially on the
buy side with all the commission changes. So we are hiring and we can
coach and teach you to do thissame thing to help you find and use
our database of a hundred and fiftythousand plus consumers that have registered and used
our website over the years to generatemassive sales, luxury sales. Because the
older leads are the best ones inreal estate. The new ones are not

the ones that are exposed to yourbrand, that know who you are,
that use your website. There's aforce multiplier and trust that gets built from
that that my best agents know howto capitalize on. And if you're thinking
about a real estate agent position,you're thinking about a change, you're unhappy
where you are, we can teachyou how to do the same thing.
At jointhduo dot com. You canapply for any one of our open positions,

you can register for our Career Night, and so much more. And
historically, one of the other thingsthat is happening right now in my business
is that we are positioning more ofour agents to work with home sellers.
In the past, when we hireda real estate agent, so if you're
a real estate agent, you everinquired or thought about joining my team,
you might have been turned off bythe idea that you had to work with

home buyers first. And now weare changing that in time where we are
allowing agents to come in and trainthem from the jump on working with home
sellers, how to work our system, how to be trained as a listing
agent, how we list homes,how to use our tools and resources and
our database. And again, soif you are thinking about a position but

you don't want to work with buyersand you want to work with you know,
predominantly sellers. We have again wehave an enormous database of people that
raise their hand every single day fromall the systems we use that are thinking
about selling their home or that wantto sell their home, and you can
apply for one of our open positionsat Join the Duo dot Com again,
that is Join the Duo dot Com. But again, congratulations to Sam and

Lourie on a couple of high endluxury sales for our last few weeks.
They are incredible agents for me anddo a great job. And it's something
that we focus on a lot withhelping coach our agents on you know,
how to work with luxury clients,the differences how to market luxury homes differently,
and I'm personally involved with the lotof that. So if you're a

home seller thinking about a luxury homesale. That is something that I personally
am involved in in our company overthe years as we've built it. You
know, I'm obviously the CEO,and I coach and teach our agents on
a daily basis and I help themgrow. But I'm not working directly on
a lot on a lot of theproperties with the luxury homes, I am

working directly, either in collaboration withone of our agents or directly with the
consumer. So if you do haveluxury opportunities and you want to work with
me directly, that is available foryou. Just simply reach out at Duncan
Duo dot com and I'm more thanglad to assist and see what we can
do to help you with your realestate needs. So a lot of news

recently about interest rates. It'll beinteresting to see what ends up happening,
whether or not we do get areprieve. Inflation is showing some cooling.
But I want to talk next aboutinsurance. There are a lot of obstacles
with insurance right now for consumers andseeing you know, companies raise rates,

companies cut rates, new companies comein, and so the biggest thing with
insurance that I want to talk aboutright now though, is flood insurance.
We're in hurricane season. I talkabout this every year in hurricane season.
It is an obstacle to get insurancebound if there is a storm out in
the water. So if you arethinking about buying or selling a home,

it's important for you to understand thatthis could cause a home sale to delay.
So, for example, if insurancehasn't been bound and an offer comes
in on your listing and there's astorm out there and you're close to closing
and they don't have insurance yet,it could delay or closing. It becomes

more problematic to get insurance both fromhomeowners and flood when ever there is a
storm on the horizon. The bestadvice I can give people for why they
should think about getting flood insurance,even if they're not buying or selling,
or even if it's not required.I saw some photos this week in videos
from friends that live in Houston,and I think Houston was a I think

it was a you know, justa number one, just a level one
hurricane. It was. It wasnot a massive, you know hurricane,
but it was still a hurricane andmassive flooding in neighborhoods that don't typically flood
or in neighborhoods that don't require floodinsurance. So if you are not presently

you know if you're not if you'renot presently insured for flood and you're not
required to be insured for flood,I would encourage you to look at the
cost of doing so. In alot of cases, when you're not in
a flood zone, the rates arereally inexpensive. And how they determine the
places that you're required to have floodinsurance is absolutely wild people. There is

no science behind this. It issimply it has nothing to do with drainage,
has nothing to do with historical areasthat flood more than others. Like
everyone knows, South Tampa has someparts that flood all the time, and
a lot of those areas that floodall the time aren't in a flood zone.
It's purely one hundred percent based onthe elevation of the property. And
so because of that, there area lot of gaps. There are a

lot of areas that flood that don'trequire it, and there are a lot
of areas that are in that thathave low elevation that never flood. It's
there's just really a very It's wildbecause if you look at every other insurance
that's out there, there's a lotof data it's done, you know,
auto insurance, regular homeowners, anyother type of insurance that's out there,

there's a massive amount of data,claims, history, all of these different
things to determine how or how mucha property can be ensured. When you
talk about flood, it's just theelevation and so it's it's very archaic in
terms of how they determine what yourflood insurance policy should be. Which is
why I encourage everyone that possibly canif they are not comfortable financially, you

know, recovering from the loss ofa flood, half flood insurance. Please
please, please have flood insurance.If you don't look at it, it
is a you know, a massivething right now to make sure that you
have it. So again, you'relistening to the Dunkin Do a real estate
show here on WFLA News. Weare here every Sunday talking about the Tampa

Bay real estate market, and thisweek I've got a couple of featured properties
to talk about. First, whatI want to talk about is a super
cute home and Steffner. It isa four bedroom, two bath home listed
for three hundred and thirty five thousand, twelve hundred and twenty five square feet
four to two Again listen for threethirty five updated, twelve hundred and twenty

five square feet, one car carport, large fenced in backyard, renovated in
twenty twenty two. Modern kitchen,new HVAC, new AC, updated flooring
and so much more. You canfind out more about it at d dunkin
duo dot com and again it isone thousand and five Tiburan one thousand and
five Tiburan Drive in Sefner and ournext one is a beautiful home in Apollo

Beach. This one is listed atfour sixty five four bedroom, three bath,
twenty five thirty two square feet incredibleprice point moving ready built in twenty
twenty by Park Square in water Setthe Barcelona floor. Planet's a four to
three two car garage with twenty threefifty two square feet, lots of walking
and biking trails, monthly cars andcoffee market days, concerts, you know

in great schools and a great community. Lots of updates on this home again.
Six one three five Voyagers Place inApollo Beach listed for four hundred and
sixty five thousand, and you canfind out more about both of those featured
properties at the Duncan Duo. Again, that is, at the Duncan Duo
and investors, listen up. Ihave an opportunity, and if you're interested

in this opportunity, make sure toreach out to us Sales at the Dunkin
Duo. If you're a real estateinvestor that likes to buy property without a
lot of cash into it. Wehave a client that owns nearly fifty homes
and duplexes in Saint Petersburg and heis looking to sell those with owner financing

with a blended approximate five high ratesin the high fives, no qualifying,
ten percent down. Single family andduplexes rented making solid returns and again very
little down ten percent down. Youknow, no bank qualifying. This is
owner finance. If you are interestedin it, send us an email.

Sales at the Dunkin Duo Again,Sales at the Dunkin Duo. You can
also email me directly Andrew at theDunkin Duo dot com or call our office
at eight one three three five nineeighty nine ninety. Incredible opportunity for low
money down investment properties. Typically you'redealing with twenty five percent down to buy

investment properties for the most part.But this is this this gentleman is willing
to do, you know, tenpercent down, no bank qualifying owner financing
on on some pretty well priced properties. So he has a lot of them.
Feel free to reach out again Salesor Andrew at the Dunkin Duo dot
com. We'll reach out with moredetails and we're going to continue this conversation

with our last segment where we're gonnatalk about more things going on in Tampa
real estate. And again, don'tforget to follow us at the Dunkin Duo.
We'll be back after quick break hereon the Duncan Duo Show. So
I talked about this before the break, and I want to reiterate an investment
opportunity we have for investors that likelow down payment own financing in the fives.

We have an investor that owns almostfifty or actually a little over fifty
homes and duplexus in Saint Petersburg thatare fully rented that he is looking to
and he's looking to sell some ofthem. He's willing to do owner financing
in the mid to high five percentrange and he's taking ten percent down.

So this is an incredible opportunity forno bank financing, no bank hoops to
jump through, no one looking atall the you know, all the obstacles,
pretty easy process, and he's lookingto sell some of them in owner
financing. When when you factor outthe rents, the return on investment is
pretty solid, and again the cashon cash return even better simply because you're
not having to put up as muchcapital. If you're interested in that,

please reach out to our office eightone three three five nine eight nine nine
zero sales at the Duncan Duo dotcom or Andrew at the Duncan Duo dot
com and we will put you intouch and help and see what we can
do to help you find some greatinvestment properties. There are still investment opportunities
out there. Is the investment marketas hot as it was a year or

two ago, of course, notsimply because we just don't have the appreciation.
And the appreciation is what drives investors, because it's what kind of gives
them the stop gap, the protectionthat if they're you know, if they
don't make the right pick on thebuy or if the rents or if they
have vacancy, then appreciation helps pickit up. But there are and this

is one of those, again greatopportunities with no bank financing, a lower
than what we're seeing in the marketplaceinterest rate, and only ten percent down
for investment properties. So if you'reinterested single family homes and duplex is pretty
solid returns and cap rates based oncurrent market data. Just a gentleman that
has a lot of property and wantsto do some creative deals. And again

you can reach out to us eightone three three, eight nine nine zero
or Sales at the duck Duo dotcom if you're interested in getting in touch
and seeing if you have interest inbuying any or all of them would love
the opportunity to work with you.It is an off market opportunity that is
not yet advertising, but we aredirectly in touch with the principle. So

eight one three, three, fivenine eighty nine ninety or Sales or Andrew
at the Dunkin Duo dot com.So again you're listening to the Dunkin do
a real estate show. We hadinflation data this week, and I want
to talk about interest rates because interestrates have softened recently. There are a
lot of things pointing towards rates droppinga little bit more as the year goes
on. People think that the FEDrate cuts are going to have a direct

impact on that, and it's usuallynot a direct impact, it's it's kind
of, you know, it's it'sa ripple effect, and a lot of
the you know, rate buys andrates that are distributed kind of blend that
in. When they think the FEDis going to drop rates, they kind
of start offering that sooner because bythe time the loan closes, that's essentially
what they're dealing with. So sononetheless, rates are starting soft and great

opportunity if you're a home buyer toget out there, start looking. If
you're a home seller and you haven'tlooked in a while, or you've been
on the fence because you're saying,you know what, I don't want to
buy because rates are July, thereare a lot of people believing that they're
gonna get into the fives and certainloan products this year. So here's what
happens though, When rates drop,and if they drop substantially, it drives

a lot of people to the market. They start, you know, the
media starts putting it out there,press starts putting it out there and people
jump in and it ends up causingbidding wars and homes to sell for more
money than they're worth. You wantto beat that if you're a home buyer
or home seller. Get ahead ofthat now. If you're a home seller
and it's going to buy after yousell, get your home on the market,

call us hit us up at dunkinduo dot com. There are a
lot of people that are going towait until those interest rate activities start happening,
and then they're going to miss theboat or they're going to overpay.
Whereas if they beat the market andthey get to it now, they'll benefit.
They'll have the financial benefit after thefact. You don't want to be
the person that's following the masses.Okay, you don't want to follow the
masses. You want to beat themasses to what we believe is going to

happen. So if you wait again, you may not benefit like you think
you're going to benefit, and youcould lose. I can tell you for
sure. A year or two year, two and three ago, we saw
home selling for way more than marketvalue, bidding wars, fantasy land,
unicorns, I call it unicorns unicornsjumping over rainbows while pooping skittles is what

I call fantasy land. That isfantasy land, and that is what we
had. It's not going to comeback that same way. But there's no
question if you're a home buyer homeseller, you can get ahead of it
and get your home on the marketor get out there shopping for a home
before that stuff kicks in, becauseit will create a frenzy if the economists
are right, and if the youknow, the sentiment drives rates down and

everything happens like a lot of peopleare addicting. If it doesn't, then
we continue kind of in this stabilized, kind of flat market that we've been
in for a little bit, youknow. And I got an objection this
week from a customer too that saidthey wanted to wait to sell and buy
until after the election. I justwant to kind of dispel this really quickly

here. The stock market certainly hasa massive relative impact on who the president
is, and a lot of thestocks are bought and sold on emotion or
belief or anticipation. Real estate issuch a slow moving market. It is
only dramatically impacted by policy and policychanges from an executive level take years before

they trickle down into impacting real estate. So if you wait, you know,
for the election, because you thinkthere's going to be something drastically positive
or drastically negative, you might aswell wait a couple of years because it's
not. There's nothing that's going tohappen in November that's going to have this
dramatic wave on increasing or increasing realestate values. It's just very slow moving

a lot of you know, alot of policies, procedures, regulations,
it just does not move like thestock market. The stock market can gain
one or two percentage points in aday. Real estate might gain a few
percentage points in a year. Okay, it just doesn't move the same way.
It doesn't fluctuate. It's a verysteady up, steady down, or
very stable market that isn't impacted bythe executive. So if you are waiting,

if you're you know, buying intothis idea that you should wait until
after the election and you're following themasses, you're probably going to miss out
on opportunity for sure, because itis a thing that we're hearing over and
over again, but it just doesn'trationally make sense for you know, for
real estate. It's just not thestock market. It's it's just not impacted
the same way. So hopefully thatmakes sense for you. Again when we

aren't on air at the Duncan Duoon all the socials, get your home
value estimate at an instant cash offerDuncan Duo dot com. Get your home
sold aggressively, aggressively your home andyou can do that at Duncan Duo dot
com and it will get your homemove versus it just sitting on the market.
So hopefully I'll temple and have anawesome rest of your weekend, Tampa
Bay, thanks for tuning in.
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